How to Create Awesome Mobile App Designs
As more and more people are browsing the internet from their smartphones, many web development companies considered designing websites that are viewable on smartphones. The next part of learning is how to create an innovative mobile app to improve the growth of business. Now a days, mobile apps are changing the way of designs. From changing the colour theory, setting type, and maintaining grids to high resolution with new retina displays (iPad3) .they are making the web super beautiful and sleek soon enough! Start designing the structure, flow, and features that will combine to complete your mobile app. But actually performing these tasks is not an easy task. There are tons of moving parts and projects management aspects to keep in mind during development. Developing a functional and enjoyable mobile application requires discipline and practicality. If you want to practice
a great mobile app interface, design principles are hugely important. Here are some tips on mobile app development and design: 1. Everything exists on a grid The invisible grid is always there on the surface to guide you without realizing it. 2. Every element defines the spacing The moment a dot, a word, a line is placed onto a canvas/monitor/screen, you have set margins and padding. Every stroke must maintain the consistent widths and heights with the margins and padding when defining its work space. Sixty pixels in one place and 20px in another had better have a good reason behind it .Otherwise, all should be the same. 3. Colour creates hierarchy The purpose of using colour in a logo is that the visitors gets to understand buttons easier. Firstly, starts from black and greyscale. If the first button is black, the second is grey, and the third is light grey. The first button is important for the visitor, second is lesser than first, and the third is least important. Red colour gives warning like, "stop, don't do it, are you sure? Warning!" being aware of this will help you get results closer aligned to your needs. 4. Logos add style but they don't make or break A brand makes the client as much as the client makes the brand. A logo is one of the important aspects, it will not alone make you a great business: but a poorly executed and thought out logo will reflect poorly on your business. Some people says that logo is timeless. By default, design is trendy,
therefore a logo cannot be timeless. 5. Define elements, then repeat them If one of the 'go' buttons is the colour purple, then all 'go' buttons should be of the same colour .If one screen has 20 px padding on all side, all screens should maintain this consistency. Because of different colour the element should be defined, as should the colours inside the app. 6. Simple tricks can be used to separate text and create hierarchy There are some stylistic choices to consider: all caps, title case, indent, contrast and underline. None are necessarily better than any other and you can use them in any place as long as you are consistent. 7. Actions require feedback, and fast Users want their phones should respond quickly, and efficiently to all their interactions. Every interaction should have feedback. Make sure that their query is being executed on. Toronto Website Design Agency : iMediadesigns is reputed mobile app development IT industry in Toronto, also offers eCommerce web design, Content Management Systems, WordPress, Magento web design and Search engine optimization.