fame soundtrack 2009

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Everyone wants to know How To Get Fame, and there's never going to be a simple answer because there isn't one. Getting Fame is extremely hard to do if you don't understand the science of getting fame (like I do) and have a strategic plan to penetrate yourself into the elite world of fame. I'm an actor-director with a very popular film on YouTube. I'm shooting a feature film right now. I've co-starred in a TV pilot and I was on a showtime series and it's still taken me years to get fame, that is, until I figured out the secrets used by YouTubers to get thousands of subscribers, and actors featured in magazines. The fact this... You will never get real respected fame until someone writes about you. I'm not talking about a blog either, unless it's Perez Hitlon or some other huge celebrity blog. Blogs are where you start the fame game, not what makes you famous. People mentioned on a blog are not famous. People with 300 YouTube subscribers are not famous. People with 2,000 Facebook fans are not famous. To start to get fame, REAL FAME, you have to achieve ONE of the bullet points below. Be written about in a newspaper or magazine. Be interviewed on radio station (not internet radio). Be seen on television. Be seen in a movie screen in a speaking role.

So now you're thinking, "That's great Mike, but I'm not an actor and nobody wants to write about me because I'm not famous!" Stars are born, not made. Remember that. Listen, I'm going to share a little bit of mastery of fame with you to get you started. This is just the basics, but it works every time. First things first... You have to start out with blogs to get fame. I know this contradicts what I wrote above, but Blogs are the BEST place to start to get fame. Being written about in blogs gives you credibility with newspaper, magazine editors, and radio stations. But don't worry about how to get fame in those things you now. I can show you how to do that later, but for now concentrate on blogs because that is where fame starts. Trust me. =) How To Get Fame: Write up a short email introducing yourself to bloggers. Be HONEST. Ask them if they would like to do an interview with you. Don't BEG and don't sound desperate. Keep it short. You must remember that bloggers do not care about your service or product. They care about YOUR

STORY. Don't try and sell your product or service to them and how great it is. They don't care. Sell YOU. How did you get started? Is it a unique story? Keep it short. Keep it interesting. Give them a link to where they can get more information on your product or service. Make sure their blog is related to your subject. Make sure to read the bloggers bio on their blog and if you have anything in common with them mention it in your email (ie "Hey, I see that you like Batman. I'm a huge fan too.) Mention their most recent blog post and compliment it. Show that you spend time on their blog and that you're a fan of it. Subscribe to the bloggers email list. If they look your email up to see if you're on their list and your not, you might lose the interview. Don't take the chance. Post on their blog for a few days before you email them and continue to do so if they write about you. They are helping you get fame! Never forget it. Always remember the bloggers that launched you to fame, and ME for showing you the first step! haha. Use Technorati to find blogs in your subject and don't bother with blogs with over 500 Authority. They will be too hard to get interviewed on. The lower the authority the easier to get interviewed. You can use interviews on low authority blogs as leveage to get interviewed on higher authority blogs later, but you're better off going after newspapers and magazines because that's where you get the real fame. Here's the link to Technorati: http://technorati.com/blogs/directory/ Try and get interviewed on at least 3 - 5 blogs before you attempt getting written about in a newspaper or magazine, but you should wait to learn how to do that from me or you might mess it up. There's no second chance with publication editors.

Okay, so that's just one of my step-by-step methods on how to get fame fast. I hope you put it to good use. I know a lot of tactics on how to get fame so if you're interested in learning more more awesome free info visit my blog: http://HowToBeFamousFast.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_O'Dea

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