Design 2 Spring 2020 Portfolio

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Micailah Cialella

Design II: Spring 2020 Andrew Hart Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Table of Contents Design II


Project 1: Case Study......................................

Project 2: Mondo..........................................

Project 3: Visitors Center................................


Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 1: Case Study Project Description

Project 1: Case Study

Ball-Eastaway House, Glenn Murcutt, 1982

Glenn Murcutt “Australia’s Most Famous Architect”

The purpose of this project was to research and put together a case study of the Ball-Eastaway House by Glenn Murcutt. Scans of photographs and drawings were collected and put into a slideshow for presentation. Then, the drawings found were used to recreate to scale draftings of the house. These drawings were then utilized to build a scale wooden model of the Ball-Eastaway House.

•Born in London, England - 1936 •Moved to Sydney, Australia - 1941 •Graduated USW with an architecture degree 1961 •Established his own practice in Sydney - 1969 •Won Alvar Aalto Medal - 1992 •Won Pritzker Architecture Prize - 2002 •Won AIA gold medal - 2009

Located in a eucalyptus forest somehwere in Glenorie, Australia. Designed to be a studio home for two artists 3 sunroofs and 2 porches Stands above ground on 14 stilts Curved roof and gutter system catches rainwater for reuse Coated in galvanized steel sheeting and equipped with external sprinklers Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 1: Case Study Exterior Photos

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 1: Case Study Interior Photos

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 1: Case Study Drawings

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 1: Case Study Model

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 2: Mondo Project Description

After completing a case study of the Ball-Eastaway House, choose three words and make them into one phrase that best describes the key aspects embodied within the house. Those three words were then used to create a hybrid perspective, two-dimensional art piece and a three-dimensional model all of which are meant to evolk that one phrase/the three words.

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

My three words: Shadow, Sunlight and Sturcture. My phrase: “Light touches the world”

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 2: Mondo Perspective Drawings

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 2: Mondo

Final Hybrid Perspective

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 2: Mondo

Two-Dimensional Study Models

Project 2: Mondo

Two-Dimensional Mondo

Paintings Paper Models Collages

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 2: Mondo

Three-Dimensional Mondo

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 2: Mondo

Three-Dimensional Mondo VIDEO

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 3: Visitors Center Project Description

Project 3: Visitors Center

Experience: drawings and models

Consider the case study house, it’s site, location and design a visitors center for people who want to visit the house. Design the experience the visitors will have when they visit, before the shape itself. Consider the length of time they will be staying there. Relate back to the concept chosen for the mondo: “light touches the world.”

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 3: Visitors Center Diagrams

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 3: Visitors Center Experimental Sections

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 3: Visitors Center Plan and Site Plan

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 3: Visitors Center Model

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 3: Visitors Center Experience Hybrid

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 3: Visitors Center Elevation and Section

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 3: Visitors Center Final Plan

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 3: Visitors Center Site Plan

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 3: Visitors Center Site Plan

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 3: Visitors Center Diagrams

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Project 3: Visitors Center Final

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

Micailah Cialella

Andrew Hart

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