How to Plan Your Next Mobile E-Commerce Website
Today, developers and designers are involved in creating a responsive web design for all of their projects .But creating a user friendly ecommerce website not only requires a colorful design, smooth running images and other attractive features but a definite plan to understand the every aspect of your business that are driving mobile ecommerce. As mobility is trending which means you site is most likely to access from mobile devices more than desktop or laptop computer. Build your strategy to meet the growing demand. First, while planning your next ecommerce website .ask these questions to yourself:  Who is it for?  How will we measure conversion success?
What factors can affect mobile e-commerce conversion rates? What is the ideal product page?
1. Who’re We Building This Mobile Website For? For a mobile e-commerce store, we need to put ourselves in the mindset of the mobile customer and understand their intentions and mood which is depend on different factors: Phone usage locations Types of mobile users 2. How Will We Measure Conversion Success? Whether user has completed a purchase transaction Social promotion – following your social channel, write a review or subscribe to newsletter When visitor has completed some task We need to set some goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound to measure the success of any project. Increase the conversion rate by 35% Reduce bounce rate to below 56% Increase the average order on mobile by £5 Segmented sales report to give an average daily order value.
Improve upselling and cross-selling Recommend complementary products in the shopping cart. Creating a responsive ecommerce store Improve the landing page design. Analyze the number of pages visited by each user within a set time period in Google Analytics. Continually improve your mobile friendly website design through testing and iteration. 3. What Design Factors Affect Mobile E-Commerce Conversion Rates?
Let s examine some factors that affect how customers browse an ecommerce website, H I E R A R CH Y A N D N A VI G A T I ON Space is at a premium on mobile we need to prioritize the content and features that the customer is interested in. providing a search box accessible in a consistent location T R A D IN G U S A B IL IT Y A N D L OA D IN G T IM E For a mobile ecommerce website, a fixed menu at the top would offer the best usability as to give a look and feel of the company’s heritage and reputation I M A G E R Y A N D PRO D U CT PH OT OG R A PH Y A user wants to see the photography that entertain them and inspires them to make a make sure that you use all those images that customer requires to make a decision T Y P OG R A PH Y Make sure your typography is readable, contrastive, responsive and wellspaced Some other important areas are make your design F IN G E R F R IE N D LY C ON T R A S T I VE COL OR A N D LI G H T CO N D IT I ON S , WH I T E S PA CE A N D E N CA PS U LA T I ON F OR M S THE IDEAL PRODUCT PAGE etc.
Conclusion Planning your ecommerce website this way can help you to achieve your business goals .Your plan must encompasses business management, design, development and marketing tasks. Create a process that you can adopt to each of your web development project. At last deliver an e-commerce website that is well optimized for mobile or that coverts more visitors into buyers.