Lyme Disease: Misunderstood, Misdiagnosed, & Mistreated
Lyme Disease: What To Know in 2018 WHAT IS LYME DISEASE?
Lyme Disease Is Of The Most Common Illnesses Spread By The Blacklegged Tick In The U.S. & Europe. Find Out About Symptoms, Treatment, And How To Reduce The Risk.
Caused By The Bacterium Borrelia Burgdorferi & Is Transmitted To Humans Through The Bite Of Infected Blacklegged Ticks.
How small are ticks?
Generally, the symptoms of Lyme disease syndrome resembles and occur in earlier stages. Fever, Headache, Fatigue, & A Characteristic Skin Rash Called Erythema Migrans. Infection Can Spread To Joints, The Heart, And The Nervous System. DIAGNOSED
Generally, the symptoms of Lyme disease syndrome resembles and occur in earlier stages. Fever, Headache, Fatigue, & A Characteristic Skin Rash Called Erythema Migrans. Infection Can Spread To Joints, The Heart, And The Nervous System.
Treating chronic Lyme disease can be quite tricky as its symptoms are common and can be easily ignored. The importance of diagnosis of Lyme disease from a Lyme Disease Specialist cannot be overemphasized. People suffering from this disease are treated with appropriate antibiotics in the early stages usually recover rapidly and completely. PREVENTIONS
You can decrease your risk of getting Lyme disease with some simple precautions: Use Insect Repellent, Remove Ticks Promptly, Apply Pesticides, & Reduce Tick Habitat.
Find out detailed information from Lyme Disease Specialist about what causes lyme, how it’s treated, and how to prevent it.