Brand Identity Manual & Guide Jan 2013
Basic Standards
Stationary System
Brand Identity Manual & Guide
The following document includes instructions and suggestions on how to apply the above logomark to ensure brand fidelity and consistency.
corporate identity & manuals identity manual guide & guides
Name Here Newark Office Brand of Film + Television
Table of Contents
Basic Standards
Stationary System
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Brand + Name Here identity & guide& guides Newark Office of Film corporatemanual identity manuals Television
Brief overview of manuals and guides This manual is a reference for staff,
The Newark Office of Film + Television’s
members, partners and vendors who
name, wordmark and logos are prop-
need to understand the philosophy of,
erty of the Newark Office of Film and
necessity for and process of Brand
Television. None of these elements may
Management. The accompanying Brand
be used to designate a social, busi-
Management Tool Kit is a resource for
ness, political, religious, or any other
those who need to undertake specific
organizational endorsement, without the
brand management activities.
approval of the NOFT.
The Newark Office of Film + Television
If you have any questions concerning
(NOFT), as the official film office of the
the use and approval of any NOFT
City of Newark, aims to advance the
branding components, please contact:
production and success of film, media and entertainment arts in the city of Newark, NJ. The NOFT brand and its components communicates NOFT’s vision and values and, as such, must be used in a consistent manner.
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Newark Office of Film + Television O’Brien E. Kelley Director 917.375.3092
identity manual guide & guides Newark Office of Film Television Brand+Name Here corporate identity&manuals
basic standards
basic standards
Brand Here corporate identity&manuals identity manual guide & guides Newark Office of Film + Name Television
The Logo
21 px
6 px
3 px
6 px
3 px
white space
white space
3 px
white space
6 px
The NOFT logo is in square format
creative arts. Yet, the multi-color usage
movement and readies the logo for an
to optimize social media usage and
is juxtaposed against a majority black
animated interpretation.
to reflect balance and serenity amid
/ white logo. This is not only a nod to
cinema’s origins, but also an expression
was chosen precisely to convey NOFT’s
of clarity and “official-ness”.
support of contemporary artists, produc-
The logo incorporates the color black and the three primary colors of the RGB
The “flying RGB triangles” illustrate
color spectrum: Red, Green and Blue,
the production “puzzle pieces” NOFT
from which all colors can be created.
aims to synergize into a coherent whole.
This signifies NOFT’s openness to all the possibilities and pays homage to the
white space
white space
The logo also makes use of negative space, which adds a sense of
The font Gotham, a modern favorite,
ers and creators. Finally, the logo was crafted to display effectively on dark backgrounds via a faithful “alternate” version, seen above. page number 7 from Page 7 oftotal 25 27 pages
“E Pluribus Unum” (Out of Many, One) - Founding motto of the United States of America
identity & guide& guides Newark Office of Film Television Brand + Name Here corporatemanual identity manuals
basic standards
Surrounding Space For Print & Web
Blue Square Is Cap Height
Clean area for Complete Logo Elements
A prescribed amount of clear space
The use of the favicon graphic may be
around the logomark should be main-
used in small or tight display spaces
tained at all times. No other type or
(see below).
graphic or text element may appear within the prescribed clear space.
Clean area for Complete Logo Elements (Alternate)
Clean area for Favicon and Logotype
2 px 3 px
2 px 1 px
5 pixel
1 px page number 8 from total 27 pages
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basic standards
Unacceptable Uses It is extremely important for brand success that the logotype and signatures be displayed correctly. This includes always using the correct typefaces and the correct relative positioning and size of all elements. The examples on this page illustrate unacceptable displays.
1. Do not distort any portion of the logotype/logomark. 2. Do not crop any portion of the logotype/logomark. 3. Do not tilt the logotype/logomark. 4. Do not rotate the logotype/logomark. (An obvious exception to this guideline would be a vertical street pole banner with logo appearing as the primary element in a vertical position by necessity.) 5. Do not flip the elements in the logomark. 6. Do not cover any components of the logomark with other shapes or
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logotype fonts
Brand+Name Here corporatemanual identity & manuals identity guide & guides Newark Office of Film Television
typography typhography
Corporate Fonts Typography is one of the most recognizable elements of an identity and helps portray the personality of an organization. The typefaces shown here are examples of members in the chosen font families. Typefaces from the
Beautiful Gotham Font Family
same font family that are not listed here may be used as well.
Gotham Thin ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ // abcdefghijklmnopqr stuvwxyz // 1234567890 // !@#$%^&*()
Gotham Medium ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ // abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz // 1234567890 // !@#$%^&*()
Gotham Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST UVWXYZ // abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz // 1234567890 // !@#$%^&*()
Gotham Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST UVWXYZ // abcdefghijklmno pqrstuvwxyz // 1234567890 // !@#$%^&*()
Gotham Medium Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ // abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz // 1234567890 // !@#$%^&*()
Gotham Ultra ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST UVWXYZ // abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz // 1234567890 // !@#$%^&*()
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Brand Here corporate identity&manuals identity manual guide & guides Newark Office of Film + Name Television
Corporate Colors Consistent use of color can help build strong brand recognition. This makes it possible for an organization to “own� a certain set of colors, by leaving a lasting impression through identification of the organization with that specific color palette.
Primary Corporate Colors
Secondary Colors
PANTONE Matching System
CMYK Matching System
WEB Matching System
PMS Red 186
PMS Blue 7460
PMS Green 382
C 0 + M 100 + Y 81 + K 4
C 100 + M 32 + Y 13 + K 30
C 46 + M 4 + Y 100 + K 0
R 227 + G 24 + B 55
R 0 + G 133 + B 183
R 152 + G 194 + B 61
page number 13 13 fromoftotal Page 25 27 pages
+ C 100
+ C 100
+ C 100
+ M 100
+ M 100
+ M 90
+ Y 100
Accent Colors
+ K 100
+ K 70
+ K 30
+ K 20
+ K 10
Brand + Name Here corporatemanual identity manuals identity & guide& guides Newark Office of Film Television
Color Reproduction The NOFT logomark shall either be reproduced in full-color (4C) process or in monochrome as illustrated below. The NOFT logomark shall not be reproduced in two or three-color formats.
Monochrome Reproduction
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Brand Name Here corporate identity manuals & guidesNewark Office of Film identity manual & guide + Television
Screens and Shades
Pantone Red 186
The color palette can be increased by
The tints shown here are examples
using screens and shades that originate
of this range. Additional screens and
from the primary colors.
shades can be used as well, according to the needs of the application.
The primary colors are shown in the center of the palette range. Pantone Blue 7460
The lighter tints are created by screening the primary colors against white. The darker tints (shades) are created by adding black to the primary
Pantone Green 382
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stationary system
stationary system
Brand Name Here corporate identity&manuals identity manual guide & guides Newark Office of Film + Television
The stationery standards provided in the following pages are an essential part of the logo visual identity system and are to be used by all units. Left Margin 3.5” Month, Day, Year
Dear Ms. Doe:
Lorem ipsum ud et luptat, quate enibh ea facing ex et num deliquat. Ed dolorpe rcidunt volorerit, quis eugue do commolobor summy nullaore do exerat, voloborem er ad endion henis nis nis autpatie conse eu faciliquatum venibh et am nonsent pratem dunt lumsandre magna at aut lore conulput dolor amconsed te tisl dolor aut vel in exerostrud er autem alit wis alit, volorem iustinis diam, veniam, veriliq
Standard Letterhead
uipsum ver illaor iriure molorpe rciliquat.
Duis eriurem velisi bla feu faccumsan utatet la feu faccum er at. quate enibh ea facing ex et num deliquat. Ed dolorpe rcidunt volorerit, quis eugue do commolobor summy nullaore do exerat, voloborem er ad endion henis nis nis autpatie conse eu faciliquatum venibh et am nonsent pratem dunt lumsandre magna at aut lore conulput dolor amconsed te tisl dolor aut vel in exerostrud er autem.
Voloborem er ad endion henis nis nis autpatie conse eu faciliquatum venibh et am nonsent pratem dunt lumsandre. Magna at aut lore conulput dolor amconsed te tisl dolor aut vel in exerostrud er autem alit wis alit, volorem iustinis diam, veniam, veriliq uipsum ver illaor iriure molorpe rciliquat.
alit wis alit, volorem iustinis diam, veniam, veriliq uipsum ver illaor iriure Lorem ipsum ud et luptat, quate enibh ea facing ex et num deliquat.
Sincerely, John Smith Title
: PMS Blue 7460
Address block text : Gotham Light Color
: Black
: 8.5” x 11”
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identity & guide& guides Newark Office of Brand Film + Television Name Here corporatemanual identity manuals
stationary system
Mini Card - Front Logotype
: Black, PMS Blue 746
Address block text : Gotham, Gotham Light
Margin 0,25”
: PMS Blue 746
: 2.75” (70mm) x 1.10” (28mm)
Mini Card - Back Logotype
: White, PMS Blue 746
Address block text : Gotham Bold, Gotham Light
Margin 0,25”
: PMS Blue 746, PMS Red 186, PMS Green 382, Black
: 2.75” (70mm) x 1.10” (28mm)
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identity & guide& guides Newark Office of Brand Film +Name Television Here corporatemanual identity manuals
Margin 0,5”
Envelope - Front
Newark Office of Film + Television (NOFT) 164-B Delancy Street Newark, NJ 07105, USA
Margin 0,5”
: White
Address block text : Gotham Light Color
: PMS Blue 7460, PMS Red 186, PMS Green 382, Black
: #7.75 Monarch envelope 3.875” x 7.5”
Margin 0,5”
Envelope - Back (seal with sticker)
: White
Address block text : None
Margin 0,5”
: PMS Blue 7460, PMS Red 186, PMS Green 382, Black
: #7.75 Monarch envelope 3.875” x 7.5”
Sticker Seal page number 19 19 fromoftotal Page 25 27 pages
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Brand Here corporate identity&manuals identity manual guide & guides Newark Office of Film + Name Television
Merchandise Examples
T-shirt Baseball Caps Mugs Pins Shopping Bag
This page shows examples of acceptable uses of the visual identity system on merchandise.
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Name Here corporatemanual identity manuals identity & guide& guides Newark Office of Brand Film + Television
Outdoor Signage Indoor Signage
Displayed on this page are examples of the potential exterior and interior signage
design. These examples are not graphic design suggestions, but rather examples
Web Series
of how the logomark may be displayed on signage.
Music Videos Explore. Partner. Create.
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Brand + Name Here corporatemanual identity manuals identity & guide& guides Newark Office of Film Television
Glossary X-Height // A unit of measurement describing the
Logotype // A logo composed of type.
Tag Line // A slogan used to support the identity.
the logotype. This unit is used when establishing the
Logo / Logomark // A generic term for a unique
Template // A fi le with an associated style sheet
used when establishing the location of the informal
clear space for the logotype or signature.
graphic symbol, used interchangeably with “logo.”
and all standing and serial elements in place on a
seal and/or unit signature relative to the logotype.
Cap Height // A unit of measurement describing the
height of the small letter in the logotype. This unit is
height of the left vertical of the large initial Letter in
master page, used for publications following the same design.
Color Palette A // selection of specific colors that are
Master Brand // The overarching identifier of an
chosen to coordinate, contrast, or harmonize, as an
entity or organization. Also an identity strategy that
aide to maintaining a desired degree of consistency
applies the name of the overarching brand to all
Typeface // The set of characters including upper-
within a visual identity system.
case and lowercase alphabetical characters, numbers,
Font // A complete set of type of one size and face.
Primary Color Palette // The core selection of
contains many fonts of different sizes and styles.
Museo 12 point is a font.
identifying colors that are used in a logo. The official
Garamond is a typeface.
punctuation, and special characters. A single typeface
logo used on legal or ceremonial documents, often Identity Manual // A formal reference document es-
rendered within a circular shape. Serif/Sans Serif In
Type Family // A group of fonts of the same basic
tablishing technical and creative standards for a visual
typography, a sans serif typeface is one that does not
design but with different weights and proportions.
identity system. Typical standards include descrip-
have the small thorn-like features called “serifs” at the
Museo is also a type family.
tions and specifi cations for reproducing the logo or
end of strokes within letters. Units // Subdivisions of the overarching organization.
logotype, stationery system, common print and web applications, and examples of use on merchandise.
Signature // The combination of the logotype with an additional more specifi c identifier.
Unit Signature // The typographic addition to the logotype that may be used to designate a specific
Logo // A generic term for a unique graphic symbol, display of a name, or a combination of both, that is
Supplementary Color Palette // A selection of
used to represent a product, company, organization,
colors designed to supplement the primary color
or other entity.
palette for use in all related communications except
the logo itself.
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Brand Identity Manual & Guide
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