Common Name: Amur Leopard Scientific Name: Panthera pardus orientalis
CRITICALLY ENDANGERED Amur Leopard Distribution: Restricted Asia
The Amur Leopard differs from its African counterpart. It has much longer fur, up to 7cm in winter. It also has darker, more prominent spots. It has a creamy coloured coat that changes tone through the seasons to help it camouflage better.
Habitat: Forest
The Amur Leopard is a very strong, thickset animal. It can leap 20 feet in one jump.
Height: Approx. 1.2m
The Amur Leopard is a formidable hunter. It hunts mainly at night, seeking out Roe Deer (right), Sika Deer, Hare and Badgers.
Weight: 30kg - 50kg
The Leopard stalks its prey to a short distance and then pounces. Once killed, it drags its food away to hide it. It may eat it there and then or leave it to return to later.
Diet: Carnivorous
The Amur Leopard is now restricted to one small region between Russia, China and North Korea. It was once much more widespread. Amur Leopards are mostly solitary only coming together to breed and when a mother has young. They leave urine scent markers wherever they go so that all the other Leopards in the area know who is where. This helps to avoid conflict.