Dog Diet – The Right Food For Your Dog
The Role Of Calcium In Your Dog's Diet Just like humans, dog's too need calcium in their diet, but what correct amount of calcium should a pet owner give? is there any danger in giving excess calcium? find out below.
It is every pet owners dream to have a healthy pet. For that to be realizable, you should ensure that your pet's diet is fully loaded with all vital nutrients to guarantee a good health. Calcium is one example of these essential nutrients that must be present in a good and well balanced dog diet. Most of us think of calcium in terms of strong bones and teeth, which is very true because calcium has to be present in your dog's diet for it to develop strong and healthy bones and teeth.
So what difference does too little or too much calcium levels make in your dog's diet make? Remember that too little level of calcium in your dog's diet is the major cause of a condition called rickets in pets. Rickets is any pet owner's nightmare, because it causes your pets bones to be soft and easily bendable under your dog's weight. Who likes to see that happen to their dear furred friends? Put you hands up.
Contrary to the above condition, excessive levels of calcium in your pets diet could easily result to abnormalities of the bone. This has been witnessed in large dog breeds. Puppies of such breeds tend to develop low density large bones which lack strength due to the high presence of calcium.
Proper levels of calcium in a dog's diet prevent such abnormalities from occurring. This is one of the many important reasons for selecting proper well balanced diets for your dog. Consult with a dog's nutritional specialist In order to properly establish the correct amount of calcium to be included in your pets diet.
Calcium is a very important mineral in your dog's diet. Calcium belongs to the interdependent class of mineral nutrients that work together with other nutrients and vitamins.
Calcium works well with phosphorus. A proper balance of the two mineral nutrients, calcium together with phosphorus should be present in a proper ratio to guarantee a dog diet that will
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