Humanitarian Data Sharing
CONTRIBUTION TO HUMANITARIAN DATA SHARING Downloads & Page Views on HDX from March to August 2020
As a part of our core responsibilities in information management for better, coordinated response, iMMAP is consistently contributing to fundamental datasets to support the global humanitarian community. These datasets relate
Sectors contributing
to the different crisis contexts where iMMAP provides information management support. Since 2015, iMMAP has contributed to fundamental datasets on the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) as a part of the northeastern Nigeria response.
Unique visitor dataset downloads (June 2020)
Content downloads (Mar-Aug 2020)
Unique visitors to iMMAP´s content (June 2020)
HDX is an open-source, open platform for sharing data across crises and
The datasets that iMMAP Nigeria contributed to HDX specifically focused on
organizations, managed by OCHA’s Center for Humanitarian Data. The goal of HDX
Food Security and Agricultural Livelihoods, Child Protection, Gender-based
is to make humanitarian data easily accessible to use for a variety of analyses.
Violence, WASH, Health, Education, Nutrition, and CCCM-Shelter & NFI
iMMAP’s datasets continue to be among the most downloaded on HDX. There
sectors. To find out more or to access the details of iMMAP’s organizational
were over 1,400 views of iMMAP’s datasets in June 2020; 108 unique individual
contribution of datasets, please visit the HDX website.
users visited iMMAP’s datasets and iMMAP’s organizational page on HDX; 129 unique individual users downloaded at least one of iMMAP’s datasets from HDX in June 2020, and a total of 1,402 of iMMAP’s datasets downloaded between March and August 2020 on HDX.