Lesson 24
What is the difference between THE LAW OF GOD and THE LAW OF MOSES Should We Offer ANIMAL SACRIFICES
HERE HAS BEEN SO MUCH CONFUSION OVER the supposed difference between the "Law of God" and the "Law of Moses." When I was first studying this many years ago I asked a minister if he could show me how to know which laws were "still in force and effect" and which laws had been supposedly "done away." Though he had been to college and taken theology for four years, he couldn't answer it. Instead he told me to "just believe what the church teaches in our literature.” That answer wasn't good enough. Rather the Scripture teaches us to "prove all things" and not just believe what some man tells us (I Thess. 5:21, I John 4:1). To my great surprise and dismay, I learned that most ordained clergymen of all churches are simply in the dark about this mystery. What is the answer? If we genuinely believed the Bible, the answer would become crystal clear! The truth is, NO LAW of the Old Testament was ever abolished!!! Jesus said till heaven and earth pass away, not one title or jot of the Law would pass away. In the next sentence Jesus said whoever therefore will themselves keep the Law, and teach others to keep even the least of the commandments of God will be called great in the Kingdom of God! (Matthew 5:17‐18). What about the sacrifices and Levitical offerings? What about the commandment concerning literal, physical circumcision? Weren't those "done away" ‐ abolished ‐ at the cross? No! ‐as this Bible lesson will prove! Not one jot or title ever "passed from the Law"! Jesus did not "do away" with a single commandment and no human being or denomination of men, have had that authority since! You and I do not have the authority to "pick and choose" which commandments we are to "fulfill"! Rather, we are to follow Christ's Example (I Peter 2:21) and fulfill ALL the Law! The churches of this world have been deceived by the apostate Roman Religion and have not "earnestly contended for the Faith ONCE delivered to the saints" (Jude 3) ‐originally delivered by Christ and the apostles. It is time to find out what that one true Religion IS! But to do so, we must believe ONLY the Bible. For anyone who teaches different than the written Word of God is in darkness! (Isaiah 8:20). Now don't make the mistake of immediately REJECTING a new teaching or someone you don't know that well, or someone not in your denomination, who teaches something new and different. Just because the teaching is different does not make it wrong. Because I am teaching doctrines different than the churches of this world, does not make me a "false prophet." Jesus said MANY would preach that He is the Christ, yet deceive MANY! (Matt. 24:3). The whole world has been deceived by apostasy! (Revelation 12:9). The ONLY way to find the real truth is to get back to the Scriptures. Jesus said God's Word is Truth (John 17:17). Therefore when studying this subject in the Word of God, be prepared for a shock! The Scriptures teach differently than the commonly assumed doctrines of this world. It is time YOU saw the Truth!
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What is the Difference between
The Law of Moses and the Law of God? Don't be too sure you know! Most professing Christians assume there is a distinct difference and that they know what those differences are. We must not assume. We must have Bible proof for everything we believe. Here then is the absolute Truth concerning the so‐called "Law of Moses" and the "Law of God." The truth may surprise you.
S THERE A DIFFERENCE between the "Law of Moses" and the "Law of God"? Is it true that the Law of Moses has been abolished at the Cross but the Law of God is still in force and effect? Or is it true that all the Law has been done away and there is nothing we should try to obey once saved by grace? How do we distinguish between the Law of Moses and the Law of God? Or, contrary to most churches, are the Law of Moses and the Law of God one and the same? It is time you saw the truth! The Law of God When God gave His Law on Mount Sinai, He spoke the Ten Commandments to all the nation of Israel! No one can disagree that the Ten Commandments are indeed the "Law of God!" Later the people were so afraid of the voice of God, they asked Moses to ask God to speak only to him from now on and then convey the words of God to the rest of the people! (Exodus 20:18‐ 19). From then on God gave HIs Laws to Israel directly through His servant Moses. But the Laws Moses then instructed Israel to observe came directly from God! They were not originated by Moses! Notice as an example the following scriptures where the Law that Moses gave Israel did indeed come directly from God and is therefore not Moses' law, but GOD'S Law! Most people assume the book of Leviticus is strictly "the Law of Moses." But where did Moses get these laws? Notice for yourself: Leviticus 1:1 "And the LORD called unto Moses, and spake unto him...saying, speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them…" Chapters 2 and 3 are a continuation of God talking to Moses. Chapter 4:1‐2 says: "And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, saying…" etc. Notice in your own Bible how that GOD spoke to Moses and told him what to say to the people: See also Leviticus chapter 6: 1, 8, 19, and 24. Leviticus chapters 8:1,; 11:1; 12:1; 13:1; 14:1;
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15:1; 16:1; 17:1; 18:1; 19:1; 20:1; etc. etc. But I think you get the point. The "Law of Moses" is simply GOD'S Law which God gave to His people through His prophet Moses. Notice if we put red letters where God is speaking in this book, (as we do in the New Testament when Christ is speaking) nearly the ENTIRE BOOK of Leviticus would be in red letters! But surely there are different types of laws are there not? We hear of spiritual and moral laws of God such as the Ten Commandments. But then the Bible also ordained the physical slaying of animals ‐the sacrificial system. Are not these two sets of Laws? And is not one the "law of God" and the other the "law of Moses"? Let's see. How the New Testament Church understood it Most Pastors have taught their congregations (and most Christians therefore believe) that the Law of God is the Ten Commandments and any and all moral and spiritual laws. For example, the Ten Commandments teach us NOT to kill. They teach this is the Law of GOD. But the sacrificial Levitical system regarding sacrifices of animals, circumcision, etc is they think, NOT the “Law of the Lord,” but rather the “Law of Moses.” Is this true? Notice the answer from the New Testament. We must "prove all things" (I Thess. 5:21) in the pages of the Bible and not the ''understandings'' or interpretations of men! For no Scripture is of any private interpretation. (II Peter 1:20). We must put away the doctrines and traditional interpretations of men and believe only the Word of God! Now notice what Jesus said the "Law of Moses" was! In John 7 the religious leaders were attempting to actually commit murder and kill Christ because of His teachings! Yet they greatly revered the memory of Moses who had given them the law! Jesus answered them, “Did not MOSES give you the Law [so if there is a “Law of Moses” then Jesus is referring to it here!] and yet none of you keepeth the Law? Why go ye about to KILL me?” Answer me: Which Law forbids murder? Why, the Ten Commandments of course!! Then the Ten Commandments which are the moral and spiritual Law in the Bible are the Law of Moses! Now we have that clear from the teachings of Jesus Himself! Now then, what is the "Law of God" that the Lord gave them in the Old Testament? If the moral and spiritual laws belong to the supposed "category" of a "Law of Moses" then what is left? Let's see. In Luke 2:21‐24 the parents of Jesus brought Him before the Temple to dedicate Him to God. Verse 23 states: "As it is written in the LAW OF THE LORD, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord; And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the LAW OF THE LORD, a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons." Did you catch that? The Law of the Lord GOD is the Law of sacrifices and offering up of animals to the priests at
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the temple! So IF there is a distinction or a clear dichotomy between a supposed "Law of Moses" and a "Law of God" then our churches have got it backwards! They teach that the "Law of Moses" is the law that has been done away! They say it is abolished! They teach that it is the Law of Moses and therefore is no longer obligatory for the Christian. But they teach the Law of God is still in force. What Churches Teach Today Well, some teach that the Law of God is still in force. Others teach ALL the Laws in the Bible are "done away" or abolished! Yet Jesus said not one jot or title would pass from the LAW till all be "fulfilled" (the Greek word here means "to come to pass.") He clearly identified what must "come to pass" before a single ''jot or title" of the Law would pass away! A jot in Hebrew is like the DOT over the letter "i"! It is a very small part of one letter! Jesus said "Till heaven and earth pass," not a single jot or title would pass In the Law! So now the question remains, Which Law was Jesus referring to? We now see clearly that IF there is a dichotomy or division between the "Law of Moses" and the "Law of God" that the vast majority of our churches and religious teachers have been in error. For they teach the exact opposite of what we just read the "Law of Moses" and the "Law of God" to be! In the Book of Galatians the Apostle Paul tells us the Law is our Schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, but after faith has come (through Christ) we are no longer "under" a schoolmaster. People assume this expression means we are no longer obligated to be obedient to that law and assume these are the laws regarding the temple and the Levitical system of sacrificing animals etc. However this is not the case! What Paul was saying was when we are saved by Grace; we are clearly not under ANY Law! We are not saved by our "law‐works" (as some theologians would say it) but by God's unmerited favour or GRACE; His forgiveness. The schoolmaster then is NOT limited to the sacrificial and ceremonial laws of God but rather refers to ALL the Laws of the Bible. For neither are we saved by the Ten Commandments. Notice in Luke 2:21‐24 when the ceremonial and Levitical sacrificial system is called the "Law of the Lord" or, the Law of GOD, in verse 22 it speaks of another specific part of that ceremonial law and calls it the "Law of Moses.” Many Bible Students have become confused over WIDCH laws they are required to obey. Which laws are the "Laws of Moses" and which laws are a part of another system of law called "the Law of God?" What most have done is indulge in what I call "Cafeteria‐style Religion"! That is, they pick and choose what doctrines they will obey and which ones they will NOT obey! If they like a set of laws, the simply refer to it as ''the Law of God" and say ''Now this we are still supposed to obey." Then they see another commandment they don't like, and say, ''Now this one belongs to the Law of Moses and we don't keep this one!"
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What total confusion! But notice the Apostle Paul NEVER makes such a distinction. In fact neither did Jesus! For Jesus said man is to LIVE by “EVERY Word of God” (Luke 4:4, KJV). Would that exclude laws we don’t like? Would that leave out some so‐called Law of Moses, or, what many refer to as, “the Mosaic Law”? No! For Jesus commands us to live by EVERY Word of God! The Apostle Paul said that the coming of Faith in God's Grace does not at all abolish the Law of Moses! "Do we then make void the Law through faith? God forbid: yea, we ESTABLISH the Law"! (Romans 3:31). No, we are not "saved" by keeping the works of the Law. Rather we are reconciled by Grace through Faith in His blood! (Romans 3:25) ‐and not by our "good works.” Yet once we are saved by grace, faith in Christ actually ESTABLISHES the Law for the Believer! The Apostle Paul added in Ephesians 2:8‐10 that while we are saved by grace we are nevertheless "created in Christ Jesus" or "born again" as Christian believers, "UNTO good works"! So we are not saved BY our good works (but rather by God's grace), but we are saved UNTO good works! Now then, since we are not "under the Law" but yet are required to obey the Law (since none of it has or will "pass away" Matthew 5:17‐19, Romans 3:31) then which Law are we required to keep? ‐the ''Law of Moses" or the "Law of God"? "Remember Ye the Law of Moses"! The reason for the confusion over "which Law" is required is due to the ASSUMPTION that there are TWO laws given in the Old Testament. Nowhere are we told that God has given us two separate laws, one being God's Law and the other being Moses' Law! The Bible does NOT teach a dichotomy between two such supposed set of laws! But if there were two separate set of Laws, we see clearly that the "law of the Lord" which would be the "Law of God" is the law commanding the sacrifices of turtledoves and pigeons ‐ animal sacrifices! (Luke 2:21‐24) and we have seen that the Law of Moses is the Ten Commandments because it includes the one against killing! (John 7:19). Thus the Scripture is totally contrary to what the church world in general teaches! What then is the answer? Malachi 4 gives us important instruction. In the last instructions God gave to His people in the Old Testament before we read of Christ bringing Grace in the New Testament, we read: "Remember ye the LAW OF MOSES my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb [Mt. Sinai where the Ten Commandments were given!] ‐for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments"! (verse 4). Here is another reference to the spiritual and moral law of the Ten Commandments being called the "Law of Moses" which are given in Exodus 20! Immediately afterwards, the Judgments are given in chapters 21 through 23. So it is definite that we are to
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obey the Law of Moses! Is God's Law "Done Away"? Does this mean then that the Law of GOD is now "done away"? Such a question sounds ludicrous on the surface! Obviously not! For as we have seen the Law of Moses was simply God's LAW that He gave through Moses! Nothing more! The Jews called ALL of God's Law, "the Law of Moses"! Why? It was because Moses wrote down God's Laws! The Old Testament is divided into three divisions. Ask any Jew! As the books were originally arranged in Jewish editions of the Bible to this day, you have first ''the Law" which is their name for the first five books of the Old Testament, also referred to as the Pentateuch. All these books were authored by Moses and is therefore named after Moses. Hence the term "Law of Moses"! But this term includes all the laws found in the books from Genesis through Deuteronomy! In Leviticus 19 we read, "Love thy neighbor as thyself” (verse 18). Therefore this command, later restated as many commandments were in the New Testament, is equally a part of the so‐ called "Mosaic law" or "Law of Moses"! ALL OF THE FIRST FIVE BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT are called ''the Law of Moses" by the Jews!!
They are One and the Same! It is now very obvious that the Law of Moses and the Law of God are ONE AND THE SAME! There is no distinction. God's Law that He gave to all mankind is merely called the "Law of Moses." And notice God said in Malachi 4:4, "Remember ye the Law of Moses which I [God Almighty!] commanded him"! So God gave His Law to Moses to give to the rest of us, none of which will pass away until heaven and earth passes away! (Matthew 5: 18). How clear! Christ did not abolish the Law of Moses! Not one jot or title has been "made void" or abolished! The Law of Moses (God's Law given to Moses) is still in force and effect, otherwise Christ could not tell us in the New Testament that man is to live by EVERY Word of God! (Luke 4:4). So we are to live by every word of the Bible. Not a single law has passed away! This is why the Apostle Paul was able to say "so worship I the God of my fathers, believing ALL THINGS which are written in the Law [of Moses] and in the prophets"! (Acts 24:14). It is definite that Paul was referring to the Law of Moses for he repeats this affirmation in Acts 26:22 and specifically mentions Moses! Now the question is, do YOU believe ALL THINGS which are written in the Law of Moses? If you are not obeying all the Law, then you do not truly believe it! Now is the time to start
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studying God's Law. For Jesus did not do away with it! Since therefore He did not "do away" or destroy the Law of Moses then all of it is still in force and effect ‐ still obligatory upon the Christian today. While we are not "under the Law" where our salvation is concerned, we are still obliged to keep the Law to show our Love to God! Now is the time for you to begin prayerfully studying the Law.
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Why We Cannot Offer Sacrifices Today Should Christians offer sacrifices today? The truth is the Bible FORBIDS the offering of sacrifices TODAY! But not because of the Cross of Calvary believe it or not! Most people have not understood the REAL reason why the sacrificing of animals is prohibited. In this article, at long last, is the Bible Answer to why Christians today CANNOT offer animal sacrifices!
ELIEVE IT OR NOT, Christians today are actually forbidden to offer ANIMAL SACRIFICES according to the Law of Moses! But it is not because Christ died on the cross. Many people mistakenly assume that Christ's death at Calvary nullified the Law of God where animal sacrifices and Levitical "offerings" were concerned! No IT DID NOT! In fact many years after the cross, the Apostle Paul went down to Jerusalem and went into the temple, participated in a Levitical purification rite with other Jews and then offered up animal sacrifices to the priests who were there. At that time it was not forbidden. Today it is actually forbidden in the Law of Moses for any of us to participate in such Levitical offerings in sacrificing animals. Many people assume that the "the Law of Moses" has been abolished at the cross and this is why we no longer "obey" the laws of animal sacrifices. Actually, if you attempted to offer up an animal sacrifice today, you would not be obeying the Law of Moses, but VIOLATING it! What the Law of Moses Prescribed! The Law of Moses, which God gave to him to write down so all of us could read and obey it for our doctrine today (See II Timothy 3:16) teaches that animal sacrifices were even in Moses' day FORBIDDEN to anyone who was not an Israelite, of the tribe of Levi, a man between the ages of 30 and 50, and a consecrated priest with a proven genealogy showing descent from Aaron, Moses' brother. Secondly, the offering of animal sacrifices could only be done at "the place where God hath placed His name" and not just anywhere in the world (Deuteronomy 16:2). This place is Jerusalem! It is therefore strictly forbidden in the Law of Moses itself for us in the United States or any other country in the world to participate in animal sacrifices! Also, though any person could give his animal to be sacrificed at the Tabernacle (and later the temple), only the sons of Aaron, the ordained priests could actually preside over the slaying of the animal! There were different types of offerings. In those sacrifices where the one offering was to lay his own hand on the animal and kill it, he could not do it without the priest
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standing there presiding over the sacrifice! Therefore if you or I were to attempt to offer up an animal sacrifice today, it would be in strict violation of the very Law of Moses! Yet most reli‐ gious people today assume that we do not offer up animal sacrifices because this part of God's Law has been abolished! How incredible! Especially when we read and believe the words of Jesus Christ who said not one part of the Law would be abolished or "done away" as people say today! Not one "jot" would pass from the Law! (Matthew 5:18). Why then do people assume the Law regarding sacrifices was done away? It is a misunderstanding of the cross of Calvary and certain passages from Paul's epistles that have caused people to assume that God's Law was abolished! Am I saying we should still be participating in the Levitical and ceremonial sacrificial system? No. Obviously we can't. Then why did Paul do it? Why We Cannot Offer Animal Sacrifices Today Paul said he believed "All things" which were written in the Law (Acts 24:14). Therefore Paul practiced the same Laws he had always obeyed before his conversion to Christianity. For example, the Apostle Paul described himself as being "blameless" as ''touching the righteousness which is in THE LAW" (Philippians 3:6). Did Paul Keep the Law? Paul continued, for example, to keep the annual Holydays (also called "Feast Days") from the Law of Moses. In Acts 18:21 we read that Paul "bade them farewell, saying, I must by all means KEEP this Feast that cometh in Jerusalem: but I will return again unto you, if God will." This word "keep" is from the Greek word "poieo" which can be translated ''to observe, to keep, or to celebrate." Many people who mistakenly teach that God's law, the "law of Moses" is "done away," argue that the Apostle Paul only attended these Feasts or Holydays because he wanted to be where a large gathering was in order to preach but that he himself did not keep, or observe these annual Holydays of God! But the Inspired Greek text shows that in fact, he did! The Apostle Paul said "I must by all means keep [observe or celebrate] this Feast which cometh in Jerusalem"! Yes, even the apostle to the Gentiles who taught the Gospel of Grace, continued to keep, observe, and celebrate the Holydays commanded in Law of Moses!! Now we see what James, the chief apostle in Jerusalem, meant when he instructed the Apostle Paul, saying that he should go down to the temple and offer up a sacrifice to demonstrate to all the people ''that thou [Paul] thyself also walkest orderly, and KEEPEST THE
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LAW! (Acts 21:24). This was approximately 25 YEARS after the cross! Yet the Law was still in force! It still is today! Jesus said it would not pass away until all be "fulfilled" or, the Greek word is literally translated, "come to pass." He said that heaven and earth would pass away first and until that prophecy "comes to pass" not one jot or title would pass from the Law of Moses! (Matthew 5:17‐19). SO SAID JESUS CHRIST! Will you believe Him? If Paul then even offered up animal sacrifices why can't we? Simply because there is no Temple today in Jerusalem and no Levitical Priesthood functioning in our day! And even if there was, you and I would have to go to Israel to do it! God said any man who kills an animal and did not bring it to the tabernacle and to His priesthood (and later to the temple after it replaced the tabernacle) would be cut off from his people! (Leviticus 17:3‐5). Before this time, the people offered sacrifices "in the open field." God corrected this. And from that day to this it is well known by all informed theologians that any sacrifices offered in any place other than where God placed His Name (Jerusalem, Israel) is considered to be apostasy and transgresses the Law of Moses! Commanded Forever God said that "This shall be a statute FOREVER unto them throughout their generations"! (Leviticus 17:7). And notice that this was not only for the Israelites, but for the Gentiles called here, ''the strangers which sojourn among you" ‐ as well! (verse 8). God's law applied equally to Israelite and Gentile! (Exodus 12:49). For God is no respecter of persons! (Romans 2:11). Therefore we are keeping the Law of Moses today regarding the ceremonial Temple laws and sacrificial offerings by abstaining from participation with such! Now should the temple be rebuilt in our lifetime, and you or I happen to be in Jerusalem at that time, it would certainly be appropriate, just as it was for the Apostle Paul, for you to go to the temple and offer up an animal sacrifice! It would indeed! ‐for no law has ever "passed away" or been "done away" since they were given! While some misguided individuals would accuse us of "denying Christ" to do so, the Apostle Paul, in fact did offer up an animal sacrifice! And he certainly did not deny Christ! When Jesus returns to set up His kingdom on this earth, the Bible says a new temple will be built in Jerusalem and once again animal sacrifices will be offered daily and on God's Sabbaths and on His annual Holydays or Feasts! (See Ezekiel chapters 40‐48). Should We Observe God's Feasts Today? Now finally, since God's Law has never been done away, not even the least of His
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commandments and laws (Matthew 5:19), why don't the churches observe God's Feast days? Millions of Americans have heard Pat Robertson, television evangelist and one time presidential candidate, say year after year that he actually observes God's Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles each autumn! The International Christian Embassy, with headquarters in South Africa, has a worldwide mailing list of Christians. In recent years 100 nations have been represented in Jerusalem each autumn as they teach Christians to participate in God's annual Festivals! It makes you wonder when the rest of the church world will catch on! You might get a glimpse of an answer from reading Zechariah 14:1,4,9, and especially verses 16‐19. All nations will someday be made to keep God's Festivals! All nations will be forced to obey the Law of Moses, Jew and Gentile alike! There will be one God, one Lord, one King of kings, and one Law ‐not two different laws separated by race. No, one law both for the Jew and Gentile. Today we are still obligated to keep that same Law of Moses given by God at Mt. Sinai. . If you would like to understand more, please don't hesitate to send your personal questions to this Ministry. All such letters will be answered and given personal attention. May God open up your heart to understand and obey His Law.
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