Clil electricity

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ISTITUTO OMNICOMPRENSIVO “ B. VINCI ” NICOTERA I.T.I.S. – II BIENNIO ANNO SCOLASTICO 2015/2016 INDIRIZZO ELETTRONICA ED ELETTROTECNICA CLASSE 4^ SEZIONE B 1. STRUTTURA Modulo CLIL. Programmazione generale Titolo del modulo in lingua: ELECTRICITY Discipline coinvolte: TPSEE, Lingua inglese. Docenti: Prof. Lo Gatto Gianluca (TPSEE)- Prof.ssa De Vita Angela (Lingua inglese) Tipo di scuola e classe: ITIS, 4º anno Indirizzo: Elettronica ed Elettrotecnica Lingua e livello: Lingua Inglese, A2 pre-intermediate Durata: 20ore Calendario: Dicembre- Gennaio 2. CONTENUTI Contenuti disciplinari Dimensionamento dei cavi: Generalità. Tabelle. Criteri. Cavi e criteri di scelta. Designazione dei cavi Progetto dell’impianto elettrico di una unità abitativa -Impianto elettrico per camera da letto singola -Impianto elettrico per camera matrimoniale -Impianto elettrico per corridoio -Impianto elettrico per cucina -Impianto elettrico per bagno Contenuti linguistci -Periodo ipotetico di primo e secondo tipo. - Past tense - Future -Will

3. PRE-REQUISITI Pre-requisiti disciplinari - Gestire progetti. - avere una sufficiente conoscenza dei processi produttivi del settore di riferimento - saper redigere relazioni tecniche e documentare le attività individuali e di gruppo relative a situazioni professionali. Pre-requisiti linguistici - conoscere i meccanismi di funzionamento della lingua inglese ad un livello intermedio; - essere in grado di leggere ed interpretare, in modo sufficientemente autonomo, testi tecnici. - essere in grado di capire i punti chiave di un testo, anche con l’aiuto del dizionario; - essere in grado di prendere appunti; - essere in grado di interagire con una certa scioltezza; - saper esporre oralmente in modo sintetico, semplice ma efficace, testi tecnici. 3. OBIETTIVI Obiettivi cognitivi generali - Essere in grado di usare in modo ricettivo e produttivo la lingua straniera in contesti tecnici. - Potenziare il lessico utilizzato nelle due lingue per trattare i diversi contenuti oggetto del modulo. - Avvicinare lo studente al mondo della tecnologia in lingua inglese. - Potenziare le strategie d’apprendimento individuali - Diversificare metodi e forme della prassi didattica. - Favorire la motivazione all’apprendimento. Obiettivi disciplinari - Conoscere le normative tecniche di base per l’esecuzione di disegni tecnici di pezzi meccanici mediamente complessi. - Saper lavorare applicando tutte le nozioni apprese per l’esecuzione di disegni tecnici mediamente complessi.

Obiettivi linguistici -Migliorare le competenze linguistiche in Inglese, sviluppando le abilità comunicative. -Saper passare da un registro linguistico a un altro. -Effettuare relazioni orali e/o scritte di un’esperienza in Inglese. -Riassumere testi scritti

4. MODALITÀ DI LAVORO Tipologia di attività


Lezione frontale Lezione partecipata Listening activity Ricerca e consultazione di documenti Lezione pratico-dimostrativa in laboratorio

Materiali utilizzati Testi, dispense, internet, appunti digitali, software dedicato. Laboratorio. 5. VALUTAZIONE Criteri di valutazione Sarà valutato essenzialmente il raggiungimento degli obiettivi prefissati in termini di conoscenze e competenze e in particolare: - conoscenza generale dei contenuti trattati; - capacità di utilizzare la L2 nelle 4 abilità linguistiche con correttezza morfosintattica per veicolare i contenuti trattati; - livello raggiunte nelle abilità cognitive; - livello di autonomia e originalità nella produzione.

Modalità di valutazione -La valutazione verrà effettuata in itinere, anche attraverso l’autovalutazione che gli studenti faranno del proprio operato in base ai punteggi ottenuti nei test. -Gli studenti saranno messi a conoscenza della valutazione -Saranno attribuite votazioni numeriche alla fine del percorso. Strumenti di verifica: -Prova orale: interrogazioni in aula alla lavagna ed in laboratorio al computer. -Prova scritta: compiti in classe di tipologia diversa quali prove strutturate a risposta multipla chiusa, a risposta aperta, esercizi. Al termine del percorso gli studenti svolgeranno un test di verifica atto a verificare le competenze linguistiche (in Inglese) e concettuali (TPSEE) sull’argomento. Particolare risalto verrà dato all’acquisizione della terminologia specifica. 6. FASI DI LAVORO E ATTIVITA' PROPOSTE 1^Fase: (1 ora) scelta e preparazione materiale (TPSEE - Lingua Inglese) 2^Fase: (2 ore) motivazione e introduzione. (Brainstorming: before listening/reading). Durante le ore di co-presenza gli studenti divisi in piccoli gruppi preparano una word map dei vocaboli inerenti l’argomento in italiano e in inglese (TPSEE - Lingua Inglese)

3^Fase: (5 ore) Listening activity di alcune unità del modulo e sottolineatura dei termini sconosciuti. Dopo l’attività di ascolto e lettura, gli studenti confronteranno la lista di vocaboli preparata precedentemente con le parole sottolineate nei brani. Aggiungere vocaboli alla lista originaria. Attività di potenziamento: matching activities, cloze test, multiple choices - (Inglese). 4^Fase: (5 ore) Schede sintetiche, esercizi ed esercitazione in laboratorio - Uso dei termini tecnici in inglese. Esecuzione di progettazione di particolari sistemi in laboratorio. Stesura di relazione tecniche sui lavori progettati. Esecuzione di cicli di lavorazione (TPSEE - Lingua Inglese 5^Fase: (5 ore) Verifica orale - 4 ore TPSEE - Lingua Inglese) 6^Fase: (2 ore) Verifica scritta - 2ore (TPSEE - Lingua Inglese)

I Docenti: Prof. Gianluca Lo Gatto (TPSEE), prof.ssa Angela De Vita (Inglese)

Science in Schools – lesson plan Electricity and lightning workshop: aircraft design Topic: Aircraft design and different construction materials. Aims: • To develop learners’ vocabulary on the topic of aircraft metals and material. • To develop learners’ ability to describe and compare objects. • To develop learners’ vocabulary range of prepositions of place and prepositional phrases. • To develop learners’ ability to interact when hypothesising. Age group: 15yrs - 17yrs old Level: B1.2 – B2 Intermediate Time: 90mins approximately Materials: 1. Worksheets Electricity and lightning: aircraft design. You need one copy for each learner. 2. Describe the pictures cards. You need one copy for each learner. 3. Link to film Electricity and lightning workshop: aircraft design. Introduction: In this lesson, learners start by discussing the painting of, ‘The Fall of Icarus’ and two proverbs on flying. They are introduced to aircraft material vocabulary and compare a glider to an Airbus using their knowledge of the comparative form. They discuss what would happen if the respective aircraft were struck by lightning. They carry out an interactive activity describing images of aircraft being struck by lightning using prepositional phrases. Learners finish with a ‘true/false’ exercise to check their understanding of the lesson. Procedure: 1. Lead in Discussion 10mins

2. Match the definition with the aircraft material 10mins

The painting and the proverbs contextualise the lesson on flying safety and man’s relationship to nature.

Ask learners to look at the painting by Rubens, ‘The Fall of Icarus’. Elicit from the learners anything they know about the painting and the story of Icarus. Answer: Painted by Rubens in 1636 in a Baroque style and based on the Greek mythology of Icarus who flew too close to the sun and melted the wax which held his wings together. •

Proverb answers: 1) France. You must have the resources if you want to do something. 2) The Netherlands. You must be properly prepared and know what you’re doing if you want to succeed.

Ask learners to first underline any words which they don’t know in the definitions.

Give them strategies for comprehension: they should look at the words before and after the unknown word. What word class is it? (Adjective, verb, preposition).Do they know the word in another form? Eg: Conduct/conducting/conductive; © British Council, 2014

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). Siret 7757081300047 – APE 990 Z


Science in Schools – lesson plan Electricity and lightning workshop: aircraft design 3. Vocabulary Exchanging knowledge about aircraft 10mins

In pairs. Learners look at the pictures of the Airbus and the glider and compare them, using the questions to guide their discussion. Circulate and monitor, checking learners’ use of the comparative form. Take notes of any mistakes you hear. Once the learners have finished their exchange invite them to correct the errors that they see.

4. Describe and draw Listening for precise information 20mins

Put the learners into pairs. Give each learner a picture of one of the aircrafts from the ‘describe’ worksheet. Tell the learners that it is important not to let their partners see their pictures.

Learners take turn to describe their picture to their partner, using the prepositional phrases and prepositions to structure their expression. Their partner draws the picture, based on their understanding of the oral description.

Once they have both finished, learners compare their drawings to the original picture and see how well they have understood the description and the effect of lightning.

The answer to ‘what would happen to the respective aircraft?’ is revealed through the pictures. Answer: the glider would burst into flames, but the Airbus would not.

Extra Activity: Hypothesising Speaking 10mins

Introduce the structure, made of and give an example: the pen is made of plastic.

Put learners in pairs to discuss and guess what the two respective aircrafts are made of and what might happen to them if they were struck by lightning. Encourage them to use the speaking frame to structure expression. Circulate and monitor, make notes of errors on board for feedback later.

5. Audio-visual comprehension 10mins

Ask the learners: Why does the glider burst into flames when hit by lightning but the airbus does not?

Elicit and board some responses.

Play the film: Electricity and lightning workshop: aircraft design

Elicit the answer and compare to their previous responses, who was right?

Learners listen again and complete the, True/False activity to consolidate understanding.

Prepare an anagram for the class to do in the next lesson, using a word from this lesson. Visit this site to help you:


© British Council, 2014 The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). Siret 7757081300047 – APE 990 Z


Science in Schools – lesson plan Electricity and lightning workshop: aircraft design

Describe. Photocopy and cut out the pictures, give one image to each learner in their pairs.

© British Council, 2014 The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). Siret 7757081300047 – APE 990 Z


Science in Schools – student worksheet Electricity and lightning workshop: aircraft design

Aircraft design 1. Discuss in pairs. What does the painting represent? Which country do you think these proverbs come from and what do you think they mean?

Proverbs: There is no flying without wings. You cannot fly with wings made of butter.

2. In pairs, match the material with the correct definition. Metal

is a silvery white, soft metal. It is the most abundant metal on Earth.


is a, hard, shiny, opaque material with electrical and thermal conductivity.


is soft, orange and malleable. It can be used to conduct heat and electricity.


is a reinforced plastic and extremely strong and light.


is composed of synthetic substances and is a thick liquid that hardens into a transparent solid.

© British Council, 2014 The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). Siret 7757081300047 – APE 990 Z


Science in Schools – student worksheet Electricity and lightning workshop: aircraft design 3. Compare. In pairs look at the pictures below and compare the two types of aircraft and contrast them. What type of aircraft are they? Which aircraft is heavier? Which aircraft is cheaper to fly? Which aircraft is cheaper to build? Which aircraft is safer?

4. Pictionary. In pairs, describe and draw! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Your teacher will give you a picture card. Don’t let your partner see your card. Use the phrases in the boxes to describe your picture to your partner. Your partner will draw a picture of your description. Now listen to your partner and draw your picture in the space provided. Compare your drawings with the original picture, how accurate were you?

Tip: To describe scientific phenomena in order to inform and describe characteristics, we often use the present tense. Use the present tense and these prepositions to help you: Prepositions of place and movement:

Prepositional phrases:

above / below downwards / upwards

at the end of

through / around over / under

at the front of

at the top of in mid air by way of on account of

e.g. Lightning first strikes the top of the aircraft before it moves around it. Because of the fact that it’s made of ………

© British Council, 2014 The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). Siret 7757081300047 – APE 990 Z


Science in Schools – student worksheet Electricity and lightning workshop: aircraft design Speaking frame. Now tell your partner what would happen to your aircraft if it was struck by lightning, using the conditional.

Airbus If


explode rip up burn up cause some damage

was struck by lightning, it would


because it is made of…..


5. Watch Electricity and lightning workshop: aircraft design. Are the sentences true or false? T /F a. Metallic aircraft are not damaged by lightning because they can conduct electricity. b. Recent aircraft are made out of carbon fibre, not metal. c. Carbon fibre is completely resistant to a lightning bolt. d. Integrating a copper layer of metal into the carbon fibre doesn’t protect it from lightning. e. Lighter planes consume less fuel.

© British Council, 2014 The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). Siret 7757081300047 – APE 990 Z


What is energy? Energy is the ability to do work. While energy surrounds us in all aspects of life, the ability to harness it and use it for constructive ends as economically as possible is the challenge mankind has to face. Classifying energy sources Energy sources can be classified in non-renewable and renewable. Nonrenewable sources were created over millions of years. The fuels are concentrated and can be easily converted into energy. They can be divided into two groups: fossil and non-fossil fuel sources. Coal, gas oil and peat are fossil fuel. Coal was formed by the decomposition of large plants which existed 350 million years ago. Gas is usually found at the top of the pockets of oil, which can be drilled out of wells dug in the ground or under the seabed. Uranium is a non-fossil fuel used in nuclear fission reactors to produce heat. Geothermal energy, that is the heat inside the Earth, and hot springs, which exist in some areas of the world, are non fossil sources. Renewable sources all come from the exploitation of the sun and can be divided into two categories according to the method of extraction. Direct methods include solar collectors, photovoltaic plants and concave mirrors, which concentrate sun rays to multiply the efficiency. Indirect methods are those exploiting natural phenomena due to the sun, such as wind, sea waves, tides and falling water. Solar cells The solar cells used on calculators and satellites are photovoltaic cells or modules (modules are simply groups of cells electrically connected and packaged in a frame). A photovoltaic cell, as the word implies photo=light and voltaic=electricity, converts sunlight directly into electricity. Photovoltaic (PV) cells are made of special materials called semiconductors such as silicon, which is currently the most commonly used. Basically, when light strikes the cell, a certain portion of it is

absorbed within the semiconductor material. This means that the energy of the absorbed light is transferred to the semiconductor. The energy knocks the electrons, allowing them to flow freely. PV cells have one or more electric fields that act to force the electrons, released by light absorption, to flow in a certain direction. This flow of electrons is a current and by placing metal contacts on the top and bottom of the PV cell, we can collect that current for external use.


Which way does electricity flow? We say that electricity flows from the positive terminal of a battery to the negative terminal. This flow of electric charge is called conventional current and is used in electronics to describe the operation of circuits. However, in reality, the particles that move have negative charge and they flow in the opposite direction! After the discovery of electricity scientists tried various experiments to find out which way the current was flowing around circuits but, in those early days, it was impossible to determine the direction. They understood that there were two types of electric charge, positive and negative, and they decided to say that electricity was a flow of positive charge from + to –. They knew this was a guess, but a decision had to be made. Everything known at that time could also be explained if electricity was negative charge flowing the other way, from – to +. The electron was discovered in 1897 and it was found to have a negative charge. The guess made in the early days of electricity was wrong! Electricity in almost all conductors is really the flow of electrons (negative charge) from – to +. By the time the electron was discovered the idea of electricity flowing from + to – (conventional current) was firmly established. Fortunately it is not a problem to think of electricity in this way because positive charge flowing forwards is equivalent to negative charge flowing backwards. To prevent confusion you should always use conventional current when trying to understand how circuits work and imagine positively charged particles flowing from + to –. Read the text above and decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). T 1 In the diagram above the movement of electrons is anti-clockwise. 2 The way we describe the flow of current in a conventional circuit is wrong. 3 Scientists in the 1800s did not realize that there were both positive and negative electric charges. 4 Scientific experiments before 1897 seemed to indicate that the flow of electricity was from the positive terminal to the negative. 5 Scientists were convinced that electricity was a flow of positive charge from + to –. 6 The mistaken assumption made by early scientists had no real impact on their work. 7 It was not until the discovery of the electron that we finally understood the direction of flow. Scientists decided not to change the direction of conventional current, even though 8 it is incorrect. 9 Conventional current is now described as a flow from the negative to the positive terminal. 10 The best thing to do is to try to imagine the direction in which electrons are really flowing.



Read the clues and fill in the answers to the crossword.

ACROSS 1 You can use it to stop or start the flow of electricity at any moment. 3 It reduces the strength of the current in one part of an electric circuit. 6 A soft red-brown brown metal which is a good conductor. 8 It converts electric energy into light. 9 A wire that connects to the ground and makes electrical equipment safe. 10 It provides the source of electric energy in a circuit. DOWN 2 It carries electric energy around a circuit. 4 You insert an electric plug into this to connect to the source of energy. 5 This will ill automatically break the circuit if too much current passes through it. 7 An elastic material which is a good insulator.

3.The balloon experiment. Read the text below and fill the gaps using the words below Causes – allows – static- cloud- air – makes - ground- frictional- charge - hairhair known Rub the balloon on your shirt and hold it above your 1 ………. ….. Your hair will stick to the balloon and stand up. This is called 2 ………………. electricity. The same 3……..………….. force is being made in a storm m 4……..……………... The separation of charge 5…..………….the air to break down. This process is 5...................... ...................... as ionisation, which 6..………………. the 7….............. 7 .…………more conductive, and 8………………. Electrical 9……………..…. 9……………..…. to flow from the cloud to the 10……………. …………. …………. Writing 4 Answer the questions. 1 What is an open circuit? 2 What is the basic difference between a series and a parallel circuit? 3 What are three important inventions that Thomas Edison was responsible for or helped to develop?

5. Put in order the following sentences. Use the second conditional. 1. Tom you what do if lied to you would ? 2. would if were I help him you I ask for 3. if would I email address his write knew to I him 4. money would won you a lot of buy a house you if ? 5. angry our homework do would teacher be didn’t if we our 6. gave you phone if I would you her Liz number ? 7. I number if her telephone knew call Beth’s would I 8. come back my would before I parents didn’t worry if 11 p.m.

Griglia di valutazione della prova scritta di lingua Inglese: 1.Comprensione di un testo tecnico. True /False Indicatori Descrittori Comprensione Per ogni risposta esatta Nulla • non rilevabile Scarsa • individua qualche informazione isolata Mediocre • individua solo alcune informazioni generiche e incomplete Sufficiente • individua le informazioni essenziali con qualche inesattezza o lacuna Ottimo • individua informazioni complete e pertinenti

Punti 0.25 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.25 Totale 2.50 (per n. 10 domande)

2 Read the clues and fill in the answers to the crossword. Vocabulary Indicatori Descrittori Termine corretto

Punti 0.10 x10 = 1.00

3.The balloon experiment. Read the text below and fill the gaps using the words below Vocabulary Indicatori Descrittori Termine corretto

Punti 0.10 x10 = 1.00

4 Writing Competenza linguistica Answer the questions. Domande aperte Indicatori Descrittori 1.Competenza 0. • uso totalmente scorretto del sistema linguistico, linguistica che impedisce la decodifica dei contenuti • il sistema linguistico è usato in modo molto 0.30 frammentario: frequenti e gravi gli errori che incidono sulla comunicazione • uso elementare del sistema linguistico con errori 0.60 che non incidono sulla comunicazione. Lessico talvolta ripetitivo • il sistema linguistico è usato in modo 1.20 sostanzialmente corretto e adeguato. Non vi sono errori significativi nelle strutture morfosintattiche. • il sistema linguistico è usato in modo 1.60 assolutamente appropriato con qualche occasionale imprecisione. Efficace la varietà lessicale e apprezzabile la capacità di usare


0 -1.60

2.Competenza testuale

• • •

correttamente strutture morfo-sintattiche complesse. discorso/frase totalmente incoerente e confuso; uso improprio degli elementi di coesione discorso/frase non sempre coerente; uso limitato degli elementi di coesione; esposizione talvolta incompleta discorso/frase abbastanza coerente e coeso; argomentazione lineare con elaborazione stilistica di grado elementare discorso/frase coerente e coeso/a; argomentazione articolata Totale

0. 0.40 0 – 1.50 1.00

1.50 0- 3.10

5. Put in order the following sentences. Use the second conditional. Strutture morfosintattiche Indicatori


Correttezza morfosintattica

Per ogni risposta esatta

Riepilogo Attività 1. n. 10 domande 2. crossword. 3. Choose the right word 4 Writing 5. Put in order

Competenze/ abilità Comprensione Vocabulary Vocabulary

Punti 0.30X8= 2.40

Valutazione Totale 2.50 Totale 1.00 Totale 1.00

Competenza linguistica Totale 3.10 Strutture morfosintattiche Totale 2.40 Totale 10.00

ITI - NICOTERA SCHEDA MONITORAGGIO CLIL A.S. 2015/16 (da allegare al verbale del consiglio di classe ed al documento del 15 maggio) TITOLO DEL MODULO CLIL:_______________________________ Classe: Nominativi docenti Lingua straniera + Disciplina Destinatari Livello in ingresso (A1- A2 – B1 – B2 – C1) Livello atteso in uscita (B1 – B2 – C1) Obiettivi conseguiti Contenuti sviluppati Tipologia attività didattiche svolte Strumenti di valutazione impiegati Materiali / Mezzi impiegati

Verifiche effettuate Criteri di valutazione Attività realizzate Prodotti realizzati o da realizzare Tempi impiegati: ore_____ su ore______ Percentuale di realizzazione:

FIRME DEI DOCENTI COINVOLTI ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

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