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Whether we describe the healing arts as psychical or spiritual, all healing through prayers, meditation, visualization, channeling, etc... fall into the category of spiritual healing. Spiritual healings are a special case of communication between a healer and their subject. The way this works is that the healer visualizes the healing for the subject and the subject then accepts the energy and imagery sent to them by the healer. The subject may then respond by healing themselves. The healer provides only two things, energy and imagery, the rest of the healing work is done by the subject themselves. However, spiritual healing will only work if the subject's best interests are served by being healed. If the subject has reservations about being healed or doubts regarding the practice of spiritual healing then there may be only limited success, or the healing may appear to have entirely failed. Some healings may begin early in a subject's life and may not manifest any noticeable results until much later depending on circumstances. The subject may need to acquire the spiritual discipline to learn how to accept the influence of the healer or the subject may have a life lesson tied to their problem which has priority over their apparent wellbeing. Either of these circumstances may delay or disguise the initial result or benefit of a healing. It can be difficult for a subject to overcome their doubts or reservations about spiritual healing. While our world is full of examples of spiritual healing and testimonials, there are also charlatans about who spoil the art for profit. One keystone of any true spiritual healing is you never have to pay for it. The true spiritual healer reaps their reward through the act of healing. If after a subject is healed they choose to offer the healer some additional reward, then that is between the subject and the healer and the healer may accept or refuse whatever is offered. Aside from a general doubt or skepticism based on a fear of deception a subject may have reservations based on their religious upbringing or beliefs about the nature of reality. Some religions frown on some types of spiritual healing, perhaps because of competition or mistrust of the source of the healing power. If they cannot clearly attribute that power to god then they may proscribe it, and such a proscription will make it difficult for some subjects to accept a spiritual healing. A subject's belief systems must allow for the possibility of being spiritually healed for a healing to be effective for them. If there is some conflict of beliefs the subject will have to study the issue until they can resolve any doubt or skepticism and accept the reality of spiritual healing as part of their world view.
A subject who is genuinely open minded, with an open heart who is ready to heal has very good prospects of successfully being healed after finding a spiritual healing practitioner. One of the wonders of the internet is that you can meet some pretty amazing people who may not advertise their spiritual healing abilities but who may just send a subject the energy they need with no strings attached. Often their may be some dialogue between a subject and a healer the subject has found on the internet whereby it is acknowledged that the healer will send them their energy, and typically there are still no strings attached. A healer who tries to exact a price for healing often puts themselves in a poor situation where they may do themselves more harm than good. Genuine psychic or spiritual healers understand this principle and have faith that their rewards will come without having to ask their subjects for anything. Distance healing or remote healing works because there is really no distance involved at all; this is because a spiritual healing occurs between two spirits who communicate outside of space-time and can therefore communicate to one another regardless of their incarnate place or time. Any distance perceived between the healer and the subject is irrelevant in the context of the connection that is made between their eternal spirits. One of the great boons of the internet is that we can now know specifically when someone anywhere in the world can benefit by our attention, devotion and care. It can be hard to make a specific healing connection with someone when we have no 'spiritual address' to channel our healing, love and nurture through, but our messages to one another are enough to initialize such a connection. Our own words are far better at creating a connection for spiritual healing than a word of mouth relay. By reading one another's words we have a direct window into each other's minds and souls. Perhaps it's not as good as speaking on the phone or face to face, but in one way it is better. When we write we have the time to edit and make clear choices about the words we use to express ourselves to our best advantage. So I think the internet is going to go a long way to helping anyone who cares or who requires care to come together and heal. Many spiritual healing traditions say that we must ask the subject whether they may want to be healed and get their permission to heal them. However, this simply is not true. The asking and permission do take place, but they are handed on the spiritual level and we need not be concerned about any formal asking or permission in regard to the incarnate form of the subject. The reason we do not need to ask permission is that it is the nature of healing and all spiritual work that no harm is ever done. If harm is perceived there is a misunderstanding somewhere, we are incapable of harming one another when we act from a spiritually centered place. Any actions from a place in which we are not spiritually centered will be of no consequence because our spirits naturally adjust and compensate for whatever energy or imagery we may send or receive, such that we always give or receive what is needed. If we find any fault in the result of a healing we may simply have failed to understand the process or results.
Because a spiritual healing can never do any harm, it is never required to 'ask permission' to heal someone. Some healing traditions imagine that energy sent to a subject who has not agreed to be healed may be 'lost'. But this is just not possible. The energy is never lost if it is not accepted, for it will always be accepted on the soul level even if the subject appears to refuse it on another level. It may not always result in the desired effect for the individual being healed, but that is because it is processed and reformed by the subject's spirit to best fit whatever their incarnation requires at the moment. Often a remote healing will work when the subject is entirely unaware that someone is trying to help them. My first experience with remote healing came when I was a teenager. I was assisted by some friends who were experimenting with remote healing. I had no idea what had transpired until much later. At that time I was a passenger in a car and I was having an intense asthma attack. Suddenly this amazing energy washed over me and my asthma attack abruptly ended. Good thing too, it was a terribly inconvenient time to visit a doctor for help! When I next saw my friends they told me they had been experimenting with 'orgone' energy and remote healing and had thought of me and then channeled their energy to me because they felt I might be in distress. What a wonder! But then, I had some pretty good friends in those days and we did a lot of experimenting with spiritual and psychic phenomena. Whether you are currently in need of help or have the capacity to offer your aide to others, remote healing really works and it is rapidly becoming a more commonplace practice thanks to the internet. Like the 'hands on' approaches to healing, remote healing may address many kinds of spiritual ailments. While it is often inadvisable to use spiritual healing for a medical condition without first receiving an informed medical opinion and following your doctor's advice, many people have reported successful healing from all manners of physical ailments. According to the vast majority of spiritual healing traditions spiritual healing works by dealing with those issues in a subject's heart or mind which have caused their distress in the first place. But where spiritual healing truly excels is in helping us to become better aligned or attuned to our own souls so that we may clearly hear the messages from our heart and act on them without hesitation or resistance. When our hearts are fully open everything becomes possible to us. Our open hearts are the means by which we heal both ourselves and the world we live in.
BIO: Fledgling author Greg Gourdian has worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. Much of his written work is channeled, although he will admit that he has no idea who many of the sources for his channeled work may be. He has many strange tales to tell regarding his spiritual journey and he attempts to tell his tales in a humorous or entertaining manner. While not an accredited teacher, Greg has taught classes in psychology, sociology, metaphysics and parapsychology. Visit Greg's blog at http://tangledintime.blogspot.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Greg_Gourdian
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