Lesson 20
What Happens to Those Who Die Lost? Those Who Never Heard the Gospel?
INTRODUCTION Hundreds of Millions Die Every Year Who Never Heard the Gospel – or even the very Name of Jesus. ARE THEY LOST FOREVER?
HAT HAPPENS TO THE TEEMING BILLIONS OF HEATHEN alive today who will die never having heard the true Gospel Message of Salvation? Every day millions of hapless people in third world countries die never having heard the Gospel. Is this the only day of Salvation? If a person dies who never heard of Jesus Christ and therefore never accepted and confessed Him as Lord, are they lost forever? Is there no chance for them? Will God send these poor deceived souls into an eternal Hell to torment them throughout the eons of eternity because they were not "lucky" enough to chance upon a Missionary preaching the Gospel? Does this idea make sense to your logical‐thinking mind? Yet this is what hundreds of millions of church goers around the world believe today! The Missionary who was on his way to a specific village in a third world country was only delayed one day. When he did arrive he preached the Gospel of Christ and the whole village joyfully accepted the Gospel and confessed Christ as Lord and Saviour! This is a village where the name of Christ had never been so much as mentioned. The missionary however arrived too late where one elderly person is concerned and that person died just one day early of having heard the Gospel. Will that poor "unlucky" soul who probably would have received Christ had he or she only had the opportunity, now be cast into outer darkness to suffer the pains of Hell Fire throughout eternity in indescribable, ENDLESS TORTURE? That is what the churches have taught us. How can God be a God of love (I John 4:8) and a God of compassion, mercy, and forgiveness, and yet send people to a Christ‐less eternity of HELL when they never were given a chance to even hear the Gospel? Surely there must be something wrong with this scenario. Surely God will give these people a chance. Yet many professing Christians are angered by the idea of a "second chance" ‐ meaning, anyone who has already died having even one chance to be saved after they have died. They have been told that this life is the only time a person can accept Christ. If that is true, then more than 90 percent of all humanity will spend eternity in Hell (if the doctrines inherited from Mother Rome be believed). The very idea that even after death, one who never had a chance to hear the Gospel would be given their chance, seems ludicrous. Yet the idea that God would not give everyone a fair and equal chance to be saved also seems absurd! What is the answer? Believe it or not, the answer is found in the pages of your Bible! This lesson will show you the Bible's own answer to this question. And it's good news!
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Is This the Only Day of Salvation? Do those who Have Already Died Ever Have
A Chance to be Saved? What about the hundreds of MILLIONS of human beings who have lived out their lives and died who never had a chance to be saved? Are they LOST for eternity? Will those living in Communist or Moslem countries who never even heard the NAME of Jesus or His Gospel message be damned forever? Read here the surprising and wonderful Truth about those who have died unsaved but never had a chance to accept Jesus.
HAT IS THE FATE OF millions of people on this Earth who have never heard the Gospel and who die in ignorance? Do they go to Hell to spend eternity in agonizing torment because they never accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour? Churches send out thousands of missionaries to reach people with the Gospel before they die. Yet millions die never having heard the Gospel from a missionary. Are these people eternally lost? Will God cast people into Hell who never had a chance to receive Christ? Some assume if they die in ignorance they are automatically saved because they cannot be held responsible or accountable. But how can that be? Why then are we sending missionaries overseas to give them a chance to be responsible, to be accountable, so that if they reject Christ w they can be eternally lost? That makes no sense! Would it not be better to have left them in ignorance if indeed ignorance guarantees salvation? If they are already saved through ignorance, why teach them a message that can cause them to be lost if they reject it? No, that makes no sense whatsoever. Obviously we send missionaries overseas to reach people who have never heard the Gospel because they cannot be saved without hearing it! Then what happens to those who die without ever hearing the truth of the Gospel? There is Only ONE WAY! The Bible teaches there is no other Name given among men in which there is Salvation except the Name of JESUS! "For there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved"! (Acts 4:12). The Bible says we "must" be saved through His name. No other name can save. There are today millions of "good" people who have never committed murder or adultery, who are good husbands and fathers and good wives and mothers yet at the same time they are also devout Buddhists, or devout Hindus, Taoists, Confucianists, Zoroastrians, Shintoists, or
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fanatically zealous Moslems! The Bible says these people, no matter how devout they are to their manmade religion, are nevertheless not saved until they repent of their sins and accept Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives! (Romans 10:9‐10). They must become converted Christians or they will die in their sins! Notice Jesus' own explanation. Will you believe Him? "He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God" (John 3: 18). Jesus Himself said this. Therefore sincere but deceived human beings in heathen religions (those religions where other gods are worshipped such as the Moslem "Allah" or the Hindu "Krishna" etc. etc.) are LOST! They are under condemnation. So said Jesus! Remember there are TWO RESURRECTIONS for humankind. Those who have accepted Jesus as Lord in this life will be raised back to life in the first resurrection (Revelation 20:4). Those who die without Christ, those who die "lost" will be raised in the second resurrection (Revelation 20:5, first part). The Bible does not teach a "purgatory" or "limbo" and you will not find these terms anywhere in the Bible. These are manmade ideas to try to "explain away" what happens to the lost who never had a chance. But the Bible does speak of two resurrections. There are no "in between" places where "souls" go to wait for judgment. They are dead in their graves (see John 5:28) awaiting one of the two resurrections planned mankind! So says your Bible! Verse 29 says, "And [the dead] shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation" (John 5:29). Notice Christ mentions only two resurrections for the dead. This word translated "damnation" is better translated "Judgment" as we read in Hebrews 9:27. It is the same Greek word. But does it make sense to believe that God will cast these poor hapless sincere but ignorant people who just didn't understand the truth, into Hell, to TORTURE them through the eons of eternity when no one ever told them that Jesus died for them? Does it make sense? Yet millions of professing Christians believe and teach this! If a person dies as a Hindu or Moslem who ignorantly assume they have the true Religion, will God damn their souls forever because they died not knowing Jesus died for them and is Lord and Saviour who wants to save them? What about a mentally deficient person who never fully understands the Gospel and dies without having accepted Jesus? What about a man who is mentally deranged due to sickness or narcotics and commits suicide? Is this person eternally lost? Is this the only day of Salvation? I have heard ministers refer to this age as the "Age of Probation," and that when Christ returns, probation is over! If you are not saved by His second coming, so they believe, then you are damned forever!! The word "Gospel" means "good news." Yet this type of preaching sounds like the most
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extraordinary and horrid scare tactics imaginable, but not good news. But ‐ are they right? They quote II Corinthians 6:2 which says, "behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation"! And that is absolutely true for those who have heard the Gospel. But is this "the" day of salvation for those who have not as yet heard the Gospel? Notice our English translation says "the" day of Salvation. But the word ''the'' is not found in the Greek. This is a quotation from the book of Isaiah. Now notice the original quotation: "Thus saith the LORD [the ETERNAL ONE], in an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee..." (Isaiah 49:8). Salvation during 1000 Years Today is "A" day of salvation but not the only day. When Christ returns will He not convert the heathen in that day and make them come up to Jerusalem to worship Him? Yes! Read about it Zechariah 14:9, 16‐19. So here is the Moslem nation of Egypt who will be hearing the Gospel after Christ returns. Yet they will still have a chance to repent and be saved during the 1000 year reign of Christ! Obviously then this is not the only day salvation will be offered. Even after Christ returns these heathen nations will be given a chance to receive and worship Jesus Christ! This will continue throughout the 1000 years! Isaiah 66:19 speaks of the heathen Gentiles who "have not heard My fame, neither have seen My glory" and men will go and declare the Gospel about Jesus among these Gentile na‐ tions after Christ comes back! Verse 23 says then that eventually (once all have been reached with the true Gospel), "it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall ALL flesh come to WORSHIP before Me, saith the Lord"! Then when is "probation" ever ended? When does God wash His hands of us? This age is not the only day of Salvation therefore. All during the 1000 year Millennial Kingdom of God people will be given a chance to be saved! Yet the churches don't teach this. Why? There are only two resurrections for mankind. The Bible does not reveal that sinners have already gone to Hell nor does it teach that Christians have already gone to Heaven (or Paradise, or the ridicules notion of "Abraham's bosom" or some other "waiting place"). Rather the Bible teaches that the dead are dead (as you learned in thoroughly studying the Scriptures given in Lesson 19. This is why even Christians must be resurrected or else their death annihilates their very existence. The apostle Paul wrote about those who have died as Christians, saying that they must be raised from the dead else, ''then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are PERISHED"! (I Corinthians 15:18). The only way they can ever receive their reward is to be raised from the dead! And this is in the "First Resurrection." Without a
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resurrection, they are perished in their graves! What about the unsaved? Have any of them already been judged worthy of Hell Fire ‐ eternal judgment ‐ the second death? No! Notice Jesus' own words in John 12:47. "And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I CAME NOT TO JUDGE THE WORLD, but to save the world"! When then do they receive their judgment? Notice the next verse. Jesus added: "...the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him IN THE LAST DAY"! Those who have heard the Truth and have rejected Christ and those who have never heard the Gospel and never had a chance to hear of Christ ‐ both groups have not as yet been judged!!! Their judgment will come at the Last Day! Jesus judged no one as being guilt~, of committing the unpardonable sin of being eternally lost. This judgment has not yet been made and will not until the "last day" represented by one of God's annual Feast Days called "the Last Great Day" ‐ the eighth day from beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles (John 7:37). Some churches have assumed there must be a "third resurrection" to judge those who have in this life time, rejected Christ with full knowledge of what they are doing. The Bible teaches no third resurrection and neither should we. No, ALL sinners, those who are lost from ignorance and those who had their chance for salvation and rejected it, will all be raised from the dead in the Judgment. That is when all will be judged! So said Jesus! A ''third resurrection" presupposes that some people's judgment has already occurred. Yet Jesus is judging no one today, even though He said that all judgment was committed to Him from God (See John 5:22). Rather He Himself said, He came to SAVE the world ‐not to judge it! Therefore no sinner has as yet been judged! Rather they are all dead ‐awaiting their "judgment" which will occur at the last great day or what Revelation 20: 11 calls the "Great White Throne" Judgment! "Every man" (Revelation 20:13) (who was not raised in the First Resurrection) will be judged at this time! Therefore there is no need of a mythical "third resurrection." Final Judgment: A Time of Punishment II Peter 2:9 says that God will "reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished" There will be punishment for those who lived wickedly. Adolph Hitler and other murderous dictators in various nations from the time of Adam and Eve, gangsters and members of the Mafia, rapists and murderers of every sort, those who adhered to false heathen religion in their lifetime and false prophets professing to be Christian ‐ these will rise in the Great White Throne Judgment ‐ the Second Resurrection. But tolerance will be offered!! ‐believe it or not!
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Notice carefully Jesus' teachings about the last Judgment for the lost: "But I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the Day of Judgment, than for you" ‐ cities in Jesus' day who heard the Gospel but rejected it (Matthew 11:22). He also said that TOLERANCE will even be offered to the citizens of Sodom! (verse 24). (See also Matthew 10: 15). Of course our churches do not teach this! Rather most churches teach that if we do not accept Christ in this physical human lifetime we are all lost forever in Hell Fire! Then how can "tolerance" be offered to those who had so little understanding of God's way of life? Yet tolerance ‐mercy and forgiveness will be given to those who did not understand the Gospel. That is to say, the grace of God is still available. "The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it" and "the queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation and shall condemn it" (Matthew 12:41‐42). This second resurrection will include unsaved people of all kinds including ordinary people who were fine citizens of their respective nations, and humanly speaking, "good" people who died, but who died without knowing Christ! Will God condemn all these people to perish in the lake of fire? What does "tolerance" mean? Those who had little knowledge were less accountable and therefore He will show them more compassion and mercy! But wait. Aren't these people condemned? It is true that "he that believeth not [on Jesus] is CONDEMNED already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God" (John 3:18). But it is also true that those condemned can still be saved if they choose to repent when they hear the Gospel! You don't believe that? You were already condemned until you heard, understood, and accepted the Gospel. The day you repented of sin and believed on Jesus Christ as Lord, He then became your Saviour! At that moment the condemnation was lifted! Remember that God put Nineveh under condemnation. They were not even told they could be forgiven. Rather they were warned that they were under condemnation to suffer death and that it would indeed occur in just 40 days! (Jonah 3:4). God did not say "if' they did not repent they would be condemned to be destroyed. He told them that they would be destroyed. Yet they did repent and the condemnation of death was lifted! (Jonah 3:10). Ezekiel 33: 14‐16 should be read carefully. God says that even after judgment is pronounced upon the wicked, if then they repent they still can and will be forgiven! How great is God's mercy! Can the Ignorant be Saved? But what about those who died never having heard the Gospel, never having met or heard the Gospel from a missionary, never having even heard the one name whereby they must be
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saved? What happens to them? Does the Bible teach that God's mercy suddenly comes to an ABRUPT HALT the day you die? Will God no longer be capable of forgiveness after a person has died even though he or she died in utter ignorance of the Plan of Salvation? Does such a concept even make sense to your logical‐thinking mind? This is what is commonly taught in today's traditionalist churches. Where does any verse of Scripture teach that this life, in this age until Christ returns, is the only opportunity all mankind will ever have to be saved and be in the Family of God? You cannot find any Scripture that teaches that concept. Now look at God's Word: Psalm 136 tells us 26 times that God's mercy endures FOREVER! not just until you die!!! Read each verse and really concentrate on what you are reading. Meditate on these scriptures drinking in of their meaning. God did not put these verses in His Word just to fill up the pages! They are the very Turn of God! They are God's Word. Necessarily then His mercy endures even past the day of our death. His mercy endures FOREVER! Believe it. And rejoice! Think: Can God send lost people to Hell when He knows they never heard His Gospel? "How shall they believe m Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?" (Romans 10:14). These hundreds of millions of people in China and Asia have not heard the glorious Gospel of Christ and yet are dying every day by the millions. If they died never having heard the Gospel, we can be sure they were never "called" to Christ? We Must be "Called" Notice John 6:44. Jesus said, ''No man can come to Me, except the Father which hath sent Me draw him." God has to draw us to Christ. We cannot come on our own without this "drawing" or "calling" from God. This indicates that not everyone is called. But wait. Does this mean that God has "predestined" some to be eternally lost according to the heretical doctrine of Calvin who said that God desires some to be saved and predestines others to be sent to Hell? The Bible answers this nefarious, evil and wicked doctrine! Notice Second Peter 3:9 which tells us that God is "not willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance. Paul wrote that God "will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth" (I Timothy 2:4). This does not mean that all men" will fulfill God's will for their lives, but certainly God does not "will" that any should perish in the Lake of fire! No one is predestined to be lost!! . These scriptures show God desires all men to have a chance to be saved and desires that they choose salvation. This does not mean that all will ultimately be saved. Would that were the case. If a person has been "called," fully understands the Gospel of Christ and volitionally rejects Jesus Christ as Lord, then he will indeed be cast into the lake of fire ‐ HELL FIRE. God makes no idle threats. He will make good His promise to all the wicked who had a
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chance for salvation but rejected it. What I am addressing here more specifically are those who have never even heard the Name of Jesus! Surely God will give them a chance to hear the Gospel ‐ and "draw" or "call" them to salvation eventually. First Corinthians 1:24 states: "But unto them which are called," Christ is the power of God. Verse 26 states, "For ye see your CALLING, brethren." Be sure to also read the following scriptures about the "calling" that a person has that brings him to Christ and into the spiritual Body of Christ: (Acts 2:39, 47; I Thess. 2: 12; I Thess. 5:24; II Thess. 1:11; Ephesians 1:4, 18; Romans 9:11, 24; II Peter 1:10; and Jude 1:11). This "calling" is also referred to as an "election" from God. We have been "elected" (the modern word more appropriately being translated "selected") to be "called" at this time! Most of the world has not as yet been called to Christ. But those of us who have been called have been "elected" or SELECTED to be called now. Notice First Thessalonians 1:4, "Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God." It is God who "elects" or selects us for His Kingdom. Luke 18:7 reads, "And shall not God avenge His own ELECT, which cry day and night unto Him...?" (See also Romans 8:33; Romans 11:5; Colossians 3:12; II Timothy 2:10; Titus 1:1; I Peter 1:2; I Peter 5:13; and II Peter I: I 0). All converted Christians or "brethren" in the body of Christ have been "elected" or "called" to salvation. Only those who hear the Gospel and "have the ears to hear" have been "called" to Christ, to Salvation, and to His Truth. Very likely the reason you are reading these words now is because GOD IS CALLING YOU to Christ, to His Gospel, and to His true Religion ‐to come out of the world's paganism and embrace true New Testament Christianity. Will you receive that call? God will Call EVERYONE! But today not all have been called. However could God send people to Hell who had never had an opportunity to be called? Such is unthinkable!!! While the majority of the world has not been called to God's truth, everyone will eventually have that wonderful opportunity. Paul wrote, "What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid"! (Romans 9:14). Most of Israel has not been saved today. Indeed nearly the whole tribe of Judah (the Jews), have REJECTED Jesus Christ! They simply have not understood that He truly was the Messiah. Will they be lost forever because they simply do not understand? No. Will you believe your own Bible? Notice: "What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the ELECTION hath obtained it, and therest were blinded"!! (Romans 11:7).
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Do you see? The majority were blinded and not called at this time! Who blinded them? Was it Satan? No! Read on: "According as it is written, GOD hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear; unto this day.... "I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? [ultimately ‐and be lost?]. God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jeal‐ ousy"! (Romans 11:8, II). How plain! God Himself blinded the majority of Israel so that He could offer salvation to the Gentiles. Once this has been fulfilled, He will then find Israel jealous who will then finally desire to open their eyes to Christ. Notice verse 12: ''Now if the fall of them [Israel] be the riches of the world and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles [spiritual riches in Christ]; how much more THEIR fullness?" Do you see? If by their fall from being God's people the Gentiles are brought into the Family of God, how much more will God go back and save His originally chosen people? (Romans 1:29). But wait! Most of the descendents of Israel have died over the many centuries since their original call from God. Is it not too late for them? Isn't death the end of any chance for salva‐ tion? How can God possibly give them a chance once they have died? With God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). And He has a plan to give them that chance for salvation. How will God then give them a chance to be received into His Kingdom? Notice verse 15: "For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world [the Gentile nations], what shall the receiving of them be, BUT LIFE FROM THE DEAD?” There is the answer!!! God plans to give them a resurrection at which time He will then "call" them to the truth ‐ to Christ, to His Gospel, and back to His true Religion. As there are only two general resurrections for humankind and only the "election" ‐ the saints of God who have been called to Christ and who accepted that call ‐ will be in the first resurrection, then God will resurrect from the dead these countless millions of Israelites as well as all the rest of the BILLIONS of heathen who have lived and died and never were called to have a part in the first resurrection! They will arise in the second and last resurrection to physical mortality. Since the Bible shows there are only two resurrections then this would be the only opportunity they could have! And He will give them this opportunity! But Revelation 20 shows that "every man" ‐not just Israel ‐will be raised up at this time (who did not rise in the first resurrection at the beginning of the Millennium). Notice Romans 11:25. "For I would, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery"! ‐ yet how many people today are indeed ignorant of this wonderful mystery, that God will give
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everyone a chance to be saved? ‐"lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel UNTIL the fullness of the Gentiles be come in." Notice, God has not blinded them eternally so that they should "fall" from grace and be eternally lost (verse 11). Once the "fullness" of the Gentiles is fulfilled, then God will raise these Israelites from the dead and give them their chance. What will the result be? Notice: "And so ALL Israel shall be saved"! (verse 26). And it will be through our mercy that they learn the Gospel and finally obtain mercy (verses 30‐31). "For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, THAT He might have mercy upon all"! (verse 32). How incredible! How wonderful is God's love and wisdom to provide for those who never understood the true Gospel in this physical lifetime! Verse 33: "O, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out!" God will raise them from the dead and give them a chance to hear the Gospel. And since God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11) He will give ALL mankind the same chance! Imag‐ ine the teeming BILLIONS of humanity who will be raised from the dead in the Great White Throne Judgment who will have a chance to finally hear and understand the Gospel of Christ! Why is the Book of Life Reopened? Notice Revelation 20: 11‐15 which describes the Great White Throne Judgment. What are the "books" mentioned in verse 12? The Greek word translated "books" is Biblia from which we get our word "Bible." Jesus said that at the last day they would be judged by His WORD! (John 12:48). That is why the Biblia (or books) are opened. Their conduct and lives will be judged by and compared to what God's Word says. But notice another book. John said he saw Christ open the Book of Life! God already knows that their names are not written in the Book of Life. This is the reason they have been resurrected in the second resurrection. Why then is He opening the Book? ‐unless it is to write down MORE NAMES! The devil will have been bound by this time. God will now remove the blindness so they can see the truth. All who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and accept the true Religion of Almighty God will receive mercy and the grace of God. F or God's mercy ENDURES FOREVER! (Psalm 136). But if any hear the Gospel, and are called to accept Jesus Christ as Lord, still refuse to bend their knees in repentance before God, then at the end of this Great White Throne Judgment, they will be cast into a literal, very real, Lake of Fire. This is the "Hell fire" (the Greek says "Gehenna fire") that Christ spoke of in Matthew 10:28. It is difficult to imagine anyone not wishing to receive Christ in that day. Remember, the majority of them never heard the Gospel in their entire lives and will be happy to hear it.
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There are also some Americans who have been to church, heard the Gospel, yet never fully understood it. Perhaps God still wasn't calling them. They also will arise in the Judgment. Little children who did not receive Jesus due to immaturity will also rise at this time. The Bible does not teach that God takes anyone to Heaven, not even little children (Jesus being the only exception: John 3:13). Even little children must accept Christ. All mankind MUST believe in the Name of Jesus and accept Him as Lord, to be saved (Acts 4: 12). There are not exceptions! How great is God's wonderful plan, to give everyone who has ever lived a real chance to be saved!!! Doesn't the Bible make more sense than the traditions of men, traditions that make God out to be an unfair harsh monster that will send people to Hell who never had a chance? Thank God He has revealed to you His precious Truth! Thank God He is a merciful, loving Heavenly Father!
Is There a REAL Hell?
HE BIBLE DOES TEACH A FINAL punishment for the wicked. Jesus had much to say about Hell. It is time to put away the modern daydreams of society and teachings of the cults and examine the teachings of Christ about this subject. However I am not saying that all the traditional teachings are correct either. Does the Bible really teach that a devil in a red suit with horns, forked tail, and a pitchfork, jabs away at hapless human beings made in the image of God who are tortured upside down in boiling cauldrons forever? Since the devil instigated sin in the first place among human beings, should he be allowed to torture those made in the image of God while he himself gets off scot free? But make no mistake. Jesus did teach about a literal Hell fire! But where is it? Is it in the core of the Earth? Could Hell be on the surface of the sun? Or could it be inside the sun itself? Or in outer space? Would God send human souls to such a horrible place for the express purpose of torture? And when is it? Does Hell exist right now? Or is it future, according to the Scriptures, designed to punish the wicked? In the next Bible lesson you will get a great deal of understanding of the Biblical doctrine of Hell. For most of our readers, this will be the first time you will have ever truly understood the Bible's own teaching about the subject of Hell fire. It is different than what most people have assumed! ‐but as the student is beginning to learn, there are many traditional doctrines of men that are very different than the teachings of the Bible! Remember to prayerfully study these lessons with your own Bible in hand and with an open heart in order to really "hear" the truth.
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