Portfolio The Salvation

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Narrative As he looked up across the narrow sea that separates the two lands that were once whole.The man couldn't help but envy what he saw. Across was a city full of prosperity and dreams while he was standing on the soils of yesterday. How did it come to this. Someday we (Johor) will make it, he mummers under his breath. More piles of spoiled electrical appliances dispensed at his doorstep as the man continues to dissect them apart.

An idea!

d e l d n a h y ! l r r e o p h o o r p J to t no ps e um t D s wa e, c or i x ap o T ng Si


Ph il os op hy

The idea to prolong the lifetime of an object by destructing and re-inventing these broken machines into a fun pastime other than it original purpose came to mind. These junk machineries are taken apart and reconstructed to become a combat robot. These robots can then participate in a combat challenge as a form of entertainment to the public, as well as to reduce the number of wasted junk. The arena or battlefield where the robot combat competition will be taken in a ‘smart environment’ where technology is embedded into our daily lives and rendered nearly undetectable. A place where smart computers are taken off screens and integrated into the natural everyday world. A space that can sensor and detect movements of the robots, its ability to see, hear and project information back onto the natural surfaces of the rooms, walls and floors. This realm of unlimited interface that is always present, yet never physical may change the way we preserve these daunting everyday tasks.

19.5 China





17.5 4.4

Statistics of E-Waste in Asia Pacific Per capita (kg)

E- Waste in Asia

Malaysia Singapore Indonesia Thailand 2015-2017

E-waste in Asia has jumped 63 per cent in five years, the report by the United Nations University. In recent years, Asia has rapidly emerged as a major source of electronic waste, due to increasingly affluent consumers buying items such as phones, tablets, refrigerators, personal computers and televisions. "For many countries that already lack infrastructure for environmentally sound e-waste management, the increasing volumes are a cause for concern," said Ruediger Kuehr, report's co-author and head of the U.N. University's Sustainable Cycles Programme.

To wa rd Po s gr ss th i o th u bi e n en in e dw li vi te te nat at ty ro g e m u o re p ri r r. f nm le er ty al T t en as at . s ox ox t ed ur Wh up ic ic La e e pl nd in a n y me me nd E o t ta fi to -w f al l ll w s th ar ast re s i le e ms e so n ac ai u ri ur e- hi r, p, se ce wa ng s da to s , ste in th t ma xi re le o t gi c at ac he ng ch em en h th i in in c e a g to at ls mo sp he re .

k Ris h t eal H ify n n i g a ry ase s m onda ts e e r c c Inc cti d se resul ve a r n p a d, trie m g y n a o r e cli rima as le to r n fr r, y c re e, p uch sed stio atte r s ' r ampl s, s ng u ombu te m cula . o t ec r ex etal urni ld.C cula ovas ease s al . Fo ic m ir b s go arti ardi dis m r a c p o x ks -a Inf ris to to open such fine and y lth ure from ents tes onar a e h pos ly on rea lm ex ain comp te c o pu m le was d t uab g e- linke l a v nin is bur ich wh

Effects towards Third World Countries E-waste that are not recycled localy will be passed on to our developing nations that will have to deal with our local rubbish. Lack of education regarding sanitary may cause sickness.

Effects of Electronic Waste Dumping towards Health and Enviroment

E- Waste In Asia Articles on the rise of Electronic Waste in Asia.

Roller Coaster Mechanism The Claw

Proposal to eject a fun roller coaster mechanism in order to per-­‐ suit the ideology of leisure.

Used to load and unload wasted material into the compound. The claw is also used to when making careful selectios of waste.

Magnet Helps differentiate materials and sort them out by attracting steel and metal leavign behind unwanted scraps of plastic.

The Conveyer Electronic Waste Material Electronic Waste Material that is considered in good condition can be furthure reused and are placed onto the conveyer belt.

As a means of transportation of the Electronic Wastage. The flat conveyer belt provides an overview of what the object looks like.

The program is likely to explore the endless possibilities of reinventing and reinterpreting the various mechanical manufacturing process of industry in parallel with speaking leisure as a pastime. The program idolises the usage of both past and future technology within a space to carry out the task.

Robot Combat

Concurrent with the understanding of the salvation as a place of reinventing turned into places of consumerism. Johor is concerned with implications of E-wastage in the context of artificial robot combat models. The proposal intends to develop an integrated model between electronic waste and the creation of battle robots as coherent form of leisure of life.

Holographic Holographic echnology is embedded into our daily lives and rendered nearly undetectableplace where it helps with pressision and accuracy in solving a practical problem

User enters the mechanical workshop.

User is briefed ragarding the safety requirements.

User changes into proper safety attire.

E waste junk is placed onto conveyor belt for users selection.


Robot is ready for combat

Give Robot a name.

With the help of technology User can easily create their robots.

User is required to select which type of robot he/she wants to create.


Own Transportation



Transportation is made easily accessible as the growing population of the surroundign site context is occupied with abundance of residents nearby. Visitors have the option of using either their own means of transport or the public transportation. The development of the Rail Transport System (RTS) which links and creates a showrter distance from Singapore to Kilang Bateri,Johor.

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