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Welcome to ... ... The Property Investor Show | April 2023
from The Property Investor Show
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The Property Investor Show is organised by:
Property Investor Media Ltd
Nick Clark - Managing Director
Kelly O’Sullivan - Operations Director
Mike Doyle - Marketing Director
Rob Stross - Business Development Consultant
Emily Roche - Operations Co-ordinator
Bracket Media
Media Planning & Buying
EG Media
Direct Marketing / New Media
Tony Man Creative Design
BGL Communications
Registration: RegBox
Show Guide Produced by: Ross Bowser via Property Investor NewsTM
Printed by Manson Group for: Property Investor Media Ltd 13 Penrhyn Road
T: +44 (0) 20 8877 0610
E: enquiries@propertyinvestor.co.uk
W: www.propertyinvestor.co.uk
A warm welcome to the spring 2023 edition of The Property Investor Show - a renewal that marks a significant a milestone as we celebrate our ‘coming of age’ … yes 21 years of presenting the show here at ExCeL London. So, time to get nostalgic.

Though our first show doesn’t seem that long ago - certainly not to the more senior members of our team - it is interesting to reflect on some of the things that form part of today’s landscape that didn’t exist back in the spring of 2002 when our doors first opened. A few examples:
• Facebook - launched 2004
• Amazon Prime - launched 2005
• Twitter - launched 2006
• The first real smartphone - launched 2007
• Tablet devices - launched 2010
Moving away from technology to other events that stick in the mind:
• Strictly Come Dancing - first broadcast 2004
• The sub-prime driven financial crashhit in 2007-08
• the ‘Arab Spring’ uprisings - emerged in 2010-11
• Line of Duty - first broadcast 2012
• Covid
The cover price of the Evening Standard was 50p (and remained so until becoming a free title in 2009) while most of us were still using internet dial-up connections, complete with strange squeaky sound, as broadband wasn’t quite fit for purpose.
Older visitors readers may remember that when you called a company someone usually answered the telephone. Ah… the good old days!
Though tastes may have evolved, some things - including the inability of the England football team to win a major tournamentremain largely unchanged. The appetite for and confidence in ‘property’ as a secure investment vehicle remains undimmed. We will observe the evidence once again this weekend as thousands of visitors fill the hall and seminar theatres. As one veteran speaker remarked to his audience at our October 2021 edition “the internet is great, but real social media requires face-to-face communication”. Wise words.
Regular visitors will note that the show is effectively back to its pre-covid size. Given the current worldwide cost-ofliving crisis and pressure on the UK entry VISA system, it is particularly pleasing to see so many clients - especially our international clients - back in London. This weekend we welcome another group of new arrivals plus several who debuted last year.
And finally. Though we are reluctant to single out any exhibitor, it would be wrong not to give a special mention to Property Investor News Magazine and property investors network - both of whom celebrate 20 years of participation this year. Their respective foundersRichard Bowser and Simon Zutshi - will as usual be speaking at the event and we thank both of them and their teams for their long-term support and loyalty.
May I wish all visitors, exhibitors and speakers two enjoyable and productive days.
Nick Clark, Managing Director, Property Investor Media