Life@Lotte Q3 2014

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Life @ Lotte Chemical is a corporate newsletter intended for employees and partners of Lotte Chemical Pakistan

Q3 2014

Cover Story

An Award-winning Year


ver the past year, Pakistan’s business community has acknowledged LCPL’s exceptional corporate standards with the presentation of three separate awards. The National Fo-

rum for Environment & Health (NFEH), the Employers’ Federation of Pakistan and ICAP/ICMAP recognized and rewarded LCPL’s culture of transparency, safety and excellence for 2013. Continued on page 4

Cover story An Award-winning Year

Initiatives 01

Visits Chairman & BoD’s Plant Visit

Completion of 45 Million Man-hours without Lost Time Case (LTC) for LCPL Employee & All Contractors


Presentation Skills Training



LCPL Participation at Apprenticeship Directorate Event


TPM Model Activities On-Site Weather Station


Breakfast with Trainee Engineers


Implementation of Safety Induction System in City Office


Plant Shutdown Averted



HSE&S 03

In this Issue

Recruitment & Training

Completion Of 5S Activities On 3rd BlockB

Engagement Eid Milan Party 2014


Iftaar Party


Q3 2014 – Editorial



r e s u lt s


Unaudited Financial Results for the Third Quarter Ended 30 September 2014

elcome to our Q3 Newsletter for 2014. Thanks to those of you who contributed to it as these contributions are essential to the newsletter’s success. The editorial team would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the functions who have received awards since the last edition of the newsletter. As team members of LCPL we all share in and benefit from your achievements, and we hope to hear more good news in the future. We would also like to thank all those who participated in the joyous occasions of the Iftaar Dinner hosted by the Shift Staff at the Plant and the subsequent Eid Milan Party elaborately arranged by the LCPL staff. Promoting such activities has resulted in a positive impact as concerns employee engagement and the overall interaction of all functions with each other. The LCPL team deserves to be commended for their exceptional efforts and display of skill in the completion of 45 million man hours without Lost Time Case. Such events highlight the highly-skilled competency of the Plant’s maintenance staff towards health, safety and environment as well as the high standards maintained at the Plant site. In the end, the editorial team would like to thank you for your continuous support and participation which is the main source of encouragement for our contributors. If you have any suggestions regarding the newsletter, please feel free to contact me. – Fatima A. Kazi Editor

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover. – Mark Twain

Editor Fatima A. Kazi

(Rupees'000) Lotte Chemical Pakistan Limited

by Faisal Abid

2014 Revenue Cost of sales Gross (loss) / profit

Nine months ended 30 September

Quarter ended 30 September
















Distribution and selling expenses





Administration expenses





Other expenses





Other income

















(Loss)/profit after taxation





(Loss)/earnings per share – basic and diluted (in Rupees)





Finance costs (Loss)/profit before taxation Taxation

(Rupees’000) Consolidated Nine months ended 30 September

Quarter ended 30 September 2014 Revenue
















Distribution and selling expenses





Administration expenses





Other expenses





Other income





Finance costs









Cost of sales Gross (loss) / profit

(Loss)/profit before taxation





(Loss)/profit after taxation





(Loss)/earnings per share – basic and diluted (in Rupees)






Contributors Ahmed Ali Abedi Arif Raza Asadullah Chughtai Ayesha Moin Faisal Abid Instrument Team Moonam Bilal Mufaddal Abid Marvi

Muhammad Waqas Muhammad Zain Siddiqui Nizar Ismail S. Hameed H. Shah Shazia Siddiqui Shuaib Iqbal Syed Sajjad Ahmed Tariq Usmani

Design & Layout iMedia Life @ Lotte is compiled and edited by staff at Lotte Chemical. If you would like to contribute to the articles and events covered here, please contact the editorial board.


Chairman & BOD’s Plant Visit O

n 26 August 2014, Mr Changgyou Kim, Chairman BOD, a plant visit. They were impressed by the professionalism of staff, housekeeping and HSE standards being maintained Lotte Chemical Pakistan Ltd, visited the plant site at at plant. The chief guest remarked in the visitor’s book Port Qasim. He was accompanied by Mr Hyun Chul “So impressed seeing the plant which is well arranged, Park, Member BOD’S LCPL / Executive Managing Diby Asad Ullah clean and neat. I’d like to convey my congratulations rector, Lotte Group HQ Korea, Mr Hun Ki Lee, MemChughtai on safe running of plant for last 15 years. I hope you ber BOD’s LCPL / Head (Dir) of Corporate Planning contribute more towards the company and LOTTE group’s future needs”.



Q3 2014 – visits

Div, Lotte Chemical HQ Korea, Mr Nak Seon Sung, General Manager, Lotte Chemical HQ Korea and Mr Chul Soo Kim, Manager Strategic Planning & Coordination, Lotte Group HQ Korea. The delegates were received by Mr Mohammad Wasim, Director Manufacturing LCPL and his team. After the briefing session on plant operations, the guests were taken around for


Completion of 45 Million Man-hours without Lost Time Case (LTC) for LCPL Employee & All Contractors Another milestone towards continuous journey of success in HSE&S Performance


due to their continued commitment, positive attitude, otte Chemical Pakistan Ltd. has achieved another adherence to safety rules and responsible approach milestone in HSE&S performance by completing By Shuaib towards HSE&S . 45 Million Man-hours without Lost Time Case (LTC) Iqbal The strong focus of the Management on Health, for its employees & all Contractors on August 04, Safety and Environment has proven to be a success. 2014. This remarkable achievement is a confirmation of the efMr. Jung Neon Kim (Chief Executive) and Mr. Mohammad Wasim (Director Manufacturing), congratulated fectiveness of our Responsible Care Management System the LCPL team and appreciated the efforts of all employees (RCMS) and our team’s commitment towards safety. & contractors staff in achieving this world-class benchmark


Cover Story

An Award-winning Year Continued from page 1

Employer of the Year Award 2013

Q3 2014 – Cover Story


ning companies. The evaluation was carried out by an independent panel of NFEH governing body. Mr. Shabbir K. Hussain (HSE & Business Development Manager) received this prestigious award on behalf of LCPL in a ceremony held at the Pearl Continental in Lahore. Mr. Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar (Governor of Punjab) was the Chief Guest while Mr. Ahsan Iqbal (Federal Minister for Planning and Development) was the guest of honor. Before the award ceremony, both the chief guest and the guest of honor expressed their views on environment and the importance of its conservation. As an ISO 14001 organization, LCPL understands growth and sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” The company has invested USD 45 Million in its plant and equipment to comply with National Environmental Quality Standards. Protecting the environment and preserving natural resources has always remained a top priority under HS&E challenge programs. Lowering environmental burdens, reducing gaseous emissions, recycling the solid wastes, conservation of natural resources, conservation of flora and fauna and ECO system management are LCPL ongoing objectives.


Best Corporate and Sustainability Award


he Employers’ Federation of Pakistan organized the 2nd Employer of the Year Award 2013 to honor corporate commitment towards human resource and workplace safety. The ceremony was held at the Movenpick hotel, Karachi, on 16 October 2014 under the auspices of Abdul Rauf Siddiqui, Minister for Commerce & Industries Sindh. Lotte Chemical Pakistan Ltd won three awards at the event: The Best Enterprise for Human Resource Development Award, the most coveted trophy of the event, The Best Enterprise for Work Place Environment Award and The Best Chief Executive Officer Award. LCPL won all these awards last year as well, beating 57 companies including K Electric, PEPSICO, Shell, P&G, KAPCO, PTCL, Telenor, PPL, PARCO and Engro Polymer, to name a few. The event was sponsored by the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Reform Support Programme, which is co-funded by The European Union (EU), the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Royal Norwegian Embassy and the Federal Republic of Germany and being implemented by GIZ in close coordination with the National Vocational and Training Commission (NAVTTC).

By Shuaib Iqbal


11th Annual Environment Excellence Award 2014 for LCPL

Lotte Chemical Pakistan Ltd. (LCPL) was awarded the 11th Annual Environment Excellence Award 2014 On September 27, 2014 at an award ceremony organized by the National Forum for Environment & Health (NFEH). Out of 120 participating companies, only 76 qualified for the award. It was a great achievement for LCPL to be amongst the top 10 award-win-


he aim of the Best Corporate Report (BCR) Awards is to encourage and give recognition to excellence in annual corporate reporting. Instituted and presented for the first time in 2000, BCR Awards seek to promote corporate accountability and transparency through the publication of timely, informative, factual and reader friendly annual reports. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) and Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan (ICMAP) jointly organized the 13th Best Corporate and Sustainability Report (BCSR) Awards ceremony to give recognition to excellence in corporate and sustainability reporting. It is indeed a moment of great pride to announce that our Company for the first time won the ‘Certificate of Merit’ award for the Best Corporate Report 2013 in the Chemical sector (fourth position). Every year almost 200 companies compete for this prestigious award and only 10% are selected after a detailed and comprehensive evaluation. The Annual Report is the company’s most important strategic communications document and this Certificate of Merit is a symbol of pride and honor for the corporate sector.


In i t i a t i v e s

16000-Hour Maintenance of Gas Turbine Generator T

he Gas Turbine Generator is critical to the production pro- and LP compressors, HP and LP turbines, fuel gas system and cess at Lotte Chemical. It has saved the company millions combustion chambers. It also included external inspection of of rupees in terms of power costs. The maintenance team at the turbine body and hosing systems, intensive cleaning of the GTG air filter house, replacement of all 448 air filters as Co-Gen is always available to resolve to perform skilled well as oil filters and gas duplex filters, water wash of repair and maintenance operations. Extensive operathe turbine compressor, gear box tooth pattern check tions were carried out on the gas turbine during its By Mufaddal and alignment checks. After successful completion of 16000 hour maintenance starting 8th September Abid Marvi all jobs, turbine start up was initiated. 2014. The activities included boroscope inspection of HP




Completion of 5S Activities on 3rd Block


S activities on third block commenced on 26th May 2014 and concluded on 15th August 2014. Each week, eleven Small Group Teams (SGTs) spent


two hours on organizing and cleaning (+Dosing + fire water), ETP-2 (Neut/feed activities. Areas covered in the third tanks+ mechanical chillers), the vent block include: M1-1603 (+TO+ 643), DH scrubber (+F1-1601), the workshop, the cylinder room and the equipment/ column (+F1-605 + E1-608), CG sample store. drier (+F1-150+HPCCU), ETP5S implementation was 3, instrument air compressor By Ayesha beneficial for team members as (+ DW Tank), raw water tank Moin well as the company. SGTs participated in field activities with great enthusiasm and team spirit, sustaining activities done in each block. The idea of an organized, comfortable and efficient workplace motivated employees to make changes. The changes included better floor space utilization as many unnecessary things were repurposed or removed from the area.


i n i t i at i v e s

TPM Model Activities A

Q3 2014 – initiatives


fter the successful completion of Total Production Environment (TPM) model activity for seniors, the TPM department took the initiative to start a TPM model activity for Senior Shift Managers (SSMs), Engineering and technical staff on the same pattern as TPM model activity for seniors. By involved them in the TPM activities so that they can understand and guide their Small Group Team (SGT) members for effective TPM implementation. TPM model activities are based on three steps of autonomous maintenance, which are: identification of problem by intensive cleaning, root cause

analysis and standardization of cleaning/lubrication procedures. Two teams have been formed, SGTPURE and SGT-UTY comprising of 9 members each. A detailed training ses-

sion was conducted on 4th September 2014 with both the teams in order to guide Small Group Team about performing TPM model activities. SGT-PURE started TPM model activity on G1-1209 D on 17th September 2014. SGT-UTY started TPM model activity on G12317 C on 19th September 2014. It is expected that after completion of TPM model activities on G1-1209 D and G1-2317 C most of their chronic issues will be addressed. TPM model activities for SSMs, Engineering and Technical staff are scheduled to be completed by end of December 2014.


By Ayesha Moin

Complex Problem; Intelligent Solution


aintenance Engineering often demands innovative shaft being transferred on to the mechanical seal faces. This and original solutions to complex problems. During time, the Oxidation maintenance team developed a clamp for holding the shaft in position with the trestle as the gearthe short shutdown in September, replacement activity box is decoupled from the drive shaft. This innovative of G1-403 (Third Crystallizer Agitator) Gearbox was method eliminated the need for the tedious activity scheduled. In the past, whenever such a gearbox was By of disengagement of the mechanical seal and saved removed and the drive shaft of these agitators were Muhammad precious time on a critical job. disengaged, it was disconnected from the mechaniZain Siddiqui cal seal as well. This was done to prevent the load of


Timely Maintenance reduces hazards and costs


he primary objective of plant maintenance is to sustain good operating conditions for each equipment so as to ensure health and reliability of the plant and minimize inefficiencies and losses. A major step in this direction was taken by rectification of Acetic Acid leakage from TA Drier feed end seal. Acetic Acid fumes leakage had suddenly increased which posed an imminent threat to the environmental conditions of the plant. The fumes were also a health risk for operators and maintenance staff working in the area. Moreover, Acetic Acid material losses were also being incurred at a calculated estimate of 5 tons/day which was a huge hit on variable costs. Keeping in mind the criticality of this issue, an emergency

maintenance activity was planned and executed on Drier feed end seal. Alignment of seal faces was carried out and all 12 ram seal cylinders were replaced in co-ordination with instrumentation and workshop teams. Focused efforts and great teamwork was shown by all personnel involved as a result of which the task was completed in short duration keeping plant outage to minimum. As a result of the activity, the leakage was minimized substantially resulting in a more congenial environment around the Drier and also improving Acetic Acid consumption efficiency. Overall, this action was another success story for Mechanical Maintenance team.


i n i t i at i v e s

On-Site Weather Station A

mbient conditions are important parameters for correlating weather affects on process changes. Therefore, on-site Weather Monitoring Station is an important instrument. Recently, high humidity and low temperature greatly affected GTG performance but there was no accurate real-time data available. An industrial grade, state-of-theart weather station was procured from Columbia Weather Systems, USA. It measures eight weather parameters every second including temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed & direction. The whole station By Instrument was installed and conTeam figured by Instrumentation Section without any vendor support. Real-time data along with historic trends are now available on Aspen with help from IT Department. Now we can accurately correlate process parameters with weather conditions and make timely decisions. This system will also play a vital role during an HSE Emergency; monitoring wind speed and direction will help the Operations Team make safer decisions during a toxic gas emergency.




Behavior Based Safety (BBS) – Awareness of Integrated Management System Basic Level (IMS)


Behavior-Based Safety approach is based on assisting, reinforcing and sustaining safe behaviors. Behavior-based safety focuses on what people do, analyzes why they do it, and then applies a research-supported intervention strategy to improve what people do. To improve HSE culture within the company, Technical Training department organized two awareness sessions on basic level of Behavior Based Safety (BBS) for LCPL employees on 07th August & 16th September 2014, at LCPL Site.


Mr. Tariq Mehdi conducted ajor firms in the chemical industry are both BBS sessions. Employees moving towards practicing sustainable from the Engineering, Production, management. Integrated Management Systems Technical, Commercial and Adare viewed as a step in this direction. On 26th min departments particiAugust 2014, the Technical Training Centre pated in the training. Over organized a full day awareness session on By all 30 employees particiIntegrated Management System (IMS) in Ahmed Ali pated in first session and collaboration with United Registrar of Abedi 22 employees particiSystem (URS). This session was specially pated in second session. All organized for the employees who are reparticipants showed interest in sponsible for the effective implementation of the sessions and it is hoped that our QHSE system. 14 employees participated these sessions will pave the way in this session. They will continue to monitor for further improvement on the improvement in the company’s economics and HSE front. QHSE performance.



In i t i a t i v e s

Implementation of Safety Induction System in City Office An initiative by the HSE team


Q3 2014 – Initiatives


he Safety Orientation Program is required for all new employees, contractors and visitors at LCPL with an objective to provide awareness on HSE&S procedures & associated precautions before execution of any activity at plant site and offices. HSE department conducts this awareness session on daily basis at LCPL plant site. HSE assessed that the hazards of working in the City Office do not entirely match the ones at the plant site. This

resulted in creation of a separate safety ing), Mr. Adnan Wasey Samdani (Chief induction program for City Office.Mr. Financial Officer & Company Secretary). Jamal Haider (Administration Officer) & Mr. Shabbir K Hussain (HSE & Business Development Manager), Mr. Raja Syed Sibtain Haider (Administration Waheed Ullah Khan (Corporate Officer) were nominated for conHuman Resource Manager) & ducting induction at City OfMr. Col. (R) Asadullah Chughtai fice. A formal training session By Shuaib Iqbal (General Affairs & Security was conducted by HSE and the Manager) for their valuable system has been launched w.e.f support and encouragement in Oct 01, 2014. implementation of the task. Our special thanks to Mr. Mohammad Wasim (Director Manufactur-


Refurbishment of Natural Test Field development in Gas Booster Compressor


he natural gas booster compressor at Co-Gen compresses natural gas at its supply pressure of 2.6 bar to a final pressure of 46.6 bar to be fed into the gas turbine. Upon completion of 16000 hours of service in September, the compressor was overhauled as per recommendation by the manufacturer. Activities began on 8th September and comprised of refurbishment of all suction, discharge and unloader valves, replacement of all piston rod packings, inspection of bearing clearances, piston end clearances and crosshead guide clearances, coupling alignment checks, pressure testing of force feed lubrication system, replacement of the first stage lube oil distributor block, replacement of piston rings and wear bands, adjustment of chain drives and By Mufaddal sprocket alignment, Abid Marvi and replacement of coalescer and lube oil duplex filters. The maintenance team did an excellent job and had the compressor back online by 12th September 2014. Special thanks goes to Asim ur Rehman, Gohar Rehman and the rest of the team members for exemplary coordination and effort.


Workshop for Split ACs

By Muhammad Waqas


here are about three hundred split air conditioning units installed at plant site. Sometimes their maintenance requires carrying out functionality check of components such as compressors, blower and condenser motors, control wiring and other electronic circuits. Previously, these activities were carried out through different instruments and power supplies in workshop. However, with increase in the amount of work, it was getting difficult to arrange all the instruments and separate power supplies for testing the air conditioning units. Also, it was not possible to keep the spare parts and spare units separately in workshop. The electrical team came up with the idea of developing a separate test bench for testing split air conditioning units. The testing panel has been designed in such a way that all the required sockets, switches and instruments are installed in it.The test bench has been designed in house and all the equipments and instruments are utilized from the available inventory. Some of the material has been taken from usable scrap as well. No additional cost has been incurred on the development of this test bench. This idea was materialized and implemented successfully by the efforts of Mr. Muhammad Hassan Kazmi and his team who put in their best efforts to complete the designing and installation of this test bench in the area near the fabrication shop.


In i t i a t i v e s

In-House Spares Development O

ne of the top priorities of any feed pipe was procured from its business is to find cost-effec- OEM. The workshop team played a key role in providing support for tive solutions to any problem. The maintenance team plays the fabrication of the feed pipe. As a significant role in ensuring that a result, two feed pipes were fabricated and the results were quality work is performed satisfactory. while keeping the cost at a This successful enminimum. This is possible By Moonam deavor reduced the lead through cost-saving iniBilal time and also rendered tiatives, spares and local a substantial reduction in development. One such cost. The lead time was reinitiative was the local development of the ‘Feed Pipe’ of the duced by 7 weeks and the cost by sludge centrifuge at the effluent over 0.5 million PKR. treatment plant. In the past, the


Plant Shutdown Averted D

uring the summer, two chillers are kept in continuous operation at Effluent Treatment Plant to cater for increased effluent load. One of these two chillers tripped on a heavy power dip resulting in damage to its Thrust and Radial bearings. This required a complete machine overhaul which includes dismantling, inspection, repair, impeller balancing, assembly, pressure testing, vacuuming and Gas charging. Average Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) the Centrifugal chiller is around 4-5 weeks. The main challenge faced by the Maintenance team was to complete the entire overhauling activity in 2 weeks to allow continuous plant operation. Upon inspection, a few critical parts were found damaged which were not available in inventory due to their high cost. These were reclaimed, serviced and fitted back. A high speed gear shaft was also recovered from Usable yard and installed after its refurbishment. During overhauling period, the maintenance team worked round the clock and demonstrated very high level of skill and dedication. Machine was assembled well within and taken back online due to which there was no reduction in plant load. By Syed Sajjad Ahmed

Chiller Performance Enhancement A

n absorption chiller was installed at the effluent treatment plant. This chiller was installed to cool down the temperature of waste, which is an integral part of the treatment process before draining into the open sea. However, the chiller was not performing efficiently; decreased efficiency, low MTBF and frequent tube leakages were the main concerns that neede to be addressed. Installation of an alternative chiller was also considered. The Maintenance Utilities team chose to over-


By Moonam haul the chiller with the support of a Bilal local vendor. Each component of the machine was evaluated and a modified repair methodology was developed. All possible leakage points were carefully identified, repaired and tested. This was followed by pressure testing, vacuum testing and gas charging. Chemistry balancing was later performed in collaboration with the Technical department. The availability of an efficient absorption chiller has enhanced the reliability of the effluent treatment plant. One of the two centrifugal chillers has now been taken offline, yielding a substantial saving in electricity costs.


Q3 2014 – initiatives


Recruitment & Training

Presentation Skills Training T he HR department organized a workshop on effective communication and presentation on 21-22 August 2014 at the LCPL Plant site. The training was By Shazia conducted by Mr. Tahir Hussain, an international exSiddiqui pert on the subject. The workshop provided a mixture of theoretical and practical training. The participants learned about the

importance of having a strong introduction, maintaining eye contact and effective time management, amongst other important things. By the end of the program, every participant had given six presentations and recieved feedback from colleagues and the trainer after their presentations.




Training Program on Introduction to Management

Training Program on Email, Letter & Report Writing



management training program for potential executives was held between September 22 and 24 September 2014 at the LCPL Recreation Hall. The trainer, Mr. Nasser Aziz, helped develop the participant’s management skills, focusing mainly on self awareness and understanding, personal initiative and problem solving skills necessary to excel at a higher career level.


trong communication skills are a must for managers who generally devote approximately five hours per day in communication. A two-day training program was organized from September 25 to September 26, 2014 at the LCPL Plant. The trainer, Ms. Meena Wali Muhammad, helped participants strengthen email, report writing & business communication skills.


4-Day Advance Excel Training for the Finance & IT Team


icrosoft Excel is used for recording and organizing important business data. Based on the strong need for Excel in a corporate environment, a four-day program on “Advanced Excel” was organized in August and again in September

HR Session with Staff on Car Loan Process and Rules

for the Finance & IT team. The facilitator, Mr. Aasim Alee taught participants valuable tools to master Excel.



session on car loan processes and rules was organized for LCPL employees by the HR team on Thursday, 28 August 2014 at the Recreation Hall at By Nizar Ismail the plant. The session aimed to explain the process and rules pertaining to car loans. Employees discussed car loan rules in detail and asked questions for their better understanding.


Recruitment & Training

LCPL Participation at Apprenticeship Directorate Event T a

Long Service Awards W

e would like to congratulate this quarter’s recipient of the Long Service Awards. LCPL wishes you many more years with the company, and a long and successful career.

Faisal Abid Planning & Reporting Manager, completed 15 years of service on 23 August-2014.


Breakfast with Trainee Engineers

Welcome Aboard L a

CPL welcomes new inductees into the Lotte Chemical Pakistan employee roster.


R & Administration Function organized a breakfast with Trainee Engineers (TE’s) at Plant on 25th September 2014. By Tariq Halwa Puri was served with Usmani Chana, Aloo ki Tarkari and Lassi. At breakfast, the trainee’s shared their feedback with HR & Administration team. The trainee’s expressed an interest in having such gatherings more often as it gives them a platform to express themselves.


h e a lt h

Nisar Ahmed Khan, BE (Electronic Engineering), NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, joined as Trainee Engineer with effect from 11 August 2014

Fawad Ur Rehman, BS (Mechanical Engineering), Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Topi, joined as Trainee Engineer with effect from 1 September 2014

Umair Siddiqui, B.Sc. (Chemical Engineering), University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, joined as Trainee Engineer with effect from 1 September 2014

Usman Shaukat, B.Sc. (Polymer Engineering), University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, joined as Trainee Engineer with effect from 3 September 2014

Solutions to the puzzles on page 13

DOWN: 1 Eskimo. 2 litigation. 3 Riesling. 4 on top of the world. 5 tackle. 6 clot. 7 seller. 12 slave. 14 tortellini. 15 nonet. 17 on the sly. 19 lie low. 20 applet. 22 emetic. 24 scab. ACROSS: 3 roost. 8 Assisi. 9 allies. 10 Mimi. 11 stockstill. 12 Somali. 13 overturn. 16 Annie Get Your Gun. 18 elongate. 21 the Met. 23 Persephone. 25 lees. 26 donate. 27 lentil. 28 today.



ardiopulmonary Resuscitation is an emergency procedure performed on people experiencing cardiac arrest. PerBy Ahmed Ali Abedi forming CPR provides oxygen to the brain and other organs, increasing the chances of survival. Training sessions on CPR are regularly organized by the Technical Training Centre to ensure CPR certified employees are always present at the plant site. The most recent training session was held on 28 August 2014 and it was conducted by Dr. Feroz R. Patel.

“Cushion the painful effects of hard blows by keeping the enthusiasm going strong, even if doing so requires struggle.” — Norman Vincent Peale


“I firmly believe that if the whole material medical could be sunk to the bottom of the sea, it would be all the better for mankind, and all the worse for the sea.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)



On behalf of Lotte Chemical, the HR Department gave the he Apprenticeship Directorate invited LCPL to give a presentation; they shared the disciplines in which we presentation on our Apprenticeship process. The hire Apprentices, advantages to students from this event was organized at Movenpick Hotel, Karachi on program, etc. There were many other multinational 17th September 2018. Syed Asad Zafar, Acting Joint By Arif Raza and national companies that participated in the event Director of Apprenticeship Sindh shared the Apprenand shared their Apprenticeship process. ticeship Directorate role of responsibility in the overall process of Apprenticeships.


Eid Milan Party 2014 O

Q3 2014 – engagement


Iftaar Dinner A

n the occasion of the Eid-Ul-Fitr, LCPL organized an Eid milan party at traditional iftaar dinner the plant site. The party was held in the main mess; The premises were was organized on July decorated by colorful bunting and balloons. At the entrance, the administra18, 2014 during the holy By S. Hameed H. Shah tion staff welcomed everyone to the event. Chief guest Mr. Neon wished Eid month of Ramadan for Shift Mubarak to everyone as well. All staff members embraced each other and Staff at the plant. The dinner looked jubilant in the spirit of Eid, their joyous faces lit with excitement. was also attended by Mr.Jung Neon Kim and Mr. Eun Pyo Hong along with HR & Admin staff. This event provided an opportunity for management to interact with the shift workforce. An Islamic question and answer quiz competition was organized in which staff participated; the winners received gifts from the senior management.



hr & admin

Surveys conducted by HR & Admin Function

T By S. Hameed H. Shah

he HR & Admin Function conducts various types of surveys related to services being provided to LCPL employees. The surveys provide honest responses that are critical in improving the services. During the year, surveys have been conducted in the following areas : »» Transport system. »» Meals facility. »» Employees Training.



Cryptograms Cryptograms are simple-substitution ciphers where every letter of the alphabet has been switched. Your task is to use pattern recognition and your grammar and vocabulary abilities to decipher the hidden quotes. Hint: start with the 1, 2 and 3 letter words, and remember that the most common letters in the English language are E-T-A-I-O-N, in roughly that order.




















— Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. Q3 2014 – Leisure

— Norman Vincent Peale

Challenging Sudoku!

Cryptic Crossword ACROSS


3 Old East German follows river to

1 American who inhabits the White

find perch (5)

House? (6)

8 Fool is one from Italian city (6)

2 One toiling at unravelling lawsuit

9 Everyone is accommodating


English friends (6)

3 Wine gets Sir Nigel drunk (8)

10 Two notes from operatic

4 Over the moon, having climbed

heroine (4)

Everest? (2,3,2,3,5)

11 Not moving goods yet (5-5)

5 Deal with equipment (6)

12 Thus African country produces

6 Idiot wants 150 books (4)

African (6)

7 Retailer of wine collection, say (6)

13 Capsize open vessel (8)

12 Very hard worker is left inside

16 Gaunt young Irene performs in

bar (5)

musical (5,3,4,3)

14 Back home, I’ll follow cake with

18 Teen reformed with gaol stretch

pasta (10)


15 Group of musicians not touring

21 Police force has those people on

Tyneside (5)

film (3,3)

17 Working honestly or dishon-

23 New peer’s given ring portray-

estly? (2,3,3)

ing Zeus’s daughter (10)

19 Ollie upset wife so keep out of

25 US general’s the dregs (4)

sight (3,3)

26 Give daughter a note perhaps

20 Computer manufacturer needs


time to produce program (6)

27 The Italian is after fast food (6)

22 Quote me retrospectively? It’ll

28 Play about District Attorney in

make you sick (6)

the present time (5)

24 Openers for Sussex caught and

Answers on page 11

bowled but this chap’s not out (4)

Symbols to use: 123456789ABC

Quotable Quotes The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. — Helen Keller

Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve. – Mary Kay Ash

For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. – Steve Jobs

Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. – Warren Buffett

‫عید ملن پارٹی ‪2014‬‬ ‫عید الفطر کے موقع پر‪ LCPL ،‬نے پالنٹ سائٹ پر عید ملن پارٹی کا انعقاد کیا۔ پارٹی مرکزی میس میں منعقد‬ ‫کی گئی تھی؛ اور اس جگہ کو رنگ برنگی جھنڈیوں اور غباروں سے سجایا گیا تھا۔ داخلی دروازے‬ ‫پر‪ ،‬انتظامی عملے نے متام رشکاء سے مصافحہ کر کے ان کا استقبال کیا۔ مہامن خصوصی جناب‬ ‫نیون نے بھی متام رشکاء کو عید کی مبارک باد پیش کی۔ عملے کے متام ارکان ایک دورسے‬ ‫از‪ :‬ایس۔‬ ‫حمید سے گلے ملے اور عید کے پرمرست موقعے پر بے حد خوش نظر آئے‪ ،‬ان کے چہرے خوشی‬ ‫ایچ۔ شاہ‬ ‫سے دمک رہے تھے۔‬


‫ایپرنٹسشپ‬ ‫ڈائریکٹوریٹ‬ ‫ایونٹ میں ‪LCPL‬‬ ‫کی رشکت‬

‫از‪ :‬عارف رضا‬

‫ایپرنٹس شپ ڈائریکٹوریٹ نے‬ ‫‪ LCPL‬کو ہامرے تربیتی طریقہ‬ ‫کار پر پریزینٹیشن دینے کے لیے‬ ‫دع��وت دی۔ اس تقریب کا انعقاد ‪17‬‬ ‫ستمرب‪ 2014 ،‬کو موون پک ہوٹل‪ ،‬کراچی میں‬ ‫ہوا۔ ایپرنٹس شپ سندھ کے قائم مقام جوائنٹ‬ ‫ڈائریکٹر‪ ،‬سید اسد ظفر نے مجموعی تربیتی‬ ‫طریقہ کار میں ایپرنٹس شپ ڈائریکٹوریٹ کے‬ ‫ذمہ دارانہ کردار کی وضاحت کی۔‬ ‫لوٹ کیمیکل کی جانب سے‪ ،‬ایچ آر کے شعبے‬ ‫نے پریزینٹیشن پیش کی؛ انہوں نے ان شعبوں‬ ‫کی وضاحت کی جن میں ایپرنٹس بھرتی کیے‬ ‫جاتے ہیں‪ ،‬اور اس پروگرام سے طلباء کو پہنچنے‬ ‫والے فوائد وغیرہ کے بارے میں آگاہی فراہم‬ ‫کی۔ اس تقریب میں دیگر کئی بین االقوامی‬ ‫اور قومی کمپنیوں نے رشکت کی اور اپنے اپنے‬ ‫تربیتی طریقہ کار کے بارے میں بتایا۔‬


‫زیرتربیتانجینرئز‬ ‫کے ساتھ ناشتہ‬

‫‪ 25‬ستمرب ‪ 2014‬کو پالنٹ پر‪ ،‬ایچ از‪ :‬طارق عثامنی‬ ‫آر اور انتظامی فنکشن نے زیر‬ ‫تربیت انجینرئز کے ساتھ ناشتے کا‬ ‫اہتامم کیا۔‬ ‫ناشتے میں چنا‪ ،‬آلو کی ترکاری اور لسی کے‬ ‫ساتھ حلوہ پوری سے تواضع کی گئی۔ ناشتے‬ ‫کے دوران‪ ،‬زیر تربیت انجینئیروں نے اپنی آراء‬ ‫سے ایچ آر اور انتظامی ٹیم کو آگاہ کیا۔ زیر‬ ‫تربیت افراد نے اس قسم کی مزید دعوتوں کے‬ ‫اہتامم کی تائید کی کیونکہ اس طرح انہیں اپنی‬ ‫رائے کا اظہار کرنے کے لیے ایک پلیٹ فارم‬ ‫میرس ہوتا ہے۔‬


‫تیرسے بالک پر ‪ 5S‬رسگرمیوں کی تکمیل‬

‫‪ ،ETP-3‬انسٹرومنٹ ائیر کمپریرس (‪،)+DW Tank‬‬ ‫(‪chillers ( ETP-2 ،)+Dosing + fire water‬‬ ‫‪ ،)Neut/feed tanks+mechanical‬وینٹ اسکربر‬ ‫( ‪ ،)+F1-1601‬ورکشاپ‪ ،‬سیلنڈر روپ اور سامان‪/‬‬ ‫منونوں کا اسٹور شامل ہیں۔‬

‫تیرسے بالک پر ‪ 5S‬رسگرمیوں کا آغاز ‪ 26‬مئی‬ ‫‪ 2014‬اور اختتام ‪ 15‬اگست ‪ 2014‬کو ہ��وا۔ ہر‬ ‫ہفتے‪ ،‬گیارہ چھوٹی گروپ ٹیموں (‪-up Teams‬‬ ‫‪ )SGTs - Small Gro‬نے اہتامم اور صفائی کی‬ ‫رسگرمیوں پر دو گھنٹے رصف کیے۔ تیرسے‬ ‫بالک میں جن جگہوں کا احاطہ کیا گیا‬ ‫‪ 5S‬کی تکمیل سے ٹیم کے ارک��ان اور‬ ‫ان میں‪ ،)+TO+643( M1-1603 :‬ڈی‬ ‫ایچ کامل (‪ ،)+F1-605+Eq-608‬سی از‪ :‬عائشہ معین کمپنی دونوں مسستفید ہوئے۔ ‪ SGT‬کے‬ ‫ارکان نے فیلڈ رسگرمیوں میں بڑے جوش‬ ‫جی ڈرائیر (‪،)+F1-150+HPCCU‬‬

‫و خروش اور مل کر کام کرنے کے جذبے کے ساتھ‬ ‫رشکت کی‪ ،‬اور ہر بالک میں ان تھک رسگرمیاں انجام‬ ‫دی گئیں۔ ایک منظم‪ ،‬آرام دہ اور موثر کام کی‬ ‫جگہ کے تصور نے مالزمین کو متحرک کر دیا کہ وہ‬ ‫تبدیلی کا پیش خیمہ بنیں۔ تبدیلی میں زمینی رقبے‬ ‫کا بہرت استعامل بھی شامل تھا جس کی وجہ سے‬ ‫کئی غیر رضوری اشیاء کو یا تو ان کی جگہ سے ہٹا‬ ‫دیا گیا یا ان کا مرصف تبدیل کر دیا گیا۔‬



‫کور سٹوری‬

‫ایوارڈ کے حصول کا سال‬

‫پہلے صفحہ سےجاری‬

‫ایمپالئر آف دی ائیر ایوارڈ ‪2013‬‬

‫منعقد کی جانے والی ایک تقریب میں گیارہواں ساالنہ انوائرینمنٹ ایکسیلنس‬ ‫ایوارڈ ‪ 2014‬حاصل کیا۔ رشیک ہونے والی ‪ 210‬کمپنیوں میں سے رصف ‪76‬‬ ‫اس ایوارڈ کو جیتنے کی اہل قرار پائیں۔ ‪ LCPL‬کے لیے ایوارڈ جیتنے والی‬ ‫رسفہرست ‪ 10‬کمپنیوں میں شامل ہونا ایک بہت بڑی کامیابی تھی۔ ایوارڈ کے‬ ‫حق دارہونے کا تعین‪ NFEH ،‬کی انتظامیہ کے ایک غیر جانبدار پینل نے کیا۔‬

‫جناب شبیر کے۔ حسین (‪ HSE‬اور بزنس ڈویلپمنٹ مینیجر) مہامن خصوصی‬ ‫تھے جبکہ جناب احسن اقبال (وفاقی وزیر برائے ترقی و منصوبہ بندی) کو‬ ‫بھی بطور مہامن خصوصی مدعو کیا گیا تھا۔ ایوارڈ کی تقریب سے قبل‪ ،‬دونوں‬ ‫مہامنان خصوصی نے ماحول اور اس کے تحفظ کے حوالے سے اپنے خیاالت‬ ‫کا اظہار کیا۔‬


‫بطور ‪ ISO 14001‬آرگنائزیشن‪ LCPL ،‬ترقی اور ‪ sustainability‬کو سمجھتی‬ ‫ہے کہ “مستقبل میں آنے والی نسلوں کو اپنی رضوریات پوری کرنے کی‬ ‫صالحیت کو متاثر کیے بغیر آج اپنی رضوریات پوری کرنا۔” کمپنی نے نیشنل‬ ‫انوائیرمنٹل کوالٹی اسٹینڈرڈز پر عمل در آمد کرنے کے لیے اپنی پالنٹ اینڈ‬ ‫اکویپمنٹ میں ‪ 54‬ملین ڈالر کی رسمایہ کاری کی۔‬ ‫‪ HS&E‬چینج پروگراموں کے تحت ماحول کا تحفظ اور قدرتی وسائل کا موثر‬ ‫استعامل ہمیشہ رسفہرست ترجیحات میں رہے ہیں۔ ماحولیاتی بوجھ میں‬ ‫کمی‪ ،‬گیسوں کے اخراج میں کمی‪ ،‬ٹھوس فاضل مادے کے دوبارہ استعامل‪،‬‬ ‫قدرتی وسائل کا تحفظ‪ ،‬فلورا اور فونا اور ‪ ECO‬سسٹم مینیجمنٹ‪ LCPL ،‬کے‬ ‫موجودہ مقاصد میں شامل ہیں۔‬

‫بیسٹ کارپوریٹ اینڈ سسٹین ایبلٹی ایوارڈ‬ ‫ایمپالئرز فیڈریشن آف پاکستان نے انسانی وسائل (ہیومن ریسورسز) اور‬ ‫کام کی جگہ پر تحفظ کے فروغ کے کاروباری عزم کا اعرتاف کرنے کے لیے‬ ‫دورسے ایمپالئر آفی دی ائیر ایوارڈ ‪ 2013‬کی تقریب کا اہتامم کیا۔ یہ تقریب‬ ‫سندھ کے تجارت و صنعت کے وزیر عبد الرؤف صدیقی کے زیر سایہ‪16 ،‬‬ ‫اکتوبر ‪ 2014‬کو کراچی کے موون پک ہوٹل میں منعقد ہوئی۔‬ ‫لوٹ کیمیکل پاکستان ملیٹڈ نے اس تقریب میں تین ایوارڈ حاصل کیے‪ :‬دی‬ ‫بیسٹ انٹرپرائز فار ہیومن ریسورس ڈویلپمنٹ ایوارڈ‪ ،‬جو کہ تقریب کا اہم‬ ‫ترین اعزاز تھا‪ ،‬دی بیسٹ انٹرپرائز فار ورک پلیس انوائرینمنٹ ایوارڈ اور دی‬ ‫بیسٹ چیف ایگزیکٹو آفیرس ایوارڈ۔‬ ‫‪ LCPL‬نے گزشتہ سال بھی ‪ 75‬کمپنیوں کو شکست دیتے ہوئے یہ متام ایوارڈز‬ ‫حاصل کیے تھے جن میں ‪،KAPCO ،P&G ،Shell ،PEPSICO ،K-Electric‬‬ ‫‪ PARCO ،PPL ،Telenor ،PTCL‬اور ‪ Engro Polymer‬شامل تھیں۔‬ ‫یہ تقریب ٹیکنیکل اینڈ ووکیشنل ایجوکیشن اینڈ ٹریننگ (‪ )TVET‬ریفارم‬ ‫سپورٹ پروگرام کے تعاون سے منعقد کی گئی‪ ،‬جس میں یورپین یونین (‪،)EU‬‬ ‫سلطنت نیدرلینڈز کے سفارت خانے‪ ،‬شاہی ناروجین سفارت خانے اور وفاقی‬ ‫جمہوریہ جرمنی نے رسمایہ کاری کی ہوئی ہے اور ‪ GIZ‬کی جانب سے اس کا‬ ‫نفاذ کیا گیا ہے جس میں نیشنل ووکیشنل اینڈ ٹریننگ کمیشن (‪)NA VTTC‬‬ ‫کا قریبی تعاون بھی شامل ہے۔‬

‫‪ LCPL‬کے لیے گیارہواں ساالنہ انوائرینمنٹ‬ ‫ایکسیلنس ایوارڈ ‪2014‬‬

‫از‪ :‬شعیب اقبال‬

‫لوٹ کیمیکل پاکستان ملیٹڈ (‪ )LCPL‬نے ‪ 27‬ستمرب ‪ 2014‬کو‬ ‫نیشنل فورم فار انوائرینمنٹ اینڈ ہیلتھ (‪ )NFEH‬کی جانب سے‬

‫بیسٹ کارپوریٹ رپورٹ (‪ )BCR‬ایوارڈز کا مقصد ساالنہ کاروباری رپورٹنگ‬ ‫میں مسابقت کی حوصلہ افزائی کرنا اور اس کو رساہنا ہے۔ ‪ BCR‬ایوارڈز‪،‬‬ ‫جو سب سے پہلے ‪ 2000‬میں تشکیل اور پیش کیے گئے‪ ،‬کا مقصد بروقت‪،‬‬ ‫معلوماتی‪ ،‬حقائق پر مبنی اور‬ ‫قارئین ک��ے لیے سہل ساالنہ‬ ‫رپورٹوں کی اشاعت کے ذریعے‬ ‫کاروباری احتساب اور شفافیت کا‬ ‫فروغ ہے۔‬ ‫انسٹیٹیوٹ آف چارٹرڈ اکاؤنٹنٹس‬ ‫آف پ��اک��س��ت��ان (‪ )ICAP‬اور‬ ‫انسٹیٹیوٹ آف ک��اس��ٹ اینڈ‬ ‫مینیجمنٹ اکاؤنٹنٹس آف‬ ‫پاکستان (‪ )ICMAP‬نے مشرتکہ‬ ‫طور پر تیرہویں بیسٹ کارپوریٹ‬ ‫ای��ن��ڈ سسٹین ایبلٹی رپ��ورٹ‬ ‫(‪ )BCSR‬ای���وارڈز کی تقریب‬ ‫کا انعقاد کیا تاکہ کاروباری اور‬ ‫سسٹین ایبلٹی رپورٹنگ میں‬ ‫مسابقت کی حوصلہ افزائی کی‬ ‫جا سکے۔ یہ یقینی طور پر ایک‬ ‫قابل فخر ملحہ ہے کہ ہامری‬ ‫کمپنی نے پہلی مرتبہ کیمیائی‬ ‫شعبے میں بیسٹ کارپوریٹ رپورٹ ‪ 2013‬کے لیے “رسٹیفیکیٹ آف میرٹ”‬ ‫(چوتھی پوزیشن) ایوارڈ حاصل کیا۔‬ ‫ہر سال تقریباً ‪ 200‬کمپنیاں اس منفرد اعزاز کے لیے مقابلہ کرتی ہیں اور‬ ‫تفصیلی اور جامع تجزیے کے بعد رصف ‪ 10‬فیصد ہی منتخب ہو پاتی ہیں۔‬ ‫ساالنہ رپورٹ کمپنی کی اہم ترین معلوماتی دستاویزات میں شامل ہے اور یہ‬ ‫رسٹیفیکیٹ آف میرٹ کارباری حلقے کے لیے فخر اور اعزاز کی عالمت ہے۔‬


‫‪Life @ Lotte Chemical is a corporate newsletter intended‬‬ ‫‪for employees and partners of Lotte Chemical Pakistan‬‬

‫‪Q3 2014‬‬

‫کور سٹوری‬

‫ایوارڈ کے حصول کا سال‬

‫گزشتہ سال کے دوران‪ ،‬پاکستان کے کاروباری حلقوں نے تین مختلف اعزازات فیڈریشن آف پاکستان اور ‪ ICAP/ICMAP‬نے ‪ LCPL‬کے شفاف‪ ،‬محفوظ اور‬ ‫سے نواز کر ‪ LCPL‬کے غیر معمولی کاروباری معیارات کا اعرتاف کیا ہے۔ مسابقتی طریقہ کار کو تسلیم کیا اور ایوارڈ پیش کیے۔‬ ‫سال ‪ 2013‬میں‪ ،‬نیشنل فورم فار انوائرینمنٹ اینڈ ہیلتھ (‪ ،)NFEH‬ایمپالئرز‬

‫اگلے صفحہ پرجاری‬

‫ایوارڈ کے حصول کا سال‬


‫زیر تربیت انجینرئز کے ساتھ ناشتہ‬


‫تیرسے بالک پر ‪ S5‬رسگرمیوں کی تکمیل‬


‫ایپرنٹس شپ ڈائریکٹوریٹ ایونٹ میں‬ ‫‪ LCPL‬کی رشکت‬


‫عید ملن پارٹی ‪2014‬‬

‫اِس اِشو میں‪...‬‬


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