Lesson 35
What is the Purpose of Life?
HIS BIBLE STUDY LESSON contains some of the most wonderful "good news" you have ever heard. It is a part of the very Gospel of Jesus Christ! Think! What really is the purpose of your life? I am not talking about your career. Rather I am asking why do you exist and what is the ultimate purpose for human life in general? Is this life over and finished when we die? Is there no afterlife? Is there no resurrection? And if there is a next life, is there a "Judgment" we must face, and give an account for our life in the flesh? We have proved in previous lessons that there really is a God and that the Bible is truly the inspired Word of that Creator God. Then the answer to the Ultimate Question concerning purpose for human existence must be found in that Holy revelation from God to man –the Holy Bible! And believe it or not, the answer is indeed revealed in the Bible - though most of the world's churches have missed it! They have overlooked it! And most of you will find what you are about to read in the pages of your own Bible utterly astounding! It will be hard to believe! And yet Jesus made the purpose of life quite plain where He is quoted the Gospel of John. But few church goers have understood it! It is time you understood God's great Master Plan for human life on this planet! It is time that you understood why God made mankind and what our ultimate transcendent purpose is! Where Will You Be One Million Years from Now? Think, what will you be doing for all eternity? And what will you be? Will you be an angel, or will you continue to be a human being? Or, could you be something else? What? Will you experience "eternal retirement" in some heavenly rest home where all you do is play a harp all day? Or does God plan for us to build, work, and create new things? What you are about to read has been buried in the Bible for centuries, and yet like gold, it is a treasure that few have unearthed. This astonishing truth is real! And once we read what God says our purpose is, it strains the imagination! Some will refuse it - as being too great - "too good to be true"! But it is true. Jesus said so! So many today see no reason for living - no purpose for their life. And yet God has a tremendous purpose - not just for your individual life, but for humankind in general. Pray for understanding before you read this lesson. Ask God to open up your mind to His wonderful Truth - to the very purpose of your life. You are not an animal. You were not intended to merely live in this one lifetime and then die like a mere dumb animal. No, God has an eternal purpose for your life. '" After you read this lesson, and if God has opened your heart to comprehend its truth, I hope
you will praise your Creator and worship God for "so great salvation" (Hebrews 2:3). It is beyond description in awe! "O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out!" (Romans 11:33).
What is the
Purpose of Life? It is so incredibly awesome that many of you will find it hard to accept! The purpose of God's plan in creating man is breathtaking - something beyond the carnal mind to grasp - and can only be discerned by revelation. The world's religions do not know. The world's daughter churches from Mother Rome have never grasped this profound truth the scripturally revealed reason for man - the awesome, incredible PURPOSE OF LIFE!
HE PURPOSE OF LIFE IS so amazing as to be unbelievable by the general population! Even the vast majority of Christendom has failed to comprehend the AWESOME PURPOSE OF HUMAN LIFE! Do you know it? Don't be too sure. What you are about to read will sound fantastic! When I have shared what the Bible actually teaches about the ultimate purpose of human life with some people, I have met with exclamations of total incredulity! Yet many have not pondered it, much less searched the Scriptures to see God's own answer in His Word! Many years ago I pondered this question. The answer I came up with was still, at that time, not the correct one. I had assumed our ultimate purpose for being created was merely to "worship God." However after digging deeper into the Bible, I found the true answer. You can too! You can know the PURPOSE OF LIFE! -for your life, and mankind as a whole! Yet it is so profound as to be found incredible! The breathtaking, awe inspiring ultimate purpose of human life is so different than what has entered the mind and heart of man that it is simply unthinkable to the average person even after he learns from the Bible what the purpose of life truly is! Most people have never imagined it. It has never crossed their minds, the things that God has prepared for them that love Him. It is truly the most fascinating revelation ever given to man! Think. Why did God create Adam and Eve? Why did He make human beings in His own image and then give him freewill, free moral agency to choose, to make his own decisions, to rule his own life? Why? There is a reason. Is This Life All There Is? Back in the late 1960s a song hit the charts entitled, "Is That All There Is?" It was a
melancholy question concerning our reason for being here. The song writer continued to search for ultimate fulfillment, but each experience left the seeker with frustration and emptiness. No genuine happiness. Is there no purpose? Why did God create us? God had a PURPOSE! Many Christians have assumed we will become angels in the next life – in the resurrection. Not all share that opinion. The Hindu belief is that the ultimate purpose is to experience "nirvana" -to experience utter oblivion. Utter nothingness. However, they believe this is the ultimate end of experience after having worked out one's problems (referring to "karma") through a multitude of reincarnations. Still, others believe that no ultimate purpose exists and we will all simply die as do animals and experience eternal annihilation - never existing again. An eternal non existence. But think. Did God put mankind here to merely live 70 or 80 years and then die -forever? Why should we study and educate ourselves, grow and develop our lives, become successful in business and leave a legacy for future generations to benefit them, if this life is all there is for us? Why bother? Why live a good, moral life, building character, and doing "the right thing" if there is no recompense, no ultimate reward for doing right. Why climb the corporate letter of success, perhaps finally earning millions of dollars and receiving the accolades and approbation of men - just to die and leave it all behind? How futile would be that success! Who cares if we become successful or not, if this life is all going to be "over and done with" forever, after just a short "trip" here and then we become nonexistent, exactly like the bug that hits your car windshield! It will be as though you had never existed. How utterly unthinkable! Are we no better, ultimately, than a mere insect that is here today, but soon gone - forever? Is there no transcendent and eternal purpose of our lives for which the Creator God made us? There IS a Purpose! The answer is astounding! Few people have ever found the true purpose for human life! But it is far greater than this human existence of 40-hour work weeks, and bills and taxes, then finally retirement only to experience pains, sicknesses, and finally old age, ending life uselessly in a nursing home. Even the apostle Paul said, if in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men "most miserable" (I Corinthians 15:19). Without hope of a future life, nothing in this life actually matters. What difference could it possibly make if you were honest, hard-working and law-abiding? -if you did everything "right" and made everyone happy in your life? Think about it. In the end it would make no difference whatsoever. Even wise King Solomon wrote that apart from God life is all "vanity" (the Hebrew word literally meaning futility -worthlessness! Ecclesiastes 1:2). If there is no God there can be no ultimate purpose in life. And then of course life is indeed worthless. There is no reason for any of us to be here.
Who cares whether we are good or bad? Would it make any difference? The pagans had the philosophy that we should simply "eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die." But to the Christian we know there is a "Judgment" coming! And we have hope in that. Eternal Judgment One of the doctrines of the church is "eternal judgment" (Hebrews 6:2). There are eternal rewards for the righteous, and there is an eternal punishment for the wicked - the second DEATH! Yet for the born again Christian, there is ETERNAL LIFE. But where? In the Kingdom of God! But what is the Kingdom of God? Have you ever given it much thought? Is it merely a heavenly kingdom to be set up on the Earth at Christ's return and then we experience eternal "heavenly retirement'? Is that it? Is that all there is? Is eventual "retirement" sitting around on clouds and playing a harp (or some such silly nonsense) all God had in mind when He made human beings on Earth nearly 6,000 years ago? The answer is no. It is time you came to understand the awesome PURPOSE OF LIFE. For some, the revealed purpose of life in the Bible seems to be so mindboggling as to almost appear blasphemous. Yet it is indeed clear from the Bible what our ultimate purpose is! Now lay aside all preconceived notions and humanly devised ideas that you have had all your life, or heard taught in the churches of this world and listen to what the Holy Bible actually has to say. It will astound you. You will find it hard to accept -hard to believe. Yet you can prove it conclusively from your own Bible-the Holy Word of God. Pray now for understanding that God will open up your mind to grasp and truly comprehend this most wonderful GOOD NEWS of the Kingdom of God and your place in it –fulfilling your ultimate and eternal destiny and purpose for life! This is very much a part of the "Gospel" message of Jesus Christ -yet so few have understood or grasped it! Be sure to look up each of these scriptures in your own King James Bible. Study them prayerfully. It is so difficult for the carnal mind of man to understand, that it takes the Holy Spirit to truly understand it. Yet it is not complicated. But the purpose of life is so fantastic that most human beings exclaim, ''No! That can't be the purpose of life! It surely cannot be that great; surely not!!!" Yet what you are about to read is not mere conjecture! It is not the mere opinion of men but rather than plain TRUTH of the Bible! Yes, the Bible is clear! It is time you came to understand God's ultimate PURPOSE FOR HUMAN LIFE.
What is Man? Psalm 8:4-6 asks, "What is man, that Thou art mindful of him?" Read each of these passages cited in the Word of God for yourself. Is man merely a biological animal with no other purpose than to populate the Earth in this human existence? The apostle Paul addresses this in the book of Hebrews actually quoting this verse. In Hebrews 2:6-8 he quotes this verse and then adds that God intended that everything -in all creation -be put under mankind. He adds, "But now we see not yet all things put under him." Like what? Revelation 21:7 adds, "He that overcometh shall inherit ALL THINGS: and I will be His God, and he shall be my son"! Did you understand that? God says we are to be His sons and inherit "all things." The Moffatt translation reads that we shall "inherit THE UNIVERSE"! -literally "ALL things"! Remember, after the Millennium God the Father Himself is coming to planet Earth and is bringing with Him the Heavenly City, the New Jerusalem. While this Earth will remain our Home, we will have glorified, immortal bodies and will not be physically bound to this Earth. We cannot die and can travel throughout the cosmos! In fact while this Earth is our eternal Home, we will be able to explore the entire vast universe! God said we are to inherit, “ALL THINGS�! That means all the planets and all the stars of the entire Milky Way Galaxy - ultimately! And our galaxy contains approximately 100 billion stars many with additional planets and moons in their solar systems as we have. Imagine inheriting all of that! Yet our galaxy is only one of literally BILLIONS of galaxies in the entire known universe! Did God really mean what He said when He said we are to inherit "all things"? Yes He did, or else He lied. God does not lie; rather it is the devil that causes us to question God! No, God meant exactly what He said. Yet this boggles the mind. However God has given us all eternity -forever and ever -to explore the entire vast universe. How long will it take? Thousands of years? Millions? Billions? However long it takes, you and I will have plenty of time to do what we want to do. All the time in eternity. Yet there is more to the purpose of life than this. What are we going to be? Will we be mere human beings? Will we be angels? Or something else? Notice Hebrews 1:4. Jesus was made "better than the angels" and has inherited a greater NAME than they. What was that name? They are called angels, but Jesus was declared to be the SON OF GOD by the resurrection from the dead (Romans 1:4). Repeatedly He referred to Himself as the "Son of man" when in His human life (e.g. Matthew 12:8, etc., etc.) But in His resurrected, glorified body, while He still looked human, nevertheless He is not human today. Rather He is very "God"! (The Bible teaches that Jesus is "God" just as the Father is also a "God" Being, but they are not the same person, just as you are a human being and so is your earthly father, but you are not the same person as your father. The Father is a member of
the one "Godhead" and Jesus is the second member of that same Godhead." There is one "God" – or Godhead, but more than one person in that Godhead or God Family). Jesus was 100 percent human when on this Earth. That is to say Jesus was "born of man" 2000 years ago and was human - a "son of man" -just as you and I are. But today He has been "born of God" - as a literal SON OF GOD, above all angels. Of course He was the second member of the Godhead before He came to this Earth (II Timothy 3:16). Yet He gave that up to become human for the purpose of sacrificing Himself for mankind. Biologically He was no more "God" than you or I today. He was indeed 100 percent human. Today He is NOT human at all, but 100 percent God in His immortal life and glorified body. What was the "name" then that Jesus inherited? It was that of "GOD "! Jesus is once again a member of the God Family! What is our Inheritance? Read carefully Hebrews 1:4-6. Notice Jesus is no longer the "only begotten Son" (as we remember from John 3: 16). Rather, today He is considered to be the FIRST begotten - as more are coming into the Family of God! (verse 6). And notice Paul quotes a scripture, referring it to Jesus Christ, saying, "But unto the Son He saith, Thy throne, 0 GOD, is forever and ever"! (verse 8). Notice here Paul refers this scripture to Jesus Christ. Therefore, He is the second member of the God Family! - THE GODHEAD. Why is this important? Because Jesus is called the "first" begotten of God. Not the only begotten! Not anymore. Paul refers to this as a "great salvation" (Hebrews 2:3). Notice Paul writes in verse 9 that Jesus died in our place, having been made lower than the angels as we are also, that He intended to bring "many sons unto glory"! Do you see? The Bible says "many sons"! Jesus is not the "only begotten" any longer. God is now bringing "many sons" to glory! (verse 10). Can you grasp what the Bible is actually teaching? Verse 11 says God who sanctifies and we human beings who are sanctified, through Christ, "are all of ONE: for which cause He is not ashamed to call them BRETHREN"! One family! "Brethren" is not a religious term. It means "brothers and sisters." It is a family term. It means Christ is the "Elder Brother" in the Family of God but we are His brothers and sisters in that SAME F AMIL Y! Verse 12 calls us His "brethren." We are not mere "servants" as are the angels. Rather we are now SONS OF GOD -as Jesus is! In my Scofield Reference Edition the italicized reference note above verse 9 reads: "Jesus, made for a little time lower than the angels, dies for man that He may lift men above angels into the FAMILY OF GOD"! (Scofield, First Edition, page 1293). Did Scofield truly understand
what he was writing? Did he genuinely understand what this means? Do you? Jesus came to die in our place so that God could forgive us and could "adopt" us into His Family (John 12:24 and Romans 8:15). However this word "adoption" is from Greek word Huiothesia and literally means "placing as a son." It does not mean to adopt as a "step child." God will not consider us "step children." We are not orphans! Rather just as we were born into the human family and had real human fathers, and were the actual born sons and daughters of our fathers, thereby becoming human ourselves just like our human fathers so the "good news" is we are to be "BORN AGAIN" - to literally become the "born" sons and daughters of GOD - being a real child of God - just as Jesus is today! Now understand. Peter mentions that we have already been "born again" and are "newborn babes" in Christ when we are first converted (see I Peter1:23 and 2:2). While it is true our spirits have been "born again" and we are now the begotten children of God, the process of conversion is not complete. It has merely begun. Ultimately even our bodies will be converted - changed, in a moment, at the twinkling of an eye (I Corinthians 15:52) -and will also be "born again"! We will have glorified immortal bodies like that of Jesus Christ Himself (I John 3:1-2). "We shall be LIKE HIM"! (verse 2). (See also Philippians 3:21). Jesus' glorified body is described in part in Revelation 1:10, 14-15). You and I will literally RADIATE POWER as does His body! How can we know this? Read Romans 8: 17. Here the apostle Paul was inspired by God to write that if we now have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, then we are children of God and therefore "heirs" of God as was Christ when He was on this Earth. Understand. An "heir" is one waiting in inherit something. Today Christ is an inheritor, but we are still heirs. What has Christ inherited? He has inherited a better name than a mere "angel" - rather, He has inherited a position in the very Family of God and is now a Son of God! and therefore is VERY God Himself, as the Father is "God.� The Bible says that Christ is head over the church (Colossians 1:18). The church is referred to as the "house of God" (I Timothy 3:15). Now notice that Paul wrote in Hebrews 3:6 that Christ is "a son over His own house; whose house are we" - the church. Jesus is therefore no longer the "only begotten" Son. Paul now refers to Jesus as the 'first begotten" -or first born (Hebrews 1:6). Why? Because He is bringing many more "sons" into the Family "that He might be the firstborn among many brethren"! (Romans 8:29). Now remember that Jesus does not call the angels "brethren" but rather calls us by that term (Hebrews 2:10-11). God NEVER calls the angels His "sons"! (Hebrews 1:5). Therefore they cannot be "brethren." Rather this term only applies to Christians for whom Christ died. We therefore are the "sons of God" and it is His strictest intent to bring "many sons unto glory"! (Hebrews 2:10). Do you see? Now what is your inheritance? Will you believe your Bible? Few religious people have stumbled across this wonderful
Truth. Few, even among those who have discovered it, have been willing to accept and believe it, and proclaim it to the world! Read verse 17! We are told that we -you and I as Christians, are "JOINT HEIRS with Christ"! We have a joint inheritance! God has predetermined that Christians are to inherit exactly what Christ has inherited. Now think. How can we be "joint heirs" with Christ and not inherit the same Name He has inherited? Remember that Hebrews 1:4 said that He obtained this Name "by INHERITANCE"! And we are joint heirs with Christ! We are to inherit jointly, as CO-HEIRS, everything Christ inherits! Then if He inherited the name "God" (which the angels cannot inherit) then you and I will also inherit that same Name -as a "joint heir" or co-heir with Christ. We also will inherit the name GOD! Unbelievable? Fantastic? But, some will argue, if that is true (and the Bible says it is) then that would make us also "gods"! And surely we can never become members of the very family of God! Why not? Think for moment. Put aside all preconceived opinions handed down to us from mere religious tradition. The Bible plainly tells us we will not be angels but rather SONS OF GOD! As such we will be above angels. Indeed, Paul adds that we will rule over them, judging them. Just as we are to "judge the world" (or rule the nations - Revelation 2:26 and 5:10), so we will also ''judge'' or rule over angels (See I Corinthians 6:3). If we are to rule over angels, then we certainly will be greater than they. This shows we cannot also therefore be human in the resurrection for as human beings the Bible says God made men "a little LOWER than the angels" (Hebrews 2:7). But in the resurrection we will rule over them and therefore be greater. What is greater than the angels? The Five Kingdoms of Life There are five known "kingdoms" or families of life in the universe. The most elemental is the Plant Kingdom. You learned about at least the first two kingdoms in biology class in high school. A "kingdom" is a family. The Plant "Kingdom" is also the plant family. From lichens on rocks to algae in the sea all the way to the great red wood forests where giant sequoia trees are huge enough to drive an automobile through - all are among the plant family, or Plant Kingdom. The next one you learned about in your biology studies is what is called the "Animal Kingdom." They are more complex than plants, most having some form of consciousness. Birds, monkeys, horses, dogs and cats are mammals in the animal family. But there are other classifications such as the reptiles. Snakes, lizards and alligators are in this class. They are simply diverse kinds in the one animal family. Biologists make the mistake of classifying MAN as the highest form of the animal kingdom. But this is a grave mistake. There is a vast difference between mere animals and man. The Bible
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shows that humankind is a family or "kingdom" all to itself. Mankind is made in the very image of the Creator God - unlike the animals. We are made in His image not only in body, but in soul and spirit. No animal has this distinction. So the third kingdom or living family is that of mankind. They come in three basic races. Some are short as the pigmies in the Iturbi Forrest of Africa and some are exceedingly tall such as Wilt Chamberlain, but all are human beings. All have human intellect and all have a human spirit made in the image of God and therefore have the potential of being born again, born this time, into the very family of God! Above mankind is the angelic "kingdom" whose members exist in the spirit realm called in the Greek language of the Bible, "the heavenlies." In this spirit realm are good angels serving God, and also demons fallen angels who follow the Adversary -Satan the Devil. Angels are given free moral agency. They can choose to do right or evil, just as human beings are given the right of free choice. Some have chosen to rebel. Yet they are not fleshly creatures but spirit beings (Psalm 104:4). They are invisible to the human eye and have greater physical powers than do human beings. Apparently the good angels do not die as we read of Michael and Gabriel, two known righteous angels that are mentioned in both Old and New Testaments. Jesus speaks of angels in Luke 20 where He says that human beings who are worthy to attain the first resurrection will be "equal unto the angels" in that they cannot marry. However, He did not say we will be angels. He said we will be equal to them in that distinction. Also we will not marry (verse 35). He also said we will never die. But He quickly added that we will not be angels but rather ''the children of God, being the children of the resurrection"! (verse 36). Remember that God said He never called angels His sons! Therefore we will not be angels, but rather the judges or rulers over angels. However today angels are the fourth kingdom of living creatures in the universe and today are certainly superior to humans in ability and power. Now ask yourself: what is above angels? There is only one more "kingdom" in the universe that the Bible tells us about. And that is the God Kingdom! -or the family of God! The God Kingdom or God Family rules over angels. The God Kingdom created the physical, material universe. The Bible refers to the God Kingdom as the "Godhead." God the Father and God the Son are both creators. Indeed the Scripture tells us that God created all things "by Jesus Christ"! (Ephesians 3:9). The Hebrew word for God in the Old Testament is Elohim. It is a uni-plural word meaning a single entity made up of multiple units. For example, the word "group" is singular. However one person cannot be said to be a group. But two or more make up a group. The Bible says there is one "church" yet where two or three are gathered -not just one person we then have a "church." There is one church but many members. The word "family" is singular yet you yourself cannot be said to be a family. Rather, it requires at least two or more persons to make up one family. In like manner God is one -but not one person, but one Godhead (meaning two or more). God is ONE family of persons. In Genesis 1:26 we read of God having said, "Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness." God the Father gave Jesus a command and by Him were all things created (John 1:3).
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Therefore we see that God (Elohim) is more than one person. At no time in the Scripture is the Godhead referred to as only two or three persons!!! This is a doctrine handed down to us from the Roman Catholic Church. The Scripture nowhere puts such a limit on God. The Roman church saw the pagan doctrines of heathen "gods" in groups of three (such as the Egyptian "trinity" or triad, namely Osiris, Isis, and Horus, and the Hindu trinity or triad, namely Krishna, Vishnu, and Shiva). While the Bible does indeed mention the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of God (as well as of Christ), at no time in the Bible are we told that God is a CLOSED trinity. This is mere presumption and personal conjecture but nowhere stated as such in the entirety of the Bible! Rather, the Godhead is an open family of persons! (Ephesians 3:15). The Awesome Purpose of Life Now then what does all this mean? Surely the reader can begin to see the awesome truth of the Scripture. Jesus is today only the firstborn of "many brethren." You and I are to be born again -yes, even our bodies born of spirit in which case we shall, like God, be spirit -no longer flesh and blood! (John 3:3-6). Flesh cannot inherit the Kingdom of God which is a SPIRIT kingdom (1 Corinthians 15:50). We must be born again to enter that kingdom. Though our human spirits have been converted when we are begotten of His Spirit at salvation, even our bodies will be converted at the resurrection and we will at that time be fully born again, no longer human. No longer flesh and blood! But if we are not angels and are no longer human, what will we be? There are plants, animals, humans, angels and the God Kingdom. If we will no longer be human but above angels, to what kingdom will we then belong? There is only one kingdom that is above the angelic kingdom only one. It is that kingdom to which you and I will belong. Jesus came preaching the Gospel, the Good News of the KINGDOM OF GOD, telling us to repent and to believe His Gospel! (Mark 1:14). The good news is -that is, the true Gospel is that Christ died for you so that you could receive everlasting life in the Kingdom of God -the God Kingdom! The Gospel message is that Christ died in our place, so we could be forgiven and thus begotten as a very real child of God - in the family of God, to live forever ~ not in the human or angelic kingdom, but in the GOD KINGDOM! Do you understand? Do you grasp this awesome Truth? Think about what you understand about families. Even among animals "kind" reproduces after its own "kind." Dogs reproduce themselves. Their offspring (or "children") are puppies but still 1 00 percent "dog." Cats reproduce begetting kittens. Elephants, giraffes, zebras, monkeys, as well as insects of every sort –all reproduce "after their kind"! See Genesis 1:24. We understand that verse. But do we understand verse 26 where God then says, "Let us make man in our image, after OUR likeness"! -after His kind God is reproducing Himself! - creating mankind after His kind. Then will we be less than Jesus? In authority, of course we will be. But in species what will we be? Can
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we be any less than God Himself? When your children were born, they did not have your knowledge or education or skills. But were they any less human than their father? Will God's children, once they inherit their immortal glorified spirit bodies - fully born again of the spirit -be any less than their Father? God is reproducing Himself by begetting more children into His divine Family -the Family of Elohim! Jesus was nearly put to death for preaching this very doctrine. The religious leaders of His day accused Him of blasphemy! Why? It was because He quoted from Psalm 82:6 where God Almighty says to His children: "I have said, YE ARE GODS; and all of you are children of the most High"!! When Jesus preached this claiming that He was a "son of God" they accused Him of blasphemy and nearly stoned Him to death! But the reason He was able to say He was the son of God was because of Psalm 82:6. Jesus said that this statement is given to those "unto whom the Word of God came." The Bible is God's revelation to all of mankind! It is God's express will that you become a member of the ruling Family of God. As a member of the family of humankind, are you not a human being? Of course! Then as a member of the family of God, will you not be a "GOD" being yourself? Think. How can you be a "son" of someone and yet belong to a different family of beings? -a whole different species? Understand! Your Father is GOD! And as such that makes you a "GOD" (in the making)! I know this sounds incredible. It sounds like so much "blasphemy" to many religious people. But will you believe Jesus? Listen to His answer: "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, YE ARE GODS"! Jesus preached this. It is found in Psalm 82:6. It was the Bible -not Satan the devil - but the Word of God -which tells us that you and I are GODS. Today you are "begotten" like an unborn baby about to be fully "born." But in the resurrection you will be fully BORN OF GOD and will yourself become a GOD BEING! The INCREDIBLE PURPOSE of human life is that through Jesus Christ we can be born of God to become a truly born son of God and therefore a GOD BEING -a very member of the family of God (Ephesians 3:15) and therefore a member of the very GODHEAD! But the world has not understood this. Satan has deceived the "whole world" (Revelation 12:9). That includes even the daughter churches of Rome. The devil does not want God's children to understand the awesome purpose of life, but God does. You were created to become a born member of the ruling Family of God -to BECOME GOD as Jesus is today -a joint heir with Christ and therefore to inherit "all things" - literally, the ENTIRE UNIVERSE!
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