Pregnant Dreams Sleep is so much more than just a time to rest your body even when pregnant. If you pay attention and start understanding your dreams sleeping can be a time when helpful information is provided. Women experience all sorts of dreams while pregnant. A portion of your dreams while pregnant can be truly bizarre but you can also make the same observation about your dreams when you are not pregnant!
Once when I was pregnant I can remember waking up from a dream, thinking that it would make a brilliant movie. The dream was so different and such a great story. It had all the elements of an action movie, chasing, shooting, with high adventure, all the things that boys enjoy in a good story. Perhaps this was a time when the testosterone levels were elevated; maybe this could have been an indicator of carrying a male child. I truly had some great dreams with all my four pregnancies. Some of what you dream while pregnant can be the result of excitement, natural anxiety, hormones, or your world changing. The unknown can produce fear in people and this can be part of the normal process women go through during their pregnancy thus experiencing those emotions in their dreams as a direct result of these anxieties. This is quite common. For some women these dreams can be recurring dreams with a similar theme. This could be a hidden emotion but appearing very strongly in her dreams. The emotion in the dream can be very obvious. For an example you may experience recurring dreams that you are in a public place naked. This is a very common dream. The dream can be revealing to you that you feel vulnerable and not prepared enough or equipped. You need to tell yourself that you are prepared or take the necessary steps to make you feel more prepared and ready. Some dreams while pregnant may help you prepare in different ways. I know someone that dreamt about having a baby with the name of Honour. This was a name the expectant parents had not even contemplated before and yet it really gelled with them. When their little girl arrived they named her Honour. You don’t have to be pregnant to have unusual dreams. You even don’t have to be pregnant to have dreams that you are pregnant. Dreaming of being pregnant and dreaming of birthing are two common dreams that even men have. Yes, it’s true. Being pregnant or having a baby can mean something new is coming in your life. It could be a job, talent, idea, gift etc. If the baby in your dream is talking or walking quickly then your process with this new thing will not take long and things will happen fast. You are being given something to nurture, you will birth it and nurture it. Dreaming of giving birth can mean that something is being birthed in your life; it could be a new project, activity or process. Just like giving birth the process of this new thing could be a little messy and require all your attention and effort but will be worth it once through the process. These are great dreams to have. It is four years since I had our last child and last week I dreamt that I had another baby. In the dream I felt puzzled because the baby was a child that I already had in real life. I was saying in the dream, “But I have already had that baby.” I understood the dream to mean that I have already been given something; it was already developing and maturing. I have already given birth to this new thing. I just need to nurture it.
Whether you are pregnant or not don’t shy away from your dreams. Your dreams reveal your inner life, they can give good direction about your future and can even help you to name your child. Oracles Inc specializes in not only interpreting dreams but trains the business world, organisations and individuals on how to start using these messages in the night. We offer workshops at Team Building days, speak at Business Conferences, interact with your staff on Fun Fridays and provide one-on-one Dream Coaching sessions. Extremely entertaining, encouraging and empowering. Visit for more information.