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Joint Architecture Graduation Exhibition


School of Architecture, Building and Design Taylor’s University Malaysia 2016
R U M A H = H O M E
RUMAH’ 16 is a Joint Architecture Graduate Exhibition of the August 2013 batch of Bsc. (Hons) Architecture and M.Arch students of Taylor’s University Malaysia. We held our graduation exhibition on the 25th to 27th of October 2016 at White Box, Publika. It housed various production of our finest works on display and our engagement of architectural interventions within various parts of our “Rumah”. Extracting fragments and essence of a house, we aimed to make each space a part of our interpretation of a home.

So, why RUMAH?
We desrcibe RUMAH as the most direct space related to man that influences him and is influenced by him daily. For most, it is the first space related to man in which a person experiences a sense of belonging. In the time I was an architecture student back in 2013 - 2016 (3 years), we’ve had the privilege of making a home for ourselves in Taylor’s University. We made a home in our studios, a home in all the friends we’ve made, a home in doing the things we love. We have found our sense of belonging. As for the colour theme chosen throughout the exhibition, which is said to be non-architectural as architects are often associated with monochromatic colours of black and white. But in reality here is that during the creative process within the comfort of our rumah/studios, we are not defined by just black and white, combined we are a spectrum of colours, we are everything in between.
This exhibition was not solely meant to represent architectue. Rather, it is to represent US as the community brought together by architecture.

Head Of Productions
I was given the opportunity to lead the team from design to construction up until display. Through this experience, I was able to enhance my leadership skills which enabled better communication amongst my comittee members. It has also given me a wider perspective on event managing and planning.

Finishing Process
All the exhibition stands and furniture were hand painted by the team with various selection of pastel colours.

Production Process

We had a team of skilled carpenters sponsored by Dabiao Desgin help us in producing the exhibition stands and furniture out of wood palletes and wooden planks

Exhibition Spaces

Promotional Poster
This was one of our poster to promote our exhibition to the public at the same time introducting the people behind the production.

We opened our exhibition to the public for 3 days consecutively and called it our very own ‘RUMAH TERBUKA’ (openhouse).
