1. General Learning Outcomes for the end of Basic Education By the end of Basic Education learners will be able to: Use the English Language in a variety of situations and for different purposes (Applications) Use the English language effectively and competently (Language Competence) Use strategies to maximise their learning of the target language and communication (Strategies) Apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to be effective global citizens (Global Citizenship) In the area of Applications learners will have: Developed a range of study skills and strategies which assist learning Developed techniques to maintain interpersonal relationships Developed skills to express a personal standpoint Developed skills to extend their knowledge of the world Developed skills to receive and provide information In the area of Language Competence learners will have: Acquired a satisfactory, sound knowledge of English structures, expressions and vocabulary and be able to use these to communicate about daily needs, familiar topics and areas of interest Acquired satisfactory, all round competence in all four language skills and be able to communicate and comprehend information, opinions and feelings about daily needs, familiar topics and areas of interest Developed an initial understanding and appreciation of the differences between Arabic and English languages and cultures and subsequently developed an understanding and appreciation of the value and role of their own language and culture Developed an initial understanding and appreciation of a limited range of contemporary and classic English language Literature In the area of Strategies learners will have: Acquired basic ICT skills which enable them to access the Internet and benefit from on-line materials and resources Developed a basic understanding of the significance of English for the purposes of international communications, business and trade Developed basic strategies that enable them to enhance their ability to communicate in the target language Developed basic learning strategies that enable them to further enhance their learning experience In the area of Global Citizenship learners will have: Developed confidence in using the target language to interact and work with others effectively Developed an understanding and appreciation of their roles as global citizens Developed an understanding of basic human needs and rights and of their responsibilities as Global Citizens Developed an understanding of historical and present day disagreements Acquired the knowledge, skills and attitude to be effective citizens
9 Years of English in Basic Education Syllabus for Basic Education, Bahrain
Specific Learning Outcomes
The Specific Learning Outcomes are a detailed realisation of the General Learning Outcomes at each grade and will enable stakeholders to monitor progress of learning, to plan and write materials and to plan assessment. Any programme which is derived from this syllabus will need to build in regular recycling.
Cycle 1
By the end of cycle 1 learners will be able to operate at a basic level with reference to the following areas of the syllabus: Applications Information Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade 1
Grade 3
Grade 2
Grade 1
Describe location Share information on familiar classroom topics Share basic information (ask and answer) Describe classroom objects Identify and name people and objects Express basic information, such as name and age
Language Competence Listening Understand and extract the general idea from very short recorded passages dealing with familiar topics when they are delivered slowly and clearly
Understand and extract specific information from very short recorded passages dealing with familiar topics when they are delivered slowly and clearly Understand short, simple classroom instructions and directions (TPR) Understand very simple, short, repetitive stories Understand and follow very simple classroom instructions Identify the sounds of English as distinct from those of Arabic
Speaking Interact at a very basic level in structured situations and short formulaic conversations, for example to request clarification and repetition or to make simple classroom requests Employ pronunciation at a basic level of accuracy Respond with short or one word answers to questions about themselves, their daily needs and familiar topics Tell simple stories using isolated words and phrases Use very limited classroom language
Reading Understand words and very short phrases when there is clear visual support Read from left to right
Writing Write very short, simple, formulaic, sentence-level texts on familiar topics Use full stops and capital letters appropriately Employ basic IT skills Check spelling of common words
Understand sight words Use a picture dictionary
Label pictures Form the letters of the alphabet and write from left to right
Use isolated words and phrases to communicate daily needs Produce the sounds of English as distinct from those of Arabic
Recognise the letters of the alphabet as distinct from those of Arabic
Strategies Note: Learners at this level will need specific guidance from teachers to employ and understand the usefulness of these strategies.
Cognitive: Social / affective Grade 3 Make use of a picture dictionary to check spelling Begin to use language creatively Grade 2 Memorize phrases from songs and stories Make simple choices about activities and tasks Grade 1 Pay attention, for example when listening to a story Imitate words and simple phrases from songs and stories
Express a personal response to a variety of situations Express and ask questions about likes and dislikes Identify favourite people, pictures or events in a story Identify the emotions of characters in a story Respond to a topic, story, song or visual stimulus Express a personal response to a topic, story, song or visual stimulus
Participate in group reading activities Reflect on learning experiences Listen to classmates Ask a friend for help Interact with classmates Work in pairs / small groups
Global Citizenship
Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade 1
Concept of Citizenship: human context, belonging, loyalty, unity, developing and maintaining friendships, respecting differences between people Life Skills for Citizenship: participation, co-operation, taking responsibilities at home and at school, recognise bullying and how to deal with it Concept of Citizenship: belonging, loyalty, taking responsibility for other living things, recognising and dealing with feelings of anger, understanding the relationship within the family Life Skills for Citizenship: participation, co-operation; making choices and understanding the differences between right and wrong choices, making a contribution to the environment Concept of Citizenship: belonging; developing awareness of the needs and feelings of others, recognising feelings such as bravery, disappointment, fear, worry Life Skills for Citizenship: participation, understanding how to deal with feelings in a positive way, recognising what is fair and unfair
Cycle 2 By the end of cycle 2 learners will be able to operate at a good basic level with reference to the following areas of the syllabus: Applications Information Grade 6 Grade 5 Grade 4
Share detailed information on a specific topic Provide and make use of dictionary definitions Compare objects, people and places Share information about events in the past or future Describe people and places Describe a sequence of events in a story
Express degrees of probability and certainty Express satisfaction and dissatisfaction Express agreement and disagreement Express interest or lack of interest Record and share thoughts and feelings, for example in self-assessment tasks
Language Competence Listening Speaking Grade 6
Identify the topic of a discussion when it is articulated slowly and clearly Understand (and respond to) questions about themselves, their daily needs and familiar topics
Grade 5
Understand and extract the general idea and / or specific information from short recorded passages dealing with familiar topics when they are delivered slowly and clearly
Grade 4
Understand (and respond to) formulaic questions about themselves, their daily needs and familiar topics Understand and follow simple directions for example to find a place on a map
Talk about themselves, their daily needs and familiar topics in both rehearsed and spontaneous conditions Respond to questions about themselves, their daily needs and familiar topics Use a range of classroom language Employ pronunciation at a reasonable level of accuracy Interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations and manage routine exchanges
Understand and identify specific information in a basic range of text types such as instructions, menus, lists, personal letters, recipes, poems, emails, postcards, timetables, advertisements, articles, brochures, stories Use a dictionary / the internet for reference Employ, when guided, the skills of skimming and scanning appropriately to facilitate understanding of a text Understand high frequency / international signs and notices
Talk about themselves, their daily needs and familiar topics using isolated phrases and simple formulaic expressions Request clarification and repetition Tell simple stories
Understand very short, simple texts with visual support on familiar topics such as instructions, poems, postcards, stories
Reading Writing Write simple phrases and linked sentences about familiar topics and manage a limited variety of text types such as personal letters, projects, lists, emails, cards, messages, descriptions Write legibly in cursive script and use accurate punctuation and spelling Write simple phrases and sentences about familiar topics and manage a limited variety of texts types such as postcards, cards, descriptions, stories Employ the basic techniques of process writing when working on texts such as projects or stories Write simple isolated phrases and sentences and manage a limited variety of texts types such as postcards, cards, descriptions, stories on familiar topics
Syllabus for Basic Education, Bahrain
Learners at this level will need some guidance from teachers to employ and understand the usefulness of these strategies. Metacognitive
Grade 6
Find information using reference materials and technical aids
Grade 5
Associate new words with those previously learned, for example word building
Grade 4
Classify language into groups, for example lexical sets Plan ahead how to approach a simple learning task
Social / affective Plan and work through tasks with other learners Provide supportive feedback to others, for example peer correction Participate actively in lively and more focused learning activities Show a willingness to take risks and try different tasks and activities Work independently Work effectively in pairs and groups
Evaluate their learning or those of others (self/ peer- assessment) Reflect with others on the listening, reading, writing process, for example when editing a written text (process writing) Talk about their work with others
Global Citizenship Grade 6
Grade 5
Grade 4
Concept of Citizenship: human context, belonging, loyalty, unity, independence, education Life Skills for Citizenship: participation, co-operation, critical thinking Preserving Heritage: positive traditions and values Duties: conserving and developing resources, saving the environment Concept of Citizenship: human context, belonging, loyalty, unity, independence Life Skills for Citizenship: participation, co-operation, critical thinking Preserving Heritage: positive traditions and values Duties: conserving and developing resources Concept of Citizenship: human context, belonging, loyalty, unity Life Skills for Citizenship: participation, co-operation Preserving Heritage: positive traditions and values Duties: conserving resources
Cycle 3 By the end of cycle 3 learners will be able to operate at a satisfactory level with reference to the following areas of the syllabus: Applications Information
Grade 9
Opinions Discuss factual information and identify where there is bias or implied meaning
Grade 8
Explain, sequence and summarise factual information for a variety of audiences
Grade 7
Ask and answer questions about a variety of texts listened to or read
Exchange and compare opinions and preferences on a variety of topics in a variety of situations Analyse and discuss emotions and feelings Express and substantiate opinions in formal and less formal situations (register and style) Express strong emotions Express and substantiate opinions on a variety of topics Express and explain preferences
Language Competence Listening Grade 9
Grade 8
Understand (and respond to) unrehearsed questions about themselves, their daily needs and areas of interest Identify the topic and main points of a discussion when it is articulated in standard speech Understand a limited range of accents Understand and extract the general idea and specific information from recorded passages dealing with less familiar topics when they
Talk at some length about themselves, their daily needs and areas of interest in both rehearsed and spontaneous conditions Employ pronunciation at a good level of accuracy
Employ independently the skills of skimming and scanning appropriately to facilitate understanding of a text Understand both stated and implied meaning and lines of argument in texts related to personal interest
Speaking Reading Writing Write a variety of texts types such as informal and formal letters, emails, reviews and home pages and show an awareness of audience, style and register Employ the techniques of process writing when working on texts such as projects, stories or reports
Interact with reasonable ease in less structured situations and conversations Sequence ideas for an audience, for example by
Understand the main idea and related points in a range of longer texts Use an English English dictionary / encyclopaedia
Sequence ideas for an audience, for example by summarising the plot of a book or film Write fluently and use
Grade 7
are delivered in standard speech
relating the plot of a book or by describing real or imagined events
/ the internet for reference
accurate punctuation and spelling
Understand the main points in simple messages and announcements Understand and follow directions and instructions
Respond to unrehearsed questions about themselves, their daily needs and areas of interest Request clarification and repetition Use a wide range of classroom language
Understand and identify specific information in a range of longer texts Understand text in both cursive and manuscript
Write short linked texts on topics of personal interest, both factual and creative
Syllabus for Basic Education, Bahrain
Strategies Learners at this level will still need guidance from teachers to employ and understand the usefulness of these strategies. Cognitive Social / affective Grade 9
Reflect on and generate generalisations for language use
Grade 8
Make comparisons between English and Arabic Make use of an English / English dictionary Make use of graphic representations such as mind maps
Grade 7
Show an awareness of the achievements of self and others, for example not being over critical Show support and tolerance for other learners’ learning styles Respond to feedback from teacher and peers Collaborate with other learners on longer tasks, such as projects and process writing tasks
Metacognitive Reflect on own learning style and identify specific learning needs Monitor own speech and writing for persistent errors Make use of a variety of strategies for coping with new or unknown words in texts
Global Citizenship Grade 9
Grade 8
Grade 7
Defining Citizenship: effective citizenship, belonging Life Skills for Citizenship: communication, participation, co-operation, critical thinking, ability to negotiate, debating, tolerance, taking wise decisions Preserving and Maintaining National Heritage: positive traditions and values, art, folklore Global citizenship: Bahrain and the world Basic Constituent for a Society: family, social societies, voluntary work Rights: economical and social rights Duties: taking responsibilities, offering services to others, preserving and developing resources, preserving public and private properties, respecting the law and others’ freedoms Defining Citizenship: effective citizenship, belonging Life Skills for Citizenship: communication, participation, co-operation, critical thinking, tolerance, taking wise decisions Preserving and Maintaining National Heritage: positive traditions and values, art, folklore Global citizenship: Bahrain and the world Basic Constituent for a Society: family, social societies, voluntary work Rights: economical and social rights Duties: taking responsibilities, offering services to others, preserving and developing resources, preserving public and private properties Defining Citizenship: effective citizenship, belonging Life Skills for Citizenship: communication, participation, co-operation, critical thinking, tolerance Preserving and Maintaining National Heritage: positive traditions and values, art Global citizenship: Bahrain and the world Basic Constituent for a Society: family, social societies Duties: taking responsibilities, offering services to others, preserving and developing resources