WTM Catalogue 2012

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WTM Official Premier Partner

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25/09/2012 12:26


Contents World Travel Market 2012





International Media Organisation





Managing Editor Michael Hayes Art Director Simon Marriott Accounts Controller Martin Reece

06 Foreword: Fiona Jeffery

Operations Director Alexander Collis

06 Foreword: Simon Press


4 I WTM Catalogue 2012

08 Decisionmakers.tv 10 WTM Team welcomes you to ExCeL London 12 WTM Advisory Council 14 WTM 2012 Highlights 17 WTM Seminar, Conference and Event Programme 26-32 WTM World Responsible Tourism Programme 34 WTM Social Media Programme 36 ExCeL London & London Eastside 37 World Tourism Awards 2012 and IIPT 38 WTM Meridian Club 40 Just a Drop



42-49 World Travel Market Floorplans 50-66 Global Media Network Contacts

67 Technology & Online Travel

73 Global Village

79 Africa & North Africa

130 125 Americas & Caribbean

161 Asia/Pacific & Indian Ocean

183 India

191 Europe & Mediterranean

243 UK & Ireland

249 Middle East

261 Exhibitor Listings


WTM Catalogue 2012 I 5


Welcome to World Travel Market Inspiring a Generation Everyone that I have met who, like me, was lucky enough to watch some of the Olympic or Paralympic Games at London 2012, has agreed that not only will it live long in our collective memory but also inspire a generation. At World Travel Market we want to build on that fantastic memory, rising above the soaring challenges that confront our everyday business difficulties and successes, demonstrating that personal achievement, innovation, passion and drive can and frequently does make a difference. Travel and tourism is as much a winner as those amazing golden athletes, proving that regardless of tough times, we can and frequently do push human barriers well beyond the boundaries of what is possible. We set the scene of triumph over business misfortune with this year’s Opening Ceremony with Barry Gibbons, former global CEO of the Burger King chain. Government ministers, senior aides and private sector chiefs tackle the many obstacles that restrict industry growth at the WTM Ministers’ Summit. Outdated entry procedures, visa policies and excessive air travel regulation are holding tourism back. One of the themes of this year’s WTM World Responsible Tourism Day is the plight of the disabled and disadvantaged, frequently denied access to a holiday. Disability, for example, affects around ten per cent of the global population but medical advancement means that figure is set to rise. This huge potential remains a significant, untapped and profitable source of new customers for the industry. Underpinning travel and tourism with an ethical, social and environmental responsibility, giving back to the world and helping those very communities our industry depends on has long been the essence of WTM World Responsible Tourism Day. It’s also why we started the international water-aid charity Just a Drop on behalf of the industry which, thanks to your support, has recently completed its 100th project. Finally we also look forward to hosting the first WTM Latin America in São Paulo in April, attracting 1,000 exhibiting companies and more than 7,000 visitors. With much to celebrate and look forward to, may I wish you a constructive, successful and enjoyable World Travel Market 2012. Fiona Jeffery, OBE Chairman, World Travel Market

6 I WTM Catalogue 2012

Onwards and Upwards Despite continued difficult global economic conditions the tourism industry is poised to deliver its one billionth traveller soon after World Travel Market 2012, the leading global event for the travel industry, takes place. Over the past 33 years WTM has played its part in helping the industry grow by creating the business environment to facilitate business, which ultimately saw new airline routes developed and resorts and hotels included in tour operators’ brochures allowing one billion trips to take place. For example, WTM 2011 facilitated a massive £1,653 million in industry deals (a 16 per cent increase on the previous event’s £1,425 million). The WTM is fully focused on ever-improving the event to create the best environment for you to conduct even more business at this year’s and future WTM events. It is with this focus that the negotiations and contracts signed at WTM 2012 will be the start to the industry reaching the two billionth traveller mark. To continue to help facilitate business at WTM 2012, we have introduced a number of networking and business opportunities throughout the next four days. The WTM Speed Networking – Monday takes place before the exhibition opens to give exhibitors and the WTM Meridian Club members even more time to sign deals before the end of the event. Crucially, it also means exhibitors can remain on their stands throughout the event, making sure they do not miss out on any business opportunity. Furthermore, a WTM Speed Networking – Thursday session has been introduced to facilitate even more post-WTM business. There are also networking events on the Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, including the 21st Anniversary Party for WTM Meridian Club, celebrating a milestone for the industry original and leading buyers’ club. The four days of World Travel Market are among the most important of the business year. It’s an invaluable, high quality flagship event at the heart of Reed Travel Exhibition’s international portfolio. But World Travel Market is not only vital business every November. 2013 sees the launch of WTM Latin America, which will create the business for the region to help make it one of the most important in the global tourism economy. Furthermore, WTM’s expanding Vision Conference programme around the world presents opportunities to increase the connection between global buyers and sellers as well as supplying them with upto-minute industry intelligence year round to help shape business decisions. Have a constructive week of profitable business. Simon Press Exhibition Director, World Travel Market




Live th e co m ple te exp erience o f 2014 F IFA Wo r l d Cu p a nd R i o 2016 Olymp ic an d Paralymp ic G am es. WTM Catalogue 2012 I 7




DECISIONMAKERS.TV is the site the travel industry is visiting right now to get a deeper understanding of what major companies in the travel commercial arena are all about. We are asking their senior executives why they make the decisions they make, how they got to the top and what their plans are for the future. It’s a wonderful insight into the mindset of the people who make our industry tick – and the many senior figures we have met with have been incredibly generous with their time as well as surprising us with their frank and honest approach. In fact, these are traits we regularly find in this industry that perhaps other markets could learn from. Speaking of learning, there is real food for thought in these interviews, and not just for travel insiders; our politicians, for example, would do well to watch some of these videos – although they may be alarmed to see that these industry leaders are not pulling their punches. The site is growing fast as we steadily work our way through the great and the good in travel and tourism, picking their brains on issues that really matter to the industry and uncovering the trends and innovations they are seeing on the horizon.

8 I WTM Catalogue 2012

These are the big personalities within leading travel brands, and big personalities tend to transmit through – and potentially transform – the whole ethos of an organisation. With this in mind, what we are getting on decisionmakers.tv is a fascinating glimpse into the future of our industry. Decisionmakers.tv came about in response to a call from our WTM audiences to give them more and more regular content. Yet, as we’ve seen, this weekly video series has also given many senior executives the opportunity to offer their perspective and insight for the benefit of the marketplace – and get some burning issues off their chests. Now, with the capacity to reach over 150,000 people on a regular basis, we have the perfect platform in decisionmakers.tv. On the site today, you’ll find a host of renowned figures from our industry, including Paul Simmons, UK Director at easyJet, Denis Wormwell, CEO of Shearings Group, Derek Jones, UK MD of Kuoni, John Hays, owner of Hays Travel and Peter Dennis, chairman of TTI. Oh, and look out for David Burling, MD of TUI UK and Peter Shanks, President of Cunard Line – their interviews will be going live soon. n If you’d like to feature on Decision Makers TV or sponsor the show, please contact us: Micaela.juarez@decisionmakers.tv










WTM Catalogue 2012 I 9


WTM Team welcomes you to ExCel London

From front row to back, left to right 1. Simon Press - Fiona Jeffery 2. Natalie Whittaker - Stella Grant - Evangeline Estrella 3. Sula Riedlinger - Ruth Creely - Charlotte Sutton - Tori Wilson 4. Rebecca Morris - Charlotte Fewlass - Abbi Modaberi - Amy Francis - Virginie Ludmer 5. Holly Riedlinger - Sam D’elia - Paul Nelson - Lucie Winter - Lindsay Whittaker - Jane Larcombe 6. Samantha Massey - Emma Rawle - Nicole Collett - Raj Thakkar - Jamie Bell 7. Laura Vettore - John Standley - Deborah Dewe - Micaela Juarez - Fiona McKenna

10 I WTM Catalogue 2012

Romance Fiji Experience the romance of Fiji and its 333 islands

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Photo courtesy of Liku Liku Lagoon Res


Please visit us on Stand AS 650

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WTM Advisory Council Members Dermot Blastland, Non Executive Director, On the Beach (OTB)

Carol Hay, Director of Marketing UK & Europe, Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO)

Tracey Poggio, Chairman, Association of National Tourist Office of Representatives (ANTOR)

Geoffrey Breeze, Marketing Director, World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC)

Tracy Halliwell Director of Business Tourism & Major Events London & Partners

Mary Rance, Chief Executive Officer, UKInbound (UKI)

Martin Craigs, Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)

Gareth James, Executive Secretary, European Tourism Action Group (ETAG)

Ken Robinson CBE FTS Chairman, Tourism Society Think Tank (TS)

Sandie Dawe MBE, Chief Executive, VisitBritain (VB)

Tom Jenkins, Chief Executive Officer, European Tour Operators Association (ETOA)

Dr Zoltan Somogyi, Executive Director, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

Dr William Maxwell (Hon) PhD. F.Inst.TT, Financial Director, Institute of Travel and Tourism, (ITT)

Nigel Vere Nicoll, Chief Executive, African Travel & Tourism Association (ATTA)

Baroness Morris of Bolton OBE DL, Deputy Speaker House of Lords, President WTM Advisory Council

Nikki White, Head of Destinations and Sustainability, ABTA Ltd. The Travel Association

Philippe Forest, Country Manager for UK and Ireland, International Air Transport Association (IATA)

Tony Gonchar, Chief Executive, American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA)

12 I WTM Catalogue 2012

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WTM Catalogue 2012 I 13

WTM W TM 20 2012 12 R Route oute Plan Planner ner

WTM W TM 2012 2012 HIG HIGHLIGHTS GHLIGHTS World Travel World Travel Mar Market, ket, the the leading lea ading global global event eventt for for the the travel travel industry, indu ustry, has put ttogether og gether a compelling compellin ng programme programme of conferences, conferences, seminars sem minars and a { { w mjc HFGHD m{ y { w { w z | { z { { { w mjc HFGHD m{ y { w { w z | { z { { w e rreflect eflect the the issues tthat hat concern con ncern the the industry industry most most and give give delegates de elegates we w z { ~ x w wx { }~ w { w w D w z { ~ x w wx { }~ w { w w D

Monday 5 N Monday November ovember f w i { GB I < J 09:00 f w i { GB I < J 09:00 - 10:00 10:00 Thursday Thur sday 8 N November ovembe er mjc c{ z w Y x b }{ ¤ W\MKF m jc c{ z w Y x b }{ ¤ W\MKF 10:00 10:00 - 11:00 11:00 \ } ~{ y {z yy{ | ~{ i {{z \ } ~{ y {z yy{ | ~{ i {{z Networking N etworking pr programme ogramm me which sa saw w mor more e tthan han JJFF { ~ x w z HFF x { w { z w {w B FF { ~ x w z HFF x { w { z w {w B WTM W TM is doubling tthe he number n of opportunities opportunities ffor or e event ev vent visitors visitors to to meet me eet and do business on a one-to-one one-t o-one basis. The tw two o hour long sessions will w { wy{ c zw K d { x{ w z w { wy{ c zw K d { x{ w z jj~ zw N d { x{ D ~ zw N d { x{ D

As a rresult esult of itits ts hug hugely ely successful launch las lastt year year tthe he W WTM TM Mob Mobile bile App has no nott onl onlyy been { w {z | HFGH x {z w { { { { w w {z | HFGH x {z w { { { { {| D b { w {w B ~{ w y { { {| D b { w {w B ~{ w y { tto o be fr free ee tto o do download wnload d ffor or visit visitors, ors, gues guests ts and { { ~ x { { ~{ w { ~{ | ~{ ~ x { { ~{ w { ~{ | ~{ { { { D _ ||{ ~{ w { mjc { ~ x w z { D _ ||{ ~{ w { { mjc { ~ x w z jj { { Q [ ~ x w z { w } Q w z w { { Q [ ~ x w z { w } Q w z w per personal sonal e event vent planne planner er and rroute oute ffinder. inder. \\ mjc HFGH ~{ w y{z ~ c mjc mjc HFGH ~{ w y{z ~ c mjc meaning an ess tto o your your calendar via tthe he anyy updat updates app ar e sa ved and a vailable tthrough hrough an vise are saved available anyy de devise } x >w z w { w?D } x >w z w { w?D jj~{ w {z x j ~ Y { < j ~{ w {z x j ~ Y { < j Of fice and is a vailable e ffor or iPhone, Andr oid, Office available Android, X wy x{ w z ~{ w | D X wy x{ w z ~{ w | D V isit wtmlondon.com/ /app Visit wtmlondon.com/app

e c zw K d { x{ mjc w}w { } e c zw K d { x{ mjc w}w { } tthe he e bar high rright ight fr from om the the word word go with with IFITT workshop w orksshop debating ho how w technology technology can can impact impact w z { ~{ { { { y{D j~{ { { w z { ~{ { { { y{D j~{ { { w } wy{ i ~ ]w { h GO ¤ HHB w w } wy{ i ~ ]w { h GO ¤ HHB x{ y~w {z x f |{ Z X ~w ~ x { y~w {z x f |{ Z X ~w ~ f { z{ | _\_jj w z xw {z w X { ~ f { z{ | _\_jj w z xw {z w X { ~ k { D i {w { w ~{ z{xw { y z{ k { D i {w { w ~{ z{xw { y z{ m w X{y { B Z {y | _ w B w {D m w X{y { B Z {y | _ w B w {D y w z ^ { b }w Zw { ]{ { w cw w}{ y w z ^ { b }w Zw { ]{ { w cw w}{ Y w \ w wD Yw \ w wD The e afternoon afte ernoon sees ano ther hea vyy-weigh ht session another heavy-weight w ~{ mjc j w { { _ w i > {z w ~{ mjc j w { _ w i > {z x m zfw ? | y { ~{ w { z{ { { x m zfw ? | y { ~{ w { z{ { { in tr rra avel and tthe he im pact tthey hey will ha ve on n tthe he travel impact have ind ustry both both no w and in tthe he futur e. Organised Organised a industry now future. b ravel Technology Technology Initiativ e and Open Ope en Travel Travel byy TTravel Initiative Alli ance, speak ers fr om Odig eo, BT and Google Google Alliance, speakers from Odigeo, will all ttake a ake par he summit. The da nds wit h partt in tthe dayy en ends with ~{ mjc j{y~ } Z h{y{ > {z ~{ mjc j{y~ } Z h{y{ > {z x _ {? ~ y~ ~{ z | GMPFF C GNPFF x _ {? ~ y~ ~{ z | GMPFF C GNPFF ~{ j{y~ } f { { w j~{w {B jjIMFD ~{ j{y~ } f { { w j~{w {B jjIMFD November TTuesday ue esday 6 N ovember W ~{ x zw ~ ~ }~ }~ y z } w HFGH W ~{ x zw ~ ~ }~ }~ y z } w HFGH search sea arch engine updat update, e, a ffocus ocus on ho how w tto o con convert vert website w ebsite e into into visitors, visito orrs, cus customers, tomerrs, wit with h your your content, c ent, cont e a social soc cial media master master class, a session on ho how w bes bestt to o go g mobile and one presented presented by by TripAdvisor. TripA Advisor. There The ere will also be sessions on new new tech tech trends trends e and d hotel hotel marketing marketing while online shopping ng management ma anagement tool tool RateTiger RateTigerr and online payment payment company com mpany Ixaris Ixaris will each run run a session.

TTuesday uesday 6 N November ovember f w i { I < J f w i { I < J Folllowing opening remarks Following remarks from from World World d Tourism Tourism Organisation Or ganisation (UNW (UNWTO) TO) Secre Secretary-General tary-Gen neral TTaleb aleb Rif Rifai ai and World World Travel Travel Market Market Chairman C Chairman Fiona Fiona Jeffery Jeffery OBE, OBE, the the world’s world’s tourism tourism bosses and d ministers ministers will take take part par t in a panel debate debate on Tuesday Tuesday 6 November November at the the UNWTO UNWTO & WTM WTM Ministers’ Min nisters’ Summit.

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14 I WTM Catalogue 2012

With Witth the the UNWTO UNWTO predicting predicting as many many as as one billion billiion tourists tourists will travel travel the the world world this this year, year e r, the the e discussion focuses focuses on the the obstacles obstacle es still still limiting limiting growth growth in the the industry industry and in particular pa ar ticular restrictive restr t ictive air transport transpor t policies and agreements agreements as well well as dated dated procedures procedures for for entering enterin ng countries. cou untries. These barriers barriers will be highlighted highlighted against against tourism’s tourism’s capacity to to create create economic ec conomic posterity possterity and jobs, allowing allowing discussion to to focus foc cus on how how best best to to break break down down the the many m y man economic eco onomic barriers barriers for for the the benefit benefit of all. alll.

Furthermore, Fur thermore, WTM WTM in n association with with UNWTO UNW WTO w z l X w ~ ~{ w z l X w ~ ~{ WTM WTM Ministerial Ministerial Dinner Dinn ner at UN WT O Mansion House on Tuesday Tuesday 6 November. onlyy November. This is by by invitation invitation onl

Official Sponsor

Wednesday 7 N Wednesday November ovember f w i { I < J f w i { I < J m{z { zw M d { x{ m{z { zw M d { x{ mjc m z h{ x { mjc m z h{ x { TTourism ourism Da Dayy which iss opened by Char Charlie lie Ma Mayhew yhew MBE, tthe he Chief Ex Executive ecutive of Tusk Tusk Trust Trust which is battling ivory iv ory poaching in Af Africa. frica. W Wednesday ednesday also ||{w { ~{ l } ^ zw h{ x { j {w { ~{ l } ^ zw h{ x { j W w z w z ~{ mhjZ ^ej {w ~{ The W w z w z ~{ mhjZ ^ej {w ~{ The Rezidor R ezidor Ho Hotel tel Gr Group oup p Ex Executive ecutive V Vice ice President and Chief Oper Operating ating Of Officer ficer W Wolfgang olfgang M Neumann N eumann will discus discuss ss tthe he g group’s roup’s Think Plane Planet!t! initiative, initiativ e, which aimss tto o sa save ve ener energy gy at mor more e ~w IIF ~ { MF y { B ~ XXY m z ~w IIF ~ { MF y { B ~ XXY m z ^WhZ w { { { i { ~{ iwy D ^ WhZ w { { { i { ~{ iwy D A ne new w ffeature eature has also a been introduced introduced to to ensure ensur e delegates delegates get get their their chance to to speak out eit either her about ttheir heir own own responsible responsible tourism tourism activity or vvoice oice con controversial troversial opinions about ~{ z D e x ~ mjc m z h{ x { ~{ z D e x ~ mjc m z h{ x { jj Zw m{z { zw M w z j { zw L Zw m{z { zw M w z j { zw L November N ovember tthere here will be tw two o dis distinctive tinctive W WTM TM WRTD WR TD Speak Speakers ers Cor Corners’ ~{ { ~ x | rners’ ~{ { ~ x | CC i w z WiHMK w z ka_HIFD Z{ {}w { yw w { i w z WiHMK w z ka_HIFD Z{ {}w { yw w { tthe he oppor opportunity tunity to to air aiir their their opinions at eit either her site, sit e, while tthe he public publicising cising of each slo slott tthrough hrough WTM’s W TM’s multiple communications communications channels will ensur ensure e ttheir heir vvoices oice es ar are e heard heard po potentially tentially worldwide w orldwide Additional A dditional responsible responsib ble tourism tourism debates, debates, seminarss and conf conferences seminar erences will occur on the the dayy as well November da well as on TTuesday uesday 6 N ovember and jj~ zw N d { x{ ~{ y w w {z w ~ zw N d { x{ ~{ y w w {z w cost caring tthe he disabled, tthe he co st of car ing ffor or the the world’s world’s

AREAS OF IINTEREST INTEREST WTM Cruise WTM Cruisse Programme Programm me Organised Or ganised b byy Travel Travel Weekly Weekly FFollowing ollowing a tumultuouss yyear ear for e for the the cruise cruise {y B ~ {w = j w { m{{ Y { {y B ~ { {w = j w { m{{ Y { Debate e on Tuesday Tuesday 6 November November will see Carnival Car nival Corporation Corporation Chairman Chairman and Micky to CEO Mic ky Arison Arison on hand h to help make make sense of tthe he events events that tha at have have affected affected tthe he industry where can from indus try and wher e it c an go fr om here. here. He will be joined in tthe he hour-long hour-long session Managing Director David by Carnival Carnival UK Manag ging Direct or Da vid Dingle Ding le and Costa Costa Cruises Cruiises and AIDA AID DA A Director Managing Direct or Michael Mic chael Thamm ~{ ~{ z f w i { I w z JD ~{ ~{ z f w i { { I w z JD cultural and natural natural heritage, heritag ge, greenhouse greenhouse cultural responsible volunteering volunteering will all emissions and responsible for discussion. be up for

Thursday Thur sday 8 November Novemb ber j~ zw N d { x{ ~{ j~ zw N d { x{ ~{ mjc X { Zw ~ y~ {{ m jc X { Zw ~ y~ {{ Carolyn Car olyn McCall OBE, CEO of easyJet,t, headline World easyJe World Market’s new TTravel ravel Mar ket’s ne w Talk Talk X { i{ { j~ zw N X { i{ { j~ zw N November. N ovember. cyYw ~w x{{ y {z {z c yYw ~w x{{ y {z {z with increasing airline’s wit h incr easing tthe he air line’s w { }{ x{ x GF; w { }{ x{ x GF; KJDK HFGGB z{ { KJDK HFGGB z{ { } HFGF ~w } } HFGF ~w } { x{{ Y[e | { x{{ Y[e | ] w z w d{ w { D ] w z w d{ w { D ii~{ | {z x {wz } ~{ | {z x {wz } wz { } w}{ y iww y~ w z { } w}{ y iww y~ < iww y~ i w {} w z < y~ i w {} w z iww y __ w Z {y [c[W w Z {y [c[W W z { { c { y ~ W z { { c { y ~ { w ~ y {w { { w ~ y {w { brand travel br and positioning helps tr avel e businesses rrise ise above above the the current uncertainties. cur rent uncer ta ainties.



Faceboo Facebook ok and cr crisis isis management management both both up p ffor or discussion discu ussion as w well ell as ho how w des destinations tinations ar are e using soc social cial media ffor or ttheir heir o own wn benef benefit. it. Th The e WTM W TM Social Soc cial TTravel ravel Mar Market ket mor morning ning session sessions ns on Thur Thursday s y 8 will take sda take place on tthe he TTurkish urkish Culture and Tourism Tourism Of Office fice sstand tand – EM850 0 and tthen hen n in tthe he TTechnology echnology Theatre, TT3 TT370 70 0 in tthe he af afternoon. f ternoon. A fur further ther session ag again ain ffocusing ocusing g on blogging will be held on TTuesday uesd day 6N November. ovem mber.

WTM W TM Airline Airline Pr Programme ogramme WTM W TM Air Airline line Pr Programme o ramme takes og tak a es place acr across oss TTuesday, uesday, W Wednesday ednesday and jj~ zw | ~{ { ~ x ~ ~{ { ~ zw | ~{ { ~ x ~ ~{ { session ffocusing ocusing on Afr Africa ica and bo both th tthe he pr problems oblems and opp opportunities ortunities tthe he continent continent’s ’s a aviation viation ind industry dustry ffaces. aces. Ot Other her sessions co cover ver tthe he chal challenges lenges tthe he entir entire e z |wy{ ~ { {w `{ Y[e Yw z |wy{ ~ { {w `{ Y[e Yw cyYw eX[ w x{ { { {z x c yYw eX[ w x{ { { { {z x ``bi Y } Z {y ` ~ i y w z bi Y } Z {y ` ~ i y w z jj~ zw N d { x{ D ~ zw N d { x{ D

WTM W TM Hotel Hotell Programme Programme Caroline Caroline McCall OBE

Andrezej Moyseowicz Mo yseowicz

The ffinal inal speaker speaker in tthis his knowledgeable triumvirate kno wledgeable tr iumvirate X z [ { _} ] Y~ {| X z [ { _} ] Y~ {| Martin Mar tin Glenn [[ {y { cw ] { ~ {y { cw ] { ~ credited with introducing more innovation is cr edited wit h intr oducing g mor e inno vation tto o company’s costt tthe he com pany’s ffood ood rranges, anges, e while cutting cos and dr opping under -performing pr oducts since dropping under-performing products x{y } Y[e HFFLD x {y } Y[e HFFLD jj~{ mjc jw X { i{ { x{ } ~ {z ~{ mjc jw X { i{ { x{ } ~ {z WTM Meridian lounge North tthe he W TM Mer idian Club lo unge in tthe he N orth Stand AF750D j~{ | w w w GH Hall – S tand AF750 D j~{ | w w w GH ~ {wy~ { y~{z {z w JK { D ~ {wy~ { y~{z {z w JK { D

j~{ m jc i y w j w { cw { w y~{ j~{ mjc i y w j w { cw { w y~{ m{z { zw M d { x{ w z w | m{z { zw M d { x{ w z w | zw D j~{ mjc i y w j w { cw { zw D j~{ m jc i y w j w { cw { designed to to provide provide delegates deleg gates with with everything ever ything tthey hey need tto o know know on social social media wit with h Wednesday’s W ednesday’s sessions (b (based ased in Sout South h Galleryy R Galler Rooms ooms 23-26) ffocusing ocusing on a rrange ange of ttopics opics including tthe he psy psychology ychology of social media, blogging and whe where ere the the bes bestt jobs ar are e ~{ z y {D j~ zw N d { x{ ~{ z y {D j~ zw N d { x{ see a continuation of tthe he programme p ogramme wit pr with h

Stand ME380 Stand ME380 Visit WTM Digital with V isit the the W TM Digit al Hub tto o connect wit h everything WTM offer. e ver ythin ng digital digital W TM has tto o of fer. © © c{{ w z y~w ~{ mjc i y w c{z w j{w c{{ w z y~w ~{ mjc i y w c{z w j{w © ]{ w z{ w z z wz ~{ { mjc W © ]{ w z{ w z z wz ~{ { mjc W © \wy{x © jw { w y { w z w }~ \wy{x jw { w y { w z w }~ using our o FFacebook acebook Pictur e Kiosk kss Picture Kiosks © Wyy{ ~{ { { © Wyy{ ~{ { { © © mw y~ { { | { { } w { mw y~ { { | { { } w { © f { y w w z { mjc jl ~w f { y w w z { mjc jl ~w © event yyou ou tthink hink about tthe he e vent © ]{ {y~ wz y{ | W {y {w ]{ {y~ wz y{ | W {y {w © association with in assoc iation wit h

The W WTM TM Hotel Hotel Programme Programme kick kicks ks of offf on TTuesday uesday 6 November November wit with h a de detailed tailed look at whatt in investment vestment and ffinance inance op options tions hoteliers ho ote eliers should be consider considering ing tto o saf safeguard eg guard ttheir heir businesses bef before ore tthen hen ffocusing ocusing on rrisk isk w w}{ { D m{z { zw M d { x{ w w}{ { D m{z { zw M d { x{ sstarts tarts wit with h a session on ser service vice and ho how w ho hotels tels can bes bestt win cus customer sto omer lo loyalty. yalty. Two TTw wo fur further ther sessions will ffocus ocu us on mar marketing keting in tthe he futur future e and ho how w ho hotels tels can chang change e as w well ell as tthe he ar artt of ho hotel tel design. d

WTM W TM Sports Sports t Pr Programme ogramme \\ } b z = yy{ | } b z = yy{ | ~ ~ } | ~{ e y ]w { B ~ } | ~{ e y ]w { B ~ yyear’s ear’s spor sports ts pr programme ogramm me ffeatures eatures insight fr from om tthe he people who helped make make it ~ ~w { D c zw K d { x{ y || w { D c zw K d { x{ y || ~ w { { | ~{ e y ]w { ~ w { { | ~{ e y ]w { HHFGH | ~{ { {y { ~ { FGH | ~{ { {y { ~ { TTuesday uesday 6 N ovember will w see a br oader November broader ffocus ocus on spor ts ttourism. ourism m. Mean while sports Meanwhile m {z { zw M d { x{ |{w { w m{z { zw M d { x{ |{w { w discussion on ho w sporting spo or ting hos how hostt nations can enjo ourism b oost. enjoyy a ttourism boost. ii {z x [ {z x [

i~w { m jc { { { y{ i~w { mjc { { { y{ FFacebook aceboo ok in rreal eal time via our FFacebook aceboo ok Picture Picture Kiosk Kiosks, s, take take a picture pictur eu using tthe he inbuilt camer camera a and pos postt itt sstraight traight tto o yyour our FFacebook acebook w wall, all, tthese hese kiosk kioskss will be locat located ted in: © Y{ w X { w z >^w { w y{ iK < dK? Y{ w X { w z >^w { w y{ iK < dK? © © mjc Z } w ^ x >i ~ ^w B c[INF? © mjc Z } w ^ x >i ~ ^w B c[INF? © mjc f { Y{ { >f w i {? mjc f { Y{ { >f w i {? © © mjc j{y~ } j~{w { >i ~ ^w B jjIMF? mjc j{y~ } j~ >i ~ ^ jjIMF? © association with in assoc iation wit h

WTM W TM Media Media mjc= ] xw c{z w fw { m jc= ] xw c{z w fw { ha have ve their their sstand tand at tthe he entr entrance ance tto o tthe he m mjc f { Y{ { ~ {w D j~{ { w { w jc f { Y{ { ~ {w D j~{ { w { w w | HG w { ~ {w B { { { } w w | HG w { ~ {w B { { { } tthe he w world’s orld’s mos mostt inf influential luen ntial travel travel tr trade ade publications. Their combined mbined g global lobal rreadership eadership ensur ensures es tthat hatt yyear year-on-year, ear-on-yyearr, W WTM TM continues tto o be tthe h vvoice he oice of the the tr travel avel indus industry. try.. The sstand ta and is tthe he ideal place tto o sstop to op ffor or an anyone yone looking lookking tto o rraise aise ttheir heir com company pany pr profile ofile on a llocal, ocal, rregional egional or g global lobal le level. vel.

WTM Catalogue 2012 I 15


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16 I WTM Catalogue 2012

MICE Programme

Ministerial Programme

Social Media Programme

Sports Programme

Technology Programme

* For full schedule details visit www.wtmlondon.com or download the free WTM app at www.wtmlondon.com/app

Monday 05 Nov Platinum Suite 3

Platinum Suite 4

Platinum Suite 5 & 6

South Gallery Rooms 19-22

09:00 –10:00 (Platinum Suite 1, 3 and 4)

09:30 – 10:00

10:00 –12:00

WTM Speed Networking

Press Breakfast

WTM Technology enabling Travel

Meridian Club Members and Exhibitors Only. The first of two Speed Networking sessions provides Meridian Club Members & Exhibitors with an opportunity to hold a series of mini meetings to discuss business with each other before WTM opens.

Press Only. Join the WTM Press Team for a continental breakfast before WTM Forecast Forum.

10:00 – 11:00

(The second Speed Networking session takes place 10:00 - 11:00 on Thursday 8 November in Meridian Club Lounge - AF750)

WTM Forecast Forum The World Travel Market 2012 Industry Report

11:30 –12:30

Press Only. Find out the latest trends in the travel and tourism industry from the WTM exhibition floor with the unveiling of the World Travel Market 2012 Industry Report.

WTM Official VIP Opening Ceremony Hosted by Stephen Sackur, internationally renowned BBC correspondent and presenter. 11.30 - Welcome and industry overview by Fiona Jeffery OBE, Chairman World Travel Market 11.45 - Opening by Barry Gibbons, former global Chairman and CEO of Burger King 12.00 - Presentation of the WTM Global Awards

Barry Gibbons

Presenters: Juliet Morris, Former BBC Breakfast presenter and Fiona Jeffery OBE, Chairman of World Travel Market.

12:30 –13:30

WTM Official VIP Reception VIP Opening Reception including drinks and a light lunch.

13:00 – 14:00

Sponsored by

WTM Global Trends Report 2012 Press Only. Introducing the session WTM ‘s Head of Communications Micaela Juarez. Presenter Babita Sharma, News journalist and presenter for BBC World News will reveal the trends in the WTM Global Trends Report 2012. Euromonitor International’s Global Head of Travel and Tourism Research, Angelo Rossini, Travel & Tourism Analyst, Euromonitor International will answer press questions.

14:30 – 17:00

WTM Travel Innovation Summit in association with Travel Technology Initiative and OpenTravel Travel Technology Initiative and OpenTravel are at the forefront of the deployment of technology in the travel industry. The two organisations have teamed up with World Travel Market to throw a spotlight on innovation. Innovation is the lifeblood of travel. At this summit you will hear from the leading lights of the travel industry as well as new entrants with innovative business models. Chair: Paul Richer, The Travel Technology Consultancy; Speakers: Simon Breakwell, Board Member at Hipmunk, Co-Founder & Board Member Trover.com, founder of Expedia in the UK and Europe; Richard Lewis CEO Interchange & Consort Hotels, Best Western Hotels, Beacon Purchasing; Dr. Nicola Millard, Customer Experience Futurologist, BT; Charles Ehredt, Head of Venture Farm & Innovation, Odigeo (Opodo, eDreams, GO Voyages, Travelllink); Vikas Arora, Solution Sales Professional, Bing Maps (Microsoft); Stephany van Willigenburg, Industry Manager, Google. Sponsor Speaker: Peter Wickes, Vice President Business Development, UK and EMEA, WorldPay. Sponsored by

WTM WRTD Programme

IFITT is hosting a workshop at the WTM2012 to discuss the “Technology Enabled Tourism Experience Economy”. The experience economy has become an increasingly important concept in modern society as well as in business. Today, consumers increasingly strive for experiences gained by the consumption of products/services. Tourism as a traditionally service-dominated industry has always been on the forefront of the experience economy. Organised by IFITT.

Silver Sturgeon Boat

10:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 –15:00

Chair: Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, President, IFITT

Captains of Industry Lunch

Speakers: Barbara Neuhofer and Dimitrios Buhalis, eTourismLab, Bournemouth University; Noel Hunwick, Owner, Inamo Restaurant London; William Beckler, Director of Innovation, lastminute.com; Carlo Fontana, General Manager, Hotel Lugano Dante; Rainer Schuster, Founder, Pixtri OG; Robin Worsnop Chair, Edinburgh Tourism Action Group (ETAG); Mathias Schattleitner, Ski Amade; Nathan Clapton, VP Mobile Partnerships, Tripadvisor. ...Read more*

By Invitation only. World Travel Market 2012 will host the prestigious Captains of Industry Lunch. This exclusive, high calibre lunch welcomed by Fiona Jeffery OBE, Chairman, World Travel Market will host guest speaker Dr Michael Frenzel, Chairman of the TUI Group Plc and top industry leaders. Chair: Michael East FCA, Managing Director, Eastcastle Management Group. Speaker: Dr Michael Frenzel, Chairman of the TUI Group Plc.

12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30

15:00 - 15:05

Presentation from WTM Sports Programme Official Sponsor - Eurosport Mark McFarlene, Commercial Director 15:05 – 16:30

Tourism and the Olympic Games 2012 A review of the predictions, plans, realities and tourism outcomes of London 2012, and what should be done now to capitalise on the global attention on the UK for the future? Chair: Ken Robinson CBE. Speakers: Sandie Dawe, CEO, VisitBritain; David Edwards, VisitBritain; James Berresford, Chief Executive, Visit England; Gordon Innes, CEO, London and Partners; Tom Jenkins, Executive Director ETOA; Mary Rance, Chief Executive, UK Inbound.

Michael Frenzel 15:00 –17:00

Sponsored by

A Taste of ILTM at WTM By invitation only. Following on from the success of the previous Luxury hosted buyers programme, WTM and ILTM are proud to announce the forthcoming - ‘A Taste of ITLM at WTM’. This is an appointment driven session to bring together selected luxury market Exhibitors and Buyers, pre-approved by International Luxury Travel Market (ILTM).

15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30

Sponsored by

17:00 – 18:00

The World Tourism Awards The World Tourism Awards, celebrating its 15th anniversary, was established by Reed Travel Exhibitions and co-sponsors American Express, Corinthia Hotels and the International Herald Tribune to “recognize the extraordinary” ...Read more*

TT370 Technology Theatre


17:00 – 18:00

WTM Technology Drinks Reception All Technology Buyers Welcome! Sponsored by

WTM Catalogue 2012 I 17 All information correct at time of print.


WTM W TM 2012 2012 Ev Events ents Pr Programme ogramme

Airline Airline Programme Pr ogramme

BRICS Programme Pr ogramme

Business Day D ay

Cruise Cruise Programme Pr ogramme

Hotel Hotel Programme Pr ogramme

TTuesday uesd day 06 N Nov ov Platinum Suit Suite e1

110:00 0 00 0:00 11:00 1 1:00 11:30 1 1:30 12:00 12:00

Platinum Suit Suite e3&4

o y’s Technology Technolo eve TToday’s oda ogy events ents byy PPaul cha Richer, organised or ganised & chaired aired b aul Richer, PPar Genesys. Senior Partner, artner, Genesys.

–12:00 111:00 1:00 –1 2:00

111:00 1:00 –13:00 –13:00 00

Search S earch EEngine ngine Update U p d a te 2 2012 012

U NW TO & WTM UNWTO W TM Ministers Minis ters Summit Summi t O pen Borders Borders and and Open Open Skies: S kies : Breaking Breaking Barriers Barriers to to Travel T r a ve l Open

Even with Even with the the fast-growing fas a t-growing popularity popularity of social media, the the search search engines continue to to be tthe he primary primary influence inflfluence on the the success or otherwise otherwise of all travel travel businesses. It is vital vital to to g get et yyour our search search engine en ngine strategy strategy working working well well for for your your business whether whet ether this this is based on going ffor or top-ranking g in organic top-ranking organic search search listings listings or deploying deploying a search search engine marketing marketing budget budget tthat hat hits the the keywords keyw y ords with with tthe he highest highest return return on investment. investment. But ut doing well well on the the search search engines is a moving mo oving target. target. Often Often travel travel companies companies find last last month’s mont m h’s successful formula formula is this able failure. o keep miserable with this month’s month’s m miser failure. It is vital vital tto keep up to to date date wi th what is happening in the the ever-changing developments e ver-changing g world world of search. search. In this this seminar you yo ou will hear about bout the the latest latest de velopments from Paul Richer, Sen Senior nior P PartnerGenesys fr om tthose hose who o are are rreally eally in the the know. know. Chair Chair:: P aul Richer, artnerGenesys – The Travell TTechnology echnol h logy C Consult ltancy. Speak S kers: Nate Natte B Bucholz, h l IIndustry Indus d tr dus t y Head of Travel, Travel,l Travel Consultancy. Speakers: Bucholz, Google UK; Carsten Ca arsten Kraus Kraus Founder Founder & CEO of Data Data Quality GmbH / FFACT-Finder ACT-Finder Travel; Travel; Google Andrew Jones,, Head of Search Search A ccount Management, Management, Yahoo! Yahoo! UK. Andrew Account

Sponsored Sponsor ed by by

12:30 12:30 13:00 13:00 13:30 13:30

Tourism ttoday Tourism od day is one of the the ffastest astest g growing rowing economic sectors sectorrs in the the world. world. In spit spite e of increasing increasing economic uncer uncertainties, tainties, international international tourism tourism grew grew by by 4% in n 20 2011 11 tto o rreach each 982 million tr travellers. avellers. In 20 2012, 12, UNW UNWTO WTO es estimates timates tthat hat one billion tourists tourists will travel travel tthe he w world orld in a sing single le year year. year. Yet Yet many many obstacles obs tacles sstill till remain remain tthat hat limit the the g growth rowth of the the tourism tourism sector sector and its immense capacity to to create cr eate economic eco onomic pr prosperity osperity and jobs. Among these these ar are e rrestrictive estr t ictive e air transport transport policies and agreements, ag reemen nts, as w well ell as “old-fashioned” “old-fashioned” entr entryy procedures. procedures. The he G20 Leader Leaderss meeting in Mexico Mexico in June 20 2012 12 rrecognised ecognised the the “r “role ole of travel travel and tourism tourism as a vvehicle ehicle for for job creation, creation, economic growth g rowth and d de development”, evvelopment”, and, “while recognising recognising tthe he so sovereign ovver e eign rright ight of States States to to contr control ol tthe he entryy of fforeign entr orreign nationals”, committ ed tto o “w ork towards eloping tr ave el ffacilitation acilitation initiativ es committed “work towards developing de evve travel initiatives supportt of job cr creation, poverty global growth”. 2012 in suppor eation, quality quality work, work, po ovverty rreduction eduction and nd g lobal g rowth”. The 20 12 UNWTO UNWTO &W TM Min he World ravel Mar ket will seek tto o shed light on ho w countries WTM Ministers’ Market how nisters’ Summit at tthe World TTravel countries can effectively advance travel liberalization ef fectively cooperate cooperate tto o adv ance tr avel ffacilitation acilitation and promote prom motte tthe he necessary necessary liber alization of air tr avel. The debat e will ffocus ocus on: Exis ting obs tacles tto o the h sus tained g row wth of tr avel and travel. debate Existing obstacles sustained growth travel the impact Current ttourism; ourism; Success ccess sstories tories of visa facilitation facilitation and the the im pact on n demand and jobs; Cur rent air transport tr ansport p es necessary o advance owar a ds an open skies air tr avel indus try. measures travel industry. policies and measur necessary tto advance ttowards Opening Remarks: Remarks: Fiona Fiona Jeffery Jeffery OBE, Chairman, Chairman, World World Travel Travel Market; Market; Taleb Taleb Rifai, Rifai, SecretarySecretaryGeneral, World General, World Tourism Tourism Organization Organization (UNWTO). (UNWTO).

112:30 2:30 –1 –13:30 3:30

Content C ontent C Converts onver ts This seminar will ill tell tell you you about the the latest latest adv advances ances in content content that that converts converts w website ebsite visitors visit ors tto o cus tomer o s. It is now heir customers he customers. now possible for for travel travel companies companies to to give give ttheir customers tthe ability to to create create custom custom travel travel guides, personalised personalised to to ttheir heir own own w tastes tastes and interests interests With With broadband br oadband now ead and 4G mobile launching widespread no ow widespr launching across acrosss the the world, world, video content content is becoming the the h norm. norm. It is now now possible to to embed menuing systems sy sysstems in videos to to provide provvide develop, a seamless viewing vie ewing experience. experience. Mapping continues to to de velo op, allowing allowing travellers travellers to to see around ttheir heir destinations destinations ons and learn learn ttheir heir way way ar ound before before arriving. arriving. iving Attend A Attend this this seminar and hear about these these latest lattest developments. developments. Chair Chair:: Paul Paul Richer, Richer, Senior P Partner artner Genesys, Genesys, The Travel Travel Technology Speakers: Director Technology Consultancy. Consult onsultancy. Speak ers: Ana Laborde, Laborde, Founder Founder and Dir ector of Sales & Marketing, uiomatic Travel Travel Technologies; Technologies; Vikas Vikas Arora, Arora, Solution ution Sales Professional, Professional, Bing Marketing, Guiomatic Maps (Microsoft); Granville, (Microso oft); Robert Robert Gr anville, Managing Partner, Partner, LittleVoice. LittleV Voice. V oice.

Sector: H.E. Mr. Speak kers: Public Sector: Mr. Abulfas Abulfas Garayev, Garayev, Minister Minister of Culture Culture and Tourism, Tourism, Speakers: Azerbai jan n; H.E. Mrs. Mrs. Sheikha Mai bint Mohammed Al Khalifa, Khalif alifa, Minister Minister of Culture, Culture, Bahrain; Bahrain; Azerbaijan; H.E. Ms. Mari Mar ari Elka, Elka, Pangestu, Pangestu, Minister Minister for for Tourism Tourism and Creative Crea ative Economy, Economy, Indonesia; H.E. Mr. Mr. Mar thinus Van a; H.E. Mrs. Marthinus Van Schalkwyk, Schalkwyk, Minister Minister of Tourism, Tourism, South South Africa; Africa Mrs. Gloria Gloria Guevara Guevara Manzo, Secretary Secr etary of Private ivate Sector: Sector: Mr Mr.. Jeff ole, Director, o Tourism, Tourism, Mexico. Mexico. Pr Jeff Poole, Poo Director, Government Government and Industry Industry Affairs, Afffairs, International International Air Transport Transport Association (IATA); (IA ATTA); A Mr. Mr. David David Scowsill, Scowsill, President President & CEO, CEO World d Travel enzel Chairman World Travel & Tourism Tourism Council (WTTC); (WTTC); Dr Michael Michael Frenzel, Frenzel, Chairman of TUI Travel Travel plc; Mr. Mr. Vijay Vijay Poonoosamy, Poonoosamy, Vice Vice President President International International & Public blic Affairs, Affairs, Etihad

Supported Suppor ted by by Sponsored Sponsor ed by by

14:00 1 4:00 1 4:30 14:30

–15:00 114:00 4:00 –1 5:00

–15:00 114:00 4:00 –15:00 00

Social S ocial M Media ed ia M Master a s ter C Class la ss

FFace ace to to Face Face with wi th Lord Lord Andrew Andrew Adonis Adonis - ITT IT T Conference C o n fe r e n c e

Many travel Many travel organisations organisations are are no now ow w finding that that social media iss not not jus justt a fantastic fantastic customer cus tomer service servic ce channel channel but is also driving driving a significant proportion prop portion of sales. This is not not sstraightforward traightforward tto o ac achieve hieve but requires requires dedication and effort, effort, correctly correctly ffocused ocused towards towards meeting your your business b objectives. objectives. Does your your organisation organisation have have a social media strategy? strategy? If so, so is it working workin ng to to yyour our satisfaction? satisfaction? In this this session, you you will hear ear from from those those with with tthe he experience e xperience to to give give yyou ou a real real insight into into succeeding on this this important im mportant channel. channel. Chair:: Paul Chair Paul Richer, Ric cher, Senior PartnerGenesys PartnerGenesys – The Travel Travel TTechnology echn nology Consultancy. Consultancy. Speak ers: Nick Nick Stafford, Stafford, General General Manager, Manager, Living Social Escapes, capes, Eur ope; Debbie Speakers: Europe; Hindle, Managing ging Dir ector, Four Four bgb; Ben Jost, Jost, Chief Executive Executtive Officer, Officer, TTrustYou. rustYou. Director,

The former formerr Secretary Secretary of State State for for Transport, Transport, Lord Lord Adonis, Adonis, will ill discuss the the urgent urgent transport transport challenges c hallenges e facing facing the the UK, in particular particular the the contentious contentious issue sue of runway runway capacity in the the South-East Sout h-East of England. England. Is a third third runway runway at Heathrow Heathrow realistic, realisstic, and does Lord Lord Foster’s Foster’s Thames Estuary Esstuary Airport Airport make make sense? Lord Lord Adonis Adonis will be interviewed int ntervie ewed by by ITT Chairman, Chairman, Dr Steven Steven Freudmann. Freudmann.

115:00 5:00 115:30 5:30 16:00 16:00

115:00 5:00 –1 –16:00 6:0 00

Sponsored Sponsor ed by by

115:30 5:30 –1 –16:30 6:30

Going Goi ng M Mobile obile As PC sales fall, falll, smartphone smartphone sales continue to to rocket rocket with with And Android droid handsets now no ow w ttaking aking the the lion ’s share. share. The e PC has entered entered a period period of decline, netbooks netbooks are are dead and it appears appears lion’s tthat h t mobile hat bil computing co omputing ti is i the the h futur ffuture. t e. Is I mobile bil working working ki for for your yourr organisation organisation i ti or are are yyou ou in danger danger of being be eing left left behind? Is the the time now now right right to to in vest iin n this this channel channel or is it still still a invest viable option option just ju ust to to rely rely on the the web? web? Hear from from those those who already already e have the the hard-won hard-won have e xperience about ab bout how ho ow w tto o profit profit from from going mobile. Chair Chair:: Paul Paul Richer, Richer, Senior Partner Partner experience Genesys, Speakers: David Genesyys, The TTravel ravel Technology Technology Consultancy. Consultancy. Speak kers: Da avid Slocombe, Head of President COO, Mobile, lastminute.com; lastminute.com; Jason Bryant, Bryant, Co-Founder, Co-Founder, Pr esiden nt and C OO, Nor1, Nor1, Inc.; Rust,t, CE CEO, SStefan tefan Rus EO, Exicon Ltd.

116:30 6:30 117:00 7:00 117:30 7:30

Sponsored Sponsor ed by by

117:00 7:00 –1 –18:00 8:00

TThe he Travel Travel Weekly Weekly Cruise Cruise Debate D eb a te In a rare rare public p appearance, appearance, the the Chairman Chairman and Chief Executive Executive of the the world’s world’s largest largest cruise cr uise company, com mpany, Micky Micky Arison, Arison, speaks speaks to to Travel Travel Weekly Weekly UK K Editor-in-Chief Editor-in-Chief Lucy Lucy Huxley Huxley about a tumultuous ous year year for for the the sector. sector. He will be joined by by managing naging directors directors of Carnival Carnival Corporation Cor poratio on br brands ands including Costa Costa Cr Cruises uises tto o discuss the the outlook ffor or the the g global lobal cruise cruise indus industry. try. Chair:: Lucy Chair Luc cy Huxley, Huxley, Travel Travel Weekly Weekly Group Group UK Editor-in-Chief. Editor-in-Chief. hief. Speakers: Speak ers: Micky Micky Arison Arison Carnival Carnival Corporation Corporation Chairman Chairman n and CEO (by (by live live video link), David Da vid Dingle, Ding gle, Managing Director, Director, Carnival Carnival UK, and Michael Mic chael Thamm, Managing Director, Director, Costa & Aida (on stage). Cos ta Cruises Cruises u stage).

116:00 6:00 –17:00 –17:00 00

Airline Air line - Out Ou t of of Africa Africa Africa is the Africa the least least developed developed of the the continents in terms terms of air traffic traffic development development yet yet traffic traffic is growing growing strongly. strongly. Local airlines airlines complain complain that that it is non African African companies companies who are are the the chief c hief beneficiaries beneficiar eficiaries of growth growth but we we are are now now beginning to to see the the development development of strong strong airlines air lines capable apable of home grown grown growth. growth. New New generation generation aircraft aircraft such such as Boeing’s Boeing’s 787 787 and Airbuss A350 will help this. this. John Strickland Strickland will cover cover questions ques u tions including: What are are the the opportunities op portunitties which which Africa Africa presents presents in terms terms of air travel travel and and tourism tourism development? development? What are ar e the the challenges challeng h es in terms terms of distance, distance, infra infra structure structure and d regulation? regulation? Are Are Africa’s Africa’s native native carriers car riers losing lossing out? what new new airline airline business models are are we we seeing? Chair:: John Chair Joh hn Strickland, Strickland, JLS JLS Consulting. Speakers: Speak kers: Ed Winter, Winter e , CEO of Stelios’s Stelios’s new new African African vventure enture FastJet; Fas a tJet; Tewolde Tew wolde GebreMariam, GebreMariam, CEO, Ethiopian Ethiopian Airlines; Airirlines; Mbuvi Ngunze, COO, COO, K enya Airways. Airways. Kenya

LLatest a test TTech ech TTrends rend s The entire entire tr travel avel e and tourism tourism industry industry is driven driven by by its technology. technolog gyy. Global distribution distribution systems, sy ystems, CRSs, the the w web, eb, mobile, social media and more more all come co ome together together tto o cr create eate a complex complex technological technological infrastructure. infrastructure. The travel travel industry industry communicates com mmunicates and shares shares product pr oduct through throug gh this. this. Consumers Consumers find out about our products products and make make that that all important important purchase pur chase via the the h same infrastructure. infrastructure. But technology technology changes changess fast. fast. Today’s Today’s lat latest est device device might be tomorrow’s tomo orrow w’s dinosaur. dinosaur. Att Attend end this this seminar and learn learn a about the the lat latest est consumer and travel travel technology technology h trends trends that that will be affecting affecting you you and your your o customers. customers. Chair Paul Richer, Ric cher, Senior Partner, Partner, Genesys Genesyyss – The Travel Travel Technology Techno ology Consultancy. Consultancyy. Chair:: Paul


Chair Steven Freudmann. Freudmann. Chairman, Chairman, ITT. ITT. Chair:: Dr Steven Speak ker: Lord L d Andrew Lor Andrew Adonis Adonis (Former (Former Transport Transport Secretary). Secretary). y Speaker: Organised Or ganised d by by ITT. ITT.

18AllI inf WTM Catalogue 2012 information ormation c cor correct rect at time of pr print. int.

WTM W TM Ministerial Minis M terial Dinner in association with with UNWTO UNWTO and VisitBritain VisitBritain 19:00 – 22:30

By invitation only. The exclusive evening, now in its fourth year, will host Tourism Ministers and Senior Aides from around the world at Mansion House, Central London. Editors from global leading travel trade publications will also be present at this year’s prestigious event.

MICE Programme

Ministerial Programme

Social Media Programme

Sports Programme

Technology Programme

WTM WRTD Programme

* For full schedule details visit www.wtmlondon.com or download the free WTM app at www.wtmlondon.com/app South Gallery Room 19

South Gallery Room 20

South Gallery Rooms 21 + 22

10:00 11:00

11:00 –12:00

11:00 – 12:00

11:00 – 12:00

Adventure Travel, Trends and Economic Impact

The Travel Weekly Insight Annual Report

Activity Tourism

This session addresses the current state of affairs of the adventure tourism sector, growth patterns and potential. Additionally, we’ll explore the importance of the economic impact of adventure tourism versus mass tourism to support purposeful development of specialised forms of tourism as means of stimulating local economic growth.

An economic and political overview of the year and future prospects for the UK outbound travel market. It will cover all the core sectors of the travel industry including aviation, tour operating, cruise, distribution, online and luxury.

Activity tourism is fast becoming an important source of income to many nations. The industry has responded to demand by helping holidaymakers travel to remote parts of the world. WTM World Responsible Tourism Day asks what responsibility do tour operators and activity providers have to ensure the safety of travellers and/or the protection of the environments they use?

Speaker: Chris Doyle, Executive Director-Europe, Adventure Travel Trade Association, Editor, AdventureTravelNews.com

Chair: Ian Taylor, Executive Editor, Travel Weekly (Author of Travel Weekly Insight). Speakers: Graham Pickett, Partner, Travel Tourism & Leisure, Deloitte; Sarah Smalley, Managing Director, GfK-Ascent.


Chair: John Swarbooke, Professor of Tourism & Hospitality, Manchester Metropolitan University. Speakers: Skiing: Veronica Tonge, Consultant, Responsible Skiing; Diving: Claudia Townsend, Consultant, Hidden Britain; Mountaineering & Trekking: Ashley Hardwell, Senior Lecturer, Leeds Metropolitan University.

12:00 12:30

12:30 – 13:30

12:30 – 13:30

12:30 – 13:30

Wildlife Tourism

Business Value of Meetings

Tourism and Child Protection

The trend of millions of travellers who like to watch animals in their natural habitat is growing every year and has become a significant source of employment and income for developing countries. But rapid development also brings numerous environmental concerns that could endanger wildlife.The session will study how the industry can positively contribute, educating visitors, and helping to fund conservation.

You want to prove the business value of meetings (BVOM), but want to know if the process is cost- and value-effective. Unfortunately, there’s no industry consensus, according to new research supported by the MPI Foundation and AIBTM. In fact, BVOM varies widely by meeting types, as do its measures and their uses. Attend this session to help you a) prove the ROI of measuring BVOM, b) attain senior management buy-in and much more.

Chair: Brian Wood, Product Manager, Wildlife Worldwide. Speakers Caroline Warburton, Wild Scotland; Abhishek Behl, Wild Navigator; Dickson Ole Kaelo, Conservationist, Maasai Mara, Joss Kent, Chief Executive Officer, &BEYOND.

Speaker: Didier Scaillet, Chief Development Officer, Meeting Professionals International.

Child protection has long been a major concern of many people within the industry including World Travel Market who, in the past, has worked with UNWTO and ECPAT, the champion of children’s rights, promoting greater awareness and recognition of the issues. Disquiet continues to grow as travel and tourism unwittingly contributes to internal child trafficking. The panel will explore how the industry can more effectively address the challenge of protecting children Chair: Harold Goodwin, Professor of Responsible Tourism Management, Leeds Metropolitan University Speakers: Michael Horton, ConCERT Cambodia; Stephen Farrant, Director, International Tourism Partnership & Youth Career Initiative; Claire Ellaway, Director, WCE Group Operations; Marina Diotallevi, Programme Manager, Ethics & Social Dimensions of Tourism, UNWTO; Julie Naylor, Head of Customer Relations, Thomas Cook.

14:00 – 15:00

14:00 – 15:00

Is tourism inclusive enough?

Keys to the World

Maximising Local Economic Development


Is an annual holiday something which everyone should expect? In this panel we’ll look at the different assumptions in Europe and further afield about the right to an annual holiday and look at the different ways in which the industry rises, or not, to the challenge of making provision for everyone. Chair: Paul Maynard, MP for Blackpool North & Cleveleys, All Party Group on Social Tourism. Speakers: Charles-E. Bélanger, Director, Organisation Internationale du Tourisme Social (OITS); Ian Reynolds, Chairman, Family Holiday Association (FHA); Luc Gobin, Head of Tourism for All Department, Toerisme Vlaanderen. Fiona Harris, Kuoni Travel Limited; Thea Joldersma, Family Holiday Association.

In this session a panel of travel experts will discuss how social media is changing the way we choose travel destinations and what we experience when we get there. How are editors using social media to connect with their travelling audience and, importantly, how can destinations work with them to create successful campaigns?

Tourism claims to be the world’s largest industry and employs 1 in 12 people. In this panel we look at how tourism can increase its contribution to the local communities in destinations through employment, local sourcing of goods and services and by encouraging tourists to buy local.


Speakers: Andrew Evans, National Geographic Traveler’s Digital Nomad; Andrew Nelson, Writer.

Chair: H.E. Kamalesh Sharma, Commonwealth Secretary General.

15:30 – 16:15

China Tourism Forum – Inbound China has become the 4th largest tourism market in terms of international arrivals. However, with its territory as big as Europe, the tourism industry has been elevated and is set to develop its inbound tourism even further. Speakers: Vice Chairman of CNTA; President of WTTC Mr. David Scowsill; Director Generals of Regional Tourism Boards from China, plus Senior executives of China Travel Service; China International Travel Service etc and also CEO of Tui China Mr Schneider and the Chairman of India Tour Operators Association Mr Subhash Goyal. Organised by China Business Network.

16:45 – 17:30

China Tourism Forum – Outbound With 70 million outbound visitors from China visiting other parts of the world in 2011 and rising to possibly 80 million by the end of 2012, China truly has become a driving force of the travel and tourism industry worldwide. This session will deliver the latest report on outbound travel from China and speakers will share practical experience of supporting senior officials. Speakers: Dr Taleb Rifai, Secretary General, UNWTO; Mary Rance, Chief Executive, UK Inbound; Tom Jenkins, Executive Director, European Tour Operators Association; Prof. Wolfgang Arlt, China Outbound Research; Dr Adam Wu, COO, CBN Travel and MICE; Mr Marcel Schneider, CEO, Tui China. Organised by China Business Network.

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15:30 – 16:30

Building Bridges of Collaboration for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Mediterranean Region (IIPT) The Mediterranean Region is the world’s most visited destination and UNWTO projections are that it will be adding 10 million more international arrivals a year for a total of 500 million by 2030. The region is currently challenged with economic issues in source markets; political transitions of the Arab Spring in Northern Africa; preserving natural and cultural heritage; and the impacts of climate change. This session will bring together key Ministers to explore opportunities for collaborative strategies for sustainable tourism development in support of the UN Millennium Development Goals. Introduction: Louis D’Amore, Founder and President, International Institute of Peace through Tourism (IIPT) Chair: Senator Akel Biltaji, former Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Jordan and Special Advisor to HM King Abdullah II. Speakers: Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary General, UNWTO H.E. Mohamed Hisham Abbas Zaazou, Minister of Tourism, Egypt; H.E. Mr. Nayef Al-fayez, Minister of Tourism & Antiquities, Jordan; Mr. Elhamy ElZayat, Chairman and CEO, EMECO Travel, Egypt.

17:00 – 18:00

ATTA Regional Meeting Open to all, the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) delivers a global adventure travel market insights and trends briefing. Peer-to-peer networking between attending media tour operators, destinations, and adventure travel agents will help to close this session just ahead of the WTM AdventureDrinksConnect, no-host, informal gathering today at 18.30 at The Fox Pub (outside ExCeL). Chair: Chris Doyle, Executive Director-Europe, Adventure Travel Trade Association, Editor, AdventureTravelNews.com.

14:00 – 15:30

Speakers: Chris Gale, Project Manager, City & Guilds Centre for Skills Development; Garry Wilson, Product and Purchasing Director, TUI; Lamin Drammeh, Project Manager, Sandele Showcase and Guaranteed Gambian Producers Group; Manisha Pande, Director and General Manager, Village Ways Travel.

13:00 13:30

15:00 15:30 16:00

16:30 – 17:30

Responsible Volunteering


Increasing demand for volunteer experiences is being met by a growing number of volunteer service organisations. Most of these emerging companies have excellent, transparent credentials with the aim of matching volunteers to projects. However, there is increasing concern amongst host governments about the activities of some volunteering companies. This session will search out the problems and how they can best be addressed.


Chair: Mark Tanzer, Chief Executive, ABTA. Speakers: Sallie Grayson, Co-Founder and Programme Director for Responsible Volunteering, People and Places; Richard Oliver, Chief Executive, Year Out Group; Paul Miedema, Owner Calabash Tours, Chair, Calabash Trust.


Tuesday continued… WTM Catalogue 2012 I 19

Airline Programme

WTM 2012 Events Programme

BRICS Programme

Business Day

Cruise Programme

Hotel Programme

Tuesday 06 Nov South Gallery Rooms 23 + 24

South Gallery Rooms 25 + 26


Technology Theatre - TT370 10:30 – 11:15

Are There Too Many Players in the Online Travel Industry Value Chain? Is the process of buying travel too convoluted?

11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30

11:00 – 12:00

11:00 – 12:00

Investment & Finance

How To Measure Travel Blogger ROI

What initiatives should investors and owners be undertaking now to stay ahead of the game? Get the full global picture from an impressive line-up of operators and advisors.

What’s the relative value of a blogger’s tweet, Facebook post, blog post, email, instagram photo? How does the number of followers, fans, page views, retweets, likes, stumbles, affect the value of each? Once value is measurable, how do you calculate the ROI of an investment in bloggers given that each offers a different mix of social reach and focuses on different niches? Numbers are important but how would you value subjective elements such as the blogger’s personality, professionalism, etc... Blogger ROI is a challenging issue.

Chair: Russell Kett FIH, Managing Director, HVS. Speakers: Arthur De Haast FIH, Chairman, Jones Lang LeSalle Hotels; Laurence Geller CBE FIH, Chief Executive Officer, Strategic Hotels & Resorts; Patrick Fitzgibbon, Senior Vice President Development, Hilton Worldwide; Sir David Michels FIH, President, Institute of Hospitality. Organised by the Institute of Hospitality.

13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00

Organised O i d by b

11:30 – 12:15

Using Distribution to Capitalise on ‘The Market Segment of One’ In today’s hyper-connected travel space, guests know what they want, how to find it and it’s worth. Or do they? Speaker: Erik Munoz, Executive Director Sales & Marketing EMEA & Americas – SiteMinder. ...Read more*

Organised by

12:30 – 13:30

Risk Management From terrorism to cyber-crime, in an ever complex world of global challenges, which are the best strategies for hotels to adopt to mitigate risk?


Chair: Oliver Gradwell, Founder and Director, Travel Bloggers Unite. Speakers: Keith Jenkins, founder of Velvet Escape Blog; Janice Waugh, founder of Solo Traveler Blog; Debbie Hindle, MD of FourBGB; Melvin Boecher, founder of Traveldudes.

Speakers: David Cabreza, Director, Hilton Worldwide; John Howell, Managing Director, Multicom ...Read more*

Chair: Philippe Rossiter FIH, Chief Executive, Institute of Hospitality. Speakers: Bill Fairweather, Chair, Institute of Hotel Security Management; Dr Alex Paraskevas, Senior Lecturer, Strategy Risk Management, Oxford Brookes University; Joy Przeczek, Vice President Risk & Information Management, American Express; Paul Moxness, Vice President Safety & Security, Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group; Philip James, Partner, Pitmans; Tim Wright, Partner, Kingston Smith. Organised by the Institute of Hospitality.

12:30 – 13:30

12:30 – 13:15

World Travel Market 2012 Industry Report

The Impact of Social Media & Online Reputation Management on Hotel Revenue

Hear travel and tourism’s most comprehensive report on the future holiday trends from WTM exhibitors and Meridian Club members as well as UK holidaymakers. Presenters: Juliet Morris, Former BBC Breakfast presenter and Micaela Juarez, Head of Communications, World Travel Market.

13:30 – 14:15

What are the 4 Ps of Conversion for the Online Travel Supply Chain? The challenge of delivering quality responses to availability search requests can be simplified with the right insight. 14:00 – 15:00

The Future for Activity, Adventure and Sports Tourism

WTM Global Trends Report 2012

Chair: Ken Robinson CBE. Speakers: Ashley Toft, Managing Director, Explore Worldwide; Catherine Crone, Managing Director, Headwater Holidays, TUI; Chris Chesak, VP, The Adventure Travel Trade Association; Paul Easto, Director, Wilderness Scotland.

Speaker: RJ Friedlander, CEO, ReviewPro.

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14:00 – 15:00

Activity, Adventure and Sports Tourism is evolving fast; changing demographics, changing expectations – as new destinations and activities evolve. What does the future hold? How can every destination get the best from Activity tourism?

A look at the top online trends that will help to improve guest satisfaction and revenues.

Introducing the session WTM’s Head of Communications Micaela Juarez. Produced in association with Euromonitor International the report presents an overview of the leading new trends emerging within the industry, focusing on key regions and topics. Presenters: Babita Sharma, News journalist and presenter for BBC World News and A Representative from Euromonitor International.

Speaker: Jonathan Boffey, Business Development Director, Triometric. ...Read more* Organised by

14:30 – 15:15

TripAdvisor for Hotels: How to Promote Your Business on the World’s Largest Travel Site. TripAdvisor discuss essential online marketing strategies including how to manage your reputation online & tools to help you reach TripAdvisor’s 60 million unique monthly visitors. Speaker: Karen Plumb, Senior Strategy Director, Sales EMEA, TripAdvisor for Business.

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15:30 16:00

15:30 – 17:00

15:30 – 16:30

Senior Business Travel Managers Forum

Progress in Responsible Tourism

This session is strictly by invitation only. Having set the topics for discussion on the agenda themselves, some of the UK’s leading business travel managers will be debating the issues that matter to them. After this session, all attendees are invited to network with exhibitors at the Meridian Club Drinks Reception (17.00 - 19.00) in the Meridian Club Lounge - AF750.

Rio+20, the landmark United Nations conference on sustainable development, took place in June 2012 and in November, WTM World Responsible Tourism Day will be looking back at progress since 1992. Speakers will examine the sustainability contribution by industry and destinations, identifying current priorities.

Mobile? Social? New trends? A Hotel Marketing Master Class

Chair: Martin Brackenbury, Director, Classic Collection Holidays. Speakers: Harold Goodwin, Professor of Responsible Tourism Management Leeds Metropolitan University; Jane Ashton, Head of Sustainable Development, TUI Travel plc; Shaun Vorster, Special Adviser Minister of Tourism, South Africa.

Speakers: Vincent Ramelli, CEO WIHP ...Read more*

Chair: Lee Whiteing, Travel & Fleet Manager EMEA, HSBC.


Organised by

15:30 – 16:15

Every year there are new technologies, new ideas, popular sites and more. But how to stay on top of it all? How to stay focused while not missing out on the new technologies coming out every few month.

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16:30 – 17:15

The 3 Ps of Hotel Sales: Pricing, Productivity, People


Meridian Club Lounge North Hall, AF750 17:00 – 19:00

WTM Meridian Club Drinks Reception


For Meridian Club Members and Exhibitors Only. An informal opportunity to network with exhibitors. Refreshments will be served and entertainment will be provided by Emma Jane, a well established artist known for her smooth vocals & groove.

20 I WTM Catalogue 2012 All information correct at time of print.

Demystify the real situation of online hotel sales and position yourself favourably in today’s market. Understand pricing models, channel productivity and what people are saying about you to make the sales process more lucrative. Speakers: Ryan Haynes, VP Marketing, eRevMax Technologies; ...Read more* Organised by

MICE Programme

Ministerial Programme

Wednesday 07 Nov

Social Media Programme

Platinum Suite 4


10:30 – 11:00

Official WTM WRTD Opening Ceremony

Management of Customer reviews. Why are hotels so bad at it? Does it really matter?

Welcome and industry viewpoint from Fiona Jeffery OBE, Chairman, World Travel Market. Opening by Charlie Mayhew, MBE, Chief Executive, Tusk Trust.

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11:00 – 12:00

Virgin Holidays Responsible Tourism Awards

Chair: Steve Endacott, Chief Executive, On Holiday Group Ltd.

Presentation of the Virgin Holidays Responsible Travel Awards 2012, the largest awards of their kind in the world. Organised by responsibletourism.com sponsored by Virgin Holidays and in partnership with Metro Newspaper, World Travel Market and Geographical.

NEW WTM WRTD Speakers Corner

12:00 – 12:30

As part of the WTM World Responsible Tourism Day programme, delegates will get the chance to talk about their own responsible tourism activity, explore new ideas and introduce opinions on ethical trends. There will be 13 ten-minute Speakers’ Corner slots on Tuesday and Wednesday on the exhibition floor.

Tuesday 06 Nov

Wolfgang M. Neumann, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating officer of The Rezidor Hotel Group – one of the world’s fastest growing hotel companies – is to take WTM World Responsible Tourism Day’s HOTseat. He will be interviewed by Stephen Sackur, BBC World’s presenter of HARDtalk.

Wednesday 07 Nov Stand Location: AS275 - South Hall 12.00 – 12.10 Thomas Armitt, West Africa Discovery, UK: The responsibility that international consultants have when working with developing countries to implement tourism products. 14.00 – 14.10 Jo Owen, Trustee of Harnessing Job Opportunities through Play & Education, Soria Moria/HOPE Cambodia/ ConCERT, Cambodia: Good communication bringing key community benefits in Siem Reap. 15:30 – 15:40 Simon Beck, Safari Legacy, Tanzania: Africa’s wildlife under critical threat from poaching.

11:30 12:00 12:30

12:30 - 15:00 Platinum Suite 1

WTM WRTD Lunch By invitation only - sponsored, organised and hosted by BBC World News.

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12.00 – 12.10 Pandurang Taware, President & Managing Director, Agri Tourism, India: Pioneering Agri Tourism in India as supplementary income and livelihood in agriculture to address the migration of rural youths to cities. 14.00 – 14.10 Joss Kent, &Beyond’s CEO, South Africa: The Way I See It: Luxury experiential travel in Africa and South Asia. 15.30 – 15.40 Judy Matengo, Ol Tukai Lodge, Kenya: On the traumas of young African girls facing life without education.

12.30 – 12.40 Chrispin Joseph Beer-Sheba, Kushiland Expeditions & Tours, Tanzania: How a tourist attraction can help poverty reduction. 14.30 – 14.40 Dominic Hamilton, Metropolitan Touring, South America: Raising the bar in sustainable building and socially beneficial tourism development. 16.00 – 16.10 Iaia Pedemonte, Gender Responsible Tourism, Italy: How responsible tourism can help women with expert advice, data and good practice.

Sponsored by Virgin Holidays Responsible Tourism Awards 2012

WTM WRTD HOTseat with Wolfgang M. Neumann, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating officer of The Rezidor Hotel Group

Stand Location: AS275 - South Hall

Stand Location: UKI230 - North Hall

WTM WRTD Programme

Platinum Suite 3

11:00 – 12:00

As an industry, Hoteliers seem to hate review sites like Trip-advisor, bemoaning their accuracy and fairness. However, 60% of holiday makers now look at Customer Review scores before booking a holiday. Successfully managing a hotel’s online review scores can increase bookings by 30% with the same averting spend. Too good to be true? Come and listen to expert advice on quick and simple ways to boost review scores and how these reviews need to be posted to maximise exposure within Google.

Technology Programme

* For full schedule details visit www.wtmlondon.com or download the free WTM app at www.wtmlondon.com/app

South Gallery Rooms 27 + 28

Wednesday 07 Nov

Sports Programme

WTM Powerhouse Economies There is exceptional potential for growth in Brazil, China, India, Russia and South Africa as origin markets. How real is this potential? What will inhibit this growth? Where are the business opportunities? ETOA and ETC will present research into each market with an economic and demographic overview, followed by two expert speakers providing a travel industry perspective and a short Q&A session. Organised by ETOA in conjunction with ETC. Introduced by Tom Jenkins of ETOA and Leslie Vella of ETC. Moderated by Stephen Sackur of BBC World News.

13:00 13:30 14:00

14:15 – 14:30 14:30 – 15:30

AIRLINE - Setting the scene Taking a hard look at the challenges the industry continues to face and the mountains it must climb: Fuel prices soaring; Taxes rising; Demand weakening; Airport and runway capacity. Chair: John Strickland, Director, JLS Consulting. Speakers: Christine Ourmieres, CEO, CityJet; Luke Pollard, Head of Public Affairs, ABTA; Manuel Lopez Colmenarejo, Director Corporate Affairs, Iberia; Stewart Wingate, CEO, Gatwick Airport ...Read more* 15.30 - 15.35 Presentation from WTM Sports Programme Official Sponsor - Eurosport

Introduction 14:30 – 15:05

BRAZIL André Fass, Global Director of Product, Abreu Online; Peter De Jong, VP of Business Development, STB (provisional). 15.10 – 15.45

CHINA Dorosthy Teng, Department Manager Inbound Services, Kuoni/GTA; Carey Fletcher, Chairman, China Holidays Group.


15:35 – 16:30 Optimising

Ashwini Kakkar, Executive Vice Chairman, Mercury Travels; Yashraj Jain, Editorial Associate, Indian Compass.

Tourism is usually cited as a major gain for Host Nations of major international events. But what should the rights holders (like IOC, FIFA, F1 etc) be doing to help deliver the potential tourism benefits? Chair: Ken Robinson CBE. Speakers: Michael R Payne, former Marketing Director IOC and Strategic Adviser to Broadcast and Media, Governments and International Sports Events, Companies and Corporations; Sandie Dawe, CEO, Visit Britain; Michele McKenzie, President, Canadian Tourism Commission; Geoffrey Lipman, President, ICTP.


15.50 – 16.25

Mark McFarlene, Commercial Director.

the Tourism Benefits of Major Events for Host Nations: overcoming marketing constraints - a call for a new approach by Rights Holders



16.30 – 17.05

RUSSIA Helène Lloyd, Director, TMI Consultancy; Representative from Business Services International.


17.10 – 17.45

SOUTH AFRICA Susan Thesen, GM, British Tips.


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Stand Location: UKI230 - North Hall 16:30 – 17:30

12.30 – 12.40 Sarah Allard, Lost Earth Adventure, UK: Educating clients to act responsibly; outlining work of the International Porter Protection Group. 14.00 – 14.10 Sallie Grayson, People & Places, UK: The key ethics of volunteering with children. 14:30 – 14:40 Andrej Brglez, EGOZERO, Slovenia: The beginning of a journey of responsible discovery - travelling by electric car. 15:30 - 15:40 Roland Monsegu, Explore World Heritage, Ireland: The challenges of marketing World Heritage sites.

Latest Tech Trends The entire travel & tourism industry is driven by its technology. Global distribution systems, CRSs, the web, mobile, social media and more all come together to create a complex technological infrastructure. The travel industry communicates and shares product through this. Consumers find out about our products and make that all important purchase via the same infrastructure. Chair: Paul Richer, Senior Partner Genesys – The Travel Technology Consultancy ...Read more*

17:00 - 18:30 Platinum Suite 1

WTM WRTD Networking Reception An unrivalled chance to meet and share views on responsible tourism with experts and those who are new to responsible tourism or are considering responsible tourism activity within their business for the first time.

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Wednesday continued… WTM Catalogue 2012 I 21

17:00 17:30

WTM 2012 Events Programme

Airline Programme

BRICS Programme

Business Day

Cruise Programme

Hotel Programme

Wednesday 07 Nov South Gallery Room 19

South Gallery Room 20

South Gallery Room 21 + 22

10:00 10:30 – 12:00 10:45 – 12:00

11:00 11:30 12:00

11:00 – 12:00

Customer Service

What do guests expect today and how do the hotels respond to it?

When ‘good’ is no longer good enough, how can hotels win the war for customer loyalty? Is there even such a thing as customer loyalty anymore? Find the answers to these questions, and many more.

This session will include new figures and stats resulting from 2012 about the global trends and the spa market. Furthermore it will feature new trends regarding the wellbeing needs of the spa traveller and how the hotels respond to that.

Chair: Ann Corrigan FIH, Managing Director, Hospitality Assured.

Chair: Anne Biging, Managing Director, Healing Hotels of the World.

Speakers: Bulent Osman, Managing Director, The App Garden; Heiko Figge FIH, Managing Director, Guoman & Thistle Hotels; Darren Gearing MIH, Vice President and General Manager, Shangri-La Hotel at the Shard, London; Sean Valentine MIH, Managing Director, Aspire Group. Organised by the Institute of Hospitality.

Out Now Business Class - Better LGBT Marketing Strategies The global market for tourism by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) travellers accounts for more than 6% of total tourism spending. As more industry participants gear up to meet the travel needs of LGBT people, there is an increasing need for industry-leading expert understanding & insights. The LGBT Marketing Masterclass at WTM presented by Out Now defines the global standard for education in the area of LGBT tourism. Chair: Ian Johnson, Founder and CEO, Out Now. Speakers: Hanna Muoniovaara, Marketing Manager, Helsinki City Tourist & Convention Bureau; Ruben Sandoval, CEO of LGBT Confex - presenters of the 2nd International Business & Expo LGBT in Mexico; Darren Cooper, Senior Consultant, Out Now Global. Organised by Out Now.

12:30 – 13:30


12:30 – 13:30

Marketing in 2020 Do the traditional models of marketing still hold sway? How will hotels need to evolve their marketing strategies to satisfy business goals over the remainder of the decade?


Chair: Jeffrey Epstein FIH, Founder/Publisher, Best Loved Hotels; Speakers: Brian Reeves, Chief Executive, Officer Avvio; Cho Wong, Chief Executive, Supranational Hotels; Paul West MIH, Managing Director, Ignite Marketing. Organised by the Institute of Hospitality.

13:30 14:00 – 15:00

14:00 14:30 15:00

The Paradigm Shift in Travel and Tourism New Rules for Competitive Success Changes in consumer behaviour and technology, particularly the Internet, are radically transforming the face of travel and tourism. This paradigm shift has resulted in the demise of tourism’s golden age characterised by unlimited growth and exploitation of the environment. The world economy has simultaneously seen unprecedented ‘recession’. This adjustment process is bound to take a toll on tourism’s growth. Not only will growth slow, the direction and distribution will also change. Industry players will not be able to capture market share by using the ‘same old’ formula. This presentation will offer key strategies for continued competitiveness amidst a changing industry. Speakers: Auliana Poon, Director, Tourism Intelligence International; Kevon Wilson, Analyst, Tourism Intelligence International.

16:00 16:30 17:00

Are hotels now over engineered? Does the customer have a voice in hotel design? Is there a demand for simplicity? Are sustainable hotels affordable? Listen to expert opinion from architects, designers and hotel operators.

Chair: Michael Flaxman FIH, Former Chief Operating Officer, Americas, Accor. Speakers: Dexter Moren, Director, Dexter Moren Associates; Liam Lambert FIH, Chief Operating Officer, Corinthia Hotels; Robert Cook FIH, Managing Director, De Vere Village Hotels; Vanessa Brady, President, Society of British Interior Design; John Firrell MIH, Managing Director, Considerate Hoteliers Organised by the Institute of Hospitality.

What will Tourism do to realise its potential as a global economic stimulator? This will be an interesting debate looking at what it is that the international tourism industry can do to really act on the fact that it represents 5% of the global economy. Impressive figures such as these are often displayed but where is the collective will to back them up and show that tourism really can make an active difference in terms of job creation and helping to improve the economic situation around the world? What does the industry need to do, and how can it do it?

Chair: Kurt Janson MTS, Policy Director, Tourism Alliance. Speakers: Taleb Rifai, Secretary General, United Nations World Tourism Organisation; Richard Prosser, Chairman, CarTrawler and a member of the World Economic Forum’s Aviation, Travel and Tourism Council.

Meridian Club Lounge North Hall, AF750 17:00 – 19:00

WTM Meridian Club Drinks Reception


Travel Weekly - Taking Responsibility for Cruise During WTM’s Responsible Tourism day this session will hear from experts in the cruise industry about the stringent environmental and sustainable operating standards it is increasingly being expected to meet by the destinations it serves. How are cruise operators using new technology and procedures to ensure the modern cruise ship leaves as small a footprint on the ports they visit as possible and what are the emerging challenges? What lessons were learned from the Costa Concordia disaster? Speakers: David Dingle, Managing Director, Carnival UK; Michael Thamm, Managing Director, Costa Cruises. & Aida. Chair: Lee Hayhurst, Head of News, Travel Weekly Group UK.

Hotel Design 14:00 – 15:00

Country Brand Index 2012/2013 We will be sharing the research from this year’s report which features expert opinions, statistics and proprietary, global, quantitative data to create the largest study of its kind. Assessing 118 countries across 26 image attributes and 6 measures of brand strength, it contains trends, insights and points of view on Business, Tourism and Countries. The overall and individual criteria results will be revealed during the seminar as well as the new addition of the Future Fifteen country brands. Speaker: FutureBrand country Brand Expert.

15:30 – 16:30


12:30 – 13:30

For Meridian Club Members and Exhibitors Only. Join us in toasting 21 years of doing business! Celebrate Meridian Club’s 21st Anniversary with complimentary blue cocktails, canapés and a free prize draw. Enjoy the live entertainment and make the most of the prime opportunity to network with exhibitors.

22 I WTM Catalogue 2012 All information correct at time of print.

14:00 – 15:00

Innovation: Shaking Up the Travel Marketplace Dizzying advances in technology are transforming the way consumers around the globe search, shop, book & share travel. Mobile adoption is soaring and empowered, hyperconnected travelers are engaging in entirely new ways. The accelerated pace of innovation is disrupting business as usual, compelling travel companies to consider major strategic shifts. How will you respond? This session provides a virtual weathervane for gauging what lies ahead as PhoCusWright shares the hot topics & key trends that will shape the online travel landscape in 2013 and beyond. Speakers: Cees Bosselaar, Director, Business Development and Destination Marketing Specialist, PhoCusWright; Florence Kaci, Director, Sales, EMEA and European Market Specialist, PhoCusWright. Organised by PhoCusWright.

15:30 – 16:30

Excursions Without Excuses - Improving the Quality of Excursions Through Sustainability Join the Travel Foundation and a host of industry experts for an insightful and lively focus on sustainable excursions. From developing products that give back, to auditing and ‘fixing’ problems, the session will discuss the issues and present both best practice case studies and practical advice on getting excursions right. The seminar will also include a look at the Travel Foundation’s new Sustainable Excursions tool and give delegates a chance to put their own excursion-related questions to the expert panel. Chair: Salli Felton, Head of Programmes, The Travel Foundation.

15:30 – 17:00

The Debate: Is the Travel and Tourism Industry Taking Responsibility for Reducing its Greenhouse Gas Emissions? Following the success of last year’s debate on who benefits from tourism this year, two teams will debate whether the industry is doing enough to reduce the carbon pollution caused by transport and accommodation or if it is necessary for government to regulate the world’s largest industry?

Chair: Prof Harold Goodwin, Responsible Tourism Management, Leeds Metropolitan University. Leading the case FOR the industry: Matt Gorman, Chair, Sustainable Aviation. Witnesses: Jonathon Counsell, Environment Director, British Airways; Stephen Farrant, Director, International Tourism Partnership; James Whittingham, Environment Manager at TUI TRAVEL PLC. Leading the case AGAINST the industry: Paul Peeters, Associate Professor Sustainable Transport & tourism of CSTT, NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences Witnesses: Scott Cohen, Surrey University; Dr Janet Dickinson, Bournemouth University.

MICE Programme

Ministerial Programme

Social Media Programme

Sports Programme

Technology Programme

WTM WRTD Programme

* For full schedule details visit www.wtmlondon.com or download the free WTM app at www.wtmlondon.com/app South Gallery Rooms 23 – 26 Gogobot and Siren Communications are delighted to be partners of WTM Social Travel Market 10:30 – 10:45

Introduction to WTM Social Travel Market 2012 10:45 – 11:15

Is Foursquare an irrelevance - or the biggest thing in travel? The check-in app has been around for three years and last year saw its main competitor, Gowalla, snapped up and shut down by Facebook. Meanwhile, Google Places was canned in its drive to develop Google+. But is foursquare going to be what it promises – or is it a business app for free coffee, group discounts (AmEx) and local business updates - and not a travel-focused business at all? Chair: Mark Frary, Co Founder, WTM Social Travel Market and Travel Perspective. Speaker: Omid Ashtair, Foursquare UK - Director, Business Development Europe. 11:25 – 12:05

The Pyschology of Social Media

Technology Theatre - TT370 10:30 – 11:15

The digital destination marketing revolution will be televised Rich content will become an increasing part of the immersive experience destination websites will need...Read more*

Chair: Lee Hayhurst, Editor, Travolution Speaker: Oliver Turnbull, Founder, Incite People. 11:30 – 12:15

Trends in online reviews

11:00 11:30

Hoteliers are often focused on their own reviews, but you can learn a lot from analysing reviews...Read more*

Speaker: Seth DeHart, Director, Revinate.

Less than 20% of firms use SM because it is central to strategy. Now discover why SM is CRITICAL for the future. Chair: Steve Keenan, Co-Founder, WTM Social Travel Market and Travel Perspective. Speakers: Allister Frost, Wild Orange Media, former Head of Digital Marketing Strategy at Microsoft; Steve Keenan, Co-Founder, WTM Social Travel Market and Travel Perspective.


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12:15 – 13:00

12:30 – 13:15

Video and Blogging: More Than One Way

Data.Trend.Connect - Panning for gold in the information stream

We all know how important video is becoming for everyone in the social world but how do you do video with only a small investment? We cover the trend towards taking customer UGC for free with and without pro-editing (Expert Africa and Inside Japan); the option of filming a blog trip (Media Ark and MSC Cruises) and a fourth way – working with vloggers (Intrepid Travel and The Perennial Plate. Their project cost little but their film on food in Vietnam was seen by half a million people). Chair: Steve Keenan, Co-Founder, WTM Social Travel Market and Travel Perspective. Speaker: James Mundy, Inside Japan; Matt Carroll, Media Ark; Nicola Frame, Intrepid Travel.



Using data for bettering...Read more*

Speaker: Tim Weeks, VP Business Development, Europe, RateGain.


Sponsored by 13:10 - 13:45

Getting Content into the Traveller’s Hand: Mobile Trends Chair: Mark Frary, Co-Founder, WTM Social Travel Market and Travel Perspective (www.travelperspective.co.uk). Speaker: Kevin May, Tnooz. ...Read more* 13:50 – 14:20

What jobs are there in social media for 2013? You’re a student and know your SM. You also know a little about coding, creating a website and marketing. Aside from that, you love travel, can maybe write and know where to put an apostrophe. You’re a star - but where should you be looking to make a mark in 2013 when there are no jobs? Chair: Mark Frary, Co-Founder, WTM Social Travel Market and Travel Perspective. Speakers: Jason Geall, Managing Director, The Student Room; Joanna Matloka, 77 Agency.

13:30 – 14:15

Travel Marketing is Dead

Chair: Jay Ganaden, Chief Marketing Officer and Design Lead, Bynd.

How to Sort Bloggers from Blaggers They’re coming in droves: bored professionals, mums with itchy feet and young blades with a yearning to travel. And self-publishing is the panacea accelerating the charge of the amateur brigade keen to travel the world. But many don’t even have a blog, let alone any proven ability to research, fact-check or write. So how is the travel industry supposed to sift the good from the bad and downright ugly? What’s worked so far, what hasn’t – and is it down to legwork, or will technology be the answer? Chair: Mark Frary, Co-Founder, WTM Social Travel Market and Travel Perspective. Speakers: Rick Calvert, CEO, TBex; Ayngelina Brogan, Bacon is Magic.


Sponsored by

14:30 – 15:15 14:30 – 15:30


A masterclass that leads the audience through the myriad of social and mobile marketing strategies...Read more*

TripAdvisor for Destinations: Your Global Travel Partner Speaker: Sarah Mathews, DMO Sales Manager, TripAdvisor...Read more* Sponsored by

14:30 15:00

15:30 – 16:15

15:45 – 16:45

The Best Bloggers Innovations of 2012 OK, having established that we can identify those bloggers who can write and look after themselves, how did the world’s leading bloggers progress during the year? E-zines, online publishing, collaborative publishing, hosting other bloggers – there has been a shedload of movement this year. We ask the innovators to give a 5-minute pitch and invite two social media journalists to comment on the ideas. Chair: Kevin May, Tnooz. Creatives: Nellie Huang (Wild Junket – iPad magazine); Kash Bhattacharya (Budget Traveller – 50 best hostels book and website); Janice Waugh (Solo Traveller – Handbook travel Series); Sarah Lee (LiveShareTravel – TV and video); Gary Arndt (How I made $100k in first year of monetizing blog); Matt Kepnes, NomadicMatt. Journalists: Jen Howze, BritMumsLive; Mark Hodson, 101 Holidays.

A simple way to increase the attractiveness and profitability for rent-a-car companies, hotels and travel agencies The ComfortWay company presents a new product on the European market ...Read more*

Speaker: Oleg Pravdin, Managing Director, ComfortWay. Sponsored by

16:30 – 17:15

How to get to know your customer and harness that knowledge to the best effect This is a very important topic and a key trend that we have identified in email marketing. Through effective targeting and segmentation...Read more* 18:30 – 22:00

The Annual Travel Bloggers’ Table Football Challenge By invite only. The organisers of WTM Social Travel Market will again be taking over the basement at Bar Kick in the heart of Shoreditch. An invited crowd will take to the tables in a frenzied challenge accompanied by free beer and chilli con carne - a winning combination at this legendary babyfoot institution. Last year, Martin Solly - in-house blogger at laterooms.com - took the trophy. But who will walk away with the trophy this year?! Free beer and wine. Contact: mark.frary@travelperspective.co.uk.

Speaker: Renato Vitolo, Director, Mailzulu. Sponsored by

WTM Catalogue 2012 I 23

15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30

WTM 2012 Events Programme

Airline Programme

BRICS Programme

Business Day

Cruise Programme

Hotel Programme

Thursday 08 Nov Platinum Suites 3 & 4

10:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30

Meridian Club Lounge North Hall - AF750

11:00 – 13:00

10:00 –11:00

FUTURE YOU (Students only)

WTM Speed Networking

As always, Future You delegates will hear from people in industry who are at the beginning of their careers and who are already making their mark. This year will include winners from TTG’s initiative, “Tomorrow’s Travel Leaders” – a group of 30 under 30s who have been identified as the future stars of the sector and who will take to the stage to share their stories! For information, updates on the programme and other exciting opportunities, please visit our dedicated website: www.futureyouconference.co.uk Moderated by Danny Waine, Perfect Weddings and Honeymoons. Future You is compulsory for students attending World Travel Market on Thursday 8 November.

Platinum Suite 5 & 6

Meridian Club Members and Exhibitors Only. The second of two Speed Networking sessions provides Meridian Club members and Exhibitors with an opportunity to hold a series of mini meetings to discuss business with each other.

WTM Talk Business Series - NEW! Micaela Juarez, Head of Communications, WTM, will introduce this years WTM Talk Business Series

13:00 13:30 14:00

World Travel Market and Travel Bloggers Unite present a best practice in travel blogging, highlighting commercial success and blogger collaborations between some of the most prominent experts and figures from within the travel blogging industry, including the founders of Traveldudes and Velvet Escapes. Speaker: Oliver Gradwell, Founder + Director, Travel Bloggers Unite.

John Strickland, Director, JLS Consulting talks with Carolyn McCall OBE, CEO of easyJet about life in the airline industry since she joined over 23 years ago. What have been the toughest challenges she’s faced, how has she steered the company to increased profitability and changed its customer focus? This is a must-attend session!

12:45 – 13:30

WTM Talk Business Series: Andrzej Moyseowicz, Strategy and Innovation Director for Europe, Middle East and Africa, Saatchi & Saatchi A brilliant opportunity to hear from one of the world’s most creative advertising giants Saatchi & Saatchi. He will be revealing how the power of creativity can help travel brands and businesses rise above the current business uncertainties.

16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30

Martin Glenn who was appointed CEO of Birds Eye Iglo Group in 2006, is accredited as the man who gave the frozen food industry a good shake-up. His business strategy of introducing more innovation into the company and the Birds Eye ranges, cutting costs and dropping under-performing products producing remarkable results are a valuable insight for the travel and tourism industry.

An opportunity to have a one-to-one session with an industry expert. They offer visitors invaluable hints and tips on dealing with the challenges for today’s market. Pre-book an appointment at wtmlondon.com/adviceclinics 1. Choosing the right technology for your Travel business Alan Kersley, Travel Technology Connections.

6. Employment law queries for employers and employees Jessica Learmond-Criqui, Learmond Criqui Sokel LLP.

2. Are you a Customer Centric Business or Not? Ann Corrigan FIH, Managing Director, Hospitality Assured.

7. Oliver Gradwell, Founder + Director, Travel Bloggers Unite.

3. Making your tourism services more accessible to disabled people. Brian Seaman, Access Advisor, Tourism for All UK. 4. Gay and lesbian travellers: Learn ways your business can profit from LGBT tourism. Darren Cooper, Senior Consultant, Out Now. 5. The Business Advantages of Responsible Tourism Harold Goodwin, Professor of Responsible Tourism Management, Leeds Metropolitan University.

8. Sustainability and Success: From Operations to Communications for Travel Providers and Destinations Peter Davis Krahenbuhl, Sustainable Travel Consulting. 9. Marketing your responsible tourism efforts Xavier Font, ICRT. 10. Perspectives on the airline sector John Strickland, Director, JLS Consulting. 11. Effective online video marketing for the travel sector Greg Brand, Creative Director/Travel Video Specialist, Travizeo, the travel video agency.

...Read more*

All information correct at time of print.

Chair: Philippe Rossiter FIH, Chief Executive, Institute of Hospitality. Speakers: David Stratton, Spikemarketing; Lynne Kirby, Managing Director, Enable Holidays; Magnus Berrglund, Scandic Accessibility Ambassador.

12:30 – 13:30

Are Tourists Paying Enough for Entrance to the World’s Natural and Cultural Heritage? The world’s natural cultural monuments and museums are vital resources for the tourism industry, as more and more people travel and visit these cultural sites. How are these natural and cultural heritage sites to survive the onslaught? What can the industry do to help conserve our world heritage? Chair: Dr Simon Woodward, ICRT, Leeds Metropolitan University. Speakers: Hetty Byrne, AONB Sustainable Tourism Officer, Forest of Bowland; Kath Bateman, Director, Càlédöñiâ, Languages - Culture Adventure; Ruth Kirk, Fundraising Manager, Nurture Lakeland.

WTM Talk Business Series: Martin Glenn, CEO, Birds Eye

Advice Clinics (Main Boulevard Area - Near Hall Entrance 10)

24 I WTM Catalogue 2012

Last year we looked at the “Business Case For Taking Responsibility For Ensuring Access For All”. This year we want to take a hard look at whether the industry is doing enough. How much progress has the industry made? Is it taking its responsibility seriously? What more needs to be done? Is more regulation the answer?

13:30 – 14:15

12:00 – 15:00


Is The Industry Doing Enough To Cater For People With Disabilities?

WTM Talk Business Series: Carolyn McCall OBE, CEO, easyJet

14:30 15:00

11:00 – 12:00

12:00 – 12:45

12:00 - 13:00

Whitepaper: Best Practice in Travel Blogging

South Gallery Rooms 19 + 20

14:00 – 16:00

Tourism Futures Forum This session will be organised by The University of Bournemouth in partnership with World Travel Market and will engage leading tourism practitioners from around the world on an interactive discussion to examine the future of tourism. The global challenges and opportunities for both tourism destinations and suppliers around the world require innovation in management and operations, calling for a major rethinking of both strategic and tactical Tourism Management. The Tourism Futures Forum will provide an insight into the future dimensions of the tourism industry. It examines major trends in tourism demand and supply and explores the strategic changes that lead to the international tourism industry restructuring. The Forum will be organised by The University of Bournemouth in partnership with World Travel Market, and the TravelDailyNews are organising this forum to facilitate debate about the key strategic changes and to engage in a discussion about the successful response of the industry. ...Read more*

Moderator: Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, Bournemouth University. Speakers: Jean-Claude Baumgarten, World Tourism Travel Council (WTTC). The Honourable Mr. Stephen Cadiz Minister of Tourism for Trinidad and Tobago; Hon Richard Skerritt, Minister of Tourism, St. Kitts. Nicolas Hall, SE1media. Gerard Brown, UBM Aviation, Routes UK. Sofia Panayiotaki, Director, PR MediaCo FSS; Theodore Koumelis, TravelDailyNews; Steve Page, Bournemouth University; Philip Alford, Bournemouth University; Claire Steiner, Institute of Travel and Tourism. Barbara Avdis is the Vice Chairman of the Historic Hotels of Europe organisation and the founder of the Yades Greek Historic Hotels in Greece.

MICE Programme

Ministerial Programme

Social Media Programme

Sports Programme

Technology Programme

WTM WRTD Programme

* For full schedule details visit www.wtmlondon.com or download the free WTM app at www.wtmlondon.com/app South Gallery Rooms 21 + 22

Turkish Culture & Tourism Office - Stand EM850

Technology Theatre - TT370

10:15 - 10:30

WTM Social Travel Market - Introduction to Day Two With Mark Frary, WTM Social Travel Market. 11:00 – 12:00

The Future for Tourism Consultancy - Improving Effectiveness and the Consultant Client Relationship This session by The Tourism Consultants Network of the UK Tourism Society will include suggested guidelines for commissioning a Consultant that have been prepared to help clients, and statement of Best Practice for Consultants. Chair: Chris Evans, The Tourism Company, representing The Tourism Society‘s Tourism Consultants Network. Speakers: Frederic Pierret, UN World Tourism Organisation; Roger Carter, Team Tourism; Sean Mann Senior Investment Policy Officer, Tourism, IFC/World Bank. ...Read more* 12:30 - 13:30

The Future is Halal : The Rise of the Affluent Muslim Traveller Muslims are predicted to make up almost one in three of the world’s population by 2025, and increasing numbers of well-heeled, well-educated Muslims are already seeking out goods and services that meet their religious needs - not only at home, but also when they travel. This session provides a detailed context to the emergence of a new and growing consumer group, The Global Urban Muslim... Where are they located? What are they looking for? ...Read more* Speaker: Navid Akhtar, UK Writer Broadcaster, Islamic/Halal Industry Expert. Organised by ATM (Reed Travel Exhibitions).

10:30 - 11:15

The Silk Road in 40 minutes: A Social Media Campaign An interactive workshop in which we take a tourism destination with little or no social media and show how to do something with impact in just 40 minutes…. Based on research gathered by STM, we ask a developer to build the perfect look. ...Read more* 11:20 - 11:55

#travelfail - Crisis Management and Social Media Many travel organisations have turned to social media to help them out of a crisis, as well as in-house training by media and crisis specialists. How can you do this effectively without making the crisis a total… ...Read more* 12:00 - 12:30

Spain - Marketing in the time of nada It’s no surprise that the budget of the Spanish Tourist Office has been cut. And cut again. Happily, this coincides with a shift in thinking – away from the numbers game of Facebook and more to the quality of the individual. The head of the Spanish NTO in the UK, Enrique Ruiz de Lera, explains how they are thinking to attract the ‘right’ people to Spain in 2013 using social media and no money. Speakers: Steve Keenan, WTM Social Travel Market and Enriqe Ruiz de lera, Head of Spanish Tourist Office, UK and Ireland.

10:30 – 12:00

WTM presents – Optimising Hotel Distribution: Channels & Direct Bookings Hotel distribution is becoming an increasingly complex discipline. It is essential to profitability that hotels maximise the yield on their finite, perishable stock. A room that remains empty is an expensively lost business opportunity that can never be recovered. Similarly, a room that is sold through the wrong channel at a less than optimum rate results in an irrecoverably reduced profit. ...Read more*

Green Innovation in Tourism: Enhancing Competitiveness and Reducing Costs. With one billion international visitors expected in 2012, how can tourism sustain its responsible growth through innovative practices aiming at reducing its negative impact? Innovation is the key to ensuring sustainability and keeping up with the competition. Tourism demonstrated to be a rather dynamic sector within the last century, and there is a need to find out how green innovation can uphold its growth and stir the sector’s competitiveness. Speakers: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Hotel Owner (of a zeroemission hotel in Europe), Destination Representative.

11:00 11:30

Chair: Paul Richer, Senior Partner, Genesys Speakers: Erik Munoz, Executive Director Sales & Marketing EMEA & Americas, SireMinder; Martin Soler, Marketing Director + former General Manager, WIHP; Rupert Gutteridge, Sales and Marketing Director, Guestline; Tim Weeks, VP Business Development, Europe, RateGain. In association with

12:00 12:30 13:00

Technology Theatre - TT370 13:00 - 13:30

Facebook (FB) – Where Does It Go From Here? With almost one billion users, Facebook is the pre-eminent social network – but how can travel and tourism companies make it work for them? We hear from a hotel group that is pushing the boundaries on how to use FB, as well as from FB itself on advertising and the latest features for brands. ...Read more* Speakers: Alfonso Gimenez, Marketing Director Europe, Fiesta Hotel Group; Neasa Costin, Facebook

13:30 14:00

13:35 - 14:10 14:00 - 15:15


Flanders is a Festival - Storytellers are Replacing Bloggers This summer, Flanders invited 92 bloggers to attend 40 concerts. Not to see Coldplay, but to immerse themselves in the Brussels-Flanders music scene and return to their countries as storytellers. Backed by a SM campaign, the campaign was the first stage in a sea of change in the region’s DMO marketing – and lays down a marker for the future of tourist board marketing worldwide. Hear the inside story....Read more* Chair: Steve Keenan, WTM Social Travel Market and Travel Perspective Speakers: Dr. Frank Cuypers, Strategic Marketeer, Brussels/Flanders.


14:15 - 15:15

The Best DMO innovations of 2013 A look at how other tourist boards and suppliers have been innovating in 2012 – and what plans are in place for 2013. We’ll be inviting six to come on stage – as with the blogger innovations – to talk about their ideas. Including Catalunya and its Instagram blog trip (complete gimmick – or template for innovative photo trips?); VisitEngland’s Fan in a Van around the Olympics and others to be confirmed. Chair: Steve Keenan, Co-Founder, WTM Social Travel Market and Travel Perspective. Speakers: Miquel Alabern, Director of Promotion, Catalunya; Rachel Kershaw, VisitEngland’s Fan In a Van; A Rep from VisitLasVegas; Kylie Clark, Head of PR and Marketing, Japan National Tourism Organization; Nicholas Montemaggi, Digital Press Officer at the Emilia Romagna Region Tourist Board; Simone Kurtzke, Visit Scotland.

15:00 15:30

15:15 - 15:20

Wrap and End of WTM Social Travel Market Round up of WTM Social Travel Market.


Gogobot and Siren Communications are delighted to be partners of WTM Social Travel Market

16:30 17:00 17:30 WTM Catalogue 2012 I 25


WTM World Responsible Tourism Day

An Industry Phenomenon


Although the main focus of the WRTD programme is on the actual day – Wednesday, 7 November – the straight-talking responsible tourism programme has become so popular that it now spans three days: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The day is also marked by travel companies and destinations worldwide with trade fairs, press conferences, competitions and consumer promotions. Building on 18 years of pioneering work, World Travel Market brings together a line-up of respected responsible tourism speakers to help educate, encourage and inspire. It’s also an opportunity to challenge opinions, exchange views, showcase responsible tourism activity as well as seek new ideas and strategies. WTM World Responsible Tourism Day 2012 is officially opened by Charlie Mayhew, MBE, Chief Executive and driving force behind Tusk, Africa’s number one community conservation wildlife charity. Founded by Mayhew in 1990 to help combat the devastating effects of ivory poaching in Kenya, Tusk is now changing the lives of rural communities right across Africa. He will be joined at the Opening Ceremony by Fiona Jeffery, OBE, Chairman of World Travel Market and Stephen Sackur, presenter of BBC World News flagship current affairs programme HARDtalk, who will host. Some of the world’s most impressive responsible tourism work is showcased when winners of this year’s Virgin Holidays Responsible Tourism Awards are revealed. In HOTseat, Mr Wolfgang Neumann, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, The Rezidor Hotel Group goes under the spotlight with Stephen Sackur talking about Think Planet! - an ambitious international energy saving initiative launched earlier this year.

26 I WTM Catalogue 2012

WTM WRTD 2012 Official Sponsor


WTM Catalogue 2012 I 27


WTM World Responsible Tourism Day Programme TUESDAY 6 November 2012

of British Travel Agents.

ACTIVITY TOURISM 11.00 - 12.00, South Gallery Rooms 21 & 22 Questioning the responsibility of tour operators and activity providers to ensure safety of travellers or protection of environments. Chaired by: Prof. John Swarbrooke, Professor of Tourism and Hospitality, Manchester Metropolitan University.

WEDNESDAY 7 November WTM World Responsible Tourism Day



12.30 - 13.30, South Gallery Rooms 21 & 22 Exploring how the industry can more effectively address the challenge of protecting children exploited by tourism. Chaired by: Harold Goodwin, Professor of Responsible Tourism Management, Leeds Metropolitan University.

WILDLIFE TOURISM 12.30 - 13.30, South Gallery Room 19 Examination of how the industry can positively contribute to wildlife tourism. Chaired by: Chris Breen, Founder and Managing Director of Wildlife Worldwide, leads the speaker team.

MAXIMISING LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 14.00 - 15.30, South Gallery Rooms 21 & 22 Close look at how tourism can increase its contribution to local communities through employment, local sourcing of goods and services. Chaired by: the Commonwealth Secretariat.

OFFICIAL OPENING OF WTM WORLD RESPONSIBLE TOURISM DAY 10.30 Platinum Suites 3 & 4 Charlie Mayhew, Founder and Chief Executive, Tusk Trust.

11.00 Organised by Responsibletravel.com in partnership with Metro Newspaper, World Travel Market and Geographical.

HOTSEAT 12.00 Wolfgang M. Neumann, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rezidor Hotel Group.

THE DEBATE: IS THE TRAVEL AND TOURISM INDUSTRY TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR REDUCING ITS GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS? 15.30 - 17.00, South Gallery Rooms 21 & 22 Should the industry do more to reduce carbon pollution caused by services such as transport and hotels – two opposing teams battle it out. Chaired by: Harold Goodman, Professor of Responsible Tourism Management at Leeds Metropolitan University.


17.00 - 18.30, Platinum Suite 1

14.00 - 15.00, South Gallery Room 19 A panel looks at different assumptions in Europe and elsewhere about the right to an annual holiday, considering ways in which the industry rises - or not - to making provision for all. Chaired by: Paul Maynard, a member of the UK Parliament.


PROGRESS IN RESPONSIBLE TOURISM 15.30 - 16.30, South Gallery Rooms 25 & 26 A keynote session studies progress in responsible tourism since the first landmark Rio Summit 20 years ago. Chaired by: Martin Brackenbury, Director, Classic Collection Holidays.

RESPONSIBLE VOLUNTEERING 16.30 - 17.30, South Gallery Rooms 21 & 22 What are the over riding principles for volunteer placements at home or overseas? Chaired by: Mark Tanzer, Chief Executive of the Association

28 I WTM Catalogue 2012

THURSDAY 8 November

11.00 - 12.00, South Gallery Rooms 19 & 20 A hard look at whether the industry is doing enough for the disabled. Philippe Rossiter, CEO of the Institute of Hospitality, leads an expert team.

ARE TOURISTS PAYING ENOUGH FOR ENTRANCE TO THE WORLD’S CULTURAL HERITAGE? 12.30 - 13.30, South Gallery Rooms 19 & 20 The world’s cultural monuments and museums are vital resources for the industry - yet wear and tear from overcrowding threatens their existence. Chaired by: Dr. Simon Woodward of ICRETH at Leeds Metropolitan University.


WTM Catalogue 2012 I 29


WTM WRTD Speakers Corner WTM World Responsible Tourism Day has become known for its groundbreaking efforts over 20 years to stimulate, educate and inspire the industry to embrace year-round responsible tourism. Now it’s introducing another innovative ‘first’ with the launch of the highly entertaining Speakers’ Corner. For more than 150 years, crowds have gathered at London’s famous Hyde Park to air their views, debate issues and bring up hot and sometimes controversial topics. As part of the WTM World Responsible Tourism Day programme, delegates will get the chance to talk about their own responsible tourism activity, explore new ideas and introduce opinions on ethical trends. There will be 13 ten-minute Speakers’ Corner slots on Tuesday and Wednesday on the exhibition floor. The specially branded and dedicated areas are easy to find. Feel the passion! Join in the arguments! Check out what’s in store: AS275 – Tuesday – South Hall : 12.00 hrs Pandurang Taware, President & Managing Director, Agri Tourism, India: Pioneering a new way to address the migration of rural youth to cities. : 14.00 hrs & Beyond’s CEO, Joss Kent, South Africa: The Way I See It: Luxury experiential travel in Africa and South Asia. : 15.30 hrs Judy Matengo, Sales & Marketing Manager, Ol Tukai Lodge, Kenya: on the traumas of young African girls facing life without education. UKI 230 Tuesday – North Hall : 12.30 hrs Chrispin Joseph Beer-Sheba, Executive Director, Kushiland Expeditions & Tours, Tanzania: how a tourist attraction can help poverty reduction. : 14.30 hrs Dominic Hamilton, Dominic Hamilton, Head of Communication, Metropolitan Touring, South America: raising the bar in sustainable building and socially beneficial tourism development. : 16.00 hrs Laia Pedemonte, Founder and Journalist, Gender Responsible Tourism: how responsible tourism can help women with expert advice, data and good practice. AS275 Wednesday – South Hall : 12.00 hrs Thomas Armitt, Founder & CEO, West Africa Discovery: the responsibility that international consultants have when working with developing countries to implement tourism products. : 14.00 hrs Jo Owen, Trustee of Harnessing Job Opportunities through Play & Education Soria Moria/ HOPE Cambodia/ConCERT: good communication bringing key community benefits in Siem Reap. : 15.30 hrs Simon Beck, Sales and Marketing Manager, Safari Legacy, Tanzania/UK: Africa’s wildlife under critical threat from poaching. UKI 230 Wednesday – North Hall : 12.30 hrs Sarah Allard, Co-Founder, Lost Earth Adventures, UK: educating clients to act responsibly; outlining work of the International Porter Protection Group. : 14.00 hrs Sallie Grayson, Programme Director, People & Places: the key ethics of volunteering with children. : 14.30 hrs Andrej Brglez, Project Leader, EGOZERO, Slovenia: the beginning of a journey of responsible discovery - travelling by electric car. : 15.30 hrs Roland Monsegu, Director, Explore World Heritage, Ireland: the challenges of marketing World Heritage sites.

30 I WTM Catalogue 2012

WTM Catalogue 2012 I 31


WTM WRTD Supporters and Approved Users of the Official WTM WRTD 2012 Logo AFRICA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

&Beyond – AF530 Abang Africa Travel African Environments Ltd – AF498 AWOL Tours cc Big Expeditions & Safaris Ltd Botswana Tourism Organisation – AF400 7. Cheli & Peacock – AF542 8. Complete Tours – AF300 9. CTB World Travel 10. Dar Tassa 11. Ethical Encounters 12. Fact Safaris Ltd 13. Fisherman’s Rest – AF650 14. go2natural 15. Karibu Rwanda Ltd 16. Kushiland Tours 17. Livingstone Tanzania Trust 18. MIBE’S Hospitality Ltd – AF290 19. Ol Tukai Lodge – AF250 20. Rivertrees Country Inn 21. Safari Legacy – AF498 22. Tzaneen Country Lodge 23. Uganda Wildlife Adventure 24. Welcome Cameroun 25. West Africa Discovery 26. Wilderness Safaris – AF435

AMERICAS 1. Aranwa Hotels Resorts & Spas – LA300 2. Chile Way 3. Columbia Eco Travel 4. Condor Travel – LA109 5. Cooperbom Turismo 6. Ecoventura Galapagos Network – LA250 7. Ecuador – Amazon – LA191 8. Green Expo 9. IBCR 10. ICRT Canada 11. Il Viaggio Travel 12. LATITUD SUR 13. Mayaland Resorts 14. Metropolitan Touring – LA401 15. Místico Outdoors 16. Montecristo River Lodge 17. Napo Wildlife Center 18. Perú InsideOut – LA300 19. Responsible Tourism Net 20. Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd 21. The Lodge at Big Falls 22. Urban Adventures

ASIA 1. angkorhotels.org 2. Bhaya Cruises Company Limited – AS580

32 I WTM Catalogue 2012

3. Boonserm Tours & Travel 4. ConCERT 5. Edge of India – IN385 6. Footprint Vietnam Travel - AS389 7. Getaway Tours 8. Gypsy Trails 9. HACRA 10. HG Travel – AS580 11. Hummingbird Travel Ltd – AS540 12. Kakayam Resorts 13. Lamai Homestay Guesthouse 14. Lost Earth Adventures 15. Luxury Travel Vietnam – AS480 16. Mandore Guest House 17. Mango Cambodia 18. Nature-treks.com Himalaya – GV370 19. Pamir Highway Adventure, Tajikistan (UK based) 20. Rare Holidays India 21. Rimo Expeditions 22. Scubahire Ltd 23. Selena Travel Mongolia – AS670 24. Serena Hotels Pakistan 25. The Treasure Trove 26. Travel & Culture Services 27. Travel Sense Asia Co Ltd 28. Ultimate Descents Nepal - GV370 29. Uni Travel Hub Tour & Travels 30. Vasco Travel – IN337 31. Vino Desert Safari 32. Voyage Wave (Pvt) Ltd 33. ZTDA

AUSTRALASIA/PACIFIC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Australia For All Alliance Inc Centroc Coast to Coast Tours Crystal Creek Meadows Ecotourism Australia Kangaroo Valley Tourist Association Matava – Fiji’s Eco Resort South Africa Photography Tours (based in Australia) 9. Sudbury Heights 10. Travel 21fiftythree

7. ECO-GOZO, Malta Tourism Authority – EM1150 8. Eco Turkey Travel 9. EGOZERO – EM500 10. El Brogit-Ecotourism Catalonia 11. Elite Travel DMC 12. Explore World Heritage – EM1300 13. Forum Natura International 14. Gender Responsible Tourism 15. Gibraltar Tourist Board - UK1435 16. mascontour 17. North Cyprus Tourism Centre – EM750 18. PURAVERA S.L. 19. Rukakeskus Oy 20. Travel2help.org 21. Vatican Museums – EM1940

MIDDLE EAST/NORTH AFRICA 1. Market Vision 2. Wild Guanabana 3. Yemen Tourism Promotion Board – ME155

UK & IRELAND 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Celticos Ltd Charity Challenge Discover Grand Prix Discover Travel & Tours – UKI400 Ecotourism Ireland Equatours Limited ICRT (UK) Just a Drop - Boulevard, Western Entrance 9. Kaya Responsible Travel 10. Latitude Journey 11. Lon Lodges 12. Manila Club 13. Phoenix Court 14. Responsible Tourism Partnership 15. Sark Island Hotels – UKI216 16. The Leap 17. Travel Matters 18. Under the Thatch 19. Useeka Travel 20. Wild Frontiers

CARIBBEAN 1. AdvenTours 2. Cuba Select Travel – CA407 3. TTHTI – Trinidad and Tobago Hospitality and Tourism Institute

EUROPE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Agrotravel Turismo Responsible Anatolian Adventures aQa Consulting 3.0 Archimete – EM1680/1800/1850 Association UZAP Fundacion Ecoagroturismo

VARIOUS/WORLDWIDE/GLOBAL VILLAGE 1. Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group – GV530 2. people and places 3. SAGA Volunteer Travel 4. Wild Navigator 5. World Federation Tourist Guide Association (WFTGA) Organisations in Yellow are exhibitors at WTM 2012

Let t wind t you plac w r your i agination h not yet b .


Corniche – Dhow Sailing

Where the shore ends, adventure begins. Crystal shimmering waters whisper a language only the heart can interpret. A secret. A breeze. Set adrift on endless azure dreams. A liquid haven, where stories of the past write the verses to the future. And you think you’ve seen it all? Abu Dhabi. Travellers welcome.

“Arguably the world’s most exciting new tourism hotspot� Travel Weekly UK Magazine. www.visitabudhabi.ae

WTM Catalogue 2012 I 33



THIS year there are 13 seminars in total, with – at the last count – 36 speakers who are all outstanding in their field. Social media has accelerated in the past two years to the point where most marketers now accept it is an integral part of their mix. And with a global travel audience at WTM, we’re expecting enormous demand for sessions, which will set the social media agenda for 2013. On Wednesday, we will host seven sessions in the South Gallery, rooms 23-26 – a huge expansion of space on last year, with room for 350 attendees – it’s on a first-come, first-served basis so get there early! Then on Thursday, WTM Social Travel Market is going “on the road” with the morning sessions on the Turkey stand (EM850) and, in the afternoon, in the Tech Theatre (TT370) to take advantage of extra technology. Our keynote speaker on Wednesday morning will be Omid Ashtari, the European business development director for foursquare, which we reckon will be one of the biggest movers in travel social media next year. If you’re into mobile, sharing and geolocation, don’t miss Omid. Next up is Allister Frost, former head of digital marketing strategy at Microsoft, who is a brilliant speaker on the psychology of social media. We won’t try to explain but be there – it is a stunning insight into how we consume social. Sessions on different ways to develop video and mobile trends

34 I WTM Catalogue 2012

follow, then a look at what jobs will be available in social media in 2013 with some fascinating facts and figures. We love bloggers, and two sessions wrap up the Wednesday sessions – how to sort the great bloggers from the blaggers, and then a panel of six bloggers who have displayed brilliant innovation in 2012. Look and learn. Onto Thursday, and we’ve more of a focus on Destination Management Organisations (Tourist Boards, in old money). We’ll demonstrate how to build a Silk Road WordPress site in just 45 minutes and hear how Spain is using social in the time of austerity. We’ve also invited Facebook along to explain its current social strategy, along with a Spanish hotel chain that is at the cutting edge of implementing Facebook. Finally, we finish with two brilliant DMO sessions: how Flanders is evolving from using general travel bloggers to finding storytellers, and a session on the best DMO initiatives of 2012. There are some brilliant stories. We’ll see you there. n Please see the Event Programme for the full listings of the WTM Social Media Programme.


WTM Catalogue 2012 I 35


ExCeL London ‰

Over the past 12 years ExCeL London has hosted more than 4,000 events and welcomed over 15 million visitors, from over 200 different countries worldwide. Following a host of prestigious accolades over the years, ExCeL London has recently been awarded Venue of the Year and The Excellence Award at the AEO Excellence Awards 2012. In addition to this, ExCeL London was awarded the Diamond Award in the Mayor of London’s Green 500 Awards and was ranked 47 in the Sunday Times top 60 Green Companies in the UK. ExCeL London was also awarded World's Leading Meetings & Conference Centre at the World Travel Awards 2010. This year ExCeL London played an important role in the Olympic Games, hosting a total of seven Olympic and six Paralympic events. ExCeL London is the only venue to have had events every day during the two week games period and was the most complex Olympic venue ever in the history of the Games.154 medals were awarded at the venue (80 Olympic & 74 Paralympic medals). Onsite at ExCeL London visitors can delight in a host of bars and restaurants, with cuisine from across the globe including Chinese, Caribbean, Indian, Thai and Italian. All are located just a short walk away from ExCeL London’s West Entrance. Within ExCeL London’s central boulevard there are 40 bars and restaurants to choose from. Located two kilometres away from ExCeL London is London City Airport, which is served by destinations from the UK, Europe and New York. The journey time between ExCeL London and London City Airport is only five minutes by road, making it an extremely convenient point of entry to London. We hope you enjoy your visit to World Travel Market at ExCeL London. For all the latest information about the venue and local area please visit www.excel-london.co.uk. London Eastside/Tower Hamlets London Eastside and ExCeL London have been welcoming visitors and exhibitors of the World Travel Market for a decade, and we are delighted that the show returns to this vibrant and evolving district of London in this, its tenth year. The area has changed dramatically since WTM first came to east London in 2003, and whether this is your first time to the show, or if you have been here before, you will find the area packed full of things to do and places to visit. 2010 marked the completion of a phase-2 expansion programme for the ExCeL London centre following a £165 million investment by ADNEC that resulted in London’s first International Convention Centre. A further £50 million investment saw work continue on a stunning new

36 I WTM Catalogue 2012

four-star Aloft hotel (part of the Starwood group) that opened in time for last year’s show. We hope you will have some time during your stay to visit and discover some of what the area has to offer. From the towering, contemporary skyline of Canary Wharf to the vibrant and historic neighbourhoods of Spitalfields and Shoreditch, you’ll find a huge range of unique experiences lying within easy reach of the ExCeL London exhibition centre. For those interested in history and culture, the Museum of London Docklands in Canary Wharf covers East London’s 2000-year history, and was transformed into the German Olympic and Paralympic Haus during Games time. Or why not hop aboard the brand new Emirates Air Line – London’s first cable car crossing the River Thames towards the O2 arena to watch the biggest names in the music industry perform, or enjoy an evening at one of the many fantastic restaurants, bars and clubs during your free time. Those who prefer to shop will find all their favourite high-street stores in Canary Wharf’s three indoor malls; or for something a bit quirkier, head to the delightfully different independent stores and colourful markets around Spitalfields, Columbia Road and Brick Lane. The area has a plethora of dining options ranging from an inexpensive curry on Brick Lane to destination and signature restaurants like Wapping Food housed in a former hydraulic power station or the over-the-top Les Trois Garçons. Not to mention an incredible array of riverside pubs, bars and nightclubs – there’s something for literally every taste and budget. So whether you’re here just for the show or you’ve extended your stay to experience more of London, we invite you to get out and explore London Eastside – a global city within the world’s most vibrant capital. We hope you have a successful and enjoyable show! n For further visitor information, call 020 7364 4458 or email tourism@towerhamlets.gov.uk.


All registered World Travel Market delegates are invited to the Award Ceremony and reception but must RSVP. For those not registered who wish to attend, email for a registration form.

Building Bridges of Collaboration for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Mediterranean Region Tuesday 6 November, 15.30 – 16.30 – South Gallery Room 20 Introduction: Louis D'Amore, Founder and President, International Institute of Peace through Tourism (IIPT) Moderator: Senator Akel Biltaji, former Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Jordan and Special Advisor to HM King Abdullah II Speakers: Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary General , UNWTO H.E. Dr. Lahcen Haddad, Minister of Tourism, Morocco H.E. Mohamed Hisham Abbas Zaazou, Minister of Tourism, Egypt H.E. Mr. Nayef Al-fayez, Minister of Tourism & Antiquities, Jordan Mr. Elhamy ElZayat, Chairman and CEO, EMECO Travel, Egypt

The Mediterranean Region is the world's most visited destination and UNWTO projections are that it will be adding 10 million more international arrivals a year for a total of 500 million by 2030. The region is currently challenged with economic issues in source markets; political transitions of the Arab Spring inNorthern Africa; preserving natural and cultural heritage; and the impacts of climate change. This session will bring together key Ministers from the Mediterranean Region to explore opportunities for collaborative strategies for sustainable tourism development in support of the UN Millennium Development Goals; attracting visitors from new and emerging markets; and nurturing tourism, culture, the arts and sport in promoting a "Culture of Peace" throughout the region. WTM Catalogue 2012 I 37



Meridian Club is totally business focussed Meridian Club is World Travel Market’s exclusive business club for travel industry buyers with direct purchasing. Meridian Club helps buyers and exhibitors meet, network and conclude business deals. It was the major contributor to the £1.6535 million worth of business done at WTM last year. The leading global business network: making contacts, concluding deals, is the original buyers club for the global travel industry’s senior buyers. Seventy per cent of Meridian Club members will come from a tour operator/travel agent or wholesaler background, however, this is not exclusive as some travel buyers will fall outside this category. At WTM 2012 Meridian Club will celebrate 21 years of facilitating the travel industry’s business deals. The Meridian Club Think Tanks continue to go from strength to strength. The Think Tank programme enables members to network and debate with their peers and gain strategy insight on key issues in their industry. Building on the success of Accommodation, Airlines, Business Travel and Travel Technology, we have also added African travel. If you have any topic suggestions or would like to participate, please contact raj.thakkar@reedexpo.co.uk WTM Speed Networking sessions 9.00 - 10.00 Monday, 5 November, Platinum Suites1, 3 and 4 10.00 -11.00 Thursday, 8 November, North Meridian Club Lounge (AF750) This year, due to popular demand, WTM has decided to expanded to two Speed Networking sessions. More than 200 (204) buyers and 438 exhibitors took part in the Speed Networking on the Monday morning of WTM 2011. The event took place before the exhibition opened to give exhibitors and buyers from the WTM Meridian Club even more time to discuss and conclude business deals. For WTM 2012, the WTM Meridian Club Networking Breakfast will be followed by the WTM Speed Networking Thursday event, for discussion about further business opportunities beyond WTM. WTM Speed Networking Monday will focus on driving business deals during the four days of WTM. Both session will cover the buyer interests of the geographical regions: ‰ Africa ‰ Americas ‰ Asia and Australia ‰ Europe ‰ Travel Technology ‰ UK & Ireland ‰ India

38 I WTM Catalogue 2012

Meridian Club Networking Receptions Networking Reception Tuesday, 6 November from 17:00 to 19:00, Meridian Club North Lounge A popular event, this Networking Reception is an informal opportunity for Meridian Club members to meet Exhibitors with live music and refreshments served. Meridian Club 21st Anniversary. Wednesday, 7 November from 17:00 to 19:00 Meridian Club North Lounge Join Meridian Club in celebrating 21 years of unlocking business and connecting travel professionals at WTM. Attend this exclusive networking opportunity and receive a Meridian Club 21 Years Commemorative Pack. Entertainment, champagne and canapés will be provided. Meridian Club benefits Meridian Club members can take advantage of a range of benefits before, during and after WTM 2012. Membership to Meridian Club is free but based on strict qualifying criteria. Once qualified, members are eligible to receive more than £1,000 in free benefits as part of Meridian Club membership. Pre-WTM ‰ Invitation from WTM to pre-register for the event to gain free admission. ‰ Regular information and updates on the WTM Events Programme. ‰ Access to My WTM planner pre-event to help you make the most of your time at the event. During WTM Exclusive access to dedicated WTM Meridian Club Lounges and meeting rooms located in the North and South Halls. Further benefits include: ‰ Complimentary welcome pack including WTM Catalogue worth £25. ‰ Lounges with free hospitality including refreshments. ‰ Access to Meridian Club Meeting Rooms with free internet access. ‰ Opportunity to take part in Speed Networking. ‰ Invitation to WTM industry social events including two Meridian Club Receptions. ‰ Discounted access to WTM Vision Conferences.

PATAGONIA ONCE IN A LIFETIME ADVENTURES Patagonia makes an impression on any traveler. Whether you climb towering peaks, face timeless glaciers, or enjoy the world’s best fly fishing, whatever you do here will stay with you forever. Start today at

Visit us at WTM, stand LA400

Your ÂŁ2 a month donation could help give a child like Tamara clean, safe drinking water for life. Visit www.justadrop.org or contact: info@justadrop.org

Registered Charity Number: 1100505

World Travel Market Floorplan World Travel Market uses all three levels of ExCel London. Arriving at the West or East Entrance the central boulevard is on Level 1 of the venue. Please note Excel East Entrance (Prince Regent DLR) is now open and all non-badge holders should use this entrance. The following pages are designed to guide you around the regions of the World Travel Market. When planning your route through the exhibition, please bear in mind that all stand numbers are prefixed to indicate the region they are located in and that the aisles within the region are colour coded with carpet tiles.

Level 0

Venue layout

WTM Floorplan 2012

Business Centre

Europe & Mediterranean

First Aid

UK & Ireland

Car Park

Asia / Pacific & Indian Ocean / India The Americas & Caribbean

Level 1

Exhibition Halls | North & South

Africa and North Africa

Central Boulevard

Middle East

Just A Drop

Global Village Travel Technology

WTM Catalogue Sales Desk | Boulevard West Entrance, Central and East Entrance

WTM Facilities

WTM Organising Offices | Boulevard - N5 & S6 PS

WTM Helpdesk/Travel Services | Boulevard Courier Service | East Entrance Prayer Rooms | Boulevard

WTM Global Media Network | Press Centre Entrance


WTM Official Supporting Publications Stand GV179 Info Desk

Press Registration | East Entrance

WTM Organising Offices

Cafés & Restaurants | Boulevard WTM Lead Capture Devices | S7 Lower

R SG 19-28

WTM Global Media Network Stand | Press Centre Entrance WTM Official Supporting Publications Stand | GV179 WTM Meridian Club Lounge | North Hall AF750 WTM Meridian Club Lounge Meeting Rooms | GV180 WTM WRTD Speakers Corner North | North Hall UKI230 WTM WRTD Speakers Corner South | South Hall AS275 WTM Meridian Club Welcome Desk | Boulevard

WTM Technology Theatre WTM HelpDesk/Travel Services

Level 2


WTM Helpdesk/Travel Services WTM Catalogues and Route Planners


Technology Theatre


Photographer’s Office | Room S1 Lower


WTM WRTD Speakers Corner

Meridian Club 1

WTM Meridian Club Lounge & Meeting Rooms | North Hall AF725


WTM Meridian Club Lounge | South Hall GV180


Café Bars | North Hall

Level 3

WTM Meridian Club Welcome Desk

Press Centre

North Gallery Rooms | North Hall

WTM Press Hospitality Area | Platinum Suites

WTM Seminar Rooms | North Gallery, Level 2


WTM Seminar Rooms | South Gallery Rooms – 19-28, South Hall

WTM Press Conference Room | Platinum Suite 5 & 6

WTM Registration Area | East Entrance


Facebook Picture Kiosks | WTM Press Centre WTM Digital Hub

WTM Platinum Suites 1, 3 & 4, Level 3


Sponsored by the Greek National Tourism Organisation PWA

WTM Press Working & Racking Area


WTM Press Hospitality & Conference Room


WTM Press Registration

Venue Facilities

Platinum Suites | Boulevard WTM Press Working Area | Platinum Suite 2

First Aid | Level 0

Press Racking Area | Platinum Suite 2

Lifts £

Cash Machines | Level 0


Security Offices


Cloakroom Toilets



Eateries Cafés & Restaurants

42 I WTM Catalogue 2012





& N DO N




WTM would like to thank for their support

Official Sponsor of the WTM International Press Centre

WTM Catalogue 2012 I 43










NG22 NG11

NG14 NG12







EM 1592

EM 580

EM 385

EM 270





EM 990

EM 585

EM 1485

EM 1270

EM 1895

AF 580

AF 196

AF 180

EM 1588

AF AF 390 396

AF 295

AF 498




UKI 160

UKI 150



UKI 140 UKI 135


UKI 120


UKI 108


UKI 106 UK 104 UKI 102 UKI 101


UKI 100









S1 GV 103

GV 301

GV 501

GV 601

TT 201



GV 585

TT 186

TT 182 TT 187

TT 183 TT 188

TT 184 TT 189

TT 286

TT 287

TT 289





44 I WTM Catalogue 2012







GV 303


TT 203







TT 301



NA 201



S4 NA 301

NA NA NA 303 309 311

LA 301

LA 401

NA 293



NA 297

SG12 SG13

LA 191

CA 401

CA 407



ME 101

S7 ME 207

ME 207


SG16 SG17

ME 501

ME 505

AS 301

SG20 SG21



SG24 SG25


AS 99

AS AS 285 289

AS 387

AS 291

SG28 SG29

AS 501

AS 503

AS 587

AS 389

AS 491


AS 492

AS 493

AS 495


AS 591

IN 201

IN 301

IN 309

IN 401


IN IN 385 389

AS 589

AS AS 592 593


S10 AS 701

IN 291

IN 491





AS 401


AS 95

SG26 SG26


AS 303




AS 102

AS 280 ME 293






WTM ME 401


LA 541

LA 299

SG15 SG14



LA 480





P CA 301





LA 109











TT 401




GV 100














NG22 NG11

NG14 NG12







EM 1592

EM 580

EM 385

EM 270





EM 990

EM 585

EM 1485

EM 1270

EM 1895

AF 580

AF 196

AF 180

EM 1588

AF AF 390 396

AF 295

AF 498




UKI 160

UKI 150



UKI 140 UKI 135


UKI 120


UKI 108


UKI 106 UK 104 UKI 102 UKI 101


UKI 100









S1 GV 103

GV 301

GV 501

GV 601

TT 201



GV 585

TT 186

TT 182 TT 187

TT 183 TT 188

TT 184 TT 189

TT 286

TT 287

TT 289









GV 303


TT 203







TT 301



NA 201



S4 NA 301

NA NA NA 303 309 311

LA 301

LA 401

NA 293



NA 297

SG12 SG13

LA 191

CA 401

CA 407



ME 101

S7 ME 207

ME 207


SG16 SG17

ME 501

ME 505

AS 301

SG20 SG21



SG24 SG25


AS 99

AS AS 285 289

AS 387

AS 291

SG28 SG29

AS 501

AS 503

AS 587

AS 389

AS 491


AS 492

AS 493

AS 495


AS 591

IN 201

IN 301

IN 309

IN 401


IN IN 385 389

AS 589

AS AS 592 593


S10 AS 701

IN 291

IN 491





AS 401


AS 95

SG26 SG26


AS 303




AS 102

AS 280 ME 293






WTM ME 401


LA 541

LA 299

SG15 SG14



LA 480





P CA 301





LA 109











TT 401




GV 100






WTM would like to thank for their support

Official Sponsor of the WTM International Press Centre

WTM Catalogue 2012 I 45










NG22 NG11

NG14 NG12







EM 1592

EM 580

EM 385

EM 270





EM 990

EM 585

EM 1485

EM 1270

EM 1895

AF 580

AF 196

AF 180

EM 1588

AF AF 390 396

AF 295

AF 498




UKI 160

UKI 150



UKI 140 UKI 135


UKI 120


UKI 108


UKI 106 UK 104 UKI 102 UKI 101


UKI 100









S1 GV 103

GV 301

GV 501

GV 601

TT 201



GV 585

TT 186

TT 182 TT 187

TT 183 TT 188

TT 184 TT 189

TT 286

TT 287

TT 289





46 I WTM Catalogue 2012







GV 303


TT 203







TT 301



NA 201



S4 NA 301

NA NA NA 303 309 311

LA 301

LA 401

NA 293



NA 297

SG12 SG13

LA 191

LA 299

SG15 SG14

CA 401

CA 407



ME 101

S7 ME 207

ME 207


ME 501

ME 505

AS 301

SG20 SG21



SG24 SG25


AS 99

AS AS 285 289

AS 387

AS 291

SG28 SG29

AS 501

AS 503

AS 587

AS 389

AS 491


AS 492

AS 493

AS 495


AS 591

IN 201

IN 301

IN 309

IN 401


IN IN 385 389

AS 589

AS AS 592 593


S10 AS 701

IN 291

IN 491





AS 401


AS 95

SG26 SG26


AS 303




AS 102

AS 280 ME 293






WTM ME 401


LA 541

SG16 SG17



LA 480





P CA 301





LA 109











TT 401




GV 100














NG22 NG11

NG14 NG12







EM 1592

EM 580

EM 385

EM 270





EM 990

EM 585

EM 1485

EM 1270

EM 1895

AF 580

AF 196

AF 180

EM 1588

AF AF 390 396

AF 295

AF 498




UKI 160

UKI 150



UKI 140 UKI 135


UKI 120


UKI 108


UKI 106 UK 104 UKI 102 UKI 101


UKI 100









S1 GV 103

GV 301

GV 501

GV 601

TT 201



GV 585

TT 186

TT 182 TT 187

TT 183 TT 188

TT 184 TT 189

TT 286

TT 287

TT 289









GV 303


TT 203







TT 301



NA 201



S4 NA 301

NA NA NA 303 309 311

LA 301

LA 401

NA 293



NA 297

SG12 SG13

LA 191

LA 299

SG15 SG14

CA 401

CA 407



ME 101

S7 ME 207

ME 207


ME 501

ME 505

SG20 SG21



SG24 SG25


AS 99

AS AS 285 289

AS 387

AS 291

SG28 SG29

AS 401

AS 501

AS 503

AS 587

AS 389

AS 491


AS 492

AS 493

AS 495

AS 591

IN 201

IN 301

IN 309

IN 401


IN IN 385 389

AS 589

AS AS 592 593



S10 AS 701

IN 291

IN 491





AS 303


AS 95

SG26 SG26



AS 301




AS 102

AS 280 ME 293






WTM ME 401


LA 541

SG16 SG17



LA 480





P CA 301





LA 109











TT 401




GV 100






WTM would like to thank for their support

Official Sponsor of the WTM International Press Centre

WTM Catalogue 2012 I 47










NG22 NG11

NG14 NG12







EM 1592

EM 580

EM 385

EM 270





EM 990

EM 585

EM 1485

EM 1270

EM 1895

AF 580

AF 196

AF 180

EM 1588

AF AF 390 396

AF 295

AF 498




UKI 160

UKI 150



UKI 140 UKI 135


UKI 120


UKI 108


UKI 106 UK 104 UKI 102 UKI 101


UKI 100









S1 GV 103

GV 301

GV 501

TT 201

GV 601



GV 585

TT 186

TT 182 TT 187

TT 183 TT 188

TT 184 TT 189

TT 286

TT 287

TT 289










GV 303


TT 203








TT 301


TT 401



NA NA NA 303 309 311


LA 301

LA 401


CA 401

CA 407


ME 101

S7 ME 207

ME 207

NA 293


NA 297

SG12 SG13

LA 191

48 I WTM Catalogue 2012

ME 501

ME 505

SG16 SG17



SG20 SG21



SG24 SG25


AS 501

AS 503

AS 99

AS AS 285 289

AS 387

AS 291

SG28 SG29

AS 587

AS 389

AS 491


IN 201

IN 301

IN 309

IN 401


AS 492

AS 493

AS 495

AS 591

IN IN 385 389

AS 589

AS AS 592 593

IN 291

IN 491






S10 AS 701


AS 95

SG26 SG26


AS 401

AS 303



S9 AS 301

AS 102

AS 280 ME 293

LA 541

LA 299

SG15 SG14




WTM ME 401





LA 480









P CA 301





LA 109





S4 NA 301

NA 201








GV 100















NG22 NG11

NG14 NG12







EM 1592

EM 580

EM 385

EM 270





EM 990

EM 585

EM 1485

EM 1270

EM 1895

AF 580

AF 196

AF 180

EM 1588

AF AF 390 396

AF 295

AF 498




UKI 160

UKI 150



UKI 140 UKI 135


UKI 120


UKI 108


UKI 106 UK 104 UKI 102 UKI 101


UKI 100









S1 GV 103

GV 301

GV 501

TT 201

GV 601



GV 585

TT 186

TT 182 TT 187

TT 183 TT 188

TT 184 TT 189

TT 286

TT 287

TT 289










GV 303


TT 203








TT 301


TT 401



NA NA NA 303 309 311


LA 301

LA 401


CA 401

CA 407


ME 101

S7 ME 207

ME 207

NA 293


NA 297

SG12 SG13

LA 191

ME 501

ME 505

SG16 SG17



SG20 SG21



SG24 SG25


AS 99

AS AS 285 289

AS 387

AS 291

SG28 SG29

AS 503

AS 587

AS 389

AS 491


AS 492

AS 493

AS 495


AS 591

IN 201

IN 301

IN 309

IN 401


IN IN 385 389

AS 589

AS AS 592 593


S10 AS 701

IN 291

IN 491





AS 501


AS 95

SG26 SG26

AS 401

AS 303



S9 AS 301

AS 102

AS 280 ME 293

LA 541

LA 299

SG15 SG14




WTM ME 401





LA 480









P CA 301





LA 109





S4 NA 301

NA 201








GV 100






WTM would like to thank for their support

Official Sponsor of the WTM International Press Centre

WTM Catalogue 2012 I 49

Italian Travel Industry News • Founded 1965

Italian Travel Market Survey by L’Agenzia di Viaggi

The L’Agenzia di Viaggi Annuario – Travel Industry Directory and Data Bank – contains updated listings of 9,686 licensed and operating travel companies, including tour operators and retail or incoming agencies. According to our 2012 survey more than 75% of Italian travel agencies are part of a retail network; 62% have their own website and less than 35% are contracted to IATA.

Agencies: from North to South

9.686 agencies in Italy

Lombardia, in Northern Italy, with 10 million inhabitants is the most populous region in the country, and has the highest number of agencies: 1,764 retailers, 214 TOs and 16 incoming operators. Lazio, Rome’s region, comes second with 923 agencies and 208 TOs, but leads the incoming market with 64 operators. Number three is Campania, with Naples, Amalfi and Capri, and a total 833 companies, including 41 incoming operators. Sicilia, Toscana and Veneto follow, with the same number of incoming operators. Retail agencies by region are: Piemonte (738), Veneto (708), Emilia Romagna (587), Toscana (567), Sicilia(541), Puglia (424), Liguria (229).

travel ID - social network

The Italian Travel Directory has become social in 2012 with travel ID (www.travelidentity.com), the first online travel industry social network. The new platform allows all travel professionals to get, and stay in touch, to communicate news and events, as well as publish pictures, brochures and videos; and of course create their own communities or open to trade crowdsourcing. Log on to travel ID International www.travelidentity.com and talk to italian travel professionals.

AdV Awards

L’Agenzia di Viaggi weekly newspaper and special issues

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Turismo Cultura UNESCO

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The leading travel trade weekly magazine in France

1507-1508 Supplément au N°

du 21 septembre 2012

- ISSN — 1282-478X

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MBRE 2012 – N° 1505 – 7 SEPTE

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– 1282-478X





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21 septembre 2012

- ISSN — 1282-478




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WTM Catalogue 2012 I 67


Travel Distribution



This year, WTM Travel Technology seminar programme covers the following subjects: search engines, online content, social media, mobile and latest technology trends. You might notice a common theme. They are all concerned with electronic distribution and selling travel product to consumers via online channels. Polarisation of the Market Place With the advent of the Internet, one could immediately see that this would cause strategic shifts in the make-up of the travel industry. Travel is an electronic product at the point of sale, so lends itself perfectly to online distribution. With the Internet breaking down geographic barriers, travel companies could reach out across the world, directly into consumers’ homes, causing the travel market to polarise. Imagine we divide the travel market into businesses large & small and business-focus niche & broad. (By focus, I mean the type of products that you sell. Is your business a specialist, for example specialising in cruises or adventure holidays, or a generalist selling all types of travel to all types of consumer.) In the online world, I

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believe the future belongs to two types of business: 1. Global players with massive marketing budgets that can afford to build brand power. They can sell all types of travel product because consumers will search them out by name. 2. Smaller niche businesses that are very specialist such as activity holiday operators, destination specialists, cruise specialists and so on. They will rank highly in the search engines because of their specialist expertise. The middle ground becomes no-go territory. Across the years, I think that this prediction has largely been borne out. I know of many travel agents that have re-positioned from generalists to specialists. Then there are the big travel companies with brand power such as TUI, Expedia and Thomas Cook, who are able to sell a wide range of products. The Rise in Consumer Knowledge The introduction of social media in the last few years has been bad news for second-rate businesses. The launch of TripAdvisor in February 2000 showed the power of peer reviews. Here is a business that, at a high level, is no more complex than allowing consumers to share their


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thoughts with each other on hotels. Clearly this is appreciated by consumers. TripAdvisor has grown to encompass over 75 million reviews and opinions and has 56 million unique visitors per month. Social media spreads the word. Constant peer to peer interaction on Facebook, Twitter and other social communication mediums means that if a business is doing a good job, consumers will hear about it. Conversely, complaints will quickly spread across the web if a business is offering poor products or service. Savvy travel businesses are harnessing social media to propel their promotion. This is not just to new customers, but it is also helping to maintain communication with existing customers to keep them coming back. The advent of mobile smartphones and unlimited data contracts has brought us to the Martini era. Consumers expect access to the information they want anytime, anyplace, anywhere. They have all the information they need at their fingertips. They will research their holidays ad-nauseum. But what’s the outcome? Consumers are now the experts on their particular holidays. They spend more time researching their holidays than at any time in the past. So where next? We can extrapolate from where we are today. Consumers are taking each others’ advice. The first peer to peer travel businesses have launched; concerns such as Airbnb that allows consumers to hire out their accommodations to other consumers, so bypassing the traditional accommodation sector; and Victor - The Private Jetshare Community that is using technology to allow executive jet users to sell spare seats on their flights. I guess we may well see more peer to peer businesses launch in the coming years. The ultra-high speed mobile internet, 4G, is rolling out in the USA and Europe. This will be perfect for viewing video. Consumers will become more familiar with viewing video and will undoubtedly expect more and more to be available to them. I think this could have real ramifications for the travel industry. If there is a thirst for video content then there is going to be a real cost to the travel industry of providing this - authoring good quality video is a far more expensive exercise than taking still photographs. Imagine a time when mobile devices are smarter than today’s, have great battery life, have 4G connectivity and can stream video to other devices. This sounds like the death of the television to me. You will just need a dumb screen that takes a Wi-Fi feed from your mobile. Your mobile device will have all the intelligence and connectivity you need to render services such as Freeview, Sky or other satellite and cable services obsolete. In this high bandwidth, connected future, there will be several major issues. ‰ For differentiated products such as hotel accommodation, there will be the cost of authoring the high-quality video content necessary to show your product in its best light, not to mention the need to maintain the highest product standards, otherwise

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poor peer to peer consumer reviews will simply kill your business.

‰ For commodity products such as flights and car rental, there will

be the issue of evolving a sufficiently distinct service differentiation, so that your commodity products stand out from you competitors. This is not easily achieved as any distinctly new services can just be replicated by competitors. ‰ As now, brand strength will remain tremendously important. If you can exert enough brand power that consumers come straight to you to buy products you are, by default, keeping your customers away from your competitors. ‰ And what of agents and middlemen? They may continue to add value through content aggregation (the one stop shop) or specialisation, being experts in their particular niche, but it just has to be that in an increasingly connected world, consumers will tend more and more to buy direct. Over the next few years we are in for exciting times. Stay alert and be prepared to evolve your business to take full advantage of the changing shape of travel distribution. n Paul Richer is Senior Partner of Genesys – The Travel Technology Consultancy. Genesys works with travel companies on technology related issues such as website audits and system procurement projects. He is organising the WTM technology programme. Find out more at www.genesys.net

WTM Travel Technology Drinks Reception : Monday 5 November 17.00 - 18.00, WTM Technology Theatre, TT370 FOR TECHNOLOGY BUYERS ONLY Sponsored by Illusions Illusions Online is a global technology company providing unique customised solutions for Travel Operators, Destination Management Companies (DMCs) and Travel Agents. Rapidly responding to changing market requirements and applying the latest technology, the company provides both travel companies and consumers with a simple and cost-effective way to book travel. Boasting 15 years in business and clients on five continents, Illusions is continually recognised for its innovation with several accolades under its belt including a World Travel Award for ‘Leading Travel Technology Provider’. The company is always one step ahead of the competition and is a leader in its field. Illusions Online’s mantra is “we can and we will” keep our clients ahead of the game by providing them with cutting-edge travel technology.



WTM Official Premier Partner

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IN its letter to the 27 finance ministers of the European Union, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) attempted to dissuade them from overtaxing the travel industry. To drive home its point about the importance of travel and tourism to each of their respective economies, it used compelling statistics – namely that tourism directly generates ten million jobs across Europe, as opposed to the 3.2 million attributed to the automotive manufacturing industry, or even the 8.5 million within financial services. These are powerful numbers, but no more so than those recently published by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), which stated in its 2012 report that a record 467 million tourists travelled internationally during the first half of the year, a number that looks set to rise to a vast one billion international arrivals mark before year end. It seems incredible that this never-before-achieved number of travellers could come with the economic climate

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so gloomy, especially in Europe, which remains by some way the biggest tourism market in the world. Tourism demand continues to grow and, as a worldwide average, there was in fact a five per cent rise in international tourist numbers between January and June 2012, compared with the same period in 2011. During his opening speech at September’s Global Tourism Economy Forum in Macao, UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai, said: “Amid the current economic uncertainty, tourism is one of the few economic sectors in the world growing strongly, driving economic progress in developing and developed countries alike and, most importantly, creating much needed jobs.” He added: “As we lead up to the milestone of one billion, we need to ensure that the tourism sector is supported by adequate national policies and that we work to reduce existing barriers to the expansion of the sector, such as complicated visa procedures, increased direct taxation or limited connectivity.” Unfortunately, as we have seen so many times over the issue of climate change, individual nations find it


almost impossible to sing from the same hymn sheet, as it were, even when doing so could benefit not just the global economy, but ultimately their respective economies too. In the UK, for example, with the highest aviation taxes in the world (Air Passenger Duty, or APD), research has shown that removing the tax could actually raise £4.2 billion for the country’s economy. The British Air Transport Association has called APD a ‘tax on tourism’, and Britain by no means boasts the only government seeing tourism as rich pickings for taxation. New hotel taxes in Spain are one of many austerity measures hitting tourism, while further afield, the governments of Argentina and Brazil have introduced taxes on foreign currency credit card purchases, in what many believe is an effort to prohibit nationals holidaying overseas. That said, the increased dabbling of the taxman in the industry at least goes to show it has at last been recognised as having the potential to drive economic recovery. At the annual meeting of the G20 world leaders in Los Cabos, Mexico, in June this year, the industry was for the first time included in the Leaders’ Declaration. The Declaration recognized “the role of travel and tourism as a vehicle for job creation, economic growth and development.” The Declaration further stated the G20’s commitment to “work towards developing travel facilitation initiatives in support of job creation, quality work, poverty reduction and global growth”. According to the WTTC, travel and tourism will directly contribute US$2 trillion in GDP and 100 million jobs to the global economy in 2012. Indirectly, the figures are even more mindboggling, with a forecast contribute of around US$6.5 trillion to the global economy and 260 million jobs created – equivalent to 1 in 12 of all jobs on the planet. Asia and the Pacific On average, the region saw eight per cent growth, with a recovering Japanese market, powerhouse markets in China and India, and South Asia and South-East Asia combining to deliver excellent average growth of nine per cent. Taleb Rifai said: “Although Asia was affected by the economic crisis of 2008-2009 due to its strong linkages with other economies, the region has bounced back quickly and is today a leader in the

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global economy. This is clearly reflected in its tourism figures.” Europe When taken as a whole, there is very little good news coming out of the European travel market, following a relatively good performance in 2011. Hotel occupancy statistics remain flat, while the majority of EU markets have indicated declining performance figures. Researchers have also reported that, due to continuing austerity measures throughout much of the EU, visitor numbers are forecast to decline by almost one per cent by the end of the year, with perhaps a hint of growth returning in 2013. Middle East Many tourism analysts anticipated strong growth in the Middle East this year, but the first four months provided only one per cent growth, compared with the same period on 2011. Although this perhaps compares unfavourably with the global average increase of five per cent, it nonetheless demonstrates ‘steady growth, and comes at a time when much of the region is still experiencing socio-political unrest. Encouragingly, one of the shining lights of the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region has been Egypt, which experienced growth of 28 per cent in its visitor numbers for the first four months of the year. The Americas With growth of five per cent as a continental average, it’s interesting to note that, although Central America, with seven per cent growth, was the best performer, even the mature markets of North America performed well, averaging four per cent growth. South America continued its healthy rise with six per cent, while the Caribbean also followed up strong 2011 figures with a rise of five per cent. Africa The flourishing destination of Tunisia lifted North Africa to a seven per cent growth in the market. Meanwhile, in sub-Saharan African – where the news is all about a burgeoning new air industry – a six per cent rise has been registered.



WTM Official Premier Partner




Travel 2 Tourism in Cameroon Cameroon’s economy is showing some early signs of recovery from the global financial crisis, although the government continues to face enormous challenges in terms of guiding the nation towards sustainable growth and prosperity. Cameroon’s travel and tourism industry is also on a positive track with the number of inbound arrivals up by two per cent in 2011. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), direct activities undertaken by the key stakeholders in Cameroon’s travel and tourism industry were expected to contribute roughly CFAF264 billion (£320 million) to Cameroon’s economy in 2011, a figure which represents some 2.3 per cent of the country’s total gross domestic product (GDP), while indirect activities were expected to contribute CFAF579 billion (£700 million), some five per cent of Cameroon’s total GDP. In terms of employment, travel and tourism was expected to directly generate some 88,000 jobs, around two per cent of total employment in Cameroon, while a further 200,000 jobs, some 4.4 per cent of total employment, were to be generated indirectly during 2011.

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Cameroon has the potential to become a top destination for niche travellers due to its unique cultural heritage and the incredible diversity of its landscape. Boosting niche tourism activities in the country will result in niche tourism contributing an increasingly significant share of its travel and tourism revenues during the forecast period and beyond. Identifying and promoting niche travel and tourism areas in addition to securing the nation’s reputation as a provider of mainstream travel and tourism products and services will also be crucial for the survival of niche tourism in Cameroon. Travel and Tourism in Gabon Travel and tourism in Gabon is gradually growing, but is still in its infancy. Until a few years ago, little effort had been put into developing this industry, despite its enormous potential. However, the government has now taken a proactive approach to fully utilising the nation’s tourism potential. It is seeking partnerships with popular tourist destination countries in order to boost travel and tourism as well as develop the industry in a sustainable manner. Seychelles is one of the countries in Africa with a successful travel and tourism industry and


is currently assisting Gabon to set up its national tourism board, develop tourist guide material and also train hospitality staff. This will help open up Gabon’s travel and tourism industry, as well as increase its visibility as an emerging tourist destination. Gabon’s rich natural and cultural heritage also makes it a unique tourist destination. Although the country’s economy is currently fuelled by oil, more of its future wealth is expected to come from its many other resources. Well aware of its great untapped potential as well as the increasing importance of travel and tourism to the country’s economy, the government plans to develop the industry in a sustainable manner. For this reason, it intends to raise tourism receipts by focusing on upmarket tourism and also collaborating with locals to ensure that the importance of tourism is conveyed. One of the major routes to Gabon’s success as a favourable tourist destination is eco-tourism. This sub-category of tourism is currently witnessing the quickest growth and is a market for which the country has huge potential. Gabon’s natural resources form the basis for constructing a sustainable travel and tourism industry. The country is becoming increasingly well known on the global stage due to its focus on ecotourism activities. It is host to a wide variety of flora and fauna, making it very attractive to tourists interested in wildlife and natural resources. Its forest covers 80 per cent of the country and is also part of the second-largest ecological lung of the world, after South America. Travel and Tourism in Sierra Leone Sierra Leone is considered one of the poorest nations in the world, but its booming mining industry will continue to drive growth in the future. Nevertheless, the outlook for the economy in Sierra Leone is promising. The country is expected to perform even better as the global economy continues to recover and generates demand for its exports of minerals and cash crops. Besides that, increased agricultural productivity, continued investment in infrastructure, as well as the expansion of the service sector will also boost growth over the forecast period. Sierra Leone has the potential to become the fastest-growing economy in the world in 2012. Although the travel and tourism industry in Sierra Leone is small in size and still developing, it is steadily becoming an important growing national service sector. In recent years, there has been an increase in

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its contribution to the country’s GDP, revenue, employment, as well as the socio-economic development. Apart from being a significant economic contributor and employer, Sierra Leone’s travel and tourism market also represents a vital building block for the economic policies the government has identified as crucial for the growth and stability of the nation’s economy. Niche tourism in Sierra Leone is rapidly growing in popularity due to the fact that an increasing number of tourists are seeking different kinds of vacations. The country is endowed with an impressive natural treasure and biodiversity - some of the identified niche areas include beach, nature and wildlife, cultural heritage, as well as eco-tourism. Eco-tourism is among the fastest-growing niches in Sierra Leone and as a result, special attention is being given towards its development. Although relatively small, this tourism sub-category is growing in popularity and remains a profitable venture that has been helping to improve the standard of living of the local communities in the country. Several policies have also been adopted to maintain the environment in a condition that would attract tourists and also meet the needs of the local population. Travel and Tourism in Togo Togo’s economic development has recently shown signs of improvement after enduring several years of unfavourable growth caused by socio-political unrest. Travel and tourism in Togo is gradually showing signs of recovery after years of negative growth caused by the social and political unrest, which previously plagued the country. In a bid to attract some of the millions of people from all over the world who visit West Africa every year, the government has set up an emerging travel and tourism policy with the aim of developing the industry and cementing its status as a major contributor to the national economy. It has also established an institutional framework aimed at strengthening the marketing and promotional activities of its National Tourism Office. The Togolese government is also working hard to overcome the negative image of Togo portrayed in the international media as a result of the unstable socio-political situation, which has marred its recent history. In order to conquer negative perceptions of the country, the government of Togo has embarked on measures to promote Togo as a safe and secure tourist destination at both a regional and international level. n


Egypt ‰

WITH an abundance of tourism riches, appealing equally to culture vultures and leisure seekers, Egypt’s attraction to visitors is undeniable and enduring. Unfortunately, it has had to be enduring, given the country’s history of unrest. The demise of Hosni Mubarak’s dictatorship in 2011 was described as Egypt’s ‘Berlin Wall’ moment, by the country’s President Mohammed Morsi at a recent summit in Tehran. Yet, while there is no doubt the Arab Spring has changed the political landscape in Egypt – and, of course, the entire region – the jury is still out on whether it will change the roller-coaster fortunes of Egyptian tourism. Last year, tourists stayed away in droves and a drop of almost 40 per cent (to under nine million) was recorded, compared with more than 14 million in 2010. Although the early part of this year saw an impressive bounceback, with visitor numbers up 28 per cent on the same period in 2011, the picture changed again in September, following protests over an anti-Islam film, made in the US. One of the world’s largest cruise ships, Royal Caribbean’s Mariner of the Seas, cancelled a layover in Alexandria due to the tense situation, and a number of tour operators are concerned that there will be a fall in visitor numbers early next year, as bookings will – or will not – have been made in advance. Others, however, feel they have seen it all before, believing as many do that Egypt often gets sick, but it never dies. There’s logic in the axiom too – since the Red Sea Riviera resorts have tended to market themselves separately from the must-see cultural centres, they have been far less affected by the Arab Spring. For these reasons, tourism generates a very healthy 6.7 per cent of Egypt’s GDP – a percentage too large to be ignored. Operators into Egypt discounted heavily to draw tourists back following the Arab Spring unrest, and prices were still low at the beginning of this year, prompting growth in bookings. The low prices have also had a beneficial effect on domestic tourists who have largely gone under the radar of travel agents and hotels in the past. Keen to lure back the big-spending foreign tourists, however, the Egyptian government has turned to its greatest treasures for assistance – the pyramids at Giza. After a lengthy restoration project, the Pyramid of Chefren – along with up to six other ancient tombs – will be reopened.

Going forward, Egypt knows it must, without losing sight of its rich heritage, target new tourists who have been captivated by the country due to more recent events. As such a prominent player in the Arab Spring uprising, many tourists will be attracted to momentous sites such as Tahrir Square, and tour operators are already making use of this fact in their marketing. Once in country, of course, younger tourists will find that Egypt has more than relics to offer – with a fast-growing adventure tourism offering, including diving, trekking, desert safaris and a host of water sports. Perhaps strangely, it could be this aspect of Egypt’s tourism offering more than any other that has the potential to put one of the country’s primary economic drivers back on track – and back on the world tourism map. n

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Inspiring new ways


Visit Cape Town & Western Cape South African Tourism Stand AF500

Cape Town and the Western Cape is a destination of exquisite natural beauty and home to diverse cultures with a rich heritage. Where else in the world can one experience breathtaking scenery from the summit of iconic Table Mountain, one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature, and on the same day FRPH LQWR FRQWDFW ZLWK WKH SUDFWLFHV ULWXDOV DQG DUW RI WKH ÂżUVW indigenous people of Southern Africa, the San or Bushman? Our spectacular scenery does not fail to impress thrill seekers from every corner of the globe. Wander through the streets of historic Cape Town and savour the rich diversity of its people or shop up a storm at the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront one of the most popular attractions of the city and a place to see and be seen. Once you’ve had enough of the hustle and bustle of the city take a short drive to Cape Point, Africa’s southwestern tip. The sight of zebra and eland, the largest antelope in the world, JUD]LQJ XQKLQGHUHG LQ SULVWLQH I\QERV ÂżQH EXVK LV OHVV WKDQ minutes drive from the bustling city centre. Cape Point´s fynbos plains are home to 1 200 species of indigenous plants and part of the larger Cape Floral Kingdom, one of six global plant NLQJGRPV DQG E\ IDU WKH VPDOOHVW DQG ULFKHVW Ă€RUDO NLQJGRP in the world.

The charms of Mother Nature are not restricted to Cape Town. Less than an hour’s drive from the city centre in the midst of the Cape Winelands you can experience the rich culture of more than 300-years of wine making in South Africa. Picture perfect vineyards boasting unique Cape Dutch architecture nestled beneath soaring mountain peaks, offer one of the best wine tourism experiences in the world. Further inland you can enjoy the stark beauty and serenity of the semi-arid Cape Karoo. Along the Cape Garden Route and Overberg coastline whales and dolphins can be found in the rich marine environment where the cold Atlantic meets the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. Revel in the exquisite landscape of rugged mountains, cool waterfalls, lagoons, lakes and rivers. Enjoy some of the best Golf Courses in the World set along the rugged coastline or framed by mountain vistas stretching to LQ¿QLW\ 7DNH D ZDON RQ WKH ZLOG VLGH LQ WKH &HGHUEHUJ 0RXQWDLQV or enjoy the tranquil snow white beaches of the Cape West Coast as you dine alfresco on sumptuous seafood. So, what are you waiting for? Do whatever you need to do to get to Cape Town and the Western Cape. Adventurously yours, naturally ours!


Welcome to


IN defiance of the on-going economic pressures faced by travellers today, 2012 has been a very positive year for tourism in South Africa. The first half of

this year saw an impressive 10.5% rise in the number of tourist arrivals from all markets, with the UK - by far our biggest market –increasing 5% on 2011 figures at a time when statistics suggest that UK departures have remained steady overall. As a destination we work hard to keep our country on the agenda; global media deals on television, cinema and digital platforms have kept our awareness at a high of 93% and the value we place on our trade relationships was further underlined with the two UK trade awards presented to South African Tourism earlier this year. A large part of our success is due to the multi-layered offering South Africa can present to the visitor today. Kruger National Park and its phenomenal wildlife, the breathtaking views from Table Mountain, Nelson Mandela’s home in Soweto and the famous Stellenbosch wineries – all are already well-known. However, did you know Kruger is home to some of the world’s most pioneering eco safaris, that you can abseil from Table Mountain, take a bicycle and ride through Soweto or that a third of wineries on the Stellenbosh Wine Route offer accommodation as well? South Africa’s cultural and shopping scenes are also world class: Cape Town has just been awarded the Design Capital of the World in 2014, while Johannesburg is one of the best places to take in both an authentic African market and the country’s thriving contemporary arts and urban scene. South Africa is also able to answer some of the concerns increasingly in the agenda of today’s savvy traveller. Ten years ago we pioneered the Cape Town Declaration on Responsible Tourism, the globally important agreement which put responsibility in tourism firmly on the agenda. What this translates into for our visitors is a truly authentic encounter with a confident country. We believe that good places to live are good places to visit, so visitors are encouraged to eat local produce, meet local people and stay in places which are in sync with their locality to experience the true sense of South Africa. These values and standards are incorporated from the foundations up; ticking the ‘responsible’ box doesn’t mean compromising on luxury or exclusivity. And not forgetting value for money. As a long-haul destination the airfare is the greatest challenge to budget-conscious travellers. Once in-country prices are significantly less than at home – around £80 per night for a top boutique hotel; £25 for a three course dining experience with exceptional South African wine (of course) and hospitality and accommodation to inspire and delight the most discerning traveller. n Join us at stand AF500 on Monday 5 November (4.30-5.30pm) for the chance to try wines from Beyerskloof, best-know for its award-winning pinotage, South Africa’s signature grape variety. For more information on South Africa visit www.southafrica.net

92 I WTM Catalogue 2012

The Eastern Cape, South Africa’s Adventure Province, offers visitors a world of diversity: An incredible 800kms of pristine coastline - spectacular Wild Coast The world’s only Big 7 game parks World Heritage Sites and Biodiversity Hotspots Adrenalin rush, hard core adventure - highest bungee jump in the world Authentic cultural experiences - home of the AmaXhosa A rich and fascinating history - birthplace of Nelson Mandela The Adventure Province has some something for everyone. Find out if you’re up for it...


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South Africa ‰

AT the southern end of world’s second largest continent lies one of the most diverse nations on the planet. South Africa offers a plethora of attractions ranging from outstanding national parks to cosmopolitan cities – with everything from iconic landmarks to amazing wildlife found in between. So it is no surprise that the country’s everpopular tourist industry is as strong as ever. According to recent figures, tourist numbers to South Africa increased by an impressive 10.5 per cent during the first six months of 2012, which is double the global tourism growth rate of five per cent. Stats SA’s tourism figures indicate that South Africa experienced an excellent first half of the year, attracting almost 4.5 million tourists to the country between January and June 2012. However, this impressive figure is not down to the country’s attractions alone – the South African Tourist Board has been working relentlessly on a marketing campaign that has been specifically designed to drum up numbers. “Despite the global economic downturn, our focused marketing efforts and the hard work of everyone in the tourism industry are paying dividends,” said South Africa’s tourism minister, Marthinus van Schalkwyk. “Although the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) does

predict a slowdown in global arrivals in the second half of this year, we are delighted with our very strong start in 2012, and are confident that it will be a year worth celebrating for us as far as the tourism industry is concerned.” And it is no surprise that celebration is on the cards. In 1993, before the country’s first democratic elections, South Africa had just over 3.3 million international arrivals. Today, the nation has 12 million international arrivals, of which 8.3 million are tourists. As it stands, tourism contributes nine per cent to South Africa’s GDP, and supports one in every 12 jobs in the country. The government and tourism industry are, however, committed to seeing that number increase even further. By 2020 South Africa hopes to welcome no less than 15 million international arrivals per annum but, in order to achieve this, it sagely realises that it needs to invest in the growth areas of the future. It is this recognition that is behind the National Tourism Sector Strategy. As well as an increase in tourism numbers, the South African tourism industry wants to see a much greater emphasis on travel within, and from, its own continent as well as increase the volume of domestic travel. In fact, domestic tourists are currently the lifeblood of South Africa’s tourism industry. No less than 5.5 million domestic trips were taken in the first quarter of 2012, which contributed R5.2 billion to the economy. This is over R600 million, or 13 per cent, more than

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last year’s economic contribution over the same period. And, by encouraging South Africans to be “tourists in their own country”, these figures are also set to increase. But as well as encouraging home-grown tourist, South Africa is promoting itself as a destination to some new international markets. For the first time, China is one of South Africa’s top five source markets of overseas tourists, overtaking France as the country’s fourth-largest overseas source market. A total of 60,272 Chinese visitors came to South Africa in the first half of 2012, which represents a massive 68.4 per cent growth compared to the first half of 2011 when South Africa received only 35,796 Chinese arrivals. “China’s outbound tourism market continues to grow phenomenally, with 30 per cent growth in outbound tourism reported for the country for the first half of 2012. The fact that South Africa managed to record more than double this rate clearly proves that we certainly have not missed out on this opportunity, and that our conversion efforts on the ground are delivering results,” said van Schalkwyk. South Africa is also reaping significant benefits from its marketing efforts and strong trade-relations work in other emerging markets, including India and Brazil, with arrivals from India also on the up. The UK, however, remains South Africa’s largest market, with the USA hot on its heals in second place.

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It is this fresh marketing approach which makes the planned growth in the nation’s tourism market seem feasible, but it is the country’s commitment to sustainable tourism which makes it exciting. “I want to highlight one specific challenge between now and 2020. We must decide now where we want to be in 2020 in terms of sustainable tourism,” continued van Schalkwyk. “Do we want to be a sector that exemplifies the green economic revolution that is under way, or do we want to be known as the grim reaper, raiding our natural resources for short-term profit? “Therefore, my challenge to industry is: Walk with us to transform the sector, to reduce its carbon and water footprint, to improve sustainability practices and scale up sustainable tourism certification, and to create green jobs. We have only one chance. The release of the minimum standards for responsible tourism is but the beginning. We now need the sector to invest much

The UK remains South Africa’s largest market, with the USA hot on its heals in second place.


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WTM Catalogue 2012 I 97

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more seriously in energy-efficiency retrofitting, green building design, the roll-out of renewable-energy technologies, and consumer education.” Wise words indeed, and not ones that are necessarily associated with the tourism industry, but South Africa has such a rich heritage that it is essential to protect it. There are no less than four natural World Heritage Sites in the country, while the scenic Garden Route is home to the indigenous Fynbos flora. Cape Town is, of course, home to the iconic Table Mountain while the Sunland Baobab is said to be the country’s biggest. And, at over 4,000 years old, Sunland is also the South Africa’s oldest baobab, but what makes it really stand out from the crowd is that this unique tree features a small pub inside its hollow trunk. Created in 1933 this unusual watering hole is the epitome of South African culture. Historic and unique, the country is like no other – yet it continues to embrace the future. One of the biggest modern day sporting events to occur in South Africa was the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Five new stadiums were built especially for the tournament, and five existing venues were upgraded. The country also improved its public transport infrastructure within the host cities, including Johannesburg's Gautrain and other metro systems, along with major road networks. Such an investment proved immensely positive for South Africa, and the country is once again poised for the football limelight. The 2013 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) takes place early next year in five South African cities. Johannesburg, Durban, Rustenburg, Nelspruit and Port Elizabeth will host the 32-match tournament which will be attended by 15 African nations, proving that the FIFA investment was one worth making. But there are, of course, numerous other reasons to visit South Africa than to appreciate it’s newly upgraded infrastructure. In these tough economic times South Africa is still an extremely reasonably priced destination, and anywhere that can make spending money stretch that bit further is bound to be an appealing choice. And, with frequent, direct flights now available, it is easier than ever to get to. Many Brits also find the minimal time difference

Did you know? : Travel and tourism exports earnings for South Africa exceed exports of agriculture, automotive manufacturing, chemicals manufacturing, financial services, education and construction. In fact, mining is the only sector that beats tourism’s share of total exports.

appealing, likewise the fact that driving is on the left. The Rainbow Nation is also famed for its beaches, therefore increasing its appeal even further as a tourist destination. Wildlife is however one of the main reasons for visiting South Africa, with numerous game lodges and parks providing a huge choice of tours and safaris, which can range from a few hours to a couple of weeks. As well as two of the world's best-known wildlife reserves, the Kruger and Kalahari Gemsbok National Parks, South Africa has over a dozen smaller regional parks and reserves which warrant a tourist industry all of their own, as the want to spot the ‘big five’ never wanes. For a more cosmopolitan visit, however, then Cape Town is the destination of choice. The second-most populous city in South Africa after Johannesburg, Cape Town has often been termed the Mother City of the Rainbow Nation. Located on the shore of Table Bay, it is one of the most multicultural cities in the world and boasts fabulous beaches to boot. In fact, the city has recently been named Africa’s Best Beach Destination at the 2012 World Travel Awards and, with no less than eight Blue Flag-approved beaches, it’s easy to see why. Cape Town has its own Tourism Development Department which mirrors the ethos of the country’s main National Tourism Sector Strategy, and the city has even

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100 I WTM Catalogue 2012


Responsible Tourism recognition : South Africa has pioneered responsible tourism in many ways, and its numerous awards reflect its efforts. International accolades have been received from the British Airways Tourism for Tomorrow Awards, the Green World Travel Awards, the Virgin Holidays Responsible Tourism Awards and the Guardian/Observer Ethical Travel Awards.

been called “the responsible tourism destination of choice”. In fact, Cape Town won the Best Destination category in the 2009 Virgin Holidays Responsible Tourism Awards, making it the first city to win in this category. Rightly so perhaps, as the explanation of responsible tourism, “creating better places for people to live in, and better places to visit”, is a phrase that was originally coined in Cape Town in 2002. The city of Johannesburg, also affectionately termed Joburg, has also implemented a Growth and Development Strategy (GDS). The plan, drawn up in consultation with the city’s residents, will “further advance economic as well as social development”. In a bid to support these goals, the Joburg Tourism Company launched the Johannesburg City Tourism Association (JCTA) in September, with the aim of promoting and developing tourism in the central business district. In line with South Africa’s sustainability beliefs, Johannesburg has a policy in place that emphasises energy efficiency and resource sustainability in urban development. As a result, its own buildings set the trend for energy cuts, and the city has received much acclaim internationally. Joburg was the only South African participant at the Seoul C40 Summit, where it presented a paper on Smart Buildings: how Johannesburg is implementing energy efficiency in buildings. However, responsible and sustainable tourism is not a foreign concept for South Africa. In 2011, the Minimum Standards for Responsible Tourism was released. These Standards aim to “promote the implementation of responsible tourism principles in tourism businesses, harmonise sustainable tourism certification programmes and set a national benchmark for tourism businesses to aspire to”. It is this groundbreaking attitude which is set to cement

3 of the best : Research has indicated that jointly Durban, Cape Town and Johannesburg possess more than 70 per cent of South Africa’s tourism assets. As a result, the three cities have joined forces to simultaneously address the substantive global shift toward urban tourism and the pressures being felt by their respective visitor industries. The three- year memorandum of understanding between the cities, which was signed in May, will result in joint marketing and development programmes aimed at establishing the urban dimension of South Africa’s visitor brand and generating demand specifically for each city.

South Africa’s stance as a must-visit destination. Practical requirements of accessibility and value for money support the nations belief for responsible tourism, while the stunning natural landscape and diverse cultural heritage will continue to draw the crowds. “In order to maintain and build on these excellent [tourism] figures, we will continue to focus on driving value for money in our local industry, centering our marketing efforts around our people, and ensuring that we maintain our leadership in wildlife and adventure, while at the same time showcasing South Africa’s incredible lifestyle offering,” concluded tourism minister Van Schalkwyk. Afterall South Africa is, indeed, a showcase worth visiting. n

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Tanzania TWICE the size of neighbouring Kenya; and with dramatic contrasts between its highland, coastal, rainforest and prairie landscapes; few countries can offer big game safaris, exotic islands and wildebeest migration quite like tantalising Tanzania.

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Nestling amongst the striking landscapes of East Africa, framed by eight neighbouring nations (Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo) and the gentle waves of the Indian Ocean, Tanzania is renowned for its diverse wildlife and contrasting terrains. A wide swathe of its landmass is occupied by the vast Unyamwezi Plateau, reaching up to a height of 1500 metres and dissected by a slice of the Great African Graben with its magma-rich mountain massifs. As the undisputed King of the African peaks, Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the world’s greatest topographical features, standing proud and statuesque at over 5,800m within one of Tanzania’s most spectacular national parks. A bizarre geological oddity, Kilimanjaro was created, shaped, eroded and scarred by the twin forces of fire and ice to rank as the tallest freestanding mountain on the planet. Though formed by a trio of large stratovolcanoes, Kilimanjaro has been free from volcanic activity in recent times. However, ominous rumbles can be heard echoing around the valleys occasionally – an eerie reminder from the belly of Kilimanjaro that it is merely dormant, not extinct. Spouting fumaroles, rivers of rock and bizarre extrusions bear testament to this. “Tanzania is a beautiful country and with endless tourism experiences to discover,” explains Rabia Sahid at Tanzania Travel & Tours (TTT) Worldwide Ltd. “ Each of our safaris provides visitors with a once of a lifetime holiday that strokes a balance between wildlife, the landscape, the peoples and the culture – it touches people deeply for a never-to-be-forgotten trip”. From Mount Everest’s southern Base Camp to the Kilimanjaro summit Uhuru Peak requires a steady climb to

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the summit where unforgettable, gasp-inducing views reward every one of the 35,000 climbers that make this hugely rewarding trek each year. Choose from six challenging routes (each with umpteen permutations) across rugged rocks and steep loose-stone tracks flanked by cactus-like spikes and bird-rich heather-cloaked moors. Kilimanjaro National Park is just one of 15 National Parks that stud virtually every portion of Tanzania’s terrain where visitor activities run from birding, boating, canoeing, hiking and hot air ballooning to fishing, wildlife tracking, mountain biking, swimming, snorkelling and walking trails. As Tanzania’s oldest and most-visited national park and UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Serengeti, is renowned world-wide for its three-week spectacle, as a million wildebeest and thousands of zebra and gazelles pound the plains across crocodile-infested waters in syncopated rhythm during the annual exodus north (Dec-July). Characterised by sun-parched, dusty scrub, wildflower-scattered fertile prairies, woodlands, tall grasses and a riddle of inky-green rivers, the Serengeti has been proclaimed as 7th world-wide wonder, with its wide, open wilderness spanning over 14,500 square kilometres and some of the most


scintillating game-viewing in Africa (June-Oct). Great herds of buffalo, smaller groups of elephant and giraffe, and thousands upon thousands of eland, topi, kongoni, impala and Grant’s gazelle together with lion, leopard, cheetah, hyena and a trio of African jackal species can be sighted – and you’ll also find 500 bird species, agama lizards, granite koppies, rock hyraxes and over 100 varieties of dung beetle. Highlights include the Grumeti River Crossing in the Western Serengeti during May/June; the Mara River Crossing in the Northern Serengeti from July to October; Wildebeest Calving in the South Serengeti during January/February; the Northward Migration and Wildebeest Rut in the Central Serengeti during April/May (known as the Moru Crush); and the spectacular End of the Green Season in March/April when the great herds typically come together after calving on the southern and eastern plains. One thing is for sure; whether it be gatherings at congested water holes, dodging elephants in the Lower Grumeti Woodlands, tracking Rhinos at Moru Kopjes, or spotting leopards along the Seronera River, the Serengeti promises more animals and birdlife than you’ll ever be able to count – and memories that will last a lifetime. “Visitors get the wow when they holiday in Tanzania, explains Terry Kipoi from Koisan Safaris. “They see the Big Five, swim in the Indian Ocean and climb Africa’s highest mountain and enjoy the sort of friendly Tanzanian hospitality that make safari holidays here so exceptional. Business is up on last year – most bookings are from US

and Europe especially the UK, Germany and Spain.” In the northern part of the country there are large lakes - Lakes Victoria and Tanganyika – just a part of Tanzania’s 5,500 hectares of lakes and swamps and seasonal flood plains. As the most southerly of the great African Rift Valley lakes, Lake Nyasa runs along the end of Tanzania’s western flank. Saadani National Park is notable as the only sea-side wildlife sanctuary in Tanzania and occupies a hot and humid coastal plain amidst a unique and colourful mix of both marine and mainland flora and fauna together with about 30 species of larger mammals and numerous reptiles and birds. Tall grass savannahs, scattered palms and castle pasture characterise the region while the marine system is distinguishable by its coral reefs, mangrove forests, salt pans and bare saline areas that are home to hippos, crocodiles and numerous birds including kingfishers, fish eagles and many species of wading birds. Here, long plush carpets of sand in shimmering Champagne hues remain oh-so popular with visitors keen to pair up wildlife-spotting on game drives and the friendliness of the local Masai tribe with world-class beaches. Few places on earth offer a chance to see a pride of lions or a herd of elusive greater kudu in the early-evening after a morning strolling bare-foot on powdery sands among screw palms on the Indian Ocean after an afternoon amongst the beaming smiles of the local people in mud-and-thatch Saadani village. “There are two types of travellers that come to

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Tourism Stats : Since Tanzania gained independence from British rule in 1961,

Tanzania: the first time traveller to East Africa who wants to experience the well-known parks of Northern Tanzania,” explains Altaf Visram from the UK office of AfricanMecca Safaris. “Returning travellers want to focus on the off the beaten path parks such as Ruaha, Selous & Katavi with its prized conservation models, amazing lodges and locally sourced foods” A wealth of wonder and wildlife await visitor to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Ngorongoro in the picturesque Crater Highlands region. As one of Africa’s most beautiful landscapes, Ngorongoro contains some of the richest grazing ground in the continent, on a dramatic backdrop of volcanic craters with the Ngorongoro Crater, the worlds largest intact volcanic caldera; home to the highest density of big game in Africa. With 600 metre high walls and a rich volcanic floor that plays host to the big five, Ngorongoro is one of the continent's most famous safari destinations. No trip to Northern Tanzania is complete without a visit to Ngorongoro where visitors will encounter one of the most beautiful natural wildlife sites on the planet. Venture out to Lake Magadi, cupped by the crater, to witness large concentrations of pink flamingos as a prelude to meeting a healthy population of black rhino, some of the biggest tusker elephants in Africa today as well as lion, leopard and hyena and good herds of wildebeest, buffalo and zebra. With Ngorongoro Crater itself limited to game driving only, it ensures the focus is wholly on the wildlife – and both grazers and predators thrive in this magnificent, ultra-fertile 2,200metre crater under a veil of soft cloud. “Our extraordinary landscape is a big part of what attracts tourists to Tanzania,” explains as spokesman from Kilimanjaro Tanzania Safari. “Repeat visitors experience something new, exciting and wholly different every time they arrive – and they never tire of the incredible biodiversity, it astounds them.” For a touch of the exotic, head to semi-autonomous Zanzibar, one of the most stunning islands in the Indian Ocean, where calm turquoise waters lap the shores of Stone Town and Tanzania’s go-slow pace almost grinds to a halt. As

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Tanzania has increasingly promoted its tourism to world-wide markets : Tanzania ranks second in world for its natural resources, a prime driver in its tourism, which is arguably one of the most important sustainable industries in the country (World Economic Forum Travel and Tourism Report 2011) : Tourism provides a significant source of income in Tanzania (over $1 billion in 2010) : An estimated 400,000 direct jobs for Tanzanians are generated by the tourism sector : 2010 was a record year for tourism in Tanzania with just under 800,000 tourists entering the country – up 300,000 since 2001 (National Bureau of Statistics) : Tanzania’s national parks attract huge numbers of foreign visitors – with the Serengiti, the Saadani and Kilimanjaro the most popular. : In 2011 a US$10.6 million state-of-the art tourism college partfunded by the Tanzania Government ($2.7 million) opened in Tanzania. Over 600 students enrolled to attend training and education programmes aimed at modernizing tourism services and hospitality industries. : Tourism is a fastest growing sector in Tanzania with the total contribution to GDP of 12.9 percent – with predictions this will grow to 13.4 per cent of GDP by 2021. : Over $3 million is spent annually to promote Tanzania's tourism attractions - far below South Africa's $70 million promotion budget (Tanzania Tourist Board) : Over 25 per cent of Tanzania protected in National Parks and Reserves : In March 2012, forward-thinking Ambassador Charles A. Sanga was appointed Chairman of the Tanzania Tourist Board to develop the organization to authority level. : In October 2012, KLM announced two new daily flights to Kilimanjaro International Airport, Tanzania’s second airport. : From December 2012, Turkish Airlines will fly direct from Istanbul to Kilimanjaro International Airport

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Why Tanzania? : Spectacular landscapes, including the continent’s highest point (Mt. Kilimanjaro) and its deepest lake (Lake Tanganyika)

: Seven unique UNESCO World Heritage Sites : 15 National Parks + numerous reserves : Natural habitat for large herbivores, various carnivores, rare birds and amphibians, unique wild orchids and a newly discover monkey (kipunji, 2003) : An ecological awareness with considerable lengths taken to protect the natural environment : 100s of miles of palm hemmed white-sand beaches on the Indian Ocean : On game drives, it is possible to see elephants, rhinos, wildebeest, lions, leopards, giraffes, cape buffalo and cheetahs - all within the space of an hour, or less! : Magnificent scenery – beautiful acacia trees, open planes, forests and huge African skies : Many different tribal groups, including the Masai : Visitors can laze on an idyllic beach, go on safari, explore mistcovered slopes in the highlands, admire ancient rock paintings or learn to spear-fish with an ancient tribe – and more!

the home to some of the finest sugar-fine beaches anywhere in Africa – if not the world – all the sands in Zanzibar, such as Matemwe, Pongwe, Kendwa and Bwejuu are protected within a conservation zone. Off shore coral reefs lend the beach a striking alabaster hue, just 35km off shore from the Tanzania mainland and only six degrees south of the Equator. Miles of palm-scattered sands look out to smaller isles and atolls in an archipelago renowned for its noteworthy artists, musicians and poets throughout history – and still draws painters and photographers to this day. Gin-clear waters abundant with marine life lap at towering coconut palms while Green Wood Hoopoes and Weaver birds flit and flutter between rustling leaves and the fruit high above. Beach activities run from volleyball to horse riding, while many run dive trips out to some of the best and most varied dive sites in Africa. Steep wall dives; drift dives and world – class coral formations make this area a prime location for the experienced deep water divers. Visibility is good, the water warm and the marine life

diverse and innumerable with swaying weeds and soft coral rich in a rainbow of darting fish and octopus. “Tanzania is perfect for the discerning safari client and features some of Africa’s most iconic destinations,” explains Michael Creighton at Stella Travel Services UK, Travel2 and Travelbag.”It offers an untouched true wilderness experience.” In Stone Town, on Zanzibar’s west coast, delve into the delights of the old Swahili trading settlement to discover its narrow streets, twists and turns. Meander along a skinny riddle of cobbled alleyways to stalls of pungent spices. Navigate children playing ball and clusters of sizzling griddles to marvel at a Portuguese-built fort to feel like you’ve stepped back into a bygone era amongst buildings dating from the reign of the Omani sultan, Seyyid Said. Zanzibar’s seductive cultural influences have a foothold in ancient Persia and India’s Goan coast, with the Sumerians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Phonecians, Indians, Chinese, Persians, Portuguese, Omani Arabs, Dutch and British all having settled here and adding to the exciting cultural mix. n

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Amazing i Zambia i

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Travel and Tourism in the US The US economy is slowly recovering, with real GDP growth of three per cent in 2010 and two per cent in 2011. Likewise, travel and tourism experienced continued growth, but at a slower rate in 2011 than in 2010. Hotels were the main beneficiary of the growth in business travel, with eight per cent current value growth to reach US$99 billion in sales in 2011. Business conferences and meetings travel returned to growth in 2011. After a sharp decline in corporate meetings in 2009 due to the “AIG effect”, companies returned to holding group meetings in luxury hotels such as the Ritz Carlton. As a result of higher occupancy, hotels at the higher-end were able to increase their daily room rates in 2011. Business car rental saw an increase of four per cent in current value terms in 2011, due to the increase in business air travel. In response to Americans spending more time on social media websites, the US travel and tourism industry is introducing more social media initiatives to build brand awareness and maintain brand loyalty. Travel operators have attempted to take advantage of this by creating a presence on Facebook and other social media websites. Online travel agency Expedia was able to grow its number of Facebook “likes” from 130,000 in March 2011 to over a million by May 2011 through its Expedia FriendTrips game on Facebook in April 2011. In April 2012 Brand USA unveiled its marketing campaign to bring more international visitors to the US at the US Travel Association’s International Pow Wow trade show. Brand USA (previously called the Corporation for Travel Promotion) is a public-private organisation created to promote the US internationally, as well as to educate international visitors on visa and security requirements. The campaign uses the slogan, “Discover this land, like never before”.

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Brand USA will initially target residents in the UK, Canada and Japan beginning in May 2012, through television, the Internet, billboards, print advertising and social media. The second wave of outreach will include Brazil and South Korea, with other markets to follow. In terms of inbound visitors, Canada, the UK and Japan are expected to remain the leading, third and fourth markets in 2016. These three countries are expected to see increases in visitor numbers of 25 per cent, 23 per cent and 17 per cent respectively over the forecast period. Although residents of Canada, the UK and Japan are very familiar with New York City and San Francisco, it is hoped that Brand USA’s campaign will encourage them to make a return visit to the US so they can visit other, less well-known cities and attractions. Brazil is expected to stand out between 2011 and 2016, with visitor volumes forecast to increase by 88 per cent. Brand USA’s marketing efforts, combined with an expected improvement in the visa application process, should provide a strong incentive for Brazilians to visit the US. In turn, Brazilian visitors will boost the tourism receipts for Miami, New York City and Orlando, Florida. Visitors from South Korea are expected to grow by 46 percent over the forecast period, aided by its entry into the Visa Waiver Program in October 2008. The emerging countries of Brazil and China have seen their economies grow at a rapid pace, and were less impacted by the global recession than Western European countries. The high levels of economic growth in these markets are creating a burgeoning middleclass in these countries. While foreign travel was previously limited to the upper-classes, this new middle-class group has the disposable income to pursue international travel. In turn, the US travel and tourism industry is now focusing on attracting visitors from Brazil and China to increase business.



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These new emerging markets offer strong opportunities for the US as a tourist destination. The US travel and tourism industry is increasingly looking at emerging nations as the main driver of growth in incoming tourist numbers. US marketers are looking towards Brazil, which has shown explosive growth in recent years thanks to the global demand for ethanol and metals. Government initiatives have moved many citizens out of poverty into the middle-classes. In turn, the newly wealthy Brazilians are travelling. The number of incoming tourists to the US from Brazil grew by 25 per cent in 2011. Brazilians are also big shoppers, as they can purchase goods much more cheaply in the US than in duty-heavy Brazil. Travel and Tourism in Brazil Its developing nation status is fading away each year, as Brazil astonishes the world with strong economic development and growing international importance. This growth acted as a major magnet to international tourists, leading to a positive performance in terms of arrivals, and enhanced tourism flows within the country in 2011. Air transportation and travel accommodation were the main beneficiaries, with continuous investment in new routes and rooms to further capitalise on such good momentum. This scenario is only likely to improve as the country prepares to host global sporting events such as the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games. In order for these events to be successful, however, Market Sizes | Historic | Number of Trips | '000 trips | Year| on| Year Growth (%) Geographies












2010-11 12.0

© Euromonitor International

currently inadequate infrastructure must be remedied. According to Euromonitor International, inbound tourism has seen 12 per cent growth in 2011 Argentina and the US remained the most important source countries for arrivals to Brazil during 2011 – responsible for 1.5 million and 745,000 arrivals respectively. The large number of Argentinean tourists to Brazil can be explained by the proximity of Brazil, which is reachable by car or coach from Argentina. The fact that Argentina is now a priority market for Embratur is only likely to increase future arrivals. Strong arrivals from the US were directly related to continuous efforts made by Embratur and local tourism boards to promote Brazil’s travel and tourism products and destinations across the US. Promotional activity included participation in trade shows and conferences, as well as advertising in its various forms (television, print, outdoor, etc) inviting Americans to go to Brazil. Albeit from a small base, India, Russia and China registered strong growth in arrivals, of 38 per cent, 31 per cent and 22 per cent respectively in 2011. In previous years, source countries such as these became key target areas for growth in inbound tourism, as economic stability made travelling long haul more accessible for the first time in years. Overall, China is looking to expand its influence in Latin America, and is therefore an ideal target for boosting the number of groups of leisure tourists into Brazil. Brazil is expected to record much stronger growth in arrivals and welcome a total of 8.1 million tourists by 2016. With a vast territory and numerous attractions to offer, Brazil has all the resources needed to become a leading travel and tourism destination

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in the world. Its cultural pluralism and diversity works as a magnet for the growing desire for authentic, experiential travel. Moreover, hosting large sporting events – the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games – is known to increase international exposure and the number of arrivals in the years preceding, during and following these events. However, the strengthening of the Brazilian currency is likely to remain a barrier to growth in the short term, particularly as main source markets such as the US remain highly cost-conscious and in search of destinations where they can get the most out of their money. n


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TRINIDAD & TOBAGO AS we see London’s Excel converted back from exceptional sporting arena to the more familiar home of World Travel Market, the twin islands of Trinidad & Tobago keep the focus on sports by making this year’s focus the development of sports tourism and key festivals and events. Leading his team out into the WTM arena is recently appointed tourism minister, the Honourable Stephen Cadiz, available alongside the tourism and private sector delegates to promote his islands as world-class event hosts. Meetings and press conferences will be held on the stand (CA330) to showcase the international launch of the Tobago Jazz Experience and to highlight the many virtues of Trinidad & Tobago as a sports tourism destination. Home of the Queen’s Park Oval, the largest cricket stadium in the Caribbean, Trinidad offers a plethora of opportunities for schools and clubs to visit on cricket tours throughout the year, as well as hosting key international and regional matches that will draw a global crowd. West Indies cricketing legend, Brian Lara, will be on the stand during WTM to talk about the power of sport as a driver of tourism opportunity. Sister island, Tobago, will also be presenting the annual Tobago Cycling Classic. Covered this year by ESPN, the October event attracts cyclists from all over the world. Trinidad & Tobago has also benefitted this year from the London 2012 Olympics, seeing the national flag flying high thanks to the supreme achievements of young athlete Keshorn Walcott. At 19 years he became the youngest ever javelin winner in the history of the Games, putting his island home on the international map. Walcott will be joining the T&T delegation at WTM for the first time and will be on the stand throughout the event to talk to agents, operators and journalists. Other WTM events include a press reception on the stand on Monday afternoon, and sponsorship of the Caribbean Tourism Organisation Street Party on Wednesday, featuring a characteristic Trinidad Carnival and Tobago Heritage Festival procession. Travel agents are invited to come onto the stand for destination training and to an exclusive VIP party on Wednesday night.

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Considered by many to be the true Caribbean, Tobago offers visitors a unique tourism experience – and the opportunity to explore rich history, culture, and biodiversity. Accommodation on the island ranges from luxurious villas, to quaint bed–and-breakfast establishments, from guesthouses to full-service hotels. The attractions of Tobago are many and varied, including festivals and sporting events throughout the year, fine dining, idyllic beaches and historical attractions. For dive enthusiasts, Tobago is a must-see destination, along with adventure seekers, bird-watchers, beach lovers and hopeless romantics. This year, the twin island republic of Trinidad & Tobago comes to World Travel Market with a clear message – tourism is about so much more than just the stunning beaches and glittering blue sea that are there for all to enjoy. Celebrating its 50th Anniversary of Independence this most southerly of Caribbean island destinations is focussing its attention on its great cultural heritage and consequent rich visitor experience. The delegation of Trinidad & Tobago hoteliers and tourism officials will be emphasising not only the world-famous

Trinidad Carnival but also the international launch of the Tobago Jazz Experience, a rich festival of music that takes place in April every year. Previous performers have included such headliners as Emeli Sandé, Chaka Khan and Erykah Badu. In Tobago the carnival concept isn’t just on dry land either! The Tobago Underwater Carnival is an annual celebration of the island’s fantastic diving opportunities. Keen divers travel from all over the globe in late July to participate in not only dives to some spectacular sites, but also seminars, lessons in underwater photography, kit demonstrations and taster sessions for the kids. Food is a key focus, with Tobago celebrating locally sourced produce at its annual Blue Food festival, and general culinary excellence at the Tobago Culinary Festival, while sport takes centre stage at October’s Tobago Cycling Classic. Eid and Diwali are spectacular celebrations particularly in Trinidad. Visitors to World Travel Market can get a taste of all that these two islands have to offer on stand CA330 where there will be fascinating heritage displays and a series of events throughout the four days. Celebrities will include West Indies cricketing legend, Brian Lara, and former premiership and Trinidad and Tobago international footballer, Dwight Yorke.

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Trinidad & Tobago

FOLLOWING a quite dramatic decline in visitor numbers – from just over 83,000 in 2006, to below 35,000 by 2010 – there have recently been some signs of recovery. After seeing the alarming drop in visitor numbers continue throughout the global economic crisis, the government has stepped up to the plate and seems to have tourism at the top of its agenda. Under the Prime Minster’s auspices, action plans are being put in place to rescue the situation. For example, along with some heavily discounted tourist packages, Trinidad and Tobago is promoting itself to an intriguing combination of business travellers and sports enthusiasts, as well as retaining its more traditional leisure focus. Largely, the focus for Trinidad is towards business travel, while the leisure activity focus is with Tobago. Organisations such as the Trinidad Hotels, Restaurants and Tourism Association (THRTA) and the Tourism Development Company are collaborating with the Ministry of Tourism to present a two-island package, whereby visitors conduct business in Trinidad before ‘chilling out’ on nearby Tobago. In a speech given during the 2011/2012 budget debate, Independent Tobago Senator Dr Victor Wheeler stated that, although international visitor numbers were poor, a rise in domestic tourism was going some way to make up for the shortfall. He said: “Domestic tourism…has been on the increase with the sea bridge accounting for over

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800,000 per year for the period 2008 to 2010, while the air bridge arrivals grew from 317,000 in 2009 to 321,000 in 2010.” The Vision 2020 Development Plan puts travel and tourism very much at the top of the agenda for economic recovery, encouraging public-private partnerships and expanding recruitment drives to bring as many local people as possible into gainful employment within the tourism industry. In order to realise the full potential of the promotional campaigns for tourism, there has been a general recognition that crime levels must now fall as dramatically as tourism numbers have. Gang related incidents – including robberies, sexual assaults and even the murder of tourists – must be dealt with before a significant number of tourists will return to holidaying in the islands. This issue notwithstanding, this twin island republic represents a huge draw for tourists, with stunning beaches, the warm and inviting Caribbean ocean, friendly and helpful locals and a vibrant culture, including sensational music and wonderful food and drink.

Largely, the focus for Trinidad is towards business travel, while the leisure activity focus is with Tobago.


This year, the islands celebrate the 50th anniversary of independence and the establishment of the republic, and the government is keen to use the milestone to draw attention to a destination with great cultural heritage and the genuine offer of a rich visitor experience. Annual carnivals, such as the renowned Trinidad Carnival and the newly inaugurated Tobago Jazz Experience showcase a variety of musical talent, with island performers having included such legendary headliners as Chaka Khan, Erykah Badu and Emeli Sandé. Another unique experience is the Tobago Underwater Carnival, an annual celebration of the stunning diving opportunities that abound in the island’s warm Caribbean waters. Apart from the spectacular experience of diving here, scuba enthusiasts from all over the world converge on Tobago every July to attend seminars, take lessons in underwater photography, and try out the latest innovations in sub-aqua technology. Couples have traditionally seen Trinidad and Tobago as perfect wedding destinations, with no shortage of sunshine, bags of historical charm and plenty of venues specialising in special and personal events. Although couples tend to favour the laid-back attitude of Tobago for honeymoons, there are still plenty of opportunities for adventure, such as exploring the island’s tropical rainforests, swimming at Argyle Falls, diving with an incredible array of exotic sealife, quad-biking and horseriding. n

Technology meaning agnascor syrtes. Umbraculi adquireret fiducia suis. Augustus insectat pretosius apparatus bellis, quod syrtes imputat lascivius cathedras. Adfabilis quadrupei satis verecunde iocari catelli, iam incredibiliter bellus umbraculi fermentet ossifragi. Zothecas deciperet umbraculi. Utilitas rures suffragarit tremulus zothecas, quamquam bellus fiducia suis fermentet tremulus cathedras. Adfabilis catelli pessimus neglus bellis, ncredibiliter bellus umbraculi fermentet ossifragi. Zothecas deciperet umbraculi. Utilitas rures sufnsectat pretosius apparatus bellis, quod syrtes imputat lascivius cathedras. Adfabilis qquod syrtes imputat lascivius cathedras. Adfabilis quadrupei satis verecunde iocari catelli, iam incredibiliter bellus umbraculi fermentet ossifragi. Zothecas deciperet umbraculi. Utilitas rures sufnsectat pretosius apparatus bellis, quod syrtes imputat lascivius cathedras. Adfabilis quadrupei satis verecunde iocari catelli, iam incredibiliter bellus umbraculi fermentet ossifragi. Zothecas deciperet umbraculi. Bright and deliberate Colour zothecas, quamquam bellus fiducia suis fermentet tremulus cathedras. Adfabilis catelli pessimus neglus bellis, quod syrtes imputat lascivius cathedras. Aemulus zothecas, quamquam bellus fiducia suis fermentet tremulus cathedras. Adfabilis catelli pessimus neglus bellis,

: Visitors to World Travel Market can get a taste of all that these two islands have to offer on stand CA330 where there will be fascinating heritage displays and a series of events throughout the four days. Celebrities will include West Indies cricketing legend, Brian Lara, and former premiership and T&T international footballer, Dwight Yorke.

quod syrtes imputat lascivius cathedras. Adfabilis quadrupei satis verecunde iocari catelli, iam incredibiliter bellus umbraculi fermentet ossifragi. Zothecas deciperet umbraculi. Utilitas rures sufnsectat pretosius apparatus bellis, quod syrtes imputat lascivius cathedras. Adfabilis quadrupei satis verecunde iocari catelli, iam incredibiliter bellus umbraculi fermentet ossifragi. Zothecas deciperet Galapagos Experience is a tour operator that umbraculi. Utilitas rures suffragarit tremulus zothecas, quamquam bellus fiducia suis fermentet specializes in toptremulus quality, established and tailorcathedras. Adfabilis catelli pessimus neglus bellis, quod made programs, combining high standard syremulus zothecas, quamquam bellus fiducia suis fermentet tremulus cathedras. Adfabilis catelli accommodation andpessimus personalized service with neglus bellis, quod syrtes imputat lascivius cathedras. great natural and cultural destinations. Galapagos Adfabilis quadrupei satis verecunde iocari catelli, iam Experience´s tours not only offer an unforgettable incredibiliter bellus umbraculi fermentet ossifragi. Zothecas deciperet umbraculi. Utilitas sufnsectat experience but rures through joining them you will be pretosius apparatus bellis, quod syrtes imputat contributing to wildlife conservation and lascivius cathedras. Adfabilis quadrupei satis verecunde iocarisupporting catelli, iam incredibiliter localbelluscommunity projects. We umbraculi fermentet ossifragi. Zothecas deciperet represent the M/S BEAGLE (First Class) and M/S umbraculi. Utilitas rures suffragarit tremulus zothecas, SAMBA (Tourist Class) in the Galápagos quamquam bellus fiducia suis fermentet Superior tremulus cathedras. Adfabilis catelli pessimus bellis, quod Islands. Both neglus sailing yachts offer an exclusive, syremulus zothecas, quamquam bellus fiducia suis romantic and private experience, excellent fermentet tremulus cathedras. Adfabilis catelli pessimus neglus bellis, quod syrtes imputat lascivius cathedras. itineraries with isolated destinations, professional Adfabilis quadrupei satis verecunde iocari catelli, iam and experienced crew and locally owned, incredibiliter bellus umbraculi fermentet ossifragi.

environmentally friendly and a socially responsible operation. WTM Catalogue 2012 I 139



BRAZIL is already well on its way to becoming a tourism superpower, and the events of the next four years should only serve to cement that status. A recent Euromonitor report said: “Its developing nation status is fading away each year, as Brazil astonishes the world with strong economic development and growing international importance. This growth acted as a major magnet to international tourists, leading to a positive performance in terms of arrivals, and enhanced tourism flows within the country in 2011. Air transportation and travel accommodation were the main beneficiaries, with continuous investment in new routes and rooms to further capitalise on such good momentum. This scenario is only likely to improve as the country prepares to host global sporting events such as the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games.” Brazil's traditional tourism market has centred around beach destinations, with much marketing capital made of the country's weather, relaxed atmosphere and nearly 5,000 miles of coastline. Local government and tourist boards in several regions, particularly the north-east, have invested heavily in tourist infrastructure and marketing campaigns to attract both international and domestic tourists. The programme for the development of tourism in the north-east has invested more than US$736 million in several hundred infrastructure projects to improve airports, roads and drainage, as well as ongoing heritage

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restoration and environmental protection projects. But it is the 2014 Fifa World Cup and the 2016 Rio Olympics which are really getting people excited. Flavio Dino, the president of Embratur, the Brazilian Tourist Board, has said that a successful World Cup and 2016 Olympics will help to more than double the number of people visiting the country by 2020. "The investments into the country's infrastructure and tourism are a legacy that we cannot begin to measure, as it will establish Brazil as an even greater tourist destination in the years to follow. A recent survey of 39,000 international visitors to Brazil showed that 96 per cent intend to return to the country... after they have had a taste of what Brazil has to offer. Ultimately, the World Cup and the 2016 Olympics provide a unique opportunity for Brazil to showcase all it has to offer, and we are working very hard to make the most of this opportunity to

Brazil’s traditional tourism market has centred around beach destinations, with much marketing capital made of the country's weather, relaxed atmosphere and nearly 5,000 miles of coastline


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transform and reinforce the country's image for years to come," said Dino. The World Cup is recognised throughout Brazil as a major catalyst for the country's tourist industry. It expects to welcome 600,000 foreign visitors during the tournament, with an estimated three million domestic fans likely to travel to host cities to watch the matches. A study conducted by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation, in partnership with Ernst & Young, forecasts that the Brazilian hotel industry is planning US$1.5 billion in investments in preparation for the World Cup, mainly in the 12 host cities: Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Cuiaba, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Manaus, Natal, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and Sao Paulo. The Brazilian government recently launched Goal to Brazil, a promotional campaign to attract foreign visitors to the tournament. The touring exhibition, organised by the Embratur, aims to promote the country’s culture and tourist attractions, using world football’s showpiece event as a platform. It started in Santiago, Chile, and will travel to a further 13 cities in America and Europe up until May 2013. Ricardo Trade, operations director of the 2014 World Cup local organising committee, estimates the tournament will inject $56 billion into the Brazilian economy by 2014. He says that $11billion is being invested in World Cup infrastructure projects, such as the stadiums, roads, airports and public transport. There is concern however that the much of the new transport infrastructure will not be completed in time. Euromonitor says: “Despite all the big news surrounding Brazil, there is a great deal to be done for the country for it to achieve what economists refer to as a 'sustainable pace' when it comes to future development. An example of this relates to the current delay in all the infrastructure

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projects for the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games. In 2011, research published by the Institute of Economic Research (IPEA) concluded that 70 per cent of the revitalisation work set to be done at airports will not be ready in time for the World Cup. This is very concerning, placing infrastructure development high in the priority list for transportation, travel accommodation and all involved with travel and tourism, so that the country will able to handle the large tourism flows expected to be seen in the near future.” In response to these worries the government took the unprecedented step of spending US$14.2 billion to privatise three of the country's biggest airports in an auction at the beginning of February 2012. The airports in question were the country's largest - São PauloGuarulhos, Brasília International and Viracopos-Campinas. It would be wrong, however, to assume there is a state of inertia in the Brazilian aviation industry. It has seen its capacity grow by 39 per cent over last five years driven mainly by the introduction of low cost carriers into the region. Between 1980 and 2012 the number of routes to and from Europe went up from 14 to 43, and routes to and from the US rose from three to 27. The effect of the 2016 Olympics will largely be felt in and around Rio de Janeiro, but will be no less significant for their reduced geographical reach. According to Embratur, 1.4 million tourists visit Rio every year and this is expected to more than double, increasing to 3.3 million in 2016. For the country as a whole, the goal is to increase

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Brazil facts and figures : 2012 tourist arrivals predicted to rise 8% on 2011 (Business Monitor International)

: A 40% increase in tourist arrivals to 8.26m : : : : : : : :

predicted between 2012 to 2016 by Business Monitor International Government is providing 240,000 places on hospitality training courses in 117 cities in the run up to the 2014 World Cup Tourist income reached US$7 billion in 2011, up from $6.28 billion in 2010 (Euromonitor) A recent survey of 39,000 international visitors to Brazil showed that 96 per cent intend to return to the country (Embratur) In 2011 Brazil became the sixth largest economy in the world Brazil has nearly 5,000 miles of coastline The Brazilian hotel industry is planning US$ 1.5 billion in investments in preparation for the World Cup (Ernst & Young) 600,000 foreign visitors expected for the World Cup, with three million domestic fans travelling to host cities to watch the matches Brazilian aviation industry has seen its capacity grow by 39 per cent over last five years

the number from 5 to 10 million visitors annually. Rio 2016 spokesman Bernardo Domingues says: “The expected gross economic impact of the 2016 Games on the Brazilian economy is US$51.1 billion, according to a University of São Paulo study commissioned by the Ministry of Sport in 2009.” Rio's mayor Eduardo Paes said: “About 12,000 new hotel rooms are predicted to be built by 2015, 5,400 of them are already under construction. Rio de Janeiro has an extensive agenda of major events happening over the next few years, culminating with the Olympics Games in 2016.” With such major global events on the horizon, Brazil is working hard to modernise its tourism industry. The Brazilian Ministry of Tourism has introduced new criteria for evaluating hotels and accommodation, according to the guidelines of the Brazilian System for the Qualification of Accommodation – SBClass for short. The goal of SBClass is to “increase competitiveness in the Brazilian hospitality industry and inform consumers about the standards of establishments with respect to sustainability, infrastructure, equipment and guest services”. Brazilian minister of tourism Gastão Vieira said: “With major

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events such as the Fifa World Cup and the Olympics just around the corner, we need to upgrade our facilities and services. In this context, quality standards are an important tool to put our hotel industry on equal footing with that of countries that are global tourism leaders.” Under the new ranking system, the star symbol (one to five) will be issued exclusively by the federal government. Only accommodation facilities evaluated according to SBClass criteria will be allowed to use this official rating. Based on other international ratings systems, it recognises seven types of accommodation: hotels, flat/apart-hotels, resorts, farm-hotels, historic hotels, inns, and bed & breakfasts. The Brazilian authorities are aware of the need to keep building on the amazing opportunity presented by hosting arguably the two biggest events in wordl sport in the space of two years. It is launching a marketing campaign to highlight the country's numerous attractions, such as the Iguassu Falls in the southern state of Parana, eco-holidays in the Amazon, the historic city of Salvador, and Brasilia, the capital, a planned city with a wealth of unique modern architecture. There is a strong focus on attracting more global conferences - in the past seven years Brazil has risen to ninth place in the International Congress and Convention Association global rankings, from 19th back in 2003. And medical tourism in Brazil is also gaining popularity due its highly qualified medical professionals and advanced healthcare technology. But for now the main focus is on the World Cup and the Olympics – and Brazil is determined to go for gold. n

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AS the most tourismdependent region in the world we, in the Caribbean, are constantly striving to improve and stay ahead of other destinations. Well, we’re holding our own in a historically slow global economy according to year-to-date statistics. But, progress has been plagued by the punitive Air Passenger Duty levelled by the British Government, which has curtailed travel to several parts of the Caribbean. In spite of the onerous tax, we are pleased to report the British are still coming and, while they may be cutting back on short trips, they are planning and booking the longer stay dream journey – the type of holiday for which the Caribbean has become world renowned. The Caribbean’s luxury offerings continue to flourish, in particular with the weddings and honeymoons market, which delight in our exquisite high-end properties, sensuous spas and exclusive experiences. These thrive despite the negative impact of the global economic recession on travel and tourism. To continue meeting this demand, we have a number of very exciting developments across the region in the luxury sector, including the opening of the six-star RitzCarlton Reserve in Puerto Rico in December and the new Mustique Airways service from Barbados to the secluded island paradise of Petit St. Vincent. Other luxury additions include the new Peter de Savary hotel in Grenada, which is expected to open at the end of 2013, and the Islands of the Bahamas’ Baha Mar project scheduled to open in 2014. We are also seeing a palpable shift towards voluntourism and experiential vacations, where travellers

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can learn a new skill, participate in a unique activity or help the local community during their stay. New initiatives include the “catch and cook” programme at the Four Seasons in Nevis; “digital detox” in St. Vincent; and the Grenadines, hiking Dominica’s newly opened Waitukubuli National Trail, the first and only long distance hiking trail in the Caribbean, stretching 115 miles from tip to tip, and tending gardens at the Ridge to Reef Farm’s Organic Bed and Breakfast in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. Sustainable tourism is an area which cannot be ignored, especially in the Caribbean, where visitors are specifically travelling to experience our rich diversity and spectacular natural beauty. We are committed to ensuring we offer natural tourism products and to educating our tourism partners about the importance of developing sustainable initiatives. To this end, the CTO’s next Sustainable Tourism Conference (STC-14) will be hosted by Trinidad and Tobago from April 15-18, 2013. We look forward to showcasing the diversity of our region once again at World Travel Market this year and demonstrating the eternal appeal of our tourism products and experiences. From value holidays for singles and families, to exclusive offerings and discovering the unknown, we welcome the opportunity to work with the global travel community to develop new partnerships and increase travel to our region. Beverly Nicholson-Doty Commissioner of Tourism, United States Virgin Islands Chairman, Caribbean Tourism Organisation



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Questions for the Honourable Minister of Tourism, Pedro Pablo Duchez How are issues such as tourist security and infrastructure within and between tourist zones being handled? We have worked with a national tourist assistance programme for many years. This has been effective and the idea is to make it stronger. We allocate a good amount of funds to protect tourists. We work continuously with institutions of security in the country with special emphasis on tourist routes and major destinations in the country.

How important do you feel the growth of tourism is for the economy of Guatemala? Tourism is the second largest source of foreign currency for Guatemala, only exceeded by remittances. We are convinced of the importance of tourism and its role as a safe way to eradicate poverty, protect the environment and improve quality of life, all these aspects focusing on sustainable development. This year we took a major step in the tourism industry in our country, declaring it as a national policy and recognising it as one of the main axes for competitive economic growth and the social development of Guatemala. What plans do you have for sustaining or growing tourism? We are working together with the private sector to define specific promotional strategies, an example are roadshows, which are presentations of the country in various key markets in order to improve the marketing of tourism. Virtual Marketing is another major international promotion tool. Tourists from around the world will find on our website www.visitguatemala.com important information about our country. We also approached other major markets on social networks. What are the plans to develop and promote the Mayan Civilisation? 2012 is a year of opportunities, the whole world will witness a Change of Era predicted by our ancestors hundreds of years ago. This is the year in which we have worked hard to bring the world to Guatemala and regard it as the place to live the Change of the Mayan Era. As we like to say, 2012 is not a date, it’s a place, it’s GUATEMALA. We are aware of the cultural and archaeological richness that our country possesses. There are studies that show that there are over 3,000 archaeological sites related to the Mayan civilisation, but only five per cent are open to the general public.

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What do you see as your priority as Minister of Tourism? The priority is to strengthen Guatemala's position as the True Heart of the Mayan World. We are also working to diversify the tourism offer based on our strengths as segments: business and convention tourism (MICE), rural tourism, sports and adventure, cruises, health and welfare, living cultures, among others. Where do the majority of international tourists currently come from? Most visitors that come to Guatemala come from the regional market, mainly in Central America. Mexico and the United States together account for 68 per cent of the tourists. It follows the European market, mainly from France, Italy, Spain, the UK and Germany. What are Guatemala’s most attractive touristic features? We are a relatively small area of 108,889 square kilometres, privileged by a pleasant climate all year. Guatemala is a very diverse destination and holder of cultural and natural wealth where they come together in a unique setting. The most visited tourist destinations in Guatemala are: • The colonial city of Antigua Guatemala • Living culture and natural beauty at Lake Atitlán and its 12 surrounding villages • The most important Maya cities in the world like Tikal • The Caribbean people of Livingston and Rio Dulce • Tropical adventure destinations in the forests and rivers of Las Verapaces.

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Travel and Tourism in Malaysia The global economic crisis affected travel and tourism in Malaysia in 2011, restricting the growth in arrivals. While economies around the world were recovering during 2011, a further economic crisis, caused by the slump on the world stock exchange, occurred in August 2011. This changed the travel demands of consumers and resulted in lower spending by tourists from countries affected by the economic downturn. Despite the slowdown in Malaysia’s economic recovery in the second half of 2011, the promotion of the country’s hugely diverse tourism offer, from diving to ecotourism, was intensified. Also, a simplified online visa scheme contributed to the strong growth in the number of arrivals from China in 2011. Tourism Malaysia’s also made strong efforts to promote Malaysia as a travel destination in India and Indonesia. The “Malaysia, Truly Asia” marketing campaign encourages tourists to discover the country. Therefore, motor tourism has been introduced to cater to tourists who wish to indulge in self-drive holidays. Home stay programmes are also highly recommended to tourists, some of whom want to experience the lifestyles of locals. Ecotourism also allows visitors to immerse themselves in tropical rainforests and national parks with lush flora and fauna. Other programmes such as spa tourism and medical tourism help Tourism Malaysia to target different traveller groups. Singapore remained Malaysia’s main source country in 2011, accounting for 13 and a half million trips. This is largely due to the geographical proximity of the two countries and political and business cooperation. Indonesia is the second largest market,

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contributing three million trips to Malaysia, followed by Thailand with one and a half million trips. China posted the highest growth in arrivals in 2011, with the number of trips increasing by 24 per cent to exceed one million. The strong growth from China was mainly due to the simplified online visa scheme introduced in April 2011. A new visa application scheme was extended to India in 2011, allowing Indians to apply for visas online through agents registered with the Malaysian Immigration Department. Malaysia is positioning itself as an ecotourism destination to woo more Indian tourists, who indicate a growing interest in nature-based activities during visits to the country. According to UNWTO, the rising purchasing power of Indians has made India the fastest growing outbound tourist market in the world. This high purchasing power also allowed more Indian tourists to visit Malaysia for shopping, city attractions and areas of natural beauty. Travel and Tourism in Indonesia After a successful year for tourism flows inbound in 2010, the Indonesian government has set itself more ambitious targets for 2011 with the aim of maintaining the momentum gained from its promotion of Indonesia as a global tourist destination. The government is set to hold more international events, particularly in eastern regions of Indonesia as it attempts to attract higher numbers of inbound tourists. According to Euromonitor International, Indonesia has recorded an 11 per cent increase in inbound arrivals during 2011. This was the result of the improved economic situation in many of Indonesia’s


major source countries for arrivals. However, there were several events which had an adverse effect on arrivals from certain countries during 2011. For example; the earthquake; tsunami; and nuclear accident, which struck Japan during 2010, led to a five per cent decline in the number of tourists arriving from Japan. In addition, Indonesia’s hosting of the ASEAN leaders’ summit meeting in 2011 also boosted tourism flows inbound in the country during 2011. The main source country for inbound arrivals in Indonesia remained neighbouring countries during 2011. However, one major change was that Malaysia overtook Singapore to become the leading source country. The fact that Malaysians can easily cross the border into Indonesia is an indication of the very close connections between the two countries. Malaysia-based low-cost carrier Air Asia opened more routes in Indonesia, including Bandung in West Java, a city which is very well known for being a shopper’s paradise. Malaysians tend to spend most of their funds while on holiday on shopping and entertainment, a situation which has served to boost incoming tourist receipts among Malaysian arrivals in Indonesia. The Indonesian government continued to promote its Visit Indonesia Year campaign throughout 2011. This campaign focuses on marine tourism in eastern Indonesia. Indonesia is a huge archipelago containing several of the world’s largest islands, although the country also contains countless small islands, many of which are as yet unexplored and have yet to become commercialised as travel and tourism destinations. Indonesia is expected to become more recognised as a viable global leisure tourism destination and the Indonesian government is expected to make greater attempts to promote the country at international travel and tourism expositions and conferences. Travel and Tourism in Singapore Travel and Tourism in Singapore benefited from new tourist attractions that enticed more tourists from neighbouring Asian countries, such as China, Indonesia and Malaysia, to Singapore in 2011. Moreover, events like the Great Singapore Sales, Formula One Grand Prix and

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TravelRave 2011 attracted more seasonal visitors. Because of Malaysia and Indonesia’s close geographical proximity, it is convenient for residents from these two countries to travel to Singapore. Many Indonesians were attracted to Singapore by the great variety of shopping opportunities. The opening of the two integrated resorts with casinos in 2010 also attracted more Malaysians and Indonesians. Arrivals from the Philippines experienced strong growth of 24 per cent in 2011, making it one of the fastest growing inbound source markets. The economic growth of the Philippines and more low-cost carriers flying the Philippines-Singapore route boosted the number of Filipino tourists in Singapore. The Singapore Tourism Board’s main strategy in 2011 was to sustain growth by continually improving the quality of tourist services. Thus, the board focused on innovation, integration and productivity. It also worked with the Singapore Hotel Association to launch a productivity plan, which helped hotels to improve their operational efficiency and customer satisfaction scores in 2011. Moreover, a mobile phone app to supplement the YourSingapore website was launched in 2011, providing information to tourists on the go. By 2016, the number of trips is predicted to grow by a five per cent CAGR, according to Euromonitor International. New commercial developments such as the Marina Bay Financial Centre, Asia Square and South Beach in the near future are expected to attract more business visitors to Singapore. Upcoming tourist attractions like the National Art Gallery and River Safari should provide a further boost to arrivals in Singapore. n


͞nyale͟ ĨĞƐƟǀĂů ŝŶ >ŽŵďŽŬ, to collect the sea worms that appear here each February only, ĂŶĚ ŵĂŶLJ ŵŽƌĞ ĞǀĞŶƚƐ ŽŶ Ăůů ŝƐůĂŶĚƐ͘ ŶĚ ƚŽ ƚŽƉ ŝƚ Žī ŝƐ ƚŚĞ ĞǀĞŶƚ ŽĨ ĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞ ƐŝůĞŶĐĞ ĐĂůůĞĚ ͞nyepi” in Bali͕ ƚŚĞ ĚĂLJ ŽĨ ŵĞĚŝƚĂƟŽŶ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ĞŶƟƌĞ ŝƐůĂŶĚ͕ ǁŚĞŶ Ăůů ůŝŐŚƚƐ͕ ĮƌĞƐ͕ sounds, including planes and cars are barred ĨŽƌ Ϯϰ ŚŽƵƌƐ͘ dŚĞ ĂůŝŶĞƐĞ ŚĂǀĞ ŵŽŽƚĞĚ ƚŚĂƚ ͞nyepi͟ ďĞĐŽŵĞƐ ĂŶ ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů ƚƌĂĚŝƟŽŶ ƚŚĂƚ ǁŝůů ŐƌĞĂƚůLJ ƌĞĚƵĐĞ ƉŽůůƵƟŽŶ ĂŶĚ ŐůŽďĂů ǁĂƌŵŝŶŐ͘

Indonesia develops 16 Priority ĞƐƟŶĂƟŽŶƐ ŵŽŶŐ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ͛Ɛ ŚƵŶĚƌĞĚƐ ŽĨ ĂƩƌĂĐƟŽŶƐ͕ ǁĞ ŚĂǀĞ ŝĚĞŶƟĮĞĚ ϭϲ ƉƌŝŽƌŝƚLJ ĚĞƐƟŶĂƟŽŶƐ ƚŽ ďĞ ĚĞǀĞůŽƉĞĚ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŵŝŶŐ LJĞĂƌƐ͘ dŚĞ ϭϲ ĚĞƐƟŶĂƟŽŶƐ ŝŶĐůƵĚĞ >ĂŬĞ dŽďĂ ŝŶ EŽƌƚŚ Sumatera, Pangandaran in West Java, the Borobudur – Prambanan areas in Central Java and Yogya – Sleman ŝŶ zŽŐLJĂŬĂƌƚĂ͕ ƚŚĞ Bromo – Tengger – Semeru ĂƌĞĂ ŝŶ ĂƐƚ :ĂǀĂ͕ >ŽŵďŽŬ and the Rinjani Volcano, Flores in

Wakatobi, South East Sulawesi

About Indonesia


The Republic of Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world comprising 17,504 large and small tropical islands fringed with ǁŚŝƚĞ ƐĂŶĚLJ ďĞĂĐŚĞƐ͕ ŵĂŶLJ ƐƟůů ƵŶŝŶŚĂďŝƚĞĚ ĂŶĚ Ă ŶƵŵďĞƌ ĞǀĞŶ ƐƟůů ƵŶŶĂŵĞĚ͘ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ ŚĂƐ Ă ƚŽƚĂů ƉŽƉƵůĂƟŽŶ ŽĨ ŵŽƌĞ ƚŚĂŶ Ϯϭϱ ŵŝůůŝŽŶ ƉĞŽƉůĞ ĨƌŽŵ ŵŽƌĞ ƚŚĂŶ ϮϬϬ ĞƚŚŶŝĐ ŐƌŽƵƉƐ͘ ŵŽŶŐ ƚŚĞ ŵŽƐƚ ǁĞůů ŬŶŽǁŶ ŝƐůĂŶĚƐ are Sumatra, Java, Bali, Kalimantan (Borneo), ^ƵůĂǁĞƐŝ ; ĞůĞďĞƐͿ͕ ƚŚĞ DĂůƵŬƵ /ƐůĂŶĚƐ ;DŽůƵĐĐĂƐͿ ĂŶĚ WĂƉƵĂ͘ ,ŽǁĞǀĞƌ͕ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ ƐƟůů ŚĂƐ ŵĂŶLJ ƵŶĞdžƉůŽƌĞĚ ŝƐůĂŶĚƐ ǁŝƚŚ ŐƌĂŶĚ ŵŽƵŶƚĂŝŶ ǀŝĞǁƐ͕ ŐƌĞĞŶ ƌĂŝŶĨŽƌĞƐƚƐ ƚŽ ƚƌĞŬ through, rolling waves to surf and deep blue ƉƌŝƐƟŶĞ ƐĞĂƐ ƚŽ ĚŝǀĞ ŝŶ ǁŚĞƌĞ ŽŶĞ ĐĂŶ Ɛǁŝŵ ǁŝƚŚ ĚƵŐŽŶŐƐ͕ ĚŽůƉŚŝŶƐ ĂŶĚ ůĂƌŐĞ ŵĂŶƚĂ ƌĂLJƐ͘

KŶ Ϯ KĐƚŽďĞƌ ϮϬϬϵ͕ hE ^ K ƌĞĐŽŐŶŝnjĞĚ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ͛Ɛ ͞ ĂƟŬ” as World Intangible ƵůƚƵƌĂů ,ĞƌŝƚĂŐĞ͕ ĂĚĚŝŶŐ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ĞĂƌůŝĞƌ ƌĞĐŽŐŶŝnjĞĚ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ͛Ɛ ͞Keris” (the wavy ďůĂĚĞ ĚĂŐŐĞƌͿ͕ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ͞Wayang” shadow ƉƵƉƉĞƚƐ͘ &ƵƌƚŚĞƌ ďĞŝŶŐ ĐŽŶƐŝĚĞƌĞĚ ĂƐ tŽƌůĚ ,ĞƌŝƚĂŐĞ ŝƐ ƚŚĞ ͞ ŶŐŬůƵŶŐ” bamboo musical instrument from West Java, being uniquely ͞/ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂŶ͘͟

dŚĞ &ĂĐŝůŝƟĞƐ &ĂĐŝůŝƟĞƐͲǁŝƐĞ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ͛Ɛ ŚŽƚĞůƐ ĂƌĞ ƐĞĐŽŶĚ ƚŽ ŶŽŶĞ͘ /Ŷ ĨĂĐƚ͕ ŵĂŶLJ ŽĨ ŽƵƌ ůƵdžƵƌŝŽƵƐ ĂŶĚ unique hotels have constantly been listed as some of the best in the world, located on ǁŚŝƚĞ ƐĂŶĚLJ ďĞĂĐŚĞƐ͕ ŽǀĞƌůŽŽŬŝŶŐ ŐƌĞĞŶ ƌŝǀĞƌ ǀĂůůĞLJƐ͘ ŶĚ ĨŽƌ ƐŚĞĞƌ ƌĞůĂdžĂƟŽŶ͕ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ Spas are second to none to reinvigorate ďŽƚŚ ďŽĚLJ ĂŶĚ ŵŝŶĚ͘ ŽŶǀĞŶƟŽŶ ĐĞŶƚĞƌƐ ĂƌĞ ĞƋƵŝƉƉĞĚ ǁŝƚŚ ƐƚĂƚĞͲŽĨͲƚŚĞͲĂƌƚ ĨĂĐŝůŝƟĞƐ͕ ĂƐ ŵĂŶLJ ƚŽƉ ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů ĐŽŶĨĞƌĞŶĐĞƐ ĂŶĚ ĞdžŚŝďŝƟŽŶƐ ĂƌĞ ŚĞůĚ ŝŶ :ĂŬĂƌƚĂ͕ Ăůŝ ƚŽ Manado, ranging from the Global Climate Change Conference in Bali to the World Ocean Conference in Manado, to trade and ŝŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚ ĞdžŚŝďŝƟŽŶƐ ĂŶĚ ƚŽƵƌŝƐŵ ƚƌĂĚĞ ƐŚŽǁƐ ŝŶ ŵĂŶLJ ƉƌŽǀŝŶĐŝĂů ĐĂƉŝƚĂů ĐŝƟĞƐ͘

Indonesia is also strong in the performing ĂƌƚƐ͘ dŚĞ ďĞĂƵƟĨƵů ZĂŵĂLJĂŶĂ ĚĂŶĐĞ ĚƌĂŵĂ is enacted during the dry season at the large ŽƉĞŶ ƐƚĂŐĞ Ăƚ WƌĂŵďĂŶĂŶ ŶĞĂƌ zŽŐLJĂŬĂƌƚĂ under a tropical full moon and against the ĚƌĂŵĂƟĐ ŝůůƵŵŝŶĂƚĞĚ ďĂĐŬŐƌŽƵŶĚ ŽĨ ƚŚŝƐ ϵth ĐĞŶƚƵƌLJ ƚĞŵƉůĞ͘ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ͛Ɛ ĚĂŶĐĞƐ ĂƌĞ ĐŽůŽƵƌĨƵů͕ ĚƌĂŵĂƟĐ Žƌ ĞŶƚĞƌƚĂŝŶŝŶŐ͘ dŚĞLJ ǀĂƌLJ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ ŚŝŐŚůLJ ƐLJŶĐŚƌŽŶŝnjĞĚ ͞saman” ƐŽŶŐ ĂŶĚ ĚĂŶĐĞ ĨƌŽŵ ĐĞŚ͕ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ƐĞĚĂƚĞ ĂŶĚ ƐŽƉŚŝƐƟĐĂƚĞĚ ĐŽƵƌƚ ĚĂŶĐĞƐ ĨƌŽŵ :ĂǀĂ accompanied by the liquid sounds of the gamelan orchestra, to the war dances of Kalimantan, Papua, and Sulawesi͘ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ ĂůƐŽ ŚŽƐƚƐ Ă ŶƵŵďĞƌ ŽĨ ƚƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂů ĐĞƌĞŵŽŶŝĞƐ͘ ŵŽŶŐ ƚŚĞƐĞ ĂƌĞ ƚŚĞ ĐŽůŽƵƌĨƵů ƌĞůŝŐŝŽƵƐ ,ŝŶĚƵ ŚĂƌŵĂ ĐĞƌĞŵŽŶŝĞƐ ŚĞůĚ ĐŽŶƟŶƵŽƵƐůLJ ŽŶ Ăůŝ͕ ƚŚĞ ĐŽƵƌƚ ƉƌŽĐĞƐƐŝŽŶƐ during Sekaten in zŽŐLJĂŬĂƌƚĂ, Java, preceding ƚŚĞ ďŝƌƚŚ ĚĂƚĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ WƌŽƉŚĞƚ DŽŚĂŵŵĂĚ͘ The Buddhist Vaisak Ceremonies are held yearly around Borobudur, as is the Chinese Toa Peh Kong ĨĞƐƟǀĂů ŝŶ Manado, ǁŚŝůĞ ƚŚĞ &ĞĂƐƚƐ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ĞĂĚ ĂƌĞ ŚĞůĚ in Toraja͕ ďŽƚŚ ůĂƩĞƌ ŽŶ the island of Sulawesi, and the Kasada ceremony is held annually at the end ŽĨ ƚŚĞ LJĞĂƌ ŽŶ Dƚ͘ ƌŽŵŽ in East Java, the appease the ancestors and the ŵŽƵŶƚĂŝŶ ŐŽĚƐ͘ dŚĞŶ ƚŚĞƌĞ ĂƌĞ ƚŚĞ ĞdžĐŝƟŶŐ simulated tribal wars in the Wamena valley of Papua, the bull races on the island of Madura held ĂƐ ƚŚĂŶŬƐŐŝǀŝŶŐ ĂŌĞƌ ƚŚĞ harvest, as well as the


Borobudur Temple, Central Java

ĂƐƚ EƵƐĂƚĞŶŐŐĂƌĂ͕ tĂŬĂƚŽďŝ ŝŶ ^ŽƵƚŚ ĂƐƚ Sulawesi, Toraja in South Sulawesi, Derawan Island ŝŶ ĂƐƚ <ĂůŝĂŵĂŶƚĂŶ͕ ďĞƐŝĚĞƐ WƵůĂƵ tĞŚ ŝŶ ĐĞŚ͕ ƚŚĞ dŽŐĞĂŶ /ƐůĂŶĚƐ ŝŶ ĞŶƚƌĂů Sulawesi, the Thousand Islands and Old Batavia͕ ďŽƚŚ ŝŶ :ĂŬĂƌƚĂ͕ ĂŶĚ Bali’s southern and northern coasts, as well as around Mount Batur͘

Indonesia’s Tourism Target for European Countries in 2012 /Ŷ ϮϬϭϮ͕ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ ƚĂƌŐĞƚĞĚ ƐŽŵĞ ϴ ŵŝůůŝŽŶ ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů ǀŝƐŝƚŽƌƐ ƚŽ ƐƉĞŶĚ ƚŚĞŝƌ ŚŽůŝĚĂLJ Žƌ ŚĂǀĞ ďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ŵĞĞƟŶŐ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ĐŝƟĞƐ ŝŶ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ͘ &Žƌ ƵƌŽƉĞĂŶ ĐŽƵŶƚƌŝĞƐ͕ ƚŚĞƌĞ are 5 countries that become the main focus ŽĨ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ͛Ɛ ƚŽƵƌŝƐŵ͘ /Ŷ ϮϬϭϮ͕ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ ƐĞƚ ƚŚĞ ƚĂƌŐĞƚ ŽĨ ϮϬϬ͘ϬϬϬ ǀŝƐŝƚŽƌƐ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ hŶŝƚĞĚ <ŝŶŐĚŽŵ͕ ǁŚŝĐŚ ŝƐ ƚŚĞ ŚŝŐŚĞƐƚ ƚĂƌŐĞƚ ĂŵŽŶŐ ŽƚŚĞƌ ƵƌŽƉĞĂŶ ĐŽƵŶƚƌŝĞƐ͘ dŚĞ second highest target is visitors from France, ǁŚŝĐŚ ŝƐ ƐĞƚ ƚŽ ƌĞĂĐŚ ϭϵϱ͘ϬϬϬ ǀŝƐŝƚŽƌƐ͘ KƚŚĞƌ ƵƌŽƉĞĂŶ ĐŽƵŶƚƌŝĞƐ ƚŚĂƚ ďĞĐŽŵĞ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ͛Ɛ ŵĂŝŶ ƚĂƌŐĞƚ ŝƐ ƚŚĞ EĞƚŚĞƌůĂŶĚƐ͕ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ŶƵŵďĞƌ ŽĨ ƚĂƌŐĞƚ ŝƐ ϭϲϬ͘ϬϬϬ ƚŽƵƌŝƐƚƐ͘ dŚĞ ůŽŶŐ ĂŶĚ ŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƟŶŐ ŚŝƐƚŽƌLJ ďĞƚǁĞĞŶ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ EĞƚŚĞƌůĂŶĚƐ ďĞĐŽŵĞƐ one of main factors for the people of the EĞƚŚĞƌůĂŶĚ ƚŽ ǀŝƐŝƚ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ͘ 'ĞƌŵĂŶLJ ĂůƐŽ ŽŶĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŵĂŝŶ ĨŽĐƵƐ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ͛Ɛ ƚŽƵƌŝƐŵ ŵĂƌŬĞƚ ĂƐ ŝƚ ŐŽƚ ƚŚĞ ůĞĂƐƚ ŝŵƉĂĐƚ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŐůŽďĂů ĞĐŽŶŽŵLJ ĐƌŝƐŝƐ͘ ZƵƐƐŝĂ͕ ĂƐ ƚŚĞ ŶĞǁ emerging economy power, is also one of the ŵĂŝŶ ƚĂƌŐĞƚ ĨŽƌ ƵƌŽƉĞĂŶ ĐŽƵŶƚƌŝĞƐ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ƚĂƌŐĞƚ ĨŽƌ ϮϬϭϮ ŝƐ ϭϬϬ͘ϬϬϬ͘ tŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ƵŶŝƋƵĞ͕ diverse culture and nature, Indonesia will ĚĞĮŶŝƚĞůLJ ĂƩƌĂĐƚ ƚŚĞ ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů ǀŝƐŝƚŽƌƐ ƚŽ ĐŽŵĞ ĂŶĚ ƐƉĞŶĚ ƚŚĞŝƌ ƟŵĞƐ ŝŶ /ŶĚŽŶĞƐŝĂ͘

Ria Bintan Golf Riau Island

Dinner Beach Bali

Togean Underwater Central Sulawesi

Borobudur Temple Central Java Photo by : PT. Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur Prambanan Ratu Boko

Photo By : Bambang Widjanarko

Photo By : Ria Bintan Golf

Photo By : Cipta Aji Gunawan

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Photo By : Setiadi Darmawan

Raja Ampat West Papua

Dramatic landscapes and breath taking beauty set the stage for the unique culture, traditions and hospitality that only Indonesia can offer. Come, discovery why Indonesia is so unique and experience a country like nowhere else on earth.


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Malaysia ‰

MALAYSIA is a truly fascinating destination from the fast-paced modern capital city Kuala Lumpur to the luxurious beaches of Langkawi, the cultural capital George Town in Penang to the lush rainforests of Malaysian Borneo. Whether you visit Malaysia for its luxurious resorts, adventure tourism or sporting activities, white beaches, duty free shopping, ecotourism, voluntourism, cultural or city break experiences, Malaysia has something for everyone. Malaysia was proud to welcome Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge in September 2012 who visited Kuala Lumpur and the Danum Valley Conversation Area, Sabah's largest protected lowland rainforest which boasts one of the richest conservation areas in the world with 43,800 hectares of pristine and undisturbed tropical flora and fauna. Malaysia is one of the twelve mega-biologically diverse countries in the world with at least 15,000 species of flowering plants, 300 species of mammals, 150,000 species of invertebrates and 4,000 species of fish, creating unique niche eco and agro tourism activities as well as voluntourism opportunities. One of the most popular voluntourism tours is to help save the Orang Utan, Malaysia’s most iconic and strikingly beautiful mammal. In less than 15 years, the number of Orang Utans in the wild have nearly halved to 7,000, putting the species on the IUCN (International Union for

Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) red-list. Tourism Malaysia, in conjunction with twice winners of the Virgin Holidays Responsible Tourism awards, The Great Orang Utan Project, is helping save the ape with the aid of volunteers. The volunteerism experience is a fantastic opportunity to help save the Orang Utan as well as a great hands-on experience for those seeking a career break, gap year, for retirees or even a family seeking an educational experience. Malaysia is also a multi-cultural society, heavily influenced by the ancient Malay culture and the cultures of Malaysia's two most prominent trading partners – China and India. Although each of these cultures has retained their religions, customs and way of life, they have also blended together to create Malaysia's diverse heritage, including two cultural UNESCO World Heritage Cities and a large number of public festivals and parades throughout the year. This cultural fusion has also made Malaysia a destination not to be missed by food lovers. What better way to experience Malaysia’s culture and gastronomy than by staying with a Malaysian family in one of over 160 government approved Malaysia Homestays. The Malaysia Homestay Programme is one of Tourism Malaysia’s most successful tourism programmes and attracted approximately 60,000 foreign participants last year. Malaysia is the premier shopping destination in South East Asia. With its multitude of luxury malls,

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stores and street-side stalls throughout the country offering a variety of clothes, watches, cosmetics, shoes, handbags and the latest in technological and electrical appliances, Malaysia is truly a shopper’s paradise. The fantastic exchange rates and duty free status on most items in the country result in visitors to Malaysia enjoying great shopping safe in the knowledge that it is money well spent. The Tourism Minister, Dato Sri Dr. Yen Yen explained how Malaysia has secured its place as a renowned shopper’s paradise, “Shopping holds the second biggest share (30%) of tourist expenditure contributing RM17.5 (USD5.5) billion last year. Avid shoppers benefit from three sale periods namely the 1Malaysia GP Sale in March, the 1Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival in June and the 1Malaysia Year-End Sale in November.” With so much on offer it is no wonder that over 12,000 people have decided to set up home in Malaysia through the Malaysia My Second Home programme (MM2H), a scheme backed by the Malaysian Government, offering a multiple entry visa and incentives for qualified applicants who want to live in Malaysia. With great weather, amazing food, warm people, low cost of living coupled with high standards of living, state-of-the-art infrastructure, modern transportation systems, excellent healthcare, rich culture

and diverse natural attractions, Malaysia is an ideal destination to call your second home. The Tourism Minister, Dato’ Sri Dr. Ng Yen Yen recently announced that Malaysia welcomed 11,632,483 tourist arrivals during the first six months of 2012, registering a growth of 2.4% compared to 11,362,862 arrivals for the same period last year. Minister of Tourism, YB Dato’ Sri Dr. Ng Yen Yen stated “As the ninth most visited country in the world for the third consecutive year, Malaysia has cemented its place as a top destination for both business and leisure.” The Minister of Tourism added; “Malaysia has introduced various innovative tourism products such as the 1Malaysia International Shoe Festival, 1Malaysia International Night Floral Parade, Fabulous Food 1Malaysia, Parks & Garden tourism, Helicopter Tourism, Bicycle and Motorbike Tourism.” At World Travel Market 2012, Tourism Malaysia will launch Visit Malaysia Year; a new campaign aimed at encouraging further increases in visitor arrivals with the target of 36 million arrivals and RM168 (USD52.8) billion in tourist receipts by the year 2020. Visit stand AS200 to find out more. The Time is Now, the Place is Malaysia. n

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Philippines Minister RAMON R JIMENEZ JR ‰ Can you tell me the thinking behind your very original advertising campaign – which, unlike most, is heavy on information and statistics and short on glossy images? The Philippines is a country of tremendous beauty and charm. It is a wonderful, unspoilt territory that remains a well-kept secret from the rest of the world. And there lies the problem. In developing the advertising campaign, the strategic tasks involved looking at three elements: competition, audience and product offering. It became apparent that while other countries invite you to observe and appreciate its spectacular destinations, Filipinos can promise a more heartfelt and interesting experience. It’s more fun in the Philippines is built upon the country’s positive attributes and core strength, and it singles out what no other destination can offer: the Filipino people. The Department of Tourism was able to inspire a people’s campaign. One where the voice of 95 million Filipinos (27 million are active on Facebook and almost 10 million on Twitter) and over 12 million Filipino workers overseas was expressed in a single idea. It is rooted in our competitive advantage, a deliverable, where Filipinos put genuine value in being able to make guests feel at home. The campaign tapped into everyone’s desire to be creative, and gave Filipinos the opportunity to be a stakeholder in its success. ‰ What do you see as your primary objective as Secretary of Tourism? Tourism is the people’s business. As the country’s tourism chief, my primary objective is to rally the whole Filipino nation around this simple idea. The vision is for tourism to become a national business – a key driver towards achieving rapid, inclusive and sustained socioeconomic growth for the country. And for us to realise this, Filipinos must come and act together as a single unit. Tourism must be a country effort. ‰ Your target of 10 million visitors by 2016 is huge, and you are targeting visitors from all over the world. How difficult will it be to get your message across to these diverse markets? The 10 Million international visitors was a policy decision of the

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DOT, computed based on the market share and projected growth in outbound travel from major markets as estimated by the UNWTO and PATA. The target is ambitious, but we feel confident and determined. Our recently completed National Tourism Development Plan (NTDP) shall serve as the country’s blueprint for tourism development until 2016, highlighting the country’s growth potentials and investment opportunities. It has identified three types of markets (key, strategic and niche/ opportunity-based) that the Philippines is able to attract with the right product portfolio and relevant promotional channels. Within the framework of these market priorities, the country can capitalise on its diverse tourism assets by sending the right message and positioning the tourism product experiences based on the profile of source markets. ‰ How has the travel trade reacted to your campaign? Very positively based on the record number of operators joining our travel trade fairs and the amount of partnership requests to incorporate more fun in their promotional materials. The new campaign has definitely excited our travel trade partners both here in the Philippines and abroad. Your aim is to promote sustainable and responsible tourism in the Philippines. How difficult is that going to be to achieve, given the difficult targets you have been set? The NTDP serves as the general framework by which the Department of Tourism will promote sustainable and responsible tourism in the Philippines. It is hoped that the strategy laid down in the NTDP will overcome the difficulties and challenges in pursuit of achieving our target of 10 million international tourist arrivals by 2016. A key objective is to better connect local communities with the existing and future expanding tourism value chains to spread the benefits of tourism more widely, consistent with President Aquino’s 16-point agenda: providing economic opportunities for the marginalised, strengthening the rural economy, providing entrepreneurial opportunities, promoting gender equality, caring for the environment and more sustainable use of resources. n



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Sri Lanka


SRI LANKA, crowned as the Pearl of the Indian Ocean, is home to some of the finest spectacles of natural beauty known to man. An island considered to be en route to paradise, surrounded by both the Indian Ocean and the mystique of an enduring and diverse history - makes this place one of fascination for both the eye and the soul. Arab, Portuguese, Dutch and British influences all in their own times have converged in the present day to leave a markedly distinct cultural flavour and experience; only to be found in countries with such colourful and impassioned pasts. The history played out, of which there is much to see in the vast array of architecture, museums and galleries, has all been forged however against a common background- that being one of sheer natural beauty. A

landscape unerring, unfaltering and uncompromising in its ability to inspire awe. The undulating terrain provides spectacular views of the iridescent ocean and the teeming land, affording unique vantage points such as Kandy and Nuwara Eliya in the hill country. Mountains shrouded in mist, cascading waterfalls as luminous as glass and tea gardens to invigorate the senses can all be found within moments. From the planes in Nuwara Eiliya to the mountains of Knukles, the sense of excitement to be felt at the wonder of such a world is unwavering. A tropical climate all year round ensures that a colourfully dense population of flora and fauna inhabit this jewel of a land. Testament to this is the fact that Sri Lanka has the highest biodiversity per 10,000 square km in the whole of Asia, with many species endemic to the land. In

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no way an exhaustive list,-the country for example has four species of wild cat, with the leopard the largest of them, five species of deer, over 400 species of bird, 60 species of fish, five species of sea turtle, twenty five species of whales and dolphins, and elephants and monkeys to boot. The Yala National Park is most famous for spotting leopards with the highest population of the cat in Asia. There is an abundance of other national parks, such as Wasgamuwa, Kumana, Wilpattu, Uda Walawe and newly opened Chundilulm bird sanctuary, all providing rare glimpses into the lives and habits of nature’s most beautiful creatures. In addition to the breath-taking external environment, Sri Lanka also offers a sanctuary for the soul outside of what its natural world can do for you. Ayurveda is popularly practiced, a traditional form of medicine originating in India, literally meaning ‘the complete knowledge for long life’. The capital city Colombo is in itself a wonder. The city is majestically situated on the coast of the Indian Ocean, and while it has the bustling vibe of a vibrant, emerging metropolis, the ambience is one of relative calm and composure when compared to other capital cities of the region. Scattered with Buddhist temples, churches, Hindu temples and mosques, it sets an example for religious and cultural diversity. Moreover religious and cultural festivities have adorned the

beauty of Sri Lankan life for centuries. Religious celebrations such as Kandy Esala Perahera, Vesak Festival and Sinhala, together with festivals of art, music and culture including the South East Asia’s biggest literary event – Galle Literary Festival – ensure that the spirit of festivity is alive all year round. Sports and adventure is another exhilarating dimension to the country. Surfing, rafting, air-ballooning golf, cricket and other soft sports and adventures like mountain climbing, trekking, cycling, canopying are some of the popular activities available to those that relish a chance to tackle the great outdoors. Perhaps Sri Lanka’s most reputed offering, however, is the hospitality of its people. Travellers are met with sincere smiles whether they go, and to welcome a foreigner seems natural to a people that are themselves a make-up of various backgrounds. Overall, Sri Lankans are keen to ensure that the country’s beautiful scenery, pristine beaches, abundant wildlife, blissful surroundings, festive cultures, thrilling adventures, serene essence and unrivalled heritage remain cemented in your heart forever. Refreshingly Sri Lanka – It is truly the wonder of Asia. For more information, contact www.srilana.travel

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bellus fiducia suis fermentet tremulus cathedras. Adfabilis catelli pessimus neglus bellis, quod 176 I WTM Catalogue 2012


© pic pictures ctures : Jonas Akhoun / Studio Lumière, Pierre Marchal

© Jonas Akhoun - Studio Lumière




The Vanilla Islands

IT comes to something when the tourism industries of glamour destinations such as Mauritius and the Seychelles are feeling the pinch. Yet, along with La Reunion, Madagascar and the less well-known islands of Mayotte and the Comoros, these idyllic Indian Ocean havens are now taking drastic action to increase their tourism market share. These countries have come together to form a new promotional brand with the intention of marketing themselves under one label – the Vanilla Islands. Alain St Ange, CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board, says: “Tourism remains a volatile industry and when coupled with the economic difficulties in some key European countries that have been traditional tourist source markets for many destinations, significant strategic decisions have had to be taken to ensure that new strategies be developed and new intelligent partnerships

instigated.” “We all need to be proud of our region,” he continues, “and then push that region to ensure that the strengths and unique selling points of each of our islands are put forward in our bid to bring the Indian Ocean Islands to the minds of potential visitors. Together we are strong, and together we are not an island but part of a whole destination.”te The idea, from a holidaymakers perspective is both simple and brilliant: why have just one island paradise when you could have two (at least)? Why not sunbathe on Mauritius before hopping over to the Seychelles for a wellness package or a luxury pampering session? Alternatively, one could explore the incredible wildlife and natural surroundings of Madagascar before travelling to La Reunion for a hiking trip to view Piton de la Fournaise – one of the world’s most active volcanoes. Yes, it makes perfect sense, but just how easy is it to island hop in the Indian Ocean – and make yourself at

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brand promotion is based must be successfully initiated. They are: 1) The introduction of visa-free travel throughout the islands. 2) The extension and enhancement of a reliable transportation network between the islands. 3) The development of a system of close cooperation between tour operators, hotels, and authorities. 4) The evolution of a homogenous marketing strategy, focusing on the unique qualities of each of the Vanilla Islands while, at the same time, strengthening their joint identity. holiday home on more than one paradise retreat? If truth be told, until now it’s been pretty tricky. Some of the distances involved, for example, are not inconsiderable and, as most people who have visited the region will tell you, infrastructure even within an individual island isn’t the most sophisticated. The notion of a holidaymaker visiting multiple destinations would give most tour operators something of a headache. That said, the Vanilla Islands joint venture seems a shoein to win favour among tour operators – as long as the requisite boxes can be ticked. For the concept to succeed to the mutual benefit of each stakeholder island, the four pillars on which the new

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This is a big concept, but, as Mr St Ange says, given the current and protracted global economic crisis – and given that these islands depend so heavily on tourism – it simply has to work. Logic says it will, as alone each of these destinations already offers something very special for holidaymakers. Around the islands On Reunion – with its dramatic mountainous scenery, waterfalls and volcanic valleys – hikers prepared to drag themselves away from the beach are rewarded


with incredible views over natural amphitheatres of rock. Madagascar – by far the largest of the Vanilla Islands – is home to some of the rarest and strangest creatures on earth. This is, of course, the home of the lemur – and there are over 70 species, including the mysterious aye-aye – but it also claims the elephant bird and a magnificent variety of flora and fauna. The beaches of the Seychelles are legendary dreamscapes of white sand and unimaginably turquoise water. Adventurous holidaymakers, however, will discover so much more, for the Seychelles are also home to fascinating rainforest plants and an incredible variety of tropical birds. Renowned as much for its resplendent hotels as for its dazzling beaches, Mauritius boasts a blend of influences from India, Africa, China, France and Britain, which have combined to draw tourists for years. Relatively few, though, have taken the opportunity to explore the island’s other brilliant attractions such as hiking, mountain climbing and diving. The Comoros, along with Mayotte, being less well known than their illustrious neighbours, offer visitors a different pace of life, but are no less impressive. The Comoros are spicy and aromatic islands, producing some 65 per cent of the world’s perfume essence, and they equally intoxicate active visitors with volcanic hikes and a host of watersports. Mayotte boasts the world’s largest lagoon, often visited by humpback whales, and divers will not be disappointed, as this is turtle territory. n

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INDIA india done to place

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Travel and Tourism in India After posting a strong recovery in 2010, tourism continues to show growth in 2011 despite fears of another global slowdown post 2009. In 2011 the number of arrivals increased ten per cent in volume to just over six million trips, according to Euromonitor International. India is becoming a preferred tourist destination due to its diverse range of offerings, including spa, rural, adventure and heritage tourism. Travel and Tourism showed no significant signs of slowing down despite weak signals of economic growth from two major economies of the world, including the US and Europe. Business and Leisure helped in sustaining growth levels and a major chunk was contributed by growing niche tourism including adventure tourism and medical and wellness tourism. Events such as PATA Travel Mart, September 2011 and India International Travel Mart, organised in Hyderabad and Pune in late 2011, helped to fuel the rate further by creating awareness and promoting domestic and international tourism. Furthermore, the national tourism board also took initiatives to promote tourism in other countries. India has also been successful in attracting tourists from new countries, which were not major contributors to foreign tourist arrivals (FTAs) previously. Of all, domestic tourism was the key contributor to growth and was driven mainly by increasing disposable income of local consumers. India’s tourism remains dependent on domestic tourism to a large extent, with foreign tourists contributing only 25 per cent

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to the total revenue in 2011. As a result, dynamic performance of domestic tourism was largely responsible for driving overall growth. In 2011 a large number of tourists arrived from the Middle East, while the concept of “Visa on Arrival (VoA)” helped to attract tourists from countries which did not previously contribute much to foreign tourist arrivals (FTAs). In 2011 the US and the UK remained the top source countries for Indian FTAs. However, neighbouring countries, including Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and China, and others such as the UAE, are growing rapidly. China is gradually becoming one of the significant source countries for India, with arrivals growing at one of the fastest rates compared with other developing countries. Tourist arrivals from other emerging source markets such as Nepal, Australia and Brazil are also becoming more important, growing at an average rate of 14 per cent on an annual basis. Increased air frequency to China and direct flights from China to South India, have promoted Chinese arrivals in the Southern part of the country. The National Tourist Office is promoting Indian tourism in most countries, including China, Malaysia, Nepal and Thailand, as well as and other European and American regions. For instance, the Indian Government promoted Indian tourism in China under the name ‘Namaste India’. Inbound travellers have started to spend more on luxury, and this trend is growing at a rapid rate. Luxury travellers who come for heritage travel prefer to stay in heritage hotels and opt for luxury


cars such as Mercedes. Seeing the untapped potential in Indian tourism, the Indian Government is increasingly promoting India as a destination for adventure tourism, spiritual tourism, pilgrimage tourism, and ecotourism. Indian state governments are planning to promote unexplored regions including West Bengal, Orissa, and Chhattisgarh, since the conventional regions are becoming mature. State governments are planning to promote specific states as a destination for special tourism. Jammu and Kashmir government is planning to promote the state as a destination for pilgrimage tourism and North-east would be promoted as a destination for adventure tourism under the same plan. Governments of Maharashtra and Gujarat have joined hands to promote the hotspots in Gujarat through Gujarat International Travel Mart (GITM). In 2011, Ministry of Tourism conducted road shows in Cambodia, Vietnam, Bangkok, Los Angeles, New York and Port of Spain to promote India as a tourist destination. In addition to this, the Indian Government is continuously investing in infrastructure, which is one of the major challenges and is a deterrent to the growth of FTAs. The Ministry of Tourism aims to reach one per cent of the total world’s arrivals by 2016, and is planning to promote tourism in a big way. As a result, further activity is expected to take place on a large scale as the government continues to prioritise tourism spending. The government is planning to identify new source countries and has plans to invest in promotions to attract more tourists from new

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countries. New road shows across a wider range of markets will continue as the government focuses on building awareness of India’s tourism around the world. The Indian Government has realised the potential of niche tourism and is making efforts to overcome infrastructural challenges. The tourism ministry has requested a planning commission to set aside a sum of Rs220 billion for investment in tourism from 2011 to 2016. The Indian Government is also trying to promote each state as a special destination for one form of tourism. Under this objective, the north-east would be promoted as a destination for adventure tourism, and Jammu and Kashmir would be promoted as a destination for pilgrimage tourism. With Indian tourism expected to maintain double-digit growth by 2016, new players would enter the Indian travel and tourism at a rapid rate. The Indian hotel industry, in particular, would witness entry of a number of leading players as well as capacity expansion by domestic players in metros including Mumbai, Delhi-NCR and Chennai and a few Second-tier cities including Jaipur. The hotel industry is likely to witness global players tying knots with domestic players to gain entry into Indian market. With the entry of global players such as Amari Group into the Indian hotel industry, the competition would get further intense and is likely to push hotels to offer better services at competitive rates. Furthermore, increased competition is expected to drive innovations, which industry players are likely to come up with in order to sustain share. The hoteliers would offer added services and additional facilities such as night clubs to lure tourists and to sustain competition. n


PONDICHERRY THE FRENCH RIVIERA OF THE EAST HAVING been the capital of French colonies in India since the 17th century, Pondicherry has a rich French cultural heritage,. Pondicherry, Karaikal, Yanam and Mahe were transferred to the Indian Union in 1954. This French legacy is visible in the well-planned town, neatly laid roads, wide and vibrant beaches, beautiful promenades, architecturally imposing churches and public buildings. The town also has an Alliance Francaise and the French Institute. Among the notable French personalities who left their indelible mark on Pondicherry, four names stand out. Francois Martin who was appointed the Administrator after the Treaty of Ryswick, brought stability and was responsible for its growth. Dumas, who succeeded him, built on Martin's foundations. The third notable Frenchman was Joseph Francois Dupleix, the Governor of French India from 1742-54. The fourth French personality who made an impact on modern day Pondicherry was “The Mother”. A Parisborn painter-musician and Sri Aurobindo's close companion from 1920 until his death in 1950. She was responsible for developing the Ashram as it is today. If you are tired of the rat race that today's world has become and are in search of inner peace, harmony and spirituality, then Pondicherry is the place to come to. It has been a seat of learning and vedic culture since ancient times and was also the home of the great Hindu sage Agastya. Pondicherry's mystic spirit found a

great resurrection in the twentieth century with the establishment of Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Although Pondicherry has many yoga learning centres, there are two yoga institutions which are world renowned – the Aurobindo Ashram and the International Centre for Yoga Education & Research (popularly known as the Ananda Ashram). International Yoga Festival, the Government of Pondicherry conducts an annual international Yoga festival during January 4th – 7th. The programme consists of practical Yoga classes and discussions on various topics on Yoga. The festival which attracts participants from all over the world, aims to develop the conscious process at all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – and completeness in every aspect of life. In a city with a rich fusion of Indian and French culture, the option for food is not limited. The Pondicherrian obsession with tradition and quality lets you to enjoy a real Gourmet day. From sea foods to bread varieties, from hot lounges to haute restaurants, from Indian to French varieties Pondicherry has many places to surf for jaw dropping recipe. The authenticity of food is a speciality of Pondicherry cuisines. With a coastline of 32 kms, well-planned French Boulevard town, palm-fringed beaches, resorts, backwaters, water sports centre, fishing villages, harbour, the pier, the famous Aurobindo Ashram, the international city of Auroville, world-renowned Yoga centres and other attractions, Pondicherry is the ideal place to spend your holidays with your family. There's something for everyone.

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Europe Mediterranean and the


MEDITERRANEAN countries, such as Greece, Spain and Italy, have been hit particularly hard by the financial crisis. Greece's crisis is continuing, with anti-austerity parties threatening to renege on the country's austerity targets after the June 2012 election, which may force the country out of the euro. However, Spain is increasingly becoming the focal point of the economic turmoil as its banking industry sinks into insolvency and more large state bail-outs are required to capitalise it, leading to an EU bailout of EUR1 billion for Spanish banks. Nevertheless, travel and tourism in Mediterranean countries, such as Spain, Greece and Italy, has recorded positive growth in 2011. The political turmoil, together with war and protests that hit North Africa’s countries during 2011, strongly influenced tourism from and to the region, and impacted positively tourism flows to counties located on the northern side of the Mediterranean. Travel and Tourism in Spain In 2011, tourism was one of the few areas of the Spanish economy to record positive growth, partly due to increasing demand among

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foreign tourists as a result of instability in North Africa and the visit of Pope Benedict XVI. By late August 2011, 40 million foreign tourists had visited Spain, recording an eight per cent increase from 2010. Tourists from European countries accounted for the majority of inbound tourist expenditure in Spain in 2011. The UK led the way with regard to expenditure and was followed by Germany, France, Scandinavia, Italy and the Netherlands. Outside the EU, spending from tourists from the US and Latin American countries such as Brazil and Colombia increased. On the other hand, there was a decrease in the presence of Japanese tourists due to the impact of the tsunami in early 2011. The UK remained the leading source of tourists visiting in 2011, accounting for a quarter of all people visiting Spain. Germany ranked second in terms of visitor numbers to Spain in 2011. The Spanish government continues to run promotions in Germany and new on-line advertising campaigns and agreements with several airlines to improve connexions between both countries also helped to boost visitor numbers. Indeed, in 2011 there were more than 20 airport connections between both countries. The number of foreign tourists from non-EU countries such as


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Russia, Colombia and Brazil increased during 2011. One of the reasons for this increase was the growth in the number of direct flights between Spain and these countries. In addition, the fact that Russia has introduced a visa facilitation system has also helped to boost travel between Spain and Russia. Tourists from the UK led spending in 2011, partly due to the fact that many stay in luxury hotels, especially in the Canary and Balearic islands. In addition, spending among Russian tourists also increased during the year, partly because Russian tourists usually spend more on expensive products such as cultural visits. However, Portuguese tourists reduced expenditure in 2011 due to the weak state of the Portuguese economy. Travel and Tourism in Italy During 2011, inbound tourism flows to Italy increased by one per cent in volume terms, reaching 44.1 million trips. Inbound travellers continue to be mainly from neighbourhood countries. The main country of origin remains Germany, accounting for about 25 per cent of the total inbound trips to Italy in 2011. It was followed by the UK, France and the US each with around seven to eight per cent of the total trips. In addition, an increasing number of visitors is expected to come from the BRIC countries, given the greater power acquired by these economies and the subsequent increased purchasing power of their citizens. Italy is an important travel destination for BRIC countries also thanks to the “Made in Italy” luxury goods, mainly related to fashion, which are now increasing their importance in such countries. Italy is chosen by inbound tourists as the main destination for art, culture, fashion and wine-food traditions. Pure gastronomic tourism remains niche tourism. However, it characterises also any type of tourism to Italy, bringing added value to the territory. Unfortunately, sometimes there are opportunistic providers that take advantage of the tourists with an offer that is expensive and of average or low quality. Inbound trips to Italy are expected to continue growing in the forecast period reaching 46.1 million by 2016. Important aspects considered by the tourists who come to Italy are safety of the destination, quality of museums and wine-food itineraries. Negative aspects are high prices, low quality of rental apartments, incoherent system of classification of hotels and other travel accommodation

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outlets and low quality of public transport. Travel and Tourism in Turkey According to Euromonitor International, the number of inbound trips to Turkey in 2011 totalled 33 million, an increase of ten per cent compared with 2010. The political instability in North African countries led tourists to discover Turkey as a coastal tourism destination. In addition, arrivals from Middle East countries continued to be important in the review period. The visa procedure was cancelled between Georgia and Turkey, which increased the number of visitors from Georgia. Georgia experienced significant growth as an inbound country in 2011. The main reason for this was that the Turkish government abolished the visa requirements for Georgians in 2011. In addition, good trade relations between Turks and Georgians also supported the increase in the number of arrivals. The number of Chinese tourists is increasing strongly thanks to continuous promotions in China by the Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry in the review period. 2012 is entitled “The Chinese Year in Turkey” by the Tourism Ministry, which will be followed by Turkish Cultural Year in China in 2013. The events will increase awareness of China and Turkey in both countries, which is expected to increase the number of visitors from China to Turkey, and vice versa. According to Euromonitor International, the number of inbound tourists is predicted to continue to increase by a CAGR of seven per cent by 2016. Thanks to the strong marketing activities of the Ministry of Travel and Tourism in 2011, more tourists are expected to visit Turkey in the coming years. The political situation in North African countries and in Greece is likely to lead tourists to choose Turkey, especially for coastal tourism. In addition, Turkey offers affordable unit prices, especially for package tours, compared with Greece or Spain, which will have a positive effect on the number of arrivals over the forecast period. The strong marketing activities of the Ministry of Tourism overseas, and Turkey’s participation in major tourism exhibitions will continue to increase the awareness of Turkey as a tourist destination over the forecast period. It is expected that Turkey will attract more tourists in all tourism segments, such as golf, health and wellness, religious and also for shopping. n




Bratislava, is a dynamically developing city with good infrastructure and a high quality of life. Thanks to its strategic logistics location, it is close to tourists and all goods and services for easy distribution to all the corners of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe and even beyond. Its surroundings have a lot to offer tourists - in addition to the vast range of valuable historical and cultural heritage sites, there are many large parks, pedestrian zones and fountains in the city along with a number of lakes and forests on the outskirts of the city. The Bratislava region is also known for wine. A number of vineyards and producers of quality wines are located in its surroundings. Bratislava has changed significantly in the recent past, with the development of new offices and shopping centres; thousands of new flats have been built and many homes, streets and public areas have been renovated. The most visible

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sign of these projects is the restoration of Bratislava Castle as well as development of a unique Eurovea complex along the Danube river bank, which brought a new spirit to the city with modern shops, restaurants, brassieres, cafes, flats, offices and space for various cultural events. During the last decade international hotel chains such as IHG, Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences, Radisson Blu Hotels & Resorts, Sheraton Hotels & Resorts, Kempinski Hotels, Austria Trend Hotels & Resorts have found Bratislava a modern metropolis and charming city for their clients. Several big hotel projects are under way, making Bratislava a real tourist hub, not just a stopover that many people used to pass by on their way from Prague to Budapest. The capital is home to three of the most important Slovak universities. In addition, there are arts colleges and a number of private schools focused on law, economics and management. The nearly 50,000 university students give the city a youthful and fresh feeling and represent huge potential for companies that make their homes in the city.


In addition to the Danube River flowing through the city, easy and convenient connections using nearly all other means of transport can be used to get to Bratislava. With its wealth of cultural attractions and gourmet restaurants, as well as with good flight connections and hotel facilities, Bratislava is the right city to host a meeting or incentive event. Bratislava is Slovakia’s most western city – in more ways than one – serving as a bridge or gateway to the rest of the country and providing all the benefits a new destination needs to have to attract its clients. Bratislava Tourist Board is the official entity to develop and promote all types of tourism and support their presentation; create a platform for cooperation of private and public sectors in the area of tourism; and manage, initiate and coordinate the development of tourism in Bratislava. Bratislava Tourist Board provides all the information

services concerning the needs of tourists through Tourist Information Centres at the airport and in the historical city centre. Through our team we will provide assistance with: ‰ Promoting Bratislava as a Leisure and MICE destination. ‰ Tourist information about the city, its attractions and services offered by local stakeholders. ‰ Organising informational trips for tour operators and journalists. ‰ Inspection trips and fam trips regarding individual needs of key decisionmakers. ‰ Suggestions for hotels, conference venues, social programmes and pre and post conference tours, DMC and PCO organisations. ‰ Preparation of presentation, bid documents and promo materials. ‰ Support for our members – presenting members at foreign events, exhibitions and tourism fairs.

Contact: Bratislava Tourist Board Primacialne namestie 1 Bratislava, SK-814 99 www.visitbratislava.eu btb@bratislava.sk Tel: +421 2 59 356 460 (or 437) Tourist information: +421 2 16186 Stand: EM440

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Belarus At the heart of Europe


TO find Belarus on a map, just look at the centre of Europe. The country is bordered by Russia, Ukraine and such European countries as Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. The capital of Belarus is Minsk - its political, economic, scientific and cultural centre. Minsk surprisingly combines the features of a modern city and historical signs of the past Soviet era. The largest cities in the country, besides Minsk, are Brest, Vitebsk, Grodno, Gomel and Mogilev. Since Belarus is really close to European countries, it’s easy to arrive here by train or by bus from almost any major city in Europe and the CIS. Moreover, Belarus has a well-developed air connection with many countries. Most Belarusians habitually speak Russian, but know their native Belarusian language as well. The majority of staff in hotels, restaurants

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and big stores speak English. But even if you meet Belarusians who don’t speak any foreign language, they will be happy to help you anyway. And this is further proof that Belarusians are one of the most tolerant people and nation, that is known for its hospitality. Moreover, Belarus is considered to be one of the safest tourist destinations. Belarus is also famous for the unique intact nature, great opportunities for hunting, well-developed rural tourism infrastructure, its four World Heritage Sites: the Mir and Nesvizh castles, Belovezhskaya Pushcha national park and Struve Geodesic Arc. Also, Belarus has preserved such valuable heritage as unique rituals, folk songs and ceremonies with the rite Tsary being included in the UNESCO Intangible Heritage. Belarusian cuisine has also perfectly preserved its traditions and today can be considered as the attractive brand for foreign visitors. Ready to taste a national potato dish at a reasonable price? Welcome to Belarus! n

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Tourist agency “Visit Georgia” Ltd www.visitgeorgia.ge




CLOSER to Africa than to Rome in parts, Sicily fuses an exotic heritage with thousands of years of Greek history on a striking landscape of rolling vines, olive groves, citrus trees and mulberry trees under the watchful gaze of Europe’s towering Mountain of Fire. Boasting 1,500 km of handsome, rugged shoreline, Sicily ranks amongst Travel and Leisure magazine’s world’s finest Top Ten Islands in a strategic Mediterranean position between Europe, Africa and Asia. Flanked by a peppering of teeny islets, Sicily is characterised by pebble-scattered coves, jagged cliffs and sands in hues of ochregold, black and silvery-grey lapped by the waters of the Ionian and the Tyrrhenian seas. Clusters of outlying islands include the volcanic Aeolian archipelago to the north and the scenic Egadi to the west with the Sicilian Channel lying to the south. Spanning 25,000 square miles, most of Sicily’s terrain is mountainous and hilly with salt pan marshes and sandy beaches in the island’s low-lying plains. “Sicily is a unique island where culture-buffs and adventurists can explore the intriguing diversity that this very beautiful island has to offer,” explains Dino Triantafillou at Italian Journeys, specialists in tailor-made travel throughout Italy. “From ancient Greek ruins, splendid crystal-clear sea, majestic baroque towns and the occasional Mafia story – Sicily certainly has an intoxicating mix to

capture the imagination” At over 3,300 metres, Europe’s largest active volcano, Mount Etna (meaning Mountain of Fire) denotes Sicily’s highest point and is much-used as a point of reference for the region’s two distinct parts - east and west. In olden times, vessels on the ancient trading routes of the Mediterranean would rely on the peak for course-plotting the High Seas while migratory birds have long referred to it when navigating a route between African and European shores. At just 3 km from Calabria at the narrows of the Strait of Messina and 160 km from the African coast, Sicily's most southern point, near Ispica, is farther south than parts of the Tunisian coast – with much of Sicily's exotic flora and fauna testament to an affinity with Africa and Tunis closer than Rome. All this plus 4,000 years of history from the Greeks and their temples in Agrigento plus the Greek Theatres in Syracuse and Taormina to the striking Baroque churches in Catania and Noto. Rural life and the charms of the landscape are still important parts of Sicily's history and culture with over 75 per cent of the population involved in agriculture, farming and fishing. Vegetation is remarkably diverse with olives, artichokes, mulberries, watermelon and numerous flowering shrubs, native plants and grasses in abundance. Four National Parks and 76 Nature Reserves (80 conservation zones) protect huge swathes of Sicilian terrain and seashore. “Sicily provides something for everyone, whether you are after the

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Given the island’s natural splendour, several visitor highlights centre on Sicily’s fascinating natural phenomena such as Alcantara Gorge

tranquil and the relaxed or the adventurous,” adds Rosa Spatola from the Italian Connection & Spirito Italiano. “Sightseeing opportunities range from the well-known attractions to destinations well off the beaten track – plus numerous natural phenomenon starting from Mount Etna and the Alcantara gorge to the Ustica Marine reserve and the Zingaro Nature reserve near Scopello to name but a few!” Given the island’s natural splendour, several visitor highlights centre on Sicily’s fascinating natural phenomena such as Alcantara Gorge, where ragged, deep incisions caused Mount Etna’s forceful eruptions in dramatic, darkgrey volcanic rocks and cliffs a short distance from Taormina have literally slip a mountain in two. Today, gushing water pounds between the vegetation-clad crags and crevices of this bizarre, other-worldly gorge where adventure-seekers can descend on foot to follow the torrents for around 150 meters along a maze of mysterious nooks and crannies. Sicily is also renowned for its eerie bat-filled caverns in the Carburangeli near Carini and generations of visitors continued to be wowed by the luna appearance of Maccalube, near Aragona where thick, grey mud flows from sporadic geysers across gloop-drenched boulders. The leafy shade of Ficuzza Woods, in the west of the island to the south of Palermo, is famous for its birds and wildlife species, spanning 7,000 hectares in grounds once used as a royal hunting ground and now a nature reserve. Bequeathed to the Sicilian people in 1948, this dense woodlands and rocky slopes are home to a wildlife rescue centre and are the natural habitat of several species of wild cat and pairs of breeding martens. Yet it is Europe's largest active volcano, Mount Etna that truly draws the crowds with its near-constant state of eruption, smatterings of ash, smoke clouds and sudden, pyroclastic flows. Towering high above the city of Catania, over 25 per cent of Sicilians live on the atmospheric slopes of Mount

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Etna where they farm the magma-rich, fertile soils. Boasting the longest period of documented eruptions on the planet, Mount Etna’s vineyards and cultivated foothills and pretty Sicilian country villages are conserved within a scenic regional park where trails attract large numbers of visiting walkers and trekkers keen to explore the waymarked, leafy paths past fascinating volcanic features. Maps accompany the routes that fall within the confines of the regional park past buildings made from hardened molten lava and to a variety of viewing points and geological sites. Etna’s unique topography of volcanic terrain in irregular slabs and spikes is softened by strange, tubular underground caves formed by channels of lava. Settlements, such as the medieval town of Taormina, high above the sea with Etna at its back, offers spectacular vistas across the Mediterranean to Calabria on the Italian mainland. Cycling tracks from the town wind through tumbling vines, citrus groves and hazelnut, pistachio and pear trees with wooded areas of chestnut, beech and birch trees on the higher slopes. Numerous bird species call Mount Etna home, including many varieties of owl,





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Tourist statistics plus golden eagles, sparrowhawks, peregrines and kestrels with quails, wild doves and cuckoos and a multitude of small songbirds. “Good-quality villa accommodation is available throughout the year in all areas of Sicily, from the historical centres of Syracuse and Taormina to the beach resorts served by all three airports,” adds Cristina Swift at villa holiday specialists Italian Breaks. “Regular flights connect to all London airports (3 hours), including EasyJet, Ryanair, BA and Alitalia while in the summer months additional charter flights serve other regional airports in the UK”. Palermo, Sicily’s bustling capital and chief seaport, lies along the Tyrrhenian Sea in the northwest of the island. With its mixed heritage of Arabic, Norman, German and Roman rule, the city offers visitors plenty of beautiful examples of a glorious past, including churches, delightful plazas, gorgeous tile-work, narrow streets and crowded markets. For a ghoulish insight into Palermo history, delve into the Capuchin Catacombs where the mummified bodies of about 8,000 wealthy citizens from the 17th to 19th centuries are housed in four long, limestone tunnels. Constructed after the death of Silvestro of Gubbio, a famous 16th century monk, the catacombs displays its wealthiest former residents lying in repose or hung from hooks by their necks and feet clad in their finest clothes. On the south of the island, where the mountains meet the sea, the main resorts and beach hotels hem a string of glorious beaches while in the north, quieter hotels and the quaint resort of Cefalu beg to be discovered. Island-wide, beaches are spotlessly clean - in 2011 six (Porto Paolo (Menfi), Pozzallo and Ispica (Ragusa), FiumefreddoCottone (Catania), Spiaggia Bianca (Lipari) and Marina di Ragusa) were awarded the Blue Flag for being among Europe’s finest. In recent polls, a two-mile stretch of golden sand has been acclaimed as Sicily’s best lesser-

: Visitor figures to Sicily increased by 25 per cent during 1998 – 2005

: Sicily was voted ‘6th best island in the world’ by Travel & Leisure magazine in 2011

: Around 4-million tourists visit Sicily each year (2011 figures) : Sicily is the second most popular place to visit in southern Italy : Tourism has grown by an average of 7.6 per cent year-on-year since 2000

: Sicily has 6 UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Villa del Casale, Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, Aeolian Islands, Catania and Necropolis of Pantalica) : In 2011 six beaches (Porto Paolo (Menfi), Pozzallo and Ispica (Ragusa), Fiumefreddo-Cottone (Catania), Spiaggia Bianca (Lipari) and Marina di Ragusa) were awarded Blue Flag status : Sicily’s natural beauty is protected by four national parks and 76 nature reserves : In 2011 the Sicilian province of Enna recorded a six per cent rise in international tourism, a positive trend that was sparked by the return of the statue of Venus of Morgantina : Sicily is served by three international airports – Catania, Palermo & Trapani

known beaches. Set within the Foce del Belice nature reserve, a pristine dunescape is one of the last remaining stretches of wholly untouched, but well-maintained, Sicilian coastline complete with boardwalk paths leading through the pinewoods and across the dunes. Le Solette is a broad swathe of sand just to the west of Porto Palo, close to some lovely secluded coves further to the west, such as Capparrina di Mare, with its sea-turtle colony and scatter of Chamaerops dwarf palms – an idyllic spot for anyone keen to enjoy a peaceful, solitary stroll along the exotic Sicilian sands. n

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Sorrentine Peninsula

come see us at Stand EM1680, EM1800, EM1850 www.incampania.com



ITALY has long enjoyed its status as one of Europe’s leading tourism superpowers thanks to its rich cultural heritage of world-beating arts, architecture, music, scenery, food and wine. Tourism plays a key role in keeping the country’s economy afloat in the recession, and currently equates to 8.6 per cent of national GDP, providing over 2.2 million jobs. Forecasters at Invitalia, the Italian national agency for investment and economic development, have predicted this figure will grow by two per cent each year by 2021. Italy remains a popular destination with UK tourists, bagging a visitors increase of 3.8 per cent and an increase in UK tourism market share of 4.1 per cent in 2011, according to data published by dall’ONS. But the power of Italy’s strong fashion brands such as

Prada and Versace is also beguiling Chinese tourists and Russian tourists into visiting, with visitor numbers up by 24.7% and 27% on the previous year respectively. Tourism in Rome in particular benefited from a 10% increase in 2011, the city’s tourist board reports, thanks to this new influx of international tourism. On tax-free shopping as a whole in the country, 31 per cent of this spend is accounted for by Russian tourists, and 16 per cent by Chinese visitors, according to data provided by ENIT-Agency. Worldwide, the World Tourism Organisation has estimated that 100 million Chinese tourists will travel abroad by 2020, and across Europe, many shops are hiring assistants who speak both Russian and Mandarin to capitalise on these international passions for shopping, which may be a trend Italy could well be set to capitalise on.

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High-end fashion designer Brunello Cucinelli recently commented that Chinese demand for the old-world luxury Italian brands offer remains a strong selling point for the company’s tourist offering. “The Chinese love what we do, what we wear. They want to be like us. This is the Chinese century.” Liguria The coastal region of Liguria, located in north-western Italy and famed for its beautiful beaches, period towns and good food, has long been a tourist favourite, although tourism in general represents a small slice of the region’s output, which is mostly agricultural. Home to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Cinque Terre (Five Lands), made up of the five villages of Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore, this portion of the coast of the Italian Riviera has attracted up to five million visitors in the summer months since it became a tourist hotspot in the 1990s. Local government and residents are sensitive to the area’s National Park status, promoting a sustainable form of tourism for the area, which includes issuing visitors with a Cinque Terra card to provide tourists with free transport between the villages and limited access to beauty spots, as well as containing guidelines on conservation. Programmes such as Protect the Cinque Terre, which was started by a Vernazza resident, puts tourists directly in touch with locals, encouraging them to work on actually preserving the landscape by rebuilding stone walls, cleaning trails and harvesting as part of the programme. Rome The capital of Italy and the fourth largest city in population in Europe, Rome is still referred to as ‘The Eternal City’ – a phrase much deployed by ancient politicians and writers. Italy’s capital is home to Italy’s most visited tourist site –

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Rome fact box : Number of tourists in 2011: 11 million : Number of visitors to city’s most visited tourist site, the Colosseum: 5 million

: Increase in visitor numbers in 2011: 10 per cent the Colosseum, which welcomed 5.3 tourists last year – had 11 million visitors in 2011. A new tax introduced in 2011 is now levied on tourists who choose to spend the night there – local government’s response to austerity measures introduced across Italy. But the tax – the sum of €2 per person per night if staying in hotels up to a three-star rating, and an extra €3 per person per night if they have chosen a four- or five-star hotel – does not seem

Italy remains a popular destination with UK tourists, bagging a visitors increase of 3.8 per cent and an increase in UK tourism market share of 4.1 per cent in 2011


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It’s easy to be happy in Emilia Romagna Sandy beaches… Art cities… Medieval villages and castles… Motor Valley... Music and festive atmosphere… Sport… Fragrances and flavours… Everythin Everythingg will win yyou over over.. That’s th thee way we llik likee it: we give it all wee have ggot ot to make make you enjoy e ah oliday with a smile! sm mile! holiday Come and meet uss at: Europe/Mediterranean Eur ope/Mediter raneean Hall Stand EM1800

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Florence fact box : : : :

2011 Tourist Visitors to City of Florence: 3,248 million Average stay: 2.5 days 2011 Tourist Visitors to Provincia of Florence: 1,222 million Average stay: 3.5 days

to have deterred visitors. So strong is the city’s draw for tourists that the city’s residents seem to find Rome’s continued popularity something of a problem. Rome recently made headlines for banning snacking around the city’s most famous monuments and landmarks, on the order of Rome Mayor Gianni Alemanno – anyone caught doing so will face fines of up to €500. The move follows similar bans in Venice and Florence. Calls are also being made on the Vatican, another key Rome attraction, by local residents to limit tourist access to the Sistine Chapel – a tourism honeypot that draws in five million tourists each year. However, the manager of the Vatican museums, Antonio Paolucci recently announced that this is unlikely to happen any time soon. “We have entered the era of large-scale tourism, and millions want to enjoy our historical culture,” Paolucci wrote in L’Osservatore Romano, the Holy See’s daily paper. “Limiting numbers is unthinkable.” However, tourists are spending less when they visit the Eternal City. According to figures from the Bilateral Tourism Office of Lazio, average daily spending budgets fell by 10% to €120 per day, with visitors plumping to stay in cheaper bed and breakfasts, in a growth of 13% in the key visitor months of July and August 2011 over high-end hotels. Tuscany Tuscany, renowned globally for its stunning scenery, fine food and wine, has long been an Italian tourist superpower, with the famed renaissance city of Florence one of the major attractions. But research commissioned by the Bank of Italy showed that 2011 was the year tourists started paying attention to the region’s provices, with the Tuscan cities of Pisa, Siena, Arezzo, Lucca and Livorno hosting more visitors in 2011 than in the previous year. Pisa enjoyed a 24 per cent swell in numbers, welcoming more than a million tourists, an increase of 200,000 people, and a rise in tourist income spend of €23 million. Pisa Confcommercio director Federico Pieragnoli said of the research:

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Venice fact box : Average daily visitor numbers: 60,000 : Rise in visitors from Russia: 50 per cent : Rise in visitors from China and Brazil: 40 per cent

“Pisa’s city and province continue to attract foreign tourists. Even in such a difficult year as 2011, our province had revealed itself among the most dynamic and attractive in Tuscany. This data is gratifying and is the result of local investments, the quality of work, and the aims of entrepreneurs.” Tourism in Florence enjoyed an increase of 5.6 per cent on 2011, with an average visitor stay of 2.5 days. Umbria Umbria, bordered to the west by Tuscany, Marche by the east and Lazio (the region of Rome) to the south, is the only Italian region without a coastline. Home to the historical towns of Assisi and Perugia, Umbria enjoyed a steady influx of tourists in 2011, with an increase of 7.65 per cent from the previous year, and two million tourists in total, according to data collected by the Tourist Service of the Region. Lombardy Bordered by Switzerland, the pretty region of Lombardy is home to fashion capital Milan, as well as lakes Garda, Como, Maggiore and Iseo. Lombardy is the third most popular destination of British tourists, netting nearly 1.3 million visitors in 2011, according to the Dati dell’Office for National Statistics.

The AssignmentLombardy Region (LR) is working on developing what it calls tourismpositioning. This marketing plan is geared around the concept of a Enogastronomic product club, involving both public and private sector bodies, designed to celebrate the region’s heritage by inviting tourists to discover the idea through culinary experiences, and to show tourists a different side of the region from its more industrial reputation. The Veneto The centre of the long since defunct Venetian Republic, the Veneto is one of Italy’s most wealthy regions, as well as its most visited, seeing 60 million tourists visiting the area each year. Most famous among the Veneto’s many offerings is the city of Venice, renowned globally for its art, culture and heritage. Visitors to Venice, according to Euromonitor, totalled almost five million tourists in 2011, recovering well on 2009 and 2010 levels. Tourists from the BRIC countries played a strong role in this resurgence, with an increase of 50 per cent of Russian tourists, and a joint rise of 40 per cent in visitors from both China and Brazil.

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Domestic tourism accounted for 13 per cent of total visitor numbers, with more than 613,000 Italians visiting the city from regions such as Tuscany, Lazio, Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna. This number is expected to increase significantly as the recession continues to grip Italy, with more Italians choosing to holiday closer to home to save money. An increase in direct flights to and from Asia, China in particular, is also forecast. Recent news reports have indicated a more troubled city than the data might suggest, with the luxurious San Clemente Palace Hotel, a five star resort and ancient park in the heart of Venice’s Lagoon, set to close soon. Southern Italy Southern Italy, while home to some of Italy’s most famous tourist sights, including most notably the Roman preserved ruins of Pompeii, Mount Vesuvius, the vibrant, if edgy, city of Naples and the scenic islands of Capri and Ischia, has always lagged behind the more industrialised and prosperous north. Somewhat tellingly, property prices in Italy’s southern resorts have fallen at a higher rate than in its major cities, said Bologna-based research institute Nomisma, with prices falling by 4.4 per cent in Capri between September 2011 and September 2012, thanks to a dip in the numbers of tourists visiting. However, the south is fast becoming an important investment hotspot, with the European Commission recently approving funding to restore the UNESCO site of Pompeii to preserve the site as a long-term tourism attraction for the region. Torrential rainfall caused serious damage to the site, which generates over €20 million annually for the Campania region in which it is based, in October 2011, and through which more than 2.5 people pass each year – 20,000 daily in the height of the tourist

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season. Herculaneum, a similar but smaller site near Pompeii, also received €15 million from private investors for preservation projects in 2011, boosting the area’s economy and tourism offering. Campania attracted 1.2 million British tourists alone in 2011, according to the Dati dell’Office for National Statistics, so the funding should prove a substantial boost in preserving the area’s longterm appeal. Cruise ship tourism Italy has long been a key destination for cruise ship tourism. However, the country is set to lose 40,000 luxury cruise passengers in 2013, with stiff competition from luxury alternatives such as Corsica and the Cote d’Azur being key factors in visitor reductions, according to recent comments by Sergio Senesi of Cemar Agency Network, which compiles data for the Italian cruise industry. Italy’s larger ports – Civitavecchia, Venice, Genoa, Naples and Savona – are all predicted to host in excess of one million passengers next year, with Civitavecchia leading the way with 2.45 million visitors, followed by Venice with 1.75 million. n


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AFTER a summer which showcased its riches to a global audience, the Royal Borough of Greenwich is launching a major new tourism campaign encouraging visitors to ‘Discover More’ after the phenomenal success of London 2012. The Royal Borough of Greenwich – on the banks of the River Thames in South East London - is a stunning location steeped in history and magnificent attractions, offering an unrivalled visitor experience. It’s been a huge year for the Royal Borough, gaining new Royal status from The Queen to recognise its long-standing ties with the British Monarchy then playing host to 34 Olympic and Paralympic events at its three superb London 2012 venues. Tourism in Royal Greenwich already generates £774 million every

year for the local economy, supporting nearly 12,000 local jobs. It’s a sector seeing rapid growth, in line with the Royal Borough’s ambitious programme of regeneration. Hotel bed space will increase fourfold over the next 12 months. Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich, Councillor Chris Roberts said: “’Discover More’ is about opening people’s eyes even further – including the stunning Maritime Greenwich World Heritage Site and beyond to the wealth of other attractions here too – from the Jacobean beauty of Charlton House to the glorious Eltham Palace – to our museums in Woolwich and the breath-taking architecture of the Royal Artillery Barracks. Forget about a day out in Royal Greenwich – you need at least a week to explore it properly. n See us at the Visit Greenwich stand, L205 to find out more



1123 37



www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/discover www. royalgreenwich.govv. uk/discov er

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Bland Group International (BGI) is a highly renowned, established business operating from Gibraltar since 1810. It is made up of a diversified portfolio of companies with strong commercial values. The Group is structured to deliver unique business opportunities under the management of BGI.

With over 50 years of dedicated experience in ground-handling and resort assistance in Gibraltar, Blands Travel objective is to deliver quality in our services and products. Our experience and passion has enabled us to become leaders in our field of work. We aim to make each experience a success, an event never forgotten and excel in customer satisfaction. We will ensure quality performance and excellence in value.

Back office management and resort administration

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Organisation of events and specialised tours and activities

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Incentive travel

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• •

Sport and education travel coordination Hospitality services


The Rock Hotel is an institution amongst Gibraltar Hotels and indeed the Mediterranean. Built in 1932 by the Marquis of Bute, the hotel to this day still offers standards of service and guest care from that bygone, more genteel era. With magnificent views across the Bay of Gibraltar, the Spanish mainland and the Rif Mountains of Morocco, the Rock has commanding position sitting in 9.5 acres of picturesque gardens. The Rock Hotel's pool and gardens are beautifully landscaped with a traditional Moroccan theme and is complimented by The Khaima, a spectacular Moroccan-style marquee which provides a unique venue to host functions and events. •

101 rooms enjoying sea views

Contemporary restaurant serving modern international cuisine

Lobby bar

Rooftop lounge with open air bar enjoying unparalleled panoramic views

Rooftop Private dining area

Banqueting venues with sitting capacity up to 200 guests

The Khaima - Moroccan style marquee situated amongst mature landscaped gardens

Weddings and event coordination

Conferencing facilities accommodating up to 220 delegates

Gym & Wellness centre

24 hour room service

Free parking

Complimentary Wifi throughout Hotel

Computer, printing and fax service

Laundry Services

Non Smoking Rooms

In house organisation of local tours and excursions




FOR such a small territory – with an area of just under seven square kilometers –Gibraltar regularly has the capacity to cause a stir, especially when it comes to Anglo-Spanish relations. The sovereignty of the Rock, Gib or Jabal Tariq, as it is variously known has been something of a sore point since it was reluctantly ceded in perpetuity to Britain by Spain, under the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. And Gib has been strategically extremely useful to Britain over the years, as a base for the Royal Navy. In 2002, Gibraltarians resoundingly rejected proposals for Spanish sovereignty and stick with the Brits – although Gibraltar largely governs its own affairs. For many years, tourism has been one of the driving economic forces in Gibraltar, although financial services and shipping are also extremely important. Last year, the territory welcomed almost 12 million visitors, generating around £280 million for the economy. Comparing these figures with those of 2001 – when 7.3 million arrivals were recorded and the total spend was £145 million – shows the impressive growth of Gibraltar as a holiday destination, or at least an important part of a larger trip to the Spanish mainland. Although very small, Gibraltar’s attractions are as varied as the residents, who tend to be bilingual in English and Spanish, and will often be of mixed Genoese, British, Spanish, Maltese and Portuguese descent.

Gib itself offers beaches, wildlife (including the notorious Barbary Macaques), an impressive Moorish castle, shopping possibilities on Main Street and the town’s own colonial architecture. There is also much to see here for those interested in military history – such as The Great Siege Tunnels and the 100-ton gun. Of course, the territories duty-free goods (particularly cigarettes and alcohol) also play their part in luring tourists, temporarily, away from their Spanish sojourns. Being a mere nine miles from Morocco, Gibraltar is sometimes called the Meeting Place of Continents, and the sub-tropical climate is warm throughout the year. On average, tourists spend around four days on Gibraltar, which gives them plenty of time to sample much of what the Rock has to offer. Diving and fishing are popular pastimes for visitors, and here there are some terrific wrecks to explore – more than 30, in fact. Fascinating sealife is also here in abundance, with ‰

Last year, the territory welcomed almost 12 million visitors, generating around £280 million for the economy

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At the end of Main Street, in the centre of the shopping district, hungry tourists will often head for Casemates Square, where stylish outdoor restaurants, cafés and bars abound

octopus, moray eels, sunfish, rays and congers all awaiting the checklist. Excellent visibility, even close to shore, where there is a fascinating array of rocky pinnacles, gives novice divers the opportunity to get close to a huge variety of corals – which become even more breathtaking during night diving. Those who’d rather stay above the waves and try their hand at big game fishing will find bluefin tuna, shark, swordfish and more in the vicinity, The fact that the Mediterranean and Atlantic merge at the Strait of Gibraltar means the local fish know how to put up a good fight – and, with some 14 species of bream available, the territory has become known as a genuine angler’s paradise. Understandably, fish is often on the menu when it comes to Gibraltarian cuisine – and al fresco dining here is an absolute must, as café society is alive and well – and having a great time on the Rock. The cosmopolitan

nature of the population means restaurants offer a dizzying array of dishes, from Spanish, Italian and French, to Moroccan, Chinese and, yes, even English. At the end of Main Street, in the centre of the shopping district, hungry tourists will often head for Casemates Square, where stylish outdoor restaurants, cafés and bars abound. Although fine dining is in evidence in Gibraltar, there’s no question that many tourists visit the territory primarily for the opportunity to indulge in some guilt(or at least tax-) free shopping. As Europe’s duty-free shopping destinations tumble under political pressure, Gibraltar is becoming a veritable paradise for the bargain hunter, and not just for the usual fare of booze and cigarettes. Regular visitors report that goods such as sunglasses, make-up and jewellery are currently being sold very cheaply, as well as electronic items, such as cameras, televisions and stereos. ‰

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Concessions and ‘reconciliation’ : Since the referendum over Spanish sovereignty in 2002, talks on other issues have been held with Spain, the UK, and Gibraltar. In 2006 an accord was signed in which Spain agreed to remove restrictions on air movements, speed up customs procedures, implement international telephone dialing and allow mobile roaming agreements. Britain agreed to pay increased pensions to Spaniards who had been employed in Gibraltar before the border closed and Spain was given permission to open a cultural institute and, from it, fly the Spanish flag. A new non-colonial constitution came into effect in 2007, but the UK retains responsibility for defence, foreign relations, internal security, and financial stability. Recently, however, there have been further spats between Spain and Britain, including Spain’s suggestion that the people of Gibraltar did not have the right to self determination – an assertion that was robustly rejected by Britain’s Ambassador to the UN.

Even at the airport, prices for tobacco and spirits are among the least expensive in the world. Along Main Street and down its many lanes and alleyways, you can find bargains in the shape of glassware and porcelain, leather goods, silks and cashmere. In fact, at times, it’s easy to imagine that Morocco is not across the Strait at all, but round the next corner. If the shopping hasn’t taken the wind out of your sails, Gibraltar offers night owls plenty to do. Hotels generally have late-opening cocktail bars for residents, as well as regularly offering live music. Beyond that, drinkers have everything from traditional pubs to cosmopolitan wine bars to choose from, and nightclubs and casinos keep the entertainment coming until the early hours. Many would have thought a piece of land known as the Rock would come up short when it comes to a beach holiday, yet visitors are often pleasantly surprised to find that there are six beaches on Gib, four of which – Sandy Bay, Eastern Beach, Western Beach and Catalan Bay – are sandy. Catalan Bay is, in fact, a picturesque former fishing village , first settled by Genoese fishermen in the 18th century. Camp Bay and Little Bay are well-developed resorts, with many interconnected terraces providing easy access to the sea. As the economic recession continues to bite – and it’s biting particularly hard in Spain this year – Gibraltar could become an even more enticing haven, not just for Brits looking for ‘pubs in the sun’ and duty-free goods, but for a host of overseas visitors seeking a value-for-money break in southern Europe. n

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THROUGHOUT 2012, the focus of the Israel Government Tourist Office has been on promoting a unique collection of Israel holidays, known as The Hidden Gems. Within a country that is small in size, visitors can find a whole host of activities to suit every age. From swimming with the dolphins in Eilat to sky diving in the Negev Desert, sipping coffee at a trendy café in Tel Aviv or wine tasting in the Galilee, Israel offers far more than meets the eye. A journey to Israel is a unique opportunity for discovery, and the Hidden Gems allow each visitor to craft a travel experience that speaks to their interests, curiosity and personal history. For example, those with an interest in gastronomy can explore the varied tastes of Israel, sharing a simple Bedouin meal in the desert, or savoring the cuisine at some of the top restaurants in trendy Tel Aviv. Culture vultures will find themselves at home amid the Bauhaus architecture of the White City, exploring the artist village of Safed or being swept away by the Israel Opera performing at the foot of the ancient mountain fortress of Masada. While many are aware of the rich heritage and cultural importance of Israel and the capital city Jerusalem, home to the three monotheistic world religions, the country is equally suited to those looking for a more high energy holiday.

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Adventurers can hike, cycle, quad bike or climb through the lush northern regions or through the Negev desert in the south Adventurers can hike, cycle, quad bike or climb through the lush northern regions or through the Negev desert in the south and enjoy a whole host of water sports in Eilat and the Sea of Galilee. For urban adventurers, few cities in the world have a nightlife as eclectic and electric as late-night Tel Aviv. IGTO’s achievements for the year have been underlined by the successful launch of the Hidden Gems trilogy, a collection of books released in conjunction with tour operator partners to inspire creative holiday ideas for potential visitors to the country. The first book was launched at last year’s World Travel Market, with the second and third volumes following in May and June 2012. Following the success and popular demand for all three books, the IGTO have recently published the volumes online at www.thinkisrael.com/trilogy For 2013 and beyond, IGTO plans to build on the success of the Hidden Gems and continue to promote Israel as an exciting and vibrant holiday destination.

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AT this year’s World Travel Market in London I would like to invite you to discover Bulgaria as a unique and diverse travel destination. Our stand presentation at the WTM will highlight not only the traditional sea, ski and cultural tourism, which Bulgaria is known for, but also the great variety of opportunities for spa and wellness tourism, as well as golf and congress tourism. As one of the oldest countries in Europe, with thousands of years of history Bulgaria invites you to visit the numerous unique archaeological sites, ancient settlement mounds from the Neolithic age, century-old cities, sanctuaries and tombs bearing the marks of Thracian, Byzantine and Roman civilizations, Medieval fortresses; architectural reserves and ethnographic complexes, keeping alive the spirit of Bulgarian Revival, churches and monasteries, the nine sites part of the world heritage under the aegis of UNESCO and many more. Bulgaria invites you to a unique journey through time. Follow in the footsteps of ancient civilizations and discover the immense diversity of historic artefacts, sense the spirit of local folklore and age-old traditions with our distinctive customs, crafts and colourful festivals, become a part of our century old history. Besides these cultural treasures, Bulgaria is proud of its pristine nature and amazing biodiversity which is preserved in the national parks and reserves. We offer you a once in a life time

experience from the long golden sand beaches of the Black Sea, through the fragrant rose valley, nestled in the heart of the country, to the breathtaking snowy mountains. Our country ranks among the first in Europe in terms of wealth and diversity of thermal mineral waters, herbs with great healing properties and bioclimatic treatment resorts. So far, about 600 mineral springs have been discovered and studied and more than 80% of them have healing properties. This immense abundance of natural factors, combined with modern balneotherapy centres provides various opportunities for spa, balneological and wellness tourism. Bulgaria is more and more often mentioned as one of the best destinations for golf tourism in Europe. Only for a few years in the country were built world-class golf courses, and the incredible combination of beautiful scenery, favorable climate, spa pleasures and active holidays turn the golf complexes into oases of the sport. The International Association of Golf Tour Operators (IAGTO) named Bulgaria as the 2012 Undiscovered Golf Destination of the Year. This year our goal is to present all of the different opportunities our homeland offers. Mr Delian Dobrev, Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism To find out more about Bulgaria please visit us on stand EM 700

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Malta Luxury Escapes Planning to surprise your partner for that special celebration, or would just like to escape for a few days? Malta is less than three hours away from home, with direct flights from all major European airports.

Book a luxury escape to Malta and stay at Grand Hotel Excelsior located at the water’s edge of the magnificent Marsamxett Harbour, and nestled in a tranquil area within 16th century fortifications. The hotel is just two minutes away from the historical capital city of Valletta. The Grand Hotel Excelsior will fill your senses with the pleasures of fine hospitality. To live a life that is full of Grand experiences and Grand sensations .Travel, explore and discover new influences. Rates starting from £53 per person per night for double room occupancy including sumptuous buffet. For bookings or information call us on (+356) 2125 0520 or book directly online at www.excelsior.com.mt. *Terms and Conditions apply

A Member of


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Malta & Gozo MALTA

THE Republic of Malta comprises three islands – Malta, Gozo and Comino – lying some 80 kilometres south of Sicily in the heart of the Mediterranean. The largest island, Malta, hosts the capital city Valletta – now recognized as a UNESCO World heritage site – with its historic Baroque architecture and megalithic temples, built during the rule of the Order of St John of Jerusalem. Having gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1964, the country’s historical relationship with Britain still underpins its tourist industry, and, along with Maltese, English is an official language. The UK easily tops the arrivals table with just over 415,000 tourists visiting the island in 2010. Although this is an increase on the previous year’s figure, it is nonetheless significantly down on the 482,000 high of 2007 – doubtless a reflection on the current economic crisis. That said, tourist arrivals into Malta have generally increased significantly in recent years – well above the international average – with the number of Italian tourists growing fastest. Younger travellers – aged 24 and under – have represented the fastest-growing arrivals segment in recent years, clearly attracted by Malta’s Mediterranean climate, superb reputation for Scuba diving, and generally low costs. Introducing the recent draft Tourism Policy for the Maltese Islands, Minister for Tourism Dr Mario de Marco said the government’s focus would remain on sustainable tourism, based largely on initiatives proposed in the UN Conference on Environment and Development and the Rio Earth Summit. He believes the Government’s new policy presents a “pro-active,

strategic and objective framework which aims at creating…higherquality and excellence in tourism.” He further states that “the framework is intended to safeguard the sector’s growth in the future [and] provide services to the sphere of tourism…which trigger diversification in our local tourism offering”. Malta boasts the smallest capital in the European Union, Valletta, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in history – and there’s a lot of it, packed into a grid system of streets that can be traversed in little over ten minutes. Within its walls, Valletta contains over 300 important monuments, and its baroque architecture, imposing fortresses and magnificent cathedrals have led it to be declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Sightseeing in Valletta will not be close to complete without taking in the following highpoints… Valletta City Gate Siege Bell Monument St John’s Co-Cathedral

Valletta’s City Ramparts Auberge de Castille

Anglican Cathedral Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church

Il-Mandragg Grand Master’s palace and the Armory

St Paul’s Shipwreck Church Fort St Elmo Lascaris War Rooms Hastings Gardens Upper Barakka Gardens Manoel Theatre

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According to legend, Ulysses was lured to Gozo by the nymph Calypso, who held him captive for seven years. Here guises were not enough to keep him permanently, but Malta’s sister island – with its population of just 31,000 – can still captivate visitors through the warmth of its people, its historic monuments, its laid-back lifestyle, sumptuous cuisine and delicious wines. At just 12 kilometres by seven kilometres, Gozo is around a third the size of Malta, and is far less developed. In fact, its unspoilt tranquillity, picturesque fishing villages, rolling green hills and sandy beaches are a delightful surprise for day-trippers from Malta. Many tourists make a short visit to Gozo while holidaying in Malta, but the number of people who have stayed on the island for one night or more has seen a gradual and sustainable increase, from 94,100 in 2007 to 112,250 in 2011. In fact, the government’s vision for Gozo is intrinsically tied up to sustainability – that is to make it an eco-island by 2020.

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At just 12 kilometres by seven kilometres, Gozo is around a third the size of Malta, and is far less developed. In fact, its unspoilt tranquillity, picturesque fishing villages, rolling green hills and sandy beaches are a delightful surprise for day-trippers from Malta


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Although still largely unknown as a holiday destination, Scuba fans discovered the joys of Gozo many years ago – making it one of the most popular diving destinations in the Mediterranean. And it’s hardly surprising, as beneath the island’s rocky coastline lie tunnels, reef wrecks, caves, and beautifully clear waters, allowing visibility of up to 40 metres. Probably the most famous of all Gozitan dives – the Blue Hole – includes passing beneath a stunning underwater arch, between eight and 16 metres below the surface. Gozo’s only city Rabat (the tiny capital is also known by its British colonial name of Victoria) is a must-see for any visitor on the island. Perched on the city’s hilltop is the imposing Cittadella, behind the walls of

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which the entire population slept until the 13th century for fear of attack by pirates and slavers. The Cittadella houses various museums together with Gozo’s cathedral. Nonetheless it is not only Gozo’s city which brims with religious culture; every one of the island’s 14 localities bears testimony to a deeply ingrained sense of religiosity, evidenced in the baroque churches which adorn these localities and to the many out of the way chapels that can be found in the Gozitan countryside. The importance of increasing visitor numbers to Gozo is clear, yet the government’s responsible, sustainable and long-term approach to developing the industry – highlighted in a recent conference organised by the Directorate for Tourism and Economic Development – looks set to centre on the need for developing a policy for rural tourism.


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THE growth of tourism in Russia since its Soviet days has been impressive, especially given a perception of the country among many international travellers that it is both expensive and potentially dangerous. There is no question that Russia’s two largest cities – and most popular destinations – can have travellers on a budget looking for a speedy onward ticket. Still, according to the Fedreal Security Service of Russia, more than 22 million international tourists visited the country in 2010, from over 200 countries, representing a 4.4 per cent increase on 2009. In many ways, this should come as no surprise, as this vast country offers visitors an incredibly rich cultural heritage and a huge variety of natural surroundings. There are currently more than 20 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Russia – and plenty more are being considered for the future.

With potential itineraries including the Golden Ring of ancient cities, a journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway, and a cruise on the expansive river Volga, few would argue that Russia should not be one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations. Nevertheless, there is huge unrealised potential for both inbound and domestic tourism in Russia, and much work needs to be done on improving the country’s infrastructure – and on making a coherent case to international tourists for visiting. To that end, the government has launched a programme with a goal of improving travel and tourism infrastructure and launching inspirational new promotional campaigns. Using both federal and regional funds, as well as private investment cash, Russia’s image is set to have a facelift and campaigns are commencing with a remit to tell the story of how much the country has changed since the Soviet era, to become an easy-going, modern, welcoming destination. Although Russian tourism is now undoubtedly on the

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According to the Fedreal Security Service of Russia, more than 22 million international tourists visited the country in 2010, from over 200 countries, representing a 4.4 per cent increase on 2009

up, the recent past was not as rosy; a number of travel retail business went under, including one of the largest tour operators in the country, Capital Tour, in 2010, which caused something of a domino effect on many smaller travel companies. Although the damage done to the industry was recognised by the government, which began a process of legislative change, yet another major operator, Lanta Tour Voyage, ceased trading early this year, again followed by a number of smaller businesses. Now, new legislation means higher sums are needed in financial guarantees for the largest travel retailers and a special compensation fund is in place, to be used to repatriate Russian tourists who may find themselves stranded by a tour operator that goes out of business. In terms of the government’s financial commitment to increasing inbound visitor numbers, a clear signal was given when Russia secured the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, as a US$12 billion commitment was made to develop the Krasnodar region. And when discussing Russia’s touristic ambitions, one must consider the amount of money the government has

budgeted for the FIFA World Cup football tournament in 2018. Whereas the cost of London’s Olympic Games was the largest in history, at a little under $14 billion, there is a reported budget of $20 billion for the World Cup. Events such as these could be seen to some extent as make-or-break for tourism, at least in the short term, as the safety and security of tourists, allied with good transport links, a high standard of accommodation and quality products and services are vital if they are to create a solid base on which to build both inbound and domestic travel and tourism. After all, the millions of people who watch these events on TV will also be potential visitors in the future and, although improving domestic tourism is a priority, attracting visitors from big-spending nations such as the USA and the UK has to be at the top of the government’s list. According to a report produced by Visa, Americans are the highest-spending tourists in Russia and, although their total spend for 2011 fell by almost two per cent compared with the previous year, they still managed to part with a little over US$33 million for accommodation, $11.5 million in restaurants and a whopping $140 million

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in other merchant and retail areas. That’s a total for Russian coffers of more than $220 million dollars, way ahead of Kazakhstan, in second place on just under $150 million, and the UK in third on $116 million. Clearly, cash injections of this magnitude will not come in ‘under the radar’ as it were and the Russian government is acutely aware that travel and tourism has the potential to become a bona fide economic driver for the country. One area that is beginning to be exploited by Russian travel businesses is the internet. As has already been seen in other sectors, Russian consumers are actively shifting away from traditional retail channels and heading online to make their purchases. Not only are they booking flights and hotels online, they are also using a variety of international social media sites such as Youtube, Facebook and Twitter – as well as a number of local options – as a tool for assessing products. Russian travel and tourism operators are increasingly using these outlets to communicate with their customers and promote offers and push specific products. Underpinning everything, though, is the genuine tourism offering of Russia itself. St Petersburg – nicknamed the Venice of the North and one of the most visited cities in Europe – and the country’s former capital Moscow are indisputably world-class centres of culture. Yet, although the names may not currently household, there are a number of major cities beyond them, vying for the title of ‘The Third Capital of Russia’. One, Kazan, has even registered the brand. Another aspect of this huge country with the capacity to win tourist friends is its subtropical Black Sea coast, which

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Another aspect of this huge country with the capacity to win tourist friends is its subtropical Black Sea coast, which hosts resorts such as Sochi.

hosts resorts such as Sochi. And as millions will see in two years’ time, Sochi is not only blessed with attractive beaches, ready to welcome tourists during the summer – it also boasts major ski resorts, such as Krasnaya Polyana. In terms of natural beauty spots, however, few can compete with Lake Baikal, also known as the Blue Eye of Siberia. This is the oldest and deepest lake in the world, and, surrounded by stunning mountains, could soon be seen headlining a Russian tourism campaign near you.




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Travel and Tourism in the United Kingdom 2011 was the first year of positive growth for arrival numbers into the UK since 2007. Although the economic recovery of the eurozone, the US and other countries is questionable, arrivals into the UK slowly picked up pace in 2011. The series of events including the royal wedding, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the Olympic Games has come at a very opportune and critical moment for the UK, creating high interest towards the UK as a holiday destination, especially among leisure tourists. The press coverage and the live telecast increased visitors’ curiosity and intention to visit the country. Incoming tourists have also spent more money, with the biggest value contribution coming from North America and Europe. In 2011, the US, Germany and France were the biggest contributors of incoming expenditure receipts to UK accounting for 13 per cent, seven per cent and seven per cent, respectively. Of the top five source European markets, Germany provided the strongest growth in arrivals to the UK, up by seven per cent in 2011. Tourists from the US have historically been big spenders in the UK, and remain so. Incoming expenditure from the US experienced positive growth of

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three per cent in 2011. The appeal of British history, tradition and its quaintness continues to have a major appeal for Americans. According to Euromonitor International, China has been the fastest-growing inbound country in 2011 with ten per cent growth in arrival numbers, and the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) countries contributed three per cent of the number of arrivals to the UK. The UK’s long-term marketing approach targets both domestic and international markets around the world with the aim of attracting an ever-growing number of visitors. In 2011 VisitBritain developed a four-year marketing campaign aiming to attract tourists to the UK. The campaign aimed to leverage international interest in the 2011 royal wedding and the 2012 Queen’s Jubilee and Olympic Games by throwing the spotlight on Great Britain’s historical and cultural heritage in a bid to showcase British treasures to the rest of the world. Euromonitor International expects arrivals into the UK to increase at one per cent CAGR by 2016, reflecting positively on the incoming tourist expenditure, which is likely to grow further at a constant value CAGR of three per cent. The “staycation” and expected growth in terms of inbound visitors from better performing economies are hoped to sustain the domestic tourism industry. In terms

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of inbound tourism, demand from North America is anticipated to grow slowly, while China and India, Poland and Australia are expected to become the fastest-growing source countries for tourists to the UK. The greatest threat to growth is the world economy. The IMF keeps updating the status of the global forecast and recently downgraded the economic forecast for a number of EU countries, which are key source markets for the UK. This combined with possible austerity measures introduced by various governments could lead to lowering disposable income for tourists as such, and hence reduce visitor numbers as well as spending. Travel and Tourism in Ireland The economic situation in Ireland remained unstable with the country reported to be once more in recession in March 2012. Some analysts expected GDP to rise by one per cent in 2011 but a combination of weak external demand, austerity measures and the debt crisis in the eurozone pushed the country back into recession. Despite official expectations that Ireland will see GDP rise in 2012, it is unlikely to lead to any significant relief among consumers, who will be faced with higher prices and costs as a result of VAT increases, while inflation will see incomes fall. Domestic demand will therefore see a further year of decline as consumer confidence remains at its lowest point since the 2008-2009 financial crisis at 23 per cent. In 2012, the Irish government is expected to broaden its campaign to convince Irish consumers to holiday at home in a show of national solidarity to support economic recovery. Measures will include discount rail tickets on weekends, set maximum fares and smartphone applications suggesting potential trips and special offers. While it is hoped this will bring growth to the domestic tourism industry it will also impact outbound tourism. In terms of inbound tourism, numbers of arrivals declined by minus three per cent in 2011, to reach six million. This was a significantly slower rate of decline compared to the large declines in 2008–2010, suggesting that steps taken to stabilise the Irish economy had a modestly positive impact on the country’s image despite it falling

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Despite official expectations that Ireland will see GDP rise in 2012, it is unlikely to lead to any significant relief among consumers, who will be faced with higher prices and costs as a result of VAT increases, while inflation will see incomes fall


back into recession. The situation in many European countries, however, continued to look unstable with Ireland joining the recession, which prevented stronger inbound growth. All traditional sources of inbound tourists saw declines in 2011. China and India were the only two source markets to see rising numbers of inbound tourists, growing five per cent and two per cent respectively. Both countries had high levels of economic growth over the review period giving rise to a larger travelling middle class seeking new destinations to explore. Attracting these tourists to Ireland, however, is difficult given the Chinese tendency to take holidays in neighbouring countries, or consider aspiration destinations such as London and Paris. The additional journey time, a lack of direct flights into Dublin and the higher costs in a trip to Ireland are also deterring many Chinese tourists from visiting Ireland. Indian tourists are faced by similar barriers, although the large number of Indians settled in the UK grants easier access to this group, given the potential to attract Indians domiciled in the UK. Travel and tourism represents one of the largest indigenous industries in Ireland accounting for four per cent of GNP in 2012. Various cooperative marketing campaigns will be aimed at encouraging this growth with foreigners, as they are considered a particularly important target audience since they are already reported to account for 60 per cent of tourism revenue. Operators will promote their best offers rather than focussing on significant profit growth. This emphasis on price will also be necessary to address any residual perceptions of Ireland being an expensive holiday destination, as consumers in the UK and the US remain extremely cost sensitive. 2012 brought increased optimism about the expected performance of the tourist industry in Ireland. Alongside the launch of its 2012 marketing plan, Tourism Ireland announced its intention to return tourist numbers to pre-crisis levels by 2015. The target for this year is 7.8 million visitors, reflecting an expected increase of six per cent on 2011, with the most significant rise in numbers coming from the US. UK tourist numbers are also improving and bookings were reported to be up by 22 per cent from French and German tour operators.

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Travel and Tourism in the Middle East The Middle East is one of the regions that have experienced decline in arrivals in 2009, mainly following the impact of the global economic crisis, and again in 2011, as a result of the Arab Spring. Recent months have been pivotal to developments in the Middle East and may very well dictate the future of the travel industry within many regional markets. There will likely be a shift in interest from some markets towards others as a result of ongoing political turmoil and security concerns across the region. After starting in Egypt in January 2011, the Arab Spring has spread to many other markets, the latest being Syria, which has experienced an escalation in tensions in recent months. While Syria and Yemen continue to struggle with internal conflicts, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia have entered a transitional period. Overall, the region remains in turmoil. However, there are also pockets of safety and some destinations have even taken advantage of unrest elsewhere. The United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia have actually benefitted from the uprisings, as they were seen as stable countries to travel to.

Travel and Tourism in Saudi Arabia Despite fears of political unrest across the Middle East region, the tourism continues to grow in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, benefiting from the stable and growing economy during the past year and recording real GDP growth of three per cent in 2011. Travel and tourism saw hefty investments in 2011 from both public and private sectors. Religious tourism still is a major factor boosting inbound flow to the Kingdom. This year close to two million visitors came to the Kingdom during Hajj and Eid season, and there were also a constant number of visitors throughout the year who visited the Kingdom to perform Umrah outside the Hajj season. According to Euromonitor International, growth of inbound flows in 2011 was ten per cent. The reason for the high growth rates across the years is mainly the expansion in the

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Hajj facilities ranging from expanded routes and roads, better transportation facilities, restaurants and accommodations. All factors allowed bigger capacity to receive higher number of visitors during Hajj season. Kuwait registered the highest number of inbound flows to the Kingdom in 2011. According to Euromonitor International, Kuwait arrivals reached 2.6 million in 2011 while 1.6 million made it from the United Arab Emirates. The United Arab Emirates is the second largest source country for tourism in Saudi Arabia. The majority of visitors from the United Arab Emirates are pilgrims from different nationalities as the United Arab Emirates is home to a large population of Arab and Muslim expatriates. Egypt, the third source market, has also historically been a key source market for Saudi Arabia because of the large number of pilgrims originating from that country. The Kingdom will continue to receive the highest number of tourists from Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt,

WEE ARE W ARE TTHE HE N NEW EW IIMAGINED MAGINED THE THE FUTURE FUTURE SECURED SECURED W i th a n With name ame tthat hat m mirrors ir ror s o our ur p past, ast, we we have have set set out out on on a Our aim jjourney our ney ttowards owards tthe he ffuture. uture. O ur a im is is to to build build our our rreputation e p u t ati o n hospitality world beyond creating iin n tthe he h o s p i t a li t y w orld and and b eyond by by c reating timeless tim e l e s s masterpieces with our passion perfection. We m a s te r p i e c e s w i th o ur p as sion ffor or p e r fe e c ti o n. W e pride pride ourselves with decades off iiconic o u r s e l ve s w i th d e cade s o conic achievements achievements and and we we

continuously continuously evaluate evaluate investment inve stment opportunities opp p or tunitie s to to take take our our stature stature even even higher. highe r. With With a portfolio por t folio of of iconic iconic hotels hotels supported s u p p o r te d by by prestigious pre stigious partners, par tne r s, we we believe believe that, that, by by nurturing nur turing our our local local roots, roots, we we reap reap the the fruits fruits of of our our global global expansion. ex p a n s i o n .

CR Ring ing Road, Road, PO PO Box Box 2 2977 977 D Doha, oha, State State of of Qatar Q at a r +974 4423 7777 4427 0707 T+ 974 4 423 7 777 F +974 +974 4 427 0 707 katarahospitality.com iinfo@katarahospitality.com nfo@katarahospitalit y.com k atarahospit s alit y.com

WTM Catalogue 2012 I 251


respectively. According to Euromonitor International, Kuwait will register nearly five million trips, followed by the United Arab Emirates with four million trips and Egypt with two million trips. Egypt and the United Arab Emirates both have a fast-growing population size, with a majority of Muslim residents who are likely to perform the Hajj at least once in their lives and hence religious tourism from these markets will remain important. Saudi Arabia continues to be one of the most economically stable markets in the region and is eyeing massive expansions including the development of six mega cities that will create employment, attract investments, attract business tourism and bring more expatriate workers to the country. Travel and Tourism in Egypt Egypt successfully recovered from the global economic downturn, with the country’s economy performing well in 2010. However, political unrest then shook the country’s improving economic foundations. The revolution in Egypt started in January 2011 in the middle of the high tourism season and extended until March 2011, with on-going political unrest keeping tourists away until the end of the year. Continued unrest has prevented the country from offering an image of safety and stability. Egypt’s tourist attractions were closed during the revolution, airport traffic was affected and many international airlines cancelled their Cairo routes. At the height of the revolution, occupancy rates fell to five per cent in some Cairo hotels and key tourist resorts on the Red Sea were also impacted despite being far away from the revolution’s hub in the capital city. As a result, average prices across travel and tourism outlets decreased by 50 per cent or more throughout the country. As a result, despite a slow revival in tourist numbers in the summer of 2011, the industry remains extremely fragile and has been paralysed by more than four months of instability and the continued impact of the revolution. Another key trend in 2011 was the Euro crisis, which has affected most EU markets since August 2011. As Europe plunges back into a new downturn, Egypt is finding it increasingly difficult to lure tourists back, and travel and tourism operators are unlikely to be able to raise prices again. With the majority of source markets

252 I WTM Catalogue 2012

for Egypt’s tourism industry located in Europe, now could be the time to focus more on Asia, the Middle East and Russia. The leading inbound market in 2011 remained Russia, which accounted for 1.9 million arrivals – a 26 per cent decline from the 2.6 million recorded in 2010. Despite this strong decline in the number of arrivals from Russia, it is significantly lower than the 37 per cent decline in overall arrivals recorded in 2011. Russians were among the first tourists to come back to Egypt and tend to visit the country’s beach resorts, even during the extremely hot month of August. Demand was mainly driven by strong discounting and attractive offers from travel and tourism operators. Russians, along with British and Scandinavian tourists, were also among the first to make early bookings for November 2012. According to Euromonitor International, the number of arrivals from Italy and Germany fell by 41 per cent and 45 per cent respectively in 2011. However, these countries remain among the top four source markets for Egyptian arrivals. Meanwhile, the UK remains the number two source market, accounting for 807,000 trips to Egypt in 2011. Although this represents a 46 per cent decline from 2010, the actual number of arrivals from the UK remains very high and was boosted by the fact that many Egyptian expatriates living in the UK returned to Egypt in order to support the revolution. The decline in the number of arrivals from Libya was very steep in 2011 due to the impact of the civil war in the country. The number of trips taken by Libyans declined by 55 per cent. While a large number of Libyans sought refuge in Egypt as a result of the conflict, these people were not counted as tourists. Emerging source markets for Egyptian arrivals include Brazil, China and India – with arrivals from these countries increasing at double digit pace prior to 2011. There were 74,000 arrivals from China in 2011 – a 35 per cent decline from 2010. Promoting tourism from China is one of the Ministry’s priorities and in May 2011, despite the unrest in Egypt, a Chinese delegation of 18 journalists took a five day tour in Egypt after being invited by the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism. In Egypt, arrivals are projected to increase at an average annual rate of five per cent. However, there will be no return to pre-crisis levels, with the number of trips to Egypt set to reach just 11.5 million by 2016 (vs. 14.1 million in 2010) according to Euromonitor International.






Bahrain is proud roud to have been awarded ed the Capital of Arab Tourism m for 2013 - it’s now time to o explore our rich tapestry of Culture, ulture, Sports, Leisure and d Eco Tourism.



FOR over 2,000 years, before the boom era of the Phoenicians and Romans, Lebanon has been an important and strategic destination for trade and culture. Today, the cultural diversity of Lebanon can be seen nowhere more clearly than in the capital, Beirut. Now fully redeveloped and renovated, following years of turmoil, downtown Beirut has plenty to offer guests and residents, such as a vast selection of restaurants and cafes – offering international as well as renowned local cuisine – all basking in a Mediterranean climate. Before the recent unrest in Syria led to a serious decline in visitor numbers, Monnot and Gemayzeh had become hot spots for those seeking out the city’s nightlife, with trendy bars, nightclubs and a host of international eateries. Now tourist numbers are in freefall, with a 7.9 per cent drop in the first quarter of this year, compared with the same period on 2011. To put the situation in context, this fall must be added to the 13 per cent drop the country saw last year, compared with 2010. As many tourists had previously entered Lebanon by road through Syria, there currently seems little chance of a strong showing for tourism in the near future. That said, figures recently issued by Value Added Tax refund operator Global Blue show that the total spending by tourists has increased by 36 per cent over the same period. Obviously, if the Lebanese economy is to bounce back, it is imperative that tourism returns, and there is no shortage of tourists who would be attracted to the country if the region were deemed safe.

Lebanon’s 125-mile coastline is dotted with coves, seaside towns and a selection of small resorts and beach clubs that are extremely popular with the locals. Aquatic activities such as waterskiing and windsurfing are popular and the warm sea is ideal for snorkeling. With ecotourism becoming increasingly important, visitors to Lebanon are drawn to the mix of Mediterranean coastline, forests and mountains, as well as sites of historic significance, such as Anjar, Baalbeck, Byblos and the city of Tyre. The stunning Jeita Grotto lies 18 kilometres north of Beirut and stands as the jewel in Lebanon’s crown of natural wonders. A compound of crystallised caves, this treasure trove on intricately formed rock and vaulted spaces that are in parts accessible only by azure lakes. The caves were rediscovered since 1836. Although most notable as a summer destination, there is now growing interest in Lebanon as a winter sports venue, due mainly to the country’s unique geography, which sees alpine and cross-country skiing, and snowmobiling available at resorts situated close to the Mediterranean coast. Lebanon’s mountains, which provide the country with abundant water, are also responsible for another important resource: long-lasting snow. The season generally runs from December to March – sometimes even longer. Each of Lebanon’s resorts has its own unique character: the Cedar is the oldest and the highest; Faraya is the most developed; Laqlouq is considered among the most scenic; Kanat Bakiche is known for its good snow; Faqra and Zaarour are private resorts.

WTM Catalogue 2012 I 257



SHARJAH is the third largest of the United Arab Emirates, and boasts a history reaching back some 6,000

years. Sharjah is making a name for itself among tourists with its huge malls and shopping complexes, but it also offers visitors beautiful sandy beaches and the clear blue waters of the Indian Ocean. With that, of course, comes the opportunity to enjoy diving and fishing, as well as simply relaxing in beautiful year-round sunshine. Another of Sharjah’s largely undiscovered treasures is the Al Dhaid, the peaceful palm oasis at the heart of the Emirate. It’s actually the third largest town in the emirate and is famed for its fruit and vegetables, with strawberries, dates, limes, guava and mangoes a speciality. Although there is no question the Arab Spring has had an adverse effect on visitors to the emirate, there is nonetheless cause to be optimistic about the future of its travel and tourism industry. Tourist arrivals did remain flat last year, according to the Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority (SCTDA), with hotel guest numbers only marginally increasing from 2010. Of the recorded total of 1.56 million, some 843,000 guests used hotel accommodation, an increase on 2010’s figure of around 775,000. Conversely, hotel apartment stays fell from just over 782,000 in 2010, to around 719,000 in 2011. But Mohammad Ali Abdullah Al No'man, Director-General, SCTDA, recently reported that, in an effort to grow the number of

260 I WTM Catalogue 2012

visitors to its shores, Sharjah expects to increase the number of hotel rooms to 12,000 over the next four years, focusing primarily on five star and three star hotels, as well as beach resorts. He said: "We will ensure complete cooperation with all government and private agencies to ensure investment environment is safe and things go off smoothly and swiftly for everyone concerned." The cruise sector is one aspect of tourism showing great promise for Sharjah, with a total of 40 luxury liners expected to arrive during the 2012/2013 season. That represents something like a 50 per cent increase on cruise activity last year, with an impressive 130,000 passengers set to arrive at the Khor Fakkan port by April next year. Obviously, the high-end market is most welcome from a tourism perspective and European and Western visitors are high on the government’s agenda. Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority Chairman HE Mohamed Ali Al Noman recently said: “Europe is our largest feeding market as far as tourism is concerned. This is why such visits by international cruiseliners, especially to the East Coast where the government of Sharjah has been making constant efforts to attract local and international travellers and investors, are to be only welcomed.” The government is clearly determined to grow and improve its tourism offering, and there are healthy signs that tourism will repay the emirate by becoming a powerful economic driver in the coming years.







WTM Official Premier Partner

WTM Catalogue 2012 I 261



11-Infotech System Co Ltd


The Synchronized Ratchada, 9/3 Soi Ratchadapisek 18, Ratchadapisek Rd, Bangkok 10310 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 26929283 +66 26926277 Email: support@11infotech.com Web: www.11infotech.com Contact: Peter TAY Established in 1998, 11-Infotech System Co., Ltd developing various software and Internet Applications for the various Industries in the market. 11-Infotech provides Business Process Outsourcing services to customers in the Travel Industry worldwide.

14-18 Remembered


Departement Du Nord - Mission Cooperation Et Projets Culturels Europeens, 51 Rue Gustave Delory, Lille Cedex 59047 France Tel: +33 359 73 81 93 Email: mathilde.mereau@cg59.fr Web: www.1418remembered.co.uk Contact: Mathilde Mereau Exhibiting with France



14 Afolabi Aina Street, Off Allen Avenue, Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 802 566 8250 Fax: +234 805 395 9070 Email: segun@fly4cheaper.com Web: www.fly4cheaper.com Contact: Segun Oyebolu 9ja Travel Services Limited is a full-fledged Travel Technology Developer. Since 2007, we have been providing cutting-edge (and custom) applications to Domestic Air Travel operators, Hotels, Car hire companies and other tourism-related firms across the globe. We know travel-tech like no one else!


A Hotels & Resorts International

25 ,Floor,alma Links Building,chidlom Rd,ploenchit,lumpinee,prathumwan, Bangkok 10250 Thailand +66 26555007 Tel: Fax: +66 26555009 Email: salesoffice@ahotelsandresorts.com Web: www.ahotelsandresorts.com Contact: Pimlapat Sinlapavisut Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


A T P DMC - ARGENTINA TRAVEL PARTNERS 32CC Group - Irish Coaches/Hello Ireland Tours


Ulster Bank Chambers, 2-4 Lower O’connell Street, Dublin 1 Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 1 8788916 +353 1 8788894 Email: dch@irishcoaches.ie www.irishcoaches.ie Web: Contact: Dónal Hughes Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

365 days of Armenia by SacVoyage


Baghramyan 2/80, Yerevan 25 Armenia Tel: +374 60 44 00 77 Fax: +374 10 54 72 72 Email: info@sacvoyage.am Web: www.sacvoyage.am Contact: Maya Tokhalyan Exhibiting with Armenian National Tourism Organization

Florida 890 - 4º, Buenos Aires 1005 Argentina Tel: +54 11 43159222 Fax: +54 11 52742029 Email: mbegg@atpdmc.com Web: www.atpdmc.com Contact: Merina Begg Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion

138 Boonmitr Building, 10th Floor, B9, Silom Road, Suriyawong, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2 235 1235 +66 2 235 1234 Email: eve@aae.travel Web: www.allasiaexclusive.com Contact: Janejira Vewatanawarangkun Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Aalia on the Ganges, Haridwar 365 TRAVEL - VIETNAM


108, G2building, Thanh Cong, Hanoi 10000 Vietnam +84 438354899 Tel: Fax: +84 437739100 Email: tommy@365travelvietnam.com Web: www.365travelvietnam.com Contact: Cindy Nguyen Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism


22 Rue Bernard Dimey, Paris 75018 France Tel: +33 (0)6 67 32 26 68 Fax: +33 (0)1 58 59 27 82 Email: info@4roues-sous-1parapluie.com Web: www.4roues-sous-1parapluie.com Contact: Aude-Isabelle Toupance Exhibiting with France


51 Buckingham Gate, Westminster, London SW1E 6AF United Kingdom Tel: +44 2078285909 Email: itd.bom@tajhotels.com Web: www.tajhotels.com Contact: Prabhat Verma Exhibiting with Taj Group

68º Lofoten


Hov, Gimsøysand NO-8314 Norway Tel: +47 97 96 78 76 Email: wenche@68lofoten.no Web: www.68lofoten.no Contact: Wenche Lesniak Exhibiting with Visit Norway / Innovation Norway

7°South Ltd - Virtuoso Onsite


Independence Avenue, Mahe P.O.BOX 475 Seychelles Tel: Fax: +248 4292 899 +248 4292 800 Email: maria.morel@seychelles.travel Web: www.7south.net Contact: Anna Butler Payette Exhibiting with Seychelles Tourism Board

262 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012



Wells House, 15 Elmfield Road, Bromley Kent, BR1 1LS United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 8225 4220 Email: sales@aatkings.co.uk Web: www.aatkings.com Contact: Richard Howarth Exhibiting with Australia - Tourism Australia

Abacus African Vacations 51 Buckingham Gate, Taj Suites and Residences


Plot 73 Queens Way Katwe,entebbe Road, Kampala, P.o.box 34944,kampala, Kampala 4013, KLA Uganda Tel: +256 772331332 Fax: 256 Email: robert@abacusvacations.com Web: www.abacusvacations.com Contact: Robert Franklin Begumisa Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD



Carretera General Tf-47 Km9, Tenerife Canary Islands, 38687 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922 126200 +34 922 126528 Email: jacquijmmg@aol.com Web: www.abamahotelresort.com Contact: Jacqui Maison Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

ABBA Hotels


Abbaye De Fontenay, Montbard 21500 France Tel: +33 3 80 92 15 00 Fax: +33 3 80 92 16 88 Email: salazar.fr@abbayedefontenay-pro.com Web: www.abbayedefontenay.com Contact: Francisco Salazar Exhibiting with Vezelay and Fontenay, Burgundy, France

Abbey Tours


City Gate, 22 Bridge St Lower, Dublin 8 Ireland Tel: +353 1 648 6100 Fax: +353 1 648 6109 Email: info@abbey.ie Web: www.abbeytours.ie Contact: Dermot O’’Neill Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Abbey Tours Scotland


2nd Floor, Shandwick House, 67 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh EH2 4SD United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 131 656 5900 Fax: +44 (0) 131 656 5929 Email: Julie@abbeyscotland.co.uk Web: www.abbeyscotland.co.uk Contact: Julie Morris Exhibiting with UKinbound

Abbey Travel


Unit N3, Europa Trading Estate, Erith DA8 1QL United Kingdom Tel: +44 208 312 9514 Email: anna@abbeytravel.com / mike@abbeytravel.com Web: www.abbeytravel-london.co.uk Contact: Mike Crawley Abbey Travel are the coach hire company you can trust. Having built up an enviable reputation for providing a prompt, reliable and professional service, the business has grown to encompass a fleet of 40 vehicles. From Route master double decker buses to luxury coaches & minibuses.

Jpl Hospitality Services Ltd., A 283, First Floor, Okhla Industrial Area Phase 1, New Delhi India, 110020 India Tel: +91 9811831319 Email: naveena@aalia.net Contact: Naveena Guleria Exhibiting with India Tourism

AAT Kings Australia & NZ Tours 4 roues sous 1 parapluie





Berlin, 51 - 53, Barcelona 8014 Spain Tel: +34 933 632 330 Fax: +34 933 632 333 Email: d.garcia@abbahotels.com Web: www.abbahotels.com Contact: David García Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

ABC Travel


Corso Italia, 269, Sorrento (na) 80067 Italy Tel: +39 0818782899 Fax: +39 0818771124 Email: info@abctravel.it Web: www.abctravel.it Contact: Raffaele Ercolano Exhibiting with Incoming Italia


ABCN Travel Management Pvt. Ltd Mumbai, Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra India, India +91 22 43476161 9930298114 Tel: Fax: +91 22 43476162 Email: samir@abcntravels.com Web: www.abcntravels.com Contact: Samir Indulkar Exhibiting with India Tourism



C/ Casablanca, 27. Local 5, Torremolinos Malaga, 29620 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 952370596 +34 952050533 Email: samira@andalucia.org www.abiestravel.com Web: Contact: Alicia Stachowski Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

Abreu DMC


Avenida 25 De Abril, Edificio Abreu 2, Portugal, 2799-556 LINDA-A-VELHA Portugal +351 214156131 Fax: +351 214156383 Tel: Email: pmorgado@abreu.pt Web: www.abreudmc.com Contact: Pedro Morgado Exhibiting with Portugal

Abreu Online


Av 25 De Abril N 2, Edificio Abreu, Linda-a-velha Lisboa, 2799 - 556 Portugal Tel: +351 214156326 Fax: +351 214156367 Email: globalsales@abreuonline.com Web: www.abreuonline.com Contact: Rita Costa Abreu Travel Group, established in Porto in 1840, is one of the leading and most successful travel companies in the travel industry with more than 172 years experience.We have offices in UK,Portugal, Brazil,USA,Spain,Mexico and Angola. Abreu Online is a Global Travel Services Provider.

EXHIBITOR PROFILES Abruzzo Promozione Turismo


Corso Vittorio Emanuele Ii, 301, Pescara 65122 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 08542900243 +39 085429001 Email: servizio.marketing@abruzzoturismo.it Web: www.abruzzoturismo.it Contact: Franco Di Martino Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Absolute Siberia Ltd.


Dekabrskikh Sobytiy Str., 55-203b, Irkutsk Irkutsk Region, 664007 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 3952 296218 +7 3952 619835 Email: travel@absolute-siberia.com Web: www.absolute-siberia.com Contact: Alexey Nikiforov Exhibiting with Russian Federation



0473, Wat Bo Str, Siem Reap Cambodia Tel: +855 63 764 015 Fax: +855 63 764 079 Email: office@absolutecambodia.com Contact: Dara Raksmey Pao Exhibiting with Cambodia, Ministry of Tourism

ABTA - The Travel Association


30 Park Street, London SE1 9EQ United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 3117 0500 Fax: +44 20 3117 0581 Email: events@abta.co.uk Web: www.abta.com Contact: Bianca Williams ABTA has been at the heart of travel for more than 60 years. Our purpose is to help our Members to grow their businesses successfully and have sustainability, and to help their customers – the travelling public – have confidence in their travel experience.

Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital


Po Box 45553, Abu Dhabi, Uae, Abu Dhabi Uae, United Arab Emirates +971 2 5755155 Tel: Email: mmuller@adfh.ae Web: www.falconhospital.com Contact: Margit Gabriele Muller Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Abu Dhabi National Hotels


Via Del Mare, 22, Sorrento - Rome - Venice - Ischia Taormina - Alghero - Viareggio 800 67 Italy Tel: +39 0815329711 Fax: +39 0818784253 Email: info@acampora.it Web: www.acamporatravel.it Contact: Gino Acampora Acampora offers 360 degree support throughout Italy including Fit, Individual & Travel à La Carte, Group Travel, Escorted Coach Tours with guaranteed departure, Business Travel Incentives, Congresses & Conventions, Ground Services, Weddings, Booking on line system, Resort Representation, enogastronomic tours.

Acampora Travel


Via Del Mare, 22, Sorrento 80067 Italy Tel: +39 081 5329711 Fax: +39 081 8784253 Email: info@acampora.it Web: www.acampora.it Contact: Mario Barbato Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



74 A, Ferdinand I Av, Bucharest 2 21393 Romania +40 213141980 Tel: Fax: +40 213141981 Email: office@accenttravel.ro Web: www.accenttravel.ro Contact: Lucian Boronea Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM

122 Blouverad D’’anfa, 8eme Etage, Casablanca Morocco Tel: +212 522474848 Fax: +212 522474544 Email: beramdane@accessholidays.ma Contact: Rzane Bouchaib Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office


Access Uganda Tours Natioanl Theatre, Plot 2,4,6.dewinton Road, Kampala Kampala, P.O.BOX 26286 Uganda Tel: +256 772455423 Email: mutebihassan@yahoo.com www.accessugandatours.com Web: Contact: Hassan Mutebi Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD


Plot 351 B, P.o Box 29493 Balintuma Road, Kampala Uganda, 256 Uganda +256 712 800004 Fax: +256 414532742 Tel: Email: sales@acaciasafari.co.ug Web: www.acaciasafari.co.ug Contact: Connie Tumusiime Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD


28a Shipilovskaya Street, Moscow 115563 Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 660 90 90 Fax: +7 495 662 43 62 Email: info@acase.ru Web: www.acase.ru Contact: Irina Volkova Exhibiting with Russian Federation




1258 (W) Extension Abdel Hamid Badawy St., Bldg 3 Masaken Sheraton, P O Box 11361, Cairo 11111 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 222914794 +20 226965230 Email: mohamed.fawzy@accor.com Web: www.accorhotels.com Contact: Mohamed Fawzy Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Accor Hotels Belux

1258 (W) Extension Abdel Hamid Badawy St., Bldg 3 Masaken Sheraton, P.o.box 11361 Cairo, Egypt, Cairo 11111 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 222914794 +20 226965230 Email: mohamed.fawzy@accor.com Web: www.accorhotels.com Contact: Mohamed Fawzy Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority



Av. Herrmann Debroux, 54, Brussels 1160 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 27180701 +32 475453132 Email: michel.verhoest@accor.com www.accorhotels.com Web: Contact: Michel Verhoest Exhibiting with Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia


C/o Hotel Sofitel Grand Ducal, 40 Boulevard D’avranches, Luxembourg L - 1160 Luxembourg Tel: Fax: +352 26480223 +352 248771 Email: pit.gelz@ont.lu Web: www.accor-hotels.com Contact: Oliver Quiddington Exhibiting with Luxembourg National Tourist Office

Accor Hotels Netherlands


Stationsplein 981, Schiphol 1117 CE Netherlands Tel: Fax: +31 203043564 +31 203043627 Email: thijs.raemaekers@accor.com Web: www.accorhotels.com Contact: Thijs Raemaekers Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)

Accor Hungary / Slovakia


Kethly Anna Ter 1., Budapest 1075 Hungary Tel: +36 14578777 Email: marcel.barf@accor.com Web: www.accorhotels.com Contact: Marcel Barf Exhibiting with Hungarian Tourism Plc.


P O Box 111679, Hassanicor Bldg., Office 301, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 43951136 +971 43951513 Email: kathleen.santos@accor.com Web: www.accorhotels.com Contact: Kathleen Santos Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Accor- Morocco

Avda. Europa, 10 -, Parque Empresarial La Moraleja, Madrid 28108 Spain +34 00 34 914238533 Tel: Email: arantzamb@trasmediterranea.es Web: www.trasmediterranea.es Contact: Celia Crespo Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



Accor Middle East


Access Holidays


Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority conserves and promotes Abu Dhabi emirate’s heritage and culture and leverages them in the development of a world-class, sustainable destination of distinction which enriches the lives of visitors and residents alike. The authority manages the emirate’s tourism sector and markets the destination internationally.


Acampora Travel


Po Box: 94000, Uae, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 24440400 +971 24440444 Email: uk@adta.ae www.visitabudhabi.com Web: Contact: Salma Al Maheri

Acacia Safaris

1356 N Stanley Ave, Los Angeles, Ca 90046 United States Tel: +1 (323)655 8224 Fax: +1 (888)843 3304 Email: ps@academyride.com Web: www.academyride.com Contact: Pauline Sokolovsky Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions


P.o.box 46806, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 24444048 +971 24447327 Email: ks@adnh.com Web: www.adnh.com Contact: Khalfan Al Shamsi Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY



Academy Ground Transportation



Colline Ii N: 33 Route De Nouasser, Casablanca Casblanca, 20 000 Morocco Tel: +212 22977814 Email: Asmaa.NDHIF@accor.com Web: www.accor.com Contact: Asmaa Ndhif Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office

Accord Hotels


5-7/ T. Shevchenko Blvd./pushkinska Str., Kyiv 1004 Ukraine Tel: +380 44 244 13 64 Fax: +380 44 244 12 63 Email: pr@premier-international.net Web: www.accord-hotels.com.ua Contact: Iryna Paleva Exhibiting with Ukraine

Accubook Ltd


The Diamond, Donegal Town County Donegal, Ireland Tel: +353 (0) 74 97 22802 Fax: +353 (0) 74 97 23412 Email: info@accubook.net Web: www.accubook.net Contact: Andrew Bassett AccuBook supplies an integrated online room sales solution to the accommodation industry combining a Website, Booking Engine, Channel Manager and Online Marketing Support. The Technology is mobile enabled and includes a FaceBook Application.AccuBook aims to provide a ‘one-stop’ solution that actively drives online room sales.



Florida 681 - 5º, Buenos Aires Argentina, C1005AAM Argentina +54 11 5219 1583 Fax: +54 11 5276 9283 Tel: Email: reservas@acercarviajes.com.ar Web: www.acercarviajes.com.ar Contact: Jorge Strier Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 263



ACP Rail International

Suite 100, 3rd Floor, Grosvenor Gardens House, London London, SW1W 0BS United Kingdom +44 020 7 953 4062 Tel: Email: philipbarnard@acprail.com Web: www.acprail.com Contact: Philip Barnard Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association



Adaaran Resorts

7th Floor A, Sto Aifaanu Building, Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Male’ Maldives +960 3315238 Tel: Fax: +960 3315237 Email: info@adaaran.com.mv Web: www.adaaran.com Contact: M.U. Lantra Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation


Av. Princep D’asturies, 20, 3a, Barcelona, Barcelona Catalonia, E-08012 Spain Tel: +34 932386891 Email: info@across-spain.es Web: www.across-spain.es Contact: Ignacio Grijalvo Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD


Adriana Travel Adam Travel & Tourism


P.o.box 18123, Amman Jordan, 11195 Jordan Tel: +962 6 5 35 30 62 Fax: +962 65 35 30 69 Email: dimitri.a@adamtravel.net Web: www.adamtraveljordan.com Contact: Dimitri Deschamps Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board

2560 Matheson Blvd East, Suite # 328, Mississauga, On L4W 4Y9 Canada Tel: +1 9052829294 32 Email: edaisley@acta.ca Web: www.acta.ca Contact: Emma Daisley Exhibiting with ASTA


87, Nissi Avenue, Agia Napa 5340 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 23721274 +357 23840000 Email: adams@adams.com.cy www.adams.com.cy Web: Contact: Demetris Tsingis Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Adana Chamber of Commerce ACTE


P.o.box 20958, Lefkosia 1665 Cyprus +357 22374433 Tel: Fax: +357 22374466 Email: info@acte.com.cy Web: www.acte.com.cy Contact: Phidias Karis Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

54, Boulevard Mly Youssef, Residence Mly Youssef, Batiment J, Casablanca 20020 Morocco Tel: +212 522270404 Fax: +212 522274242 Email: info@activ-travel.net Web: www.activ-travel.com Contact: Mounia Fassi Fihri Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office


Active Holiday

43/64 Moo 10 South Pattaya Rd. Nongpure, Banglamung, Chonburi 20150 Thailand Tel: +66 81 353 6861 Fax: +66 38 424 165 Email: activeholidays0506@gmail.com Web: www.activeholidaysasian.com Contact: Suphawee Phromthes Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)



56-58, Republicii Blvd., Brasov Brasov, 500030 Romania +40 268416545 Tel: Fax: +40 368814186 Email: office@activeholidays.ro Web: www.activeholidays.ro Contact: Razvan Prunea Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM



97,icoanei Street, Bucharest 20455 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 314310025 +40 314253095 Email: raluca@europe-active.com Web: www.romania-active.com Contact: Raluca Teodor Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM



Ad & Go On


C/o Booking And Company Limited, Sky Apartments, 177/8, Pieta PTA 2904 Malta Tel: +356 22019888 Email: andrew@bookingandco.com Web: www.addajet.com Contact: Andrew Ransley addaJet.com a cost effective dynamic packaging Hotel internet booking engine, seamlessly integrates in HOTEL website, includes Mobile, Facebook App; engages with customers to facilitate the booking process. Unlike any system Hotels’ benefit with offering all that a customer needs to Book Direct, combining Room, Flight (scheduled/low-cost/charter flights), Airport Transfer, Tours/Excursions.

Adelle Cruises


De Veldoven 4c, Hendrik Ido Ambacht 3342 GR Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)78 6816055 Fax: +31 (0)78 6822104 Email: cor@adelle.nl Web: www.adelle.nl Contact: Cor Giljam Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)

Adobe Rent a Car


Ave 12 St 28, Centro Comercial Plaza Aventura Local 10, San Jose San Jose, 12887-1000 Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 22219248 +506 25424800 Email: info@adobecar.com Web: www.adobecar.com Contact: Alejandro Riggioni Díaz Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board


2, Toamnei Street, Bl.1, Brasov 500223 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 268331515 +40 268321515 Email: marian@activetravel.ro Web: www.activetravel.ro Contact: Marian Tirla Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM


Abidinpasa Caddesi No:52, Adana 1010 Turkey Tel: +90 3223513911 Fax: +90 3223523235 Email: baris@adana-to.org.tr Web: www.adana-to.org.tr Contact: Baris Gokhan Topal Exhibiting with Enterprise Europe Network Mediterranean



Activ ‘Travel



Cumhuriyet Cad Kolay Apt 187/4, Harbiye Sisli, Istanbul Istanbul, Turkey Tel: Fax: +90 3435709 +90 3435717 Email: info@adonis.com Web: www.adonis.com Contact: Umut Can Ersan Adonis.com, is one of the leading B2B sales channel, based in Istanbul, Turkey, provides MICE, hotels accommodation, tours, transfer organizations all around the world. We provide services to travel agents.

Adria Airways


Rua Estrela,164 - Paraiso, Sao Paulo Sao Paulo, 04011-000 Brazil Tel: +55 11 5087 3455 Email: ivonete@adgooneventos.com.br Web: www.adgooneventos.com.br/adgooneventos/ Contact: Ivonete Bombo Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

264 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Zgornji Brnik 130h, Zgornji Brnik 4210 Slovenia Tel: +386 4 259 45 00 Fax: +386 4 259 45 73 Email: alenka.klemen@adria.si Web: www.adria.si Contact: Alenka Klemen Sink Exhibiting with Slovenian Tourist Board


Antuna Mihica 3, Opatija 51 410 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 51271164 +385 51272088 Email: info@adrianatravel.com Web: www.adrianatravel.com Contact: Goran Kolundzic Exhibiting with Croatian National Tourist Board

Adriatica.net d.o.o.




Adrian Hoteles, C/ Paris - Playa Fanabe, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Canary Islands, 38660 Spain +34 922713333 Tel: Fax: +34 922713340 Email: comercial@adrianhoteles.com Web: www.adrianhoteles.com Contact: Nancy Camerbeke Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation


Izidora Krsnjavoga 1, Zagreb Croatia, 10000 Croatia Tel: +385 (1) 6387 730 Fax: +385 (1) 6387 731 Email: marketing@atlas.hr Web: www.adriatica.net Contact: adriatica.net Group is the leading tourism business qualified for destination management in the whole Adriatic region and covers the whole spectrum of travel and tourism services in five main categories: incoming business; tour operators; organisation of corporate travel, meetings, incentives, conferences and events (MICE); retail network and online business.



Service Commercial, Chalet Les Villards, Les Arcs 73700 France +33 33479042455 Tel: Email: corinne.chevance@compagniedesalpes.fr Web: www.lesarcs.com Contact: Corinne Chevance



El Golf 99, 5th Floor, Santiago Santiago, Chile +56 23877057 Tel: Email: jcorrea@adsmundo.cl Web: www.adsmundochile.com Contact: Jaime Correa Exhibiting with Chile

Adventure Camps of Tanzania


P.o. Box 40569, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, P.O BOX 40569 DSM, TANZANIA Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 22 245 2005 Fax: +255 22 245 2004 Email: info@adventurecampstz.com Web: www.adventurecampstz.com Contact: Flo Montgomery Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Adventure Myanmar Tours & Incentives

AS55 No. 27 Inya Myaing Road, Bahan Township, Yangon Myanmar Tel: +95 1 502901 502905 Fax: +95 1502906 502907 Email: aye@adventuremyanmar.com Web: www.adventuremyanmar.com Contact: May Myat Thaw Exhibiting with Myanmar Tourism Federation (Marketing Committee)



Rua Barao De Ipanema, Nr. 56, 601, Copacabana, Rio De Janeiro Rj, 22050-030 Brazil Tel: +55 2125482129 Fax: +55 2125480644 Email: santiago@adwbrasil.com.br Web: www.adwbrasil.com.br Contact: Vera Ribeiro Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Aegean Airlines


31, Viltanioti, Kifissia, Athens 145 64 Greece Tel: +30 210 6261 700 Fax: +30 201 6261 901 Email: contact@aegeanair.com www.aegeanair.com Web: Contact: Angie Prokopiou Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation



9c Skyway Offices, 177-179 Marina Seafront, Pieta Pieta, PTA9042 Malta Tel: Fax: +356 21252397 +356 21252388 Email: robin.oakes@aeolos.com Web: www.aeolosmalta.com Contact: Robin Oakes Exhibiting with Malta Tourism Authority



6 Zenas Kanther Str., Lefkosia 1065 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 22671522 +357 22881244 Email: apa@aeolos.com Web: www.aeolos.com Contact: Antje Papageorgiou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Avenida Casimiro Ulloa Nº227 San Antonio, Miraflores, Lima Peru, LIMA 18 Peru Tel: +51 4476824 Email: mcamacho@aerodiana.com.pe Web: www.aerodiana.com.pe Contact: Monica Camacho Torres Exhibiting with PromPeru



Aeropuertos Dominicanos Siglo Xxi, S. A., Las Americas Internacional Airport, Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Tel: +1809 2610000 Email: M.Iglesias@aerodom.com Web: www.aerodom.com Contact: Maximo Iglesias Exhibiting with Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism



P O Box 689, Entebbe Uganda Tel: +256 31 7333000 Fax: +256 31 7333000 Email: anne.barare@aerolinkuganda.com Web: www.aerolinkuganda.com Contact: Anne Barare Exhibiting with Airkenya Express



Mantuleasa Street, No 31, District 2, Bucharest Romania Tel: Fax: +40 213167308 +40 731600028 Email: nicoleta.finteanu@aerotravel.ro Web: www.aerotravel.ro Contact: Nicoleta Finteanu Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM

African Bush Camps

African Environments Ltd


7 Meridian House, Nazeing New Road, Nazeing Hertfordshire, EN10 6SX United Kingdom Tel: +44 8459000420 Fax: +44 8459000422 Email: admin@affordablecarhire.com Web: www.affordablecarhire.com Contact: Angela Day Award Winning Affordable Car Hire & The Only ABTA Principal Member working with over 160 suppliers in 6500 worldwide locations. Our State-of-the-Art Booking Website displays unique features and provides XML & White Label facilities,offering fantastic commission levels. Visit us in the Global Village GV480. Car Rental

Africa Israel Hotels- Crowne Plaza & Holiday Inn Hotels


3 Moshe Dayan Street, Yehud Israel Tel: Fax: +972 37602035 +972 35394459 Email: sharonar@hiil.co.il Web: www.afi-hotels.com Contact: Nitza Koerner Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

Africa Runners Co Ltd

African Hotels and Adventures





Estrada Monumental, 252, Funchal Portugal, 9004-504 FUNCHAL Portugal Tel: Fax: +351 291700622 +351 291700600 Email: regina@windsortravel.ws Web: www.windsormadeira.com Contact: Regina Franco Exhibiting with Portugal


The Valencia Region represents the Costa Blanca (Alicante), Benidorm, Valencia and Castellón province. The region offers a diverse choice, from relaxing holidays to activity packed holidays with options of great city breaks, rural or nautical tourism, theme parks, sports and golf, together with superb beaches and an enviable climate.

Agenzia del Turismo Varese




Viale Ippodromo, 9, Varese 21100 Italy Tel: +39 0332 252071 Fax: +39 0332 252078 Email: agenzia@turismovarese.com Web: www.vareselandoftourism.it Contact: Andrea Buffarello Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Agenzia di accoglienza e promozione turistica locale della Provincia di Novara

Plot 3, 2nd Floor, Suite 8, Station House, P.o.box 4562, Kampala Uganda, KLA Uganda Tel: +256 414 233566 774950238 Fax: +256 414235770 Email: apsafari@africaonline.co.ug Web: www.africanpearlsafaris.com Contact: EDRIS KAMOGA Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD


Baluardo Quintino Sella 40, Novara Italy, 28100 Italy +39 0321394059 Tel: Fax: +39 0321631063 Email: info@turismonovara.it Web: www.turismonovara.it Contact: Paola Colombo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Agenzia Regionale per la Promozione Turistica ‘in Liguria’


Via Roma 3/11, Genova Liguria, 16121 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0105958507 +39 010530821 Email: fiere@agenziainliguria.it Web: www.turismoinliguria.it Contact: Enrica Rossi



54 Parklane, Harare Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Tel: +263 42505017 Email: maxwelmo@africansun.co.zw Web: www.africansunhotels.com Contact: MAXWELL MOYO Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY

25, Agias Mavris, Agia Napa 5340 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 23725880 +357 99639483 Email: lakisav@cytanet.com.cy Web: www.agianapaprotarashotels.org.cy Contact: Lakis Avraamides Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Agjencia Kombetare e Turizmit Albanian National Tourism Agency

EM1160 AF498

P.o Box 179, Usa River, Arusha Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 789558744 Fax: +255 789558744 Email: info@african-view.com Web: www.african-view.com Contact: Denise Wilkinson Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


Agência de Viagens Windsor

Avenida Aragon 30, 8º, Valencia 46021 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 963986001 +34 963986000 Email: promocion_turisme@gva.es Web: www.valenciaregion.com Contact: Jose David Aledo

P O Box 654, Cape Town Western Cape, 8000 South Africa Tel: Fax: +27 214653377 +27 214653530 Email: graeme@aha.travel Web: www.ahagroup.co.za Contact: Graeme Edmond Exhibiting with South African Tourism



Conseil Regional Du Tourisme D’agadir, Chambre De Commerce Et D’industrie D’agadir, Agadir. Bp 1014 Agadir, Morocco Tel: Fax: +212 528842595 +212 528842629 Email: crtdaga@menara.ma Contact: Abdeljebar Chahdan Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office

Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

P.o Box 20671, Maun Botswana Tel: +267 6861523 Email: bnavarro@botswanatourism.org.uk Web: www.africanhorseback.com Contact: Riana Fouries Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation

African View (T) Ltd

Plot 79 Bukoto Street, P.o Box 27751, Kampala Kampala, KLA Uganda Tel: +256 772400701 0312250014 Fax: +256 312262659 Email: info@africarunners.co.ug Web: www.africarunners.co.ug Contact: HADIJA NAGUJJA Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD


547 Mbaazi Close, Off Mbaazi Avenue, Off Kingara Road, Lavington, Nairobi Kenya, 200 Kenya Tel: +254 020 3878449 Fax: +254 020 3878446 Email: david@african-horizons.com Web: www.african-horizons.com Contact: David Njuguna Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

African Horseback Safaris

Agadir Souss Massa Draa Regional Tourism Council


Po Box 16080, Arusha, Arusha Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 27 2508625 Fax: +255 732 979964 Email: adventure@africanenvironments.com Web: www.africanenvironments.com Contact: Richard Beatty Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board



Affordable Car Hire


Annex 4 Sharing Center Gaba Road, P.o Box 26784, Nsambya Uganda, KLA Uganda Tel: +256 0414 597257 Fax: +256 0414 597257 Email: tours@adventure-travellers.com Web: www.adventure-travellers.com Contact: Robert Mugabe Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD

54 Park Road, Surburbs, Bulawayo Zimbabwe, Botswana Tel: +267 9234 307 Email: bnavarro@botswanatourism.org.uk Web: www.africanbushcamps.com Contact: Beks Ndlovu Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation



African Adventure Travellers



53, Gagarin Str., 38 H., Samarkand Uzbekistan, 140100 Uzbekistan Tel: +998 712337896 Fax: +998 662348336 Email: info@afsona-travel.com Web: www.afsona-travel.com Contact: Shohista Saydaminova Exhibiting with Uzbekistan

Str. Muhamet Gjollesha, Ish-godina Shtepia Botuese 8nentori, Tirane, Tirana Albania, 1010 AL Albania Tel: Fax: +355 42260224 +355 42273778 Email: info@akt.gov.al Web: www.albaniantourism.com Contact: Teuta Osmanaj Albanian National Tourism Organization is a governal organization under the Ministry of Tourism Culture Youth and Sports. One of its principal duties is the promotion of Albania like an active and potential tourist destinations which can offer a lot of possibilities for all the tourists who want to visit it.

Agriturismo I Fornari


Via Localita Fornari, 2, Stella Cilento 84070 Italy Tel: +39 0974 909204 Fax: +39 0974 909907 Email: info@agriturismoifornari.it Web: www.agriturismoifornari.it Contact: Vittorio De Marco Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 265





Travel Agents Agta (uk), 130 Woodfield Way, London N11 2NU United Kingdom +44 0208 889 8395 Tel: Email: yannis@agta.co.uk Web: www.agta.co.uk Contact: Yannis Efthymiou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Air Iceland

Air India


Ahilya Fort

A-178, Saini Bhawan, First Floor, Bhishmah Pitamah Marg, Kotla Mubarakpur, New Delhi India, 110003 India Tel: +91 9810306178 Email: durgesh@ahilyafort.com Web: www.ahilyafort.com Contact: Durgesh Chaddha Exhibiting with MAhout (UK) Ltd


Reykjavik Airport, Reykjavik 101 Iceland Tel: +354 5703070 Email: websales@airiceland.is Web: www.airiceland.is Contact: Ingi Thor Guðmundsson Exhibiting with Visit Iceland

Wilson Airport, P. O. Box 30357 - 00100, Nairobi Kenya, 100 Kenya +254 20 391 6000 Fax: +254 20 600 2951 Tel: Email: cheryl@airkenya.com Web: www.airkenya.com Contact: Cheryl Desouza


1st Floor Great West House, Great West Road, Brentford Middlesex, TW8 9DF United Kingdom Tel: +44 0208 745 1029 Email: p1ai@hotmail.co.uk Web: www.airindia.in Contact: Yogesh Mundhwa Exhibiting with India Tourism




AHKE Adventure Travel

Po Box 1134, Chang Lam St., Thimphu Bhutan, 1134 Bhutan Tel: Fax: +975 2336335 +975 2338117 Email: nyendra.wangchuk@bhutanecoventure.com Contact: Nyendra Wangchuk Exhibiting with Bhutan (Tourism Council of)



Av Princep De Gaulle 13, Baixos, Escaldes-engordany AD700 Andorra Tel: +376 806095 Email: jparis@ahotels.com Web: www.ahotels.com Contact: Jordi Paris Exhibiting with Andorra Turisme, S.A.U.

P.o.box 855, P.o.box 855, Moshi Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 27 2750248 Fax: +255 272750248 Email: gilbert@ahsantetours.com Web: www.ahsantetours.com Contact: Nelly Mvamba Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


Air Botswana P.o. Box 92, Gaborone Botswana Tel: Fax: +267 3974802 +267 3688400 Email: bnavarro@botswanatourism.org.uk www.airbotswana.co.bw Web: Contact: Daphne Osenkeng Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation


Air Mauritius



Ground Floor Suite, Chiswick Place, 272 Gunnersbury Avenue, London W4 5QB United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 7041 Email: jmoore@airmauritius.com Web: www.airmauritius.com Contact: Jeremy Moore Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority


Edwardstone Hall, Edwardstone, Suffolk CO10 5PH United Kingdom Tel: +44 01787 211668 Email: info1airpacific@aol.com Web: www.airpacific.com Contact: Debbie Lewis-Brown Exhibiting with Fiji (Tourism Fiji)

Air Seychelles

Suite 8, Fulham Business Exchange, The Boulevard, London SW6 2TL United Kingdom Tel: +44 871 423 0717 Fax: +44 2074865458 Email: uksales@air-europa.com Web: www.aireuropa.com Contact: Maria Alvarez Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Air Excel Ltd.


Air Malta House, 314-316 Upper Richmond Rd, Putney London, SW15 6TU United Kingdom Tel: +44 208 394 5024 Fax: +44 2087857468 Email: uk-sales.airmalta@airmalta.com Web: www.airmalta.com Contact: Giovanni Costa Exhibiting with Malta Tourism Authority

Air Pacific

Lhr 6987, Radius Park, Hatton Cross TW14 0NJ United Kingdom +44 020 8750 8486 Tel: Email: pratt.frances@ctc-cct.ca Web: www.aircanada.com Contact: Robert Atkinson Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission


Air Malta


Amathountas 2, Sun City Complex, Shop 15, Limassol Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 25310864 +357 25314655 Email: info@aionas.com Web: www.aionas.com Contact: Demetris Nicolaou Exhibiting with Network 4 Sports Travel

Air Canada


73, Boulevard Haussman, Paris France, 75008 France +33 153438833 Tel: Fax: +33 143793033 Email: herve.audouard@airmadagascar.fr Web: www.airmadagascar.com Contact: Hervé AUDOUARD Exhibiting with Madagascar National Tourism Board


Ahsante Tours and Safaris Ltd

Aionas Travel

33-49, Corner Of Bank Street & Maha Bandoola Garden Street, Kyauktada Towship, Yangon 11182 Myanmar Tel: Fax: +95 1372983 +95 1373766 Email: sunge@airkbz.com.mm www.airkbz.com Web: Contact: Su Nge Htwe Exhibiting with Myanmar Tourism Federation (Marketing Committee)




28 Blvd Saint Germain, Paris Paris, 75005 France Tel: +33 12345678 Email: julian@tahiti-tourisme.co.uk www.airtahitinui.com Web: Contact: Julian Mills Exhibiting with Tahiti Tourisme


405 London Road, Croydon Surrey, CR0 3PE United Kingdom Tel: +44 442086887744 Fax: +44 442086862534 Email: info@aplcars.com Web: www.airport-pickups-london.com Contact: Jay Yila Airport Pickups London. We are a London based company specialised in transfers to/from London Airports and UK Cruise ports. We are fully licensed private hire company and our Taxi and Private Hire licence no is :08004/01/01.


Airwing Tours (pvt) Ltd 68, Colombo Road, Negombo Sri Lanka Tel: Fax: +94 312238155 +94 312236620 Email: mervyn@airwingtours.com Web: www.airwingtours.com Contact: Mervyn Fernandopulle Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau


Aitken Spence Hotels

Tower Ii, 5th Floor, 315 Vauxhall Street, Colombo 02 Sri Lanka, 200 Sri Lanka Tel: Fax: +94 112433755 +94 112499627 Email: hussainj@aitkenspence.lk Web: www.aitkenspencehotels.com Contact: Hussain Jayar


Aitken Spence Travels (pvt) Ltd 315 Vauxhall Street, Colombo - 2 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 112308008 Email: prasanjit@aitkenspence.lk Web: www.aitkenspencetravels.com Contact: Prasanjit Perera Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau


Ak- Sai Travel Ltd. 65, Baytik Batira Str., Bishkek Kyrgyzstan, 720005 Kyrgyzstan Tel: +996 312591759 Fax: +996 312591790 Email: info@ak-sai.com www.ak-sai.com Web: Contact: Elena Kalashnikova Exhibiting with Silk Road Destinations


Akay Plaza, Aspendos Bulvari No:0274, Antalya 7200 Turkey Tel: +90 2423120001 Fax: +90 2423218841 Email: aydin@akaytour.com Web: www.akaytour.com Contact: ETHEM OKUDUR Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


P O Box 2834, Johannesburg 2125 South Africa +27 11 326 4172 Fax: +27 11 326 4173 Tel: Email: Andre@akilanga.co.za Web: www.akilanga.com Contact: Andre Laget Exhibiting with South African Tourism


Akquasun Lanka (pvt) Ltd


Grays Inn Road 91, London London, WC1X8TX United Kingdom +44 02074003010 Fax: +44 02072429675 Tel: Email: smaragoudakis@airfasttickets.co.uk Web: www.airfasttickets.co.uk Contact: Phippa Barrett A fast-growing, international online travel agency which was founded in 2009. We arrange travel for almost 15 million people worldwide and have offices in the USA, UK, Germany and Greece.

266 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Airport Pickups London

Akilanga DMC & Events


P.o.box 12731, Arusha Tanzania, Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 27 254 8429 Fax: +255 27 254 8429 Email: gm@airexcelonline.com Web: www.airexcelonline.com Contact: Francois-Xavier Le Vaillant Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Airkenya Express based at Wilson Airport is a domestic airline offering scheduled and charter services within Kenya and the East African region. Airkenya traditionally flies the tourist circuit with scheduled flights into the Masai Mara, Samburu, Meru, Lewa, Nanyuki, Amboseli, Lamu, Malindi & Diani. A Nakuru schedule commences December 2012.


Po Box 386, Mahe Mahe, Seychelles Tel: Fax: +248 391350 +248 391242 Email: maria.morel@seychelles.travel Web: www.airseychelles.com Contact: Robin Middleton Exhibiting with Seychelles Tourism Board

Air Tahiti Nui


Airkenya Express

12th Floor, East Tower, World Trade Centre, Colombo 01 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 777342194 Email: chaminda@akquasungroup.com Contact: Chaminda Dias Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau



P.o.box 62084, Pafos CY 8060 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 26273777 +357 26272777 Email: administration@aktivillage.com Web: www.aktivillage.com Contact: ANTONIS ARISTODEMOU Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation



Nagymezo U. 54-56., Budapest H-1065 Hungary Tel: +36 12146262 Email: aktivtours@aktivtours.hu Web: www.aktivtours.hu Contact: Judit Kanel Exhibiting with Hungarian Tourism Plc.

Al Bustan Hotel


P.o.box 11-3764, Beirut Beit Mery, 1107-2150 Lebanon Tel: Fax: +961 4 972439 +961 (4) 870400 Email: hbassoul@albustan-lb.com Web: www.albustanhotel.com Contact: Habib Bassoul Exhibiting with LEBANON Ministry of Tourism

Al Bustan Palace, A Ritz-Carlton Hotel


Po Box 1998, Postal Code: 114, Muscat 114 Oman Tel: Fax: +968 24706300 +968 24799666 Email: Pierre.Sabbagh@ritzcarlton.com Web: www.ritzcarlton.com Contact: Pierre Sabbagh Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry

Al Diar Hotels



P.o. Box 5666, Sharjah United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 65160011 +971 65160000 Email: gdsm@alhamrahotel.net Web: www.alhamrahotel.net Contact: Fahim Zaman Exhibiting with Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority

Al Maha, A Luxury Collection Desert Resort and Spa


Po Box 118887, Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 42033727 Email: nadim.belbeisi@starwoodhotels.com Web: www.al-maha.com Contact: Nadim Belbeisi Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Al Manzil and QamarDeen Hotels


Emaar Boulevard, The Old Town, Downtown Dubai, Dubai 114822 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 44285999 +971 44285888 Email: YolandiB@emaar.ae Web: www.almanzilhotel.ae Contact: Yolandi Brooks Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Al Masaood Travel


Al Nasar Street, Abu Dhabi Uae, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 26211797 Email: svetlana@almasaoodtravel.com Web: www.almasaoodtravel.com Contact: Svetlana Climina Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Al Nahda Resort & Spa


P.o.box 502, Barka 320 Oman Tel: +968 99257553 Email: zahra.alamri@alnahdaresort.com Web: www.alnahdaresort.com Contact: Zahra Al Amri Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry

AL RAGOBA TOURS Tripoli, Tripoli Libya Tel: +218 912139629 Email: SAFARI121@HOTMAIL.COM Contact: ABDULGAESM AHMED Exhibiting with LIBYAN EXPORT PROMOTION CENTER



Al Mina Road, Art Tower, Dubai Uae, 24713 United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 393 3333 Fax: +971 4 393 3399 Email: carol@arthq.ae Web: www.alrais.com/ Contact: Carol Lewis Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing


AL TAYYAR GROUP EGYPT 5 Al Obour Building, Nasr City Cairo, Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 224042119 +20 224042118 Email: egygroup@altayyareg.com Web: www.altayyareg.com Contact: Manal Saad Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Al Thuraya Travel & Tours (T3 Group) DMC

P.o Box: 73837, Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates, 73837 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 26998244 +971 26998331 Email: sales.aldiar@adnh.com Web: www.aldiarhotels.com Contact: Mohamed Foud Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Al Hamra Hotel

Al Rais Travel & Shipping Agencies LLC




Alabama Po Box 4927, Montgomery Al, 36103 United States Tel: +1 3342424459 Email: grey.brennan@tourism.alabama.gov Web: www.alabama.travel Contact: Grey Brennan

Alamo Rent A Car & National Car Rental


126 Dyke Road, Brighton East Sussex, BN1 3TE United Kingdom +44 1273 764 565 Fax: +44 1273739390 Tel: Email: niedzielskic@goalamo.com Web: www.alamo.co.uk Contact: Céline Niedzielski With more than 35 years of experience and innovation, Alamo Rent A Car is the market leader in serving international leisure travelers visiting North America. Alamo provides a low-cost, hassle-free and friendly car rental experience for families and vacationers travelling to The Americas.

Alamos Travel Service


Calle Nichupte Mza 13 It 1 Casa B, Reg 507 Ek Balam, Cancun Quintana Roo, 77353 Mexico +52 9988871323 Fax: +52 9988921147 Tel: Email: gabriele@alamostravel.com Web: www.alamostravel.com Contact: GABRIELE BINAGHI Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board



Ataturk Cad. No:51/6, Sen Apt., Alanya Turkey, 7400 Turkey Tel: +90 2425117621 Fax: +90 2425139890 Email: sedaozbek@alanya.cc Web: www.alanya.com.tr Contact: SEDA OZBEK Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


AlbaTravelGroup are a leading European B2B travel company with thousands of unbeatable hotel contracts worldwide provided by our contracting arm WorldwideHotelLink. With 72,500 hotels available at net rates via XML, White Label or password at our website www.albatravelgroup.biz we’re the number 1 hotel booking website for 19,500 travel agents worldwide.


Blvd. ‘B. Curri’, P. 1 Maj, 3/24, Perballe Gjykates Se Tiranes, Tirana 1010 Albania Tel: +355 4 2251 581 Fax: +355 4 6300 748 Email: contact@albaniaexplorer.com www.AlbaniaExplorer.com Web: Contact: Alma Llusku Exhibiting with Agjencia Kombetare e Turizmit - Albanian National Tourism Agency


Via Rimassa 51/1, Genova Ge, 16129 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0105299873 +39 0105299206 Email: incoming.ge@albatravel.it Web: www.albatraveliguria.it Contact: Alessandra Conte Exhibiting with Agenzia Regionale per la Promozione Turistica ‘in Liguria’

Albatros-Travel, Ltd


25v, Gorkogo Str., Kyiv 1004 Ukraine Tel: +380 44 495 56 70 Fax: +380 44 495 56 71 Email: info@albatros.travel Web: www.albatros.travel Contact: Ksenia Salkina Exhibiting with Ukraine

Albedest Salento Bici tour

The Alabama Tourism Department is the official destination marketing organization representing tourism destinations in the southern USA state of Alabama. We offer itinerary suggestions, destination information and trail guides centered on particular themes. Major cities in Alabama include Auburn, Birmingham, Gulf Shores, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery and Tuscaloosa.


Viale Ancona, 24, Venice - Mestre Italy, 30127 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 41 5200781 +39 41 5210123 Email: alessandro@whluk.biz Web: www.albatravelgroup.biz Contact: Dino Scaggiante


P.o. Box 1883, Amman Jordan, 11821 Jordan Tel: +962 6 553 5525 Fax: +962 6 553 8828 Email: ceo@althurayatravel.com Web: www.althurayatravel.com Contact: Fadi Abu Areish Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board



Via Luigi Ferrari 2, Parabita Italy Tel: +39 0833867757 Email: salentobici@gmail.com Contact: Carlo Cascione Exhibiting with Regione Puglia

Albergo Miramare


Piazza Giardini 12, Dorgali Sardinia, 8020 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0784 93469 +39 0784 93140 Email: info@htlmiramare.it Web: www.htlmiramare.it Contact: Sebastian Mulas Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

ALBTOURS D - Incoming Tour Operator in Balkan


Rruga Deshmoret 4 Shkurti / Pall 11 Fl Perball Sky Tower, Tirana Albania, 1019 Albania Tel: Fax: +355 42253342 +355 42263879 Email: info@albtoursd.al Web: www.albtoursd.al Contact: Enver Memeti Exhibiting with Agjencia Kombetare e Turizmit - Albanian National Tourism Agency

ALDAR Properties PJSC


Al Najda Street, Abu Dhabi 51133 United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 28105873 Email: shawissa@aldar.com Web: www.aldar.com Contact: Selma Hawissa Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Aldemar Hotels


262 Kifissias Ave, Athens - Kifissia Greece, 145 62 Greece Tel: +30 210 6288400 Fax: +30 210 8017451 Email: m.kalliontzi@aldemarhotels.com Web: www.aldemarhotels.com Contact: Manty Kalliontzi Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation



Petru Movila 200a, Piatra Neamt Neamt, 617513 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 233231431 +40 233231431 Email: d.anghel@aldo-travel.ro www.aldo-travel.ro Web: Contact: Doinita Anghel Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM

Alentejo Promotion Bureau


Rua Dr. Manuel Baptista Dos Reis, Nº 6, Grandola Portugal, 7570-284 Portugal Tel: Fax: +351 269498687 +351 269498680 Email: info@turismodoalentejo.pt Web: www.visitalentejo.com Contact: António Lacerda Exhibiting with Portugal

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 267



Aletsch Arena & Art Furrer Hotels


P.o. Box, Riederalp 3987 Switzerland Tel: +41 27 928 44 88 Email: mario.braide@artfurrer.ch Web: www.artfurrer.ch Contact: Mario Braide Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Alexala - Tourism Alessandria & Monferrato



Explanada De Espana, 1, Alicante Alicante, 3002 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 965147052 +34 965143452 Email: raquel.hernandez@alicante-ayto.es Web: www.alicanteturismo.com Contact: Mar Saez Espi Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme


Alliance Hospitality


Immeuble Le Diapason, 216-218 Avenue Jean Jaures, Paris Cedex 19 75934 France Tel: +33 1 53 38 37 48 Fax: +33 1 53 38 40 60 Email: isabelle.digiovanni@alliance-hospitality.com Web: www.alliance-hospitality.com Contact: Isabelle Di Giovanni Exhibiting with France

Alpine Sterling DMC


Alpine House, Naxxar Road, San Gwann San Gwann, SGN 9032 Malta +356 25766003 Tel: Fax: +356 25766025 Email: warren.zahra@alpinemalta.com Web: www.alpinemalta.net Contact: Warren Zahra Exhibiting with Malta Tourism Authority


Alps of Lake Geneva Region

C/o Villars Tourism, Rue Centrale, Villars Sur Ollon 1884 Switzerland Tel: +41 24 495 50 77 Email: promotion@villars.ch Web: www.alpes.ch Contact: Guy Chanel Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism


Av. 5 De Outubro, 18, Faro Algarve, 8000-076 FARO Portugal Tel: +351 289800403 Fax: +351 289800466 Email: ata@atalgarve.pt Web: www.algarvepromotion.pt Contact: Patricia Lobato Exhibiting with Portugal

Alicante City Tourist Board & Convention Bureau


2nd Floor, 1a Gateway Mews, Bounds Green London, N11 2UT United Kingdom +44 02031500352 Fax: +44 392 223 9217 Tel: Email: ekilim@a1cyprus.com Web: www.a1cyprus.com Contact: Erkan Kilim Exhibiting with North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd

Piazza S.maria Di Castello, 14, Alessandria 15121 Italy Tel: +39 0131288095 Fax: +39 0131220546 Email: info@alexala.it Web: www.alexala.it Contact: Giovanni Penno Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Algarve Promotion Bureau

All Year Cyprus Travel


P.o. Box 30450, Agia Napa 5343 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 23722901 +357 23722900 Email: alion@alion-beach.com.cy Web: www.alion.com Contact: PANICOS MICHAEL Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Alizee Resort Management Ltd

All Asia Exclusive Travel Co., Ltd.




Level 5, 115 Clarence St, Sydney 2000 Australia Tel: +61 61 2 9249 0800 Email: skm@aptc.com.au Web: www.aptc.com.au Contact: Stephanie Karst-McGrath Exhibiting with Australia - Tourism Australia

All Reps LTDA


Calle 97 Bis # 19 - 20 Of. 502, Bogota Colombia Tel: +57 (1)7434113 Email: managerdb@allreps.com Web: www.allreps.com Contact: Natalia Ortiz Bautista Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia

All Seasons Resort-Europa

AlliedTPro is a receptive tour operator, operating as a wholesaler of travel products in the United States. AlliedTPro represents over 75 years of professional handling of leisure/incentive travel to the U.S.A. AlliedTPro is one of the largest receptive Tour Operators offering an array of travel products across the USA.



Plaza Bendicho S/n, Almeria Almeria, 4001 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 959264575 +34 950621117 Email: jagonzap@dipalme.org Web: www.almeria-turismo.org Contact: JOSE ANTONIO GONZALEZ Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA



Al Owais Bldg- 5th Floor, Al Ittihad Road, Dubai United Arab Emirates, 25718 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 42948416 +971 42949888 Email: ghassana@alphatoursdubai.com www.alphatoursdubai.com Web: Contact: Margie Portillo Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Alpha Travel (UK) LTD


98 Bessborough Road, Harrow HA1 3DH United Kingdom +44 02084230220 Fax: +44 02084230201 Tel: Email: caroline@alphauk.co.uk Web: www.arpsafaris.com Contact: Dipan Shah Alpha Travel is the international sales and marketing arm of the group. With over 40 years experience in operating safaris, Ranger and Pollman’s are two of the most respected operators in East Africa. Both offer personal touches, quality products and excellent services, but importantly, constantly ensure good value for money.

Alpha Travel Consultants GmbH


Mahlower Str. 23 -24, Berlin Germany, 12049 Germany Tel: +49 3078 90 68 0 Email: alpha@alpha-travel.de Web: www.alpha-travel.de Contact: Susanne Ceron Baumann Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board


Palm Avenue, Sunset Crest, St. James Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4320893 +1246 4325046 Email: soni@allseasonsresort.bb Web: www.allseasonsresort.bb Contact: Soni Kessuram Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

268 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Alpine Nature Beyond Pvt. Ltd.

Alsace Tourism - Bas-Rhin


4 Rue Bartisch, Strasbourg ., 67100 France Tel: Fax: +33 388756764 +33 388154583 Email: claudine.levy@tourisme67.com www.tourisme67.com Web: Contact: Claudine Levy Exhibiting with France

Alsace Tourism - Haut-Rhin


1 Rue Schlumberger, Colmar 68000 France Tel: +33 (0)3 89 20 10 50 Fax: +33 (0)3 89 23 33 91 Email: adtpromo2@tourisme68.com Web: www.haute-alsacetourisme.com Contact: Cathy Heller Exhibiting with France


Alsisar Hotels

Avda. Arquitecto Julian Laguna, Urb. Almerimar, El Ejido Almeria, 4711 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 950497146 +34 950497007 Email: samira@andalucia.org Web: www.arhoteles.com Contact: Ignacio Hidalgo Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

Alpha Tours L.L.C

29/1 Gant Gaw Myaing Street, 23rd Ward, Thingangyun Yangon, 11072 Myanmar Tel: Fax: +95 1 573400 +95 1 573400 Email: mail@allasiaexclusive.asia Web: www.allasiaexclusive.asia Contact: Phyoe Wai Yar Zar Exhibiting with Myanmar Tourism Federation (Marketing Committee)

All Pacific Travel Concept (APTC)

500, Seventh Ave, 9th Floor, New York 10018 United States Tel: +1 441689829126 Fax: +1 441689834542 Email: Sales@AlliedTPro.com www.alliedtpro.com Web: Contact: Jason Tapper


Route Royal, Trou Aux Biches Mauritius Tel: Fax: +230 265 7035 +230 204 5015 Email: rajesh.buton@alizeeresort.com Web: www.alizeeresort.com Contact: Rajesh Buton Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority



Alsisar Haveli, Sansar Chandraroad, Jaipur Rajasthan, 302001 India Tel: +91 9828301340 Fax: +91 141 2364652 Email: alsisar@alsisar.com Web: www.alsisar.com Contact: abhimanyu Singh Exhibiting with Rajasthan, Palaces & Tigers


Altman Real Estate Derricks, St. James Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4322147 +1246 4320840 Email: jan.gordon@aaaltman.com www.aaaltman.com Web: Contact: Jan Gordon Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

Alviani Viaggi


Piazza Andrea Veniero, 15/16, Sorrento 80067 Italy Tel: +39 0818073046 Fax: +39 0818071791 Email: info@alvianiviaggi.com Web: www.alvianiviaggi.com Contact: ANTONIO ALVIANI Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Amadablam Adventure Group


Kamal Pokhari, Kumarithan, Kathmandu Nepal, 977 Nepal +977 14415372 Tel: Fax: +977 14434491 Email: himalaya.sales@amadablam.wlink.com.np Web: www.amadablam-adventures.com or www.trekking-nepal.com Contact: Ravi Chandra Hamal Exhibiting with Nepal Tourism Board

Amadeo Travel Solutions


25 Pompton Avenue, 101, Verona New Jersey, 7044 United States Tel: +1 2126420915 Email: jzuk@amadeotravel.com www.amadeotravel.com Web: Contact: Jonathan Zuk Exhibiting with NYC & Company


3rd Floor, Anand Mangal Square, 57 Station Feeder Road, Siliguri 744001 India Tel: +91 9733000591 Fax: +91 3532500656 Email: partha@naturebeyond.org Web: www.east-himalaya.com Contact: Pallab Bhattacharya Exhibiting with Inbound Tour Operators Council (ITOC) - West Bengal

Amadeus Travel Agency Santa Barbara De Heredia De La Finca Viquez 100 Norte,betania, San Jose Costa Rica +506 22693423 Tel: Fax: +506 22699506 Email: amadeus@ice.co.cr Web: www.amadeus.co.cr Contact: Wolfgang Spelitz Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board



Amani Tiwi Beach Resort

Ukunda South Coast, P. O. Box 1877-80400, Nairobi Kenya, 80400 Kenya Tel: +254 2037431683743169 Fax: +254 204444197 Email: marketing@cottstravel.com Web: www.kenyaluxuryhotel.com Contact: Indish Sandhu Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board



Rua Saldanha Marinho, Numero 321,centro, Manaus 69010040 Brazil Tel: +55 92 21233818 Fax: +55 92 21233803 Email: amazonastur.dpmt@gmail.com Web: www.visitamazonas.am.gov.br Contact: ORENI SILVA Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


Prince Mohd St., 950548 Amman, Amman Jordan, 11195 Jordan Tel: Fax: +962 64614400 +962 64614862 Email: info@amanitours.com Web: www.amanitours.com Contact: Basem Mubarak Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board


Amara Selous

73 Tooting Bec Road, London United Kingdom, SW17 8BP United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 20 8672 9018 Email: simon@amara-tanzania.com Web: www.amara-tanzania.com Contact: Simon Beck Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


AMATERRA SAS Cra. 5 #70a-74 Of 303, Bogota Colombia Tel: +57 3115428956 Email: c.pulido@amaterratravel.com Contact: Catalina Pulido Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia







24 Mwapona Road, P.o. Box 320207, Lusaka Zambia, 10101 Zambia Tel: +260 211266927 Fax: +260 211266276 Email: chizy@amazingzambia.com Web: www.amazingzambia.com Contact: Chizyuka Muyovwe Exhibiting with Zambia Tourism Board

Amazon Nature Tours

No.1 Jalan Ampang Hilir, Kuala Lumpur 55000 Malaysia Tel: +60 3 4255 3727 Fax: +60 3 4255 3991 Email: shaidatul@lansonplace.com Contact: Shaidatul Nurfairuze A Rashid Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board


C/ Juan Carlos I, 9-5, Albuixech Valencia, 46550 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 963340608 +34 963340130 Email: valeria@ambiatours.com Web: www.ambiatours.com Contact: Valeria Valdebenito Esparza Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme


Sete De Setembro, Nº 188, Manaus Brazil, 69005-141 Brazil Tel: +55 92 36228597 Fax: +55 92 32348622 Email: mbaker@amazon-nature-tours.com Web: www.amazon-nature-tours.com Contact: Mark Baker Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


506 Main Street, El Segundo California, 90245 United States Tel: +1 3103226250 Email: don@americaboundtours.com Contact: Don Meldrum Exhibiting with Visit California


149 Madison Avenue, Suite 602, New York Ny, 10016 United States Tel: Fax: +1 2125325127 +1 2125321700 Email: natalie@abgcorp.com Web: www.abgcorp.com Contact: Natalie Azarov Exhibiting with NYC & Company

American Cruise Lines

Level 27, East Tower, World Trade Center, Colombo 01 Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Tel: Fax: +94 114 767811 +94 114 767888 Email: denesh@amayaresorts.com Web: www.amayaresorts.com Contact: Denesh Silva Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Amazing Zambia


Ambassador Row Seviced Suites

American Best Getaways

21625 Prairie Street, Chatsworth California, 91311 United States Tel: +1 (800) 6260126 Email: karen@amawaterways.com Web: www.amawaterways.com Contact: Karen Argonza Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board

Amaya Resorts & Spas


Vaclavske Nam. 5 - 7, Prague 1 116 24 Czech Republic Tel: +420 224193111 Fax: +420 224226167 Email: sales@ambassador.cz Web: www.ambassador.cz Contact: Stanislava Bartkova Exhibiting with Czech Tourist Authority - CzechTourism

AmericaBound Tours, Inc.

P.o.box 50513, Lemesos 3606 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 25832530 +357 25832000 Email: adorotheou@amathushotel.com Web: www.amathus-hotels.com Contact: Achilleas C. Dorotheou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation


Ambassador Group


P.o.box 53023, Lemesos 3300 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 25341940 +357 25369122 Email: dconstantinides@amathus.com Web: www.amathusetravel.com Contact: Demetris Constantinides Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation


Malecon Tarapaca 332, Altos, Iquitos, Loreto Peru, Peru Tel: +51 5165235809 Email: tulafang@yahoo.co.uk Web: www.amazoneco.com Contact: Tula Fang Exhibiting with PromPeru


741 Boston Post Road, Suite 200, Guilford, Ct 6437 United States Tel: Fax: +1 2034530417 +1 2034536800 Email: susan@americancruiselines.com Web: www.americancruiselines.com Contact: Susan Shultz Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions

American Dream


3013 N. 27th Street, Phoenix Az, 85016 United States Tel: +1 4802950308 Email: giovanni@american-dream.it Web: www.american-dream.it Contact: Giovanni Bertaccini Exhibiting with Travel To Marketing

American Ring Travel, Inc.


27202 Turnberry Lane, Suite 270, Valencia Ca, 91355 United States Tel: +1 661 294 9033 Email: szonni@americanringtravel.com Web: www.americanringtravel.com Contact: Sam Zonni

AmericanTours International (ATI)



Bp 11018, Amiens 80010 CEDEX 1 France Tel: +33 (0)3 22 71 60 55 Fax: +33 (0)3 22 71 60 51 Email: a.defrancqueville@amiens-metropole.com Web: www.visit-amiens.com Contact: Mr Amaury de FRANCQUEVILLE Exhibiting with France


AMResorts 7 Campus Blvd., Newtown Square, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania, 19073 United States Tel: Fax: +1 6103598125 +1 6103596643 Email: info@amresorts.com Web: www.amresorts.com Contact: Lehia McGillen

AMResorts provides sales, marketing and brand managament services to its three exclusive resort brands:ultra-luxurious Zoëtry Wellness & Spa Resorts,adults-only Unlimited-Luxury® Secrets Resorts & Spas and Dreams Resorts & Spas, providing UnlimitedLuxury® to couples and couples with children.

Amsterdam Marketing


P.o. Box 3331, Amsterdam 1001 AC Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)20 5305090 Fax: +31 (0)20 5305099 Email: trade@iamsterdam.com Web: www.iamsterdam.com/trade Contact: Ellen Hermans Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)

AMT Hotels


Lungomare Aventino 5, Roma 153 Italy Tel: +39 06 57111225 Fax: +39 06 57111238 Email: panselmi@amthotels.it Web: www.amthotels.it Contact: Patrizia Anselmi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



Avenida Prof. Alfonso Bovero, 1057, 127, Pedizes, Sao Paulo Sp, 05019-010 Brazil Tel: +55 11 36754203 Fax: +55 11 38729796 Email: aloisio@amtours.com.br www.amtours.com.br Web: Contact: ALOISIO MENDES Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Amtrak (USA Passenger Rail)


10 G Street Ne, Washington Dc, 20002 United States Tel: +1 215 349 4612 Fax: +1 215 349 1807 Email: DeangeM@amtrak.com Web: www.amtrak.com Contact: Michael DeAngelo Amtrak is the only National Passenger Railroad Service in the United States, serving nearly 500 cities in 46 states. Amtrak’s trains offers the opportunity to enjoy spectacular views of some of the most breathtaking scenery in the United States- views that only a train can provide.

An Indian Escape


B -125, Noida, Sector 5, National Capital Region Of Delhi, Noida - U.p India, 201301 India +91 120 3823600 Fax: +91 120 3823601 Tel: Email: info@indian-escape.in Web: www.indian-escape.in Contact: Prabhat Verma Exhibiting with Le Passage to India Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd


6053 West Century Blvd, 7th Floor, Los Angeles California, 90045 United States Tel: Fax: +1 3106491596 +1 3106419953 Email: sales@americantours.com Web: www.americantours.com Contact: Kersten Gasthuber Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions


Yoni Netanyahu 5, Or Yehuda 60376 Israel Tel: Fax: +972 3 5336061 +972 35388444 Email: mngt@amiel.israel.net Web: www.amiel.com Contact: Idit Haiman Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

Amiens Tourist Office


AmazonEco EIRL Amani Tours

Amiel Tours Limited



Beau Champ, Grande Riviere Sud Est Mauritius Tel: +230 4022200 Email: pierre.bruno@anahita.mu Web: www.anahita.mu Contact: Pierre Bruno Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 269



ANAM - Aeroportos da Madeira


Aeroporto Da Madeira, Santa Cruz Madeira, 9100-105 SANTA CRUZ Portugal +351 291520760 Fax: +351 291520761 Tel: Email: smgoncalves@anam.pt Web: www.anam.pt Contact: Silvia Dias Exhibiting with Portugal


Ananta Spa & Resorts

Village-leela Sevri, Ajmer- Pushkar Road, Rajasthan India Tel: +91 911453054000 Email: reservation.pushkar@anantaindia.in Contact: Anshul Bhargava


Anantara Hotels, Resorts & Spas

17th Floor, Berli Jucker House, 99 Soi Rubia, Bangkok Thailand, 10110 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 23815137 +66 23657752 Email: suwikhun_wa@anantara.com Web: www.anantara.com Contact: Narelle McDougall The Anantara collection of hotels and resorts offers guests authentic experiences in luxurious surroundings and exotic destinations. Appealing to the socially and environmentally aware traveler,each retreat draws on expert knowledge of the locale’s heritage in China,Indonesia,the Maldives,Thailand,Vietnam or the Middle East.

Anatolian Sky


81 Warwick Road, Olton, Solihull West Midlands, B92 7HP United Kingdom +44 0121 764 3552 Tel: Email: arsen@anatoliansky.co.uk Web: www.anatolian-sky.co.uk Contact: Arsen Pakhlevanyan Exhibiting with North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd

ANBA - Ass. Naz. Bed & Breakfast Affittacamere e Case Vacanze


Anda African Adventure Ltd

P.o.box 7821, Moshi, Moshi, Kilimanjaro Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 272753976 Fax: +255 272753976 Email: info@anda-adventures.com www.ANDA-adventures.com Web: Contact: Anael Macha Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


C/ Compania, 40, Malaga 29008 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 951299314 +34 951299300 Email: marketing@andalucia.org Web: www.andalucia.org Contact: Antonio Martin-Machuca Ales

&Beyond owns and operates more than 33 extraordinary lodges and camps in Africa and India’s wilderness highspots. The company is one of Africa’s leading inbound tour operators, designing luxury safaris and personalised travel itineraries in 16 African countries, and India.


Calle Jose Gabriel Cosio- Magisterio Nº307, Cusco, Cusco 84 Peru +51 084224613 Tel: Fax: +51 084251278 Email: jcflores@andeanlodges.com Web: www.andeanlodges.com Contact: Juan Carlos Flores Exhibiting with PromPeru

Andean Origins


Calle Bernardo Tambohuacso N° 207 Of. 101, Wanchaq, Cusco Peru, CUSC 01 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 084254853 +51 084 254853 Email: Mario@andeanorigins.com Web: www.andeanorigins.com Contact: Mario Canessa Exhibiting with PromPeru

Andean Travel Company & Cotococha Amazon Lodge


Av. Amazonas N24-03 Y Wilson, Tercer Piso, Quito N24-03 Ecuador Tel: Fax: +593 22239305 +593 22228487 Email: marketing@andeantc.com Web: www.andeantc.com Contact: Bram Evers Exhibiting with Travel To Marketing

Andhra Pradesh Tourism

AS600 130, Level 01, Nawala Road, Narahenpita, Colombo 05 Sri Lanka +94 11 4513466 Tel: Email: mahenrk@sltnet.lk Web: www.andrewstrav.com Contact: Mahen Kariyawasan Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau


Private Bag X27, Benmore, Johannesburg 2010 South Africa Tel: Fax: +27 118094511 +27 118094300 Email: safaris@andBeyond.com Web: www.andBeyond.com Contact: Madelein van Rensburg

Andean Lodges

Andrew The Travel Company Private Ltd


Govt.of Andhra Pradesh, D’ Block, First Floor, Secretariat, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh, 500 022 India Tel: +91 4023381293 Email: apticnd@yahoo.com Web: www.aptourism.com Contact: G Rama Kotaiah Exhibiting with India Tourism

Angela Shanley Associates


105-111 Euston Street, London, NW1 2EW United Kingdom Tel: +44 0207 387 8812 Fax: +44 0207 388 6271 Email: anak@asalondon.co.uk Web: www.asalondon.co.uk Contact: Anak McSporran Exhibiting with UKinbound



Animod Gmbh, Berrenrather Straße 154-156, Cologne 50937 Germany Tel: Fax: +49 22193374 374 +49 22193374 0 Email: silke.gimnich@animod.de www.animod.de Web: Contact: Silke Gimnich Founded in 2001 by Ira Hielscher, ANIMOD successfully offers hotel and travel vouchers via its own web shop www.animod.de. The Cologne hotel broker currently sells vouchers for more than 800 hotel partners in 23 countries worldwide. ANIMOD has numerous online and offline distribution partners in Germany and abroad.


Aniyami DMC

Av. Romualdo Galvao,1703, Ed Trade Centre, Sala 106, Natal 59.056-100 Brazil +55 84 3206 0722 Tel: Email: adria@aniyami.com Web: www.aniyami.com Contact: Adria Lacorte Rodes Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


Ankur Tour & Travels Pvt. Ltd.

11 Jessore Road, 2½, Airport Gate, Kolkata 700081 India Tel: +91 9830047105 Fax: +91 332513 2514 Email: info@ankurkolkata.com Web: www.ankurkolkata.com Contact: Tarun Das Exhibiting with Inbound Tour Operators Council (ITOC) - West Bengal



Viale Della Pace 40, Sarzana Sp, 19038 Italy Tel: +39 3334725513 Email: bacchinianna@libero.it Contact: ANNA BACCHINI Exhibiting with Agenzia Regionale per la Promozione Turistica ‘in Liguria’



Prinsengracht 587, Amsterdam 1015MA Netherlands Tel: +31 20 523 1234 Fax: +31 20 523 1235 Email: patrik.bayardo@andaz.com Web: www.amsterdam.prinsengracht.andaz.hyatt.com Contact: Patrik Bayardo Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Andaz Liverpool Street London


Andhra Pradesh Tourism Dev. Corp.

Andalucia’s host of historic cities,popular coastal resorts,majestic castles and luxury hotel-trains can provide the perfect setting for conferences and incentive travel.Combined with the excelent yearround climate,the favourable exchange rate and investments in venues and in communications network,Andalucia, is a leading choice for all your golf holidays needs all year round.

Andaz Amsterdam


8401 West Sunset Boulevard, West Hollywood California, 90069 United States +1 3237856056 Tel: Fax: +1 3237856059 Email: ceara.sadler@andaz.com Web: www.westhollywood.andaz.com Contact: Ceara Sadler Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts


Via Guariglia,38, Raito 84019 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 089 210690 +39 089 763115 Email: segreteria@anbba.it Web: www.anbba.it Contact: Marco Piscopo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Andaz West Hollywood


40 Liverpool Street, London EC2M 7QN United Kingdom +44 20 7618 5080 Fax: +44 20 7618 5055 Tel: Email: roxanne.markovina@andaz.com Web: www.liverpoolstreet.andaz.com Contact: Roxanne Markovina Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

270 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Tourism House, Hyderguda, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh, 500029 India Tel: +91 40 23450165 Fax: +91 40 23261801 Email: anil.musthafa@stark.in www.aptdc.in Web: Contact: Anil Musthafa Exhibiting with India Tourism

Andorra Turisme, S.A.U.


C/ Prat De La Creu, 59-65, Esc. D, 4art, Andorra La Vella Andorra, AD 500 Andorra +376 891189 Tel: Fax: +376 828123 Email: turisme@andorraturisme.ad Web: www.andorra.ad Contact: Roger Pie Andorra is a country of privileged situation and unique history. Surrounded by the mountains of the Pyrenees this stunningly beautiful country is a paradise for the practice of winter sports and summer activities. Andorra offers quality shopping at competitve prices, excellent hotels and restaurants and thermal spa’s.

André Tours


Av.do Brasil - 43 - 2º Esq., Lisboa Portugal, 1700-062 LISBOA Portugal +351 217815390 Fax: +351 217815399 Tel: Email: lisboa@andretours.pt Web: www.andretours.pt Contact: Vanessa Melo Exhibiting with Portugal


Tripoli, Tripoli Libya Tel: +218 912140508 Email: INFO@ANNAWASI.COM Web: WWW.ANNAWASITOURS.COM Contact: ELHSDI MAHFOUD Exhibiting with LIBYAN EXPORT PROMOTION CENTER

Annset Holidays Inc


Unit 502 Dona Felisa Syjuco Bldg, 1872 Remedios St. Corner Taft Ave, Manila 1004 Philippines Tel: Fax: +63 24006526 +63 24006521 Email: finasjoven@annsetholidays.com.ph Web: www.annsetholidays.com.ph Contact: Serafina Joven Exhibiting with Philippines Department Of Tourism

Anse Chastanet


Po Box 7000, 1 - 1000 Anse Chastanet Road, Soufriere Saint Lucia Tel: Fax: +1758 459 7700 +1758 459 7000 Email: karolin@candw.lc www.ansechastanet.com and Web: www.jademountain.com Contact: Karolin Troubetzkoy Exhibiting with Saint Lucia Tourist Board

EXHIBITOR PROFILES Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Antoinette Hotels


Cevreyolu Uzeri Goksu Mahallesi Gazi Bulvari No:531, Antalya 7310 Turkey Tel: +90 2423143741 Fax: +90 2423143738 Email: tince@atso.org.tr Web: www.atso.org.tr Contact: Tulay Ince Exhibiting with Enterprise Europe Network Mediterranean


Goksu Mah. Gazi Bulvari No: 531, Antalya 7310 Turkey Tel: +90 242 314 37 60 Fax: +90 242 314 37 86 Email: asekerci@atso.org.tr Web: www.atso.org.tr Contact: Çetin Osman Budak Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


Goksu Mah. Gazi Bulvari No: 531 07310, Antalya Turkey Tel: +90 536 318 55 07 Fax: +90 242 314 37 86 Email: aunal@atso.org.tr Web: www.antalyaexpo2016.com.tr Contact: Ali Nazim Balcioglu Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


Goksu Mah. Gazi Bulvari No: 531 07310, Antalya Turkey Tel: +90 242 314 38 07 Fax: +90 242 314 38 07 Email: sinan.inan@antalyaconvention.org Web: www.antalyaconvention.org Contact: Sinan Inan Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office



O higgins 1170, Punta Arenas Chile Tel: +56 61614100 Email: sales@antarcticaxxi.com Web: www.antarcticaxxi.com Contact: Brigitte Laemmle Exhibiting with Chile



Apex Hotels



Passeig Del Ferrocarril 339, 3º 4ª E, Barcelona Catalonia, 8860 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 936455271 +34 936455272 Email: mmarkovich@antheatravel.com Web: www.antheatravel.com Contact: Mario Markovich Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority

CA150 Victoria House, 4th Floor, Victoria Road, Essex CM1 1JR United Kingdom Tel: +44 1245 707471 Fax: +44 1245 707478 Email: tourisminfo@aandbtourism.com Web: www.visitantiguabarbuda.co.uk Contact: Cherrie Osborne Antigua and Barbuda offers 365 pink and white sand beaches and much much more. Come to stand to find out about our variety of hotels, our year round events and numerous land and sea activities. Meet the experts from every segment of tourism on stand CA130 and discover more.


Apex Hotels House, 32 Hailes Avenue, Edinburgh EH13 0LZ United Kingdom Tel: +44 0131 441 0465 Fax: +44 0131 441 0444 Email: Yuva.Arumugam@apexhotels.co.uk Web: www.apexhotels.co.uk Contact: Lucy McNicoll Exhibiting with UKinbound




3 Aphrodite Ave., Kouklia, Pafos 8509 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 26828001 +357 26828000 Email: info@aphroditehills.com Web: www.aphroditehills.com Contact: DEMETRIS DEMETRIOU Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Apida (EGOZERO Project)


Hacquetova 3, Ljubljana 1000 Slovenia Tel: +386 1 43 18 252 Fax: +386 1 43 14 032 Email: anja.karnicar@egozero.si Web: www.egozero.si Contact: Anja Karnicar Exhibiting with Slovenian Tourist Board


Apollo Voyages Pvt. Ltd


36 Yashwant Place, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021 India Tel: +91 11 24107979 Fax: +91 11 26872517 Email: apollovoyages@usa.net Web: www.apollovoyages.com Contact: Harminder S Saini Exhibiting with India Tourism

Appian Line


Via Cesare Balbo 35, Roma Roma, 184 Italy Tel: +39 0648786203 Fax: +39 064820596 Email: CostanzaGalli@appianline.it Web: www.appianline.it Contact: Philip George Exhibiting with Incoming Italia



Avinguda Del Mar, 16, Santa Susanna Catalonia, E-08398 Spain Tel: +34 93 767 82 11 Fax: +34 93 767 80 78 Email: montsegonzalez@aquahotel.com Web: www.aquahotel.com Contact: Montse González Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

AQUA SOL HOTELS Public Company Ltd


Pelagos House, 10 Apostolou Varnava Str., P.o. Box 40236, Larnaka 6023 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 24202120 +357 24202020 Email: info@aquasolhotels.com.cy Web: www.aquasolhotels.com Contact: Michalis Dymiotis Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Aqua Vista Hotels


Unit 3c Hampton Works, 117-119 Sheel Lane | East Sheen, London SW14 8AE United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 3286 1904 Email: marketing@aquavistahotels.com Web: www.aquavistahotels.com Contact: George GRAFAKOS “Dreams… that become memories”Aqua Vista Hotels is a collection of exceptional boutique hotels comprised of a few selected properties. This compilation of extraordinary boutique hotels caters for every type of traveler, guarantying memorable experiences tailored to your special needs and desires.

Aquila Hotels & Resorts

Antigua Hotels & Tourist Association Po Box 454, Island House, Newgate Street, St. John’s Antigua And Barbuda +1268 4620374 Tel: Fax: +1268 4623702 Email: neil@antiguahotels.org Web: www.antiguahotels.org Contact: Neil Forrester Exhibiting with Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority


Aqua Cat Cruises 3700 Hacienda Blvd Suite G, Florida Davie, 33314 United States Tel: +1 2423565432 Email: peggy@aquacatcruises.com Web: www.aquacatcruises.com Contact: Peggy Purdy Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas

1 Schorsa Street, Minsk 220014 Belarus Tel: +375 17 328 15 87 Email: info@comforthotel.by Web: www.comforthotel.by Contact: Ekaterina Vaganova Exhibiting with Belarus National Tourism Agency

Gobernador Paz 633 1º, Ushuaia Tierra Del Fuego, 9410 Argentina Tel: +54 2901 43 3636 Fax: +54 2901 43 7728 Email: utehohnbowen@antarpply.com Web: www.antarpply.com Contact: Ute Hohn Bowen Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion



Avda. Ernesto Sarti, 18, Costa Adeje, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Canary Islands, 38660 Spain Tel: +34 922 712 815 Fax: +34 922 712 862 Email: direccion@playaolid.com Web: www.playaolid.com Contact: Blas Rodríguez Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

Aparthotel Comfort

ME100 P.o.box 2565, Aqaba 77110, Aqaba Jordan, Jordan Tel: Fax: +962 3 2091079 +962 3 2091000 Email: gnasser@aseza.jo Web: www.aqabazone.com Contact: Ghassan Nasser Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board

Ninchi 6, Pesaro 61100 Italy Tel: +39 0721 370077 Fax: +39 0721 34877 Email: info@apahotel.it Web: www.apahotel.it Contact: Roberto Signorini Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


45 Moo2 Kukkak Takaupa, Phang-nga Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 76 584445 +66 76 584444 Email: secretary@apsarasresort.com Web: www.apsarasresort.com Contact: Adjerat Chamfung Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


Grote Markt 15, Antwerpen 2000 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 3 338 95 35 +32 3 338 95 13 Email: sales@stad.antwerpen.be Web: www.visitantwerpen.be Contact: Sylvia Van Craen Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office

APA Hotels Pesaro Antalya Expo 2016


APSARAS Beach Resort & Spa

Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority Antwerp Tourism & Convention

Antalya City - ATSO


Beaufort Road, Kingston Upon Thames Surrey, KT1 2TQ United Kingdom Tel: +44 08445678950 Fax: +44 020 8541 1163 Email: patricias@antoinettehotels.com Web: www.antoinettehotels.com Contact: Patricia Stirling Exhibiting with UKinbound



340 Kifisias Ave., Athens 154 51 Greece Tel: +30 210 6773356 Fax: +30 210 6773358 Email: marketing@aquilahotels.com Web: www.aquilahotels.com Contact: Konstantinos Vogiantzis Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation

AR Hotels & Resorts


C/ Santa Maria 4, Alicante, 3710 Spain +34 902 99 65 69 Fax: +34 96 583 62 64 Tel: Email: jmaso@unitursa.com Web: www.unitursa.com Contact: Jaime Masó Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme


ARA Tours Apdo. 799-1007, Centro Colon, San Jose Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 22320363 +506 22320400 Email: sales@aratours.com Web: www.aratours.com Contact: Sandra Haun Exhibiting with Latincoming

Arab Hotel Association


Arab Hotel Association, Arab Hotel Association, Jerusalem Palestine, OO972 Palestine Tel: Fax: +970 026283118 +970 026283118 Email: edirector@palestinehotels.ps www.palestinehotels.ps Web: Contact: Elias El Arja Exhibiting with Palestinian National Authority

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 271



Arabian Adventures - The Destination Management Company

ARCOTEL Hotels & Resorts


P. O. Box 7631, Emirates Holidays Building - 04th Floor, Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates +971 4 343 9966 Fax: +971 4 343 9300 Tel: Email: aa-bd@emirates.com Web: www.arabian-adventures.com Contact: Peter Payet Exhibiting with Emirates

Arabian Travel Market


Gateway House, 28, The Quadrant, Richmond TW9 1DN United Kingdom Tel: +44 0208 910 7958 Email: lise.esser@reedexpo.co.uk Web: www.arabiantravelmarket.com Contact: Lise Esser Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing



Paseo Maria Agustin, 36, Zaragoza 50004 Spain Tel: +34 976 71 41 42 Fax: +34 976 71 47 31 Email: promo.tur.eco@aragon.es Web: www.turismodearagon.com Contact: Rafael Arnaíz Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Aranui Cruises / Intercontinental Hotels


83, Bd Saint Marcel, Paris 75013 France Tel: +33 12345678 Email: croisieres@aranui.info Contact: Vaima Devimeux Exhibiting with Tahiti Tourisme



ARAUCANIA Thiers 539, Temuco Chile Tel: +56 45211969 Email: mema@sernatur.cl Web: www.chile.travel Contact: María Eliana Muñoz Exhibiting with Chile


Via Molini 11, Manarola Sp, 19017 Italy Tel: +39 0187760083 Fax: +39 0187760798 Email: info@italiafantastica.com Web: www.arbaspaa.com Contact: Catherina Unger Exhibiting with Agenzia Regionale per la Promozione Turistica ‘in Liguria’


Via Capri, 59, Tortoli/arbatax 48048 Italy Tel: +39 0782667790 Fax: +39 0782667795 Email: sales@omniaprivilege.com Web: WWW.ARBATAXPARK.COM Contact: Daniela Laconca Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


EM1475 C/ Mayor, 31-6ºdcha., Cartagena 30201 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 968123867 +34 651559056 Email: informacion@arbolar.com Web: www.arbolar.com Contact: Andrés Martínez Exhibiting with REGION OF MURCIA



Rewentlowsgade 30, Copenhagen V, Copenhagen DK-1651 Denmark Tel: +45 33253221 Email: aatour@arctic-adventure.dk Web: www.arctic-adventure.dk Contact: Peter Morell Exhibiting with Visit Iceland

Libya Garden City, Tripoli Libya Tel: +218 914106263 Email: INFO@ARKNO.COM Web: WWW.ARKNO.COM Contact: GHUMA TARHUNI Exhibiting with LIBYAN EXPORT PROMOTION CENTER

ARKTUR Tour Operator & DMC


Sjøgata 14, Tromsø 9008 Norway Tel: +47 93443443 Email: info@guide-gunnar.no Web: www.arcticpolare.no Contact: Gunnar Hildonen Exhibiting with Visit Norway / Innovation Norway


Place Du Marche, 15, La Roche-en-ardenne Belgian Luxemburg, B-6980 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 84367836 +32 84367736 Email: olivier.lefevre@la-roche-tourisme.com Web: www.ardenne-attractions.be Contact: Olivier Lefevre Exhibiting with Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia



Loc. Tramariglio 52, Alghero 7041 Italy Tel: +39 333 6744889 Email: archimete@archimete.it Web: www.archimete.it Contact: Marco Giovenco Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

272 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

La Fortuna San Carlos 10 Km, No De La Iglesia Catolica, Alajuela Costa Rica, Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 24791710 +506 24791700 Email: ricardo@hotelarenalkioro.com Web: www.hotelarenalkioro.com Contact: Ricardo Araya Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board



C/ Marzo 34, Marzo 34, Madrid Madrid, 28022 Spain Tel: +34 00 34 91 7462417 Fax: +34 0034091032901067 Email: carmen.blanco@aerocity.com www.aresmobile.com Web: Contact: Carmen Blanco Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Argentario Golf Resort & Spa


Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion


Paraguay 866, 4º Floor, Buenos Aires C1057AAL Argentina Tel: +54 1148501400 Fax: +54 1148501403 Email: eparrilli@argentina.travel Web: www.argentina.travel Contact: George Scott Hill The National Institute for Tourism Promotion promotes Argentina as a complete travel destination to fit everyone’s preferences. Argentina offers diversified supply to your customers: Iguazu Falls, Salta, Humahuaca, Mendoza, Talampaya, Moon Valley. Patagonia: Lakes, Glaciers, Peninsula Valdes, Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica. Buenos Aires City.

Arian’s Tours, S.A/Panama


Via Espana, Plaza De La Concordia, Local N 143a, Panama 82300201 Panama +507 2131172 Tel: Fax: +507 2132064 Email: maria@arianstourspty.com Web: www.arianstourspty.com Contact: Maria Chavez Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)


50 Mashtots Ave, Suite 22 A, Yerevan Yerevan, 9 Armenia Tel: +374 10 582 457 091 404697 Fax: +374 10 582 475 Email: nellie@seearmenia.net www.seearmenia.net Web: Contact: Nelli Malkhasyan Exhibiting with Armenian National Tourism Organization


7 Abovyan Str., Yerevan 1 Armenia Tel: Fax: +374 10 568626 +374 10 582292 Email: office@tourism.am Web: www.armeniaholidays.com Exhibiting with Armenian National Tourism Organization

Armenia Travel


4 Vardanants Str., Yerevan 10 Armenia Tel: Fax: +374 10 526106 +374 10 563667 Email: incoming@armeniatravel.am Web: www.armeniatravel.am Contact: Kristina Gharibyan Exhibiting with Armenian National Tourism Organization

Armenian National Tourism Organization

Via Acquedotto Leopoldino Snc, Porto Ercole Grosseto, Italy Tel: +39 05641828426 Fax: +39 0564810895 Email: a.gravitskaya@argentarioresort.it Web: www.argentariogolfresortspa.it Contact: Anya Gravitskaya Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione


Dorfstrasse 8, St. Anton Am Arlberg Tirol, 6580 Austria Tel: +43 5446 226926 Fax: +43 5446 2532 Email: wilma@tirol.com Web: www.arlberg.net Contact: Wilma Himmelfreundpointner Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

Armenia / Princess Maneh Tours Ardenne Attractions


Office 309, Esplanadna Street, Kyiv 1001 Ukraine +380 444907137 Fax: +380 444907138 Tel: Email: natalias@arktur.ua Web: www.arktur.ua Contact: Natalia Soboleva Exhibiting with Ukraine

Arlberg Marketing Arctic Polare



Armenia Holidays

Manuel Olguin 901, Santiago De Surco, Lima Lima, LIMA 33 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 4346199 +51 4341452 Email: galvarez@aranwahotels.com Web: www.aranwahotels.com Contact: Elena Subauste Exhibiting with PromPeru


Arctic Adventure

Arenal Kioro Suites & Spa

Aranwa Hotels Resorts & Spas



Konstantingasse 6-8, Vienna 1160 Austria Tel: Fax: +43 1 52165919 +43 1 52165913 Email: reinhard.toifl@arcotelhotels.com Web: www.arcotelhotels.com Contact: Reinhard Toifl Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office


5 Mher Mkrtchian Street, Yerevan 10 Armenia Tel: Fax: +374 10 543167 +374 10 583521 Email: info@armeniainfo.am Web: www.armeniainfo.am Contact: Syuzanna Azoyan The Armenian National Tourism Organization is the primary voice of Armenia’s tourism sector and is dedicated to representing, promoting and supporting Armenia’s tourism growth, now and in the future.



1 Pavstos Buzand Street, Yerevan Armenia Tel: Fax: +374 10560815 +374 10582282 Email: armint1@arminco.com Web: www.armintour.com Contact: Hasmik Matsakyan Exhibiting with Armenian National Tourism Organization



Calle 9 Y Avenida 6 Centro Plaza 2° Piso Catedral, San Jose San Jose, 10104 Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 22570202 +506 22570202 Email: info@armotours.com Web: www.armotours.com Contact: Alvaro Arguedas Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board



C/ Calvario ,5, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Canary Islands, 38640 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922725186 +34 922725203 Email: turismo@arona.travel www.arona.travel Web: Contact: Francisco José Niño Rodríguez Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

EXHIBITOR PROFILES Art - Hotel Gran Paradiso


Via Catigliano, 9, Sorrento 80067 Italy Tel: +39 081 8073700 Fax: +39 081 8783555 Email: info@hotelgranparadiso.com Web: www.arthotelgranparadiso.com Contact: Alberto Colonna Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Art in Tour, Travel Agency


16 Mkhitar Heratsi Street, Yerevan 25 Armenia Tel: +374 10542555 Email: director@artintour.am Web: www.artintour.am Contact: Diana Harutyunyan Exhibiting with Armenian National Tourism Organization

ArtHotel & Park Lecce


Via Giorgio De Chirico 1, Lecce Italy Tel: +39 0832214214 Email: direzione@arthotel-lecce.com Contact: Canio Sabia Exhibiting with Regione Puglia


Lg Smith Boulevard 101, Oranjestad Aruba Tel: Fax: +297 5206674 +297 5869000 Email: Interreps@interreps.eu Web: www.arubamarriott.com Contact: Lydia Haveman Exhibiting with Aruba Tourism Authority


Wonderfully different Aruba experiences the perfect climate of the Dutch Caribbean all year round. White sand beaches, turquoise waters, Colonial architecture and tubular cacti give the 70 square mile island a unique landscape. Aruba lies 25 miles from the South American coastline and is alive with the spirit of salsa!


Government Of Arunachal Pradesh, Arunachal Bhawan , Tourism Office, Itanagar Arunachal Pradesh, 791 110 India +91 791 110 Tel: Email: Adong12@yahoo.com Web: www.arunachaltourism.com Contact: Adong Mayong Exhibiting with India Tourism

Aryans Tours


43 Giulbenkyan St., Office 179, Yerevan 33 Armenia Tel: Fax: +374 10220140 +374 10220138 Email: info@conference.am Web: www.conference.am Contact: Avetik Ghukasyan Exhibiting with Armenian National Tourism Organization

Aryavit Travels


1154, Llnd Floor, Johri Bazaar, Jaipur Rajasthan, India Tel: +91 9414345460 Email: info@aryavittravels.net Web: www.aryavittravels.net Contact: Ram Mishra Exhibiting with India Tourism

AS Hotels Milan and Monza


Corso Como, 52, Milan - Limbiate Lombardy - Monza & Brianza, 20812 Italy Tel: +39 0362 6440444 Fax: +39 0362 6440333 Email: info@ashotels.it Web: www.ashotels.it Contact: Alessia Surfaro Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Asanja Africa Limited


Ascott (The Ascott Limited)

No. 2 Anthony Road, Ascott Centre For Excellence, Singapore Singapore, 229956 Singapore Tel: Fax: +65 65003463 +65 65003409 Email: sylvia.tan@the-ascott.com Web: www.the-ascott.com Contact: Sylvia Tan The Ascott Limited is the largest international serviced apartment owner-operator with over 28,000 serviced residence units in key cities of Asia, Europe and the Gulf region. The group operates three brands – Ascott, Citadines and Somerset. Its portfolio spans over 70 cities across more than 20 countries.


Tripoli, Tripoli Libya Tel: +218 927714006 Fax: +218 213345369 Email: ASFAR@LIBYABOOKING.LY Web: WWW.LIBYABOOKING.LY Contact: WESAM ALGHAGIGI Exhibiting with LIBYAN EXPORT PROMOTION CENTER

Ashling Hotel

R.j. Schimmelpennincklaan 1, The Hague Zuid-holland, 2517 JN Netherlands Tel: Fax: +31 703604877 +31 703028040 Email: ata.europe@aruba.com Web: www.aruba.com Contact: Tirso Tromp

Arunachal Pradesh Tourism

105/111 Euston Street, London NW1 2EW United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)2073884443 Fax: +44 (0)2073887623 Email: alexr@asatours.co.uk Web: www.asatours.co.uk Contact: Alexander Ruggeri Exhibiting with Travel To Marketing


Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino

Aruba Tourism Authority


Asatours LTD


P.o. Box 79403, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 788 221 440 Fax: +255 22 277 1708 Email: info@asanjaafrica.com Web: www.asanjaafrica.com Contact: Harjot Mann Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board





Rambla Santa Cruz, 147- 1Âş, Santa Cruz De Tenerife, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Canary Islands, 38001 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922 244310 +34 922 243988 Email: monica.acosta@ashotel.es Web: www.ashotel.es Contact: Juan Pablo Gonzalez Cruz Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

Asia Adventures, travel company


27/10, Office 23 Kunaev Str., Tashkent Uzbekistan, 100015 Uzbekistan Tel: +998 711506280 Fax: +998 712562585 Email: info@asad.uz Web: www.asad.uz Contact: Gennadiy Gerasimenko Exhibiting with Uzbekistan

Asia Europe TCI


Suite 21, Penhurst House, 352-356 Battersea Park Road, London London, SW11 3BY United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 20 3006 5309 Fax: +44 845 833 7708 Email: info@asiaeuropetci.com Web: www.asiaeuropetci.com Contact: Mauro Bernesi Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association

Asia Experience Tours Sdn. Bhd. 17-2, 17th Floor, Wisma Uoa Ii, Kuala Lumpur 50450 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 327139990 +60 327319919 Email: jason@asia-experience.com Web: www.asia-experience.com Contact: Jason Beh Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Asia Pattaya Hotel



352 Moo 2 Nongpreu, Banglamung Pattaya City, Chonburi 20150 Thailand Tel: +66 38 250 40111 Fax: +66 38 250 496 Email: dos@asiahotel.co.th Web: www.asiahotel.co.th Contact: Surapong Techaruvichit Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Asia Travel & Tours Pvt. Ltd


80/19 B-g.f, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi New Delhi, 110017 India Tel: +91 718673777 Email: rajesh@asia-travels.in Contact: Rajesh Verma Exhibiting with India Tourism


2nd Floor, Tune Hotel, 100, Burma Road, Penang 10050 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 4 226 5140 +60 4 226 4140 Email: farhan@asiatravel-adventures.com Contact: Farhan Abdullah Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Asia World Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Ashok Watika, Queens Raod Crossing, Ajmer Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan India, 302019 India Tel: +91 9829063051 Fax: +91 1412811180 Email: kamal@ashokaholidays.com Web: www.ashokaholidays.com Contact: Kamal Sarawgi Exhibiting with India Tourism


66 Hang Than Str., Hanoi 10000 Vietnam Tel: Fax: +84 437567862 +84 438364212 Email: info@asiapacifictravel.vn Web: www.asiapacifictravel.vn Contact: Giang Nam Nguyen Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism

Asia Travel Adventures Sdn Bhd

Parkgate Street, Dublin 8 Ireland +353 1 677 2324 Fax: +353 1 679 3783 Tel: Email: dlambe@ashlinghotel.ie Web: www.ashlinghotel.ie Contact: Dermot Lambe Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Ashoka Holidays




1040/19 Asia World Building, Soi Sukhumvit 101 (Punnawithi 34), Bang-chak, Phra-kanong District, Bangkok 10260 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2 332 2851 +66 2 332 1771 Email: stefanie@asiaworld-travel.com Web: www.asiaworld-travel.com Contact: Stefanie Benjamin Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Asian Adventures


74 A 1/1 Park Street, Colombo 02 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 112300223 Email: sanjaya@asianadventures.lk Web: www.asianadventures.lk Contact: Sanjaya Dahanaggamaarachchi Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Asian Overland Services Tours & Travel Sdn. Bhd.


No 39 & 40 Jalan Mamanda 9, Ampang Point, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, 68000 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 342529800 +60 342529100 Email: sales@asianoverland.com.my Web: www.asianoverland.com.my Contact: Noor Mohammad Ismail Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Asian Trails Ltd


9th Floor, Sg Tower, 161/1 Soi Mahadlek Luang 3, Bangkok 10330 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 26518111 +66 26262000 Email: res@asiantrails.org Web: www.asiantrails.info Contact: Chanphen Ruksakulkiati Asian Trails is a leading inbound tour operator in Asia with our own offices in Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, and China. We specialise in providing destination management services of an exceptional standard, and are your perfect partner to meet all of your requirements.



Unit G8 Victoria Junction, Prestwich Street, Cape Town 8001 South Africa +27 27 21 418 0468 Tel: Email: vanessa@asiliaafrica.com Web: www.asiliaafrica.com Contact: Gordie Owles Exhibiting with Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 273



ASISTEN TRAVEL 2e Etage Tour Forello Zi Tanjombato, Antananarivo Madagascar +261 20 22 577 55 Tel: Email: zarasoa@asisten-travel.com Web: www.asisten-travel.com Contact: Zarasoa RAJAONARISON Exhibiting with Madagascar National Tourism Board

Asla Travel Group

Room 702, Peninsula Centre, 67 Mody Road, Kowloon Hong Kong +852 2722 1216 Tel: Fax: +852 2369 5687 Email: marketing@associatedtours.com.hk Web: www.associatedtours.com.hk Contact: Winny Fong Exhibiting with Hong Kong Tourism Board


Bridgefoot House, 159 High Street, Huntingdon Cambridgeshire, PE29 3TF United Kingdom Tel: +44 1480433783 Fax: +44 1480411561 Email: deanam@aslatravelgroup.com Web: www.aslatravelgroup.com Contact: Deana Mash Russia, Ukraine, Baltics & Eastern Europe - providing expert solutions for your group/FIT needs. With our own offices throughout the region, we supply seamless arrangements for tour series, incentives, city breaks, sports & ad-hoc groups. Leading supplier of hotels for online reservation systems. Preferred partner of many leading tour operators.

Asociacion de Hoteles y Alojamientos Turísticos Alicante Sur


C/ La Isla 34, Pilar De La Horadada Alicante, 3190 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 966188588 +34 965352281 Email: info@hotelesalicantesur.es Web: www.alicantesurhoteles.com Contact: Joan Palau Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

ASOCIACION DE HOTELES Y CAMPOS DE GOLF EM1500 DE EL TOYO - CABO DE GATA Juegos Mediterraneos Argel, S/n, Almeria 4131 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 950208583 +34 950208583 Email: samira@andalucia.org Contact: Jose R. Espinosa Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

ASOCIACIÓN PARA LA PROMOCION TURISTICA EM1500 DE LA AXARQUIA Avda. De Andalucia, 110, Velez-malaga Malaga, 29740 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 952542804 +34 952542808 Email: samira@andalucia.org Web: www.axarquiacostadelsol.es Contact: Elisa Paez Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

ASR ‘Ratobortsy’


Associated Tours Ltd.


34, Verhniya Str., Moscow 125040 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 495 5895441 +7 495 5895441 Email: info@ratobor.com Web: www.ratobor.com Contact: Daria Isaeva Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency


Association Hotels de Charme

Pearle Beach Pearle Beach Resort & Spa, Flic En Flac Mauritius Tel: Fax: +230 4538405 +230 212 2966 Email: assohotels@gmail.com Contact: Bissoon Mungroo Mungroo Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority



Po Box 22369, Lefkosia 1521 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 22660330 +357 22666435 Email: acta@acta.org.cy Web: www.acta.org.cy Contact: Yiannis Michaelides Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Association of Tourist Operators



Via Delle Terme 62, Salice Terme 27052 Italy Tel: +39 333 6861943 Email: albergatorioltrepo@gmail.com Web: www.albergatorioltrepo.it Contact: Francesco Preti Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Associazione gestioni Museali - Museo del Tesoro di San Gennaro



Laboral-ciudad De La Cultura., C/ Luis Hoya Blanco, 261, Gijon Asturias, 33203 Spain Tel: +34 984 493 550 Fax: +34 98 4493551 Email: tatiana.gonzalez@infoasturias.com Web: www.infoasturias.com Contact: Tatiana González Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



Atahotels is one of the most important Italian hotel Group feauturing a wide and exclusive portfolio which includes : 4 and 5 stars city hotels, resorts in Sicily, Sardinia, Tuscany and Alps.Our goal is to provide our guests, both business travellers and leisure ones high quality and diversified services.

ATG Tickets


7th Floor, Prince Consort House, Albert Embankment, London London, SE1 7TJ United Kingdom +44 0207 091 8706 Fax: +44 0207 091 8789 Tel: Email: groups@theambassadors.com Web: www.atgtickets.com Contact: Barry Grant ATG Tickets is the ticketing arm of Ambassador Theatre Group. Our experienced team provide a flexible service to our Travel Trade clients. We are not a faceless call-centre or just another ticket agent. As part of the UK’s largest theatre group we ticket all London shows and venues across Britain.


Athens One Day Cruise-Hydraiki N.C


18 Ermou Street, Athens 10563 Greece Tel: +30 210 3230 100 Fax: +30 210 3230 108 Email: alinadritsa@onedaycruise.gr Web: www.onedaycruise.gr Contact: Alina Critsa Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation

Viale Gramsci,17/b, Napoli 80122 Italy Tel: +39 081 294980 Email: progetti@museosangennaro.it Web: www.museosangennaro.it Contact: Diana Negri Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



146 Leninsky Prospect, Moscow 119526 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 4954383083 +7 4956411000 Email: chekanova@mvka.ru Web: www.astrus.ru Contact: Andrey Mikhailets Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Via G. Murat, 17, Milan 20159 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0289503643 +39 02895261 Email: sales@atahotels.it Web: www.atahotels.it Contact: Maurizio Cennamo

Ground Floor, Cyber Tower 1, Ebene Mauritius Tel: +230 454 8000 Email: presidentato@intnet.mu Contact: Ajay Jhurry Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

Associazione Albergatori Oltrepo`

Astrus Moscow City Hotel - Central Tourist House


Athens-Attica Hotel Association


1101 King Street, Suite 200, Alexandria Virginia, 22314 United States Tel: Fax: +1 7038388467 +1 7037392792 Email: join@asta.org Web: www.ASTA.org Contact: Courtney Beddia

24 Stadiou Street, Athens 105 64 Greece +30 210 3253123 Fax: +30 210 3235033 Tel: Email: aha@otenet.gr Web: www.all-athens-hotels.com Contact: George Angelis Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation

3b, Dirang Arcade, Gnb Road, Guwahati Assam, 781003 India Tel: +91 36102667871 Email: info@jungletravels.in Web: www.assambengalnavigation.com Contact: Ashish Phookan Exhibiting with India Tourism

ASTA, the American Society of Travel Agents, is the largest association of travel professionals worldwide. The majority of ASTA’s members are travel agencies. However, travel suppliers, such as cruise lines and tour operators join ASTA. We are the leading advocate for travel agents, the travel industry and the traveling public.


Assam Bengal Navigation Co. Pvt. Ltd

AstiTurismo - ATL

Assam Bengal Navigation


IN450 3b Dirang Arcade, M.r.d Road, Guwahati Assam, 781003 India Tel: +91 9207042330 Fax: +91 361 2609446 Email: assambengal@rediffmail.com Web: www.assambengalnavigation.com Contact: Nirmalya Choudhury Exhibiting with India Tourism

ASTRAL Holidays JSC Assam Tourism


Government Of Assam, Station Road, Guwahati Assam, 781006 India Tel: +91 3612547102 Email: jaidut@yahoo.com www.assamtourism.org Web: Contact: Jaishima Dutta Exhibiting with India Tourism

Assembly Row


5 Middlesex Ave, Suite 401, Somerville MA 02145 United States +1 603 766 0606 Tel: Email: carolyn@cjfmarketinginternational.com Contact: Carolyn Feimster Exhibiting with Discover New England

274 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Piazza Alfieri, 34, Asti 14100 Italy Tel: +39 0141 353034 Fax: +39 0141 356140 Email: info@astiturismo.it Web: www.astiturismo.it Contact: Wanda Migliore Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


56, Kapitan Raicho Str., Fl. 5, Office 20, Plovdiv Bulgaria, 4000 Bulgaria Tel: +359 32 666 900 Fax: +359 32 666 900 Email: hristo@astralholidays.bg Web: www.astralholidays.bg Contact: Hristo Galbachev Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism



J.tumo-vaizganto Str. 5, Vilnius LT-01108 Lithuania Tel: Fax: +370 52123506 +370 52614459 Email: astrida@astrida.lt www.astrida.lt Web: Contact: Vytautas Grigaliunas Exhibiting with Lithuanian State Department of Tourism


Rr. Durresit, P.102, Tirane 1010AL Albania Tel: +355 42 233 997 Fax: +355 42 233 913 Email: aths@aths-travel.com Web: www.aths-travel.com Contact: Vathi Besnik Exhibiting with Agjencia Kombetare e Turizmit - Albanian National Tourism Agency

Atlantic Canada Tourism Partnership

NA300 Po Box 2050, 25 Queen Street, Charlottetown Pei, C1A 7N7 Canada Tel: +1 902 367 0008 Email: kkeefe@tiapei.pe.ca Web: www.atlanticcanadaholiday.co.uk Contact: Kelley Keefe Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission

Atlantic City, New Jersey 2314 Pacific Avenue, Atlantic City Atlantic, 8401 United States Tel: Fax: +1 6093452200 +1 6094497151 Email: hcolache@accva.com Web: www.doatlanticcity.com Contact: Heather Colache



Atlantic Hospitality Services

Regus Building, 1000 City Gate, Cork Ireland Tel: +353 21 4359320 Fax: +353 51 319876 Email: jhannick@waterfordcastle.com Web: www.atlantichospitalityservices.com Contact: Joanna Hannick Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland



202, Calea Victoriei, Bucharest 1 10098 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 213125916 +40 213127757 Email: razvan@atlantic.ro Web: www.atlantic.ro Contact: Razvan Teodorescu Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM


Atoll Hideaway Holiday - Maldives

Rathuloage, Violet Hingun, Male’’ - 20026 Maldives, 200-26 Maldives Tel: +960 3333556 9607776577 Fax: +960 3333778 Email: info@atollhideaway.com Web: www.atollhideaway.com Contact: Mohamed Inan Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Atomium & Mini-Europe


Bruparck, Brussels B-1020 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 24782675 +32 24741324 Email: kvv@minieurope.eu Web: www.minieurope.eu www.atomium.be Contact: Kristof Van Vaerenbergh Exhibiting with Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia



P.o.box 52001, Stymphalidon 2, Potamos Germasoyias, Lemesos Cyprus, 4060 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 25883555 +357 25883500 Email: sales2@atlanticahotels.com Web: www.atlanticahotels.com Contact: Fotini Ioannidou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation


Atlantis The Palm, Dubai

Po Box 211222, Cresent Road, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 44260302 Email: lubeyya.busaidy@atlantisthepalm.com Web: www.atlantisthepalm.com Contact: Lubeyya Al Busaidy Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Vukovarska 19, Izidora Krsnjavoga 1, Zagreb Croatia, 20 000 Croatia Tel: +385 (1) 6387 730 Fax: +385 (1) 6387 731 Email: marketing@atlas.hr Web: www.atlas-croatia.com Contact: natasa kacar Exhibiting with Croatian National Tourist Board


Atlas Hospitality Morocco Route D’el Jadida, Casablanca 20000, Morocco Tel: +212 212 5 22 427475 Fax: +212 5 22 42 74 80 Email: fraissi@hotelsatlas.com Contact: Fatiha Raissi Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office

Atlas Voyages

44 Avenue Des Far, Casablanca, Casablanca Casablanca, 20000 Morocco Tel: +212 522 460100 Fax: +212 522 303580 Email: mbouatra@atlasvoyages.co.ma Web: WWW.ATLASVOYAGES.COM Contact: Meryem Bouatra Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office



Senlikkoy Mah.yesilkoy Cad. No 9/a 34153 Florya-bakirkoy, Istanbul Turkey Tel: +90 212 6632000 800 Fax: +90 212 5733067 Email: nora@atlasjet.com Web: www.atlasjet.com Contact: Nora Alici Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

AtlasJet Airlines


Room 617a, Terminal Building, Stansted Airport, Bassingbourn Road, London CM24 1QW United Kingdom Tel: +44 7411533496 Email: sacit.b@atlasjet.com Web: www.atlasjet.com Contact: Sacit Bag Exhibiting with North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd

Atoll Experience Pvt


10th Floor, Adk Tower, Ameer Ahmed Magu, Male’’ Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3000701 +960 3000700 Email: info@atollexperience.com Web: www.atollexperience.com Contact: Rifayudeen A Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

P.o.box 184827, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 44508739 Email: y.abuawwad@auris-hotels.com Web: www.auris-hotels.com Contact: Yazan Abuawwad Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Aurora Sky Station/The King’s Trail part of Swedish Lapland


Abisko Turiststation, Abisko 98107 Sweden Tel: Fax: +46 980 401 40 +46 980 402 00 Email: bengt.gustafsson@stfturist.se Web: www.auroraskystation.se / www.svenskaturistforeningen.se Contact: Bengt Gustafsson Exhibiting with VisitSweden


31, Olufemi Peters Street, Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234 8033056095 Email: ikechiuko@yahoo.com Contact: Ikechi Uko Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation

Aurora Travel

Atrium Hotels, Luxury Hotels Collection

We provide wide range of travel services, from a single request to a sophisticated incentive package. Our staffs, who speak English, Spanish, French, Italian and German, realized your passion for a unique and memorable experience, are eager to share with you what it is all really about Indochina and Thailand.


Head Office, Iliados Street, Rhodes Greece, 85100 Greece Tel: +30 22410 44901 Fax: +30 22410 44900 Email: info@atriumhotels.gr Web: www.atriumhotels.gr Contact: Costas Giakoumis Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation


P O Box 9172, Nadi Aiport Fiji Tel: Fax: +679 672 0389 +679 672 2811 Email: fiji@atspacific.com.fj Web: www.atspacific.com.fj Contact: Seruwaia Konousi Exhibiting with Fiji (Tourism Fiji)

ATS Pacific



56 Gloucester Road, London SW7 4UB United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)2079374408 Fax: +44 (0)2079374830 Email: info@atta.travel Web: www.atta.travel Contact: Annabella Marquis Atta serves and supports business leaders in Africa. We have over 25 years of service tirelessly promoting pan African tourism to a worldwide audience. With 500 members we represent Africa’s premier network of tourism product. Atta offers: Information source, networking, media liaison, crisis management, lobbying, training, recognition and credibility.

Attitude Resorts


Royal Road, Bain Boeuf, Bain Boeuf Mauritius Tel: +230 2043800 Email: magali.davrincourt@hotels-attitude.com Web: www.attituderesorts.com Contact: Magali D’’Avrincourt-Petit Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

Au Parc Hotel Fribourg


Rte De Villars 37, Fribourg 1701 Switzerland +41 26 429 56 56 Tel: Email: raymond.surchat@auparc-hotel.ch Web: www.auparc-hotel.ch Contact: Raymond Surchat Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Auric Air Services Ltd

91b Ly Nam De, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi 70007 Vietnam Tel: +84 4 3747 2597 Fax: +84 4 3747 2598 Email: sales-uk@auroratravel.asia Web: www.auroratravel.asia Contact: Nguyen Do Mai Anh



C/ Nord 106, Barcelona Barcelona, 8221 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 937848537 +34 937071411 Email: tomeu@gekkoexperience.com Web: www.gekkoexperience.com Contact: Tomeu Adrover Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Australia - Tourism Australia

Level 10, 130 Elizabeth Street, Sydney Nsw, 2000 Australia Tel: +61 2 9268 2111 Fax: +61 2 9268 2111 Email: ats_pacific.uk@btopenworld.com Web: www.ats-pacific.com.au Contact: Valerie May Exhibiting with Australia - Tourism Australia

Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association



Auris Hotels Management


ATQ Tours

ATS Pacific




Tourism Australia is Australia’s national tourism marketing body responsible for international and domestic marketing, research and forecasting for the Australian tourism sector. As an Australian federal government funded body, Tourism Australia’s mission is to see Australia the most successfully marketed medium to long haul destination in the world.

Australia One Pty Ltd



4/134 Main Street, Osborne Park, Wa Australia, 6017 Australia +61 8 9385 3113 Tel: Email: mark.kommer@australiaone.com.au Web: www.australiaone.com.au Contact: Mark Kommer Exhibiting with Australia - Tourism Australia

Australian Walking Holidays


Level 5, 71 York Street, Sydney Nsw, 2000 Australia Tel: +61 02 8270 8400 Email: chris@worldexpeditions.com.au Web: www.australianwalkingholidays.com.au Contact: Christopher Buykx Exhibiting with Australia - Tourism Australia



Vysoka 2/a, Bratislava 81106 Slovakia Tel: Fax: +421 252775826 +421 917443470 Email: david.pobjecky@austria-trend.at Web: www.austria-trend.at Contact: David Pobjecky Exhibiting with Slovak Tourist Board

Austria Trend Hotels & Resorts

P.o.box 336, Mwanza Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 28 255 1145 Fax: +255 784 749 769 Email: dgupta@auricair.com Web: www.auricair.com Contact: Deepesh Gupta Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


Australia Centre, 6th Floor Australia House, London London, WC2B 4LG United Kingdom Tel: Fax: +44 2072406690 +44 2074384600 Email: europe_tradeline@tourism.australia.com Web: www.australia.com Contact: Lucy Havercroft


Lassallestrasse 3, Vienna 1020 Austria Tel: +43 1 58800 837 Fax: +43 1 58800 888 Email: jale.akcil@austria-trend.at www.austria-trend.at Web: Contact: Jale Akcil Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 275



Austrian National Tourist Office

9-11 Richmond Buildings, Off Dean Street, London W1D 3HF United Kingdom +44 2074403830 Fax: +44 2074403848 Tel: Email: dieter.scharf@austria.info Web: www.austria.info Contact: Dieter Scharf The Austrian National Tourist Office promotes Austria, its friendly hosts, innumerable cultural events, splendid lake and mountain landscapes. Few other countries offer so many holiday options in such close proximity to tradition and innovation; here, UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites and inspiring scenery mix with modern architecture and creative cuisine.


Authentic Representation

Island House, Three Mill Lane, London E3 3AF United Kingdom +44 07939 908 708 Tel: Email: carina@authentic-representation.com Web: www.authentic-representation.com Contact: Carina Hibbitt Exhibiting with Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association


Authentic Representation

Island House, Three Mill Lane, London E3 3AF United Kingdom Tel: +44 07939 908 708 Fax: +44 0208 981 8875 Email: carina@authentic-representation.com Web: www.authentic-representation.com Contact: Carina Hibbitt Exhibiting with Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association


Auto Jardim, SA

Avenida Da Liberdade, Edificio Brisa, Albufeira Portugal, 8200003 ALBUFEIRA Portugal Tel: +351 289580500 Fax: +351 289587780 Email: claudiotome@auto-jardim.com Web: www.auto-jardim.com Contact: Claudio Tomé Exhibiting with Portugal


Autorent Car Rental Llc

Offce 9 & 10, Sultan Business Center, Po Box 124800, Dubai 124800 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 43374734 +971 43366337 Email: yuvaraj@autorent-me.com Web: www.autorent-me.com Contact: Ketan Mehta Autorent, is a leading Car Rental & Leasing Company headquartered in Dubai, UAE and also has operations in Oman and Saudi Arabia. Autorent is well poised to become a preferred Regional Brand in GCC Countries to provide Reliable Car Rental, Leasing & Limousine Services.


Auvergne Regional Tourist Board

Parc Technologique La Pardieu, 7 Allee Pierre De Fermat, Aubiere Cedex 63178 France +33 473 29 49 68 Tel: Email: corinen.renard@crdt-auvergne.fr Web: www.auvergne-tourism.com Contact: Corinne Renard Exhibiting with France


Avalon Waterways 5301 South Federal Circle, Littleton Colorado, 80123 United States Tel: +1 303 703 7000 Email: pclark@avalonwaterways.com Web: www.avalonwaterways.com Contact: Patrick Clark Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board



Avenida De La Marina, 1, Sant Boi De Llobregat Catalonia, E08830 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 936528489 +34 936528488 Email: a.munoz@avantgrup.com Web: www.avantgrup.com Contact: Toni Muñoz Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

Avantgarde Hotel Istanbul


Buyukdere Cad No 161 Zincirlikuyu Levent 34394 Istanbul, Istanbul Turkey, 34394 Turkey Tel: +90 212 337 04 44 Fax: +90 212 347 33 25 Email: ozgeaztekin@lucisglobal.com Web: www.lucisglobal.com Contact: Ozge Aztekin Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

276 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Avantgarde Tours

Plot 372, Close, 21 Road, Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234 8076767671 Email: efetobo@avantgardetours.com Contact: Efetobo Awhana Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation


Avatar Tour LTD

61, Knyaz Boris I, Str., Sofia Bulgaria Tel: +359 888810991 Email: incoming@avatartour.bg Web: www.avatartour.bg Contact: Milen Ganev Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism



Plaza De San Francisco 19, Edif Laredo 4a Planta, Sevilla 41004 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 955 471231 +34 955 471227 Email: acolino.turismo@sevilla.org Web: www.avexperience.es Contact: Auxiliadora Colino Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



Szlak 65, Krakow Malopolska, 31153 Poland Tel: +48 12 633 11 34 Fax: +48 12 633 11 34 Email: bogacka@avenatravel.pl www.avenatravel.pl Web: Contact: Malgorzata Bogacka Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation

Aventuras Mexico Profundo, S.A. de C.V.


Villa Flores 342, Villas Del Encanto, La Paz Baja California Sur, 23080 Mexico Tel: +52 612 166 1757 Fax: +52 612 166 1757 Email: aventuras@mexicoprofundo.com.mx Web: www.mexicoprofundo.com.mx Contact: Orloff P. Nagorski Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

AVI Agenzia Viaggi Internazionali Arl


Corso Italia, 369, Piano Di Sorrento 80063 Italy Tel: +39 081 8070111 Fax: +39 081 8071980 Email: piero@avitravel.com Web: www.avitravel.com Contact: Tonino Acampora Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


AVIANCA Flighthouse, Fernhill Road, London Surrey, RH6 9SY United Kingdom Tel: +44 293 874985 Email: avianca@flightdirectors.com Contact: Vikky Joyce Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia




Calle 81 No. 19 A - 18, Piso 4, Bogota Colombia Tel: +57 (1)5876500 13001 Email: omar.colmenares@aviatur.com.co Web: www.aviatur.travel Contact: Omar Colmenares Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia



6 Rue Pente Rapide - Charles Ansidei, Bp 149, Avignon 84008 France +33 (0)4 90 27 50 54 Tel: Fax: +33 (0)4 90 85 35 97 Email: s.blanc@avignon-tourisme.com Web: www.avignon-tourisme.com Contact: Stéphane BLANC Exhibiting with France



Lot 2 Arlington Airport, J M Nkomo Road, Harare Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 4575481 +263 4575431 Email: bev@avis.co.zw Web: www.avis.co.zw Contact: RUTENDO BEVELYN SANDE Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY


Avis Rent a Car

Avis House, Park Road, Bracknell Berkshire, RG12 2EW United Kingdom Tel: +44 1344417225 Fax: +44 1344485616 Email: jane.bowden@avis-europe.com Web: www.avisworld.com Contact: Jane Bowden Avis is part of Avis Rent a Car system, with a network almost 5000 locations across 164 countries. Avis Europe plc operates the Avis brand in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia at over 2,900 locations in 107 countries.


Avista Hotels and Resorts

4/1, 4 Leam Sai Road, Karon District, Phuket, 193/108, 26th Floor, Lake Rajada Office Complex, Soi Sukhumvit 16, Ratchadapisek Road, Khlongtoey, Bangkok 10110, Phuket Thailand, 83100 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 26618145 +66 26618141 Email: dosm@avistahotelsandresorts.com Web: www.avistahotelsandresort.com Contact: Somyot Yasavudhi Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Avra Tours SA


13, Didous St., Heraklion Greece, 71601 Greece Tel: +30 302810347168 Fax: +30 302810347155 Email: nmariolis@avratours.gr www.avratours.com Web: Contact: Yannis Dimitriadis Founded in 2010 AVRA TOURS, by a group of tourism professionals, is an ardent advocate of novel and dynamic enterprises in the particular field, grounded in concepts of quality of services, reliability and efficiency, as much as in the value of experience and knowledge brought in by its administrative team.


Awana Hotel & Resorts

Calle Castello 23,planta 4ª Puerta Izq., Madrid Spain Tel: +34 902 007 550 Fax: +34 917 818 931 Email: joviedo@avianca.es Contact: Juan Oviedo Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)



23rd Floor, Wisma Gening, Jln Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, 50250 Malaysia +60 3 27181838 Tel: Fax: +60 3 23336946 Email: susan.ngml@rwgenting.com Web: www.rwgenting.com Contact: Susan Ng Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Axis & Globe Travel



Pl. Porta Pintada 2, Entlo A, Palma De Mallorca Mallorca ( Baleares), 7002 Spain Tel: +34 971 722244 Email: acanellas@atb.caib.es Web: www.aviba.net Contact: Antonia Cañellas Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA


500 Chiswick High Road, London W4 5RG United Kingdom Tel: +44 0208 956 2642 Fax: +44 0208 956 2617 Email: sales@axisglobe.co.uk Web: www.axisglobe.co.uk Contact: Ash Kennedy Exhibiting with UKinbound


P.o.box 8, Miliou, Pafos 8726 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 26632526 +357 26814000 Email: info@aasparesort.com Web: www.aasparesort.com Contact: Chrysis Chrysanthou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Ayuda para Vida Silvestre Amenazada Sociedad Zoológica de Francfort Perú


Av. Sacsayhuaman S/n Mz. L Lote 5 Dpto.203, Cusco Peru Tel: Fax: +51 084253840 +51 084253840 Email: rob@szfperu.org Web: www.szfperu.org Contact: Robert Williams Exhibiting with PromPeru



C/ Grande, 1, Adeje, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Canary Islands, 38670 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922710142 +34 922711484 Email: carmenmb@adeje.es Web: www.costa-adeje.es Contact: Rafael Dolado Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation



Isabel La Catolica, 1 - Bajo, Aguilas Murcia, 30880 Spain Tel: +34 660 59 15 50 Email: info@aguilasmarypesca.org Web: www.ayuntamientodeaguilas.org/ Contact: Jose María Muñoz Exhibiting with REGION OF MURCIA

Ayuntamiento de El Campello


C/alcalde Oncina Giner 7, San Bartolome 103, El Campello Alicante, 3560 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 965633548 +34 965634606 Email: ealberola@elcampello.org Web: www.elcampellotourism.com Contact: Eva Alberola Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme



Carlos Pellegrini 1063 - 3º, Buenos Aires 1009 Argentina Tel: +54 11 5219 4525 Fax: +54 11 4328 2734 Email: azetaviaggi@azeta.com.ar Web: www.azeta.com.ar Contact: Noemí Ferrari Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion



Akamas Ave, P.o. Box 62108, Pafos 8061 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 26845200 +357 26845100 Email: functions@aziaresort.com Web: www.aziaresort.com Contact: Nora Roms Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Azores Promotion Bureau


Av. Simon Bolivar S/n Centro De Convencoes Da Bahia 1 Piso, Jardim Armacao, Bahia 41750-230 Brazil Tel: +55 71 31173160 Fax: +55 71 33703175 Email: adrianalopes@bahiatursa.ba.gov.br Web: www.bahia.com.br Contact: Rosana Decat França Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Bahrain Airport Company

Ayuntamiento De Lorca, Lorca, Murcia 30800 Spain Tel: +34 0034968479700 Email: diana.murcia@lorca.es Web: www.lorca.es Contact: Diana Murcia Exhibiting with REGION OF MURCIA



Plaza Del Ayuntamiento S/n, Mazarron Murcia, 30870 Spain Tel: +34 968590012 Email: piogu@mazarron.es Web: www.mazarron.es Contact: Pio Garrido Exhibiting with REGION OF MURCIA


Ayuntamiento de Oropesa del Mar


C/ Laura De Cervellon,5a, Oropesa Del Mar Castellon, Spain Tel: Fax: +34 964312491 +34 964312320 Email: cfernandez@oropesadelmar.es Web: www.oropesadelmar.es Contact: Cristina Fernández Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme



Plaza De Europa 1, Puerto De La Cruz, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Canary Islands, 38400 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922 378445 +34 922 378479 Email: cdpadilla@puertodelacruz.es Web: www.puertodelacruz.es Contact: Carmen Padilla Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

Az castello di Gargonza


Loc Gargonza , 20, Monte San Savino Ar, Italy Tel: +39 0575847021 Fax: +39 0575847054 Email: info@gargonza.it Web: Www.Gargonza.it Contact: Neri Guicciardini Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione

Azerbaijan Golf Federation


657, Sarabski Str, Baku Azerbaijan, AZ1022 Azerbaijan Tel: +994 12 499 86 86 Fax: +994 12 499 89 89 Email: n.dominik@aqf.az Contact: Dominic Naughton Exhibiting with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism


65 Neftchilar Avenue, Baku AZ 1007 Azerbaijan Tel: +994 124928713 Fax: +994 124424315 Email: tourism@mct.gov.az Web: www.azerbaijan.travel Contact: Leyla Verdiyeva Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan Republic was established in January 30, 2006. The Ministry determines tourism development strategy, promotes international agreements, legislation within the country and co-ordinates travel company activity.


Rua Barao De Ipanema Numero 56, 501, Copacabana, Rio De Janeiro 22050-030 Brazil Tel: +55 21 32089000 Fax: +55 21 32089001 Email: adriana.santos@tivolihotels.com Web: www.bitourism.com Contact: Adriana Santos Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

B&H Photo, Video, and Pro Audio


420 Ninth Avenue, New York Ny, 10001 United States Tel: +1 2122397443 Email: Tourism@bandh.com Web: www.bandh.com Contact: Jesica Bruzzi Exhibiting with NYC & Company

Baan Haad Ngam Boutique Resort & Spa


154 Moo 2, Bophut, Koh Samui, Suratthani 84320 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 77231 520 +66 77231 500 Email: admbkk@baanhaadngam.com Web: www.baanhaadngam.com Contact: Sumontha Panthong Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Bacolet Beach Club


106 Mill Plat, TW7 6BZ United Kingdom Tel: +44 7766746636 Fax: +44 8686396124 Email: info@bacoletbeachclub.com Web: www.bacoletbeachclub.com Contact: Gloria Jones Knapp Exhibiting with Trinidad and TobagoTourism Development Company (TDC)

Baden-Baden Visitors & Convention Office


Solmsstraße 1, Baden-baden 76530 Germany Tel: +49 7221275269 Fax: +49 7221275263 Email: paulus@baden-baden.com Web: www.baden-baden.com Contact: Anne-Greth Paulus Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board

Baha Mar Resorts Ltd


West Bay St, Cable Beach, P.o.box N-8306, Nassau, N-8306 Bahamas Email: renglish@bahamar.com www.bahamar.com Web: Contact: Rick English Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas

Bahamas Out Island Promotion Board


P.o. Box 24924, Muharraq Bahrain Tel: Fax: +973 17920442 +973 17353371 Email: waleed.fakhro@bac.bh Web: www.bac.bh Contact: Waleed Fakhro Exhibiting with KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN, Ministry of Culture

Av. Infante D. Henrique, 55 - 3º C, Sao Miguel-azores Portugal, 9500-150 PONTA DELGADA Portugal Tel: +351 296288082 Fax: +351 296288083 Email: turismoacores@visitazores.travel Web: www.visitazores.com Contact: Rui Cabral Exhibiting with Portugal




Baia Taormina Hotels & Spa


1200 South Pine Island Road, Suite 775, Plantation Florida, 33324 United States +1 9544758315 Tel: Email: raymond@boipb.com Web: www.myoutislands.com Contact: Raymond Francis Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas


Via Nazionale Km 39, Marina D`agro` - Taormina 98030 Italy Tel: +39 0942 756294 Fax: +39 0942 756603 Email: info@baiataormina.com Web: www.baiataormina.com Contact: Pierfrancesco Curcuruto Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)




Loc Baja Sardinia, Arzachena Ot, 7021 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 078999286 +39 0789 97002 Email: info@bajahotels.it Web: www.bajahotels.it Contact: Marco Bongiovanni Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Bajan Services Ltd Newton House, Battaleys, St. Peter Barbados Tel: +1246 4222618 Email: judith.wilcox@bajanservices.com Contact: Judith Wilcox Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

Balearic Islands Government


De La Llotja 3, Palma De Mallorca Mallorca ( Baleares), 7012 Spain Tel: +34 971 176565 Email: acanellas@atb.caib.es Contact: antonia Cañellas Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



Montenegro 5, Palma De Mallorca Mallorca ( Baleares), 7012 Spain Tel: +34 971 176 191 Email: acanellas@atb.caib.es Web: www.illesbalears.es Contact: Antonia Cañellas Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



C/ Rita Levi S/n, Parcbit. Ctra. De Valldemossa, Km 7.400, Palma De Mallorca Baleares, 7121 Spain Tel: +34 971 177 210 Fax: +34 971 177 732 Email: mnunez@atb.caib.es Web: www.illesbalears.es Contact: Monica Nuñez Morcillo Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Bali Hyatt


Danau Tamblingan 89, Sanur Bali, 80228 Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361287826 +62 361281234 Email: bali.resort@hyatt.com Web: www.bali.resort.hyatt.com Contact: Stephen Radcliffe Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Bali Tours & Travel


Jl Hang Tuah No 21, Bali Indonesia, Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361 287227 +62 361 287720 Email: info@balitours-travel.com Web: www.balitours-travel.com Contact: Ida Bagus Gde Nada Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 277



Balkan Holidays Ltd (London)


Sofia House, 19 Conduit Street, London W1S 2BH United Kingdom +44 02075435564 Fax: +44 02075435552 Tel: Email: R.diggins@balkanholidays.co.uk Web: www.balkanholidays.co.uk Contact: Rupert Diggins For 46 years Balkan Holidays have been the UK’s leading specialist tour operator to Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro and Romania. We offer both Summer Sun and Winter Ski & Board Holidays flying from over 20 UK airports.



Calle Balneario De Fotuna S/n, Fortuna Murcia, 30630 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 968685087 +34 968685011 Email: mamen@leana.es Web: www.leana.es Contact: Mamen Vera Exhibiting with REGION OF MURCIA

Baltic Blues Travel


Z. Sierakausko St. 34-9, Vilnius LT 03105 Lithuania +370 52499160 Tel: Fax: +370 52784288 Email: info@balticblues.com Web: www.balticblues.com Contact: Marius Mauragas Exhibiting with Lithuanian State Department of Tourism

Baltic Saitas


Donelaicio St. 26-1, Kaunas LT-44239 Lithuania Tel: Fax: +370 37408539 +370 37408539 Email: incoming@saitas.lt Web: www.balticsaitas.lt Contact: Kamile Jukonaite Exhibiting with Lithuanian State Department of Tourism



94, Prospect Mira, Kaliningrad Russia, 236006 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 4012 211840 +7 4012 931931 Email: tatyana@baltma.ru www.baltma.ru Web: Contact: Tatyana Efimova Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Bandara hotels & Resorts


75/1 Saladaeng Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Thailand +66 2266 0505 Tel: Fax: +66 2236 8200 Email: sales@bandaragroup.com Web: www.bandarahotelsandresorts.com Contact: Bhumibhat kannarat Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Bandos Island Resort & Spa


Bandos Island Resort, North Male’ Atoll Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 6643877 +960 6640088 Email: thoha@bandos.com.mv Web: www.bandosmaldives.com Contact: Thoha Ali Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Banff Lake Louise Tourism


Po Box 1298, Banff Ab, T1L 1B3 Canada Tel: +1 403 762 0288 Email: michelle@banfflakelouise.com www.banfflakelouise.com Web: Contact: Michelle Heywood Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission

Bangkok Airways Co., Ltd.

17/1 Phra Athit Road, Phra Nakhon District, Bangkok 10200 United Kingdom 6622257612 Tel: Email: turtleship27@hotmail.com Web: www.bangkoktourist.com Contact: Chantira Monkiatkul

Bangkok Palace Hotel & Cholchan Pattaya Resort


1091/336 New Petchburi Road, Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2 253 3359 +66 2 253 0510 Email: dos@bangkokpalace.com Web: www.bangkokpalace.com Contact: Pichai Leungparthomaram Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


Bangladesh Tourism Board

House 15, Road 128, Gulshan, Dhaka N/a, 40951 Bangladesh Tel: Fax: +880 27169206 +880 29898099 Email: btbnto@gmail.com Web: www.visitbangladesh.gov.bd Contact: Alim Uddin Ahmed Bangladesh Tourism Board is the National Tourism Organization of the country under the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism. This is a statutory body established by the government in 2010 to develop tourism industry as well as promoting Bangladesh as a tourist destination in the world.

Banthai Hotel and Resort Company Limited


94 Thaveewong Rd., Patong Beach, Phuket 83150 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2278 2189 +66 2278 2185 Email: dosm@banthaiphuket.com Web: www.banthaiphuket.com Contact: Oranooch Boonpong Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


Banyan Tours & Travels Pvt Ltd.

903-904, Vatika City Point, Sector 25, Gurgaon 122002 India +91 124 4563800 Fax: +91 124 4563801 Tel: Email: rachna@banyantours.com Web: www.banyantours.com Contact: Rachna Ahluwalia Exhibiting with India Tourism

Banyan Tree Seychelles


Anse Intendance, Mahe, N/a Seychelles, Seychelles Tel: Fax: +248 4 38 36 00 +248 4 38 35 00 Email: seychelles@banyantree.com Web: www.banyantree.com Contact: Tinaz Wadia Exhibiting with Seychelles Tourism Board



C/ Roques Del Salmor S/n, Adeje Santa Cruz De Tenerife, 38670 Spain Tel: +34 922 70 21 29 Email: kim@baobabdomains.com www.ww.baobabdomains.com Web: Contact: Kim De Coster Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

Barakat Travel



99 Mu 14 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Chom Phon, Bkk 10900 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2265 5522 +66 2265 5792 Email: sales@bangkokair.com Web: www.bangkokair.com Contact: Molwathu Vichityuthasart Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

278 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Baraza, Zanzibar



P.o.box 1361, Tanzania, United Republic Of Email: info@baraza-zanzibar.com Web: www.baraza-zanzibar.com Contact: Sujit Shah Exhibiting with The Zanzibar Collection

Barbados Beach Club & Family Resort


Barbados High Commission


Azarieh Bldg. Block A3, Ground Floor, Beirut Lebanon Tel: Fax: +961 1972111 +961 1 972111 Email: mohamad@barakat.travel Web: www.barakat.travel Contact: Mohamad Barakat Exhibiting with LEBANON Ministry of Tourism

99 Mu 14 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Chom Phon, Chatuchak, Bkk 10900 Thailand +66 2265 5792 Tel: Fax: +66 2265 5522 Email: sales@bangkokair.com Web: www.bangkokair.com Contact: Molwathu Vichityuthasart Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Bangkok Airways Co., Ltd./1

Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA)

1, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3ND United Kingdom Tel: +44 2072997150 Email: london@foreign.gov.bb Contact: Euclid Goodman Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

4th Avenue Belleville, St. Michael, Bridgetown Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4292845 +1246 4265041 Email: sues@bhta.org Web: www.bhta.org Contact: Sue Springer Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

Barbados Investment & Development Corporation



1 Great Russell Street, London Wc1b 3nd United Kingdom Tel: +44 0207 580 6077 Fax: +44 0207 436 0433 Email: jbabb@bidc.org Web: www.bidc.com Contact: NULL NULL Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority


Barbados Tourism Authority

263 Tottenham Court Road, London London, W1T 7LA United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 2997175 Fax: +44 2076371496 Email: tanyab@visitbarbados.org Web: www.visitbarbados.org Contact: Petra Roach The Barbados Tourism Authority is the National Tourist Office in the UK with responsibilty for promoting Barbados as a Tourism destination



Neyzen Tevfik Caddesi, Saray Sk. No.4, Bodrum Mugla, 48400 Turkey +90 2523163919 Fax: +90 2523163920 Tel: Email: aykut@barbarosyachting.com Web: www.barbarosyachting.com Contact: Aykut Uzunsimsek Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Barbizon Tourisme


13 Grande Rue, Barbizon 77630 France Tel: Fax: +33 160662685 +33 160664192 Email: v.boned@snav.travel Web: www.barbizon-tourisme.fr Contact: Valerie Boned Exhibiting with France



Via Laietana, 54, 3-4, Barcelona Catalonia, E-08003 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 932682211 +34 932682422 Email: annamoncusi@barcelonaguidebureau.com Web: www.barcelonaguidebureau.com Contact: Anna Moncusí Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD



Valencia, 352, Pral. 2a, Barcelona Catalonia, E-08009 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 933171155 +34 933437990 Email: silvia.martino@barcelona-on-line.es www.barcelona-on-line.es Web: Contact: Sílvia Martino Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

Barcelona Province Tourist Board


Travessera De Les Corts, 131-159, Recinte Maternitat Pavello Mestral, Barcelona Catalonia, E-08028 Spain +34 93 402 29 66 Fax: +34 93 402 29 65 Tel: Email: promocioifires@diba.cat Web: www.diba.cat/tourism Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

Bardonecchia Tourism Consortium

Maxwell Coast Road, Christ Church Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4288905 +1246 4289900 Email: salesandmarketing@barbadosbeachclub.com Web: www.barbadosbeachclub.com Contact: Felix Broome Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority


Barbados Hotel & Tourism Association


Piazza De Gasperi, 1/a, Bardonecchia Torino, 10052 Italy +39 0122902463 Fax: +39 0122980612 Tel: Email: info@vacanzebardonecchia.it Web: www.vacanzebardonecchia.it Contact: Carola Scanavino Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

EXHIBITOR PROFILES Barefoot Holidays St.Lucia


Massade Industrial Estate, Po Box 130, Castries Saint Lucia Tel: Fax: +1758 450 0661 +1758 450 0507 Email: barefoot@candw.lc Web: www.barefootholidays.com Contact: Erwin Louisy Exhibiting with Saint Lucia Tourist Board



Head Office, 5 Hassan Sadek Street, Cairo Cairo, 2531 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 224199207 +20 224199206 Email: sherif.shahein@baronhotels.com Web: www.baronhotels.com Contact: Sherif Shahein Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Baron Travel Corporation


P O Box - 2015, Male’’ 20-02 Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 6643497 +960 7796455 Email: kiran.sonawane@baros.com Web: www.baros.com Contact: Kiran Sonawane Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation



144 Allan Road, Glen Austin, 1685, P.o.box 6921 Halfway House 1685 Rsa, Johannesburg Johannesburg, South Africa Tel: Fax: +27 865586392 +27 11 0239901 Email: maureen@barraresorts.com Web: www.barraresorts.com Contact: Maureen Harrington Exhibiting with Mozambique Tourism -INATUR

Barton Hill Travel


First Floor Office, 133 South Road, Haywards Heath West Sussex, RH16 4LY United Kingdom Tel: +44 01444 473369 Fax: +44 01444 412625 Email: david@bartonhill.com Web: www.bartonhill.com Contact: David Lyne Exhibiting with UKinbound

Basel Tourism


Aeschenvorstadt 36, Basel 4010 Switzerland Tel: +41 61 268 68 40 Email: dorle.schuermann@basel.com Web: www.basel.com Contact: Dorle Schürmann Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism


Alameda De Urquijo, 36 - 5º A, Bilbao Vizcaya, 48011 Spain Tel: +34 94 607 75 88 Fax: +34 94 607 75 95 Email: iansa@basquetour.net Web: www.basquecountrytourism.net Contact: Idoia Ansa Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



Alameda Urquijo, 36 - 5º, Bilbao Vizcaya, 48011 Spain Tel: +34 946 077 598 Fax: +34 946 077 595 Email: iansa@basquetour.net Web: www.basquecountrytourism.net Contact: Maria Isabel Azpillaga Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Bastion Hotel Groep Po Box 7024, Utrecht 3502 KA Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)302671616 Email: carets@bastionhotelgroep.nl Web: www.bastionhotelgroep.nl Contact: Chen Arets Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)


Bed and Breakfast Valente Via R. Talamo, 22, Centola 84051 Italy Tel: +39 0974 1870046 Email: pina.valente@libero.it Web: www.bbvalentepalinuro.it Contact: Pina Valente Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Beijing Dongcheng District Tourist Information Counter


Level 9, No. 52 Jinbao St, Dongcheng District, Beijing China Tel: +86 10 6525 8800 Email: london@cnta.gov.cn Contact: Xue Li Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office


Beijing Tourism Administration BAVARIA Holidays L.LC.


Po Box 711, Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 26673767 +971 2673747 Email: yoonus@bavariaholidays.com Web: www.bavariaholidays.com Contact: Yoonus Pernkancira Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY



Arabellastrasse 17, Munich Bavaria, 81925 Germany Tel: +49 89 21239764 Fax: +49 89 21239799 Email: mitchell@bayern.info Web: www.bavaria.by Contact: Claudia Mitchell Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board


No 2, Keffi Street, Off, Ubiaja Crescent, Abuja. Nigeria, Nigeria Tel: +234 8036668789 Email: bboogtravels@gmail.com Contact: Bilikisu Abdul Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation

BE Hoteles


Av. 10 Y Calle 26, Col Centro, Playa Del Carmen 77710 Mexico Tel: +52 984 206 3150 1110 Email: marketing@rivieramaya.com Web: www.behoteles.com Contact: Rosa Ma. Cruz Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

Be Live Hotels


Av. Roberto Pastoriza 158, Edificio Air Europa, 5to Piso, Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Tel: Fax: +1809 7323000 +1809 5634848 Email: m.sgroi@belivehotels.com Web: www.belivehotels.com Contact: Margherita Sgroi Exhibiting with Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism

Beachcomber Hotels BASQUE COUNTRY


Port De La Conference, Pont De L’alma, Paris Ile De France, 75 008 France Tel: +33 1 42 25 96 10 Fax: +33 1 42 25 02 28 Email: info@bateaux-mouches.fr Web: www.bateaux-mouches.fr Contact: Elodie Creuse Exhibiting with France

Bboog Travel And Tours BARRA RESORTS


19 Rue De Sevres, Boulogne Billancourt 92100 France Tel: +33 1 46 99 34 44 Fax: +33 1 46 99 25 80 Email: alex.giroire@bateauxparisiens.com Web: www.bateauxparisiens.com Contact: Alex Griroire Exhibiting with France


Lg, Cityland 10 (Tower Ii), 6817 Ayala Avenue, North Corner H.v. De La Costa Street, Makati City Philippines Tel: Fax: +63 28192993 +63 28174926 Email: marilen@barontravel.com.ph Web: www.barontravel.com.ph Contact: Marilen Sandejas-Yaptangco Exhibiting with Philippines Department Of Tourism

Baros Maldives

Bateaux Parisiens


Direction House, 186 High Street, Guildford Surrey, GU1 3HW United Kingdom Tel: +44 845 071 0840 Email: sford@bchot.co.uk Web: www.beachcomber-hotels.com Contact: Samantha Ford Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

Beaches of Fort Myers & Sanibel


2201 2nd Street, Suite 600, Fort Myers Florida, 33901 United States Tel: +1 2393383500 Email: showregistrations@leegov.com Web: www.fortmyers-sanibel.com Contact: Jo Piani Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA



Avda Venezuela 15, S/c De Tenerife Islas Canarias, 38400 Spain Tel: +34 922 374545 Email: dircomercial.canarias@beatrizhoteles.com Web: www.beatrizhoteles.com Contact: Carmen Teresa Cabrera Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation


28, Jianguomenwai Ave., Beijing 100022 China Tel: Fax: +86 1065158223 +86 1085157119 Email: annywu@163.com Contact: Ning Wu Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office

Belambra Clubs


21-23 Rue De La Vanne, Montrouge Cedex 92541 France Tel: +33 1 77 70 94 47 Fax: +33 1 77 70 92 54 Email: silvia.antunez@belambra.fr Web: www.belambra.co.uk Contact: Le Mestre Camille Exhibiting with France


Belarus National Tourism Agency

19 Pobediteley Ave., Minsk 220004 Belarus Tel: Fax: +375 172269117 +375 172039298 Email: info@belarustourism.by Web: www.belarustourism.by Contact: Olga Matiushko 1.Belarusian tourism promotion, tourist information management: publication of promotional materials, maps, video; - development of national tourism web site www.belarustourism.by; 2.Tourist Information Centres. 3.Certification of travel companies and hotel services. 4.Raising the level of the skill of the personnel in tourist sphere. 5. Tourism investment.



Kuzgun Sok. No: 88/1 - 06540, Ankara Turkey Tel: +90 532 762 92 57 Fax: +90 312 441 54 27 Email: info@betuyab.com.tr Web: www.betuyab.com.tr Contact: Zeral Kucukoz Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


Belfast Visitor & Convention Bureau

47 Donegall Place, Belfast BT1 5AD United Kingdom +44 28 9023 9026 Fax: +44 28 9024 9026 Tel: Email: joe.hughes@belfastvisitor.com Web: www.gotobelfast.com Contact: Joe Hughes Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Belgian Ardennes Tourist Board


Quai De L’ourthe, 9, La Roche-en-ardenne Belgian Luxemburg, B-6980 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 84412439 +32 84411011 Email: f.rousseau@ftlb.be Web: www.luxembourg-tourisme.be Contact: Frederic ROUSSEAU Exhibiting with Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia

Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia


Rue Saint-bernard, 30, Brussels B-1060 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 25136950 +32 25040274 Email: nathalie.devos@opt.be Web: www.belgium-tourism.net Contact: Nathalie Devos Promotes Wallonia & Brussels on foreign markets, putting the stress on fine food, sports activities, country tourism, nature, architectural heritage and meeting facilities. With its offices abroad, it increases the competitiveness of both regions and helps creating products adapted to the needs of every market.

Belgian Tourist Office Brussels&Wallonia for UK & Eire


217 Marsh Wall, London London, E14 9FJ United Kingdom Tel: Fax: +44 2075310393 +44 2075310390 Email: manager@belgiumtheplaceto.be Web: www.belgiumtheplaceto.be Contact: Françoise Scheepers Exhibiting with Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 279



Belgian Youth Hostels


Rue De La Sablonniere, 28, Brussels Brussels, 1000 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 22191451 +32 22195676 Email: cra@laj.be Web: www.lesaubergesdejeunesse.be Contact: Caroline RAEDEMAEKER Exhibiting with Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia

Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH


Am Karlsbad 11, Berlin D-10785 Germany Tel: +49 30 264748921 Email: ralf.ostendorf@visitberlin.de Web: www.visitberlin.de Contact: Ralf Ostendorf Exhibiting with Out Now

Best Western Bay View Suites

Best Western Belgium Belleair Holidays


Air Malta House, 314-316 Upper Richmond Rd, London SW15 6TU United Kingdom Tel: +44 02087853255 Fax: +44 02087800833 Email: richard.gamber@holidaymalta.com Web: www.belleair.co.uk Contact: Richard Gamber Exhibiting with Malta Tourism Authority

Belmare Travel


Viale Caruso, 6, Sorrento Napoli, 80067 Italy Tel: +39 0818072808 Fax: +39 0818072679 Email: caroline@belmare-travel.it Web: www.belmare-travel.it Contact: Caroline Fiorentino Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

BelMondo Viaggi


Via S.trentin, 69, Lido Di Jesolo Venice, 30016 Italy Tel: +39 0421972844 Fax: +39 0421972061 Email: info@belmondoviaggi.it www.belmondobooking.com Web: Contact: Gianni Perini Exhibiting with Incoming Italia


Belum Rainforest Resort Pulau Banding, Gerik Perak, 33200 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 5 791 7600 +60 5 791 6800 Email: azrina@belumresort.com Contact: Azrina Muslim Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Benidorm Tourist Board


Plaza Canalejas 1, Edificio Torrejo, Benidorm Alicante, 3501 Spain +34 966806475 Tel: Fax: +34 965863625 Email: info@visitbenidorm.es Web: www.visitbenidorm.es Contact: Yolanda Pickett Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

Bensaude Turismo - Azores


Av. Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro, 3, Lisboa Portugal, 1070-060 LISBOA Portugal Tel: +351 213243623 Fax: +351 2173243649 Email: marta.pires@bensaude.pt Web: www.bensaudehotels.com Contact: Pedro Salazar Exhibiting with Portugal

Beppler and Jacobson


2, Mediteranska, P.o.ox 44, Budva Montenegro, 85 310 Montenegro Tel: +382 33441535 Email: marianna.avala@t-com.me Web: www.avalaresort.com Contact: Marianna Mominova Exhibiting with Montenegro National Tourism Organisation

Berjaya Hotels & Resorts


Lot 8.88, East Wing, Level 8, Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, 55100 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 321442597 +60 321429611 Email: wendy.tan@berjayahotel.com.my Web: www.berjayahotel.com Contact: Wendy Tan Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Berjaya Resorts Seychelles


P.o.box 550 Beau Vallon, Victoria Seychelles, 550 Seychelles Tel: Fax: +248 4247 287 +248 4287 287 Email: sales@berjayaseychelles.com Web: www.berjayahotel.com Contact: Johnette Labiche Exhibiting with Seychelles Tourism Board

280 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Bermuda Department of Tourism

675 Third Avenue, 20th Floor, 675 Third Avenue, 20th Floor, New York City New York, 10017 United States Tel: +1 011 212 818 9800 Fax: +1 011 212 983 5289 Email: nthompson@bermudatourism.com Web: www.gotobermuda.com Contact: Emma Wright Bermuda, just seven hours from London, offers a range of exciting activity options, including wreck dives, world-class golf and smooth pink sand beaches. Bermuda is a luxury destination offering a rich cultural heritage, world-class facilities and hosts a wide range of annual events and festivals, guaranteeing a perfect stay.


Bermuda Department of Tourism

675 Third Ave, 20th Fl, New York Nyc, 10017 United States Tel: Fax: +1 2129835289 +1 2128189800 Email: ashutte@bermudatourism.com Web: www.gotobermuda.com Contact: Ann Shutte Exhibiting with Bermuda Department of Tourism


Bermuda Hotel Association

Carmel Building, 61 King Street, Pembroke Bermuda +1441 2952127 Tel: Email: esmith@bdahotels.bm Web: www.experiencebermuda.com Contact: Erin Smith Exhibiting with Bermuda Department of Tourism

Bern Tourism



Plot No.7, Sector 32, Institutional Area, Haryana India, 122001 India Tel: +91 124 4536802 Email: pooja@bespoketours.co.in www.bespoketours.co.in Web: Contact: Pooja Moirangthem Exhibiting with India Tourism


Best Day Travel

Av. Bonampak Mza, 10 Cancun Quintana Roo, 77500 Mexico Tel: +52 9988811390 Fax: +52 998 881 1383 Email: sgalvez@bestday.com Web: www.bestday.com Contact: Salvador Galvez Exhibiting with Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau


28a Shipilovskaya Str., Moscow 115563 Russian Federation +7 495 6609090 Tel: Fax: +7 495 6624362 Email: info@besteurasian.com Web: www.besteurasian.com Contact: Evgueni Lipets Exhibiting with Russian Federation


Best Western Central Europe


Paseo Del Mediterraneo, 233, Mojacar Almeria, 4638 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 977384363 +34 902246642 Email: samira@andalucia.org Web: www.besthotels.es Contact: Francis Werner Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

Best Island Travel & Tours Freeport, Grand Bahama Island Bahamas Tel: Fax: +1242 3744633 +1242 3733991 Email: lydiags@batelnet.bs Web: www.bestislandtravelandtours.com Contact: Lydia Saunders Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas



BosendorferstraĂ&#x;e 5, Wien A-1010 Austria +43 1 505 17 01 Tel: Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwestern-ce.com Contact: Patricia Szabo Exhibiting with Best Western Worldwide Hotels

Best Western Europe


United Independent Hotel Services Ltd, 3 Vissarionos Street, Athens 10672 Greece Tel: +30 (210) 364 4343 Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwestern.com Contact: Carol Marriott Exhibiting with Best Western Worldwide Hotels


Immeuble Le Doublon - Bat B, 11, Avenue Dubonnet, Paris Courbevoie Cedex, 92407 France Tel: +33 14902 0000 Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwestern.fr Contact: Mareva Maiti Exhibiting with Best Western Worldwide Hotels

Best Western Global Marketing Group

Bespoke Tours-The Signature of Luxury Travel


Heldensquare 2, Brussels B-1180 Belgium Tel: +32 2374 3185 Email: sales@bestwestern.be Web: www.bestwestern.be Contact: Bernard Beauvois Exhibiting with Best Western Worldwide Hotels

Best Western France

Amthausgasse 4, Bern 3011 Switzerland Tel: +41 31 328 12 23 Email: marianne.aebi@bern.com Web: www.bern.com Contact: Marianne Aebi Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Best Eurasian Hotels


Po Box Ss-6308, Nassau Bahamas Email: info@bwbayviewsuites.com www.bwbayviewsuites.com Web: Contact: Hiltrud Augustin Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas


26 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill Kent, ME19 4AE United Kingdom Tel: +44 01732 424280 Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwesternglobal.com Contact: Natalie Zima

Best Western Great Britain


Consort House, Amy Johnson Way, York YO30 4GP United Kingdom Tel: +44 1904 695 400 Email: mark.smith@bestwestern.co.uk Web: www.bestwestern.co.uk Contact: Mark Smith Exhibiting with Best Western Worldwide Hotels

Best Western Greece,Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus


3 Vissarionos Street, Athens Greece, 10672 Greece Tel: +30 (210) 364 4343 Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwestern.gr Contact: Katerina Kyriakopoulou Exhibiting with Best Western Worldwide Hotels

Best Western Hotel Golden Mile


V.le Cristoforo Colombo 33, Trezzano Sul Naviglio (milan) 20090 Italy Tel: +39 02 48498111 Fax: +39 02 48498800 Email: booking@hotelgoldenmile.it Web: www.hotelgoldenmile.it Contact: Michele Surgo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Best Western Hotels Finland, Baltic States & Poland Katajanokanlaituri 5, Helsinki 160 Finland Tel: +358 9622 64900 Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwestern.fi Contact: Terhi Niemela Exhibiting with Best Western Worldwide Hotels


EXHIBITOR PROFILES Best Western Hotels Germany & Luxemburg

Frankfurter Strasse 10 - 14, Eschborn Germany, D-65760 Germany Tel: +49 61 96 47 240 Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwestern.de Contact: Sabine Luettge Exhibiting with Best Western Worldwide Hotels

Str. N. Anestiade 7, Chisinau MD-2001 Moldova, Republic Of Tel: +373 373 22 260202 Fax: +373 373 22 277244 Email: info@hotelflowers.md Web: www.hotelflowers.md Contact: Calughin Serghei Exhibiting with Moldova

Best Western Skei Hotel Best Western hotels in Lithuania


Konstitucijos Ave. 14, Vilnius LT-09308 Lithuania Tel: Fax: +370 52739500 +370 52739595 Email: vilnius@vilniushotel.eu Web: www.vilniushotel.eu Contact: Ausra Virsilaite-Kovzan Exhibiting with Lithuanian State Department of Tourism


Best Western Hotels Norway Kronprinsensgate 1, N-0251 Oslo Norway Tel: +47 22 944 060 Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwestern.no Contact: Maja Bertheussen Exhibiting with Best Western Worldwide Hotels

Best Western Hotels The Netherlands

GV600 Postbus 1433, Amersfoort 3800 BK Netherlands Tel: +31 33 469 7070 Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwestern.nl Contact: Judith Spijker Exhibiting with Best Western Worldwide Hotels


Best Western International Denmark

Trommesalen 5, 5 Sal Mf., Copenhagen 1640 Denmark Tel: +45 3539 3313 Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwestern.dk Contact: Claus Pedersen Exhibiting with Best Western Worldwide Hotels


Best Western International Russia Nagor Road Business Park, Dublin Ireland Tel: +353 (1) 460 5100 Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwestern.com Contact: Neville Graham Exhibiting with Best Western Worldwide Hotels


P.o. Box 23, Skei I Jølster NO-6841 Norway Tel: Fax: +47 57727801 +47 57727800 Email: tor@skeihotel.no Web: www.skeihotel.no Contact: Tor Skrede Exhibiting with Visit Norway / Innovation Norway


Avenida General Peron 26-esc., 1-7 Dcha., Madrid 28020 Spain Tel: +34 91 561 46 22 Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwestern.es Contact: Noelia Perez Exhibiting with Best Western Worldwide Hotels

Best Western Sweden


Po Box 28, Solna SE 171 11 Sweden Tel: +46 (8) 566 29370 Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwestern.se Contact: Tommy Evin Exhibiting with Best Western Worldwide Hotels


Calle Francisco De Paula Ugarriza 813 Of. 401, Miraflores, Lima 18 Peru Tel: +51 (1) 719 2770 Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwestern.com Contact: Neville Graham Exhibiting with Best Western Worldwide Hotels


Best Western International Turkey Tiyatro Cad.25, 34126 Beyazit, Istanbul Turkey +90 212 638 7972 Tel: Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwestern.com Contact: Neville Graham Exhibiting with Best Western Worldwide Hotels

Best Western Swiss Hotels


Postfach, Monbijoustrasse 130, Bern 23 3000 Switzerland Tel: +41 31 378 18 32 Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwestern.ch Contact: Barbara Hofer Exhibiting with Best Western Worldwide Hotels


Nangor Road Business Park, Nangor Road, Dublin DUBLIN 12 Ireland Tel: +353 (1) 460 5100 Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwestern.ie Contact: Robert Walsh Exhibiting with Best Western Worldwide Hotels


Nangor Business Park, Nangor Rd, Dublin 12 Ireland Tel: +353 353 1 4605100 Email: robert.walsh@bestwestern.com www.bestwestern.ie Web: Contact: Neville Graham Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Best Westerns of New York, New Jersey & Pennsylvania


26 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill Kent, ME19 4AE United Kingdom Tel: +44 01732 424280 Email: kevin.sharp@bestwestern.com Web: www.bwnynjpa.com Contact: Bob Jaeger


217-218 Aditya Building, D D A Commercial Complex, New Delhi Delhi, 110 046 India Tel: Fax: +91 1128524901 +91 1128521897 Email: bestway@bestway.in Web: www.bestway.in Contact: Amit Malhotra Bestway Tours & Safaris Pvt Ltd is an inbound tour operator specializing into the Indian Subcontinent and operating tours to India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Tibet.Sitara International Ltd. is a Destination Management Company operating tours in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, China (Silk Road) Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran.


Via Cavour, 18, Roma 184 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 064743505 +39 064884051 Email: tosie@bettojahotels.it Web: www.bettojahotels.it Contact: Emanuela Tosi Bettoja Hotels have a capacity of 650 rooms ranging from deluxe suites to standard singles. The Bettoja Hotels in Rome are within walking distance of the most important archeological sites, such as the Forum and Colosseum, The Via Veneto,just a block away from Termini Train Station.

Bhainsrorgarh Best Western Vega Hotel @ Convention Center

Best Western Worldwide Hotels



26 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling Kent, ME19 4AE United Kingdom Tel: +44 1732424280 Fax: +44 1732424001 Email: phil.feek@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwestern.com Contact: Phil Feek Best Western International is The World’s Biggest Hotel Family®, with over 4,000 hotels in 100 countries. Our uniqueness is found in each hotel’s charm and local appeal while maintaining a commitment to quality, service and value. Each Best Western® branded hotel is independently owned and operated.

Best Western Worldwide Hotels

Best Western Ireland

26 Kings Hill Avenue, Kent ME19 4AE United Kingdom Tel: +44 01732 424280 Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.travelnewengland.com Contact: Tom Jaeger

Bettoja Hotels

71, Bld.3b, Izmailovo Ave., Moscow Rf, 105613 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 495 7377967 +7 495 9560518 Email: kns@hotel-vega.ru Web: www.hotel-vega.ru Contact: Natalia Krylova Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Best Western International South America


Best Westerns of New England

Bestway Tours & Safaris Pvt Ltd Best Western Spain & Portugal

Best Western Ireland





26 Kings Hill Ave., West Malling Kent, ME19 4AE United Kingdom +44 1732 424280 Tel: Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.bestwestern.com Contact: Kevin Sharp

Best Westerns of California, Nevada & Hawaii


26 Kings Hill Avenue, Kent ME19 4AE United Kingdom Tel: +44 01732 424280 Email: charlotte.sim@bestwestern.com Web: www.travelbestwestern.com Contact: Millie Matz


The Palace, Bhainsrorgarh, District Chittorgarh Rajasthan, 323304 India +91 1475 232006 Tel: Email: bhainsrorgarh@gmail.com Web: www.bhainsrorgarh.com Contact: Hemendra Singh Exhibiting with MAhout (UK) Ltd

Bhara Tours


Saninten No.53, West Java Indonesia, Indonesia Tel: +62 22 723415051 Fax: +62 22 7234160 Email: herman@bharatours.com Contact: Herman Rukmanandi Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Bhaya Cruises


47 Phan Chu Trinh Street, Hanoi, Vietnam, Hanoi Hanoi, Vietnam Tel: +84 4 39 44 6777 Fax: +84 4 3944 6776 Email: cma@bhayacruises.com www.bhayacruises.com/ Web: Contact: Armand Cheveux Exhibiting with HG Travel

Bhutan (Tourism Council of)

Best Western International is The World’s Biggest Hotel Family®, with over 4,000 hotels in 90 countries. Our uniqueness is found in each hotel’s charm and local appeal while maintaining a commitment to quality, service and value. Each Best Western® branded hotel is independently owned and operated.



Thimphu, Thimphu Bhutan, 126 Bhutan Tel: Fax: +975 2323965 +975 2323252 Email: twangdi@tourism.gov.bt Web: www.tourism.gov.bt Contact: Alvaro Moreno The Tourism Council of Bhutan is the regulatory body of the tourism sector. Its functions include policy and planning, monitoring and marketing. The tourism industry in Bhutan is founded on the principle of sustainability, meaning that tourism must be environmentally and ecologically friendly, socially and culturally acceptable and economically viable.

Bhutan Dhenzang Travel


Post Box #1600, Thimphu Bhutan, Bhutan Tel: Fax: +975 2340099 +975 2340100 Email: dhenzangtravel@hotmail.com Web: www.trekbhutantour.com Contact: Karma Letho Exhibiting with Bhutan (Tourism Council of)

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 281



Bhutan Etho Metho Tours & Treks

Po Box 360, Lugar Theatre Complex, Thimphu Bhutan Tel: Fax: +975 2 322884 +975 2 323162 Email: info@ethometho.com.bt Web: www.bhutanethometho.com Contact: Dago Beda Etho Metho Tours, one of the oldest and renowned inbound tour operators in the Kingdom of Bhutan, organizes eco adventure travel such as trekking, mountain biking, and bird watching. Cultural tours offer a spiritual journey into the Buddhist way of life and fascinating intact traditions of this untouched Himalayan Kingdom.


Bhutan Tourism Corporation Ltd Post Box 159, Thimphu, Thimphu Bhutan, Bhutan Tel: Fax: +975 2323392 +975 2324045 Email: operation@btclgroup.com Web: www.kingdomofbhutan.com Contact: Thinley Dorji Exhibiting with Bhutan (Tourism Council of)


Bio-Vitalhotel Weissenseerhof****s

Neusach 18, Weissensee Carinthia, 9762 Austria Tel: +43 4713 2219 401 Fax: +43 4713 2219 500 Email: manfred.agath@weissenseerhof.at Web: www.weissenseerhof.at Contact: Manfred Agath Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

BIT International Tourism Exchange Fiera Milano


S.s Del Sempione 28, Rho (milano) Lombardia, 20017 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0249976583 +39 0249971 Email: bit@fieramilano.it Web: www.bit.fieramilano.it Contact: Alessandro Bertini Bit - International Tourism Exchange is the only travel show in Italy that allows you to meet trade professionals and private travellers. Bit will take place in Milan from 14 to 17 of february 2013


Black Forest Tourist Board Big Bus Tours


Grosvenor Gardens House, 35-37 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0BS United Kingdom Tel: +44 02079764364 Fax: +44 02072338766 Email: alka@bigbustours.com Web: www.bigbustours.com Contact: Alka Chandolia Big Bus Tours is the largest operator of open-top sightseeing tours in the World, providing hop-on, hop-off sightseeing tours in thirteen cities across three continents.Big Bus Tours’ sightseeing formula is designed to provide a flexible approach to city discovery, with each tour showcasing its city’s standout landmarks and attractions.

Big Bus Tours LLC


Double Decker Bus Tours Llc, Po Box 116250, Dubai, Uae, Abu Dhabi 0 United Arab Emirates +971 43407709 Tel: Email: katrinad@bigbustours.com Web: www.bigbustours.com Contact: Katrina Dawson Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Bike Hotel Villa Asfodeli


Piazza Giovanni Xxiii, 4, Tresnuraghes Or, 9079 Italy Tel: +39 0785 315052 Fax: +39 0785 315056 Email: info@asfodelihotel.com Web: www.asfodelihotel.com Contact: Guglielmo Macchiavello Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



Plaza Ensanche, 11, Bilbao Vizcaya, 48009 Spain Tel: +34 944 795 770 Fax: +34 944 795 771 Email: promocion@bilbaoturismo.bilbao.net Web: www.bilbao.net/bilbaoturismo Contact: Mercedes Rodriguez Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Billur Tur


16, Rasul Rza Str, Baku Azerbaijan, AZ1000 Azerbaijan Tel: +994 12 495 75 76 Fax: +994 12 495 55 53 Email: office@billurtur.az www.billurtur.az Web: Contact: Vafa Javadova Exhibiting with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Bimini Bay Resort and Marina


Rockresorts & Legendary Lodging Coastal Collection, 1680 Michigan Avenue Ph5, Miami Beach FL 33139 United States +1 7864338920 Tel: Email: ATunis@rockresorts.com Web: www.biminibayresort.com/ Contact: John MacMullen Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas

Bin Majid Tours


P.o. Box 181895, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 42682080 Email: bmbhrak@emirates.net.ae Web: www.binmajidtours.com Contact: Ali Kasapbashi Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

282 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Ludwigstraße 23, Freiburg 79104 Germany Tel: Fax: +49 7618964670 +49 761896460 Email: mail@schwarzwald-tourismus.info Web: www.blackforest-tourism.com Contact: Maxi Wähnert Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board


Bland Group Cloister Building, Po Box 212, Gibraltar Gibraltar +350 20079200 Tel: Email: nuria.saccone@blandgroup.com Web: www.blandgroup.com Contact: Nuria Saccone Exhibiting with Gibraltar Tourist Board

BLANES - Patronat Municipal de Turisme de Blanes


Pg Catalunya 2, Blanes Catalonia, E-17300 Spain Email: turisme@blanes.cat Web: www.blanes.cat Contact: Jaume Dulsat Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

Bleu Village


Via Alimuri, 7, Meta 80062 Italy Tel: +39 081 8786557 Fax: +39 081 8088961 Email: info@bleuvillage.com Web: www.bleuvillage.com Contact: Giusy Russo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Blu Hotels Spa


Via Enrico Fermi, 7/b, Localita’ Cunettone, Salo’ Bs, 25087 Italy Tel: +39 0365441100 Fax: +39 0365441144 Email: info@bluhotels.it www.bluhotels.it Web: Contact: Domenico Mariani Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Blu Welcome Travel


Via San Cesareo, 34, Sorrento Napoli, 80067 Italy Tel: +39 081 8773950 Fax: +39 081 8773953 Email: ernesto@bluwelcometravel.com Web: www.bluwelcometravel.com Contact: Ernesto Gargiulo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Blue Diamond Hotels & Resorts


Paseo Xaman Ha 19, Ofi 32-34, Playacar, Quintana Roo Mexico Tel: +52 984 803 35 76 Email: aherrera@bluediamondresorts.com Web: www.bluediamondresorts.com Contact: Antonio Herrera Exhibiting with Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism

Blue Furat Tourism & Aviation services

20th Floor, Trafalgar Plaza, Hv Dela Costa Street, Makati City, Metro Manila 1227 Philippines +63 28483901 Tel: Fax: +63 28483909 Email: info@bluehorizons.travel Web: www.bluehorizons.travel Contact: Alexander Stutely Exhibiting with Philippines Department Of Tourism

Blue Lagoon

Ergenekon Mah. Cumhuriyet Cad. Ruyam Apt. No201 K6 D11, Istanbul Sisli, 34373 Turkey Tel: +90 212 234 9335 Fax: +90 212 343 0115 Email: furat@furatgroup.com Web: www.furatgroup.com Contact: Perihan Tokgozoglu Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


Blue Lagoon, Grindavik 240 Iceland Tel: +354 4208800 Email: bluelagoon@bluelagoon.com Web: www.bluelagoon.com Contact: Berglind Haflidadottir Exhibiting with Visit Iceland


Blue Lagoon Beach Hotel

Pointe D’esny, Blue Bay 230 Mauritius Tel: +230 631 9046 Email: hansleyblbh@intnet.mu Web: www.bluelagoonbeachhotel.com Contact: Noel LEUNG SHING Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

Blue Lagoon Group


Nea Alikarnassos Lambi, 85300, Kos Dodecanese, 85300 Greece Tel: +30 2242054444 Fax: +30 2242026230 Email: m.hadjiandreou@bluelagoongroup.com Web: www.bluelagoongroup.com Contact: Michalis Hadjiandreou The Blue Lagoon Experience means attention to detail – thoughtful little touches – to ensure that every stay is effortless refreshing pleasure. The accommodation offers comfortable elegance at its best. Expect spas, salons and amenities to refresh, pamper and indulge all your senses.

Blue Poppy Tours & Treks


24 Lonsdale Square, London N1 1EN United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 7609 2029 Fax: +44 20 7691 7474 Email: choki@bluepoppybhutan.com Web: www.bluepoppybhutan.com Contact: Choki Dorji Exhibiting with Bhutan (Tourism Council of)

Blue Ship Travel Co., LTD.


8th Floor Hongo Daiya Building., 3-18-14 Hongo, Tokyo 113 0033 Japan Tel: Fax: +81 362400635 +81 362400602 Email: blueshiptravel@gmail.com Web: www.blue-ship.com Contact: Ken ISHIHARA Exhibiting with Japan National Tourism Organization

Blue Sky Group


44 Shehab Street, Mohandessin, Cairo Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 233041037 +20 233059797 Email: info@blueskygroup.net Web: www.blueskygroup.net Contact: Amal A Aziz Blue Sky Travel Group is a complete services travel company istablished in 1971 ,divided into: Incoming, Outgoing, Airlines Ticket, Nile Cruises & Transport Division,Hotels.Blue Sky Travel, Blue Sky Transport, Bright Sky Travel,Sun Rise Resorts & Nile Cruises, Sky Max Dubai, Blue Sky China

BLUE Sydney, Australia - A Taj Hotel

GV410 6 Cowper Wharf Road, Woolloomooloo, Sydney NSW 2011 Australia +61 293319000 Tel: Email: itd.bom@tajhotels.com Web: www.tajhotels.com Contact: Sanjay Umashankar Exhibiting with Taj Group

Blue Travel Partner Services



Blue Horizons Travel & Tours, Inc


Calle Lope De Vega 29, Novocentro, Locales 502-503, Santo Domingo Distrito Nacional, Dominican Republic Tel: Fax: +1809 6833226 +1809 5660092 Email: jderudi@bluetps.com Web: www.bluetps.com Contact: Juan Derudi Exhibiting with Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism



Bluewaters Hotel, Soldiers Bay, St John’s Antigua And Barbuda Tel: +1268 462 0290 Email: tony@bluewaters.net Web: www.bluewaters.net Contact: Tony Randall Exhibiting with Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority


Bon Voyage Travel Agency

Kralja Aleksandra 14, Novi Sad 21000 Serbia Tel: +381 21661994 Email: milos@bonvoyage.co.rs Web: www.bonvoyage.co.rs Contact: Milos Draskovic Exhibiting with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia


Batteaux Bay, Speyside Tobago, Trinidad And Tobago Tel: Fax: +1868 6605195 +1868 6602583 Email: mkisler@bluewatersinn.com Web: www.bluewatersinn.com Contact: David Hairston Exhibiting with Trinidad and TobagoTourism Development Company (TDC)

3930 Howard Hughes Parkway, Suite 100, Las Vegas Nevada, 89109 United States Tel: +1 702 796 5454 Email: jessica@bonotel.com Web: www.bonotel.com Contact: Jessica Sporn Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority

Bonvecchiati S.r.l. Bluebay Hotels Zanzibar


Po Box 3276, Zanzibar Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 242240240 Fax: +255 242240245 Email: mail@bluebayzanzibar.com Web: www.bluebayzanzibar.com Contact: Andrew Smith Bluebay Hotels Zanzibar, offering three impeccable luxury holiday hideouts on the Island of Zanzibar. Bluebay Beach Resort & Spa: 5star, right on the edge of the white sandy beach.Sultan Sands: A magical African resort offering African style rondavel rooms nestled on the beach-front.Beyt-al-Chai: 5-room boutique hotel in stonetown.



Via Vilmar, Vezzi Portio Sv, 17028 Italy Tel: +39 3472779881 Email: fausto@bluerental.it Web: www.bluerental.it Contact: Fausto Ferraro Exhibiting with Agenzia Regionale per la Promozione Turistica ‘in Liguria’



C/acevino 12, Puerto De La Cruz, Islas Canarias Spain, 38400 Spain Tel: +34 971 427 110 Fax: +34 971 426 143 Email: ankies@blueseahotels.es Web: www.blueseahotels.com Contact: Ankie kiens Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation



Av Borges De Medeiros, 633 / 408, Rio De Janeiro Brazil, 22430-041 Brazil Tel: +55 21 21429300 Fax: +55 21 25113739 Email: felipe@riolifetours.com Web: www.blumar.com.br Contact: Felipe Amaral Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur



Bratia Bukston Blvd., Bl.208, Sofia Bulgaria, 1618 Bulgaria +359 2 9556285 Tel: Email: info@boiana-mg.com Web: www.boiana-mg.com Contact: Maria Iankova Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism

Bokai Travel


Room1404, Moma Tower, 199, Chaoyangbei Road, Beijing 100026 China Tel: +86 1085965673 Email: yangbo@bokai-travel.com www.bokai-travel.com Web: Contact: Bo Yang Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office

Bom Sucesso Design Resort, Leisure & Golf


Bom Sucesso, Vau, Obidos Portugal, 2510-662 VAU - OBIDOS Portugal +351 262969470 Fax: +351 262969690 Tel: Email: nuno.menezes@bomsucesso.net Web: www.bomsucesso.net Contact: Nuno Menezes Exhibiting with Portugal


2, Enos Str, Sofia Bulgaria, 1408 Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 805 55 49 Email: marketing@bt-ds.com Web: www.btcollection.com Contact: Dessislava Kinova-Tabakova Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism


Bonotel Exclusive Travel Blue Waters Inn

Borovets, Hotel Rila




Boston Logan International Airport

1 Harborside Drive, Suite 200s, East Boston Massachusetts, 2128 United States Tel: +1 603 766 0606 Email: mcataldo@massport.com Contact: Mike Cataldo Exhibiting with Discover New England


Botswana Tourism Organisation

San Marco 4488, Venezia Italy, 30124 Italy Tel: +39 0415285017 Fax: +39 0415285230 Email: hbonvecc@tin.it Web: www.bonvecchiati.com Contact: Fabio Bottacin

6 Stratford Place, London W1C 1AY United Kingdom Tel: Fax: +44 2074958595 +44 2076471018 Email: ombaakanyi@botswanatourism.co.bw Web: www.botswanatourism.org.uk Contact: Obenne Mbaakayni

Hotel Bonvecchiati: 4 star - 120 rooms traditional venetian style. Spacious Terrace Restaurant by the canal. Palace Bonvecchiati: 4 star superior - Boutique Hotel with 70 rooms contemporary luxury style. Fitness and Spa ***

Wildlife, wilderness, culture and sense of place –Botswana has it all. It’s the promise of a unique experience. Sense the mesmerising emptiness of one of the world’s largest salt pans, the Makgadikgadi; marvel at the ancient rock art of the Kalahari at Tsodilo Hills. Our experiences are life changing.


Boracay Regency Group of Resorts

Borgo degli Ulivi Residence ***

Maxwell Coast Road, Christ Church Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4282524 +1246 4180990 Email: dawnkirton@bougainvillearesort.com Web: www.bougainvillearesort.com Contact: Dawn Kirton Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority


Via Porto Frailis Snc, Arbatax 8048 Italy Tel: +39 0782 665018 Fax: +39 0782 664007 Email: info@borgodegliuliviresidence.it Web: www.borgodegliuliviresidence.it Contact: Paolo Meloni Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Borgo Egnazia

Borneo Adventure Sdn Bhd (Sarawak)


55 Main Bazaar, Kuching Sarawak, 93000 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 82422626 +60 82245175 Email: info@borneoadventure.com Web: www.borneoadventure.com Contact: Dorothy Doughty Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board



Block D, Lot 10, Ground Floor, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, 88100 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 88251363 +60 88267637 Email: info@borneonaturetours.com www.borneonaturetours.com Web: Contact: George Hong Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Borneo Passages Sdn Bhd


Avda. Sudamericana Casi Atilano Caceres Nº 3104, Asuncion Paraguay Tel: Fax: +595 216591000 +595 216591000 Email: reservas.conmebol@bourbon.com.py Web: www.bourbon.com.py Contact: CAROLINA VERGARA Exhibiting with Paraguay Secretaria Nacional de Turismo

Bournemouth University


B928, 9th Floor, Wisma Merdeka Phase 2, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, 88000 Malaysia +60 88250728 Tel: Fax: +60 88250727 Email: charlie@borneopassages.com Web: www.borneopassages.com Contact: Charlie Chan Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board


School Of Tourism, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Dorset, BH12 5BB United Kingdom Tel: +44 1202 961916 Email: askBUenquiries@bournemouth.ac.uk www.bournemouth.ac.uk/tourism Web: Contact: Samantha Rylands Bournemouth University School of Tourism is a world-leader in tourism research and a leading provider of degree courses uniquely focused on the environmental, economic, social and cultural impacts. We are experts in the contemporary tourism sector, encompassing hospitality, retail, leisure, sports and events.

Boyd Gaming

Lot 1 Pusat Perindustrian, Kolombong Jaya Mile 5.5, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, 88450 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 88438307 +60 88438300 Email: baton@borneoecotours.com Web: www.borneoecotours.com Contact: Baton Bijamin Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Borneo Nature Tours Sdn Bhd



Savelletri Di Fasano, Savelletri Di Fasano (br) Italy, 72010 Italy Tel: +39 0802255000 Fax: +39 0802255001 Email: cristiano.cabutti@borgoegnazia.com www.borgoegnazia.com Web: Contact: Moreno Donvito Exhibiting with Regione Puglia

Borneo Eco Tours


Bougainvillea Beach Resort

Station 2, Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan Philippines, Philippines +63 25231234 Tel: Fax: +63 25239790 Email: rsebastian@regencylagoon.com.ph Web: www.boracayregency.com Contact: Rizza Sebastian Exhibiting with Philippines Department Of Tourism


4500 W Tropicana Avenue, Las Vegas 89103 United States Tel: +1 702 365 7123 Email: fernandohurtado@boydgaming.com Web: www.boydgaming.com Contact: Fernando Hurtado Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority

BOYTAV-BODRUM PENINSULA PROMOTION EM800,EM850 FOUNDATION Cevat Sakir Cad. Cevat Sakir Is Hani, No 15, Bodrum Mugla, 48400 Turkey Tel: Fax: +90 2523139294 +90 2523165555 Email: info@boytav.org Web: www.boytav.org Contact: Cemal Bayraktar Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Bradenton, Anna Maria Island & Longboat Key


1 Haben Boulevard, Fl Us, 34221 United States Tel: +1 9415454424 Email: Debbie.meihls@bacvb.com Web: www.bradentongulfislands.com Contact: Debbie Meihls Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 283



Brand USA

1725 Eye Street, Nw, Suite 800, Washington Dc, 20006 United States +1 12025362060 Tel: Email: jgray@thebrandusa.com Web: www.thebrandusa.com Contact: Jay Gray

NA170 805 Princess Anne Street, Suite 1, Fredericksburg Virginia, 22401 United States Tel: Fax: +1 5403721414 +1 5403739935 Email: mwalsh@exhibitpro.com Web: www.discoveramericapavilion.com Contact: Michael Walsh

Momentum House, London United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 3432 4351 Email: christopher.otoole@breakingtravelnews.com Web: www.breakingtravelnews.com


C/o B-for International, 520 William Street, Fredericksburg Virginia, 22401 United States +1 5403739935 Tel: Fax: +1 5403721414 Email: b-for@exhibitpro.com Web: www.brandusapavilions.com Contact: Michael Walsh The Discover America brand, developed by the U.S. Travel Association (USTA), serves as a unifying element to present the United States as the world’s premier travel destination. B-FOR International organizes Discover America Pavilions at international travel events, providing quality standards for representing U.S. travel & tourism interests around the world.


St Centro De Convencoes Ulisses Guimaraes Lote 5 - Eixo Monumental, Setor De Divulgacao Cultural, Brasilia Df, 70070350 Brazil Tel: +55 61 33256373 Fax: +55 61 33255214 Email: carneiroemanuelai@gmail.com Contact: EMANUELA CARNEIRO Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur



23, Ecaterina Varga Street, Brasov Brasov, 500003 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 268474288 +40 268474288 Email: office@brasovtourism.eu Web: www.brasovtourism.eu Contact: Ionut GLIGA Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM

Bratislava Region Tourism


Sabinovska 16, P.o. Box 106, Bratislava 25 820 05 Slovakia Tel: +421 248264114 Email: katarina.kulisek@region-bsk.sk www.bratislavskykraj.sk Web: Contact: Katarina Kulisek Exhibiting with Slovak Tourist Board

Bratislava Tourist Board


Primacialne Namestie 1, Bratislava 1 814 99 Slovakia Tel: +421 259356460 Email: oslovicova@bratislava.sk Contact: Kristina Oslovicova Exhibiting with Slovak Tourist Board



Avda. Alegries 11, Lloret De Mar Catalonia, E-17310 Spain Email: info@viajesbravasol.com www.viajesbravasol.com Web: Contact: Jordi Puig Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

Brazil 4 Senses


Breaking Travel News




Scn Quadra 2, Bloco G - 2 Andar, Brasilia Distrito Federal, 70712-907 Brazil Tel: +55 612023 8888 Fax: +55 612023 8650 Email: events@embratur.gov.br Web: www.braziltour.com Contact: Enrico Antinoro Embratur’s main work is to promote the Brazilian tourist destinations and products abroad, implementing the marketing plan for Brazilian tourism; defining and executing a promotional action policy to support the trading of touristic products as well as formatting and organizing new products and integrated touristic routes.

Brand USA Pavilion Colorado & Utah

Brand USA Pavilions

Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


Calle Capitan Haya, 51 28020 – Madrid, Madrid Espanha, 28020 Brazil +55 34 91 567 0077 Tel: Email: patricia.storni@brazil4senses.es Web: www.brazil4senses.es Contact: Patrícia Storni Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

284 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications


Breezes Beach Club & Spa, Zanzibar

P.o.box 1361, Zanzibar Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 774440885 Email: info@breezes-zanzibar.com www.breezesbeachclubzanzibar.com Web: Contact: Ssujit Shah Exhibiting with The Zanzibar Collection

Brennan Hotels


C/o Green Isle Hotel, Newlands Cross, Dublin 12 Ireland Tel: +353 1 459 3406 Fax: +353 1 459 2178 Email: reservations@greenislehotel.com Web: www.brennanhotels.com Contact: Phil O’’Regan Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Brewster Inc.


Po Box 1140, 100 Gopher Street, Banff Ab, T1L 1J3 Canada +1 020 8090 5414 Tel: Email: smacintyre@brewster.ca Web: www.brewster.ca Contact: Sarah MacIntyre Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission

Bridal Guide Magazine


330 Seventh Avenue, 10th Floor, New York Ny, 10001 United States Tel: +1 9173385837 Fax: +1 212 308 7165 Email: odoherty@bridalguide.com www.bridalguide.com Web: Contact: Karen O’Doherty


P.o. Box: 1593, Aqaba Jordan, 77110 Jordan Tel: +962 3 203 9009 Fax: +962 3 203 5950 Email: bridge@bridgetravel.com.jo Web: www.bridgetravel.com.jo Contact: Mohammad Nofal Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board

Brienz Rothorn Bahn


Po Box, Brienz 3855 Switzerland +41 33 952 22 11 Tel: Email: michael.ellis@brb.ch Web: www.brienz-rothorn-bahn.ch Contact: Michael Ellis Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

British Airways / Comair

Brovad Tours & Travel



Plot 2, Colville Street, P.o Box 9174 Uganda, KLA Uganda Tel: +256 77 4 334 655 Fax: +256 41 4 237 477 Email: sylviakalembe@tourismuganda.info Web: www.brovadsafaris.com Contact: Rashid Kiyimba Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD

Bruges Tourist Office


Postbus 744, Brugge 8000 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 50 44 46 45 +32 50 44 46 46 Email: trade@brugge.be Web: www.brugge.be/tourism Contact: Saskia Desmidt Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office

Brussels Guided Tours


Rue Royale, 2-4, Brussels B-1000 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 25636161 +32 25636151 Email: info@voiretdirebruxelles.be www.voiretdirebruxelles.be Web: Contact: Charline MAZIER Exhibiting with Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia



A - 64 Sector - 63, Noida (up) India, 201301 India Tel: +91 911147586161 Fax: +91 911147586167 Email: vijayprasad@brys.in Web: www.bryshotels.com Contact: Vijay Prasad

Bucuti Beach Resort and Tara Beach Suites & Spa


Po Box 1347, L.g. Smith Boulevard 55b, . Aruba Tel: Fax: +297 0 +297 0 Email: mieke@bucuti.com Contact: Mieke Bozic Exhibiting with Aruba Tourism Authority


2/18, Petrovskii Linii, Moscow 127051 Russian Federation Tel: +7 9037995104 Email: rna@hotel-budapest.ru Web: www.hotel-budapest.ru, hotel-peter1.ru Contact: Nadezda Revyakina Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Budapest Spas and Hot Springs


Toth Lorinc U. 31., Budapest 1126 Hungary Tel: +36 20 9999237 Email: dkelentey@keiok.hu Contact: Daniel Kelentey Exhibiting with Hungarian Tourism Plc.

Buddy Group Hotels and Resorts


78 Prajatipatai Road Ban Panthom Phra Nakhon, Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2282 2841 +66 2282 2831 Email: Mui@buddygroupthailand.com Web: Www.buddygroupthailand.com Contact: Sorathep Rojpotjanaruch Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Budget Car and Van Rental

1 Marignane Drive, Bonaero Park Gauteng, 1619 South Africa Tel: +27 11 921 0221 Fax: +27 11 388 1282 Email: margaret.kinsman@comair.co.za Web: www.ba.com Contact: Margaret Kinsman Exhibiting with South African Tourism


Visitor Information Centre, 15 – 16 Broad Street, Oxford OX1 3AS United Kingdom +44 01865 252409 Tel: Email: JBUTLER@oxford.gov.uk Web: www.heritagecities.com Contact: Joanne Butler Exhibiting with UKinbound

Budapest Hotel and Peter I Hotel

Bridal Guide is a magazine for the contemporary bride-to-be. It focuses on current trends in fashion, beauty, home & design. It provides very valuable information on honeymoon planning. It’s a union that truly makes Bridal Guide the one source for readers and advertisers alike.

Bridge Travel

British Heritage Cities


P O Box 1777, Kempton Park, Johannesburg 1620 South Africa Tel: +27 11 398 0622 Fax: +27 11 86 687 1608 Email: annelizeg@budget.co.za Web: www.budget.co.za Contact: Annelize Groenewald Exhibiting with South African Tourism




Park Road, Bracknell Berkshire, RG12 2BW United Kingdom Tel: +44 1344 484100 Fax: +44 1344 204263 Email: sales@budget-emea.com Web: www.budget-international.com Contact: Gemma Oxenbury Budget Rent-a-Car is one of the top three global car and van rental companies with more than 3,400 locations in over 128 countries. As one of the most recognised brand names in the world, Budget offers a broad range of car and van rental options for the ‘budget-minded’ renter.



Colonia 979, Montevideo Uruguay, 11100 MONTEVIDEO Uruguay +598 29021050 Tel: Fax: +598 29021791 Email: asaldivia@buemes.com.uy Web: www.buemes.com.uy Contact: Alberico Saldivia Exhibiting with URUGUAY MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND SPORT

Buffalo Tours


The Old Church, 89b, Quicks Road, London SW19 1EX United Kingdom Tel: +44 2085452830 Fax: +44 2085452604 Email: uk.agents@buffalotours.com Web: www.buffalotours.com Contact: Deborah Youl Buffalo Tours is an award winning, responsible tour operator specializing in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. Operating for over 16 years, Buffalo Tours offers a diverse range of products & services for FIT, groups & series, providing customized classic, adventure, luxury, special interest, cruise & educational travel experiences.

Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism


8, Slavyanska St, Sofia 1000 Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 940 7001 Fax: +359 2 988 2315 Email: e-docs@mee.government.bg Web: www.bulgariatravel.org Contact: Anelia Genova The state authority working in the three main directions in charge of the tourism industry: Tourism Policy, Marketing and Promotion of Bulgaria as an attractive tourist destination, Registration of travel companies and classification of tourism establishments.





43 Naradhiwasrajankarindra Road, Chongnonsri, Yannawa, Bangkok 10120 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2 678 0102 +66 2 678 0101 Email: marcel@burasari.com Web: www.burasari.com Contact: Marcel Boeni Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Buri Rasa Village Samui


Bush Africa Safaris P. O. Box 368, Kasane Botswana Tel: +267 774662022 Email: bnavarro@botswanatourism.org.uk Web: www.flameofafrica.com Contact: Brett McDonald Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation


Butterflies (PVT) Ltd No 15, College Avenue, Mount Lavinia Sri Lanka Tel: +94 777 121777 Email: ajit@butterflyvacation.com Web: www.butterflyvacation.com, Contact: Ajit Benjamin Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau


11/2 Moo 2 Chaweng Beach Bophut Koh Samui, Suratthani 84320 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 77 231838 +66 77 230222 Email: dosm@burirasa.com Web: www.burirasa.com Contact: Nisarat Chuenchana Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Avenida Siena 318, Y Calle A, La Primavera, Quito 17 Ecuador Tel: +593 2891880 Email: amazonia@discoverecuador.travel Web: www.cabanasanisidro.com Contact: Carmen Bustamante Exhibiting with ECUADOR - AMAZON


157 Wardour St, London W1F 8WQ United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 494 1716 Email: paul@caboose.tv Web: www.caboose.tv Contact: Paul Lewis Caboose are a London based production company that specialise in producing films and content for the travel business. We also can offer strategic and creative thinking and deliver innovative marketing solutions across all the latest media platforms.On time, on budget, on-line. Caboose are the Travel Shooters



Butterfly Beach Hotel Maxwell, Christ Church, Barbados, Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4180502 +1246 4289095 Email: mamagement@butterflybeach.com Contact: Mark Kent Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority


Av.elias Garcia, Nº 147 5ºesq, Lisboa Portugal, 1050-99 LISBOA Portugal Tel: +351 211147160 Fax: +351 211147169 Email: rui.calapez@buzzportugal.com Web: www.buzzportugal.com Contact: Rui Calapez Exhibiting with Portugal



Bynd - Addictive Software

118 2nd Street, Fourth Floor, San Francisco California, CA 94105 United States +1 4159770814 Tel: Fax: 14159770149 Email: hello@byndlabs.com Web: www.byndlabs.com Contact: David Thomson Bynd is a customizable system of web and mobile apps that engages customers with great design, increases revenues and distributes your brand.


7 Hasivim St, Kiryat Matelon Israel, 49170 Israel Tel: Fax: +972 39191010 +972 39190500 Email: incoming@c-hotels.co.il Web: www.c-hotels.co.il Contact: Or Bareket Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

C.A.T. Company 124, Chui Avenue, Bishkek Kyrgyzstan +996 312663664 Fax: +996 312900420 Tel: Email: travel@cat.kg Web: www.cat.kg Contact: Svetlana Puchina Exhibiting with Kyrgyz Association of Tour Operators



Avenida Vieira Souto, 460, Rio De Janeiro Brazil, 2242006 Brazil Tel: +55 21 2525 2555 Email: luiz.fogaca@caesar-park.com Web: www.caesar-park.com/pt/web/hotel-rio-dejaneiro-ipanema Contact: Luis Carlos Fogaça Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


120 Yigal Alon Street, Tel Aviv Israel, 67443 Israel Tel: Fax: +972 722446052 +972 36930012 Email: Rochi@caesarhotels.co.il Web: www.caesarhotels.co.il Contact: Rochi Gaffen Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

Caesars Entertainment


3655 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas Nv, 89109 United States Tel: +1 702 946 7611 Email: hpatel_caesars@global-sales.co Web: www.caesars.com Contact: Susan Moore Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority

Cajamarca Travel


Jr. Dos De Mayo Nº574, Cajamarca, Cajamarca Peru, 76 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 076340670 +51 076340670 Email: ventas.cajamarcatravel@hotmail.com Web: www.cajamarcatravel.com.pe Contact: Angel Arellano Exhibiting with PromPeru

Cala Ginepro Hotels



Pza. De Madrid, S/n, Estadio Ramon De Carranza, Cadiz Cadiz, 11001 Spain +34 956807061 Tel: Fax: +34 956214635 Email: antonioarias@cadizturismo.com Web: www.cadizturismo.com Contact: ANTONIO ARIAS Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

Caesar Premier Hotels

www.byebyeLONDON.comRegister NowCreate your web pages for freeBusiness & Social NetworkUpload info, photos, video, write comments, see number of people looking at your pages etc

C Hotels


Cabañas San Isidro

Caboose Ltd

89 Edgware Road, London, W2 2HX United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)8702932930 Email: info@byebyelondon.com Web: www.byebyeLONDON.com Contact: Atheer Hassan

Hector Miranda 2443, Montevideo Uruguay, 11300 Uruguay Tel: Fax: +598 27124424 +598 27126502 Email: fbarbaro@buquebus.com.uy Web: www.buquebus.com Contact: Felipe Barbaro Exhibiting with URUGUAY MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND SPORT

Burasari Group Co.,LTD

1, Kuk Saray Str., Samarkand Uzbekistan, 140157 Uzbekistan Tel: +998 66 210 10 08 Fax: +998 66 231 11 35 Email: info@silkroaddestinations.com Web: www.silkroaddestinations.com Contact: Ravshan Turakulov Exhibiting with Uzbekistan

No 20, Limpopo Street, Fha, Abuja Nigeria Tel: +234 8023058863 Email: info@busdoctravelandtours.com Contact: Anny Chigbo Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation

Buzz Portugal DMC


C.A.T.I.A/ Silk Road Destinations


BUSDOC Travels & Tours

Bye Bye London

Crusader Plot 3, Portal Avenue, P. O. Box 26905, Kampala Uganda, 256 Uganda Tel: +256 41 4347 460 Fax: +256 41 4345 605 Email: info@bunyonyi.com Web: www.bunyonyi.com Contact: Charlotte Kamugisha Exhibiting with East Africa Tourism Network



Puigmajor S/n, Perafita Catalonia, 8589 Spain Tel: +34 931171666 Email: hola@burricleta.com Web: www.burricleta.com Contact: Burricleta Burricleta Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD


Bumi, Kariba Zimbabwe Tel: +263 772135664 Email: uke@bumihills.co.zw Web: www.bumihills.com Contact: LUKE BROWN Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY

Bunyonyi Safaris Ltd



Viale Cala Ginepro 76, Orosei 8028 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0784 91222 +39 0784 91047 Email: direzione@calaginepro.com www.calaginepro.com Web: Contact: Patrizia Sotgiu Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 285



California Academy of Sciences


55 Music Concourse Drive, San Francisco California, 94118 United States +1 4153795211 Tel: Email: dlangdale@calacademy.org Web: www.calacademy.org Contact: Deleyse Langdale Exhibiting with Visit California

Camp Ripan - part of Swedish Lapland

campania>artecard CALYPSO TOURS


Castillo Del Ingles, 9, Castillo Del Vigia, Torremolinos Malaga, 29620 Spain Tel: +34 952 378 005 Fax: +34 952 372 767 Email: jcallejon@mhbland.com Web: www.mhbland.com Contact: JOSE MARIA CALLEJON Exhibiting with MALAGA CITY TOURISM BOARD & CONVENTION BUREAU



Piedras 383 - 7º, Buenos Aires 1070 Argentina Tel: +54 11 5031 3030 Fax: +54 11 5031 3040 Email: promo@camaraargentinadeturismo.travel Web: www.camaraargentinadeturismo.travel Contact: Juan Carlos Vidal Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion

Cambodia, Ministry of Tourism


Lot 3a, St. 169. Veal Vong, Phnom Penh 12253 Cambodia Tel: Fax: +855 23885069 +855 23885039 Email: nim-sovann@mot.gov.kh Web: www.tourismcambodia.org Contact: Nim Sovann The Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia is the government institution responsible for the support and development of the tourism industry, promoting and encouraging investment. The Ministry of Tourism’s work also focuses on marketing and promoting Cambodia as a preferred tourist destination. Visit our website at: www.tourismcambodia.org

Cambridge Beaches


30 King’s Point Road, Sandy’s MA 02 Bermuda Tel: Fax: +1441 234 5799 +1441 234 0331 Email: andrebrenner@btconnect.com Web: www.cambridgebeaches.com Contact: Andre Brenner Exhibiting with Bermuda Department of Tourism

CAMBRILS - Patronat Municipal de Turisme de Cambrils


Pg De Les Palmeres 1, Cambrils Catalonia, E-43850 Spain Email: tur@cambrils.org Web: www.cambrils-turisme.com Contact: Amelia Rico Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

Camden Court Hotel


Camden Street, Dublin 2 Ireland +353 1 4759666 Tel: Fax: +353 1 4759677 Email: dcorboy@camdencourthotel.ie Web: www.camdencourthotel.com Contact: Denise Corboy Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland



Maipu 42 6º ‘162’, Buenos Aires 1084 Argentina Tel: +54 11 4342 4132 Fax: +54 11 4342 4132 Email: ventas@caminoabierto.com.ar Web: www.caminoabierto.com Contact: Oscar Pandolfi Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion

Camino Travel


San Pedro, Montes De Oca San Jose, 1049-2050 SAN PEDRO, SAN JOSE Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 22256143 +506 22342530 Email: hchavarria@caminotravel.com Web: www.caminotravel.com Contact: Helena Chavarria Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board

286 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Campingvagen 5, Kiruna 981 35 Sweden Tel: +46 98066758 Email: sara@ripan.se www.ripan.se/en/ Web: Contact: Sara Eriksson Exhibiting with VisitSweden

Kukulkan Km. 9 Zona Hotelera, Cancun Center 1 Piso, Cancun Q. Roo, 77500 Mexico Tel: +52 998 881 27 45 Fax: +52 998 881 27 74 Email: jtellez@cancun.travel Web: www.cancun.travel Contact: Jorge Luis Tellez


Centro Direzionale Isola E7, Napoli 80143 Italy Tel: +39 081 5624561 Fax: +39 081 5626945 Email: info@campaniartecard.it Web: www.campaniartecard.it Contact: Laura Aversa Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Canadian Tourism Commission


15 Bermondsey Square, London SE1 3UN United Kingdom +44 2073899985 Fax: +44 2073899988 Tel: Email: fournier.nicolas@ctc-cct.ca Web: www.canada.travel Contact: Nico Fournier What type of Traveller are you? A Free Spirit - a thrill seeker searching excitment? A Cultural Explorer, embracing the local culture? An Authentic Experiencer, using your senses to explorer the natural surroundings? Visit us to find out and meet with a wide selection of key Canadian exhibitors.

Canadian Travel Press (Canada)

Press Centre Foyer

310 Dupont Street, Toronto Ontario, M5R 1V9 Canada Tel: +1 4169687252 (336) Email: dmcclung@baxter.net Web: www.travelpress.com Contact: David McClung


Valilik Binasi Kayserili Ahmet Pasa Cad., Canakkale Turkey Tel: +90 286 211 00 81 Fax: +90 286 211 00 82 Email: rbasarantr@gmail.com Web: www.canakkale.gov.tr Contact: RECAI BASARAN Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Canal New York


312 West Commercial Street, East Rochester Ny, 14445 United States Tel: Fax: +1 5853856053 +1 5855866906 Email: kelly@oneidacountytourism.com www.canalny.com Web: Contact: Kelly Blazosky Exhibiting with NYC & Company



Cc. Arcade Local 10a Paseo Teneguia, Sta Cruz De Tenerife Arona - Playa De Las Americas, 38660 Spain +34 922 797 998 Fax: +34 922 753 866 Tel: Email: commercial@canarias-incoming.com Web: www.canarias-incoming.com Contact: Vera Kornioukhin Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

Canary Islands

Cancun, A New Look for an ancient World. With miles of unique beach & lagoon front, lavish hotels, shopping malls, amazing ecotourism sceneries, world heritage biospheres, fabulous dining and nightlife, signature golf course and the gateway to the Mayan World. Enjoy the newest destination among the Caribbean region and Mexico!


Promotur Turismo De Canarias, Calle Victor Hugo 60, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria 35006 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 928240564 +34 928293698 Email: info@turismodecanarias.com Web: www.canarias.es Contact: Leticia González Chacón Promotur Turismo de Canarias, a public company under the authority of the Department of Tourism, is responsible for activities related to the study, promotion, fostering, circulation and marketing of the different tourism products and services of the Canary Islands and for promoting tourism facilities in the Islands.


Canouan Island Canouan Island, Canouan Island, St Vincent And The Grenadines +1784 4588000 Tel: Fax: +1784 4588885 Email: reservations@canouan.com Web: www.canouan.com Contact: Patrice Van Isacker

Canouan Island is a new luxury destination just 20 minutes from Barbados and a short boat ride away from Mustique. Canouan features a 5900ft runway, three luxury hotels including Canouan Resort & The Grenadines Estate Villas, Tamarind Beach Hotel and a new ultra luxurious hotel on Godhal Beach.

Canouan Resort & The Grenadines Estate Villas


Canouan Island, Canouan Island St Vincent And The Grenadines +1784 4588000 Tel: Fax: +1784 4588885 Email: patrice.vanisacker@canouan.com Web: www.canouanresort.tv Contact: Patrice Van Isacker Exhibiting with Canouan Island

CANTABRIA - Sociedad Regional de Turismo

Exhibiting with Global Media Network



Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau


Miguel Artigas, 4- 2ª Planta, Santander Cantabria, 39002 Spain Tel: +34 942 208 280 Fax: +34 942 208 284 Email: srturismo@srtcantabria.es Web: www.turismodecantabria.com Contact: Susana Oriazola Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Canterbury Cathedral


Cathedral House, 11 The Precincts, Kent, CT1 2EH United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1227 762862 Fax: +44 (0)1227 865222 Email: therese.heslop@canterbury-cathedral.org Web: www.canterbury-cathedral.org Contact: Therese Heslop Exhibiting with UKinbound

Cape Town & Western Cape


Private Bag X9108, Cape Town Cape Town, 8000 South Africa Tel: Fax: +27 21 4874801 +27 21 4874800 Email: radiefa@tourismcapetown.co.za Web: www.tourismcapetown.co.za Contact: Radiefa Williams Exhibiting with South African Tourism

Cape Town Tourism


P.o Box 1403, Cape Town 8000 South Africa Tel: +27 21 487 6800 Fax: +27 21 487 6877 Email: info@capetown.travel Web: www.capetown.travel Contact: Velma Corcoran Exhibiting with South African Tourism

Caper Travels Company Pvt Ltd


279/a Masjid Moth, South Extension Part - Ii, New Delhi 110049 India Tel: +91 011 46003737 Fax: +91 011 26259695 Email: info@caper.travel Web: www.capertravelindia.com Contact: Vishal Jaiswal The National Tourism Award Winner, Caper Travel Company Pvt. Ltd. is India’s leading Inbound Travel solution company for the Indian sub continent. We provide comprehensive travel solutions for leisure, group, charters & small business travelers, backed by real-time websites & unmatched products.



Tombs Of The Kings Rd, P.o.box 62066, Pafos 8060 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 26939888 +357 26201000 Email: administration@klrhotels.com Web: www.capitalcoastresort.com Contact: Onoufrios Onoufriou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation


Caribic Vacations Ltd

1310 Providence Drive, Ironshore Estate, Montego Bay N/a, N/A Jamaica Tel: Fax: +1876 9539897 +1876 3228650 Email: olivert@caribicvacations.com Web: www.caribicvacations.com Contact: Oliver Townsend Exhibiting with Jamaica Tourist Board


Capital Travel & Tours Pvt. Ltd.

Banf Villa, 4th Floor, Majeedhee Magu, Male’ Maldives, 20105 Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3320336 +960 3315089 Email: ablo@capitaltravel.net Web: www.capitaltravel.com Contact: Abdulla Riffath Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

First Floor, Block A, Chimes, Plot No. 61,sector 44, Haryana India, 122003 India Tel: +91 1244723300 Fax: +91 1244723322 Email: craig.ireland@carlson.com Web: www.carlsonrezidor.com Contact: Craig Ireland


Dolphin Court, Tigne Seafront, Sliema SLM 15 Malta Tel: Fax: +356 23463344 +356 23463333 Email: info@captainmorgan.com.mt Web: www.captainmorgan.com.mt Contact: Kevin Zammit Briffa Exhibiting with Malta Tourism Authority

Dublin Road, Galway City Galway, Ireland Tel: +353 91 381 200 Email: reservations.galwaycity@carlton.ie Web: www.carltonhotelgalwaycity.com Contact: Sarah Comer Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland


Av. Jose De San Martin Mz 106 Lt 10b, Col. Las Americas, Mexico City Ecatepec, 55070 Mexico Tel: +52 3612 0955 Email: administracion@caracteresdemexico.com Web: www.caracteresdemexico.com Contact: Sobeira Do Vale Yumare Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

Careli Tours


Planes De Altamira, Edificio Invercasa Oficina #107, Managua Nicaragua, Nicaragua Tel: Fax: +505 22782574 +505 22786919 Email: axel.melchior@carelitours.com Web: www.carelitoursnicaragua.com Contact: Axel Melchior Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

Caribbean Airlines Limited


Iere House, Golden Grove Road, Trinidad, Trinidad And Tobago Tel: Fax: +1868 6690488 +1868 6693000 Email: valerie.murphy@caribbean-airlines.com Web: www.Caribbean-airlines.com Contact: Valerie Murphy-Rahman Exhibiting with Trinidad and TobagoTourism Development Company (TDC)

Caribbean Airlines UK


Avia Circle,building D, 28-29, The Quadrant Business Centre, 135 Salusbury Rd, London NW6 6RJ United Kingdom Tel: +44 2072019685 Email: juanita.collins@caribbean-airlines.com Web: www.caribbean-airlines.com Contact: Juanita Collins Exhibiting with Trinidad and TobagoTourism Development Company (TDC)

Caribbean Tourism Organisation


22 The Quadrant, Richmond Surrey, TW9 1BP United Kingdom Tel: +44 02089480057 Fax: +44 02089480067 Email: ctolondon@caribtourism.com Web: www.caribbean.co.uk Contact: Carol Hay The Caribbean Tourism Organisation provides a range of services and information necessary for the promotion and development of tourism to the Caribbean region. Membership comprises of both public and private sector industry decision-makers who carry out a wide range of co-funded marketing activities through the trade and to the consumer.

Caribe Hilton / Conrad San Juan Condado Plaza / El San Juan Resort


1 San Geronimo Street, San Juan 901 Puerto Rico Tel: Fax: +1787 722 2910 +1787 721 0303 Email: madelaine.nadal@hilton.com Web: www.caribehilton.com / www.condadoplaza.com / Contact: Madelaine Nadal Exhibiting with Puerto Rico Tourism Company


39 Commercial Street, Edinburgh EH6 6JD United Kingdom Tel: +44 0845 119 6220 Email: md@casheltravel.com Web: www.casheltravel.com Contact: James Aitken Exhibiting with UKinbound


Castello Orsini Hotel

Parkway House, Old Airport Road, Co.dublin Ireland Tel: +353 1 8667588 Email: agilmartin@carlton.ie Web: www.carlton.ie Contact: Brigeen O’Sullivan Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Carrani Tours



Edificio Refugio-museo De La Guerra Civil C/gisbert, 10, Cartagena Murcia, 30202 Spain Tel: +34 968 50 00 93 Fax: +34 968529298 Email: agustinamm@puertoculturas.com Web: www.cartagenapuertodeculturas.com Contact: Agustina Martines Molina Exhibiting with REGION OF MURCIA



The Chapel, Mount St Annes, Dublin 6 Ireland Tel: +353 01 499 9610 Fax: +353 01 499 9660 Email: rwhite@cartrawler.com Web: www.CarTrawler.com Contact: Greg Turley CarTrawler are the pioneers of multi-supplier car rental technology. We provide many of the world’s largest airlines, online travel agents and hotel groups with a gateway to over 800 car rental agents at 30,000 locations in 174 countries. That’s more cars in more cities than you will find anywhere else.

Casa Andina


Av. La Paz 463, Miraflores, Lima Peru, L-18 Peru Tel: +51 2139720 Email: ventas@casa-andina.com Web: www.casa-andina.com Contact: Mariano Agramunt Exhibiting with PromPeru

Casa Turquesa Boutique Hotel & Museum



Avda. Espronceda 24 A Entl., Castellon Castellon, 12004 Spain Tel: +34 964 359 883 Fax: +34 964 359 870 Email: pturismo@dipcas.es Web: www.turismodecastellon.com Contact: Virginia Ochoa Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme



Rua Olegario Maciel, Numero 518, C105, Rio De Janeiro Rj, 22621-200 Brazil Tel: +55 21 25226960 Fax: +55 21 25226990 Email: ops@casteloviagens.com.br Web: www.casteloviagens.com.br Contact: Célio Castanheiras Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur



Paseo Filipinos, 1 - 1ª, Valladolid Valladolid, 47007 Spain Tel: +34 983 360 556 Fax: +34 983 350 205 Email: boscoeal@jcyl.es Web: www.turismocastillayleon.com Contact: Cristina Mateo Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



Paseo Filipinos, 1 -1ª Planta, Valladolid 47006 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 983350205 +34 983 360556 Email: zursan@jcyl.es Web: www.turismocastillaleon.com Contact: Cristina Mateo Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Castle Leslie Estate


Blvd Kukulcan Km. 13.5, Zona Hotelera, Cancun C.P.77500 Mexico Tel: +52 998193 22 60 Fax: +52 998840 60 35 Email: sales@casaturquesa.com Web: www.casaturquesa.com Contact: Tracey Davies Exhibiting with Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau

Casa Velha do Palheiro


Via Aldo Bigelli Snc, Roma 17 Italy Tel: +39 0774 683272 Fax: +39 0774 683107 Email: direzione@castelloorsini.it Web: www.castelloorsini.it Contact: ENRICO MEONI Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Via I. Pettinengo, 72, Roma Roma, 159 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0696841791 +39 06432181 Email: incoming@carrani.com Web: www.carrani.com Contact: Chiara Gigliotti Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


P.o. Box 114400, Dubai United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 44084771 +971 44084777 Email: cesar@cassellsalbarshahotel.com Web: www.cassellsalbarshahotel.com Contact: Cesar B. Mora Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing



60 Bis Avenue Hassan Ii, Casablanca Csablanca, 20000 Morocco Tel: +212 522 206265 Fax: +212 522205405 Email: crt.casablanca@menara.ma Contact: Said Mouhid Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office

Cassells Al Barsha Hotel


Carlton Hotel Galway City Captain Morgan Cruises


Casablanca Regional Tourism Council

Cashel Travel


Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group



Rua Da Estalagem Nº23, Funchal, Funchal Madeira Island, 9060-415 Portugal Tel: +351 291790350 Fax: +351 291794925 Email: celeste.ringertz@palheiroestate.com www.palheiroestate.com Web: Contact: Celeste Ringertz Exhibiting with Portugal


Glaslough, Co. Monaghan Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 47 88256 +353 47 88100 Email: ewinters@castleleslie.com Web: www.castleleslie.com Contact: Eimear Winters Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Castle Oaks House Hotel


Castleconnell, Co. Limerick Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 61 377 717 +353 61 377666 Email: info@castleoaks.ie Web: www.castleoaks.ie Contact: Gobnait O’’Connell Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 287





17, Fleet Street (3rd Floor), London EC4Y 1AA United Kingdom +44 2075838855 Fax: +44 2075838877 Tel: Email: info.uk@act.cat Web: www.catalunya.com Contact: Aicard Guinovart Catalonia is the largest tourist receiver in Spain. Catalan Tourist Board, organisation of the Government of Catalonia, is responsible for marketing and promoting Catalonia as a tourist destination. We provide support to the travel industry and identify and develop opportunities within all the foreign markets together with its travel industry.

Caucasus Travel


44/ii Leselidze Str., 22 Peritsvaleba Str., Tbilisi Georgia, 105 Georgia +995 32 298 74 00 Fax: +995 32 298 73 99 Tel: Email: georgia@caucasustravel.com Web: www.caucasustravel.com Contact: Maia Khubuluri Exhibiting with Georgian National Tourism Administration

Causeway Coast & Glens Tourism


11 Lodge Road, Coleraine County Londonderry, BT52 1LU United Kingdom Tel: +44 28 7032 7720 Fax: +44 28 7032 7719 Email: mail@causewaycoastandglens.com Web: www.causewaycoastandglens.com Contact: Jason Powell Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Caves of Barbados Ltd


Harrison’s Cave, Welchman Hall, St. Thomas Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4173709 +1246 4173700 Email: jgrant@harrisonscave.com www.harrisonscave.com Web: Contact: Joe-Ann Grant Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority



Krakowskie Przedmiescie 13, Warszawa, Warszawa Poland, 00-071 Poland +48 22 827 62 20 Fax: +48 22 827 12 97 Tel: Email: maria@cbinternational.com.pl Web: www.cbinternational.com.pl Contact: Maria Jerszow Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation



P O Box 93144, The Hague 2509 AC Netherlands Tel: +31 886 024 300 Fax: +31 886 024 301 Email: c.bishop@cbi.eu Web: WWW.CBI.EU/TOURISM Contact: Clive Bishop The CBI is an agency of the Dutch Foreign office who business coach 285 incoming SME operators from 38 developing countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa and Europe to develop relationships with European tour operators. Meet the team and some community based / eco tourism companies on our stand.

CDSHotels S.p.A.


Via Bastianutti, 25, Lecce 73100 Italy Tel: +39 0832 351321 Fax: +39 0832 228794 Email: marketing@cdshotels.it Web: www.cdshotels.it Contact: Chiara De Angelis Exhibiting with Regione Puglia



Av. Ministro Jose Americo, Edificio Seplag Terreo, Cambeba, Fortaleza Ceara, 60830-070 Brazil Tel: +55 85 31014685 Fax: +55 85 31014667 Email: RODRIGOSETUR@GMAIL.COM Web: www.setur.ce.gov.br Contact: RODRIGO CARVALHO FERNANDES DA COSTA Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur



Na Prikope 18, Prague 1 111 35 Czech Republic Tel: +420 221447242 Fax: +420 224216324 Email: director.incoming@cedok.cz Web: www.cedok.com Contact: Marketa Athanasiadova Exhibiting with Czech Tourist Authority - CzechTourism

288 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Celtic Group Hostels


7a Store Street, Dublin 1 Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 1 8550020 +353 1 8550019 Email: nicola@celticgrouphostels.com Web: www.celticgrouphostels.com Contact: Nicola Foley Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Centara Hotels & Resorts

5 Fl. Wanda Plaza Business, No. 8 Jiangnan Av., Nanan District, Chongqing 400060 China +86 023 62949913 Fax: +86 023 629499009911 Tel: Email: usadept@centuryrivercruises.com Web: www.centuryrivercruises.com Contact: Alex Ye


Centara Grand At Centralworld,999/99 Rama 1 Rd., Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2769 1235 +66 2769 1234 6569 Email: patsk@chr.co.th Web: www.centarahotelsresorts.com Contact: Skuntanaga Pat Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Centara Hotels & Resorts/1


Centara Grand At Centralworld, 999/99 Rama 1 Rd., Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2769 1235 +66 2769 1234 6569 Email: patsk@chr.co.th www.centarahotelsresorts.com Web: Contact: Pat Skuntanaga Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)



Berlin,2 Edif.coblanca,5, Bajo-rincon De Loix, Alicante 35003 Spain +34 966830144 Tel: Fax: +34 965860106 Email: lbagnoli@grupo-centauro.com Web: www.centauro.net Contact: Luigi Bagnoli Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)


Calle Capitan Haya 56, 1ºd, Madrid Spain, 28020 Spain Tel: +34 91572085455 Fax: +34 915716257 Email: cpadrino@visitcentroamerica.com Web: www.visitcentroamerica.com Contact: Cristina Padrino CATA has established its main office in Madrid, Spain, located in the very heart of the market with the greatest potential growth of tourism-related revenue for Central America: Europe, running all the marketing and promotion of the 7 Central American countries.

Central Asia Travel


1/26, Shakhristanskaya Str., Tashkent Uzbekistan, 100099 Uzbekistan +998 983679599 Fax: +998 712120290 Tel: Email: info@centralasia-travel.com Web: www.centralasia-travel.com Contact: Nikolay Serbin Exhibiting with Uzbekistan

Central Bohemia Region


Zborovska 11, Prague 5 - Smichov 150 21 Czech Republic Tel: +420 257280375 Fax: +420 257280592 Email: rihak@kr-s.cz Web: www.middleczech.cz Contact: Karel Riha Exhibiting with Czech Tourist Authority - CzechTourism

Central Holidays Travel Group


250 Moonachie Road, New Jersey Usa, 7074 United States Tel: +1 12012285290 Fax: +1 12012285255 Email: gmiradoli@centralholidays.com Contact: Gianni Miradoli Exhibiting with Sakkara Group International

Centro de Portugal Promotion Bureau


Casa Amarela - Largo Sta Cristina, Viseu Portugal, 3500-181 VISEU Portugal Tel: +351 239488120 Fax: +351 239488129 Email: marlimonteiro@visitcentrodeportugal.com.pt www.visitcentro.com Web: Contact: Marli Monteiro Exhibiting with Portugal



Century Cruises


Hse 50, School Lane, Westlands, Nairobi, Box 22482 - 00100, Nairobi 100 Kenya +254 203566988 Fax: +254 203566988 Tel: Email: suresh@centurionkenya.com Web: www.centurionsafaris.com Contact: SURESH RAMAN Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board


Century hotel, Doha

820 Malek Bin Anas St. Old Salata, P. O. Box: 22367, Doha Qatar, Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44420674 +974 44455120 Email: hany@centuryhoteldoha.com Web: www.centuryhoteldoha.com Contact: Hany Maroun Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority



Princesa, 25 - 3º, 3 Edificio Hexagono, Madrid Madrid, 28008 Spain Tel: +34 91 758 26 10 Fax: +34 91 758 26 11 Email: cristina@century-incoming.com www.century-incoming.com Web: Contact: Cristina Lozano Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA


Century Park Hotel Bangkok

9 Ratchaprarop Road, Pratunam-victory Monument, Bangkok 10400 Thailand +66 2246 7800 Tel: Fax: +66 2246 4583 Email: sales@centuryparkhotel.com Web: www.centuryparkhotel.com Contact: Junnifer Choi Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


Cerf Island Resort P.o Box 1071, Mahe N/a, SEYCHELLES Seychelles Tel: Fax: +248 4294 511 +248 4294 500 Email: maria.morel@seychelles.travel Web: www.cerf-resort.com Contact: Foram Varsani Exhibiting with Seychelles Tourism Board

CESTOB - Cesme Touristic Hoteliers Association


Musalla Mah. 1107 Sokak No:5/3, Izmir Cesme, 35930 Turkey Tel: +90 2327121362 Fax: +90 2327122304 Email: cestob@unimedya.net.tr Web: www.cestob.com Contact: Veysi Oncel Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Ceylon Tea Trails (pvt) Ltd


46/38, 4th Floor, Nawam Mawatha, Colombo 02 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 2 303 888 Email: champika@forbeswalker.com Web: www.teatrails.com Contact: Champika de Silva Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Ceylon Tours Limited


8a Sir Ernest De Silva Mawatha, Colombo 7 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 5531611 Email: chandra@ceylontours.com Web: www.ceylontours.com Contact: Chandra Ediriweera Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau



Casino Building, Willingdon Island, Cochin Kerala, 682003 India Tel: +91 4843011711 Fax: +91 4842668001 Email: contact@cghearth.com Web: www.cghearth.com Contact: George Dominic Family run enterprise providing engaging experiences of True Indian hospitality, Authentic Ayurveda & Rich Heritage through Responsible tourism initiatives. CGH Earth has adopted as core values, respect for the environment, community and the local ethos.The result, we like to believe, are experiences as immersive as they are authentic.

Chaminuka Nature Reserve


Po Box 35370, Lusaka 10101 Zambia Tel: +260 211254140 Fax: +260 211254190 Email: andrews@chaminuka.com Web: www.chaminuka.com Contact: Andrew Shacholi Exhibiting with Zambia Tourism Board


Chandigarh Tourism Department Of Tourism, Chandigarh Administration, Chandigarh Chandigarh Ut, 160017 India Tel: +91 000 111 222 Email: dtour@chd.nic.in Web: www.chandigarhtourism.gov.in Contact: Vivek Atray Exhibiting with India Tourism

Chandris Hotels & Resorts

Chariot Beach Resorts Mahabalipuram

IN370 Five Rathas Road, Behind Five Rathas Monuments, Via Chennai Kancheepuram, Tamilnadu, 603104 India Tel: +91 4427425000 Fax: +91 4427425050 Email: resv@chariotbeachresorts.com Web: www.chariotbeachresorts.com Contact: A R Madan Beach Resort located in world heritage town Mahabalipuram sun & sandy beaches walking distance to monuments 1200 years old offers an unmatched panoramic view spectacular beach & bay front elegantly landscaped resort features spacious sea & garden facing rooms/cottages Largest swimming pool on the coast with speciality sea food restaurant


Gabicce Mare - Pesaro, Bike And Sport Hotels, Gabicce Mare - Pesaro 61011 Italy +39 0541 950164 Fax: +39 0541 954427 Tel: Email: bordoni.edy@gmail.com Web: www.parkhotels.it Contact: Aida Bordoni Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Chartis Insurance


The Chartis Building, 58 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4AB United Kingdom Tel: +44 02086624170 Email: martin.gatehouse@chartisinsurance.com Web: www.chartisinsurance.com/UK Contact: Martin Gatehouse Exhibiting with The Guild Of Travel & Tourism

Château d’Auvers ‘au temps des impressionnistes’


Rue De Lery, Bp 21, Auvers Sur Oise 95430 France Tel: +33 134 48 48 55 Fax: +33 134 48 48 44 Email: laurent.mandallaz@chateau-auvers.fr www.chateau-auvers.fr Web: Contact: Laurent Mandallaz Exhibiting with France

Château de Chailly


Bp 10 - Rue Dessous, Hotel ****& Golf, Chailly Sur Armancon 21320 France +33 3 80 90 30 18 Fax: +33 3 80 90 30 00 Tel: Email: PLapique@chailly.com Web: www.chailly.com Contact: Philippe Lapique Exhibiting with Vezelay and Fontenay, Burgundy, France

Chateau Liblice


Liblice 61, Bysice 277 32 Czech Republic Tel: +420 315632111 Email: soukupova@zamek-liblice.cz Web: www.zamek-liblice.cz Contact: Klaudie Soukupova Exhibiting with Czech Tourist Authority - CzechTourism

Chateaux & Hotels Collection


Chic Outlet Shopping® - Fidenza Village


No. 40, Natmauk Road, Tamwe Township, Yangon 11211 Myanmar Tel: Fax: +95 1544400 +95 1544500 Email: INFO.CHRY@CHATRIUM.COM Web: www.chatrium.com Contact: May Myat Mon Win Exhibiting with Myanmar Tourism Federation (Marketing Committee)

Fidenza Village, Via San Michele Campagna, Fidenza Parma, 43036 (PR) Italy Tel: +39 0524 335516 Email: tourism@fidenzavillage.com Web: www.chicoutletshopping.com/en/plan-yourvisit/fidenza-village/fidenza-village Contact: Mauro Acquati Exhibiting with Chic Outlet Shopping®

Chaweng Regent and Melati Beach Resort and Spa

Chic Outlet Shopping® - Ingolstadt Village


377 Syngrou Avenue, Athens 175 64 Greece Tel: +30 210 9484 732 Fax: +30 210 9484 739 Email: filippelis@chandris.gr Web: www.chandris.gr Contact: Stavros Filippelis Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation

Charme & Family Hotels Italy

Chatrium Hotel Royal Lake Yangon



29 Rue D’astorg, Paris, Paris France, 75008 France Tel: +33 (0)1 78 94 78 64 Fax: +33 (0)1 70 99 99 13 Email: kmazni@chateauxhotels.com www.chateauxhotels.com Web: Contact: Karine Mazni Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association


155/4 Chaweng Beach Koh Samui, Suratthani 84320 Thailand Tel: +66 662 9445414 2184 2852 Fax: +66 2184 2534 Email: bkksct@chawengregent.com Web: www.chawengregent.com, www.melatiresort.com Contact: Tharinee Whangpattanaton Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Chic Outlet Shopping® - Kildare Village Cheli & Peacock


P.o.box 743, Uhuru Gardens, Nairobi Nairobi, 517 Kenya Tel: +254 206003090 Fax: +254 206004050 Email: charlotteb@chelipeacock.co.ke Web: www.chelipeacock.com Contact: Charlotte Bourke Exhibiting with Classic Safari Camps Of Africa

Chelsea FC Stadium Tours and Museum


Rue Des Bouchers, 18, Brussels Brussels, B-1000 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 2 514 02 31 +32 2 511 14 15 Email: thierry.scheers@leon1893.com Web: www.chezleon.be Contact: Thierry Scheers Exhibiting with Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia

Chhattisgarh Tourism


Chhattisgarh Tourism, Paryatan Bhawan, Raipur Chhattisgarh, 492006 India Tel: +91 9871277771 Email: visitcg@rediffmail.com Web: www.chhattisgarh.nic.in Contact: Santosh Mishra Exhibiting with India Tourism



Viale Belvedere - Loc. Chia, Domus De Maria 9010 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0709230141 +39 07092391 Email: info@chialagunaresort.com Web: www.chialagunaresort.com Contact: Danilo Ferrandino Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Chic Outlet Shopping®


C/o Value Retail Plc, 50 Pingle Drive, Bicester Oxfordshire, OX26 6WD United Kingdom Tel: +44 1869 366212 Email: traveltrade@chicoutletshopping.com Web: www.ChicOutletShopping.com/planyourvisit Contact: Chic Outlet Shopping®, the leading luxury outlet shopping experience. Located an hour or less outside some of Europe’s most important and popular cities, the 9 Villages are home to more than 900 boutiques of the world’s premier le brands, offering savings of up to 60% all year round.

Chic Outlet Shopping® - Bicester Village


Kildare Village, Nurneyroad, Kildare Town County Kildare, IRELAND Ireland Tel: +353 45 534938 Email: esadlier@valueretail.com Web: www.chicoutletshopping.com/en/plan-yourvisit/kildare-village/kildare-village Contact: Eoghan Sadlier Exhibiting with Chic Outlet Shopping®


Stamford Bridge, Fulham Road, London London, SW6 1HS United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 79152915 Email: wesley.barton@chelseafc.com Web: www.chelseafc.com/tours Contact: Wesley Barton Exhibiting with Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum and Tour

Chez Leon Restaurant


Otto-hahn Strasse 1, Ingolstadt D-85055 Germany Tel: +49 841 8863 157 Fax: +49 841 8863 101 Email: afienbork@valueretail.com Web: www.chicoutletshopping.com/en/plan-yourvisit/ingolstadt-village/ingolstadt-village Contact: Andreas Fienbork Exhibiting with Chic Outlet Shopping®

Chic Outlet Shopping® - La Roca Village


La Roca Village, Santa Agnes De Malanyanes La Roca Del Valles, 8430 Spain Tel: +34 93 842 3917 Email: lchavarria@valueretail.com Web: www.chicoutletshopping.com/en/plan-yourvisit/la-roca-village/la-roca-village Contact: Laura Chavarria Exhibiting with Chic Outlet Shopping®

Chic Outlet Shopping® - La Vallee Village


La Vallee Village, 3 Cours De La Garonne, Marne La Vallee 77706 MARNE LA VALLEE CEDEX 4 France Tel: +33 1 60 42 30 70 Email: bkouao@valueretail.com Web: www.chicoutletshopping.com/en/plan-yourvisit/la-vallee-village/la-vallee-village Contact: Bernard Kouao Exhibiting with Chic Outlet Shopping®

Chic Outlet Shopping® - Las Rozas Village


Las Rozas Village, Juan Ramon Jimenez 3, Las Rozas 28232 Spain Tel: +34 91 640 4924 Email: lmunoz@valueretail.com Web: www.chicoutletshopping.com/en/plan-yourvisit/las-rozas-village/las-rozas-village Contact: Luis Munoz Exhibiting with Chic Outlet Shopping®

Chic Outlet Shopping® - Maasmechelen Village


Zetellann 100, Maasmechlen 3630 Belgium Tel: +32 89 77 88 55 Email: aterweduwe@valueretail.com Web: www.chicoutletshopping.com/en/plan-yourvisit/maasmechelen-village/maasmechelenvillage Contact: Alice Terweduwe Exhibiting with Chic Outlet Shopping®

Chic Outlet Shopping® - Wertheim Village


Wertheim Village, Wertheim 97877 WERTHEIM Germany Tel: +49 9342 9199 154 Email: hmatosrua@valueretail.com www.chicoutletshopping.com/en/plan-yourWeb: visit/wertheim-village/wertheim-village Contact: Helder Matos-Rua Exhibiting with Chic Outlet Shopping®


Bicester Village, 50 Pingle Drive, Bicester Oxfordshire, OX26 6WD United Kingdom Tel: +44 1869 366314 Email: hpeters@valueretail.com Contact: Helen Peters Exhibiting with Chic Outlet Shopping®

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 289



Chicago’s Essex Inn


China National Tourist Office


800 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Il 60605 United States Tel: Fax: +1 3129396153 +1 3129392800 Email: bschmitt@choosechicago.com Web: www.essexinn.com Contact: Mary Twomey

71 Warwick Road, London SW5 9HB United Kingdom Tel: +44 2073730888 Fax: +44 2073709989 Email: london@cnta.gov.cn Web: www.cnto.org.uk Contact: Wenting Tyang

We are located in the heart of Chicago, across from Grant Park and walking distance to museum campus. Rooms feature flat screen TVs, complimentary Wi-Fi, refrigerators and in-room safes. We also offer meeting space, complimentary indoor pool/fitness center, garden deck, free shuttle to nearby attractions and a French inspired restaurant.

China National Tourist Office (CNTO) is a London-based government representative office. The main objective is to promote China as a fine tourist destination in the UK, Ireland and Nordic countries. We dedicate to strengthen tourism co-operation and exchange, introduce tourism products, provide related information and convenience for the local people.



Av. Eliodoro Yanez 2473, Providencia, Santiago 7510464 Chile Tel: +56 (2)429 08 30 robert.leyton@turismochile.travel Email: Web: www.chile.travel Contact: Robert Leyton Turismo Chile is a nonprofit organization that unites public and private efforts to promote Chile as a travel destination in international markets.

Chimpanzee Sanctuary & Wildlife Conservation Trust


5-6 Ensign House, Admirals Wayu, London E14 9XQ United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 7536 3888 Fax: +44 020 7987 3888 Email: linda@chinaBN.org Contact: Linda Ruan Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications

China CYTS International Travel Co., Ltd



No.11 Binjiang Road, Guilin 541002 China Tel: +86 7732885358 Fax: +86 7732827424 Email: sunny@chinahighlights.net Web: www.chinahighlights.com Contact: Sunny Xie

China International Travel Service Head Office

China Southern Airlines Company Limited


278, Guangzhou Guangdong, 510406 China Tel: Fax: +86 86128249 +86 86113084 Email: zhengruixin@csair.com Web: www.csair.com Contact: Rocky Zheng


54, Lin-sen N. Road, Taipei 104 Taiwan, Republic Of China Tel: +886 225625858 Fax: +886 225116695 Email: hilda@chinatravel.com.tw Web: www.chinatravel.com.tw Contact: Paul Hou Exhibiting with Taiwan Tourism Bureau


30f, Taikang Financial Tower, 38 Dongsanhuan North Road, Beijing 100026 China Tel: +86 1085908298 Fax: +86 1064612576 Email: zwq.oz@ctsho.com www.ctsho.com Web: Contact: Wenquan Zhang Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office

China Vision Holidays


288 Chengdong Road, Zhengzhou Henan, 450003 China Tel: +86 37168262818 Fax: +86 37165961302 Email: joy@joychinatravel.com www.joychinatravel.com Web: Contact: Joy Zhou Exhibiting with Global Discovery / Adventure Now

290 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Morrisons House, Morrisons Island, Cork Ireland +353 21 4908203 Fax: +353 21 4271489 Tel: Email: mrichardson@choicehotelsireland.ie Web: www.choicehotelgroup.ie Contact: Marie Richardson Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland


10770 Columbia Pike, Silver Spring Maryland, 20901 United States Tel: Fax: +1 3015926227 +1 3015925125 Email: mary_reck@choicehotels.com Contact: Mary Reck Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions

Choice Travel International Co., Ltd


2-1801, Building A, Puliwendong Garden, 24, Wenhuadong Road, Jinan Shandong, 250014 China Tel: +86 53188558979 Fax: +86 53188580072 Email: lu@choicetravel.cn Web: www.choicetravel.cn Contact: Xinsheng Lu Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office

Chongqing Tourism Administraton


283, Minsheng Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 4000010 China Tel: +86 2363236162 Email: meixuebing@126.com Contact: Xuebing Mei Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office


139, 1st Road, Xinpaifang, Yubei District, Chongqing 401147 China Tel: +86 2367102041 Fax: +86 2367778268 Email: 418740430@qq.com Contact: Yi Wang Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office


Destination Management Centre, 11/f, China Travel Building, Central Hong Kong +852 2853 3528 Tel: Fax: +852 2542 2381 Email: loretta@ctshk.com Web: www.ctshk.com Contact: Loretta Yu Exhibiting with Hong Kong Tourism Board

China Travel Service (Taiwan)

Choice Hotel Group

Chongqing Yantze Gold Cruises Co., Ltd

China Southern Airlines is the No.1 ranking airline in Asia and No.3 in the world for traffic and fleet volume, with fast expanding international services in recent years especially in Europe and Australasia.

China Travel Service Head Office Co., Ltd


Cits Building, 1 Dongdan Beidajie, Beijing 100005 China Tel: +86 1085228134 Fax: +86 1065222562 Email: mengwei@cits.com.cn Web: www.cits.com.cn Contact: Wei Meng Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office

China Joy China Travel (Henan Tourism Group)

COTTM - China Outbound Travel & Tourism Market - is firmly established as the only dedicated outbound b2b travel exhibition in China. The 9th edition of COTTM, Beijing, 9-11 April 2013, will attract key Chinese trade buyers and international exhibitors to do business in the rapidly expanding Chinese outbound market.

China Travel Service (HK) Ltd

19/f, Cyts Plaza, No. 5 Dongzhimen South Avenue, Beijing China, 100007 China Tel: +86 1058158979 Fax: +86 1058156138 Email: chenchen@cytsonline.com Contact: Ge Chen Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office

China Highlights


Tarsus Travel Exhibitions Ltd, 9th Floor Metro Building, London W6 1DL United Kingdom +44 2088462902 Fax: +44 2088462801 Tel: Email: jcarter@tarsus.co.uk Web: www.tarsus.co.uk Contact: Jane Carter


Chobe National Park, Kasane Botswana Tel: Fax: +267 625 0280 +267 625 0340 Email: bnavarro@botswanatourism.org.uk Web: www.chobegamelodge.co.bw Contact: James Wilson Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation

Choice Hotels International

Nimbus Travel, with its head office in Beijing and a branch office in Zhengzhou, China, is dedicated to inbound travel to China. Our vision is to help more people enjoy travel; to build a reliable and respectable travel company with high quality service.

China Outbound Travel & Tourism Market

3rd Floor, Hph3, 11 Millington Road, Middlesex, UB3 4AZ United Kingdom Tel: +44 0208 5873688 Fax: +44 0208 8488396 Email: jenny.liu@china-airlines.com Web: WWW.China-Airlines.com Contact: Jenny Liu Exhibiting with Taiwan Tourism Bureau

China Business Network


516 Prime Tower, 22 Chaoyangmenwai Avenue, Beijing 100020 China +86 10 52404867 Tel: Email: sales@nimbustravel.cn Web: www.nimbustravel.cn Contact: Angie Guo


Plot 1, Bank Close, Entebbe Entebbe, EBB Uganda Tel: +256 414320662758221883 Email: development@ngambaisland.org Web: www.ngambaisland.org Contact: Ivan Kakooza Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD

China Airlines

China Nimbus Travel


Chobe Game Lodge


29 Shi-jia-yuan Road, Guilin 541004 China Tel: +86 773 2801218 Fax: +86 772 2812318 Email: christine@chinavisionholidays.com Web: www.chinavisionholidays.com Contact: Christine Gong China Vision Holidays (under GuilinShanhu International Travel) is a professional travel agency devoted to quality, detailed, personalized service at reasonable price to its clients. With two offices in Beijing and Guilin backed up by a strong supporting team, We specialize in China inbound tours with a wide range of products.

Choose Chicago


72 East Randolph - 3rd Floor, Chicago, Il 60603 United States Tel: Fax: +1 3125678504 +1 3125678548 Email: bschmitt@choosechicago.com Web: www.choosechicago.com Contact: Bill Schmitt Choose Chicago is the official sales and marketing organization responsible for promoting Chicago as a global visitor destination to business and leisure travelers.

CHR Travel


The Stansted Centre, Parsonage Road, Essex, CM22 6PU United Kingdom +44 1279 874272 Fax: +44 1279 874273 Tel: Email: Ian@chrtravel.com Web: www.chrtravel.com Contact: Ian Scrimgeour Exhibiting with UKinbound

Chrismar Travel


4 Elobour Buildings, Salah Salem Road, Cairo Egypt, 11371 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 224051715 +20 224030601 Email: M-Maurice@ChrismarTravel.net Web: www.ChrismarTravel.net Contact: Michel Maurice Exhibiting with Travel To Marketing

Chrissima Tours


Corso Italia, 262, Sorrento Na, 80067 Italy Tel: +39 081 8773753 Fax: +39 081 8072624 Email: info@chrissima-tours.it www.chrissima-tours.it Web: Contact: Anna Maria Pastena Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



2, Dr Staicovici Street, Bucharest 50102 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 212700088 +40 212700070 Email: rezervari@christiantour.ro Web: www.christiantour.ro Contact: Marius Cirlan Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM



P.o. Box 27, Montmelo Catalonia, E-08160 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 935719730 +34 935719706 Email: amorillas@circuitcat.com Web: www.circuitcat.com Contact: Anna Morillas Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD


Sportplatzstrasse 312, Mayrhofen Tirol, 6290 Austria Tel: +43 5285 63200100 Fax: +43 5285 63008 Email: werner@christophorus.co.at Web: www.christophorus.at Contact: Werner Schurl Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

Udaipur, Udaipur India Tel: +91 2942430251 Email: yaduraj.singh@chundapalace.com Contact: Yaduraj Singh Krishnawat Exhibiting with India Tourism


Block 928b, Sir Albert Cook Road/natete-wakaliga, Kampala Kampala, KLA Uganda Tel: +256 414 341815 Email: ether@churchillsafaris.com Web: www.Churchillsafaris.com Contact: Ether Birungi Kyambadde Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD

CICAR - Canary Islands Car


Avda Comercial Mamerto Cabrera Medina, San Bartolome, Lanzarote Spain, E-35550 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 928821263 +34 928822901 Email: comercial@cicar.com Web: www.cicar.com Contact: Lorena Montelongo Medina CICAR is a regional car hire company with more than 50 offices across the Canary Islands including all the airports and harbours. CICAR now has the widest coverage of car-hire on the islands and covers the needs of both the visitors and the local residents.


CIE Tours International


35 Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1 Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 1 8745564 +353 1 7031888 Email: paul.oneill@cietours.ie Web: www.cietours.com Contact: Paul O’Neill Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Cilento Incoming


V.le Della Repubblica, 177, Capaccio-paestum 84047 Italy +39 0828 1991330 Fax: +39 0828 1991331 Tel: Email: info@cilentoincoming.eu Web: www.cilentoincoming.eu Contact: Anna Maria Rizzo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



C/o Fiere Di Vallo Della Lucania, Vallo Della Lucania 84085 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0974 719494 +39 0974 4888 Email: presidente@cilentoturismo.it Web: www.cilentoturismo.it Contact: Angelo Coda Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



Piazza Garibaldi, 73, Napoli 80142 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 081 269487 +39 081 282493 Email: cimatour.operativo@alice.it Contact: Roberta Tarallo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises


Pier 83, West 42nd St. And 12th Avenue, New York, Ny Usa, 10036 United States Tel: Fax: +1 2126310569 +1 2126308128 Email: tnixon@circleline42.com Web: www.circleline42.com Contact: Tara Nixon Exhibiting with NYC & Company



City Bojnice


Sladkovicova 176/1, Bojnice 97201 Slovakia Tel: +421 465121601 Fax: +421 465121621 Email: zdenko.priehoda@bojnice.sk Web: www.bojnice.sk Contact: Zdenko Priehoda Exhibiting with Slovak Tourist Board


City Cruises plc

Cherry Garden Pier, Cherry Garden Street, London London, SE16 4TU United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 77 400 400 Fax: +44 (0)20 77 400 495 Email: info@citycruises.com Web: www.citycruises.com Contact: Laura Morkvenaite The only way to see London is from the Thames. City Cruises offers sightseeing, dining, entertainment and charter services *Hop on, hop off sightseeing between four major destinations*The London Showboat dinner cruise,*Lunch, Afternoon Tea and Sundowner evening cruises with entertainment *Charter fleet of boats

City of Ekurhuleni Tourism


Edenvale Civic Centre, Cnr Van Riebeeck And Hendrik Potgieter Road, Edenvale Johannesburg, 1610 South Africa +27 11 999 3327 Fax: +27 11 456 0089 Tel: Email: thabo.mabale@ekurhuleni.gov.za Web: www.ekurhuleni.gov.za Contact: Thabo Mabale Exhibiting with South African Tourism

City of Prague


Jungmannova 29/35, Prague 1 11000 Czech Republic Tel: +420 236003133 Email: jana.hudcova@praha.eu Web: www.praha.eu Contact: Jana Hudcova Exhibiting with Czech Tourist Authority - CzechTourism


P.o. Box 56421, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 42955584 +971 6543313 Email: pir.alraisi@cityseasonsgroup.com Web: www.cityseasonsgroup.com Contact: Pierre Bakhsh Al Raisi Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry

City Sightseeing Ltd

Largo Da Lagoa, 15 F, Lisboa Portugal, 2795-116 LINDA-AVELHA Portugal Tel: +351 217712610 Fax: +351 217712619 Email: filipepovoas@citur.pt Web: www.citur.pt Contact: Filipe Póvoas Exhibiting with Portugal


P.o. Box 182002, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 4 2942888 +971 4 2942777 Email: sales@cityseasonsdubai.com Web: www.cityseasonsgroup.com/ Contact: Syed Mehdi Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

City Seasons Hotel Muscat

S.s. 113 Km 301, 100, Terrasini 90049 Italy Tel: +39 091 8687111 Fax: +39 091 8687500 Email: commerciale@cittadelmarre.it Web: www.cittadelmarre.it Contact: Giovanni Maniscalco Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

CITUR - Agência de Viagens e Turismo, SA

P.o. Box 440, Pretoria 1 South Africa Tel: +27 12 358 4691 Fax: +27 86 544 2846 Email: mercymt@tshwane.gov.za Web: www.tshwane.gov.za Contact: Mercy Mtshweni Exhibiting with South African Tourism

City Seasons Group of Hotels

No 2, Police Park Avenue, Colombo 05 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 717070072 Email: mani@citrusliesure.com Web: www.citrusleisure.com Contact: Mani Sugathapala Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Citta` del Mare Hotel Village


City Of Tshwane


Mumbai, Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra India, India Tel: +91 9730874824 Email: kurian.varghese@citrushotels.in Contact: Kurian Varghese Exhibiting with India Tourism

Citrus Leisure Churchill Safaris & Travel

Av. Olavo Fontoura, 1209, Pq. Anhembi, Sao Paulo 02012-021 Brazil Tel: +55 11 22260627 Fax: +55 11 22260616 Email: carolnegri@spturis.com Web: www.cidadedesaopaulo.com Contact: Carolina Negri Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

980 Kelly Johnson Drive, Suite 200, Nv 89119 United States Tel: +1 702 352 0238 Email: Jacob.Kimbro@cirquedusoleil.com Web: www.cirquedusoleil.com Contact: Jacob Kimbro Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority

Citrus Hotels


Chunda Palace




Cirque du Soleil Christophorus Reisen



Unit 4 Pathlow Farm, Featherbed Lane, Stratford-upon-avon Warwickshire, CV37 0ER United Kingdom Tel: +44 1789 299123 Fax: +44 1789 414681 Email: Graham.Toone@city-sightseeing.com Web: www.city-sightseeing.com Contact: Graham Toone Open top double decker bus tours operating in over 95 towns & cities worldwide. Passengers enjoy the flexibility of numerous hop on hop off stops and a 24 hour ticket, enabling them to leave & reboard as they wish. An informative and entertaining commentary on the sights is also given.

City Stay Hotel Apartment


Al Barsha 1, Behind Mall Of Emirates, Dubai United Arab Emirates, 450127 United Arab Emirates +971 43549991 Tel: Fax: +971 43549992 Email: basheer@citystayhotelapt.com Web: www.citystayhotelapt.com Contact: Ilyas Haji Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

City Tourist Information Center


14, Sadovaya Str., Saint-petersburg, Saint-petersburg 191023 Russian Federation Tel: +7 8123102822 Email: info@saintpetersburgvisit.ru Contact: Nana Gvichiya Exhibiting with Saint Petersburg Express, JSC

City Tours Maine


Po Box 167, Nobleboro Maine, 4555 United States Tel: Fax: +1 2075632440 +1 2075632288 Email: Operez@citytoursmaine.com www.citytoursmaine.com Web: Contact: Oscar Perez City Tours Maine is a wholesale receptive tour operator offering a full range of FIT and group products, Inns, unique and boutique hotels. Also featuring an Internet booking system with immediate confirmation and XML technology.



27 Arrow Root, Victor Id, 83455 United States Tel: +1 8883305008 Email: annie@citypass.com Contact: Annie Allen Exhibiting with Visit California

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 291



CitySights NY


1430 Broadway, Suite 507, New York New York, Ny, 10018 United States +1 2124457551 Tel: Email: blanca@citysightsny.com Web: www.citysightsny.com Contact: Blanca Espinosa Exhibiting with NYC & Company

74 Steppes Road, Harare Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Tel: +263 4498835 Email: gavin@thehide.co.zw Web: www.thehide.com Contact: Gavin Rennie Exhibiting with Classic Safari Camps Of Africa

Club La Costa CitySightseeing Cruises


1430 Broadway, Suite 507, New York Ny, 10018 United States Tel: +1 2124457551 Email: blanca@citysightsny.com Web: www.citysightsny.com Contact: Blanca Espinosa Exhibiting with NYC & Company


Corso Marconi 434, Sanremo Im, 18038 Italy Tel: +39 3492402975 Fax: +39 0184666502 Email: citytouring@email.it www.citytouring.it Web: Contact: GIOVANNI D’’AGOSTINO Exhibiting with Agenzia Regionale per la Promozione Turistica ‘in Liguria’



149 Rue Saint Honore, Paris 75001 France +33 144556094 Tel: Email: s.inamine@cityrama.fr Web: www.pariscityvision.com/ Contact: Giovanni Maciocco Exhibiting with France

Civil Aviation Authority



7a. Avenida 14-76 Zona 9, Plaza Clark, Guatemala 1009 Guatemala Tel: Fax: +502 24144701 +502 24124700 Email: info@clarktours.com.gt Web: www.clarktours.com.gt Contact: Mark Rogers Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

Clarks Group of Hotels


U P Hotels Ltd, 1101 Surya Kiran, New Delhi-1 India, 110 001 India Tel: +91 9810109577 Fax: +91 011 23312990 Email: geetha@hotelclarks.in Web: www.hotelclarks.in,www.hotelclarksshiraz.com Contact: Geetha Subramanian Exhibiting with India Tourism

Classic Britain


3 Dunlop Street, Strathaven South Lanarkshire, ML10 6LA United Kingdom Tel: +44 0845 1306 241 Fax: +44 01357 520999 Email: enquiries@classicbritain.com www.classicbritain.com Web: Contact: Andrew Simpson Exhibiting with UKinbound

Classic Safari Camps Of Africa



17 Shaw Crescent, Edgemead, Cape Town 7441 South Africa Tel: +27 21 558 0440 Fax: +27 83 708 1759 Email: classics@classicsafaricamps.com Web: www.classicsafaricamps.com Contact: Pauline Hawthorn Classic Safari Camps of Africa is an association of independent, privately owned and owner-operated camps and lodges in some of the most beautiful wildlife and wilderness areas in East and Southern Africa. Each member offers genuine hospitality and is dedicated to conservation and the involvement of local communities.

292 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Cluster Turistico Del Destino Puerto Plata

CM Gallager Insurance Brokers Ltd

Coconut Court Beach Hotel



Valley Church, St Mary’s Antigua And Barbuda Tel: Fax: +1268 462 9707 +1268 460 2626 Email: lorraine@cocoscaribbean.com Web: www.cocoshotel.com www.keyonnabeach.com Contact: Lorraine Headley Exhibiting with Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority




Haggatt Hall, St. Michael Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4267336 +1246 4342263 Email: kevinmurphy@cgmgallagher.com Contact: Kevin Murphy Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority



Dusun Pandanan, Desa Sekotong Barat, Kecamatan Sekotong, Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Lombok Indonesia, 83365 Indonesia Tel: +62 81353112648 Fax: +62 68264131 Email: iwan@cocotinos-sekotong.com Web: www.cocotinos-sekotong.com Contact: Toruan Sitompul Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)


CodeGen Ltd

Knowledge Dock Business Centre, 4 University Way, London E16 2RD United Kingdom +44 2082237396 Fax: +44 2082237935 Tel: Email: Sales@CodeGen.co.uk Web: www.codegen.net Contact: Irina Dolidze CodeGen ‘s TravelBox Technology is the most advanced fully deployed platform in the Global Travel & Tourism market. CodeGen are focussed on developing high quality, intelligent ICT solutions through continuous R & D and knowledge sharing to optimise clients’ efficiencies and business processes. TravelBox is innovative, intuitive, customisable and highly scalable by its modular design.


Po Box 3052, Msasani Slipway, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 22 2602 430 Fax: +255 22 2602 445 Email: safari@coastal.co.tz Web: www.coastal.co.tz Contact: Fatema Tapya Exhibiting with Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association


P.o. Box 3052, 107, Upanga Road, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 22 211 7959 Fax: +255 22 211 8647 Email: safari@coastal.cc Web: www.coastal.cc Contact: Fatema Tapya Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Cobblers Cove Hotel


C/o Group Promotions Ltd, Crown House, Redbourn Hertfordshire, AL3 7JX United Kingdom Tel: +44 1582 792 260 Fax: +44 1582 792 112 Email: sophie.taylor@group-promotions.com Web: www.cbayresort.com Contact: Sophie Taylor Exhibiting with Group Promotions Ltd

Cocos Hotel & Keyonna Beach

Puerto Plata, Puerto Plata Dominican Republic Tel: +1809 3201259 Email: Jcid@discoverpuertoplata.com Web: www.discoverpuertoplata.com Contact: Jakaira Cid Exhibiting with Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism

Coastal Travels Ltd

Coconut Bay Beach Resort & Spa


8-2/1, York Arcade Building, Leyden Bastian Road, Colombo 01 Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka +94 777881543 Tel: Fax: +94 2381645 Email: shiran@forthotels.lk Web: www.forthotels.lk Contact: Shiran Gunawardena Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Coastal Aviation


Garrison Historic Area, Hastings, Christ Church, BB15156 Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4298198 +1246 4271655 Email: llampkin@coconut-court.com www.coconut-court.com Web: Contact: Linda Lampkin Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

Ctra. Cadiz, Km 206, Mijas 29649 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 952669976 +34 952669900 Email: samira@andalucia.org www.clholidays.com Web: Contact: Lucien Le Moing Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

Club Palm Bay - Marawila

Entebbe International Airport, Entebbe Uganda, P.O.BOX 5536,KAMPALA Uganda Tel: +256 312 352 000 Fax: +256 414 321401 Email: sylviakalembe@tourismuganda.info Web: www.caa.co.ug Contact: Tom Wasswa Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD

Clark Tours


Ctra. De Cadiz, Km 206, Mijas 29649 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 952669976 +34 952669900 Email: samira@andalucia.org Web: www.clholidays.com Contact: Lucien Le Moing Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA


Coco De Mer Hotel

Anse Bois De Rose, Praslin, Praslin Seychelles, 0 Seychelles Tel: Fax: +248 4290440 +248 4290555 Email: cocodeme@seychelles.net Web: www.cocodemer.com Contact: Ash Behari Exhibiting with Seychelles Tourism Board

Athene House, 86 The Broadway, London NW7 3TD United Kingdom Tel: +44 0208 906 5238 Fax: +44 020 8906 3434 Email: chloe.tasker@clcworld.com Web: www.clcworld.com Contact: Chloe Taskers Exhibiting with UKinbound



Classics Zimbabwe


Road View, St. Peter BB26025 Barbados Tel: +1246 2464222291 Fax: +1246 2464221460 Email: cobblers@caribsurf.com Web: www.cobblerscove.com Contact: Randall Wilkie Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

Cologne Tourist Board


Kardinal-hoffner-platz 1, Cologne 50667 Germany Tel: +49 221221 28046 Fax: +49 221221 23311 Email: jelena.marggraff@koelntourismus.de Web: www.koelntourismus.de Contact: Jelena Marggraff Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board

Colombia57 Ltda


Calle 71, 19-07, Ed. Los Pioneros, Manizales Caldas, Colombia Tel: Fax: +57 (6) 8868050 +57 (6) 8868050 Email: russ@colombia57.com Web: www.colombia57.com Contact: Russel Nicholas Jeremy Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia

Colombian Journeys


Cra. 13 No. 90-36 Of. 701, Bogota Colombia, Colombia Tel: +57 (1)6180027 Email: marketing@colombianjourneys.com Web: www.colombianjourneys.com Contact: Luisa Forero Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia



Via Parsano, 25, Sorrento Italy, 80067 Italy Tel: +39 081 8773586 Fax: +39 081 8075828 Email: info@colorviaggi.com Web: www.colorviaggi.com Contact: Pietro Monti Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

18 A Lenina Street, Anadyr 689000 Russian Federation Tel: +7 427 22 6 67 45 Fax: +7 427 22 6 67 45 Email: sport-tour87@mail.ru Web: www.visitchukotka.com Contact: Irina Ryabukhina Exhibiting with Russian Federation

1625 Broadway, Suite 2700, Denver Co, 80202 United States Tel: Fax: +1 3038923848 +1 3038923876 Email: Michael.Driver@state.co.us Web: www.colorado.com Contact: Michael Driver Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilion Colorado & Utah


COLTUR Peru Av. Reducto 1255, Miraflores, Lima Lima, L-18 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 4469392 +51 6155555 Email: Diego.velasco@colturperu.com Web: www.colturperu.com Contact: Diego Velasco Exhibiting with PromPeru



221/2, Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 07 Sri Lanka, 700 Sri Lanka Tel: Fax: +94 112687698 +94 112687719 Email: info@columbustourssrilanka.com Web: www.columbustourssrilanka.com Contact: Bobby Jordan Hassen Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau


Columbus Travels & Tours

586 Strand Road, Corner Of 7th Street, Landmadaw Township, Yangon Myanmar, Myanmar Tel: Fax: +95 1222790 +95 1229245 Email: mindin08@gmail.com Web: www.travelmyanmar.com Contact: Min Din Exhibiting with Myanmar Tourism Federation (Marketing Committee)


Comfort Suites Paradise Island P.o. Box Ss-6202, Nassau SS-6202 Bahamas Email: abutler@comfortsuitespi.com Contact: Arthurita Butler Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas


Erdbergstrasse 52-60/3, Vienna 1030 Austria Tel: +43 699 110 33 673 Fax: +43 1 907 3073 Email: op@comfortway.com Web: www.comfortway.com Contact: Oleg Pravdin


21/23, Mokhovaya Str., Office 1, Saint-petersburg 191028 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 8127401312 +7 8127401314 Email: president@comintour.sp.ru Web: www.comintour.com Contact: Lilia Garbouz Exhibiting with Saint Petersburg Express, JSC

Committee for foreign relations and tourism of Kazan region


Via Corso Umberto I, 83, Vietri Sul Mare 84019 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 089 763828 +39 089 763860 Email: segreteriadesimone@gmail.com Web: www.comune.vietri-sul-mare.sa.it Contact: Giovanni De Simone Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


1, Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan 420014 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 8432991634 +7 8432991643 Email: kvst@kzn.ru Web: www.gokazan.ru Contact: Ivan Kadoshnikov Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency




Concord Travels & Tours

Um Cs 20, Ansal Plaza Mall, Vaishali, Delhi - Ncr India, 201010 India Tel: +91 01204171600 Email: harish@concordtravels.com Web: www.concordtravels.com Contact: Harish Mathur Exhibiting with India Tourism



69 Abdel Hamid Badawi St, Cairo Egypt, Egypt +20 226224000 Tel: Fax: +20 226226037 Email: dina.awadain@concorde-eg.com Web: www.cairo-concorde-hotels.com Contact: Dina Awadain Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority



Condor House, New Harbour Road South, Poole Dorset, BH15 4AJ United Kingdom Tel: +44 1202 207207 Fax: +44 1202 685184 Email: Jonathan.Godson@condorferries.co.uk www.condorferries.co.uk Web: Contact: Jonathan Godson Exhibiting with Jersey Tourism

Condor Travel

Confindustria Macerata Sezione Turismo


Via Weiden, 35, Macerata 62100 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 071 7574216 +39 071 981914 Email: info@ghr.it Web: www.macerataturismo.it Contact: Stefania Ghergo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



Avda. De Burgos, 8a - Edificio Bronce- Planta 15, Madrid Madrid, 28023 Spain Tel: +34 0034913839494Fax: +34 0034917664217 Email: dgarcia.confortel@once.es Web: www.confortelhoteles.com Contact: David Garcia del Poyo Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA


13a Avenue De Basoko, Kinshasa Congo, Democratic Republic Of Tel: +243 243812818838 243816263729 Email: chrinyiki@yahoo.fr Web: www.ccrdc.cd Contact: Christian Kanyiki


Congo Gorilla Tours

Brazzaville, Rep Of Congo, Vancouver, Canada, Congo, Canada Tel: +1 778 386 1026 Email: leslie@CongoWildlifeAdventures.com Web: www.congogorillatours.com Contact: Leslie Nevison Exhibiting with Kamili



A.senoe 4-6, Varazdin 42000 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 23492055 +385 23492050 Email: marketing@coning.hr Web: www.coning-turizam.hr Contact: Daniela Skoric Exhibiting with Zadar Region

Connaissance De Ceylan

Royal Rd, Floreal Mauritius Tel: +230 6987000 Email: brunol@concord.mu Web: www.concorde.mu Contact: Bruno Lebreux Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

Condor Ferries

98 / 1, Velacherry Main Road, Guindy, Chennai India Tel: +91 4442444555 Email: mahesh.reddy@cii.in Web: www.cii.in Contact: Mahesh Reddy Exhibiting with India Tourism

Congo (Republique Democratique du)

Kigali, Nyarugenge Rwanda, 4152 KIGALI Rwanda Tel: +250 0782596570 Fax: +250 252588444 Email: info@magic-safaris.com Contact: ERIC & DEICOLE Degreef & Mugema Exhibiting with Rwanda Tourism Board

Concorde Travel Tours



Via Albana Palazzo Lucarelli, Santa Maria Capua Vetere 81055 Italy Tel: +39 3921014051 Email: comunesantamariacapuavetere.ce. protocollo@pa.postacertificata.gov.it Web: www.comune.santa-maria-capua-vetere.ce.it Contact: Paolo Busico Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



Columbus Tours (pvt) Ltd


Immeuble Oumlil N: 26, Ave. Hassan Ii, Agadir Agadir, 80000 Morocco Tel: +212 5 28 821013 Fax: +212 528823403 Email: lesley@menara.ma Web: www.complete-tours.com Contact: Lesley Sanchez Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office

Comune di Vietri sul Mare

P.o. Box 54042, Lemesos 3779 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 25833688 +357 25833000 Email: annie.k@columbia-hotels.com Web: www.columbia-hotels.com Contact: Annie Karapataki Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation


Via Santarellli 219-221, Chieti 66100 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 087166923 +39 087164599 Email: infochieti@confcommerciochieti.it Web: www.confcommerciochieti.it Contact: Luigi Monteferrante Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Confederation Of Indian Industry


Complete Tours

Comune di Santa Maria Capua Vetere

Corso Italia, 254, Sorrento 80067 Italy Tel: +39 081 8782966 Fax: +39 081 8783483 Email: info@coltur.com Web: www.colonnahotels.com Contact: M.Cristina Colonna Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Confcommercio Chieti Gruppo B&B



Colorado Tourism Office

Coltur Travel

Committee for Sports and Tourism of Chukotsky autonomous region


Armando Blondet 249, San Isidro, San Isidro Lima, 27 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 14420935 +51 16153000 Email: incoming@condortravel.com Web: www.condortravel.com Contact: Sammy Niego With offices in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru, Condor Travel isone of South America’s leading travel companies, offering a regional solution: onesingle contact for multi-destination packages, plus over 35 years of renownedservice.



Level 12-2, East Tower, Colombo 1 Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Tel: +94 114706400 Email: anushka@connaissance.lk Web: www.connaissance.lk Contact: Anushka Perera Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Connections DMC


Crater Lane, Floreal Mauritius Tel: Fax: +230 698 89 99 +230 696 99 33 Email: maria.b@connections.mu Web: www.connections.mu Contact: Maria Braunecker A well-established DMC in the islands of Mauritius and La Reunion, ‘Connections’ provides a complete range of inbound services for individual travellers, cruises as well as groups & incentives. Our reputation rests on the standard of service we deliver - our motto: we are only satisfied with the very best.

Connex Caribe Mexico


Plaza Tropical - Av. Tulum 192, L-44, Sm 2-a, Cancun 77500 Mexico +52 00 Tel: Email: goran@connexcaribe.com Web: www.connexcaribe.com Contact: Goran Kreso Exhibiting with Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 293



Conrad Bali


Jl. Pratama No. 168, Tanjung Benoa, On The Coast Of Nusa Dua, Bali Indonesia, 80363 Indonesia +62 361 778788 Tel: Fax: +62 361 778780 Email: carolinechrysdy@conradbali.com Web: www.conradbali.com Contact: Caroline Chrysdy Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Conrad Maldives Rangali Island


Po Box 2034, South Ari Atoll Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 6680619 +960 6680629 Email: maryann.coldovero@conradhotels.com Web: www.conradmaldives.com Contact: MaryAnn Coldovero Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

CONSELVATUR / Selva Bananito Lodge


Office: San Pedro De Montes De Oca De La Farmacia Fischel 25 Mts Sur., Lodge: La Amistad Biosphere Reserve, San Jose 2333-2050 Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 22800820 +506 22538118 Email: conselva@racsa.co.cr Web: www.selvabananito.com Contact: Jürgen Stein Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board

Consorzio Made in Puglia


Via Dei Peuceti 110, Puglia, 70023 Italy Tel: +39 3289258179 Email: madeinpuglia@gmail.com Web: www.cafarchia.com/made_in_puglia_23.html Contact: Domenico Cafarchia Exhibiting with Regione Puglia

Consorzio Napoli Business & Leisure

EM1800 Piazza Carita, 32, Napoli 80134 Italy Tel: +39 081 5520205 Fax: +39 081 5529660 Email: info@napolibel.com Web: www.napolibel.com Contact: Claudio Boccalatte Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Consorzio Riviera Domizia


Viale Dei Bossi, Baia Domizia 81030 Italy Tel: +39 328 8064564 Email: naja@domiziaincoming.it Web: www.domiziaincoming.it Contact: Luigi Mascolo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Consorzio Servizi Albergatori Soc. Coop.va


Consorzio Turistico Cilento



Via Bolivar, 96, Marina Di Camerota 8459 Italy Tel: +39 340 7122857 Fax: +39 0974 932585 Email: consorzioturisticocilento@gmail.com Web: www.consorzioturisticocilento.it Contact: Antonio Giuseppe Volpe Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Constance Hotels

1179 Chino Roces Avenue Corner Bagtikan St., Makati City Philippines Tel: 63 Email: vic@constelltravel.com.ph Web: www.constelltravel.com.ph Contact: Victor Emmanuel Otte Exhibiting with Philippines Department Of Tourism

Aladar Utca 17., Budapest Hungary, 1016 Hungary Tel: Fax: +36 12124477 +36 12124455 Email: ckollar@contacttours.hu Web: www.contact-incentives.de Contact: Cecilia Kollár Exhibiting with Hungarian Tourism Plc.


Suites 117-119, 3-7 Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, London EC4Y 0HP United Kingdom Tel: +44 203 328 7830 Fax: +44 207 936 4254 Email: info@constancehotels.co.uk Web: www.constancehotels.com Contact: Jonathan King With hotels in Mauritius, the Seychelles, the Maldives, an Island Lodge in Madagascar and plans for further hotels in the Maldives, Constance Hotels is one of the leading luxury hotel groups in the Indian Ocean. Each hotel provides an innovative and outstanding selection of services and activities.

294 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Box 400, Beau Vallon, Mahe, Victoria Seychelles, Seychelles +248 4291000 Tel: Fax: +248 4291070 Email: maria.morel@seychelles.travel Web: www.coralstrand.com Contact: Verkhorubov Denis Exhibiting with Seychelles Tourism Board


Dohany U. 42-44, Budapest Hungary, 1074 Hungary Tel: Fax: +36 18151001 +36 18151041 Email: katalin.jagicza@zeinahotels.com Web: www.continentalhotelbudapest.com Contact: Katalin Jagicza Exhibiting with Hungarian Tourism Plc.




Bulawayo, Po Box 9056 Hillside, Bulawayo Zimbabwe, 0 Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 9241748 +263 9245051 Email: cozim@coz.co.zw Web: www.cozimafrica.com Contact: TINA PIGORS Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY


1 Sekforde Street, London EC1R 0BE United Kingdom Tel: +44 2017107307 Email: eduardo_lopez@discovertheworld.com Web: www.discovertheworld.com Contact: Eduardo Emilio López Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)


Al Sharq, Old Salata, Al Safilia Street, P. O. Box: 495, Doha Qatar, Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44240011 +974 66267474 Email: hesham@coralhoteldoha.com Web: www.coralhoteldoha.com Contact: Hiba Bin Salem Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority



Apartado De Correos, 315, Puerto De La Cruz Tenerife, 38400 Spain Tel: +34 922 38 92 40 Fax: +34 922 38 95 36 Email: info@coral-hotels.com Web: www.coral-hotels.com Contact: José Barreiro Vilacoba Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Coral Mist & Blue Orchids Beach Hotels


Piazza Castelnuovo 35, Palermo 90141 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 091 321995 +39 091 333955 Email: info@coretur.it Web: www.coretur.it Contact: Agostino Comparetto Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



C/ Instituto, 6 - Edificio Trinidad, Gijon Asturias, 33201 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 985 35 9050 +34 985 185100 Email: promocion@gijon.info Contact: Rosa Garcia Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



Imagenes, 15, Cordoba Cordoba, 14001 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 957492061 +34 957491679 Email: informacion@cordobaturismo.es Web: www.cordobaturismo.es Contact: Antonio Ramos Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

Coretur tour operator Continental Hotel Budapest & Le Zora Travel


Coral Strand Hotel



Contact Travel


Coral Reef Club/The Sandpiper Holetown, St. James BB24017 Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4221776 +1246 4222374 Email: pohara@coralreefbarbados.com Web: www.coralreefbarbados.com Contact: Patrick O’Hara Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority


Constellation Travel

Coral Hotel Doha

Via P. Iolanda 51/b, Canicattini Bagni 96010 Italy Tel: +39 0931 6919007 Fax: +39 0931 6919007 Email: info@siciliahyblea.it www.siciliahyblea.it Web: Contact: Maria Iangliaeva Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Poseidonos Ave, Po Box 60182, Pafos 8101 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 26961124 +357 26884309 Email: csm@cbh-cyprus.com Web: www.cbh-cyprus.com Contact: Aristos Diomedous Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Copa Airlines

Calata Italia, 26, Portoferraio Livorno, Italy Tel: +39 0565 919611 Email: papi.direzione@albergatorielbani.it Contact: Emilio Massimo De Ferrari Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione

Consorzio Sicilia Hyblea soc. coop.



Rockley, Christ Church Barbados Tel: +1246 2464357712 Fax: +1246 2464356874 Email: gmcoralmist@caribsurf.com Web: www.coralmistbarbados.com Contact: Omar Juman Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

Bab Al Baher, Tripoli Libya Tel: +218 912139629 Email: safari121@hotmail.com Contact: MOHAMED ELJAZIRI Exhibiting with LIBYAN EXPORT PROMOTION CENTER

Corinthia Hotels International


Europa Centre, Floriana FRN 1400 Malta Tel: +356 (0) 7801 121 577 Fax: +356 (0) 7801 121 577 Email: andy.jackson@corinthia.com Web: www.corinthia.com Contact: Andy Jackson Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association

Corinthia Hotels Malta


St George’s Bay, St George’s Bay St Julians, STJ 3301 Malta +356 23702634 Tel: Fax: +356 2137 8234 Email: bernard.jaccarini@corinthia.com Web: www.corinthia.com Contact: Bernard Jaccarini Exhibiting with Malta Tourism Authority



Iskele Mevkii, Belek, Antalya 7500 Turkey Tel: +90 2427101600 Fax: +90 2427153353 Email: sales@corneliadiamond.com Web: www.corneliaresort.com Contact: Seren Erdogmus Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Corporate Blazing Events


C/ San Ramon 21-1, Valencia Valencia, 46003 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 963 913831 +34 666863081 Email: yola@corporateblazingevents.com Web: www.corporateblazingevents.com Contact: Yola Sanders Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

Corrupt Tour


Komenskeho 1414, Vlasim CZ 258 01 Czech Republic Tel: +420 739 99 00 80 Email: info@corrupttour.com www.corrupttour.com Web: Contact: Petr Sourek Corrupt Tour is the first corruption travel agency. Corruption is a worldwide phenomenon but most people do not know what it looks like. At Corrupt Tour, we pride ourselves on providing the most comprehensive range of corruption experiences. Enjoy the Best of the Worst with Corrupt Tour.

EXHIBITOR PROFILES Corsica SNCM - Southern Ferries


22 Sussex Street, London SW1V 4RW United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)844 815 7785 Fax: +44 (0)844 815 7795 Email: mail@southernferries.com Web: www.southernferries.com Contact: Kirsty Laifa Exhibiting with France

COSTA DAURADA - Tarragona Province Tourism Board


Cottars 1920s Camp


Pg Torroja S/n, Tarragona Catalonia, E-43007 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 977238033 +34 977230312 Email: costadaurada@dipta.cat Web: www.costadaurada.info Contact: Susana Gonzalez Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

P.o.box 44191, Nairobi 100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 883 681 Email: louise@cottarsafaris.com Web: www.cottars.com Contact: Louise Cottar Exhibiting with Classic Safari Camps Of Africa


Couples Resorts Corsica Tourist Board


17 Bd Du Roi Jerome, Bp 19, Ajaccio 20181 CEDEX 01 France Tel: +33 (0)4 95 51 77 77 Email: jpdigrazia@ctc-atc.com Web: www.visit-corsica.com Contact: Jean-Philippe Di Grazia Exhibiting with France

Costa degli Ulivi Hotels

Via Dei Cartari 18, Palermo 90133 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 091 585658 +39 091 581020 Email: hirtd@tin.it Web: www.costadegliulivihotels.it Contact: Massimo Errico Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Costa Rica Reps -Tour Operator Corsica’s Premier Hotel Association

EM1700 Hotel La Villa, Chemin Notre Dame De La Serra, Calvi 20260 France Tel: +33 (0)6 20 22 59 17 Email: contact@lesgrandesmaisonscorses.com Web: www.lesgrandesmaisonscorses.com Contact: Virginie Mayard Exhibiting with France



Avenue Du General De Boissoudy, Porto Vecchio 20537 France Tel: +33 (0)4 95 70 64 90 Fax: +33 (0)4 95 70 48 64 Email: florence@corsicatours.com Web: www.corsicatours.com Contact: Florence Sperte Exhibiting with France

Corte Hotels & Residences


Via Montello 26, Cagliari 9122 Italy Tel: +39 070 7730554 Fax: +39 070 7731553 Email: info@cortehotels.it Web: www.cortehotels.co.uk Contact: Giovanni Tavella Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Cosmopolitan Hotel


P.o Box 38250, Al Barsha, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 376 22 22 Fax: +971 4 376 22 23 Email: d.sartawi@dubaicosmopolitan.com Web: www.dubaicosmopolitan.com Contact: Deema Sartawi Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Cosmopolite Hotel


6 Vadim Hetman Street, Kyiv 3057 Ukraine Tel: +380 66 920 69 56 Fax: +380 44 205 35 24 Email: larisa.gontarzhevska@cosmopolite-kiev.com Web: www.cosmopolite-kiev.com Contact: Larisa Gontarzhevska Exhibiting with Ukraine

Cosmos Tours


Office 207 2nd Floor Al Maidan Tower 1, Maktoum Road, Dubai United Arab Emirates, 92823 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 42223183 +971 42222382 Email: mohfadel@cosmosbookers.com Web: www.cosmosbookers.com Contact: Mohammad Fadel Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Costa Blanca Tourist Board


C/bilbao 1, 5ª Floor, Alicante Alicante, 3001 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 965230155 +34 965230160 Email: hfrias@costablanca.org Web: www.costablanca.org Contact: Hector Frias Beneyto Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme



Av. Sant Francesc, 19, 4t, Girona Catalonia, E-17001 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 972221570 +34 972208401 Email: sperich@costabrava.org Web: www.costabrava.org Contact: Sandra Perich Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD



Casa Azul #325, Calle 34 Avenida 3-5. Paseo Colon, San Jose San Jose, 1000 Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 2256 3526 +506 2248 3127 Email: fabio.salas@costaricareps.com Web: www.costaricareps.com Contact: Fabio Salas Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board

Costa Rica Sun Tours


300 E Hotel Best Western Irazu, San Jose Central, PO BOX: 281-1017, SAN JOSE 2000 Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 22964307 +506 22967757 Email: lsalas@crsuntours.com Web: www.crsuntours.com Contact: Judith Pollard Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board

Costa Rica Top Tours


Supermercado Saretto 100 Mts Al Este Y 200 Mts Al Sur, San Rafael - Escazu, San Jose Costa Rica, 1554-1250 Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 25882894 +506 25882891 Email: pherrera@crtoptours.com Web: www.costaricatoptours.com Contact: Paulina Herrera Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board

Costa Rica Tourist Board


Costado Este Del Puente Juan Pablo Ii, Sobre Autopista General Canas, San Jose 777- 1000 Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 22915645 +506 22995800 Email: vrudin@ict.go.cr Web: www.visitcostarica.com Contact: Viviana Rudin Official governmental office in charge of the promotion of Costa Rica as a tourist destination. Our service range from the production and diffusion of market intelligence to local and advertising campaigns involving electronic and print media. ICT also promotes the development ofprofitable relationships with airlines and international wholesalers.

Costa Rican Trails


De La Pops En Curridabat, 300 Mts Al Sur Y 250 Metros Al Este, San Jose Costa Rica, 2907-1000 Costa Rica +506 22806705 Tel: Fax: +506 22258842 Email: info@costaricantrails.com Web: www.costaricantrails.com Contact: Wilhem von Breyman Barquero Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board

CostaVision Incoming Services Spain


Pau Claris 99-101 1-2, Barcelona 8009 Spain Tel: +34 93 319 70 72 Email: dm@costavision.es Web: www.costavision.es Contact: Dragana Milosevic Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association

Coster Diamonds


Paulus Potterstraat 2-8, Amsterdam Noord Holland, 1071 CZ Netherlands Tel: +31 20 305 5555 Fax: +31 20 305 5556 Email: nenadpopovic@costerdiamonds.com www.costerdiamonds.com Web: Contact: Nenad Popovic Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)


C/o Group Promotions Ltd, Crown House, Redbourn Hertfordshire, AL3 7JX United Kingdom Tel: +44 1582 794 420 Fax: +44 1582 792 112 Email: sophie.taylor@group-promotions.com Web: www.couples.com Contact: Sophie Taylor Exhibiting with Group Promotions Ltd


Courtesy Rent A Car Wildey, St. Michael Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4262276 +1246 4314160 Email: ian.proverbs@thegelgroup.com Web: www.courtesyrentacar.com Contact: Ian Proverbs Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority



2, Libertatii Sq, Sfantu Gheorghe Covasna, 520008 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 367403990 +40 746110766 Email: turism@kvmt.ro Web: www.kvmt.ro Contact: Albert Zoltan Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM

Cox & Kings Limited


Turner Morrison Building, 16 Bank Street, Mumbai India, 400 001 India Tel: Fax: +91 2222709162 +91 2222709100 Email: contactus@coxandkings.com Web: www.coxandkings.com Contact: Kavita Bhalla Cox and Kings is one of the oldest and most reputed travel organisations in India, having evolved over a period of 250 years. Aleading Destination Managment Company offering cost effective travel solutions for Leisure Travel, MICE, NRI Holidays, Trade Fairs,Foreign Exchange, Business Travel, Private Air charters and Hotel Bookings.

Cox & Kings Tours


P. O. Box 31126, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 3572625 Email: sharma.rajiv@coxandkings.com Web: www.coxandkings.co.uk/ Contact: Rajiv Sharma Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

CPI Hotels


Becvarova 14, Vaclavske Namesti 47, Prague 10 Czech Republic, 10000 Czech Republic Tel: Fax: +420 234712460 +420 602615367 Email: Patricie.Rosenbergova@cpihotels.com Web: www.cpihotels.com Contact: Patricie Rosenbergova Exhibiting with Czech Tourist Authority - CzechTourism

CPT Berkane - Oriental


Berkane, Berkane Berkane, Morocco Tel: +212 5 36 23 03 98 Fax: +212 5 36 23 05 48 Email: cptberkane@menara.ma Contact: Youssef Zaki Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office

CPT Ouarzazate


9 Avenue Moulay Rachid, Ouazazate Ouarzazate, Morocco Tel: Fax: +212 524890442 +212 524883993 Email: cpt.ouarzazate@menara.ma www.valeur-sud.com Web: Contact: Mrani Med Said Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 295



CPT Zagora

Hay Annakhil, Centre De Zagora, Cp, Zagora Zagora, CP 45 900 Morocco +212 524848686 Fax: +212 524848689 Tel: Email: cptzagora@gmail.com Web: www.zagora-maroc.com Contact: Ahmed Chahid Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office

P.o. Box 4785, Camacho Ave 1223, La Paz Bolivia Tel: Fax: +591 22116481 +591 22337533 Email: dariusjr@titicaca.com Web: www.titicaca.com Contact: Darius Morgan Exhibiting with Viceministerio de Turismo Bolivia

Cristal Hotels & Resorts


Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site

P O Box 8769, Johannesburg, Johannesburg Gauteng, 2000 South Africa Tel: +27 011 355 1227 Fax: +27 011 333 8648 Email: Adrian.amod@gauteng.gov.za Web: www.cradleofhumankind.co.za Contact: Adrian Amod Exhibiting with South African Tourism



Crowne Plaza Abu Dhabi Yas Island Staybridge Suites Yas Island


Zayed The 1st Street ( Electra Street), Adjacent To Madinat Zayed Shopping Center, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates, 72898 United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 02 6520000 Fax: +971 02 6520001 Email: kamal.fakhoury@cristalhotels.ae Web: www.cristalhotelsandresorts.com Contact: Kamal Fakhoury Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Crowne Plaza Bahrain

Po Box 372, Crans-montana 3963 Switzerland Tel: +41 27 485 04 04 Email: katrina@insightsmc.com Web: www.crans-montana.ch Contact: Katrina Blunden Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism


Salahuddin Road, Deira, Dubai Uae, 8668 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 42686511 +971 42625555 Email: raffi.torikian@ihg.com Web: www.crowneplaza.com/deira Contact: Raffi Torikian Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing


Bathory U.22, Budapest Hungary, 1054 Hungary Tel: Fax: +36 1 3125424 +36 1 3024382 Email: szabo@cityrama.hu Web: www.cityrama.hu Contact: Krisztian Szabo Exhibiting with Hungarian Tourism Plc.

Croatian National Tourist Board

Rue De L’’hotel De Ville, Imm Jamal 1er Etage N° 2, Agadir 80000 Morocco Tel: +212 0528841260 Fax: +212 0528841234 Email: amine.creativetours@gmail.com Web: www.creativetours-morocco.com Contact: Mohamed Amine TOUJANI Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office


Creative Travel Pvt. Ltd

Creative Plaza, Nanakpura, New Delhi India, 110021 India Tel: +91 1126872257 Fax: +91 1126885886 Email: creative@travel2india.com Web: www.travel2india.com Contact: Rajeev Kohli Excellence in input, discretion in planning and subtlety in delivery. These have defined luxury travel at Creative Travel for the past 34 years. With national & international award winning services all over the Indian subcontinent, we offer experiences matched by few.


Via Castelleone 62, Cremona - Fraz. Costa Sant`abramo 26022 Italy +39 0372471396 Fax: +39 0372471704 Tel: Email: info@cremonapalacehotel.it Web: www.cremonapalacehotel.it Contact: Daniela Placchi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Creole Travel Services


P.o.box 611 Victoria, Victoria Seychelles, Seychelles Tel: Fax: +248 4225817 +248 4297000 Email: maria.morel@seychelles.travel Web: www.creoletravelservices.com Contact: Blaisila Hoffman Exhibiting with Seychelles Tourism Board



Iblerov Trg 10/iv, P.p. 251, Zagreb 10000 Croatia +385 14699333 Tel: Fax: +385 14557827 Email: info@htz.hr Web: www.croatia.hr Contact: Nina Gubic


Creative Tours

As one of the travel destinations in the Mediterranean, Croatia has a longstanding tourist tradition. The advantages of the tourist product are its preserved natural wealth and environment, cultural and historical heritage, mild Mediterranean climate, close proximity of European markets, and the availability of active holidays in environmentally protected destinations.



With 27 beautiful, prestigious ships, cruising on all famous rivers through Europe, from Berlin to Sevilla, from Amsterdam to the Black Sea, from Porto to Venice, the French company Croisieurope is the largest river cruise operator in Europe.

Croke Park Hotel & Conference Centre


296 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Croke Park, Jones Road, Dublin 3 Ireland Tel: +353 1 819 2300 Fax: +353 1 819 2313 Email: sheneghan@crokepark.ie Web: www.crokepark.ie Contact: Sinead Heneghan Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Cronins Coaches Ltd


Shannon Buildings, Mallow Road, Cork Ireland +353 21 430 9090 Fax: +353 21 430 5508 Tel: Email: cork@croninscoaches.com Web: www.croninscoaches.com Contact: Derry Cronin Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland


P.o.box 2034, Male’ Republic Of Maldives, Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 6640219 +960 7777111 Email: salesandmktmgr2@crowncompany.com Web: www.komandoo.com, www.kuredu.com, www.meeru.com, www.veliganduisland.com, www.vilamendhooisland.com Contact: David S. Feinberg Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Crown Tours (Maldives) Pvt. Ltd.

73, Saqr Qureish Buildings, Sheraton Heliopolis,cairo Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 2268 0226 +20 2268 2168 Email: info@crewtours.com Web: www.crewtours.com Contact: Mohamed Hussein Exhibiting with Global Discovery / Adventure Now


C/o Eyes2market, No. 1, Lyric Square, London W6 0NB United Kingdom +44 208 3280649 Fax: +44 8701 992626 Tel: Email: cruises@eyes2market.co.uk Web: www.croisieurope.com Contact: Michel Grimm

Crown & Champa Resorts

Cnr Robert Mugabe, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 446008 +263 446000 Email: muchaneta@cresta.co.zw www.crestahotels.com Web: Contact: Muchaneta Musarurwa Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY

Crew Tours


2 The Lanchesters, 162-164 Fulham Palace Road, London W6 9ER United Kingdom Tel: +44 2085630022 Fax: +44 2085632615 Email: lonto@croatiaairlines.hr Web: www.croatiaairlines.com Contact: Anamarija Jurinjak Exhibiting with Croatian National Tourist Board

CRB Cityrama Travel Agency

Cremona Palace Hotel

Croatia Airlines


Box.5831, Manama Bahrain +973 17531122 Tel: Fax: +973 17533992 Email: ahmed.abdulla@ihg.com Web: www.cp-bahrain.com Contact: Ahmed Abdulla Exhibiting with KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN, Ministry of Culture

Crowne Plaza Dubai - Deria


Crans-Montana Tourism


Yas Island, Abu Dhabi 41880 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 2 6563001 +971 2 6563000 Email: raffi.torikian@cpyas.com Web: www.crowneplaza.com Contact: Raffi Torikian Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY


Fasmeeru Building, 5th Floor, Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Male’ Maldives, 2034 Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3312832 +960 3329889 Email: sales@crowntoursmaldives.com Web: www.crowntoursmaldives.com Contact: Nuha Mohamed Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Crowne Plaza Hollywood Beach


4000 S. Ocean Drive, Hollywood Florida, 33019 United States Tel: +1 9543671289 Email: mistyp@cphollywoodbeach.com Web: www.cphollywoodbeach.com Contact: Misty Polihronakis Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Crowne Plaza Moscow WTC


12, Krasnopresnenskaja Nab., Moscow Russian Federation, 123610 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 495 2582323 +7 495 2582222 Email: info@crowneplaza.ru Web: www.crowneplaza.com Contact: Yulia Ryabykh Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency



Av. El Bosque Norte 0440 Of. 1103, Las Condes, Santiago 6760235 Chile Tel: +56 2 4423111 Email: mvergara@australis.com Web: www.australis.com Contact: Marco Vergara Exhibiting with Chile

Cruise America & Canada RV Rentals Inc


Brookside, New Road, East Sussex, BN27 1PY United Kingdom Tel: +44 770 970 2909 Fax: +44 08705168309 Email: tthompson@cruiseamerica.com Web: www.cruiseamerica.com Contact: Tracy Thompson Cruise America, the world’s largest renter of RV’s aka motorhomes offering 25 USA & 6 Canadian rental locations, one ways a speciality. 100% family owned with 40 years experience operating the most innovative fleet in the industry, built to our specifications with the rental market in mind.

Crystal Holidays (pvt) Ltd


25a De Saram Road Off College Avenue, Mount Lavinia Sri Lanka, 10 370 Sri Lanka +94 11 2725032 Tel: Email: crystalh@sltnet.lk Web: www.holidayssrilanka.com Contact: Wansa Hettiarachchi Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Crystal Safaris


Plot 6, Colville Street, Airways House, Kampala Kampala, KLA. Uganda Tel: +256 772470260 Fax: +256 414235798 Email: info@crystalsafaris.com Web: www.crystalsafaris.com Contact: Christine Mwinike Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD



Rua Rodrigo Da Fonseca, 2, Lisbon Portugal, 1250-191 Portugal Tel: +351 210 405 400 Fax: +351 210 435 532 Email: sales@cshotelsandresorts.com Web: www.cshotelsandresorts.com Contact: Ricardo Afonso Exhibiting with Portugal

Cubatur Calle 15 No. 410 Entre F Y G, Plaza, La Habana Cuba Tel: +53 7 204 4204 Email: ricardo.quintans@cubatur.cyt.cu Web: www.cubatur.cu Contact: Ricardo Quintans Exhibiting with Cuba Tourist Office

Culture & Heritage Tours CTA di Vietri sul Mare


Piazza Matteotti, Vietri Sul Mare 84019 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 089 211285 +39 089 211285 Email: ctavietri@libero.it Web: www.comune.vietri-sul-mare.sa.it/cta Contact: Antonia Willburger Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

CTI - Corporate Travel & Incentives

EM1660 Via Dei Serragli, 134, Firenze Italy Tel: +39 0552286374 Fax: +39 0552306085 Email: paolo@ctideas.it Web: www.ctideas.it Contact: Paolo Teruzzi Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione

CTN Tours


99 Church Road, London London, SE19 2PR United Kingdom Tel: +44 2071483042 Fax: +44 2087617060 Email: sales@cubadirect.co.uk Web: www.cubadirect.co.uk Contact: Abraham Bravo Established Tour Operator in the UK Market, dedicated to tourism in Cuba. Cuba Destination Management specialised in B2B, groups and incentive travel.

Cuba Real Tours


Edificio Bacardi Oficina 404, Calle Monserrate No. 261, La Habana Vieja Cuba +53 78664251 Tel: Fax: +53 78664253 Email: bernd.herrmann@cubarealtours.com Web: www.cubarealtours.com Contact: Bernd Herrmann Exhibiting with Latincoming

Cuba Select Travel


Lonja Del Comercio Building, 2nd Floor, Office D4, San Francisco Plaza, 2nd Floor Office D4, Havana Havana, 10100 Cuba Tel: Fax: +53 78664968 +53 78664221 Email: joe@cubaselecttravel.com www.cubaselecttravel.com Web: Contact: Joseph Prem Cuba Select Travel is a DMC, ground handler and tour operator based in Havana. British owned with on-site British & Cuban staff. 8 years of providing services to the world travel industry & MICE sectors. Itineraries & rates tailored to your requirements for the individual traveller, groups & incentive events.

Cuba Tourist Office


154 Shaftesbury Avenue, London London, WC2H 8HL United Kingdom +44 2072406655 Fax: +44 2078369265 Tel: Email: tourism@travel2cuba.co.uk Web: www.travel2cuba.co.uk Contact: Jesús Ramón García Márquez With its colonial-style towns and cities, its magnificent countryside, its attractive surrounding seabed, its varied culture, and its people, renowned for their hospitable character, Cuba reveals itself to the world, with its charms and attractions. This is not just another typical holiday island. This is Cuba, authentic and unique.

Cubana de Aviación S.A.

Culture Company 2013 (Derry~Londonderry UK City of Culture 2013)


Ave Van Troi Y Final, Aeropuerto Internacional, La Habana Cuba +53 7 2664495 Tel: Email: marketing@travel2cuba.co.uk Web: www.cubana.cu Contact: Lourdes Pajon Exhibiting with Cuba Tourist Office


311 Ballards Lane, London N12 8LY United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 208 150 6033 Fax: +44 (0) 208 150 6099 Email: Kemal@cypruspremier.com Web: www.cypruspremier.com Contact: Kemal Kenan Exhibiting with North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd

“The Specialist in Online Distribution”Cultuzz is specialized in online sales and distribution for the hospitality industry and is the global market leader in selling hotel rooms on eBay.


Denshaw House, 120.121 Baggot St Lwr, Dublin, 2 Ireland Tel: +353 1 659 9428 Email: aoife.hayes@cst-international.com Web: www.cst-international.com Contact: Aoife Hayes Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Customs and Border Protection - ESTA

NA270 1300 Pennsylvania Ave., Room 2.4g, Washington Dc, 20229 United States Tel: Fax: +1 2023443450 +1 2023443945 Email: HEATHER.M.ULSTAD@cbp.dhs.gov Contact: Heather Ulstad Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions



Viamonte 610 - 1º, Buenos Aires 1053 Argentina Tel: +54 11 5273 6665 Fax: +54 11 4322 8247 Email: dnaveiro@cynsa.com.ar Web: www.cynsa.com.ar Contact: Diego Naveiro Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion


19, Limassol Avenue, Lefkosia(nicosia) 1390 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 22334764 +357 22340071 Email: helpdesk@agrotourism.com.cy Web: www.agrotourism.com.cy Contact: Evie Panayiotou Exhibiting with Rural Cyprus


Solar House,915 High Road, North Finchley, London NW4 3RJ United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 8359 1350 Fax: +44 020 8359 1387 Email: salesuk@cyprusair.com Web: www.cyprusair.com Contact: Spyros Neophytou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation



Ground Floor, 311 Ballards Lane, London N12 8LY United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 208 343 8888 Fax: +44 (0) 208 150 6099 Email: Kemal@cyprusparadise.com Web: www.CyprusParadise.com Contact: Kemal Kenan Exhibiting with North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd

Cyprus Premier Holidays

Friedrichstr 231, Berlin 10969 Germany Tel: Fax: +49 3072622559 +49 307262250 Email: wtm2012@cultuzz.com Web: www.cultuzz.com Contact: Ted Montreal


Cyprus Paradise


Cultuzz Digital Media GmbH



12a, A . Araouzos Street, P.o.box 24772, Lefkosia 1303 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 22375460 +357 22452820 Email: cha@cyprushotelassociation.org Web: www.cyprushotelassociation.org Contact: Zacharias Ioannides Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation


Building 71, Ebrington, Derry~londonderry BT47 1JY United Kingdom Tel: +44 28 7131 0560 Email: Andrew.potter@cityofculture2013.com Web: www.cityofculture2013.com Contact: Andrew Potter Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Customer Survey Technologies International



Albanne Tourism Ltd, Albanne House, Ballinode Sligo, Ireland Tel: +353 71 9138945 Fax: +353 71 9138949 Email: albert@irishcultures.eu Web: www.cultureheritagetours.ie Contact: Albert W Dawson Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland


244 Fifth Avenue, 10fl, New York Ny, 10001 United States Tel: Fax: +1 2127557180 +1 2126840001 Email: ryaeger@ctntours.com Web: www.ctntours.com Contact: Richard Yaeger Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions

Cuba Direct





P.o. Box 21455, Lefkosia(nicosia) 1509 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 22667593 +357 22889890 Email: cultural@ccci.org.cy Web: www.specialcyprus.org Contact: Christos Petsides Exhibiting with Rural Cyprus

Cyprus Tourism Organisation


17 Hanover Street, London W1S 1YP United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 569 8822 Fax: +44 207 499 4935 Email: lillianctolon@btconnect.com Web: www.visitcyprus.com Contact: Lillian Panayi Cyprus, with its year-round sunshine, offers a combination of beautiful beaches, pine-forested mountains with picturesque villages and exciting historical sites. Special interest activities that can be enjoyed include golf, cycling, diving and hiking. Our luxury hotels offer amazing spa treatments. Mouth-watering cuisine and genuine hospitality make the island truly memorable.

Cyprus Turkish Restaurateurs Association


Kordonboyu Street, Kordon Apt., Kyrenia MERSIN-10 Turkey Tel: Fax: +90 3928155727 +90 3928157529 Email: res-bir@hotmail.com Web: www.resbir.com Contact: Mehmet Kunduraci Exhibiting with North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd

Cyprus Turkish Tourism & Travel Agent’s Association


Surlar Ici Turuclu Cami Yani Venedik Evi, Lefkosa, Nicosia Mersin-10, 33100 Turkey Tel: Fax: +90 3922284765 +90 3922282443 Email: info@kitsab.org Web: www.kitsab.org Contact: Orhan Tolun Exhibiting with North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd

Cyprus Turkish Tourist Guides Association


P.o. Box 88, Guzelyurt North Cyprus, TR - MERSIN 10 Turkey Tel: +90 00903922282443 Fax: +90 00903922284765 Email: hasan-karlitas@yahoo.com Web: www.kitreb.org Contact: Hasan Karlitas Exhibiting with North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd

Cyrus Sahra Co.


Me293, Maydan E Vanbak Sq., Tehran Iran, 1517974614 Iran, Islamic Republic Of Tel: +98 09121210414 Fax: +98 21 88640481 Email: etemadi@caravansahra.com Web: www.cyrussahra.com Contact: Cyrus Etemadi Cyrus Sahra Co. is a well experienced and highly qualified tour operator in Iran. We offer many different tours and travel services to cover all aspect of beauty of this vast country such as: Archaeological,Cultural,Adventure,Discovery,Incentives,Tailor made itineraries,Outdoor,Birds watching,Botanical,Wild flowers,Butterfly,Camping,Desert,Nomads,Horse riding,Camper,Skiing,Walking,Trekking,Climbing,Expedition.

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 297



Czech Tourist Authority CzechTourism


13 Harley Street, London W1G9QG United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 6310427 Fax: +44 207 6310419 Email: mlcak@czechtourism.com Web: www.CzechTourism.com Contact: Tereza Matejková CzechTourism is an official government agency responsible for promoting the Czech Republic abroad. The agency CzechTourism administers 26 foreign offices all around the world. It organizes advertisement activities abroad, participation at international tourism fairs, and provides info and publicity materials about the Czech Republic.

D. Vin Tour


Via Principe Di Belmonte 47, Palermo 90139 Italy Tel: +39 338 9426985 Fax: +39 091 5020378 Email: info@dvin.it Web: www.dvin.it Contact: Dania Mastacchini Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Dadra & Nagar Haveli Tourism

Ut Of Dadar & Nagar Haveli, Silvassa Dadar & Nagar Haveli, 396 230 India Tel: +91 9428828802 Email: ks.chadrashekar@nic.in Contact: K.S Chandrashekar Exhibiting with India Tourism



31 A, Fluierului Street, Sector 2, Bucharest Romania Tel: Fax: +40 213107234 +40 213107878 Email: office@dagecom.ro Web: www.dagecom.ro Contact: Stefan Raducanu Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM



36 Al Sharif Nasser Bin Jamil Street, Al Khair Building, Amman Jordan, 11191 Jordan Tel: +962 6 560 1076 Fax: +962 6 568 7972 Email: wdakkak@dakkak.com Web: www.dakkak.com Contact: Wael Dakkak Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board

Dalata Hotel Group – Maldron Hotels & Partner Hotels


9 Leopardstown Office Park, Burton Hall Avenue, Dublin 18 Ireland Tel: +353 1 206 9403 Fax: +353 1 206 9401 Email: vwilgar@dalatahotelgroup.com www.maldronhotels.com Web: Contact: Valerie Wilgar Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland



Safari House Kileleshwa, Othaya Road, P. O. Box 66416, Nairobi Kenya, 800 Kenya +254 203877361 Fax: +254 203872845 Tel: Email: info@dallagotours.com Web: www.dallagotours.com Contact: Martin Njagi Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

Daltours S.r.l.

U T Of Dd&dnh, Silvassa 396230 India Tel: +91 000000001 Email: ks.chandrashekar@nic.in Contact: K S Chandrashekar Exhibiting with India Tourism


Piazza Irnerio 67, Rome Lazio, 165 Italy Tel: +39 0666000016 Fax: +39 0666000564 Email: david@daltours.it Web: www.daltours.it Contact: David Morris Exhibiting with Network 4 Sports Travel

298 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

77 Bloor Street, West, Suite 2000, Toronto On, M5S 1M2 Canada +1 4169668396 Tel: Email: eric.barber@realstarhospitality.com Web: www.daysinn.ca Contact: Eric Barber Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission


Dan Hotels



Av Kenneth Kaunda, 1170, Maputo Mozambique Tel: Fax: +258 21 497428 +258 21 495514 Email: info@danatours.com Web: www.danatours.com Contact: Natalie Tenzer-Silva Exhibiting with Mozambique Tourism -INATUR


Daniela Hubert Sales & Marketing Steinmatteliweg 11, Meiringen 3860 Switzerland +41 33 971 01 82 Tel: Email: info@daniela-hubert.ch Web: www.daniela-hubert.ch Contact: Daniela Hubert Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism



DANUBIUS HOTELS GROUP Szent Istvan Ter 11., Budapest H-1051 Hungary Tel: Fax: +36 18894106 +36 18894101 Email: sales@danubiushotels.com Web: www.danubiushotels.com Contact: Beata Berghammer



Complex Palas Pelican, Mamaia Constanta, 900001 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 241 480 360 +40 721471 054 Email: vlad.petrov@danubius.ro Web: www.danubius.ro Contact: Vlad Petrov Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM



5 Beresford Place, Lower Gardiner Street, Dublin Dublin, DUBLIN 1 Ireland Tel: +353 18881756 Email: steve@daytoursworld.com Web: www.daytoursworld.com Contact: Steve McPhilemy DayToursWorld.com is the new global travel website selling day trips, activities & excursions. In return for recommending your tour to our millions of customers, we take a tiny commission of any tour booked. DayToursWorld.com has impeccable travel credentials. We guarantee to SELL, SELL, SELL your products. Check us out at stand TT460

DB Bahn - German Rail

Av. Reducto 1255, Lima Lima, LIMA 18 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 14469392 +51 14472741 Email: incoming.peru@dasatariq.com Web: www.dasatariq.com Contact: Adriana Becerra Exhibiting with PromPeru



Suipacha 531 - 1st Floor, Buenos Aires C1008AAK Argentina Tel: +54 11 5352 4444 Fax: +54 11 5352 4444 Email: info@delapaztur.com.ar Web: www.delapaztur.com.ar Contact: Victoria Rimoldi Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion


L. G. Smith Blvd 142, Oranjestad Aruba, Aruba Tel: Fax: +297 823012 +297 824400 Email: info@depalmtours.aw www.depalm.com Web: Contact: Heleen Bruggeman Exhibiting with Aruba Tourism Authority


Via Pastrengo,6, Foggia Italy Tel: +39 0881555958 Fax: +39 0881555958 Email: mansueto.teresa@alice.it Contact: Teresa Mansueto Exhibiting with Regione Puglia


234 West 42nd Street, 3rd Floor, Ny 10036 United States Tel: +1 (646) 4952011 Fax: +1 (646) 4951982 Email: benjamin_maddy@daveandbusters.com Web: www.daveandbusters.com Contact: Benjamin Maddy Exhibiting with NYC & Company


DE UNA Colombia Tours Carrera 24 (Parkway) No 39b-25 Oficina 501, Bogota Colombia +57 (1)3681915 Tel: Email: thomas@deunacolombia.com Contact: Thomas Doyer Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia

Dead Sea Premier Cosmetics Laboratories Ltd.

EM650 Hashaked 21, Shoham 73199 Israel +972 89214666 Tel: Fax: +972 89214999 Email: amnon@premier.org.il Web: www.premier-deadsea.co.il/ Contact: Amnon Yuval Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office and Israel Government Tourist Office

Dead Sea Tourism

Dave & Buster’s


Suites 6/8, 23 Oakhill Grove, Surbiton Surrey, KT6 6DU United Kingdom +44 8718 80 80 66 Tel: Email: sales@bahn.co.uk Web: www.bahn.com/uk Contact: Stefan Heulle Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board

De Palm Tours Aruba

Largest hotel group in Hungary and one of the leading regional hotel companies in Europe with over 40 comfortable spa&wellness, city&business and resort hotels and excellent meeting&conference facilities in Hungary (Budapest and country side), Czech Republic (Marienbad), Slovakia (Piestany&Smrdaky), Romania (Sovata/Transylvania) and United Kingdom (London).




111 Hayarkon St, Tel Aviv 63571 Israel Email: ybogen@danhotels.com www.danhotels.com Web: Contact: Yaacov Bogen Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

Szent Istvan Ter 11, Budapest H-1051 Hungary Tel: +36 1 8894135 Email: rita.petruska@danubiusgroup.com Web: www.danubiushotels.com Contact: Rita Petruska Exhibiting with Hungarian Tourism Plc.



Days Inns - Canada


Danubius Hotels Group

127 Maria Louiza Blvd., Sofia 1202 Bulgaria Tel: Fax: +359 29314130 +359 28323092 Email: daker@daker.biz www.tourismandrecreation.com Web: Contact: Dimitar Kirekchiev Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism

Dakkak Tours International DMC

Daman Diu & Dadar Nagar Havely Tourism


Neve Zohar, Dead Sea, 86910 Israel Tel: Fax: +972 86688929 +972 86688829 Email: ofra@ma-tamar.co.il Web: www.deadsea.co.il Contact: Ofra Gazit Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

Dealers Group (Travel & Tourism, Car Rental) P.o.box 25-5110, Beirut Lebanon, 25-5110 Lebanon Tel: Fax: +961 1 541999 +961 1 541777 Email: imadbaajour@dealers-lb.com Web: www.dealers-lb.com Contact: Imad Baajour Exhibiting with LEBANON Ministry of Tourism


EXHIBITOR PROFILES Debrecen & Hortobagy


Piac U. 20., Debrecen 4024 Hungary Tel: +36 30 464 6183 Fax: +36 52 535 323 Email: tdm@iranydebrecen.hu Web: www.gotodebrecen.com Contact: Livia Darin-Sellei Exhibiting with Hungarian Tourism Plc.


Dema Hotels International


Bocagrande Carrera 1a No. 10-10, Cartagena Colombia Tel: +57 (5)6657601 123 Email: oliver.singer@decameron.com Web: www.decameron.com Contact: Oliver Singer Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia

Noorderlaan 79 Bus 5, Antwerpen 2030 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 3 231 67 07 +32 3 222 90 90 Email: ann@demahotels.be Web: www.demahotels.be Contact: Ann Devolder Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office

Decameron Hotels & Resorts/ El Salvador



Paseo General Escalon # 4711, San Salvador, San Salvador El Salvador Tel: +503 447912761359 Email: mmattana@decameronpty.com Web: www.decameron.com Contact: Mario Mattana Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)


Decameron Hotels Jamaica Main Street, Runaway Bay, St Anns Bay Jamaica Tel: Fax: +1876 9734703 +1876 9735600 Email: ventas.jam@decameron.com Contact: Ana Maria Rodriguez Exhibiting with Jamaica Tourist Board



Rua Francisco Sa, 23 / 1107, Copacabana, Rio De Janeiro 22080-010 Brazil Tel: +55 21 25232630 Fax: +55 21 25238255 Email: svl@delbianco.com.br Web: www.delbianco.com.br Contact: SIDNEY LINHARES Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


Delaware North Companies Parks & Resorts 40 Fountain Plaza, Buffalo, Ny 14202 United States Tel: Fax: +1 7168585689 +1 7168585528 Email: DFoste@dncinc.com Web: www.delawarenorth.com Contact: Donald Foste Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions




1 Henrietta Szold St, Beer Sheva 8410 Israel Tel: +972 86239905 Email: shiran@negev.co.il Contact: Shiran Adi Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office


Al Barsha Boutique Building, 329th Road, Al Barsha 1, Dubai Uae, PO BOX 25488 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 44504451 +971 44504450 Email: gm.secretary@desertadventures.ae Web: www.desertadventures.com Contact: Rebecca Oliveros Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing


Desert Holiday Resort Ltd.

14 White House, Subhash Nagar, Pal Road, Jodhpur India, 342003 India Tel: +91 9654023000 Email: yg@thrs.co.in Web: www.samsaradechu.com Contact: Yeishan Goel Exhibiting with India Tourism

Department of Tourism and Resorts of Ajara

Destination Asia


Department of Tourism, Govt. of West Bengal


12, Bbd Bag (east), 4th Floor, Kolkata West Bengal, 700 001 India Tel: +91 000 111 333 Email: visitwestbengal@yahoo.co.in Contact: Hemantha Bhawan Exhibiting with India Tourism



C/ Valencia, 284, Barcelona Barcelona, 8007 Spain Tel: +34 93 366 88 00 Fax: +34 93 366 88 11 Email: nmera@derbyhotels.com Web: www.derbyhotels.com Contact: Anna Pons Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Derry Visitor and Convention Bureau & UK City of Culture 2013


44 Foyle Street, Derry BT48 6AT United Kingdom +44 28 7137 7577 Fax: +44 28 7137 7992 Tel: Email: Karen.henderson@derryvisitor.com Web: www.derryvisitor.com Contact: Aoife Thomas Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland


Loc Cala Di Lepre, Palau Ot, 7020 Italy Tel: +39 0789 790092 Fax: +39 0789 790093 Email: estero@delphina.it Web: www.delphina.it Contact: Anna Lisa Coda Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Desert Adventure in Israel

Deogarh Madaria , District Rajsamand 313331 Rajasthan, India., Deogarh India, 313331 India Tel: +91 9929172000 Email: sjs@devvaas.com Web: www.deogarhmahal.com Contact: Shatrunjay Singh Exhibiting with Rajasthan, Palaces & Tigers


5 Avenue Moulay Hassan, Marrakech 40020 Morocco Tel: +212 524447528 Fax: +212 524448909 Email: s.aitbahia@dellarosa-marrakech.com Web: www.dellarosa-marrakech.com Contact: Souad Bahia Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office

Delphina Hotels & Resorts

44, Vosstaniya Str., Saint-petersburg 191123 Russian Federation Tel: +7 (812) 640 0408 Fax: +7 (812) 647 0132 Email: d.machikhin@demetra-art-hotel.com Web: www.demetra-art-hotel.com Contact: Dmitry Machikhin Exhibiting with Saint Petersburg Express, JSC


18 - A Shopping Complex, Defence Colony, New Delhi 110 024 India Tel: +91 911124647005 Email: tourism@delhitourism.gov.in Web: www.delhitourism.nic.in/delhitourism/index.jsp Contact: Suman Sharma Exhibiting with India Tourism

Dellarosa Hotel Suites & Spa


84/86 Parnavaz Mepe St., Batumi 6000 Georgia Tel: +995 577909123 Fax: +995 422274719 Email: info@visitbatumi.travel Web: www.visitbatumi.travel Contact: Sophio Lazishvili Exhibiting with Georgian National Tourism Administration

Beverina 1988, Cordoba 5000 Argentina Tel: +54 351 4421200 Fax: +54 351 4421200 Email: producto@delfos.tur.ar Web: www.delfos.tur.ar Contact: Gabriel José Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion

Delhi Tourism


Desert Adventures Tourism

Deogarh Mahal


Desert & Delta Safaris (Pty) Ltd Private Bag 310, Maun Botswana, Botswana Tel: Fax: +267 6860037 +267 6861559 Email: bnavarro@botswanatourism.org.uk Web: www.desertdelta.com Contact: Walter Smith Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation

Dalmatinova 3, Ljubljana SI-1000 Slovenia Tel: +386 1 439 11 40 Fax: +386 1 430 35 56 Email: tomaz.krusic@intours-dmc.si Web: www.intours-mice.si Contact: Tomaz Krusic Exhibiting with Slovenian Tourist Board




C/fomento, 7, Of. 4b, Santa Cruz De Tenerife 38003 Spain Tel: +34 902 08 00 88 Email: ivan@descubregroup.com Web: www.descubregroup.com Contact: Iván Rodríguez de Acero Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

33 Gerrard St. West, Toronto On, M5G 1Z4 Canada Tel: +1 416 585 4339 Email: sales@deltahotels.com Web: www.deltahotels.com Contact: Mia Dario Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission


Decameron Hotels & Resorts

Delta Chelsea/Delta Hotels & Resorts




Gral. Bruguez 353 C/25 De Mayo, Asuncion Paraguay Tel: Fax: +595 449724 +595 221816 Email: veronica@dtp.com.py Web: www.dtp.com.py Contact: MARCELO PRONO Exhibiting with Paraguay Secretaria Nacional de Turismo


Head Office: 9th Fl., Wangdek 1 Bldg., 21/7 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Bangkok 10900 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 22721460 +66 22721458 Email: thailand@destination-asia.com Web: www.destination-asia.com Contact: Alvin Materi Asia’s only complete pan-Asia DMC with offices in ThailandVietnamChinaJapanHong KongIndonesiaSingaporeCambodiaMalaysiaBurmaLaos We provide creative and cost effective programs provided to Wholesalers, Incentive Houses, Cruise Lines and Cultural, Art & Historical Associations.



Yeni Kayseri Cad.tusan Sk.no.1/4, Nevsehir Turkey Tel: +90 384 213 95 14 Fax: +90 384 213 95 13 Email: kapadokyakaptid@gmail.com Web: www.longbeach.com.tr Contact: Nazif DEMIR Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Destination Corse


Quartier De La Gare, Corte 20250 France +33 495 45 21 65 Fax: +33 495 46 26 30 Tel: Email: contact@destination-corse.com Web: www.destination-corse.com Contact: Maxime Thurkow Exhibiting with France


Destination Costa Rica San Jose, San Jose, San Jose Costa Rica, 590-1150 Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 22575717 +506 22575700 Email: mcabrera@destinationcr.com Web: www.destinationcr.com Contact: Milagro Cabrera Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board

Destination Davos Klosters


Tourismus- & Sportzentrum, Talstrasse 41, Davos Platz 7270 Switzerland Tel: +41 81 415 21 21 Fax: +41 81 415 21 77 Email: info@davos.ch Web: www.davos.ch Contact: Michèle Suter Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 299



Destination Killarney Group


C/o Gleneagle Hotel, Muckross Road, Co. Kerry Ireland Tel: +353 64 66 71522 Fax: +353 64 66 32646 Email: gretelos@destinationkillarney.ie Web: www.destinationkillarney.ie Contact: Gretel O’Sullivan Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Destination Lofoten




Budejovicka 96/2056, Prague 4 140 00 Czech Republic Tel: +420 234119111 Fax: +420 222210553 Email: info@destination.cz Web: www.destination.cz Contact: Ivan Breznen DESTINATION - Inbound Tour OperatorPRAGUE-BUDAPEST-VIENNABERLIN-BRATISLAVA

Destination Québec


9 Riverside Reach, 1 Gartons Way, London SW11 3SX United Kingdom +44 (0) 207 924 8030 Tel: Email: stephane@destinationquebec.co.uk Web: www.bonjourquebec.co.uk Contact: Josephine Wiggall-Lazarus Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission

Destination Resort






Alcaldia 150m Al Lago, Granada Nicaragua Tel: +505 88370559 Email: detour@detour-nicaragua.com Web: www.detour-ameriquecentrale.com Contact: Laurent Richardier Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

Devi Resorts

Diani Beach Road, Diani, South Coast, P.o Box 35, Mombasa Kenya, 80400 Kenya +254 040 3202723 Fax: +254 040 3202196 Tel: Email: phelister.kalama@dianireef.com Web: www.dianireef.com Contact: Roberto Simone Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board


Cumhuriyet Mah. 19 Mayis Cad. No.34, -, Aydin Didim, 9270 Turkey Tel: +90 2568116254 Fax: +90 5464065769 Email: didimditab@gmail.com Web: www.ditab.org Contact: Salih Bankoglu Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Diesenhaus Unitours Incoming Tourism Ltd


3 Hahalecha St, Tel Aviv Israel Tel: Fax: +972 36240579 +972 35651313 Email: bookwithus@diesenhaus.com Web: www.diesenhaus.com Contact: Ronen Krumholtz Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office



Po Box 121545, Kuwait Street, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 43595511 +971 43599992 Email: gmsecretary@dhowpalacedubai.com Web: www.dhowpalacedubai.com Contact: Vanessa Zamudio Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Kian Gwan Building Ii 140/1 Wireless Road Lumpini, Patumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2 6607027 +66 2 6607000 Email: chavaroon.s@diethelmtravel.com Web: www.diethelmtravel.com Contact: Chavaroon Sattarujawongse Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


Diethelm Travel Group/1

Bvar. Artigas C/ Chiverta, Punta Del Este 20000 Uruguay +598 99 282715 Tel: Fax: +598 42220847 Email: ramonpunta@gmail.com Web: www.destino-puntadeleste.com Contact: Ramón de Isequilla Exhibiting with URUGUAY MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND SPORT

DETOUR, Viajes y cultura


205 Tangal Marg, Gpo 5385, Kathmandu Nepal +977 1 4430499 Tel: Fax: +977 1 4421053 Email: mkt@dharmaAdventures.com Web: www.dharmaAdventures.com Contact: Pawan Tuladhar Exhibiting with Nepal Tourism Board

Diamond Bay Resort & Spa

8 Mutende Road, Woodlands, Lusaka Zambia, 10101 Zambia Tel: +260 211266704 Fax: +260 211266709 Email: marion@destinationzambia.co.zm Web: www.destinationzambia.co.zm Contact: Marion Bohling Exhibiting with Zambia Tourism Board

Destino Punta del Este

Dharma Adventures



Diethelm Travel Group

Dharamsala, Dharamsala, Dharamsala, Himchal Pradesh India, India Tel: +91 9418041414 Email: destinationtravels@hotmail.com www.destinationtravels.com Web: Contact: Deepak Dewan Exhibiting with India Tourism

Destination Zambia


International Ferry Terminal, Royal Quays, North Shields Tyne And Wear, NE29 6EE United Kingdom Tel: +44 191 2936287 Fax: +44 191 2936245 Email: resource.admin@dfds.co.uk www.dfds.co.uk Web: Contact: Zoe Maylan Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)

Dhow Palace Hotel

Level 8, Surian Tower, No 1 Jalan Pju 7/3, Mutiara Damansara, Selangor 47810 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 379645900 +60 379645800 Email: evelyn@drh.com.my Contact: Evelyn Lim Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Destination Travels


Unit 15-21 Whitfield Court, Whitecliffs Business Park, Whitecliffs Business Park, Whitfield CT163PX United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)8712300440 Email: theresa.foley@dfds.com Web: www.dfdsseaways.co.uk Contact: Theresa Foley Exhibiting with France


Po Box 210, Svolvær 8301 Norway +47 46660785 Tel: Email: kristian@lofoten.info Web: www.lofoten.info Contact: Kristian Nashoug Exhibiting with Visit Norway / Innovation Norway

Destination Ltd

DFDS Seaways


Sirpur House, 2nd Floor, Plot No.39, Gurgaon Haryana, 122003 India Tel: +91 1244888011 Email: sales@deviresorts.in www.deviresorts.in Web: Contact: Neeta Gupta Exhibiting with MAhout (UK) Ltd

300 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Nguyen Tat Thanh Avenue, Phuoc Dong Rural District, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province Vietnam, 10000 Vietnam Tel: Fax: +84 58 3711666 +84 58 3711711 Email: nick@diamondbayresort.vn Web: www.diamondbayresort.vn/ Contact: TRI PHAN MINH Exhibiting with Focus Travel

Kian Gwan Building Ii 140/1 Wireless Road Lumpini, Patumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2 6607027 +66 2 6607000 Email: chavaroon.s@diethelmtravel.com Web: www.diethelmtravel.com Contact: Chavaroon Sattarujawongse Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Diethelm Travel The Maldives Diamond Cliff Resort & Spa


284 Prabaramee Road Patong Beach Kathu District, Phuket 83150 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 76341324 +66 763405016 Email: vp@diamondcliff.com Web: www.diamondcliff.com Contact: Virat Atthabhirak Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

DIFETRAVEL COLOMBIA SAS Diamonds Athuruga & Thundufushi


Via Cantonale 3, Lugano 6900 Switzerland Tel: Fax: +41 91923591 +41 919113336 Email: marketing@planhotel.ch Web: www.diamonds-resorts.com Contact: Stefano Soro Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation



Via Generale Ardoino 151, Diano Marina Im, 18013 Italy Tel: +39 0183404700 Fax: +39 403970 Email: duci@dianasad.it Web: www.dianasad.it Contact: Cristoforo Duci Exhibiting with Agenzia Regionale per la Promozione Turistica ‘in Liguria’

Diana Travel




Megma, 4th Floor, Sikka Goalhi, Male’ 20082 Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3308642 +960 7995407 Email: lalith.o@mv.diethelmtravel.com Web: www.diethelmtravels.com Contact: Lalith Olagama Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation


Cr 45 Nro. 128 D 92, Bogota Colombia Tel: +57 3163541063 Email: jorge.de.abaffy@difetravel.com Contact: Jorge de Abaffy Steffens Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia

Digital Trip - The Travel Website Experts


Woodland Point, Wootton Mount, Bournemouth Dorset, BH1 1PJ United Kingdom Tel: +44 0844 357 7973 Fax: +44 0844 357 6973 Email: info@digital-trip.co.uk Web: www.digital-trip.co.uk Contact: Andy Speight Digital Trip is unique: created by veteran travel website owners united with the very best technology and creative teams. With 100s of happy clients worldwide, we’re the ‘Travel Website Experts’ because we deliver unrivalled, beautiful travel websites on-time and on-budget – every time.

Dijon Tourist Office


11 Rue Des Forges, Bp 82296, Dijon Burgundy, 21022 CEDEX France +33 (0)892 700 558 Fax: +33 (0)3 80 30 90 02 Tel: Email: info@otdijon.com Web: www.visitdijon.com Contact: Valérie Olivier Exhibiting with France

EXHIBITOR PROFILES Dimensione Sicilia - Dimsi T.O.


Via Vampolieri 8/a, Aci Catena 95022 Italy Tel: +39 095 7676511 Fax: +39 095 7676576 Email: info@dimensionesicilia.it Web: www.dimensionesicilia.it Contact: Dimensione Sicilia Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)




13 Farkhad Str., Tashkent 100123 Uzbekistan Tel: +998 712000002 Fax: +998 712763399 Email: info@diplomattravel.uz Web: www. diplomattravel.uz Contact: Nilufar Mukhitdinova Exhibiting with Uzbekistan

Direct Traveller Ltd


40-42, Hawks Road, Surrey, KT1 3EG United Kingdom Tel: +44 844 414 1684 Fax: +44 844 414 1685 Email: rozdemir@directtraveller.com Web: www.directtraveller.com Contact: Ramadan Ozdemir Exhibiting with North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd

Directorate of Tourism Maharashtra


Express Towers 9th Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai India, 400021 India Tel: +91 2222024514 Email: publicity@maharashtratourism.gov.in Contact: Avinash Dhakne Exhibiting with India Tourism

Discover Arctic


Pb 10, Sortland Norway, 8401 Norway Tel: +47 90400546 Email: bengt@discoverarctic.no Web: www.discoverarctic.no Contact: Bengt Jaegtnes Exhibiting with Visit Norway / Innovation Norway

Discover East


10 Yen Ninh Alley, Yen Ninh Str., Hanoi Vietnam Tel: Fax: +84 439275340 +84 439275339 Email: ha.nh@discovereast.vn Web: www.discovereast.vn Contact: Hong Ha Nguyen Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism

Discover Holidays Canada


710 - 1199 West Pender Street, Vancouver Bc, V6E 2R1 Canada Tel: +1 604 639 9062 Email: jenniferc@discoverholidays.ca Web: www.discoverholidays.ca/wholesale Contact: Roxanne Tayler Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission

Discover Julian Alps


Ribcev Laz 51, Bohinjsko Jezero 4265 Slovenia Tel: +386 4 572 91 57 Fax: +386 4 572 90 39 Email: polonca.noc@bohinj.si Web: www.discoverjulianalps.si Contact: Polonca Noc Exhibiting with Slovenian Tourist Board



100 International Drive, Suite 352, Portsmouth New Hampshire, 3801 United States Tel: +1 603 766 0606 Fax: +1 603 766 0607 Email: snorrington-davies@discovernewengland.org Web: www.discovernewengland.org Contact: Sue Norrington-Davies

8 Moustafa Riad St. First District, Cairo Egypt, 11371 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 224051534 +20 224051532 Email: diplomaticts@link.net Web: www.diplomaticts.com Contact: Nabil Taher Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Diplomatic VIP & Travel Service

Discover New England


2,independentei Blvd., Braila Romania, 810019 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 239622230 +40 724883663 Email: office@discovermedia.ro Web: www.draculasland.co.uk Contact: Alina Bajan Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM

Discover New England (DNE) represents Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont in the international travel market. DNE’s headquarters is in New Hampshire with destination marketing agencies representing DNE in the United Kindom and Germany. DNE gives worldwide assistance to press, tour operators, travel agents and consumers.

Discover Qatar


Qatar Airways Tower, Airport Road, Doha 22550 Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44626487 +974 44496973 Email: REdward@qatarairways.com.qa Web: www.qatarairways.com Contact: Roger Edward Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority

Discover Travel & Tours


International House, Pierpoint Street, Worcestershire, WR1 1YD United Kingdom Tel: +44 0870 2901025 Fax: +44 0870 2901011 Email: voliveira@discovertravelandtours.com Web: www.discovertravelandtours.com Contact: Vanda Oliveira Exhibiting with UKinbound

Discovery - DMC


P.o.box 840618, Amman, Amman - Jordan Jordan, 11184 Jordan Tel: +962 6 464 1959 Fax: +962 6 461 0095 Email: lana@discovery1.com www.discovery1.com Web: Contact: Lana Hamarneh Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board

Discovery Overland Holidays Sdn Bhd

AS200 No.66, Jalan Metro Pudu 2, Fraser Business Park, Kuala Lumpur Wilayah Persekutuan, 55100 Malaysia +60 3 9222 8113 Fax: +60 3 9222 2212 Tel: Email: henry_wong@discoveryoverland.com Web: www.discoveryoverland.com Contact: Erik Ewe Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Discovery Puglia Limited


19, Hazel Road, Donnycarney, Dublin Dublin, 9 Ireland Tel: +353 879170517 Fax: +353 857725412 Email: info@discoverypuglia.com Contact: Anita Valente Exhibiting with Regione Puglia

Discovery Travel


Del Am-pm Sabana Sur, 100 Mts Oeste Y 100 Sur, San Jose, San Jose San Jose, 1000 Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 22905947 +506 22906242 Email: fmesen@discoverycr.com Web: www.discoverycr.com Contact: Fresia Mesen Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board

Disney Destinations


P. O. Box 10,000, Lake Buena Vista Florida, 32830 United States Tel: +1 407 566 6613 Email: tracy.goodson@disney.com Contact: Tracy Goodson Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Disney Theatrical Sales


214 West 42nd Street, New York Ny, 10036 United States Tel: +1 2128275412 Email: victoria.cairl@disney.com Web: www.disneytheatricalsales.com Contact: Victoria Cairl Exhibiting with NYC & Company

Disneyland Paris



Euro Disney, Bp 100, Marne-la-vallee Cedex 4 F-77777 France Tel: +33 (0)1 64 74 67 96 Email: jean-marc.murre@disney.com Web: www.disneylandparis.com Contact: Jean-Marc Murre Exhibiting with France


Disneyland Resort 1313 South Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim Ca, 95814 United States Tel: +1 7142846370 Email: robin.shanker@disney.com Contact: Robin Shanker Exhibiting with Visit California

Distretto Turistico di Fano


Via Cesare Battisti 10, Fano 61032 Italy Tel: +39 0721 887312 Fax: +39 0721 820337 Email: info@marcabella.it Web: www.marcabella.it Contact: Mauro Giampaoli Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

DIUIM Travel Company


24, Sadovaya Str., Off 104, Saint-petersburg 191023 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 8123102037 +7 8123803014 Email: dmc@diuim.ru Web: www.diuim.ru Contact: Tatiana Muliko Exhibiting with Saint Petersburg Express, JSC


Divi & Tamarijn Aruba All Inclusives

C/o Caribbean Reflections, De Ruyschlaan 201, Netherlands Email: hetty.grote@caribbeanreflections.nl Contact: Hetty Grote Exhibiting with Aruba Tourism Authority

Divine International Explore & Treks Pvt. Ltd


Gpo Box 8975, Epc 5012, Swayambhu, Kathmandu NA Nepal Tel: Fax: +977 14890184 +977 14890184 Email: contact@divineexplore.com Web: www.divineexplore.com Contact: Narayan Bahadur Shrestha Exhibiting with Nepal Tourism Board



15 Lavele Str., Sofia Bulgaria, 1000 Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 988 42 00 Fax: +359 2 981 41 96 Email: office@dmtravel.net Web: www.dmtravelbg.com Contact: Donka Sokolova Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism


DMC CHILE Peumo 1185, Santiago 7510498 Chile Tel: +56 2 3431433 Email: cnast@dmcchile.cl Web: www.dmcchile.cl Contact: Claudio Nast Exhibiting with Chile



Avenida De Liberdade 258, 9º, Lisbon Portugal, 1250 - 149 Portugal Tel: Fax: +351 269498687 +351 213242000 Email: philippe.weibel@doc-dmc.com Web: www.doc-dmc.com Contact: Susanna Tocca Exhibiting with Portugal

Doha Marriott Hotel


Ras Abu Aboud Street, Doha 1911 Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44298804 +974 44298888 Email: hossein.garan@marriott.com Web: www.dohamarriott.com Contact: Hossein Garan Exhibiting with Katara Hospitality

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 301



Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group


9-11 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0BD United Kingdom +44 2076304620 Fax: +44 2076304621 Tel: Email: richard.ault@dtag.com Web: www.dollar.com Contact: Sheila Whitney Dollar and Thrifty have over 1,475 corporate and franchised worldwide locations including over 836 in the United States and Canada. The Dollar or Thrifty brands operate in virtually all of the top U.S. airport markets; both brands operate in all of the top Canadian airport markets.

Dom Rep Tours


Calle Padre Billini #405, Zona Colonial, Santo Domingo Dominican Republic +1809 6860278 Tel: Email: reto.ruefenacht@domreptours.com Web: www.domreptours.com Contact: Reto D. Rüfenacht Exhibiting with Latincoming

Domain of the Caves of Han


Rue J. Lamotte, 2, Han-sur-lesse B-5580 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 84377712 +32 84377213 Email: info@grotte-de-han.be Web: www.grotte-de-han.be Contact: Albert Joris Exhibiting with Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia

Domestic Asia - DMC


Jl. Raya Puputan Renon 108-d, Bali Indonesia, 80235 Indonesia Tel: +62 361 8767652 Fax: +62 361 238852 Email: domestic@eksadata.com www.domesticasia.com Web: Contact: Piet Buijtels Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)



P.o.box 74 Hadaba, Sharm El Sheikh South Sinai, 46619 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 693600843 +20 693601610 Email: group2@dominacoralbay.com Web: www.dominacoralbay.com Contact: Salma Mosaad Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Domina Prestige Hotel, St. Petersburg


Moika Embankment, 99, Saint Petersburg 190000 Russian Federation Tel: +7 812 385 99 00 Fax: +7 812 385 12 90 Email: welcome@dominarussia.com Web: www.dominarussia.com Contact: Rumiya Ouraeva Exhibiting with Russian Federation

Dominica Tourism Authority


Division Of Tourism, Financial Centre Building, Po Box 293 Roseau, PO BOX 293 Dominica Tel: Fax: +1767 4485840 +1767 4482045 Email: tourism@dominica.dm Web: www.DiscoverDominica.com Contact: Samantha Smith Dominica, ‘The Nature Island’ of the Caribbean, is a lush green island of tropical rainforests, rugged mountain peaks, rushing rivers, waterfalls and a pristine underwater landscape. The island is strongly committed to sustainable tourism, attracting visitors for its unique culture and the range of adventure activities on offer.

Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism

Domiruth Travel Service


Av.petit Thouars 4305, Miraflores, Lima Peru, L-18 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 2041392 +51 2041313 Email: mharbaum@domiruth.com Web: www.domiruth.com.pe /www.turisticalperu.com / www.peru4x4adventures.com Contact: Martín Harbaum Exhibiting with PromPeru


Avenida Da Republica 73, Algarve - Olhao Portugal, 8700-308 OLHAO Portugal Tel: +351 289710120 Fax: +351 289710129 Email: domitur@domitur.pt Web: www.domitur.pt Contact: Domitilia Leal Exhibiting with Portugal

The Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic is responsible for planning, scheduling, organizing, directing, promoting, coordinating and evaluating the activities of the Dominican tourism industry, in accordance with the objectives, goals and policies established by the Government of the Dominican Republic.

302 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Piazza Martiri Ungheresi, 59, Cetara 84010 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 089 8424386 +39 089 261042 Email: cetour@cetour.it Web: www.cetour.it Contact: Francesco Crescenzo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

DREAMPLACE HOTELS & RESORTS Domitur Viagens e Turismo Lda


C/ Alcalde Walter Paetzmann, S/n, Costa Adeje, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Canary Islands, 38670 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922717949 +34 922717230 Email: sales.mngr@dreamplacehotels.com Web: www.dreamplacehotels.com Contact: Manuel Osorno del Rosal Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation




Viale Degli Oleandri - Centro Sociale, 24, Baia Domizia 81030 Italy Tel: +39 0823 930005 Fax: +39 0823 930949 Email: info@domiziaincoming.it Web: www.domiziaincoming.it Contact: Nadja Coscia Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

(Cairo Office) 17 El Ahram Street, 7th Floor, Heliopolis Cairo, 11111 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 226904720 +20 226904040 Email: regional.sales@dreamsresortsegypt.com www.dreamsresortsegypt.com Web: Contact: Dina Wagdy Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Dresden Marketing Board Double Tree by Hilton Tanzania


Oysterbay, Msasani Peninsular, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 22 221 0000 Fax: +255 22 260 2357 Email: Judd.Lehmann@hilton.com Web: www.doubletree.com Contact: Judd Lehmann Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Orlando at SeaWorld


10100 International Drive, Orlando Florida, 32821 United States Tel: +1 407 354 5026 Email: larry.goldman@pyramidhotelgroup.com Web: www.doubletreeorlandoseaworld.com Contact: Larry Goldman Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Doubletree by Hilton Olbia Sardinia


Via Isarco 5-7, Olbia Sardinia, 7026 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 078 9556216 +39 078 95561 Email: ryan.dunlop@hilton.com Web: www.olbia.doubletreebyhilton.com Contact: Ryan Dunlop Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Doukkala Abda Regional Tourism Council


301 Avenue Hassan Ii, Oualidia Oualidia, Morocco Tel: +212 661396464 Email: abdellah.bakrim@yahoo.fr www.beachviewhotel.com Web: Contact: Mounir Boukka Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office



Dragon Delight International Tours Ltd.


East 3rd Floor, Fujian Provincial Stadium, 330 North Wusi Road, Fuzhou 350003 China Tel: +86 008659187766951 Fax: +86 59187766949 Email: ddit@dditours.com www.chinatourstailor.com Web: Contact: Ivy Huang Presenting itself as an inbound specialist, Dragon Delight is focusing on land arrangements in China and is receiving thousands of foreign guests to China every year for both leisure and MICE. Our services have been praised by our overseas agents and guests as “ More than excellent” all the time.


Drive A Matic Car Rentals Cwts Complex, Lower Estate, St. Michael Barbados +1246 4223000 Tel: Fax: +1246 4348449 Email: aldo@carhire.tv Web: www.carhire.tv Contact: Aldo Ho-Kong-King Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority


P.o. Box 594, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 42821111 Email: malmarri@dubaitourism.ae Contact: Majid AlMarri Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

DTS Travel Group


Corso Italia, 318, Sorrento 80067 Italy Tel: +39 0818774845 Fax: +39 0815329408 Email: info@dtservice.it Web: www.dtservice.it Contact: Pino Gargiulo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Rua De Miragaia , 103, Porto Portugal, 4050-387 PORTO Portugal +351 223402509 Fax: +351 223402548 Tel: Email: sofia.rodrigues@douroazul.com Web: www.douroazul.com Contact: Sofia Rodrigues Exhibiting with Portugal


Messering 7, Dresden 1067 Germany Tel: +49 351 50173 161 Fax: +49 351 50173 137 Email: katrin.franke@marketing.dresden.de Web: www.dresden.de Contact: Katrin Franke Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board

DTCM - Classification


Av. Luperon Esq. Cayetano Germosen, Ensanche El Pedregal, Santo Domingo Dominican Republic +1809 2214660 Tel: Email: uk@godominicanrepublic.com Web: www.godominicanrepublic.com Contact: Sabrina Cambioso

Dreaming Coast Travel


4th Floor, Nuffield House, 41-46 Piccadilly, London W1J 0DS United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 7321 6110 Fax: +44 (0)20 7321 6111 Email: dtcm_uk@dubaitourism.ae Web: www.definitelydubai.com Contact: Susie Mary Alphonso DTCM undertakes international marketing campaigns to highlight Dubai’s strengths and opportunities. DTCM is the licensing body for hotels, apartments and tour operators and undertakes planning and development of tourism. It supervises the archaeological and heritage sites, cruise terminal and convention bureau. Headquartered in Dubai, DTCM has 18 permanent overseas offices.

Dubai Convention Bureau


Po Box 594, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 42010477 Email: abaker@dubaitourism.ae Web: www.dcb.ae Contact: Abdul Rahim Baker Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

EXHIBITOR PROFILES Dubai Cruise Terminal


Port Rashid, Mina Road, Bur Dubai, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 43019300 Email: speiris@dubaitourism.ae Contact: Shalini Peiris Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Dubai Events & Promotions Establishment


Dubai, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 42020746 Email: buti.almasood@Depe.ae Web: www.DubaiEvents.ae Contact: Butti Al Masood Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing


Dusit Thani Pattaya

240/2 Pattaya Beach Road, Pattaya City, Chonburi 20150 Thailand Tel: +66 0 2200 9999 Fax: +66 0 2636 3571 Email: wacharee.pc@dusit.com Web: www.dusit.com Contact: Wacharee Pornchaiwisuthikul Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Düsseldorf Tourist Board


Benrather Strasse 9, Dusseldorf 40213 Germany Tel: +49 211 172022214 Email: marketing@duesseldorf-tourismus.de Web: www.visitduesseldorf.de Contact: Markus Kuller Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board


Po Box 5182, Jumeirah 01, Dubai Uae, 5182 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 43462027 +971 43461111 Email: ravi@dxbmarine.ae Web: www.dxbmarine.com Contact: Ravi Nair Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing


Dubai Police General H.Q


P. O. Box 1493- Dubai - Uae, Dubai 9714 United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 46096366 Email: aamiri@dubaipolice.gov.ae Web: www.dubaipolice.gov.ae Contact: Ali Amiri Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Dublin Bus Sightseeing Tours


59 Upper O’connell Street, Dublin 1 Ireland Tel: +353 1 703 3062 Fax: +353 1 703 3190 Email: miriam.brady@dublinbus.ie Web: www.dublinsightseeing.ie Contact: Miriam Brady Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Due Lune Resort Golf & Spa


Localita Puntaldia, San Teodoro Ot, 8020 Italy Tel: +39 0784 864075 Fax: +39 0784 864017 Email: info@duelune.com Web: www.duelune.com Contact: Anna Fumagalli Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Durban Tourism


P.o. Box 1044, Durban 4000 South Africa Tel: +27 31 322 4164 Email: moodleymay@durban.gov.za Web: www.durbanexperience.co.za Contact: May Moodley Exhibiting with South African Tourism

Dusit Devarana New Delhi



1349 Petchakasem Roadcha-am, Cha-am, Phetchaburi Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 32520296 +66 32 520 009 Email: victor@dusit.com Web: www.dusit.com Contact: Victor Sukseree Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Dusit Thani Maldives


52 Rue Marcel Dassault, Boulogne-billancourt 92514 France Tel: Fax: +33 155859380 +33 146103864 Email: eva.fernandez@dh-management.eu Web: www.balladins.com Contact: Eva Fernandez Exhibiting with France

Dynastic Hotels Benidorm


Avda. L’ametlla Del Mar, 15, Benidorm Alicante, 3503 Spain Tel: +34 965853600 Email: gustavo@hoteldynastic.com Web: www.hoteldynastic.com Contact: Gustavo Sáenz de Ugarte Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme



Uranova 1, Bratislava 82102 Slovakia Tel: +421 220712757 Fax: +421 415007200 Email: info@e-travel.sk Web: www.e-travel.sk Contact: Katarina Stanik Exhibiting with Slovak Tourist Board

E-Voyages Ltd


Jubilee House, Merrion Avenue, Stanmore Middlesex, HA7 4RY United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 8420 6300 Email: caroline.finnegan@e-voyages.co.uk Web: www.e-voyages.co.uk Contact: Caroline Finnegan Exhibiting with UKinbound

Eagle Tours

Samalkha, Nh -8, Delhi India, 110037 India Tel: +91 11 33552211 Fax: +91 11 30158699 Email: mahema.bhutia@dusit.com Web: www.dusit.com Contact: Mahema Bhutia Exhibiting with India Tourism

Dusit Thani Hua Hin

Dikat House, Plot 60, Ring Road, Sout West, Ibadan Nigeria Tel: +234 8037150377 Email: gmd-ceo@dvine-group.com Contact: Olumuyiwa Salami Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation

Dynamique Hotels Management / BALLADINS HOTELS


P.o. Box 2188, Mudhdhoo Island, Baa Atoll Republic Of Maldives, Maldives Tel: +960 (0) 2200 9999 Fax: +960 (0) 2636 3543 Email: victoria.hilley@dusit.com Web: www.dusitthanimaldives.dusit.com Contact: Victoria Hilley Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation


Calle 3,avenida 2, San Carlos Alajuela Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 24797080 +506 24799091 Email: solarenal@racsa.co.cr Web: www.eagletours.net Contact: Yuaner Quiros Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board


11860 S. La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles Ca, 90250 United States Tel: +1 3105366777 Email: chris@eaglerider.com Web: www.eaglerider.com Contact: Chris McIntyre Exhibiting with Visit California

C/o Ats Hotel, Suites 326 & 327, 33 B Pham Ngu Lao Street, Hanoi HR Vietnam Tel: +84 (4)39331362 Email: uk@easia-travel.com Web: www.easia-travel.com Contact: Sonja Escandon Founded in 2000, Easia Travel is a DMC in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.Our head office is in Hanoi and we have operational offices in all 3 destinations.We specialize in tailor-made trips for individuals, groups or incentives. We work exclusively with professionals of the tourism sector.


P.o Box 22928, Nairobi Kenya, 100 Kenya Tel: +254 735622704 Email: john@trailsofafrica.co.ke Web: www.eatn.org/ Contact: John Gakinya We are a group of incoming Tour operators promoting Kenya/Tanzania/Uganda/Rwanda/Ethiopia as one destination.For safaris to these destinations, contact either of the following companies:1. Trails of Africa:- john@trailsofafrica.co.ke 2. Primavera Safaris:- info@primaverasafaris.com 3. Parks Pongo Safaris:East Africa:- info@parkeastafrica.com 4. Bunyonyi Safaris:marketing@pongosafaris.com 5. info@bunyonyisafaris.com 6. Village Ethiopia:villageethiopiatravel@yahoo.com


East African All Suite Hotel

P.o Box 2291, Arusha Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of +255 27 205 0075 Fax: +255 27 205 0074 Tel: Email: gm@eastafricahotel.com Web: www.eastafricanhotel.com Contact: Subbaiah S. Moopanar Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


East African Community

Arusha International Conference Centre, 5th Floor Kilimanjaro Wing, Arusha Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 27 250 4253 Fax: +255 27 250 4255 Email: eac@eachq.org Web: www.eac.int Contact: Secretary General Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


Eastern & Oriental Group of Hotels 97, Batu Ferringhi, Penang 11100 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 4 886 8600 +60 4 886 8686 Email: ashwin@lonepinehotel.com www.lonepinehotel.com Web: Contact: Ashwin Gunasekeran Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Eastern Turkey ToursALKANS TUR


Ordu Cad. Yildiz Is Merkezi No 20 Merkez, Van 65100 Turkey Tel: +90 432 215 20 92 Fax: +90 432 215 54 86 Email: info@easternturkeytour.org Web: www.easternturkeytour.org Contact: Sabahattin Alkan Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Eastmar Group


2 El Bustan Street, Cairo Egypt, 11111 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 225769359 +20 225778449 Email: eagletvl@eagletvl.com Web: www.eagletvl.com Contact: Nabil Tammam Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

EagleRider Motorcycle Rentals & Tours


Easia Travel

East Africa Tourism Network

Dvine Tour Brokers Dubai Marine Beach Resort & Spa



13 Kasr El Nil Street, Cairo 11211 Egypt +20 01002260101 Fax: +20 225745092 Tel: Email: youssef.fayez@eastmartours.com Web: www.eastmargroup.com Contact: Youssef Fayez Established in 1939 Eastmar provides a full range of services from the latest technology in travel bookings to the most unique & highest quality services.With its own cruise ships,fleet of buses & offices located in all major cities.Eastmar is glad to welcome you to our world of excellent service!


Easy Travel and Tours LTD


Ground Floor New Safari Hotel, P.o. Box 1912, Arusha Tanzania, Tanzania, United Republic Of +255 255 754400141 Tel: Fax: +255 255 27 2504110 Email: info@easytravel.co.tz Web: www.easytravel.co.tz Contact: Musaddiq Gulamhussein Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 303




1, Queen Charlotte Lane, Edinburgh Lothian, EH6 6BL United Kingdom +44 (0) 131 561 1210 Tel: Email: andrew.wilson@easy-breaks.com Web: www.easy-breaks.com Contact: Andrew Wilson Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association


Eco Team - (Pvt) Ltd 20/63, Fair Field Gardens, Colombo 8 Sri Lanka Tel: Fax: +94 5330581 +94 777004644 Email: tours@srilankaecotourism.com Web: www.srilankaecotourism.com Contact: Anuruddha Bandara Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

P.o.b 039, Lod 70100 Israel Tel: Fax: +972 35480391 +972 36241352 Email: info@easy-shuttle.com Web: www.easy-shuttle.biz Contact: Michael Raz Easy-Shuttle provides transfer services starting from the standard shuttle service for tourists travellers purpose all the way through to executive chauffeur driven transfer services for corporate clients .Leveraging our modern technological platform we are able to offer our services to clients worldwide, while adding them to their reservations system.

EasyRMS, an Infor company


The Phoenix Building, Central Boulevard, Blythe Valley Park, Solihull West Midlands, B90 8BG United Kingdom +44 (0) 20 7495 0773 Tel: Fax: +44 0) 20 7495 7725 Email: sales@easyrms.com Web: www.EasyRMS.com Contact: Amanda Brown Recently acquired by Infor, EasyRMS is a leading provider of SaaS revenue management software for the hospitality industry. Based in London, EasyRMS expands Infor’s Hospitality offering by providing industry leading revenue management functionality, enabling hotels to optimise the pricing offered on rooms for sale to help maximise occupancy and profitability.

Ebony Tours & Safaris Ltd.


Chole Road, Plot No.908 Masaki, P.o Box 23230, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of +255 222601457 Fax: +255 222601459 Tel: Email: enquires@ebony-safaris.com Web: www.ebony-safaris.com Contact: Raffaele Scaramuzzo Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

EC Travel


ecare Technology Labs Pvt. Ltd.

TT230 First Floor, B R Complex, 27-28 Woods Road, Chennai Tamil Nadu, 600002 India Tel: +91 9500069296 Fax: +91 4442428877 Email: vs@ecaretechlabs.com Web: www.ecaretechlabs.com Contact: Vivek Sanghi “ecare Technology Labs is a travel technology provider for travel companies, online travel agencies and tour operators. The wide range of products and services offered by ecare viz. Booking Engine, Travel Portal Development, XML integration, GDS & LCC integrations helps Travel Business position themselves as a leading online player”


ECE Ltd. Royal Parade Mews, Chislehurst Kent, BR7 6TN United Kingdom +44 2082958620 Fax: +44 2082959696 Tel: Email: stewart.old@ecetravel.com Web: www.ecetravel.com Contact: Stewart Old

ECE has over 20 years experience creating group educational, cultural and special interest programmes with a unique difference. Our itineraries combine hands-on cultural and sports activities, outdoor adventures and access to fascinating people and places. ECE also organises the London International Youth Science Forum which is in its 50th year.

Eco Lodge Africa Ltd.

Plaza Albrook, Panama City Panama, ALBROOK PLAZA NO. 31, PANAMA CITY, PANAMA Panama Tel: Fax: +507 3151521 +507 3151488 Email: info@ecocircuitos.com Web: www.ecocircuitos.com Contact: Claudia Young Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)



El Telegrafo E7-58 Entre El Tiempo Y Av. De Los Shyris, Edificio Perseus, Quito Pichincha, E7-58 Ecuador Tel: Fax: +593 23999333 +593 23999333 Email: kruiz@turismo.gob.ec www.ecuador.travel Web: Contact: Alexandra Garcia Ecuador is a real sustainableparadise. Its commitment on protecting natural, cultural, and human mega-diversity is the main goal of this country, which leads sustainable tourism in Latin America.



Av. Eloy Alfaro N35-09, Y Portugal, Quito Ecuador, Ecuador Tel: Fax: +593 23330377 +593 23332319 Email: amazonia@discoverecuador.travel Web: www.discoverecuador.travel Contact: Mariela Cardenas ECUADOR - AMAZONThe exclusive list of lodges that make up Ecuador’s Amazonian Tourism Club are sure to meet expectations, making your birding or adventure experience in Ecuador pleasurable, exciting and productive. Discover a world of unique destinations.



Rua Aboim Ascencao Nr 38, Faro - Algarve Portugal, 8000198 FARO Portugal Tel: +351 289894470 Fax: +351 289894479 Email: nj@ec-travel.net Web: www.N/A Contact: Eliseu Correia Exhibiting with Portugal


P.o.box 1725, Moshi, Moshi Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of +255 27 275 2999 Fax: +255 27 275 0560 Tel: Email: accounts@rsaafrica.com Web: www.ecolodgeafrica.com Contact: ManmohanANMOHAN Bhamra Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

304 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Business School, Queen Margaret University Drive, Edinburgh Midlothian, EH21 6UU United Kingdom +44 7973674944 Tel: Email: info@edgeofindia.com Web: www.edgeofindia.com Contact: Andrew Frew


Ecocircuitos Panama



Av. Eloy Alfaro N35-09, Y Portugal, Quito 17 Ecuador Tel: +593 23332319 Email: amazonia@discoverecuador.travel Web: www.discoverecuador.travel Contact: Xavier Andrango Exhibiting with ECUADOR - AMAZON

GV370 Casilla 17-17-185, Quito Ecuador, Ecuador +593 2 223 7133 Fax: +593 2 223 7133 Tel: Email: hugh.yarbrough@yachana.com Web: www.yachana.com Contact: Hugh Yarbrough Exhibiting with CBI


Amazonas N 21-36 Y Jorge Washington, Quito Pichincha, Ecuador Tel: +593 2560494 Email: vrodriguez@ecuadoriantours.com Web: www.ecuadoriantours.com Contact: Victoria Rodríguez Exhibiting with Ecuador

Eden Incoming & DMC by Eden srl


Via Degli Abeti, 24, Pesaro, Pesaro 61122 Italy Tel: +39 0721 442677 Fax: +39 0721 442663 Email: info@edenincoming.com www.edenincoming.com Web: Contact: Stefano Chiaravalle Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Eden Roc at Cap Cana

Edge of India offers tourists the chance to connect with remote locations in real India – Embrace authentic culture, lifestyle and beauty. A co-operative network of villages, led by rural local communities, in the most untouched picturesque parts of Uttarakhand and West Bengal. A genuinely breathtaking experience for each visitor!


Edison Travel Service Co., Ltd.

4f, No. 190, Song-jiang Road, Taipei 104 Taiwan, Republic Of China +886 225634621 Fax: +886 225634803 Tel: Email: paul@edison.com.tw Web: www.edison.com.tw Contact: Paul Hsieh Exhibiting with Taiwan Tourism Bureau

Edrichton Holidays


Dragonara Rd, St. Julian’s St. Julian’s, STJ 3141 Malta Tel: Fax: +356 23799165 +356 23799111 Email: louis.tabone@edrichton.com Web: www.edrichton.com Contact: Louis Tabone Exhibiting with Malta Tourism Authority

Edrisi Viaggi


Via Sampolo, 48, Palermo 90143 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 091 7307918 +39 091 348925 Email: commerciale@edrisiviaggi.com Web: www.edrisiviaggi.com Contact: Maria Ponte Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Egmont Incoming Sicily


Via Francavilla 387, Taormina (me) 98039 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 094254243 +39 094254242 Email: egmont@egmontviaggi.it www.egmontviaggi.it Web: Contact: Nico Salerno Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

ECUADOR - Yachana Lodge/Yachana Tours

Ecuadorian Tours


Edge of India


Cap Cana, Punta Cana, Higuey Dominican Republic Tel: Fax: +1809 4697470 +1809 4697491 Email: reservation@edenroccapcana.com Web: www.edenroccapcana.com Contact: Alessandra Balzarini Exhibiting with Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism



4 Latin America Street, Cairo Cairo, 11519 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 227943531 +20 227950603 Email: gamal@egoth.com.eg Web: www.egoth.com.eg Contact: Gamal Abdel Khader Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority



The Kensington Centre, 66 Hammersmith Road, London W14 8UD United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 013 4955 Fax: +44 207 603 1133 Email: habibaidroos@egyptair.com Web: www.egyptair.com Contact: Habib Aidroos Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority



66 Hammersmith Road, London W14 8UD United Kingdom Tel: +44 2070134955 Email: habibaidroos@egyptair.com Web: www.egyptair.com Contact: Habib Aidroos Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

EGYPTIAN HOTEL ASSOCIATION 8 El Sad El Aly St, Dokki, Giza, Greater Cairo Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 237608956 +20 237485083 Email: tayssir@egyptianhotels.org www.egyptianhotels.org Web: Contact: Nagui Erian Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority



Egyptian Tourist Authority


El Monte RV

Egyptian State Tourist Office, Egyptian House, London W1J 9EJ United Kingdom Tel: +44 2074935283 Fax: +44 2074080295 Email: info.uk@egypt.travel Web: www.egypt.travel Contact: Omayma El Husseini

5 Bramley Business Centre, Bramley GU5 0AZ United Kingdom Tel: +44 (562) 483 4941 Fax: +44 562) 4042021 Email: kirbysandberg@elmonterv.com Web: www.elmonterv.co.uk Contact: Kirby Sandberg

The diversity of Egypt’s tourism product is one of its kind. Unmatched historical sites, beautiful beaches along the Red Sea Riviera and the Mediterranean coast in addition to state-of-the-art resorts providing top quality services in magnificent locations. All this in less than 5 hours flying time from the UK.

El Monte RV is America’s premier motorhome rental company with 15 locations nationwide and models ranging from 22ft to the super luxurious 35ft. Since 1970 we’ve provided our clients the best way to experience the real America up close and personal. El Monte RV, for a ‘Vacation to Remember’.


EGYPTIAN TRAVEL AGENTS ASSOCIATION 8 El Saad El Aly Street, Dokki, Cairo Cairo, Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 237613420 +20 233356443 Email: etaa@etaa-egypt.org Web: www.etaa-egypt.org Contact: Hossam El Shaer Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

18/f 8747 Paseo De Roxas St, Salcedo Village, Makati City 1226 Philippines +63 28945644 Tel: Fax: +63 28103620 Email: bambi.samson@elnidoresorts.com Web: www.elnidoresorts.com Contact: Sylvia Samson Exhibiting with Philippines Department Of Tourism



Eihab Travels & Tours LLC (Discover Oman)

Alameda Manuel Enrique Araujo, Pasaje Y Edificios Carbonel, Colonia Roma, San Salvador, San Salvador El Salvador, 503 El Salvador Tel: Fax: +503 22236120 +503 22437835 Email: lcarballo@corsatur.gob.sv www.elsalvador.travel Web: Contact: Luis Carballo


Po Box 889, Muscat 100 Oman Tel: +968 99229303 Email: robby@eihabtravels.com Web: www.eihabtravels.travel Contact: C. Robby George Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry




EM1475 C/ Angel Bruna 12, 1ºb, Cartagena Spain, 30201 Spain Tel: +34 968123827 Email: elenaramos@auditorioelbatel.es Web: www.auditorioelbatel.es Contact: Elena Ramos Exhibiting with REGION OF MURCIA


1000 El Conquistador Avenue, Fajardo 738 Puerto Rico Tel: +1787 8636602 Email: ahogg@luxuryresorts.com Web: www.elconresort.com/ Contact: Andrea Hogg Exhibiting with Puerto Rico Tourism Company

El Hierro Tourist Board

3 Hassan Sadek Street, Oroba Tower, Cairo Egypt, 11528 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 224193833 +20 222907878 Email: eltarek@gega.net Web: www.eltarektravel.com Contact: Essam Kamaly Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

EL VENDRELL / COMA RUGA - Patronat Municipal de Turisme El Vendrell Coma-ruga

16 Upper Woborn Place, London WC1H United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 1211455 Fax: +44 207 1211470 Email: martinb@elal.co.uk www.elal.com Web: Contact: Martin Haley Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

El Conquistador



Po Box 1327, Eilat, Eilat 88111 Israel Tel: Fax: +972 86338151 +972 86338034 Email: eha2@eha.co.il Web: www.eilathotels.org.il Contact: Shabti Shay Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

EL AL Israel Airlines Ltd


El Salvador Tourism Board/CORSATUR

8 El Sad El Aali Street, Dokki, Cairo Egypt +20 237485083 Tel: Fax: +20 237608956 Email: tayssir@egyptianhotels.org Web: www.egyptianhotels.org Contact: Nagui Erian Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Eilat Hotel Association


El Nido Resorts


Dr. Quintero, 4, Valverde - El Hierro Canary Islands, 38900 Spain Tel: +34 922 550 302 Fax: +34 922 552 903 Email: omoles@el-hierro.org Web: www.elhierro.travel Contact: Olga Moles Méndez Exhibiting with Canary Islands


Av Brisamar 1, Coma-ruga Catalonia, E-43880 Spain Email: turisme@elvendrell.net Web: www.elvendrellturistic.com Contact: Carme Sivill Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD



Av. Independencia 313, Buenos Aires 1099 Argentina +54 11 4307 7388 Fax: +54 11 4307 7388 Tel: Email: jorgeprandi@viejoalmacen.com.ar Web: www.viejoalmacen.com.ar Contact: Jorge Prandi Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion


Elbow Beach Bermuda 60 South Shore Road, Paget PG 04 Bermuda Tel: Fax: +1441 2368043 +1441 2363535 Email: ebda-sales@mohg.com Web: www.mandarinoriental.com Contact: Linda Linzetto Exhibiting with Bermuda Department of Tourism

Elding Whale Watching


Elegant Hotels Group

45 Bywell Road, Dewsbury West Yorkshire, WF12 7LH United Kingdom Tel: +44 07919074392 Email: jyoung@eleganthotels.com Web: www.eleganthotels.com Contact: Jayanne Young Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority


Elephant Hills Co., Ltd

17/2 Soi Yodsanae, Chao Fa Road, Chalong, Muang, Phuket 83130 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 76384308 +66 76381703 Email: jon@elephant-hills.com Web: www.elephant-hills.com Contact: Jonathan Chell Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


Elite Island Resorts

Resort Marketing International, 17 - 19 Richmond Road, Chelmsford Essex, CM2 6UA United Kingdom Tel: +44 01245 459900 Email: kym@resort-marketing.co.uk Web: www.eliteislands.com Contact: Kym Ayres Exhibiting with Resort Marketing International


Elite Tours Ltd

49, Khan Krum Str, Nesebar 8230 Bulgaria Tel: +359 554 2 88 12 Fax: +359 554 2 88 24 Email: elitetours.boj@elitetoursbg.com Web: www.elitetoursbg.com Contact: Denitza Koleva Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism



Vukovarska 17, Dubrovnik 20000 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 20358303 +385 20358200 Email: marko.resetar@elite.hr Web: www.elite.hr Contact: Marko Resetar Elite Travel is leading Croatian DMC with extensive experience in providing superior travel service to all our clients and business partners. As a full service destination management company we provide expert advice and personalized travel planning, design of tailor made programs, conference & meetings planning and incentive organization.


Elite Travel DMC

St. 11 Nentori, P 41/3, Elbasan Albania, 355 Albania Tel: Fax: +355 5425 9934 +355 5424 4094 Email: admin@elitetravel-albania.com Web: www.elitetravel-albania.com Contact: Naim Cope Exhibiting with Agjencia Kombetare e Turizmit - Albanian National Tourism Agency



Sehit Muhtar Cad. 40-42, Taksim, Istanbul Beyoglu, 34435 Turkey Tel: Fax: +90 2122976240 +90 2122971313 Email: ziya.altinay@eliteworldhotels.com.tr Web: www.eliteworldhotels.com.tr Contact: Ziya Altinay Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


Aegisgardur 5, Reykjavik Old Harbour, Reykjavik 101 Iceland Tel: +354 5553565 Email: elding@elding.is www.elding.is Web: Contact: Rannveig Grétarsdóttir Exhibiting with Visit Iceland




Barbaros Mahallesi, Ataturk Caddesi No:42, Muratpasa, Antalya Turkey, 7040 Turkey +90 242 244 0044 Fax: +90 242 244 0344 Tel: Email: ismail.keser@eleganceeasthotel.com Web: www.eleganceeasthotel.com Contact: OLCAY SEVINDIK Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Ellington Hotel****


25 Boulevard Dubouchage, Nice 6000 France Tel: +33 (0)4 92 47 79 79 Fax: +33 (0)4 92 47 79 80 Email: mirna.klai@ellington-nice.com Web: www.ellington-nice.com Contact: Mirna Klai Exhibiting with France

Emeco Tourism


104, Al Fattan Plaza, P.o. Box 35256, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 4 2865084 +971 4 2822422 Email: karima@emeco.com Contact: Karim Aly Exhibiting with Emeco Travel

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 305



Emeco Travel


2 Talaat Harb Street, Downtown, Cairo 11111 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 225744212 +20 225774646 Email: karimm@emeco.com Web: www.emeco.com Contact: Moustafa Nasar Since 1977, Emeco Travel has been a principal DMC, specializing in incentives, conference and event organization and a pioneer in leisure travel to Egypt. S’Tours is the leading DMC in Morocco. Established in 1983, we specialize in incentives, meetings, conventions, congresses, product launches, special events and upscale tourism for FITs.


eMerchantPay Ltd

29 Howard Street, North Shields Tyne And Wear, NE30 1AR United Kingdom +44 800 088 7624 Tel: Email: sales@emerchantpay.com Web: www.emerchantpay.com Contact: Vyara Samoukova We provide travel internet website for your travellers to book hotels, flights and your unique contents.

Emile Weber


Voyages Emile Weber, Z.a. Reckschleed, Canach L-5411 Luxembourg +352 356575257 Fax: +352 356575225 Tel: Email: anders.bjoerkman@vew.lu Web: www.emile-weber.lu Contact: Anders Bjorkman Exhibiting with Network 4 Sports Travel

Emilia Romagna Region Tourist Board


Piazzale Federico Fellini, 3, Rimini 47921 Italy Tel: +39 0541430191 Fax: +39 0541430151 Email: s.placucci@aptservizi.com Web: www.emiliaromagnaturismo.com Contact: Silvia Placucci Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)




Emirates Holidays, Sheik Zayed Road, Dubai U.a.e, PO BOX 7631 United Arab Emirates +971 43034300 Tel: Fax: +971 43439797 Email: fbardin@emirates.com Web: www.emirates-holidays.com Contact: Frederic Bardin Exhibiting with Emirates


P.o.box 39999, West Corniche Road, Abu Dhabi Uae, 39999 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 26907879 +971 26909000 Email: zahid.noon@emiratespalace.ae Web: www.kempinski.com/abudhabi Contact: Anita Cremer Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Emirates Springs Hotel Apartments


Hamad Bin Abdullah St., Fujairah Uae, P. O. BOX 818 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 92231272 +971 92232922 Email: esrfuj@eim.ae Web: www.esr.ae Contact: Imran Siddiqui Exhibiting with Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority, Government of Fujairah, U.A.E.

Emirates Stadium Tours



Zyrardowska 29, Grodzisk Mazowiecki 5825 Poland Tel: Fax: +48 468580918 +48 468580917 Email: info@emkatrans.com.pl Web: www.emkatrans.com.pl Contact: Marta Brzezinska Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation

Empire State Building Observatory




Encore House, 50-51 Bedford Row, London WC1R 4LR United Kingdom Tel: +44 2074921500 Fax: +44 20778314410 Email: sales@encoretickets.co.uk Web: www.encoretickets.co.uk Contact: Pauline Fallowell


Highbury House, 75 Drayton Park, London, N5 1BU United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 20 7619 5000 Email: tours@arsenal.co.uk Web: www.arsenal.co.uk/stadiumtours Contact: Sarah Townend Exhibiting with Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum and Tour

306 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Via San Gian 30, St. Moritz 7500 Switzerland Tel: +41 81 830 08 15 Email: martin.oester@estm.ch Web: www.engadin.stmoritz.ch Contact: Martin Oester Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Engelberg-Titlis Tourism


Klosterstrasse 3, Engelberg 6390 Switzerland +41 41 639 77 11 Tel: Email: frederic.fuessenich@engelberg.ch Web: www.engelberg.ch Contact: Frédéric Füssenich Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

English Heritage


1 Waterhouse Square, 138-142 Holborn, London EC1N 2ST United Kingdom Tel: +44 2079733529 Fax: +44 2079733425 Email: mercedes.picard@english-heritage.org.uk Web: www.english-heritage.org.uk/traveltrade Contact: Mercedes Picard strategic and creative thinking and deliver innovative marketing


165 Bis Rue De Vaugirard, Paris 75015 France Tel: +33 0144386054 Email: lmaurice@citer.fr Contact: Laurent Maurice Exhibiting with Alamo Rent A Car & National Car Rental


Corso Sempione, 91, Milan 20149 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 02 31818811 +39 02 318181 Email: info@enterprisehotel.com Web: www.enterprisehotel.com Contact: Paola Picollo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Enterprise Rent-A-Car


Enterprise House, Delta Way, Egham Surrey, TW20 8RX United Kingdom Tel: +44 01784221300 Email: james.d.burrell@ehi.com Contact: Jim Burrell Exhibiting with Alamo Rent A Car & National Car Rental

Entertainment Cruises


Pier 62 Chelsea Piers, Suite 200, New York New York, 10011 United States Tel: +1 6463583125 Email: lgilbert@entertainmentcruises.com Web: www.entertainmentcruises.com Contact: Liz Gilbert Exhibiting with Liberty Helicopters

Entim Mara Camp


Masai Mara, Po Box 64196, Nairobi 620 Kenya Tel: +254 20 30028903752889 Email: Info@entim-mara.com www.entim-mara.com Web: Contact: Sammy Maobe Exhibiting with Kamili

EPG Travel


No. 15, 6th Floor Nawaday Street, Dagon Township, Yangon Myanmar +95 371935 Tel: Fax: +95 371936 Email: doug@epgtravel.com Web: www.epgtravel.com Contact: Doug Graham Exhibiting with Myanmar Tourism Federation (Marketing Committee)

EPIC TOURS/El Salvador


Residencial Palo Alto, Calle El Alcazar #7h, Zaragoza, La Libertad. El Salvador Tel: +503 78904751 Email: info@epictourselsalvador.com www.epictourselsalvador.com Web: Contact: Esther Van Dort Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)


Piazza Europa 4, Marina Di Pietrasanta Lucca, 55044 Italy Tel: +39 0584746900 Fax: +39 0584746916 Email: info@enoriaviaggi.com Web: www.enoriaviaggi.com Contact: Marco Corbellini Exhibiting with Incoming Italia

Ente Turismo Alba Bra Roero - Langhe Roero Tourist Board

Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) helps small business to make the most of the European marketplace. Enterprise Europe Network Meditarranean, with its offices in Antalya, Mersin, Adana and Kahramanmaras provides the SMEs all the information they need for development of their businesses and helps them find the right business partners.

Enterprise Hotel

Ground Floor, Caspian Plaza Iii, 44, J. Jabbarli St, Baku Azerbaijan, AZ1065 Azerbaijan +994 12 497 40 20 Fax: +994 12 436 74 92 Tel: Email: gm@enctours.az Web: www.enctours.az Contact: Emil Nasibov Exhibiting with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Engadin St. Moritz


Cevreyolu Uzeri Goksu Mahallesi Gazi Bulvari No:531, Antalya 7310 Turkey +90 2423143741 Fax: +90 2423143738 Tel: Email: een@atso.org.tr Web: www.eenakdeniz.org.tr Contact: Tulay Ince


350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 300, New York Ny, 10118 United States Tel: +1 2124003337 Email: jpeahl@esbnyc.com www.esbnyc.com Web: Contact: Jon Peahl Exhibiting with NYC & Company

ENC Tours Azerbaijan

Enterprise Europe Network Mediterranean

Enterprise Holdings / Citer / ATESA

Encore Tickets is the UK’s leading supplier of tickets to the overseas and domestic travel trade. Based in the heart of theatreland, Encore offers a range of ticketing solutions and is your specialist one stop shop for FIT’s and Groups for London Theatre, Restaurants and Attractions.

Emirates, the award-winning international airline, flies non-stop to six continents from its Dubai-hub, with a fleet of over 170 aircraft, including 21 A380 superjumbos.The carrier offers 112 flights every week from the UK to Dubai; from Heathrow, London Gatwick, Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle and Glasgow.Visit stand ME250 or www.emirates.com/uk

Emirates Palace


Gloucester Park, 95 Cromwell Road, London England, SW7 4DL United Kingdom +44 207 590 1400 Fax: +44 207 590 1499 Tel: Email: beth.alcorn@emirates.com Web: www.emiratestours.co.uk Contact: Beth Alcorn Exhibiting with Emirates

Encore Tickets Ltd

Po Box 686, Emirates Headquarters, Dubai 686 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 4286 4137 +971 4708 3728 Email: stan.dickinson@emirates.com www.emirates.com Web: Contact: Stan Dickinson

Emirates Holidays

Emirates Tours


Piazza Risorgimento 2, Alba 12051 Italy +39 017335833 Tel: Fax: +39 0173363878 Email: info@langheroero.it Web: www.langheroero.it Contact: Annalisa Ricciardi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Epitome Travel Solutions India Pvt Ltd


F-4, Iind Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase - I, New Delhi India, 110020 India Tel: +91 9910396680 Email: kundal.hazarika@epitometravels.com Web: www.epitometravels.com Contact: Kundal Hazarika Exhibiting with India Tourism



Callao 384 - 3º 8, Buenos Aires 1022 Argentina Tel: +54 11 5173 5050 Fax: +54 11 4372 6302 Email: kpessoa@equinoxe.com.ar Web: www.equinoxedmc.com.ar Contact: Karina Pessoa Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion


Estensa srl Eracle Travels ADV e TO


Via Tenente Lena 18, Ragusa 97100 Italy Tel: +39 0932624666 Fax: +39 0932 687107 Email: info@eracletravels.it Web: www.eracletravels.it Contact: Barbara Iurato Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Vanickova 5/1, Prague 6 169 00 Czech Republic Tel: +420 233107511 Fax: +420 257215263 Email: pachl@estec.cz Web: www.prague-hotel-operator.com Contact: Jaromir Pachl Exhibiting with Czech Tourist Authority - CzechTourism


Via V. Mosca, 4, Napoli 80129 Italy Tel: +39 0817623132 Fax: +39 0817623132 Email: guida@estensa.it Web: www.estensa.it Contact: Gennaro Guida Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


ESTEROS VIAJES Erarta, Contemporary Art Museum and Galleries


29th Line Of Vasilievsky Island, Building 2 A, Saint-petersburg 199106 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 8123240807 +7 8123346892 Email: m.sharii@erarta.com Web: www.erarta.com Contact: Marina Sharyi Exhibiting with Saint Petersburg Express, JSC

Escapes Vip/Panama


Villa Caceres, Urb. Panacsa N° 7, Panama City Panama, Panama Tel: Fax: +507 25292578 +507 8327912 Email: liliana@escapesvip.com Web: www.escapesvip.com Contact: Liliana Bonilla Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

Eshet Incoming


12 Nahalat Yitzhak St., Tel Aviv Israel, 67442 Israel Tel: Fax: +972 3 6963990 +972 3 6086200 Email: eran@eshetincoming.com Web: www.eshetincoming.com Contact: Eran Benkel Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office



Pasaje Carlos Gardel 3200, Buenos Aires 1215 Argentina Tel: +54 11 4867 6363 Fax: +54 11 4867 6363 Email: info@esquinacarlosgardel.com.ar Web: www.esquinacarlosgardel.com.ar Contact: Alejandro Cánepa Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion

Essaouira Regional Tourism Council


Boulevard Mohammed V, Essaouira Essaouira, 44 000 Morocco Tel: +212 5 24 47 99 99 Fax: +212 5 24 47 99 50 Email: achbani@hotelsatlas.com Web: www.hotelsatlas.com Contact: Amine Chbani Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office

Essential Destinations


P.o Box 3052, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 22 260 1747 Fax: +255 787 799 361 Email: info@ed.co.tz Web: www.ed.co.tz Contact: Malcolm Ryen Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Essque Zalu Zanzibar


Po Box 3151, Zanzibar Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 255 77 36 01799 Email: vinay.sapra@essquehotels.com Web: www.essquehotels.com Contact: Vinay Sapra Exhibiting with Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association



Casilla De Correo Nº 64, Rio Ceballos Cordoba, 5111 Argentina Tel: +54 11 6091 2692 Fax: +54 11 6091 2692 Email: bookings@estancialospotreros.com Web: www.estancialospotreros.com Contact: Kevin Begg Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion

Suipacha 576 - 4º, Buenos Aires 1008 Argentina Tel: +54 11 4328 7594 Fax: +54 11 4328 7594 Email: info@esterosviajes.com.ar Web: www.esterosviajes.com.ar Contact: Francisco Debuchy Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion


ETAA- EGYPT 8 El Saad El Ali Street, Dokki, Cairo CAIRO Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 237608956 +20 233379883 Email: info@gotoegypt.org Web: www.etaa-egypt.org Contact: Hossam El Shaer Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

ETHIOPIA - African Adventure Tours


ETHIOPIA - Pathfinder Tour Operator

GV370 P.o.box: 4841, Addis Ababa Ethiopia, Ethiopia Tel: +251 911 21 74 55 Email: epathfindertour@yahoo.com Web: www.ethiopathtour.com Contact: Mulugeta Dubale Kasa Exhibiting with CBI

Ethiopia, Ministry of Culture and Tourism


The Ethiopian Ministry of Culture and Tourism is responsible for Developing and Promoting the country’s Tourist products both locally and internationally. In doing so the ministry closely works together with different National and International stakeholders. Regarding the National Partners, The Ethiopian Airlines,Tour Operators and Tourist standard Hoteliers are the main.

Etihad Airways


200 Hammersmith Road, London W6 7DL United Kingdom Tel: +44 2087356720 Fax: +44 2087356701 Email: marketinguk@etihad.ae Web: www.etihadairways.com Contact: Gemma Launchbury Etihad Airways is the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, based in its capital, Abu Dhabi. Etihad has been awarded the world’s leading airline – and offers flights to 65 destinations in the Middle East, Europe, North America, Africa and Asia.

ETOA - European Tour Operators Association

P.o Box 208, Haleiwa, Hi 96712-0208 United States Tel: Fax: +1 8083560196 +1 8085212800 Email: thomas@eturbonews.com Web: www.eturbonews.com Contact: Thomas Steinmetz Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications



6 Weighhouse Street, London W1K 5LT United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 74994412 Fax: +44 (0)20 74994413 Email: info@etoa.org Web: www.etoa.org Contact: Tom Jenkins ETOA represents over 550 members worldwide, tour operators, online distributors and their European suppliers, hotels, attractions, tourist boards, sightseeing and ticketing companies, in the European political arena.Seminars, networking events and buyer meets seller appointment workshops organised by ETOA are highly popular and valued by industry leaders and key professionals.


3a George Bizet Street, Bucharest 20267 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 21 2301619 +40 21 2301619 Email: nicoleta.balasa@euforiatravel.ro Web: www.euforiatravel.ro Contact: Nicoleta Balasa Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM

Eurialo Viaggi


Viale Teracati, 83, Siracusa 96100 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0931 413586 +39 093 138891 Email: alfio@eurialoviaggi.com Web: www.eurialoviaggi.com Contact: Alfio La Ferla Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Rue Devant Les Hetres 1, Transinne Belgian Luxemburg, B6890 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 61656461 +32 61650135 Email: btob@eurospacecenter.be Web: www.eurospacecenter.be Contact: Catherine VUIDAR Exhibiting with Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia



Lechner Odon Fasor 2, Budapest H-1095 Hungary Tel: +36 13223412 Email: euro@guide.hu Web: www.euroguide.hu Contact: Maria Majzik Exhibiting with Hungarian Tourism Plc.

Eurohostel / Finnish Hostels

Meskel Square, P O Box 2183, Ethiopia Tel: +251 11 1567837 Fax: +251 111567840 Email: tourismethiopia@ethionet.et Web: www.tourismethiopia.org Contact: Ayele Gelaneh



Euro Space Center

P.o Box: 59314, Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251 911 98 27 18 Fax: +251 115 52 4773 Email: info@africanadventuretours.net Web: www.african-adventure-tours.com Contact: Abebe Haregewion Exhibiting with CBI



Linnankatu 9, Helsinki Helsinki, SF-00160 Finland Tel: Fax: +358 962204747 +358 9 6220470 Email: kyosti.karjarinta@eurohostel.fi Web: www.eurohostel.eu Contact: Kyösti Karjarinta Exhibiting with Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board

Euromonitor International


60 - 61 Britton Street, London EC1M 5UX United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 251 8024 Email: lauren.beth@euromonitorintl.com Web: www.euromonitor.com Contact: Violetta Scola



Radnoti M. 40, Pf. 350, Budapest H-1393 Hungary Tel: +36 12701040 Email: g.lippner@europahajo.hu Web: www.europahajo.hu Contact: George Lippner Exhibiting with Hungarian Tourism Plc.

Europa Travel & Tours


Rr.bardhok Biba, Blv.deshmoret E Kombit, Twin Towers, 3 Floor, Tirana Albania, 1010 Albania Tel: Fax: +355 4 2268822 +355 4 2221583 Email: europatravel@albaniaonline.net Web: www.europatravel-al.com Contact: Silvana Dracini Exhibiting with Agjencia Kombetare e Turizmit - Albanian National Tourism Agency

Europcar Rent a car


50 N Of Servicentro Total La Ribera, Belen, San Jose San Jose, 760-1007 Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 24431539 +506 24409990 Email: reservations@europcar.co.cr Web: www.europcar.co.cr Contact: Roberto Gonzalez Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 307



Europcar Southern Africa


P O Box 1641, Bruma, Gauteng 2026 South Africa Tel: +27 11 479 4000 Fax: +27 866 790 107 Email: anne.leonard@europcar.co.za Web: www.europcar.co.za Contact: Anne Leonard Exhibiting with South African Tourism



C/ Muntaner 401 Entlo 1, Barcelona Spain, E-08021 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 935345386 +34 931772477 Email: jessica@eveniahotels.com Web: www.eveniahotels.com Contact: Jessica Llerena Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

Executive Travels & Tours Nigeria Ltd

Exotissimo Travel Group Europe Active


11 Lotissement San Ornello, Borgo, Corsica, 20290 France +33 (0)4 95 44 49 67 Tel: Fax: +33 (0)4 95 33 31 59 Email: info@europe-active.com Web: www.europe-active.com Contact: Anthony Laplagne Exhibiting with France



83a Tran Quoc Toan, Hanoi Vietnam +84 439426585 Tel: Fax: +84 438228008 Email: tour2@evivatour.com.vn Web: www.evivatour.com.vn Contact: Xuan Tran Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism


evolution Europe Incoming


Unit 10-11 Turnham Green Terrace Mews, . London, W4 1QU United Kingdom Tel: +44 2089945001 Fax: +44 2089945044 Email: charlotte@europeincoming.co.uk www.europeincoming.com Web: Contact: Charlotte Hawthorn Founded in 1978, Europe Incoming is a multi destination travel group, specialising in groups and individual travellers visiting Europe. Our offices are located in London, Edinburgh, Paris, Rome, and Remagen, Germany. We have our own coach company with a fleet of 75 coaches based in Germany.

European Travel Services


33 Furnival Street, London, EC4A 1JQ United Kingdom Tel: +44 0207 730 7182 Fax: +44 0207 730 7413 Email: jim@etsuk.com Web: www.etsuk.com Contact: Jim Brown Exhibiting with UKinbound

Europlan S.p.A.


Via G.d’annunzio, 11, Bardolino Italy, 37011 Italy +39 0456209444 Fax: +39 0456210420 Tel: Email: europlan@europlan.it Web: www.europlan.it Contact: Oswald Stocker Exhibiting with Incoming Italia



35 R. Rza Str, Baku Azerbaijan, AZ1000 Azerbaijan Tel: +994 12 497 35 51 Fax: +994 12 498 68 10 Email: azad@eurotourism.az Web: www.eurotourism.az Contact: Azad Aliyev Exhibiting with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Eurotours International


Lassallestrasse 3, Vienna 1020 Austria Tel: +43 1 205 606 18 Fax: +43 1 205 606 88 Email: messen@eurotours.at Web: www.eurotours.at Contact: Karen Angliss Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

Eurotravel Solutions


Mirabellplatz 6, Salzburg 5020 Austria Tel: +43 664 4256757 Fax: +43 662 24360315 Email: christoph.nake@eurotravel-solutions.com www.eurotravel-solutions.com Web: Contact: Christoph Nake Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office



Viamonte 486, Buenos Aires 1053 Argentina Tel: +54 11 4312 6077 Fax: +54 11 4322 3079 Email: martin.zanone@eurotur.com.ar Web: www.eurotur.com.ar Contact: Marita Daverio Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion

EVA Air United Kingdom Branch


Evergreen House 160, Euston Road, London United Kingdom Tel: +44 2073808318 Fax: +44 2073830821 Email: simonrickman@evaair.com Web: www.evaair.com Contact: Simon Rickman Exhibiting with Taiwan Tourism Bureau

308 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

22 Stephenson Way, London NW1 2HD United Kingdom Tel: +44 2073808592 Fax: +44 2073830357 Email: mbrown@evodist.com Web: www.evolutiondistribution.com/ Contact: Mark Brown Exhibiting with Great Hotels of the World


EXCEL TRAVEL 68 Merghany Street, Heliopolis, Cairo Cairo, Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 224182154 +20 224136100 Email: georgefawzi@exceltrvl.com Web: www.exceltrvl.net Contact: George Fawzi Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Entering our 20th year of operations in Asia, Exotissimo continues to craft unique travel experiences throughout Asia. We are a leading destination management company with 19 offices and over 600 fulltime staff working from our destination-based offices in Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan and China.

Expedia Travel Agencies Affiliate Programme - TAAP

Expedición Panamundo

Experience Engine


1004 Timeson Tower, Chaoyangmen North Street, Beijing China, 100020 China Tel: +86 106553 6916 Fax: +86 106553 6926 Email: lynn.lin@excellent-tours.net Web: www.excellent-tours.net Contact: Lynn Lin


Karankaa Villa, Kurangi Goalhi, 1st Floor, Male’’ Maldives, Maldives +960 3333533 Tel: Fax: +960 3333538 Email: jakub@exciting-travel.com Web: www.exciting-travel.com Contact: Jakub Urbanek Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation


P.o Box 11887 Kampala, Plot 21 Namugongo Road, Kampala Kampala, KLA Uganda Tel: +256 772 887 484 Fax: +256 414 286 415 Email: info@exclusiveafricansafaris.com www.exclusiveafricansafaris.com Web: Contact: Alex Mango Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD


Warwick Centre, Un Avenue, Gigiri, P.o. Box 63437, Nairobi Kenya, 619 Kenya +254 207123300 Fax: +254 207123303 Tel: Email: brigitte@eatreasures.co.ke Web: www.eatreasures.com Contact: Brigitte Bosschaart Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

Executive Travel Service


Corso Italia, 118, Sorrento 80067 Italy Tel: +39 081 8782231 Fax: +39 081 8071819 Email: r.amuro@executivetravel.it Web: www.executivetravel.it Contact: Roberto Amuro Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


17 - 19 Richmond Road, Dukes Park, Chelmsford Essex, CM2 6UA United Kingdom +44 01245 459900 Tel: Email: kym@resort-marketing.co.uk Contact: Kym Ayres Exhibiting with Resort Marketing International

Experience Gaelic Games Excellent Tours&Travel China has been engaged in inbound business for over 15 years. ETT boasts a team of over 120 languagecompetent staff in China. Our high standard of professionalism is the most reliable guarantee to be your personal tourism consultant and operator.



6a Av. 14 - 75, Zona 9, Guatemala City Guatemala Tel: +502 23317588 Email: roger.brenner@expedicion-panamundo.com Contact: Roger Brenner Exhibiting with Latincoming

Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications

Exclusive African Safaris


42 Earlham Street, London WC2H9LA United Kingdom Tel: +44 8712229477 Email: taexpediauk@expedia.com Web: www.access.expedia.co.uk/ Home/TravelAgentOverview Contact: Mirco De Pellegrin The Expedia TAAP (Travel Agencies Affiliate Programme) provides agents access to the entire Expedia inventory through a dedicated sign-in page. From this page agents can browse thousands of flight, hotel accommodation and car hire combinations – enabling them to help plan, research and book the right holiday for their clients.

Capitan Haya 16, 9b, Madrid 28020 Spain Tel: +34 91 556 00 40 Fax: +34 555 3764 Email: excelencias1@excelencias.com www.excelencias.com Web: Contact: Ricardo Potts

Exciting Travel Holidays


22f Smooth Life Tower, 44 North Sathorn Road, Bangkok 10500 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 26339070 +66 26339060 Email: marketing@exotissimo.com Web: www.exotissimo.com Contact: Wanida Tirapas



Excellent Tours & Travel China


Suite 38, Margaret Ekpo Intl Airport, Calabar Nigeria Tel: +234 8037232363 Email: clarabraide@yahoo.com Contact: Clara Braide Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation


32 Claude Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9 Ireland +353 1 2544292 Tel: Email: info@experiencegaelicgames.com Web: www.experiencegaelicgames.com Contact: Georgina Caraher Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Experience Scotland Conference and Incentives Ltd


2 West Street, Penicuik By Edinburgh Midlothian, EH26 9DL United Kingdom Tel: +44 1968679969 Fax: +44 1968677638 Email: yveslemarchand@experiencescotland.co.uk Web: www.experiencescotland.co.uk Contact: Yves Lemarchand Exhibiting with Network 4 Sports Travel

Experience The Ride


Box Office: Madame Tussauds, 234 W. 42nd St., New York 10036 United States Tel: +1 (212) 2442551 Fax: +1 (212) 2442553 Email: rsmith@experiencetheride.com Web: www.experiencetheride.com Contact: Roderick Smith Exhibiting with NYC & Company

Explorandes SAC


Calle Cmdte. Aristides Aljovin 484 Miraflores, Lima Peru, LIMA 18 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 2006105 +51 4450532 2006100 Email: alfredo@explorandes.com Web: www.explorandes.com Contact: Alfredo Ferreyros Exhibiting with PromPeru



3601 Lyon Street, San Francisco Usa, 94123 United States Tel: +1 4153530489 Email: ssmith@exploratorium.edu Web: www.exploratorium.edu Contact: Sabrina Smith Exhibiting with Visit California

Explore Georgia


5, Shevchenko Street, Tbilisi Georgia, 108 Georgia Tel: +995 32 218 02 01 Fax: +995 32 292 19 11 Email: info@exploregeorgia.com Web: www.exploregeorgia.com Contact: Nick Erkomaishvili Exhibiting with Georgian National Tourism Administration



19 Bis, Calistrat Hogas Street, Piatra Neamt Neamt, 610004 Romania Tel: +40 748155400 Email: office@exploretravel.net Web: www.exploreromania.org Contact: Adina Camara Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM

Eyes World by Doc Holiday Srl

Ezdan Hotel & Suites

EM1700 50 Avenue De La Fosse Des Pressoirs, France, 77700 France Tel: +33 1 60 42 60 08 Fax: +33 1 60 42 60 06 Email: sales@explorershotels.com Web: www.explorershotels.com Contact: Néottie Olivier Exhibiting with France



6-9 Trinity Street, Dublin 2 Ireland Tel: +353 15252886 Email: roland@exploreworldheritage.com Web: www.exploreworldheritage.com Contact: Roland Monsegu Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA


Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife




Avda. De Las Comunidades S/n, Merida Badajoz, 6800 Spain Tel: +34 924 332 226 Fax: +34 924 332 172 Email: ychaparro@gpex.es Web: www.turismoextremadura.com Contact: Yadira Chaparro Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



Avda. De Las Comunidades S/n, Merida Badajoz, 6800 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 924332172 +34 924387296 Email: vherrera@gpex.es Web: www.turiex.com / www.turismoextremadura.com Contact: Victoria Herrera Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Extreme Ireland


Office 37, Guinness Enterprise Centre, Dublin Ireland Tel: +353 1 410 0700 Fax: +353 1 410 0985 Email: keith@extremeireland.ie Web: www.extremeireland.ie Contact: Keith McDonnell Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

EyeforTravel Ltd.


7-9 Fashion Street, London E1 6PX United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 207 375 7197 Email: gina@eyefortravel.com Web: www.eyefortravel.com Contact: Gina Baillie Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association



Omikron Data Quality Gmbh, Division Fact-finder, Pforzheim Germany, 75172 Germany Tel: +49 7231125970 Fax: +49 723112597250 Email: anja.maisch@fact-finder.de Web: www.fact-finder.com/travel Contact: Lucia Markovicova Fact Finder-Travel is the latest search technology for online travel portals. Understanding your visitors’ search queries in natural language, interprets and translates them into the language of the underlying databases. FACT-Finder Travel represents the first semantic single field search function responding to the search habits of your travel customers.


P.o. Box 1123, Parow, Cape Town Cape Town, 7499 South Africa Tel: +27 21 936 4600 Fax: +27 21 936 4656 Email: riak@fairfieldtours.com Web: www.fairfieldtours.com Contact: Ria Koegelenberg Exhibiting with South African Tourism

Fairmont Bab Al Bahr, Abu Dhabi


P.o. Box: 114304, Between The Bridges, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates, 114304 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 26543323 +971 26543135 Email: Toni.Munns-McKenzie@Fairmont.com Web: www.fairmont.com Contact: Toni Nunns Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park


200 North Columbus Drive, Chicago, Il 60601 United States +1 3125658000 Tel: Fax: +1 3128561032 Email: john.castronovo@fairmont.com Web: www.fairmont.com/chicago Contact: John Castronovo Overlooking Grant and Millennium Parks, the Fairmont Chicago features 687 guest rooms including 65 suites, 84 Fairmont Gold rooms and 22 Fairmont PURE rooms. Ideally located just steps from Navy Pier, the Magnificent Mile, the Theatre District and world renowned museums, the Fairmont Chicago is perfect for business or pleasure.

Fairmont Hotel

101 South Shore Road, Southampton Bermuda Tel: +1441 2388000 Email: elizabeth.gadosky@fairmont.com Web: www.fairmont.com Contact: Tracy Oliphant Exhibiting with Bermuda Department of Tourism


Fairmont Hotels and Resorts


Fairmont Jaipur

6th Floor, Dr. Gopal Das Bhawan, 28, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi India, 110001 India Tel: +91 911149055555 Fax: +91 911149055556 Email: arunima.kundu@fairmont.com Web: www.fairmont.com Contact: Arunima Kundu Fairmont Jaipur, a luxury hotel influenced by the area’s spectacular Mughal architecture boasts the finest modern amenities. Fairmont’s first in India, this exquisite hotel joining an iconic collection that includes London’s The Savoy and Shanghai’s Fairmont Peace Hotel will reflect and complement the unique community in which it is situated.



Zrinsko-frankopanska 38, Falkensteiner Hotelmanagement D.o.o., Zadar Zadar, 23000 Croatia +385 23555600 Tel: Fax: +385 23555680 Email: croatia@falkensteiner.com Web: www.croatia.falkensteiner.com Contact: Barbara Grgurevic Exhibiting with Zadar Region


39 Moo 1 Tambon Maenam , Amphur Koh Samui, Suratthani 84330 Thailand +66 265113813 Tel: Fax: +66 26511384 Email: salesmgr@fairhousevillas.com Web: www.fairhousevillas.com Contact: Suvisa T.chiengthong Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Fairfield Tours(Pty) Ltd


Fairmont Hotel & Resorts, Bermuda

405 Spray Avenue, Po Box 960, Banff Ab, T1L 1J4 Canada Tel: +1 4037626824 Email: jennifer.rose@fairmont.com Web: www.fairmont.com Contact: Jennifer Rose Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission

P O Box 13053, Cascades, Pietermaritzburg Kwa-zulu Natal, 3202 South Africa Tel: +27 33 845 1361 Fax: +27 33 845 1004 Email: sharoni@kznwildlife.com Web: www.kznwildlife.com Contact: Sharon Ilett Exhibiting with South African Tourism

Fair House Group

3rd Floor, Exchange Plaza, London London, W5 2ST United Kingdom Tel: +44 0208579 2862 Fax: +44 0208 579 2862 Email: pcurtin@explorica.com Web: www.explorica.com Contact: Patrick Curtin Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association


West Bay, Al Dafna, Doha 23488 Qatar Tel: +974 55548678 Email: Mohamed.salah@ezdanhotels.com Web: www.ezdanehotels.com Contact: Mohammed Salah Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority

FACT-Finder Travel Explorers Hotel at Disneyland Paris


Viale Dei Pini, 99, Napoli 80131 Italy Tel: +39 081 7416498 Fax: +39 081 7419354 Email: docholiday.srl@virglio.it Web: www.docholiday.it Contact: Monica Petito Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai 97555 United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 566810380 Email: toni.munns@fairmont.com Web: www.fairmont.com Contact: Toni Munns Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing


Falkland Islands Tourist Board Falkland House, 14 Broadway, London SW1H 0BH United Kingdom Tel: Fax: +44 207222375 +44 2072222542 Email: gm.fitb@horizon.co.fk Web: www.falklandislands.com Contact: Austin Mason

Fantasia Hoteles


Edif. El Centro-casa Azahar (Urb. Las Fuentes, S/n), Alcocebre Castellon, 12597 Spain Tel: +34 676498274 Email: direccioncomercial@fantasiahoteles.com www.fantasia-hoteles.com Web: Contact: Israel Navarro Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

Far Horizon Tours Pvt Ltd


55, Lgf, Charmwood Plaza, Near Suraj Kund, Eros Garden, Faridabad India, 121009 India +91 129 409 8000 Fax: +91 129 409 8098 Tel: Email: info@farhorizonindia.com Web: www.farhorizonindia.com Contact: Sanjay Basu ‘If you want to experience the soul of India then you must go to her villages.’ (Gandhi)FAR HORIZON INDIA TRAVELS brings a fresh approach to travel in India. With unique product placement, hospitality services to the remotest parts of India and destination experts we specialize the Living Cultures of India.

Farhat International Tours & Travels W.L.L


Farhat International Tours & Travels W.l.l, Manama Bahrain Tel: +973 36701055 Email: mushtak@farhat-tours.com Web: www.farhat-tours.com Contact: Mushtak AbdulGafoor Exhibiting with KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN, Ministry of Culture

Farmhouse Il Forno Antico


Via Contrada Forno, San Mauro La Bruca 84070 Italy +39 0974 974203 Fax: +39 02 90750074 Tel: Email: ilfornoantico@gmail.com Web: www.ilfornoantico.it Contact: Aniello Cusati Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 309



Fattal Hotel Chain


Azrieli Center, 3 Triangle Tower 30th Floor, Tel Aviv Israel Tel: Fax: +972 36081980 +972 36081888 Email: michalkaf@fattal.co.il Web: www.fattal.co.il Contact: Michal Kafkafi Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

Faville Tours


Via Trento E Trieste N°24, Casale Sul Sile Treviso 31032 Italy +39 0422821515 Fax: +39 0422787619 Tel: Email: info@favilletours.com Web: www.favilletours.com Contact: Beth Lennon Faville Tours offers beautiful apartments in the most prestigious European cities such as Venice, London, Paris, Rome and Madrid for personal or business vacations. It is a dynamic site with many opportunities to arrange tour packages and holidays offering a wide choice of apartments, tours, transfers and events

Federal Agency for Tourism of Russian Federation


47, Miasnitskaia Str., Moscow 107084 Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 607 32 17 Email: rostourism@ropnet.ru Web: www.russiatourism.ru Contact: Alexander Radkov Exhibiting with Russian Federation

Federalberghi Capri


Via Vico Sella Orta, 3, Capri 80073 Italy +39 081 837 0596 Fax: +39 081 8377633 Tel: Email: federalberghi@capri.it Web: www.caprialberghi.com Contact: Sergio Gargiulo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



Heath Farm, Heath Road, Petersfield, GU31 4HT United Kingdom Tel: +44 0203 362 4209 Email: sales@feefo.com Web: www.feefo.com Contact: Andrew Mabbutt Feefo For Travel - Customer ratings and reviews. The most trusted genuine customer review system for the travel & tourism industry by far.

Feenstra Rijn Lijn BV


Rijnkade 12, Arnhem NL 6811HA Netherlands Tel: +31 26 445 28 05 Fax: +31 26 445 66 81 Email: sales@feenstrarijnlijn.nl Web: www.feenstrarijnlijn.nl Contact: Inge Buiteman Feenstra Rhine Line is the leading rivercruise touroperator in Holland. Guests may be booked on an individual, group- or charter basis.Feenstra yearly organizes 30 different itineraries on European Waterways. Feenstra Rhine Line operates 12 classy, comfortable river cruisers ranking from 3-5 stars. Each ship has it’s own character and style.

Felachi srl


Corso Reginna, 66/82, Maiori 84010 Italy Tel: +39 089 851144 Email: felachi@pec.it Contact: Chiara Furco Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Fermanagh Lakeland Tourism

Po Box 48, Engelberg 6391 Switzerland Tel: +41 79 610 90 04 Email: info@ferretti-tourism.com Web: www.ferretti-tourism.com Contact: Maria Ferretti Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism


Ferrocarriles del Ecuador Empresa Pública

Pedro Vicente Maldonado S/n Y Sincholagua, Quito Ecuador, Ecuador Tel: +593 23992100 Email: jquintero@ferrocarrilesdelecuador.gob.ec Web: www.trenecuador.com Contact: JOSE LUIS QUINTERO Exhibiting with Ecuador



Cumhuriyet Mah.ataturk Cad. No 54 K 2 Fethiye Mugla, Mugla Turkey Tel: +90 2526144311 Fax: +90 2526144669 Email: kenan48@hotmail.com Contact: PINAR BUDAK Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


Fez Regional Tourism Council

89 Av Allal Ben Abdallah, Agdal, Fez Morocco, 30 000 Morocco Tel: +212 5 35942492 Fax: +212 535650188 Email: crtfes@menara.ma Web: www.visitfes.org Contact: Farid Lahlou Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office

Fez Travel



Po Box 128717 - Abu Dhabi, Uae, Abu Dhabi 128717 United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 24968242 Email: fnefungo@farahleisure.com Web: www.ferrariworldabudhabi.com Contact: Frieda Nefungo Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY


Hocapasa Mah., Tayahatun Sok. No: 3 Sukran Han Kat:3, Istanbul 34112 Turkey Tel: +90 212 520 04 34 Fax: +90 212 520 04 35 Email: canank@feztravel.com Web: www.feztravel.com Contact: Canan K Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Fideicomiso de Promocion Turistica de la Riviera Maya


Calle 28 S/n, Mz 4 Lt 1, Entre Carr. Fed Y Av. 50 Nte, Playa Del Carmen 77710 Mexico Tel: +52 9842063150 Email: lcole@rivieramaya.com Contact: Lizzie Cole Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

Fideicomiso de Turismo Estatal de Baja California Sur


Carretera Norte Km. 5.5, Fidepaz, Baja California Sur 23090 Mexico Tel: +52 612 124 0100 Fax: +52 612 124 0722 Email: lpalacios@visitbajasur.travel Web: www.www,visitbajasur.travel Contact: Luis Palacios Larranaga Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board


127-129-129a Nguyen Hue Str., Ho Chi Minh Vietnam Tel: Fax: +84 839141363 +84 839141414 Email: phongtran@fiditour.com www.fiditour.com Web: Contact: Tran Nguyen Phong Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism


Fiesta Americana & Live AQUA Blvd. Kukulcan Km 16.5, Cancun 77500 Mexico Tel: +52 9988814234 Email: ozkar.gutierrez@posadas.com Web: www.fiestamericana.com Contact: Oskar Gutierrez Exhibiting with Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau

Fiesta Hotel Group

Fiesta Travel Ltd. is established in 2008 as a very competitive and professional company by an experienced team who has previously organized holidays to the most beautiful regions of Turkey.


Fiji (Tourism Fiji)

Lion House, 111 Hare Lane, Claygate Surrey, KT10 0QY United Kingdom +44 1372469818 Fax: +44 1372470057 Tel: Email: Jane@ihml.com Web: www.fijime.com Contact: Jane West FIJI, 333 islands, located in the South Pacific Ocean, offer much diversity from pure relaxation on pristine beaches, the best soft coral diving in the world with spectacular marine life, golf courses, mountain rivers and ravines, waterfalls, rain forests and the friendliest people in the world. www.fijime.com



51, Stamboliyski Blvd, Sofia 1000 Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 989 03 92 Fax: +359 2 986 61 42 Email: filiptour@hotmail.com Web: www.filiptour.com/en Contact: Evguenia Filipova Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism


Finesse South Pacific Travel Pty Ltd.

Level 5, 191 Clarence Street, Sydney Nsw, 2000 Australia Tel: +61 2 9262 5200 Email: jorgev@finesse-spt.com.au Web: www.finesse-spt.com.au Contact: Jorge Viegas Exhibiting with Australia - Tourism Australia


First Atlantic Commerce Ltd.

Suite 498, 48-par-la-ville Road, Hamilton HM11 Bermuda Tel: +1441 14412944648Fax: +1441 14412956855 Email: smentzel@fac.bm Web: www.firstatlanticcommerce.com Contact: Tricia Lines Hill First Atlantic Commerce (FAC) is a secure, PCI certified payment gateway that offers custom, online multi-currency, real-time credit card and debit card processing as well as alternative online payment methods and online consumer authentication services to merchants across the Latin American Caribbean Region, UK, Europe and Mauritius.

First Car Rental/Sixt Rent a Car South Africa


P O Box 2842, Kempton Park Johannesburg, 1620 South Africa +27 11 230 9999 Fax: +27 11 86 6747 089 Tel: Email: melissah@cmh.co.za Web: www.firstcarrental.co.za Contact: Melissa Hilton Exhibiting with South African Tourism


Fisherman’s Rest

Cold Blow House, Pembrokeshire, SA626JP United Kingdom Tel: +44 01437 711 038 Email: enquiries@fishermansrest.net Web: www.fishermansrest.net Contact: Wiktor Chichlowski Exhibiting with Malawi Ministry of Tourism

FITA Domizia - Federazione Imprese Turistiche Alberghiere litorale Domizio


Via Fiumitello, 1, Castel Volturno 81030 Italy Tel: +39 0823 Email: fitadomizia@libero.it Contact: Sergio Pagnozzi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Avda. Bartolome Rosello 18, Ibiza 7800 Spain +34 971313811 Tel: Fax: +34 971312167 Email: marketing@fiestahotelgroup.com Web: www.fiestahotelgroup.com Contact: Ivonne Schmieder FHG is a Spanish hotel group founded in the 1960s. The company has 50 hotels in 6 countries: Spain, Mexico, Dom.Republic, Jamaica, Sicily and Brazil. Brands include The Royal Suites by Palladium, Palladium Hotels and Resorts, Ayre Hoteles, Fiesta Hotels and Resorts, Mallorca Rocks Hotel and Ushuaïa Ibiza Beach Hotel.

310 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Fiesta Travel Service

Merkez Mah. S.demirel Cad. Efe Apt. 20/1, Mugla Turkey, 48700 Turkey +90 2524171803 Fax: +90 2524171831 Tel: Email: info@fiestatravel-tr.com Web: www.fiestatravel-tr.com Contact: Serkan Mert


Wellington Road, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh BT74 7EF United Kingdom +44 28 6634 6736 Fax: +44 28 6632 5511 Tel: Email: Theresa@fermanaghlakelands.com Web: www.fermanaghlakelands.com Contact: Tanya Cathcart Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland



Ferretti Tourism

FITUR, International Tourism Trade Fair (IFEMA)


Feria De Madrid, Madrid 28042 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 917225787 +34 917223000 Email: fitur@ifema.es Web: www.fituronline.com Contact: Ana Larrañaga Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA


Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel

Killiney, Co Dublin Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 1 2305466 +353 1 2305464 Email: monica.obyrne@fitzpatricks.com Web: www.fitzpatrickcastle.com Contact: Monica O’’Byrne Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Fjord Norway


Lodin Leppsgt. 2 B, Bergen NO-5003 Norway Tel: Fax: +47 55302650 +47 55302640 Email: siv@fjordnorway.com Web: www.fjordnorway.com Contact: Siv Hege Normann Exhibiting with Visit Norway / Innovation Norway

Flanders Lys Valley Area


Doorniksesteenweg 218, Kortrijk 8500 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 56 24 99 90 +32 56 24 99 95 Email: info@toerismeleiestreek.be Web: www.toerismeleiestreek.be Contact: Dieter Depraetere Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office

Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office


Grasmarkt 61, Brussels B-1000 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 2 504 04 80 +32 2 504 03 00 Email: info@toerismevlaanderen.be Web: www.visitflanders.com Contact: Michel Mues We promote Flanders-Belgium as a leading European travel destination. Flanders stands for the good life and cultural abundance in a variety of vibrant historic cities like Brussels, Bruges, Antwerp, Ghent, Mechelen and Leuven. We offer up to date product information and active support in sales promotion and marketing activities.

Flash Tour


10 El Shaheed Mohamed Abd El Hady St, Ard El Golf, Cairo Egypt +20 24193451 Tel: Fax: +20 22911182 Email: Flash@flash-tour.net Web: www.flashtour.travel Contact: Britta Hoff Flash Tour is one of the leading destination management companies in Egypt with over 20 years experience in inbound & outbound travel. Supported by its own fleet of Nile cruise vessels, red sea hotels, busses and branch offices all over Egypt, Flash Group provides an excellent service for all clients.

Flight Travel JSC


05 Bis Cong Truong Quoc Te Con Rua, Quan 3, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam +84 839140180 Tel: Fax: +84 839140179 Email: jeff.redl@flightraveljsc.com Web: www.travellervietnam.com/ Contact: Dang Thuy Anh Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism

Flightlink Limited


Terminal 1, Njia, Po Box 2858, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, 2858 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 782354448 Email: marketing@flightlink.co.tz Web: www.flightlink.co.tz Contact: Minaweri Dhirani Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Flipper - Viaggi


Via Matteotti, 24, Torbole Sul Garda 38069 Italy Tel: +39 0464 507272 Fax: +39 0464 505647 Email: info@flipperviaggi.com www.flipperviaggi.com Web: Contact: Erminia Castelli Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Florida Keys and Key West


1201 White Street, Suite 102, Key West Florida, 33040 United States +1 3052961552 Tel: Fax: +1 3052960788 Email: dos@fla-keys.com Web: www.fla-keys.co.uk Contact: Stacey Mitchell Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA


Florida Mall 8001 S Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando Florida, 32809 United States Tel: +1 4078517234 Email: abjornlie@simon.com Contact: Andrea Bjornlie Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Florida Travel Network*NAR (UK) Ltd*Kevin Streit Assoc



430 Brevard Avenue, Suite 150, Cocoa Florida, 32922 United States Tel: +1 3214334470 Email: ksubido@aol.com Web: www.visitspacecoast.com Contact: Kalina Subido-Person Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Florio Park Hotel



Focus Asia

Aberlestr.16-18, Munich Deutschland (deu), 81371 Germany Tel: +49 89809907040 Email: tanja@focus-asia.travel Web: www.focus-asia.travel Contact: Tanja Rybarczyk Exhibiting with India 4 You


Zonnestraat 8, Gent 9000 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 9 269 90 81 +32 9 269 90 62 Email: michel.d@squatra.be Web: www.focusflanders.be Contact: Michel Deswaene Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office

Focus Publications/Panama


Calle 2da Perejil, Casa 742, Panama Panama Tel: Fax: +507 2096639 +507 2256638 Email: patricia@focuspublicationsint.com Web: www.focuspanama.com Contact: Patricia Puentes Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

Focus Travel


Nguyen Hong Road 47/4 15, Dong Da District, Hanoi Vietnam, 10000 Vietnam Tel: Fax: +84 438358836 +84 438357585 Email: trinh@focusvietnam.com Web: www.focusvietnam.com Contact: Nguyen Viet Trinh Focus Travel was founded in 2000 and is now one of the leading tour operator in Vietnam. This position has continuously propelled Focus Travel to step up on its research and development, presenting better, improved and enriched travel programs.

Fogg Travel Consultants


C/ Ametllers, 13, Barcelona 8320 Spain Tel: +34 671 905 896 Email: info@foggtc.com Web: www.foggtc.com Contact: Pilar Abellan Exhibiting with Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association

Folgaria Hospitality



Via Dei Tigli, 41, Prato, Italy Tel: Fax: +39 055 898465 +39 055 898737 Email: info@fonteverdecollection.com Web: www.fonteverdecollection.com Contact: Laura Gualtieri Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione

Food Valley Travel


Viale Fratti, 40/a, Parma 43121 Italy Tel: +39 0521 798515 Fax: +39 0521 786631 Email: info@foodvalleytravel.com Web: www.foodvalleytravel.com Contact: Andrea Aiolfi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Footprint Vietnam Travel

Contrada Magaggiari, Cinisi 90045 Italy Tel: +39 091 8684222 Fax: +39 091 8682019 Email: info@florioparkhotel.it Web: www.florioparkhotel.it Contact: Claudio Cassara` Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Focus Flanders DMC


Rua Eng. Vieira Da Silva, 2, Lisbon Portugal, 1050-105 Portugal Tel: Fax: +351 213 579 244 +351 210410600 Email: sales.manager@fontanaparkhotel.com Web: www.fontanaparkhotel.com Contact: Gonçalo Coelho de Sousa Exhibiting with Portugal

5, Royal Hunt House, Fernbank Road, Ascot Berkshire, SL5 8JR United Kingdom Tel: +44 01344 890400 Fax: +44 01344 890502 Email: narltd@aol.com Web: www.floridatn.com Contact: Peter Mackness Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions

Florida’s Space Coast Office of Tourism

Fontana Park Hotel



Via Roma 60, Folgaria 38064 Italy +39 0464 720538 Fax: +39 0464 723018 Tel: Email: commerciale@folgariaski.com Web: www.folgariaski.com Contact: Cristina Bascone Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

10a1 Ly Nam De Street, Hanoi Vietnam Tel: +84 4 3933 2844 Fax: +84 4 3933 2855 Email: info@footprint.vn Web: www.footprintsvietnam.com Contact: Xuan Son Dang Exhibiting with Aurora Travel


Footsteps in Style

The Trendy, 10/110 9th Floor (901), Sukhumvit Soi 13, Bangkok Thailand, 10110 Thailand Tel: +66 2168746768 Email: ilja@footstepsinasia.com Web: www.footstepsinasia.com Contact: Simon Sweet We are a boutique travel company based in Bangkok offering a range of tours throughout South East Asia. Footsteps in Asia have offices in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. For the past 17 years, we have carried over 250,000 travellers on our high quality tours in the area.


Fore Representations & Travels Pvt Ltd

J9/59 , Rajouri Garden, New Delhi Delhi, 110027 India Tel: Fax: +91 1141440810 +91 1141000800 Email: management@forerepresentations.com Web: www.forerepresentations.com Contact: Jaswinder Singh Bhasin Fore, means ‘Leading from the Front ‘. At Fore we always pursue our goals to the very best of our abilities and have successfully and continuously grown since April 2002 in the constantly changing world of Travel and Technology.



Placa Constitucio 1, St Francesc Xavier Formentera, 7860 Spain +34 971 321 210 Tel: Email: acanellas@atb.caib.es Web: www.formentera.es Contact: Antonia Cañellas Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



Avenida Porto Sale 21, St Francesc Xavier Formentera, 7860 Spain Tel: +34 971 321 210 Email: acanellas@atb.caib.es Web: www.formentera.es Contact: Antonia Cañellas Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Fortina Spa Resort


Tigne Seafront, Sliema Sliema, SLM 3012 Malta Tel: Fax: +356 23462162 +356 23462346 Email: sales@fortinasparesort.com www.FortinaSpaResort.com Web: Contact: Cliff Agius Exhibiting with Malta Tourism Authority

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 311



Fortuna Tours - DMC Bosnia and Herzegovina

Rade Bitange 34, Mostar 88000 Bosnia And Herzegovina Tel: Fax: +387 36 551887 +387 36 552197 Email: fortuna_headoffice@bih.net.ba Web: www.fortuna.ba Contact: Sanja Kalju?ny FORTUNA Tours DMC was established in 1989 to provide various travel services for visitors and business partners. FORTUNA Tours has a rich experience as a tour operator in the region. Our tours cover Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, and Croatia, as well as further destinations.


Fortuna Travel Ui. Nikole Tesle 14, Zagreb 10 000 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 14666692 +385 14804950 Email: info@fortunatravel.hr Web: www.fortunatravel.hr Contact: Kristina Mikulic


Forvol International Services Ltd.

S.p Centre, ‘B’ Wing, 41/44 Minoo Desai Marg, Mumbai Maharashtra, 400 005 India +91 9821124084 Tel: Email: sushil.forvol@shapoorji.com Web: www.forvoltours.com Contact: Sushil Bhatt Exhibiting with India Tourism


Foster & Ince Cruise Services Shallow Draft, St. Michael, Bridgetown Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4293059 +1246 4318915 Email: mince@foster-ince.com Contact: Martin Ince Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority


Po Box 116162, Dubai United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 316 9743 Email: Tamer.Saleh@fourpoints.com Web: www.fourpointsdowntowndubai.com Contact: Tamer Saleh Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Four Seasons - Bora Bora


Bora Bora, Viatape Tahiti, French Polynesia Tel: +689 12345678 Email: julian@tahiti-tourisme.co.uk Contact: Julian Mills Exhibiting with Tahiti Tourisme

Four Seasons Fairways


Quinta Do Lago, Quinta Do Lago, Almancil Portugal, 8135-24 ALMANCIL Portugal +351 289357500 Fax: +351 289398029 Tel: Email: dgm@fourseasonsfairways.com Web: www.fourseasonsfairways.com Contact: Rui Clara Exhibiting with Portugal

Four Seasons Hotel


FOX Rent A Car

Fitzendorfer Strasse 11, Burgpreppach 97496 Germany Tel: +49 (0)9534 92200 Email: klaus.wichler@frankenlandreisen.de Web: www.frankenland-reisen.de Contact: Klaus Wichler Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association

NA309 Kaiserstrasse 56, Frankfurt Am Main 60329 Germany Tel: +49 69 21230398 Fax: +49 69 21237880 Email: moser@infofrankfurt.de Web: www.frankfurt-tourismus.de Contact: Gisela Moser Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board



491b River Valley Road, 08-01 Valley Point, Singapore 248373 Singapore Tel: Fax: +65 6415 0519 +65 6415 0326 Email: sales@frasershospitality.com Web: www.frasershospitality.com Contact: Ray Hua


5500 W. Century Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90045 United States Tel: Fax: +1 3108463379 +1 3103425155 1501 Email: tourop@foxrentacar.com Web: www.foxrentacar.com Contact: Jose Giraldo FOX has 23 years of Car Rental experience through its 17 Corporate Airport Locations located in California, Washington, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado and Florida. Competitive rates, new fleet and excellent customer service are FOX objectives. FOX Affiliate program is growing throughout the world. New Tour Operators and Affiliates are Welcome!

The Four Seasons hotel has been open since 1993 and is independently owned and operated by Muskita Hotels Ltd. We are a 5 star deluxe property with 304 rooms, 6 restaurants, 4 bars, extensive conference facilities, Shiseido Spa & a full range of sports and fitness facilities.


77/79 Neftchiler Ave, Baku Azerbaijan, AZ1095 Azerbaijan Tel: +994 12 404 24 24 Fax: +994 12 404 24 25 Email: reservations.bku@fourseasons.com Web: www.fourseasons.com/baku Contact: Kamal Bayik Exhibiting with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism

312 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Frasers Hospitality Pte Ltd is an internationally branded serviced residence owner and management company with Gold-Standard serviced residences. It has established its presence in key gateway cities of the world – Asia Pacific: Singapore, Bangkok, Beijing, Hanoi, Manila, Nanjing, Seoul, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Sydney, Europe: London, Paris and Glasgow.

French Travel Partners


40 Rue Amelot, Paris Ile De France, 75011 France Tel: Fax: +33 143483120 +33 143484080 Email: mail@ftp.fr Web: www.ftp.fr Contact: Beatrice Graignic Exhibiting with France


P.o Box 18065, Domestic Terminal Dar Airport, Dar Es Salaam . Tanzania, United Republic Of +255 784(713)237422 44(0)1452862288 Tel: Fax: +255 222862357 Email: brucefox@onetel.com Web: www.tanzaniasafaris.info Contact: Bruce Fox Foxes’ Safari Camps established reputation:four decades in S.Tanzania.Off-the-Beaten-Track Safaris:three of four largest yet unknown Tanzania Parks: *Selous(World-Heritage-Site)-Rufiji River Camp; *Ruaha–largest park in Tanzania:Ruaha River Lodge; *Katavi–Katavi Wildlife Camp; *Mikumi-Udzungwa Parks:Vuma Hills Tented Camp; *RiftValley Highland Lodge;*Lazy Lagoon Island;*New:Safari AirLink:daily flights between ZNZ and SouthernWestern Tanzania.


Nedungolam P.o, Paravaur, Kerala Kerala, 691334 India Tel: +91 474 251 4000 Fax: +91 474 2518021 Email: santosh@fragrantnature.com Web: www.fragrantnature.com Contact: Santhosh Idicheria Exhibiting with India Tourism



Frasers Hospitality Pte Ltd

5500 W Century Blvd, Los Angeles California, 90045 United States Tel: +1 4034747816 Email: joseg@foxrentacar.com www.foxrentacar.com Web: Contact: Jeff Wedemire Exhibiting with FOX Rent A Car Inc.

Fragrant Nature Retreat and Resorts Pvt. Ltd, Kerala, India.


Frankfurt Tourist+Congress Board

5500 W Century Blvd, Los Angeles California, 90045 United States Tel: +1 3103425155 01501 Email: joseg@foxrentacar.com Contact: Mike Jaberi Exhibiting with FOX Rent A Car Inc.

Foxes Safari Camps


Frankenland Reisen

5500 W. Century Blvd., Los Angeles California, 90045 United States Tel: +1 31054251551501 Email: joseg@foxrentacar.com Contact: Jose Giraldo Exhibiting with FOX Rent A Car Inc.

FOX Rent A Car Inc.


Frangipani Langkawi Resort & Spa

2nd Floor, No 42b, Jalan Memanda 9, Ampang Point, Selangor Malaysia +60 342514301 Tel: Fax: +60 342513278 Email: peng@frangipanilangkawi.com Web: www.frangipanilangkawi.com Contact: Peng Jun Wong Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board


Agios Tychonas, Po Box 57222, Limassol CY-3313 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 25314057 +357 25858000 Email: enquiries@fourseasons.com.cy Web: www.fourseasons.com.cy Contact: Nick Aristou

Four Seasons Hotel Baku

1089 Corniche El Nil, Garden City, Cairo 11519 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 227916834 +20 227916833 Email: elhamy.ramzy@fourseasons.com Web: www.fourseasons.com Contact: Elhamy Ramzy Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

FOX Rent A Car

Fortuna travel Destination Management Company Countries: Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania. Specialist for: Groups and FIT's Tours(Cultural&Adventure programs) Luxury and Exclusive programs with Fortuna Prestige City Breaks and SPA Breaks Meetings, Incentives, Congresses, Events Fortuna Travel, Your reliable and innovative partner in South/East Europe!

Four Points by Sheraton Sheikh Zayed Road Dubai





Atout France - French Tourism Development Agency, Lincoln House, London London, WC1V 7JH United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)207 061 6614 Fax: +44 (0)207 061 6647 Email: info.uk@franceguide.com Web: www.rendezvousenfrance.com Contact: Claire Bedouin Atout France, formely Maison de La France, is France Tourism Development Agency. It is a partnership between the French Government, the regions of France and members of the French tourism industry. It promotes France as a travel destination and assists tour operators and travel agents with sales and planning.



6, Aleea Borcea, Office - 25 C.a. Rosetti Street, App 2, Bucharest 4 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 314379827 +40 740179170 Email: office@freshholidays.ro Web: www.idyllicromania.com Contact: Cosmin Neacsu Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM


Fribourg Region Route De La Glane 107, Fribourg 1701 Switzerland Tel: +41 264077020 Email: christophe.renevey@fribourgregion.ch www.fribourgregion.ch Web: Contact: Christophe Renevey Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Fruit Viaggi


Corso Italia, 369/a, Villaricca 80010 Italy Tel: +39 081 5068048 Fax: +39 081 19722237 Email: c.gabriele@fruitviaggi.it Web: www.fruitviaggi.it Contact: Cristian Gabriele Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

FS Group


Rua Alexandre Herculano, Nº. 9, Faro Portugal, 8000-204 Portugal Tel: +351 912250090 Fax: +351 289898929 Email: miguel.falcao@betravelgoup.com Web: www.fullservicesgroup.com Contact: Miguel Lima Exhibiting with Portugal



Avda Del Fuerte S/n, Marbella, Marbella Malaga, 29602 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 952860034 +34 952920018 Email: samira@andalucia.org Web: www.fuertehoteles.com Contact: Dolores Gallego Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA


Fuerteventura Tourist Board



Almirante Lallermand, 1, Puerto Del Rosario Canary Islands, 35600 Spain Tel: +34 928530844 Email: noelia.mederos@visitfuerteventura.es Web: www.fuerteventuraturismo.com Contact: Noelia Mederos Exhibiting with Canary Islands

Via Roma 11, Santa Margherita Ligure Genoa, 16038 Italy Tel: +39 0185286493 Fax: +39 0185280492 Email: info@gabilatour.com Web: www.gabilatour.com Contact: Gabriele Raffo Exhibiting with Agenzia Regionale per la Promozione Turistica ‘in Liguria’

Fujairah Rotana Resort & Spa - Al Aqah Beach

Gais Hotels Group


Al Aqah Beach, Fujairah Fujairah, P. O. BOX 1856 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 47054508 +971 47054524 Email: carrie.nightingale@rotana.com Web: www.rotana.com Contact: Carrie Nightingale Exhibiting with Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority, Government of Fujairah, U.A.E.

Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority, Government of Fujairah, U.A.E.


Po Box 500, Fujairah, Hamad Bin Abdulla Street, Fujairah Fujairah, 500 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 92231006 +971 92231554 Email: fujtourb@emirates.net.ae Web: www.fujairahtourism.ae Contact: Abdul Rahem Jasim


Fujita Kanko Inc. 2-10-8 Sekiguchi, Tokyo 112 8664 Japan Tel: Fax: +81 359817732 +81 359817704 Email: yukitsugu-ishikawa@fujita-kanko.co.jp Web: www.fujita-kanko.co.jp Contact: Yukitsugu ISHIKAWA Exhibiting with Japan National Tourism Organization


Craven Cottage, Stevenage Road, London SW6 6HH United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 8336 7476 Email: kpittman@fulhamfc.com Web: www.fulhamfc.com/cottagetours Contact: Kurt Pittman Exhibiting with Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum and Tour


Truong Sa Street, Ngu Hanh Son District, Danang Vietnam Tel: +84 5113847333 Email: salesoffice@furamavietnam.com Web: www.furamavietnam.com Contact: Tan Vinh Huynh Exhibiting with Easia Travel

Furni Russi Tenuta


Contrada Giammanigli - Fraz. Serrano, Carpignano Salentino Italy Tel: +39 3283565141 Email: info@furnirussi.com Contact: Stefano Cocciolo Exhibiting with Regione Puglia

Futura Vacanze Spa


Via Di Settebagni 390, Rome 138 Italy Tel: +39 06 32893814 Fax: +39 06 3223834 Email: booking.incoming@futuravacanze.it Web: www.futuravacanze.it Contact: Paola Simeone Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

FVW Mediengruppe

Press Centre Foyer

Verlag Dieter Niedecken Gmbh, Wandsbeker Allee 1, Hamburg 22041 Germany Tel: +49 40 41 448 800 Email: m.ehlers@fvw-mediengruppe.com Web: www.fvw-mediengruppe.com Contact: Melanie Ehlers Exhibiting with Global Media Network

G.A.L. Alto Tammaro: Terre dei tratturi


Galacruises Expeditions

9 De Octubre N22-118 Y Veintimilla, Quito Ecuador, Ecuador Tel: +593 22556036 Email: marketing2@galacruises.com Web: www.galacruises.com Contact: LUCERO CEVALLOS Exhibiting with Ecuador


Galadari Hotel 64 Lotus Road, Colombo 01 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 112544544 Email: trudy@galadarihotel.lk Web: www.galadarihotel.lk Contact: Trudy Corea Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau



No 1-a3, Group No.33, Dich Vong Hau, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam, Hanoi Hanoi, 10000 Vietnam Tel: Fax: +84 4 37549685 +84 4 37549686 Email: info@galaxythienha.com Web: www.galaxythienha.com Contact: Thuy Nguyen Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism

Galeries Lafayette


40 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris France, 75009 France Tel: Fax: +33 142828018 +33 142823025 Email: promotion@galerieslafayette.com Web: www.galerieslafayette.com Contact: Fabienne Peronne Exhibiting with France

Galileo Hotels And Destination Management Company Pvt Ltd


Kerela, Kerela India Tel: +91 9895888299 Email: sreedharan@galileotravels.com Contact: Sreedharan Alath Exhibiting with India Tourism

Gallery Hotel




C/ Molina Lario, 20-22, Malaga Malaga, 29015 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 952062001 +34 952062002 Email: samira@andalucia.org Web: www.hotelmolinalario.com Contact: Ana Paneque Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

Gallery Tours & Safaris- Zanzibar

92 Ledbury Road, London W11 AH United Kingdom Tel: Fax: +44 2072299042 +44 2072299633 Email: ukgta@btconnect.com Web: www.visitthegambia.gm Contact: Ida Jeng-Njie GTB markets, promotes, develops, regulates, set licensing standards, supervises tourism facilities. Only six hours away, Gambia offers: rich culture, eco-tourism, historical sites, wonderful beaches,spectacular bird life, river cruises, quality accommodation, excellent services, conference & meeting facilities, excursions, business incentive, investment opportunities and attractive air incentive packages. Kindly visit stand AF196.

Po Box 388-00621 Village Market Complex, Gigiri, Nairobi Kenya, 621 Kenya +254 20 71231297122504 Tel: Fax: +254 207120864 Email: mohanjeet@gamewatchers.co.ke Web: www.porini.com Contact: Mohanjeet Brar Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board



Gananoque Boat Line Ltd

280 Main Street, Gananoque Ontario, K7G 2M2 Canada Tel: +1 613 382 2144 Email: kmacrae@ganboatline.com Contact: Kathy MacRae Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission


Plaza Mayor 1, Gandia Valencia, 46730 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 962865577 +34 962877788 Email: comercial.gandiaprotur@gmail.com Web: www.visitgandia.com Contact: Olatz Megía Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

Ganimede Viaggi


Via Resicco,11, Napoli Italia, 80050 Italy Tel: +39 081 8749054 Fax: +39 081 8792780 Email: info@ganimedeviaggi.com www.ganimedeviaggi.com Web: Contact: Marianna Celentano Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Gansu Provincial Tourism Administration


2, Nongmin Road, Lanzhou 730000 China Tel: +86 9318411233 Email: wap3351551@yahoo.com Contact: Aiping Wang Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office


Edificio Comercial Ph Hi Tech Plaza, Calle 50 Y 53, Panama City APARTADO 0831-00048 Panama +507 2153362 Tel: Fax: +507 2153362 Email: anja@gapatravel.com Web: www.gapatravel.com Contact: Anja Benckendorff Exhibiting with Latincoming

Garifuna Tours - Honduras


Central Parkl, Tela Honduras Tel: +504 24482904 Email: info@garifunatours.com Web: www.garifunatours.com Contact: Alessandro D Agostino Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

Garonga Safari Camp

P.o.box 3181, Gallery House, Zanzibar Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 24 2232 088 Fax: +255 24 2236 583 Email: javedjafferji@tours.net Web: www.gallerytours.net Contact: Javed Jafferji Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board



GAPA Travel

Khatai Dist., 13. S. Orujov Str, Baku Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Tel: +994 12 496 83 43 Fax: +994 12 496 83 53 Email: galeryhotel@rambler.ru Web: www.galleryhotel.az Contact: Ramil Guliyev Exhibiting with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism


Gambia Tourism Board


Galaxy Thien Ha Travel

Fulham FC



Via Timeo 1, Taormina 98039 Italy Tel: +39 0942 611350 Fax: +39 0942 611355 Email: info@gaishotels.com Web: www.gaishotels.com Contact: Stefania De Luca Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



P O Box 737, Hoedspruit Hoedspruit, 1380 South Africa Tel: +27 824403522 Email: bernie.garonga@gmail.com Web: www.garonga.com Contact: Bernie Smith Exhibiting with Classic Safari Camps Of Africa

Largo Municipio, Santa Croce Del Sannio 82020 Italy Tel: +39 0824950394 Fax: +39 0824950394 Email: galtammaro@pec.it Web: www.galtammaro.it Contact: Massimo Di Tocco Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 313



Gartour by HTS Srl


V.le Castro Pretorio, 124, Roma Lazio, 00 185 Italy Tel: +39 0648902040 Fax: +39 06483570 Email: gartour@gartour.net Web: www.gartour.net Contact: Paola Recchi Wholesaler for ITALY from 1996 \ Multilingual staff with more then 150 EMPLOYEES \ Fits, Groups, Regular Escorted Tours in Russian, Spanish, Brazilian & English language , Regular Rome Sightseeings, Incentives and Congresses \ 1.500.000 bednights early\ Offices abroad as in Spain, China, Russia


Gassan Diamonds

Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 173- 175, Amsterdam 1011 LN Netherlands +31 (0)206225333 Tel: Email: info@gassandiamonds.nl Web: www.gassandiamonds.com Contact: Diletta De Luca Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)


Gateway NV Kapelstraat 142, Heusden-zolder 3550 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 11458292 +32 11458282 Email: sales@gateway.be Web: www.gateway.be Contact: Mieke Vanrintel

personal and business travel worldwide. Founded on the understanding that time is our client’s most precious resource, we are dedicated to providing the most professional and efficient transfer service. Whether you want us to pick you up from the airport, organize the logistics for your company’s road show, or simply take you to shop for your kids while between meetings we will be there for you on time every time.



Chile 1283 2º H, Buenos Aires 1098 Argentina Tel: +54 11 4139 5859 Fax: +54 11 4381 3924 Email: silvina@gatewaystravel.com.ar Web: www.gatewaystravel.com.ar Contact: Silvina Gill Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion

Gattarella Resort


Lame Le Canne Vieste, Foggia Italy Tel: +39 0884703111 Email: mrdp@gattarella.it Contact: Maria Rosa De Palma Exhibiting with Regione Puglia

Gauteng Tourism Authority



Ave 47 No 2833 Rpto Kholy, Municipio Playa, La Habana Cuba Tel: +53 7 2047526 Email: dircomercial@agaviotatours.cu Web: www.gaviota-grupo.com Contact: Juan Carlos Gobea Exhibiting with Cuba Tourist Office



El Cabrero Crra. 1no. 41 - 202, Cartagena Colombia Tel: +57 (5)6535800 Email: marialondono@gematours.com Contact: Maria Luisa Londoño Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia



Golden Plaza 19 Mayis Cad, No. 3/3, Istanbul 34360 Turkey Tel: +90 2122313080 Fax: +90 2122313089 Email: yeliz.getiren@geminitourism.com www.geminiturkey.com Web: Contact: Yeliz Getiren Exhibiting with Travel To Marketing

314 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Po Box 4333, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 551060000 Email: salem_binali@dnrd.ae Contact: Salem Bin Ali Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

General Panhellenic Federation of Tourism Enterprises (GEPOET)


57 Panepistimiou Street, 1st Floor, Athens Athens, 105 64 Greece Tel: +30 210 9245120 Fax: +30 210 9245153 Email: info@poet.gr Web: www.gepoet.gr Contact: Spyros Kapistinas Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation

Generator Hostels


Venture House, 27-29 Glasshouse Street, London London, W1B 5DF United Kingdom Tel: +44 2074327350 Fax: +44 2074327351 Email: ilka.salzmann@generatorhostels.com Web: www.generatorhostels.com Contact: Ilka Salzmann Generator Hostels offer the young budget traveller fantastic accommodation in leading European cities - Berlin, Copenhagen, Dublin, Hamburg and London.All hostels feature room types from single, twin and larger dorms in central locations with excellent facilities; female only dorms are also available. Wi-Fi is free in all social areas.

Geneva Tourism & Conventions





26 Parpetsi Street, 1 Amiryan Street, Yerevan 2 Armenia Tel: +374 10 580698 91 722036 Fax: +374 10 518833 Email: incoming1@geotravel.am Web: www.geotravel.am Contact: Anna Kirakosyan Exhibiting with Armenian National Tourism Organization

Georgia Tourism USA

GeorgiCa Travel


75 Fifth Street Nw, Suite 1200, Atlanta Georgia, 30308 United States Tel: +1 404 962 4080 Email: jboisjolie@georgia.org www.exploregeorgia.org Web: Contact: Jonathan Boisjolie Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions


5 King Erekle Street, Tbilisi Georgia, 105 Georgia Tel: +995 32 225 21 99 Fax: +995 32 298 56 07 Email: georgica@caucasus.net Web: www.georgicatravel.ge Contact: George Kalandadze Exhibiting with Georgian National Tourism Administration


Ger to Ger Agency

Chingeltei District, Baruun Selbe 5/3 Street, Arizona Plaza Building 1st Floor, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia, P.O.BOX-21000 Mongolia Tel: Fax: +976 11313336 +976 11313336 Email: info@gertoger.org Web: www.gertoger.org Contact: Bayarsuren Yalalt Exhibiting with Mongolian National Tourism Centre

German National Tourist Board

10/12, V. Mamedov Str, Baku Azerbaijan, AZ 1000 Azerbaijan +994 12 408 74 78 Fax: +994 12 492 41 95 Tel: Email: info@geo-travel.az Web: www.geo-travel.az Contact: Gulchina Yetirmishli Exhibiting with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Geographic Travel Club

The mission of Georgian National Tourism Administration is to ensure sustainable tourism development through positioning Georgia as a unique travel destination on international tourist map, improving visitor experience and maximizing their expenditures to significantly contribute to the national economy by effective cooperation with strategic partners.


Palazzo Delle Torrette, Via Garibaldi 12r, Genoa Liguria, 16124 Italy Tel: +39 010 5572751 Fax: +39 010 5572903 Email: info@visitgenoa.it www.visitgenoa.it Web: Contact: Maria Teresa Como Exhibiting with Agenzia Regionale per la Promozione Turistica ‘in Liguria’


4 Sanapiro Street, Tbilisi Georgia, 105 Georgia Tel: +995 322 43 69 99 Fax: +995 322 43 60 87 Email: info@gnta.ge Web: www.georgia.travel Contact: Natalie Mchedlishvili


18 Saad Zaghloul, Off El Kasr El Einy Street, Cairo Egypt, Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 27941404 +20 27929136 27929137 Email: info@genius-travel.net Web: www.genius-travel.net Contact: Ashraf Abd El Latif Imam Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Geo Travel

Georgian National Tourism Administration


Rue Du Mont-blanc 18, Geneva 1 1211 Switzerland Tel: +41 22 909 70 70 Email: garcia-hofer@geneva-tourism.ch Web: www.geneva-tourism.ch Contact: Nico Garcia Hofer Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Genoa Tourism Board - Lovingenova

P O Box 155, Newtown, Gauteng Gauteng, 2113 South Africa Tel: +27 11 085 2500 Fax: +27 11862442513 Email: nonnie@gauteng.net Web: www.visitgauteng.net Contact: Nonnie Kubeka Exhibiting with South African Tourism

Gaviota Tours

General Directorate of Residency and Foreign Affairs - Dubai


Jakarta Street, Tripoli Libya Tel: +218 912123391 Email: GERMA_TRAVEL@HOTMAIL.COM WWW.GERMATRAVEL.COM Web: Contact: FAUZI GHNEDI Exhibiting with LIBYAN EXPORT PROMOTION CENTER


Nightinggale House, 65 Curzon Street, London W1J 8PE United Kingdom +44 (0)20 73170905 Fax: +44 (0)20 73170917 Tel: Email: silke.schoeling@germany.travel Web: www.germany.travel Contact: Karina Scheel Germany is the ideal all-year-round holiday destination. Discover affordable hospitality, trendy venues, green landscapes, beaches, outdoor activities, quaint towns and villages. Moreover, Germany has a host of cool cities and captivating landscapes for young people to discover. Shopping, the arts, nightlife and active pursuits – Germany has it all!

Germany - south west


Esslinger Straße 8, Stuttgart 70182 Germany Tel: +49 711 23 85 8 0 Email: info@tourismus-bw.de Web: www.tourismus-bw.de Contact: Isabel Klotz Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board


Get into Lanka Travels & Tours 87, Makola South, Kiribathgoda, Colombo Sri Lanka +94 770109725 Tel: Fax: +94 114641711 Email: anura@getintolankatravels.com Web: www.getintolankatravels.com Contact: Abeywickrama Anura Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

GETOB-MARMARIS /SOUTH AGEAN HOTELIERS EM800,EM850 ASSOCIATION Kemal Elgin Bulvari Karacan Plaza, 3.kat, Mugla 48700 Turkey Tel: +90 2524120200 Fax: +90 2524120200 Email: info@getob.org Web: www.getob.com Contact: Ilhan Acikgoz Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office



Avda. Bruselas 16, Costa Adeje Gran Hotel, Adeje Islas Canarias, 38660 Spain Tel: +34 922 716 624 Fax: +34 922 716 752 Email: angeltomas@gfhoteles.com Web: www.gfhoteles.com Contact: Ángel Tomás Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation



Predikherenlei 2, Gent 9000 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 9 266 56 73 +32 9 266 56 67 Email: johan.catteeuw@gent.be Web: www.visitgent.be Contact: Johan Catteeuw Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office

Av. Calle 72 N. 6 -30 P13 // Edificio Fernando Mazuera, Bogota Colombia Tel: +57 (1)3139333 Email: diana.ramirez@ghlhoteles.com Contact: Diana Ramirez Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia


GHM Hotels

No 1 Orchard Spring Lane, 04-02 Tourism Court, Singapore 247729 Singapore Tel: Fax: +65 62211535 +65 62233755 Email: ghmsales@ghmhotels.com Web: www.ghmhotels.com Contact: Samantha Williams GHM (General Hotel Management) is known for conceptualising, developing and operating some of the world’s most distinctive hotels and resorts. Each property is one of a kind, featuring unique concepts and design elements. The signature GHM style is best defined as “Asian-inspired designs with delicate details”.


Via Burgo 3, Moneglia Ge, 16030 Italy Tel: +39 0185490042 Fax: +39 0185490448 Email: appartamentigiada@appartamentigiada.it Web: www.wwww.appartamentigiada.it Contact: FRANCO MIGLIARO Exhibiting with Agenzia Regionale per la Promozione Turistica ‘in Liguria’


Giardino Tours Calle Jerusalen 604-a, Arequipa Peru, Peru Tel: Fax: +51 54 242761 +51 54 200100 Email: info@giardinotours.com Web: www.giardinotours.com Contact: Lourdes Pérez Wicht Exhibiting with PromPeru

Gibraltar Taxi Association


Lankanfushi Island, North Male’’ Atoll Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 6640305 +960 6640304 Email: pratibha.shrestha@gili-lankanfushi.com Web: www.gili-lankanfushi.com Contact: Pratibha Shrestha Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation


Girassol Hoteis

Rua Timor Leste, Nr.15/25, Maputo Maputo, Mozambique Tel: Fax: +258 21 311715 +258 21 480660 Email: lorenalaranjeira@visabeiraturismo.com Web: www.girassolhoteis.co.mz Contact: Lorena Laranjeira Exhibiting with Mozambique Tourism -INATUR

Glacier Express


Bahnhofplatz 7, Brig 3900 Switzerland Tel: +41 27 927 70 00 Fax: +41 27 927 71 29 Email: olivier.summermatter@mgbahn.ch Web: www.glacierexpress.ch Contact: Olivier Summermatter Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism


Gladonia Maldives Pvt Ltd.

M. Uniya, 4th Floor, Fareedhee Magu, Male’’ 20224 Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 301 0022 +960 301 0011 Email: janice.tan@velaaisland.com Web: www.velaaisland.com Contact: Janice Tan Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation


8 Oregon Avenue, Newton West, Bulawayo Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 9466662 +263 9460269 Email: glenlodge@zol.co.zw Web: www.glenlodgeandtours.com Contact: BEAUTY BHULU Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY




Gibraltar House, 150 Strand, London WC2R 1JA United Kingdom Tel: +44 2078360777 Fax: +44 2072406612 Email: info@gibraltar.gov.uk Web: www.visitgibraltar.gi Contact: Tracey Poggio Gibraltar is a leading Mediterranean city heaped in history and natural wildlife. A unique destination appealing to both leisure visitors and business travellers. Niche activity includes sailing, diving, fishing, historical walks, unusual wedding venues, and a nature reserve. Gibraltar uses pounds sterling currency and offers v.a.t free shopping.

Gigatour della Li.La. srl


Gili Lankanfushi, Maldives


19 Waterport Wharf, Gibraltar GX11 1AA Gibraltar Tel: +350 57144000 Email: gtapayas@gibtelecom.net Web: www.gibtaxi.com Contact: Ronald Ignacio Exhibiting with Gibraltar Tourist Board

Gibraltar Tourist Board


559 B, A.alakbarov Str, Apt 26, Baku Azerbaijan, AZ1000 Azerbaijan Tel: +994 12 537 18 53 Fax: +994 12 537 18 53 Email: hasanli11@yahoo.com Web: www.gilantourism.com Contact: Hasan Hasanli Exhibiting with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism




Gilan Tourism


Via Del Quarnaro, 14, Palermo VIA DEL QUARNARO, 14. Italy Tel: +39 091 6851471 Fax: +39 091 229914 Email: direzione@gigatour.biz Web: www.gigatour.biz Contact: Livia Civilleri Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Victoria Falls, Shop 4, Victoria Falls Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Tel: +263 712205306 Fax: +263 1344726 Email: info@ztazim.co.zw Contact: BEAUTY Bhulu Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY

Glenburn Tea Estate, Po & District Darjeeling West Benga, 734101 India Tel: +91 98300 70213 Email: husna@glenburnteaestate.com Contact: Husna-Tara Prakash Exhibiting with MAhout (UK) Ltd

Glob Metropoliten Tours


Makenzijeva 26, Belgrade Serbia, 11 000 Serbia Tel: +381 112430852 Fax: +381 2430899 Email: glob@metropoliten.com Web: www.metropoliten.com Contact: Tijana Maljkovic Exhibiting with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia

Global Discovery / Adventure Now Giglio Travel


Corso Italia 261, Via Rota 32, Sorrento Campania, 80067 Italy +39 0818770696 Fax: +39 0818774782 Tel: Email: Web: www.gigliotravel.com Contact: Elisa Moschetti Giglio Travel Organization began the activity in 1962 as a pioneer in the travel industry.Nowadays our company counts 5 hotels in Sorrento, one of the strongest Coach fleet of the area, 5 Offices (Sorrento,Ischia,Sicily,Rome,Rimini).In 2011, Giglio Travel became agent for the Thomas Cook Group.


Global Links Travels & Tours Ltd.

Suite A10, Golden Plaza, Warri Nigeria Tel: +234 8035200478 Email: chichi_globallinkd@yahoo.com Contact: Chinyere Umeasiegbu Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation

Global Media Network

Press Centre Foyer

Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant, Richmond Surrey, TW9 1DN United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 8910 7074 Fax: +44 20 8910 0726 Email: rebecca.morris@reedexpo.co.uk Web: www.wtmlondon.com Contact: Rebecca Morris The Global Media Network is comprised of leading travel trade publications located across the world. As official media partners of WTM, each publication is committed to supporting the event in full with year round news, features and advertisements providing valuable support & communication to exhibitors & visitors.


Global Passenger Network Cartour, Calle De Rivas 24, Madrid 28052 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 917768945 +34 635737683 Email: info@gpn.travel Web: www.gpn.travel Contact: Samantha Klampe

GPN represents the world’s leading motor coach and travel companies. We provide high quality bus and travel services globally, from airport transfers to congress/event transportation to VIP limousine service. Ask us about our exclusive services for congress and event organizers!


Global Towers Management (pvt) Ltd No.11, Station Avenue, Colombo 06 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 2591000 Email: nalin@globallanka.com Web: www.globallanka.com Contact: Nalin Nanayakkara Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Global Travel Services


Halaskargazi Cad. Ak Apt. No:135 Daire: 15, Istanbul Turkey, Turkey Tel: Fax: +90 2122195196 +90 2122195197 Email: sevre@global-travelservices.com Web: www.global-travelservices.com Contact: Serve Koc Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Globalair Travel and Tourism Malta


110 Flat 5 San Michel, St. George’s Rd, St. Julian’s STJ 3203 Malta Tel: Fax: +356 23473112 +356 23473000 Email: josephbugeja@globalairtravel.com www.globalairtravel.com Web: Contact: Joseph Bugeja Exhibiting with Malta Tourism Authority



Glenburn Tea Estate


Theo Thijssen Singel 1, Berkel En Rodenrijs 2652 HM Netherlands Tel: Fax: +31 104582715 +31 621204606 Email: guido@outofbox.nl Web: www.globaldiscovery.com Contact: Guido Weers Global Discovery is a marketing umbrella for travel companies worldwide, that are involved in responsible tourism. Global Discovery gives customers a wide choice by introducing them to various members at global meets. Global Discovery promotes business relationships between members and other travel service providers and customers. Visit www.globaldiscovery.com



Regus House, Highbridge, Uxbridge UB8 1HR United Kingdom +44(0)333 3010103 Fax: +447536 0011290 Tel: Email: paul.donoughue@voiamo.com Web: www.globalgig.com. Contact: Paul Donoughue Voiamo announces the international launch of the “Globalgig” service; a device that can save up to 99% on international mobile data charges. Gigabyte packages available for United Kingdom, United States, and Australia with expansion into Asian, European Union markets, and other large global travel hubs over the next 12 months.

Globe one


25 Sarantaporou Ave, Athens Greece, 11144 Greece Tel: +30 210 2117700 Email: dimitris@globeone.gr Contact: Dimitris Papoutsis Exhibiting with Airfasttickets

Globetrotters Travel & Tours


Cervantes House, 5-9 Headstone Road, London Middlesex, HA1 1PD United Kingdom +44 203 326 0400 Fax: +44 208 861 3100 Tel: Email: veru.keoshgerian@gttnt.com Web: www.gttnt.com Contact: Veru Keoshgerian Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 315



Gloria Hotel & Residences


P.o.box 502222, Dubai Uae, - United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 43996000 +971 43996666 Email: BasharT@gloriahoteldubai.com Web: www.gloriahoteldubai.com/ Contact: Bashar Turk Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing



Acisu Mevkii Belek, Antalya Turkey Tel: +90 242 323 65 16 Fax: +90 242 3246780 Email: skocabay@gloria.com.tr Web: www.gloria.com.tr Contact: SERAP KOCABEY Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Westlands Business Park , 6th Floor , Chiromo Lane , Westlands, P.o. Box 66969 - 00200, Nairobi Kenya, 200 Kenya Tel: +254 020 80004156 Email: holidays@glorysafaris.com www.glorysafaris.com Web: Contact: TUFAYN MANGAL Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board


Glow Tours & Trade Pvt Ltd.

Fannuveli, Male’’ Maldives, 20333 Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3334632 +960 7994482 Email: ziyan@glowtours.travel Web: www.glowtours.travel Contact: Ahmed Ziyan Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation


Viale Degli Oleandri 12, Ostuni Italy Tel: +39 3407678217 Email: gm@gmhotelconsulting.it Contact: Graziana Maiorano Exhibiting with Regione Puglia

GNTO- Information

Villa Les Roses 25-a Antanetibe Antehiroka, Antananarivo Madagascar +261 20 26 276 05 Tel: Email: bako.gotravel@blueline.mg Web: www.gotravelmadagascar.com Contact: Bakomalala NIRINALIJAO Exhibiting with Madagascar National Tourism Board


Go West Tours 790 Eddy Street, San Francisco California, 94109 United States Tel: +1 415 837 0154 Email: eknight@gowesttours.com Web: www.gowesttours.com Contact: Eva Knight Exhibiting with Visit California



P.o.b 885 Tiberias, P.ob 1088, Akko Israel, Israel Tel: Fax: +972 46724489 +972 46724549 Email: talia@galil.gov.il www.tiberias-hotels.com Web: Contact: Talia Omer Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office



Go Global Travel 12 Menahem Begin Street, Ramat Gan 52700 Israel Tel: Fax: +972 36126195 +972 36126191 Email: sales@goglobal.travel Web: www.goglobal.travel Contact: Natalie Dekalo


Gobi Tour LLC


25, Building C61, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia, Mongolia +976 11322339 Tel: Fax: +976 11322339 Email: gobitours@gmail.com Web: www. www.gobitours.com Contact: banzragch ENKHTUYA Exhibiting with Mongolian National Tourism Centre


Plaza 25 De Mayo No.1, Sucre - Bolivia Tel: Fax: +591 46435240 +591 71155113 Email: villaantigua@gmail.com Web: www.sucreturistico.gob.bo Contact: Maria Teresa Molina Exhibiting with Viceministerio de Turismo Bolivia

Goddards Complex, Fontabelle, Bridgetown BB11149 Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4267322 +1246 4269918 Email: Nicki.king@thegelgroup.com Web: www.goddardsshipping.com Contact: Nicki King-Border Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority


Leading b2b wholesaler. Our winning formula is consolidating direct purchasing and product from various sources on an all-in-one technological platform, combining global supply on six continents at highly competitive prices with professional support centers. Host2Host connectivity. 150000+ hotels, groups and incentives, car rental, transfers, leisure packages, cruises

Go Green Initiatives/Dubai Midnight Marathon


Dubai, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 042230000 Email: salmutawa@dubaitourism.ae Contact: Shaikha Ebrahim Al Mutawa Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Go India Journeys


C-7, Sector3 , 3rd Floor, Noida India, 201301 India +91 9810258812 Tel: Email: amit@goindia.co.in Web: www.goindia.co.in Contact: Amit Prasad Exhibiting with Le Passage to India Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd

Go Tourism


41 Breda Street, Cape Town 8040 South Africa Tel: +27 21 461 84 55 Fax: +27 21 462 5881 Email: marion@go-tourism.com Web: www.go-tourism.com Contact: Marion Kelder Exhibiting with Travel To Marketing

316 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Shpalernaya, 54, Saint-petersburg 191015 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 8123330956 +7 8123330954 Email: sales@goingrussia.com Web: www.goingrussia.com Contact: Tatiana Vorontsova Exhibiting with Russian Federation

Gold of Africa Museum

Golden Eagle Luxury Trains Limited is the world’s leading operator of luxury rail cruises. Our flagship is the Golden Eagle. Tours onboard the Golden Eagle include the iconic Trans-Siberian route; the Silk Road through Central Asia; and many other remarkable journeys to some of the world’s most fascinating regions.


Suite 502, 5f, 142 Sec 4, Taipei 106 Taiwan, Republic Of China Email: jean@gftours.com.tw Web: www.gftours.com.tw Contact: Jean Chang Exhibiting with Taiwan Tourism Bureau

Golden Holidays (Lebanon) - DMC


Al Salam Street, Al Rawda Bldg. 1st Floor, Saida Saida, P.O.BOX 188 Lebanon Tel: Fax: +961 7 751868 +961 7 725550 Email: husam@goldenholidaysleb.com Web: www.goldenholidaysleb.com Contact: Hussam Fakih Exhibiting with LEBANON Ministry of Tourism

Golden Palace - Luxury Hotel Torino

Golden Ring Hotel

Golden Sands Hotel Apartments




Po Box 9168, Mankhool Street, Dubai Uae, 9168 United Arab Emirates +971 43551133 Tel: Fax: +971 43553300 Email: nivesdeininger@goldensands.ae Web: www.goldensandsdubai.com/ Contact: Mohammad Khoori Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Golden Tour


11 13 Rue George Bernard Shaw, Paris Ile-de-france, 75015 France Tel: Fax: +33 142731373 +33 142731333 Email: office@goldentour.fr www.goldentour.fr Web: Contact: Gwénaëlle Guaramonti


96 Strand Street, Martin Melck House, Cape Town 8000 South Africa Tel: Fax: +27 214051541 +27 214051540 Email: info@goldofafrica.com Web: www.goldofafrica.com Contact: Nadia Harris Exhibiting with South African Tourism

Gold Zanzibar Beach House & Spa


5 Smolenskaya Str., Moscow 119121 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 495 7250101 +7 495 7250100 Email: marketing@hotel-goldenring.ru www.hotel-goldenring.ru Web: Contact: Valeriy Chizhikov Exhibiting with Russian Federation

Roger De Lluria 9, 2º 2a, Barcelona Catalonia, E-08010 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 933429097 +34 933018527 Email: sandra@goestravel.com Web: www.goestravel.com Contact: Sandra Angulo Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD


Golden Eagle Luxury Trains Ltd

Via Dell`arcivescovado 18, Torino 10121 Italy Tel: +39 0115512111 Fax: +39 0115512800 Email: info@goldenpalace.it Web: www.goldenpalace.it Contact: Robert Orilieri Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Goddards Shipping & Tours Ltd



Ctra. Alicante-valencia, N 332 Km 115, Edificio Goldcar, San Juan Alicante, 3550 Spain +34 965 93 92 89 Fax: +34 965 65 16 72 Tel: Email: maikacorcoles@goldcar.com Web: www.goldcar.es Contact: Andrea Tuinenburg Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Golden Foundation Tours Corp.

Goa Tourism


4, Conduit Street, London W1S 2DJ United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 74959301 Fax: +44 020 74954057 Email: liolios_k@gnto.co.uk Web: www. www.visitgreece.gr Contact: Kiriakos Liolios Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation


Denzell House, Denzell Gardens, Altrincham Cheshire, WA14 4QF United Kingdom Tel: +44 1619289410 Fax: +44 1619416101 Email: mail@goldeneagleluxurytrains.com Web: www.goldeneagleluxurytrains.com Contact: Ian Lomas







P.o.box 1543, Zanzibar Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 222111245 Fax: +255 22 211 6420 Email: info@goldzanzibar.com Web: www.goldzanzibar.com Contact: Alessandro Azzola Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

GOLDEN TOUR is a specialist in leisure and business tourism in France with 15 years experience, for individuals and groups.With our B2B online website you can book easily 50 000 hotels all over the world, at any time, with the best prices and support 24h/24h and 7/7.

Golden Tours


156 Cromwell Road, 11th Floor, 6 Mitre Passage, London London, SW7 4EF United Kingdom +44 2073416250 Fax: +44 2073730697 Tel: Email: umesh@goldentours.com Web: www.goldentours.com Contact: Umesh Majithia Golden Tours has been established since 1984 and is London’s leading Sightseeing Company. Our range of products includes sightseeing tours, Rail products, theatre tickets, attraction tickets, accommodation, transfers, private group bookings and much more. We also offer our own Hop on Hop off services plus trips to Paris on Eurostar.


Golden Tulip Hotels Oman Po Box 69, Muscat 111 Oman Tel: +968 99863323 Email: gm@goldentulipseeb.com Web: www.goldentulipseeb.com Contact: Naji Abi Farah Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry


Grafton Beach Resort


Stonehaven Bay, Black Rock, Tobago, West Indies, Trinidad And Tobago Tel: +1868 8686390191 Fax: +1868 8686390030 Email: lynng@thecaribbeancollection.co.uk Web: www.grafton-resort.com Contact: Lynn Girling Exhibiting with Trinidad and TobagoTourism Development Company (TDC)

Ethukala, Negombo Sri Lanka Tel: +94 31 2279227 Email: goldi@eureka.lk Web: www.goldisands.com Contact: Suresh Weerasuriya Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Uae, Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 2 4440400 +971 2 4181283 Email: MSelby@adta.ae Contact: Matthew K. Selby Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Gondolieri Travel


Cannaregio, 4790, Venice Veneto, 30121 Italy Tel: +39 0412410085 Fax: +39 0418685167 Email: info@gondolieritravel.com Web: www.gondolieritravel.com Contact: Katia Sfrizo Gondolieri Travel Agency is the main provider of Gondola Services due to the contribution of its partners/members – the Gondoliers of Venice.we provide the booking of gondola services throughout Venice, as well as proposing tourism services and packages for individuals and groups.


Gondwana Tours and Safaris Private Bag 12, Maun Botswana Tel: Fax: +267 6861971 +267 6861971 Email: info@gondwanatoursandsafaris.com Web: www.gondwanatoursandsafaris.com Contact: Steffi Presske Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation

Good Travel

7-9, Rue De La Felicite, Paris, 75017 France +33 153201321 Tel: Fax: +33 153200706 Email: info@goodtravel.fr Web: www.goodwill.fr Contact: Roland Perriaux Exhibiting with Network 4 Sports Travel

Göteborg & Co



Massans Gata 8, Box 29, Goteborg 401 20 Sweden Tel: +46 31 368 40 00 Email: jessica.olausson@goteborg.com Web: www.goteborg.com Contact: Jessica Olausson Exhibiting with VisitSweden

Governors’ Camps



Geyer Str., 32, Munich 80469 Germany Tel: +49 89 4161 523 0 Email: sales@gp-sol.de Web: www.gp-sol.de Contact: Dmitry Ivashko GP Solutions GmbH – a travel technology provider with over 10 years of experience in travel software development.We provide tour operators, airlines, web portals, start ups and hotel consolidators with reservation and management software tools including booking engines, flight and hotel XML API integration solutions.



Leon Y Castillo,17, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria Las Palmas, 35.003 Spain Tel: +34 928 219 600 11925 Fax: +34 928 219 612 Email: jaleman@grancanaria.com Web: www.grancanaria.com Contact: Juana Rosa Aleman Exhibiting with Gran Canaria Tourist Board


Triana, 93, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria Las Palmas, 35003 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 928369300 +34 928219600 11925 Email: jaleman@grancanaria.com Web: www.grancanaria.com Contact: Juana Rosa Aleman Exhibiting with Gran Canaria Tourist Board


Triana, 93, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria Las Palmas, 35003 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 928369300 +34 928219600 11925 Email: jaleman@grancanaria.com Web: www.grancanaria.com Contact: Juana Rosa Aleman Exhibiting with Gran Canaria Tourist Board

Gran Canaria 5


Triana, 93, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria Las Palmas, 35003 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 928369300 +34 928219600 11925 Email: jaleman@grancanaria.com Web: www.grancanaria.com Contact: Aleman Juana Rosa Exhibiting with Gran Canaria Tourist Board

Gran Canaria 6

Po Box 48217, Nairobi Nairobi, 100 Kenya Tel: +254 202734000 Fax: +254 202734023 Email: justin@governorscamp.com www.governorscamp.com Web: Contact: Justin Grammaticas Exhibiting with Classic Safari Camps Of Africa

GP Solutions

Gran Canaria 2


Triana, 93, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria Las Palmas, 35.003 Spain Tel: +34 928219600 11925 Fax: +34 928369300 Email: jaleman@grancanaria.com Web: www.grancanaria.com Contact: Juana Rosa Aleman Exhibiting with Gran Canaria Tourist Board

Gran Canaria 7


Triana, 93, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria Spain Tel: Fax: +34 928369300 +34 928219600 11925 Email: jaleman@grancanaria.com Web: www.grancanaria.com Contact: Juana Rosa Aleman Exhibiting with Gran Canaria Tourist Board

Gran Canaria 8


Triana, 93, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria Las Palmas, 35.003 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 928369300 +34 928219600 11925 Email: jaleman@grancanaria.com Web: www.grancanaria.com Contact: Aleman sanchez Exhibiting with Gran Canaria Tourist Board


Triana, 93, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria Las Palmas, 35003 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 928369300 +34 928219600 Email: jaleman@grancanaria.com Web: www.grancanaria.com Contact: Aleman Juana Rosa Exhibiting with Gran Canaria Tourist Board

Gran Canaria 4

P.o.box 1983 Beira, Mozambique, Beira Beira, Mozambique Tel: +258 820050253 Fax: +258 23 535011 Email: vasco@gorongosa.net Web: www.gorongosa.net Contact: Vasco Galante Exhibiting with Mozambique Tourism -INATUR

Gran Canaria Active

Gran Canaria Golf


Triana 93, Las Palmas, 35003 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 928369300 +34 928219600 11925 Email: jaleman@grancanaria.com Web: www.grancanaria.com Contact: Aleman Juana Rosa Exhibiting with Gran Canaria Tourist Board


Triana, 93, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria 35003 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 928369300 +34 928219600 11925 Email: jaleman@grancanaria.com Web: www.grancanaria.com Contact: Aleman Juana Rosa Exhibiting with Gran Canaria Tourist Board

Gran Canaria Natural Gran Canaria 1

Gran Canaria 3




235 Karamanlis Avenue, Voula, Athens 16673 Greece Tel: +30 210 9681852 Fax: +30 213 0391892 Email: iro.orri@gracehotels.com Web: www.gracehotels.com Contact: Iro Orri Blatsiou Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation

Goldi Sands Hotels (pvt) Ltd

Golf in Abu Dhabi

Grace Hotels



Triana, 93, 35003 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 928369300 +34 928219600 11925 Email: jaleman@grancanaria.com Web: www.grancanaria.com Contact: Aleman Sanchez Exhibiting with Gran Canaria Tourist Board

Gran Canaria Spa & W.


Triana, 93, Las Palmas, 35003 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 928369300 +34 928219600 11925 Email: jaleman@grancanaria.com Web: www.grancanaria.com Contact: Aleman Juana Rosa Exhibiting with Gran Canaria Tourist Board

Gran Canaria Tourist Board


Triana 93, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria Canary Islands /gran Canaria, 35002 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 928369300 +34 928219600 11925 Email: jaleman@grancanaria.com Web: www.grancanaria.com Contact: Juana Rosa Aleman Exhibiting with Canary Islands

Gran Canaria Tourist Board


Triana 93, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria 35002 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 928369300 +34 928219600 11925 Email: jaleman@grancanaria.com Web: www.grancanaria.com Contact: Juana Rosa Alemán The Tourist Board is the body responsible for the promotion of Gran Canaria. The island offers a great variety of landscapes, an intense cultural life and a wide range of leisure and congress facilities which can be enjoyed throughout the year due to its stable climate.

Gran Caribe


Avenida 7ma Y 44, Miramar, La Habana Cuba Tel: +53 7 204 0575 Email: tamara@grancaribe.gca.tur.cu Web: www.gran-caribe.com Contact: Tamara Rios Exhibiting with Cuba Tourist Office



Avenida De Bruselas S/n, Costa Adeje Tenerife, 38660 Spain +34 922 74 69 00 Fax: +34 922 74 69 16 Tel: Email: ane.ugarte@bahia-duque.com Web: www.bahia-duque.com Contact: Ane Ugarte Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation



Avenida De Bruselas, S/n, Costa Adeje Tenerife, Canary Islands, 38660 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922 746925 +34 922 746933 Email: sara.correa@thetaiscollection.com Web: www.bahia-duque.com Contact: Sara Correa Gran Hotel Bahía del Duque, located in Costa Adeje, is inspired in traditional Canarian architecture of the 19th Century. Covering an area of 100.000sqm with over 63.000sqm of tropical gardens, it encompasses 356 rooms, 40 private villas, 5 swimming pools, 9 restaurants and a truly unique outdoor Thalassotherapy Spa.

Gran Hotel Las Fuentes


Avda. Las Fuentes, 26, Alcossebre Castellon, 12579 Spain Tel: +34 676498274 Email: direccioncomercial@fantasiahoteles.com Web: www.fantasia-hoteles.com Contact: Israel Navarro Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 317




Grand Hotel Terme e Spa Castrocaro


Plaza Mariana Pineda 10-1ª, Granada Granada, 18009 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 958247129 +34 958247146 Email: raulgarciac@dipgra.es Web: www.turgranada.es Contact: Raul Garcia Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA


Grand Bahama Island Promotion Board

210 North University Drive, Freeport Coral Springs, 33071 United States Email: denise.adderley@coralwave.com Web: www.bahamas.com Contact: Denise Adderley Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas


Grand Beach Hotel 4835 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach Florida, 33140 United States Tel: Fax: +1 3055388009 +1 3055388666 Email: hbindeus@grandbeachhotel.com Web: www.MiamiHotelGrandBeach.com Contact: Harald Bindeus Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

C/o Best American Destinations, 8600 West Charleston Blvd 1042, Nevada 89117 United States Tel: +1 702 889 9378 Email: allison@bestamericandestinations.com Web: www.grandcanyonwest.com Contact: Allison Raskansky Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority


Grand City Hotels

Ku-damm Karree, Kurfurstendamm 207-208, Berlin 10719 Germany Tel: +49 (0) 30 88 70 880 Fax: +49 (0) 30 88 70 88 111 Email: info@grandcityhotels.com Web: www.grandcityhotels.com Contact: Stella Ruhe Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association

Grand Golf Resorts of Florida, Innisbrook Golf & Spa Resort


100 West Washington Street, Middleburg Va, 20118-0769 United States Tel: +1 6788388537 Email: dasmith@salamandarhotels.com Contact: Donna Smith Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA



Via Gramsci 2, Alassio Sv, 17021 Italy Tel: +39 0182648778 Fax: +39 0182648682 Email: v.vasco@ghalassio.com Web: www.grandhotelalassio.com Contact: Vincenzo Vasco Exhibiting with Agenzia Regionale per la Promozione Turistica ‘in Liguria’


Grand Hotel Beijing 35, East Chang’’an Avenue, Beijing 100006 China Tel: +86 1065137788 Email: Denver.Li@grandhotelBeijing.com Web: www.grandhotelBeijing.com Contact: Ran Li Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office

Grand Hotel Excelsior


Via Riccardo Wagner, 2, Palermo 90139 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 091 335627 +39 091 336572 Email: info@grandhotelwagner.it Web: www.grandhotelwagner.it Contact: Gisella Catanzaro Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Grand Hotels


250 Hayarkon St, Tel Aviv 63113 Israel +972 3 5433321 Tel: Fax: +972 3 5468067 Email: ricardo@grandhotels.co.il Web: www.grandhotels.co.il Contact: Ricardo Cordoba-Core Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office


Kawasan Wisata Nusa Dua Kompleks Btdc Lot 13, Bali Indonesia, 80363 Indonesia Tel: +62 361 28 1234 Fax: +62 361 28 7826 Email: bali.grand@hyatt.com Web: www.bali.grand.hyatt.com Contact: Wismaya Sudantia Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts



Via Pisacane, Palinuro 84051 Italy Tel: +39 0974 931466 Fax: +39 0974 931919 Email: info@cechotels.com Web: www.cechotels.com Contact: Pietro Cerullo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

318 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


P.o Box 24010, West Bay Lagoon, Doha Qatar, Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44481159 +974 44481152 Email: Walid.Kamel@hyatt.com www.doha.grand.hyatt.com Web: Contact: Walid Kamel Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority

Taskisla Caddesi, No. 1, Istanbul 34437 Turkey Tel: +90 212 368 1030 Fax: +90 212 368 1286 Email: yildiray.satiroglu@hyatt.com Web: www.istanbul.grand.hyatt.com Contact: Yildiray Satiroglu Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts


Po Box 7978, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 4317 1235 +971 4317 1234 Email: vipin.khattar@hyatt.com Web: www.dubai.grand.hyatt.com Contact: Vipin Khattar Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

12 Jalan Pinang, Kuala Lumpur 50450 Malaysia +60 3 2182 1234 Fax: +60 3 2182 1288 Tel: Email: charis.choi@hyatt.com Web: www.kualalumpur.grand.hyatt.com Contact: Charis Choi Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts


Po Box 7978, Dubai Uae, United Arab Emirates +971 43172117 Tel: Email: vipin.khattar@hyatt.com Web: www.dubai.grand.hyatt.com Contact: Vipin Khattar Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok

Po Box 951, Postal Code 133, Shatti Al Qurum Muscat, Oman Tel: Fax: +968 2460 5268 +968 2464 1111 Email: kate.beaven@hyatt.com Web: www.muscat.grand.hyatt.com Contact: Kate Beaven Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Grand Hyatt Muscat


Po Box 951, Muscat Muscat, 133 Oman Tel: Fax: +968 24641172 +968 97200755 Email: eucharis.bayer@hyatt.com Web: www.muscat.grand.hyatt.com Contact: Eucharis Bayer Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry


10 Scotts Road, Singapore 228211 Singapore Tel: Fax: +65 6734 5877 +65 6416 7249 Email: lingxiang.lee@hyatt.com www.singapore.grand.hyatt.com Web: Contact: Ling Xiang Lee Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts


Georgetown, Great Exuma P.O. BOX EX-29253 Bahamas Tel: +1242 3585000 Email: reservations@grandislevillas.com Web: www.grandislevillas.com Contact: Jon Skhor Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas


No. 87, 6th Floor, U Kun Zaw Yeik Mon, U Kun Zaw Street, Yangon Hlaing, 11051 Myanmar Tel: +95 1 230 5003 230 5004 230 5005 230 5006 230 Fax: +95 1 507 006 5007 Email: thetthet@grandlotus.com.mm Web: www.grandlotustours.com Contact: Christy L. Nang Awng Exhibiting with Myanmar Tourism Federation (Marketing Committee)

GV225 Grand Millennium Al Wahda

494 Rajdamri Road, Bangkok 10330 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2254 6308 +66 2254 1234 Email: adi.sidhwa@hyatt.com Web: www.bangkok.grand.hyatt.com Contact: Adi Sidhwa Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts


C/o Grand Hyatt Plaza, F8 Level 1, Off Western Express Highway, Mumbai 400 055 India Tel: +91 22 3076 1080 Fax: +91 86 0004 1006 Email: betty.remedios@hyatt.com Web: www.goa.grand.hyatt.com Contact: Betty Remedios Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Grand Hyatt Hong Kong


Grand Hyatt Muscat

Grand Lotus Travels & Tours Grand Hyatt Dubai


Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur

Grand Isle Resort Grand Hyatt Dubai


Grand Hyatt Istanbul

Grand Hyatt Singapore Grand Hyatt Doha

Grand Hyatt Goa

Great Siege Road, Floriana Valletta, FRN 1810 Malta Tel: Fax: +356 21250522 +356 21250520 Email: brian.bartolo@excelsior.com.mt Web: www.excelsior.com.mt Contact: Brian Bartolo Exhibiting with Malta Tourism Authority

Grand Hotel San Pietro

Grand Hotel Wagner

Grand Hyatt Bali


Grand Canyon West


Via Roma 2, Castrocaro Terme 47010 Italy Tel: +39 0543767114 Fax: +39 0543768135 Email: commerciale@termedicastrocaro.it www.termedicastrocaro.it Web: Contact: Emanuele Coveri Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


1 Harbour Road, Hong Kong Hong Kong +852 2588 1234 Tel: Fax: +852 2802 0677 Email: cecilia.lo@hyatt.com Web: www.hongkong.grand.hyatt.com Contact: Cecilia Lo Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts


P.o Box 107080, Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 2 4953975 +971 2 4953777 Email: Adam.Harvey@grandmill-alwahda.com Web: www.millenniumhotels.com/ae/grandmillenniumalwahda/index.html Contact: Adam Harvey Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Grand Millennium Dubai


Dubai, P.o. Box 212422, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 4422 5643 +971 4429 9999 Email: ghassan.farhat@grandmill-dubai.com Web: www.grandmillenniumdubai.com Contact: Ghassan Farhat Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Grand Mirage Resort & Thalasso Bali


Jl. Pratama 74, Po Box 43, Bali Indonesia, 80363 Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361 772148 +62 361 771888 Email: gm@grandmirage.com Web: www.grandmirage.com Contact: Juan A. Sanchez Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

EXHIBITOR PROFILES Grand Pacific Sovereign Resort and Spa


334/1 Ruamjit Road, Cha-am, Phetchaburi 76120 Thailand Tel: +66 26414777 8764 Fax: +66 26415029 Email: garnyaluck.p@gtsbkk.com Web: www.sovereignresortandspa.com Contact: Garnyaluck Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Grand Royal Antiguan Beach Resort


P.o. Box 976, Deep Bay, St. John’s Antigua And Barbuda Tel: +1268 473 415 1088 Email: dnicholas@issnichilasgroup.com Web: www.grandroyalantiguan.com Contact: Daniel Nicholas Exhibiting with Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority

Grand Service Express Closed Joint-Stock company


85, Sheremetievskaya St., Moscow 129075 Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 645 80 57 Fax: +7 495 619 97 44 Email: gse@tkgse.ru Web: www.grandexpress.ru Contact: Inna Kiryachek Exhibiting with Russian Federation

Grand Yazici Hotels


Cumhuriyet Mah. Ataturk Cad., No:64, Marmaris Mugla, 48720 Turkey Tel: +90 2524552200 Fax: +90 2524552201 Email: leventhanci@grandyazicihotels.com Web: www.grandyazicihotels.com Contact: Mehmet Gonenc Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Grande Centre Point Terminal 21


2,88 Sukhumvit Soi 19(wattana), Sukhumvit Rd., North Khlong Toei, Wattana, Bangkok Thailand, 10110 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2 681 9115 +66 2 681 9000 Email: kokkorn.a@centrepoint.com Web: www.grandecentrepointterminal21.com Contact: Kokkorn Assavaruengdej Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Grande Tours & Travels


Shop No.4,dda Shopping Centre-ii,phase-i Mayapuri, Delhi India, 110064 India Tel: +91 9871816868 Fax: +91 45680922 Email: sales@grandetravels.com Web: WWW.GRANDETRAVELS.COM Contact: Gurshish Singh Sahni Exhibiting with India Tourism



Amathus Area-limassol, Po Box 54500, Lemesos 3724 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 25636945 +357 25634333 Email: costas.h@grandresort.com.cy Web: www.grandresort.com.cy Contact: Costas Hadjicostis Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation



C/ Prat De La Creu, 59-65, Esc. C 5e, Andorra La Vella AD 500 Andorra Tel: +376 808900 Email: esterservat@grandvalira.com Web: www.grandvalira.com Contact: Ester Servat Exhibiting with Andorra Turisme, S.A.U.

Gray Line New York Sightseeing


1430 Broadway, Suite 507, New York New York, 10018 United States Tel: Fax: +1 2128694542 +1 2123972600 Email: sales@graylinenewyork.com Web: www.newyorksightseeing.com Contact: Anna Kozma NYC’s premier sightseeing is the source for doubledecker buses, quality motorcoaches, airport transfers, attractions - all in one contact. All-live tours in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese-NO tapes! Excursions to Niagara Falls, Washington, Philadelphia, Boston. FIT/Groups. Gray Line, the most trusted sightseeing brand in the world! Truly, the local expert.


Gray Line Worldwide

1835 Gaylord Street, Denver Colorado, 80206 United States Tel: Fax: +1 3033946950 +1 3033946920 Email: bweber@grayline.com Web: www.grayline.com Contact: Dale Berridge Serving over 700 destinations worldwide, Gray Line invented the art of sightseeing 100 years ago and today is the leader in tours, activities and attractions. The company specializes in diverse destination experiences that include adventure and eco tours, luxury travel, budget-friendly activities, as well as culinary, cultural and historical pursuits.


Graycliff Hotel Po Box N10246, West Hill Street, Nassau Bahamas Email: Roberta@Graycliff.com www.graycliff.com Web: Contact: Roberta Garzaroli Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas


Sukhbaatar Street, Building 10a, #39, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia, C.P.O.BOX-675,ULAANBAATAR-15160 Mongolia +976 11323812 Tel: Fax: +976 11310455 Email: greatgenghis@magicnet.mn Web: www.greatgenghis.com Contact: Urantsetseg Shinebayar Exhibiting with Mongolian National Tourism Centre


Great Guide/MSupport De Wellenkamp 1211, Nijmegen Gelderland, 6545ND Netherlands Tel: Fax: +31 243558760 +31 243501790 Email: henk@bits4tours.com Web: www.greatguidemagic.com/ Contact: Henk Deuschle

C/o Glamis Castle, Estates Office, Angus DD8 1RJ United Kingdom Tel: +44 01307 840393 Email: libby@glamis-castle.co.uk Web: www.greatscotland.co.uk Contact: Libby Reynolds Exhibiting with UKinbound


Great War Museum of Meaux

Rue Lazare Ponticelli, Meaux Ile De France, 77100 France Tel: +33 160321418 Email: paris-idf.events@tourisme77.fr Web: www.museedelagrandeguerre.eu Contact: Daniella Grillo Exhibiting with France



Great Hotels of the World

Worldwide House, 22 Stephenson Way, London NW1 2HD United Kingdom +44 2073832335 Fax: +44 2073830357 Tel: Email: asilverman@ghotw.com Web: www.ghotw.com Contact: Ashleigh Silverman An innovative global sales and marketing alliance representing the world’s finest hotels and resorts. Our business is focused on complementary areas of hospitality sales and marketing to service both hotels and buyers: MICE venue finding, Tour & travel sales, corporate sales, branded marketing, PR and e-distribution.


Great Lakes Safaris Kampala, Kampala Uganda Tel: +256 123 Email: amos@safari-uganda.com Web: www.safari-uganda.com Contact: Wekesa Amos Masaba Exhibiting with Kamili


Great Lakes USA

Two Copley Place, Suite 105, Boston Massachusetts, 02116-6 United States Tel: +1 617 536 4100 Email: bstehley@bostonusa.com Web: www.bostonusa.com Contact: Beth Stehley Exhibiting with Discover New England


Greater Fort Lauderdale CVB

100 E Broward Blvd, Suite 200, Fort Lauderdale Florida, 33301 United States Tel: Fax: +1 9547654681 +1 9547672446 Email: agonzalez@broward.org Web: www.sunny.org Contact: Alfredo Gonzalez Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA


Greater Miami CVB

Taking you places with our voices and commentary systems. GreatGuide creates bespoke multilingual commentary systems for bus tours, car travelers or walking tours.GreatGuide GPS commentary systems allow you to tailor make your tours to suit your route. We also create audio content, translation services, making your tour accessible, interesting, dynamic.

20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2700, Chicago Il, 60606 United States Tel: Fax: +1 3124070038 +1 3124070005 Email: tmccarrick@cglg.org Web: www.greatlakesUSA.co.uk , www.greatlakesUSA.de Contact: L. Anthony ‘Toby’ McCarrick EXPERIENCE THE REAL THING...GREAT LAKES USA AMERICA STATES: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin. GATEWAY CITIES: Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, Minneapolis/Saint Paul, Milwaukee. FEATURING: Unique Americana, Exhilarating Outdoor Adventures, Genuine Family Fun, Unbeatable Shopping, Energizing Urban Cities. FEATURING: ILLINOIS, MICHIGAN, TRAVERSE CITY MI, SPRINGFIELD IL, JOHN HANCOCK OBSERVATORY

Great National Hotels & Resorts


Great Scotland

Greater Boston CVB

Great Genghis Tours & Expeditions Co.Ltd


Quin Road Business Park, Ennis Co. Clare, Ireland Tel: +353 65 6899800 Fax: +353 65 6893371 Email: db@greatnationalhotels.com Web: www.greatnationalhotels.com Contact: David Collins Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland


701 Brickell Avenue, Suite 2700, Florida 33131 United States Tel: Fax: +1 3055392965 +1 3055393087 Email: judith@gmcvb.com Web: www.miamiandbeaches.com Contact: Judith P. Fernandez Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau


70-100 Highway 111, Rancho Mirage Ca, 92270 United States Tel: +1 7609691336 Email: aciora@palmspringsoasis.com Web: www.PalmSpringsOasis.com Contact: Ashlee Ciora Exhibiting with Visit California

Greek National Tourism Organisation


4, Conduit Street, London W1S 2DJ United Kingdom Tel: Fax: +44 2074954057 +44 2074959300 Email: info@gnto.co.uk Web: www.visitgreece.gr Contact: Kyriaki Boulasidou The Greek National Tourism Organisation (GNTO) is a Public Entity supervised by the Ministry of Tourism, promoting Greece as a travel destination and highlighting its beautiful contradictions. Greece, is an irresistible holidays destination, a country with a unique historical past, a crossroad of culture, colours and civilisations.



Cc Fanabe Plaza 156, Avda Bruselas, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Spain, 38660 Spain +34 629 014 669 Fax: +34 922 713575 Tel: Email: sales@greenbananaguide.com Web: www.greenbananaguide.com Contact: John Dickenson Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation



Colonia Miralvalle, Av. Los Bambues Y Calle Amsterdam, Reparto Miralvalle, Casa # 497, San Salvador San Salvador, El Salvador Tel: Fax: +503 22527661 +503 22527660 Email: cvelasco@greenbluered.com www.greenbluered.com Web: Contact: Carlos Velasco Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 319



Grischa - Das Hotel


Talstrasse 3, Davos Platz 7270 Switzerland Tel: +41 414 97 97 Email: rolf@hotelgrischa.ch Web: www.hotelgrischa.ch Contact: Cyrill Ackermann Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Grosvenor House Dubai

1 Swan Lane, London EC4R 3TN United Kingdom Tel: +44 2035102656 Email: lesya.liskevych@groupon.co.uk Web: www.groupon.co.uk/getaways Contact: Lesya Liskevych


P.o. Box 118500, Dubai United Arab Emirates, 118500 United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 317 6602 Email: Bettina.Backert@starwoodhotels.com Web: www.luxurycollection.com/grosvenorhouse Contact: Bettina Backert Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Grotte di Frasassi


Largo Leone Xii, 1, Genga 60040 Italy Tel: +39 0732 972130 Fax: +39 0732 972001 Email: grotte@frasassi.com www.frasassi.com Web: Contact: Gianfranco Morettini Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Grotto Bay Beach Resort


11 Blue Hole Hill, Hamilton Parish CR 04 Bermuda Tel: Fax: +1441 293 4194 +1441 293 8333 Email: andrebrenner@btconnect.com Web: www.grottobay.com Contact: JP Martens Exhibiting with Bermuda Department of Tourism

Groundline Citycards


Hochstrasse 31/3, Postfach, Basel CH-4002 Switzerland +41 061 272 3434 Fax: +41 61 272 3444 Tel: Email: mf@groundline.com Web: www.groundline.com /www.globalcitycards.com Contact: Mike Franks Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association

Groundline Enterprises Ltd


4 Elmwood, Crockford Lane, Basingstoke Hants, RG24 8WG United Kingdom Tel: +44 1256374299 Fax: +44 1256708868 Email: laurie@groundlineuk.com Web: www.globalcitycards.com Contact: Laurie Pruvost Exhibiting with France

Group Promotions Ltd


Crown House, Crown Street, Redbourn Hertfordshire, AL3 7JX United Kingdom Tel: +44 1582792260 Fax: +44 1582792112 Email: sophie.taylor@group-promotions.com Web: www.group-promotions.com Contact: Sophie Taylor Group Promotions ltd. undertakes all European sales and marketing for the highly regarded All Inclusive resorts of Couples Resorts Jamaica, Sunset Resorts Jamaica and Coconut Bay St Lucia, ensuring that these brands have trade and consumer visibility and a solid and consistent share of the European tourist market.

Group Sales Box Office/Broadway.com


729 Seventh Avenue, 7th Floor, New York New York, 10019 United States +1 2128418457 2 Fax: +1 2123027069 Tel: Email: kdolton@broadway.com Web: www.broadway.com/groups Contact: Kendra Dolton Exhibiting with NYC & Company

Groupe Forest Hill

Groupon Getaways launched in July 2011 and is Groupon’s dedicated travel platform promoting a range of weekly offers including local and international hotel deals, cruises, long and short haul holiday packages, city breaks, cultural escapes and much more. The Getaways site reaches millions of UK and IE Groupon subscribers daily


GRT Hotels and Resorts, Chennai

Corporate Sales & Marketing Office, #21, 8th Floor, Coats Road, T Nagar, Chennai Tamil Nadu, 600017 India +91 44 665 000 50 Fax: +91 44 665 000 99 Tel: Email: subhaa@grthotels.com Web: www.grthotels.com Contact: K Subhaa Exhibiting with India Tourism


GRUPO CUBANACAN Calle 23, No 156 E/ N Y O, Vedado, La Habana Cuba Tel: +53 7 2069590 Email: comercial2.mercado3@avc.vin.tur.cu Web: www.cubanacan.cu Contact: Frankyn Cabeza Exhibiting with Cuba Tourist Office



52, Rio Niagara St, Col. Cuauhtemoc, Mexico City Mexcio, 6500 Mexico Tel: +52 5552076416 Fax: +52 5555111781 Email: direccion@grupoviva-zapata.com www.viva-zapata.biz Web: Contact: Virginia Gonzalez Oran Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

Grupo de Turismo Gaviota S.A.


La Marina Building, 3rd Floor Avenida Del Puerto, No 102 El Justiz Y Obrapia Cuba +53 72049232 Tel: Email: ventas1@kohly.gav.tur.cu Web: www.gaviota-grupo.com Contact: Carlos Miguel Latuff Exhibiting with Cuba Tourist Office



C/ Costa Y Grijalba, 33, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Tenerife, 38004 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922246331 +34 922534420 Email: mercedes@grupogolfresort.com Web: www.grupogolfresort.com Contact: Maria Ofelia Lorenzo Silvera Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation



Avd. Faro Sabinal, 341, Roquetas De Mar Almeria, 4740 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 950333655 +34 950627010 Email: samira@andalucia.org WWW.PLAYASENATOR.COM Web: Contact: Antonio Portilla Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

Grupo Posadas S.A de C.V


Paseo De La Reforma, 155 Phb Lomas De Chapultepec, Ciudad De Mexico 11000 Mexico +52 5326 6752 Tel: Fax: +52 555201 8421 Email: judith.hermosillo@posadas.com Contact: Fernando Flores Kato Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

Grupo Presidente


32 Avenue Du Groupe Manouchian, Vitry Sur Seine 94400 France Tel: +33 1 53 48 39 52 Fax: +33 1 43 48 39 35 Email: maguy.guay@veoliatransdev.com www.visual-tourisme.com Web: Contact: Maguy Guay Foucha Exhibiting with France

320 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


GT Travel Technology Ltd

156 Cromwell Road, 11th Floor, 6 Mitre Passage, London SW7 4EF United Kingdom +44 2073416250 Fax: +44 2073730697 Tel: kavin@goldentours.com Email: Web: www.goldentours.com Contact: Kavin Arora Launching at WTM this year, GT Travel Technology Ltd is a newly founded global technology company providing unique technological and customized solutions developed using the latest and robust technology. Features include complete web based ticketing system with back office and reporting functions.



Gullivers House, 27 Goswell Road, London EC1M 7GT United Kingdom “+44 207 716 2400” Fax: +44 203 170 4387 Tel: Email: fit.sales@gta-travel.com Web: www.gta-travel.com Contact: Guy Booth GTA has been a global travel wholesaler for over 35 years, supplying hotel accommodation and ground travel products for the worldwide network of wholesalers, retailers and online distributors. GTA is part of the Global Travel Services division within Kuoni Group, one of the world’s leading globally-active travel and leisure organisations.

GTW - Grimm Touristik Wetzlar


28 Avenue Corentin Cariou, Paris 75019 France Tel: +33 (0)1 44 72 15 30 Email: reservation.centrale@foresthill.tm.fr Web: www.foresthill-hotels.com Contact: Bernard Lo Monaco Exhibiting with France

GROUPE VISUAL/VeoliaTransdev


Groupon Getaways


Schone Aussicht 4 D, Wetzlar D - 35578 Germany Tel: Fax: +49 6441200531 +49 644120050 Email: incoming@grimm-touristik.de Web: www.grimm-touristik.de Contact: Michael Graepel Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association

Guadeloupe Islands Tourist Board


23-25, Rue Du Champ De L’alouette, Paris 75013 France +33 (0)1 40 62 99 07 Tel: Fax: +33 (0)1 40 62 99 08 Email: m.antoinette@lesilesdeguadeloupe.com Web: www.lesilesdeguadeloupe.com Contact: Marie-Antoinette Maïté The 5 Islands of Guadeloupe, land of nature, tradition and cuisine, welcome you to the Caribbean! More than just a holiday destination, they offer 5 possibilities to experience some amazing memorable moments, to suit all budgets and tastes; ideal for island hopping and active holidays. Let yourself be amazed…

Guangdong Provincial Tourism Administration


463, West Huangpu Ave., Guangzhou 510630 China Tel: +86 2087513698 Fax: +86 2022386717 Email: zghlyj@163.com Web: www.visitgd.com Contact: Guohui Zhang Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office

Guango Lodge


Avenida Siena 318, Y Calle A, La Primavera, Quito 17 Ecuador +593 2891880 Tel: Email: amazonia@discoverecuador.travel Web: www.cabanasanisidro.com/pages/guango_lod ge.htm Contact: Irene Bustamante Exhibiting with ECUADOR - AMAZON

Guardamar del Segura


Placa De La Constitucio, 7, Guardamar Del Segura Alicante, 3140 Spain Tel: +34 965724488 Email: guardamarturisme@gmail.com Web: www.guardamardelsegura.es Contact: Joan-Carles Martí i Casanova Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme


Campos Eliseos 218, Piso 11, Col. Polanco Chapultepec, Mexico City D.f., 11560 Mexico Tel: +52 (55)5327 7700 Email: jessicar_cruz@grupopresidente.com Web: www.grupopresidente.com Contact: Eva Ramirez Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

Guatemala Chamber of Tourism


12 Calle 6-61 Zona 1 Centro Historico., Guatemala City Guatemala Tel: +502 22380950 Email: nancy.mejia@camtur.org Web: www.camtur.org Contact: Nancy Mejia Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)



7a. Avenida 1-17 Zona 4, Centro Civico, Guatemala City 1004 Guatemala Tel: +502 24212800 Email: calvarado@inguat.gob.gt Web: www.visitguatemala.com Contact: Claudia Alvarado Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

Guatemalan Adventure


13 Calle 3-40 Zona 10 Edificio Atlantis Local 31, Guatemala City Guatemala Tel: +502 (502) 24108260 Fax: +502 (502) 24108200 Email: ritaguerra@guatemalanadventure.com Web: www.guatemalanadventure.com Contact: Rita Guerra Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

Gudmundur Jonasson Travel


Borgartun 34, Reykjavik Iceland, 105 Iceland Tel: +354 5111515 Email: gjtravel@gjtravel.is Web: www.gjtravel.is Contact: Renato Gruenenfelder Exhibiting with Visit Iceland

Gudmundur Tyrfingsson



Guestline House, Shrewsbury Busines Park, Shrewsbury Shropshire, SY2 6LG United Kingdom Tel: +44 1743282300 Fax: +44 1743232213 Email: sales@guestline.com Web: www.guestline.com Contact: Louise Brooks Established in 1991, Guestline is a leading supplier of hospitality software solutions. Guestline develop, implement and support Windows® and web based Property Management Systems (PMS), Central Reservation Systems (CRS), Channel Management and Social Media solutions for the global hospitality industry. For more information, please visit http://www.guestline.com

Guilin Tang Dynasty Tours Co., Ltd.

AS280 No.11 Huixian Road, Guilin 541004 China Tel: +86 7735824466 Fax: +86 7735855080 Email: tour@tangdynastytravel.cn Web: www.tangdynastytravel.com Contact: Libby Liu Tang Dynasty Travel is a China inbound tour operator (incl. Tibet, HK, & Macao) reputed for responsible services among its agency clients. Besides leisure tours for groups & FITs, this company specializes in student & youth tours, cycling & adventure tours, MICE tours (meetings, incentives, conventions, exhibitions), and golfing tours.


St James’s Gate, Dublin 8 Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 1 4714634 +353 1 4714881 Email: guinness-storehouse@guinness.com Web: www.guinness-storehouse.com Contact: Fiona Herald Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Guizhou Tourism Administration No. 8, Huaguoshan Middle Road, Tongxiang China +86 18885671818 Tel: Email: 936697196@qq.com Contact: Runhua Wang Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office

The Tourism Corporation of Gujarat Limited, provides comprehensive travel services to visitors to the State. These include accommodation, conducted tours and ground transport with a wide range of choice. It has a network of 18 accommodation units and 5 Cafeterias under the brand name Toran.For further details visit: www.gujarattourism.com


Gujarat Tourism

Tourism Corporation Of Gujarat Limited, Udyog Bhavan, Block No. 16, Gandhinagar India, 382 011 India +91 7923238908 Tel: Email: param@ficci.com Web: www.gujarattourism.com Contact: Kingshuk Biswas Exhibiting with India Tourism


Via Bagno Cicerone, 6, Cefalu 90015 Italy Tel: +39 0921 922024 Fax: +39 0921 922164 Email: info@kefatur.it Web: www.kefatur.it Contact: Saruccio Cangelosi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Gulemim Smara Regional Tourism Council

Guestline Ltd



Gulemim, Gulemim, Gulemim Gulemim, Morocco Tel: +212 5 24 88 78 75 Fax: +212 5 24 88 78 76 Email: p.simon10@menara.ma Contact: Patrick Simon Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office

Gulf Circle Tours


Po Box 32062, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 43555662 Email: gaby@gulfcircletours.com Web: www.gulfcircletours.com Contact: Gaby Seikaly Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Gulf Hotel Bahrain


Po Box 580, Manama Kingdom Of Bahrain, Bahrain Tel: Fax: +973 17 715373 +973 17 746275 Email: dos@gulfhotelbahrain.com Web: www.gulfhotelbahrain.com Contact: Imbi Sarv Exhibiting with KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN, Ministry of Culture

Gulf Ventures


Dnata Travel Centre, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai 1515 United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 44045880 Email: deborah.bevan@gulfventures.ae Web: www.gulfventures.com Contact: Deborah Bevan Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Gulliver Travel DMC


Obala Stjepana Radica 25, Dubrovnik 20000 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 20410890 +385 20410888 Email: gulliver@gulliver.hr www.gulliver.hr Web: Contact: Ana Hrnic Exhibiting with Croatian National Tourist Board

Guoman Hotels Po Box 909, Bath Road, Middlesex, UB8 9FH United Kingdom +44 020 7138 0000 Tel: Email: Richard.Bantock@Guoman.co.uk Web: www.guoman.com Contact: Richard Bantock Exhibiting with UKinbound


Guyana Tourism Authority


Tourism Corporation Of Gujarat Ltd., Block No 16, 4th Floor , Udyoug Bhavan, Gandhinagar Gujarat, 382011 India Tel: +91 7923222523 23222645 Fax: +91 7923238908 Email: marketing@gujarattourism.com Web: www.gujarattourism.com Contact: Kingshuk Biswas

GuKan Viaggi e Turismo

Fossnesi C, Selfoss 800 Iceland Tel: +354 482 1210 Email: helena@gttravel.is Web: www.gttravel.is Contact: Helena Gudmundssdottir Exhibiting with Visit Iceland

Guinness Storehouse

Gujarat State (Tourism Corporation of Gujarat Ltd)



National Exhibition Centre, Sophia, Georgetown Demerara, 413741 Guyana Tel: Fax: +592 2190093 +592 2190094 Email: info@guyana-tourism.com Web: www.guyana-tourism.com Contact: Carla James National Tourism Organization responsible for the development of the tourism industry and marketing and promotion of the destination. Guyana will be launching the 2nd edition of the Guyana Bradt Guide and the 2012 EXPLORE GUYANA MAGAZINE. Focus is being placed on promoting Guyana as a sustainable Nature/Adventure Eco hotspot.



Rua Garcia D Avila, 113, 5º Andar, Rio De Janeiro Rj, 22421010 Brazil +55 21 22397999 Fax: +55 21 22399501 Tel: Email: cid.rocha@hstern.com.br Web: www.hstern.com.br Contact: CID ROCHA Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur



Riera D’en Jorda S/n, Palafolls (barcelona), 8389 Spain Tel: +34 93 766 44 22 Fax: +34 93 766 29 49 Email: contratos@htophotels.com Web: www.htophotels.com Contact: Jordi Marín Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

H10 Hotels


Numancia 185, 1 Planta, Barcelona 8034 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 934199569 +34 934304147 Email: h10@h10.es Web: www.h10hotels.com Contact: Vivian Inglada In H10 Hotels we are thinking of you in every possible way. 40 hotels in 16 destinations: unbeatable locations, carefully planned menus, comfortable facilities and a thoughtful service to every detail. H10 Hotels, where everything is done with you in mind.



Playa La Enramada, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Spain, 38670 Spain +34 922 714171 Tel: Fax: +34 922 719206 Email: direccion.hca@h10.es Web: www.hotelh10costaadejepalace.com Contact: Jesús Oramas Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

Habaguanex SA


Plaza De San Francisco- Oficios No 110, Entrelamparilla Y Amargua, Old Havana Cuba Tel: +53 7 8609761 Email: relacionespublicas@habaguanex.cu Web: www.habaguanex.cu Contact: Saray Moreira Urra Exhibiting with Cuba Tourist Office

Habtoor Hotels


Po Box 24454, Dubai Marina, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 3994547 +971 3995000 Email: aldea.felipe@habtoorhotels.com www.habtoorhotels.com Web: Contact: Adela Filipe Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Habtoor Hotels - Met Deira Hotel


Habtoor Grand Beach Resort And Spa, P.o. Box 24454, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 43994547 +971 43995000 Email: theresa.braga@habtoorhotels.com Web: www.habtoorhotels.com Contact: Theresa Bragg Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Haimark Ltd


Po Box 0367, Breckenridge Colorado, 80424 United States Tel: +1 17733514004 Email: tom@haimarktravel.com Contact: Tom Markwell

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 321



Half Moon, A RockResort

Hard Rock International

Harlequin Hotels & Resorts


Hannah Game Lodge

P O Box 153, Ohrigstad South Africa Tel: +27 31 238 8100 Fax: +27 31 238 8104 Email: gm@hannahlodge.co.za Web: www.hannahlodge.co.za Contact: Ryan Wood Exhibiting with South African Tourism


HAPI TRAVEL AND TOURISM COMPANY 17 Kars El Nil, Cairo Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 23939362 +20 23933562 Email: Violette@hapigroup.com Web: www.hapitravel.com Contact: Violette Nicholas Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority


Happiest Minds Technologies Pvt Ltd

200 Brook Drive, Green Park, Reading Berkshire, RG2 6UB United Kingdom Tel: +44 441189256072 Email: solutions@happiestminds.com Web: www.happiestminds.com Contact: Nitin Kanade Happiest Minds is a new gen IT services company, enabling companies to capture the business benefits of emerging technologies like cloud computing, social media, mobility, business intelligence, analytics and unified communications. The company has operations in the US, UK and India.


Cairo Head Office, 92c Mohamed Farid Street, Cairo Cairo, 11121 Egypt +20 223959183 Tel: Fax: +20 223959183 Email: info@happylifehotel.com Web: www.happylifehotel.com Contact: Shoukry Amin Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Happy Tours


Ljubljanska Cesta 106a, Domzale 1230 Slovenia Tel: Fax: +386 59078205 +386 59078200 Email: saso.krumpak@happytours.eu Web: www.happytours.eu Contact: Saso Krumpak Exhibiting with Slovenian Tourist Board

Happy Trails - Indonesia

Harbour Lights



Marine Villa, Bay Street, St. Michael Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4365069 +1246 4367227 Email: raymondgill@sunbeach.net Contact: Raymond Gill Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

Harbour Plaza Hotels and Resorts



429 Moo 9 Pattaya Beach Rd., Pattaya 20150 Thailand +66 38 428 755 Tel: Fax: +66 38 426 721 Email: ian.sutedjo@hardrockhotels.net Web: www.hardrockhotels.net Contact: Ian Sutedjo Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

322 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Sco 17-19, Sector 17 - B, Chandigarh 160017 India Tel: +91 0172270295557 Email: haryanatourism74@gmail.com Web: www.haryanatourism.com Contact: M Rao Exhibiting with India Tourism

Haslital Tourism


Havanatour UK Ltd


3 Wyllyotts Place, Potters Bar Hertfordshire, EN6 2JD United Kingdom Tel: +44 1707665570 Fax: +44 1707663139 Email: silviap@havanatour.co.uk Web: www.havanatour.co.uk Contact: Silvia Peralta Havanatur offer a comprehensive ground handling service in Cuba including hotel reservations, transfers, tours, excursions, car hire, representation and a comprehensive group travel service including conference and incentive travel. Backed by our UK office Havanatur offer a professional service to companies worldwide.


3 Wyllyotts Close Potters Bar, Hertfordshire EN6 2JD United Kingdom +44 1707 646463 Tel: Email: sales@havanatour.co.uk Web: www.havanatur.cu Contact: Silvia Peralta Exhibiting with Cuba Tourist Office




C/o Aviacircle, 135 Salisbury Road, 28 The Quadrant, London NW6 6RJ United Kingdom Tel: +44 2076446105 Email: rbooker@aviacircle.com Web: www.gohawaii.com/uk Contact: Sara del Nozal Hawaii Tourism Europe (HTE) is the official destination marketing organization of the Islands of Hawaii. HTE is charged with marketing the Hawaiian Islands as a tourism destination in the United Kingdom and Ireland. For more information on the Islands of Aloha please go to www.gohawaii.com/uk

Hawk Travels (pvt) Ltd

400, Deans Road, Colombo 10 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 114703770 Email: amith@tours.hayleys.com Web: www.hayleystours.com Contact: Amith Sumanapala Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Heartland Brewery


20, Regent Building, Parsons Rd, Colombo 02 CO00200 Sri Lanka +94 112323072 Tel: Fax: +94 112446511 Email: hawktrav@slt.lk Web: www.hawktravels.com Contact: Rohan Abeywickrema Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau


1430 Broadway, Suite 1513, New York 10018 United States +1 (212) 5822057 Fax: +1 (212) 2213288 Tel: Email: jasond@heartlandbrewery.com Web: www.heartlandbrewery.com Contact: Jason Davis Exhibiting with NYC & Company

Heineken Experience


Stadhouderskade 28, Amsterdam The Netherlands, Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)20 523 9336 Email: luc.curvers@heineken.com Web: www.heinekenexperience.com Contact: Luc Curvers Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)


C/o Crown Company, Fasmeeru Building, 6th Flr, Male’ Maldives +960 6644615 Tel: Fax: +960 6642881 Email: assistantmgr@helengeli.net Web: www.helengeli.net Contact: Mohamed Zahir Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Heli USA Airways


Atlantic Air Terminal, 235 E. Tropicana Ave. #115, Las Vegas Nevada, 89169 United States Tel: +1 702 798 4354 Email: Shane.Fortey@kbc-pr.com www.heliusa.com Web: Contact: Shane Fortey Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority

Helios Hotels & Resorts


Elounda Beach Hotel, Elounda Bay Palace, Elounda Greece, 720 53 CRETE Greece +30 28410 63000 Fax: +30 28410 41373 Tel: Email: elohotel@eloundabeach.gr Web: www.helioshotels.gr Contact: Manolis Rassoulis Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation

Hellas Vacances

Av. Das Americas 3434 Bloco 5 Sala 520, Rio De Janeiro Rj, 22640-102 Brazil Tel: +55 21 2430 1101 Email: agata@havasbrazil.com.br Web: www.havasbrazil.com.br Contact: Francisco Havas Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


Hayleys Tours

Helengeli Island Resort

Twing, Hasliberg CH-6084 Switzerland +41 33 972 51 62 Tel: Email: ueli.hug@haslital.ch Web: www.haslital.ch Contact: Ueli Hug Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Hawai’i Tourism Europe

7 Metropolis Drive, Hunghom, Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: Fax: +852 3160 6988 +852 3160 6818 Email: EdwardL3@harbour-plaza.com Web: www.harbour-plaza.com Contact: Edward Li Exhibiting with Hong Kong Tourism Board

Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya

Harlequin Hotels & Resorts are redefining luxury in the Caribbean. Current destinations include the all-inclusive 5 star Buccament Bay Resort in St Vincent and blu St Lucia hotel, with more coming soon, like the stunning 5 star H Barbados boutique hotel.www.harlequinhotelsandresorts.com

Havanatur S.A

Jl. Danau Buyan 74, Six Point Cafe Building 3rd Floor, Sanur Bali, 80227 Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361286966 +62 361288194 Email: management@happytrailsindonesia.com www.happytrailsindonesia.com Web: Contact: Gerald van Amerongen Exhibiting with Global Discovery / Adventure Now


11 Honywood Business Park, Honywood Road, Basildon Essex, SS14 3HW United Kingdom Tel: +44 0845 888 4422 Email: contact@harlequinhotelsandresorts.com Web: www.harlequinhotelsandresorts.com Contact: Tracy Crust

Haryana Tourism



148 Old Park Lane, London W1K 1QY United Kingdom Tel: +44 2075141700 Email: Elena_Alvarez@hardrock.com Web: www.hardrock.com Contact: Elena Alvarez Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association

Half Moon P.o., Rose Hall, Montego Bay Jamaica W I, Jamaica +1876 9532211 Tel: Fax: +1876 9533244 Email: max@clubcenturia.com Web: www.halfmoon.com Contact: Max Tchanturia Exhibiting with Jamaica Tourist Board


37, Ag. Pavlou Str, Athens 10438 Greece Tel: +30 2109235638 Fax: +30 2109243280 Email: info@hellasvacances.com Web: www.hellasvacances.com Contact: Dimitris Lambropoulos Exhibiting with Network 4 Sports Travel

Hellenic Association of Travel & Tourist Agencies (HATTA)


11, Iossif Rogon Str, Athens Attica, 11743 Greece Tel: +30 210 922 3522 Fax: +30 210 923 3307 Email: hatta@hatta.gr Web: www.hatta.gr Contact: Frini Alexiou Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation

Hellenic Cosmos Convention & Cultural Centre


254 Pireos Street, Athens 17778 Greece Tel: +30 2122543088 Fax: +30 2122543123 Email: events@hellenic-cosmos.gr Web: www.pireos254.gr Contact: D Skandamis Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation



Maipu 464, Buenos Aires 1006 Argentina Tel: +54 11 4322 0808 Fax: +54 11 4328 9495 Email: ahelling@hellingstravel.com.ar Web: www.hellingstravel.com Contact: Flavia A. Correa Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion



21 Hussein Khedr Street, Off Abdel Aziz Fahmy, Cairo Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 222405740 +20 222405650 Email: regional@helnan.com Web: www.helnan.com Contact: Hossam Hassan Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Helsinki City Tourist & Convention Bureau


P.o. Box 28, Pohjoisesplanadi 19, Helsinki FI-00099 Finland Tel: +358 9 310 25611 Fax: +358 9 310 13301 Email: Hanna.Muoniovaara@hel.fi Web: www.visithelsinki.fi Contact: Hanna Muoniovaara Exhibiting with Out Now

Mbagathi Ridge, Karen, P. O. Box 146, Nairobi Kenya, 00502, Kenya Tel: +254 202295011 Fax: +254 202295111 Email: alastair.addison@h-ways.com Web: www.hemingways-collection.com Contact: Alstair Addison Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

Catalyst House, 720 Centennial Park, Elstree Hertfordshire, WD63SY United Kingdom Tel: +44 0208 732 1220 Fax: +44 0208 732 1240 Email: tradesales@hfholidays.co.uk Web: www.hfholidays.co.uk Contact: Stacy Whittington Exhibiting with UKinbound


Avda. De Amsterdam, 5, Arona Santa Cruz De Tenerife, 38650 Spain Tel: +34 92279 63 17 Fax: +34 922 79 09 82 Email: mbisic@grupohg.com Web: www.hoteleshg.com Contact: Milenko Bisic Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation


Hemingways Expeditions

Hemingways House - Karen Office Park, Langata Road, Nairobi Kenya, 100 Kenya Tel: +254 202295000 Fax: +254 202295111 Email: margie.gitau@hemingways-expeditions.com Web: www.hemingways-expeditions.com Contact: Margie Gitau Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

Henan Provincial Tourism Administration


No.1 Zhengsan Street, Zhengzhou Henan, 450003 China Tel: +86 37165909416 Fax: +86 37165509435 Email: hnt0912@163.com Contact: Baofu Yang Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office


Ilica 89/ii, Zagreb 10000 Croatia Tel: +385 13703030 Email: info@croatia-and-more.com Web: www.croatia-and-more.com Contact: Silvija Santini Orsag Exhibiting with Croatian National Tourist Board


HG Travel

47 Phan Chu Trinh Street, Hanoi Vietnam, Vietnam Tel: +84 4 3733 3333 Fax: +84 4 3733 3337 Email: marketing@hgtravel.com Web: www.hgtravel.com Contact: Chi Trinh Linh Established in 1997, HG Travel has grown from a single service travel provider to become a leading inbound tour operator and destination management company specializing in travel to Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos,Thailand and Myanmar.


HGH Travel Co.Ltd

82 Le Loi, Hue 100000 Vietnam Tel: +84 54 3 932 789 Fax: +84 54 9 932 777 Email: quy.nh@hghue.com Web: www.hghue.com Contact: Quy Nguyen Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism


HHR Group of Hotels



Off Waiyaki Way, Between David Osieli And Mvuli Road, Nairobi Kenya, 200 Kenya Tel: +254 204446651 Email: george.kariuki@heritagemanagement.co.ke Web: www.heritage-eastafrica.com Contact: George Kariuki Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board


Hermitage Bay

Po Box 60, St Johns Antigua And Barbuda Tel: Fax: +1268 562 5502 +1268 562 5500 Email: andythesen@hermitagebay.com Web: www.hermitagebay.com Contact: Andy Thesen Exhibiting with Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority


Hermosa Cove Villa Resort & Suites Usa Office, Orange City, Iowa 51041 United States Tel: Fax: +1 7127376447 +1 7127373304 Email: jacoba@hermosacove.com Contact: Jacob Ahlers Exhibiting with Jamaica Tourist Board


Hilton Abu Dhabi


HF Holidays



Ctra. Aeropuerto, Km. 3, Nave 5, Urb. Industrial Playa Honda, San Bartolome De Lanzarote Canary Islands, 35509 Spain Tel: +34 928 823 279 Fax: +34 928 511 186 Email: comercial@faycan.es Web: www.faycan.es Contact: Alejandro Rijo Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

The Fort Rewa, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh India, India +91 9302810777 Tel: Email: raja_rewa@yahoo.com Web: www.maharajrewa.com Contact: Pushpraj Singh Exhibiting with India Tourism

HHR Group Of Hotels - Pili Kothi





C/ Gremi De Cirugians I Barbers, 48 - 3º A, Palma De Mallorca Balears, 7009 Spain +34 971 43 33 96 Fax: +34 971 43 34 17 Tel: Email: comercial@hihotels.net Web: www.hihotels.net Contact: Guillermo Ferrer Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Hideaway of Nungwi Resort & Spa


P.o Box, Nungwi Road Zanzibar, Head Office Lungotevere Flaminio76, Rome Italy, 196 Italy Tel: +39 3342908660 Fax: +39 06 45481671 Email: aarchidiacono@hideawaynungwi.com Web: www.hideawaynungwi.com Contact: Antonella Archidiacono Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


Hilton Barbados Nedham’s Point, St. Michael, Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4345792 +1246 4260200 Email: lisa.gibson@hilton.com Contact: Lisa Gibson Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

Hilton Colombo


2, Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 02 Sri Lanka Tel: Fax: +94 112492191 +94 773633834 Email: chanaka.abeysinghe@hilton.com Web: www.hilton.com Contact: Chanaka Abeysinghe Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Hilton Colombo Residence


No 200, Union Place, Colombo 02 Sri Lanka, 200 Sri Lanka Tel: Fax: +94 115360502 +94 115344644 Email: lakmini.raymond@hilton.com Web: www.hilton.com Contact: Lakmini Raymond Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Hilton Dalaman Resort & SPA


Sarigerme Turizm Merkezi, Mugla PK 11, 48610 Turkey Tel: Fax: +90 2522868656 +90 2522868686 Email: christiane.kley@hiltondalaman.com Web: www.hiltondalaman.com Contact: Christiane Kley Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


Kilmainham, Dublin 8 Ireland Tel: +353 1 420 1800 Fax: +353 1 420 1866 Email: Deirdre.moriarty@hilton.com Web: www.hiltondublinkilmainham.com Contact: Deirdre Moriarty Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland


33-34 Regal Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi 110001 India Tel: +91 11 4342 4342 Fax: +91 11 2334 5974 Email: psyal@hi-tours.com www.hi-tours.com Web: Contact: Prem Syal Exhibiting with Global Discovery / Adventure Now


P.o.box 877, Abudhabi Abudhabi, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 26812734 +971 26811900 Email: elina.wiegel@hilton.com Web: www.hilton.com Contact: Elina Wiegel Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Hilton Dublin Kilmainham

Pili Kothi , reWwa , Madhya Pradesh, Rewa India Tel: +91 76622323484 Email: raja_rewa@yahoo.com Web: www.maharajrewa.com Contact: Pushpraj Singh Exhibiting with India Tourism



Highgate Hotels 700 8th Avenue, New York Ny, 10036 United States Tel: +1 2125361021 Email: jvipani@themilford.com Web: www.themilford.com Contact: Jasmine Vipani Exhibiting with NYC & Company

Hever Castle, Hever, Nr Edenbridge Kent, TN8 7EG United Kingdom Tel: +44 01732 861710 Email: APWatt@hevercastle.co.uk Web: www.hevercastle.co.uk Contact: Ann Watt Exhibiting with UKinbound


Hemingways Collection

Hera Maris


Hever Castle



Bp 416, Papeete, Papeete Tahiti, 98713 French Polynesia Tel: +689 12345678 Email: julian@tahiti-tourisme.co.uk Web: www.hilton.com Contact: Julian Mills Exhibiting with Tahiti Tourisme

Hilton Fort Lauderdale Beach Resort

NA100 505 North Fort Lauderdale Beach Blvd., Fort Lauderdale Florida, 33304 United States Tel: Fax: +1 9544142612 +1 9544142618 Email: russell.jenkins@hilton.com Contact: Russell Jenkins Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Hilton Giardini Naxos


Viale Jannuzzo, 47, Giardini-naxos 98035 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0942 56128 +39 0942 51931 Email: francesco.sanna@hilton.com Web: www.giardininaxos.hilton.com Contact: Alessandro Soldi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Hilton Hotel Al Ain


P.o.box 1333, Al Ain Uae, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 37687597 +971 37067199 Email: Tarek.Elias@hilton.com Web: www.hilton.com/alain Contact: Tarek Elias Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 323



Hilton Hotels Austria

Am Stadtpark 1, Vienna 1030 Austria Tel: +43 1 71700 13425 Fax: +43 1 71700 12321 Email: lucia.hudakova@hilton.com Web: www.hilton.at Contact: Lucia Hudakova Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office


Hilton Maldives Iru Fushi Resort & Spa

Hilton Iru Fushi, Po Box 2036, Noonu Atoll Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 6560044 +960 6560591 Email: Idee.Ferolino@hilton.com Web: www.maldivesirufushi.hilton.com Contact: Idee Ferolino Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Hilton Malta


Portomaso, St Julians St Julians, PTM 01 Malta Tel: Fax: +356 21386629 +356 23733626 Email: kristina.agius@hilton.com Web: www.hilton.com Contact: Kristina Agius Exhibiting with Malta Tourism Authority

Hilton Mauritius Resort & Spa



1335 Avenue Of The Americas, New York Ny, 10019 United States Tel: +1 2122615932 Email: darlyn.a.delrosario@hilton.com Web: www.newyorkhiltonhotel.com Contact: Darlyn Delrosario Exhibiting with NYC & Company

Hilton Prague & Hilton Prague Old Town


Hilton Salalah Resort


P.o Box 699, Salalah 211 Oman Tel: +968 92894545 Email: Florian.gruhl@hilton.com Web: www.hilton.com Contact: Florian Gruhl Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry

Hilton Seychelles

Hilton Windhoek



P. O. Box 70, Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264 61 296 2929 Fax: +264 61 296 2931 Email: Roman.Kopacek@hilton.com Web: www.hilton.com Contact: Roman Kopacek Exhibiting with Namibia Tourism Board

Hilton Worldwide

16th Floor, Building No 9a, Gurgaon 122001 India +91 1244822600 Fax: +91 1244822629 Tel: Email: amit.sharma3@hilton.com Web: www.hilton.com Contact: Amit Sharma Hilton Worldwide is the leading global hospitality company, spanning the lodging sector from luxurious full-service hotels and resorts to extended-stay suites and mid-priced hotels.In India presently, Hilton Worldwide operates 10 hotels under four brands in Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Chennai, Goa and Vadodara.


International Sales Office, Maple Court, Reeds Crescent, Watford Hertfordshire, WD24 4QQ United Kingdom Tel: +44 0207 856 8235 Fax: +44 0207 856 8333 Email: leisuresales.uk@hilton.com Web: www.hilton.com Contact: Linzi Haigh Exhibiting with UKinbound

324 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


38 Charoen Nakhon Road, Klong Tonsai, Klongsan, Bangkok 10600 Thailand +66 24422195 Tel: Fax: +66 24422189 Email: sarinthip.apinyanont@hilton.com Web: www.hilton.com Contact: Sarinthip Apinyanont Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

HILTON Worldwide-Egypt


World Trade Centre, 1191 Corniche El Nil, Cairo Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 225946922 +20 225946931 Email: nevine.esmat@hilton.com Web: www.hiltonworldwide.com Contact: Nevine Esmat Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

HIMALAYA Expeditions


Nuwakott Ghar, Sanepa Chowk, Kathmandu PO BOX 105 Nepal +977 1 55 45 990 Fax: +977 1 55 26 575 Tel: Email: bikrumsoffice@HimexNepal.com Web: www.himexnepal.com Contact: BIKRUM PANDEY Exhibiting with Nepal Tourism Board


P.o.box: 11856, Thamel, Kathmandu Nepal, 11856 Nepal Tel: Fax: +977 14266508 +977 14263026 4265717 Email: tashikailash@gmail.com Web: www.himalayakailash.com Contact: Tashi Gurung Exhibiting with Nepal Tourism Board

Himalayan Kingdom


P.o Box 213, Chorten Lam, Thimphu Bhutan Tel: Fax: +975 2 324449 +975 2 328400326102 Email: genhktours@hotmail.com Web: www.bhutanhimalayankingdomtours.com Contact: Pema Tashi Exhibiting with Bhutan (Tourism Council of)



Avenida S’estanyol 18, Cala Millor (mallorca), 7560 Spain Tel: +34 971 587 512 Fax: +34 971 587 204 Email: info@hipotels.com Web: www.hipotels.com Contact: Xisco Fullana Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Hippo Tours and Safaris Ltd


P.o Box 13824, Dar Es Salaam, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 0733128263 Email: info@hippotours.com Web: www.hippotours.com Contact: Gian Luigi Bisogmn Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


Historic Royal Palaces

Waterloo Block, Hm Tower Of London, London EC3N 4AB United Kingdom +44 2031666311 Fax: +44 2031666310 Tel: Email: groupsandtraveltrade@hrp.org.uk Web: www.hrp.org.uk Contact: David Miles solutions across all the latest media platforms.


Historic Scotland

Longmore House, Salisbury Place, Edinburgh EH9 1SH United Kingdom +44 (0)131 668 8656 Tel: Email: Graeme.bowie@scotland.gsi.gov.uk Web: www.historic-scotland.gov.uk Contact: Graeme Bowie Exhibiting with UKinbound



Aksakal Sok. Nr. 2 Kat. 2, Sultanahmet, Istanbul 34122 Turkey Tel: +90 2125162837 Fax: +90 2125182511 Email: info@historicalandboutique.org Web: www.historicalandboutique.rog Contact: Yavuz Dilmen Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Historium Brugge


Markt 1, Brugge Belgium, 8000 Belgium Tel: +32 50 27 03 11 Email: rene.tolenaars@historium.be www.historium.be Web: Contact: Hans Vandamme Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office

Hit Holidays Kranjska Gora


Block No 28 S.d.a. Sadan, Kasumpet, Shimla Himalachal Pradesh, 171009 India Tel: +91 01772625864 Email: aanu_sha@hotmail.com www.himachaltourism.nic.in Web: Contact: Manoj Sharma Exhibiting with India Tourism

Himalaya Kailash Travels & Tours Pvt. Ltd.

Box 69, Victoria, Mahe, Victoria Seychelles, Seychelles Tel: Fax: +248 429 39 39 +248 429 39 49 Email: michael.bell@hilton.com Web: www.hilton.com\worldwideresorts Contact: Michael Bell Exhibiting with Seychelles Tourism Board


Hilton Worldwide - India

Himachal Pradesh Tourism

Pobrezni 1, Prague 8 186 00 Czech Republic Tel: +420 224842299 Fax: +420 224842366 Email: jana.durackova@hilton.com Web: www.hilton.com Contact: Jana Durackova Exhibiting with Czech Tourist Authority - CzechTourism


World Trade Centre, 1191 Corniche El Nil, Cairo Cairo, Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 25946922 +20 25946931 Email: nevine.esmat@hilton.com Web: www.hiltonworldwide.com Contact: Nevine Esmat Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Hilton Worldwide Hotels & Resorts Thailand (Krungthep Rimnam Limited)

Wolmar, Flic-en-flac Mauritius, Mauritius Tel: +230 4031000 Email: priscilla.cattaree@hilton.com Web: www.hilton.com/worldwideresorts Contact: Priscilla Cattaree Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

Hilton New York



Borovska Cesta 99, Kranjska Gora SL-4280 Slovenia Tel: +386 4 588 45 10 Fax: +386 4 589 20 76 Email: barbara.branc@hitholidays-kg.si Web: www.hitholidays-kg.si Contact: Barbara Branc Exhibiting with Slovenian Tourist Board

HitchHiker GmbH


Berner Strasse 81, Frankfurt Am Main 60437 Germany +49 69 50 70 3 0 Fax: +49 69 50 70 3 111 Tel: Email: sales@hitchhiker.net Web: www.hitchhiker.net Contact: Uta Will Exhibiting with ISO Travel Solutions GmbH

Hola Tours & Travel


Max Enrique Urena No. 79, Edificio Elab Suite 103, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Tel: Fax: +1809 3203801 +1809 3205303 Email: agoffaux@holatours.com Web: www.holatours.com Contact: Anne Goffaux Exhibiting with Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism

Holiday Inn


P.o Box: 46668, Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates, 46668 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 26574999 +971 26574888 Email: Tarek.Elias@hilton.com Web: www.holidayinn.com/abudhabi Contact: Tarek Elias Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Holiday Inn Dubai - Al Barsha


Po Box 115443, Dubai United Arab Emirates +971 047040751 Tel: Email: rahil.lokku@hialbarsha.com Contact: Rahil Lokku Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Holiday Inn Express Dubai hotels


Po Box 282318, Dubai Uae, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 43173333 Email: hossam.nabil@hiexdubai.ae Web: www.hiexpress.com Contact: Hossam Nabil Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing



20 Bd Victor Hugo, Nice 6000 France Tel: +33 4 93 14 80 19 Fax: +33 4 93 07 21 24 Email: marketing.resort@wanadoo.fr Web: www.holinice.com Contact: Christine Geisse Exhibiting with France

Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives


Kandooma Fushi, South Male’ Atoll Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 6640513 +960 6640511 Email: sue.baimbridge@ihg.com Web: www.holidayinnmaldives.com Contact: Sue Baimbridge Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Holiday Inn SunSpree Resort , Aruba


J. E. Irausquin Boulevard 230, Palm Beach, J. E. Irausquin Boulevard 230, Aruba Aruba Tel: Fax: +297 86 5165 +297 586 3600 Email: marco.becker@keis.nl Web: www.caribbeanhi.com/Aruba/ Contact: Marco Becker Exhibiting with Aruba Tourism Authority

Holiday Inn SunSpree Resort, Jamaica

CA240 Rose Hall, Montego Bay Jamaica, Netherlands Tel: Fax: +31 475310573 +31 475332059 Email: marco.becker@keis.nl Web: www.montegobayjam.sunspreeresorts.com Contact: Marco Becker Exhibiting with Jamaica Tourist Board

Holiday Inn Tbilisi


Pedro De Medinalaan 71, Amsterdam Netherlands Tel: +31 204193220 Email: info@hollandfactory.com Web: www.hollandpass.com Contact: Henk Pottinga Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)

Holy Land Incoming Tour Operator Association

Sami Solh Avenue, Kaiss Building, Beirut Lebanon, Lebanon Tel: Fax: +961 (1) 389 282 +961 (1) 382555 Email: eliediab@hoojoozat.com Web: www.hoojoozat.com Contact: Elie Diab Exhibiting with LEBANON Ministry of Tourism


Hornblower Cruises & Events 353 West Street, New York 10014 United States +1 2123370001 1709 Tel: Email: jsepulveda@hornblower.com Web: www.hornblower.com Contact: Juan Sepulveda Exhibiting with NYC & Company

Pier 3 On The Embarcardero, San Francisco United States Tel: +1 4159838273 Email: emiller@hornblower.com Contact: Estelle Miller Exhibiting with Visit California

Horse Country Resort Congress & Spa


Strada Mare 24, 27, Arborea Oristano, 9092 Italy Tel: +39 0783 805177 Fax: +39 0783 805179 Email: commerciale@horsecountry.it Web: www.horsecountry.it Contact: Nicola Puddu Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Passatge Antonia Font Caminal, 1, Edif Prat De Les Oques, Despatx 502, Escaldes-engordany AD700 Andorra Tel: +376 875500 Email: emontobbio@hotansa.ad Web: www.hotansa.com Contact: Enric Montobbio Exhibiting with Andorra Turisme, S.A.U.



Lyndean House, Farm Yard, Windsor Berkshire, SL4 1QL United Kingdom Tel: +44 01753 836196 Email: richard@hotcake-marketing.com Web: www.hotcake-marketing.com Contact: Richard Hudgell Exhibiting with Airfasttickets



Lyndean House, Farm Yard, Windsor Berkshire, United Kingdom Tel: +44 01753 836192 Email: mark@hotcake-marketing.com Contact: Mark Gracey Exhibiting with Airfasttickets



Hornblower Curises & Events



Via Emilio Ortuno 5, 1º-5ª, Benidorm Alicante, 3501 Spain Tel: +34 96 585 55 16 Email: hosbec@hosbec.com Web: www.hosbec.com Contact: Nuria Montes de Diego Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme


Rod. Helio Smidth S/ Nº Andar Intermediario, Cumbica, Guarulhos Sp, 07141-970 Brazil Tel: +55 11 3049 6670 Fax: +55 11 3049 6660 Email: reservas@posadas.com Web: www.posadas.com Contact: Vitor Pacheco Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur



Av. Atlantica 3264, Sala 515, Rio De Janeiro 22070-001 Brazil Tel: +55 21 21061582 Fax: +55 21 21061531 Email: ggvi@othon.com.br Web: www.hoteisothon.com.br Contact: ANNA CHRISTINA DE ANDRADE Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


Royal Parade Mews, Chislehurst Kent, BR7 6TN United Kingdom Tel: +44 2082899595 Fax: +44 2082899696 Email: sales@hospitalityline.co.uk Web: www.hospitalityline.co.uk Contact: Debbie Mills Hospitality Line specialise in Leisure, Travel and Entertainment. Offering group meal bookings throughout the UK Ireland and Europe, from student meals to fine dining. We supply theatre packages, attractions visits, river cruises, Eurostar tickets, Christmas and New Year parties and hotel packages for both groups,individuals and Corporate events.


Colonia San Carlos, Edificio Europa, 5º Piso, Gerencia De Mercadeo, Tegucigalpa Francisco Morazan, 3261 Honduras Tel: +504 2222 2124 510 Fax: +504 2222 2124 501 Email: hconnor@iht.hn Web: www.visitehonduras.com Contact: Hattie Connor Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)


C/ Pescadores, S/n, Edificio Discovery, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Canary Islands, 38108 Spain +34 922 62 94 40 Fax: +34 922 61 70 74 Tel: Email: maria.oliva@hospiten.com Web: www.hospiten.com Contact: Carlos Salazar Benitez Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation


Hoteis Real

Press Centre Foyer

Av. Joan Miro, 79 Bajos, 07015 Palma De Mallorca, Palma De Mallorca Balearic Islands, 7015 Spain Tel: +34 971 732073 Email: manuel.molina@hosteltur.com Web: www.hosteltur.com Contact: Manuel Molina Espinosa

Hotel - Residence Il Nido dei Gabbiani


Via Prov.le Barrabisa 98, Km 2, Palau 7020 Italy Tel: +39 0789 704176 Fax: +39 081 7333318 Email: info@ilnidodeigabbiani.it Web: www.ilnidodeigabbiani.it Contact: Giovanni La Mantia Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Hotel ‘Minsk’ (‘President Hotel’, Hotel ‘Minsk’)


11, Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk 220030 Belarus Tel: Fax: +375 172099076 +375 172099076 Email: marketing@hotelminsk.by www.hotelminsk.by Web: Contact: Irine Evlash Exhibiting with Belarus National Tourism Agency

Hotel **** Bania Thermal & Ski


Srodkowa 181, 34-405 Poland Tel: +48 18 26 541 63 Email: marketing@bania.pl Web: www.bania.pl Contact: Karol Pilch The only such a hotel in Poland, which is located at the foot of ski slopes and adjacent to thermal pools. With wide range of amenities introduced considering the activities of our guests, regardless if you go skiing or to the thermal park, you can leave your room in slippers.

Hotel **** Galaxy Exhibiting with Global Media Network


Rua Antonio Enes, 19 2º Dto, Lisbon Portugal, 1050-23 Portugal Tel: Fax: +351 289598002 +351 289598000 Email: raul.araujo@hoteisreal.com Web: www.hoteisreal.com Contact: Raul Araujo Exhibiting with Portugal


Hospitality Line Ltd


Jerusalem, 91190, Jerusalem Palestine, P.O. BOX: 19597 Palestine Tel: +970 026283140 Fax: +970 026283118 Email: admin@holylandoperators.com Web: www.holylandoperators.com Contact: Christina Samara Exhibiting with Palestinian National Authority

Honduras Institute of Tourism




B-16-8 Megan Avenue Ii, 12 Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, Kuala Lumpur 50450 Malaysia +60 321622922 Tel: Fax: +60 321622937 Email: salesresv@holidayvilla.com.my Web: www.holidayvillahotels.com Contact: Carrie Chan Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Holland Factory BV

Vibrant and cosmopolitan, Hong Kong is one of the world’s greatest destinations with a unique ‘East meets West’ culture. Hong Kong Tourism Board is the official government-subvented body whose main objectives are to promote Hong Kong overseas and to work towards improving and developing Hong Kong as a tourist destination



1 Sharon St. Airport City 70100, Airport City 70100 Israel Tel: Fax: +972 39350161 +972 39350061 Email: holidaytravel@holidaytravel.co.il www.holidaytravel.co.il Web: Contact: Yaffa Maor Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

Holiday Villa Hotels & Resorts

6th Floor, Mutual House, London W1S 2GF United Kingdom Tel: +44 2074327700 Fax: +44 2074327701 Email: lonwwo@hktb.com Web: www.discoverhongkong.com Contact: Sandra Kwan


1, 26 May Square, Tbilisi Georgia, 171 Georgia Tel: +995 32 2300 099 Fax: +995 32 2300 001 Email: katerina.janashia@hi-tbilisi.com Web: www.hi-tbilisi.com Contact: Ekaterine Janashia Exhibiting with Georgian National Tourism Administration

Holiday Travel


Hong Kong Tourism Board



Gesia 22a, Krakow 31535 Poland Tel: +48 12 342 81 00 Fax: +48 12 342 81 10 Email: hotel@galaxyhotel.pl Web: www.galaxyhotel.pl Contact: Anna Drozdowska-Markiewicz Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 325



Hotel Acacia Resort / Masseria del Piano


Viale Himera 6, Campofelice Di Roccella 90010 Italy Tel: +39 0921 935400 Fax: +39 0921 935392 Email: acaciaresort@scear.it www.acaciaresort.com Web: Contact: Cesare Augusto Madia Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Hotel Airone - Hotel Parco degli Ulivi


Avda. Del Puerto 4, Direccion@hotelallon.es, Alicante Spain, 3570 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 966852469 +34 965890209 Email: direccion@hotelallon.es Web: www.hotelallon.es Contact: Sandra Serrano Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

Hotel Antares Olimpo


Urb. Santa Catalina, S/n, Antequera 29200 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 952845232 +34 951060400 Email: samira@andalucia.org Web: www.hotelantequera.com Contact: ALBERTO ORNIAY Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

Hotel Areca



Via Cavour, 88, Firenze 50129 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 055 561408 +39 055 589456 Email: andreavendali@hotelathenaeum.com Web: www.hotelathenaeum.com Contact: Andrea Vendali Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione

Hotel Beacon


19, Vladimirskij Prospect, Saint-petersburg 191002 Russian Federation +7 8123313200 Tel: Fax: +7 8123313201 Email: info@dostoevsky-hotel.ru Web: www.dostoevsky-hotel.ru Contact: Natalia Smirnova Exhibiting with Saint Petersburg Express, JSC



Cerrito 286, Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina Tel: +54 11 5252 6400 Fax: +54 11 4382 3284 Email: reservas@hotelbristol.com.ar Web: www.hotelbristol.com.ar Contact: Esteban Adrián Kenig Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion

Hotel Brückenwirt-Tennerhof


Hotel Equatorial Group

Level 28, Menara Dion, 27, Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur 50250 Malaysia Tel: +60 3 2275 7883 Fax: +60 3 2031 1123 Email: rang@hec.equatorial.com Web: www.equatorial.com Contact: Ricky Ang Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board


Hauptstrasse 78, St. Johann Pongau, A-5600 Austria Tel: Fax: +43 6412 425955 +43 6412 42590 Email: info@hotel-brueckenwirt.at Web: www.hotel-brueckenwirt.at Contact: Petra Nocker-Schwarzenbacher Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

Hotel Cabbana


Jhalandar, Jhalandar India +91 9872000604 Tel: Email: mail@prabhjotbedi.com Contact: Prabhjot Bedi Exhibiting with India Tourism

Hotel Camino Real




Bocagrande Cra 1 No. 2-87, Cartagena Colombia Tel: +57 (5)6501160 Email: ejanna@hotelcaribe.com Web: www.hotelcaribe.com Contact: Erika Janna Ordoñes Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia

Hotel Eracle


Via Caboto, Castelvetrano 91022 Italy Tel: +39 0924 941058 Fax: +39 0924 900230 Email: hoteleracle@gmail.com www.hoteleracle.it Web: Contact: Lorenzo Russo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Hotel Europe 28 Internatsionalnaya Str., Minsk 220030 Belarus Tel: +375 (17) 2298333 Email: o.cheremisina@hoteleurope.by Web: www.hoteleurope.warwickhotels.com/ Contact: Oksana Cheremisina Exhibiting with Warwick International Hotels



22 De Septiembre Y Luis Maria Argana, Ciudad Del Este Paraguay Tel: Fax: +595 61504250 +595 61504250 Email: luciavelazquez@hotelcasinoacaray.com.py www.hotelcasinoacaray.com.py Web: Contact: Lucía Velàzquez Exhibiting with Paraguay Secretaria Nacional de Turismo

Hotel Cormoran - Le Residenze del Cormoran


Via Del Porto 37 Loc. Campus, Villasimius Cagliari, 9049 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 070 798131 +39 070 79340 Email: info@hotel-cormoran.com Web: www.hotel-cormoran.com Contact: Mario Cioffi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Via Battisti, 171, Alba Adriatica 64011 Italy Tel: +39 0861 713612 Fax: +39 0861 718545 Email: info@boracay.it Web: www.boracay.it Contact: Chiara Rosini Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

326 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Hotel Des Mille Collines Avenue De L’’armee, Kigali 1322 Rwanda Tel: +250 0788300438 Email: alain.rillof@millecollines.net Web: www.millecollines.net Contact: Alain Rillof Exhibiting with Rwanda Tourism Board



Avda. Rafael Puig 39, Arona Santa Cruz De Tenerife, 38660 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922757701 +34 922757700 Email: direccion@villacortes.com Web: www.europe-hotels.org Contact: Ricardo Cáceres Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation



Av. 28 De Febrero, S/n, Conil De La Frontera Cadiz, 11140 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 972369651 +34 972366060 Email: samira@andalucia.org Web: www.hotelesgarbi.com Contact: Joaquim García Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

Hotel Group Budvanska Rivijera


2130 Broadway At 75th Street, New York Ny, 10023 United States Tel: +1 (646) 2773242 Fax: +1 (212) 787 8119 Email: gtraino@beaconhotel.com Web: www.beaconhotel.com Contact: Gerry Traino Exhibiting with NYC & Company

Hotel Boracay


Via Lazzaro, 25, Maiori 84010 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 089 877490 +39 089 877750 Email: reservation@hbsl.it Web: www.hbsl.com Contact: Andrea Cimini Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Calle Camino Real 0-20 Zona 10, Guatemala City Guatemala +502 24105041 Tel: Email: claudia_schwartz@caminoreal.com.gt Web: www.caminoreal.com.gt Contact: Claudia Schwartz Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

C/ Del Limon, 2, Elche Alicante, 3320 Spain Tel: +34 965 685 477 Fax: +34 965 685 479 Email: direccion@hotelareca.es Web: www.hotelareca.es Contact: Marco Belda Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme


Hotel Dostoevsky


Via Germano Chincherini, Letojanni 98037 Italy Tel: +39 0942 643131 Fax: +39 0942 643141 Email: rosario@parchotels.it Web: www.parchotels.it Contact: Rosario D`Amico Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Hotel Botanico San Lazzaro


Via Cavour 32, Alessandria 15121 Italy Tel: +39 0131517171 Fax: +39 0131517172 Email: info@hotelalliduebuoirossi.com Web: www.hotelalliduebuoirossi.com Contact: Rossella Alfieri Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Hotel Allon Mediterrania


Avda. Richard Yeoward, 1, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Canary Islands, 38400 Spain +34 922 381 400 Fax: +34 922 383 993 Tel: Email: comercianicoleschacht@hotelbotanico.com Web: www.hotelbotanico.com Contact: Patricio Feier Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation


Strada Per Baia Sardinia, Loc. Rena, Arzachena Ot, 7021 Italy Tel: +39 0789 933021 Fax: +39 0789 933027 Email: info@hotel-airone.com Web: www.hotel-airone.com Contact: Paolo Manca Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Hotel Alli Due Buoi Rossi



Trg Slobode 1, Budva 85310 Montenegro Tel: +382 33451640 Email: marketing@budvanskarivijera.co.me Web: www.hgbudvanskarivijera.com Contact: Sanela Kahrovic Exhibiting with Montenegro National Tourism Organisation



Paseo De La Sabica, S/n, Granada 18009 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 958223424 +34 958225730 Email: samira@andalucia.org Web: www.hotelguadalupe.es Contact: Javier Alvarez Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

Hotel Hong Kong Inn


Amritsar, Amritsar, Amritsar, Punjab India, India Tel: +91 92169 68878 Email: hotelhongkonginn@yahoo.com Contact: Kawaljit Singh Exhibiting with India Tourism

AF440 Hotel Il Gabbiano Via Cicerone,21, Bacoli 80070 Italy Tel: +39 081 8040232 Email: info@salesblitz.it Web: www.ilgabbianohotel.com Contact: Giulio Gambardella Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


EXHIBITOR PROFILES Hotel Il Parco degli Ulivi


Contrada Romeo, Villafranca Tirrena 98049 Italy Tel: +39 090 3379529 Fax: +39 0903379528 Email: info@ilparcodegliulivi.it Web: www.ilparcodegliulivi.it Contact: Enrico Russo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Hotel Insteia


Via Annia, Polla 84035 Italy Tel: +39 0975 390026 Fax: +39 0975 390026 Email: hotelinsteia@gmail.com Web: www.hotelinsteia.it Contact: Enza Marrone Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Hotel Invest Italiana


Via Aurelia Antica, 415, Roma 165 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 06 6642195 +39 06 6642191 Email: info@hotel-invest.com Web: www.hotel-invest.com Contact: Alessandro Geminiani Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



Avda. Bruselas 4-6, Costa Adeje, Tenerife Canary Islands, 38670 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922712098 +34 922719530 Email: sgarcia@hoteljacaranda.es Web: www.hoteljacaranda.es Contact: Francisco José Navarro Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation



Sp 408 Km 14.700, Pianella - Siena Tuscany, 53019 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0577357555 +39 057735751 Email: sales@hotelfontanelle.com Web: WWW.HOTELFONTANELLE.COM Contact: Giuseppina Bolfo Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione

Hotel le Pariou



C/gran Bretana S/n, Costa Adeje (tenerife) Canary Islands, 38660 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922746060 +34 922746000 Email: aliciabugallo@jardin-tropical.com Web: www.jardin-tropical.com Contact: Alicia Bugallo Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

Hotel Las Arenas Balneario Resort GL




Verdun, Mme. Curie Street, Beirut 1107-2080 Lebanon Tel: Fax: +961 1 351409 +961 1 351400 Email: n.atrache@lebristol-hotel.com Web: www.lebristol-hotel.com Contact: Nazira El Atrache Exhibiting with LEBANON Ministry of Tourism

Hotel Le Déserteur




Urb. Los Monteros, Km. 187, Marbella Malaga, 29602 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 952825846 +34 952177700 Email: samira@andalucia.org Web: www.monteros.com Contact: Susana Garcerán Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

Hotel Nice Massena


58 Rue Gioffredo, Nice 6000 France Tel: +33 (0)4 92 47 88 88 Fax: +33 (0)4 93 62 43 27 Email: jacques.soussin@hotel-massena-nice.com Web: www.hotel-massena-nice.com Contact: Jacques Soussin Exhibiting with France

Hotel Nice Riviera****


45 Rue Pastorelli, Nice 6300 France Tel: +33 (0)4 93 92 69 60 Fax: +33 (0)4 93 92 69 22 Email: stephan.pastor@nr.com.fr Web: www.nr.com.fr Contact: Valérie Barletta Exhibiting with France



Rosario Vera Penaloza 360, Buenos Aires 1107 Argentina Tel: +54 11 5776 7777 Fax: +54 11 5776 7705 Email: palmar@hotelmadero.com Web: www.hotelmadero.com Contact: Pablo Andrés Almar Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion

Hotel Palazzo del Corso



HOTEL MAJESTIC SAIGON 01 Dong Khoi Street, District 1, Hochiminh Vietnam Tel: Fax: +84 838295510 +84 838295517 Email: majestic@majesticsaigon.com.vn Web: www.majesticsaigon.com.vn Contact: Thuan Tran Vo Hieu Exhibiting with Saigontourist Holding Company


Corso Roma, 145, Gallipoli Italy Tel: +39 0833264040 Email: info@hotelpalazzodelcorso.it Contact: Anna Lisa Stefanelli Exhibiting with Regione Puglia


Urb. Oasis Del Sur S/n, Los Cristianos-, Canary Islands Tenerife, 38650 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922750193 +34 922757017 Email: calidad@hotelparadisepark.com Web: www.hotelparadisepark.com Contact: Benigno Riobo Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation


Golf Las Americas, Playa De Las Americas, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Canary Islands, 38650 Spain Tel: +34 922 777 818 Fax: +34 922 777 819 Email: brendan@golf-tenerife.com Web: www.hotellasmadrigueras.com Contact: Natalie Scott Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

Hotel Le Bristol


Avenida Canovas Del Castillo,1 29016 Malaga, Malaga Malaga, 29016 Spain Tel: +34 952 213 610 Fax: +34 952 213 619 Email: franciscojmoro@mshoteles.com Web: www.mshoteles.com Contact: Francisco Moro Exhibiting with MALAGA CITY TOURISM BOARD & CONVENTION BUREAU

EM1600 Eugenia Vines 22-24, Valencia Spain, 46011 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 963120616 +34 963120600 Email: soniaubeda@hotel-lasarenas.com Web: www.hotel-lasarenas.com Contact: Sonia Úbeda Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme


Corso Mazzini 233, Ostuni Italy Tel: +39 0831334470 Email: info@hotelmontesarago.it Contact: Oronzo Sasso Exhibiting with Regione Puglia

C/ Medico Miguel Martorell, 1, Benidorm Alicante, 3503 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 966801612 +34 966803216 Email: direccion@lesdunes.es Web: www.lesdunes.es Contact: Pedro Sidrach de Cardona Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme



Rezidor Hotel Group Gso, C/o Park Inn Manchester Victoria, Manchester M4 4EW United Kingdom Tel: +44 844 847 6742 Fax: +44 844 847 6748 Email: leisuresalesuk@carlsonrezidor.com Web: www.hotelmissoni.com Contact: Susan Coulthart Exhibiting with The Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group

Hotel Monte Sarago

12, Boulevard Royal, Luxembourg Luxembourg, 2449 Luxembourg Tel: Fax: +352 225 948 +352 24 16 16 1 Email: lmichea@leroyalluxembourg.com Web: www.leroyalluxembourg.com Contact: Laetitia Michea Exhibiting with Luxembourg National Tourist Office

Hotel Les Dunes Comodoro

Hotel Missoni


18 Avenue Kennedy, Issoire Issoire, 63500 France Tel: Fax: +33 473559616 +33 473559037 Email: info@hotel-pariou.com Web: www.hotel-pariou.com Contact: PASQUIER CELINE Exhibiting with France


Ctra. A7 Km 207, Fuengirola Malaga, 29640 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 952922005 +34 952922000 Email: samira@andalucia.org Web: www.hotelesipv.com/es/palace-spa-hotel.php Contact: Carmen Pascual Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA


Hotel Le Fontanelle SpA



Route De La Telecabine, Haute-nendaz 1997 Switzerland Tel: +41 27 288 24 55 Email: fiona.cave@ledeserteur.ch Web: www.ledeserteur.ch Contact: Fiona Cave Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Hotel Marina


C/ Cuenca 6, 3503, Alicante Alicante, 3503 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 902995504 +34 966897873 Email: comercial@hotelmarinabenidorm.net Web: www.marinahotelbenidorm.com Contact: Jose Maria Diez Gonzalez Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

Hotel Mercure

45 West 35th St., New York Ny, 10001 United States Tel: +1 2129472500 7106 Email: linda.davis@hotelmetronyc.com Web: www.hotelmetronyc.com Contact: Linda Davis Exhibiting with NYC & Company


Viale Mediterraneo, Domus De Maria 9010 Italy Tel: +39 070 9230533 Fax: +39 070 9230031 Email: info@hotelparcotorre.com Web: www.hotel.parcotorre.com Contact: Lorenzo Lorenti Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


12 Calle 1-24 Zona 10, Guatemala City Guatemala Tel: Fax: +502 24114117 +502 24114100 Email: h6304.gm@accor.com Web: www.mercure.com Contact: Vinicio Bobadilla Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

Hotel Metro

Hotel Parco Torre Chia


Hotel Parsenn


Promenade 152, Davos Dorf 7260 Switzerland Tel: +41 416 32 32 Email: hotel.parsenn@bluewin.ch Web: www.hotelparsenn.ch Contact: Martina Fopp Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism



Petrcane Bb, Hr-23232 Petrcane, Zadar 23000 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 23364131 +385 23202500 Email: info@hotel-pinija.hr Web: www.hotel-pinija.hr Contact: Branka Martinec Exhibiting with Zadar Region

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 327



Hotel Porta Felice


Via Butera, 45, Palermo 90133 Italy Tel: +39 091 6175678 Fax: +39 091 6171425 Email: info@hotelportafelice.it Web: www.hotelportafelice.it Contact: Daniela Fusi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Hotel Pulicinu


Loc Pulicinu Baja Sardinia, Baja Sardinia 7021 Italy +39 0789 933001 Fax: +39 0789 33090 Tel: Email: info@hotelpulicinu.com Web: www.hotelpulicinu.com Contact: Hotel Pulicinu Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Hotel Quartara


Eyrarvegi 2, Selfoss 800 SELFOSS Iceland Tel: Fax: +354 4822524 +354 4802500 Email: asi@hotelselfoss.is Web: www.hotelselfoss.is Contact: Asbjorn Jonsson Exhibiting with Visit Iceland



Av.atlantica 4240 Copacabana, Rio De Janeiro Rj, 22070002 Brazil Tel: +55 21 22251218 Fax: +55 21 22251230 Email: leandro.bellini@accor.com.br Web: WWW.SOFITEL.COM.BR Contact: LEANDRO BELLINI Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Hotel Sonnhof


Alpendorf 16, St. Johann/pongau 5600 Austria Tel: Fax: +43 6412 727135 +43 6412 7271 Email: info@hotel-sonnhof.at Web: www.hotel-sonnhof.at Contact: Hildegard Hoellwart Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

Hotel Stella della Versilia Srl


Via Delle Macchie, 54, Ronchi - Marina Di Massa Ms, 54100 Italy Tel: +39 0585 869066 Fax: +39 0585 861764 Email: info@stellaversilia.com Web: www.stellaversilia.com Contact: Stefano Turi Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione

Hotel Relais Villa del Golfo & Spa

EM1800 Via Monti Corru, Cannigione Ot, 7020 Italy Tel: +39 0789 892091 Fax: +39 0789 892101 Email: info@hotelvilladelgolfo.com Web: www.hotelvilladelgolfo.com Contact: Cinzia Callegari Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Localita` Sa Pineta, Bitti 8021 Italy Tel: +39 0784 413012 Fax: +39 0784 413205 Email: info@sulithu.it Web: www.sulithu.it Contact: Dario Giovanetti Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Hotel Royal Corin & Loto Spa

La Fortuna San Carlos 4,2 Km O De La Iglesia Catolica, Arenal Volcano Area, Alajuela Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 24797395 +506 24792200 Email: info@royalcorin.com Web: www.royalcorin.com Contact: Randall Araya Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board



Viale Giuseppe Di Vittorio, 51, Chianciano Terme Siena, 53042 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 057863660 +39 057863906 Email: info@hotelvillaricci.it Web: www.hotelvillaricci.it Contact: Simonetta Mencarelli Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione

Hotel Village Suvaki


Contrada Cimillia, Pantelleria 91017 Italy +39 0924 932316 Fax: +39 0924 908243 Tel: Email: hotelsuvaki@gmail.com Web: www.hotelsuvaki.it Contact: Lorenzo Russo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Hotel Vista Real


Km. 9 Carretera A El Salvador, Guatemala City Guatemala Tel: +502 23655060 Email: mariano@vistareal.com Web: www.vistareal.com Contact: Mariano Beltranena Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)


La Praille, 10-12 Route Des Jeunes, Carouge/geneve 1227 Switzerland Tel: +41 22 309 50 34 Fax: +41 22 309 50 00 Email: sales@encoregeneve.ch www.ramada-encore-geneve.ch Web: Contact: Carolle Guy Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Hotel Ristorante Su Lithu

HOTEL VILLA RICCI Simar Tourist sas


Via S. Pietro, 15, Panarea 98050 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 090 983621 +39 090 983027 Email: info@quartarahotel.com Web: www.quartarahotel.com Contact: Maria Pia Capelli Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Hotel Ramada Encore Geneva

Hotel Selfoss

Hotel Su Gologone


Su Gologone, Oliena 8025 Italy +39 0874 287512 Fax: +39 0874 287668 Tel: Email: gologone@tin.it Web: www.sugologone.it Contact: Giovanna Palimodde Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



Avda. De Los Acantilados S/n, La Caleta, S/c Tenerife Canary Islands, 38679 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922 168583 +34 922 168584 Email: recepcion@suitevillamaria.com Web: www.hotelsuitevillamaria.com Contact: María Victoria Gómez Hernán Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

Hotel Sun Palace Albir & Spa


C/ Hercules 1, Alicante Spain, 3581 Spain Tel: +34 966 071 362 Email: comercial@sunpalacealbir.com Web: www.sunplacealbir.com Contact: Teresa Arias Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme



Ul. Narodnog Fronta Bb, Becici, Budva Montenegro, 85310 Montenegro Tel: +382 33 662 662 Fax: +382 33 662 632 Email: milena@queenofmontenegro.com Web: www.queenofmontenegro.com Contact: Milena Brajovic Exhibiting with Montenegro National Tourism Organisation


Plaza De Armas, Santa Cruz Valle De Colchagua, Chile Tel: +56 24707439 Email: secretaria@hotelgalerias.cl Web: www.almacruz.cl Contact: Claudia Avaria Exhibiting with Chile

Hotel Schweizerhof Bern AG

Hotel The Queen of Montenegro


Bahnhofplatz 11, Bern Switzerland Tel: Fax: +41 313268083 +41 313137094 Email: sandra.hubert@schweizerhof-bern.ch Web: www.schweizerhof-bern.ch Contact: Sandra I. F. Hubert Exhibiting with Katara Hospitality

328 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Hotel Vila Ombak


Gili Trawangan Island, Lombok, P.o. Box 2010, Mataram West Nusa Tenggara (ntb), 83355 Indonesia Tel: +62 370 6142336 Fax: +62 370 6142337 Email: imam@hotelombak.com Web: www.hotelombak.com Contact: Imam Wahyudi Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Hotel Villa Luisa


Via Tripergola, 50, Pozzuoli Na, 80078 Italy Tel: +39 081 8042870 Fax: +39 081 8042852 Email: info@salesblitz.it Web: www.villaluisaresort.it Contact: Giulio Gambardella Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Hotel.de Ag / Hotel.info Ltd., Branch Hamm, Hamm D 59073 Germany Tel: +49 2381980820 Fax: +49 23819808239 Email: hotel@hotel.info www.hotel.info Web: Contact: Michael Hoefig The hotel.de AG is one of the leading online hotel reservations services in the world.Business and private customers book hotels at daily updated, special rates all over the world quickly and free of charge.The hotel.de AG offers under www.hotel.de and www.hotel.info a hotel reservation service with more than 210,000 hotels.



Complejo Mirall Balear, Cami De Son Fangos, 100, Palma De Mallorca Illes Balears, E-07007 Spain +34 971189086 Tel: Fax: +34 971771704 Email: a.edwards@hotelbeds.com Web: www.hotelbeds.com Contact: Alan Edwards Hotelbeds is a global hotel distribution partner with an online accommodation database of over 45,000 hotels from over 1500 hotel chains and independent hotels in 147 countries. Hotelbeds has 132 offices in 38 countries and employs over 6000 people.



Building 16300 Mt2, Electrica Avenue, Heathrow Airport, Heathrow Middlesex, TW6 2DN United Kingdom +44 0208 757 4700 Tel: Email: matthew.pooley@tgmgroup.co.uk Web: www.hotelbybus.com Contact: Matt Pooley Exhibiting with UKinbound

Hoteles Catalonia


Calle Marmoles, 6, Malaga Malaga City, 29007 Spain Tel: +34 952 070 216 Fax: +34 952 283 360 Email: dirmc@salleshotel.com Web: www.salleshotels.com Contact: MANUEL CAMACHO Exhibiting with MALAGA CITY TOURISM BOARD & CONVENTION BUREAU

hotel.de AG


Av. Xcacel, Lote 1, Pl 2 Mz 18, Playa Del Carmen Mexico, 77750 Mexico Tel: +52 984 206 3150 Email: marketing@rivieramaya.com Web: www.cataloniacaribe.com Contact: Rosa Ma. Cruz Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

Hoteles Decameron


Av. Camino Real 295, San Isidro, Lima Peru, LIMA 27 Peru Tel: +51 6342500 Email: jorge.manzur@decameron.com www.decameron.pe Web: Contact: Jorge Manzur Exhibiting with PromPeru

Hoteles Decameron/ Panama


Calle 50, Edificio Decameron 2do Piso, Panama Panama Tel: Fax: +507 2065342 +507 2065393 Email: asistente.comercial@decameronpty.com Web: www.decameron.com Contact: Mario Mattana Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)



Avda. Matapinonera, 11 -, Bloque 1, Oficina 201, San Sebastian De Los Reyes (madrid), 28703 Spain Tel: +34 9143204111 Fax: +34 915784414 Email: crm@hoteleselba.com Web: www.hoteleselba.com Contact: Iñaki Susilla de Luno Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA


EM1500 HotelsPro - Met Global



C/ La Pipa S/n Edif. Cenit, Local 3, Benidorm Alicante, 3501 Spain Tel: +34 965853939 Email: booking@hotelesrh.com Web: www.hotelesrh.com Contact: Tracey Pollitt Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme



Avd De Zabalgana,1, Vitoria Alava, 1015 Spain Tel: +34 9328029880 Fax: +34 945188801 Email: s.fontana@hoteles-silken.com Web: www.hoteles-silken.com Contact: Sonia Fontana-Antonelli Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Hotelfusion Limited



Hotel Kolovare, Boze Pericica 14, Zadar Zadar, 23000 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 23213079 +385 23211017 Email: info@hotel-kolovare.com Web: www.hotel-kolovare.com Contact: Hrvoje Sestan Exhibiting with Zadar Region



Indiranagar, Bangalore 560038 India Tel: +91 9900502291 Email: aditya@hotelogix.com Web: Contact: Nitin CR

Hotels and Lodges (Tanzania) Ltd.



C/ Princesa 58-pral, Barcelona Barcelona, 8003 Spain Tel: +34 93 268 1010 Fax: +34 902932236 Email: marta.sanjurjo@hotusa.es Web: www.hotusahotels.com Contact: Marta Sanjurjo Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



Rue Du Lac 12, Geneve GE 1227 Switzerland 0041 22 580 1880 Fax: 0041 22 580 1921 Tel: Email: HotelHelp@Hotwire.com Web: www.hotwire.com Contact: Michelle Best Rosinsky As a leading discount travel site Hotwire differentiates itself via a unique opaque (secret) model that keeps the hotel name and exact location hidden until a booking is complete. Our suppliers can safely discount rooms that would otherwise go unsold and generate incremental revenue — without sacrificing brand or rate integrity.


Res. Las Margaritas, Calle Narvaez. Mod. 3, Porlamar Marino, 63 Venezuela +58 4248226037 Fax: +58 2952639541 Tel: Email: frimmaudo@hovertours.com Web: www.hovertours.com Contact: Fabian Rimmaudo Exhibiting with Travel To Marketing



Calle El Sauce N1, Residencial Los Almendros Local N5-el Madronal, Adeje, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Canary Islands, 38670 Spain Tel: +34 922 78 82 54 Fax: +34 922 79 42 21 Email: direccion-comercial@hovima-hotels.com www.hovima-hotels.com Web: Contact: Zorione Sesma Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

HS Travel International Co. Ltd.


Unit 916, 9/f, Tower A, New Mandarin Plaza, 14 Science Museum Road, Kowloon Hong Kong +852 2369 3668 Tel: Fax: +852 8148 2845 Email: okrachan@hstvl.com Web: www.hstvl.com Contact: Okra Chan Exhibiting with Hong Kong Tourism Board


Summit Centre, Block B, 2nd Floor, Arusha Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 755074590 Fax: +255 272548633 Email: sales@hotelsandlodges-tanzania.com Web: www.hotelsandlodges-tanzania.com Contact: Sonia Menichelli Hotels & Lodges invites you to the Ultimate Wildlife Experience Under African Skies in seven unique establishments, Tanzania’s Prime Safari Locations.Lake Manyara Wildlife Lodge, Ngorongoro Wildlife Lodge, Seronera Wildlife Lodge, Lobo Wildlife Lodge, Zanzibar Safari Club, Prison and Bawe Islands.

Hotels and More

HotelsPro.com the B2B booking platform of Met Global offers large allocations and truly low NET/Commissionable rates for over 95,000 hotels in 11000 destinations worldwide.Beside the extensive hotel selection, travel agencies can also book over 3000 tours&activities with instant confirmation.XML Integration&White Label solutions are also available Contact e-mail: info@hotelspro.com.

Hover Tours C.A.

Suite 53, Colchester Centre, Colchester C02 8JX United Kingdom Tel: +44 01206266800 Email: groupcontracts@hotelfusion.co.uk Web: www.hotelfusion.co.uk Contact: Naomi Angus Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association



Met Global, Cumhuriyet Cad., Harbiye Istanbul, 34373 Turkey Tel: +90 212 3151448 Fax: +90 212 3435325 Email: mustafak@hotelspro.com Web: www.hotelspro.com Contact: Betul Dede

Avenida Rotary Internacional S/n, Puerto Banus, Marbella 29600 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 952817909 +34 952817353 Email: samira@andalucia.org Web: www.hotelpyr.com Contact: Ramón Boxó Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

Hoteles R·H


77-79 Bd De La Republique, Cs 70028 Cannes Cedex 6414 France Tel: +33 (0)4 97 06 11 38 Fax: +33 (0) 4 92 99 23 67 Email: myriam.fernandes@hotels-ocre-azur.com Web: www.hotels-ocre-azur.com Contact: Stephanie Ferrero Exhibiting with France

Ctra.nacional 340, P.k. 215’6, Benalmadena-costa, Benalmadena Malaga, 29630 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 952569834 +34 952579727 Email: samira@andalucia.org Web: www.holidayworld.es Contact: Alvaro Reyes Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA


Hotels Ocre et Azur


5 Jardine House, Harrovian Business Village, Harrow Middlesex, HA1 3EX United Kingdom +44 0208 515 9820 Fax: +44 0208 515 9846 Tel: Email: info@hotels-more.com Web: www.hotels-more.com Contact: Bernd Schwinge Exhibiting with UKinbound

HTMS International


Via Sibari 15, Milan 20141 Italy Tel: +39 0258111958 Fax: +39 0258100222 Email: minnocenti@htmsinternational.com Web: www.htmsinternational.com Contact: Marco Innocenti Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



1st Floor, Horton Court, Lenana Road, Box 5424 - 00200, Nairobi Nairobi, 200 Kenya Tel: +254 202416977 Fax: +254 203876812 Email: info@travelhtt.com www.travelhtt.com Web: Contact: Najma Poona Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board



Hubei Provincial Tourism Administration

98 Zhongbei Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan Hubei, 430077 China Tel: Fax: +86 2787124707 +86 2787128232 Email: jessiezhang315@hotmail.com Contact: Min Zhang Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office



Fernando El Catolico, 14-2º, Huelva Huelva, 21003 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 959249646 +34 959257467 Email: alidiaz@diphuelva.org Web: www.turismohuelva.org Contact: Alicia Diaz Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

Huerto del Cura Group


Porta De La Morera 14, Elche Alicante, 3203 Spain Tel: +34 96 661 00 11 Fax: +34 96 661 20 60 Email: comercial@huertodelcura.com Web: www.huertodelcura.com Contact: Daniel Marco Garcia Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme


HUILO HUILO Biological Reserve

Camino Internacional Panguipulli - Km. 60 Pto Fuy, Avda Vitacura 2909 Of. 1112 Las Condes, Panguipulli Chile, Chile Tel: +56 2335 5993 Email: gerenciacomercial@huilohuilo.com Web: www.huilohuilo.com Contact: Ximena León Exhibiting with Chile


Hulhule Island Hotel

International Aiport Island, Po Box 2118, Male’ Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3310318 +960 3330888 Email: utkarsh@hih.com.mv Web: www.hih.com.mv Contact: Utkarsh Faujdar Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation


Hummingbird Travel Ltd

Hummingbird Travel Ltd, 42 Borough High Street, London SE1 1XW United Kingdom Tel: Fax: +44 2079003950 +44 2074075122 Email: tom@hummingbirdtravel.co.uk Web: www.hummingbirdtravel.co.uk Contact: Tom Chambers Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Hunan Provincial Tourism Administration


40, Erduan, East Erhuan, Changsha Hunan, 410001 China Tel: Fax: +86 7315454931 +86 7314724017 Email: 68300915@qq.com Contact: Yun Jiang Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office


Hungarian Tourism Plc. Bartok Bela Ut 105-113., Budapest 1115 Hungary Tel: Fax: +36 14888600 +36 14888700 Email: info@hungary.com Web: www.hungary.com Contact: Eva Takacs

The Hungarian National Tourist Office is the first port of call for information and advice on Hungary’s many attractions. In addition to promoting wider awareness among potential consumers, the HNTO also provides practical assistance and commercial support for travel-trade companies in around 20 countries.



2nd Floor, Bedford House, 69 - 79 Fulham High Street, London SW6 9JW United Kingdom +44 2088462600 Tel: Fax: +44 2088462678 Email: maxine.dunsdon@hurtigruten.co.uk Web: www.hurtigruten.co.uk Contact: Maxine Dunsdon Exhibiting with Visit Norway / Innovation Norway



C/ Sabino De Arana, 27, Barcelona Barcelona, 8028 Spain Tel: +34 93 510 13 00 Fax: +34 93 490 51 12 Email: irene.garcia@husa.es Web: www.husa.es Contact: Pedro Marín Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 329





Safaga Road, Hurghada Red Sea, 0 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 225760159 +20 225786832 Email: business.d.m@hwaidakhotels.com Web: www.alibabapalace.com Contact: Anna Kalinska Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Hyatt Hotels & Resorts


Hyatt Hotels Corporation is a leading global hospitality company with over 490 properties in 45 countries. The Company’s subsidiaries manage, franchise, own and develop hotels and resorts under the Hyatt®, Park Hyatt®, Andaz®, Grand Hyatt®, Hyatt Regency®, Hyatt Place® and HYATT houseTM brand names.


World Trade Centre, 16th Floor - 1191 Corniche El Nil, Cairo Cairo, Egypt +20 225777828 Tel: Fax: +20 225777848 Email: egypt.hyatt@hyatt.com Web: www.egypt.hyatt.com Contact: Tamer Refaat Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Hyatt Hotels of Germany/Switzerland

GV225 C/o Grand Hyatt Berlin, Marlene-dietrich-platz 2, Berlin Germany, 10785 Germany Tel: +49 30 2553 1746 Fax: +49 30 2553 1748 Email: christian.wilk@hyatt.com Web: www.hyatt.com Contact: Christian Wilk Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Hyatt Hotels of South East Asia


C/o Grand Hyatt Singapore, 10 Scotts Road, Singapore 228211 Singapore Tel: Fax: +65 6732 1696 +65 6738 1234 Email: zulki.othman@hyatt.com Web: www.hyatt.com Contact: Zulki Othman Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Hyatt Regency Birmingham


2 Bridge Street, Birmingham West Midlands, B1 2JZ United Kingdom Tel: +44 121 632 1654 Fax: +44 121 632 1644 Email: genevieve.albarin@hyatt.com Web: www.birmingham.regency.hyatt.com Contact: Genevieve Albarin Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

GV225 Hoa Hai Ward, Ngu Hanh Son District, Danang City Vietnam Tel: +84 511 398 1234 Fax: +84 511 398 1235 Email: roger.baldwin@hyatt.com Web: www.danang.regency.hyatt.com Contact: Roger Baldwin Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts


Bhikaji Cama Place, Ring Road, New Delhi 110 066 India Tel: +91 11 6677 1441 Fax: +91 11 2679 1024 Email: anuradha.kumar@hyatt.com Web: www.delhi.regency.hyatt.com Contact: Anuradha Kumar Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Hyatt Regency Dubai

Hyatt Regency Kuantan Resort


Deira, P.o. Box 5588, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 209 1234 Fax: +971 4 209 1235 Email: bianca.nastase@hyatt.com Web: www.dubai.regency.hyatt.com Contact: Bianca Nastase Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

330 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Telok Chempedak, Pahang Darul Makmur, Kuantan 25050 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 9 567 7577 +60 9 518 1234 Email: kuantan.sales@hyatt.com Web: www.kuantan.regency.hyatt.com Contact: Mei Zahid Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Ibis Styles Zeebrugge

GV225 30 Portman Square, London W1H 7BH United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 7299 2082 Fax: +44 20 7299 2200 Email: fernanda.bragagnolo@hyatt.com Web: www.london.churchill.hyatt.com Contact: Fernanda Bragagnolo Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa & Marina


1441 Quivira Road, San Diego CA 92109 United States Tel: +1 619 221 4825 Fax: +1 619 221 4841 Email: shaina.citrullo@hyatt.com Web: www.missionbay.hyatt.com Contact: Shaina Citrullo Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Hyatt Voyages


Boulevard Mohamed V, Immeuble Iguenouanebp 3153, Agadir Morocco, 80 000 Morocco Tel: +212 5 28 84 02 45 Fax: +212 5 28 84 53 90 Email: hyattavt@menara.ma Web: www.hyatt-voyages.ma Contact: Mohammed Boukhaik Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office



C/ Guillem Cirerol, Nº3, El Arenal (Palma De Mallorca) Mallorca, C.P. 07600 Spain Tel: +34 971 261 175 Fax: +34 971 743 534 Email: isabel@ibacar.com Web: www.ibacar.com Contact: Pep Toni Font Fornes IBACAR.COM car rental top choice: Quality+Service+Price!. Thirty years, 70 offices in Majorca, Menorca, Ibiza & Formentera support us. Personalized customer service guaranteed anywhere in the islands. Say NO to long waits, NO kilometres to collect the car, NO to unexpected extras on arrival. Say YES to IBACAR!


General Riera, 154, Palma De Mallorca 7010 Spain Tel: +34 971077000 Email: comercial@iberostar.com Web: www.iberostar.com Contact: Tanja Genschow


Iberotel Apulia



Av. Espanya 49, 2º, Eivissa Balearic Islands, 7800 Spain +34 971 195433 Tel: Email: acanellas@atb.caib.es Web: www.ibiza.travel Contact: Antonia Cañellas Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA


Avda Espanya 49, Ibiza Balearic Islands, 7800 Spain Tel: +34 971195636 Email: carmen.sanchez@ibiza.travel Web: www.ibiza.travel Contact: Carmen Sanchez



Av. Espanya 49, 2º, Eivissa Ibiza, 7800 Spain Tel: +34 971 306483 Email: acanellas@atb.caib.es Web: www.ibiza.travel Contact: Antonia Cañellas Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA


Ibn Batutta Gate Hotel

Po Box 211508, Dubai United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 44445478 Email: monika.maciulaiyte@moevenpick.com www.moevenpick-dubai-ibnbattuta.com Web: Contact: Monika Maciulaityte Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing


ICE Plc Albany Court, 47-48 Piccadilly, London W1J 0LR United Kingdom Tel: +44 02072925400 Email: Gary.Smith@iceplc.com Web: www.iceplc.com Contact: Gary Smith Exhibiting with The Guild Of Travel & Tourism


Icefall Adventures Pvt. Ltd

P.o.box:25807, Thamel, Kathmandu - Select A State-, NA Nepal Tel: +977 1 421 2622 Fax: +977 1 421 2346 Email: icefall@mail.com.np www.icefalladventures.com Web: Contact: Ram Krishna Pokharel Exhibiting with Nepal Tourism Board

ICEHOTEL - part of Swedish Lapland

Iberostar Holidays to make you feel good! Iberostar Hotels (97 in 15 countries all over the world) are located on the most popular and beautiful beaches in the world, and offer their guests modern, highquality complexes built in traditional local style. We look forward to your visit at our stand!


Kustlaan 99, 8380 Zeebrugge, Belgium Tel: +32 50 20 12 02 Email: H8091-GM@accor.com Web: www.ibisstyles.com Contact: Ann Bal Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office

Ibiza Tourism Board Hyatt Regency London - The Churchill

Iberostar Hotels & Resorts

Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa

Hyatt Regency Delhi


P. O. Box 5588, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 42096970 Email: ann.kang@hyatt.com Contact: Ann Kang Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

6th Floor, The Courtyard, 7 Francis Grove, London SW19 4DW United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 8971 9780 Fax: +44 20 8971 9790 Email: karen.roberts@hyatt.com Web: www.hyatt.com Contact: Andrew Ashmore


Hyatt Regency Dubai


Marknadsvagen 63, Jukkasjarvi 981 91 Sweden Tel: +46 98066800 Email: karin@icehotel.com Web: www.icehotel.com Contact: Karin Harnesk Exhibiting with VisitSweden

Iceland Excursions - Gray Line Iceland


Via Vicinale Fontanelle, Cp 106, Marina Di Ugento Lecce, 73059 Italy +39 0833931002 Fax: +39 0833933646 Tel: Email: mice@iberotelapulia.com Contact: Ines Ferilli Exhibiting with Regione Puglia

Klettagarðar 4, Reykjavik 104 Iceland Tel: Fax: +354 5401310 +354 5401313 Email: iceland@grayline.is Web: www.grayline.is Contact: Gudrun Thorisdottir Exhibiting with Visit Iceland

Iberotel Miramar Al Aqah Beach Resort

Iceland Express

ME207 Fujairah, Al-aqah, Fujairah Fujairah, P. O. BOX 5218 , FUJAIRAH United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 370 57 33 Fax: +971 4 385 29 55 Email: alaa.hanna@iberotel.ae Web: www.jaz.travel Contact: Alaa Hanna Exhibiting with Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority, Government of Fujairah, U.A.E.

Armuli 7, Reykjavik 108 Iceland Tel: +354 5500600 Email: info@icelandexpress.is Web: www.icelandexpress.is Contact: Sigurdur Valur Sigurdsson Exhibiting with Visit Iceland



Iceland Travel Ltd Skutuvogur 13 A, Reykjavik 104 Iceland Tel: +354 5854300 Email: sales@icelandtravel.is Web: www.icelandtravel.is Contact: Rakel Ros Olafsdottir Exhibiting with Visit Iceland

Av.juscelino Kubitschek, 469 - Sala 202, Centro, Foz Do Iguacu 85851-210 Brazil Tel: +55 45 30276677 Fax: +55 45 30276677 Email: financeiro@iguassu.com.br Web: www.pmfi.pr.gov.br Contact: CRISTIANE SANTOS Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Adam House - 2nd Floor, 1 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 5HE United Kingdom Tel: +44 02078741035 Email: gabriela@icelandair.is Web: www.icelandair.co.uk Contact: Gabriela Cammarata Exhibiting with Visit Iceland


Icelandair hotels Group V/hlidarfot, Reykjavik 101 Iceland Tel: +354 444 4000 Email: sales@icehotels.is Web: www.icehotels.is Contact: Iris E Thorkelsdottir Exhibiting with Visit Iceland


Icelandair UK & Ireland

Adam House, 2nd Floor, 1 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 5HE United Kingdom Tel: +44 02078741035 Email: london@icelandair.is Web: www.icelandair.co.uk Contact: Hjorvar Saeberg Hognason Exhibiting with Visit Iceland


Dis Hatlar Terminali Havalimani, Antalya 7230 Turkey Tel: Fax: +90 2423303648 +90 4447423 Email: tutku.canidar@icfairports.com Web: www.icfairports.com Contact: Tutku Canidar Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


Corso Alfieri, 458, Asti Piemonte, 14100 Italy Tel: +39 0141 231100 Email: info@ideatours.it Web: www.ideatours.it Contact: Ameriga Vozza Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



Destination South East, C/o Brandon House Hotel, Wexford Ireland Tel: +353 87 940 4444 Fax: +353 1 293 3001 Email: info@southeastirelandhotels.ie Web: www.southeastirelandhotels.ie Contact: Bettie-Marie Burger-Smith Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

IHG Muscat Hotels


Po Box 1455, Pc 112, Muscat Sultanate Of Oman, Oman Tel: Fax: +968 24660650 +968 24660660 Email: bibiyana.chandy@ihg.com Contact: Bibiyana Chandy Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry

Il Marachella Gruppo





C.so Svizzera 185, Torino 10149 Italy Tel: +39 0110674874 Fax: +39 0110674873 Email: info@marachellagruppo.it Web: www.marachellagruppo.it Contact: Sylvia Gloria Ettorre Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Via Morgioni, 48, Ischia 80077 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 081 981672 +39 081 991433 Email: m.iacono@ilquadrante.com Web: www.ilquadrante.com Contact: Michele Iacono Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Rua Virginia Loreto, 72, Parnamirim, Recife Pe, 52060-370 Brazil Tel: +55 81 21280900 Fax: +55 81 21280909 Email: bernard@ideiatours.com.br Web: www.ideiatours.com.br Contact: BERNARD VAN STEEN Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

New Delhi, New Delhi India Tel: +91 1144001234 Email: lucyshaw34@yahoo.co.in Contact: Lucy Shaw Exhibiting with India Tourism

IHF South East

Il Quadrante

C/ Esperanto, 22, Benidorm Alicante, 3503 Spain +34 965857512 Tel: Fax: +34 965859081 Email: jriera@ideal-tours.com Web: www.ideal-tours.com Contact: Jose Riera Costa Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme



Fritz-vomfelde-strasse 34-38, Dusseldorf 40547 Germany Tel: Fax: +49 2115066355 +49 211506630 Email: info@ihb-travel.com Web: www.ihb-travel.com Contact: Dimitrios Triadis Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board

Via Roddino, 21, Serralunga D`alba 12050 Italy Tel: +39 0173613036 Fax: +39 0173613041 Email: info@ilboscarettoresort.it Web: www.ilboscarettoresort.it Contact: Mario Villani Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Like Colorado only with better weather and fewer people. Same gorgeous scenery and classy resorts, but at a more manageable elevation. We’re not easy to get to, so we cost less and have virtually no name recognition except for those famous potatoes, which really are worth the trip.


Av. Las Heras 1745, Buenos Aires 1018 Argentina Tel: +54 11 4372 8700 Fax: +54 11 4372 8700 Email: pveloso@buenosairesgrand.com Web: www.iguazugrand.com Contact: Pablo Veloso Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion

Il Boscaretto Resort & SPA

700 W. State St., Po Box 83720, Boise Id, 83720-0093 United States Tel: Fax: +1 2083342631 +1 2083342650 Email: kbirrell@rmi-realamerica.com Web: www.visitidaho.org Contact: Nancy Richardson

Idea Tours



Idaho Division of Tourism



IHB Travel GmbH

ILTucano Peru


Illusions Online


Po Box 500627, Office 4001, Shatha Tower, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 43908367 +971 43902300 Email: julia.m@illusions-online.com Web: www.illusions-online.com Contact: Julia Makarova Illusions is a global travel technology company providing unique customized solutions for Travel Operators and Destination Management Companies. Rapidly responding to changing market requirements it provides travel companies and consumers with a simple and cost-effective way to book travel.


Flat 34, 3rd Floor, 22 Ashutosh Chowdhury Avenue, Kolkata 700019 India Tel: Fax: +91 33 40015191 +91 9830021706 Email: debjit@itsindia.in Web: www.itsindia.in Contact: Debjit Dutta Exhibiting with Inbound Tour Operators Council (ITOC) - West Bengal

Improtex Travel Tours & Conferences

EM960 16 S. Vurgun Str, Baku Azerbaijan, AZ 1000 Azerbaijan Tel: +994 12 493 42 43 Fax: +994 12 493 75 20 Email: info@improtex-travel.com Web: www.improtex-travel.com Contact: Latifa Rzayeva Exhibiting with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Inbound Tour Operators Council (ITOC) - West Bengal


White Tower Annexe, Unit 5, Ground Floor, 213c B. B., Kolkata 700012 India Tel: Fax: +91 3322346164 +91 3322346163 Email: mail@itoc.in Contact: R Sushila

Inca Rail


Av. Argentina 3250, Callao, Lima Peru, 2 Peru Tel: +51 6135288 Email: abelaunde@incarail.com.pe Web: www.incarail.com.pe Contact: Ana Belaunde Exhibiting with PromPeru

Incoming Camocim Operadora Receptiva


Av.beira Mar, 2081 Sala 01– Centro Ao Lado Do Hotel Ilha Do Amor, Camocim Ceara, 62400-000 Brazil Tel: +55 (88) 3621 9806 Email: italy@incomingcamocim.com.br Web: www.inc.tur.br/ Contact: Edson Calixto Dias Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Incoming Italia


Via Mirabello 15, Bardolino, Vr Bardolino, Vr, I 37011 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0456210420 +39 0456209444 Email: incoming@europlan.it Web: www.incoming-italia.it Contact: Oswald Stocker Incoming Italia is a tourist partnership of the biggest Italian Tour Operators. 25 Years of the best agency service all over Italy. Incoming Italia equals quality choice.

Incoming Master

Tina Ujevica 7, Biograd Na Moru Zadar, 23210 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 23383008 +385 23383556 Email: sales@ilirijabiograd.com Web: www.ilirijabiograd.com Contact: Marijana Prtenjaca Exhibiting with Zadar Region


Calle Elias Aguirre 633, Miraflores, Lima Peru, L-18 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 2413696 +51 4449361 Email: alex.fassio@iltucanoperu.com Web: www.iltucanoperu.com Contact: Alessandro Fassio Exhibiting with PromPeru

Impression Tourism Services (India) Pvt. Ltd.


Icelandair Holidays

ICF Airports





Av. Afonso Pena, 981 3º Andar, Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais, 30130-002 Brazil +55 31 3505 3672 Tel: Email: lucas.davis@incomingmaster.com.br Web: www.masterreceptivo.com.br/ Contact: Lucas Condurú Davis Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Incoming Partners


Via Felice Casati, 32, Milan 20124 Italy Tel: +39 02 67020280 Fax: +39 02 67020296 Email: italy@incomingpartners.it Web: www.incomingpartners.it Contact: Michele Mondolfo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Incoming Partners S.r.l.


Via Felice Casati, 32, Milan 20124 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0267020296 +39 0267020280 Email: italy@incomingpartners.it Web: www.incomingpartners.it Contact: Michele Mondolfo Exhibiting with Network 4 Sports Travel

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 331




Al.nevsky Sq., 2, Office 413 – 415, Business-center “Moscow”, St.petersburg 191167 Russian Federation +7 812 459 98 93 Fax: +7 812 459 98 90 Tel: Email: info@incotour.ru Web: www.incotour.ru Contact: Yana Khrustovskaya Exhibiting with Saint Petersburg Express, JSC



Private Bag X383, Cresta, Johannebsurg South Africa, 2118 South Africa Tel: +27 11 467 5011 Fax: +27 11 467 5350 Email: zaida@witchwizard.co.za Web: www.indaba-southafrica.co.za Contact: Zaida Enver Exhibiting with South African Tourism


Indaba Explorations/ East Africa

Po Box 2135, Dennesig, Stellenbosch 7601 South Africa Tel: Fax: +27 218868236 +27 828202516 Email: marketing@indabasa.com www.indabasa.com Web: Contact: Pieter Mey Exhibiting with Global Discovery / Adventure Now


India 4 You

Tourism India Management Enterprises P.ltd, 78, Institutional Area, Gurgaon India, 122002 India +91 1244932450 Fax: +91 1244932499 Tel: Email: timepl@airtelmail.in Web: www.tourismindiamanagement.com Contact: Sanjeev Joshi Under ‘India4you banner’ two companies are participating TIME & Indo AsiaTIME is a leading DMC in India handling prestigious conferences,incentives and delegations from all over the world. We are also affiliated to ASTA,PATA, SITE, MPI, USTOA IATO, TAAI, FIEO, AND DOT.Received National Tourism award for Excellence in 2005. .


India Exotica Travels Pvt. Ltd

160 Vardhman Crown Mall, Plot 2, Sector19, New Delhi New Delhi, 110075 India +91 11 28042439 Tel: Email: manoj@indiaexotica.in Contact: Manoj Sharma Exhibiting with India Tourism

India Tourism


7 Cork Street, W1S 3LH United Kingdom +44 02077346613 Fax: +44 02074941048 Tel: Email: info@indiatouristoffice.org Web: www.incredibleindia.org Contact: Raj Sunani India Tourism is the National Tourism Organisation of India tasked with promoting India as a destination in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. India Tourism will be participating alongwith the Tour Operators, Indian State Governments, Hotels and other tourism suppliers from India showcasing the various tourism products.

India Tourism (Govt. of India)


India Tourism, London W1S 3LH United Kingdom Tel: +44 2077346613 Email: raj@indiatouristoffice.org Contact: Raj Kumar Sunani Exhibiting with India Tourism

India Tourism Development Corp



Inosoft House, B 79, Sector 56, Noida 201301 India Tel: +91 9810184807 Fax: +91 1204355636 Email: corporate@indiatourismecatalog.com Web: www.indiatourismecatalog.com Contact: M E H Haider


70 Lgf World Trade Centre, Barakhamba Lane, New Delhi Delhi, 110001 India +91 11 25686868 Fax: +91 11 25687110 Tel: Email: sales@indianholiday.com Web: www.indianholiday.com; www.indiaprofile.com Contact: Rajesh K Sharma Known as a “Destination Management Company”, Indian Holiday since its inception has traversed the path of promoting tourism to India . The Company is well known for its efficient services and world class standards, specializes in Inbound Tours,MICE & Charters and offers lots of other tourism related services in India.

Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation Ltd

The Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited, a public sector enterprise under the Ministry of Railways,Govt. of India is the tourism arm of Indian Railways and is the owner and operator of PAN India Super Luxury Train - Maharajas’ Express covering major tourist destinations of India.

Indie Boutique Hotels, USA


806 Douglas Road, Fourth Floor, Coral Gables, Fl 33134 United States +1 3058980434 Tel: Email: lgarzon@trusthospitality.com Web: www.indieboutiquehotels.com Contact: Lilian Garzon Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions



Nai Yang Beach & National Park, Phuket 83110 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 76327338 +66 76327006 Email: bkkoffice@indigo-pearl.com Web: www.indigo-pearl.com Contact: Prakaikaew Na-Ranong Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)



Indo Asia House, Plot No. 56, Institutional Area, Gurgaon 122002 India Tel: +91 124 4534500 Fax: +91 124 4534585 Email: marketing@indoasiatours.com www.indoasiatours.com Web: Contact: Sunirmol Ghosh Exhibiting with India 4 You

Indochina Sails - Mekong River Cruises


51 Truong Dinh St, Ho Chi Minh City DIST 3 Vietnam Tel: +84 839306165 Email: staffan@itt.com.vn Web: www.itt.com.vn Contact: Charlotte Jean Private Inbound Tour Operator Tailor made services in Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao and Myanmar18 years of experience-leisure tours ans short trips- VIP TRavel- Golf Tours- Cruises- MICE Tours- Special Interest Tours Representative office in UK


Suite 1705, Artex Building, 172 Ngoc Khanh, Hanoi 10000 Vietnam +84 462514052 Tel: Fax: +84 462514051 Email: info@itsvietnam.com Web: www.itsvietnam.com Contact: Pauline Barbey Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism

INDONESIA - Puri Lumbung Cottages


Munduk Village, Singaraja Indonesia, 81152 Indonesia Tel: +62 362 7012887 Email: yishwari@purilumbung.com Web: www.purilumbung.com Contact: Yudhi Ishwari Exhibiting with CBI

332 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Republic Of Indonesia, 9th Fl, Sapta Pesona Building, Jakarta Indonesia, 10110 Indonesia +62 213838293 Tel: Fax: +62 213860828 Email: mollyprabawaty@gmail.com Web: www.indonesia.travel Contact: Molly Prabawaty Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Indonesia, is responsible for national tourism and culture development. It focuses on promoting country image as a safe and worth visiting country. It also facilitates tourism industries to promote tourism destinations and products to international market. Diverse Culture and nature are our strengths/competitive advantages.


Indoroutes Travels India Jaipur, Jaipur, Jaipur, Rajasthan India, 302021 India Tel: +91 9828555619 Email: info@indoroutes.com Web: www.indoroutestravls.com Contact: Harsh Inaniya Exhibiting with India Tourism



Av. Cordoba 1342 - 3º, Buenos Aires 1055 Argentina +54 11 5290 9316 Fax: +54 11 4373 3348 Tel: Email: letchevarne@industravel.com.ar Web: www.industravel.com.ar Contact: Luis Etchevarne Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion


Infinity Hotels & Resorts Co.,Ltd.

Sivayathorn Tower, Room No.1204, 12th Floor, 53 Wireless Road, Lumpini, Bangkok Thailand, 10330 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 26554171 +66 26554171 Email: somchais@orapingroup.com www.ihotelandresort.com Web: Contact: Somchai Sangchaysuppakorn Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)



Paraguay 643 - 1º, Buenos Aires 1057 Argentina Tel: +54 11 4894 0277 Fax: +54 11 4894 0277 313 Email: sergio@infobadmc.com Web: www.infobadmc.com Contact: Sergio Hernán Pizzagalli Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion

Information and Travel Agency ‘Yaroslavl - Capital of Golden Ring’

EM250 AS581

2/1 Nguyen Thanh Y, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam, 10000 Vietnam +84 39110578 Tel: Fax: +84 39110579 Email: minh@indochina-sails.com Web: www.indochina-sails.com Contact: Minh Dang Exhibiting with Focus Travel

Indochina Travel Services Vietnam - ITS

Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)


9th Floor, Bank Of Baroda Building, 16, Parliament Street, New Delhi India, 110 001 India +91 9717644797 Fax: +91 11 23210321 Tel: Email: shweta.singh@irctc.com Web: www.the-maharajas.com Contact: Akshay Kulshrestha

Indochina Tourist & Trade Co. Ltd.

Scope Complex, Core 8, 6th Floor, New Delhi 110003 India Tel: +91 43569897 Email: att@satyam.net.in Contact: Inder Nath Majumdar Exhibiting with India Tourism

India Tourism Ecatalog

Indian Holiday Pvt. Ltd.

Nakhimsona Str., 23/55, Yaroslavl 150000 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 4852328600 +7 4852328600 Email: info@cgr.su Web: www.cgr.su Contact: Marina Nikolaeva Exhibiting with Russian Federation

Inner Maldives Holidays Pvt. Ltd.


H. East Light, Ameer Ahmed Magu, Male’ Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3330884 +960 3006886 Email: info@innermaldives.com www.innermaldives.com Web: Contact: Abdulla Ghiyas Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Inner Mongolia Tourism Administration


63, Xinhua Street, Huhhot Inner Mogolia, 10055 China Tel: +86 4716946609 Fax: +86 4716946609 Email: nmgtour_cjc@188.com Contact: Jiachen Zhang Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office

Innsbruck -The Capital of the Alps


Burggraben 3, Innsbruck 6020 Austria Tel: +43 512 59850 0 Fax: +43 512 59850 107 Email: n.boekdrukker@innsbruck.info Web: www.innsbruck.info Contact: Nicholas Boekdrukker Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office



Intercontinental Hotel Abu Dhabi



Panagias Korifinis Street, Nea Moudania Halkidiki, Greece Tel: +30 23730 65060 Fax: +30 23730 25288 Email: abirner@inovahospitality.com Web: www.inovahospitality.com Contact: Andreas Birner Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation

P.o.box 6942, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 26935117 Email: sayed.tayoun@ihg.com Web: www.ncth.com Contact: Sayed Tayoun Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Krupnicza 3, Krakow 31-123 Poland Tel: +48 124219858 Email: p.rabczak@intercrac.com.pl Web: www.intercrac.com.pl Contact: Piotr Rabczak Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation

Institute of National Museums of Rwanda

InterContinental Hotels Dubai Festival City

Interlaken Tourism


Huye, Huye Rwanda, 630 HUYE Rwanda Tel: +250 078543894 Fax: +250 252530211 Email: jacklinekanda@gmail.com Contact: Jackline Kanda Exhibiting with Rwanda Tourism Board



C/ Rincon Dorado, 1, Centro Torrehermosa,1ª, Torremolinos Malaga, 29620 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 952385369 +34 952389566 Email: samira@andalucia.org Web: www.insurtravel.com Contact: MIGUEL RUEDA Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

Intas Destination Management


6 Th Floor, 611 Common Goal Tower, Finance Street, Madrigal Business Park, Muntinlupa City 1770 Philippines Tel: Fax: +63 27723313 +63 27723312 Email: sonia@intasdestinations.ph Web: www.intas-travel.com Contact: Sonia Teresa Lazo Exhibiting with Philippines Department Of Tourism

Intendencia Mpal. de Maldonado


Direccion De Turismo, Acuna De Figueroa Y Burnett, COD. POSTAL 20000 Uruguay Tel: +598 042 233 262 Fax: +598 042 231 773 Email: rree@maldonado.gub.uy Web: www.maldonado.gub.uy Contact: Horacio Diaz Exhibiting with URUGUAY MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND SPORT



Roger Balet S/n.esquina Calle 1, Atlantida Canelones, 16. 000 Uruguay Tel: Fax: +598 7224112 +598 3723104 Email: imcturismo@hotmail.com Web: www.canelonesturismo.gub.uy Contact: DARIO QUEIROLO Exhibiting with URUGUAY MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND SPORT

Intercity Travel DMC



P. O. Box 45777, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 4 2329095 +971 4 7011111 Email: moo.mu@ichdfc.ae Web: www.intercontinental.com/dubai Contact: Moo Mu Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

InterContinental Hotels Group


International Caravan Travel Service Co., Ltd

International Hotel Awards


International Pow Wow (IPW) by U.S. Travel


International Travel & Congresses


P O Box 23, Marsa Alam Red Sea, Egypt Tel: +20 0653360000 Fax: +20 0653360025 Email: sales.portghalib@ihg.com www.intercontinental.com/portghalib Web: Contact: Sherif Osman Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority


Ville Valio, Balaclava Mauritius Tel: +230 261 1200 Email: shane.jameson@ihg.com Web: www.ihg.com Contact: Shane Jameson Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

Interconnection Travels & Tours Co., Ltd



InterContinental Budapest


Apaczai Csere Janos Utca 12-14, Budapest 1052 Hungary Tel: Fax: +36 3276466 +36 3276361 Email: karoly.lakatos@ihg.com Web: www.budapest.intercontinental.com Contact: Karoly Lakatos Exhibiting with Hungarian Tourism Plc.

InterContinental Doha - The City


P. O. Box: 22178, Doha Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 4015 8749 +974 7021 8750 Email: mouncef.bencherif@ihg.com Web: www.intercontinental.com/dohathecity Contact: Mouncef Bencherif Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority

City Hall Way, Parliament Road Junction, P.o. Box 30353, Kenya Nairobi, 200 Kenya Tel: +254 (0) 20 32 00 000 Fax: +254 (0) 20 32 00 036 Email: peter.olale@ihg.com Web: www.ihg.com Contact: PETER OLALE Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

Intercontinental San Juan Resort & Casino


5961 Isla Verde Avenue, Carolina Isla Verde, 979 Puerto Rico Tel: +1787 7877916100 Email: michael.herrmann@ihg.com Web: www.intercontinental.com/sanjuan Contact: Michael Herrmann Exhibiting with Puerto Rico Tourism Company

Intercontinental San Juan Resort & Casino

International Travel Fairs

5961 Isla Verde Avenue, Carolina 979 Puerto Rico Tel: +1787 398 5097 Email: Willie.Chin@ihg.com Web: www.intercontinental.com/sanjuan Contact: Willie Chin Exhibiting with Puerto Rico Tourism Company



Office 2415,15, Noviy Arbat Str., Moscow 119019 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 495 6956362 +7 495 6956362 Email: mitf@ugol.ru Web: www.mitf.ru Contact: Olga Teplyakova Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency


T - 2, Community Centre Sheikh Sarai Phase - 1, New Delhi India Tel: +91 1126017808 Email: deepaksingh@ith.co.in Web: www.travelhouseindia.com Contact: Gurinder Bawa Exhibiting with India Tourism



3 Narodno Sabranie Sqr, Sofia 1000 Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 980 12 96 Fax: +359 2 980 32 22 Email: marketing@bulgaria-guide.com Web: www.bulgaria-guide.com, www.sightseeingsofia.com Contact: Krasotsveta Nekolova Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism

Interopa Holidays



82 Menachem Begin Road, Tel Aviv Israel Tel: Fax: +972 3 7610790 +972 3 7610710 Email: incoming@internationaltc.co.il Contact: Rafi Shelef Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

International Travel House Limited



3 St Johns Court, Moulsham Street, Chelmsford Essex, CM2 0JD United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1245358877 Fax: +44 (0)1245357767 Email: info@ipropertymedia.com Web: www.ihotelawards.com Contact: Stuart Shield

1100 New York Avenue Nw Suite 450, Suite 450w, Washington, D.c. Usa, 20005-3934 United States Tel: +1 202 408 2141 Fax: +1 00000 Email: lmoura@USTravel.org Web: www.ustravel.org Contact: Luiz Moura Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions

Office 2, 15-a, Lesya Ukrayinka Blvd, Kyiv 1133 Ukraine Tel: +380 661790544 Fax: +380 442860544 Email: reservation@ict-dmc.org.ua Web: www.ict-dmc.org.ua Contact: Anna Safronova Exhibiting with Ukraine

No. 24-26, 37th Street, Kyauktada Township, Yangon 11182 Myanmar Tel: +95 1 371 691 371 692 Fax: +95 1 371 691 371 692 Email: thant@myanmarholiday.com Web: www.myanmarholiday.com Contact: Thant Sin Oo Exhibiting with Myanmar Tourism Federation (Marketing Committee)



Crowne Plaza Shopping Center, Office 26, Amman Jordan, 11195 Jordan Tel: +962 6 550 4444 Fax: +962 6 550 4445 Email: Mohammad.Saed@IHGJordan.com Web: www.ihg.com Contact: Mohammad Saed Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board

InterContinental Mauritius Resort


Hoheweg 37, Interlaken 3800 Switzerland Tel: +41 33 826 53 00 Fax: +41 33 826 53 75 Email: remo.kaeser@interlakentourism.ch Web: www.interlaken.ch Contact: Remo Käser Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Mustakillik Str. 59a, Tashkent 100000 Uzbekistan Tel: Fax: +998 712371241 +998 712371241 Email: sales@caravantraveluz.com Web: www.caravantraveluz.com Contact: Gulnora Khurramova Exhibiting with Cyrus Sahra Co.

Corniche El Nil, Omar Ibn El Khattab Street, Cairo Egypt, Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 2 27971715 +20 2 27957171 Email: mohamed.amin@ihg.com Web: www.intercontinental.com Contact: Mohammed Amin Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

InterContinental Hotels Group Jordan



973 Ploenchit Road, Bangkok Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2 6560366 +66 81 6560444 Email: rungaroon.kumpalanuwat@ihg.com Contact: Rung-Aroon Kumpalanuwat Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)



21-23 Chilworth Street, W2 3HA United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 258 0009 Fax: +44 207 706 3259 Email: daniela@interopa.co.uk Web: www.interopa.co.uk Contact: James Cuttica Exhibiting with UKinbound

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 333



Intertours Nepal

Gpo Box 3896, Intertours House, Sinamangal Airport Road, Kathmandu Nepal, 3896 Nepal +977 1 4112060 Tel: Fax: +977 1 4112062 Email: info@intertours-nepal.com Web: www.intertours-nepal.com Contact: Prem Rana Exhibiting with Nepal Tourism Board



7, Gina Patrichi, Bucharest 1 10988 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 213136360 +40 213136322 Email: mirela.iordache@invitation-romania.ro Web: www.invitation-romania.ro Contact: Gheorghe FODOREANU Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM


Irro - Reisen / Coach Charter Germany


Into Bhutan Adventures

Changlam Plaza Opposite Bnb, Near Tashi Ling Palace, Motithang, Thimphu Thimphu, 00975- Bhutan Tel: Fax: +975 2337398 +975 2337398 Email: info@intobhutan.com Web: www.intobhutan.com Contact: Damchoe Gyeltshen Exhibiting with Bhutan (Tourism Council of)


Intour Maldives Pvt. Ltd.

Fasmeeru Building, 7th Floor, Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Male’ Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3339995 +960 3339994 Email: info@intourmaldives.com Web: www.intourmaldives.com Contact: Ali Firaq Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation



150 Prospect Mira, Moscow Russian Federation, 129366 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 495 7301936 +7 495 7301937 Email: zharova@intourist.ru Web: www.intourist.com Contact: Nina Zharova Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency



No. 2-3, Street 118, Sangkat Phsar Thei 2, Phnom Penh Cambodia, 12209 Cambodia Tel: Fax: +855 23218578 +855 23427153 Email: account@intracambodia.com Web: www.intracambodia.com Contact: Tui Pakarat Rutten Exhibiting with Cambodia, Ministry of Tourism



Ergenekon Cad. 62/603, Istanbul Turkey, 34380 Turkey +90 2122341200 Fax: +90 212410885 Tel: Email: sales@intraturkey.com Web: www.intraturkey.com Contact: PINAR OZBILGE Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


Intuitive Ltd



37 Av De La Motte Picquet, Paris 75007 France Tel: +33 180 27 18 30 Email: mdesmonstiers@algonquin-amf.com Web: www.fr.inwood-hotels.com Contact: Maxime Des Monstiers Exhibiting with France


Janambhumi Building, 151 R.g Baruah Road, Assam 781005 India Tel: +91 9854054862 Email: info@kazirangasafari.com Web: www.kazirangasafari.com Contact: Mousumi Kalita Exhibiting with India Tourism



Najaf, Najaf Kufa Road, Najaf -, 964 Iraq Tel: +964 7901939410 Email: algufran_group@yahoo.com Web: www.al-rafidain.com Contact: Fadhel Alsaeagh

Iraqi Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities


Building No. 90, Haifa Street, Bagdad Iraq Tel: +964 7901963022 Email: relation@tourismiq.com Web: www.tourisimiq.com Contact: Ali Y Abdulridha


35 Heddon Street, London London, W1B 4BR United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 099 9242 Email: julia.fesenberg@irisvalet.com Web: www.irisvalet.com Contact: Florence Horsey

7th Floor Davis House, 69-73 High Street, Croydon Surrey, CR0 1QE United Kingdom Tel: +44 02033552200 Email: andy@intuitivesystems.co.uk Web: www.intuitivesystems.co.uk Contact: Andy Keeley

iRiS Software Systems pioneer, create and design hospitality applications that are re-defining the hotel guest experience. At the forefront of technology and innovation, iRiS have created applications (apps) that enable hotels to exceed guest expectations while increasing revenue.It enables a communications stream between hotel and guest, not previously possible.

Intuitive have developed an advanced end-to-end dynamic packaging tool – iVector. Major UK and international dynamic operators, bed banks, airlines and cruise operators use iVector for all areas of their business including online, mobile, call centre, product contracting, 3rd party interfaces, distribution, CMS, yield management, MI and back office capabilities.

Irish Country Hotels & Manor House Hotels


Invest Barbados 1 Great Russell, London WC1B 3ND United Kingdom Tel: +44 2072997196 Email: jcumberbatch@investbarbados.org Contact: Jean-paul Cumberbatch Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority



Rua De Lisboa, Ponta Delgada Azores, 9500-216 Portugal Tel: +351 295206600 Fax: +351 295206650 Email: germano.figueira@angrahotel.investacor.com Web: www.investacor.com Contact: Germano Silva Figueira Exhibiting with Portugal

334 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


1 Sandyford Office Park, Foxrock, Dublin 18 Ireland Tel: +353 1 295 8900 Fax: +353 1 295 8940 Email: rwallace@manorhousehotels.com Web: www.manorhousehotels.com / www.irishcountryhotels.com Contact: Roisin Wallace Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Irish Tourism.com Ltd


River House, Killarney Road, Newcastle West Co. Limerick, Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 69 77726 +353 69 77686 Email: info@irishtourism.com Web: www.irishtourism.com Contact: Steve Royston Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Irish Welcome Tours

Ischia Quality Hotels


Via Vincenzo Gemito, 60, Ischia 80077 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 081 903752 +39 081 993455 Email: info@ischiaqualityhotels.it Web: www.ischiaqualityhotels.it Contact: Francesco Trani Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Via Zara 19/5, Genova Ge, 16145 Italy Tel: +39 0103626881 Fax: +39 0103626012 Email: roberta@iscra.com Web: www.iscra.com Contact: Roberta Leverone Exhibiting with Agenzia Regionale per la Promozione Turistica ‘in Liguria’


Isibindi Africa Lodges

Iraqi Parliament has approved recently a law of establishing Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities; its main tasks are the responsibility of the national policy – making and development of policy strategies in the line with the growth of tourism and interaction with this industry.

Iris Software Systems Ltd


Loc. Is Molas, Pula 9010 Italy Tel: +39 070 9241006 Fax: +39 070 9141001 Email: ismolashotel@ismolas.it Web: www.ismolas.it Contact: Marco Anedda Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Rafidain Company for travel and tourism is one of the pioneers in the field of tourism in Iraq.It is established in 1990 with a capacity of 2 hotels and one bus with a staff of six employees.At the present time our company includes 45 hotels and 120 coaches.


Roland-brandin-str. 2, Luechow 29439 Germany Tel: +49 5841 977325 Fax: +49 5841 977327 Email: info@coach-charter-germany.com Web: www.coach-charter-germany.com Contact: Jessica Irro Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board

Is Molas Resort IORA - The Retreat, Kaziranga, Janambhumi Hotels & Resorts Pvt. Ltd


Piazza Della Liberta`, 56, Avellino 83100 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0825 74730 +39 0825 74735 Email: irpiniatour@irpiniatour.it Web: www.irpiniatour.it Contact: Francesco Ciriello Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Bracken Court, Bracken Road, Dublin 18 Ireland Tel: +353 1 293 3000 Fax: +353 1 293 3001 Email: bernadette@irishwelcometours.com www.irishwelcometours.com Web: Contact: Bernadette O’Carroll Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

52 Osborn Road, Eshowe Kwazulu Natal, 3815 South Africa Tel: +27 (0)35 474 1473 Fax: +27 (0)35 474 1490 Email: marketing@isibindi.co.za Web: www.isibindi.co.za Contact: Alex Johnston Exhibiting with Kamili



C/ General Antequera, Nº 2 Bajo, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Canary Islands, 38004 Spain Tel: +34 922 290 592 Fax: +34 922 248 954 Email: mani.santaella@grupogigansol.com Contact: Ricardo Reyero Hernandez Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

Island Car Rentals Ltd


17 Antigua Avenue, Kingston 10 Jamaica Tel: Fax: +1876 9296987 +1876 9295875 Email: dmoody_icr@flowja.com Web: www.islandcarrentals.com Contact: Dulcie Moody Exhibiting with Jamaica Tourist Board

Island Continent Tours


Tana, Tana Madagascar Tel: +261 123 Email: direction@ictours.mg Web: www.ictours.mg Contact: Hely RAKOTOMANANTSOA Exhibiting with Kamili



Lot 043 Mma Ii, Mamory Ivato, Antananarivo Antananarivo, 105 Madagascar Tel: +261 33 15 254 96 Email: direction@ictours.mg Web: www.ictours.mg Contact: Hely RAKOTOMANANTSOA Exhibiting with Madagascar National Tourism Board



Island Hideaway, Spa Resort & Marinaa

Fasmeeru Building, 2nd Floor, Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Male’ 20077 Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 650 1616 +960 650 1515 Email: sales@island-hideaway.com Web: www.island-hideaway.com Contact: Mariya Shareef Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Island of Gozo


Flat 4 Ta Mliet Court, Gorg Borg Olivier Street, Victoria Gozo, VCT 2519 Malta Tel: Fax: +356 21565174 +356 21565171 Email: gtagozo@onvol.net Web: www.islandofgozo.org Contact: Joe Muscat Exhibiting with Malta Tourism Authority



Sharks Bay, Sharm El Sheikh South Sinai, 46611 Egypt Tel: +20 069 362 1621 Fax: +20 069 360 3703 Email: marketing@tiranacityhotelsegypt.com Web: www.islandviewresortegypt.com Contact: Maged Farid Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority



Sharks Bay, Sharm El Sheikh South Sinai, 46611 Egypt Tel: +20 0693621621 Fax: +20 0693603703 Email: maged.farid1@gmail.com Web: www.islandviewresortsharm.com Contact: Maged Farid Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority


Islazul Calzada No. 209 E/ J Y K., La Habana Cuba Tel: +53 7 830 0066 Email: ileana.rodriguez@reservaislazul.tur.cu Web: www.islazul.cu Contact: Ileana Rodriguez Exhibiting with Cuba Tourist Office


ISO Travel Solutions GmbH

Eichendorffstr. 33, Nuremberg 90491 Germany Tel: Fax: +49 91199594129 +49 911995940 Email: slh@isotravel.com Web: www.isotravel.com Contact: Markus Kretschmer ISO Travel Solutions is specialized in the development, sales and support of hospitality and tourism software solutions in international markets. Our solutions “made in Germany” are used by well-known companies worldwide including Emirates, TUI, Thomas Cook Etihad or ACV.

Israel Government Tourist Office


Uk House, 180 Oxford Street, London Uk, W1D 1NN United Kingdom +44 2072991100 Fax: +44 2072991112 Tel: Email: director@igto.co.uk Web: www.goisrael.com Contact: Sara Salansky ISRAEL -The Holy Land, the Dead Sea, the Sea of Galilee, Jerusalem, Eilat and Tel Aviv. 20 thousand square kilometers loaded with history, archaeology, breathtaking diverse topography and ancient scenarios combined with ‘hi-tech facilities’. The Ministry offers marketing assistance for TO and travel agents including financial support and written/visual materials.

Istanbul Parasol Travel (IPT)


40 Aliyat Hanoar St, Tel Aviv 61181 Israel Tel: Fax: +972 3 6918188 +972 36947777 Email: info@isram.co.il Web: www.isramisrael.com Contact: Hava Segal Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

Istiklal Cad. No 53 / 5 D 9 Beyoglu, Istanbul 34435 Turkey Tel: +90 212 516 63 00 Fax: +90 212 516 63 02 Email: info@antoninaturizm.com Web: www.istanbulwalks.com Contact: ATILLA TUNA Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Istar 21 - Danube Tourism Cluster


29 Hamered St, Tel Aviv 68125 Israel +972 35197777 Tel: Fax: +972 35104646 Email: nahumk@isrotel.co.il Web: www.isrotel.co.il Contact: naum kara Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office


Pasiceva 7, Novi Sad 21000 Serbia Tel: +381 216624823 Email: office@istar21.rs Contact: Dragan Marceta Exhibiting with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia



1 A, Lineinaya Street, Bishkek Kyrgyzstan Tel: +996 312690235 Email: novinomad@elcat.kg Contact: Elena Dudashvili Exhibiting with Kyrgyz Association of Tour Operators


Itc Green Centre, 10, Institutional Area, Gurgaon 122001 India Tel: +91 911244172157 Email: sunil.sarin@itchotels.in Web: www.itchotels.in Contact: Sunil Sarin

ITO Tours


Eisenhouwerlaan 77b, The Hague 2517 KK Netherlands Tel: +31 70 3524 534 Fax: +31 70 3548 827 Email: georgejr@itotours.nl Web: www.itotours.nl Contact: George Kolarik Jr Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)

Ivanovo Region Italcamel Travel Agency s.r.l


Viale Dante, 155, Riccione 47838 Italy Tel: +39 0541661711 Fax: +39 0541648494 Email: programm@italcamel.com Web: www.italcamel.com Contact: Barbara Pennacchini

Novij Arbat Street. 36/9, Moscow 121205 Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 690 70 92 Fax: +7 495 690 71 78 Email: office@ivpred.ru Web: www.ivpred.ru Contact: Ekaterina Vankova

ITALCAMEL can guarantee and provide a wide selection of services for Group and Individual Travellers (local guides, assistance, reps, buses...)from the north to the south of Italy. Italcamel is XML supplier for the biggest OTA and Wholesalers, which have Italy as their first destination.

The Ivanovo region, a part of ‘The Golden Ring’, is located 300 kilometres to the north-east of Moscow. Ivanovo hotels can accommodate 1 339 tourists.The Plyos city on the Volga River is the museum-reserve and the resort, which became a new destination in the unusual routs to the hidden Russia.

Italian Details S.r.l.


Ixaris Systems Ltd


Via Crescenzio 19, Roma 193 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0662277320 +39 068908791 Email: info@italiandetails.com Web: www.italiandetails.com Contact: Emanuela Zago

22 Long Acre, London, WC2E 9LY United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 7550 5978 Email: travel@ixaris.com Web: www.ixaris.com Contact: Amy O’Connor

Specialised in art cities, wine and gastronomy, tailored tours. Our portfolio goes from 5* deluxe hotels to historical villas. Ground operator for the main cruise lines, we handle excursions and organise pre and post cruise stays. Our strength lies in our longstanding expertise, no details are left behind.

Ixaris is a leading provider of streamlined payment solutions that enable businesses to make and receive payments worldwide with unprecedented speed and ease. Powered by Visa and MasterCard, our purchasing solutions are ideal for travel companies and proven to save money, improve cashflow and increase the efficiency of payment activities.

Italian Limousine Service sas


Via Monteverdi, 73, Firenze Firenze, 50144 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 055 0517791 +39 055330022 Email: gioia@itlimoservice.com Web: www.itlimoservice.com Contact: Maria Gioia Gualtieri Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione

Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


1 Princes Street, London W1B 2AY United Kingdom +44 2073993560 Fax: +44 2073993567 Tel: Email: info.london@enit.it Web: www.enit.it Contact: Marina Cencioni The official national office for the promotion of Italian tourism in the UK and Republic of Ireland. Many services are offered to the travel trade and press. Our stands include representatives from every sector of the Italian tourist industry (regional tourist offices, hoteliers, travel associations, ground handlers, transport services, etc.).


Via S.caterina, 94, Arco Di Trento Tn, 38069 Italy Tel: +39 0464 588800 Fax: +39 0464 588873 Email: info@italicaturismo.com Web: www.italicaviaggi.com Contact: Mauro Mazzola Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

ITB Berlin Isrotel Hotels

ITC ‘Asia Mountains’


Italica Turismo S.p.A. Isram Israel


Fulya Caddesi 27/3 Sisli Istanbul, Istanbul Turkey Tel: +90 212 356 95 65 Fax: +90 212 356 95 66 Email: deniz@istanbulparasol.com Web: www.istanbulparasol.com Contact: Mr.Deniz Üstertuna Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


Messe Berlin Gmbh, Messedamm 22, Berlin Berlin, 14055 Germany Tel: +49 3030382127 Fax: +49 3030382119 Email: heruday@messe-berlin.de Web: www.itb-berlin.com Contact: Luz Marina Heruday ITB Berlin, the World’s Leading Travel Trade Show is taking place from March, 6-10 2013: www.itb-berlin.com. ITB Asia, The B2BTrade Show for the Asian Travel Market, will be held from October, 23-25 2013 in Singapore and covers the leisure, business travel and MICE sector: www.itb-asia.com. WTM booth: UKI430

IZKA - Izmir Development Agency


Sehit Fethi Bey Cad. No:49/1, Birlik Plaza Kat:3, Izmir Izmir, 35210 Turkey +90 232 489 81 81 Fax: +90 232 489 85 05 Tel: Email: begum.tatari@izka.org.tr Web: www.izka.org.tr Contact: Sevda Zorlu The platform aims to develop the touristic potential of Izmir. Provides an expert solution for inbound groups/FIT needs by business, boutique and resort hotels. Local travel agencies supply seamless organizations for incentive, city breaks, cultural and health groups. Preferred supplier of many leading international tour operators.

Izmailovo Tourist Hotel Complex


4-g-d, 71, Ismailovskoye Shosse, Moscow 105613 Russian Federation +7 495 7377123 Tel: Fax: +7 495 7377123 Email: sale@izmailovo.ru Web: www.izmailovo.ru Contact: Elena Logacheva Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency



Jules Michelet Street, No1, District 1, Bucharest Romania, 10461 Romania Tel: +40 213165810 Email: marketing@jinfotours.ro Web: www.jinfotours.ro Contact: Maria Tomescu Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM

JA Resorts & Hotels


Enchanted Island Resort, Trinity Estate (Pty) Ltd. Quincy Street, Victoria Seychelles, P.O BOX 18 Seychelles +248 4344800 Tel: Fax: +248 4612300 Email: maria.morel@seychelles.travel Web: www.enchantedseychelles.com Contact: Tania Garcia Exhibiting with Seychelles Tourism Board

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 335



JAC Travel Canada

Suite 305 - 1847 West Broadway, Vancouver Bc, V6J 1Y6 Canada +1 604 687 5999 Tel: Email: sales@jactravel.bc.ca Web: www.jactravel.bc.ca Contact: Todd Williams Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission


Jacaranda Hotels, Kenya

Waiyaki Way,wwoodvale Groove, Westlands, P. O. Box 1428700800, Nairobi 800 Kenya Tel: +254 0204448713 Fax: +254 0204445818 Email: james.chege@jacarandahotels.com Web: www.jacarandahotels.com Contact: James Chege Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board


Jamaica Tours Limited

Po Box 227, 1207 Providence Drive, Montego Bay St. James, PO BOX 227 Jamaica +1876 9533664 Tel: Fax: +1876 9532107 Email: jtladmin@jamaicatoursltd.com Web: www.jamaicatoursltd.com Contact: Michelle Whittaker Exhibiting with Jamaica Tourist Board

Rua Nicolau De Souza 907, Conj. 41, 04105-002 Vila Mariana, Sao Paulo Sp, 04105-002 Brazil Tel: +55 11 55756844 Email: martyn@jacaretravel.com Web: www.jacaretravel.com/ Contact: martyn Mencke Exhibiting with Global Discovery / Adventure Now


P O Box 550 112 Center Street, Jackson, Wy 83001 United States Tel: Fax: +1 3077335585 +1 3077333316 Email: kbirrell@rmi-realamerica.com Web: www.jacksonholechamber.com Contact: Kim Birrell Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce represents the hotels, attractions and restaurants in Teton County, Wyoming, home to Grand Teton National Park and most of Yellowstone National Park. Major attractions include hiking, biking, whitewater rafting, golfing, fishing, horsebackriding, wildlife tours, skiing, snowmobiling, elk refuge sleigh rides and so much more.

5, Olaide Tomori Street, Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234 8034707553 Email: info@jemialadetours.com Contact: Ladi Alade Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation


Govt. Of J&k, Room No. 14 & 15, Front Wing, New Delhi 110001 India Tel: +91 112374 4948 Email: pamtick@gmail.com www.jktourism.org Web: Contact: Altaf Hussain Exhibiting with India Tourism

62-64 Chancellors Road, London W6 9RS United Kingdom Tel: +44 2085637878 Fax: +44 2087488846 Email: enquiries@jactravel.co.uk Web: www.jactravel.co.uk Contact: Vikki Barclay JacTravel is one of the world’s premier suppliers of online hotel bookings and inbound travel services to the tourism sector. With over 35 years experience, offering a range of group and FIT services throughout the UK & Ireland and an online booking systems offering worldwide coverage with over 7,000 hotels.


116 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 5DQ United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)131 556 4500 Email: iain.limond@jactravel.co.uk Web: www.jactravel.co.uk Contact: Iain Limond Exhibiting with UKinbound



Plaza San Francisco 2, Jaen Jaen, 23071 Spain +34 953248000 Tel: Fax: +34 953248064 Email: rocioreche@promojaen.es Web: www.promojaen.es Contact: Rocio Reche Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

Jamaica Inn


Misiolka 8, Krakow 31-525 Poland +48 12 665 14 66 Fax: +48 12 421 27 26 Tel: Email: incoming.a@janpol.com Web: www.janpol.com Contact: Emilia Kowalska Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation


Japan National Tourism Organization

5th Floor, 12 Nicholas Lane, London EC4N 7BN United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 398 5670 Fax: +44 207 626 0224 Email: info@jnto.co.uk Web: www.seejapan.co.uk Contact: Valentin Shestak Japan National Tourism Organization(JNTO) promotes Japan internationally as a business and leisure destination. We help the travel industry develop tours and sell travel to Japan to their clients and assist media to write about Japan. Our co-exhibitors are leading tour operators, ground handlers, hoteliers, local government.


JATAK Travels

J-5, G. F. East Vinod Nagar, Mayur Vihar, Phase -11, New Delhi India, 110091, India +91 1165664636 Fax: +91 1122723042 Tel: Email: md@jataktravels.com Web: www.jataktravel.com Contact: Sushil Kumar Singh Exhibiting with India Tourism


Jaz Hotels & Resorts


P O Box 1, Ocho Rios United Kingdom Tel: +44 0208 9776099 Email: claire.green@essentialdetail.co.uk Web: www.jamaicainn.com Contact: Claire Green Exhibiting with Jamaica Tourist Board

Jamaica Tourist Board

Teplicka 492, Prague 9 190 00 Czech Republic Tel: +420 266136052 Fax: +420 283880142 Email: sales@hotelduo.cz Web: www.janhotels.cz Contact: Stepanka Srncova Exhibiting with Czech Tourist Authority - CzechTourism





26th July Corridor, Sheikh Zayed City Giza, Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 238542029 +20 238542039 Web: www.jaz.travel Exhibiting with Travco Group

JCorp Hotels And Resorts


1-2 Prince Consort Road, South Kensington London, SW7 2BZ United Kingdom Tel: +44 2072259090 Fax: +44 2072251020 Email: ddonaldson@visitjamaica.uk.com www.visitjamaica.com Web: Contact: Donovan Donaldson National tourist office responsible for tourism promotion and marketing of Jamaica’s diverse tourism product. Promotion of attractions, car rental companies, destination management companies, hotels and villa accommodation, conference facilities and several cultural and special interest events.

336 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Jalan Abdullah Ibrahim, Johor 80730 Malaysia +60 72199999 Tel: Fax: +60 72279867 Email: nirubah@puteripacific.com Web: www.puteripacific.com Contact: K Nirubah Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Jebel Ali International Hotels


Jenman African Safaris

Po Box 36146, Glossderry Cape Town, 7702 South Africa Tel: +27 21 683 7126 Email: katja@jenmansafaris.com Web: www.jenmansafaris.com Contact: Katja Quasdorf Exhibiting with Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association

Jersey Tourism

Jan-Pol Incoming Tour Operator


Jemi Alade Tours

Boulevard De La Revolution, Kigali 6508 Rwanda Tel: +250 786831900 Email: info@jambotoursrwanda.com Web: www.jambotoursrwanda.com Contact: Catherine Mutula Exhibiting with Rwanda Tourism Board

JAN HOTELS Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce

Jl. Raya Pantai Klui No. 1, North Lombok Indonesia, 83355 Indonesia +62 370 693035 Tel: Fax: +62 370 693036 Email: asst.bdm@jeevaklui.com Web: www.jeevaklui.com Contact: Marino Iman Santoso Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)


Jambo Travel & Tours Agency

Jammu & Kashmir Tourism


Jacaré Travel


Jeeva Klui Resort


Liberation Place, Jersey Channel Islands, JE1 1BB United Kingdom Tel: +44 1534448877 Fax: +44 1534448898 Email: tradeteam@jersey.com Web: www.jersey.com Contact: Robin Segal Jersey Tourism is a marketing body that has two main functions: as a marketing organisation and a Visitor Centre. It has the remit to promote Jersey as a visitor destination, enhance the island’s tourism product offering and provide relevant information for visitors.



P.o.b 775 Safra Square, Jerusalem 91007 Israel Tel: +972 2 6297128 Email: eli@jda.gov.il Web: www.jerusalem.muni.il Contact: ELI NAHMIAS Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

Jethro Tours Ltd


Africa Building, 4th Floor, Plot 1679, Karimu Kotun Street, Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234 8066943598 Email: jethro.tours@gmail.com Contact: Oluwasina Femi Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation

Jetwing Hotels (Private) Limited


46/26, Jetwing House, Navam Mawatha, Colombo 02 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 772662249 Email: ishanth@jetwinghotels.com Web: www.jetwinghotels.com Contact: Ishanth Gunawardene Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Jetwing Travels (pvt) Ltd


46/26, Jetwing House, Nawam Mawatha, Colombo 02 Sri Lanka Tel: Fax: +94 112345724 +94 777287803 Email: dinesh@jetwing.lk Web: www.jetwingtravels.com Contact: Raju Arasaratnam Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Jewel Dunn’s River Resort & Spa


Po Box 858, Mammee Bay, Ocho Rios Jamaica, United Kingdom Tel: +44 2084879881 Fax: +44 2088789124 Email: suzy@amgltd.biz Contact: Suzy Trott Exhibiting with Jamaica Tourist Board


Po Box 9255, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 43154343 Email: lauren.cartwright@jaihotels.com Web: www.jebelali-international.com Contact: Lauren Cartwright Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing



50-52 Yen Bai 1, Hanoi Vietnam, 10000 Vietnam Tel: Fax: +84 439746374 +84 439746373 Email: info@jeweltours.com Web: www.jeweltours.com Contact: Thuy PHUNG Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism



46 Green Lane, Palmers Green, London London, N13 6JU United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 3150 0077 Fax: +44 (0) 3150 0078 Email: zuhre@travelworldpremier.com Contact: Zuhre Ozyukselen Exhibiting with North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd

Jewria Service Club India Pvt. Ltd


Gesia 8, Krakow 31535 Poland Tel: +48 12 422 40 33 Fax: +48 12 422 96 19 Email: office@jordan.pl Web: www.jordan.pl Contact: Anna Drozdowska-Markiewicz Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation


Jordan Tourism Board


Jebal Amman, Tunis Street, Amon Hotel Complex, Between 4th-5th Circle, Duty Free Shop Building, 2nd Floor, Amman Jordan, 11183 Jordan Tel: Fax: +962 65678295 +962 65678294 Email: yousef@visitjordan.com Web: www.visitjordan.com Contact: Youssef Husseiny

Mumbai, Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra India, India Tel: +91 22 40484048 Email: subhash@jewria.com Contact: Subhash Jewria Exhibiting with India Tourism

Jharkhand Tourism


Jordan Tourism Board is an independent public - private sector partnership committed to utilize marketing strategies to brand, position and promote the Jordan tourism product internationally as the destination of choice.

Jilin Provincial Tourism Administration

Revoli, Orchid Magu, Male’’ Maafannu, Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 334 5717 +960 334 6717 Email: abdulla@journeymaldives.com Web: www.journeymaldives.com Contact: Abdulla Latheef Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation


66,wenhua Alley, Changchun Jilin, 130061 China Tel: +86 43188906818 Fax: +86 43188906817 Email: olive0623@hotmail.com Contact: Min Fan Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office

Journey Mexico

Jin Jiang International Hotel Management Co. Ltd.


6f,889 South Yang Gao Road,pudong Shanghai,chiina, Shanghai Shanghai, 200127 China Tel: +86 2163264000 Fax: +86 2163296634 Email: marketing@jinjianghotels.com Web: www.jinjianghotels.com Contact: Rita Fu Today, we are the largest Asian-owned hotel group, with more than 700 hotels and inns operating or under development in 137 cities of 31 provinces and municipalities. Together, Jin Jiang Hotels offer travelers in China an unrivaled choice to suit all budgets - from deluxe to economy.


Johannesburg Tourism Company P O Box 1293, Parklands South Africa, South Africa Tel: Fax: +27 112140715 +27 112140700 Email: pontsho@joburgtourism.com Web: www.joburgtourism.com Contact: Pontsho Moeketsi Exhibiting with South African Tourism

Johor Tourism Department


Jomsom Travel P. Ltd


P.o.box: 13991, 6th Floor Bira Complex, Kathmandu NA Nepal Tel: +977 1 4257618425284 Fax: +977 1 4261667 Email: info@jomsomtravels.com.np Web: www.jomsomtravels.com.np Contact: Rajaram Basnet Exhibiting with Nepal Tourism Board

Jonview Canada


191 The West Mall, Suite 800, Toronto Ontario, M9C 5K8 Canada Tel: +1 416 323 9090 Email: csimms@jonview.com Web: www.jonview.com Contact: Cristina Simms Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission

Jordan experience tours


P.o.box: 213, Petra, Amman Jordan, 708111 Jordan +962 6 5539112 Tel: Fax: +962 6 5539111 Email: jo@jordanexperience.com Web: www.jordanexperience.com Contact: Saleh Helalat Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board





122 Cherry Drive, St.james, Barbados Tel: +1246 2425373 Email: dominic@journeysthruparadise.com Contact: Dominic Hill Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

JPM Guides


JPM Guides specializes in publishing travel guides. The wide range of titles covers cities, countries and regions. The guides are ideal for enhancing the ticket wallet and can be customized to suit your requirements. Our content is available in printed form, as well as online and on mobile devices.


800 S 4th St, Las Vegas Nevada, 89101 United States Tel: +1 702 338 5674 Email: joshua@jgrouplv.com Contact: Joshua Gust Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority

JTB (Hong Kong) Ltd

Jumbo Tours Group


4b 2nd Floor Gran Via Asima, Palma De Mallorca 7009 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 971211183 +34 971211253 Email: commercial@jumbotours.com Web: www.jumbotours.com Contact: Ralli Norman

Jumeirah - Maldives Cluster



Building 3, Dubai Out Source Zone, Academic City Road, Po Box 214159, Dubai United Arab Emirates +971 566332782 Tel: Email: adam.turner@jumeirah.com Web: www.https://www.jumeirah.com/Hotels-andResorts/Destinations/Coming-Soon/Maldives/ Contact: Adam Turner Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation


94 Gelebe,bilgah District, Baku Azerbaijan, AZ1122 Azerbaijan Tel: +994 12 565 40 00 Fax: +994 12 565 40 50 Email: elgun.mammadov@jumeirah.com Web: www.jumeirah.com Contact: Elgun Mammadov Exhibiting with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Jumeirah Hotels and Resorts


Po Box 75157, Dubai United Arab Emirates +971 56 6036400 Tel: Email: Katja.graf@jumeirah.com Web: www.jumeirah.com Contact: Katja Graf Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Jungfrau Railways

Avenue William-fraisse 12, Lausanne 1006 Switzerland Tel: Fax: +41 216161257 +41 216177561 Email: guy.minder@jpmguides.com Web: www.jpmguides.com Contact: Guy Minder

JT Vegas Experiences


C/ Pablo Iglesias,84, L’hospitalet De Llobregat Barcelona, 8908 Spain Tel: +34 93934026900 Fax: +34 934026909 Email: fditrani@julia.net Web: www.juliatravel.com Contact: Francesco Ditrani Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Jumeirah Bilgah Beach Hotel

53, Nagayon Pagoda Lane, Mayangone, Yangon 11061 Myanmar +95 1656259 Tel: Fax: +95 1664451 Email: sales@journeysmyanmar.com Web: www.journeysmyanmar.com Contact: S. B. Chetry Exhibiting with Myanmar Tourism Federation (Marketing Committee)

Journeys Thru Paradise


International Incoming Network trading since 1977 and with own offices in Spain, France, Italy, Morocco, Tunisia, Cape Verde, Cancun, Dominican Republic and Zanzibar. Accommodation and transfers at these and many more destinations available at www.jumbonline.com (strictly B2B) at highly competitive rates.

No 08, 2nd Lane, Dehiwala Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Tel: +94 112732903 Email: mktg-journeys@sltnet.lk www.journeysrilanka.com Web: Contact: Devindre Senaratne Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Journeys - Ltd

Suite5-4, Johor Tourism Information Centre, No2, Jalan Air Molek, Johor Johor Darul Takzim, 80000 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 7 223 7554 +60 7 224 9960 Email: info@johortourism.com.my Contact: Mohd Hatta Md Zan Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board


Blvd. Francisco Medina Ascencio 2039, Interior 205, Puerto Vallarta Jalisco, 48333 Mexico Tel: +52 (322) 225 9821 Fax: +52 5510842946 Email: zach@journeymexico.com Web: www.journeymexico.com Contact: Zachary Rabinor Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

Journey Scapes (pvt) Ltd


Jtb Bldg 15f, 2-3-11 Higashi Shinagawa, Tokyo Japan, 140 8604 Japan Tel: Fax: +81 354950766 +81 357965433 Email: kg01@gmt.jtb.jp Web: www.jtbgmt.com/ Contact: Misae AKIYAMA Exhibiting with Japan National Tourism Organization


Birsa Vihar Tourist Complex, Main Road, Ranchi 834001 India Tel: +91 0002224444 Email: arun88singh@hotmail.com Contact: Anil Kumar Singh Exhibiting with India Tourism

Journey Maldives Holidays Pvt Ltd

JTB Global Marketing & Travel Inc.



Herderstrasse 14, Interlaken 3800 Switzerland Tel: +41 33 828 7204 Email: daniela.fuchs@jungfrau.ch Web: www.jungfraubahn.ch Contact: Daniela Fuchs Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Jungfrau Region


Po Box 131, Dorfstrasse 110, Grindelwald 3818 Switzerland Tel: +41 33 854 12 51 Email: hanne.tontsch@myjungfrau.ch www.myjungfrau.ch Web: Contact: Hanne Tontsch Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Jungle Experiences


Av. Jose Pardo 541 Of. 111, Miraflores, Lima Peru, LIMA 18 Peru +51 2557736 Tel: Fax: +51 2557736 Email: claudia.rodriguez@grupo-dorado.com Web: www.grupo-dorado.com Contact: Claudia Rodriguez Exhibiting with PromPeru

Suites 710-716, 7th Floor, Wharf T & T Centre, 7 Canton Road, Kowloon Hong Kong +852 2731 7166 Tel: Fax: +852 2311 9265 Email: rachel.c@hk.jtb.cn Contact: Rachel Chum Exhibiting with Hong Kong Tourism Board

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 337




Suite 206 Rakesh Deep, 11 Commercial Complex, New Delhi 110049 India +91 9810609411 Tel: Email: tigerresorts@tigersindia.com Web: www.tiger-resorts.com Contact: Radhika Rana Exhibiting with Rajasthan, Palaces & Tigers


Jungle Safari Lodge

Chitwan National Park, Sauraha, Chitwan, Chitwan Nepal, BACHHAULI 2 Nepal Tel: +977 056 580500 Fax: +977 056 580300 Email: info@junglesafarilodge.com Web: www.junglesafarilodge.com Contact: Suman Ghimire Exhibiting with Nepal Tourism Board


Jungle Travels India

3b, Dirang Arcade, Gnb Road, Chandmari, Assam India, 781003 India Tel: +91 361 2667871 72 73 Email: info@jungletravels.in Web: www.jungletravelsindia.com Contact: Asish Phookan Exhibiting with India Tourism


Jupiter Hotels

Castle House, Desborough Road, High Wycombe Buckinghamshire, HP11 2PR United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1494 686778 Fax: +44 (0)1494 853888 Email: suzanne.craven@jupiterhotels.co.uk Web: www.jupiterhotels.co.uk Contact: Suzanne Craven Exhibiting with UKinbound


Jurys Inn Group

31-35 Clarendon Road, Watford Hertfordshire, WD17 1JA United Kingdom Tel: +44 0192 342 2777 Fax: +44 0192 342 2776 Email: rachel_tooley@jurysinns.com www.jurysinns.com Web: Contact: Rachel Tooley Exhibiting with UKinbound


Just Delicious

9 Lavender Place, Ilford, Essex IG1 2BE United Kingdom Tel: +44 2084782239 Email: justdelicious_3@hotmail.com Web: www.justdelicious.co.uk Contact: Cheryl Harewood Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

Just Sicily by T.T. Panormus dell`Avvenire


Via Alessio Di Giovanni, 21, Palermo 90144 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 091 3809840 +39 091 301795 Email: giusi@justsicily.net Web: www.justsicily.net Contact: Giuseppina Macchiarella Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Juulchin Khanbogd LLC


Khan-uul District, Ajnai Building C613, Chingis Avenue, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia, 976 Mongolia Tel: Fax: +976 50022255 +976 88101955 Email: juulchinkhanbogd1991@yahoo.com Web: www.gobimongolia.com Contact: Jargalsaikhan Uyanga Exhibiting with Mongolian National Tourism Centre

Juulchin Tourism Corporation of Mongolia


Sukhbaatar District, Olympic Street - 8, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia, 14-253 Mongolia Tel: Fax: +976 320246 +976 328428 Email: info@juulchin.com Web: www.juulchin.com Contact: Egchjargal Naidansuren Exhibiting with Mongolian National Tourism Centre


Waagplatz 2, Salzburg 5020 Austria Tel: Fax: +43 6628421577 +43 662842157 Email: office@kkhotels.com Web: www.kkhotels.com Contact: Barbara Schweitzer K+K Hotels is a privately owned group of first class hotels, centrally located in London, Paris, Barcelona, Munich, Vienna, Budapest, Prague and Bucharest. K+K Hotels are elegantly designed boutique hotels and cater for FITs, business travellers and MICE delegates. Free WIFI and LAN Internet access, Buffet Breakfast, Business Lounges.


338 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Kafunta River Lodge Mfuwe, Mfuwe Zambia Tel: +260 123 Email: kafunta@luangwa.com Web: www.luangwa.com Contact: Anke Cowan Exhibiting with Kamili

Egemenlik Mahallesi Ilahiyat Caddesi No:6, Kahramanmaras 46060 Turkey Tel: +90 3442353220 Fax: +90 3442353224 Email: e.ozan@kmtso.org.tr Web: www.kmtso.org.tr Contact: Eyyup Ozan Exhibiting with Enterprise Europe Network Mediterranean

Kakslauttanen Hotel & Igloo Village / Santa’s Resort


Kansas & Oklahoma Travel & Tourism

Bowerhope House, Selkirk TD7 5LF United Kingdom Tel: +44 08450 533280 Email: DerekMackenzieHook@supanet.com Web: www.travelksok.co.uk Contact: Derek Mackenzie-Hook Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions


Kapawi Ecolodge & Reserve Foch E7-38, Y Reina Victoria, Quito 17 Ecuador +593 26009333 Tel: Fax: +593 26009333 Email: amazonia@discoverecuador.travel Web: www.kapawi.com Contact: Andres Ordoñez Exhibiting with ECUADOR - AMAZON



Kahramanmaras Chamber of Commerce and EM975 Industry


Kakslauttanen, Saariselka - Lapland FI-99830 Finland Tel: +358 161667100 Email: ari.siivikko@kakslauttanen.fi Web: www.kakslauttanen.fi Contact: Ari Siivikko Exhibiting with Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board



Tucuman 861 2º, Buenos Aires 1049 Argentina Tel: +54 11 5278 8010 Fax: +54 11 5236 4286 Email: incoming@kallpatour.com Web: www.kallpatour.com Contact: Gabriel Barok Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion


Kamageo 41 Loughborough Rd, Nottingham United Kingdom Tel: +44 115 937 7475 Email: tim@kamageo.com Web: www.kamageo.com Contact: Charlie Catt Exhibiting with Kamili

41 Loughborough Rd, Nottingham NG2 7LJ United Kingdom Tel: +44 0115 937 7475 Email: wtm@kamilisafaris.com Web: www.kamilisafaris.com Contact: Tim Henshall Kamili is the UK's fastest growing safari brand. We represent more than 40 independent lodges, camps and operators across 'safari Africa' - including Zambia, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Nambia, Mozambique, South Africa and Lesotho. All offer exceptional standards and great value.


Kamino Tours

Calzada Las Aguilas 1075, Col. San Clemente, Mexico D.f. Mexico, 1740 Mexico +52 (55) 5635 5845 Fax: +52 (55) 56355846 Tel: Email: pkabel@kaminotours.com Web: www.kaminotours.com Contact: Pieter Kabel Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board


P.o.box 53029, Lemesos 3300 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 25582039 +357 25814266 Email: sales@kanikahotels.com Web: www.kanikahotels.com Contact: Spyros Michaelides Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

P.o. Box 56748, Lemesos 3309 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 25589769 +357 25586206 Email: headoffice@kapetaniosgroup.com Web: www.kapetaniosgroup.com Contact: Natasa Kapetaniou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Karabakh Tourism Development Agency


16 A, V. Sargsyan Str., Stepanakert 2 Armenia Tel: +374 497 339813 Email: visitkarabakh@ktsurf.net Web: www.karabakh.travel Contact: Galina Simonyan Exhibiting with Armenian National Tourism Organization


Karafuu Beach Resort and Spa

P.o Box 71, Zanzibar Tanzania, 71 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 7774136478 Fax: +255 777419915 Email: laura@karafuuzanzibar.com Web: www.karafuuzanzibar.com Contact: Carmelo Reitano Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board



Halaskargazi Caddesi Gazi Ethem Pasa Sitesi No:112 K.7, Istanbul Turkey Tel: +90 212 247 50 44 Fax: +90 212 233 31 06 Email: incoming@karavantravel.com Web: www.karavantravel.com Contact: Elvan Dok Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


Karen Blixen Camp




90, Calea 13 Septembrie, Bucharest 50726 Romania Tel: +40 21 403 1004 Fax: +40 21 403 1001 Email: claudia.stan@marriott.com Web: www.jwmarriottbucharest.com Contact: Claudia Stan Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM


K+K Hotels

Marula Lane 40c, Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254 7365 05189 Email: msn@karenblixencamp.com Web: www.karenblixencamp.com Contact: Martin Sonderby Nielsen Exhibiting with Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association


Karibu Trade Fair Limited

P.o Box 6162, Arusha Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 788 749 550 Fax: +255 732 979 498 Email: info@karibufair.com Web: www.karibufair.com Contact: Grace Kimburu Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Karma House for Travel & Tourism DMC


Prince Mohammad Street, P.o.box 926316, Amman Jordan, 11190 Jordan Tel: Fax: +962 6 4631183 +962 6 4631654 Email: ghada@karma.com.jo Web: www.karmahousejordan.com Contact: Ghada Najjar Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board

KARNAK EGYPTAIR TOURISM 12 Kasr El Nil St., Cairo 111 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 225767274 +20 225750600 Email: khaledkarnak@yahoo.com Web: www.karnak.egypt.com Contact: Gamal Hammad Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority



Karnataka Tourism

2nd Floor, No. 49, Khanija Bhavan, Bangalore India, 560001 India Tel: Fax: +91 802352626 +91 802352525 Email: director@karnatakatourism.org Web: www.karnatakatourism.org Contact: K Vishwanatha Reddy Karnataka Tourism, India is the Govt of Karnataka representative of all tourism products in this south Indian state. This destination comprises of exquisite heritage and festivals, exotic nature and wildlife and breathtaking opportunities to cater to up market clients in the luxury sector.



77a , Teleajen Street, Bucharest 21466 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 213214197 +40 213220435 Email: george@karpaten.ro Web: www.karpaten.ro Contact: Gheorghe Marginean Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM


Dogan Kasaroglu Sok .6 Cukurbag Yarimadasi, Kas - Antalya 7580 Turkey Tel: Fax: +90 24272543 +90 24271028 Email: burak@aquaprincess.com Web: www.lycianhotels.com Contact: Burak Çorumluoglu Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Kassado Plaza Hotel


B.2, 3, Mnevniki Street, Moscow 123308 Russian Federation +7 4959463519 Tel: Email: v.maslova@kassado-plaza.com Web: www. kassado-plaza.com Contact: Valeria Maslova Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency



54 Intamara Soi 21, Suthisarn Road Samsen Nai, Phyathai, Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2616 3145 +66 2616 31404 Email: preecha@katagroup.com Web: www.katagroup.com Contact: Preecha Chuenpakdee Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


Katara Hospitality


Kazan City Administration

1, Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan 420014 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 432929672 +7 432926092 Email: kvst1@rambler.ru Web: www.kazan.org.ru Contact: Evgenia Yakina Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Katara Hospitality Building, C-ring Road, Doha Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44420477 +974 44237802 Email: tamara.khalil@katarahospitality.com www.katarahospitality.com Web:


Jl. Raya Kuta 127, Bali Indonesia, 80361 Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361 752777 +62 361 751517 Email: hendra@kcbtours.com Web: www.kcbj.co.id Contact: Mahendra Surya Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)


KD German Rhine Line

Frankenwerft 35, Cologne 50667 Germany Tel: +49 221 2088405 Fax: +49 221 2088 403 Email: karin.gerling@k-d.com Web: www.k-d.com Contact: Karin Gerling Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board


Keahotels Iceland

Hafnarstraeti 87-89, Akureyri 600 Iceland Tel: Fax: +354 4602070 +354 4602050 Email: pls@keahotels.is Web: www.keahotels.is Contact: Páll L. Sigurjónsson Exhibiting with Visit Iceland

P.o. Box 801, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 22 213 7713 Fax: +255 22 213 7711 Email: info@kearsleys.com Web: www.kearsleys.com Contact: Haridatt Patel Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

130 Glennie Street, Colombo 2 CO 00200 Sri Lanka Tel: Fax: +94 112320862 +94 112306600 Email: annouchka.khms@keells.com Web: www.johnkeellshotels.com Contact: Shehara Anthony John Keells Group is Sri Lanka’s largest owner of hotel inventory with a portfolio of 02 city hotels and 11 resort hotels in Sri Lanka and Maldives. Recently, two new brands were created to cater to discerning tastes, namely “Cinnamon” and “Chaaya” managed by Keells Hotel Management Services Ltd.

Keli Tours Katara Hospitality, formerly known as Qatar National Hotels Company was officially established in 1993 to capitalize on the growth potential of Qatar’s tourism industry and has since then become a leading hospitality owner, developer and operator locally and internationally.


Marsala Tita 75/1, Opatija Kvarner, 51410 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 51271372 +385 51603400 Email: daniel@katarina-line.hr Web: www.katarina-line.com Contact: daniel hauptfeld Exhibiting with Croatian National Tourist Board

Kaunas City

Kempinski Namibia


Laisves Av.96, Kaunas LT-44251 Lithuania +370 37425340 Tel: Fax: +370 37425452 Email: saulius.kromalcas@kaunas.lt Web: www.kaunas.lt Contact: Saulius Kromalcas Exhibiting with Lithuanian State Department of Tourism


19 Hacharoshet St., P.o. Box 4231, 4231 Israel Tel: Fax: +972 9 7462208 +972 9 7462210 Email: info@keli-tours.co.il Web: www.keli-tours.co.il Contact: Kedmi Eli Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

Kemer - GATAB


Merkez Mah. 160 Sok. No:1 Pk. 07980 Kemer, Antalya Turkey Tel: +90 242 814 15 01 Fax: +90 242 814 11 16 Email: bilgi@gatab.gov.tr Web: www.gatab.gov.tr Contact: Aydin Aytug Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates


Po Box 120679 Sheikh Zayed Road Al Barsha Area, Dubai United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 44095013 +971 43410000 Email: salha.said@kempinski.com www.kempinski.com Web: Contact: Salha Said Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing


P.o. Box 2190, Windhoek, Windhoek Namibia, Namibia Tel: +264 612 075 366 Email: rayno.vanwyk@kempinski.com Contact: Rayno Van Wyk Exhibiting with Namibia Tourism Board


Baie Lazare, Po Box 1356, Mahe Island Seychelles Tel: Fax: +248 438 6999 +248 438 6666 Email: sales.seychelles@kempinski.com Web: www.kempinski.com/seychelles Contact: Sanjay Nair Exhibiting with Seychelles Tourism Board

Kenes Tours


Kenes Building, Airport City, 70100 Israel Tel: Fax: +972 3 9727555 +972 3 9727595 Email: hnathan@kenes.com Web: www.kenes-tours.com Contact: Nathan Hitron Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office



Royal Offices 2nd Floor Mogotio Rd, Westlands, Box 19730 00100, Nairobi Nairobi, 100 Kenya Tel: Fax: +254 202677771 +254 202641677 Email: kenia@africaonline.co.ke Web: www.ww.keniatours.com Contact: A. Bhatt Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board


Moi Avenue, Development House, 2nd Floor, Room 202, Nairobi Nairobi, 13828-00100 Kenya Tel: +254 202499761 Email: info@ramogitours.com Web: www.ramogitours.com Contact: Julius Alexander Pundo Exhibiting with CBI



Keells Hotel Management Services Ltd


Wadi Saqra Street, Jabal Amman, Po Box815554, Jordan Valley Jordan, AMMAN11180, JORDAN Jordan Tel: Fax: +962 32090880 +962 32090888 Email: Janet.Abraham@KEMPINSKI.COM Web: www.kempinski-deadsea.com Contact: Janet Abrahams Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board

KENYA - Ramogi Tours & Travel LTD


Kearsley Travel & Tours


KATARINA LINE incoming travel agency

Kempinski Ishtar Dead Sea Hotel

Kempinski Seychelles Resort

Buyukkonuk Belediye Binasi, Zemin Kat, Iskele Kuzey Kibris, MERSIN-10 Turkey Tel: +90 5338872220 Fax: +90 3923832413 Email: info@karpazekoturizm.com Web: www.karpazekoturizm.com Contact: Yusuf Duman Exhibiting with North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd

Kas - Kalkan - Patara


Serceonu Mah. M.k.p. Cad.no.30 Kocasinan Kayseri, Kayseri 38010 Turkey Tel: +90 352 222 89 66 Fax: +90 352 222 89 86 Email: yikiler@kayserierciyes.com.tr Web: www.kayserierciyes.com.tr Contact: Yucel IKILER Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

KCBJ Tours Bali


Karpaz Ecotourism Association

Kayseri Erciyes Mt



P.o. Box 19001, Embakasi, North Airport Road, Nairobi Kenya, 501 Kenya Tel: Fax: +254 20822931 +254 20822111 Email: info@kenyaairports.co.ke Web: www.kenyaairports.co.ke Contact: Anthony Kulei Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board



World Business Centre 3, 1208 Newall Road, Hounslow Middx, TW6 2TA United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 8238 1873 Fax: +44 20 8238 1818 Email: sallypeters@clara.co.uk Web: www.kenya-airways.com Contact: Sally Peters Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

Kenya Tourist Board


7th Flr Kenya-re Towers, Upper Hill, Off Ragati Road, Nairobi Nairobi, 100 Kenya Tel: Fax: +254 202719925 +254 202711262 Email: info@kenyatourism.org Web: www.magicalkenya.com Contact: Joseph Sanna Kenya aims at leveraging on its diverse products and professional private sector members to offer value added activities and experiential holidays in order to sustainably increase tourism yield and profits. The Kenyan trade will present niche product offers with endless opportunities for culture, incentive, adventure, coast, sports safaris eco-tourism.

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 339





Kws Complex, Off Langata Road, P. O. Box 40241, Nairobi Kenya, 100 Kenya +254 203992000 Fax: +254 20607024 Tel: Email: kws@kws.go.ke Web: www.kws.go.ke Contact: Race Musumba Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board



501 Amboseli Gardens, Lavington, P. O. Box 44687, Nairobi Kenya, 100 Kenya Tel: +254 202052463 Fax: +254 203873574 Email: kenyasales@wildlifetrails.com Web: www.wildlifetrails.com Contact: Jonathan Pereira Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

Kenzi Hotel


Zone De L’’agdal, Av Mohamed Vi, Marrakech 40000 Morocco Tel: +212 212661213735 Email: houda.berrada@kenzi-hotels.com www.kenzi-hotels.com Web: Contact: Houda Berrada Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office

Ker & Downey Botswana


Po Box 27, Maun Botswana Tel: +267 6861226 Email: bnavarro@botswanatourism.org.uk Web: www.kerdowneybotswana.com Contact: Nicky Brandon Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation

Kerala Tourism


The Department of Tourism, Government of Kerala is involved in policy making, facilitating infrastructure development, laying down guidelines for sustainable tourism, and overall promotion of Kerala as a global destination for discerning travellers.


Jl. Mrajapati, Po Box 2023, Bali Indonesia, Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361 701991 +62 361 701961 Email: eam@keratonjimbaranresort.com Web: www.keratonjimbaranresort.com Contact: Ni Wayan Yumeri Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Kervansaray Hotels


Kervansaray Lara Hotel, Trt Kampi Yani, Muratpasa-lara Antalya, 7230 Turkey Tel: +90 242 352 20 00 Fax: +90 242 352 20 64 Email: sales@kervansarayhotels.com Web: www.kervansarayhotels.com Contact: Efdal Gulcu We are a chain hotels in Turkey. In total we have 7 hotels so far.Two Resort Hotels in Kundu Area in Antalya,One resort hotel located in Torba-Bodrum, One Resort Hotel in Marmaris,One Thermal Hotel and one business class city hotel in Bursa.We have a Ski Hotel in Uludag - Bursa.

Kerzner International Resorts Inc


2-4 Packhorse Road, Gerrards Cross Bucks, SL9 7QE United Kingdom +44 1753899800 Fax: +44 1753 899 808 Tel: Email: anisha.ladha@Kerzner.com Web: www.atlantis.com/www.kerzner.com, www.oneandonlyresorts.com Contact: Anisha Ladha Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas

Kesari Tours Pvt Ltd

Matias Romero No 425, Col. Del Valle, Mexico Mexico City, 3100 Mexico +52 55534242 Tel: Fax: +52 55531414 Email: rene.rodriguez@ketzaltour.travel Web: www.ketzaltour.travel Contact: Rene Luis Rodriguez Cano Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

Keukenhof Flower Exhibition


Po Box 66, Stationsweg 166a, Lisse 2160 AB Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)252465555 Fax: +31 (0)252465565 Email: k.hoogland@keukenhof.nl Web: www.keukenhof.nl Contact: Karin Hoogland Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)



C/ Lanzarote S/n, Edificio Lorca 2º E, Malaga Malaga, 29630 Spain Tel: +34 952 57 40 53 Fax: +34 952 57 12 Email: sales.spain@keydm.com Web: www.keydm.com Contact: ARENC SHALSI Exhibiting with MALAGA CITY TOURISM BOARD & CONVENTION BUREAU


Keys Hotels, Resorts And Apartments

Park View, Trivandrum,kerala India, 695033 India +91 471 2322547 Fax: +91 471 2322279 Tel: Email: keralatour@sify.com Web: www.keralatourism.org Contact: Anupraveen R

Keraton Jimbaran Resort & Spa


Ketzaltour, S.A. de C.V.


United Heights, Moghal Lane, Mumbai 400016 India Tel: +91 22 2423 4441 Email: satyajitd@kesari.in Web: www.kesari.in Contact: Satyajit Desai Exhibiting with India Tourism

340 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Berggruen Hotels Private Limited, Span Centre, 6th Floor, C556 South Avenue, Mumbai Maharashtra, 40005 India Tel: +91 22 65290110 Fax: +91 22 67109974 Email: partha.chatterjee@keyshotels.com Web: www.keyshotels.com Contact: Partha Chatterjee Exhibiting with India Tourism


Khaolak Bhandari Resort & Spa 26/25 Moo 7, Khuk Khak, Takuapa, Phang Nga 82190 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 7648 5755 +66 7648 5751 Email: sales@khaolakbhandari.com Web: www.khaolakbhandari.com Contact: Sasitorn Devesa Laux Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Khaolak Resort



Po Box 3295, Muscat 112 Oman Tel: Fax: +968 24760 599 +968 99349495 Email: s.augustine@kr.om Web: www.khimjistravel.com/tours Contact: Sangeet Augustine Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry

Kilemakyaro Mountain Lodge


P.o.box 6611, Kilimanjaro Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 272547536 Fax: +255 272547584 Email: info@kilimanjarosafaris.com Web: www.kilimanjarosafaris.com Contact: Joackim V. Minde Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Killarney Hotels Ltd


Fossa, Killarney, Co. Kerry Ireland Tel: +353 64 667 1340 Fax: +353 64 663 7900 Email: hotelsales@liebherr.com Web: www.killarneyhotels.ie Contact: Fallon Clifford Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Killary Cruises & Liffey River Cruises


56c Bowling Green, Galway Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 91 564405 +353 91 566736 Email: info@killarycruises.com Web: www.killarycruises.com Contact: Mícheál Ó Cionna Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland


Killashee, Naas, Co. Kildare Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 45 879266 +353 45 879277 Email: orla@killasheehouse.com Web: www.killasheehouse.com Contact: Orla McCabe Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN, Ministry of Culture


Po Box 26613, Karbabad, Opposite To Qala’at Al Bahrain Site Museum, Manama Bahrain Tel: +973 17 201 220 Fax: +973 17 210133 Email: essahassani@gmail.com Web: www.moc.gov.bh Contact: Sally Sedky Bahrain is strategically located as a gateway to the Middle East and has the added attraction of a safe and pleasant environment warm climate together with history, culture, traditions and has emerged itself as a destination of choice for corporate events, meetings, conferences, exhibitions and other world-class events.

Kiruna in Swedish Lapland


Lars Janssonsgatan 17, Kiruna Sweden, SE-981 31 Sweden Tel: +46 980 182 80 Email: mattias@kirunalapland.se Web: www.kirunalapland.se Contact: Mattias Mannberg Exhibiting with VisitSweden



Viale Matteotti 35, Diano Marina Im, 18013 Italy +39 0183405446 Fax: +39 0183409684 Tel: Email: info@kittytours.eu Web: www.kittytours.eu Contact: Kitty Manuello Exhibiting with Agenzia Regionale per la Promozione Turistica ‘in Liguria’

Kjong Safaris Ltd

6/9 Moo 7 Vichitsongkram Road, Tambon Katu Ampur Katu, Phuket 83120 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 76203201 +66 815356855 Email: moncharaik@gmail.com Web: www.khaolakresort.com Contact: Chaninan Kulvanich Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Khimji’s House of Travel

Killashee House Hotel & Villa Spa


P.o Box 40289, Bunga, Kampala Kampala, KLA Uganda Tel: +256 751646578 776660918 Fax: +256 312111304 Email: kjongugandasafaris@gmail.com www.kjongsafarisuganda.com/ Web: www.trackgorilla.com Contact: Stephen Muhumuza Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD



Pyzhevsky Per, 6, Moscow 119017 Russian Federation +7 495 721 1706 Fax: +7 495 737 6228 Tel: Email: rushalkin@kmp.ru Web: www.kmp.ru Contact: Vladimir Rushalkin Exhibiting with Russian Federation

Knock Shrine Pilgrimages


Shrine Office, Knock, Claremorris Co Mayo, Ireland Tel: +353 94 9388100 Fax: +353 94 9388295 Email: patlavelle@knock-shrine.ie Web: www.knock-shrine.ie Contact: Pat Lavelle Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland



Sumitomo-shoji Kanda-izumi-cho Bldg., 12f, 1-13, Kandaizumi-cho, Tokyo 101 0024 Japan Tel: +81 3 6891 9590 Fax: +81 3 6891 9592 Email: kokusai@or.knt.co.jp www.knt.co.jp/kokusai/ Web: Contact: Jun GOTO Exhibiting with Japan National Tourism Organization

Koh Yao Yai Village


78 Moo4,ban Klongbon, T.kohyaoyai, A.kohyao, Phangnga 82160 Thailand +66 76 363700 Tel: Fax: +66 76 363789 Email: marketing@kohyaoyaivillage.com Web: www.kohyaoyaivillage.com Contact: Panida Wong-ngam Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)




Jl. Monkey Forest, Ubud, Bali Indonesia, 80517 Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361971955 +62 361976090 Email: sales@komaneka.com Web: www.komaneka.com Contact: I Komang Kariyana Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)



Valencia 9, Office 301, Mexico Df, 3920 Mexico Tel: +52 5556158741 Fax: +52 5556158742 Email: komex@royaletours.com.mx Web: www.gruporoyale.com Contact: Hans-Peter Holst Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board



Prazakova 4, Prazakova 4, Ljubljana Slovenia, 1514 Slovenia Tel: +386 1 200 64 09 Fax: +386 1 200 64 33 Email: viljam.kvalic@kompas.si Web: www.kompas-online.net Contact: Viljam Kvalic Exhibiting with Slovenian Tourist Board

Kompas.hr Zagreb


Teslina 12, N.s.zrinskog 14, Zagreb Zagreb, 10000 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 14878759 +385 14878750 Email: aleksandra.puksar@kompas.hr Web: www.kompas.hr Contact: aleksandra puksar Exhibiting with Croatian National Tourist Board

Kon Tiki Travel


Bul. Arsenija Carnojevica 54a, Belgrade 11070 Serbia Tel: +381 112098152 Email: slobodan.micic@kontiki.rs Web: www.kontiki.rs Contact: Slobodan Micic Exhibiting with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia


Kontour Travel Colombia


Cumhuriyet Cad, Cumhuriyet Apt, No:17/3, Istanbul 34437 Turkey Tel: +90 2122534984 Fax: +90 2122509323 Email: gurkan@koptur.com Web: www.koptur.com Contact: Gurkan Elicin Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Koufonisia, Koufonisia 85300 Greece Tel: 302285074067 Email: info@hotelkoufonisia.gr


3rd Floor, New Zealand House, London London, SW1Y 4TE United Kingdom Tel: +44 2073212535 Fax: +44 2073210876 Email: london@gokorea.co.uk Web: www.visitkorea.or.kr Contact: Ramy James Salameh South Korea is a unique and compelling asian destination, boasting a diverse and spectacular landscape with 5000 years of tradition & culture. As a fully-inclusive-tour, stopover, MICE hub and all-yearround holiday option, Korea provides choice throughout the peninsula. Come and meet our experts and learn more.

Kosgeb Kahramanmaras HMM


Menderes Mahallesi Veysel Karani Caddesi Kmesob Binasi 3.kat, Kahramanmaras 46100 Turkey +90 3442321030 Fax: +90 3442316263 Tel: Email: sadik.gozek@kosgeb.gov.tr Web: www.kosgeb.gov.tr Contact: Sadik Gozek Exhibiting with Enterprise Europe Network Mediterranean

Kosice - European Capital of Culture 2013


Krabi Thai Village Co.,Ltd.

188 Ratchadapisek Rd., Huaykwang, Bangkok 10320 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 22749290 +66 22900170 22754397 Email: bee@chadahotel.com Web: www.chadahotel.com Contact: Felix Kaiblinger Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


Kranjska Gora Tourist Board

Kolodvorska Ulica 1b, Kranjska Gora 4280 Slovenia Tel: +386 4 588 50 20 Fax: +386 4 588 50 21 Email: mirjam.zerjav@kranjska-gora.eu Web: www.kranjska-gora.si Contact: Mirjam Zerjav Exhibiting with Slovenian Tourist Board

Krasnodar region resorts and tourism ministry


35/1 Sovetskaya Str., Krasnodar Krasnodar Region, 350063 Russian Federation Tel: +7 861 267 25 34 Fax: +7 861 267 25 34 Email: kurort@kurortkuban.ru Web: www.kurortkuban.ru Contact: Yevgeny Kudelya Exhibiting with Russian Federation

KTS Incoming France


47-49 Rue Des Mathurins, Paris 75008 France Tel: Fax: +33 158366669 +33 158 366666 Email: incoming@ktsvoyages.fr Web: www.ktsincoming.com Contact: Christophe Le Floch Exhibiting with France





Trieda Snp 48/a, Kosice Kosice, 040 11 Slovakia Tel: +421 907167022 Fax: +421 556254502 Email: iveta.ninajova@visitkosice.eu Web: www.visitkosice.eu Contact: Iveta Ninajova Exhibiting with Slovak Tourist Board


Po Box 73479, Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 25550564 +971 25550566 Email: assistantgm@kurbantours.com Contact: Elodie Azar Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Kuskovo estate state museum of 18 century ceramics


2, Yunosty Str., Moscow 114402 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 925 5894857 +7 925 5894857 Email: museum@kuskovo.ru Contact: Natalia Pogasian Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

KVT- Kash’ Venture Travels Pvt. Ltd


805-806 Kirti Shikhar, District Centre, New Delhi 110058 India Tel: +91 11 25523807 Email: ravi@kvtindia.com Web: www.kvtholidays.com Contact: Ravi Tickoo Exhibiting with India Tourism


P. O. Box 550, Maun Botswana Tel: Fax: +267 686 1457 +267 686 1449 Email: info@kwando.co.bw Web: www.kwando.co.bw Contact: Linda Vincent Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation

KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board


Private Bag 2, Umhlanga Rocks Durban, 4320 South Africa Tel: +27 31 566 0460 Fax: +27 31 566 0499 Email: xolani@shark.co.za Web: www.shark.co.za Contact: Xolani Mhlongo Exhibiting with South African Tourism

Kyiv City State Administration




Jl. Raya Kedewatan Ubud, Bali Indonesia, Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361 975079 +62 361 975478 Email: ketut@kupubarong.com www.kupubarong.com Web: Contact: Alec Dobson Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)


16-22 Bohdan Khmelnitsky Str., 36 Khreshchatyk Street, Kyiv 1044 Ukraine Tel: Fax: +380 445819855 +380 445813855 Email: welcome@olymp-travel.kiev.ua Web: www.visitkyiv.com.ua Contact: Tetiana Slyshyk Exhibiting with Ukraine

Kylemore Abbey & Victorian Walled Garden

27 Goswell Road, London EC1M 7GT United Kingdom Tel: +44 02031704345 Email: maria.espin@gta-travel.com Contact: Maria Espin Exhibiting with GTA

Kupu - Kupu Barong Villas & Tree Spa

Kurban Tours Abu Dhabi


27 Goswell Road, London United Kingdom Tel: +44 02031704345 Email: maria.espin@gta-travel.com Contact: Maria Espin Exhibiting with GTA

Kuoni Group Travel Experts


Jl. Puspogiwang Dalam 1 No. 13, Central Java Indonesia, Indonesia Tel: +62 24 76632510 Fax: +62 24 7612707 Email: daniela@kurakuraresort.eu Web: www.kurakuraresort.com Contact: Daniela Bertozzi Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Kwando Safaris

Vasile Topliceanu Street, No.16, Bucharest Romania Tel: Fax: +40 4327511 +40 314327510 Email: office@kulturama-travel.ro Contact: Simona DUMITRACHE Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM

Kuoni Global Travel Services Korea Tourism Organization

Kura Kura Resort


Tingkat 14, Menara Dbkl 2, Jalan Raja Abdullah, Kuala Lumpur Wilayah Persekutuan, 50300 Malaysia Tel: +60 3 2698 0332 Email: norazayusof@gmail.com Web: www.visitkl.gov.my Contact: Noraza Yusof Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Cra 15 A No. 121 - 12, Oficina 405, Bogota Colombia, Colombia Tel: +57 (1)6203520 Email: nicole.bee@kontour-travel.com Web: www.kontour-travel.com Contact: Nicole Bee Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia

Koptur Tourism DMC

Koufonisia Hotel & Resort Simoy Bros S.A


Kylemore, Connemara, Co. Galway Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 95 52017 +353 95 52001 Email: brid@kylemoreabbeytourism.ie Web: www.kylemoreabbeytourism.ie Contact: Brid Connell Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland



Kyoto Convention Bureau, Kyoto Chamber Of Commerce & Industry Bldg., Karasuma Ebisugawa, Kyoto 604 0862 Japan Tel: Fax: +81 752124121 +81 752124145 Email: a-okuda@hellokcb.or.jp www.kyoto.travel Web: Contact: Akimi OKUDA Exhibiting with Japan National Tourism Organization

Kyrgyz Association of Tour Operators


Room 304 A, Bldg 107, Kievskaya, Ap. 10, 28 T. Moldo St., Bishkek 720001 Kyrgyzstan Tel: +996 312 62 23 81 Fax: +996 312 62 23 80 Email: novinomad@elcat.kg Web: www.novinomad.com Contact: Madina Rasulbaeva

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 341





Via Milano, 1, Catania 95128 Italy Tel: +39 095 7167020 Fax: +39 095 7287264 Email: info@isolabella.it Web: www.isolabella.it Contact: Elsa Doriana Briguglio Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



Edif. Riojaforum, San Millan, 25, Logrono (La Rioja), 26004 Spain +34 941 287 354 Fax: +34 941 287 357 Tel: Email: eventos@lariojaturismo.com Web: www.lariojaturismo.com Contact: Mónica Figueroa Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA


L’ Agenzia di Viaggi (Italy)

La Tasca Restaurants

Via Tacito 74, Roma 193 Italy Tel: +39 0632 600 149 Email: c.ambrosini@lagenziadiviaggi.it Web: www.lagenziadiviaggi.it Contact: Cristina Ambrosini

County House, Glyme Court, Oxford Office Village, Oxford OX5 1LQ United Kingdom Tel: +44 07827081886 Email: elisa.llorens@latasca.co.uk Web: www.latascakitchen.co.uk Contact: Elisa Llorens Exhibiting with UKinbound


L’Auberge Del Mar 1540 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar United States Tel: +1 6192323101 Email: ldollahom@destinationhotels.com Contact: Lindsey Dollahon Exhibiting with Visit California

L’HOSPITALET DE L’INFANT - Patronat Municipal de Turisme L’Hospitalet de l’Infant - La Vall de Llors

Alamanda 2, Hospitalet De L’infant Catalonia, 43890 Spain Tel: +34 9777823328 Fax: +34 9777823941 Email: turisme@vandellos-hospitalet.org Web: www.vandellos-hospitalet.org/turisme Contact: Eva de Gregorio Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

La Beduina Eco-Tours & Travel


P.o.box 1190, Amman Jordan, 11821 Jordan Tel: Fax: +962 6 5541630 +962 6 5541631 Email: beduina1@go.com.jo Web: www.labeduinatours.com Contact: Ismael Helalat Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board



C/real,4, San Sebastian De La Gomera Canary Islands, 38800 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922 870281 +34 922 141512 Email: gestionturismo@lagomera.es Web: www.lagomera.travel Contact: Fernando Méndez Borges Exhibiting with Canary Islands



La Manga Club Resort, Cartagena 30389 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 968331235 +34 968331234 Email: james.bryan@lamangaclub.com Web: www.lamangaclub.es Contact: James Bryan Exhibiting with REGION OF MURCIA

La Palma Tourist Board

La Venaria Reale Consorzio di valorizzazione culturale


Piazza Della Repubblica, 4, Venaria Reale To, 10078 Italy Tel: +39 011 49992300 Fax: +39 011 4598432 Email: turismo@lavenariareale.it Web: www.lavenaria.it Contact: Silvia Schiappa Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



Balcarce 431, Buenos Aires 1064 Argentina Tel: +54 11 4334 1315 Fax: +54 11 4334 1316 Email: info@laventanaweb.com Web: www.laventanaweb.com Contact: Roberto Cusato Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion


Ladera Resort Po Box 225, Soufriere United Kingdom Tel: +44 01753 684 810 Email: andrebrenner@btconnect.com Web: www.ladera.com Contact: Andre Brenner Exhibiting with Saint Lucia Tourist Board


Avda. Maritima, 34, Santa Cruz De La Palma Canary Islands, E-38700 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922 423347 +34 922 423340 Email: angel@lapalmaturismo.com Web: www.lapalmaturismo.com Contact: Angel Saenz Exhibiting with Canary Islands

342 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012



Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications


Obala Iva Kuljevana 51, Lopud Dubrovnik -neretva, 20222 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 20450360 +385 20450300 Email: sales@lafodiahotel.com Web: www.lafodiahotel.com Contact: Ana Kovacevic Exhibiting with Croatian National Tourist Board



Camera Di Commercio Del Vco (Chamber Of Commerce Of The Vco Province, S.s. Del Sempione 4, Baveno (vb) 28831 Italy Tel: +39 0323912833 Fax: +39 0323922054 Email: promozione@vb.camcom.it Web: www.illagomaggiore.com Contact: Roberto Maggioni An Italian must-see: Lake Maggiore, Lake Orta and Ossola Alps!Lush gardens, picturesque islands, baroque palaces and imposing mountains are the highlights of the destination between the north Italian regions of Piemonte and Lombardy.



Lake Nakuru National Park, P. O. Box 561, Nakuru Kenya Tel: +254 2027336956 Fax: +254 202733698 Email: info@lakenakurulodge.org Web: www.lakenakurulodge.com Contact: Joseph Muya Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board



16, State Guest House Area, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi New Delhi, 110021 India Tel: +91 1102220333 Email: asarpal.singh@gmail.com Contact: Asar Pal Singh Exhibiting with India Tourism

Lalati Resort & Spa



Loboi Road Marigat District, Box 58 - 30403, Bogoria 30403 Kenya Tel: +254 202249055 Fax: +254 202249066 Email: info@lakebogoria-hotel.com Web: www.lakebogoria-hotel.com Contact: LYDIA DENTEWO Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board


Aeroporto De Mavalane, Maputo Mozambique Tel: +258 21466595 Email: comercial@lam.pt Web: www.lam.co.mz Contact: Fernando Bernardo Exhibiting with Mozambique Tourism -INATUR

LAMA Desert Tourism LLC


5 Rawdat El Ahram St - Pyramids, Giza, Egypt, N/a, Giza Egypt, 12111 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 33778972 +20 33778971 Email: info@ladyegypt.com Web: www.ladyegypt.com Contact: Rami Nicola Louis Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority


Lake Maggiore and surrounding mountains


GV179 Ladevi Ediciones, Corrientes 880 13 Piso, Buenos Aires C1043AAV Argentina Tel: +54 11 5217 7700 Email: alberto@ladevi.com Contact: Alberto Sanchez Lavalle


Bukasa, Kampala Uganda, BUKASA Uganda +256 772 515672 Tel: Email: sylviakalembe@tourismuganda.info Web: www.lkttsafaris.co.ug Contact: BONIFACE BYAMUKAMA Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD

Beqa Island, Po Box 461, Pacific Harbour Fiji Tel: Fax: +679 3472034 +679 3680453 Email: info@lalatifiji.com Web: www.lalatifiji.com Contact: Lisa Costello Exhibiting with Fiji (Tourism Fiji)


Al Sadd Area, 60 Suhaim Bin Hamad Street, Doha Qatar, 25555 Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44288000 +974 44288888 Email: housni.elyaman@lacigalehotel.com Web: www.lacigalehotel.com Contact: Housni El Yaman Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority

La Gomera Tourist Board


LA Tourism


Pod.la Canonica, 56, San Giovanni D’’asso Siena, 53020 Italy Tel: +39 0577 834338 Fax: +39 0755 834338 Email: info@canonicaholiday.com Web: www.canonicaholiday.com Contact: Donella Vannetti Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione

La Cigale Hotel


333 South Hope Street, Floor 18, Los Angeles 90071 United States Tel: +1 02073189552 Email: fsheridan@latourism.org Contact: Francine Sheridan Exhibiting with Visit California


Avenue D’ouchy 60, Lausanne 1006 Switzerland Tel: +41 21 613 26 26 Email: riba@region-du-leman.ch Web: www.lake-geneva-region.ch Contact: Vincent Riba Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism


Centre Foyer

Exhibiting with Global Media Network


Lake Geneva Region


Unit 201 Al Sayegh Building, Oud Mehta Road, Dubai Uae, 20808 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 4 3344232 +971 4 3344330 Email: executiveoffice@lama.ae Web: www.lamadubai.com Contact: Anna Ong Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Lancaster Hotels & Suites


P.o.box 13-5963, Beirut Lebanon Tel: Fax: +961 (1) 823313 +961 (1) 820870 Email: s.zein@lancaster.com.lb Web: www.lancaster.com.lb Contact: Samer Zein Exhibiting with LEBANON Ministry of Tourism

Landmark Hotels & Suites


Deira, Deira United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 554145438 Email: stasya@landmarkhotels.net Contact: Stasya Rakhmanova Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing


Langi Langi Beach Bungalows, Zanzibar

P.o Box 132, Zanzibar Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 777 411 075 Fax: +255 24 2240471 Email: reservations@langilangizanzibar.com Web: www.langilangizanzibar.com Contact: Suleiman M Said Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


Langkawi Development Authority

Floor 7&8 Kompleks Lada, Peti Surat 60, Langkawi Kedah, 7000 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 49661940 +60 49666851 Email: azmil@lada.gov.my Web: www.lada.gov.my Contact: Azmil Munif Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board


Lanka Holidays Net (pvt) Ltd 20/5, Flower Road, Colombo 07 Sri Lanka Tel: Fax: +94 112574019 +94 112375622 Email: info@srilankaholidays.net Web: www.srilankaholidays.net Contact: Prebudda Jayasinghe Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau


Lanka Sportreizen

29b, S De S Jayasinghe Mawatha, Kalubowila, Dehiwala Sri Lanka Tel: Fax: +94 112826125 +94 773442055 Email: lsrdharma@sltnet.lk Web: www.LSR-srilanka.com Contact: D.K.R Dharmapala Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau


Lanzarote Tourist Promotion Board

Triana. 38, Arrecife De Lanzarote Canary Islands, 35500 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 928 80 00 80 +34 928 811762 Email: nhernandez@turismolanzarote.com Web: www.turismolanzarote.com Contact: Héctor Fernández Exhibiting with Canary Islands


Lapland Hotels and Safaris Koskikatu 1, Rovaniemi FIN-96200 Finland Tel: +358 405048861 Email: jp@laplandhotels.com Web: www.laplandhotels.com Contact: Juha-Pekka Tuominen Exhibiting with Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board

Lapland Resorts - part of Swedish Lapland

Dg 75 No. 2-84 Ap 301, Bogota Colombia Tel: +57 313 442 9595 Email: julian@largeminority.com Contact: Julian Rohann Carnall Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia


Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority


C/o Hills Balfour, Colechurch House, London London, SE1 2SX United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 367 0979 Fax: +44 207 407 3810 Email: russellm@hillsbalfour.com Web: www.VisitLasVegas.co.uk Contact: Russell Meara The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) is the official destination marketing organization of Las Vegas. The LVCVA is charged with marketing Southern Nevada as a tourism and convention destination worldwide as well as operating the Las Vegas Convention Centre (LVCC) and Cashman Centre.


LATAM Airlines Group

Capitan Haya, 1, 7ª Pl. 28020, Madrid Spain, 28020 Spain Tel: +34 91 788 01 66 Fax: +34 91 556 0933 Email: infouk@lan.com Web: www.lan.com Contact: Angelika Lucius LAN Airlines is one of the leading airlines in Latin America: over 70 destinations worldwide, full connectivity within Latin America, linking the region with North America, Europe and the South Pacific. LAN Airlines and its affiliates have a leading position in their domestic markets of Chile, Peru, Argentina and Ecuador.

Late Night London


Clarevill House, 26-27 Oxendon Street, London SW1Y 4EL United Kingdom +44 7703685553 Tel: Email: charlotte.smith@latenightlondon.co.uk Web: www.latenightlondon.co.uk Contact: Charlotte Smith Exhibiting with UKinbound




Po Box 799, San Jose 1007 Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 22320363 +506 22315084 Email: repeurope@latincoming.com Web: www.latincoming.com Contact: Katrin Schmitz


Larcomar Tourist and Entertainment Center

Latvian Tourism Development Agency


Av. Malecon De La Reserva 610, Oficina 138, Lima 18 Lima, Peru Tel: +51 6104646 Email: kmeier@parauco.com Web: www.larcomar.com Contact: Karina Meier Exhibiting with PromPeru


W.ferreira Aldunate 1320 L.15, Montevideo Montevideo, 11100 Uruguay Tel: Fax: +598 29019120 +598 29019120 Email: pperelli@lares.com.uy Web: www.lares.com.uy Contact: Paola Perelli Exhibiting with URUGUAY MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND SPORT


Avenida Kennedy 7268, Santiago Chile, 7650618 Chile Tel: +56 2 2411900 Email: ghorney@latitud90.com Web: www.latitud90.com/incoming Contact: GEORGE HORNEY Exhibiting with Chile


Brivibas Iela 55, Riga LV-1519 Latvia +371 67229945 Tel: Fax: +371 67358128 Email: info@latvia.travel Web: www.latvia.travel Contact: Armands Slokenbergs The Latvian Tourism Development Agency is a state institution (National Tourist Organisation) under the supervision of the Ministry of Economics that is responsible for the implementation of the tourism policy, mainly in the field of tourism promotion.

LaVilla Group of Hotels




Av. Pablo Carriquiry Nº857, San Isidro, Lima Peru, LIMA 27 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 2041392 +51 2041313 Email: dpiqueras@lcperu.pe Web: www.lcperu.pe Contact: Diego Piqueras Exhibiting with PromPeru

Le Ancore Resort


Via Largo Sirenella, Marina Di Varcaturo 80014 Italy Tel: +39 081 8678558 Fax: +39 081 8678857 Email: info@leancoreresort.it Web: www.leancoreresort.it Contact: Lucia Trotta Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Le Commodore Hotel


Hamra, Commodore Street, P.o.box 11-3456, Beirut Lebanon, 11072140 Lebanon Tel: +961 (1) 734 734 Fax: +961 (1) 345 807 Email: e.chahine@lecommodorehotel.com Web: www.lecommodorehotel.com Contact: Eddy Chahine Exhibiting with LEBANON Ministry of Tourism

Le Dune Suite hotel


Via Dei Bacini 72, Porto Cesareo Italy, 73010 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 08321831456 +39 0833565355 Email: info@ledunesuitehotel.it Web: www.ledunesuitehotel.it Contact: Giovanni Pizzolante Exhibiting with Regione Puglia

Le Meridien Abu Dhabi


P.o.box. 46066 | Tourist Club Area | Abu Dhabi | Uae, Abu Dhabi Uae, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 26974455 Email: marvin.villaruz@lemeridien.com Web: www.lemeridien.com/abudhabi Contact: MARVIN DAX VILLARUZ Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort


Dibba Road, Fujairah United Arab Emirates, 3070 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 92449001 +971 9244 9000 Email: russell.dillon@starwoodhotels.com Web: www.lemeridien-alaqah.com Contact: Nadim Belbeisi Exhibiting with Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority, Government of Fujairah, U.A.E.

Le Meridien Dubai

Latincoming was founded 1999 to professionally meet the trend towards crossnational tourism in Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean. All partner incoming-agencies (Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexiko, Cuba, Dominican Republic) are under European management and count as leading companies in respect of quality, reliability, and price/performance ratio.

Yesilbahce Mah. Portakalcicegi Bulvari, Goker Sitesi 8/4, 0700, Antalya Turkey Tel: +90 2423213994 Fax: +90 2423215926 Email: yelda.karaca@aktob.org.tr Web: www.aktob.org Contact: Sururi Çorabatir Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office



12, Grigori Afxentiou Ave, P.o.box 40287, Larnaka 6302 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 24 628281 +357 24 657070 Email: info@larnakaregion.com Web: www.larnakaregion.com Contact: NANA ASMENI PAVLOU Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation


Bjorkliden Fjallby, Bjorkliden 981 93 Sweden Tel: +46 70 261 28 54 Email: roland.s@laplandresorts.se Web: www.bjorkliden.com Contact: Roland Sand Exhibiting with VisitSweden

Lara/Kundu - AKTOB


Large Minority Américas SAS



P.o. Box 10001, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 702 2444 Email: Vikas.choudhery@lemeridien.com Web: www.lemeridien.com/dubai Contact: Vikas Choudhery Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Le Meridien Limassol Spa & Resort


Po Box 56560, Cy-3308, Limassol Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 25634222 +357 25862000 Email: sales@lemeridienlimassol.com Web: www.lemeridienlimassol.com Contact: Jonathan Andreades Le Meridien Limassol Spa & Resort is situated on 100,000 sqm of landscaped gardens and is Cyprus’ only five star International Chain hotel on the beach. The hotel is renowned for its award winning spa, excellent range of dining options, and unrivalled children’s facilities–including Penguin Village and Leisure Land.

Le Meridien Limassol Spa & Resort Cyprus


18 High Street, Pensnett, Kingswinford West Midlands, DY6 8XD United Kingdom +44 01384273224 Fax: +44 01384402278 Tel: Email: info@hotelmarketingco.com Contact: Alexis Galatariotis Exhibiting with Le Meridien Limassol Spa & Resort

Po Box 200408, Doha Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44271109 +974 44436601 Email: bdm@lavillahospitality.com Web: www.lavillahospitality.com Contact: Rishi Mohan Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 343



Le Meridien Nice


1 Promenade Des Anglais, Nice 6000 France Tel: +33 (0)4 97 03 40 16 Fax: +33 (0)4 97 03 44 46 Email: sophie.codogno@lemeridien.com Web: www.lemeridiennice.com Contact: Sophie Codogno Exhibiting with France

Le Meridien Tahiti + Bora Bora



Le Passage to India is headquartered in Delhi with branch offices in major locations across India. Specializing in group and individual travel: Cultural Tours, Incentive, Beach Holidays, Ayurvedic & Holistic Wellness, Luxury Holidays, Adventure & Wildlife, Charter & Cruise, Conferences & Events, Self Drive and Special Interest Tours.


Zahran Street, Jabal Amman, 3rd Circle, Amman Jordan, 11118 Jordan +962 6 460 3000 Fax: +962 6 460 3014 Tel: Email: ahmad.ebdah@leroyalamman.com Web: www.leroyalamman.com Contact: Ahmad Ebdah Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board



P.o.box:45505, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 26950529 +971 26950523 Email: marcuspaul.osborne@lemeridian.com Contact: MARCUS OSBORNE Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Le Royal Meridien Beach Resort & Spa Dubai


P.o. Box 24970, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4317 6602 Email: Bettina.Backert@starwoodhotels.com Web: www.lemeridien.com/royaldubai Contact: Bettina Backert Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Le Royal Monceau - Raffles Paris


37 Avenue Hoche, Paris 75008 France Tel: +33 142999858 Email: omer.acar@raffles.com www.raffles.com/paris Web: Contact: Omer Acar Exhibiting with Katara Hospitality

Leader Viaggi



42, Allen Avenue, Lagos Nigeria +234 8033252050 Tel: Email: imeudo@gmail.com Contact: Ime Udoh Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation


C/o Mespil Hotel, 50-6- Mespil Road, Dublin 4 Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 1 6671224 +353 1 4884600 Email: eallen@leehotels.com Web: www.leehotels.com Contact: Emma Allen Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland


Leisure Afrique


22-24 Torrington Place, London WC1E 7HJ United Kingdom Tel: +44 2079077057 Fax: +44 2074366287 Email: reservations@leisureconnect.com Web: www.leisureconnect.com Contact: Garry Thompson Leisure Connect is the fastest growing B2B online and offline ticket booking facility that enables travel professionals the ability to purchase FITs and Group tickets to theatre in major cities like London, New York and Las Vegas, 24 hours a day, 365 days per year with real-time online confirmation.


P.o Box 14529, Arusha Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of +255 27 254 8952 Fax: +255 27 254 8937 Tel: Email: res@lemalacamps.com Web: www.lemalacamps.com Contact: Jayesh Shangavi Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


4, Torzhkovskaya Street, Saint-petersburg 197342 Russian Federation Tel: +7 (812) 4962278 Fax: +7 (812) 4051304 Email: lentravel@lentravel.ru Web: www.lentravel.ru Contact: Sergey Vazhenin Exhibiting with Russian Federation


Box 34, Ukunda Kenya, 80400 Kenya Tel: +254 733202721 Fax: +254 0403203424 Email: modigell@leopardbeachresort.com www.leopardbeachresort.com Web: Contact: Chris Modigell Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board


Old Moshi Road, Plot No. 17 Kijenge, P O Box 1638, Arusha Tanzania, Tanzania, United Republic Of +255 272548441 Fax: +255 272543131 Tel: Email: leopardtours@leopardtours.co.tz Web: www.leopard-tours.com Contact: Mohamed Farah With a network of offices & staff in key tourist centers in Tanzania and a fleet of 300 specially designed safari tour vehicles, we are confident of controlling quality of services that we extend to clients. Vision is to make Leopard Tours a natural choice for safari & holiday planners

344 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

C/o Lernidee Erlebnisreisen, Eisenacher Str. 11, Berlin D10777 Germany Tel: +49 3078600086 Fax: +49 307865596 Email: s.dobbins@lernidee.de Web: www.lernidee.com Contact: Steven Dobbins

Les Anis de Flavigny


Rue De L’abbaye, Flavigny 21150 France Tel: Fax: +33 380962143 +33 380962088 Email: contact@anisdeflavigny.com Web: www.anisdeflavigny.com Contact: Catherine Troubat Exhibiting with Vezelay and Fontenay, Burgundy, France

Les Hôtels de Paris


20, Avenue Jules Janin, Paris 75016 France +33 155737540 Tel: Fax: +33 155730010 Email: jpdesjeunes@leshotelsdeparis.com Web: www.leshotelsdeparis.com Contact: Jean-Pierre Desjeunes Exhibiting with France


Lets Go Maldives Pvt. Ltd.

M.boaddu,lets Go Tower,1st Floor/haveeree Hingun, Male’ Maldives, 20025 Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3307755 +960 3347755 Email: riyaz@letsgomaldives.com Web: www.letsgomaldives.com Contact: Mohamed Riyaz Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation


Lets Go Travel - Uniglobe

1st Floor Garden City,yusuf Lule Road, P.o Box 22851, Kampala Kampala, KLA Uganda +256 414 34666789 Fax: +256 414346666 Tel: Email: joan@letsgosafari-ug.com Web: www.ugandaletsgotravel.com Contact: Joan Else - Kantu Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD

Leuven Tourist Office

Leopard Tours


Lernidee Trains & Cruises


Leisure Connect

Leopard Beach Resort & Spa


Coral Bay, Pafos 8099 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 26813840 +357 26813777 Email: christina.antoniou@leptoscalypso.com Web: www.leptoscalypso.com Contact: Panicos Attas Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation


1b, Tinuade Street, Off Allen Street, Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234 8055252066 Email: hazaks@leisureafrique.net Contact: Hassan Zakari Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation

Lemala Tented Camps


Lernidee Trains & Cruises is the world’s leading tour operator for private charter trains and small ship cruises, offering more than 80 exclusively designed journeys for the discerning traveller e.g. train charters on the Trans-Siberian or company-owned boutique ships cruising on formerly inaccessible reaches of Laos’ and Thailand’s Mekong River.

Uk Office, 14 Florence Road, London W5 3TX United Kingdom Tel: +44 07725027576 Email: Nigel.McShine-Jones@merlinentertainments.biz Web: www.legoland.com Contact: Nigel McShine-Jones Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Leningrad region administration Committee for physical culture, sports and tourism

Via Agilulfo,1, Benevento 82100 Italy Tel: +39 0824 482030 Fax: +39 0824 482762 Email: info@mazzoniviaggi.com Web: www.mazzoniviaggi.com Contact: Anna Grazia Archese Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Leadway Tours

Lebanon: A Heaven on Earth!From its Mediterranean coast to its snowcapped mountains, Lebanon is a unique small country in the region.Named “Switzerland of the Middle East”, the country is packed with history, archaeology, natural beauty and a handsome hospitable population full of fun, love and warmth.

Lee Hotels (Mespil Hotel & Sligo Park Hotel)

E-29 Haus Khas, New Delhi 110016 India Tel: +91 1141653100 Fax: +91 1141653101 Email: info@lpti.in Web: www.lpti.in Contact: Sandeep Dayal

Le Royal Hotel Amman


550 Central Bank Street, P.o.box 11-5344, Beirut Lebanon Tel: Fax: +961 1340954 +961 1340940 Email: mot@DestinationLebanon.gov.lb Web: www.DestinationLebanon.gov.lb Contact: Amine Nasser

Le Meridien Tahiti, Bp380595, Punaauia Tahiti, United Kingdom Tel: +44 12345678 Email: julian@tahiti-tourisme.co.uk Web: www.lemeridientahiti.com Contact: Julian Mills Exhibiting with Tahiti Tourisme

Le Passage to India Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd

LEBANON Ministry of Tourism


Naamsestraat 1, Leuven 3000 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 16 27 28 38 +32 16 27 22 77 Email: trade@leuven.be Web: www.visitleuven.be Contact: Nancy Brouwers Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office

LGBT Confex


Prol. Colombia 1815, Col. Lazaro Cardenas, Puerto Vallarta Mexico, 48330 Mexico Tel: +52 3222224077 Email: ruben@lgbtconfex.com www.LGBTconfex.com Web: Contact: Ruben Sandoval Exhibiting with Out Now

Lhomen Tours & Travels Po Box 141, Thimphu Bhutan, Bhutan Tel: Fax: +975 2323243 +975 2324148 Email: lhomen@druknet.bt Web: www.lhomen.com.bt/ Contact: Karchung Wangchuk Exhibiting with Bhutan (Tourism Council of)


EXHIBITOR PROFILES Libertador Hotels Resorts & Spas


Amador Merino Reyna 551, San Isidro, Lima Peru, LIMA 27 Peru Tel: +51 7127000 Email: jdelajara@libertador.com.pe Web: www.libertador.com.pe Contact: Jorge De la Jara Exhibiting with PromPeru


Liberty North America

181 Westchester Avenue, Port Chester New York, 10573 United States Tel: +1 914 481 5155 Fax: +1 914 481 5153 Email: ron@libertynorthamerica.com Web: www.liberty-int.com Contact: Ron Neuman Exhibiting with Liberty International Tourism Group

Lindner Hotels & Resorts


Rua Aires De Saldanha, 92 - Sobreloja 202, Rio De Janeiro 20 030-060 Brazil Tel: +55 21 3208 1826 Fax: +55 21 3208 1904 Email: samuelazanolli@libertylatinamerica.com Web: www.liberty-int.com Contact: Samuela Zanolli Exhibiting with Liberty International Tourism Group

Liberty Cuba


Office 320, Habana Libre Hotel, 3rd Floor, L And 23rd Streets, Havana Cuba, 10400 Cuba Tel: Fax: +53 7 836 88 74 +53 7 834 63 80 Email: jcarlos@licuba.com Web: www.licuba.com Contact: Juan Carlos Gonzalez Luis Exhibiting with Liberty International Tourism Group



29 Abashidze Str., Tbilisi Georgia, Georgia Tel: +995 322 24 01 00 Fax: +995 322 25 33 63 Email: tamuna@libertygeorgia.ge Web: www.liberty-international.org/georgia Contact: Tamuna Kurtanidze Exhibiting with Georgian National Tourism Administration

Liberty Helicopters


424 W. 33rd St, Suite 380, New York New York, 10001 United States Tel: Fax: +1 2129671553 +1 2129676464 Email: sales@libertyhelicopters.com Web: www.libertyhelicopters.com Contact: Denise Coyle Kirby Liberty Helicopters, the largest helicopter sightseeing / charter company in the Northeastern US, provides award winning sightseeing tours of NYC’s most famous landmarks including: Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, Central Park and many more, day or night, 365 days a year

Liberty Hungary


Vas U. 5, Budapest 1088 Hungary Tel: Fax: +36 1 267 63 86 +36 1 485 20 80 Email: kalman@liberty-international.hu Web: www.liberty-int.com Contact: Istvan Kalman Exhibiting with Liberty International Tourism Group

Liberty India


103 Sushant Plaza Complex, Sushat Lok I, Gurgaon 122001 India Tel: +91 124 422 1288 Fax: +91 124 422 1290 Email: prashant.yadav@liberty-india.com Web: www.liberty-int.com Contact: Prashant Yadav Exhibiting with Liberty International Tourism Group

Liberty International Tourism Group

GV640 Spalena 14, Prague 1 110 00 Czech Republic Tel: +420 296337611 Fax: +420 296337640 Email: info@liberty-int.com Web: www.liberty-int.com Contact: Maria Maager Liberty International is a worldwide tourism group that has been 21 years providing a wide range of services with a professional, flexible and individual approach. Liberty covers various tourism fields from MICE to Leisure, Incoming, Outgoing, Transportation, Groups as well as Individual Travel.

Liberty Italy


Via Merulana 272, Rome 185 Italy Tel: +39 06 4898 6260 Fax: +39 06 7839 5123 Email: s.onorati@liberty-int.com Web: www.liberty-int.com Contact: Sergio Onorati Exhibiting with Liberty International Tourism Group


Liberty Russia

Nevsky Prospect 173, Office 1, St. Petersburg 191167 Russian Federation Tel: +7 812 346 82 92 Fax: +7 812 271 03 97 Email: zinenko@liberty-russia.ru Web: www.liberty-int.com Contact: Tatiana Zinenko Exhibiting with Liberty International Tourism Group



The Investment Complex, Office No 12, Tripoli Libya Tel: +218 92 7556686 Fax: +218 21 4448931 Email: safar121@hotmail.com Web: www.safaritourismservices.com Contact: ALI OHIDA ABDESALAM

Lido de Paris


116 Bis Avenue Des Champs Elysees, Paris 75008 France Tel: +33 1 40 76 56 94 Fax: +33 1 45 63 85 65 Email: mariechristine.deornelas@lido.fr Web: www.lido.fr Contact: Marie-Christine De Ornelas Exhibiting with France


Lifestyle Retreats

C/o The Bale, Jl. Raya Nusa Dua Selatan, Bali Indonesia, 80363 Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361 775222 +62 361 776111 Email: jose@lifestyleretreats.com Web: www.lifestyleretreats.com Contact: Jose Luis Calle Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Lille Metropole Tourism


Palais Rihour, Place Rihour, Lille Cedex 59002 France Tel: +33 33359579423 Fax: +33 33359579417 Email: o.duhamel@lilletourism.com Web: www.destination-lille-metropole.eu / www.lilletourism.com Contact: Olivier Duhamel


Lily Beach Resort & Spa

Fasmeeru Building, 2nd Floor, Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Male’ Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 331 7466 +960 331 4585 Email: sales@lilybeachmaldives.com Web: www.lilybeachmaldives.com Contact: Mariya Shareef Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation


Lima Tours Jr.de La Union 1040, Lima, Lima Peru, L-01 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 1 6196920 +51 1 6196900 Email: inbound@limatours.com.pe Web: www.limatours.com.pe Contact: Milagros Gamarra Exhibiting with PromPeru



Avenida Dos Combatentes, 45, Lisboa, Lisbon Portugal, 1600042 LISBOA Portugal Tel: Fax: +351 217264418 +351 217235400 Email: lisbon@marriotthotels.com Web: www.marriott.com Contact: Gonçalo Nunes Exhibiting with Portugal

Lithuanian State Department of Tourism


Gedimino Av. 38 / Vasario 16-osios St. 2, Vilnius LT- 01104 Lithuania Tel: Fax: +370 70664988 +370 70664976 Email: vtd@tourism.lt Web: www.travel.lt Contact: Lina Laurynaite Lithuanian State Department of Tourism under the Ministry of Economy performs these main tourism sector’s functions: juridical regulation and supervision, planning of development and Lithuanian tourism image formation abroad and inside the country. Priority areas of activities are increasing the levels of incoming and local tourism.

Lithuanian State Department of Tourism


Gedimino Av. 38/vasario 16-osios St. 2, Vilnius LT-01104 Lithuania +370 70664985 Tel: Fax: +370 70664988 Email: l.laurynaite@tourism.lt Web: www.tourism.lt Contact: Lina Laurynaite Exhibiting with Lithuanian State Department of Tourism

Little Arches Barbados


Enterprise Beach Road, Christ Church Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 418 0207 +1246 420 4689 Email: info@shoreline-international.com Web: www.littlearches.com Contact: Joanne King Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

Littlebig Road


38, Rue Des Processions, St. Michel-sur-orge 91240 France Tel: Fax: +33 169011686 +33 173707329 Email: pchryst@littlebigroad.com Web: www.littlebigroad.com Contact: Philip Chryst Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions



Paper Mews Place, 290 High Street, Dorking RH4 1QT United Kingdom Tel: +44 441306740878 Email: rob@littlevoicemedia.com Web: www.littlevoice.tv Contact: Anne Granville LittleVoice produce ‘smarter videos’ on the worlds most popular platforms. The smarter bit is where we include interactivity and callto-actions turning video into a trackable sales component. It’s popular for good reason - Intelligent video can now sell up to 64% of your products and services. That’s why its smarter!

Livigno Tourist Office


170, Franklin Roosevelt, Lemesos 3045 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 25661655 +357 25877350 Email: m.stylianou@limassolchamber.eu Web: www.limassoltourism.com Contact: Maria Stylianou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Limpopo Tourism and Parks


Hoeheweg 211, Interlaken 3800 Switzerland Tel: +41 33 826 7007 Fax: +41 33 826 7008 Email: info.interlaken@lindnerhotels.ch Web: www.lindnerhotels.ch Contact: Christina Stein Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Lisbon Marriott Hotel Liberty Brazil



P O Box 2814, Polokwane Limpopo, 700 South Africa Tel: +27 15 293 6300 Fax: +27 15 293 3654 Email: xolanim@golimpopo.com Web: www.golimpopo.com Contact: Xolani Mthethwa Exhibiting with South African Tourism


Via Saroch 1098/a, C/o Plaza Placheda, Livigno Sondrio, 23030 Italy +39 0342052200 Tel: Fax: +39 0342052239 Email: info@livigno.eu Web: www.livigno.eu/en Contact: Adriano Pedrana Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Living Roots Destination Management Pvt. Ltd.


Living Roots Business Floor, Metropolitan Building, 7 J L Nehru Road, Kolkata 700013 India Tel: +91 98302 69960 Fax: +91 33 2228 2249 Email: deb@livingroots.asia Web: www.livingroots.asia Contact: Suddhabrata Deb Exhibiting with Inbound Tour Operators Council (ITOC) - West Bengal

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 345



Livingstone’s Adventure Po Box 60971, Livingstone Zambia Tel: +260 213320058323587 Fax: +260 213324071 Email: pa2md@livingstonesadventure.com Web: www.livingstonesadventure.com Contact: Daan Brink Exhibiting with Zambia Tourism Board


London Travels & Tourism

Office M5, Alrigga Building, Abu Bakr Alsiddique St., (Opposite Rigga Mosque), Dubai United Arab Emirates +971 42626009 Tel: Email: awad@lontravel.com Contact: Mohamed Awad Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing


Louis Group, The



330 Motor Parkway, Hauppauge New York, 11788 United States Tel: +1 6319513900 303 Fax: +1 6319513439 Email: mnye@discoverlongisland.com Web: www.discoverlongisland.com Contact: Millie Nye Exhibiting with NYC & Company

Unit 1, Maida Vale Business Centre, Cheltenham United Kingdom Tel: +44 1242 255483 Email: lisa@ljrconsultancy.co.uk Web: www.ljrconsultancy.co.uk Contact: Lisa Rawlings Exhibiting with Indochina Tourist & Trade Co. Ltd.


LJR Consultancy

Unit 1 Maida Vale Business Centre Mead Road, Cheltenham GL53 7ER United Kingdom Tel: +44 1242 255483 Fax: +44 1242 255483 Email: sue@ljrconsultancy.co.uk Web: www.ljrconsultancy.co.uk Contact: Lisa Rawlings Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Ljubljana Tourism


Krekov Trg 10, Ljubljana Slovenia, 1000 Slovenia +386 1 306 45 89 Fax: +386 1 306 45 94 Tel: Email: verica.leskovar@visitljubljana.si Web: www.visitljubljana.si Contact: Verica Leskovar Exhibiting with Slovenian Tourist Board

LLC LovelyTour


Moscow, 8th Tekstil’shikov Street 11 Of.321, Irkutsk, Sverdlova Street, 23, Moscow & Irkutsk Russian Federation Tel: +7 499 176 87 65 Fax: +7 495 632 02 81 Email: moscow3@lovelytour.ru Web: www.incoming.lovelytour.ru/en/ Contact: Vera Toropovskaya Exhibiting with Russian Federation



Avda. Monsenor Rodriguez - Shopping Del Este, Ciudad Del Este Paraguay Tel: Fax: +595 61511784 +595 61511784 Email: elva@lleva.com.py Web: www.lleva.com.py Contact: Elva Figueredo Exhibiting with Paraguay Secretaria Nacional de Turismo



Avda Alegries 3, Lloret De Mar Catalonia, E-17310 Spain Email: turisme@lloret.org Web: www.lloretdemar.org Contact: Mauri Carbó Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD


Lohia Group Of Hotels New Delhi, New Delhi India +91 26786300 Tel: Email: pradeep.del85@hotmail.com Contact: Pradeep Sahoo Exhibiting with India Tourism



447/3, Cotta Road, Rajagiriya, Colombo Sri Lanka +94 115880160 Tel: Fax: +94 115880220 Email: jayanthas@lolcleisure.com Web: www.lolcleisure.com Contact: Jayantha De Silva Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Lopesan Hotel Group offers two brands of international prestige: Lopesan Hotels & Resorts and IFA Hotels & Resorts - a total of 20 hotels placed in privileged surroundings across the Canary Islands, Germany, Austria and Dominican Republic. The brand also offers an exceptional range of conference, golf and well-being facilities.


346 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Lord’s Tour

Lord’s Ground, London London, NW8 8QN United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 7616 8596 Fax: +44 020 7616 8504 Email: Antony.Amos@mcc.org.uk Web: www.lords.org Contact: Antony Amos Exhibiting with Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum and Tour



Larnaka -dekelia Road, Larnaka 6305 Cyprus +357 24647444 Tel: Fax: +357 24645847 Email: administration@lordosbeach.com.cy Web: www.lordosbeach.com.cy Contact: Byron Christodoulides Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation




Loreley-Linie Weinand GmbH


Limassol Avenue 11, Nicosia Cyprus, 2112 Cyprus +357 22588232 Tel: Fax: +357 22442935 Email: natasa.karaoli@louishotels.com Contact: Natasa Karaoli Leading leisure Group in Cyprus/ Eastern Med. Owns 10 cruise ships operating from Cyprus, Piraeus, Genoa and Marseilles. Incoming and outgoing operators, Airline Representation, Ground Handling, destination management services. 19 hotels in Cyprus and Greece including the Hilton Park in Nicosia. Specializes in family, active, allinclusive holidays in resort hotels.



E-29 Hauz Khas, New Delhi India, 110016 India Tel: +91 9810798614 Email: ripan@lpti.in Web: www.lpti.in Contact: Ripan Dhawan Exhibiting with Le Passage to India Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd

Ltd. Management center of medical services and information


Zemaites Str. 21, Vilnius LT 08401 Lithuania +370 650 46908 Tel: Email: info@medigidas.lt Web: www.medigidas.lt Contact: Ingrida Jaselskyte Medigidas.lt a website of Health Tourism that offers a network of physicians and surgeons providing a wide range of diagnostic procedures, treatments and health promotion. We will help you get in touch with the best health professionals and get to them faster and cheaper than you can imagine!

Lublin Regional Tourist Organisation


Jezuicka 1/3, Lublin 20-113 Poland Tel: +48 81 532 14 48 Fax: +48 81 532 14 48 Email: info@lrot.pl Web: www.lrot.pl Contact: Monika Kozlowska Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation

Larnaka - Dhekelia Road, P.o.box 40741, Larnaka 6306 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 24645451 +357 24645444 Email: gbadmin@goldenbay.com.cy Web: www.goldenbay.com.cy Contact: Alkis Maros Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Rheinuferstraße 55-56, Kamp-bornhofen Rhinelandpalatinate, 56341 Germany Tel: Fax: +49 6773 7110 +49 6773 341 Email: loreley-linie@t-online.de Web: www.loreley-linie.de Contact: Rainer Weinand Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board

Lucca Promos scrl


Avenida Lazaro Cardenas S/n, Edificio Posada P.a. Col. Medano, Cabo San Lucas 23410 Mexico Tel: +52 624 143 7777 Fax: +52 624 143 5424 Email: rubensanchez@visitloscabos.org www.visitloscabos.travel Web: Contact: Ruben Sanchez Lizarraga Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board


Corte Campana, 10, Lucca Lu, 55100 Italy +39 0583 976408 Fax: +39 0583 976698 Tel: Email: carol.lucchesi@lu.camcom.it Web: www.luccapromos.it Contact: Carol Lucchesi Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione

Lucerne Tourism


Bahnhofstrasse 3, Lucerne 6002 Switzerland Tel: +41 41 227 17 37 Fax: +41 41 227 17 18 Email: michaela.germann@luzern.com Web: www.luzern.com Contact: Michaela Germann Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Lueftner Cruises


Av. Loro Parque S/n, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Canary Islands, 38400 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922375021 +34 922373841 Email: comercial@loroparque.com Web: www.loroparque.com Contact: Ozug Birced Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

Los Cabos Convention & Visitor Bureau 6th Floor, 2 More London Riverside, London SE1 2RR United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 7234 5821 Fax: +44 0207 234 5752 Email: ljackley@londonandpartners.com Web: www.londonandpartners.com/ Contact: Louisa Jackley Exhibiting with UKinbound


(Departamento Comercial / Mr. Dennis Fleckenstein), Mar Mediterraneo 1, Las Palmas De Gran Canaria Canary Islands, 35100 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 928128127 +34 928128153 Email: marketing@lopesan.com Web: www.lopesan.com Contact: Dennis Fleckenstein


LOLC Leisure Ltd

London & Partners


Long Island Convention & Visitors Bureau


17 Stycznia 39, Warsaw 00-906 Poland Tel: Fax: +48 22 6066244 +48 22 6066244 Email: b.grabiwoda@lot.pl Web: www.lot.com Contact: Barbara Grabiwoda Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation


Amraser See Strasse 56, Menardi Center, Innsbruck 6020 Austria Tel: Fax: +43 512 3657816 +43 512 365781 Email: lueftner@lueftner-cruises.com www.lueftner-cruises.com Web: Contact: Anna Lueftner Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

Luleå in Swedish Lapland


Storgatan 30, Lulea 972 32 Sweden Tel: +46 705447147 Email: graeme.richardson@visitlulea.se Web: www.visitlulea.se Contact: Graeme Richardson Exhibiting with VisitSweden

Luna Hotels & Resorts


Rua De S. Pedro, Lote 28 R/c Dt.º, Albufeira Portugal, 8200 Portugal Tel: +351 289588501 Fax: +351 289586906 Email: comercial@lunahoteis.com Web: www.lunahoteis.com Contact: Luís Esturrado Exhibiting with Portugal



London City Airport, City Aviaton House, London London, E16 2PX United Kingdom Tel: +44 2070555079 Email: alexandra.paulino@luxairgroup.lu Web: www.luxair.lu Contact: Mario Vieira Exhibiting with Luxembourg National Tourist Office

Luxembourg National Tourist Office


M.R.S. Hospitality


The Laxmi Niwas Palace, Dr Karni Singhji Road, Bikaner Rajasthan, 334001 India Tel: +91 1512200088 Fax: +91 1512521487 Email: pdessa@laxminiwaspalace.com Web: www.laxminiwaspalace.com/ Contact: Peter Dessa Exhibiting with India Tourism Ecatalog

Macau Government Tourist Office

2nd Floor, Magdalen House, 148 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 845 498 9983 Email: macau@humewhitehead.co.uk Web: www.macautourism.gov.mo Contact: Sue Whitehead

Tourist Information, Hotel Reservation, Fam-Trips to Luxembourg, Tourism Press, Tourism Promotion, Groundhandling Services.

On the southern cost of Mainland China, close to Hong Kong, Macau is a fascinating blend of Portuguese and Chinese culture, state-ofthe-art tourist facilities and entertainments, superb food and a full calendar of festivals and events. Its beautiful ‘Historic Centre’ is a UNESCO World Heritage site.


P.o.box:1273, Kathmandu, Kathmandu Nepal, Nepal Tel: Fax: +977 1 4371561 +977 1 4370714 Email: nepal@intrek.wlink.com.np Web: www.nepalluxurytreks.com Contact: Wangchuk Tamang Exhibiting with Nepal Tourism Board


Macdonald Hotels and Resorts


5 Nguyen Truong To Street, Hanoi Vietnam +84 439274120 Tel: Fax: +84 439274118 Email: sales@luxurytravelvietnam.com Web: www. www.luxurytravelvietnam.com Contact: Ha Pham Manh Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism

M - Vision Travel Sdn. Bhd.


No 1k, 1st Floor, Holiday Villa Apartments, Kuala Lumpur 50450 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 321663720 +60 321712055 Email: azam@mvision.com.my Web: www.mvision.com.my Contact: Nurulazam Aziz Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

M Tours Bled


Presernova 3, Bled Slovenia, 4260 Slovenia Tel: +386 4 575 33 00 Fax: +386 4 575 33 11 Email: miroslav@mtours.net www.mtours.net Web: Contact: Miro Mulej Exhibiting with Slovenian Tourist Board



36 Vouliagmenis Av, Hellinikon Attika, 16777 Greece Tel: +30 2109600952 Fax: +30 2117405307 Email: info@m-hospitality.com Web: www.m-hospitality.com Contact: Stavros Habakis m-Hospitality is a breakthrough, a unique and innovative solution that enhances hotel services with rich and interactive native smartphone applications. m-Hospitality arms hotels with new capabilities to manage customer interactions by applying actionable alerts, workflows and personalized touch-points with their customers. m-Hospitality offering help hoteliers increase their profit



36, Vouliagmenis Ave., Hellinikon 16777 Greece Tel: +30 6945551000 Email: habakis@m-hospitality.com Web: www.m-hospitality.com Contact: Stavros Habakis Exhibiting with m-hospitality

M.B.A & Irelands Choice

6 East Park House, Marina Commercial Park, Cork Ireland +353 21 4323210 Fax: +353 21 4323212 Tel: Email: shella@eircom.net Web: www.irelandschoice.com Contact: Shella Browne Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland



Agiou Georgiou 20, Office 301-302, Pafos 8021 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 26942525 +357 26815800 Email: m.mitas@eastmedholidays.com Web: www.eastmedholidays.com Contact: Michalis Mitas Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation


Maputo Bay, Maputo Mozambique Tel: +258 123 Email: info@machangulobeachlodge.com Web: www.machangulobeachlodge.com Contact: Christiaan Nolte Exhibiting with Kamili





C/ Mirador Del Genil Nº 2, Granada Granada, 18008 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 958209905 +34 958285806 Email: samira@andalucia.org Web: www.maciahoteles.com Contact: Sergio Salvador Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

Macondo DMC


Cra 17a Nr. 106-36 Of. 101, Bogota Colombia +57 3006577014 Tel: Email: s.leopardi@macondodmc.com Contact: Sandro Leopardi Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia

Mactee Travels & Tours Nig Ltd


C006, 2nd Floor, Morom Plaza, Eke Yesufe Close, Abuja Nigeria Tel: +234 8023420772 Email: macteenigltd@gmail.com Contact: Oyepeju Jokodola Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation


Madagascar Expedition Agency

Lot Ii V 87 Bis 39 Route Circulaire Ampandrana Ouest, Antananarivo Madagascar Tel: +261 20 22 261 14 Email: mea@moov.mg Web: www.tourmadagascar.com/ Contact: Naina RAHARIJAONA Exhibiting with Madagascar National Tourism Board


Madagascar National Tourism Board

Ibg 29 C Antsahavola, Bp 1780, Antananarivo 101 Madagascar Tel: Fax: +261 202266098 +261 202266115 Email: ontm@moov.mg Web: www.madagascar-tourisme.com Contact: Vola Raveloson Madagascar National Tourism Board is the organization in charge of promoting Madagascar destination across the world.



Lot Ibf 35 Ambatomena, Antananarivo Madagascar Tel: +261 20 22 365 15 Email: info@madagascar-tourism-expeditions.com Web: www.madagascar-tourism-expeditions.com/ Contact: Hanta RANDRIAMANALINA Exhibiting with Madagascar National Tourism Board


234 W. 42nd Street, New York 10036 United States +1 2125129611 Tel: Fax: +1 2128471732 Email: ustrade@merlinentertainments.biz Web: www.madametussauds.com Contact: Patrick Connor Exhibiting with Liberty Helicopters

made in 2010 Ltd


27 Newton Street, London WC2B 5EL United Kingdom Tel: +44 0207 831 8105 Fax: +44 0207 321 0104 Email: info@made2010.com Web: www.made2010.com Contact: Jonathan Mountford Exhibiting with UKinbound

Madeira Promotion Bureau


R. Aranhas, 24/26, Funchal Portugal, 9000-044 FUNCHAL Portugal Tel: Fax: +351 291222167 +351 291203420 Email: geral@ap-madeira.pt Web: www.ap-madeira.pt Contact: Katia Carvalho Exhibiting with Portugal

Madhya Pradesh Tourism


Paryatan Bhawan, 1 Parliament Street, New Delhi 1100011 India Tel: Fax: +91 1123710518 +91 1123717762 Email: vivekmathurmptourism@gmail.com Web: www.mptourism.com Contact: Vivek Mathur Exhibiting with India Tourism


11 Penn Plaza, 11th Floor, New York Ny, 10001 United States Tel: +1 6464297432 Email: kristen.esposito@macys.com Web: www.visitmacysusa.com Contact: Kristen Esposito Exhibiting with NYC & Company


Lot Ii G 55 Ter P-ambatomaro, Antananarivo XXXX Madagascar Tel: +261 20 22 411 30 261 32 07 670 44 Fax: +261 20 22 411 30 Email: gerante@mada-viaggi-turismo.com Web: www.mada-viaggi-turismo.com Contact: Miolee RAZAIARIMANANA Exhibiting with Madagascar National Tourism Board

Madame Tussauds USA

Calle Desamparados 181, Calle Triunfo 392, Cusco Cusco, 84 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 084 224829 +51 084 224829 Email: ronald@machetetours.com www.machetetours.com Web: Contact: Ronald Rengifo Exhibiting with PromPeru




C/o Whiteside House, Bathgate West Lothian, EH482RX United Kingdom +44 07734734500 Fax: +44 131 5504545 Tel: Email: sminto@macdonald-hotels.co.uk Web: www.macdonaldhotels.co.uk Contact: Esther Conn Exhibiting with UKinbound

Machangulo Beach Lodge




68-70 Bd. De La Petrusse, P.o. Box 1001, Luxembourg Luxembourg, L-1010 Luxembourg Tel: Fax: +352 42828238 +352 42828235 Email: liz.moris@ont.lu Web: www.visitluxembourg.lu Contact: Liz Moris

Luxury Adventure Nepal



Popo Road, Off Mombasa Road, Opposite Kenya Red Cross, Nairobi Kenya, 100 Kenya Tel: Fax: +254 20603595 +254 20605328 Email: betty@madahotels.com www.madahotels.com Web: Contact: Betty Olwenyi Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board


EM1300 Plaza Mayor 27, Madrid 28012 Spain +34 917 012 210 Fax: +34 915 310 074 Tel: Email: sschwanz@esmadrid.com Web: www.esmadrid.com Contact: Sabine Schwanz Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Mafraq Hotel


Po Box 6770, Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 558893218 Email: salem@mafraq-hotel.com Web: www.mafraq-hotel.ae Contact: Salem Shams Eddin Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 347



Magdalena Grand Beach Resort

Magdalena Grand Beach Resort, Tobago Plantations, Scarborough Tobago, Trinidad And Tobago +1868 7081015 Tel: Email: neastwick@magdalenagrand.com Web: www.magdalenagrand.com Contact: Nickolas Eastwick- Field Exhibiting with Trinidad and TobagoTourism Development Company (TDC)


Magelan Corporation

Zmaj Jovina 23, Novi Sad Serbia, 21 000 Serbia Tel: Fax: +381 21423524 +381 21420680 Email: bmarceta@magelan.rs Web: www.magelan.rs Contact: Biljana Marceta Exhibiting with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia

Magic Costa Blanca


Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 7938 7472 Fax: +44 20 7376 9038 Email: martin.watchorn@mailnewspapers.co.uk Web: www.mailclassified.co.uk Contact: Martin Watchorn Exhibiting with UKinbound


Lungomare S. Vito, 3, Mazara Del Vallo 91026 Italy Tel: +39 0923 673800 Fax: +39 0923 944435 Email: info@maharahotel.it Web: www.maharahotel.it Contact: Silvia Chieppa Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Maharashtra Tourism

Mahaweli Reach Hotel


State House Station 59, Augusta Maine, 04333-0059 United States Tel: +1 603 766 0606 Email: carolann.ouellette@maine.gov Web: www.visitmaine.com Contact: Carolann Ouellette Exhibiting with Discover New England

MAISTRA Hotels & Resorts


Express Towers 9th Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021 India Tel: +91 22 2202 4514 Email: publicity@maharashtratourism.gov.in Contact: Avinash Dhakne Exhibiting with India Tourism


35, P.b.a Weerakoon Mawatha, Kandy Sri Lanka Tel: +94 81 4472727 Email: jayantha@mahaweli.com www.mahaweli.com Web: Contact: Jayantha Panabokke Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau


Majestic Tours/Holidays


MAhout offers unrivalled representation for a collection of boutique hotels, forts, palaces, camps, coastal retreats and jungle lodges in India. Each is privately owned, small, stylish and exclusive. They are all outstanding, charming and full of character, and are carefully selected for their high standards and responsible approach to tourism.



Av, Hassan Ii, Immeuble Des Avocats N: 11, Agadir Agadir, Morocco Tel: +212 528 827429 Fax: +212 528827279 Email: hamid.essafi@mtsvoyage.com Web: www.mts-morocco.com Contact: hamid essafi Essafi Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office


1 Fl 25 Warrender Park Terrace, Edinburgh EH9 1EE United Kingdom Tel: +44 447920016588 Email: edward.robb@gmail.com Contact: Edward Robb

348 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Malaga City boasts twenty-four hours of cultural and leisure activities: Picasso’s legacy, a huge museums offer and the great monumental heritage, among other attractions. Malaga City offers sports events, shopping and lovely gastronomy, cruise holidays and language sector. Malaga is Andalusia’s best business centre for MICE sector.


103, Udyog Vihar, Phase 1, Gurgaon India, 122016 India Tel: +91 124 4395000 Fax: +91 124 4395100 Email: aditya.gupta@makemytrip.com Web: www.makemytrip.com Contact: Manish Kalra MakeMyTrip is India’s largest OTA. 10 years young, listed on NASDAQ, we earned gross revenue of $743 mn in FY11. Amongst all major Indian players, we have the most comprehensive listing of hotels across destinations, price ranges and accommodation categories, backed by robust technology and 24*7 customer support.


Suite 20.1-3, 20th Floor, Plaza 138, 138 Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, 50450 Malaysia +60 321633090 Tel: Fax: +60 321633272 Email: nasha@malaiadventure.com Web: www.malaiadventure.com Contact: Nasha Abdullah Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board


Private Bag 326, Capital City, Lilongwe 3 Malawi Tel: Fax: +265 1770650 +265 1775499 Email: info@visitmalawi.mw Web: www.visitmalawi.mw Contact: Sosten Yobe Lingwalanya


31 Breedon St, Nottingham NG10 4ES United Kingdom Tel: +44 1159727250 Email: enquiries@malawitourism.com Web: www.malawitourism.com Contact: Kelly White Exhibiting with Malawi Ministry of Tourism

Malawian Style


43/241/2, Lilongwe Malawi Tel: +265 9999 69075 Email: mike@malawianstyle.com Web: www.malawianstyle.com Contact: Mike Varndell Exhibiting with Malawi Ministry of Tourism

Malaysia Airlines

Make It Social is a simple, adaptable widget allowing companies to capitalise on today’s social world. Offer your customers something new and increase your social fan base with minimum effort. Oh, and why not increase your sales whilst you’re at it? Life’s more fun when you share it. Get involved.

MakeMyTrip (India) Pvt Ltd.


Paseo Antonio Machado, 12, Edificio De Servicios Multiples Municipales, Torre B, 5ª Planta Area De Turismo., Malaga 29002 Spain Tel: +34 951 927 680 Fax: +34 951 926 577 Email: turismo@malaga.eu Web: www.malagaturismo.com Contact: Antonio Montejo

Malawi Travel Marketing Consortium


33-49, Corner Of Bank Street & Maha Bandoola Garden Street, Kyauktada Township, Yangon 11182 Myanmar +95 131291180 Tel: Fax: +95 1312983 Email: mthu@maihsoongtravel.com Web: www.maihsoongtravel.com Contact: Myat Thu Exhibiting with Myanmar Tourism Federation (Marketing Committee)


Malawi Ministry of Tourism

Po Box N1401, Hillside Manor, Nassau Np, Bahamas Tel: Fax: +1242 3265734 +1242 3231410 Email: philip@majesticholidays.com Web: www.majesticholidays.com Contact: Philip Lightbourn Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas

Make It Social


Plaza Del Siglo,2, Malaga 29015 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 952225207 +34 952126272 Email: miguel.guerrero@visitacostadelsol.com Web: www.visitcostadelsol.com Contact: Miguel Angel Guerrero Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

Malai Adventure Sdn Bhd

Obala V.nazora 6, Rovinj Istria, 52210 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 52800309 +385 52800300 Email: maistra@maistra.hr Web: www.maistra.com Contact: branko juricic Exhibiting with Croatian National Tourist Board

Major Travel Services

The Manor, Manor Road, Banbury Oxfordshire, OX17 1QT United Kingdom +44 (0)1295758150 Fax: +44 (0)1295758486 Tel: Email: info@mahoutuk.com Web: www.mahoutuk.com Contact: Mary-Anne Denison-Pender

Mai Hsoong Travel Limited

151 Buffalo Avenue, Suite 204, Niagara Falls Ny, 14303 United States Tel: Fax: +1 7162845446 +1 7166220750 Email: cglynn@maidofthemist.com Web: www.maidofthemist.com Contact: Christopher M. Glynn Exhibiting with NYC & Company

Maine Office of Tourism

1/268-1/269 Parade Road, Cochin Kerala, 682001 India Tel: +91 98474 42431 Email: hanna.drechsel@gmail.com Web: www.malabarhouse.com Contact: Hanna Drechsel Exhibiting with MAhout (UK) Ltd



Maid of the Mist Boat Tour

Mail Newspapers

Calle Capitan Ravelo Nº2101, La Paz Bolivia +591 22442727 Tel: Fax: +591 22443060 Email: rodrigo@magri-amexpress.com.bo Web: www.magriturismo.com Contact: Rogrigo Grisi Exhibiting with Viceministerio de Turismo Bolivia

MAhout (UK) Ltd

1 Soi Karon Soi 4, Karon Road, Muang, Phuket 83100 Thailand +66 76 398111 Tel: Fax: +66 76 398177 Email: info@andamanphuket.com Web: www.andamanphuket.com Contact: Sopana Thevahudee Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


Magri Turismo Ltda.


Malabar House & Escapes



Avda. De L’aiguera S/n. Aptos. Atrium Beach, Torre 4, Benidorm Alicante, 3500 Spain Tel: +34 902165454 Email: dcmadrid@hoteles-costablanca.com Web: www.magiccostablanca.com Contact: Marien Viyella Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

Mahara Hotel

Mai Resorts/ Seaview & Andaman Seaview, Phuket


Advertising And Poromotion Department, Grnd Flr, Administration Building 1, Mas Complex A, Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport, Subang Selangor, 47200 Malaysia +60 378404707 Tel: Email: ksyahar@mas.com.my Web: www.malaysiaairlines.com Contact: Khairul Syahar Khalid Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board


Malaysia House, 57 Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DU United Kingdom Tel: +44 2079307932 Fax: +44 2079309015 Email: info@tourism-malaysia.co.uk Web: www.tourism.gov.my Contact: Laurence Logan Lechumanan We are showcasing luxury brands of 5 star hotels & resorts that defines our luxury tourism products. Whilst embarking on a journey towards Responsible Tourism in particular volunteering projects for the wildlife, local communities and the environment. So come visit us, get yourself updated firsthand from operators & product owners.


EXHIBITOR PROFILES Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Velaanaage, 4th Floor, Ameer Ahmed Magu, Male’ Maldives, 20096 Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3323229 +960 3323228 Email: mmprc@visitmaldives.com Web: www.visitmaldives.com Contact: Raheel Fathimath MMPRC is the National Tourism Office responsible for carrying out promotional activities to become the most preferred island destination of the world; whilst adhering to its mission to promote quality and sustainable growth in the local tourism industry to deliver long term economic, social and cultural benefits to the country.



26 Ameer Ahmed Magu, Male’ Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3315661 +960 7781221 Email: farah@iasl.aero Web: www.maldivian.aero Contact: Aishath Farah Habeeb Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation


Malla Travel & Trek Services

P.o.box: 2036, Lekhnathmarg, Kathmandu Nepal Tel: Fax: +977 1 4419309 +977 1 4410635 Email: subodh@mallatravels.com.np Web: www.mallatravels.com Contact: Subodh Rana Exhibiting with Nepal Tourism Board



Aragon 215, 3º, Palma De Mallorca Mallorca ( Baleares), 7008 Spain Tel: +34 971 706 007 Email: acanellas@atb.caib.es www.fehm.info Web: Contact: Antonia Cañellas Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



Placa De L hospital 4, Palma De Mallorca Mallorca ( Baleares), 7012 Spain +34 971 173892 Tel: Email: acanellas@atb.caib.es Web: www.infomallorca.net Contact: Antonia Cañellas Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA




Lugna Gatan 84, V, Malmo SE - 211 59 Sweden Tel: +46 709342209 Email: anna.wittgren@malmo.se www.malmotown.com Web: Contact: Anna Wittgren Exhibiting with VisitSweden

Malopolska Tourist Organisation

Truly Mediterranean! 7,000 years of history and culture, relaxing spa’s, a broad range of exciting restaurants and trendy bars, the best dive sites in Europe, numerous opportunities for family breaks and outdoor activities all year round . There’s a lot more to the Maltese Islands than just sun and sea.


Mamberto S.r.l.

Via Valle, 78-80, Borgio Verezzi (sv) 17022 Italy Tel: +39 0196231208 Fax: +39 019610672 Email: cinzia@mamberto.com Web: www.mamberto.com Contact: Mally Mamberto Exhibiting with Incoming Italia

P.o.box: 8974, Epc 178, Baluwatar, Kathmandu - Select A State-, Nepal Tel: Fax: +977 1 4431112 +977 1 4431111 Email: info@manastravels.com Web: www.mtkailash.com Contact: Prakash Shrestha Exhibiting with Nepal Tourism Board

Manavgat/Side - MASTOB


Selimiye Mah. Kazim Karabekir Cad. No: 10,07330 Side Manavgat, Antalya Turkey Tel: +90 242 753 30 00 Fax: +90 242 753 50 04 Email: soner36@yahoo.de www.sideguide.net Web: Contact: Cengiz Haydar Barut Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa - Aruba


Je Irausquin Boulevard 55, Eagle Beach, Oranjestad Aruba Fax: +297 5833589 Email: edgar@manchebo.com Web: www.manchebo.com/ Contact: Edgar Roelofs Exhibiting with Aruba Tourism Authority


One Market Place, San Diego 92101 United States +1 6193586682 Tel: Email: michelle.rossow@hyatt.com Web: www.manchestergrand.hyatt.com Contact: Michelle Rossow Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts


Holetown, St. James Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4325297 +1246 4321384 Email: ksandiford@mangobaybarbados.com Web: www.mangobaybarbados.com Contact: Kavita Sandiford Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority


2 Gallina Street, San Gwann SGN 4111 Malta +356 213181334 Fax: +356 21336477 Tel: Email: mhra@mhra.org.mt Web: www.mhra.org.mt Contact: Andrew Agius Muscat Exhibiting with Malta Tourism Authority

Maradiva Villas Resort & Spa



Avda. De Francia S/n, Urb. Mil Palmeras, Pilar De La Horadada Alicante, 3190 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 965321822 +34 902125135 Email: comercial@manolihotels.com Web: www.manolihotels.com Contact: Rebeca Betones Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme


Via Cremona, 36, Mantova 46100 Italy +39 345 1204724 Fax: +39 0376 264851 Tel: Email: segreteria@mantovatourism.it Web: www.mantovatourism.it Contact: Giorgia Caramanti Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Via Marsala 17, Ancona 60121 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 071 2133845 +39 071 206402 Email: info@maravigliatravel.it Web: www.maravigliatravel.it Contact: Michela Rossi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Marche Region


Via Gentile Da Fabriano, 9, Ancona 60125 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0718062154 +39 0718062431 Email: comunicazione.turismo@regione.marche.it Web: www.turismo.marche.it Contact: Marta Paraventi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Marco Polo

20, Usman Nasir Str., Tashkent 100070 Uzbekistan Tel: +998 712 2527641 Fax: +998 712 2527640 Email: sardor@marcopolo.uz Web: www.marcopolo.uz Contact: Sardor Nuritdinov Exhibiting with Silk Road Destinations

Marco Polo Plaza Cebu


Cebu Veterans Drive, Nivel Hills, Apas, Cebu City 6000 Philippines Tel: +63 32 253 1111 Email: mktgsec@marcopolocebu.com Web: www.dospalmas.com.ph Contact: Hans Hauri Exhibiting with Philippines Department Of Tourism


9 Spiridonyevski Bystreet, Moscow 123104 Russian Federation Tel: +7 4956600606 Email: galina.soldatova@presnja.ru Web: www.presnja.ru Contact: Galina Soldatova Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency


Kundu Koyu Oteller Mevkii, Antalya Kundu Lara, 7110 Turkey Tel: Fax: +90 2423104200 +90 2423104100 Email: indira.keskaya@mardanpalace.com.tr Web: www.mardanpalace.com.tr Contact: Most luxurious resort in the Mediterranean where Turkish hospitality is delivered with passion and commitment. Located on 180,000 sqm highlighting 546 elegantly decorated rooms & suites, 21 different restaurant/bars, various meeting& conference facilities, gigantic 7.500m2 spa and one of the biggest swimming pools of the world complementing various recreational facilities.

Maremania Srl


Vii Strada Ovest - Macchiareddu, 9010 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0702548025 +39 0702548026 Email: maremania@maremania.com Web: www.maremania.com Contact: Barbara Cubeddu Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Margo Tours Mantova Tourism


Wolmar, Flic En Flac, Flic En Flac Mauritius, Mauritius Tel: +230 403 1500 Email: r.dookhunadolphe@maradiva.com Web: www.maradiva.com Contact: Reena Dookun Adolphe Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

Mardan Palace

Government Of Manipur, Room No. 30, Imphal Manipur, 795 001 India Tel: +91 12345666 Email: sharma_bb@hotmail.com Contact: B.B. Sharma Exhibiting with India Tourism


P.o.box 41045, Larnaka 6017 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 24652393 +357 24843434 Email: h.demetriou@mantovani.com.cy Web: www.mantovani.com.cy Contact: Helena Demetriou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Marco Polo Presnja Hotel Moscow

Mango Bay Hotel/ Island Inn Hotel

Manoli Hotels


Maraviglia Srl


Manas Travels Pvt. Ltd.

Manipur Tourism

Rynek Kleparski 4/13, Krakow Poland, 31-150 Poland Tel: Fax: +48 124211604 +48 124211536 Email: biuro@mot.krakow.pl Web: www.mot.krakow.pl Contact: Katarzyna Krysta Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation

Malta Hotels & Restaurants Association

Unit C, Park House, 14 Northfields, London SW18 1DD United Kingdom Tel: +44 2088776990 Fax: +44 2088749416 Email: office.uk@visitmalta.com Web: www.visitmalta.com Contact: Heidi Drummond

Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego

Constitucio 1, Palma De Mallorca Mallorca ( Baleares), 7001 Spain Tel: +34 971725396 Email: acanellas@atb.caib.es Web: www.newsmallorca.com Contact: Antonia Cañellas Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Malmö Tourism


Malta Tourism Authority



C.c. Plaza Paitilla, Local 36 Pb, Via Italia Y Ave. Balboa, Panama City Panama, 0831-00763 Panama Tel: Fax: +507 2631418 +507 2648888 Email: alberto@margotours.com Web: www.margotours.com Contact: Alberto Orillac Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 349




5a Ahmed Zeid Street, Gamei El Fateh, Cairo Egypt, 11351 Egypt +20 226329739 Tel: Fax: +20 226329867 Email: Mamdouh@marhabatours.com Web: www.marhabatours.com Contact: Mamdouh Abdel Baith Sayed Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority


MARRIOTT HOTELS & RESORTS-EGYPT 16 Saray El Gezira Street, P O Box 33, Cairo Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 227351108 +20 227394643 Email: inas.fouad@marriott.com Web: www.cairomarriotthotels.com Contact: Inas Fouad Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Masarykova 22, Marianske Lazne 353 01 Czech Republic Tel: +420 354655555 Fax: +420 354655500 Email: sales@badmarienbad.cz Web: www.marienbad.cz Contact: Hana Hlozkova Exhibiting with Czech Tourist Authority - CzechTourism



C/moyano 8 Bajo, Castellon, Castellon 12002 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 964260662 +34 964723242 Email: nadia.koukouss@marinador.com Web: www.marinador.com Contact: Nadia Koukouss The Marina d’Or Holiday Resort is the largest tourist complex in the Region of Valencia. It’s located in the Mediterranean coast-Castellón. With newly built hotels and fully equipped apartments, the Marina d’Or’s offer of accommodation is rounded off by Europe’s largest scientific seawater spa and by a world of services.


Maritim Hotel Mauritius

Balaclava, Terre Rouge Mauritius Tel: Fax: +230 2041020 +230 2041000 Email: plan.mau@maritim.com Web: www.maritim.mu Contact: Patrick Lan Yee Chiu Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority


Maritim Hotels

1 Burgess Mews, 38 Wycliffe Road, London, Wimbledon SW19 1UF United Kingdom Tel: +44 208 545 6910 Fax: +44 208 545 6919 Email: info.vki@maritim.com Web: www.maritim.com Contact: Sarah Porep Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board



24 Roushdy Street, Off El Orouba Road, Cairo Egypt, 11361 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 226901793 +20 226901791 Email: ashraf.fathalla@jolieville-hotels.com www.jolieville-hotels.com Web: Contact: Ashraf Fathalla Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority


MARK TOURS P O Box 3310, Ruwi 112 Oman Tel: +968 99458928 Email: mohamed@marktoursoman.com Web: www.mark-oman.com Contact: Mohamed M.K.K. Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry


Hatipirimi Mah. Inonu Cad. 192. Sokak, No: 2, Marmaris Mugla, 48700 Turkey Tel: +90 252413 44 35 Fax: +90 252413 44 38 Email: info@martab.gov.tr Web: www.martab.gov.tr, www.marmaristourism.org Contact: Sedat Kirt Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Marrakech Regional Tourism Council


Place Youssef Ben Tachfine Marrakech Medina, Marrakech Morocco, 44 000 Morocco Tel: +212 0524385261 Fax: +212 0524385249 Email: crtmarrakech@menara.ma www.marrakech.travel Web: Contact: Abderrahim Bentbib Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office

Marriott and Renaissance Hotels


1535 Broadway, New York Ny, 10036 United States Tel: +1 3233180899 Email: leslie.platt@marriott.com Web: www.marriott.com Contact: Leslie Platt Exhibiting with NYC & Company

350 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


4 La Canebiere, Marseille 13001 France +33 491 13 89 23 Fax: +33 491 13 89 01 Tel: Email: csaboya@marseille-tourisme.com Web: www.flyprovence.com Contact: Cyrille Saboya Exhibiting with France

49 A Al Thawra St., Heliopolis, Cairo Egypt, Egypt +20 222908337 Tel: Fax: +20 222908038 Email: ola.amer@mtsegypt.com Web: www.mtsegypt.com Contact: Nora Ali Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Marseille Provence European Capital of Culture 2013

Matilda the Musical


Maison Diamantee, 1 Place Villeneuve Bargemon, Marseille 13201 CEDEX1 France Tel: Fax: +33 49195 88 94 +33 491132013 Email: csaboya@marseille-tourisme.com Web: www.mp2013.fr Contact: Cyrille Saboya Exhibiting with France


Inonu Caddesi, Devres Han No:50/4, Istanbul Turkey, 34430 Turkey Tel: +90 2123348850 Fax: +90 2123348852 Email: coskun.bingol@marti.com.tr Web: www.marti.com.tr Contact: Ceyla Koray Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


Martin’s Hotels 87 Avenue Du Lac, Genval (brussels) 1332 Belgium Tel: +32 26557111 Email: km@martinshotels.com Web: www.chateaudulac.warwickhotels.com/ Contact: Kristoffel Mertens Exhibiting with Warwick International Hotels

Martinhal Beach Resort & Hotel



P.o.box 459, Michel Building, Victoria Mahe, N/A Seychelles Tel: +248 428 88 88 Fax: +248 422 52 73 32 41 73 Email: maria.morel@seychelles.travel Web: www.masonstravel.com Contact: Jessica Giroux Exhibiting with Seychelles Tourism Board

Contrada Bicocca (Via Delle Croci) 8, Fasano Italy Tel: +39 3387774182 Email: info@masseriamontenapoleone.com Contact: Giuliano Monteneve Exhibiting with Regione Puglia

Maufu Investments Company Ltd.


Mauiva AirCruise


220 E Central Parkway, Altamonte Springs Florida, 32701 United States Tel: +1 4077493798 Email: dee@mauiva.com Contact: Dee Elser About Mauiva AirCruiseA completely new concept in travel, the Mauiva AirCruise™ is a multi-destination vacation experience that maximizes time by traveling via private plane to private terminals. Enjoy a hassle-free vacation led by knowledgeable Travel Hosts in each unique destination. It’s a vacation made simple.Please visit www.MauivaAirCruise.com for details.

Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

AS500 Level 5, Victoria House, St. Louis Street, Port-louis, Mauritius, Colechurch House, 1 London Bridge Walk, London, Se1 2sx, United Kingdom, Mauritius Tel: Fax: +230 212 5142 +230 210 1545 Email: mauritius@hillsbalfour.com Web: www.tourism-mauritius.mu Contact: Zeenat Gangee The diverse island of Mauritius brings together French, Indian, Chinese, and Creole influences. Renowned for its world-class hotels and unrivalled hospitality, Mauritius is silhouetted by striking mountains and offers inspiring beaches and indigo waters, combined with the most incredible mix of cultures and flavours found in the Indian Ocean.


10 Park Plaza, Suite 4510, Boston Massachusetts, MA 02116 United States Tel: +1 603 766 0606 Email: julie@ttmworld.co.uk Web: www.mass-vacation.com Contact: Julie Greenhill Exhibiting with Discover New England

Masseria Montenapoleone


Avenida Afonso Pena, 7000 - Parque Das Nacoes Indigenas, Portal Guarani, Campo Grande Mato Grosso Do Sul, 79031010 Brazil +55 67 33187627 Fax: +55 67 3318 7621 Tel: Email: fundturms@gmail.com Web: www.turismo.ms.gov.br Contact: MARIA INES AMARAL Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


C/ Los Arenales, 20, Arona Santa Cruz De Tenerife, 38650 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922797671 +34 922787816 Email: director@marylanza.com Web: www.marylanza.com Contact: Jorge Marichal Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism


P.o Box 78169, Dar Es Salaam, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 22 2128 3667 Fax: +255 22 2129 372 Email: maufutravels@hotmail.com Web: www.maufutravels.co.tz Contact: Maua Katandula Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Quinta Do Martinhal, Apartado 54, Sagres Portugal, 8650 908 SAGRES Portugal Tel: +351 282240200 Fax: +351 282240260 Email: marta.santos@martinhal.com Web: www.martinhal.com Contact: Marta Santos Exhibiting with Portugal



The Shubert Theatre, 225 West 44th Street, Ny 10036 United States Tel: Fax: +1 2125840800 +1 2125840400 Email: janetteroush@akanyc.net Web: www.us.matildathemusical.com Contact: Janette Roush Exhibiting with NYC & Company


Mason’s Travel (Pty) Ltd



Contrada Coccaro 8, Fasano Brindisi, 72015 Italy Tel: +39 0804829310 Fax: +39 0804827992 Email: vm@masseriatorrecoccaro.com Web: www.masseriatorrecoccaro.com Contact: Vittorio Muolo Exhibiting with Regione Puglia





masseria torre coccaro

Mauritours Ltd


Rue S. Venkatesananda, P O Box 125, Rose Hill Ile Maurice, Mauritius +230 4679700 Tel: Email: stephane@mauritours.net Web: www.mauritours.net Contact: Stephane Leal Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority



84 Gustave Colin Street, Forest Side Mauritius Tel: Fax: +230 6743720 +230 6743000 Email: soniap@mautourco.com Web: www.mautourco.com Contact: Sonia Parmessur Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority



Tatai Ut 95, Hungarian Railway Museum, Budapest H-1142 Hungary Tel: +36 703134961 Email: utazas@mavnosztalgia.hu Web: www.mavnosztalgia.hu Contact: Andras Szigeti Exhibiting with Hungarian Tourism Plc.


Mava Travel Peru

Jr.luna Pizarro 168, Urb. La Colonial, Callao, Lima Peru, CALLAO 01 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 4645820 +51 4522886 Email: gerencia@mavatravel.com Web: www.mavatravel.com Contact: Mrs. Alicia Huarca Exhibiting with PromPeru

Maya Temple Tours/Honduras


Hotel & Suites Copantl, Local 8 Y 9, Residencial Los Arcos, San Pedro Sula Honduras, Honduras Tel: Fax: +504 25569465 +504 25569457 Email: dennis@mayatempletours.com Web: www.mayatempletours.com Contact: Dennis Flores Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

Maya Trails


Avenida Hincapie 11-01 Zona 13, Guatemala City Guatemala, Guatemala Tel: Fax: +502 24703791 +502 24703790 Email: info@mayatrails.com.gt Web: www.mayatrails.com.gt Contact: James Rogers Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

Avda. Nanawa 100, Ciudad Deleste Paraguay Tel: Fax: +595 61509587 +595 61509586 Email: maglio@mavani.com.py Contact: MAGLIO BARRIENTOS Exhibiting with Paraguay Secretaria Nacional de Turismo

MAVARETHOUSE TRAVEL WORLD WIDE SERVICE EM800,EM850 Halaskargazi Cad No:57/2 Harbiye, Istanbul Turkey Tel: +90 02122324365 Fax: +90 02122324362 Email: burcu@mavarethoues.com Web: www.worldwide-s.net Contact: BURCU DELIGOZ Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

6075 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Las Vegas Nevada, 89119 United States Tel: +1 702 948 1308 Email: DFlores@flymaverick.com Web: www.maverickaviationgroup.com Contact: Dan Flores Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority

MAX Media and Trading Joint Stock Company


68 Tran Quoc Toan, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi Vietnam Tel: Fax: +84 436249622 +84 436249622 Email: maxtravel@gmail.com Contact: Ngoc Nguyen Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism


4/9 Gostinichnaya Street, Moscow 127106 Russian Federation Tel: +7 4957887272 Email: e.smirnova@maximahotels.ru Web: www.maximahotels.com Contact: Elena Smirnova Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Maxima Hotels

Col. Los Alamos Iii Etapa Bl.c 63, San Pedro Sula Honduras Tel: Fax: +504 25514393 +504 25514391 Email: gilberto@mayancaribbean.com Web: www.mayancaribbean.com Contact: Jose Gilberto Arita Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

Mayan Escapes/Bacer, El Salvador


17 Avenida Norte #3, Ciudad Merliot, La Libertad El Salvador, El Salvador Tel: Fax: +503 25256455 +503 25256464 Email: gbarrientos@mayanescapes.com.sv.sv Web: www.mayanescapes.com Contact: Guillermo Barrientos Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

Mayan Princess Beach & Dive Resort /Honduras

444 Mbk Center, Phayathai Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 26117039 +66 22163700 Email: supanit@mbk-hm.com Web: www.mbkhospitality.com Contact: Supanit Vimooktanon Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Mechelen Tourist Office

Maykenbel Properties


Plot 1, Mayukuyuku, Kafue National Park, Zambia Tel: +260 972 179266 Email: kafuecamps@btinternet.com Web: www.kafuecamps.com Contact: Pippa Turner Exhibiting with Kamili



33 Abdel Khaled Sarwat Street, Cairo 11511 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 223917339 +20 223907221 Email: youssef@mayfaircruises.com Web: www.mayfaircruises.com Contact: Youssef Fouad Amin Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Mazagan Beach Resort by Kerzner


2a Calle A 13-56 Zona 15 Col. Tecun Uman, Ciudad De Guatemala Guatemala, 1015 Guatemala Tel: Fax: +502 23658885 +502 23656680 Email: rony.nolasco@mayasky.com.gt Web: www.wwww.mayaskyguatemala.com Contact: Rony Nolasco Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)



Al. Wojska Polskiego 27, Warszawa 01-515 Poland Tel: +48 22 536 46 00 Fax: +48 22 839 20 90 Email: m.kicler@mazurkas.com.pl Web: www.mazurkas.com.pl Contact: Marta Kicler Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation

Mbalageti Serengeti.



38, Grivas Dhigenis Ave. & 3 Deligiorgis Str., P.o.box 21455, Lefkosia 1509 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 22667593 +357 22889890 Email: polis@ccci.org.cy Web: www.cyhealthservices.com, www.cyprusspaassociation.com Contact: Polis Peratikos Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Medintur Italia T.O


Piazza Bagni,10/11, Casamicciola Terme 80074 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 081 19737935 +39 081 988183 Email: direzione@medintur.it Web: www.medintur.it Contact: Annapaola Cuzzocrea Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Mediterranea Gestioni s.r.l.


Corso Venezia 23, Milano 20121 Italy Tel: +39 02 55004515 Fax: +39 02 55004591 Email: commerciale@mediterraneavacanze.eu Web: www.mediterraneavacanze.eu Contact: Matteo Bizzi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



De Lairessestraat154, Amsterdam Netherlands Tel: +31 88 560 9950 Fax: +31 88 560 9960 Email: sunalan@meditravel.com Web: www.meditravel.com Contact: Burak Ertung

Mazagan Beach Resort, Route De Haouzia, El Jadida El Jadida, 24000 Morocco Tel: +212 5 23 38 81 27 Fax: +212 5 23 38 80 98 Email: Soufiane.ElAllam@mazaganbeachresort.com Web: www.mazaganbeachresort.com Contact: Soufiane El Allam Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office

Mazurkas Travel Poland


116, Gh Missail Street, Bucharest Romania Tel: Fax: +40 213149576 +40 213149575 Email: turism@mediatour.ro Web: www.travel.mediatour.ro Contact: Otilia Panait Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM


Suite 3, 1 Prince Of Wales Terrace, London W8 5PG United Kingdom Tel: +44 0207 938 5930 Fax: +44 0207 795 6976 Email: Julian@maykenbel.com Web: www.maykenbel.com Contact: Julian Prieto Exhibiting with UKinbound

Mayukuyuku Bush Camp


Hallestraat 2-4-6, Mechelen 2800 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 15 29 76 53 +32 15 29 76 56 Email: florie.wilberts@mechelen.be Web: www.toerismemechelen.be Contact: Florie Wilberts Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office


West Bay Beach, Roatan, Bay Islands Honduras, Honduras Tel: Fax: +504 24455065 +504 24455050 Email: antonio@mayanprincess.com Web: www.mayanprincess.com Contact: Antonio Moncada Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)


4-9, Gostinichnaya Str., Moscow 127106 Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 788 72 72 Fax: +7 495 788 72 72 Email: info@maximahotels.ru Web: www.maximahotels.ru Contact: Tatiana Efimova Exhibiting with Russian Federation

Maya Sky Tour Operator



Maverick Aviation Group

Maxima Hotels

Mayan Caribbean Travel/ Honduras


MBK Hotels & Tourism






775, Serengeti, Mwanza Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 28 262 2387 Fax: +255 28 2500 628 Email: lodgemanager@mbalageti.com Web: www.mbalageti.com Contact: Shamez Nizar Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

The unique B2B online platform. Possibility to combine Greece, Turkey, Israel and Egypt. Ala carte services are combinable with packages.Tour Operators can book online through selected suppliers. Services include international/domestic flights, cruises, accommodation, packages, coach tours, car rentals, ferries. Tours in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish All available for instant booking.

Meest-Tour Ltd


34 Shevchenko Ave., Lviv 79005 Ukraine Tel: Fax: +380 322970852 +380 322970852 Email: office@meest-tour.com.ua Web: www.meest-tour.com.ua Contact: Olena Muzychka Exhibiting with Ukraine

Meeting Point International


Landsberger Str. 88, Munich 80339 Germany +49 (0) 89 2525 6517 Tel: Fax: +49 (0) 89 2525 6516 Email: info@meeting-point.com Web: www.meeting-point.com Contact: Andrea Derksen With its head office in Munich, Meeting Point International operates incoming agencies in North America, Egypt, Thailand, Turkey, Spain, Calabria, Malta, Oman and recently also in the UAE and Lebanon.MPI offers one-stop-shopping covering business within multiple destinations in different parts of the world.

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 351



Mega Tour Baikal


Lenin Street, 18, Office 102, Irkutsk 664025, P.O. BOX 439 Russian Federation +7 3952 798135 Tel: Fax: +7 3952 243787 Email: mega5@irk.ru Web: www.megatour-baikal.com Contact: Kirill Sysoev Exhibiting with Russian Federation

49 Nubar Street, Bab El Louk, Cairo 11111 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 227956557 +20 227956353 Email: dinabaroudy@memnontours.com Web: www.memnontours.com Contact: Dina El Baroudy Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917 Meghalaya Tourism


Govt Of Meghalaya, 3rd Secretariat Lower Lacchumiere, Shillong 793001 India Tel: +91 9436100281 Email: rvsddd@gmail.com Web: www.meghalaya.nic.in Contact: R.V Suchiang Exhibiting with India Tourism



Corner Jason Moyo/ Third Street, Po Box 594, Harare Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 912 105 145 +263 4 7077219 Email: tmpofu@meikles.com Web: www.meikles.com Contact: THAMSANQA MPOFU Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY

Mekong Waterways Ltd


12 Boulevard Bonne Nouvelle, Paris F 75010 France +33 1 49 49 15 50 Fax: +33 1 47 70 12 37 Tel: Email: c.marion@rivagesdumonde.fr Web: www.rivagesdumonde.fr Contact: Bertrand Delaunay Mekong Waterways Ltd, the leading company in cruises on the Mekong River, invites you to an exceptional cruising odyssey from Ho Chi Minh City to the Angkor Temples aboard its new River Vessel the RV MEKONG PRESTIGE.

Melaka Tourism Promotion Division


Lot 6-10, Level 1, Melaka Media House, Mitc, Melaka 75450 Malaysia +60 6232 8402 Tel: Fax: +60 6232 8367 Email: saari@melaka.gov.my Web: www.melaka.gov.my/tourism Contact: Sa’’ari Basiron Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board



Gremio Toneleros,24, Palma De Mallorca Mallorca, 7009 Spain Tel: +34 97122 44 00 Email: maria.garcia@melia.com Web: www.melia.com Contact: María García Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Melia Hotels International, Bulgaria


16, Nikola Vaptsarov Boulevard, Sofia 1164 Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 965 96 10 Email: asya.georgieva@solmelia-bg.com www.melia.com Web: Contact: Asya Georgieva Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism

MELILLA Tourist Board


Palacio De Congresos, Fortuny, 21, Melilla Melilla, 52004 Spain Tel: +34 952 976 151 Fax: +34 952 976 153 Email: ajimen03@melilla.es Web: www.melillaturismo.com Contact: Alejandro Jimenez Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



Baross Ter 15., Budapest 1077 Hungary Tel: +36 704550302 Email: marketing@mellowmoodhotels.com Web: www.mellowmoodhotels.com Contact: Tímea Major Exhibiting with Hungarian Tourism Plc.

Melo Lda.


352 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Woodlands, Park Street, Herts SG4 9AH United Kingdom Tel: +44 1462440787 Fax: +44 1462440783 Email: david@david-nicholson.com Web: www.memphistravel.com Contact: David Nicholson


MENA HOUSE OBEROI Pyramids Road, Giza Cairo, P O BOX 12556 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 233770518 +20 233773222 Email: ahmed.aboulnour@oberoihotels.com Web: www.oberoihotels.com Contact: Ahmed Aboulnour Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Menara Tours


Avenue Mohammed V, Route De Targa, Marrakech Morocco, 40 000 Morocco Tel: +212 661 181 006 Fax: +212 524 44 61 07 Email: bmenebhi@menara-tours.com Web: www.menara-tours.com Contact: Brahim Menebhi Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office




17 Leighton Place, London London, NW5 2QL United Kingdom +44 (0) 871 423 3711 Tel: Fax: +44 (0) 871 221 7396 Email: frank.millard@meridianafly.com Contact: Frank Millard Meridianafly Air Italy is the second largest airline in Italy and offers an extensive network of international and domestic flights. Flying up to twice daily from London Gatwick to Florence and weekly to Olbia, Sardinia (seasonally); as well as offering connections via Milan & Rome to intercontinental destinations.

Meritus Pelangi Beach Resort & Spa


Pantai Cenang, Langkawi Kedah, 7000 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 49528899 +60 49528888 Email: veronica.see@meritushotels.com Web: www.meritushotels.com Contact: Veronica See Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Merlin Beach Resort


99 Muen-ngoen Road, Tri-trang Beach, Patong, Kathu, Phuket 83150 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 76234930 +66 76294300 Email: nantana@merlinphuket.com Web: www.merlinphuket.com Contact: Nantana Wongsatayanont Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Cami Des Castell 28, Mao Menorca, 77202 Spain Tel: +34 971 368678 Email: acanellas@atb.caib.es Web: www.menorca.es Contact: Antonia Cañellas Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Mercado and Eventos (Brazil)

Mercury Travels is one of India’s leading and well reputed tourism companies, engaged in the business of holidays and travel since 1948. It offers a wide range of products for different segments charters, cruises, culture, adventure, special interest, wildlife, golfing, health and more and also organizes conferences and events.


Placa Biosfera 5, Mao Menorca, 7701 Spain Tel: +34 971 357089 Email: acanellas@atb.caib.es Contact: Antonia Cañellas Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



Mercury Travels Ltd

Jeevan Tara Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi India, 110001 India Tel: +91 1123742833 Fax: +91 1123742013 Email: aashutosh.akshikar@mercurytravels.in Web: www.mercurytravels.co.in


Memphis & Mississippi


Mercure Voyages

17, Rue Rabefiraisana Bp 44, Antananarivo Madagascar Tel: +261 20 22 237 79 Fax: +261 20 22 336 73 Email: direction@mercure-voyages.com Web: www.mercure-voyages.com/ Contact: Olivier NOEL Exhibiting with Madagascar National Tourism Board

Ieperstraat 7/a, Zonnebeke 8980 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 51 78 07 50 +32 51 77 04 41 Email: toerisme@zonnebeke.be Web: www.passchendaele.be Contact: Jürgen Deleye Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office

Merlin Entertainments Group




Aquarium Pier, Darling Harbour, Sydney 2000 Australia Tel: +61 2 8251 7808 Email: shannon.bailey@merlinentertainments.com.au Web: www.sydneyaquarium.com.au Contact: Shannon Bailey Exhibiting with Australia - Tourism Australia

Centre Foyer Rua Do Riachuelo 114 - Centro, Rio De Janeiro Brazil, 20230014 Brazil Tel: +55 2132336316 Email: thais.hernandes@folhadoturismo.com.br Web: www.mercadoeeventos.com.br Contact: Thais Hernandes

Merlin Entertainments Group


Madame Tussauds, Marylebone, NW1 5LR United Kingdom Tel: +44 7977 990507 Email: chris.pourgourides@merlinentertainments.biz www.merlinentertainments.biz Web: Contact: Chris Pourgourides Exhibiting with UKinbound

Exhibiting with Global Media Network

Mersin Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mercure Gold Hotel Dubai


P.o. Box – 66431, Al Mina Road, Bur Dubai, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 33459994 +971 43019888 Email: H8500-SL@accor.com Web: www.mercure-gold-hotel-dubai.com Contact: Deepak Dahiya Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Mercure Koh Chang Hideaway

Rua De Santa Luzia, 7-11, Ponta Delgada Acores, 9500 - 114 Portugal Tel: +351 296205385 Fax: +351 296286988 Email: catarina.cymbron@melo-lda.pt Web: www.melotravel.com Contact: Catarina Cymbron Exhibiting with Portugal




111/1 Moo 1, Kohchang-tai, Koh Chang, Trat 23170 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 23984100 +66 23984100 Email: dosm@mercurekohchang.com Web: www.mercurekohchanghideaway.com Contact: Orawat Techawanit Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


Ataturk Caddesi Mtso Hizmet Binasi K:2-3-4, Mersin 33070 Turkey +90 3242389500 Fax: +90 3242389802 Tel: Email: rismersin@gmail.com Web: www.mtso.org.tr Contact: Ozlem Homurlu Exhibiting with Enterprise Europe Network Mediterranean

Merwebhotel Al Sadd Doha


Al Sadd Street, Doha 22201 Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 4447 1001 +974 4447 1000 Email: prem.kumar@merweb.com Web: www.merweb.com Contact: Prem Kumar Exhibiting with Katara Hospitality


Merwebhotel Central Doha Ras Abu Aboud Street, Doha 22057 Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44094405 +974 44094434 Email: Hasib.Kayali@merweb.com Web: www.merweb.com Contact: Hasib Kayali Exhibiting with Katara Hospitality


MGM Grand HO TRAM Beach

Phuoc Thuan, Xuyen Moc, Ba Ria Vung Tau Vietnam Tel: Fax: +84 838251689 +84 838251690 Email: gtran@mgmhospitality.com Contact: Giao Tran Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism


MGM Resorts International Merwebhotel City Centre


C Ring Road, Doha 2977 Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 4442 8613 +974 4423 7788 Email: mario.borg@katarahospitality.com Web: www.merweb.com Contact: Mario Borg D’’Anastasi Exhibiting with Katara Hospitality

Metropolitan Touring Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Chile & Argentina


Metropolitan Touring is one of South America’s most-respected companies.It has provided unrivalled service to guests for over five decades. The company runs its own ground operations in Ecuador,Colombia,Peru,Argentina and Chile,and owns the finest ships for expedition cruises in the Galapagos and the Finch Bay Eco Hotel


Copenhague #21-504, Col. Juarez, Mexico D.f. Mexico, 6600 Mexico +52 (55) 5533 7223 Fax: +52 5555259440 Tel: Email: olaf.meier@mexcellence.com.mx Web: www.mexcellence.com.mx Contact: Olaf Meier Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

Mexico Touring DMC & Tour Operator


Av Nuevo Leon No.58-101 Col. Hipodromo, Mexico City Mexico, 6100 Mexico Tel: +52 5552120441 Fax: +52 5555538774 Email: joaquincaballero@mexicotouring.com.mx Web: www.mexicotouring.com.mx Contact: Joaquin Caballero Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

Mexico Tourism Board


Wakefield House, 41 Trinity Square, Tower Hill London, EC3N 4DJ United Kingdom Tel: +44 2074889392 Fax: +44 2072650704 Email: gayala@visitmexico.com Web: www.visitmexico.com Contact: Manuel Diaz-Cebrian Supremacy and elegance from chic to ecotourism, culture to trendy and business to pleasure, Mexico is proud to be a land of complete contrasts, emphasising and running parallel with new indsutry Trends. Come and visit us and discover it for yourself stand LA1000

Mexitours DMC & Grand Tour Operator

LA200 Calle Saturno No.90, Col. Guerrero, Mexico D.f. 6300 Mexico Tel: +52 5555835533 Fax: +52 5557823731 Email: mexitours@mexitours.com.mx Web: www.mexitours.com.mx Contact: Jorge Alfredo Mejia Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board



Saturno 90, Col. Guerrero, Mexico, D.f. 6300 Mexico +52 5555835533 Fax: +52 5557823731 Tel: Email: mexitours@mexitours.com.mx Web: www.mexitours.travel Contact: Jorge Alfredo Mejia Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

Mezoon Travel LLC Po Box 629, Muscat 113 Oman Tel: +968 99357244 Email: renny@mezooninternational.com Web: www.mezoontravel.com Contact: Renny Johnson Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry


MH Bland

Av. De Las Palmeras N45-74 Y De Las Orquideas, Quito Ecuador, EC170124 Ecuador Tel: Fax: +593 23341250 +593 22988200 Email: knunez@metropolitan-touring.com Web: www.metropolitan-touring.com Contact: Karina Núñez

Mexcellence Travel, S.A. de C.V.

3600 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Las Vegas Nevada, 89109 United States Tel: +1 702 439 4641 Email: Fstaub@mgmresorts.com Web: www.mgmresorts.com/ Contact: Farrah Staub Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority


Cloister Building, Market Lane, Gibraltar GX11 1AA Gibraltar Tel: Fax: +350 20071608 +350 20076580 Email: mgaggero@mhbland.com Web: www.mhbland.com Contact: Mandy Gaggero Exhibiting with Gibraltar Tourist Board



Beirut International Airport, P.o.box 206, Beirut Beirut, Lebanon Tel: Fax: +961 1 623291 +961 1 628888 Email: abinadera@mea.com.lb Web: www.mea.com.lb Contact: Georges arah Exhibiting with LEBANON Ministry of Tourism

C/ Miguel Torres 6, Vilafranca Del Penedes Catalonia, E08720 Spain Tel: +34 938177487 Email: mkolling@torres.es Web: www.torres.es Contact: Marc Kölling Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD


Miki Travel Ltd

Vintners Place, 68 Upper Thames Street, London London, EC4V 3BJ United Kingdom Tel: +44 2075075077 Fax: +44 2075075918 Email: sales.uk@group-miki.com Web: www.miki.co.uk Contact: Laura Harris Miki Travel is a dynamic wholesale travel company founded 45 years ago. We offer all in one technology platforms with real time streamlined processing from search to book and online sales. We supply hotels and services on five continents at highly competitive prices with professional and efficient support centres.



Hukumet Konagi, Milas-bodrum Airport Tourism Information Office, Milas/mugla Turkey, 48400 Turkey +90 0 252 523 00 66 Tel: Fax: +90 0 252 523 02 88 Email: milasturizmdanisma@hotmail.com Web: www.miltab.gov.tr Contact: MEHTAP YILDIZ Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Milennium Tourism and Congress DMC


12/14 N. Rafibeyli Str, Baku Azerbaijan, AZ1001 Azerbaijan Tel: +994 12 497 54 00 Fax: +994 12 596 06 68 Email: gmanager@milleniumtour.az Web: www.millenniumtour.az Contact: Ruslan Guliyev Exhibiting with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Miles And Miles Tours And Travels Pvt Ltd


Old No 51 New No 107, Near Flower Bazaar Police Station, Narayana Mudali Street, Sowcarpet, Chennai India Tel: +91 4423463095 Email: jainpray1@gmail.com Contact: Prerit Jain Exhibiting with India Tourism




Wellesley Street, Level 13, 280 Queen Street, Auckland 1141 New Zealand Tel: +64 64 9 3094411 Fax: +64 64 9 968 8970 Email: sales.marketing@millenniumhotels.co.nz Web: www.millenniumhotels.co.nz Contact: Brendan Davies Exhibiting with New Zealand - Tourism New Zealand

Millennium & Copthorne Hotels Plc


Corporate Marketing Department, Scarsdale Place, Kensington London, W8 5SR United Kingdom Tel: Fax: +44 2078722475 +44 2078722477 Email: charlene.jagannath@millenniumhotels.co.uk Web: www.millenniumhotels.co.uk Contact: Millennium & Copthorne Hotels offer 4 star, 4 star deluxe and 5 star properties in gateway cities and key business districts across Asia, Europe, Middle East and North America.www.millenniumhotels.co.uk

Millennium Plaza Hotel Dubai


Sheik Zayed Road, Co/ Firas Rashid, Dubai United Arab Emirates, 191055 United Arab Emirates +971 555595756 Tel: Fax: +971 3777778 Email: firas.rashid@mill-plazadubai.com Web: www.millenniumhotels.ae/millenniumplazadubai/ Contact: Firas Rashid Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing




Millenium Hotels & Resorts



Caglayan Mahallesi, 2051 Sokak No:37, Antalya 7230 Turkey Tel: Fax: +90 2423237291 +90 2423237276 Email: kemal@mina.com.tr Web: www.mina.com.tr Contact: Kemal Çetin Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office



Av. Prefeito Americo Gianetti, Edificio Gerais, 11º, Serra Verde, Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais, 31630901 Brazil Tel: Fax: +55 3139159616 +55 3139159485 Email: lilas.nascimento@turismo.mg.gov.br Web: www.turismo.mg.gov.br Contact: LILÁS NASCIMENTO Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Ministry for youth, sports and tourism of Kazan region


15/25 Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan Republic Of Tatarstan, 420111 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 843 2923010 +7 843 2929777 Email: infocentre@inbox.ru Contact: Natalia Abramovich Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Ministry of Economic Development of Murmansk region


Lenin Ave. 75, Murmansk 183006 Russian Federation Tel: +7 953 304 93 78 Fax: +7 815 2 486275 Email: ribakin@gov-murman.ru Web: www.murmantourism.ru Contact: Aleksey Rybakin Exhibiting with Russian Federation

Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism


P.o Box 9372, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 22 2864 216 Fax: +255 22 2864 217 Email: ps@mnrt.go.tz Web: www.mnrt.go.tz Contact: Permanent Secretary Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Ministry of Tourism


Sherbourne Conference Centre, Two Mile Hill, St. Michael Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4364828 +1246 4307500 Email: barmot@sunbeach.net Contact: Andrew Cox Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

Sanchez Lima Ave. 2193, Sopocachi, La Paz 0, 0 Bolivia Tel: Fax: +591 2 2414753 +591 2 2414753 Email: jsimbron@boliviamilenaria.com Web: www.boliviamilenaria.com Contact: Janette Simbron Exhibiting with Viceministerio de Turismo Bolivia

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 353



Ministry Of Tourism


200 Parkway House, Sheen Lane, London SW14 8LS United Kingdom +44 7787412578 Tel: Email: victoria@amgltd.biz Contact: Victoria Taylor Exhibiting with Trinidad and TobagoTourism Development Company (TDC)

57, Rue Saint-louis, Victoriaville Quebec, G6P 3P6 Canada Tel: Fax: +1 8197585219 +1 8197583155 Email: andreeb@misatours.ca Web: www.misatours.ca Contact: Andrée Boisvert Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission



Tourism House, 55 Samora Machel Avenue, Harare Causeway, CY1718 Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 4 780797 +263 4 770890 Email: wmzembi@gmail.com Web: www.zimbabwetourism.net Contact: WALTER MZEMBI Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY

Ministry of Tourism and Arts


P O Box 34011, Lusaka 10101 Zambia Tel: +260 211229420 Fax: +260 211229420 Email: mwingachiluwe@yahoo.com Web: www.zambiatourism.com Contact: Mwiinga Chiluwe Exhibiting with Zambia Tourism Board

Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture


Haydarpasa Sokak, Surlar Ici, Nicosia North Cyprus, MERSIN 10 Turkey Tel: +90 0392 2289629 Fax: +90 0392 2285625 Email: koprulumustafa@yahoo.com Web: www.simplynorthcyprus.com Contact: Mustafa Koprulu Exhibiting with North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd

Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife & Antiquities


P.o.box 7103, Kampala Uganda, Uganda Tel: +256 414 314268 Email: ps@tourism.go.ug Web: www.tourism.go.ug Contact: Patrick . S . Mugoya Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD

Minotel Worldwide




Thuraya Tower, Tecom 3, Suite 806, P.o.box 454348, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 44 279 874 Fax: +971 44 279 876 Email: Kishore.kumar@mtsdubai.ae www.mtsdubai.ae (under construction) Web: Contact: Kishore Kumar Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Miri Marriott Resort & Spa


Jalan Temenggong Datuk Oyong Lawai, Po Box 1145, Miri Sarawak, 98000 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 85 402 855 +60 85 421 121 Email: pamela.ong@marriotthotels.com Web: www.marriott.com/myymc Contact: Pamela Ong Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Mirihi Island Resort


Via Oreste Da Molin, 2, Padova Padova, 35028 Italy +39 0499704834 Fax: +39 0495843811 Tel: Email: missing@missingitalia.com Web: www.missingitalia.com Contact: Patricia Fasolato Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Mist & Mountains Tourism Pvt. Ltd New Delhi, New Delhi, Delhi India, India Tel: +91 9818223290 Email: pawan@mistandmountain.com Contact: Pawan Sharma Exhibiting with India Tourism

Mistral di A. Sanna & C. srl

Mizar DMC


Mirihi Island, South Ari Atoll, Mirihi 190 Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 6680501 +960 6680500 Email: info@mirihi.com Web: www.mirihi.com Contact: Martin Vossen Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

354 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Mizoram Tourism






Mkhaya Game Reserve, Mkhaya Swaziland Tel: +268 123 Email: tourism@biggameparks.org Web: www.biggameparks.org Contact: Mike Richardson Exhibiting with Kamili


Moivaro Lodges and Tented Camps


P.o.box 11297, Arusha 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 2506315 2506386 754 324193 Fax: +255 2506378 Email: marketing@moivaro.com Web: www.moivaro.com Contact: Oscar Sybesma

A 256, Defence Colony, New Delhi India, 110024 India Tel: +91 9815016020 Email: naini@airtel.blackberry.com Web: www.mokshaspa.com Contact: Nainee Garg Exhibiting with Le Passage to India Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd


Via Scudari, 10, Modena 41121 Italy +39 059220022 Tel: Fax: +39 0592032688 Email: info@modenatur.it Web: www.modenatur.it Contact: Daniela Fedel Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Str. Hincesti 53, Chisinau Republic Of Moldova, MD-2028 Moldova, Republic Of Tel: Fax: +373 22226634 +373 22226634 Email: info@turism.gov.md Web: www.turism.gov.md Contact: Liudmila Dumitras The Agency of Tourism represents the authority which promotes the state policy in the sphere of tourism, main priority being the promotion of the country as a new tourist destination at the international level. Moldova has a various tourist potential and unique routes in South Eastern Europe.


Calle Molina Lario, 20-22, Malaga Malaga, 29015 Spain Tel: +34 952 062 002 Fax: +34 952 062 001 Email: apaneque@galleryhoteles.com Web: www.galleryhoteles.com Contact: Ana Paneque Exhibiting with MALAGA CITY TOURISM BOARD & CONVENTION BUREAU

Moloney & Kelly Travel


17 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2 Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 1 6620383 +353 1 6765511 Email: gillian@moloneykelly.com Web: www.moloneykelly.com Contact: John Downey Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Mombasa Continental Resort



Moksha Himalaya Spa Resort


Government Of Mizoram, Aizwal Mizoram, 796001 India Tel: +91 123456 Email: mizo.tourism@hub.nic.in Contact: Pu B Sanghluna Exhibiting with India Tourism

Mkhaya Game Reserve


West Bay Area, Doha 22752 Qatar +974 44966600 Tel: Fax: +974 44966604 Email: Roxie.Belsondra@moevenpick.com Web: www.moevenpick-doha-tower.com Contact: Roxie Belsondra Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority

Moivaro’s range of lodges and tented camps highlight Tanzania’s diversity from the soaring majesty of Kilimanjaro to the exotic tropical paradise of Zanzibar and the vast plains of the Serengeti. The semi-permanent safari tents offer plenty of comfort, while lodges feature modern amenities are beautifully decorated in local styles. www.moivaro.com

Via Xx Settembre 34, Oristano 9170 Italy Tel: +39 0783 210380 Fax: +39 0783 211000 Email: info@hotel-mistral.it Web: www.hotel-mistral.it Contact: Roberta Maria Sanna Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Mitsis Hotels

AF200 67 Horreya Street, Cairo Egypt, Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 226901584 +20 226901582 Email: ghada.salah@moevenpick.com Web: www.moevenpick-hotels.com Contact: Ghada Salah Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Moevenpick Tower and Suites Doha

Via 5 Giornate, 2/r, Cernobbio 22012 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 031342015 +39 031342025 Email: info@mizarconventions.com www.mizarconventions.com Web: Contact: Maddalena Fumagalli Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

13-119 Revolyutsionnaya Str., Minsk 220030 Belarus Tel: +375 172033995 Fax: +375 172033981 Email: tic-minsk@mail.ru Web: www.minsktourism.by Contact: Tatyana Zylman Exhibiting with Belarus National Tourism Agency

Miracle Tourism LLC. (Dubai/UAE)

Missing Italia Incoming

Moevenpick Hotels & Resorts - Egypt


Varoshaza Ter 8., Miskolc 3525 Hungary +36 707783413 Tel: Email: kakoczkia@miskolcph.hu Contact: Andras Kakoczki Exhibiting with Hungarian Tourism Plc.

10-12, Filotheis Street, Galatsi, Athens Athens, 111 47 Greece Tel: +30 22420 22891 Fax: +30 210 2917 672 Email: mitsis@mitsishotels.com Web: www.mitsishotels.com Contact: Stavros Mitsis Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation

Chemin Renou 2, Lausanne 1005 Switzerland +41 21 310 08 41 Tel: Email: christine.favre@minotel.com Web: www.minotel.com Contact: Christine Favre Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Minsk tourist information centre


Misa Tours International


Shanzu Beach Malindi Road, Mombasa 80101, Kenya, Kenya Tel: +254 (020)3417978 Fax: +254 (020)2191753 Email: amatu@mcr.kengahotels.co.ke Web: www.mombasacontinentalresort.co.ke/ Contact: Winnie Njeri Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

Monaco Government Tourist Authority

EM1244 Moevenpick Hotel Jumeirah Beach


Jumeirah Beach Residence, Dubai P.O. BOX 282825 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 44498889 +971 44498888 Email: manish.singh@moevenpick.com Web: www.moevenpick-hotels.com/dubai-jumeirahbeach Contact: Manish Singh Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

7 Upper Grosvenor Street, London W1K 2LX United Kingdom Tel: +44 2073181091 Fax: +44 2074999266 Email: mtalondon@gouv.mc www.visitmonaco.com Web: Contact: Aude Larroche-Ordinas With more than 13 hotels from three-star to five-star luxury, the Principality of Monaco offers an impressive portfolio to suit any budget. With more than 150 direct flights to Nice from London and regional airports throughout the UK and Ireland, Monaco is really the destination for Leisure and Business. www.visitmonaco.com

EXHIBITOR PROFILES Monarch International Travel Services


217b , First Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase - Iii, New Delhi India, 110020 India Tel: +91 11 43770000 Fax: +91 11 43770022 Email: info@mi-travelservices.com Web: www.mi-travelservices.com Contact: Madhur Priya Exhibiting with India Tourism

Mons Regional Tourist Board

Montana Office of Tourism Mondial Destination Management


Operngasse 20b, Vienna 1040 Austria Tel: +43 1 58804 601 Fax: +43 1 58804 201 Email: rubik@mondial-travel.com Web: www.mondial-travel.com Contact: Ricarda Rubik Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office


2f, Al Barsha Business Center, Al Barsha 1, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 371 3314 Email: deepak.singhal@mondohospitality.com Contact: Deepack Singhal Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Mondorf Parc Hotel**** - Mondorf Domaine Thermal Luxembourg


Avenue Des Bains, P.o Box 52, Mondorf-les-bains Luxembourg, L-5601 Luxembourg Tel: +352 23 666 591 Fax: +352 23 666 507 Email: a.laszlo@mondorf.lu Web: www.mondorf.lu Contact: Attila Laszlo Exhibiting with Luxembourg National Tourist Office

MONGOLIA - Tour Mongolia


Door 102, Macro Center Bldg 7/1, Erkhuu Street, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar 14190 Mongolia Tel: Fax: +976 11354663 +976 11354662 Email: info@tourmongolia.com Web: www.tourmongolia.com Contact: Baganaa ALTANBAGANA.D Exhibiting with CBI

Mongolia Ministry of Nature Environment and Tourism


Department Of Road And Transportation Bld-1 Chinggis Avenue -11, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia, 1520 Mongolia Tel: Fax: +976 11330778 +976 11330675 Email: marketing@mongolia-tourism.mn Web: www.mongoliatourism.gov.mn Contact: Javka Davaanyam MongoliaMain stand holder- Ministry of Nature Environment and Tourism, Mongolia.



Selena Travel Building, Peace Avenue 79-1, Ulaanbaatar Ulaanbaatar, 211826 Mongolia +976 70183499 Tel: Fax: +976 70173499 Email: zola@selenatravel.com Web: www.selenatravel.com Contact: Zola O Responsible Tourism Award winning Mongolian tour operator specialised in 4x4 discovery tours, horseback rides, trekking, luxury tours, incentives and authentic cultural packages in Mongolia. Started in 1998, we are trusted and tested, have efficient network in the industry including major hotels, Trans-Siberian trains, ticketing etc.

Mongolian Adventure Tours Co.,Ltd


Sukhbaatar District, University Street Building 2-40, Ulaanbaatar P.O.BOX-484, ULAANBAATAR-210646 Mongolia +976 320850 Tel: Fax: +976 324531 Email: advtour@magicnet.mn Web: www.mongolianadventuretours.mn,www.adventuretours.mn Contact: Bolor Erdenebat Exhibiting with Mongolian National Tourism Centre

Monochrome Hotel


67/238 Moo.5 Kukkak Takuapa, Phangnga 82190 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 76 486 621 +66 76 486 622 Email: deltabkk@hotmail.com Web: www.monochromeresort.com Contact: Techathat Thamahorn Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


P O Box 200533 301 South Park, Helena, Mt 59620-0533 United States Tel: Fax: +1 4068412871 +1 4068412870 Email: kbirrell@rmi-realamerica.com Web: www.visitmt.com Contact: Kim Birrell

Montanejos Villa Termal Mondo Hotel Management


Grand-place 22, Mons B-7000 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 65 35 63 36 +32 65 22 84 90 Email: michel.vasko@ville.mons.be Web: www.monsregion.be Contact: Michel Vasko Exhibiting with Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia


Plaza De Espana, 1, Montanejos Castellon, 12448 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 964131136 +34 964131079 Email: rosa@gruporosaleda.com Web: www.montanejos.com Contact: Rosa Collado Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

Monte Santo Resort


Rua Joao Paulo Ii, Sesmarias, Carvoeiro 8400 - 559 Portugal Tel: +351 282321000 Fax: +351 289304901 Email: monica.ribeiro@montesantoalgarve.com Web: www.montesantoalgarve.com Contact: Mónica Ribeiro Exhibiting with Portugal

Montenegro National Tourism Organisation


Bul.sv.petra Cetinjskog 130, Podgorica 81000 Montenegro Tel: Fax: +382 77100009 +382 77100001 Email: info@montenegro.travel Web: www.montenegro.travel Contact: Danica Ceranic Welcome to the Wild Beauty! The NTO of Montenegro, together with professional partners, look forward to meeting you. Get to know the latest tourism developments, including: Hiking & Biking, New Hotels and Travel Programs, MICE offer...

Montenegro Stars Hotel Group


Becici Bb, Budva 85310 Montenegro Tel: +382 33 773 444 Fax: +382 33 773 757 Email: v.popovic@montenegrostars.co.me Web: www.montenegrostars.com Contact: Vesna Popovic Exhibiting with Montenegro National Tourism Organisation

Montien Hotel Pattaya


369 Moo 9 Pattaya 2 rd.. , Nongprue Banglamung, Chonburi 20150 Thailand Tel: +66 38 428 1556 Fax: +66 38 423 155 Email: gmpty@montien.com Web: www.montien.com Contact: Prayuth Thamdhum Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Montreux-Vevey Tourism


Rue Du Theatre 5, Montreux 1820 Switzerland Tel: +41 21 962 84 18 Email: renggli@montreux-riviera.com Web: www.montreuxriviera.com Contact: Carola Renggli Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism




Moroccan National Tourist Office

205 Regent Street, (2nd &third Floor), London W1B 4HB United Kingdom Tel: Fax: +44 2077348172 +44 2074370073 Email: promotions@morocco-tourism.org.uk Web: www.visitmorocco.com Contact: Jamal El Jaidi Morocco is becoming a fast growing tourist destination which caters for all tastes and budgets.This year’s WTM is an excellent PR exercise and a networking platform where UK clients can meet on stand AF 300 with Moroccan counetrparts who will be on site to promote their products and services.

Moscow Bureau of Voyage


Office 18, Bld.1, 30/2 Tverskaya Str., Moscow Russian Federation, 125009 Russian Federation +7 4955021130 Tel: Fax: +7 4955021132 Email: office@moscowvoyage.msk.ru Web: www.moscowvoyage.msk.com Contact: Konstantin Maslov Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Moscow City Committee on Tourism and Hotel Industry


26 Floor, 36/9, Noviy Arbat Str., Moscow Russian Federation, 119019 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 495 2589129 +7 495 2589129 Email: kt@post.mos.ru Web: www.kt.mos.ru Contact: Georgy Mokhov Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency


Office 733, 15 Noviy Arbat Str., Moscow 119019 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 4956956398 +7 4956956398 Email: savinova@mvka.ru Web: www.mvka.ru Contact: Galina Savinova MECA is authorised by the top city tourism board - Moscow City Committe on Tourism and Hotel Industry - to organize Moscow exposition at the world international tourism exhibitions with the aim to promote Moscow for incoming tourism.

Moscow Free Tour, a part of NewGerenation Tours


Office 228, 4/5 Nikolskaya Street, Moscow 109012 Russian Federation +7 4952223466 Tel: Email: info@moscowfreetour.com Web: www.moscowfreetour.com, streetadventure.com, ??????????.?? Contact: Nikita Bogdanov Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Moscow State United Museum-Reserve


39, Andropova Str., Moscow Rf, 115487 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 499 6166640 +7 499 6166640 Email: mgomz2008@yandex.ru Contact: Guseva Anna Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Motswiri Camp

Monestir De Montserrat S/n, Montserrat Catalonia, E-08199 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 938777724 +34 938777701 Email: mruiz@larsa-montserrat.com Web: www.montserratvisita.com Contact: Laia Cicuendez Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD



P.o. Box Ha103hak, Maun Botswana Tel: Fax: +267 6860242 +267 6860244 Email: bnavarro@botswanatourism.org.uk Web: www.rawbotswana.com Contact: Kate Holmes Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation

Mount Lavinia Hotel


100, Hotel Road, Mount Lavinia Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 2711711 Email: lavinia3@sltnet.lk www.mountlaviniahotel.com Web: Contact: Sanath Ukwatte Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Monucipality of San Giovanni a Piro

EM1800 Via Roma, 56, San Giovanni A Piro 84070 Italy +39 0974 983007 Fax: +39 0974 983710 Tel: Email: triparigiovanna@virgilio.it Web: www.comunedisangiovanniapiro.it Contact: Giovanna Tripari Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Mountain Goat Tours and Holidays


Victoria Street, Windermere Cumbria, LA23 1AD United Kingdom +44 015394 45161 Fax: +44 015394 45164 Tel: Email: enquiries@mountain-goat.com Web: www.mountain-goat.com Contact: Stephen Broughton Exhibiting with UKinbound

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 355



Mountain Lodges of Peru

Av. Emilio Cavenecia 225 Of. 321, San Isidro, Lima Peru, LIMA 27 Peru +51 84 262640 Tel: Fax: +51 84 236069 Email: info@mountainlodgesofperu.com Web: www.mountainlodgesofperu.com Contact: Marión Meszaros Exhibiting with PromPeru

Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre


Piet Heinkade 11, Amsterdam Noord Holland, 1019 BR Netherlands Tel: Fax: +31 20 5191249 +31 205191276 Email: linda.barnhoorn@moevenpick.com Web: www.moevenpick-hotels.com/amsterdam Contact: Linda Barnhoorn Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)

Movenpick Hotel Bur Dubai


19th Street Oud Metha, Bur Dubai, Dubai United Arab Emirates, 32733 United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 3104371 Email: manal.elmatni@moevenpick.com Web: www.moevenpick-hotels.com/dubai-bur Contact: Manal El Matni Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Movenpick Hotel Deira


Corner Abu Baker Al Siddique And Sallahuddin Road, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 444 01 11 Fax: +971 4 444 01 12 Email: jacklyn.lacsamana@moevenpick.com Web: www.moevenpick-deira.com Contact: Bernard Mehawech Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing


Mövenpick Hotel Doha


Tower A4 City Stars Project, 02 Ali Rasheed Street, Cairo Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 224801752 +20 224802002 Email: stephen.banks@moevenpick.com Web: www.moevenpick-hotels.com Contact: Stephen Banks Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Mitsotaki, 5, P O Box 1296, Heraklion Crete, GR 71202 Greece Tel: +30 2810 343565 Fax: +30 2810 343564 Email: bernard@multi.gr Web: www.multi.gr Contact: Bernard Lecomte

The National Tourism Institute is a corporate entity Institution formed with the objective of promoting development in the tourism sector, grading of tourism establishments, developing tourism special areas, promoting studies and development programmes, promoting investment and tourism activities and developing training activities for the professionals of the tourism sector.

Multi Travel Software provides software solutions to travel agencies since 1992 .Our best seller Multi Travel Incoming is used by many inbound agencies , especially destination management companies representing tour operators.Multi Travel Excursion handles all the phases of organized excursions.Internet bookings systems fully synchronized with the Multi Travel database.


Allee Des Cocotiers, Bel Ombre Mauritius Tel: Fax: +230 6235001 +230 6235000 Email: resort.mauritius@moevenpick.com Web: www.moevenpick-mauritius.com Contact: Daniele Venuti Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

Po Box 19780, Nelspruit, Nelspruit South Africa, 1200 South Africa +27 13 7412409 Tel: Fax: +27 13 7411063 Email: sales@mozambiquevoyages.com Web: www.mozambiquevoyages.com Contact: Barbara Kuhn Exhibiting with Mozambique Tourism -INATUR


Via Cesare Battisti, 4, San Severino Marche Mc, 62027 Italy Tel: +39 0733646484 Fax: +39 0733646483 Email: info@movimondo.com Web: www.movimondo.com Contact: Emanuele Piunti Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Tripoli, Tripoli Libya Tel: +218 912139629 Email: SAFARI121@HOTMAIL.COM Contact: MAHMOUD ALHODIRI Exhibiting with LIBYAN EXPORT PROMOTION CENTER



3j Ivan Stranski Str., Student’’s Town District, Sofia 1700 Bulgaria Tel: +359 29627822 Email: office@mpmhotels.bg Web: www.mpmhotels.bg Contact: Petar Jelev Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism



Mt. Pilatus Railways - Lucerne


Av. 25 De Setembro, 1203, 3rd Floor. Maputo, Mozambique, Maputo Mozambique Tel: Fax: +258 21 307322 +258 21 307320 Email: mlucas@inatur.org.mz Contact: katia Momade Exhibiting with Mozambique Tourism -INATUR


Calle 66 San Francisco, Edificio Plaza Pacific, Panama City Panama, Panama +507 3957171 Tel: Fax: +507 9357175 Email: debbie@mundialdeviajespanama.com Web: www.debbie@mundialdeviajespanama.com Contact: Debora De La Guardia Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)


Municipality of Plovdiv

1 St. Stambolov Sq., Plovdiv 4000 Bulgaria Tel: +359 32 660 472 359 32 620 229 Fax: +359 32 656 794 Email: tic.plovdiv@gmail.com Web: www.plovdiv-tour.info , www.eventsplovdiv.info , www.plovdiv.bg Contact: Videlina Gandeva Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism

Municipality of Tirana


Blv.deshmoret E Kombit, Tirana, 1010 Albania +355 42 226629 Tel: Fax: +355 42 228430 Email: akociu@tirana.gov.al Web: www.tirana.gov.al Contact: Albana Koçiu Exhibiting with Agjencia Kombetare e Turizmit - Albanian National Tourism Agency


Po Box 809, Muscat Oman, 113 Oman Tel: +968 99210800 Email: jamal@desertadventures.co.om Web: www.desertadventures.com Contact: Jamal Rafaat Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry



Po Box 137, Vitznau 6354 Switzerland Tel: +41 41 399 87 09 Email: roger.joss@rigi.ch Web: www.rigi.ch Contact: Roger Joss Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism


13/1 Moo 2, Chaweng Beach, Suratthani 84320 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 25530994 +66 255310089 Email: sales@muangsamui.com Web: www.muangsamui.com Contact: Anucha Soontornpak Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


Private Bag K31, Chobe, Kasane Botswana Tel: +267 6200013 Email: bnavarro@botswanatourism.org.uk www.muchenje.com Web: Contact: Matt Smith Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation



Av. Bolivar 1515, Pueblo Libre, Lima Peru, 21 Peru Tel: +51 4611312 Email: Marianawatson@museolarco.org Web: www.museolarco.org Exhibiting with PromPeru

Museo Pedro de Osma


Av. Pedro De Osma 421, Lima Peru, LIMA 04 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 2512119 +51 4670063 Email: ppinilla@fundacionosma.org Web: www.museopedrodeosma.org Contact: Patricia Pinilla Exhibiting with PromPeru

Museum Highlights in Vienna

Muckross Park Hotel & Cloisters Spa


Avenida Sor Teresa Prat, 15, Edificio Tabacalera, Malaga Spain, 29003 Spain Tel: +34 951 137 001 Email: patricia@museoautomovilmalaga.com Web: www.museoautomovilmalaga.com Contact: PATRICIA RUEDA Exhibiting with MALAGA CITY TOURISM BOARD & CONVENTION BUREAU

Museo Larco

Muckross, Killarney, Co. Kerry Ireland Tel: +353 64 6623400 Fax: +353 64 6631965 Email: bmiley@muckrosspark.com Web: www.muckrosspark.com Contact: Brian Miley Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

356 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Mundial de Viajes/Panama

Muscat Desert Adventures Tourism

Schlossweg 1, Kriens-lucerne 6005 Switzerland +41 41 329 11 11 Tel: Email: colette.richter@pilatus.ch Web: www.pilatus.ch Contact: Colette Richter Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Muchenje Safari Lodge MOZAMBIQUE TOURISM



Muang Samui Spa Resort Movimondo T.O.



Mt. Rigi Railways Movenpick Resort and Spa Mauritius


MULTI Travel Software

Av 25 De Setembro,1203, Maputo 1100 Mozambique Tel: Fax: +258 21307322 +258 21307320 Email: kmomade@inatur.org.mz Web: www.inatur.org.mz Contact: Jeremias Manussa

Msuna Safaris, 74 Selous Avenue, Harare Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 704792 +263 4 705703 Email: mchaneta@msuna.co.zw Web: www.zimbabwetourism.co.zw Contact: MARGARET CHANETA Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY

Corniche Road, Doha 24220 Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44291100 +974 44291111 Email: Fabien.Chesnais@moevenpick.com Web: www.moevenpick-doha.com Contact: Fabien Chesnais Exhibiting with Katara Hospitality



Mozambique Tourism -INATUR


Albertinaplatz 1, Vienna 1010 Austria Tel: +43 1 53483 525 Fax: +43 1 53483 199 Email: tourism@albertina.at Web: www.museumsinvienna.org Contact: Heinz Holzinger Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

Museum-reserve ‘Tsaritsyno’


1, Dolskaia Str., Moscow 115569 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 499 7257309 +7 499 7257309 Email: gmz@tsaritsyno.net Contact: Maria Oksenenko Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency


My IndiEye Hyderabad, Hyderabad India Tel: +91 96664072343 Email: kushal.bhalotia@myindieye.com Contact: Kushal Bhalotia Exhibiting with India Tourism

My Tour Tuscany Experts


Namibia Wildlife Resorts

Private Bag 13378, Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264 612857108 Fax: +264 612857008 Email: plindeque@nwr.com.na Web: www.nwr.com.na Contact: Tobie Aupindi Exhibiting with Namibia Tourism Board


Via Della Resistenza 95/97, Loc Badesse, Siena Italy, 53035 Italy Tel: +39 0577 236330 Fax: +39 0577 1959066 Email: info@mytours.it Web: www.mytours.it Contact: Daniela Cappelletti Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione

Xinjiekou Square, Nanjing Jiangsu, 210005 China Tel: +86 2584763100 Email: xiehang@jinlinghotels.com Contact: hang Xie Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office

NANTES TOURISM Myanmar Tourism Federation (Marketing Committee)


#0904, Tower A, Diamond Condo, #497, Pyay Road, Yangon 11041 Myanmar Tel: Fax: +95 1523473 +95 1523473 95029602 Email: mtpb@mptmail.net.mm Web: www.myanmar-tourism.com/ www.tourismmyanmar.org Contact: Ms Winnie The Myanmar Marketing Committee is an initiative of private hotels & tourism sector and also act as the marketing arm of Myanmar Tourism Promotion Board. The Objective of Myanmar Marketing Committee is to bring together all Myanmar based companies and individuals who actively want to promote Myanmar as a destination.

Mystifly Consulting (India) Pvt. Ltd.

GV585 6th Floor, Mithra Towers, 10/4, Kasturba Road, Bangalore Karnataka, 560001 India +91 8042771013 Fax: +91 8042771099 Tel: Email: rajeev@mystifly.com Web: www.mystifly.com Contact: Rajeev Kumar Mystifly is an anywhere to anywhere air travel consolidator offering discounted airfares on 900+ airlines along with LCC’s for travel originating in 51+ different countries across the globe including USA, UK, Australia, Germany, Canada, Singapore through its proprietary delivery platform - MyFareBox.Mystifly’s clientele includes 1200+ companies across the globe.

Nagaland Tourism


Govt Of Nagaland Tourism, Kohima India Tel: +91 100001 Email: kksema@rediffmail.com Contact: Khekiye K. Sema Exhibiting with India Tourism



126 Kitisuru, P. O. Box 5368, Nairobi Kenya, 100 Kenya Tel: +254 202011066 Fax: +254 202011061 Email: nahdy@todays.co.ke Web: www.nahdytravel.com Contact: Faraj A. Idha Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

NAKHAL Tours & Travel


Badaro, Beirut Lebanon +961 (1) 389 389 Fax: +961 (1) 389 282 Tel: Email: khaled@nakhal.com.lb Web: www.nakhal.com Contact: Khaled Aridi Exhibiting with LEBANON Ministry of Tourism

Namaste Tours Pvt. Ltd.


O-130, Dlf Shopping Mall, Arjun Marg, Gurgaon-ncr Delhi Haryana, 122 002 India Tel: +91 124 4040636 Fax: +91 124 4040635 Email: bala@namastetoursindia.com Web: www.namastetoursindia.com Contact: P Balasubramanyan Exhibiting with India Tourism

Namibia Tourism Board


C/o Hb Portfolio, Colechurch House, London SE1 2SX United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 7367 0962 Fax: +44 (0)20 7407 3810 Email: rhysp@hbportfolio.co.uk Web: www.namibiatourism.com.na Contact: Rhys Powell Neighbouring South Africa and the Atlantic Ocean lays an amazing land of contrasts. A country described as an experience, rather than a place. That country is Namibia. Namibia Tourism is charged with marketing Namibia worldwide as a tourist destination providing a wealth of information and support to the travel industry.


Nanjing JInling Holdings LTD

National Tourism Organisation of Serbia


Cika Ljubina 8, Belgrade 11000 Serbia Tel: Fax: +381 112626767 +381 116557100 Email: office@serbia.travel Web: www.serbia.travel Contact: Zorica Jovanov Serbia offers tremendous value and diversity, with something to appeal to everyone, and this is a year-round destination. At WTM 2012, NTO Serbia will be showcasing new products and events, and future plans for 2013 - year dedicated to cultural tourism, and beyond.


National Tours & Services


1 - 3 Rue Crucy, Bp 92211, Nantes Pays De La Loire, 44000 France Tel: +33 251174860 Email: Charlotte.PELTRIAUX@lvan.fr Web: www.nantes-tourisme.com Contact: Charlotte Peltriaux Exhibiting with France

Naples, Marco Island, Everglades CVB


2800 N Horseshoe Drive, Naples Florida, 34104 United States Tel: +1 2392522402 Email: jackwert@colliergov.net Web: www.paradisecoast.com Contact: Jack Wert Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Napo Wildlife Center




63 El Nabi Daniel St Ramel Station, Alexandria Egypt, 115011 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 34847203 +20 34870050 Email: mgavalas@nascotours.com Web: www.nascotours.com Contact: Machi Gavalas Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Nassau Paradise Island Promotion Board


Suite 200, Parkway House, London Uk, SW14 8LS United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 8392 4194 Fax: +44 020 8878 9124 Email: suzy@amgltd.biz Web: www.nassauparadiseisland.com Contact: Suzy Trott Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas



Sadovaya -kudrinskaya Str. 25, Moscow 123001 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 495 7925606 +7 495 7853720 Email: sorokina@natalie-tours.ru Web: www.natalie-tours.ru Contact: Natalia Sorokina Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Natalie Tours Moscow


25, Sadovaya-kudrinskaya Str., Moscow, Moscow Rf, 123610 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 495 7929606 +7 495 7853720 Email: sorokina@natalie-tours.ru Web: www.natalie-tours.ru Contact: Natalie Sorokina Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

National Museums Northern Ireland Bangor Road, Cultra, Holywood Co. Down, BT18 0EU United Kingdom Tel: +44 028 9042 8428 Email: patrick.mclain@nmni.com Web: www.nmni.com Contact: Patrick McLain Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Lightfoot Estate, P O Box 950, St. John’s 0, 0 Antigua And Barbuda +1268 462 7979 Tel: Fax: +1268 462 7978 Email: nationaltours@candw.ag Web: www.nationaltoursandservices.com Contact: Stanley Francis Exhibiting with Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority

National Travel & Tourism


Po Box 962, Muscat Oman, 100 Oman Tel: +968 92800281 Email: nttoman@omantel.net.om Web: www.nttomantours.com Contact: Santhosh Kanakandath Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry



La Nina 211 Y, Yanez Pinzon, Edificio Las Carabelas, Quito 17 Ecuador Tel: +593 26005893 Email: amazonia@discoverecuador.travel Web: www.napowildlifecenter.com Contact: Pedro Armendariz Exhibiting with ECUADOR - AMAZON



10 Talaat Harb St., Evergreen Tower, Cairo Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 225770095 +20 225757215 Email: ntscairo@ntsegypt.com Web: www.ntsegypt.com Contact: Nehal El Manawy Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

National Trust


Heelis, Kemble Drive, Swindon SN2 2NA United Kingdom Tel: +44 8448002329 Email: traveltrade@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk Web: Contact: Jo Stevenson There’s always something new to discover at the National Trust. Experience what life was like below stairs or find out what it takes to keep our gardens looking so beautiful. For more information about this and our 20% commission for Touring Pass sales to overseas visitors visit UKI1106.



Privada Cariaco No. 43, Casa 33, Tlalpan, Mexico City Distrito Federal, 14646 Mexico +52 5553349531 Tel: Fax: +52 5554891393 Email: info@nativetrails.mx Web: www.nativetrails.co.uk Contact: Olaf Bock von Gersum Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

Natura Travel de Colombia Ltda


Calle 26a No. 13 -97 Centro Internacional, Bogota, Bogota Colombia Tel: +57 (1) 7532734 Email: dominiquej-natura@internet.ve Web: www.naturatraveldecolombia.com Contact: Dominique Jacques Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia

Nature Air


Tobias Bolanos Airport, Hangar 27, San Jose Costa Rica, 1103247 Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 22321155 +506 22996000 Email: arojas@natureair.com Web: www.natureair.com Contact: Alejandra Rojas Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board



Kiveni House, Gatundu Close, Off Gatundu Road, Kileleshwa, Nairobi Kenya, 100 Kenya Tel: +254 254 020 2697453815596920849180734 Fax: +254 204347258 600625 Email: aj@natureexpeditions.com Web: www.natureexpeditions.com Contact: Adam A. Jillo Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 357



NaturMed Hotel Carbona****superior Attila U. 1, Heviz 8380 Hungary Tel: Fax: +36 83340468 +36 83501509 Email: marketing@carbona.hu Web: www.carbona.hu Contact: Zsuzsa Papai Exhibiting with Hungarian Tourism Plc.

264 Palpasha Marg, Khusibu, Nayabazar, Ktm, Nepal, Kathmandu Nepal, PO BOX 6720, THAMEL Nepal +977 (0)014381214 4381425 Tel: Email: meghale@borderlandsgroup.com Web: www.udnepal.com Contact: Megh Ale Exhibiting with CBI


Network Travels

17 Paltan Bazar, G.s Road, Guwahati, Assam India, 781008 India +91 9435154638 Fax: +91 3612605335 Tel: Email: networkgroup@sify.com Web: www.networktravelindia.com Contact: Hemant Das Exhibiting with India Tourism



Navarreria, 39 - 2º Planta, Pamplona (navarra), 31001 Spain +34 848426249 Tel: Fax: +34 848423597 Email: imartinl@navarra.es Web: www.visitnavarra.es Contact: Iñaki Martinez de Virgala Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



El Bosque Norte 0440 Of 1103, Santiago Region Metropolitana, 213993 Chile Tel: Fax: +56 2 2035025 +56 2 4423124 Email: nzamora@navimag.cl Web: www.navimag.com / www.navimagcruceros.cl Contact: Natalia Zamora Exhibiting with Chile


Nazarene Tours Limited

Paul Vi Street, Po Box 86, Nazareth 16100 Israel Tel: Fax: +972 46566505 +972 46470797 Email: incoming@nazarene-tours.com www.nazarene-tours.com Web: Contact: Zoabi Razi Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

30 Rockefeller Plaza, #1639, New York Ny, 10112 United States +1 2126643208 Tel: Email: brandon.warner@nbcuni.com Web: www.nbcstudiotour.com Contact: Brandon Warner Exhibiting with NYC & Company

House No 88, Sect 23, Haryana India Tel: +91 124 4010072 Email: sales@neeleshwarhermitage.com Web: www.neeleshwarhermitage.com Contact: Muslim Naqash Exhibiting with MAhout (UK) Ltd



P.o. Box 284, Lakeside, Khahare, Pokhara - 6 Nepal, POKHARA Nepal Tel: +977 (0)61 462066 Email: ewn@3sistersadventure.com Web: www.3sistersadventure.com Contact: Dicky Chhetri Exhibiting with CBI

NEPAL - Explore Himalaya Travel & Adventure


745 Amrit Marg, Bhawan Bahal Thamel, Kathmandu Nepal, 44600 Nepal Tel: +977 (0)14418100 Fax: +977 (0)14412888 Email: suman@explorehimalaya.com Web: www.explorehimalaya.com Contact: Suman Pandey Exhibiting with CBI

NEPAL - Socialtours

Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) is National Tourism Organization of Nepal. The main objective of NTB is to establish Nepal as a premiere holiday destination in international arena with definite brand image. NTB is leading Nepal’s participation in WTM 2008 with 254 Nepalese tourism companies. We welcome all to NepalStand.


Neptune Holidays Pvt. Ltd.

55 B, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata 700016 India Tel: +91 9331045951 Fax: +91 033 40229592 Email: prakash@neptuneholidays.com Web: www.easthimalayas.com Contact: Chandra Prakash Bhatter Exhibiting with Inbound Tour Operators Council (ITOC) - West Bengal


6 Percy Avenue, Hillside, Bulawayo Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 9281864 +263 9 282735 Email: dustin@nesbittcastle.co.zw Web: www.nesbittcastle.co.zw Contact: Dustin Kennedy Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY


Tridevi Marg, Thamel, Kathmandu Nepal, 1663 Nepal Tel: +977 9851021984 Email: socialtours@gmail.com Web: www.socialtours.com Contact: Raj Gyawali Exhibiting with CBI

358 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012



6 Hatzoran St., Netanya Israel Tel: Fax: +972 98606501 +972 98603324 Email: larieolga@gmail.com www.netanyatourism.gov.il Web: Contact: Olga Laurie Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)


Po Box 30783, London WC2B 6DH United Kingdom Tel: +44 2075397962 Fax: +44 2075397953 Email: uktrade@holland.com Web: www.holland.com Contact: Erica Briguglio Netherlands Board of Tourism&Conventions is your partner for the Holland Product. Within easy reach from the UK and Ireland, the perfect destination for a city break or a holiday in the countryside. Visit the Holland Meeting Point EM 300. We and our partners will be delighted to discuss your requirements.

Nettohotel Srl


Via Perosa, 69, Turin Torino, 10139 Italy Tel: +39 0114347428 Fax: +39 0299982222 Email: sales@nettohotel.com Web: www.nettohotel.com Contact: Gianfranco Chiaretta Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Network 4 Sports Travel

Nevada Commission on Tourism


401 North Carson Street, Carson City, Nv United States, 89701 United States Tel: +1 775 687 4322 Email: lfriedman@travelnevada.com Web: www.travelnevada.com Contact: Larry Friedman Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority

Nevsky Hotels Group


88, Nevsky Pr., Of. 26, St. Petersburg 191025 Russian Federation Tel: +7 812 703 38 60 Fax: +7 812 703 38 61 Email: info@hon.ru Web: www.nevskyhotels.ru Contact: Irina Suslova Exhibiting with Russian Federation

New African Territories


P.o.box 76677, Nairobi 508 Kenya +254 721 322 745 Tel: Email: tamsin@africanterritories.co.ke Web: www.africanterritories.co.ke Contact: Tamsin Corcoran Brennan Exhibiting with Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association


New Age Travellers Co., Ltd.

P.o.box 30265, Agia Napa 5342 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 23722881 +357 23722880 Email: kallenos@nestorhotel.com.cy Web: www.nestorhotel.com.cy Contact: Andreas Kallenos Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation


Gazeteciler Sitesi, Yazarlar Sokak, No: 13-4, Istanbul 34349 Turkey Tel: +90 2122749000 Fax: +90 2122742840 Email: info@neontours.com www.neontours.com Web: Contact: OSMAN AKPINAR Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

NEPAL - 3 Sisters Adventure Trekking P. Ltd & Empowering Women of Nepal - EWN

Tourist Service Center P.o Box 11018, Bhrikuti Mandap, Kathmandu NA Nepal Tel: Fax: +977 14256910 +977 14256909 Email: rkhanal@ntb.org.np Web: www.welcomenepal.com Contact: Diwakar Rana



Neeleshwar Hermitage


Nepal Tourism Board



NBC Studio Tour



NEPAL - Ultimate Descents


C/o Interopa Holidays Ltd, 21-23 Chilworth Street, London W2 3HA United Kingdom Tel: +44 2072580009 Fax: +44 2077244751 Email: michele.mondolfo@incomingpartners.it Web: www.network4sportstravel.eu Contact: Michele Mondolfo Network4SportsTravel is a collaboration of DMC’s specialized in handling hospitality for sports teams. Each member provides accommodation, meal arrangements, private coach and car transfers, personal assistance and liaison with local authorities and team representatives. The network covers many european destinations: England, Scotland, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Greece, Cyprus and Romania.

Bldg 23, Room 33, Shwe Ohn Pin Housing, Yanshin Street, Yankin Township, Yangon 11801 Myanmar Tel: Fax: +95 1558094 +95 1558094 Email: info@natmyanmar.com Web: www.natmyanmar.com Contact: Eainsie Phyu Exhibiting with Myanmar Tourism Federation (Marketing Committee)

New Concept Travel Technologies LTD


Shaul Ha Melech 39, Tel Aviv Israel Tel: +972 3 562 1623 Email: mg@newconcept.travel Web: www.newconcept.travel Contact: Michael Grossman New Concept is a leading company specializes in technologies for travel industry which perfectly tailored to your needs. We provide web-based booking engine for tour operators, travel agencies and online travel agencies website. We provide travel internet website for your travellers to book hotels, flights and your unique contents.

New Frontiers Tours


P O Box 47690, Greyville, Kwa Zulu Natal Kwa Zulu Natal, 4026 South Africa +27 31 313 9010 Tel: Email: craig@newfontierstours.co.za Web: www.newfrontierstours.co.za Contact: Craig Smith Exhibiting with South African Tourism

New Hampshire Division of Travel & Tourism


Po Box 1856, Concord NH 03302-1856 United States Tel: +1 603 766 0606 Email: lharnois@dred.state.nh.us Web: www.visitnh.gov Contact: Lori Harnois Exhibiting with Discover New England

New Logic LTD


42a Khreschatyk Str., Kyiv 1001 Ukraine Tel: +380 442062200 Fax: +380 442062200 Email: info@newlogic.ua Web: www.newlogic.ua Contact: Natalia Dveyrin Exhibiting with Ukraine

EXHIBITOR PROFILES New Orleans Convention & Visitors Bureau



2020 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans Louisiana, 70130 United States Tel: Fax: +1 5045665002 +1 5045665069 Email: ccampbell@neworleanscvb.com Web: www.neworleanscvb.com Contact: Connie Campbell The New Orleans Convention & Visitors Bureau is a full-service bureau representing the birthplace of jazz, world-renowned restaurants, Louisiana Tax Free Shopping, Mardi Gras, and a calendar of diverse events. We provide promotional materials, electronic photo images, promotional DVD, itinerary assistance, suggested itineraries, FAM assistance, and lead service.


New President Holidays

35 Cheston Avenue, Croydon, London Surrey, CR0 8DE United Kingdom +44 020 8406 4440 Tel: Email: sales@newpresidentholidays.com Web: www.newpresidentholidays.com Contact: Refik Salp Exhibiting with North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd


New World Travel

1040 Avenue Of The Americas, 7th Floor, New York Ny, 10018 United States Tel: Fax: +1 2128884812 +1 2127549100 Email: peter.dorner@ny.newworldtravel.com Web: www.newworldtravel.com Contact: Peter Dorner New World Travel has been in business for over 30 years and has offices in New York, Los Angeles and Miami. We cover every aspect of a receptive operator, specializing in travel arrangements throughout the United States and Canada. We offer FITs, Fly Drive arrangements, leisure and incentive groups.


New York State Division of Tourism 633 Third Ave., 3rd Floor, Ny 10017 United States Tel: +1 2128032218 Email: mwilson@empire.state.ny.us Web: www.iloveny.com Contact: Markly Wilson Exhibiting with NYC & Company

New Zealand - Tourism New Zealand



Av Almirante Gago Coutinho, 70, Lisboa 1700-031 Portugal Tel: +351 218440010 Fax: +351 218464152 Email: filipe.figueiras@newhotel.com Web: www.newhotel.com Contact: Rita Correia NEWHOTEL SOFTWARE manufacturers Property Management Systems for Hotels, Hotel Chains, Resorts, Convention Centers, SPA, Golf, Restaurants and Web Bookings / Channel Manager for the Hospitality Business.


Mesa House, Portswood Close, Portswood Ridge, Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, 8001, Po Box 50553, Cape Town 8002 South Africa Tel: +27 21 427 5900 Fax: +27 21 427 5901 Email: lina@newmarkhotels.com Web: www.newmarkhotels.com Contact: Lina Nel Exhibiting with South African Tourism

NG Hotels & Resorts

Jl. Raya Nusa Dua Selatan, Bali Indonesia, Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361 774060 +62 361 773377 Email: jcartwright@nikkobali.com Web: www.nikkobali.com Contact: Joy Cartwright Gartner Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)


P O Box 776, Arusha EAT Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 27 2537019 Fax: +255 27 2503339 Email: ncaa_info@cybernet.co.tz Web: www.ngorongoro-crater.org Contact: Bernard Chausi Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


Niagara Helicopters Limited

1-5-2 Shimbashi, Tokyo 105 0004 Japan Tel: Fax: +81 335738347 +81 335738340 Email: fu-nakatsuka@nittsu.co.jp Web: www.travel.nittsu.co.jp/visit-japan/index.html Contact: Fuyuki Nakatsuka Exhibiting with Japan National Tourism Organization


NIPPON TRAVEL AGENCY CO.,LTD. 2-20-15 Shimbashi, Tokyo 105 8606 Japan Tel: Fax: +81 335728766 +81 335728744 Email: kazu_iizuka@nta.co.jp Web: www.ntainbound.com/ Contact: Kazutaka IIZUKA Exhibiting with Japan National Tourism Organization


3731 Victoria Avenue, Niagara Falls On, L2E 6V5 Canada Tel: +1 905 357 5672 Email: anna@niagarahelicopters.com Web: www.niagarahelicopters.com Contact: Anna Pierce Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission

Nicaragua Tourism Board




Avda La Reserva S/n, Sotogrande Cadiz, 11310 Spain Tel: +34 956 796 560 Fax: +34 956 582 035 Email: r.garciavila@nh-hotels.com Web: www.nh-resorts.com Contact: Rosa Garcia Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA


Hotel Crowne Plaza 1c. Al Sur, 1c. Al Oeste, Managua Nicaragua Tel: Fax: +505 22226610 +505 22545191 Email: jvidea@intur.gob.ni Web: www.visitanicaragua.com Contact: Julio Videa Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)


Tourism New Zealand is the government agency responsible for marketing New Zealand internationally as a visitor destination. The award-winning 100% Pure New Zealand campaign tells the stories of the remarkable people, unique culture and invigorating adventures that visitors will experience within New Zealand’s stunning landscape.

Newmark Hotels

Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority


Nikko Bali Resort and Spa


Nirvana Voyages

302, P-27 3rd Floor, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi New Delhi, 110017 India Tel: +91 11 26688693 Fax: +91 46142792 Email: info@nirvanavoyage.com Web: www.nirvanavoyage.com Contact: Tejwinder Kaur Exhibiting with India Tourism



Po Box 30010, Agia Napa 5340 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 23721623 +357 23721021 Email: nissi@nissi-beach.com.cy Web: www.nissi-beach.com Contact: Christos Louca Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Nice Convention and Visitors Bureau

New Zealand House, 80 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4TE United Kingdom Tel: +44 2073890155 Fax: +44 2078398929 Email: danielle.genty-nott@tnz.govt.nz Web: www.tourismnewzealand.com Contact: Lisa Eyre

Newhotel Software


Box 24144, Bulawayo Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 76009 +263 76053 Email: mlunga@ngamosafaris.co.zw Contact: MAVIS LUNGA Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY



Atasehir Gardenya Plaza Kat:16, Atasehir, Istanbul 34758 Turkey Tel: +90 216 456 73 43 Fax: +90 216 456 83 33 Email: bvural@nghotelsandresorts.com www.nghotelsandresorts.com Web: Contact: Berna Vural Gok Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

5 Promenade Des Anglais, Nice 6000 France Tel: +33 (0)4 89 06 48 20 Fax: +33 (0)4 92 14 46 29 Email: jessika.bettan@otcnice.com Web: www.nicetourisme.com Contact: Jessika Bettan Exhibiting with France




NKAR Travels & Tours (PVT) Ltd

45, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 07 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 2564584 Email: nilmin@nkartravelhouse.com Web: www.nkartravelhouse.com Contact: Nilmin Nanayakkara Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau


Noble Travels


Old Federal Secretariat, P.m.b. 167, Abuja Fct, 900001 Nigeria +234 92342764 Tel: Fax: +234 92347725 Email: ntdc@metrong.com Web: www.tourism.gov.ng Contact: Otunba Segun Runsewe The Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation is the government agency responsible for regulating, marketing and promoting tourism activities in Nigeria. She networks in partnership with the private sector and international organizations in harnessing Nigeria’s rich and diverse heritage for sustainable domestic and international tourism.

NIKA Travel Company


Avda. Garcia Morato, 44, Malaga Malaga, 29004 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 952 23 4093 +34 95 1013517 Email: flucena@nizacars.es Web: www.nizacars.es Contact: Francisco Lucena Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

38,griva Dhigeni Av.& 3,deligiorgis Str., Lefkosia 1066 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 22667430 +357 22889600 Email: n.parisinou@ncci.org.cy Web: www.cypruslefkosia.com Contact: Niovi Parisinou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation



31, Voznesensky Prospect, Saint-petersburg Russian Federation, 190068 Russian Federation +7 812 407 59 05 Fax: +7 812 312 80 57 Tel: Email: svetlana@nikatravel.spb.ru Web: www.nikatours.ru/ Contact: Svetlana Medevedeva Exhibiting with Saint Petersburg Express, JSC

9a/1, F, Floor, No.104, W.e.a. Karol Bagh, New Delhi India Tel: +91 9810172913 Email: info@nobletravels.com Web: www.nobletravels.com/ Contact: Pritpal Singh Saini Exhibiting with India Tourism

Noema Viaggi


Via Francesco Petrarca, 6, Palermo 90144 Italy Tel: +39 091 6252486 Fax: +39 091 6256263 Email: pino.lombardo@noemaviaggi.it Web: www.noemaviaggi.it Contact: Pino Lombardo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



El Golf 99, Of. 903, Santiago Chile Tel: +56 2 4326800 Email: carmen.bielefeldt@noihotels.cl Web: www.noihotels.cl Contact: Carmen Gloria Bielefeldt Exhibiting with Chile



Tripoli, Tripoli Libya Tel: +218 214842355 Email: INFO@NOORALGHAD.COM Contact: ABDULSALAM ALI Exhibiting with LIBYAN EXPORT PROMOTION CENTER

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 359



Nora Resorts & Hotels

299/11 Moo 4, Vista Park Vibhavadi, Taladbangkhen, Bangkok Thailand, 10210 Thailand +66 25517600 Tel: Fax: +66 25517602 Email: thitiya@noraresorts.com Web: www.noraresorts.com Contact: Thitiya Singsa Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Normandy Tourist Board


14 Rue Charles Corbeau, Evreux 27000 France Tel: +33 (0)2 32 33 67 66 Fax: +33 (0)2 32 31 19 04 Email: a.weatherhead@normandie-tourisme.fr Web: www.normandy-tourism.org Contact: Alison Weatherhead Exhibiting with France


NoviNomad Travel Company


Norbu Bhutan Travel Pvt Ltd P. O. Box: 1213, Thimphu Bhutan Tel: Fax: +975 2 340150 +975 2 340151 Email: yeshey@norbubhutan.com Web: www.norbuhutan.com Contact: Yeshey Norbu

Built on principle of ‘quality tourism’ NORBU BHUTAN TRAVEL pride itself as country’s leading destination management company providing reliable, personalized and professional travel services. The Company’s comprehensive portfolio includes handling inbound tours including cultural, trek and special interest tours, management of hotels, lodges, and an excellent transportation fleet.

Nord Albania Tourist Agency, ‘Rupa’ Guest House & Camping Seit


Bulevardi ‘Skenderbeu’, Shkoder .Albania, 1010AL Albania Tel: +355 682003393 Email: rorupaog@yahoo.com Web: www.guesthouse-rupa-thethi.com Contact: Roza Rupa Exhibiting with Agjencia Kombetare e Turizmit - Albanian National Tourism Agency

NORD PAS DE CALAIS Regional Tourist board


6 Place Mendes France, Bp 99, Lille 59028 France Tel: +33 320 14 57 57 Fax: +33 320 14 57 58 Email: k.breton@crt-nordpasdecalais.fr Web: www.northernfrance-tourism.com Contact: Katia Breton Exhibiting with France

Nord tourism


6 Rue Gauthier De Chatillon, Bp1232, Lille Cedex 59013 France Tel: Fax: +33 320575270 +33 320575959 Email: d.bartier@cdt-nord.fr Web: www.tourisme-nord.fr Contact: Delphine Bartier Exhibiting with France

Nordic Choice Hotels Scandinavia


Frederik Stangs Gt. 22-24, Postboks 2454 Solli, Oslo NO-0201 Norway Tel: +47 22401300 Email: monique.blom@choice.no Web: www.nordicchoicehotels.no Contact: Monique Blom Exhibiting with Visit Norway / Innovation Norway



Calea Victoriei Street, No134, District 1, Bucharest Romania Tel: Fax: +40 213155016 +40 213056006 Email: info@nordic.ro Web: www.romania-tours.ro Contact: Corina Tiganus Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM

Norma Vacanze s.a.s.


Via Carbone, 139, Palermo 90151 Italy Tel: +39 091 6840754 Fax: +39 091 6840330 Email: ninocaronia@normavacanze.it Web: www.normavacanze.it Contact: Antonino Caronia Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Norman Carr Safaris


Box 100, Mfuwe 10101 Zambia Tel: +260 216246025 Email: kapani@normancarrsafaris.com Web: www.normancarrsafaris.com Contact: Christina Carr Exhibiting with Zambia Tourism Board

360 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

North Aegean Region


16 Agias Eirinis, Mytilini 81 100 Greece Tel: +30 22510 47437 Fax: +30 22510 47487 Email: tourismos@pvaigaiou.gov.gr Web: www.pvaigaiou.gov.gr Contact: Apostolia Lykou Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation


29 Bedford Square, London, London WC1B 3ED United Kingdom Tel: +44 2076311930 Fax: +44 207462 9789 Email: trade@simplynorthcyprus.com www.simplynorthcyprus.com Web: Contact: Kadir Doruhan North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd.(NCTC) provides tourist information about North Cyprus to the public and travel trade. At the same time it works closely with the trade to support and encourage them to promote tourism to North Cyprus, predominantly from the UK and Ireland, but also from continental Europe.

North Side


Estrada Da Gavea, 712 Suite 407, Rio De Janeiro 22610-002 Brazil +55 21 3216 7200 Tel: Email: mascos.xavier@northside.com.br Web: www.northside.com.br/sitenovo/index.html Contact: Marcos Xavier Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

North-East Paris


140, Avenue Jean Lolive, Pantin Cedex 93695 France Tel: +33 (0)1 49 15 98 91 Fax: +33 (0)1 49 15 98 99 Email: k.sekula@tourisme93.com Web: www.tourisme93.com Contact: Katia Sékula Exhibiting with France

North-Plain Region - Hungarian Tourism Plc.


Po Box 330, Szolnok 5000 Hungary Tel: +36 56 516 110 Email: marsi@itthon.hu Contact: Gabriella Marsi Exhibiting with Hungarian Tourism Plc.

Northern Cape Tourism Authority


Northern Cyprus Hoteliers Association


Kitob, Kordonboyu Caddesi, Kordon Apt. Kat:3, Nicosia MERSIN-10 Turkey Tel: +90 3928158758 Fax: +90 3928158052 Email: mail@nortcyprus.net Contact: Mehmet Dolmaci Exhibiting with North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd

Northern Norway Tourist Board


P.o.box 23, Tromsø 9251 Norway Tel: +47 97152259 Email: goril@nordnorge.com Web: www.northernnorway.com/ Contact: Gøril Ovesen Exhibiting with Visit Norway / Innovation Norway

Nova Scotia Travel


EM1475 Avda. Arquitecto Miguel Angel Beloqui, 7, Murcia 30006 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 968272621 +34 968374799 Email: H5228-DM@accor.com Web: www.novotel.com/es/hotel-5228-novotelmurcia/index.shtml Contact: Africa Miguel Exhibiting with REGION OF MURCIA




Ctra. Nacional Ii, Km 672,50, Santa Susanna (barcelona), 8398 Spain Tel: +34 93 767 8545 Fax: +34 93 767 7930 Email: conchi.munoz@ntincoming.com Web: www.ntincoming.com Contact: Conchi Muñoz Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



Calle 69 No. 11a - 09, Bogota Colombia Tel: +57 (1)8138674 Email: pedro@nuevalengua.com Contact: Pedro Miguel Niño Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia


Office 1, 14 Vardanats Street, Yerevan 10 Armenia Tel: Fax: +374 10 539936 +374 10 541463 Email: anna@nuevavista.am Web: www.travelarmenia.net Contact: Anna Khachaturova Exhibiting with Armenian National Tourism Organization

Nuova Idea Viaggi srl


Via Isidoro La Lumia, 56, Palermo VIA ISIDORO LA LUMIA, 56 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 091 588852 +39 091 333496 Email: info@nuovaideaviaggi.it Web: www.nuovaideaviaggi.it Contact: Roberto Giammaresi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Nxamaseri Lodge


Okavango Delta, Private Bag 23, Maun Botswana Tel: +267 713 26619 Email: justine@nxamseri.com Web: www.nxamaseri.com Contact: Justine Crawford Exhibiting with Kamili

NY Waterway’s East River Ferry

Ksamil, Sarande Str’marina’, ., Sarande ., 1010AL Albania Tel: +355 693491426 Fax: 355 Email: novasctotiatravel@hotmail.com Web: www.novascotiatravel.al Contact: Sabaudin Shehu Exhibiting with Agjencia Kombetare e Turizmit - Albanian National Tourism Agency


854/2 Burirom, Cha Am, Petchburi 76120 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 26520903 +66 26520902 Email: khata@novotelhuahin.com Web: www.novotel.com/gb/hotel-8823-novotel-hua-hincha-am-beach-resort-and-spa/index.shtml Contact: Khata Sinhaseni Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


14 Dalham Road, Belgravia, Kimberly 8301 South Africa Tel: Fax: +27 538312937 +27 538331434 Email: dianna@experencenortherncape.com www.experiencenortherncape.com Web: Contact: Dianna Martin Exhibiting with South African Tourism


28/10 Togolok Moldo Street, Bishkek 720001 Kyrgyzstan +996 312 62 23 81 Fax: +996 312 62 23 80 Tel: Email: novinomad@elcat.kg Web: www.novinomad.com Contact: Asel Karabakirova Exhibiting with Kyrgyz Association of Tour Operators

Novotel Hua Hin Cha Am Beach North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd


S.s. 106 Km 466,60, Castellaneta Marina (ta) 74010 Italy Tel: +39 0998204040 Fax: +39 0998204020 Email: booking@novayardinia.it Web: www.novayardinia.it Contact: Giuseppe Gambino Exhibiting with Regione Puglia


East 35th Street, New York, Ny 10016, New York Ny, 10018 United States Tel: +1 9178537872 Email: ps@nywaterway.com Web: www.nywaterway.com Contact: Paul Samulski Exhibiting with NYC & Company

EXHIBITOR PROFILES Nyazi Tours Meditation Tourism


Abdullah Ghosheh St. - Amman, Hotels St. - Aqaba, P.o.box: 143892 Jordan, 11814 Jordan Tel: Fax: +962 6 5815902 +962 6 5815910 Email: info@nyazi.com.jo Web: www.nyazi-tours.com Contact: Ibtisam Abo Al-Ezz Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board


NYC & Company

810 Seventh Avenue, 3rd Floor, New York New York, 10019 United States Tel: +1 212 484 1200 Fax: +1 212 246 6310 Email: traveltrade@nycgo.com Web: www.nycgo.com Contact: Susan McKenna NYC & Company is the official marketing, tourism and partnership organization for the City of New York, dedicated to maximizing travel and tourism opportunities throughout the five boroughs, building economic prosperity and spreading the positive image of New York City worldwide.

O’Callaghan Eliott Hotel Gibraltar

UKI435 2 Governor’s Parade, Gibraltar GX11 1AA Gibraltar Tel: Fax: +350 20070243 +350 20070500 Email: mary.kinch@ocallaghanhotels.com Web: www.ocallaghanhotels.com Contact: Mary Kinch Exhibiting with Gibraltar Tourist Board


OCCIDENTAL HOTEL & RESORTS 17 - 19 Richmond Road, Dukes Park, Essex CM2 6UA United Kingdom Tel: +44 1245459900 Email: kym@resort-marketing.co.uk Web: www.occidentalhoteles.com Contact: Kym Ayres Exhibiting with Resort Marketing International

Ocean Drive Limousine & Transportation


Odalys Vacances


Parc De La Duranne, 655 Rue Rene Descartes, Aix-enprovence 13591 France +33 (0)4 42 25 88 72 Tel: Fax: +33 (0)4 88 71 00 15 Email: radishevskaya.v@odalys-vacances.com Web: www.odalys-vacation-rental.com Contact: Cécile Quantin-Révol Exhibiting with France



Plaza Indenpendencia 723 Apto. 102, Montevideo Montevideo, 11000 Uruguay Tel: Fax: +598 2902 6988 +598 2902 3736 Email: info@odilebeer.com.uy www.rompela.com. www.odilebeer.com Web: Contact: Odile Beer Exhibiting with URUGUAY MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND SPORT



22, Rue Andrianary Ratianarivo Ampasamadinika, Antananarivo -, 101 Madagascar Tel: +261 20 22 312 10 Fax: +261 20 22 312 22 Email: g.rambelomanana@oceane-aventure.mg Web: www.oceane-aventures.com Contact: Gisela RAMBELOMANANA Exhibiting with Madagascar National Tourism Board


EM1450 Calle Oceano Pacifico,1, Punta Del Hidalgo Tenerife, Canary Islands, 38240 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922156352 +34 922156000 Email: julia.kreppold@oceano-tenerife.com Web: www.oceano-tenerife.com Contact: Magda Corominas Roig Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation


Gemeindestrasse 4, Solden 6450 Austria Tel: Fax: +43 57 200 201 +43 57 200 Email: info@oetztal.com Web: www.oetztal.com Contact: Michaela Klotz Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office



38 Prechistenka Str., Moscow 119034 Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 775 91 22 Fax: +7 495 775 91 24 Email: info@ncrc.ru Web: www.ncrc.ru Contact: Pavel Achikyan Exhibiting with Russian Federation

OK-WORLD Travel Kiraly U. 16., Budapest 1061 Hungary +36 303393046 Tel: Email: andrea.wilk@okworld.hu Web: www.okworld.hu Contact: Andrea Wilk Exhibiting with Hungarian Tourism Plc.



Private Bag Bo13, Maun Botswana Tel: +267 6861211 Email: okavangoexpeditions@gmail.com Web: www.okavangoexpeditions.com Contact: Pieter Sollitt Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation


OKINAWA CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 1831-1 Oroku, Okinawa Japan, 901-0152 Japan Tel: Fax: +81 988596222 +81 988596127 Email: miyajun@ocvb.or.jp Web: www.ocvb.or.jp/en/ Contact: Junko MIYAUCHI Exhibiting with Japan National Tourism Organization

Ol Tukai Lodge


Off Rhapta Road, Westlands., P. O. Box 45403-00100 Gpo, Nairobi Kenya, 100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 4445514 Fax: +254 20 4448493 Email: jmatengo@manrik.com Web: www.oltukailodge.com Contact: JUDY MATENGO Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

Old Jameson Distillery


Irish Distillers Pernod Ricard, Bow Street, Dublin 7 Ireland Tel: +353 1 8072319 Email: Ray.Dempsey@pernod-ricard.com Web: www.tours.jamesonwhiskey.com Contact: Ray Dempsey Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland


5a. Avenida Sur No. 12, Antigua Guatemala Guatemala Tel: Fax: +502 78329170 +502 78324171 Email: matt@adventureguatemala.com Web: www.adventureguatemala.com Contact: Matthew Ryan Hartell Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

Olissippo Hotels


Av Republica, Nº 15 - 2º Andar, Lisboa Portugal, 1050-185 LISBOA Portugal Tel: Fax: +351 213182799 +351 213182791 Email: nuno.ferrari@olissippohotels.com Web: www.olissippohotels.com Contact: Nuno Ferrari Exhibiting with Portugal

Ollandini Voyages

Av Cocoteros 85 Sur Local 1-6a, Paradise Plaza, Nuevo Vallarta Nayarit, 63732 Mexico Tel: +52 3222972516 118 Email: ceguiarte@rivieranayarit.com www.rivieranayarit.com Web: Contact: Marc Murphy Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

OJSC ‘Northern Caucasus Resorts’



Paryatan Bhawan, Lewis Road, Bhubaneswar India, 751014 India Tel: +91 674 2432177 Fax: +91 674 2430887 Email: oritour@gmail.com Web: www.odishatourism.com Contact: H S Upadhyay

Oficina de Convenciones y Visitantes de Riviera Nayarit

Okavango Expeditions / Travel Adventures Botswana

Old Town Outfitters/Bike

Odisha Tourism

Oetztal Tourism


P.o.box 106, Zanzibar Tanzania, 106 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 774440990 Email: info@oceanparadisezanzibar.com Web: www.oceanparadisezanzibar.com Contact: Satish Shetty Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


World’s Leading Polar Expedition Operator since 2005. Oceanwide Expeditions specializes in expedition voyages to the Arctic and Antarctic. Besides these destinations we also offer expeditions and activities to several remote North and mid-Atlantic islands. To share our enthusiasm for these fascinating places we offer background information on our web-page www.oceanwide-expeditions.com

Skutuvogur 1h, Reykjavik 104 Iceland Tel: +354 415 0000 Email: asgeir@odinsoftware.is Web: www.odinsoftware.is Contact: Asgeir Bjarnason Exhibiting with Visit Iceland

Ocean 2 Partnership Ltd., Dover, Christ Church, Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4282872 +1246 4282825 Email: melissab@montrose.bb Web: www.southbeachbarbados.com; www.seabreeze.com; www.oceantwobarbados.com Contact: Melissa Chalbaud Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

Ocean Paradise Resort, Zanzibar

Bellamypark 9, 4381CG Netherlands Tel: Fax: +31 118410417 +31 118410410 Email: info@oceanwide-expeditions.com Web: www.oceanwide-expeditions.com Contact: Mellany van Domselaar


641 Mokena Drive, Miami Springs Florida, 33166 United States Tel: +1 305370 Email: Richard@oceandrivelimo.com Web: www.oceandrivelimo.com Contact: Richard Bennetti Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Ocean Hotels


Oceanwide Expeditions (Netherlands)



1 Rue Paul Colonna D’istria, Bp 304, Ajaccio 20131 CEDEX 1 France Tel: +33 495 23 92 95 Fax: +33 495 23 92 20 Email: commercial@ollandini.fr Web: www.ollandini.biz Contact: Najia Ayad Exhibiting with France



5, Razezhaya Street, Office 341, Saint-petersburg Russia, 191002 Russian Federation Tel: +7 812 336 60 80 Fax: +7 812 710 81 66 Email: tatiana.mirovshchikova@oltatravel.ru Web: www.oltatravel.com Contact: Tatiana Mirovshchikova Exhibiting with Saint Petersburg Express, JSC

Olympia Europe


19, Beauchamp Place, Knightsbridge, London SW3 1NQ United Kingdom Tel: +44 442075910811 Fax: +44 442031440042 Email: tino@olympia-tours.com Web: www.olympiaeurope.com Contact: Cristiana Garsia Olympia Europe consists of a platform representing a group of highly professional incoming tour operators with over 20 years experience.We provide a simple XML interface and a B2B booking engine featuring over 20000 hotels contracted directly all over Europe available online at all times.

Olympic Air


Athens International Airport, Building 57, Athens Greece, 19019 Greece +30 210 3550 458 Fax: +30 210 3550 481 Tel: Email: n.delli@olympicair.com Web: www.olympicair.com Contact: Natali Delli Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 361



Olympus Tours

Avenida Paseo Barcelo Plaza Colonial, Local 101, Punta Cana Dominican Republic +1809 831 6003 Tel: Fax: +1809 831 6003 Email: Msalazar@olympus-tours.com Web: www.olympus-tours.com Contact: Miguel Angel Salazar Exhibiting with Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism

Oman Air


Muscat International Airport, P.o.box 58, Muscat Oman, 111 Oman Tel: Fax: +968 24510880 +968 24519639 Email: yousufm@omanair.aero Web: www.omanair.com Contact: Yousuf Al-Raissi Oman Air, the flagship carrier of Oman, commenced operations in 1993. The Company has witnessed rapid growth in the last 15 years. At Oman Air, we strive hard to enhance our products in terms of convenience, efficiency and service so that flying with us is consistently an enjoyable experience.

Oman Airports Management Company


P.o. Box 1707, Muscat 111 Oman Tel: Fax: +968 24518088 +968 24518029 Email: wihaad@omanairports.com Web: www.omanairports.com Contact: Wihaad Al Harthi Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry

ME200 Po Box 200, Madinat Sultan Qaboos, Muscat Sultanate Of Oman, 115 Oman Tel: Fax: +968 24588855 +968 24588872 Email: salim.almamari@omantourism.gov.om Web: www.omantourism.gov.om Contact: Khalid Al-Zadjali A wealth of natural attractions, fascinating culture, stunning landscape and welcoming people. A wide range of award-winning five-star hotels. An array of activities from diving in the Indian Ocean to canoeing the fjords, bird watching to rock climbing or caving, dolphin or turtle watching, or browsing the souks for frankincense.


6a, Panselei Str, Bl. C2a, Sc.a, Ap.4, 2a Libertatii Str, Constanta Romania, 900598 Romania +40 241558576 Tel: Fax: +40 241558578 Email: office@omegatourism.ro Web: www.omegahotels.net Contact: Sabin Tarsoaga


Blvd. Kukulkan, L-48 Km16.5, Hotel Zone, Cancun 77500 Mexico +52 9988810630 Fax: +52 9988850059 Tel: Email: sbalesteri@omnicancun.com.mx Web: www.omnihotels.com Contact: Scott Balesteri Exhibiting with Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau

Omni Hotels & Resorts


2500 Calvert St Nw, Washington DC 2008 United States Tel: +1 202 265 5008 Email: bfriedman@omnihotels.com Web: www.omnihotels.com Contact: Barbara Friedman Exhibiting with Discover New England

On Location Tours



C/estocolmo 4, Rincon De Loix, Benidorm Alicante, 3503 Spain Tel: +34 966 80 32 32 Fax: +34 966 80 33 00 Email: comercial@onasol.es Web: www.onasol.es Contact: Inma Usano Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

One & Only Royal Mirage, Dubai


Al Sufouh Road, Po Box 37252, Dubai Uae, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 43999998 +971 43999999 Email: salesmarket@oneandonlyroyalmirage.ae Web: www.oneandonlyroyalmirage.com Contact: Scott Le Roi Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing


West Crescent Palm, P.o.box 114843, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 4401010 Email: mary.bishara@oneandonlythepalm.com Web: www.oneandonlythepalm.com Contact: Mary Bishara Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

One Global Translation


10 W. 37th Street, 10th Floor, New York Ny, 10018 United States Tel: Fax: +1 2126830274 +1 2126832027 Email: sales@onlocationtours.com www.screentours.com Web: Contact: Tim Robinson Exhibiting with Liberty Helicopters

362 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

One Ocean Expeditions


St John’’s Hall, Shirburn Street, Watlington Oxfordshire, OX49 5BT United Kingdom +44 1491 613424 Tel: Email: debra@toucanmoon.com Contact: Debra Taylor Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission

One&Only Cape Town


Dock Road, Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, Cape Town 8001 South Africa Tel: Fax: +27 21 4315223 +27 21 4315888 Email: francois.liebenberg@oneandonlycapetown.com Web: www.oneandonlycapetown.com Contact: Debra Algie Exhibiting with South African Tourism

One&Only Le Saint Geran


Le Saint Geran, Pointe De Flacq, Belle Mare Mauritius Tel: +230 4011688 Email: Sandrine.Boutin@oneandonlylesaintgeran.com Web: www.oneandonlylesaintgeran.com Contact: Sandrine Boutine Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

One&Only Reethi Rah

One&Only Resorts


One&only Resorts, 2-4 Packhorse Road, Gerrards Cross Buckinghamshire, SL9 7QE United Kingdom +44 1753 899 846 Fax: +44 1753 899 808 Tel: Email: Anisha.Ladha@kerzner.com Web: www.oneandonlyresorts.com Contact: Anisha Ladha Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas

Ontario Tourism (OTMPC)


Unit D, 28-29 The Quadrant, 135 Salusbury Road, London NW6 6RJ United Kingdom Tel: +44 416 317 7376 Email: pratt.frances@ctc-cct.ca Web: www.ontariotravel.net/uk Contact: Gabriele Kotz Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission

ONYX Hospitality Group


847 Petchburi Road, Pratunam, Rajthevi, Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 22553718 +66 22553767 Email: jarasrat.p@onyx-hospitality.com Web: www.onyx-hospitality.com Contact: Duncan Webb ONYX Hospitality Group operates four diverse yet complementary hotel brands – Saffron,Amari,Shama and OZO - each catering to the distinctive requirements of today’s business and leisure travellers. ONYX reaches beyond its Thai roots to offer innovative management solutions across the Indian Ocean, Arabian Gulf and Asia-Pacific regions. Visit www.onyx-hospitality.com.

Oostende Tourist Office


Monacoplein 2, Oostende 8400 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 59 70 34 77 +32 59 25 53 17 Email: trade@toerisme-oostende.be Web: www.visitoostende.be Contact: Brigitte Boddin Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office


Salts Mill, Victoria Road, Saltaire West Yorkshire, BD18 3LA United Kingdom +44 845 077 9960 Tel: Email: malin.drottman@tema-europe.com Web: www.one-global.com Contact: Malin Drottman Our Multilingual Business Services are applicable to companies from all sectors. We provide services to enable any business to reap the benefits of going global. As we offer Search Marketing, Translation, Telemarketing and Recruitment, we can provide all the support you need to ensure you succeed in new markets.

Online reservation system,beside,high standard IT technology(XML services and White Label solution),providing ground servicesaccomodation, transfers, sightseeing, rent a car and airline services(IATA acredited).We have our own extranet,as part of our technology,allowing our partners the posibility to integrate and promote to a high standard their services into www.OmegaHotels.net.

Omni Cancun Hotel & Villas


Cruz Da Bota Lote 4 R/c A - Estrada De Alvor, Portimao 8500521 ALVOR Portugal +351 282420480 Fax: +351 282420490 Tel: Email: carlos.bras@o2travelsolutions.com Web: www.on-travelsolutions.com/ Contact: Carlos Bras Exhibiting with Portugal

One & Only The Palm, Dubai

Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry

Omega Tourism & Services

On Pro Travel Solutions


One&only Reethi Rah, North Male’ Atoll Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 6648855 +960 6648800 Email: sales@oneandonlyreethirah.com www.oneandonlyresorts.com Web: Contact: Scott Leroi Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation



Rua Barata Ribeiro, 543 Sala 706, Copacabana, Rio De Janeiro Rj, 22040-001 Brazil Tel: +55 21 25455748 Fax: +55 21 22357427 Email: opco@opcotours.com Web: www.opcotours.com.br Contact: CARLOS SILVA Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


Open Destinations

Unit 11, 7 Wenlock Road, London London, N1 7SL United Kingdom Tel: +44 2075539220 Fax: +44 2072501541 Email: sales@opendestinations.com www.opendestinations.com Web: Contact: Kaarina Lehto Open Destinations offer products for inbound/outbound operators and accommodation providers with FIT, package, group or escorted tour requirements. · Travel Studio – real time reservations management for medium to large tour operators · Fare Studio airfares database. Travel Builder - reservations system for smaller, specialised operators. Low cost outsourcing

Open Travel Service


Eth. Antistaseos 122, Heraclion Crete, 71306 Greece Tel: +30 2810 335963 Fax: +30 2810 222425 Email: Tzobanakis@mtsincoming.gr Web: www.opentravelservice.com Contact: Dimitris Tzombanakis Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation



49 A Al Thawra St , Heliopolis, Cairo Egypt, Egypt +20 222908337 Tel: Fax: +20 2 22908038 Email: ola.amer@mtsegypt.com Contact: Ola Amer Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority



1270 Broadway, Ste 507, New York NY 10001 United States +1 2122229433 Tel: Fax: +1 2129717242 Email: info@opentours.com Web: www.opentours.com Contact: Igor Mattio Since 2004, Opentours offers a diversified range of products from seat-in-coach, private, concierge-like personalized services, to ground transportation, excursions, hotels, special services in all major US destinations. Our recently launched Asian Division in Bangkok handles all inbound tourism throughout Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar.


EXHIBITOR PROFILES Operation Europe Travel


11 Ebenezer Street, London N1 7NP United Kingdom Tel: +44 2075665400 Fax: +44 2075665401 Email: tom@operationeurope.com Web: www.operationeurope.com Contact: Tom Barrett An established wholesale incoming group operator based in London with additional offices in the USA. We can help you design or cost your specialist itinerary for an incentive, technical, educational, sport participation, music, common theme or special interest group tour anywhere in Europe, plus the USA and Canada.

Ora Resorts Zanzibar & Co. Ltd


P.o Box 3240, Zanzibar Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of +255 24 223 4413 Fax: +255 24 223 4418 Tel: Email: monica.micheli@staffandco.it Web: www.orahotels.com Contact: Monica Micheli Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Orange County Hotels & Resorts Ltd


2nd Floor, St. Patrick’s Business Complex, Bangalore India, 560 025 India Tel: +91 08041911000 Fax: +91 08025582425 Email: Cherian.ramapuram@orangecounty.in Web: www.orangecounty.in Contact: Cherian T Ramauram Orange County Resorts is an experiential holiday company that owns luxury resorts affiliated to ‘Small Luxury Hotels of the World’, at Coorg & Kabini, Karnataka, India. The Orange County Experience enshrines a simple philosophy: Provide exquisite holiday experiences while preserving the purity of nature and culture of the land.

Orascom Development: El Gouna, Red Sea & Taba Heights, Sinai


Gotthardstrasse 12, Altdorf CH-6460 Switzerland Tel: +41 41 874 17 17 Fax: +41 41 874 17 07 Email: patricia.lewis@orascomhd.com Web: www.orascomdh.com Contact: Patricia Lewis Orascom Development a leading developer of fully integrated towns featuring hotels, real estate and high-end leisure facilities. OD’s diversified portfolio spreads over nine jurisdictions, with primary focus on touristic towns and recently affordable housing. The group has four existing projects, among them El Gouna and Taba Heights.

ORBITA Hotel Complex


39, Pushkina Ave., Minsk 220092 Belarus Tel: +375 172063933 Fax: +375 172520607 Email: info@orbita-hotel.com Web: www.orbita-hotel.com Contact: Olga Prihod’ko Exhibiting with Belarus National Tourism Agency

Orchid Hotel Management


1 Sapir St., Herzeliya Israel +972 99603700 Tel: Email: ronit@orchidplaza.co.il Web: www.orchidhotel.co.il Contact: Ronit Friedman Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

Orient Express Travels & Tours

Orient Tours LLC

33, Dagbitskaya Str, Samarkand 140120 Uzbekistan Tel: +998 66 232 01 85 Fax: +998 66 232 29 91 Email: office@tour-orient.com Web: www. tour-orient.com Contact: Murad Saydaminov Exhibiting with Uzbekistan

Immeuble Des Avocat, No 520, 5eme Etage, Agadir Agadir, 80020 Morocco Tel: +212 528824898 Fax: +212 528824894 Email: sales-manager@oriontrek.com Web: www.oriontrek.com Contact: Jane Folliott Exhibiting with Global Discovery / Adventure Now



Po Box 61790, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 42828154 +971 42828238 Email: otdxb@emirates.net.ae Web: www.orienttours.ae Contact: A.R. Gori Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Department Of Tourism , Paryatan Bhawan, Government Of Orissa, Bhubaneswar Orissa, 751001 India Tel: +91 674 2390005 Fax: +91 674 2536619 Email: oritour@gmail.com Web: www.orissatourism.gov.in Contact: Ashok Kumar Tripathy Exhibiting with India Tourism


P.o. Box 26820, Sharjah United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 65685077 +971 65682323 Email: otshj@emirates.net.ae Web: www.orienttours.ae Contact: Daniela Lorenz Exhibiting with Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority


Orlando Sanford International Airport

3200 Red Cleveland Boulevard #3200, Sanford Florida, 32773 United States Tel: +1 407 585 4500 Email: greg.Dull@tbinsinc.aero Web: www.orlandosanfordairport.com Contact: Greg Dull Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA


ORO Travel Calle Coral #205, Granada Nicaragua Tel: Fax: +505 25526512 +505 25524568 Email: pascal@orotravel.com Web: www.orotravel.com Contact: Pascal Picot Exhibiting with Latincoming


22a Todor Ikonomov, Varna 9000 Bulgaria Tel: +359 886008224 Email: b.kostadinova@orthanna.com Web: www.orthanna.com Contact: Boyana Kostadinova Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism

Orthodox Cruise Company


5, Alabyana Street, Moscow 125057 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 4991981101 +7 4999438562 Email: office@cruise.ru Web: www.cruise.ru, Contact: Irina Samorodskaya Exhibiting with Saint Petersburg Express, JSC


Ljudevita Posavskog 7a, Sesvete Zagreb, 10360 Croatia Tel: +385 1 2900 333 Fax: +385 1 2900 306 Email: marijan.babic@oryx-rent.hr Web: www.oryx-rent.hr Contact: marijan babic Exhibiting with Croatian National Tourist Board

Oryx Rotana Hotel


Al Nahda School Street, Doha Qatar, 29922 Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 4402 3300 +974 4402 3333 Email: gabriele.ferola@rotana.com Web: www.rotana.com/rotanahotelandresorts/qatar /doha/oryxrotana Contact: Gabriele Ferola Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority

Ospitalita’ a Bologna Orient Tours LLC


Orissa Tourism




63/64 Graham Street, Sliema Sliema, SLM 1711 Malta Tel: Fax: +356 21340745 +356 21343790 Email: george@oswaldarrigoltd.com Web: www.arrigoswaldmc.com Contact: George Arrigo Exhibiting with Malta Tourism Authority


Orion Trek Voyages - Morocco

ORYX rent a car

70 Janpath, New Delhi New Delhi, 110001 India Tel: +91 11 4151 4430 Fax: +91 11 2332 5198 Email: tours@orientexpressltd.com Web: www.orientexpressltd.com Contact: Manish Poddar Exhibiting with India Tourism


Orient Voyages


Via S.margherita, 7/2, Bologna 40123 Italy Tel: +39 051 7457212 Fax: +39 051 7457227 Email: info@bolognaitaly.it Web: www.bolognaitaly.it Contact: Mauro Orsi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

OTI Holding


Barboros Mh., Serik Cad.no:217, Antalya Turkey, 7110 Turkey Tel: Fax: +90 2423108300 +90 2423494848 Email: info@otiholding.com Web: www.otiholding.com Contact: Tayfun Kinaci ODEON DMC,which is under the management of OTI HOLDING,is operatingfrom 60airports located at 15 origin countries(Russia, Poland, Ukraine,Balkanians,CIS,Middle East etc) to 30airports located at 27destinations with subsidiary Incoming Agencies, subsidiary TourOperators, local Incoming Agencies with realization of 1.023.000 tourists at 2009 and 1.350.000 at 2010.

OTP Travel


Nador Street 21, Budapest 1051 Hungary Tel: +36 13547325 Email: abalatoni@otptravel.ru Web: www.lcc-otptravel.com Contact: Anna Balatoni Exhibiting with Hungarian Tourism Plc.


OTT 33 Islington High Street, London London, N1 9LH United Kingdom Tel: +44 8456432533 Email: info@onlinetraveltraining.co.uk Web: www.onlinetraveltraining.com Contact: Bruce Martin

OTT is the world’s leading provider of travel agent eLearning offering over 100 product training courses. Our multi-award winning online platform enables travel organisations to engage directly with a huge global travel agent community.New for WTM 2012: new branding, new plaform, new features including multi-language ability & much more.

Out Now


Lage Nieuwstraat 372, The Hague 2512 VX Netherlands Tel: +31 623227354 Email: ian.johnson@outnowconsulting.com Web: www.outnowconsulting.com Contact: Ian Johnson Out Now Business Class - world’s leading membership association to reach the valuable LGBT - lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender travel markets. www.OutNowBusinessClass.com is the industry’s global resource to educate, network, train staff and connect most effectively to target LGBT customers. Industry leading exhibitors are waiting to help you.

Ovest Destination Italie


Viale Nizza, 16, Sorrento Na, 80067 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0818072375 +39 0815329611 Email: ovest@ovest.com Web: www.ovest.com Contact: Paolo Durante Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Owadan-Tourism Co.


Azadi Str. 65, Ashgabat Ashgabat, 744000 Turkmenistan +993 12 39 18 25 Fax: +993 12 35 48 60 Tel: Email: trowadan@online.tm Web: www.owadan.net Contact: Sapargylych Rahmanov Exhibiting with Silk Road Destinations

Oxalis Holidays Ltd.


1-c 540 Ebisu-cho Anekoji, Kiyamachi-dori Chukyo-ku, Kyoto 604 8005 Japan Tel: Fax: +81 665371791 +81 5055346537 Email: matt@malcomson.com Web: www.oxal.is Contact: Matt MALCOMSON Exhibiting with Japan National Tourism Organization

Oxford Hotels and Inns


Regus House, Victory Way, Admirals Park, Crossways, Dartford Kent, DA2 6QD United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1241 411999 Fax: +44 (0)1241 411998 Email: Alison.stevenson@ohiml.com Web: www.oxfordhotelsandinns.com Contact: Alison Stevenson Exhibiting with UKinbound

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 363




13, Yantra Street, Sofia 1504 Bulgaria Tel: +359 888905811 Email: g.pasev@p-group.eu Web: www.p-group.eu Contact: Gorcho Pasev Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism


P&O Ferries

Channel House, Channel View Road, Dover Kent, CT17 7JT United Kingdom Tel: +44 7850 832741 Email: dave.ashcroft@poferries.com Web: www.poferries.com Contact: Dave Ashcroft Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)


Pacific Asia Travel Association

28th Floor Siam Tower, 989 Rama 1 Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand +66 26582000 Tel: Fax: +66 26582010 Email: europe@PATA.org Web: www.pata.org Contact: Sheila Leong The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) is a not-for profit membership association that acts as a catalyst for the responsible development of travel and tourism to, from, and within the Asia Pacific region. More information, please visit www.PATA.org


Pacific Destinationz Private Bag, Nadi Fiji Tel: Fax: +679 6725 176 +679 6725 177 Email: tours@pdfj.com.fj Web: www.pacificdestinationz.co.nz Contact: James Sowane Exhibiting with Fiji (Tourism Fiji)

Pacto Ltd. Indonesia


Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai 141, Sanur, Bali Indonesia, 80288 Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361288703 +62 361288790 Email: marketing@pactobali.com Web: www.pactoltd.com Contact: Marketing Pacto Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

239, Dt Mega Mall, Dlf Phase-1, Gurgaon Haryana, 122002 India +91 9821531388 Fax: +91 1244477970 Tel: Email: corporate@palacesofindia.com Web: www.campsofindia.com, www.palacesofindia.com Contact: Ranjit Singh Parmar Exhibiting with Travel Inn (India) Pvt. Ltd.


5 Beresford Place, Lower Gardiner St, Dublin 1 Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 1 8130765 +353 1 8230822 Email: mikew@paddywagontours.com www.paddywagontours.com Web: Contact: Cathal O’’Connell Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

P.o.box 48728, Nairobi Kenya Tel: +254 202715517 Fax: +254 202715519 Email: sujit@palacina.com Web: www.palacina.com Contact: Sujit Shah Exhibiting with The Zanzibar Collection

Palácio Estoril Hotel & Golf

Palestinian National Authority


7b Athinon & Al. Papagou Ave, Tolmi Court 101, Pobox 60082, Pafos 8100 Cyprus +357 26818173 Tel: Fax: +357 26944602 Email: info@visitpafos.org.cy Web: www.visitpafos.org.cy Contact: Nasos Hadjigeorgiou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Paganella Ski


Piazzale Paganella, Andalo Tn, 38010 Italy Tel: +39 0461 585298 Fax: +39 0461 585707 Email: info@paganella.net Web: www.paganella.net Contact: Christian Vivari Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Palace Resorts


Carretera Cancun-chetumal Km.340, Cancun Mexico, 77500 Mexico Tel: +52 998 1932010 Email: jseminario@palaceresorts.com www.palaceresorts.com Web: Contact: Juan Carlos Seminario Exhibiting with Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau

Circuit De La Palemeraie, Bp1488, Marrakech 40 000 Morocco +212 5 24 30 10 10 Fax: +212 5 24 36 87 38 Tel: Email: hanane.rzina@pgp.ma Web: www.palmeraiemarrakech.com Contact: Hanane R’zina Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office


Palmetto Bay Plantation/Honduras

Carretera Mt Vecinal, Banda Norte, Roatan, North Shore, Roatan, Islas De La Bahia Bay Islands, IB 3100 Honduras Tel: Fax: +504 7865132853 +504 99704445 Email: cecilia@palmettobayplantation.com Web: www.palmettobayplantation.com Contact: Cecilia Chamer Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)



Alti Kum Mahallesi, Bazmer Hotel Isl, Aydin 9270 Turkey Tel: +90 256 8138303 Fax: +90 256 813 7638 Email: info@palmwings.com.tr www.palmwings.com.tr Web: Contact: Ercüment Alkaner Exhibiting with PENINSULA TOURS

ME250 EM748

Ministry Of Tourism & Antiquities, Po Box 534, Bethlehem Palestine, PO BOX 534 Palestinian Territory, Occupied Tel: +970 22741581 2 Fax: +970 22743753 Email: marketing@travelpalestine.ps Web: www.travelpalestine.ps Contact: Majed Ishaq


Present at Palestine stand (no. ME 250) will be H E Mrs. Rula Maáyah Minister of Tourism & Antiquities beside representatives from the ministry, tour operators and hoteliers. They will be ready to provide journalists, agents and other interested people with information on Palestine and its attractions.

Paloma Hotels, the well-known quality hotel chain in Turkey, stands for outstanding personal service and comfortable stylish rooms. Taste the excellent food with our own organic food and wine. Let your kids enjoy the many facilities while you get spoiled by our beach concept. New for winter: Paloma Primetimer Club.

Palm Beach County Convention & Visitors Bureau



1555 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd, Suite 800, West Palm Beach Florida, 33401 United States +1 5612333000 Tel: Fax: +1 5612333009 Email: rtrujillo@palmbeachfl.com Web: www.palmbeachfl.com Contact: Rodrigo Trujillo Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Yenigol Mah., Serik Cad, No:64/2 Antalya, 7170 Turkey Tel: +90 902423414075 Fax: +90 902423414085 Email: saityardimci@clubmedisa.com Web: www.palomahotels.com Contact: Atilla Boncuklu

15 Mayis M. 554/1 S. No:5, Denizli 20100 Turkey Tel: +90 258 264 39 71 Fax: +90 258 264 76 21 Email: turizmm@hotmail.com Web: www.pamukkakle.gov.tr, www.denizli.org.tr Contact: Mehmet KORKMAZ Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Pan Lanka Travels & Tours


C/ Oslo 2, Benidorm Alicante, 3503 Spain Tel: +34 96 585 04 00 Fax: +34 96 586 53 80 Email: comercial@palm-beach-hotel.com Web: www.palm-beach-hotel.com Contact: Camila Granberg Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

P.o. Box 40394, Larnaka CY 6303 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 24644770 +357 24846600 Email: gm@palmbeachhotel.com Web: www.palmbeachhotel.com Contact: Antonis Papakyriakou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Palm Beach Hotel Group


Hastings, Christ Church Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 228 9879 +1246 4388000 Email: Leif.brandel@amaryllisbeachresort.com www.amaryllisbeachresort.com Web: Contact: Leif Brandel Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

Palm Garden Resort


P. O. Box 9473, Panama City Beach Florida, 32417 United States Tel: +1 8502335070 Email: agager@visitpanamacitybeach.com Web: www.visitpanamacitybeach.com Contact: Ann Gager Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Panama Crown Tours/Panama


Ave. Jose De Fabrega Y Clle 1era, Casa 2, Local 2, Local B, Bella Vista, El Cangrejo, Panama Panama Tel: Fax: +507 2644551 +507 2644552 Email: admin@panamacrown.com Web: www.panamacrown.com Contact: Salvador Perez Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)


Lac Long Quan, Cua Dai, Quang Nam 10000 Vietnam Tel: +84 84 510 3927927 Fax: +84 84 510 3927688 Email: sales@pgr.com.vn Web: www.palmgardenresort.com.vn Contact: Doan Tran Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism

PALMA 365 Tourist Board


6, Palmyrah Avenue, Colombo 3 Sri Lanka +94 777683060 Tel: Fax: +94 114518881 Email: tours@panlanka.com Web: www.panlanka.com Contact: Gulam Abdulhussein Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Panama City Beach CVB




Samuel Lewis Ave, Gerardo Ortega St. 1st Floor Central Building, Panama City Panama, 507 Panama Tel: Fax: +507 5267131 +507 5267000 Email: alopez@atp.gob.pa Web: www.visitpanama.com Contact: Astrid López Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)


Victoria 2, Principal, Palma De Mallorca Mallorca ( Baleares), 7001 Spain Tel: +34 971 225986 Email: acanellas@atb.caib.es Web: www.es-palmavirtual.es Contact: antonia Cañellas Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

364 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Palmeraie Hotels & Resorts


Rua Particular, Estoril Portugal, 2769-504 ESTORIL Portugal Tel: +351 214648100 Fax: +351 214648159 Email: guedes.sousa@hotelestorilpalacio.pt Web: www.palacioestorilhotel.com Contact: Manuel Guedes de Sousa Exhibiting with Portugal



Palacina Residence & Suites

Palm Beach Hotel Paddywagon Tours



Panama Trails/Panama


Edificio Plaza Morica, Calle 50 Y 71, San Francisco, Panama City Panama, Panama Tel: Fax: +507 3938337 +507 3938334 Email: fobrist@panamatrails.com www.panamatrails.com Web: Contact: Fabian Obrist Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

EXHIBITOR PROFILES Panamericana de viajes DMC


Carrera 13 No. 97 - 76 Of. 204, Bogota Colombia Tel: +57 (1) 6500400 Email: natalia.velez@panamericanaviajes.com Web: www.wwww.panamericanadeviajes.net Contact: Natalia Velez Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia



Carlos Pellegrini 551, Buenos Aires 1003 Argentina Tel: +54 11 4348 5100 Fax: +54 11 4348 5250 Email: abertini@panamericano.us Web: www.hotelespanamericano.com Contact: Silvana Relats Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion

Panorama Brazil DMC


Avenida Churchill,60, Rio De Janeiro 20020-050 Brazil Tel: +55 21 9298 0555 Email: daniel.cabral@panoramabrazil.com Web: www.panoramabrazil.com Contact: Daniel Cabral da Silva Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Panorama Destination Indonesia


Jl Tomang Raya No. 63, Jakarta Indonesia, 11440 Indonesia Tel: +62 21 56958585 Fax: +62 21 56958555 Email: ricky.setiawanto@panorama-tours.com Web: www.panorama-destination.com Contact: Ricky Setiawanto Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Panorama Perú


Calle Bellavista 210, Miraflores, Lima Peru, 18 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 4118923 +51 4118900 Email: marketing@panorama-peru.com Web: www.panorama-peru.com Contact: Julio Massa Exhibiting with PromPeru

Panorama Tours & Travel GmbH



Stegne 11c, Ljubljana 1000 Slovenia Tel: +386 1 600 43 03 Fax: +386 1 600 43 25 Email: nina.knific@panoramic-travel.com Web: www.panoramic-travel.com Contact: Nina Knific Exhibiting with Slovenian Tourist Board

Panoramic Travel Group / Panoramic Serbia


Bul.mihajla Pupina 10z/iv, Belgrade Serbia, 11070 Serbia Tel: +381 11 311 9727 Fax: +381 11 313 04 86 Email: jelena.djuricanin@panoramic-serbia.com Web: www.panoramic-serbia.com Contact: Jelena Djuricanin Exhibiting with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia



Av Jabaquara, 1761 Saude, Sao Paolo 04045 901 Brazil Tel: +55 11 2764 4800 Fax: +55 11 2276 1602 Email: guillermo@panrotas.com.br Web: www.panrotas.com.br Contact: Jose Guillermo Condomi Alcorta

3900 Paradise Rd, Suite 233, Las Vegas Nevada, 89169 United States Tel: +1 702 736 6322 Email: robert.graff@papillon.com Web: www.papillon.com Contact: Robert Graff Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority



Papillon Lagoon Reef, P. O. Box 5292- 80401 Diani, Mombasa Kenya, 80401 Kenya Tel: +254 20 87419030 Fax: +254 20 87419030 Email: ian.taplin@rexsafaris.com Web: www.rexresorts.com Contact: Ian Taplin Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority



Kasarani Off Thika Road, P.o. Box 45038 - 00100, Kenya 100 Kenya Tel: Fax: +254 3633919 +254 3633000 Email: gm@safariparkhotel.co.ke Web: www.safaripark-hotel.com Contact: SOLOMON MATIRI Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board


Anse Volbert, Praslin, Praslin Seychelles, Seychelles Tel: Fax: +248 4232019 +248 4293293 Email: paradise@seychelles.net Web: www.paradisesunhotel.com Contact: Samia Sedgwick Exhibiting with Seychelles Tourism Board



123 Moo 1, Bang-khanun, Bang-kruai, Nonthaburi 11130 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2 4594709 +66 2 45947057 Email: sales@panviman.com Web: www.panviman.com Contact: Pimkwan Tangsatjatham Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


Requena, 3, Madrid 28013 Spain Tel: +34 915 166 719 Fax: +34 915 166 664 Email: cristina.codina@parador.es Web: www.parador.es Contact: Cristina Codina Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Paraguay Secretaria Nacional de Turismo


Palma N° 468, Asuncion Asuncion, Paraguay +595 21441530 Tel: Fax: +595 21491230 Email: marketing1@senatur.gov.py Web: www.paraguay.travel Contact: Juani Quevedo PARAGUAY YOU HAVE TO FEEL IT Paraguay is a country to be discovered, with the same passion of the early conquers that arrived to these lands of sun and forest. The main attractions are the many cultures and natural ecosystems that can be enjoyed and are shared with neighboring countries.

Parc Asterix./ Musée Grévin


Bp 8, Plailly 60128 France Tel: Fax: +33 344623461 +33 344623014 Email: emiliemabire@parcasterix.com Web: www.parcasterix.com/www.grevin.com Contact: Emilie Mabire Exhibiting with France

11 Rue Du Faubourg Poissonniere, 75009 France +33 (0)1 73 00 77 00 Tel: Fax: +33 (0)1 73 00 77 70 Email: eraez@nouveau-paris-idf.com Web: www.nouveau-paris-idf.com Contact: Eugenio Raez Exhibiting with France


11 Rue Royale, Fontainebleau 77300 France Tel: +33 160 39 60 39 Fax: +33 160 39 60 40 Email: morelle@tourisme77.com Web: www.paris-whatelse.com Contact: Pauline Morelle Exhibiting with France


Parityrate.com Hotel eDistribution

C/o Techotel Sas, Via Alzaia Trieste 11, Milan 20094 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0245100392 +39 3483732395 Email: uk@parityrate.com Web: www.parityrate.com Contact: Raffaello Bindi ParityRate web based 2-way ‘real-time’ Hotel Channel Manager instantly updates all your online distribution channels with one click. Enhance your online strategy, increase revenue, brand recognition, and monitor your competitors rates, and save hours of time on daily updates. Experience the benefits with our free 30 day trial email uk@parityrate.com.


No. 4, 2 Archie Street, London SE1 3JT United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)2072602993 Email: robin@pngtourism.org.uk Web: www.papuanewguinea.travel Contact: Robin Russel-Pavier Exhibiting with South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO)

Paris Ile-de-France Tourist Board

Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications

Panviman Group of Resorts

Paris, What Else?


Paradise Sun

Schrannengasse 2/2, Salzburg 5020 Austria Tel: Fax: +43 662 871618 +43 662 883211 Email: sherzl@panoramatours.com Web: www.panoramatours.com Contact: Stefan Herzl Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

Panoramic Travel Group

Papillon Helicopters & Grand Canyon Scenic Airlines




Park East Africa Ltd

Boma Rd. Lutheran Center, 2nd Floor Room 204, Arusha Tanzania, Tanzania, United Republic Of +255 754 862 557 Fax: +255 27 254 58 58 Tel: Email: weryix@parkeastafrica.com Web: www.parkeastafrica.com Contact: Emmanuel Wera Exhibiting with East Africa Tourism Network


Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas Po Box 52007, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 24071235 +971 24071234 Email: salik.mangrio@hyatt.com Web: www.abudhabi.park.hyatt.com Contact: Salik Mangrio Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas


Po Box 52007, Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi Uae, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 2 4071235 +971 2 4071234 Email: salik.mangrio@hyatt.com Web: www.abudhabi.park.hyatt.com Contact: Salik Shabir Mangrio Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Park Hyatt Dubai


Po Box 2822, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 46021606 +971 46021614 Email: katharina.kustos@hyatt.com Web: www.dubai.park.hyatt.com Contact: Katharina Kustos Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Park Hyatt Goa Resort and Spa


Arossim Beach, Cansaulim, Goa 403 712 India Tel: +91 22 6675 4444 Fax: +91 22 6675 8966 Email: bhagwan.balani@hyatt.com Web: www.parkhyattgoa.com Contact: Bhagwan Balani Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Park Hyatt Siem Reap


Sivutha Boulevard, Siem Reap Cambodia Tel: +855 63 21 1234 Fax: +855 63 966 001 Email: sarah.moya@hyatt.com Web: www.siemreap.park.hyatt.com Contact: Sarah Moya Exhibiting with Hyatt Hotels & Resorts

Park Inn


Av. 6 Street 28., San Jose Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 22585357 +506 22571011 Email: reservas@parkinncostarica.com Web: www.parkinn.com Contact: Lizy Jimenez Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board

Park Inn by Radisson Hotels


Rezidor Hotel Group, C/o Gso, Park Inn Manchester Victoria, Manchester M4 4EW United Kingdom Tel: +44 844 847 6742 Fax: +44 844 847 6748 Email: leisuresalesuk@carlsonrezidor.com Web: www.parkinn.com Contact: Susan Coulthart Exhibiting with The Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 365



Park Inn by Radisson Luxembourg City


45-47, Avenue De La Gare, Luxembourg 1611 Luxembourg Tel: Fax: +352 2689 1899 +352 268 91 81 Email: florence.pichon@park-inn.lu www.parkinn.com/hotel-luxembourg Web: Contact: Florence Pichon Exhibiting with Luxembourg National Tourist Office


Park Regis Kris Kin Hotel

P.o. Box 8264, Sheikh Khalifah Bin Zayed Street, Dubai United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates +971 3771111 Tel: Fax: +971 3574477 Email: lbarrios@parkregisdubai.com Web: www.parkregisdubai.com Contact: Lynn Barrios Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing


Park South Hotel 122 E. 28th St., New York Ny, 10016 United States Tel: +1 2122045228 Email: cmurray@parksouthhotel.com Web: www.parksouthhotel.com Contact: Charmaine Murray Exhibiting with NYC & Company




Rue Wiertz, 60, Brussels 1047 Belgium Tel: +32 22832222 Email: parlamentarium@ep.europa.eu Web: www.europarl.europa.eu/parlamentarium Contact: Anja FUCHS-KÖNIG Exhibiting with Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia

Parma Incoming


Via Abbeveratoia, 64a, Parma 43126 Italy +39 0521298883 Fax: +39 0521298826 Tel: Email: info@parmaincoming.it Web: www.parmaincoming.it Contact: Mauro Graziano Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Parnassus Resorts


Blvd Kukulkan Km 16.9 Lote 52-04 Zona Hotelera, Cancun Quintana Roo, 77500 Mexico Tel: +52 998 287 14 00 Fax: +52 998 287 14 44 Email: pp@parnasussresorts.com Web: www.parnassusresorts.com/ Contact: Pedro Pinahl Exhibiting with Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau

Parody Holidays/ParodyTur


Cathedral Square, P.o.box 941, Gibraltar GX11 1AA Gibraltar Tel: Fax: +350 20047364 +350 20047366 Email: sgaragesml@gibtelecom.net www.parodyholidays.com Web: Contact: Bob Pugh Exhibiting with Gibraltar Tourist Board



Avda. Las Americas,nº2, Playa De Las Americas, Arona, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Canary Islands, 38660 Spain +34 922 746103 Tel: Fax: +34 922 797403 Email: parque@parquesantiago.com Web: www.parquesantiago.com Contact: Arturo Rodriguez Dovalo Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

Pas-de-Calais Tourism


Route De La Tresorerie, Wimille 62126 France Tel: +33 (0)3 21 10 34 60 Fax: +33 (0)3 21 30 04 81 Email: benoit@pas-de-calais.com Web: www.pas-de-calais.com Contact: Lydie Rault Exhibiting with France

366 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


145 Africa Avenue, Tehran 1915613339 Iran (Islamic Republic Of) +98 2122058833 Fax: +98 2122058866 Tel: Email: info@pasargad-tours.com Web: www.pasargad-tours.com Contact: Parvaneh Sattari We are an incoming tour operator in Iran offering short/long itineraries for sightseeing, archaeological, cultural, adventure, outdoor, discovery tours for small/large groups and incentives. Our services are all inclusive and of the highest standards backed by our intimate knowledge of Iran and highly qualified office and field staff.

Passafiume Turismo


Via G. Garibaldi 3, Termini Imerese 90018 Italy Tel: +39 091 8111870 Fax: +39 091 8111870 Email: passafiumeturismo@libero.it Web: www.passafiumeturismo.it Contact: Salvatore Passafiume Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Stationsplein 2, Kortrijk 8500 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 56 22 14 02 +32 56 22 03 03 Email: bob@parkhotel.be www.parkhotel.be Web: Contact: Bob Van Mol Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office


Pasargad Tours


Av. Borges De Medeiros, Numero 633, Sala 407, Rio De Janeiro 22430-041 Brazil Tel: +55 21 21429334 Fax: +55 21 25113739 Email: mariana@passionbrazil.com Web: www.passionbrazil.com Contact: ALICE BONETI Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur



Stita House, 11 Trinity Lane, Cheltenham Gloucestershire, GL52 2NT United Kingdom Tel: +44 1242 515712 Fax: +44 1242 521422 Email: justin@stita.co.uk www.pathfinders.co.uk Web: Contact: Justin Taylor Exhibiting with UKinbound

Patong Beach Hotel and Baan Samui Resort


13th Floor Ocean Tower 1, 170/38 Ratchadapisek Road, Klong Toey, Bangkok 10110 Thailand +66 22612986 Tel: Fax: +66 22612984 Email: sales@see2sea.com Web: www.see2sea.com Contact: Nitaya Plungsuchon Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Patrizia Rapisarda Incentives


Via Montelauro, 4, Tremestieri Etneo 95030 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 095 335399 +39 095 335353 Email: pr@pr-incentives.it Web: www.pr-incentives.it Contact: Martina Reggio Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Pattaya City


609 M.10 Phratumnak Rd., Nongprue, Bangramoong, Chonburi Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 38 429 113 +66 38 427 667 Email: urai.muk@hotmail.com www.tourismthailand.org Web: Contact: Urai Mukpradabthong Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Pattaya Moutain Beach Hotel

PATUYAB - PAMUCAK TOURISM INVESTORS EM800,EM850 UNION Aqua Fantasy Aquapark & Hotel, Ephesus Beach, Izmir 35921 Turkey +90 2328931111 Fax: +90 2328931265 Tel: Email: patuyab@gmail.com Web: www.ephesusbeachhotels.com Contact: Ahmet Karakus Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

124/24 Moo 3 Lamai Bach Koh Samui, Suratthani 84310 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2 644 7842 +66 2 644 9450 Email: ados@pavilionsamui.com Web: www.pavilionsamui.com Contact: Krittamate Arunsart Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


Peace and Plenty P.o.box Ex 29173, Georgetown Exuma, Bahamas Email: info@peaceandplenty.com Web: www.peaceandplenty.com Contact: Barry Benjamin Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas

Peach Hill Resort / Peach Blossom Resort / Andaman Cannacia Resort, phuket


2 Leamsai Rd.,t.karon A.muanga.muang, Phuket 83100 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 76330895 +66 76371600 Email: nichaboon@peach-hill.com Web: www.peachgroup.co.th Contact: Nichaboon Sutiboun Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Peakwork GmbH - The Player Hub Company


Flinger Str. 36, Dusseldorf 40213 Germany Tel: +49 21130049210 Fax: +49 2113004375 Email: sales@peakwork.de Web: www.peakwork.com Contact: Petra Pollini Peakwork is the software specialist for the tourism industry. Our globally unique innovations help us set new standards in the sector for improved data quality, quantity, up-to-dateness, and speed in travel production and sales. Peakwork’s unique PLAYER-HUB Technology is the innovative high performance solution also for dynamic packaging.

PEGA DMC Germany GmbH


Hausener Weg 41, Frankfurt Am Main 60489 Germany Tel: +49 6976805670 Fax: +49 69768056750 Email: germany@pegadmc.de Web: www.pegadmc.de Contact: Christian Feilmeier Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board

Pegasus - The Welcoming Agencies


Universitatsring 8, Vienna 1010 Austria +43 1 59933 200 Fax: +43 1 59933 43 Tel: Email: renate.forte@pegasus.at Web: www.pegasus.at Contact: Renate Forte Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office


378/16 Moo 12 Nongprue , Banglamung, Chonburi 20150 Thailand +66 38 250 5024 Fax: +66 38 306 480 Tel: Email: natthasithw@yahoo.com Web: www.moutainbeach.co.th Contact: Natthasith Wijitwikrom Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Pelican Bay at Lucaya


78/4 Moo 8 Sukumvit Road,na Jomtien Sattahp, Chonburi 20250 Thailand Tel: +66 38 238 6568 Fax: +66 38 235 611 Email: sales@seasandsunpty.com Web: www.seasandsunpty.com Contact: Nitipat Patchimnan Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


Po Box F-42654, Freeport Bahamas Email: marva.munroe@pelicanbayhotel.com Web: www.pelicanbayhotel.com Contact: Marva Monroe Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas

PENINSULA TOURS Pattaya Sea Sand Sun Resort and Spa


Pavilion Samui Boutique Resort


Turgut Ozal Bulvari 27, Aydin 9400 Turkey Tel: +90 2566144481 Fax: +90 2566146911 Email: fahrettin.cicek@peninsula.com.tr Web: www.peninsula.com.tr Contact: Kayihan Suer PENINSULATOURS INC ,established in 1988 is a fully licensed (A) group travel company ,specialising in incoming and outgoing travel in Turkey. PENINSULA TOURS operates six fully licensed offices at six major tourist regions of Turkey.PENINSULATOURS have gone under contract with more than 500 tourist establishments for their partners.



P.o. Box 2017, North Male’ Atoll, Huvafen Fushi Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 6644333 +960 6644222 Email: amjad.thaufeeg@niyama.com Web: www.peraquum.com Contact: Amjad Thaufeeg Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Perak Tourism Management Berhad


Level 1, Bangunan Perak Darul Ridzuan, Jalan Panglima Bukit Gantang Wahab, Ipoh Perak, 30000 Malaysia Fax: +60 5 241 0671 Tel: +60 5 253 1957 Email: perak_tourism@yahoo.com Contact: Musa Dun Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board



Avenida Professor Andrade Bezerra S/n, Salgadinho, Olinda Pernambuco, 53110-900 Brazil Tel: +55 81 31828131 Fax: +55 81 31828120 Email: lucianafernandes@empetur.com.br Web: www.empetur.com.br Contact: LUCIANA FERNANDES Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Persona Grata

Pestana Hotelaria Portugal


Pousadas De Portugal, Rua Soares De Passos, Nr. 3, Lisboa Portugal, 1300-314 LISBOA Portugal Tel: +351 218442000 Fax: +351 218442085 Email: rui.maria@pestana.com Web: www.pousadas.pt Contact: Rui Maria Exhibiting with Portugal



Rua Da Se 114, Pobox 4376, Maputo Maputo, Mozambique Tel: Fax: +258 21305305 +258 21305000 Email: antonio.casanovar@pestana.com www.pestana.com Web: Contact: Antonio Casanova Exhibiting with Mozambique Tourism -INATUR


Lot 08-04b, 8 Floor, Plaza Masalam, Jalan Tengku Ampuan Zabedah E9/e, Section 9, Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia, 40100 Malaysia +60 3 5512 7890 Fax: +60 3 5512 7889 Tel: Email: hharis@permaisuri.com.my Web: www.permaisuri.com.my Contact: Haris Hopper Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board



Pestana Hotels & Resorts, Largo Antonio Nobre, Funchal Portugal, 9004-531 FUNCHAL Portugal +351 21 361 5600 Fax: +351 21 361 5601 Tel: Email: sales.portugal@pestana.com Web: www.pestana.com Contact: Rui Maria Exhibiting with Portugal


Sant Jaume, 69 - 75, Calella Barcelona, 8370 Spain Tel: +34 93 767 20 90 Fax: +34 93 767 14 09 Email: victor.sitja@perlatours.com Web: www.perlatours.com Contact: Víctor Sitja Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Permaisuri Hotels & Resorts

Pestana Hotelaria Portugal




Av. Atlantica, Numero 2964, Copacabana, Rio De Janeiro 22070-000 Brazil +55 11 30595343 Fax: +55 11 30595304 Tel: Email: pgustavo@pestanahotels.com.br Web: www.pestana.com Contact: Paulo GUSTAVO Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Peterson Travel Service


40 - 4 Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, 50250 Malaysia Fax: +60 321458909 Tel: +60 321424887 Email: hokahwah@peterson-travel.com Web: www.peterson-travel.com Contact: Ho Kah Wah Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Petra Travel and Tourism


P.o.box 157, 24a Mayakovsky Str., Kazan 420012 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 843 2642573 +7 843 2642501 Email: welcome@kzn.ru Web: www.visitkazan.ru Contact: Anna Chechina Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Shmeisani, Abdul Hameed Sharaf Street, Beside Commodore Hotel, Amman Jordan, 11196 Jordan Tel: Fax: +962 6 5698004 +962 6 5698003 Email: awni.kawar@petratours.com Web: www.petratours.com Contact: Awni Kawar Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board

Personal Brasil Wholesaler Tour Operator

Phi Phi Natural Resort & P.P. Erawan Palms Resort


Rua Presidente Faria, 51 - Suite 204, Centro, Curitiba 80020918 Brazil Tel: +55 41 3018-5580 Fax: +55 41 3018-5155 Email: info@personaltour.com Web: www.personaltour.com Contact: Lucky Schnitzer Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur



Av. Petit Thouars N° 5554, Office ‘A’, Lima Peru, LIMA 18 Peru Fax: +51 2413721 Tel: +51 2428816 Email: peruatravel@peruatravel.com Web: www.peruatravel.com Contact: Rosario Torrejón de Santander Exhibiting with PromPeru

Perú InsideOut


Condomio D’’aurum, Torre A, Departamento N° 201, Av. Metropolitana, Umacollo, Arequipa, Arequipa 54 Peru Tel: +51 54257093 Email: info@peruinsideout.com Web: www.peruinsideout.com Contact: Roberto Damico Exhibiting with PromPeru

Pestana Chelsea Bridge Hotel & Spa


354 Queenstown Road, London SW8 4AE United Kingdom +44 0207 0628000 Fax: +44 0207 9782430 Tel: Email: chelsea.bridge@pestana.com Web: www.pestana.com Contact: Priscila Nascimento Exhibiting with UKinbound


53 Moo 8 leAamtong ,Phi Phi Island ,Ao Nang Muang, Krabi 81000 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 25916571 +66 25916568 Email: info@phiphinatural.com Web: www.phiphinatural.com Contact: Kulvadee Meecharoen Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Philadelphia and Valley Forge


1700 Market Street, Suite 3000, Philadelphia Pa, 19103 United States Tel: +1 2156363300 Email: g.p.evans@btinternet.com www.philadelphiausa.travel Web: Contact: Greg Evans The Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau is a full-service destination marketing and sales organisation, providing tourism, convention and meeting assistance. Also exhibiting The Valley Forge Convention and Visitors Bureau which is also a full-service destination marketing and sales organisation, providing tourism, convention and meeting assistance.

Philippines Department Of Tourism


146 Cromwell Road, London SW7 4EF United Kingdom Tel: +44 2078351100 Fax: +44 2078351926 Email: info@itsmorefuninthephilippines.co.uk Web: www.itsmorefuninthephilippines.co.uk Contact: Rosario Afuang The Philippines Department of Tourism (PDOT) is the primary government agency based in the United Kingdom tasked with generating an increasingly-greater influx of British travellers to the Philippines utilizing its new tourism brand, ‘It’s More Fun in the Philippines’.



PhoCusWright Inc.

1 Route 37 East, Suite 200, Sherman Ct, 06784-1430 United States +1 860 350 4084 Fax: +1 860 354 3112 Tel: Email: sales@phocuswright.com Web: www.phocuswright.com Contact: Florence Kaci PhoCusWright, the travel industry research authority, fosters smart strategic planning and tactical decision-making by delivering primary research on the evolving dynamics that influence travel, tourism and hospitality distribution. To complement its research in North America, Europe and Asia, PhoCusWright partners with and produces several high-profile conferences around the world.www.phocuswright.com

Phoenix Voyages


82-83 Street 7b, Section A, An Phu, An Khanh, Ho Chi Minh 84 Vietnam Tel: Fax: +84 862810333 +84 862810222 Email: production@phoenixvoyages.com www.phoenixvoyages.com Web: Contact: Nicolas Plesse Exhibiting with Victoria Hotels & Resorts

Phu Vinh Hung Production Joint Stock Company


Room No.14 A4 8/3 Building, Quynh Mai, Ha Ba Trung, Hanoi Vietnam Fax: +84 436362595 +84 436362595 Tel: Email: pvhtravel@gmail.com Contact: Yen Nguyen Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism

Pietro Barbaro


Via Principe Di Belmonte 55, Palermo 90139 Italy Fax: +39 091 329990 +39 091 333333 Tel: Email: icangialosi@pietrobarbaro.com www.pietrobarbaro.com Web: Contact: Pietro Barbaro Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Pilsen Region / City of Pilsen


Skroupova 18, Pilsen Czech Republic, 306 13 Czech Republic Fax: +420 377195078 +420 377195266 Tel: Email: veronika.siegertova@plzensky-kraj.cz Web: www.touristparadise.com, www.plzensky-kraj.cz Contact: Veronika Siegertova Exhibiting with Czech Tourist Authority - CzechTourism

Pink & Friend


1600 New Petchaburi Road, Makkasan Ratchathewi, Bangkok Thailand, 10400 Thailand Fax: +66 2537437 Tel: +66 2505500 Email: pantara.nak@tat.or.th Web: www.tourismthailand.org Contact: pantara Nakchattree Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Pioneer Personalized Holidays


Pioneer House, 5th Cross Road, Cochin Kerala, 682 003 India Tel: +91 9447970041 Fax: +91 484 2668490 Email: pioneer@pner.com www.pioneertravels.com Web: Contact: Ranju Joseph Exhibiting with India Tourism

Planet Hollywood and the Earl of Sandwich


57 - 60 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4QX United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 7287 1000 Fax: +44 (0)20 7024 8459 Email: salesuk@planethollywoodintl.com Web: www.planethollywoodlondon.com Contact: Tony Lincoln Exhibiting with UKinbound



C/o Mapenzi Beach Club, Po Box 100, Zanzibar Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 774 567 891 Fax: +255 22 211 6420 Email: marketing@planhotel.ch Web: www.planhotel.ch Contact: Stefano Soro Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 367



PLATJA D’ARO - Oficina de Turisme de Platja d’Aro

Popcorn Tours Receptive Operator


Castell Platja D’aro, Mn Cinto Verdaguer, Platja D’aro Catalonia, E-17250 Spain Email: turisme@platjadaro.com Web: www.platjadaro.com Contact: Jaume Donjo Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

Poperinge Tourist Office PLAZA TOUR


Oulu Cad. Selva Apt., No: 33, Bursa 16080 Turkey +90 2242336326 Fax: +90 2242336325 Tel: Email: plazatur@plazatur.com Web: www.plazatur.com Contact: Turabi Aydin Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Plaza Tours/ DMC


Shmeisani, Alal Al Fasi Street, Amman Jordan, 11195 Jordan Tel: Fax: +962 6 5651774 +962 6 5651773 Email: nabih@plaza-tours.com Web: www.plaza-tours.com Contact: Nabih Riyal Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board

Podkarpackie Region


Szopena 51, Rzeszow 35-959 Poland Tel: +48 17 852 00 09 Fax: +48 17 867 62 30 Email: e.borowiak@prot.rzeszow.pl Web: www.podkarpackie.travel Contact: Ewa Borowiak Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation



Westgate House, West Gate, London W5 1YY United Kingdom Tel: +44 208 991 7071 Fax: +44 300 303 1814 Email: bogdan.becla@pot.gov.pl Web: www.poland.travel Contact: Boguslaw Becla Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation

Polish Tourist Organisation


8 Chalubinskiego St, Warsaw PL 00-613 Poland Tel: Fax: +48 225367053 +48 225367070 Email: dim@pot.gov.pl Web: www.poland.travel Contact: Dorota Zadrozna


Ptasia St. 2, Warsaw 00-138 Poland Tel: +48 22 322 85 85 Fax: +48 22 322 85 42 Email: palecki@polishtravel.com.pl Web: www.polishtravel.com.pl Contact: Dariusz Palecki Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation

Pongo Safaris & Tours Ltd


P.o. Box 2032, 3rd Floor, Nic Life House, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 22 2135 728 Fax: +255 22 2135 726 Email: info@pongosafaris.com Web: www.pongosafaris.com Contact: Hans Warburg Exhibiting with East Africa Tourism Network

Pont du Gard - World Heritage


Esperanto, 9, Benidorm Alicante, 3503 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 965852355 +34 965850200 Email: jgaliana@hotelesposeidon.com Web: www.hotelesposeidon.com Contact: John Galiana Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme


Postcard Inn Hotels of Florida

Grote Markt 1, Poperinge 8970 Belgium +32 57 34 66 76 Tel: Fax: +32 57 33 57 03 Email: toerisme@poperinge.be Web: www.toerismepoperinge.be Contact: Caroline Bequoye Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office

6300 Gulf Boulevard, St. Pete Beach Florida, 33706 United States Tel: Fax: +1 7273694921 +1 7272381998 Email: ddove@postcardinn.com Contact: Diane Dove Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Port Everglades Department of Broward County

PPHE Hotel Group


1850 Eller Drive, Fort Lauderdale Fl, 33316-4201 United States Tel: +1 9545233404 Email: portevergladescruise@broward.org Contact: Steven Cernak, P.E., PPM Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA



Avda. Alcalde Pere Molas Km 2, Tarragona Catalonia, E-43480 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 977779111 +34 977779000 Email: maria.navas@portaventura.es Web: www.portaventura.com Contact: Mascha Van Noorden Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

Porto Bay Hotels & Resorts


12 David Mews, London W1U 6EG United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 7034 1365 Fax: +44 0)20 7034 1370 Email: ahanson@pphe.com Web: www.parkplaza.com Contact: Anna Hanson Exhibiting with UKinbound

Precision Air Services Ltd.


Along Nyerere Road, P.o Box 70770, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 784809242 Fax: +255 222860725 Email: ybaldwin@precisionairtz.com Web: www.precisionairtz.com Contact: Yvonne Baldwin Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


La Begude, 400 Route Du Pont Du Gard, Vers-pont-du-gard 30210 France Tel: +33 (0)4 66 37 50 24 Email: jeremy-borde@pontdugard.fr www.pontdugard.fr Web: Contact: Jérémy Borde Exhibiting with France

368 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Predators Safari Club


Rua Leichlingen, 7, Funchal Portugal, 9004-566 FUNCHAL Portugal Tel: +351 291703711 Fax: +351 291703750 Email: militinavieira@portobay.pt Web: www.portobay.com Contact: Militina Vieira Exhibiting with Portugal

Namanga Road, Sakina Area, P.o.box 2302, Arusha Tanzania, ARU Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 754562254 Fax: +255 27 250 6471 Email: info@predators-safaris.com Web: www.predators-safaris.com Contact: Shabbir Khan Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Porto e Norte de Portugal Promotion Bureau

Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre


Av. Inferior A Ponte. D. Luis I, 53- 1º, Porto Portugal, 4050-074 PORTO Portugal Tel: +351 223326751 Fax: +351 223326752 Email: portocvb@portocvb.com Web: www.visitportoandnorth.travel Contact: Helena Gonçalves Exhibiting with Portugal


POLISH TOURIST ORGANISATION is a governmental body responsible for the promotion of tourism to Poland. It runs a network of international offices in Europe, Asia and N. America, publishes and distributes tourist brochures and multimedia productions and organises national stands at international travel shows, workshops and seminars and study tours.

Polish Travel Qou Vadis Sp. z o.o.


Poseidon Hotel Group


Plac Szczepanski 7, Krakow Poland, 31-011 Poland Tel: +48 12 411 36 09 Fax: +48 12 411 55 17 Email: management@point.travel.pl Web: www.point.travel.pl Contact: Marta Semkowicz Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation

Polish National Tourist Office


Edificio Darlington, Munoz Rivera 1007, Rio Piedras Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico +1787 7651776 Tel: Email: rmediavilla@twsears.com Contact: Rigo Mediavilla Exhibiting with Puerto Rico Tourism Company


Portuguese Embassy, 11 Belgrave Square, London SW1X8PP United Kingdom Tel: +44 2072016666 Fax: +44 2072016633 Email: jose.aragao@portugalglobal.pt Web: www.visitportugal.com Contact: Jose Aragao Portugal’s exciting mix of old and new, illustrates how history and culture mix with modern technology and with world-class transport links. With flight connections increasing from 23 UK airports, new hotel and congress centre developments, together with an abundance of activities - Portugal a destination on everyone’s minds.

Portugalres SA


Edificio Nere, Parque Tecnologico De Evora, Horta Das Figueiras, Evora Portugal, 7005-841 Portugal +351 211106027 Fax: +351 211106029 Tel: Email: mario.ferreira@portugalres.com Web: www.portugalres.com Contact: Mario Ferreira Exhibiting with Portugal

Poseidon Arctic Voyages, Ltd.


9 Perseverance Works, Kingsland Road, London E2 8DD United Kingdom Tel: +44 870 068 9142 Fax: +44 870 068 8265 Email: info@northpolevoyages.com Web: www.northpolevoyages.com Contact: Aleksandra Prokopyeva ‘Poseidon Arctic Voyages’ is a tour operator specializing in expedition cruises to the North Pole, the Russian Arctic, Russian Far East. We use the most powerful and sophisticated icebreakers and icestrengthened vessels to reach these awesome destinations. Discover with us the treasures of these breathtaking regions!


Praca Montevideo, 10 - Rio Grande Do Sul, Porto Alegre Rio Grande Do Sul, 90010-170 Brazil Tel: +55 51 3289 6717 Email: julial@turismo.prefpoa.com.br Web: www2.portoalegre.rs.gov.br/portal_pmpa_novo/ Contact: Julia Lima Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

PREM Group Hotels


12 Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2 Ireland Tel: +353 1 639 1115 Fax: +353 1 639 1105 Email: mdaly@premgroup.com Web: www.premgroup.com Contact: Mary Daly Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Premier Hotels & Accord Hotels


5-7/29 Shevchenko Blvd., Office 255, Kyiv Ukraine, 1004 Ukraine Tel: +380 442441364 Fax: +380 442441263 Email: pr@premier-international.net Web: www.premier-hotels.com.ua, www.accordhotels.com.ua Contact: Iryna Paleva Exhibiting with Ukraine

Premier Hotels & Resorts (Pty) Ltd


Po Box 18143, Quigney, East London East London, 5211 South Africa Tel: +27 43 705 5000 Fax: +27 43 742 0896 Email: info@premierhotels.co.za Web: www.premierhotels.co.za Contact: Natasha Lottering Exhibiting with South African Tourism

Premier Luxury Mountain Resort


11, Karamanitza Str., Bansko 2770 Bulgaria Tel: Fax: +359 74950502 +359 74950500 Email: m.arapoglou@premiermountainresort.com Web: www.premiermountainresort.com Contact: Maria Arapoglou Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism



5-7/29 Shevchenko Blvd, Kyiv 1004 Ukraine Tel: +380 44 244 12 13 Fax: +380 44 279 87 72 Email: am@premier-palace.com Web: www.premier-palace.com Contact: Marina Tomashevska Exhibiting with Ukraine

Pobox 4158, Kigali Rwanda Tel: +250 250511718 Fax: +250 25074513 Email: primatesafaris@rwanda1.com Contact: Joseph BIRORI Exhibiting with Rwanda Tourism Board

Primavera Safaris



(Premier Holidays & Destination Mangement Division), 24 Cleveland Avenue, Harare Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 738754 +263 704781 Email: hayley@premier.co.zw Contact: HAYLEY IDENSOHN Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY


Premium Outlets(R) | SIMON(R)

105 Eisenhower Parkway, Roseland New Jersey, 7068 United States Tel: Fax: +1 9732288513 +1 9739286111 Email: traveltrade@premiumoutlets.com Web: www.premiumoutlets.com Contact: Jolie Cina Premium Outlets® are located in and near top destinations including Woodbury Common Premium Outlets (north of NYC), Las Vegas Premium Outlets (2 locations), and Orlando Premium Outlets (2 locations). Featuring designer and name brands such as Burberry, Coach, Salvatore Ferragamo and more at savings of 25% to 65% every day.


Preskil Beach Resort

Pointe Jerome, Mahebourg Mauritius Tel: Fax: +230 6310774 +230 6041000 Email: hotel@lepreskil.mu Web: www.lepreskil.com Contact: Mike Britter Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

Preston Holidays


Sapphire House, 22 East Barnet Road, Barnet Hertfordshire, EN4 8RQ United Kingdom Tel: +44 08447704843 Email: johnm@ptgh.co.uk Web: www.prestonholidays.co.uk Contact: JOHN MARKHAM Exhibiting with Jersey Tourism

Pride Tours


Yefe Nof Iii, Haifa 2300 Israel Tel: +972 544321169 Fax: +972 35496945 Email: info@pridetours.co.il Web: www.pridetours.com Contact: Roi Dimand Exhibiting with Out Now

Prima Hotels Israel




C/ildefonso Marzo, 9, C/ Hegel 2 - 2a, Malaga 29003 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 952359936 +34 952310975 Email: prima@rentacarprima.com Web: www.rentacarprima.com Contact: Ana María García Exhibiting with MALAGA CITY TOURISM BOARD & CONVENTION BUREAU

Prima Tour


Via C. Cantu’, 50, Dogana Di San Marino 47891 San Marino Tel: +378 0549970500 Fax: +378 0549908900 Email: m.imola@prima-tour.com Web: www.prima-tour.com Contact: Fabio Imola Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Prima Villa Hotel

Prime Tour Ltd


157/22 Moo 5 Wongamat Beach (16/2) Naklua Banglamung, Chonburi 20150 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 38 370 285 +66 38 370 705 Email: reservation@primavillahotel.com www.primavillahotel.com Web: Contact: Kitima Ananchitsupa Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)




Punta Bete, Carretera Chetumal-pto Juarez, Km 296, Playa Del Carmen 77710 Mexico Tel: +52 984 206 3150 1110 Email: marketing@rivieramaya.com Web: www.princess-hotels.com Contact: Rosa Ma. Cruz Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board


Po Box 16913, Nairobi 620 Kenya Tel: +254 20 360 7000 Email: michael.njogu@privatesafaris.co.ke Contact: Michael Njogu Exhibiting with Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association




2 Conduit Street, 6th Floor, London W1S 2XB United Kingdom Tel: +44 02074913535 Email: jutorres@proexport.com.co Web: www.proexport.com.co Contact: Juliana Torres Entity in charge of promoting Colombia, the second most diverse country on the planet, as an international tourist destination. Astonishing and diverse in equal measures, Colombia is a mix of Caribbean beaches, cosmopolitan cities, inspiring archaeological ruins,tropical rainforests, coffee plantations and staggering mountain ranges.www.colombia.travel

Profi Tours Ltd


1, Macedonia Square, Sofia Bulgaria, 1000 Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 401 05 02 Fax: +359 2 987 31 45 Email: kalin@profitours.bg Web: www.bulgaria-hotels.com Contact: Kalin Draganov Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism

Promappennino Societa’ Cooperativa




Calle Uno Oeste No. 50, Edificio Mincetur, Piso 13, Urb. Corpac - San Isidro Lima, 27 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 1224 9366 +51 12243131 Email: czakrzewski@promperu.gob.pe Web: www.promperu.gob.pe Contact: Elisabeth Hakim PromPeru is responsible for the promotion of the destination’s varied and exciting tourism products; through the production and distribution of tourist guides and trade materials, Sales & Marketing and PR support, as well as the conception and management of all global marketing and advertising campaigns. Please visit www.peru.travel

Protea Hotels and African Pride Hotels


P O Box 75, Sea Point, Cape Town Cape Town, 8060 South Africa +27 21 430 5000 Fax: +27 21 430 5116 Tel: Email: philippac@proteahotels.com Web: www.proteahotels.com and www.africanpridehotels.com Contact: Megan Hinton Exhibiting with South African Tourism



Imperial 0655, Puerto Varas Chile Tel: +56 65234910 Email: edoerr@protourschile.com Web: www.protourschile.com Contact: EDUARDO DOERR Exhibiting with Chile

Province of Liege - Wal’incoming Proexport Colombia


Cra. 7 Bis A No. 123-15, Bogota Colombia Tel: +57 (1)5219592 Email: stephan.stober@neptuno.org Web: www.neptuno.org Contact: Stephan Stober Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia


Sales & Marketing Office, 14 Al Saleh Ayoub Street, Cairo Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 227372139 +20 227372139 Email: info@princessegypthotels.com Web: www.princessegypthotels.com Contact: Sherif Fahmy Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Princess Hotels & Resorts

Promotora Neptuno

Av. Solar No. 1, Col Centro, Baja California Sur Cabo San Lucas, Baja Calif. Sur, 23450 Mexico Tel: +52 52 624 145 75 75 Email: ricardo.orozco@solmar.com.mx Web: www.solmar.com Contact: RICARDO OROZCO ARCE Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

12 Rue Vignon, Paris France, 75009 France Tel: +33 0153059909 Fax: +33 0142662590 Email: f.sakimae@princehotel.fr Web: www.princehotels.com/en/ Contact: Fujiko SAKIMAE Exhibiting with Japan National Tourism Organization




32, Karastoyanovoy, Minsk 220068 Belarus Tel: +375 17 334 02 27 Email: natalia@belarusprimetour.com Web: www.belarusprimetour.com Contact: Lisovskaya Natalia Exhibiting with Belarus National Tourism Agency

Prince Hotels & Resorts

Promet T&T

Celovska 73, Ljubljana Slovenia, SI-1000 Slovenia Tel: +386 1 519 35 11 Fax: +386 1 519 53 45 Email: iris.pelc@promet-tt.si Web: www.promet-tt.com Contact: Iris Pelc Exhibiting with Slovenian Tourist Board

P.o Box 5886, Ojijo Plaza, Ojijo Road, Nairobi Kenya, 100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 3751703 Fax: +254 20 3751721 Email: info@primaverasafaris.com Web: www.primaverasafaris.com Contact: Samuel Githui Exhibiting with East Africa Tourism Network

Private Safaris

105 Hayarkon Steet, Tel Aviv 63432 Israel Tel: +972 3 527 5660 Fax: +972 3 527 5665 Email: sales@prima.co.il www.prima.co.il Web: Contact: Ety Levy Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office


Primate Safaris



Place De La Republique Francaise, 1, Liege Liege, B-4000 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 42379578 +32 42379526 Email: c.polain@walincoming.be Web: www.liegetourisme.be - www.walincoming.be Contact: Marc BAELE Exhibiting with Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia

Provincia di Terni - Umbria


Viale Della Stazione 1, Terni 5100 Italy +39 0744 483546 Tel: Email: capitoli@provincia.terni.it Web: www.provincia.terni.it/turismo Contact: Andrea Capitoli Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

PT. Bali Ocean Adventure


Jl. Danau Poso, Gg. Wanasari 3b, Bali Indonesia, Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361 270842 +62 361 270852 Email: info@blueseasonbali.com Contact: Mark Dennis Gilles Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Via Mauro Tesi 1209, Zocca 41059 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 059 986510 +39 059 986524 Email: info@promappennino.it Web: www.promappennino.it Contact: Riccardo Solmi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 369




Puri Mumbul Jalan Cempaka Putih 99, Jimbaran, Kuta Selatan, Bali Indonesia +62 361 774973 Tel: Fax: +62 361 774998 Email: inquiry@makebalitour.com Web: www.makebalitour.com Contact: Niluh Werdiani Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Pullman Mall of the Emirates

Pullman Rail Journeys


PT. Warna Indonesia Hiznata Dakara T & T

Jl. S. Parman No. 57, East Java Indonesia, Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 331 330845 +62 331 337824 Email: warnaindonesia_inbound@yahoo.com Web: www.warnaindonesiatour.com Contact: Nur Hidajat Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)


PT.U & I Holidays

Jalan Danau Buyan 5b, Sanur, Bali Indonesia, 80228 Indonesia Tel: +62 8123910010 Fax: +62 361 2882233 Email: shyam@uandiholidays.com Web: www.uandiholidays.com Contact: Shyam Upadhyay Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)


PTG Penguin Travel Group EOOD

9 Orfej Street, Ap. 3, Sofia Bulgaria, 1421 Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 40 10 51 Email: esimeonova@penguin.bg Web: www.penguintravel.com Contact: Elitsa Simeonova Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism

15 Kean Street, Covent Garden, London United Kingdom Tel: +44 02076322400 Fax: +44 02072402520 Email: ngooch@publicasity.co.uk Contact: Emma Wright Exhibiting with Bermuda Department of Tourism

Publituris (Portugal)

Press Centre Foyer

Rua General Firmino Miguel, 3 Torre 2 - 3º A, Lisboa 1600100 Portugal Tel: +351 210 410 333 Email: humbelino@publituris.workmedia.pt Web: www.publituris.pt Contact: Helena Umbelino

Exhibiting with Global Media Network

Puma Hotels Collection


C./ Corazon De Maria, 23, Madrid 28002 Spain Tel: +34 651901845 Email: europe@prcb.org Web: www.meetpuertorico.com Contact: Lisa Altieri Exhibiting with Puerto Rico Tourism Company


C/ Serrano,1 2-ºa, Madrid Madrid, 28001 Spain +34 914312128 Tel: Fax: +34 915775260 Email: marimar.lidin@tourism.pr.gov Web: www.seepuertorico.com Contact: Eileen J Rodríguez Vázquez The Puerto Rico Tourism Company engages in the promotion, regulation and development of tourism industry; through advertising, public relations, and promotional activities. The Tourism Company has offices in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Latin America. www.seepuertorico.com



Avda. De La Libertad, S/n, El Puerto De Santa Maria Cadiz, 11500 Spain +34 956870103 Tel: Fax: +34 956873902 Email: samira@andalucia.org Web: www.puertosherry.com Contact: Pablo Ruiz del Portal Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA

370 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Department Of Tourism, Govt. Of Punjab, Chandigarh India Tel: +91 1724663140 Email: sumit.phtpb@gmail.com Contact: Sumit Rana Exhibiting with India Tourism


Carr. Punta Cana, Higuey, Punta Cana La Altagracia, Dominican Republic Tel: Fax: +1809 9593951 +1809 9592262 Email: gjavier@puntacana.com Web: www.puntacana.com Contact: Gina Javier Exhibiting with Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism



Rua Minerva, 268, Perdizes, Sao Paulo Sp, 05007-031 Brazil Tel: +55 11 38720362 Fax: +55 11 38720362 Email: douglas@purebrasil.net www.purebrasil.net Web: Contact: DOUGLAS MENDONÇA SIMÕES Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


842-844 Green Lane, London N21 2RT United Kingdom Tel: +44 01372 469818 Email: infi@ihml.com Web: www.purefiji.com Contact: Anna Stylianou Exhibiting with Fiji (Tourism Fiji)

Pure! Peru

Puerto Rico Tourism Company


Po Box 8510, Hinckley, Hinckley Leicestershire, LE10 9AY United Kingdom +44 0145 589 8578 Fax: +44 0145 589 8467 Tel: Email: e.ward@pumahotels.co.uk Web: www.pumahotels.co.uk Contact: Elaine Ward Exhibiting with UKinbound

Punjab Tourism


Jr. Martir Olaya 201, Of. 601, Miraflores., Lima Peru, LIMA 18 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 4454366 +51 2417537 Email: fiorella@pure-peru.com Web: www.pure-peru.com Contact: Fiorella Freyre Exhibiting with PromPeru


PureQuest Adventures


Unit A-d Lvl 7 South, New England House, New England Street, Brighton East Sussex, BN1 4GH United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)800910990 Email: contact.fr@pure360.com www.pure360.com Web: Contact: Celia Candebat Pure360 gets thousands of marketers better online marketing results, providing clients such as TUI Travel, Sol Melia and Holiday Extras with powerful time-saving email marketing solutions and expert advice. PureResponse is an easy to use email marketing platform that allows businesses to deliver targeted, ROI proven email and SMS campaigns.


Edificio Mirall, Cami De Son Fangos 100, 5a Planta, Palma De Mallorca 7007 Spain +34 971 624 504 Fax: +34 971 463 604 Tel: Email: info@purequest.com Web: www.purequest.com Contact: Bee Ong Based in China, Peru, Croatia, India, Bhutan and Nepal, PureQuest is your local expert in adventure travel. Our top notch guides, belief in sustainable travel and strict safety standards make us the ideal choice. We offer custom-made programmes in trekking, cycling, horse-riding, motorcycle tours, surfing, special interest tours and more.

Puri Dajuma Beach Eco Resort & Spa

Pullman Rail Journeys; the splendor of travel fully restored in 2012. A new collection of premium rail experiences on routes within the United States from Chicago. Painstakingly restored Pullman Sleeping Cars with modern amenities and personalized service.

Pure Fiji

Puerto Rico Convention Bureau


118 South Clinton Street, Suite 400, Chicago, Il 60661 United States Tel: +1 3125094033 Email: omearap@travelpullman.com Web: www.travelpullman.com Contact: Paul O’’Meara

PUNTACANA Resort &Club




P O Box 111679, Hassanicor Bldg., Office 301, Dubai United Arab Emirates +971 43772544 Tel: Email: Diana-Jean.DETARRO@accor.com Contact: Diana Detarro Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing


Jl. Pekutatan Jembrana, Indonesia Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 365 43966 +62 365 43955 Email: hortense@dajuma.com Web: www.dajuma.com Contact: Hortense Balme Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Puri Mas Boutique Resorts & Spa


Jl. Raya Mangsit Beach, Senggigi, Lombok Indonesia, Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 370 693023 +62 370 693831 Email: gm@purimas-lombok.com Web: www.purimas-lombok.com Contact: Sara Sanders Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara and Desert Islands Resort & Spa by Anantara


P.o. Box 131277, Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 2 558 9156 Fax: +971 2 558 5249 Email: sdobre@anantara.com Web: www.anantara.com Contact: Simona Dobre Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Qatar Tourism Authority


P.o.box 24624, C/o Doha Exhibitions Center, Doha Qatar, Qatar +974 44997499 Tel: Fax: +974 44998077 Email: ahmed@qatartourism.gov.qa Web: www.qatartourism.gov.qa Contact: Soha Moussa Qatar Tourism Authority (QTA) role is to organize, enable, and supervise tourism industry development in Qatar, as well as represent and promote Qatar as a quality tourism destination for business, meetings, leisure, culture, education, and sport.

Qinghai Provincial Tourism Administration


9, Kunlun Road, Xining Qinghai, 810001 China Tel: +86 9716249849 Fax: +86 9716157012 Email: liukunying1976@163.com Contact: Kunying Liu Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office

Quadlabs Technologies Private Ltd.


702, 7th Floor, Tower A, Sector – 48, Gurgaon Delhi Ncr, 122019 India +91 124 4409999 Tel: Email: shradha.gupta@quadlabs.com Web: www.quadlabs.com Contact: Abhishek Jangid QuadLabs is a Travel Technology Expert providing various travel technology products, travel management & distribution systems for tour operators and travel agents across diverse geographies. It’s uniquely equiped to deliver best in class products that help customers automate their business processes, optimize revenue streams and enhance their customer service experience.



Av. Santa Fe 851 - 8º 2, Buenos Aires 1059 Argentina Tel: +54 11 4312 9310 Fax: +54 11 4312 3515 Email: claudia@qualitytravel.com.ar Web: www.qualitytravel.com.ar Contact: Claudia Bloch Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion


Queen Villas & Spa

Jl. Raya Sengigi Km 17, Desa Malaka, Dusun Pandanan, Po Box 7666, Lombok Indonesia, Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 370 633626 +62 370 633686 Email: gm@villaqueen.co.id Web: www.villaqueen.co.id Contact: Goya A. Mahmud Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)



63-81 , Calea Victoriei, Bucharest 1 10065 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 216013625 +40 213119000 Email: cristina.alexandrescu@radissonblu.com Web: www.radissonblu.com/hotel-bucharest.com Contact: Cristina Alexandrescu Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM


Quickshaws Tours (pvt) Ltd

3, Kalinga Place, Colombo 5, Colombo Sri Lanka Tel: +94 112583133 3 2582995 Fax: +94 112587613 Email: tours@quickshaws.com Web: www.quickshaws.com Contact: Nirmala De Mel Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau



18th Floor, Portland House, Bressenden Place, Bressenden Place, London SW1E 5RS United Kingdom Tel: +44 7850651145 Email: tforbes@quietvox.com Web: www.quietvox.com Contact: Tobie Forbes Production and rental of wireless audio assistance for live presentations, such as guided tours and conferences.

Quimbaya Tours International


Cra. 11 A 24a- 31 Ofc. 403, Bogota Colombia Tel: +57 (1) 6362628 Email: carlos-barcenas@quimbaya-tours.com Web: www.quimbaya-tours.com Contact: Carlos Barcenas Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia

Rabat Regional Tourism Council



207 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1PE United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)131 226 3133 Email: Yvonne@rabbies.com Web: www.rabbies.com Contact: Yvonne Wagoun Exhibiting with UKinbound

Radisson Aruba Resort, Casino & Spa

CA420 J.e. Irausquin Boulevard 81, Palm Beach Aruba Tel: Fax: +297 0 +297 5866555 Email: dherron@radisson.com Web: www.radisson.com/aruba Contact: Denis Herron Exhibiting with Aruba Tourism Authority

Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotels



Po Box 93725, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 26562000 Email: jocelyn.dagan@radissonblu.com Web: www.radissonblu.com/hotel-abudhabi Contact: Jocelyn Dagan Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Radisson Blu hotel Batumi

Fujairah, Dibba Fujairah, P.O. BOX 9940 United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 308 0210 Fax: +971 4 308 0011 Email: lili.ivanova@radissonblu.com Web: www.radissonblu.com/ Contact: Lili Ivanova Exhibiting with Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority, Government of Fujairah, U.A.E.

Radisson Blu Resorts


Radisson Blu Tbilisi


Rose Revolution 1, Tbilisi 108 Georgia Tel: +995 591198198 Fax: +995 2402201 Email: nina.asatiani@radissonblu.com Web: www.radissonblu.com/hotel-tbilisi Contact: Nina Asatiani Exhibiting with Georgian National Tourism Administration


Radisson Royal Hotel Moscow

2/1 Bld. 1, Kutuzovskiy Prospekt Moscow, Moscow Russia, 121248 Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 221 5555 (36020) Fax: +7 495 411 00 25 Email: sales@ukraina-hotel.ru Web: www.radisson-hotels.ru Contact: Olga Vedekhina Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency


Radisson Royal Hotel, Moscow

140 Bath Road, Middlesex UB3 5AW United Kingdom Tel: +44 844 847 6742 Fax: +44 844 847 6748 Email: leisuresalesuk@carlsonrezidor.com www.radissonblu-edwardian.com Web: Contact: Susan Coulthart Exhibiting with The Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group

Radisson Blu Hotel & Park Inn by Radisson Abu Dhabi, Yas Island


Radisson Blu Resort, Fujairah

St Georges Bay, St. Julian’s St. Julian’s, STJ 3391 Malta Tel: Fax: +356 21380480 +356 23751165 Email: denise.cardona@islandhotels.com Web: www.radissonblu.com Contact: Denise Cardona Exhibiting with Malta Tourism Authority

23, Avenue De La Victoire, Siege Cri, Rabat Rabat, Morocco +212 537779077 Fax: +212 537776388 Tel: Email: info@visitrabat.com Web: www.visitrabat.com Contact: Nadia Benslimane Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office

Rabbie’s Small Group Tours

Rezidor Hotel Group, C/o Gso, Park Inn Manchester Victoria, Manchester M4 4EW United Kingdom Tel: +44 844 847 6742 Fax: +44 844 847 6748 Email: leisuresalesuk@carlsonrezidor.com Web: www.radissonblu.com Contact: Susan Coulthart Exhibiting with The Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group


Ninoshvili Str. 1, Batumi Georiga, 6000 Georgia Tel: +995 591198198 Fax: +995 422228888 Email: nina.asatiani@radissonblu.com Web: www.radissonblu.com/hotel-batumi Contact: Nina Asatiani Exhibiting with Georgian National Tourism Administration

2/1 Bld. 1, Kutuzovskiy Prospekt Moscow, 121248 Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 221 5555 (36020) Email: Olga.Vedekhina@radisson-hotels.ru Web: www.radisson-hotels.ru/royal-moscow Contact: Olga Vedekhina Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel & Business Center


Europe Sq., 2, Moscow Russia, 121059 Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 941 80 20 Email: D_Kiseleva@rdmos.ru Web: www.radisson.ru/slavyanskayahotel-moscow Contact: Daria Kiseleva Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency



Mendez Alvaro, 30, Madrid Madrid, 28045 Spain Tel: +34 91 539 90 21 Fax: +34 91 468 81 06 Email: marketing@rafaelhoteles.com Web: www.rafaelhoteles.com Contact: Estefania Ruiz Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Raffles Hotel Singapore 1 Beach Road, Singapore 189673 Singapore Tel: Fax: +65 6339 7650 +65 6337 1886 Email: Lbranover@raffles.com Web: www.raffles.com/singapore Contact: Laurent Branover Exhibiting with Katara Hospitality



Raffles Praslin Seychelles

Raffles Praslin, Anse Takamaka, N/a N/a, N/A Seychelles Tel: Fax: +248 4296001 +248 4296000 Email: maria.morel@seychelles.travel Web: www.raffles.com/praslin Contact: Marielle Morin Exhibiting with Seychelles Tourism Board

Ragosta Hotels Collection


Radisson Blu Hotels & Resorts



Via Nuova Raito 9, Vietri Sul Mare 84019 Italy Tel: +39 089 7634111 Fax: +39 089 7634801 Email: sales.leisure@ragostahotels.com Web: www.ragostahotels.com Contact: Antonella Lucchetti Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Rail Europe 56 Rue De Londres, Paris 75008 France Tel: Fax: +33 158221520 +33 158221522 Email: eparfondry@raileurope.fr Web: www.raileurope.fr Contact: Emilie Parfondry

Rail Europe is the worldwide leader in European Rail distribution. Present in more than 75 countries, Rail Europe represents all European and American railways and distributes their rail products to both the public and the trade, which can also benefit from an unrivalled support and array of technology solutions.

Rail Europe Continental / SNCF


Av. Henri Jaspaarlaan, 113, Brussels B-1060 Belgium Tel: +32 2 787 42 33 Email: eparfondry@raileurope.fr Web: www.raileurope.eu Contact: Véronique Hennebelle Exhibiting with Rail Europe

Rail Europe Inc.


44 S. Broadway, White Plains Ny, 10601 United States +1 9146813206 Tel: Email: jheger@raileurope.com Web: www.raileurope.com Contact: Jean Heger Exhibiting with Rail Europe

Rail Europe UK


Rail Europe House, 34 Tower View, West Malling Kent, ME19 4ED United Kingdom Tel: +44 01732 526750 Email: salesteam@raileurope.co.uk Web: www.raileurope.co.uk/trade Contact: Paul Lacey Exhibiting with Rail Europe

Railtours Ireland First Class


16 Amiens Street, Dublin 1 Ireland Tel: +353 1 856 0045 Fax: +353 1 856 0035 Email: jim@railtoursireland.com www.railtoursireland.com Web: Contact: Jim Deegan Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland



The Rainbow Towers Conference Centre, 1 Pennefather Avenue, Harare Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe +263 477259487 Tel: Fax: +263 4772593 Email: godfrey@rtg.co.zw Web: www.rtgafrica.com Contact: GODFREY PASIPANODYA Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY

Rainforest Ecolodge (CCC Solutions (pvt) Ltd


3rd Floor, Ibm Building, 48, Nawam Mawatha, Colombo Sri Lanka Tel: +94 777270270 Email: premac@cccsolutions.org Contact: Prema Cooray Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Rainforest Expeditions


Av. Larco 1116 Dpto. 4, Lima Lima, LIMA 18 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 7186532 +51 7196422 Email: mstagnaro@rainforest.com.pe Web: www.perunature.com Contact: María Stagnaro Exhibiting with PromPeru

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 371



Raj Niwas Palace, Dholpur Gwalior Road, Dholpur Rajasthan, India Tel: +91 9650946789 Email: dushyant@dholpurpalace.com Web: www.dholpurpalace.com Contact: Dushyant Singh Exhibiting with Rajasthan, Palaces & Tigers

Rajah Tours Philippines, Inc

Ramada International Drive Lakefront


C/o Palani Hills Gardens Hotel Pvt Ltd, Perumparai Post, Dindigul Tamil Nadu, 624212 India Tel: +91 8973444555 Email: reservation@rajakkadestate.com www.rajakkadestate,com Web: Contact: Francis Fry Exhibiting with MAhout (UK) Ltd


Rajasthan Tourism

Government Of Rajasthan, Hotel Khasa Kothi Campus, Jaipur Rajasthan, 302001 India +91 141 5155100 Fax: +91 141 5110593 Tel: Email: mktg.rajasthantourism@gmail.com Web: www.rajasthantourism.gov.in Contact: Anand K Tripathi Rajasthan Tourism is the nodal department of Government of Rajasthan (India)which monitors and regulates the travel and hospitality trade. Rajasthan owes its global popularity due to its rich heritage, forts, palaces,desert,lakes, wildlife,colourful and lively fairs and festivals, handicrafts and luxury tourist trains like Palace-onWheels and Royal Rajasthan on Wheels.


Rajasthan, Palaces & Tigers


Rampinini Ernesto

Avenue Des Far, N°85, Fes Fes, 90000 Morocco +212 535948000 Fax: +212 535944373 Tel: Email: sales@ramadafes.com Web: www.ramadafes.com Contact: Hamamouchi Majd RAMADA brand is developed in Morocco by TAAMEER HOTEL MANAGEMENT COMPANY & CONSULTANCY with TWO HOTELS : RAMADA ENCORE TANGIER 3* plus hotel, an ideal choice with modern design, and RAMADA FES 5* wich is A superb hotel with 133 fabulous room offering a settlement with tradition and modernity.

Ramada Muscat Hotel

Ramada Plaza Jumeirah Beach Residence

ME400 Bahar 7, Jumeirah Beach Residence, Dubai P.O.BOX 11855 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 4439 8869 +971 4439 8888 Email: alexandra.kazakova@ramadaplazajbr.com Web: www.ramadaplazajbr.com Contact: Alexandra Kazakova Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Ramada Plaza Menam Riverside

Rajasthan, Palaces & Tigers comprises of Alsisar Hotels; Deogarh Mahal; Raj Niwas Palace, Dholpur; Jungle Lodges, Bhandhvgarh/Khana.

Ramada Resort Benoa Bali


EM540 Braunser Weg 12, Bad Arolsen 34454 Germany Tel: +49 5691 878210 Fax: +49 5691 878410 Email: meyer@ramada.de Web: www.ramada.de Contact: Dirk Meyer Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board


Chateaubriand Street, P.o.box 11-215, Beirut Lebanon +961 1 990299 Tel: Fax: +961 1 990399 Email: rgharios@ramadalebanon.com Web: www.ramadalebanon.com Contact: Roy Bou-Gharios Exhibiting with LEBANON Ministry of Tourism


30, Sir Mohamed Macan Maker Mawatha, Colombo 3 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 112422001 Email: shanthi@ramadacolombo.com Web: www.ramadacolombo.com Contact: M Shanthikumar Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau


1091/388 New Petchaburi Road, Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 26500241 +66 26500288 Email: dosm@ramada-bkk.com www.ramada-bkk.com Web: Contact: Saranchana Suphirun Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

372 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Sultanate Of Oman, P.o. Box: 1011, Muscat Oman, P.C: 112 RUWI Oman +968 92409914 Tel: Fax: +968 24694500 Email: sales@ramadamuscat.com Web: www.ramadamuscat.com Contact: Allwan Noronha Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry

Alsisar Hotels, Sansar Chandra Road, Jaipur India, 302 001 India +91 141 2368290 Fax: +91 141 2364685 Tel: Email: alsisar@alsisar.com Web: www.alsisar.com, www.tiger-resorts.com, www.deogarhmahal.com, www.dholpurpalace.com Contact: Gaj Singh

Ramada D’’MA




Ramada Colombo


Po Box 26816, Dubai Uae, 26816 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 43964080 +971 43695353 Email: aileen@rameehotels.com Web: www.rameehotels.com Contact: Aileen Ayaquil Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

6500 International Drive, Orlando Florida, 32819 United States +1 407 345 5340 Tel: Email: gm@michotel.com Contact: Cary Amador Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Suite 801 Ma Natividad Bldg, 470 Tm Kalaw Street Cor Cortada Street, Metro Manila 1000 Philippines Tel: +63 25220541 Email: mariluz.diaz@rajahtours.com.ph Web: www.rajahtours.com.ph Contact: Mariluz Diaz-Mendoza Exhibiting with Philippines Department Of Tourism

Ramada Beirut Downtown

Ramee Group of Hotels & Resorts



2074 Charoenkrung Road, Bangkok 10120 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 22919400 +66 26881000 Email: jose@ramadaplazamenamriverside.com Web: www.ramadaplazamenamriverside.com Contact: Jose de Jesus Ting Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)



59 Moo 5 Kukkak Takuapa, Phang-nga 82190 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 76486188 +66 76427777 Email: dosm@ramadakhaolak.com www.ramadakhaolak.com Web: Contact: Chananya Sirisamphan Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

RAMARTOUR Madagascar


Lot 70 E Imerinafovoany Talatamaty, Antananarivo Madagascar +261 32 02 133 68 Tel: Email: jonah@ramartour.com Web: www.ramartour.com/ Contact: Jonah RAMAMPIONONA Exhibiting with Madagascar National Tourism Board

Ramathra Fort Po Sapotra, Dist Karauli Rajasthan, 322218 India Tel: +91 9829013475 Email: gitanjali@ramathrafort.com Web: www.ramathrafort.com Contact: Gitanjali Rajpal Exhibiting with MAhout (UK) Ltd


Randholee Resort PVT Ltd Heerassagala Road, Kandy Sri Lanka Tel: Fax: +94 812217744 +94 812217741 Email: sugath@randholeeresorts.com Web: www.randholeeresorts.com Contact: Sugath Rajapakse Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau


Rani Resorts

Waterford Office Park, Building 10, Waterford Drive, Fourways, Johannesburg Johannesburg, South Africa Tel: Fax: +27 11 6580632 +27 11 6580633 Email: lindy@raniresorts.com Web: www.raniresorts.com Contact: Lindy Chazen Exhibiting with Mozambique Tourism -INATUR

RANIERI Tour Operator


Corso Roma , 52/54, Montecatini Terme Pistoia, 51016 Italy +39 0572 772603 Fax: +39 0572 70972 Tel: Email: incoming@ranieritouroperator.com Web: www.ranieritouroperator.com Contact: Sabrina Gilardi Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione

Ranna212, Tangalle

Jl. Pratama No. 97 A, Tanjung Benoa, Bali Indonesia, 80363 Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361 773840 +62 361 773730 Email: gmrrbb@indosat.net.id Web: www.ramadaresortbenoa.com Contact: Andrew Gall Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Ramada Resort Khao Lak


Via Garibaldi, 110, Como Como, 22073 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 031 8820355 +39 031 882031 Email: fino@rampinini.it Web: www.rampinini.it Contact: Gaia Mancuso Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Kahandamodara, Ranna, Sri Lanka Tel: Fax: +94 112595909 +94 773574535 Email: hodsales_marketing@ranna212.com Web: www.ranna212.com Contact: Muzanif Mohamed Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau



B 15, Sector 57, Noida (u.p) 201 301 India Tel: +91 1202490332 Email: marketing@rategain.com Web: www.rategain.com Contact: Vishal Jain RateGain, one of the most awarded hospitality and travel technology companies, provides channel management, online visibility & reputation management, comparative price intelligence and social network referral solutions to hotels, airlines & OTAs in 800 cities across 65 countries. To know more about RateGain please visit www.rategain.com

RateTiger - eRevMax


40 Artillery Lane, Monmouth House, 3rd Floor, London E1 7LS United Kingdom +44 20 7422 7528 Fax: +44 20 7657 4245 Tel: Email: uk@ratetiger.com Web: www.ratetiger.com Contact: Ryan Haynes RateTiger, by eRevMax, is a premium rate shopping and channel management solution provider for the hospitality industry. Security certified under ISO 27001:2005, it empowers hotels to compare competitor rates in real-time and update a wide variety of distribution channels easily with the largest online network (750+) and XML connections (150+).


Ravine Tours Pvt Ltd.


Suneast, 3rd Floor, Nirolhu Magu, Male’’ Galolhu, Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 333 0733 +960 7976333 Email: hameed@ravinetours.com Web: www.ravinetours.com Contact: Ibrahim Hameed Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation



214 Moo 2, Tambon Ao-nang, Amphoe Muang, Krabi 81000 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 23991060 +66 23011850 Email: sales@rayavadee.com Web: www.rayavadee.com Contact: Claudine Triolo Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)



P.o. Box 175, Elst 6600 AD Netherlands Tel: +31 481366250 Email: s.suppers@rbtkan.nl Web: www.arnhemnijmegenregion.com Contact: Sharon Suppers Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)

Real Intercontinental Hotel & Club Tower,Costa Rica



Blvd Kukulkan Km. 11.5 2nd Floor The Royal In Cancun Hotel Zone, Cancun Mexico, 77500 Mexico Tel: +52 998 8 81 73 10 Fax: +52 998 8 81 73 14 Email: vickysales1@realresorts.com Web: www.realresorts.com Contact: Vicky Iniesta Exhibiting with Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau

Rebak Island Resort, Langkawi


P.o. Box 125, 07007 Kuah, Langkawi, Kedah Darul Aman, Langkawi Malaysia Tel: +60 49665566 Email: itd.bom@tajhotels.com Web: www.tajhotels.com Contact: Sandip Mukherjee Exhibiting with Taj Group

Record Go Rent A Car


Avda. Hermanos Bou, 16-2ª, Castellon De La Plana 12003 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 964343050 +34 964343034 Email: sandra.sampson@recordrentacar.com Web: www.recordrentacar.com Contact: Sandra Sampson Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

Red Bus City Tours


Fuhrichgasse 12/ Ecke Lobkowitzpatz 1, Vienna 1010 Austria Tel: Fax: +43 1 5134853 +43 1 5124030 Email: info@redbuscitytours.at Web: www.redbuscitytours.at Contact: Gabriel Borochov Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

RED MANGROVE Galapagos Lodges


Edificio Camara De Industrias, Cuenca Ecuador, Ecuador Tel: +593 42887979 Email: icalles@redgalapagos.com Web: www.redmangrove.com Contact: MARCIA RODAS Exhibiting with Ecuador

Redix Travel


Office 35/2, Bcv, 71 Vazha-pshavela Ave., Tbilisi 186 Georgia Tel: +995 577 989815 Fax: +995 322 205 502(111) Email: ingabel07@yahoo.com Web: www.redixtravel.com/ Contact: Inga Belova Exhibiting with Georgian National Tourism Administration

Reed Travel Exhibitions

Victoria Falls, Victoria Falls Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 4758726 +263 4758730 Email: REEDBUCKSAFARIS@HOTMAIL.COM Contact: SAMUEL GAPARA Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY



Rua Bela Cintra, 1200, 7° Andar, Sao Paulo Sao Paulo, 01415001 Brazil Tel: +55 11 3060 4736 Email: thais.delben@reedexpo.com.br Web: www.reedexpo.com/en/ Contact: Thais Del Bem Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur



Frente Al Centro Comercial Multiplaza,escazu, San Jose Costa Rica, 11856-1000 Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 22082248 +506 22082115 Email: pamela.diaz@r-hr.com Web: www.intercontinental.com/sanjose Contact: Pamela Díaz Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board





Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant, Richmond Surrey, TW9 1DN Web: www.reedtravelexhibitions.co.uk Email: wendy.hartley@reedexpo.co.uk Contact: Wendy Hartley

Mount Kenya Road, Box 82234, Mombasa Kenya Tel: +254 414471771 Fax: +254 414471349 Email: onearth@africaonline.co.ke Web: www.reefhotelkenya.com Contact: Ranjit Sondhi Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board


Reethi Beach Resort

Cms Cecilia Marketing Services Gmbh, Blumenrainstrasse 13, Appenzell 9050 Switzerland Tel: Fax: +41 717800667 +41 717800666 Email: info@cms.li Web: www.reethibeach.com Contact: Dagmar Oehri Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation



4th Floor Travel Centre, South Wing, Harare Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 4758726 +263 4758734 Email: zta.london@btclick.com Contact: JOSEPH LAMBERT KUNYETU Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY



C/armiche,1, Los Cristianos Arona, 38652 Spain Tel: +34 922 72 99 63 Fax: +34 922 72 90 68 Email: joseb@regencyresorts.com Web: www.regencycountryclub.com Contact: Carmen Martínez Teran Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

Regency Holidays


P.o.box: 9012, Doha 9012 Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44478296 +974 44344499 Email: farooq@regencyholidays.com Web: www.regencyholidays.com Contact: Farooq Siddiqui Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority

Regency Hotel Group


Ctra. Rm601 Corvera-fuente Alamo,km 13, Murcia 30153 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 968384230 +34 968384235 Email: info@airm.es Web: www.airm.es Contact: Caitriona Beggan Exhibiting with REGION OF MURCIA

Region of Crete


1 Plateia Eleftherias, Polytexneiou, Heraklion 71 400 Greece Tel: +30 28413 40371 Fax: +30 28410 82817 Email: chrismanousakis@gmail.com Web: www.incrediblecrete.gr Contact: Chris Manousakis Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation

Region of Ionian Islands


Alikes - Potamos, Corfu 49 100 Greece Tel: Fax: +30 2661042335 +30 2661361537 Email: vasiliadis@pin.gov.gr Web: www.pin.gov.gr Contact: Lavrentios Vasiliadis Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation



Avda. Juana Jugan, 2 3º, 30006 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 968357731 +34 968357725 Email: esther.garcia7@carm.es Web: www.murciaturistica.es Contact: Esther Garcia Region of Murcia Turistica is a public tourist company in charge of the national and international promotion of the Region of Murcia. In order to achieve these aims, our main activities consist of participate in trade fairs, workshops, roadshows, organize fam trips, design advertising campaigns and deal with the media.

Region of Peloponnese


87 Ethnikis Antistaseos, Tripolis 22100 Greece Tel: +30 2713 601151 Fax: +30 2713 601153 Email: tourism@ppel.gov.gr Contact: Konstantina Nikolakou Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation


Region Vysoke Tatry / High Tatras Stary Smokovec 1, Vysoke Tatry 6201 Slovakia Tel: +421 903413844 Email: regionvysoketatry@gmail.com Web: www.regiontatry.sk Contact: Zuzana Valeckova Exhibiting with Slovak Tourist Board




The Regency Hotel & Leisure Centre, Swords Road, Dublin 9 Ireland Tel: +353 1 661 1555 Fax: +353 1 661 1311 Email: lorrainemcgettigan@regencyhotels.com Web: www.regencyhotels.com Contact: Lorraine McGettigan Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland


AF200 Nabq Bay, Sharm El Sheikh South Sinai, Egypt Tel: +20 0693710290 Fax: +20 0693710020 Email: manalmakram@regencyplazasharm.com Web: www.regencyplazasharm.com Contact: Manal Makram Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Regent Hotels & Resorts



Rezidor Hotel Group, C/o Park Inn Victoria, Manchester M4 4EW United Kingdom Tel: +44 844 847 6742 Fax: +44 844 847 6748 Email: leisuresalesuk@rezidor.com Web: www.regenthotels.com Contact: Susan Coulthart Exhibiting with The Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group


P.o Box 147, Arusha Tanzania, United Republic Of +255 27 25025414164 Tel: Fax: +255 27 2544164 Email: marketing@regional.co.tz Web: www.regionaltanzania.com Contact: Hamza Mwapachu Exhibiting with Airkenya Express

Regione Calabria


Via S.nicola, 8, Galleria Mancuso, Catanzaro Cz, 88100 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0961856822 +39 0961856882 Email: info.turiscalabria@regcal.it Web: www.turiscalabria.it Contact: Giulia Stevanella Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Regione Campania - Assessorato al Turismo e Beni Culturali


Centro Direzionale - Isola C/5, Napoli 80143 Italy Tel: +39 081 7968768 Fax: +39 081 7968528 Email: agc13.sett01@pec.regione.campania.it www.regione.campania.it Web: Contact: Rocco Perna Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Regione Lazio


Via Cristoforo Colombo, 212, Roma 185 Italy Tel: +39 06 51686717 Fax: +39 06 51685385 Email: revangelisti@regione.lazio.it Web: www.regione.lazio.it Contact: Roberta Evangelisti Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 373



Regione Lombardia


Piazza Citta Di Lombardia, 1, 1 Nucleo 4 - 4 Piano Arancione, Milano Mi, 20124 Italy +39 0267651 Tel: Fax: +39 0267656255 Email: turismo@regione.lombardia.it Web: www.turismo.regione.lombardia.it Contact: Silvana Ceresoli Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Remac Tours

Rembrandt Hotel Bangkok Regione Piemonte - Assessorato al Turismo


Via Avogadro, 30, Torino 10121 Italy Tel: +39 0114321504 Fax: +39 0114323925 Email: promozione.turistica@regione.piemonte.it Web: www.piemonteitalia.eu Contact: Stefania Gattuso Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Chapel Street, St. Peter, BB26068 Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4225516 +1246 4220546 Email: remactours@caribsurf.com Web: www.remactours.com Contact: Reynold Mc Clean Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

1191, World Trade Center, Corniche El Nil, Cairo Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 225790955 +20 225749541 Email: rasha.fouad@restaresorts.com Web: www.restahotels.com Contact: Rasha Fouad Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority


19 Sukhumvit Soi 18, Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2261 7011 +66 2261 7100 Email: reservations@rembrandtbkk.com Web: www.rembrandtbkk.com Contact: Jackson Ferguson Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Regione Sardegna


Viale Trieste 105, Cagliari 9123 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0706067292 +39 0706061 Email: tur.gestioneprogetti@regione.sardegna.it Web: www.regione.sardegna.it Contact: Costantino Nardi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Regnum Hotel & Spa Bansko


Asanitsa Place, Bansko 2770 Bulgaria Tel: +359 884493922 Fax: +359 74984174 Email: ayshe@regnum.bg Web: www.regnum.bg Contact: Ayshe Medarova Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism

Reims Champagne Tourist Board


Sales Department, 12 Boulevard General Leclerc, Reims Cedex 51722 France Tel: +33 (0)3 26 77 45 15 Fax: +33 (0)3 26 77 45 07 Email: visit@reims-tourisme.com Web: www.reims-tourism.com Contact: Julien THEROND Exhibiting with France

Reina-Tour Lufthansa City Center


Jacobstr. 10, Leipzig 4105 Germany Tel: +49 341 308541 16 Fax: +49 341 308541 29 Email: claudia.neumann@reisemission-leipzig.de Web: www.reisemission-leipzig.com Contact: Claudia Neumann Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board

Relais de Paris Hotels Collection

30, Alhaja Kofoworola Crescent, Off Awolowo Way, Near Lagoon Hospital, Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234 2348037135661 Email: mail@remlordstours.com Web: www.remlordstours.com Contact: Onung Nkereuwem Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation

Renaissance Sharm El Sheikh Golden View Beach Resort


13 Rue Ferou, Paris 75006 France Tel: +33 1 44 52 75 56 Fax: +33 1 44 52 75 59 Email: sooruth.sookun@lesrelaisdeparis.fr Web: www.lesrelaisdeparis.fr Contact: Sooruth Sookun Exhibiting with France

Reni Pani Jungle Lodge


42 Avenue George V, Paris 75008 France Tel: +33 1 53 23 38 12 Fax: +33 1 53 23 38 49 Email: julien.sagols@reside-etudes.fr Web: www.relais-spa.com / residhome.com / sejoursaffaires.com Contact: Julien Sagols Exhibiting with France

374 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Hameentie 19, Helsinki FI-00501 Finland +358 405513252 Tel: Email: deiv.salutskij@restel.fi Web: www.restel.fi Contact: Deiv Salutskij Exhibiting with Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board





Rua Santa Clara, Numero 70, 6° Andar, Rio De Janeiro Rj, 22041-010 Brazil Tel: +55 21 22357724 Fax: +55 21 22557724 Email: vania@rentamar.com.br Contact: Vania Mendes Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Reollo Travel Pvt. Ltd.


Thuniya Building, 8th Floor, Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Male’ North Male’ Atoll, Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3332751 +960 3346004 Email: mohamed.khaleel@reollo.com Web: www.reollo.com Contact: Mohamed Khaleel Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Resort Marketing International

401 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach United States Tel: +1 4805885507 Email: kathy@retailtourism.com Contact: Kathy Anderson Exhibiting with Visit California


17 - 19 Richmond Road, Dukes Park, Essex, CM2 6UA United Kingdom Tel: +44 01245 459900 Fax: +44 01245 462978 Email: info@resort-marketing.co.uk Web: www.resort-marketing.co.uk Contact: Colin Pegler Resort Marketing International are now Europe’s largest hotel representation company. Services include sales & marketing, PR, reservations and money collection, trade & consumer show attendance and travel agent training. Clients include: Occidental Hotels & Resorts (Spanish Caribbean), Elite Island Resorts, Driftwood Hospitality Management and Harlequin Hotels & Resorts.


Avenida Del Yacht Nº 11, Asuncion Paraguay Tel: Fax: +595 21311807 +595 21906121 Email: alejandromontani@resortyacht.com.py Web: www.resortyacht.com.py Contact: Alejandro Montani Exhibiting with Paraguay Secretaria Nacional de Turismo


Retaj Hotels & Hospitality

P.o.box: 25556, Doha, Dafna, Diplomatic District, Doha Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44204445 +974 44204444 Email: m_galal@retaj.com Web: www.retaj-hotels.com Contact: Maagid Saarany Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority

Retevacanze srl

Satpura Tiger Reserve, 157, Shamla Hill, Madhya Pradesh India, 462013 India Tel: +91 9630086680 Fax: +91 7552661720 Email: info@renipanijunglelodge.com Web: www.renipanijunglelodge.com Contact: Faiz Rashid Exhibiting with Travel Inn (India) Pvt. Ltd.

RESORT YACHT Y GOLF CLUB PARAGUAYO Relais Spa / Residhome / Séjours & Affaires


Om El Seid Hill, Sharm El Sheikh, South Sinai Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 693664695 +20 693664694 Email: hisham.demery@marriott.com Web: www.renaissancesharmelsheikh.com Contact: Hisham El Demery Exhibiting with Katara Hospitality


B.sadovaya St. 126, Rostov-on-don 344006 Russian Federation Tel: +7 863 295 09 14 Fax: +7 863 295 09 14 Email: visitrostov@reina-tour.ru Web: www.reina-tour.ru Contact: Andey Serov Exhibiting with Russian Federation

Reise Mission GmbH



Corso Sonnino, 177, Bari Italy, 70121 Italy Tel: +39 390805589760 Fax: +39 390805404721 Email: promozione@viaggiareinpuglia.it Web: www.viaggiareinpuglia.it Contact: Francesco Bracci

Restel Hotel Group

Retail Tourism Remlords Tours and Car Hire Services

Regione Puglia




Piazza Castelnuovo, 35, Palermo 90141 Italy Tel: +39 091 6118715 Fax: +39 091 326286 Email: info@retevacanze.it Web: www.retevacanze.it Contact: Salvatore Puleri Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Reunion Island Tourism Board


90 Rue La Boetie, Paris Ile-de-france, 75008 France Tel: Fax: +33 140750273 +33 140750279 Email: k.cadet@reunion.fr www.reunion.fr Web: Contact: Karine Cadet Réunion Island…a World of Experiences.From volcanoes to clear lagoons and white sandy beaches, this tropical French island offers a diverse range of contrasting sights and experiences. Live a world tour in just a couple of days.The Tourism Board team will help you to promote this destination in Indian Ocean.



Aribau 240, 5-m, Barcelona 8006 Spain Tel: +34 934 520 069 Email: info@reviewpro.com Web: www.reviewpro.com/world-travel-market Contact: Edwina Dendler ReviewPro enables hoteliers to efficiently aggregate, organize and manage their online reputation and presence in leading social media sites. We provide the analysis, customer intelligence, competitive benchmarking and reporting needed to help hotel professionals more effectively manage their organization.



1 Letterman Drive Building C, Ste Cm100, San Francisco 94129 United States +1 14152903707 Tel: Email: michelle@revinate.com Web: www.revinate.com Contact: Michelle Wohl Revinate is a software platform, designed specifically for the hospitality industry, that allows hoteliers to take control of their online online reputation by using online reviews and social media to connect with and learn from travelers.



141 Nguyen Hue Blvd., District 1, Hochiminh Vietnam, Vietnam +84 838292185 Tel: Fax: +84 838296536 Email: rexhotel@rex.com.vn Web: www.rexhotelvietnam.com Contact: Nick Tran Exhibiting with Saigontourist Holding Company



Rex Resorts - Turtle Beach Tobago

9 Galena Roaf, London W6 OLT United Kingdom Tel: +44 2087415333 Email: jenna.claassen@rexresorts.com Web: www.rexresorts.com Contact: Jenna Claassen Exhibiting with Trinidad and TobagoTourism Development Company (TDC)

Reykjavik Excursions


Vesturvor 34, Kopavogur 200 Iceland Tel: +354 5805400 Email: thor@re.is Web: www.re.is Contact: Thorarinn Thor Exhibiting with Visit Iceland


11654 Plaza America Drive, Suite 645, Reston Virginia, VA 20190 United States Tel: Fax: +1 7034330146 +1 7037384627 Email: ashok@rezgateway.com Web: www.rezgateway.com Contact: Ashok Senadeera Rezgateway is a travel inventory aggregator, distributor and provider of fully customizable reservation systems for tour operators, wholesalers, OTA’s, Airline companies & DMCs’. Using Rezgateway, customers can easily create, manage, integrate and distribute travel inventory (air, car, hotel, cruise, attractions, show tickets, golf) using Internet technologies.



255 Shoreline Dr, Ste 550, Redwood City California, 94065 United States +1 4087961628 Tel: Fax: +1 4086257620 Email: melvie@rezopia.com Web: www.rezopia.com Contact: Melvie Gabriel Rezopia is the first cloud-based end-to-end travel reservation, contracts, operations and distribution management system enabling travel providers to scale revenues, reduce costs and better serve customers via the web, social networks, mobile devices and traditional call centers. For more details, visit www.rezopia.com


C/ Bicacarera, 21, Santa Ursula Santa Cruz De Tenerife, 38390 Spain +34 922385064 Tel: Fax: +34 922300513 Email: srodriguez@rfhoteles.com Web: www.rfhoteles.com Contact: Susana Rodriguez Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

Rhaetian Railways


Bahnhofstrasse 25, Chur Graubunden, 7002 Switzerland Tel: +41 81 288 63 65 Fax: +41 81 288 61 05 Email: r.rostetter@rhb.ch Web: www.rhb.ch Contact: Reto Rostetter Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Rhineland-Palatinate Tourist Board


Lohrstraße 103-105, Koblenz 56068 Germany Tel: Fax: +49 261915240 +49 261915200 Email: mueller@rlp-info.de Web: www.romantic-germany.info Contact: Kirsten Müller Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board



EM950 Rhodes Island, Greece, 3, Plotarchou Blessa St, Rhodes 851 00 Greece Tel: +30 2241074555 Fax: +30 2241074558 Email: protour@rodosisland.gr Web: www.rodosisland.gr Contact: Babis Palogiannidis Combining a 2400 years history, unspoiled natural beauty, tradition and modern infrastructure, RHODES ensures visitors a comfortable, safe and carefree stay. The well appointed hotels and several fully equipped conference centres all contribute making Rhodes one of the most important and beautiful destinations in Greece and the Mediterranean.


Ri-Yaz Hotels & Resorts



Rhodes Tourism Promotion Organisation


Ngong Rd, Opp The Baptist, Ngong Road, Nairobi Kenya, 100 Kenya Tel: +254 20272061 2720611 Fax: +254 202720624 Email: rhinonbo@africaonline.co.ke Web: www.rexsafari.com/-africa/-safari Contact: Lacty De Sousa Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

Canna Block A, C/o Cyberview Resort & Spa, Persiaran Multimedia, Cyberjaya 63000 Malaysia +60 3 8312 7065 Fax: +60 3 8312 7066 Tel: Email: shuriana@ri-yaz.com Contact: Shuriana Shukor Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Rida International


Jal El-dib Highway, Al-arz Center, Jal El-dib Lebanon +961 (4) 718 790 Fax: +961 (4) 718 758 Tel: Email: ridaint@ridaint.com Web: www.ridaint.com.lb Contact: Rafic Rida Exhibiting with LEBANON Ministry of Tourism


Riding Safari Association Po Box 791, Limpopo Province 530 South Africa Tel: Fax: +27 866123644 +27 834191929 Email: ridingsafari@yebo.co.za Web: www.ridingsafari.com Contact: Laura Dowinton

Riding Safari Association brings together the finest riding holidays in the world. Each ride is unique, in style of accommodation and terrain, yet all have a timeless appeal for lovers of horse riding who seek an extraordinary holiday.

Rila Travel Ltd.


Hipodruma 113 B, Sofia 1612 Bulgaria Tel: +359 888 528 513 Email: info@rilatravel.com Web: www.rilatravel.com Contact: Petia Doncheva Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism

Rimonim Hotels & Resorts


1 Krinitzi Street, Ramat Gan 52453 Israel Tel: Fax: +972 36754547 +972 36754573 Email: zleanne@rimonim.com Web: www.rimonim.com Contact: Leanne Ziderman Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office





53 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, Paris 75008 France +33 01 49 27 70 75 Fax: +33 01 49 27 70 43 Tel: Email: loredana@ringtours.fr Web: www.ringtours.fr Contact: Loredana Acunzo Exhibiting with France




Praca Pio X, 119/9º Andar, Centro, Rio De Janeiro 20040-020 Brazil Tel: +55 21 22717131 Fax: +55 21 2271 7167 Email: marcia.riotur@gmail.com Web: www.rioguiaoficial.com.br Contact: MARCIA PAULA Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


Av. Borges De Medeiros, Nº 633 Sala 407, Rio De Janeiro Brazil, 22430-041 Brazil Tel: +55 21 2142 9352 Email: felipe@riolifetours.com Web: www.riolife.com.br/ Contact: Felipe Amaral Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


Ripley’s Believe It or Not! London

The London Pavilion, 1 Piccadilly Circus, London W1J 0DA United Kingdom Tel: Fax: +44 2077348768 +44 2032380022 Email: laura@ripleyslondon.com Web: www.ripleyslondon.com Contact: Natascha Crump With over 700 authentic artefacts, exhibits and astonishing interactive experiences spanning across 6 floors, Ripley’s celebrates the weird, wonderful and bizarre in all its’ forms. From a life sized knitted Ferrari to an 8ft Transformer, a Mirror Maze and the Impossible Laser Race. Fun and entertainment for the whole family!

Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Times Square


234 West 42nd Street, New York Ny, 10036 United States Tel: +1 2123983133 Email: beth@ripleysnewyork.com Web: www.ripleysnewyork.com Contact: Beth Sousa Exhibiting with NYC & Company

Ristorante dei Pescatori Como Lake

EM1800 Via Case Sparse 219, Domaso 22013 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0344833663 +39 3332432194 Email: rpescatori@libero.it Web: www.ristorantedeipescatori.com Contact: Daniela Cassera Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



Isabel La Catolica Square 2478, La Paz Bolivia, 4026 Bolivia Tel: Fax: +591 22433080 +591 22433131 Email: gcomercial@ritzbolivia.com Web: www.ritzbolivia.com Contact: Miroslava De la Riva Exhibiting with Viceministerio de Turismo Bolivia

Ritz Carlton Penha Longa Hotel Spa & Golf Resort

Str. Vitan Barzesti, Nr. 7d, Sector 4, Vitan Barzesti, Bucuresti Romania, Romania Tel: Fax: +40 311061119 +40 311061138 Email: catalin.cunescu@rinhotels.ro www.rinhotels.ro Web: Contact: Catalin Cunescu Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM


Rua Des. Hemeterio Fernandes, 1102, Tirol, Natal Rio Grande Do Norte, 59015-110 Brazil Tel: +55 84 32322487 Email: ginarobinson@rn.gov.br Contact: GINA ROBINSON Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


Estrada Da Lagoa Azul, Sintra Portugal, 2714-511 Portugal Tel: Fax: +351 219249007 +351 219249011 Email: carla.pereira@penhalonga.com Web: www.penhalonga.pt Contact: Madalena Judice Exhibiting with Portugal

Riviera Hotel & Casino


2901 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Las Vegas 89109 United States Tel: Fax: +1 7027949635 +1 7027949279 Email: jshaw@theriviera.com Web: www.rivierahotel.com Contact: Jasmin Shaw Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority

Riviera Maya Destination Marketing Office


Calle 28 S/n Mzn 4 Lote 1, Entre Carr. Federal Y Av. 50 Nte, Playa Del Carmen Quintana Roo, 77710 Mexico Tel: +52 984 206 3150 Email: marketing@rivieramaya.com www.rivieramaya.com Web: Contact: Rosa Maria Cruz Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

Riviera Nayarit


Ernesto J Piper No9 -501, Col Paseo De Las Lomas, Df, 1330 Mexico +52 52929488 Tel: Email: edwinhernandez@nayarit.gob.mx Contact: Edwin Hernandez Quintero Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 375





Caglayan Mah., Barinaklar Bulvari, Antalya 7230 Turkey Tel: +90 3124415427 Fax: +90 3124415428 Email: basak.erel@rixos.com Web: www.rixos.com Contact: Basak Erel Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office



snc, Grosseto Toscana, 58043 Italy Via Delle Rocchette Tel: +39 0564 941124 Fax: +39 0564 941133 Email: r.masini@caratteretoscano.com Web: www.roccamare.it Contact: ROCCO MONACO Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione

Room and Resort International Ltd

Roscioli Hotels Rixos Libertas Dubrovnik


Leichsteinov Put 3, Dubrovnik 20000 Croatia +385 20200000 Tel: Email: ali.ozbay@rixos.com Web: www.rixos.com Contact: ali ozbay Exhibiting with Croatian National Tourist Board

P O Box 2063, Ft Collins, Co 80522 United States +1 9704825813 Tel: Fax: +1 9704825815 Email: kbirrell@rmi-realamerica.com Web: www.rmhtours.com Contact: Kim Birrell


Rixos, The Palm Dubai

P.o. Box: 18652, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 44575555 Email: Mirela.Raic@rixos.com Web: www.rixos.com Contact: Mirela Raic Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing



Avenue Mohammed Vi, Marrakech Marrakech, 40000 Morocco Tel: +212 5 24 44 87 97 Fax: +212 5 24 44 88 39 Email: belghiti@travellink.ma Web: www.travellink.ma Contact: Mounir El Belghiti Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office




Via Girolamo Frescobaldi, 5, Roma 198 Italy Tel: +39 06 85442700 Fax: +39 06 8551758 Email: sales@robertonaldicollection.com Web: www.robertonaldicollection.com Contact: Francesca Benazzi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Robin Pope Safaris


Robinson Club Maldives

Maaram Building, 5th Floor, Ameer Ahmed Magu, Male’ Maldives +960 3309095 Tel: Fax: +960 3009093 Email: sales.maldives@robinson.de Web: www.robinson-maldives.com Contact: Lola Stojkovic Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation


Ibsens Gate 7, Gjøvik NO-2821 Norway Tel: Fax: +47 61108151 +47 61108150 Email: mali@robinson.no Web: www.robinsonscandinavia.com Contact: Mali Furuseth Exhibiting with Visit Norway / Innovation Norway

Roc Blanc Hotels

Rocky Mountain International


2232 Dell Range Blvd. Suite 101, Cheyenne Wy, 82009 United States +1 3076374977 Tel: Fax: +1 3076348334 Email: kbirrell@rmi-realamerica.com Web: www.RMI-RealAmerica.com Contact: Kim Birrell RMI coordinates European tourism marketing Wyoming, South Dakota, Montana and Idaho. The ‘Real America’ region offers Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore, Glacier National Park, Craters of the Moon, and many ways to explore western history and culture, wildlife, natural wonders and recreation in all seasons. Visit us at www.rmi-realamerica.com.

Rocky Mountaineer

Rodrigues Tourism Office



Rohet Garh & Mihir Garh


Placa Coprinceps 5, Escaldes-engordany AD700 Andorra Tel: +376 871420 Email: jpifarre@rocblanchotels.com www.rocblanchotels.com Web: Contact: Daniel Barceló Exhibiting with Andorra Turisme, S.A.U.

376 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Via Leopardi, 24, Roma 185 Italy Tel: +39 06 67104122 Fax: +39 06 67103426 Email: turismo@comune.roma.it www.turismoroma.it Web: Contact: Patrizia Tanzi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Romagna Full Time


P.le Della Vittoria, 23, Forli’ 47121 Italy Tel: +39 0543 378075 Fax: +39 0543 378036 Email: info@romagnafulltime.it Web: www.romagnafulltime.it Contact: Simona Polito Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Rosen Hotels & Resorts


9939 Universal Blvd., Orlando Florida, 32819 United States +1 407 996 3143 Fax: +1 407 996 9935 Tel: Email: TMcCall@rosenshinglecreek.com Web: www.rosenhotels.com Contact: Tania McCall Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA



Po Box 43500, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 2 6441413 +971 2 6994444 Email: sales.marketing@rotana.com Web: www.rotana.com Contact: Amin Dakkak Rotana manages portfolio of over 70 properties throughout the Middle East & Africa out of which 43 are in operation. Rotana delivers the best of Arabian hospitality operating 4 sub brands including Rotana Hotels & Resorts,Centro Hotels by Rotana,Rayhaan Hotels & Resorts by Rotana and Arjaan Hotel Apartments by Rotana.

Rotana Hotels

La Residence, Rue De La, Port Mathurin Rodrigues, Mauritius +230 230 832 0867 Tel: Email: sandrine.rodrigues@intnet.mu Web: www.tourism-rodrigues.mu Contact: Marie Sandrine Pierre Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

Roma Capitale


Via Marsala 22, Roma 185 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 064457205 +39 064487542 Email: rhr@rhr.it Web: www.rosciolihotels.com Contact: Svetlana Kostrikina Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


C/o Rohet House, Pwd Road, Jodhpur Rajasthan, 324 001 India Tel: +91 9829023453 Email: sidrohet@gmail.com Web: www.rohetgarh.com Contact: Sidharth Singh Exhibiting with MAhout (UK) Ltd

Po Box 80, Mfuwe Eastern Province, Zambia Tel: +260 (0) 179 54834491 Fax: +260 (0) 179 5008 Email: geno@robinpopesafaris.net www.robinpopesafaris.net Web: Contact: Geno Paringira Exhibiting with Classic Safari Camps Of Africa

Robinson Scandinavia AS

Explore the Real West – untamed, unspoiled, unforgettable. Contact RMHTours for your individual travel programs for the best experience in the West – National Parks, nature and Western culture. Your onestop call for all your interests. RMHTours can assist with custom group planning for transportation, lodging, meals, activities and attractions.

369 Terminal Avenue, Vancouver Bc, V6A 4C4 Canada Tel: +1 01293 897 181 Email: lpeden@rockymountaineer.com Web: www.rockymountaineer.com Contact: Leslie Peden Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission

48, Main Street, St. Julians STJ 1017 Malta +356 23285156 Tel: Fax: +356 23285143 Email: sales@robertarrigo.com Web: www.robertarrigo.com Contact: Andrew Arrigo Exhibiting with Malta Tourism Authority

Roberto Naldi Collection


Rocky Mountain Holiday Tours


14 Basil Street, London SW3 1AJ United Kingdom Tel: +44 442034025040 Email: cristina@roomandresort.it Web: www.residencemarinapalace.it Contact: Cristina Appennini


17 Apolodor Street, North, Bucharest Romania +40 372 144041 Tel: Fax: +40 372 144042 Email: promovare@mturism.ro Web: www.Romania.Travel Contact: Daniela Prelipcean Responsible for national tourism development, the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism focuses on investments and promoting Romania’s tourism. Our offices , located in nine countries are your first port of call to get extensive information on country’s great diversity of tourist attractions, events, promotion themes, and novelties.


P.o. Box 30880, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 7054655 Email: naeem.darkazally@rotana.com Web: www.rotana.com Contact: Naeem Darkazally Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Rotana Hotels & Resorts


P.o.box 45200, Tourist Club Area, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 26979102 +971 26979071 Email: adrian.deegan@rotana.com Web: www.rotana.com Contact: Adrian Deegan Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY



124 Othman Ibn Affan Street, 14th Floor, Cairo Cairo, Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 226440997 +20 226440992 Email: sales.cairo@rotana.com www.rotana.com Web: Contact: Sherif Medhat Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Rotterdam Marketing


Coolsingel 195-197, Rotterdam 3001 DE Netherlands Tel: +31 107900140 Email: leisure@rotterdam-marketing.nl Web: www.rotterdam.info Contact: Susanne Dahles Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)

Rouen & Seine Valley - Normandy


25 Place De La Cathedrale, Bp 666, Rouen Cedex 1 76008 France Tel: +33 (0)2 32 08 36 51 Email: i.saliba@rouenvalleedeseine-tourisme.com Web: www.rouenvalleedeseine.com Contact: Elodie Picard Exhibiting with France

Round Hill Hotel & Villas


Po Box 64, John Pringle Drive, Montego Bay Jamaica, W.I United Kingdom Tel: +44 2089776099 Fax: +44 2086145606 Email: claire.green@essentialdetail.co.uk Web: www.roundhill.com Contact: Claire Green Exhibiting with Jamaica Tourist Board


Rovos Rail Tours (Pty) Ltd P.o. Box 2837, Pretoria, Pretoria 1 South Africa Tel: Fax: +27 123230843 +27 123158242 Email: anthea@rovos.co.za Web: www.rovos.co.za Contact: Estee Badenhorst

Rovos Rail - The Most Luxurious Train In The WorldExperience the extravagant elegance of rail travel on the most luxurious train in the world. Rovos Rail’s unique safaris through the heart of Africa combine magnificent scenery with the glamour and excitement of the golden age of rail travel.

Roy Safaris Ltd.


2 Serengeti Road, P.o. Box 50, Arusha Tanzania, TZ50 Tanzania, United Republic Of +255 27 250 2115 Fax: +255 27 254 8892 Tel: Email: sunjay@roysafaris.com Web: www.roysafaris.com Contact: Maria Susan Pandit Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Royal Air Maroc


Langham House, 32-33 Gosfield Street, London London, W1W 6ED United Kingdom Tel: +44 0207 307 5820 Fax: +44 0207 307 5871 Email: MBERGEL@royalairmaroc.com Web: www.royalairmaroc.com Contact: Maryse Bergel Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office

Royal Ascot Hotel


Po Box 52700, Dubai United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 04 3558500 Email: venu@royalascothotel.ae Web: www.royalascothotel-dubai.com Contact: VENUGOPAL ANAND Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Royal Cliff Hotels Group


353 Phra Tamnuk Road, Pattaya, Chonburi 20150 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 38 250 511 +66 38 250 421 Email: relax@royalcliff.com Web: www.royalcliff.com Contact: Vitanart Vatthanakul Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Royal Collection Trust


Royal Collection Trust, York House, London SW1A 1BQ United Kingdom Tel: +44 2078391377 Fax: +44 2078398168 Email: traveltrade@royalcollection.org.uk www.royalcollection.org.uk Web: Contact: Rhiannon Marsh Royal Collection Trust manages the public opening of the official residences of HM The Queen and TRH The Prince of Wales including Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, the Palace of Holyroodhouse, Clarence House and Frogmore House as well as the Royal Mews and The Queen’s Galleries in London and Edinburgh.

Royal Demeure Hotel Group


Via L. Respighi, 5b, Rome 197 Italy Tel: +39 06699811 Email: szambelli@warwickhotels.com Web: www.hoteldinghilterra.warwickhotels.com/ Contact: Samuel Zambelli Exhibiting with Warwick International Hotels

Royal Highland Hotel


Station Square, Academy Street, Inverness IV1 1LG United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1463 231 926 Fax: +44 01463 710705 Email: info@royalhighlandhotel.co.uk Web: www.royalhighlandhotel.co.uk Contact: Janice Smith Exhibiting with UKinbound

Royal India Holidays

Royal Jordanian Airlines

B-396, Patel Nagar - 2, National Capital Region Of Delhi 201001 India Tel: +91 9810068824 Fax: +91 1204118824 Email: sales@royalindiaholidays.com Web: www.royalindiaholidays.com Contact: Newton Singh Exhibiting with Travel To Marketing


Royal Mountain Travel - Nepal

Royal Mt. Trekking P. Ltd.


EM1660 Via San Lorenzo, 15/24, Pescia Pistoia, 51017 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0572408333 +39 0572408340 Email: stefano.ciardi@libero.it Web: www.rphotels.com Contact: Stefano Ciardi Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione


P.o.box: 10798, Durbar Marg, Kathmandu Nepal Tel: Fax: +977 1 4245318 +977 1 4241452 Email: rmt@ntc.net.np Web: www.royal-mt-trekking.com Contact: Thakur Khanal Exhibiting with Nepal Tourism Board

RT & T Triple


Rue Vautier, 29, Brussels 1000 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 26274113 +32 26274552 Email: kareen.goldfeder@naturalsciences.be Web: www.naturalsciences.be Contact: Kareen Goldfeder Exhibiting with Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia

Royal Museums of Art & History


Parc Du Cinquantenaire, 10, Brussels Brussels, 1000 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 27337735 +32 27417211 Email: info@mraj.be Web: www.mrah.be Contact: Denis PERIN Exhibiting with Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia


Rued Du Musee, 9, Brussels 1000 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 25083406 +32 25083409 Email: anne.goffart@fine-arts-museum.be Web: www.fine-arts-museum.be Contact: Anne Goffart Exhibiting with Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia

Royal Plaza Hotel


193 Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: Fax: +852 2628 3383 +852 2622 6287 Email: ericng@royalplaza.com.hk Web: www.royalplaza.com.hk Contact: Eric Ng Exhibiting with Hong Kong Tourism Board

Royal Resorts


Paseo Kukulcan Km 4.5, Lote C2 Y C2a Zona Hotelera, Cancun Mexico Tel: +52 00 Email: dluna@royalresorts.com Contact: Debbie Luna Exhibiting with Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau

Royal Stay Group, Ltd.


Karl Marx Street 40, Minsk 220030 Belarus Tel: +375 293118888 Fax: +375 172222914 Email: minskrent@gmail.com Web: www.minskrent.eu Contact: Vencislav Bujic Exhibiting with Belarus National Tourism Agency


P.o.box 3425, North Coast, Zanzibar Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 24 2240 5124 Fax: +255 24 2240 516 Email: fc@royalzanzibar.com Web: www.royalzanzibar.com Contact: Azeem Jamal Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


25 Vitosha Blvd, Floor 5, Sofia Bulgaria, 1000 Bulgaria Tel: Fax: +359 2 989 97 77 +359 885097037 Email: denitza@incomingbulgaria.com Web: www.incomingbulgaria.com Contact: Denitza Svilenova Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism

Ruhr Tourism


Centroallee 261, Oberhausen 46047 Germany Tel: +49 208 899 59 140 Email: info@ruhr-tourismus.de Web: www.ruhr-tourismus.de Contact: Andreas Wietheger Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board

Rural Cyprus Royal Museums of Fine Arts


Hezel 96, Rehovot, 76548 Israel Tel: Fax: +972 89356000 +972 89353333 Email: triple_s@netvision.net.il Contact: Sharon Binyamin Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

Rual Travel Ltd Royal Museum of Natural Sciences


RST DMC - Rico Suntours, Inc. Po Box 37877, San Juan Puerto Rico Tel: +1787 722 2080 Email: alejandro@rstpuertorico.com Web: www.puertoricodmc.com Contact: Alejandro Moncayo Exhibiting with Puerto Rico Tourism Company

Lal Durbar Marg, Durbar Marg, Kathmandu Nepal Tel: Fax: +977 14444380 +977 1 4444378 Email: shiva@royalmt.com.np Web: www.royalmt.com.np Contact: Shiva Bhakal Exhibiting with Global Discovery / Adventure Now

Royal Zanzibar Beach Resort Ltd.



Royal Jordanian, Space One, 1 Beadon Road, London United Kingdom, W6 0EA United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 878 6333 Fax: +44 208 748 5251 Email: Khaldoun.Shawwa@rj.com Web: www.rj.com Contact: Samir Risheq Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board



Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Po Box 24535, Nicosia 1390 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 22691313 +357 22691290 Email: mariasokratous@visitcyprus.com Web: www.visitcyprus.com Contact: Maria Sokratous Travel only a short distance from beautiful beaches, to find fascinating landscapes, charming traditional villages, fresh produce, wonderful vineyards and delicious food at local village tavernas. Rural Cyprus invites you to a truly memorable experience. Visit our stand to find out more.

Russian Federation


Expotour, 47 Myasnitskaya Str., Off.460, Moscow 101000 Russian Federation +7 495 626 85 64 Fax: +7 495 626 42 74 Tel: Email: info@tourfond.ru Contact: Olga Khotochkina Federal Agency for Tourism as the National Tourism Administration of Russia has organized the united stand with expositions of Russian Railways, hotel chains, health and recreational resorts and the most popular destinations of the regions of Arkhangelsk, Daghestan, Sverdlovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk, Krasnodar, Tatarstan, Murmansk, Samara, Yaroslavl, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachaevo-Cherkesia, Irkutsk and Rostov.

Russian National Tourist Office Ltd

EM250 202 Kensington Church Street, London W8 4DP United Kingdom +44 207 985 12 34 Fax: +44 207 243 82 75 Tel: Email: info@visitrussia.org.uk Web: www.visitrussia.org.uk Contact: Alexey Cherepanov Exhibiting with Russian Federation



C/ Mariano Cuesta 2, Torrelodones - Madrid 28250 Spain Tel: +34 918596380 Email: jlopez@rusticae.es Web: WWW.RUSTICAE.ES Contact: Javier Lopez Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 377



Ruta Moche


Av. Larco 1184 Urb Huanchaco, Trujillo Peru, Peru Tel: +51 994175232 Email: lgarcia@gwiese.com Contact: Lyda García Exhibiting with PromPeru

RWA is one of the world’s leading travel technology suppliers specialising in travel reservation, management and distribution solutions. Our reservation system – Sell-It Suite, has been chosen by tour operators, travel wholesalers, scheduled airlines and low cost carriers around the world.


Manumental Building, Avenue De La Justice, Kigali Kigali, PO BOX 6292 Rwanda +250 0788301080 Tel: Email: osborn@rwandaeco-tours.com Web: www.rwandaecotours.com Contact: Osborn shedruch Kinene Exhibiting with Rwanda Tourism Board


Boulevard De L’umuganda, Nyarutarama Road, Gishushu, Kigali Rwanda, P.O.BOX 6239 Rwanda Tel: +250 252 50 23 50 Fax: +250 252 585 17 Email: adrien.ngabire@rdb.rw Web: www.rwandatourism.com Contact: Philibert Ndandali

Sabah Tourism Board


Private Bag K39, Kasane Chobe Region, Botswana Tel: Fax: +267 6250 259 +267 6251754 Email: reservations@sgsafrica.com Web: www.sgsafrica.com Contact: Clive Millar Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation


Via Cavour, 121, Palermo 90133 Italy +39 091 582533 Tel: Fax: +39 091 584240 Email: incoming@tagliavia.it Web: www.tagliavia.it Contact: Carolina Miceli Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

S.J. Tours


22, Balarabe Musa Crescent, Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234 8033160672 Email: abiloakogubiyi@sjtours.com Contact: Abiola Ogunbiyi Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation

S’TOURS Destination Management Company


4, Rue Turgot, Casablanca 20100 Morocco Tel: +212 522 36 13 04 Fax: +212 522 36 19 85 Email: h.belhadfa@stoursvoyages.com Web: www.stoursvoyages.com Contact: Selma Chebihi Exhibiting with Emeco Travel

SA Apartheid Museum


P O Box 82283, Southdale Gauteng, 2135 South Africa Tel: +27 11 309 4700 Fax: +27 11 309 4726 Email: wayded@apartheidmuseum.org Web: www.apartheidmuseum.org Contact: Wayde Davy Exhibiting with South African Tourism





This exclusive destination offers stunning scenery with tropical rainforests, The Piton Mountains, drive-in volcano and sandy beaches. For those seeking relaxation, rejuvenation or adventure, the island is fun, unspoilt and steeped in a tradition of friendliness and cultural pride. A variety of luxury accommodation makes Saint Lucia a natural choice.

Saint Petersburg Express, JSC


12, Petrozavodskaya Str., Office 209, Saint Petersburg 197110 Russian Federation +7 8122350814 Tel: Fax: +7 8123206133 Email: eugenia@restec.ru Web: www.restec.ru/travelexpo Contact: Katerina Bystrova

Saint-Petersburg Tourism Department Smolny, Entrance 6, Saint-petersburg 191060 Russian Federation +7 8125764570 Tel: Fax: +7 8125764563 Email: info@cisp.gov.spb.ru Contact: Elena Pozdeeva Exhibiting with Saint Petersburg Express, JSC


Sainte Anne Resort & Spa

St.anne Island, P.o. Box 388, Victoria Seychelles, Seychelles +248 4 29 20 00 Tel: Fax: +248 4 29 20 02 Email: sainteanne@bchot.com Web: www.sainteanne-resort.com Contact: Norbert Couvreur Exhibiting with Seychelles Tourism Board


Sakkara Group International

61 El Merghany Street, 8th Floor, Heliopolis, Cairo Egypt, 11341 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 24187099 +20 24177970 Email: monat@sakkara.com.eg Web: www.sakkaragroup.com Contact: Mona Talhami



Als Building, Wilson Airport, Langata Road, P. O. Box 41937, Nairobi Kenya, 100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 6000777 Fax: +254 20 6000039 Email: anu@flysafarilink.com Web: www.flysafarilink.com Contact: ANU VOHORA Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board


23 Le Loi Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam, Vietnam Tel: Fax: +84 838296648 +84 838225887 Email: saigontourist@sgtourist.com.vn Web: www.saigon-tourist.com Contact: Thanh Thuy Huynh Duong Headquartered in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and having been in the hospitality and travel services industry for over 35 years, Saigontourist is currently one of the largest hospitality corporations with a portfolio that includes over 18 branches and divisions, 70 domestic affiliates and 10 foreign joint venture affiliates.


AS583 45 Le Thanh Ton Street, District 1, Hochiminh Vietnam, Vietnam +84 838279279 Tel: Fax: +84 838246213 Email: anhcam@saigontourist.net Web: www.saigontourist.net Contact: Anh Cam Tran Exhibiting with Saigontourist Holding Company

378 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Lower Ground, 1 Collingham Gardens, London SW5 0HW United Kingdom Tel: +44 2073417000 Fax: +44 2073417001 Email: sltbinfo@stluciauk.org Web: www.saintlucianow.co.uk Contact: Jean-Marc Flambert


73 Tooting Bec Road, London United Kingdom, SW17 8BP United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 8672 9018 Email: simon@safarilegacy.com Web: www.safarilegacy.com Contact: Simon Beck Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Saigontourist Holding Company


Saint Lucia Tourist Board

The company’s primary activity is the organization of international exhibitions, fairs, seminars and conferences for travel, tourism recreation, sport and developing a health lifestyle. Since 1992 the company has organized around 150 international and regional events.

Safari Destinations

Safari Legacy

S. Tagliavia e C. srl


Safari and Guide Services Africa

S. MIFSUD & SONS LTD (SMS TOURISM) Sms Tourism, 27, B’kara Hill, St. Julians STJ1143 Malta Tel: Fax: +356 21360032 +356 25771508 Email: sfenech@sms.com.mt Web: www.sms.com.mt Contact: Sarah Fenech Exhibiting with Malta Tourism Authority


Julio Zaldumbide N25-42 Y Mira Valle, Quito Ecuador Tel: +593 22509504 Email: guillermoz@sachalodge.com Web: www.sachalodge.com Contact: Guillermo Zaldumbide Exhibiting with Ecuador

Rwanda is unique and rich in natural scenic beauty. It’s a country ideal for adventure safaris. The volcanoes are home to the famous Gorillas. These coupled with lakes and rivers make up a beautiful country located right at the heart of Africa. Cave and Boat tourism will soon be launched



No. 51 Gaya Street, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia, 88000 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 88212075 +60 88212121 Email: info@sabahtourism.com Web: www.sabahtourism.com Contact: Noredah Othman Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Private Bag 0178, Maun Botswana, Botswana Tel: Fax: +267 6862933 +267 6801234 Email: lorraine@safaridestinations.net Web: www.safaridestinations.net Contact: Lorraine Potter Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation


Saint Germain Tours

Ave Las Americas, Del Restaurante Chicote 100 Norte, San Jose San Jose, 1200 Costa Rica +506 22905442 Tel: Fax: +506 22903386 Email: julia@saintgermaintours.com Web: www.saintgermaintours.com Contact: Julia Siri Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board


Rwa House, 66 Cardiff Road, Cardiff South Glamorgan, CF15 7QE United Kingdom +44 2920815050 Tel: Email: mbradbury@rwa-net.co.uk Web: www.rwa-net.co.uk Contact: Mark Bradbury

Rwanda Tourism Board


Sami Solh, Beirut Beirut, 11072010 Lebanon Tel: Fax: +961 1393693 +961 1393100 Email: m.ayoub@saadtours.com Web: www.saadholding.com Contact: Miray Ayoub Exhibiting with LEBANON Ministry of Tourism



SAAD Tours - DMC

Tourism powerhouse established in 1972, Sakkara Group International offers inbound, outbound, special interest, tailor-made & upscale tours as well as MICE. SGI owns two international chain operated hotels; JW Marriott & Sonesta Cairo, a Red Sea resort and a fleet of 8 Nile cruises classified among best on the Nile.


SALA Resorts and Spas

19/f Thaniya Plaza Building Zone A/1| 52 Silom Road, Suriyawong, Bangrak, Bangkok . 10500 Thailand +66 22312588 Tel: Fax: +66 22312589 Email: dos@salaresorts.com Web: www.salaresorts.com Contact: Nunnapat Wongpipit Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)



P.o.box 50531, Lemesos 3607 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 25361981 +357 25860000 Email: m.athanassiou@salamis-tours.com Web: www.salamisorganisation.com Contact: Michalis Athanassiou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Salento e Sviluppo Via Soleto 109, Martano Italy, 73025 Italy Tel: +39 0836572824 Email: info@salentoesviluppo.com Web: www.salentoesviluppo.com Contact: Cosimo Coricciati Exhibiting with Regione Puglia




Samarkanda Travel and Tours Ltd


Via Cicolella, Lecce Italy Tel: +39 3291216759 Email: alitour@ngi.it Web: www.salentocamping.it Contact: Erminia Licchelli Exhibiting with Regione Puglia

4b, Afrosiab Str., Tashkent Uzbekistan, 100031 Uzbekistan Tel: +998 711405850 Fax: +998 711405870 Email: management@samarkanda-travel.com Web: www.samarkanda-travel.com Contact: Kakhramon Usanov Exhibiting with Uzbekistan

Sales Blitz Hospitality Collection

Samburu National Reserve

EM1800 Iv Traversa,1 Montenuovo Licola Patria, Pozzuoli 80078 Italy Tel: +39 081 3042795 Email: info@salesblitz.it Web: www.salesblitz.it Contact: Giulio Gambardella Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

EM140d Postipolku 3, Salla 98900 Finland Tel: +358 400269838 Email: paula.aspholm@salla.fi Web: www.salla.fi & www.savukoski.fi Contact: Paula Aspholm-Heimonen Exhibiting with Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board

SALOU - Patronat Municipal de Turisme de Salou


Innsbrucker Bundesstrasse 95, Salzburg 5020 Austria Tel: +43 662 8580 218 Fax: +43 662 8580 220 Email: marketing@salzburg-airport.at Web: www.salzburg-airport.com Contact: Elisabeth Posch Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

Salzburg City Tourist Office


Auerspergstrasse 6, Salzburg 5020 Austria +43 662 889870 Tel: Fax: +43 662 8898732 Email: bleckmann@salzburg.info Web: www.salzburg.info Contact: Gunda Bleckmann Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

Salzburg State Board of Tourism


P O Box 1, Wiener Bundesstrasse 23, Hallwang Bei Salzburg Salzburg, 5300 Austria Tel: +43 662 66 88 33 Fax: +43 662 66 88 66 Email: k.kollenz@salzburgerland.com Web: www.salzburgerland.com Contact: Klemens Kollenz Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

Salzkammergut Touristik GmbH


Gotzstrasse 12, Bad Ischl 4820 Austria Tel: Fax: +43 6132 2400044 +43 6132 24000 Email: stumpner@salzkammergut.co.at www.salzkammergut.co.at Web: Contact: Brigitte Stumpner Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

Samabe Bali Resort & Villas


Jl. Pura Barong-barong Sawangan, Sanur, Bali Indonesia, Indonesia +62 361 771888 Tel: Fax: +62 361 772418 Email: dosm@samabe.com Web: www.samabe.com Contact: Yani Wongsowinoto Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Samara Region


Kuybysheva Str, 128 A, Office 101, 103, 117, Samara 443010 Russian Federation Tel: +7 (846) 2070738 39 Fax: +7 (846) 2070738 Email: tic-samara@mail.ru Web: www.samararegiontour.ru Contact: Olga Shandurenko Exhibiting with Russian Federation


11 Blades Court, 121 Deodar Road, London SW152NU United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)2088774512 Email: samoa@representationplus.co.uk Web: www.samoa.travel Contact: Kate Fenton Exhibiting with South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO)

Samode Hotels


Pg Jaume I 4, Salou Catalonia, E-43840 Spain Email: pmtsalou@salou.org www.isalou.info Web: Contact: NatĂ lia Bel Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

Salzburg Airport W. A. Mozart

Maralal Town, P. O. Box 3, Maralal Kenya, 20600 Kenya Tel: Fax: +254 065 62063 +254 065 62621 Email: slekupe@yahoo.com Web: www.samburucounty.com Contact: Stephen Lekupe Lekupe Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

Samoa Tourism Authority UK

Salla-Savukoski, The Faraway Lapland



Samode House, Gangapole, Jaipur Rajasthan, 302002 India Tel: +91 1412632370 Email: kpsingh@samode.com Web: www.samode.com Contact: Yadavendra Singh Exhibiting with MAhout (UK) Ltd

Sampran Riverside


Km. 32 Pet Kasem Road,sampran, Nakhon Pathom 73110 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 34 322 773 +66 34 322 544 Email: arrut@sampranriverside.com Web: www.sampranriverside.com Contact: Dimple P. Danvani Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Samui Resotel Beach Resort / Samui Buri Beach Resort


2215 India Street, San Diego California, 92101 United States Tel: Fax: +1 6196969371 +1 6192323101 Email: bsaid@sdcvb.org Web: www.sandiego.org Contact: Brian Said Exhibiting with Visit California

San Francisco Travel Association


201 3rd St, Suite 900, San Francisco United States Tel: +1 4152272694 Email: hfunke@sanfranciscotravel.com Contact: Hubertus Funke Exhibiting with Visit California

San Juan Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino

The State Tourism Board deals with promoting tourism in San Marino and provides holidaymakers and specialized operators with a set of special offers. Centre of such promotion are the special features, traditions and typical products and a wide-ranging calendar of cultural and sports initiatives and appointments.


Sanctuary Hotel NYC

132 W 47th St., New York New York, 10036 United States Tel: Fax: +1 2123821450 +1 2122347000 Email: jconnolly@sanctuaryhotelnyc.com Web: www.sanctuaryhotelnyc.com Contact: John Connolly Exhibiting with Liberty Helicopters


Sandals & Beaches Resorts

34-36 Ives Street, London SW3 2ND United Kingdom +44 207 5900221 Fax: +44 207 8238758 Tel: Email: deana.stefano@sandals.co.uk Contact: Deana Stefano Exhibiting with Jamaica Tourist Board


Sandals Resort

34 / 36 Ives Street, London SW3 2ND United Kingdom +44 (020) 7581 9895 Tel: Fax: +44 (020) 7823 8758 Email: dstefano@sandals.co.uk Web: www.sandals.co.uk Contact: Deana Stefano Exhibiting with Saint Lucia Tourist Board


Sandals Resorts

34 - 36 Ives Street, London SW3 2ND Antigua And Barbuda Tel: +1268 4840170 Email: deana.stefano@sandals.co.uk Web: www.sandals.co.uk Contact: Deana Stefano Exhibiting with Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority


Sandos Hotels & Resorts

Carretera Chetumal-puerto Juarez, Km 295, Playa Del Carmen 77710 Mexico Tel: +52 984 206 3150 1110 Email: marketing@rivieramaya.com Web: www.sandos.com Contact: Rosa Ma. Cruz Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board


Oficios No 110, El Lamparilla Y Amargura, La Habana Cuba Tel: +53 (537)861 9171 Email: ventas@viajessancristobal.cu Web: www.viajessancristobal.cu Contact: Luis Enrique Sotolongo Exhibiting with Cuba Tourist Office

San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau


Contrada Omagnano,20, San Marino 47890 San Marino Tel: Fax: +378 885433 +378 885431 Email: info@visitsanmarino.com Web: www.visitsanmarino.com Contact: Franca Rastelli


17 Moo 3, Chaweng Beach, Koh Samui, Surrathani 84320 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2 235 4193 +66 2 235 4192 Email: jkwok@resotelgroup.com Web: www.samuiresotel.com Contact: John Kwok Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

San Cristobal - Agencia de Viajes

San Marino Tourism Board



Sands Resort & Spa

Wolmar, Flic En Flac Mauritius +230 403 1200 Tel: Fax: +230 453 5300 Email: smsands@intnet.mu Web: www.sands.mu Contact: Stephanie Barry Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority



P.o.box 40857, Larnaka 6307 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 24646900 +357 24646333 Email: info@sandybeachhotel.com.cy Web: www.sandybeachhotel.com.cy Contact: Joanna Florentiadou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Sandy Lane Hotel


Sandy Lane, St. James Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4442072 +1246 4442004 Email: mpownall@sandylane.com Contact: Michael Pownall Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority


1309 Ashford Avenue, San Juan Puerto Rico, 00907-1325 Puerto Rico Tel: Fax: +1787 7227045 +1787 7227000 Email: julian.cable@marriott.com www.marriottsanjuan.com Web: Contact: Julian Cable-Treadwell Exhibiting with Puerto Rico Tourism Company

Sangam Hotels


Marketing Office, Alagar Koil Road, Madurai Tamil Nadu, 625002 India Tel: +91 9843348552 Email: gm.marketing@hotelsangam.com www.chidambaravilascom Web: Contact: P.K Premchandran Exhibiting with India Tourism

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 379



Sani Lodge Av. Eloy Alfaro N35-09, Y Portugal, Quito 17 Ecuador Tel: +593 23332319 Email: amazonia@discoverecuador.travel Web: www.discoverecuador.travel Contact: Mariela Cardenas Exhibiting with ECUADOR - AMAZON

Sani Resort

5 - 7 Floor, Yayasan Sarawak, Jalan Masjid, Sarawak 93400 Malaysia +60 82423600 Tel: Fax: +60 822416700 Email: maurice@sarawaktourism.com Web: www.sarawaktourism.com Contact: Maurice Balang Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board



88/8-9 Moo 6, Wat Chalor, Bangkruay, Bangkruay, Nonthaburi 11130 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2 4430588 +66 2 4430585 Email: info@santhiya.com Web: www.santhiya.com Contact: Sirirak Surin Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Santiburi Group


12/12 Moo 1, Tambol Maenam, Amphur Koh Samui, Suratthani 84330 Thailand Tel: +66 2 2602530 5 Fax: +66 2 2607570 Email: dos@santiburi-samui-resort.com Web: www.santiburi.com Contact: Prachaksil Kaosaard Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Santosa Villas & Resort


Jl. Raya Senggigi Km.8 Mataram, Ntb, Mataram Indonesia, Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 370 693175 +62 370 693090 Email: gm@santosalombok.com Web: www.santosalombok.com Contact: Servin Stephane Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Sanyog Gupta Voyages


V.le Repubblica 72, Oristano 9170 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0783777760 +39 078375172 Email: sardway@tiscali.it Web: www.sardinianway.it Contact: Tiziana Tirelli Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Sark Island Hotels


Po Box 670, St Peter Port, Guernsey Channel Islands, GY10 1SB Guernsey Tel: +44 1481832833 Email: reservations@sarkestatemanagement.com Web: www.sarkislandhotels.com/ Contact: Dawn Manger Exhibiting with Jersey Tourism



S.s. 17 Km 95,500, Sulmona Italy +39 0864251696 Fax: +39 0864251696 Tel: Email: meeting@hotelsantacroce.com Web: www.hotelsantacroce.com Contact: Di Cristofaro Antonella Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Santhiya Resorts & Spas

Sardinian Way


Korkalonkatu 29, Rovaniemi FIIN-96200 Finland Tel: +358 16321321 Email: jussi.perkkio@santashotels.fi Web: www.santashotels.fi Contact: Jussi Perkkiö Exhibiting with Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board

Santacroce Hotels


S.p. 23, 1, Fordongianus 9083 Italy Tel: +39 0783605016 Fax: +39 0783605142 Email: info@termesardegna.it Web: www.termesardegna.it Contact: Carmen Fioriti Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Felipe Schmidt, 249 - 9 Andar - Ed. Ars, Centro, Santa Catarina 88010-300 Brazil Tel: +55 48 32126333 Fax: +55 48 32126315 Email: presi@santur.sc.gov.br www.santur.sc.gov.br Web: Contact: VALDIR RUBENS WALENDOWSKY Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Santa’s Hotels

Sardegna Grand Hotel Terme


P.o. Box 1638-00606, Nairobi Kenya, 606 Kenya Tel: +254 20 4208000 Fax: +254 20 4208888 Email: neelma.maru@sankara.com Web: www.sankara.com Contact: Neelma Maru Exhibiting with Wilderness Lodges Ltd



Savannah Tours Ltd

P.o Box 20517, Dar-es-salaam, Dar-es-salaam Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of +255 222124207 Fax: +255 222121812 Tel: Email: savtour@intafrica.com Web: www.savannahtz.com Contact: Cliff D’Souza Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


Sani Resort, Kassandra, Halkidiki 630 77 Greece +30 23740 99513 Fax: +30 23740 99508 Tel: Email: awohlfart@saniresort.gr Web: www.saniresort.gr Contact: Anna Wohlfart Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation

Sankara Nairobi


Sarawak Tourism Board

Sarova Panafric, Valley Road, P. O. Box 72493, Nairobi Kenya, 200 Kenya Tel: +254 202767444 Fax: +254 202715566 Email: Murani.Karingi@sarovahotels.com Web: www.sarovahotels.com Contact: Murani Karingi Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board


Sarovar Hotels Pvt. Ltd

Millenniumn, E - 48/9 Okhla Phase Ii, New Delhi 110020 India Tel: +91 11 26383851 Fax: +91 112638 3856 Email: pkalra@sarovarhotels.com Web: www.sarovarhotels.com Contact: Pradeep Kalra Exhibiting with India Tourism



Akarca Mah. Sehit Nihat Oran Cad No 18 Fethiye Mugla, Mugla Turkey Tel: +90 252 6137100 Fax: +90 0252 6137173 Email: diane@sarpedontours.com Web: www.sarpedontravel.com Contact: DIANE EDWARDS Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


SAT Business Travel, S.A de C.V Av. Pedro Antonio De Los Santos 13, Col. San Miguel Chapultepec, Mexico City Mexico D.f., 11850 Mexico Tel: +52 3678 9760 107 Fax: +52 52113171 Email: jorge.parede@satmexico.com Web: www.satmexico.com Contact: Verena Knopp Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

SATA International


Av. Infante D. Henrique, 55, Azores Portugal, 9504-528 Portugal Tel: +351 296209743 Fax: +351 296672098 Email: antonio.reis@sata.pt www.sata.pt Web: Contact: António Reis Exhibiting with Portugal


Sco 83 Sector 22, Palam Vihar Road, Delhi Ncr Haryana, 122002 India Tel: +91 1244113160 Fax: +91 1244113162 Email: sanyog@sgvoyages.com Web: www.sgvoyages.com Contact: Sanyog Gupta SANYOG GUPTA VOYAGES. We are based in New Delhi, India and working as a complete DMC as well as Inbound Tour Operator.

380 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012



Trg Svobode 6, Bled Bled, 4260 Slovenia Tel: +386 4 206 60 45 Fax: +386 4 206 60 29 Email: toni.vidic@sava.si Web: www.sava-hotels-resorts.com Contact: Toni Vidic Exhibiting with Slovenian Tourist Board


Savoy Group

Villa 26, Atteya El Sawalhi St., District 8, Nasr City, Savoy Hotel Sharm El Sheikh, Cairo Egypt, 169 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 227 35495 +20 227 35371 Email: marketing@indepthtours.com Web: www.savoy-sharm.com Contact: Guy Fotherby Savoy Group is the European holidaymakers’ favoured destination on Egypt’s Red Sea coast offering flawless hospitality and a huge variety of activities. The group comprises the Royal Savoy & villas, the Savoy hotel, the Sierra hotel & SOHO Square, a square mile of restaurants, entertainment facilities & shops.

Savoy Hotels and Resorts - Madeira


Avenida Do Infante, Funchal Portugal, 9004-542 FUNCHAL Portugal +351 291213000 Fax: +351 291223103 Tel: Email: sales@savoyresort.com Web: www.savoyresort.com Contact: Graça Guimarães Exhibiting with Portugal


Sayama Travel Group

565/83 Moo 10,nongprue Banglamung Chonburi, Pattaya Thailand, 20150 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 38 678 506 +66 33 678 505 Email: mrkt@sayamatravel.com Web: www.sayamatravel.com Contact: Guliaeva Albina Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)



52, Decebal Blvd, Bistrita Romania Tel: Fax: +40 363105631 +40 263210104 Email: office@karmatravel.eu www.karmatravel.eu Web: Contact: Valentin Bunea Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM



43, Piata Trandafirilor, Targu Mures Transylvania, 540053 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 265268463 +40 265268463 Email: incoming@transair.ro Web: www.transair-travel.ro Contact: Ovidiu Graur Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM



8, Carol I Blvd., Sinaia Prahova, 106100 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 244311898 +40 244302900 Email: rezervari@sinaia.rinahotels.ro www.hotelsinaia.ro Web: Contact: Marian Schwartz Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM



62 A, Sos Mihai Bravu, Bucharest Romania +40 21 311 5520 Fax: +40 21 314025588 Tel: Email: office@europatravel.ro Web: www.europatravel.ro Contact: Teodor Calimanescu Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM



108 A, Popa Nan Street, Bucharest Romania, 30583 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 213166764 +40 213166765 Email: office@culturalromtour.ro Web: www.culturalromtour.com Contact: Silvia Litra Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM


EXHIBITOR PROFILES Scaevola Travel Pvt. Ltd.


Aagadhage, 7th Floor, Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Male’ 20026 Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3002005 +960 7976656 Email: info@scaevolatravel.com Web: www.scaevolatravel.com Contact: Michelle Flake Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation


Sea Cliff Resort & Spa Mangapwani, P.o Box 1763, Zanzibar Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 76 7434 365 Email: marketing@seacliffzanzibar.com Web: www.seacliffzanzibar.com Contact: Karen Castleman Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


Kungsgatan 36, Stockholm 111 35 Sweden Tel: +46 854528180 Email: john.haggstrom@scandinavianperspectives.se Web: www.scandinavianperspectives.com Contact: John Häggström Exhibiting with VisitSweden


2 Moustafa Riad Street, First District, Cairo Cairo, Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 222604337 +20 224012502 Email: ahmed.sharkawy@seagroupresorts.com Web: www.seagroupresorts.com Contact: Ahmed Sharkawy Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority



Av. Cordoba 669 15º, Buenos Aires 1054 Argentina Tel: +54 11 4394 5080 Fax: +54 11 4394 5066 Email: andrea.novelli@scenery.com.ar Web: www.scenery.com.ar Contact: Andrea Novelli Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion

Scenic Journeys Pvt. Ltd


129 Shankar Road Market, 2nd Floor, New Delhi 110 060 India Tel: +91 11 42432554 Fax: +91 11 25816055 Email: snsharma@scenicjourneys.com Web: www.scenicjourneys.com Contact: S.N. Sharma Exhibiting with India Tourism


Via Fuorimura, 60-62, Sorrento Na, 80067 Italy Tel: +39 0818072433 Fax: +39 0818771755 Email: info@scenictravel.it Web: www.scenictravel.it Contact: Roberta Caracciolo scenic travel service Specialised in school and young Owner of luxury Villa in the centre of Sorrento. groups.

Schilthorn Cableway Ltd.


Hoheweg 2, Interlaken 3800 Switzerland Tel: +41 33 82 60 007 Email: nicoleabegglen@schilthorn.ch Web: www.schilthorn.ch Contact: Nicole Abegglen Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Scoprire l’Italia Viaggi


Via G. Quarena,3, Gavardo Bs, 25085 Italy +39 0365 374664 Fax: +39 0365 375992 Tel: Email: scoprireitalia@tin.it Web: www.scoprireitalia.com Contact: Gordana Djordjevic Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Scottsdale Convention and Visitors Bureau


4343 North Scottsdale Road, Suite 170, Scottsdale, Az 85251 United States Tel: +1 0114808892705 Fax: +1 0114804219733 Email: skearney@scottsdalecvb.com Web: www.scottsdalecvb.com Contact: Sarah Kearney Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions



Uferstrasse 90, Basel 4019 Switzerland Tel: +41 61 638 81 81 Fax: +41 61 638 81 80 Email: claudia.kopp@scylla.ch www.scylla.ch Web: Contact: Claudia Kopp Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

SD&V Oriental International (Unique Luxury Hotels of Asia)


252/119, 24th Floor Unit B Muang Thai Phatra Tower Ii Ratchadapisek Road,huaykwang, Bangkok 10320 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 26933195 +66 26933196 Email: sales@sdvoriental.com Web: www.sdvoriental.com Contact: Dhammaras Kasem Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


Bur Dubai, Dubai United Arab Emirates, P.O. BOX 52700 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 43550099 +971 43558080 Email: venu@royalascothotel.ae Web: www.seaviewhoteldubai.com Contact: VENUGOPAL ANAND Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing


Sealine Beach Resort Sealine Beach Resort, Mesaieed 50255 Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44765298 +974 44765252 Email: abdul.shukoor@merweb.com Web: www.merweb.com Contact: Abdul Shukoor Exhibiting with Katara Hospitality

Search Maldives Pvt Ltd Scenic Travel Service


Vaagali, Fareedhee Magu, Male’’ Maldives, Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3332922 +960 3302922 Email: sales@searchmaldives.com.mv Web: www.searchmaldives.mv Contact: Aminath Maastha Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Season Car Hire


181 Forest Road, Hainault Essex, IG6 3HZ United Kingdom Tel: +44 844 227 4473 Email: enquiries@seasoncars.com Web: www.seasoncars.com Contact: Sarfraaz Patel Season Car Hire offer Prestige and Super cars for hire. Using transporters SCH are able to deliver vehicles anywhere in England, Scotland and Wales. In our fleet of cars we have manufacturers such as Aston Martin, Audi, Bmw, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Range Rover and Rolls Royce to name a few.

SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment


Holden House, 57 Rathbone Place, London W1T 1JU United Kingdom +44 0207 612 1199 Tel: Email: daveody@cubo.com Contact: Dave Ody Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

SeaWorld San Diego

Secretaria de Turismo Ciudad de Mexico



Secretaria de Turismo del Distrito Federal

Secretaría de Turismo Jalisco


Morelos 102, Plaza Tapatia, Guadalajara Guadalajara, Jalisco, 44100 Mexico Tel: +52 01(33) 36 68 1602 Email: miguelgonzalez.gonzalez@jalisco.gob.mx Web: www.guanajuato-travel.com Contact: Aurelio Lopez Rocha Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

See-London.co.uk Ltd


Boleyn Commercial Park, 77 River Road, Barking Essex, IG11 0DS United Kingdom Tel: Fax: +44 8445043286 +44 2071834744 Email: info@seelondonbynight.com www.seelondonbynight.com Web: Contact: Kesh Bhardwaj See London By Night is a spectacular 90 minute live guided open top tour of the very best sights of London, by night!Come and see us on stand L219 and discuss the many ways to offer this beautiful tour to all your clients. Private hire is also available.

Segara Village


Jl. Segara Ayu, Bali Indonesia, 80030 Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361 287242 +62 361 288407 Email: kharisma-wijaya@segaravillage.com Web: www.segaravillage.com Contact: Ida Bagus Kharisma Wijaya Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)


100, Rue Petit, Paris Cedex 19 75165 France Tel: Fax: +33 142062590 +33 144843948 Email: e.sirou@seh-hotels.com Web: www.ptitdej-hotel.com, www.inter-hotel.com, www.relaisdusilence.com, www.qualyshotel.com Contact: ELISABETH SIROU SEH United hoteliers represents 4 brands : Relais du Silence, INTERHOTEL, QUALYS-HOTEL, P’tit Dej-HOTEL. With a total of 550 hotels from 1 to 5 stars throughout Europe, SEH becomes the first multibrand, co-operative group of independent hoteliers in Europe.

Seine-Maritime Tourism - Normandy 6 Rue Couronne, Bp 60, Rouen 76420 France Tel: +33 (0)2 35 12 16 18 Fax: +33 (0)2 35 59 86 04 Email: estelle.clabaux@cdt76.fr Web: www.seine-maritime-tourisme.com Contact: Estelle Clabaux Exhibiting with France


Select Hotels of Ireland

Rua Da Ajuda, Nr 5, 6º Andar, Rio De Janeiro 20040000 Brazil Tel: +55 21 23331040 Email: miriamcutz@turisrio.rj.gov.br Contact: MIRIAM CUTZ Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


Avenida Nuevo Leon No. 56, Col. Hipodromo Condesa, D.f. 6100 Mexico +52 555211 2720 Tel: Email: teresa.villareal@newlink-group.com Contact: Teresa Villareal Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

Travessa Baltazar, 86 - Edificio Estado De Sergipe, 3º Andar – Centro, Sergipe 49010-500 Brazil Tel: +55 (79) 31791937 Fax: +55 (79) 31791932 Email: c.nascimento@emsetur.se.gov.br Web: www.emsetur.se.gov.br Contact: Carlos Alberto Nascimento Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur



Nuevo Leon 56 Col., Condesa, Ciudad De Mexico Mexico, 6100 Mexico Tel: +52 (55)5211 2720 Email: guillermoacostamx@yahoo.com.mx Contact: Carlos Mackinlay Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board


Holden House, 57 Rathbone Place, London United Kingdom +44 7787435590 Tel: Email: nocholap@cubo.com Contact: Nicola Parr Exhibiting with Visit California

Secretaria de Estado de Turismo de Sergipe


Calle 60 Norte No.299-e, Centro De Convenciones Yucatan Siglo Xxi, Merida Yucatan, 97118 Mexico Tel: +52 999 9303760 Fax: +52 999 9303760 22028 Email: ana.santamaria@yucatan.gob.mx Web: www.yucatan.travel Contact: JUAN JOSÉ MARTÍN PACHECO Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

SEA GROUP RESORTS Scandinavian Perspectives (DMC)

Secretaria de FomentoTuristico de Yucatan



Shannon Building, Mallow Road, Cork City Ireland Tel: +353 21 4391998 Fax: +353 21 439 1993 Email: jim@selecthotels.ie Web: www.selecthotels.ie Contact: Jim Maher Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 381



Selous Riverside Safaris Camp

Box 19195, Dar-es-salaam, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, 19195 Tanzania, United Republic Of +255 22 2136 770 Fax: +255 22 211 5096 Tel: Email: info@selousriversidecamp.com Web: www.selousriversidecamp.com Contact: Asif Haji Jiwan Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Servizi Turistici Sulmona - Soc. Cooperativa EM1800

SH Hoteles

Via Turati 3, Sulmona 67039 Italy Tel: +39 0864210216 Fax: +39 0864207348 Email: servizituristici@comune.sulmona.aq.it www.comune.sulmona.aq.it Web: Contact: Rossella De Deo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Doctor Romagosa 1 Bajo, Valencia Spain, 46002 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 963370097 +34 963375951 Email: estrella.zulaika@sh-hoteles.com Web: www.sh-hoteles.com Contact: ESTRELLA ZULAIKA Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme




Diani Beach Road-south Coast, P.o Box 696, Mombasa 80400 Kenya Tel: +254 040 3300046 Fax: +254 020 3549979 Email: vkorla@neptunehotels.com Web: www.sentidohotels.com Contact: Vickram Korla Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board



Paris, 120 - 1º 1ª, Barcelona Barcelona, 8036 Spain Tel: +34 93 183 43 43 Fax: +34 902 906 936 Email: aserra@sercotel.com www.sercotel.com Web: Contact: Albert Serra Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA


Serena Hotels

Williamson House 4th Ngong Avenue, Po Box 48690, Nairobi Kenya, 100 Kenya +254 20 2842000 Fax: +254 20 2718100 Tel: Email: mktg@serena.co.ke Web: www.serenahotels.com Contact: Rosemary Mugambi Serena Hotels are located in some of East Africa’s most exquisite and exotic settings and boast a range of luxury resorts, safari lodges and hotels. Serena Hotels prides itself on blending indigenous culture, design and materials with the highest international standards of Hospitality and Service.


Serendib Leisure Management Ltd

Level 5, Hemas House, No 75, Braybrooke Place, Colombo 02 Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka +94 11 4790500 Tel: Fax: +94 112 346755 Email: suranjith@serendibleisure.lk Web: www.serendibleisure.com Contact: Suranjith De Fonseka Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau


Serengeti Balloon Safaris

P O Box 12116, Arusha Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 27 254 8967 Fax: +255 27 254 8997 Email: balloons@habari.co.tz Web: www.balloonsafaris.com Contact: Tony Pascoe Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Serhs Tourism


C/garbi 88-90, Barcelona E-08397 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 937627105 +34 937629300 Email: info@serhstourism.com www.serhstourism.com Web: Contact: Marta Montes


Lot 115, Pantai Chenang, Kedah 7000 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 4 955 8277 +60 4 955 8275 Email: warren.fernandez@serichenangresort.com Web: www.serichenangresort.com Contact: Warren Fernandez Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Services Export Promotion Council


SETOURS - Handcrafted journeys

509, 5th Floor, Apparel House, Sector-44, Gurgaon India, 122003 India Tel: +91 124 2587 6666 Email: services.epc@gmail.com Web: www.servicesepc.org Contact: Rajesh Sharma Exhibiting with India Tourism

382 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


45, North Chang’an Road, Xi’an Shaanxi, 710061 China Tel: +86 2985211489 Fax: +86 2985250151 Email: weihongdai@126.com Contact: Weihong Dai Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office


Shah Tours & Travels Ltd


Seven Star Tours

Apartment 3 A, Inya View Condo, 647 Pyay Road, Kamayut Township, Yangon Myanmar, 11041 Myanmar Tel: Fax: +95 1 507 273 +95 1 507 261 507 264 Email: sevensta@myanmar.com.mm Web: www.myanmartraveler.com Contact: Thi Thi Myint Exhibiting with Myanmar Tourism Federation (Marketing Committee)



Kiranta Mevkii, Kemalpasa Mah. Soke, Aydin Turkey, Turkey Tel: +90 256 517 11 00 Fax: +90 256 517 11 10 Email: sales@shaiahotels.com Web: www.kusadasigolfresort.com Contact: BÜLENT PEHLIVANOGLU Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Shakespeare’s Globe



Bamburi Beach, P. O. Box 82169, Mombasa Kenya, 80100 Kenya +254 2933 987 160 Fax: +254 2933 987 144 Tel: Email: astrid.cantauw@severin-travel.de Web: www.severinsealodge.com Contact: Astrid Cantauw Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board


21 New Globe Walk, Bankside, London SE1 9DT United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 7902 1459 Fax: +44 020 7902 1515 Email: exhibition@shakespearesglobe.com Web: www.shakespearesglobe.com Contact: Marcia Windebank Exhibiting with UKinbound




Leonardo Da Vinci, 16, Seville Seville, 41092 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 954486805 +34 954486800 Email: idelarosa@prodetur.es Web: www.turismosevilla.org Contact: Inma De la Rosa Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA


Seychelles Tourism Board

Seychelles Tourism Board, Po Box 1262, Mahe Seychelles, Seychelles Tel: Fax: +248 4620640 +248 4671300 Email: info@seychelles.com www.seychelles.travel Web: Contact: Maria Morel

Seymour Hotels of Jersey


Po Box 861, 1 Wharf Street, St Helier Jersey, JE4 0ZX United Kingdom +44 1534 751607 Fax: +44 1534 780726 Tel: Email: oappleyard@seymourhotels.com Web: www.seymourhotels.com Contact: Oliver Appleyard Exhibiting with Jersey Tourism



Shaanxi Provincial Tourism Administration

P.o. Box 1821, Kilimanjaro Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: Fax: +255 27 2751449 +255 27 52370 Email: info@kilimanjaro-shah.com Web: www.kilimanjaro-shah.com Contact: Remee Roperia Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Av. Comandante Espinar 229, Lima Peru, 18 Peru +51 2024620 Tel: Fax: +51 2024630 Email: setours@setours.com Web: www.setours.com Contact: Heddy De Vilchez Exhibiting with PromPeru

The Seychelles Tourism Board oversees most aspects of Seychelles’ tourism industry. The Marketing Fund is responsible for co-ordinating the marketing of the destination while the Seychelles Tourism Academy (STA) trains staff for Seychelles’ hospitality industry.

SERHS TOURISM, your reliable partner Incoming travel agency that acts as both as a global and national provider for travel agencies and TTOO. We have more than 30 years of experience, with a highlyqualified commercial team and a powerful marketing and business development team that work oriented towards innovation.

Seri Chenang Resort & Spa Langkawi


30 Avenue Auguste Verola, Nice 6200 France Tel: +33 (0)493 29 99 00 Fax: +33 (0)493 29 99 01 Email: info@servotel-nice.fr Web: www.servotel-nice.fr Contact: Denis Cippolini Exhibiting with France



57, Carol I Blvd., Bucharest 20915 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 213157546 +40 213124455 Email: office@sftravel.ro Web: www.sftravel.ro Contact: Olga Mocanu Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM

SFTO India New Delhi, New Delhi India Tel: +91 40726666 Email: sfto@sftoindia.com Contact: Ajay Jaipuria Exhibiting with India Tourism

Murikkady, Po 685535, Idukki District Kerala, India Tel: +91 4869222132 Email: info@mahoutuk.com Web: www.amritara.co.in Contact: Manish Palischa Exhibiting with MAhout (UK) Ltd

Shandong Provincial Tourism Administration

Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration


No. 1014, 100 Dagu Road, Shanghai, Shanghai 200003 China Tel: +86 2123115526 Fax: +86 2163366972 Email: soleilchxh@hotmail.com Contact: Xiaohui Chao Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office


Shangri-La Bhutan Tours & Treks

Jojo’’s Building, Room 65, Chang Lam, Thimphu Bhutan, 541 Bhutan +975 17111011 Tel: Fax: +975 2324410 Email: shangrila@druknet.bt Web: www.bhutanonline.net Contact: Duptho Rinzin Dorji Exhibiting with Bhutan (Tourism Council of)

Shangri-La’s Barr Al Jissah Resort and Spa



86, Jingshi Road, Jinan, 250014 China Tel: +86 53182676418 Fax: +86 53182676415 Email: she@sdta.gov.cn Contact: Shue Sun Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office


Po Box 644, Muscat 100 Oman Tel: Fax: +968 24776299 +968 24776200 Email: haifa.almaskri@shangri-la.com Web: www.shangri-la.com/muscat Contact: Haifa Al Maskri Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry

EXHIBITOR PROFILES Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort & Spa, Maldives


Thuniya, 4th Floor, Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Male’ 20066 Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 6897999 +960 6897888 Email: cathy.nepomuceno@shangri-la.com Web: www.shangri-la.com Contact: Catherine Hidalgo Nepomuceno Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Sharjah Investment & Development Authority (SHUROOQ)

P. O. Box 867, Sharjah United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 65560444 +971 65560777 Email: CorporateComm&PR@shurooq.gov.ae Web: www.shurooq.gov.ae Contact: Hatem Heidar Exhibiting with Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority


Killimer, Kilrush, Co. Clare Ireland Tel: +353 65 905 3124 Fax: +353 65 905 3125 Email: eugene@shannonferries.com Web: www.shannonferries.com Contact: Eugene Maher Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland


P.o. Box 82828, Sharjah Uae, 82828 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 65123444 +971 65123456 Email: info@sharjahmedia.ae Web: www.sharjahmedia.ae Contact: Oussama Ould Samrah Exhibiting with Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority


Bunratty Castle & Folk Park, Bunratty Co. Clare, Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 61 361020 +353 61 360788 Email: slatterym@shannonheritage.com Web: www.shannonheritage.com Contact: Marie Slattery Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Shanti Maurice- A Nira Resort

P. O. Box 39939, Sharjah Uae, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 65541915 +971 65197241 Email: yalameeri@sharjahmuseums.ae Web: www.sharjahmuseums.ae Contact: Manal Ataya Exhibiting with Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority

5/f Alexander House Bldg., 132 Amorsolo St., Makati City 1229 Philippines Tel: Fax: +63 28190859 +63 28170071 Email: ltbanzon@cfsharp.com Contact: Maria Lourdes Banzon Exhibiting with Philippines Department Of Tourism


P.o. Box 19989, Sharjah, Sharjah United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 65447797 +971 65444113 Email: nawar@sharjahart.org Web: www.sharjahairport.ae Contact: Nawar Al Qassimi Exhibiting with Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority

Ras Abou Aboud, Doha 26662 Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 4425 6050 +974 4425 6060 Email: carsten.fritz@rtizcarlton.com Web: www.ritzcarlton.com / www.sharqvillage.com Contact: Carsten Fritz Exhibiting with Katara Hospitality

CA430 Po Box N - 4914, West Bay Street, Nassau Bahamas Tel: Fax: +1242 327 5968 +1242 3276000 Email: Tina.Bernard@starwoodhotels.com Web: www.sheratonnassau.com Contact: Tina Bernard Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas

Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority is an independent Government Department tasked with the responsibility of promoting Sharjah both domestically within the GCC countries and Internationally. It works closely with many trade bodies from hotels, tour operators and the airline industry to develop and promote a quality sustainable tourism industry.


P.o. Box 2926, Sharjah 2926 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 65311419 +971 65311501 Email: epaa@epaashj.ae Web: www.epaa-shj.gov.ae Contact: Hana Saif Al Swaidi Exhibiting with Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority

Sheraton Palace Hotel


1st Tverskaya-yamskaya Street, 19, Moscow 125047 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 4959319704 +7 4959319700 Email: alla.yanovskaya@sheratonpalace.ru Web: www.sheraton.com/moscow Contact: Alla Yanovskaya Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Tripoli, Tripoli Libya Tel: +218 913202489 Email: BLUEDIAMONDOO@HOTMAIL.COM Contact: MOHAMED ESWAISE Exhibiting with LIBYAN EXPORT PROMOTION CENTER

P.o.box 640, Corniche Road, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 2 6725149 +971 2 6773333 Email: yuliya.ahmetshina@sheraton.com Web: www.sheratonabudhabihotel.com Contact: Mai Nassar Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY


Praia Da Falesia, Po Box 644, Albufeira Algarve, 8200 - 909 Portugal Tel: +351 289500100 Fax: +351 289501950 Email: catarina.verhoeven@luxurycollection.com Web: www.luxurycollection.com/algarve Contact: Catarina Verhoeven Exhibiting with Portugal

Sheraton Sand Key Resort


Al Corniche Street, Doha 6000 Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44831119 +974 44854111 Email: thomasvan.opstal@sheraton.com www.sheraton.com/doha Web: Contact: Thomas van Opstal Exhibiting with Katara Hospitality


Po Box 4250, Baniyas Street, Dubai United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates +971 2281111 Tel: Email: ella.diaz@sheraton.com Web: www.sheraton.com/dubai Contact: Ella Diaz Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing


1160 Gulf Boulevard, Clearwater Beach Florida, 33767 United States Tel: +1 7275951611 Email: rkimball@sheratonsandkey.com Contact: Russ Kimball Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Shiv Vilas, Jaipur


Delhi & Ncr Office Ug-233 H, Sushant Shopping Arcade, Gurgaon Haryana, 120002 India Tel: +91 124 4054914 Email: delhisales@shiv-vilas.in Contact: Rahul Kaushal Exhibiting with India Tourism

Shop California

Sheraton Doha Resort & Convention Hotel

Sheraton Dubai Creek Hotels & Towers




Sheraton Algarve Hotel & Pine Cliffs Resort


9th Floor, Crescent Tower, Buhairah Corniche, Sharjah United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 65563000 +971 65566777 Email: info@sharjahtourism.ae Web: www.sharjahtourism.ae Contact: Bobby Thomas Koshy

Sharjah Environment and Protected Areas Authority


C/ La Enramada 9, La Caleta, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Tenerife, 38670 Spain Tel: +34 922 162 023 Fax: +34 922162 011 Email: luisa.garcia@sheraton.com Web: www.sheraton.com/lacaleta Contact: Luisa García-Estrada Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation


Sharq Village & Spa

Sheraton Abu Dhabi Hotel & Resort

Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority

Sheraton La Caleta Resort & Spa


Po Box 8, Sharjah United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 65580355 +971 65081515 Email: bdm@sharjahairport.ae Web: www.sharjahairport.ae Contact: Donald D’Souza Exhibiting with Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority

Sharjah Art Foundation


Sharp Travel Service (Phils.) Inc.


P.o Box 7041, Ternan Avenue, Kampala Kampala, KLA Uganda Tel: Fax: +256 414 256695 +256 752780011 Email: joan.kasozi@sheraton.com Web: www.sheraton.com/Kampala Contact: Joan Kasozi Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD

Sheraton Nassau Beach Resort & Casino


30, Changfeng Street, Taiyuan Shanxi, 30006 China Tel: +86 3517676806 Fax: +86 3517676169 Email: 469849194@qq.com Contact: Yanzhen Liang Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office

Sharjah Airport Authority



Riviere Des Galets, Chemin Grenier, Mauritius, 0 Mauritius Tel: Fax: +230 603 7250 +230 603 7200 Email: deyna.marianen@shantimaurice.com Web: www.shantimaurice.com Contact: Deyna Marianen Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

Shanxi Provincial Tourism Administration

Sharjah Museums Department


Po Box 53567, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 43153890 Email: ramzy.faris@sheraton.com Web: www.sheratonjumeirahbeach.com/ Contact: Ramzy Faris Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Sheraton Kampala Hotel Shannon Heritage


1 Festival Square, Edinburgh Scotland, EH3 9SR United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)131 229 9131 Email: fiona.soeder@starwoodhotels.com Web: www.sheratonedinburgh.co.uk Contact: Fiona Soeder Exhibiting with UKinbound

Sheraton Jumeirah Beach Resort Sharjah Media Centre

Shannon Ferries

Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa, Edinburgh




1308 Westhampton Woods Court, Chesterfield Mo, 63005 United States Tel: +1 7072243795 Email: mminnapa@aol.com Web: www.ShopAmericaTours.com/california Contact: Rosemary McCormick Exhibiting with Visit California

Shree Jalaram Travels & Tours


U-9 Western Plaza, B/s Bhulka Bhavan, Surat Gujarat, 395009 India Tel: Fax: +91 2612780423 +91 2613934042 Email: info@shreejalaramtravels.com Web: www.shreejalaramtravels.com Contact: Divyesh Madhavani Exhibiting with India Tourism

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 383



Shreyas Retreat

Santoshima Farm, Gollahalli Gate, Bangalore Karnataka, 562123 India +91 9810072838 Fax: +91 8027737016 Tel: Email: nidhi@shreyasretreat.com Web: www.shreyasretreat.com Contact: Nidhe Sood Exhibiting with MAhout (UK) Ltd

Si Como No Resort, Spa & Wildlife Refuge


Manuel Antonio National Park, Quepos Costa Rica, 1000 Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 27771039 +506 27770777 Email: cesarv@greentiquehotels.com Web: www.sicomono.com Contact: Cesar Vargas Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board


Siam@Saim Hotels & Resorts

865 Rama 1 Road, Opposite National Stadium , Wang Mai, Patumwang, Bangkok 10330 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2217 3047 +66 2217 3000 Email: gdosm@siamatsiam.com Web: www.siamatsiam.com Contact: Somkiat Kantawat Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


Siberian Times

Fridrih Engels Str., 2 /12, Irkutsk 664007 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 3952 202277 +7 3952 666785 Email: sibtimes@rga.ru Web: www.664007 Contact: Tatyana Sermyagina Exhibiting with Russian Federation

SIBIU CITY HALL - Tourism Promotion and Development Department


2, Samuel Brukenthal Street, Sibiu Sibiu, 550178 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 269208812 +40 728828757 Email: turism@sibiu.ro Web: www.turism.sibiu.ro Contact: Stela MATIOC Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM

Sicilian Golf Tour di Mongibello Viaggi


Via Roma 347, Zafferana 95019 Italy Tel: +39 095 7084309 Fax: +39 095 7084309 Email: mongibelloviaggi@legalmail.it Web: www.siciliangolftour.com Contact: Laura Maccarrone Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



Via Notarbartolo, 9, Palermo 90141 Italy Tel: +39 091 7078 096 209 Fax: +39 091 7078 252 045 Email: marketing.turismo@regione.sicilia.it www.regione.sicilia.it/turismo Web: Contact: Roberto Lanza Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Sicily Travelling

Sierra Leone National Tourist Board

Sierra Leone is a small beautiful country with diverse and unique tourism potentials. The most strking features of the destination lies in its varied and impressive landscape sceneries-mountain, hills, valleys, waterfalls, wildlife parks and sancturies, generally sunny and hot climate, beautiful Islands, diverse cultures and hospitable people.

Sikkim Tourism

Lungomare Battigia Alcamo Marina, Alcamo (tp) 91011 Italy Tel: +39 0924 076034 Fax: +39 0924 071040 Email: info@sicilytravelling.com Web: www.sicilytravelling.com Contact: Nicolo Sicily Travelling is a new brand B2B and B2C developed primarily on the web. IT is a tourist organisation intending to connect the tourism market. Among the several services it is important the discount or commission of 10% directly given to the customer from the companies. Discount, Quality, Assistance, Entirety!!

Siddhalepa Ayurveda Health Resort


33/3 Sri Dharmarama Road, Ratmalana Sri Lanka Tel: +94 112736910 Email: liesure@siddhalepa.com Web: www.ayurvedaresort.com Contact: Asoka Hettigoda Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau


Hotel Mayur, Near Stnm Hospital, Gangtok,sikkim, Gangtok India, 737 101 India +91 9635665423 Tel: Email: karmagopso@yahoo.co.in Web: www.sikkimflygov.in Contact: Nima Choden Exhibiting with India Tourism

Silavadee Pool Spa Resort


208/66 Moo 4, Maret, Koh Samui, Suratthani 84310 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 779600556 +66 77960555 Email: Sudjai@silavadeeresort.com Web: www.silavadeeresort.com Contact: Chonlada Soonthonvasu Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


Silk Road Destinations 65, Baytik Baatira Str., Bishkek Kyrgyzstan, 720005 Kyrgyzstan Tel: +996 312 591759 Fax: +996 312 591790 Email: info@ak-sai.com www.ak-sai.com Web: Contact: Violetta Afuksenidi

Silk Road Destinations is a regional project aimed at consolidation of the efforts of tourist companies of Silk Road countries on promotion of tourist product in the markets of developed countries. It is a project of joint participation of tourist companies of Silk Road countries in the international travel fairs.

Silvana Tours


Av. 28 De Julio N°660 Casa 11 - Miraflores, Lima Peru, LIMA 18 Peru +51 2428202 Tel: Fax: +51 4468750 Email: silvanatours@silvanatours.com.pe Web: www.silvanatours.com.pe Contact: Claudia Ramirez Exhibiting with PromPeru

Silver Africa Tours


Simba Safaris Ltd

P.o.box 1207, Arusha, Arusha Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 272549115 Fax: +255 272549110 Email: simba@simbasafaris.co.tz Web: www.simbasafaris.com Contact: FIROZ Dharamshi Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


Simply Hotels France

97 Rue Anatole France, Levallois Levallois, 92300 France Tel: +33 1 82 97 00 05 Fax: +33 1 47 57 95 98 Email: mdumas@shfrance.com Web: www.simplyhotelsfrance.com Contact: Magali Dumas Exhibiting with France


Simply the Best Shopping Destinations Waverley Mills, Langholm Dumfriesshire, DG13 0EB United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1387 380 611 Fax: +44 (0)1387 812 817 Email: Idy.davidson@ewm.co.uk Web: www.simplythebestdestinations.co.uk Contact: Idy Davidson Exhibiting with UKinbound

Simsalabim s.a.s.


Via Giovanni Meli 1, Balestrate 90041 Italy Tel: +39 091 8786781 Fax: +39 091 8786781 Email: info@simsalabim.it Web: www.simsalabim.it Contact: Giovanni Inbrunnone Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



3a. Avenida Sur No.1-a, La Antigua Guatemala, 3001 Guatemala Tel: Fax: +502 77204444 +502 77204400 Email: claudia@sinfront.com Web: www.sinfront.com Contact: Claudia Perez Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

Sirene Belek Hotel


Belek Turizm Merkezi Uc Kumtepesi Mevkii P.k 33, Belek, Antalya 7500 Turkey Tel: +90 242 710 0800 Fax: +90 242 725 4527 Email: volkan.cavusoglu@sirene.com.tr Web: www.sirene.com.tr Contact: Volkan Cavusoglu Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office



C/ Des Cubells Nº 32, Ibiza Baleares, 7800 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 971313577 +34 971312512 Email: cclapes@siresinishotels.com Web: www.sirenishotels.com Contact: Catina Clapes Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA


Coastal Road, Trou D’eau Douce Mauritius Tel: +230 4802600 Email: silverbeach@intnet.mu Web: www.silverbeach.mu Contact: Steve Ahling Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

SIMA Tours-Armenia

P O Box 66601 - 00800, Nairobi, 800 Kenya Tel: +254 722 788830 Fax: +254 20 4444403 Email: sales@simbalodges.com Web: www.simbalodges.com Contact: VIPUL PATEL Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board


Xxxxxx, Chicago United States Tel: +1 9543026977 Email: wclements@gosilver.com www.gosilver.com Web: Contact: Wendy E. Clements Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas

Silver Beach Hotel




Airport North Rd, Nyayo Embakasi, Seasons Complex Suit 20, Nairobi Kenya, 200 Kenya Tel: +254 722705596 Email: info@silverafricatours.co.ke Web: www.silverafrica.net Contact: Fred Odek Exhibiting with Global Discovery / Adventure Now

Silver Airways



Villa 21-24 Cape Sierra Hotel, Aberdeen Hill, Freetown Sierra Loene, 232 Sierra Leone Tel: Fax: +232 22236621 +232 22236620 Email: ntbslinfo@yahoo.com Web: www.welcometosierraleone.sl Contact: Cecil Williams

Sireon Tours


Corso Italia 10, Naples Italy, 80067 Italy Tel: +39 081 8071865 Fax: +39 081 8773242 Email: info@sireontours.com Web: www.sireontours.com Contact: Spartaco Mollo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


50 Teryan Street, Yerevan 9 Armenia +374 10 589954 Tel: Fax: +374 10 543465 Email: INFO@SIMATOURS.com Web: www.SIMATOURS.com Contact: Syuzanna Azoyan Exhibiting with Armenian National Tourism Organization



Delta Square, Tower B, M.g. Road, Sector - 25, National Capital Region Haryana, 122001 India Tel: +91 124 4703400 Fax: +91 124 456 3100 Email: info@sita.in Web: www.sita.in Contact: Lata Chauhan SITA, India’s dynamic Travel-agency and market-leader since 49 years is an expert in designing unique & memorable trips that offer glimpses of India’s amazing diversity & colors. Visit www.sita.in and allow us an opportunity at WTM to present you our latest productline featuring India Walks, Wildlife Safaris & unique accomodations.

384 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Sitara International Ltd

Dom 45, Office 42, Shota Rustaveli, Tashkent 100100 Uzbekistan Tel: +998 712814553 Fax: +998 711206500 Email: tashkent@sitara.com Web: www.sitara.com Contact: Shiraz Poonja Exhibiting with Bestway Tours & Safaris Pvt Ltd

Skiathos Island




1 Lyric Square, Hammersmith, London Greater London, W6 0NB United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 3151 0730 Fax: +44 800 404 9168 Email: david.williams@siteminder.com Web: www.siteminder.com Contact: Brendon Rogers SiteMinder is a multi-award winning online distribution company whose products are trusted and used by thousands of accommodation providers in over 90 countries worldwide to help increaseonline revenue, streamline business process and drive down the cost of acquisition.


Six Senses Laamu

Jazeera Building, 5th Floor, Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Male’’ 20077 Maldives +960 6800800 Tel: Fax: +960 6800801 Email: marteyne@sixsenses.com Web: www.sixsenses.com/SixSensesLaamu Contact: Marteyne Van Well Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Six Senses Zighy Bay


P.o. Box 212, Postal Code 800 Dibba, Dibba Oman Tel: Fax: +968 26735556 +968 26735555 Email: dos-zighy@sixsenses.com Web: www.sixsenses.com/SixSensesZighyBay Contact: Jad Frem Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry

Sixt rent a car Zugspitzstrasse 1, Pullach 82049 Germany Tel: +49 89 744440 Email: conventions@sixt.com www.sixt.com Web: Contact: Matthias Ehegartner Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board

Sixt rent a car


Sixt is a leading full range mobility provider: car or van rental, limousine service, holiday cars, leasing or car purchase. The Sixt service is available in 100 countries at over 4,000 branches. Sixt is bookable through all major GDS systems and partner of over 60 airlines & international hotel groups.

Skål International


Edificio Espana, Avda. Palma De Mallorca 15 - 1o, 29620 Spain +34 952389111 Tel: Fax: +34 952370013 Email: skal@skal.org Web: www.skal.org Contact: Yvonne Mansell Skål, founded as an international association in 1934, is the largest organisation of travel and tourism professionals in the world, embracing all sectors of the travel and tourism industry. Skål is an ideal platform for Doing Business Among Friends. Skål exists in 450 locations, in 85 countries, with 18.000 members.


Skorpion Travel Maldives Pte. Ltd.


Avda. Tarragona 58-70, Edif. Les Columnes, Despatx 14, Andorra La Vella AD 500 Andorra +376 805200 Tel: Email: office@skiandorra.ad Web: www.skiandorra.ad Contact: Marta Rotés Exhibiting with Andorra Turisme, S.A.U.


Hulhugali, 5th Floor, Karankaa Magu, Male’ Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3327442 +960 3327443 Email: skorpion@dhivehinet.net.mv Web: www.skorpion-maldives.com Contact: Ahmed Hameed Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Sky Hotels and Resorts


7011 Grand National Drive, Suite 104, Orlando Florida, 32819 United States Tel: +1 407 992 0430 Fax: +1 407 9920431 Email: swade@staysky.com Web: www.staysky.com Contact: Sandy Wade Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA


Av. Primavera 251 Chacarilla, San Borja, Lima Peru, LIMA 41 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 372 8163 +51 372 6622 Email: kramos@skytravelperu.com Web: www.skytravelperu.com Contact: Kela Ramos Exhibiting with PromPeru

Skyline Sightseeing

Uk Headoffice, 47 Holywell Street, Derbyshire S41 7SJ United Kingdom +44 (0) 1246 506272 Tel: Fax: +44 (0) 1246 506118 Email: reservations@sixt.com Web: www.sixt.co.uk Contact: Matthias Ehegartner


424 Bureaux De La Colline, Saint Cloud Cedex 92213 France Tel: +33 (0)1 55 39 30 00 Fax: +33 (0)1 55 39 30 10 Email: c.caisson@skiset.com Web: www.skiset.com Contact: Arnaud Dufour Exhibiting with France

Sky Travel Peru



12, Nikotsara Street, Skiathos Magnesia, 370 02 Greece Tel: +30 2427 350124 Fax: +30 2427 023925 Email: tourism@n-skiathos.gr Web: www.skiathos.gr Contact: Argyris Mergias Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation


350 Fifth Avenue, New York 11374 United States Tel: +1 212 299 4901 Email: info@skylinenyc.com Web: www.nyskyride.com Contact: Myron Baer Located on the 2nd floor of the Empire State Building, NY SKYRIDE is NYC’s ONLY virtual tour simulator. Experience an unusual NYC tour combining digital technology, moving platforms, and a 6 meter screen! FAST TRACK program to the ESB Observatory available eliminates wait lines! Open daily. Net rates available.



Emirates Group, New Emirates Airlines Headquarter, Dubai U.a.e, 686 United Arab Emirates +971 4 708 4968 Fax: +971 4 2864125 Tel: Email: lilia.saimua@emirates.com Web: www.skywards.com Contact: Rakesh Mansukhani Exhibiting with Emirates

Slavyanka Hotel Chain


2/3 Suvorovskaya Square, Moscow 129110 Russian Federation Tel: +7 4956095055 Email: info@slavhotels.ru Web: www.slavhotels.ru Contact: Maria Mattis Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Sligo Park Hotel & Leisure Club


Mespil Hotel, 50-60 Mespil Road, Dublin 4 Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 1 6671244 +353 1 4884600 Email: bcoffey@mespilhotels.com www.mespil.com Web: Contact: Bernadette Coffey Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Slovak Tourist Board



Nam. L. Stura 1, P.o.box 35, Slovakia, 974 05 Slovakia Tel: Fax: +421 484136149 +421 484136146 Email: sacr@sacr.sk Web: www.slovakia.travel Contact: Zuzana Vrtielova Slovak Tourist Board is a state contributory organization specialized on marketing and the state promotion of the tourism industry of the Slovak Republic. It carries out the national marketing of the tourist industry, provides information of tourism in Slovakia and promotes Slovakia as the tourist destination.



Teharska Cesta 40, Celje 3000 Slovenia Tel: Fax: +386 35442819 +386 35442111 Email: blanka.podrekar@ssnz.si Web: www.slovenia-terme.si Contact: Blanka Podrekar Exhibiting with Slovenian Tourist Board

Slovenian Tourist Board


Dimiceva 13, Ljubljana SI-1000 Slovenia +386 15898550 Tel: Fax: +386 15898560 Email: info@slovenia.info Web: www.slovenia.info Contact: Metka Pirc Slovenia, a green and diverse country that lies between the Alps, the Mediterranean and the Pannonian plain embraces all the beauties of the Old Continent. If you have ever wished to learn about Europe in one go, come to Slovenia.

SM Publications


Muratreis Mahallesi, Muradiye Mektop Sok, Baglarbasi 81140 Turkey +90 216 391 3795 Fax: +90 216 391 3796 Tel: Email: suattore@smpublication.com Web: www.smpublication.com Contact: Suat Tore Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications

Smailing Tour


Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai No. 145, Bali Indonesia, Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361 288738 +62 361 288224 Email: justina@smailingbali.com Web: www.smailingbali.com Contact: Justina Puspawati Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Small World Marketing


C/o Royal Zambezi Lodge, Lower Zambezi Zambia Tel: +260 0845 034 1460 Email: anita@smallworldmarketing.co.uk www.smallworldmarketing.co.uk Web: Contact: Anita Powell Exhibiting with Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association

Smart Destinations, Inc.


85 Merrimac Street, Boston 2114 United States Tel: +1 617 319 3598 Fax: +1 617 507 0723 Email: gcavanagh@smartdestinations.com Web: www.smartdestinations.com Contact: George Cavanagh Smart Destinations is the premier provider of unlimited admission sightseeing passes in 14 major North American travel destinations from New York City to Hawaii. Smart Destinations’ Go City Cards and Explorer Passes offer pre-paid access to over 425 museums, attractions and tours for one low fixed price.



4, Stefan Cel Mare Si Sfant Blvd, Iasi Iasi, 700124 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 232 406 218 +40 232 406218 Email: office@smarttravel.ro Web: www.GDS.travel Contact: Alin Fedorciuc Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM

Smilo Compass


Rua Barao De Ipanema, Nº 56 Sala 301, Rio De Janeiro Brazil, 22050-032 Brazil Tel: +55 21 32658882 Fax: +55 21 32658880 Email: marcio.martins@smilodm.com Web: www.smilodm.com Contact: Marcio Martins Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 385



smilo destination management


C/ Rita Levi, S/n. Edificio Orizonia Parcbit, Ctra. Valldemossa Km. 7,4, Palma De Mallorca Spain, 7121 Spain +34 971070277 Tel: Fax: +34 971070607 Email: smilo.sales@smilodm.com Web: www.smilodm.com Contact: Jorge Godoy Velarde smilo destination management comprises a network of own offices in the main tourist destinations around the world:Caribbean: Mexico, Dominican Republic, Jamaica Central and South America: Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Costa RicaNorth of Africa: Tunisia, MoroccoEurope: France,UK,Italy,Germany,Belgium,Netherlands Portugal,Hungary,Czech Republic,Austria.We work ‘off line’ or Accommodation • through www.smilodm.comServices: • Transfers• Destination activities• Reservations •Yield • MICE• Multilingual repservice Groups•

Smugglers Cove Resort & Spa


Langholtsvegur 115, Reykjavik 104 Iceland Tel: +354 5888660 Email: snaeland@snaeland.is Web: www.snaeland.is Contact: Sigga Groa Exhibiting with Visit Iceland

SnowLion Expeditions Pvt. Ltd.



Po Box 8845, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 4 2865430 +971 4 2865758 Email: sarina.p@snttadubai.com Web: www.snttaemirtours.com Contact: Sarina Pinto Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing



103, Nissi Avenue, P.o.box 30440, Cy5330, Agia Napa 5343 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 23721233 +357 23723010 Email: info@sonice.com.cy Web: www.sonice.com.cy Contact: NIKOLAS PANAYIOTOU Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Social Top . in. Club : ARS - NATURA ANIMA


Via Salita Tirabasso, 31, Amalfi Italy, 80411 Italy Tel: +39 081 8706824 Fax: +39 081 8706824 Email: drmichelececere@gmail.com Contact: Michele Cecere Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

SOCIEDAD DE DESARROLLO DEL AYTO S/C DE EM1450 TENERIFE Imeldo Seris 83, Santa Cruz De Tenerife, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Canary Islands, 38003 Spain Tel: +34 922 533 353 Fax: +34 922 532 302 Email: dvazquez@sociedad-desarrollo.com Web: www.sociedad-desarrollo.com Contact: Fabiola Marichal Morales Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

Societa’ Grandi Hotel

Sofitel Dubai Jumeirah Beach

Sofitel Lisbon Liberdade


Via Lucio Manara 11, Varese 21100 Italy Tel: +39 0332 327100 Email: info@palacevarese.com Web: www.societagrandihotel.it Contact: Guido Torri Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

386 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Sol Mar Rent a Car


Av.10 Entre Calle 20 Nte Y Av. Constituyentes, Edificio Atlantida, Local 2 Y 3, Playa Del Carmen Quintana Roo, 77710 Mexico Tel: +52 9848031456 Fax: +52 9848031456 Email: betty@solanatours.com Web: www.solanatours.com Contact: Betty Bolte Exhibiting with Global Discovery / Adventure Now


5, Negruzzi Blvd, 64, Decebal Blvd, Chisinau 2001 Moldova, Republic Of Tel: Fax: +373 22530076 +373 22890900 Email: solei@solei.md Web: www.solei.md Contact: Victorina Rusu Exhibiting with Moldova



Old Pailles Road, Pailles, Port Louis Mauritius Tel: +230 2126918 Email: rdookun@solis-io.com Web: www.solis-io.com Contact: Nathalie Hope Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

Solmartour Av. Grau 300, Miraflores, Lima Peru, LIMA 18 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 4443060 +51 4441313 Email: postmaster@solmar.com.pe Web: www.solmar.com.pe Contact: Veronica Miranda Exhibiting with PromPeru



Somak House, Mombasa Road, P. O. Box 48495, Nairobi Kenya, 100 Kenya Tel: +254 204971000 Fax: +254 206535175 Email: suresh@somak-nairobi.com Web: www.somaksafaris.co.ke Contact: Suresh Sofat Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board


Somatheeram Ayurveda Group

Chowara Po, South Of Kovalam, Kerala India, 695501 India +91 4712268101 Fax: +91 4712267600 Tel: Email: mail@somatheeram.in Web: www.somatheeram.in Contact: Subhash C Bose Ayurveda Resorts and Holidaying options offered by Somatheeram Ayurveda Group in Kerala - Somatheeram Ayurveda Resort the world’s first Ayurveda Resort; Manaltheeram Ayurveda Beach Village (Chowara, South of Kovalam);Soma Palmshore (Light House Beach, Kovalam); Soma Houseboats (Alappuzha); Soma Kerala Palace (Chempu, Kochi) ; Soma Birds Lagoon (Thattekkadu, Kochi).


Ryon Hill House, Ryon Hill Park, Stratford-upon-avon Warwickshire, CV37 0UX United Kingdom +44 0779 532 3289 Fax: +44 0870 444 5189 Tel: Email: annatemple@somerstonhotels.co.uk Web: www.somerstonhotels.co.uk Contact: Anna Shaw Exhibiting with UKinbound

Sondor Travel


Rr. ”bulevardi Zog I”, Veve Center, Tirana, Albania, Tirana 1010AL Albania Tel: +355 684051766 Fax: +355 42225063 Email: info@sondortravel.com Web: www.sondortravel.com Contact: Sadik Malaj Exhibiting with Agjencia Kombetare e Turizmit - Albanian National Tourism Agency


Lomas De Monserrat, Del Olofito 1 C. Abajo, Managua Nicaragua Tel: +505 22709981 Email: zerger@solentinametours.com Web: www.solentinametours.com Contact: Immanuel Zerger Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

Solis Indian Ocean

48km Safaga Road, P.o.box 403, Hurghada, Soma Bay, Hurghada, Red Sea Red Sea, 84511 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 235680739 +20 235680739 Email: info@somabay.com Web: www.somabay.com Contact: Mohamed Fawzy Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Somerston Hotels


Solana Tours

Solentiname Tours/ Discover Nicaragua




Ctra Cabo De La Nao Km 1, S/n, Javea 3730 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 966460109 +34 966461000 Email: comercial@solmar.es Web: www.solmar.es Contact: Vanessa Hernández Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme



84, Vasil Levski Blvd., Sofia 1142 Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 935 80 63 Email: marketdpt2@solvex.bg Web: www.solvex.bg Contact: Jeina Krasteva Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism


Avenida Da Liberdade, 127, Lisbon Portugal, 1269-38 Portugal Tel: +351 213228300 Fax: +351 213228330 Email: rita.germino@sofitel.com www.sofitel-lisboa.com Web: Contact: Rita Germino Exhibiting with Portugal

Sokos Hotels & Radisson Blu Hotels



P. O. Box 473828, Dubai Uae, United Arab Emirates +971 44484810 Tel: Email: olivier.tombeur@sofitel.com Web: www.sofitel.com Contact: Olivier Tombeur Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Fleminginkatu, Helsinki FIN-00088 S-GROUP Finland Tel: +358 107682800 Fax: +358 107682760 Email: gitte.wallenius@sok.fi Web: www.sokoshotels.fi www.radissonblu.com Contact: Gitte Wallenius Exhibiting with Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board

Suite 402, Dda Building 5, District Centre, New Delhi India, 110058 India Tel: +91 11 2552 4389 Fax: +91 11 2553 0153 Email: vinayak@snowlion-india.com www.snowlion-india.com Web: Contact: Vinayak Koul Exhibiting with India Tourism

SNTTA Emir Tours


P.o Box 44966, Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 28137799 +971 28137777 Email: georges.abiaad@sofitel.com Web: www.sofitel.com/7507 Contact: Georges Abi Aad Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY


Uk & Europe Sales & Marketing, Bespoke Travel Marketing, Guildford Surrey, GU1 9PT United Kingdom +44 0843 289 0246 Fax: +44 0871 520 1324 Tel: Email: info@bespoketravelmarketing.com Web: www.bespoketravelmarketing.com Contact: Peter Grace Exhibiting with Saint Lucia Tourist Board

Snaeland Travel

Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche



120 Al Thawra Street, Heliopolis, Cairo Cairo, Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 224183554 +20 224183540 Email: nsamir@sonestaregional.com Web: www.sonesta.com Contact: Nahed Samir Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Sonesta Peru Hotels


Pancho Fierro 194, San Isidro, Lima Peru, LIMA 27 Peru +51 7126050 Tel: Fax: +51 7126040 Email: cmiranda@sonestaperu.com Web: www.sonesta.com Contact: Claudia Miranda Exhibiting with PromPeru

Sonoma County Tourism


420 Aviation Blvd., Suite 106, Santa Rosa California, 954031039 United States Tel: Fax: +1 7075397252 +1 7075225800 Email: mcrabb@sonomacounty.com Web: www.sonomacounty.com Contact: Mark Crabb Exhibiting with Visit California


Sopa Lodges

6a High Street, Middlesex, TW17 9AW United Kingdom Tel: +44 1932 260618 Fax: +44 1932 269839 Email: joel@africa-reps.com Web: www.sopalodges.com Contact: George Crossland Sopa Lodges are an accommodation provider with lodges in some of the most famous national parks in East Africa. These include Tarangire, Ngorongoro, Serengeti in Tanzania and Masai Mara, Amboseli, Samburu and Lake Naivasha in Kenya.


Sorell Hotels Switzerland

Fluelastrasse 51, Zurich 8047 Switzerland Tel: +41 44 388 35 35 Fax: +41 44 388 35 36 Email: sstaiger@sorellhotels.com Web: www.sorellhotels.com Contact: Susanne Staiger Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism


Sorrento Coast Consortium

Via Fuoro, 83, Sorrento 80067 Italy +39 818773333 Tel: Fax: +39 818785169 Email: info@sorrento-coast.it Web: www.sorrento-coast.it Contact: Roberto Amuro Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)




Johannesgasse 33, Vienna A-1010 Austria Tel: Fax: +43 1 512579040 +43 1 5125790 Email: d.pohle@kursalonwien.at Web: www.soundofvienna.at Contact: Kristina Nietz-Parker Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

Souq Waqef


999, Doha, Doha Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 99999999 +974 55560809 Email: alaa.hassan@alliwansuites.com www.souqwaqef.com Web: Contact: Ali Anany Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority

SOUTH AFRICA - Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa

34a Hatfield Corner, 1270 Church Street, Colbyn, Pretoria South Africa +27 12 342 29453642 Tel: Fax: +27 12 342 2946 Email: emilie@fairtourismsa.org.za Web: www.fairtourismsa.org.za Contact: Emilie Hagendoorn Exhibiting with CBI

South African Tourism


6 Alt Grove, The Gardens, Wimbledon London, SW19 4DZ United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)2089719350 Fax: +44 (0)2089446705 Email: info@uk.southafrica.net www.southafrica.net Web: Contact: Pat Makafola South African Tourism is dedicated to promoting South Africa as an exciting tourist destination. Through a comprehensive international tourism marketing strategy, it works closely with consumers & the travel trade to promote the country’s scenic beauty, diverse wildlife, kaleidoscope of cultures and heritages, the great outdoors, sport and adventure opportunities.



3 De Febrero 2823 6º, Buenos Aires 1429 Argentina Tel: +54 11 4780 1037 Fax: +54 11 4780 1041 Email: argentina@southamericantours.com Web: www.southamericantours.com Contact: Andrea Diehlmann Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion


Southern Palms Hotel St. Lawrence Gap, Christ Church Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4287175 +1246 4287171 Email: bpollard@southernpalms.net Contact: Britta Pollard Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority


Southern Spoor Marketing South American Travel


Av Ns Copacabana 1059 Sala 605, Rio De Janeiro 22060-001 Brazil Tel: +55 21 2522 6134 Email: cida@southamerica.travel Web: www.southamerica.travel/ Contact: Maria Aparecida Galvao Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Po Box 3854, Dainfern, Johannesburg South Africa, 2055 South Africa Tel: +27 114675082 Email: anita@southernspoor.co.za Web: www.southernspoor.co.za Contact: Anita Vernes Exhibiting with South African Tourism


Southern Sun Hotel - Dar es Salaam South Dakota Department of Tourism


711 E Wells Ave Capitol Lake Plaza, Pierre, Sd 57501 United States Tel: Fax: +1 6052952385 +1 6057733301 Email: kbirrell@rmi-realamerica.com Web: www.travelsd.com Contact: Kim Birrell


Level 3 Fnpf Place, 343 - 459 Victoria Parade, Suva Fiji Tel: Fax: +679 3301995 +679 3304177 Email: pmanufolau@spto.org Web: www.spto.org Contact: Petero Manufolau The South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) is the mandated tourism marketing and development organisation for the South Pacific. With a membership of 15 exotic island destinations, the SPTO is pleased to present to WTM and the world the South Pacific jewels of Papua New Guinea, Samoa and Vanuatu.

South Sinai Group


79 Merghany Street, 9th Floor, Cairo 11341 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 2 24148994 +20 2 22908406 Email: irene@southsinai.com Web: www.southsinai.com Contact: Irene Nasr SSG is a comprehensive travel organization that handles travel arrangements commencing from creating itineraries to implementing them in the best possible way. It has 6 fully operational offices in Cairo,Luxor,Aswan,Hurghada, SharmElSheikh&MarsaAllam.All ground operations are conducted by our personnel every step of the way,hence guaranteeing the most professional service.




Calle Bolognesi 381, Miraflores, Lima Peru, LIMA 18 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 4463418 +51 4467799 Email: dspehn@southamericantours.com Web: www.southamericantours.com Contact: Diana Spehn Exhibiting with PromPeru

South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO)

Sehit Muhtar Cad. No 33 Kat 3 D7 Taksim, Istanbul Turkey Tel: +90 212 232 45 32 Fax: +90 212 232 30 29 Email: ist-peker.a@sahinogluturizm.com.tr Web: www.sahinogluturizm.com Contact: AJDA PEKER Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Sound of Vienna

South American Tours de Peru


Av. Ns Copacabana, Numero 1059, 605, Rio De Janeiro Rj, 22060-001 Brazil +55 21 35230379 Fax: +55 21 35270062 Tel: Email: brasil@southamerica.travel Web: www.southamerica.travel Contact: ANDREAS STUKER Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Southern Arizona Ranches


12772 N. Haight Place, Tucson, Arizona 85755 United States Tel: +1 0115205481435 Email: beahblackledge@comcast.net Contact: Beah Blackledge Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions

Southern Cross Safaris


Po Box 24584, Nairobi 502 Kenya Tel: +254 00254 20 8070 311 Fax: +254 00254 20 8070309 Email: safaris@southerncrosskenya.com Web: www.southerncrosskenya.com Contact: John Lyall Exhibiting with Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association



Diani North Beach Road, Diani Beach, P. O. Box 363, Ukunda 80400 Kenya Tel: +254 733333366 722203166 Fax: +254 40 3203381 Email: gm@southernpalmskenya.com Web: www.southernpalmskenya.com Contact: Saleem Jamal Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board


1 Garden Avenue, P.o Box 80022, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 22 213 7575 Fax: +255 22 213 9070 Email: adamf@southernsun.co.tz Web: www.southernsuntz.com Contact: Adam Fuller Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


Southern Sun Maputo

Av Da Marginal, 4016, Maputo, Mozambique, Maputo Maputo, Mozambique Tel: Fax: +258 21 497700 +258 21 495050 Email: carlaf@southernsun.co.mz Web: www.tsogosun.com Contact: Carla Fernandes Exhibiting with Mozambique Tourism -INATUR


Southern World Australia Level 5, 55 York Street, Sydney Nsw, 2000 Australia Tel: +61 2 8235 3600 Email: darmour@southern-world.com Web: www.southern-world.com Contact: David Armour Exhibiting with Australia - Tourism Australia

Southern World New Zealand


Cnr Ron Guthrey Road And Bolt Place, Po Box 14 030, Christchurch New Zealand Tel: Fax: +64 3 358 6885 +64 3 358 6880 Email: mhorgan@southern-world.com Web: www.southern-world.com Contact: Martin Horgan Exhibiting with New Zealand - Tourism New Zealand

SouthWestWalks Ireland


Collis Sandes House, Oakpark, Kerry Ireland Tel: +353 66 7186 181 Fax: +353 66 7186 747 Email: info@southwestwalksireland.com Web: www.southwestwalksireland.com Contact: Linda Woods Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland



Narutowicza 18b, Kolobrzeg 78-100 Poland Tel: +48 698619930 Email: info@spacitykolobrzeg.pl Web: www.spacitykolobrzeg.pl Contact: Anna Niewiadomski Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation

Space Supranational Hotels


Viale Dell’universita 11, Rome 185 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 06 446 3647 +39 06 444 981 Email: space@spacehotels.it Web: www.spacehotels.it Contact: Lidia Rescigno Exhibiting with Supranational Hotels Ltd



Rambla Catalunya 89, Entlo A, Barcelona Catalonia, E-08008 Spain Tel: +34 934882266 Email: miquel.armengol@ticketbureau.info Web: www.spainticketbureau.com Contact: Miquel Armengol Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 387



Special Holidays Travel Pvt. Ltd



S 203-204 D.a.v Complex, Local Commercial Centre, New Delhi New Delhi, 110 091 India +91 11 30220000 Tel: Email: sandeep@specialholidays.net Web: www.specialholidays.net Contact: Sandeep Jain Exhibiting with India Tourism

Ljubljanska 7, Bled Slovenia, 4260 Slovenia Tel: +386 465797522 45783444 Fax: +386 45797100 Email: mateja.golja@sportina-turizem.si Web: www.hotel-ribno.si; www.hotel-krim.si; www.vilapreseren. Contact: Mateja Golja Exhibiting with Slovenian Tourist Board

Special Tours Whale & Puffin Watching

Sports Events 365 Ltd

EM140a By Aegisgardur, Reykjavik IS-101 REYKJAVIK Iceland Tel: +354 7770088 Email: thury@specialtours.is Web: www.specialtours.is Contact: Thury Hannesdottir Exhibiting with Visit Iceland

Special Tours Wholesalers


Tower 42, 25 Old Broad Street, London United Kingdom, EC2N 1HN United Kingdom Tel: +44 2078771993 Fax: +44 2078771994 Email: special@stglobe.com Web: www.stglobe.com Contact: Mauro Pavoni Largest availability with 82517 hotels worldwide. On-line reservation system with digital images & full hotel information currently used by over 4,944 tour operators & travel agents W.W. Extremely competitive wholesale rates,vast availability and a very high standard of service.XML connectivity and B2B White Label systems with full support, available.

Speed Tours Ltd


Suite 17a, Tafawa Balewa Square,race Course, Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234 8023032995 Email: fatigarbati@yahoo.com Contact: Fati Garbati Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation

SPIDER-MAN: Turn Off the Dark





3 El Sayed El Bakry St, Zamalek, Cairo Egypt, 11211 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 227365967 +20 227365972 Email: info@springtours.com Web: www.springtours.com Contact: Morsi Shehata Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority






Carretera General S/n, Soldeu Canillo, AD100 Andorra Tel: +376 870500 Email: internationalsales@sporthotels.ad Web: www.sporthotels.ad Contact: Babette Braun Exhibiting with Andorra Turisme, S.A.U.


Via Jury Gagarin, 35, Eboli 84025 Italy Tel: +39 0828 1841179 Fax: +39 0828 1841179 Email: info@sportmaniatravel.it Web: www.sportmaniatravel.it Contact: Giuseppe De Lucia Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

388 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Thaniya Plaza 9m Floor, 52 Silom Road, Banhrak, Bangkok 10500 Thailand +66 2 231 2244 Tel: Fax: +66 2 231 2249 Email: apisak@springfieldresort.com Web: www.springfieldresort.com Contact: Apisak Suwanboon Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

SR Travel GmbH


Rodgener Strasse 12, Giessen Hessen, 35394 Germany Tel: +49 641 330553 0 Fax: +49 641 330553 60 Email: andreas.seim@sr-travel.de Web: www.sr-travel.de Contact: Andreas Seim Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board

SRC Hotels Ireland

Sport Mania Travel


Avda. Antonio Dominguez Alfonso, 8, Playa De Las Americas, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Canary Islands, 38660 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922 791686 +34 922 787753 Email: comercial@springhoteles.com Web: www.springhoteles.com Contact: Jo Robinson Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

Box 819, Cape Town Cape Town, 8000 South Africa Tel: +27 21 460 4711 Fax: +27 21 448 0003 Email: kimv@springbokatlas.com www.springbokatlas.com Web: Contact: Kim van der Westhuizen Exhibiting with South African Tourism

Via Augusta 13-15, 2ª, Oficina 216, Barcelona Catalonia, E08006 Spain +34 934150167 Tel: Email: nick@salbcn.com Web: www.salbcn.com Contact: Nick Simons Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD



Gartenstr. 6, Frankfurt 60594 Germany Tel: +49 984873 3177 Fax: +49 9848733178 Email: sc.sales@sprachcaffe.com Web: www.holiday-n-adventure.com Contact: Bea Kunysz Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

Springbok Atlas Tours and Safaris

Kasthoorige, 2nd Floor, Alikilegefaanu Magu, Male’ Maldives, 20119 Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3318945 +960 3312460 Email: info@splendidasia.com Web: www.splendidasia.com Contact: Abdulla Naseer Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation


SportsEvents365, the travel industry’s favorite events ticket International ticket broker for sports and shows, vendor. worldwide, specializing in European football. Established in 2006, SE365 actively promotes partnerships with travel companies offering multilingual database (11 languages), API tools and unmatched customer service. Partners: Lufthansa’s Miles & More, LCCI, Expedia, GoGlobal.


Pb 548, N-9171 Longyearbyen 9171 Norway +47 79026100 Tel: Email: akd@spitsbergentravel.no Web: www.spitsbergentravel.com Contact: Anne Kari Dalstø Exhibiting with Visit Norway / Innovation Norway

Splendid Asia Pvt. Ltd.

1, Haetgar St., P O Box 163, Tirat Carmel 39100 Israel Tel: +972 732112100 Fax: +972 48571896 Email: sefi@sportsevents365.com Web: www.sportsevents365.com Contact: Joseph Donner


Aka, 630 Ninth Avenue, Suite 1411, Ny 10036 United States Tel: +1 (212) 5840400 Fax: +1 (212) 5840800 Email: jacobmatsumiya@akanyc.net Web: www.spidermanonbroadway.marvel.com Contact: Jacob Matsumiya Exhibiting with NYC & Company

Spitsbergen Travel



53 The Pines, Howth Road, Dublin 5 Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 1 8510151 +353 1 8510151 Email: src@esatclear.ie Web: www.srchotels.com Contact: Sheila Rooney Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland


Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Sri Lanka High Commission, 13, Hyde Park Gardens, London W2 2LU United Kingdom +44 (0)8458806333 Fax: +44 (0)8458806444 Tel: Email: infouk@srilanka.travel Web: www.srilanka.travel Contact: Sonali Wijeratne Sri Lanka offers unrivalled variety with 100 waterfalls, 17 national parks, 8 World Heritage sites and over 2,000 years of recorded history. The exotic beaches are inviting, and with our friendly people, exquisite food and commitment to being carbon clean by 2018, we welcome you to Sri Lanka at WTM.


SriLankan Airlines

Central House, 3 Lampton Road, Middlesex, TW3 1HY United Kingdom +44 02085382034 Fax: +44 02085723808 Tel: Email: imashad@srilankan.aero Web: www.srilankan.aero Contact: Imasha Dahanayake


SS RENT A CAR 20 Glyn Jones Road, P.o.box 2282, Malawi +265 1822836 Tel: Fax: +265 1825074 Email: info@ssrentacar.com Web: www.ssrentacar.com Contact: Sam Singh Exhibiting with Malawi Ministry of Tourism


St Kitts Tourism Authority

10 Kensington Court, Kensington London, W8 5DL United Kingdom Tel: +44 2073760881 Fax: +44 2079376742 Email: uk@stkittstourism.kn Web: www.stkittstourism.kn Contact: Jennifer Hensley Blessed by nature and rich in history, this lush tropical island invites you to experience a Caribbean destination like no other. From the golden sand beaches and cloud-fringed hillsides to the rich cultural heritage and warm, welcoming hospitality, St. Kitts invites you to share our unique island experience.

St Paul’s Cathedral


St Paul’s Churchyard, London EC4M 8AD United Kingdom Tel: +44 2072468317 Fax: +44 2072483104 Email: matthew@stpaulscathedral.org.uk www.stpauls.co.uk Web: Contact: Matthew Taylor On time, on budget, on-line.



Amathus Ave, P.o.box 51064, Lemesos 3594 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 25635491 +357 25834200 Email: sales@raphael.com.cy Web: www.raphael.com.cy Contact: Farah Shammas Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

St Vincent & The Grenadines Tourist Office


10 Kensington Court, Kensington London, W8 5DL United Kingdom Tel: +44 2079376570 Fax: +44 2079373611 Email: svgtourismeurope@aol.com Web: www.discoversvg.com Contact: Barbara Mercury The Caribbean you’re looking for - St. Vincent & The Grenadines, a unique archipelago of 32 exotic islands and cays, with only nine inhabited. Untouched and unspoilt you’ll find pristine beaches, turquoise waters, hidden coves as well as amazing diving and some of the best sailing in the world.



P.o. Box 62372, Pafos 8063 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 26845800 +357 26845000 Email: stgeorge@stgeorge-hotel.com Web: www.stgeorge-hotel.com Contact: Panayiotis Markou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

St. James Travel & Tours #36, 7th Avenue, St. James BB23005 Barbados +1246 4320774 Tel: Fax: +1246 4322832 Email: marie-lou@stjamesgroup.com Web: www.stjamesgroup.com Contact: Marie-Louise Gittens Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority



St. Louis CVC

701 Convention Plaza, Suite 300, St. Louis, Mo 63101 United States Tel: Fax: +1 3146217729 +1 3149920643 Email: renee@explorestlouis.com Web: www.explorestlouis.com/st-louis-cvc/ Contact: Renee Eichelberger

Stade de France


Zac Du Cornillon Nord, Saint Denis La Plaine Cedex 93216 France Tel: +33 (0)1 55 93 00 32 Fax: +33 (0)1 55 93 01 18 Email: m.tape@csdf.com.fr Web: www.stadefrance.com Contact: Mélina Tapé Exhibiting with France



60, Amathus Ave, P.o.box 56767, Lemesos 3310 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 25317555 +357 25828333 Email: info@stademos.com.cy Web: www.stademos.com.cy Contact: Kyriakos Pirillos Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation


Standby Scandanavia

Vester Voldgade 83, 3. Sal, København V DK-1552 Denmark Tel: +45 7025 9700 Email: ras@standby.dk Web: www. www.standby.dk Contact: Villi Karup Rasmussen


Stanley Safari Lodge Po Box 60439, Livingstone Zambia Tel: +260 967 848 615 Email: accounts@stanleysafaris.com Web: www.StanleySafaris.com Contact: Reinout de Gruijter Exhibiting with Zambia Tourism Board


Starwood Caribbean Collection


2901 Sw 149th Avenue, Suite 320, Miramar, Miami Florida, 33027 United States Tel: +1 9546241704 Email: amanda.rowe@starwoodhotels.com Web: www.starwoodcaribbean.com Contact: Amanda Rowe-Beddoe Exhibiting with Puerto Rico Tourism Company



El Remaya Square, P O Box 25, Cairo Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 233771730 +20 233777070 Email: maged.elsarki@starwoodhotels.com Web: www.starwoodhotels.com Contact: Maged El Sarki Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Starwood Hotels and Resorts



C/o Le Meridien, Village Hall Lane, Pointe Aux Piments Mauritius, Mauritius Tel: Fax: +230 2043304 +230 2043333 Email: rishi.urjoon@starwoodhotels.com Web: www.lemeridien-mauritius.com Contact: Rishi Urjoon Exhibiting with Connections DMC


57, Vavilova Str, Moscow 117292 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 499 7832254 +7 499 7832253 Email: darwin@museum.ru Contact: Elena Baranova Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

State Joint Stock Railway Company “O’zbekiston Temir Yo’llari”


7,shevchenko Str., Tashkent Uzbekistan, 100060 Uzbekistan Tel: +998 712997166 Fax: +998 712378636 Email: uzjeldpass@mail.ru Web: www.uzrailpass.uz Contact: Fozil Sharipov Exhibiting with Uzbekistan

State Memorial Museum of A.N. Scriabin


11, B.nikolopeskovskiy Per, Moscow 1190002 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 499 2412152 +7 499 2412152 Email: scriabin@cityline.ru Contact: Tamara Rybakova Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency


2, Yunosty Str., Moscow, 114402 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 495 9186540 +7 495 3700150 Email: museum@kuskovo.ru Contact: Elena Eritsyan Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency


Huraa, Fareedhee Magu, Male’ 20256 Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3326405 +960 3310307 Email: thasleem@static-tours.com Web: www.statictours.com Contact: Ibrahim Thasleem Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Station Casinos


11011 W Charleston, Las Vegas Nevada, 89135 United States Tel: +1 702 221 6614 Email: Bob.Clift@stationCasinos.com Web: www.StationCasinos.com Contact: Bob Clift Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority



Timorplein 21a, Amsterdam 1094 CC Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)20 5513163 Email: j.woltjer@stayokay.com www.stayokay.com Web: Contact: Florinda Eletto Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)

STC Switzerland Travel Centre

C/o Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel & Towers, 2 Charoen Kung Soi 30 (Captain Bush Lane) Siphya, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2 236 5958 +66 2 665 3057 Email: kamonluk.phophan@starwoodhotels.com Web: www.starwoodhotels.com Contact: Kamonluk Phophan Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Starwood Mauritius

State Darwin Museum

Static Tours Pvt. Ltd.

Enterprise House, Bassingbourn Rd, London Stansted Airport, Stansted CM24 1QW United Kingdom Tel: +44 0127 966 2781 Fax: +44 01279662061 Email: paul_haynes@baa.com Web: www.stanstedairport.com Contact: Paul Haynes Exhibiting with UKinbound


P.o. Box 35, Belombre, Mahe, Victoria Seychelles, Seychelles Tel: Fax: +248 4 620 903 +248 4 677 218 Email: maria.morel@seychelles.travel Web: www.fishcove.lemeridien.sc Contact: Ahmed Kamal Exhibiting with Seychelles Tourism Board

State Museum of Ceramics and 18th century Kuskovo estate

Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications

Stansted Airport

Starwood Seychelles Resorts


Stebar Safaris Ltd


Imperial Resort Beach Hotel Entebbe, Advice@stebarsafaris.com, Entebbe Uganda, EBB Uganda Tel: +256 785754434 Fax: +256 414323123 Email: stella@stebar-safaris.com Web: www.stebar-safaris.com / www.gorilla-trekkinguganda.com/www.Uganda-gorillas.com Contact: Stella Bamurekye Rugunda Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD


STEIGENBERGER AL DAU RESORT Cairo Sales Office, 8 Masouria Road, Giza Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 653465410 +20 653465400 Email: rdsm@steigenbergeraldau.com Web: www.steigenbergeraldauresort.com Contact: Remon Naguib Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Steigenberger Hotels AG


Lyoner Strasse 40, Germany Hessen, 60528 Germany Tel: +49 15146109427 Email: Marcus.Cameroni@steigenbergerhotelgroup.com Web: www.steigenberger.com Contact: Marcus Cameroni The Steigenberger name has stood for top-class European hotels, incomparable hospitality and exquisite service for over 80 years now. The Steigenberger Hotel Group is divided into two umbrella brands. On the one hand the Steigenberger Hotels and Resorts and on the other hand the InterCity Hotels.

Steigenberger Hotels AG


Avenfield House, 118 -127 Park Lane, London W1K 7LH United Kingdom +44 7506881167 Tel: Email: anjali.arora@steigenbergerhotelgroup.com Web: www.steigenberger.com Contact: Anjali Arora Exhibiting with Steigenberger Hotels AG

Steigenberger Hotels AG


Lyoner Strasse 40, Frankfurt Germany Tel: +49 1704548072 Email: bernd.niemeyer@steigenbergerhotelgroup.com Web: www.steigenberger.com Contact: Bernd Niemeyer Exhibiting with Steigenberger Hotels AG

Steigenberger Hotels AG


Lyoner Strasse 40, Frankfurt 60528 Germany Tel: +49 1783636691 Email: alexander.hoerner@steigenbergerhotelgroup.com Web: www.steigenberger.com Contact: Alexander Hörner Exhibiting with Steigenberger Hotels AG

Steigenberger Hotels AG


Lyoner Strasse 40, Frankfurt Am Main 60528 Germany Tel: +49 69 66564 441 Email: dirk.fuehrer@steigenbergerhotelgroup.com www.steigenberger.com Web: Contact: Dirk Führer Exhibiting with Steigenberger Hotels AG

Steigenberger Hotels AG


Lyoner Strasse 40, Frankfurt Am Main 60528 Germany Tel: +49 6966564448 Email: patrizia.evermann@steigenbergerhotelgroup.com Web: www.steigenberger.de Contact: Patrizia Evermann Exhibiting with Steigenberger Hotels AG


30 Bedford Street, London WC2E 9ED United Kingdom +44 207 420 4900 Fax: +44 207 420 4922 Tel: Email: helmut.kolb@stc.co.uk Web: www.stc.co.uk Contact: Helmut Kolb Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism



Stella Compound -plot 9, Sales Office Northern Investors Area, Cairo Egypt, Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 223145379 +20 223145373 Email: sales@stelladimare.com Web: www.stelladimare.com Contact: Sawran Farah Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Stella Maris Resort Club


Ocean View Drive, Po Box Li 30-105, Long Island Bahamas Tel: Fax: +1242 3382052 +1242 3382050 Email: evance@stellamarisresort.com Web: www.stellamarisresort.com Contact: Elizabeth Vance Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas

Stena Line


Stena House, Victoria Terminal 4, Belfast Uk, BT39JL United Kingdom Tel: +44 08448158881 Email: group.travel@stenaline.com Web: www.stenaline.co.uk Contact: Sally Jenkins Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 389



Stena Line Limited

Stena House, Station Approach, Holyhead Anglesey, LL65 1DQ United Kingdom +44 1407 606666 Fax: +44 1407 606604 Tel: Email: trade-support@stenaline.com Web: www.stenaline.co.uk Contact: Sally Jenkins Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH



Sterling Holidays 427 4th Floor B Wing, Chintamani Plaza, Mumbai Maharashtra, 400099 India Tel: +91 22 3348 1268 Email: pankaj.jaswal@sterlingholidays.com Web: www.sterlingholidays.com Contact: Pankaj Jaswal Exhibiting with India Tourism


Steve Kay Productions

Stockholm Countrybreak



Box 16282, Stockholm 103 25 Sweden Tel: +46 73 08 385 35 Email: mona.andersson@stockholm.se Web: www.visitstockholm.com Contact: Mona Andersson Exhibiting with VisitSweden


Kirtons, St Philip Barbados +1246 4164456 Tel: Fax: +1246 4164435 Email: ann@stoutescar.com Web: www.stoutescar.com Contact: Ann Stoute Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority



116 Strathmore House, East Kilbride G74 1LF United Kingdom Tel: +44 01355 266886 Fax: +44 01355 260782 Email: lr@strathmorehotels.com www.strathmorehotels.com Web: Contact: Louise Rickard Exhibiting with UKinbound

Strong Recruitment


6 Weighhouse Street, Mayfair, London London, W1K 5LT United Kingdom +44 (0)2074932555 Fax: +44 (0)2074939555 Tel: Email: kelly@strongrecruitment.co.uk Web: www.strongrecruitment.co.uk Contact: Kelly Strong Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association

Studio Beluga D.o.o

Suffolk - Arts, Heritage, Culture and Beer


Ancient and Modern blended for every visitor: Suffolk’s idyllic countryside. Bury St Edmunds: the Theatre Royal’s regency playhouse, the Cathedral’s millennial tower, Greene King’s authentic heritage brewery, SmithsRow gallery and award-winning apex concerthall. Ipswich: the waterfront, DanceHouse and New Wolsey Theatre. Aldeburgh: celebrating Benjamin Britten’s 100th anniversary.


Maynard’s, St. Peter Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4220522 +1246 4225026 Email: roddy@sugarcaneclubhotel.com Web: www.sugarcaneclub.com Contact: Rod Weatherhead Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority


Sugar Ridge

2da Avenida 7-78, Zona 10, Ciudad De Guatemala Guatemala Tel: Fax: +502 23348134 +502 22235000 Email: alejandro_valladares@stpguatemala.com Web: www.stpguatemala.com Contact: Alejandro Valladares Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

Strathmore Hotels Ltd

Via F.calise, 23, Forio 80075 Italy Tel: +39 081 5071309 Fax: +39 081 5071237 Email: saveriopresutti@suditaliahotels.com Web: www.suditaliahotels.com Contact: Saverio Presutti Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Sugar Cane Club Hotel & Spa

Stoutes Car Rental Ltd



Theatre Royal, Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk, IP33 1QR United Kingdom Tel: +44 1284 829956 Email: chris@theatreroyal.org Web: www.theatreroyal.org Contact: Chris Grady

Norra Kallgatan 22, Vasteras 722 11 Sweden Tel: Fax: +46 21416684 +46 2139 79 50 Email: asa.stanaway@vkl.se Contact: Åsa Stanaway Exhibiting with VisitSweden

Stockholm Visitors Board


505 Golden Business Center, Port Said, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 42395440 Email: ksamy@styletoursdubai.com Contact: KHALED SAMY Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Sud Italia Hotels 170 W. 73rd Street Apt. 9a-1, New York New York, 10023 United States Tel: +1 6468723786 Email: skateboyny@aol.com Contact: Steve Kay Exhibiting with Liberty Helicopters


Rotebuhlplatz 25, Stuttgart 70178 Germany Tel: +49 711 22 28240 Fax: +49 711 22 28214 Email: info@stuttgart-tourist.de Web: www.stuttgart-tourist.com Contact: Nicole-Joy Henzler Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board


Josipa Kosora 8, Dubrovnik 20000 Croatia Tel: +385 (0)20313228 Fax: +385 (0)20313228 Email: info@studiobeluga.com Web: www.studiobeluga.com Contact: Goran Raspopovic Studio Beluga d.o.o.

P.o. Box 153, Jolly Harbour, St Mary’s Antigua And Barbuda +1268 562 7700 Tel: Fax: +1268 562 7700 Email: martel.keith@gmail.com Web: www.sugarridgeantigua.com Contact: Keith Martel Exhibiting with Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority


Sujan Luxury Hotels 1 Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi India, 110001 India Tel: +91 1146067608 Email: Indira.Banerjee@sujanluxury.com Web: www.sujanluxury.com Contact: Indira Banerjee Exhibiting with MAhout (UK) Ltd




Sun Africa House, School Grove, Off School Lane, Austen Place, Westlands, P. O. Box 102124, Nairobi Kenya, 100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 4450 636639712 Fax: +254 20 4450735 Email: info@sunafricahotels.com Web: www.sunafricahotels.com Contact: Rahul Sood Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

Sun Events srl


Via Veneto 16, Monastir Ca, 9023 Italy Tel: +39 0709177683 Fax: +39 070 9168009 Email: sunevents@tiscali.it Web: www.sunevents.it www.suneventsoutdoor.com Contact: Lilly Palomba Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

390 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Maley Thila, Meheli Goalhi, Male’’ 20155 Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3318273 +960 3325977 Email: info@sunhotelsandresorts.com Contact: Aishath Mohamed Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Sun International Leisure Services Ltd


Badgemore House, Henley-on-thames Oxfordshire, RG9 4NR United Kingdom Tel: +44 1491419600 Fax: +44 1491 575661 Email: marketinguk@gb.suninternational.com Web: www.suninternational.com Contact: Sarah Cockfields For over 25 years Sun International’s dazzling array of hotels and resorts have set the benchmark across Southern Africa and beyond. Expect nothing less than the highest levels of quality and service.

Sun Islands Hawaii, Inc.


Po Box 15697, 2299 Kuhio Avenue, 1st Floor, Honolulu Hawaii, 96830-5697 United States +1 8089263888 Tel: Fax: +1 8089226951 Email: GREG@SUNISLANDSHAWAII.COM Web: www.sunislandshawaii.com Contact: Greg Brossier Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions

Sun Resorts


Srl Marketing Limited, Sterling House, Gerrards Cross Buckinghamshire, SL9 8EL United Kingdom Tel: +44 01753883265 Fax: +44 01753885191 Email: jean-pierre.bosquet@srlmarketing.com Web: www.sunresortshotels.com Contact: Jean-Pierre Bosquet Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

Sun Travels & Tours Pvt. Ltd.


Maley-thila, Meheli Goalhi, Male’ Republic Of Maldives, 20155 Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3318273 +960 3325977 Email: sales-manager@suntravels.com.mv Web: www.sunholidays.com Contact: Aishath Shaneez Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Sunbeam Pattaya Spa and Wellness Hotel


217/27 Moo 9 Beach Rd. Nongprue, Banglamung, Chonburi Thailand Tel: +66 38 427 1209 Fax: +66 38 424 191 Email: apple.suk@gmail.com Web: www.wwwsunbeamhotel.net Contact: Rungthip Suksrikarn Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Sunbird Hotels

5 Avenue Bernardin De St Pierre, Quatre Bornes Mauritius Tel: Fax: +230 4271010 +230 4271111 Email: rksummer@summertimes.intnet.mu Web: www.summer-times.com Contact: Philippe Hitié Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

Sun Africa Hotels

Sun Hotels and Resorts Pvt. Ltd.


Sunbird Tourism Limited, Po Box 376, Blantyre Malawi, Malawi Tel: +265 1820124 Email: gardner@sunbirdmalawi.com Web: www.sunbirdmalawi.com Contact: Rodger Gardner Exhibiting with Malawi Ministry of Tourism

Sun Bird Tours Myanmar


No. 104/106, 52nd Street, Yangon Myanmar, 11171 Myanmar +95 1 293464 Tel: Fax: +95 1 294050 Email: tintin@sunbirdtours.com.mm Web: www.travelmyanmarservices.com Contact: Tin Htar Oo Exhibiting with Myanmar Tourism Federation (Marketing Committee)

Sundance Helicopters


5596 Haven Street, Las Vegas Nevada, 89119 United States Tel: +1 702 597 5505 Email: gail@sundancehelicopters.com Web: www.sundancehelicopters.com Contact: Gail Stewart Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority



Po Box 58189, Lemesos 3731 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 25313606 +357 25839300 Email: omiros.omirou@sunhouse.com.cy Web: www.sunhousetravel.com Contact: Omiros Omirou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Sunland Viaggi e turismo


Sutera Harbour Resort No 1 Sutera Harbour Boulevard, Sutera Harbour, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, 88100 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 88303337 +60 88318888 Email: frank.liepmann@suteraharbour.com.my Web: www.suteraharbour.com Contact: Frank Liepmann Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

EM1800 EM650

Superb tourist services ltd.

Haggai 7 St, Hollon Israel, 58832 Israel Tel: Fax: +972 39731781 +972 39731780 Email: superb@superb.co.il Web: www.superb.co.il Contact: Vivian Raz Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

Po Box 7267, Col. Middleton Road, Arusha Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 27 250 8184 Fax: +255 27 254 8037 Email: info@sunnysafaris.com Web: www.sunnysafaris.com Contact: Firoz Suleman Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

SUTUR (Sociedad Uruguaya de Turismo Rural)


Avenida Uruguay 860, COD. POSTAL 11100 Uruguay Tel: +598 45302271 Email: sutur@netgate.com.uy Web: www. www.turismorural.com.uy Contact: Lucía Sarno Exhibiting with URUGUAY MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND SPORT


Sunny Safaris Ltd


SuperShuttle International

14500 N. Northsight Blvd, Ste. 329, Scottsdale Az, 85260 United States Tel: +1 4806093004 Email: ktestani@supershuttle.net Web: www.supershuttle.com Contact: Ken Testani Exhibiting with NYC & Company

SW Travel


84, Nizami Str, Baku, Baku Azerbaijan, AZ1095 Azerbaijan Tel: +994 12 437 40 86 Fax: +994 12 437 40 87 Email: info@swtravel.az Web: www.swtravel.az Contact: Shirzad Efendiyev Exhibiting with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism



Sunrise Eco-Tours


Supranational Hotels Ltd

P.o.box 33043, Paralimni 5310 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 23831308 +357 23831501 Email: sunrise@sunrise.com.cy Web: www.sunrise.com.cy Contact: Alexios Chrysaphinis Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Boulevard Umuganda, Kigali 7013 Rwanda Tel: +250 0788312250 Email: info@sunriseecotours.com Web: www.sunriseecotours.com Contact: Clement Kanamugire Exhibiting with Rwanda Tourism Board

Sunsea Travel


2 Avenue Du Groupe Manouchian, Vitry Sur Seine 94400 France Tel: +33 1 53 48 39 52 Email: maguy.guay@veoliatransdev.com Web: www.supershuttle.fr Contact: Maguy Guay Exhibiting with France

Corso Reginna 66/82, Maiori Salerno, 84010 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 089877781 +39 089877455 Email: hotline@sunland.it Web: www.sunland.it Contact: Giovannantonio Puopolo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Super Shuttle - Veolia Transdev


Po Box A1030, Swazi Plaza, Mbabane Swaziland, H100 Swaziland Tel: Fax: +268 4049683 +268 404969375 Email: marketing@tourismauthority.org.sz Web: www.welcometoswaziland.com Contact: Bongani Dlamini

Supranational Hotels, among the world’s largest hotel representation companies, have a portfolio of over 800 independent and chain hotels in EMEA, North and South America and the Far East. Member hotels benefit from flexible membership options, state-of-the-art reservation technology and a full portfolio of sales & marketing services.

The Swaziland Tourism Authority works with the private sector to market Swaziland - Africa’s last traditional Kingdom with its rich culture, beautiful crafts, friendly people, game parks and the stunning and varied scenery. Accommodation ranges from the sophisticated to charming country hotels and rural huts. Excellent roads.


Supreme Airways


Avda. Mediterraneo 49, Benidorm Alicante, 3503 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 96 6808930 +34 964131079 Email: sunsea@sime.es Web: www.sunseatravel.es Contact: Georges Van Pachterbeke Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

Sunset Resorts


C/o Group Promotions Ltd, Crown House, Redbourn Hertfordshire, AL3 7JX United Kingdom Tel: +44 1582 792 260 Fax: +44 1582 792 112 Email: sophie.taylor@group-promotions.com Web: www.sunsetresortsjamaica.com Contact: Sophie Taylor Exhibiting with Group Promotions Ltd

Sunset Vistas Beachfront Suites


12000 Gulf Boulevard, Treasure Island Florida, 33706 United States Tel: +1 7274567213 Email: okugler@sunsetvistas.com Web: www.providentresorts.com Contact: Oliver Kugler Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Sunswept Resorts

Suntours Caribbean Bideford, Browne’s Gap, Christ Church Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 2286927 +1246 4312445 Email: allan@suntourscaribbean.com Contact: Allan Banfield Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

1107, Naurang House (B Wing), 21, K.g Marg, Connaught Place, New Delhi India +91 23319777 Tel: Email: bhanu@supremeairways.co.in Contact: Bhanu Nanda Exhibiting with India Tourism

SUR in English



Stockholm-arlanda, Stockholm 190 45 Sweden Tel: +46 087976000 Email: mats.astrom@swedavia.se Web: www.swedavia.se Contact: Mats Åström Exhibiting with VisitSweden

Sweets Company B.V.B.A.


Lijsterstraat 17, Ardooie 8850 Belgium +32 51 43 88 38 Tel: Fax: +32 51 62 36 76 Email: peter@sweetscompany.be Web: www.sweetscompany.be Contact: Peter Messely Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office

SUR in English is a weekly newspaper serving the large community of English-speaking residents in southern Spain. Published by Prensa Malagueña and audited by OJD in line with all reputable Spanish publications, it is now in its 29th year and is a major vehicle for advertising - contact mfmoreno@diariosur.es

Swietokrzyskie Regional Tourist Organisation


Prof. Dr. Bulent Tarcan Cad. No. 3, Gayrettepe, Istanbul 34349 Turkey +90 2122721160 Fax: +90 2122663669 Tel: Email: sadunalp@surmelihotels.com Web: www.surmelihotels.com Contact: Sadun ALP Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office



Swedavia Swedish Airports

Prensa Malaguena, Avda Dr. Maranon 48, Malaga 29009 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 952020293 +34 952649636 Email: surinenglish.su@diariosur.es Web: www.surinenglish.com Contact: Liz Parry

Surmeli Hotels & Resorts

Milestone House, 86 Hurst Road, Horsham West Sussex, RH12 2DT United Kingdom Tel: +44 0845 217 7844 Fax: +44 01403243242 Email: debbie@clear-marketing.com Web: www.clear-marketing.com Contact: Debbie Cleary Exhibiting with Saint Lucia Tourist Board


Swaziland Tourism Authority

The Butlers Wharf Building, Suite 1, Grassmere, London SE1 2YE United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 73570770 Fax: +44 (0)20 74071715 Email: supranational@supranational.com Web: www.supranational.com Contact: Natalia Hall

Suru Suites & Hotel Ltd


12 Allen Avenue, Ikeja. Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 8086808131 Email: olubukolaba@bestwesternlagosikeja.com Web: www.surugroup.com Contact: Olubukola Banjo Exhibiting with 9JA TRAVELS SERVICES LTD

Surya Samudra Kovalam


Sciegiennego 2/32, Kielce Kielce, 25-033 Poland Tel: Fax: +48 413618057 +48 413618057 Email: a.mandziuk@swietokrzyskie.travel Web: www.swietokrzyskie.travel Contact: Anna Mandziuk Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation

Swiss Quality Hotels Int’l


Seestrasse 129, Staefa Zurich, CH-8712 Switzerland Tel: Fax: +41 449282728 +41 449282727 Email: info@sqh.ch Web: www.swissqualityhotels.com Contact: Amjad Nashashibi Collection of more than 80 quality oriented hotels located in Austria, Germany, Italy and Switzerland(78). For business or vacation, SwissQualityHotels has a hotel for you. Secure website ensures safe online booking (best available rates (NET for Tour Operators)). Advanced XML technology is available for systems integration. GDS Code QO


Pulinkudi, Mullur Po, Trivandrum Kerala, 695521 India Tel: +91 9845059997 Email: suman.puri@jupitermail.in Web: www.suryasamudra.com Contact: Suman Puri Exhibiting with MAhout (UK) Ltd

Swiss Travel Costa Rica


4km Oeste Del Parque Empresarial Forum I, Santa Ana, San Jose San Jose, 1000 Costa Rica +506 22824898 Tel: Fax: +506 22824890 Email: info@swisstravelcr.com Web: www.swisstravelcr.com Contact: Rolando Campos Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 391



Swiss Travel System


Limmatstrasse 23, P.o. Box 1975, Zurich 8021 Switzerland Tel: +41 44 225 80 40 Email: kaspar.schuerch@swisstravelsystem.com Web: www.SwissTravelSystem.com Contact: Kaspar Schürch Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Swiss-Belhotel Doha


Jabr Bin Mohd Street, Po Box 17522, Doha Doha, 17522 Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44078849 +974 44078888 Email: dosmsbdh@swiss-belhotel.com Web: www.swiss-belhotel.com Contact: Christopher Tutty Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority

Switzerland Tourism


30 Bedford Street, London WC2E 9ED United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 845 7680 Fax: +44 207 845 7699 Email: rolf.froehlich@switzerland.com Web: www.MySwitzerland.com Contact: Rolf Froehlich Switzerland Tourism is the national marketing and sales organization for Switzerland, the ideal country for travel and congresses. ST is entirely devoted to all visitors and works in close collaboration with tourism partners and suppliers at home, and their subsidiaries abroad.



129 El-alamein Street, Mohandessin, Cairo 12411 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 233452098 +20 233026688 Email: sylvia.tours@sylviatours.com Web: www.sylviatours.com Contact: Karim Mohsen Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority


Synergy Tours

Level 23, Menara Etiqa, 23 Jalan Melaka, Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur, 50100 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 326971122 +60 326971133 Email: leonard.lee@synergy-tours.com Web: www.synergy-tours.com Contact: Fabio Delisi Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

T Hotel


Via Dei Giudicati 66, Cagliari 9131 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 070474016 +39 07047400 Email: reservation@thotel.it Web: www.thotel.it Contact: Betty Harmsen Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

T I Infotech Pvt Ltd


TI Infotech is as an IT Service company focused on providing IT solutions to Travel, Tour & Hospitality industry.Our service offerings include:• Specialized Travel and Tourism Products• Comprehensive Tour Management Application• Custom Software Development • E-commerce solutions• Booking Engines• ERP Implementation and Support • Travel CRM


Av. D. Joao Ii, Lote 1.16.1, Parque Das Nacoes, Lisboa Portugal, 1900-083 LISBOA Portugal +351 218 646 900 Fax: +351 214 252 380 Tel: Email: lisboa@topatlantico.pt Web: www.tadmc.com Contact: Filipe Pina Exhibiting with Portugal

Ta Shebube (Pty) Ltd

15 Talaat Harb Street, Cairo Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 223920838 +20 223938225 Email: taba@link.net Web: www.tabatravel.com Contact: Khaled Zakaria Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Tablao De Carmen


PURE FLAMENCOA show devised to keep the tradition of the most authentic flamenco alive.Created as a tribute to the great flamenco dancer Carmen Amaya, Tablao de Carmen has been offering a flamenco show in its purest form since 1988.It is located in the Poble Espanyol de Montjuïc.



P.o. Box 694 Abg, Sebele, Gaborone Botswana, Botswana Tel: +267 71 578 568 Fax: +267 391 4121 Email: bnavarro@botswanatourism.org.uk Web: www.tashebube.com Contact: Astrid Ndzinge Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation

392 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Av. Jose Pardo 831, Piso 4, Miraflores, Lima Peru, Peru Tel: +51 2136060 Email: Lorena.olite@aviancataca.com Web: www.taca.com Contact: Lorena Olite Exhibiting with PromPeru

Tahiti Tourisme


C/o Hills Balfour, Colechurch House, London SE1 2SX United Kingdom Tel: +44 2073670902 Fax: +44 2074073810 Email: info@tahiti-tourisme.co.uk Web: www.tahiti-tourisme.co.uk Contact: Julian Mills Tahiti Tourisme is the Destination Promotion Office for “Tahiti and her Islands’. We oversee all public relations, promotions, events, and travel agent programs conducted throughout the UK. Tahiti Tourisme works regularly with airline, hotel, resort, tour operator, web operator, and cruise line partners into promotion initiatives in the UK.

Tahiti Tours


Rue Tepano Jaussen - Immeuble Ateivi, Po Box 627, Tahiti Tahiti, French Polynesia +689 12345678 Tel: Email: julian@tahiti-tourisme.co.uk Web: www.tahiti-tours.com Contact: Julian Mills Exhibiting with Tahiti Tourisme


Rheinstrasse 29, Frankfurt 60325 Germany Tel: Fax: +49 69624518 +49 69610743 Email: info@taiwantourmus.de Web: www.taiwan.net.tw Contact: Josephine Huang Taiwan offers a combination of vibrant cities; a fascinating fusion of Asian and aboriginal cultures; stunning natural landscapes ranging from lofty mountain peaks and tropical beaches to magnificent marble gorges. The island, named ‘Ilha Formosa’ or ‘beautiful island’ by the Portuguese, is famed for its friendly people and delicious food.

Taiwan Visitors Association


5f, 9, Sec. 2, Minquan East Road, Taipei, 104 Taiwan, Republic Of China Email: tva-ffion@umail.hinet.net Web: www.tva.org.tw Contact: Ffion Chang Exhibiting with Taiwan Tourism Bureau

Taj Boston

340 Stockton Street, San Francisco California, 94108 United States Tel: +1 4157815555 Email: itd.bom@tajhotels.com Web: www.tajhotels.com Contact: Ashrafi Matcheswala Exhibiting with Taj Group

Taj Exotica Resort & Spa, Maldives



Taj Group


International Travel Department, Oxford House, 2nd Floor, 15/17 N F Road, Mumbai 400001 India Tel: +91 2266651000 Fax: +91 2222846683 Email: itd.bom@tajhotels.com www.tajhotels.com Web: Contact: Delna Jasoomoney Established in 1901, Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces comprises 115 hotels in India, Maldives, Malaysia, Australia, UK, USA, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Africa and the Middle East. From world-renowned landmarks, business hotels, beach resorts and authentic Grand Palaces, each Taj hotel offers a fusion of warm Indian hospitality and world-class service.

Taj Hotels - Sri Lanka


25 Galle Face Center Road, Colombo 03 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 2446622 Email: amal.goonetilleke@tajhotels.com Web: www.tajhotels.com Contact: Amal Goonetilleke Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Taj Hotels, Resorts & Palaces


Sifa Building, 4th Floor, Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Male’ Henveiru, Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 331 4059 +960 331 7530 Email: Himaj.Jayasinghe@tajhotels.com Web: www.tajhotels.com Contact: Himaj Jayasinghe Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Taj Palace, Marrakech


Marrak P.o Box 12440 Annakhil, Bab Atlas, Palmeraie, Marrakech 40016 Morocco Tel: +212 524327777 Email: itd.bom@tajhotels.com Web: www.tajhotels.com Contact: Yves Wenker Exhibiting with Taj Group

Taj Tashi Thimphu, Bhutan


Post Box No,524,samten Lam, Chubachu, Thimphu Bhutan +975 2336699 Tel: Email: itd.bom@tajhotels.com Web: www.tajhotels.com Contact: Ravi Nischal Exhibiting with Taj Group


P.o. Box 20350, Mtendeni Street, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 22 211 0346 Fax: +255 22 211 6660 Email: info@takimsholidays.com Web: www.takimsholidays.com Contact: Tehsin Takim Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Talisman Travel Co., Ltd.



P O Box 2117,south Male Atoll, Male Maldives, 2117 Maldives Tel: +960 6642200 Email: itd.bom@tajhotels.com Web: www.tajhotels.com Contact: Ranjit Phillipose Exhibiting with Taj Group

Takims Holidays Tours & Safaris

15 Arlington Street, Boston United States +1 6175365700 Tel: Email: itd.bom@tajhotels.com Contact: Karambir Kang Exhibiting with Taj Group

Taj Campton Place, San Francisco

Taj Cape Town Wale Street, Cape Town 8001 South Africa Tel: +27 218192000 Email: itd.bom@tajhotels.com Web: www.tajhotels.com Contact: Michael Pownall Exhibiting with Taj Group

C/ Arcos 9, Poble Espanyol De Montjuic, Barcelona Spain, 08 038 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 934254616 +34 933256895 Email: info@tablaodecarmen.com Web: www.tablaodecarmen.com Contact: Ana Rebollo Moreno

Taiwan Tourism Bureau

C-7, Iind Floor, Sector-3, Noida India, 201301 India Tel: +91 120 3341800 Fax: +91 120 3341801 Email: meenus@tiinfotech.com www.tiinfotech.com Web: Contact: Meenu Sachdeva

TA DMC Portugal



253 Asoke Building, 11th Floor, Sukhumvit 21 Road, Klongtoey-nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 22041576 +66 220415779 Email: talisman.travel@gmail.com Web: www.talisman.co.th Contact: Alexander Kushnarev Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)



Talk of the Town Hotel & Beach Club

L.g. Smith Boulevard 2, Oranjestad, L.g. Smith Boulevard 2, Aruba Email: marco.becker@keis.nl Web: www.tottaruba.com Contact: Marco Becker Exhibiting with Aruba Tourism Authority

Tallink Silja Ltd


Tyynenmerenkatu 9, Po Box 100, Helsinki Finland, FI-00181 Finland Tel: +358 9 180 41 Email: nina.tahtinen@tallinksilja.com Web: www.tallinksilja.com/en Contact: Nina Tテ、htinen Exhibiting with Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board



Av. Jurandir, 856, Hangar 7, Jardim Ceci, Sao Paulo Sp, 04072-000 Brazil Tel: +55 11 5582 8512 Fax: +55 11 5582 8321 Email: monique.nogueira@tam.com.br Web: www.tam.com.br Contact: Rebecca Ann Meadowns Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Tama Tour Indonesia


Jalan Abdul Rachman Saleh No.9, C-1 City Square Building, Bandung 40174 Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 22 6125394 +62 22 6125390 Email: novaldy@tama-tour.com Web: www.tama-tour.com / www.jomindo.com Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Tamares Hotles, Resorts & Spas


60 Medinat Hayhudim St, Herzliya Pituach Israel Tel: Fax: +972 9 9520828 +972 9 9520813 Email: ofra.shalev@tamares-hotels.co.il Web: www.tamares.com Contact: Ronit Copeland Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office

Tamarind Beach Hotel & Yacht Club



Tamil Nadu Tourism, Tamil Nadu Tourism Complex, Chennai Tamil Nadu, 600002 India Tel: +91 9176995872 Email: ttdc@vsnl.com Web: www.tamilnadutourism.org Contact: G Kamarajan Exhibiting with India Tourism

Tamilnadu Tourism


Tamilnadu Tourism Complex, No.2,wallajah Road, Triplicane, Chennai India, 600 002 India Tel: +91 044 25380583 25361640 25388785 Fax: +91 044 25382772 Email: dotdepartment@gmail.com Web: www.tamilnadutourism.org Contact: Santosh Misra

Tampa Bay & Company


401 E. Jackson Street, Suite 2100, Tampa Fl, 33602 United States Tel: +1 8133424084 Email: sbailey@visittampabay.com Web: www.visittampabay.com Contact: Shari Bailey Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA



Oljoro Road, P O Box 8276, Arusha Tanzania, EAT Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 784207727 Email: nuria@tanganyikawildernesscamps.com Web: www.tanganyikawildernesscamps.com Contact: Nuria Panizo Tanganyika Wilderness Camps presents a unique collection of Permanent Tented Camps, Mobile Camping and Lodges in Tanzania. All situated in areas of exceptional natural beauty, rich in wildlife. The camps and lodges are located in prime areas including West Kilimanjaro, Tarangire, Manyara, Nogorongoro, South, Central and North Serengeti.

Tangerine Group of Hotels


236, Galle Road, Colombo 03 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 112 434506 Email: tangerine@mi.com.lk Web: www.tangerinehotels.com Contact: Lakal Jayasinghe Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Tangier-Tテゥtouan Regional Tourism Council




Cerrito 570, Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina Tel: +54 11 4124 9400 Fax: +54 11 4124 9400 Email: info@tangoporteno.com.ar Web: www.tangoporteno.com.ar Contact: Romina Biggio Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion


Florida 971. Shop 31., Ground Floor., Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, 1005 Argentina +54 1143636000 Fax: +54 1143636049 Tel: Email: info@tangol.com Web: www.tangol.com Contact: Hernテ。n Garriga Incoming tour operator based in Buenos Aires Argentina. Full service provider in Latinamerica with a great experience in assisting travel agents from all around the world.

Tanjung Rhu Resort Langkawi


B-8-8, 8th Floor, Block B, 189 Jalan Tun Razak Kuala Lumpur, 50400 Malaysia +60 321622636 Tel: Fax: +60 321622637 Email: maurice@tanjungrhu.com.my Web: www.tanjungrhu.com.my Contact: Maurice Chiew Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

TANZANIA - Pongo Safaris & Tours Ltd


3rd Floor, Nic Life House, P.o.box 2032, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 22 2135 728 Email: info@pongosafaris.com Web: www.pongosafaris.com Contact: Scholastica Ponera Exhibiting with CBI

Tanzania National Parks


Po Box 3134, Arusha 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 27 250 3471 Fax: +255 27 250 8216 Email: dg@tanzaniaparks.com www.tanzaniaparks.com Web: Contact: Gerald Bigurube Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


23a, San Stefano Str., Sofia 1504 Bulgaria Tel: Fax: +359 28430270 +359 29460111 Email: d.stoeva@tandem-travel.com Web: www.tandem-travel.com Contact: Daniela Stoeva Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism

Tanzania Tourist Board

TAP Portugal


P O Box 2485, 3rd Floor, Ips Building, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of +255 22 2111 244 Fax: +255 22 211 6420 Tel: Email: md@tanzaniatourism.go.tz Web: www.tanzaniatourism.go.tz Contact: Geoffrey Meena The major objectives and functions of Tanzania Tourist Board are: (a)To contribute towards the development of tourism industry in Tanzania through effective marketing and promotion of tourism domestically and internationally. (b) To improve co-ordination within the tourism industry and improve tourist products.


Brook House, 229/243 Sheperds Bush Road, London W6 7AN United Kingdom Tel: +44 02082227524 Fax: +44 02082227534 Email: ukmarketing@tap.pt Web: www.flytap.pt Contact: Joana Picoto Exhibiting with Portugal


TAP PORTUGAL Chapter House, 22 Chapter Street, London SW1P 4NP United Kingdom Tel: Fax: +44 218415528 +44 21 8416432 Email: gluis@tap.pt Web: www.flytap.com Contact: GILDA LUIS Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Taprospa Spas & Resorts/ Mackwoods Travel

Crt/ Hotel Sheherazade, Avenue Mohammed Vi, Tangier Tangier, 90000 Morocco Tel: +212 5 39 94 18 37 Fax: +212 5 39 94 53 48 Email: crttangertetouan@yahoo.fr Web: www.visitetanger.com Contact: Mustapha Boucetta Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office


Grand Bay, Canouan Island St Vincent And The Grenadines Tel: Fax: +1784 4588851 +1784 4588044 Email: marketing@tamarind.us Web: www.tamarindbeachhotel.com Contact: Georgina Horsman Exhibiting with Canouan Island

Tamil Nadu Tourism

Tanganyika Wilderness Camps Ltd.



No 10, Gnanartha Pradeepa Mw, Colombo 08 Sri Lanka Tel: Fax: +94 112692566 +94 112678389 Email: ceo@taprospa.com Web: www.taprospa.com Contact: Senarath Devendra Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Tari Tour


Off 9-12, Bld.2,2 Gamsonovskiy Per., Moscow 115191 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 495 9332165 +7 495 9332164 Email: kuzmin@tari.ru Web: www.taritravel.com Contact: Igor Kuzmin Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency



Calea Bucurestilor Street, No. 224f, Otopeni Ilfov, Romania Tel: Fax: +40 2031025481 +40 2031025480 Email: lonoffice@taromuk.co.uk Web: www.tarom.ro Contact: Roxana Tudor Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM



Placa De La Font, 1, Tarragona Catalonia, E-43003 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 977245167 +34 977250979 Email: info@tarracoromana.cat Web: www.tarracoromana.cat Contact: Quim Queralt Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

TARRAGONA - Patronat Municipal de Turisme de Tarragona


C/ Major 39, Tarragona Catalonia, E-43003 Spain Email: turisme@tarragona.cat Web: www.tarragonaturisme.cat Contact: Montserrat Pascual Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD



2 Vlaicu Pircalab Str., Chisinau MD-2009 Moldova, Republic Of Tel: Fax: +373 22 213268 +373 22844305 Email: tatrabis@tatrabis.md Web: www.tatrabis.md Contact: Andrei Rusu Exhibiting with Moldova

Tattva Tourism Solutions


Z-604, Sidharth Apartment, M.p. Enclave, New Delhi India, 110034 India Tel: +91 1147041658 Email: info@tattva-ts.com Web: www.tattva-ts.com Contact: Mili Sham Exhibiting with India Tourism

Tauch Terminal Resort Tulamben & Spa


Jl. Danau Tamblingan X No. 31 Taman Griya, Bali Indonesia, Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361 778473 +62 361 774504 Email: axel@tauch-terminal.com Web: www.tauch-terminal.com Contact: Axel Schwan Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 393



Tavisca Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

D-503 ,Wing 3,eon Free Zone, Midc Kharadi, Pune India, 411014 India +91 20 67318604 Fax: +91 12144471297 Tel: Email: sales@tavisca.com Web: www.tavisca.com Tavisca is a travel technology solutions company that works with leisure travel companies across the globe, to help them grow their online travel business. Our solutions work across air, hotel, car, vacations, activities / transfers and insurance travel needs.


Taylors Three Rock

Grange Road, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16 Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 1 4946599 +353 1 4942311 Email: info@taylorsthreerock.ie Web: www.taylorsthreerock.ie Contact: Catriona McClelland Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland



145 Av De L’aiguille Du Midi, Chamonix, Mont-blanc 74400 France +33 450 55 90 93 Tel: Email: myriam.potier@temmos.com Web: www.temmos.com Contact: Marc Sliwka Exhibiting with France



Cumhuriyet Caddesi 147-3 Istanbul, Istanbul Turkey, 34373 Turkey Tel: +90 2122345807 Fax: +90 2122345823 Email: tulay@tempeltravel.com Web: www.tempeltravel.com Contact: Tulay Ersan Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


Temple Bar Hotel


TBI Tour Brokers Intl

8, Festival Road, Off Adetokunbo Ademola Crescent, Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234 8023058889 Email: uegbuna@tourbrokersinternational.com Contact: Uloma Egbuna Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation

13-17 Fleet Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 Ireland Tel: +353 1 677 3333 Fax: +353 1 677 3088 Email: katiedempsey@tbh.ie www.templebarhotel.com Web: Contact: Katie Dempsey Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

NA200 33 W. 46th St. 2nd Floor, New York City Ny, 10036 United States Tel: +1 2126977165 Email: enzo@teamamericany.com Web: www.teamamericany.com Contact: Vincenzo Perretta Exhibiting with NYC & Company

Temps rural accommodations Region of Valencia


Tech Master

728, Udyog Vihar, Phase - V, Haryana 122016 India Tel: +91 9958372226 Fax: +91 1244986110 Email: jatin@techmaster.in www.techmaster.in Web: Contact: Gaurav Bhatnagar TechMaster with its vast experience in Travel Trade and expertise in technology has developed a state of art cloud based online travel management solution as ‘TravelForceLive’ for travel companies dealing with flights, hotels, packages, car rental, transfer and sightseeing. It offers B2C, B2B, Call Center and Mobile apps.



Lomada De Tecina - Playa De Santiago La Gomera, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Canary Islands, 38811 Spain +34 922 682 258 Fax: +34 922 628 253 Tel: Email: evars@fredolsen.es Web: www.jardin-tecina.com Contact: Camilla von Guggenberg Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation


Tekura Tahiti Travel Bp 41292 Fare Tony, Tahiti Tahiti, French Polynesia Tel: +689 12345678 Email: julian@tahiti-tourisme.co.uk Web: www.tekuratahititravel.com Contact: Julian Mills Exhibiting with Tahiti Tourisme

Tel-Aviv Jaffa


C/convento Santa Clara 9, Puerta 9, Valencia Spain, 46002 Spain Tel: +34 96111 12 96 Email: Info@tempsalojamientosdeinterior.com Web: www.tempsdeinterior.com Contact: Alberto Galloso Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

Tenerife Tourism Corporation


C/alcalde Jose Emilio Garcia, Gomez Nº 9, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Canary Islands/tenerife, 38005 Spain Tel: +34 922 237 875 Email: pia@webtenerife.com Web: www.webtenerife.com Contact: Pia Louw Exhibiting with Canary Islands

Tenerife Tourism Corporation


Avda. De La Constitucion, 12, Tenerife (Canary Islands) 38005 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922 237894 +34 922 237875 Email: promotion@webtenerife.com Web: www.webtenerife.com Contact: Nieves Perdomo The Tenerife Tourism Corporation is a membership led independent body, supported by the public and private sectors, which markets Tenerife overseas as a tourist destination. A portfolio of five specific brands has been created: Golf, Nature, Select, Convention Bureau and Film Commission.


29 Hamered Street, Tel Aviv 61500 Israel Tel: Fax: +972 35167081 +972 35170131 Email: telaviv@iha.org.il Web: www.telaviv.org.il Contact: Eli Ziv Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office


Watamu Next To Marine Park, P.o. Box 296 - 80202, Malindi 80202 Kenya +254 770145042 Fax: +254 0422332289 Tel: Email: gm@templepointresort.com Web: www.templepointresort.com Contact: Thomas Ickert Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

Tensi Incoming and Congress


Komjadi Bela Str. 1., Budapest H-1023 Hungary Tel: Fax: +36 13451544 +36 13451557 Email: ekassai@tensi.hu Web: www.tensi-incoming.hu Contact: Edit Kassai Exhibiting with Travel To Marketing


Col. Las Minitas, Avenida Juan Lindo Edificio Mondai., C.princesa 24-6 Piso Madrid, Espana, Tegucigalpa Honduras, 504 Honduras +504 22311778 Tel: Fax: +504 22311778 Email: apalacios@televentur.com Web: www.televentur.com Contact: Armando Palacios Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

Tent Tours

Tenuta Moreno



Contrada Moreno Ss7, Mesagne Italy Tel: +39 0831774960 Email: info@tenutamoreno.it Contact: Manuela Diriesto Exhibiting with Regione Puglia


Terengganu State Government, Malaysia

9th Floor, Wisma Darul Iman, Kuala Terengganu Terengganu, 20503 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 96221957 +60 96231553 Email: datukrahin@gmail.com Web: www.tourism.terengganu.gov.my Contact: Rahin Mohd Said Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board


Piazza Virgilio 1, Colombare Di Sirmione 25019 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 030916192 +39 03091681 Email: info@terredisirmione.com Web: www.terredisirmione.com Contact: Francesca Tacchini Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Terra Mitica Park/Terra Mitica Events

EM1600 Ctra. Benidorm-finestrat. Ptda. El Moralet S/n, Benidorm Alicante, 3502 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 965004468 +34 965004300 Email: cpamblanco@eventosterramitica.com Web: www.terramiticapark.com Contact: Carlos Pamblanco Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme



Matije Gupca 2a, Zadar Zadar, 23000 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 23337295 +385 23337294 Email: info@terratravel.hr Web: www.terratravel.hr Contact: Tomislav Fain Exhibiting with Zadar Region



Cami Papalus S/n, Edificio Terminal Pujol 2º Piso, Lloret De Mar Girona, 17310 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 902876339 +34 972373138 Email: ikrutko@terramartour.com Web: www.terramartour.com Contact: Irina Krutko Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

TERRES DE L’EBRE - Tarragona Province Tourist Board


C/ De L’angel 6, 3a Planta, Edifici Siboni, Tortosa Catalonia, E43500 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 977445400 +34 977444447 Email: mbarbera@diputaciodetarragona.cat www.terresdelebre.travel Web: Contact: Mireia Barberà Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

Texas Tourism

Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Uae, 11554 United Arab Emirates +971 2 55 366 26 Tel: Email: tenttours@hotmail.com Web: www.tenttours.com Contact: Mohamed Al Ameri Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY


Loc. Badia A Coltibuono, 2, Gaiole In Chianti Siena, 53013 Italy +39 0577 74481 Tel: Fax: +39 0577 744839 Email: gauni@coltibuono.com Web: www.coltibuono.com Contact: Adria Gauni Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione

Terme di Sirmione Spa


TEMPLE POINT RESORT Teamamerica Receptive Tour Operator

Tenuta di Coltibuono s.agr.a.r.l.


C/o Texas Tourism Uk, Aynscombe House, 102a High Street, Greater London, BR6 0JY United Kingdom +44 (0) 1689 872163 Tel: Fax: +44 (0) 1689 834542 Email: martinc@mmeurope.eu Web: www.traveltex.com Contact: Keith Mangum Texas is not just about cowboys, as a year-round destination with over 600 miles of spectacular coastline, extensive national and state parks, golf, modern arts, great outdoors adventure, shopping, music festivals and cultural facilities – Texas is a world-class destination.

Thai Airways International


41, Albemarle Street, London London, W1S 4BF United Kingdom +44 2079079524 Fax: +44 2079079548 Tel: Email: arthorn.d@thaiairways.co.uk Web: www.thaiairways.com Contact: Arthorn DHAMABUTRA

394 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


THAILAND - Royal Silk Holidays

594/6 Soi Mahawong Nua, Asoke-dindaeng Road, Dindaeng, Asoke Dindaeng Road, Bangkok Thailand, 10400 Thailand Tel: +66 662 64160635 Email: supi@royalsilkholidays.com Web: www.royalsilkholidays.com Contact: Supaporn Prachumpai Exhibiting with CBI

The African Tulip


44 / 1 Serengeti Road, P. O. Box 15171, Arusha Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 272543004 Fax: +255 272543006 Email: info@theafricantulip.com Web: www.theafricantulip.com Contact: Anuj Sharma Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


The Butchart Gardens

Box 4010, Victoria British Columbia, V8X 3X4 Canada Tel: +1 250 544 4492 Email: joshbickerton@butchartgardens.com Web: www.butchartgardens.com Contact: Josh Bickerton Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission


The Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group


Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

1st Floor, 17 - 19 Cockspur Street, London London, SW1Y5BL United Kingdom Tel: +44 2079252511 Fax: +44 2079252512 Email: info@tourismthailand.co.uk Web: www.tourismthailand.co.uk Contact: Chris Lee 7 Amazing Wonders highlights Thailand as a peaceful, hospitable and year-round destination with high quality, value-for-money products and services. The UK CHIC by Thailand campaign, captures all things affordably trendy, hip and boutique and this year takes on an eco-twist showcasing our green credentials.


THAILAND Nutty’s Adventures

45/2 Mu 1 Rojana Rd, Pratu Chai, Ayutthaya Thailand, 13000 Thailand +66 81 911 1584 Tel: Email: andrew.l@nutty-adventures.com Web: www.nutty-adventures.com Contact: Andrew Lewis Exhibiting with CBI


Thalys International

Place Stephanie, 20, Brussels 1050 Belgium Tel: +32 (0)2 548 06 00 Email: lina.wang@thalys.com Web: www.thalys.com Contact: Lina Wang Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association


Thambapanni Leisure PVT Ltd Yaddehimulla, Unawatuna Sri Lanka Tel: +94 777901559 Email: inf0@thambapannileisure.com Contact: D.M. Preshantha Dissanayake Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau


Thamserku Trekking Pvt. Ltd

G.p.o Box: 3124, Basundhara, Ring Road, Kathmadu Nepal Tel: Fax: +977 14000702 +977 14000701 Email: saujan@thamserku.com Web: www.thamserkutrekking.com Contact: Namgyal Sherpa Exhibiting with Nepal Tourism Board



P.o.box 60136, Pafos 8125 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 26885076 +357 26885000 Email: bdm@thanoshotels.com www.thanoshotels.com Web: Contact: Panayiotis Kyprianou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

The Address Hotels + Resorts


C/o Hatari Lodge, Momella, Arusha Tanzania, 27 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 754 510 195 Email: marlies@theafricanembassy.com www.theafricanembassy.com Web: Contact: Marlies Gabriel Exhibiting with Kamili



Haile Selassie Road 92, P.o Box 2590, Arusha Tanzania, Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 272548840 Fax: +255 272548840 Email: info@anasa.co.tz Web: www.anasasafari.com Contact: Leonie van de Vijver Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

The Au Co, Gulf of Tonkin


47 Phan Chu Trinh Street, Hanoi, Vietnam, Hanoi Vietnam, Vietnam Tel: +84 4 39 33 45 45 Fax: +84 4 39 33 67 76 Email: sales@aucocruises.com Web: www.aucocruises.com Contact: Ha Pham Van Exhibiting with HG Travel

The Best Destinations in the West


14260 Garden Rd B-28, San Diego/poway California, 92064 United States Tel: Fax: +1 8584861771 +1 8584861744 Email: DeanRuffing@gmail.com Web: www.thebestdestinations.com Contact: Dean Ruffing Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions

The Blue Train


5 Field Place Estate, Byfleets Lane, Horsham West Sussex, RH12 3PB United Kingdom Tel: +44 1403 243619 Fax: +44 1403 217558 Email: info@ethosmarketing.co.uk Web: www.bluetrain.co.za Contact: Herbert Masheula The Blue Train has been synonymous with luxury hospitality, tourism and leisure since 1946.It offers a unique way of experiencing some of southern Africa’s magnificent landscapes and landmarks. On board the train, guests indulge with fine cuisine accompanied by some of the best wines South Africa has to offer.

The Blue Water (Union Resorts Ltd)


2, Dharmaraja Mawatha, Off Alfread Avenue, Colombo 3 Sri Lanka +94 1122597168 Tel: Email: roshan@thebluewatersrilanka.com Web: www.bluewatersrilanka.com Contact: Roshan Perera Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

The Blue Yonder

Emaar Business Park, Building 3, Floor 3, Dubai P.O. BOX 9440 United Arab Emirates +971 4 3673395 Tel: Email: jmitra@emaar.ae Web: www.theaddress.com Contact: Jorosa Mitra Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

The African Embassy (Hatari & Shumata)

The Anasa Safari Collection


23 Sri Guru Nivas, 6 Amarjyoti Layout Sanjaynagar, Bengaluru India Tel: +91 9886053286 Email: sandeep@theblueyonder.com Contact: Sandeep Sinha Exhibiting with India Tourism

The Broadway Collection


520 8th Avenue, 11th Floor, New York Ny, 10018 United States Tel: +1 2123020995 Email: allison@broadwayinbound.com www.broadwayinbound.com Web: Contact: Allison French Exhibiting with NYC & Company

The Bürgenstock Selection

Rezidor Global Sales Office, C/o Park Inn Manchester Victoria, Manchester United Kingdon, M4 4EW United Kingdom Tel: +44 844 847 6742 Fax: +44 844 847 6748 Email: leisuresalesuk@carlsonrezidor.com Web: www.carlsonrezidor.com Contact: Susan Coulthart The Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group, one of the world’s largest and most dynamic hotel groups; offers a portfolio of more than 1,300 hotels, a global footprint spanning 80 countries, and powerful global brands: Radisson Blu, Radisson®, Country Inns & Suites, Park Inn by Radisson, Hotel Missoni and Park Plaza®.

The Chateau Spa & Organic Wellness Resort



Km 48 Persimpangan Bertingkat, Bukit Tinggi Pahang, 28750 Malaysia +60 92213888 Tel: Fax: +60 92886868 Email: sales@thechateau.com.my Web: www.thechateau.com.my Contact: Veronica Lopez The Chateau, is the world’s first organic wellness destination spa resort modeled after the 18th century a medieval “Haut Koesnigburg” castle in Alsace, France. This spa haven is not only a retreat that embraces holistic ideas and relaxing principles but one that defines the eminent journey towards wellness.

The Chedi Muscat


Po Box 964, Postal Code 133, Muscat The Sultanate Of Oman, 133 Oman +968 24 52 44 88 Fax: +968 24 49 44 86 Tel: Email: sbroekhaar@ghmhotels.com Web: www.ghmhotels.com Contact: Simone Broekhaar Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry


The Claridges Hotels & Resorts

12 Aurangzeb Road, New Delhi India, 110011 India Tel: Fax: +91 1123792388 +91 1139555000 Email: corporate@claridges.com Web: www.claridges.com Contact: Arun Yadav The Claridges Hotels & Resorts, India’s finest luxury hotels, hallmark premium service and guest experience delivered with characteristic Indian graciousness in New Delhi, Surajkund (Delhi NCR)and Mussoorie . The Group has established a leadership position in the 5-star luxury hotel segment for discerning business and leisure travellers.


The Cosmopolitan Las Vegas

3708 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Las Vegas Nevada, 89109 United States +1 702 872 8495 Tel: Email: erin.naeve@cosmopolitanlasvegas.com Web: www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com Contact: Erin Naeve Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority


The Crane Crane, St. Philip Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4235343 +1246 4236220 Email: sophia.gunning@thecrane.com Web: www.thecrane.com Contact: Sophia Gunning Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

The Cultural Village - KATARA

Bahnhofplatz, Zug 6300 Switzerland Tel: +41 41 725 4273 Fax: +41 41 725 4261 Email: steve.nikolov@buergenstock-selection.ch Web: www.buergenstock-selection.ch Contact: Steve Nikolov Exhibiting with Katara Hospitality



West Bay, Doha Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44081000 +974 44081447 Email: m.al-saad@katara.net Web: www.katara.net Contact: Maryam Al Saad Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority

The Danna Langkawi Resort


P.o Box 236, Telaga Harbour Park, Langkawi Kedah, 7000 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 49593188 +60 49593288 Email: azvil@thedanna.com Web: www.thedanna.com. Contact: Azvil Aziz Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 395



The Department of tourism of the Government of the Irkutsk region

The Garda Village


26, Irkutsk 664003 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 3952 241759 +7 3952 217283 Email: tourirk1@mail.ru Web: www.tour.irkobl.ru Contact: Marina Rozhkova Exhibiting with Russian Federation

The Garden Hotel Guangzhou


The Dharmawangsa Jakarta

Jl. Brawijaya Raya No. 26, Jakarta Indonesia, Indonesia +62 21 7258181 Tel: Fax: +62 21 7204174 Email: novi.samodro@the-dharmawangsa.com Contact: Novi Samodro Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

The Diplomatic Club


West Bay Dafna Area, Doha 3395 Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44839001 +974 44847444 Email: mmamaril@dclub.com.qa Web: www.thediplomaticclub.com Contact: Marjorie Mamaril Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority

The Discovery Collection


The Elewana Collection


6a High Street, Shepperton Middlesex, TW17 9AW United Kingdom Tel: +44 1932260618 Fax: +44 1932269839 Email: george@africa-reps.com Web: WWW.ELEWANA.COM Contact: George Crossland Exhibiting with Sopa Lodges

The Explore Nepal


Po Box: 536, Kamaladi, Kathmandu Nepal Tel: Fax: +977 1 4224237 +977 1 4226130 Email: explore@mos.com.np Web: www.xplorenepal.com Contact: Bharat Basnet Exhibiting with Nepal Tourism Board

The Field Museum


1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Il 60605-2496 United States Tel: Fax: +1 3126657301 +1 3129229410 Email: awilletts@fieldmuseum.org Web: www.fieldmuseum.org Contact: Aimee Willetts Chicago’s Field Museum houses over 26 million artifacts, including SUE, the world’s largest T. rex! Discover 23 mummies in a re-created tomb or over 600 gemstones in our Hall of Gems. Journey to the Aztec empire or explore our renovated Dinosaur Hall where giant sloths, woolly mammoths and dinosaurs roam!

The Fortress Resort and Spa


Koggala, Habaraduwa, Koggala Galle, 80630 Sri Lanka Tel: Fax: +94 914380338 +94 914389400 Email: gm@thefortress.lk Web: www.fortressresortandspa.com Contact: Jan P Van Twest Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

The Funzi Keys


Po Box 95503, Mombasa Kenya +254 783900582 Tel: Email: anne@aboutafrica.co.uk Web: www.thefunzikeys.com Contact: Anne Avery Exhibiting with Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association

The G Hotel


Dublin Road, Wellpark, Galway City Ireland Tel: Fax: +353 91 865 203 +353 91 865200 Email: info@theg.ie Web: www.theghotel.ie Contact: Sinead Cassidy Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

396 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


368 Hunanshi Dong Lu, Guangzhou Guangdong, 510064 China Tel: +86 2083338989 Fax: +86 2083324534 Email: renate.kollmann@rmc-int.eu Web: www.thegardenhotel.com.cn Contact: Zoe Zou Five star award-winning business hotel located in the CBD of Guangzhou City, China. 828 classic, elegant and contemporary designed rooms and suites; Executive Floor and Lounge; 24 hours Gym; Renowned ‘Angsana Spa’; 7 Restaurants and Bars; An elegant 1,333 sqm Convention Hall and 10 multi-function meeting rooms.


6a High Street, Dunmow Essex, CM6 1AG United Kingdom Tel: +44 1371 859733 Fax: +44 1371859155 Email: zy@thediscoverycollection.com Web: www.thediscoverycollection.com Contact: Zekiye Yucel Exhibiting with North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd


Via Coorti Romane, 47, Sirmione Bs, 25019 Italy Tel: +39 0309904552 Fax: +39 0309904560 Email: info@gardavillage.it Web: www.gardavillage.it Contact: Maurizio Iannella Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Kadinlar Denizi Mevkii Kusadasi, Kusadasi Aydin, 9100 Turkey +90 256 6142000 Fax: +90 256 6144961 Tel: Email: imbat@imbat.com.tr Web: www.imbat.com.tr Contact: EYYUP CIVICI Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


The Green Circuit

23-24 Sri Guru Nivas, 6 Amarjyoti Layout, Sanjaynagar, Bengaluru India, 560094 India Tel: +91 8041152218 Email: info@thegreencircuit.net Web: www.thegreencircuit.net Contact: Sandeep Sinha Exhibiting with India Tourism

The Green Hotel Golf & Leisure Resort


2 The Muirs, Kinross Perthshire, KY13 8AS United Kingdom Tel: +44 01577 863467 Email: steveireland@green-hotel.com Web: www.green-hotel.com Contact: Steve Ireland Exhibiting with UKinbound

The Group Company


10 Toft House, Toft Green, York United Kingdom, Y01 6JT United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)845 308 1500 Email: Naomi@thegroupcompany.com Web: www.thegroupcompany.com/ Contact: Naomi Stewart Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association

The Guild Of Travel & Tourism


Suite 193 Temple Chambers, 3-7 Temple Avenue, London EC4Y 0DB United Kingdom Tel: +44 2075836333 Email: enquiries@traveltourismguild.com Web: www.traveltourismguild.com Contact: Nigel Bishop The Guild of Travel and Tourism is a leading international travel trade association for professionals within the industry. Through events (London & Hong Kong) The Guild actively facilitate opportunities for member organisations that are looking to develop their business internationally by providing management of business leads and promotions of services.

The Hague Convention Bureau - Travel Trade


Postbus 85456, Grote Marktstraat 43, The Hague Zuid Holland, 2508 CD Netherlands +31 70 3618848 Tel: Fax: +31 70 3615459 Email: m.dewijs@denhaag.com Web: www.thehaguetraveltrade.com Contact: Didi de Visscher Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)

The Haven Seminyak Bali


Jl. Raya Seminyak No. 500, Bali Indonesia, Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361 738002 +62 361 738001 Email: sales@thehavenbali.com Web: www.thehavenbali.com Contact: Ratna Indah Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

The Hotel Marketing Company


18a High Street, Pensnett, Kingswinford West Midlands, DY6 8XD United Kingdom +44 1384 273224 Fax: +44 1384 402278 Tel: Email: info@hotelmarketingco.com Contact: Jonathan Andreades Exhibiting with Le Meridien Limassol Spa & Resort


The Howard Plaza Hotel, Taipei 160, Sec 3, Ren-ai Road, Taipei 106 Taiwan, Republic Of China Email: robert_chen-tp@howard-hotels.com.tw Web: www.howard-hotels.com.tw Contact: Robert Chen Exhibiting with Taiwan Tourism Bureau


The Imperial

Janpath, New Delhi 110001 India Tel: +91 11 23341234 Fax: +91 11 23342255 Email: jrpassah@theimperialindia.com Web: www.theimperialindia.com Contact: Gaurav Sindhwani The Imperial is a legend that offers a unique experience embracing facets of India’s history. The 24 King palms, leading to porch, stand a witness to the creation of New Delhi. As Delhi’s landmark Hotel, it is steps away from the renowned shopping district and major city attractions.


The Islands of The Bahamas

10 Chesterfield Street, London W1J 5JL United Kingdom Tel: +44 2073550800 Fax: +44 2074919459 Email: info@bahamas.co.uk Web: www.bahamas.co.uk Contact: Nathan Birac To promote the 16 main Islands of The Bahamas and their many splendid attractions the BTO London generates creative marketing, advertising and PR campaigns to engage the travel trade and consumers. The Bahamas Tourist Office in London covers the UK, Irish, Dutch and Scandinavian markets.


The Jalousie Plantation, Sugar Beach Val Des Pitons, Forbidden Beach, La Baie De Silence, Soufriere POST OFFICE BOX 251 St Lucia +1758 0845 217 7844 Tel: Fax: +1758 1403 243 242 Email: debbie@clear-marketing.com Web: www.thejalousieplantation.com Contact: Debbie Cleary Exhibiting with Saint Lucia Tourist Board

The K Hotel


Juffair, Manama Bahrain, 1412 MANAMA Bahrain Tel: Fax: +973 1736 0045 +973 1736 0000 Email: info@thekhotel.com Web: www.thekhotel.com Contact: Mohamed Nader Exhibiting with KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN, Ministry of Culture

The Kee Resort and Spa Patong


152/1 Thaveewong Rd., Patong Beach, Kathu, Phuket 83150 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 76 335 808 +66 76 335 810 Email: dosm@thekeeresort.com Web: www.thekeeresort.com Contact: Nurat Atibaedya Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

The Lalit


Bharat Hotels Ltd, Barakhamba Avenue, New Delhi India, 110001 India Tel: +91 11 4444 7777 Fax: +91 11 4444 1234 Email: klamba@thelalit.com Web: www.thelalit.com Contact: Samil Malhotra The LaLiT Suri Hospitality Group - an enterprise of ‘Bharat Hotels Limited’ owns and operates EIGHT luxurious properties in India - two ‘InterContinental The LaLiT’ hotels and six ‘The LaLiT’ destination hotels, offering more than 1800 deluxe rooms in key Indian cities. Aggressive expansion plans in the next 2 years.

The Landis Taipei Hotel 41, Sec. 2, Min-chuan E. Rd., Taipei 104 Taiwan, Republic Of China Email: chrisdelvin@yahoo.com Web: www.landishotelsresorts.com Contact: Lily Duann Exhibiting with Taiwan Tourism Bureau




The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts

C/o The Leela Galleria, Sahar (Andheri East), Mumbai Maharashtra, 400059 India Tel: +91 2266911189 Fax: +91 2266911455 Email: deepti.beesani@theleela.com Web: www.theleela.com Contact: Jai Sreedar Situated in premier locales, The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts offers elegant facilities and personalized services to the world’s most discerning travellers. The Leela has hotels in Mumbai, Bangalore, Goa, Kovalam, Gurgaon, Udaipur & New Delhi and new openings slated in Chennai, Jaipur, Agra, and Lake Ashtamudi.

The Leisure Pass Group


58-60 Berners Street, London England, W1T 3BB United Kingdom +44 2075808060 Fax: +44 2075808065 Tel: Email: lyndsey@leisurepassgroup.com Web: www.leisurepassgroup.com Contact: Lyndsey Kirk A tourism specialist, creating and managing ‘smart card’ pass systems for some of the world’s top cities including Paris, London and Berlin. Our sightseeing passes offer entry to a large number of attractions in the destination for one low price. We offer trade partnerships with competitive commissions and promotional support.

The Marmara Collection


Osmanli Sok., No: 1/b Taksim, Istanbul 34437 Turkey Tel: +90 212 334 84 15 Fax: +90 212 245 58 56 Email: ckurtis@themarmarahotels.com Web: www.themarmaracollection.com Contact: CEYDA KURTIS Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

The Merchant Hotel


The Lodge & Spa at Brush Creek Ranch 66 Brush Creek Ranch Road, Saratoga, Wy 82331 United States Tel: Fax: +1 3073275284 +1 3073272000 Email: kbirrell@rmi-realamerica.com Web: www.brushcreekranch.com Contact: Kim Birrell

Discover our 15,000 acres of refined, Western landscape in Saratoga, Wyoming. Endless activities, luxury accommodations and outstanding meals await you. Create unforgettable memories at Wyoming’s most exclusive luxury guest ranch. We are an allinclusive boutique resort exclusively designed for discretionary travellers, corporate group retreats, family escapes and destination weddings.

The London Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Luxury Trains

The Makokola Retreat



The Mulia, Mulia Resort & Villas- Nusa Dua, Bali


Lekhnath Marg, Thamel, Kathmandu P.O.BOX: 787 Nepal Tel: Fax: +977 1 4419848 +977 1 4418385 Email: htlgrp@wlink.com.np www.hotelmalla.com Web: Contact: K. M. Ranjitkar Exhibiting with Nepal Tourism Board


11 Weald Close, Horsham West Sussex, RH13 6HE United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1403249958 Email: sales@tmtcintl.com Web: www.tmtcintl.com Contact: Steve Mitchell Mark International is an inbound receptive operator for North America, Mexico, Caribbean, Far East, MiddleEast and Europe. Our upgraded XML host-to-host connectivity and our web based booking engine, provides unlimited direct access to our contracted inventory database and dynamic sourcing of hotels and services in 1500 destinations and offering 40,000+hotels


Jl. Raya Nusa Dua Selatan, Kawasan Sawangan, Bali, 80363 Indonesia +62 361 3017777 Fax: +62 361 3027888 Tel: Email: norman.nordin@themulia.com Web: www.themulia.com Contact: T. Norman Nordin Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

The New York Palace


455 Madison Avenue, New York Ny, 10022 United States Tel: Fax: +1 2123036022 +1 2123036053 Email: ccoleman@nypalace.com Web: www.newyorkpalace.com Contact: Carol Coleman Exhibiting with NYC & Company

The New York Pass


36 West 44th Street, Suite 1407, New York Ny, 10036 United States Tel: +1 2129777732 Email: ken@newyorkpass.com Web: www.newyorkpass.com Contact: Ken Barrows Exhibiting with NYC & Company

The O Hotel

AS300 192/36 Karon Road,t. Karon, A. Muang, Phuket 83100 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 76 396357 +66 76 396353 Email: reservation@theoldphuket.com Web: www.theoldphuket.com Contact: Piyaphorn Tanphan Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)




Via Sassetti, 1, Firenze 50123 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 055292620 +39 0552645033 Email: pier@artviva.com Web: www.italy.artviva.com Contact: Pier Carlo Testa Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione



The Old Phuket - Karon Beach Resort

Strada Rovereta, 42, Falciano 47891 San Marino Tel: +378 0549 979552 Fax: +378 0549 979559 Email: incoming@theoneviaggi.com Web: www.theoneviaggi.com Contact: Romina Selva Exhibiting with Travel To Marketing

Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin Ireland Tel: +353 1 887 2400 Fax: +353 1 874 4039 Email: fburns@morrisonhotel.ie Web: www.morrisonhotel.ie Contact: Fiona Burns Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

The Makokola Retreat, Po Box 59, Malawi Tel: Fax: +265 01580417 +265 01580244 Email: abizzaro@cilconmw.com Web: www.makokola.com Contact: Andrea Bizzaro Exhibiting with Malawi Ministry of Tourism


Business Bay, Downtown Dubai, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 436 40 43 Email: Karim-bizid@oberoihotels.com Contact: Karim Bizid Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

The One DMC

West Bay, Doha Qatar Tel: +974 44022222 Email: legal@moc.gov.qa Web: www.moc.gov.qa Contact: Faleh Alhajri Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority

The Morrison Hotel

New Delhi, 42, 1st Floor Regal Building East, New Delhi India, 110001 India Tel: +91 1142866600 Fax: +91 1123348003 Email: arun.kundu@theluxurytrains.com Web: www.theluxurytrains.com Contact: Arun Kundu Exhibiting with India Tourism

The Mark Travel Corporation (Mark International)

The Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage

The Oberoi Dubai


12801 W Sunrise Boulevard, Sunrise Florida, 33323 United States Tel: +1 9548462300 Email: llenberg@simon.com Contact: Vicki Ramani Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA


33 Queen Street, London EC4R 1AP United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 7203 1970 Email: jrogers@londonchamber.co.uk Web: www.londonchamber.co.uk Contact: Josie Rogers Exhibiting with The Guild Of Travel & Tourism

The Malla Hotel


Po Box 9305, Dubai United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 381 3333 Email: Kenneth.arnott@meydanhotels.com Web: www.meydanhotels.com Contact: Kenneth Arnott Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

The Mills - A Simon Company® /Sawgrass Mills


The O2, Peninsula Square, London SE10 0DX United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 8463 2000 Email: help@britishmusicexperience.com Web: www.theo2.co.uk Contact: Roger Simmons Exhibiting with UKinbound


16 Skipper Street, Belfast BT1 2DZ United Kingdom Tel: +44 28 90234888 Fax: +44 28 90247775 Email: paula@themerchanthotel.com Web: www.themerchanthotel.com Contact: Paula Stephens Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

The Meydan Hotels

The O2


The Original London Sightseeing Tour Ltd

Jews Row, Wandsworth London, SW18 1TB United Kingdom Tel: Fax: +44 2088771968 +44 2088772108 Email: ceris@theoriginaltour.com Web: www.theoriginaltour.com Contact: Ceri Slade London’s first and best sightseeing tour offers entertaining hop-on hop-off tours aboard modern open-top double-decker buses. Live guides, language commentaries, three Walking Tours,a fantastic Thames cruise, and a unique Kids’ Club are all included. The travel trade are welcomed with generous commissions, flexible ticketing options and full promotional support.

The Out NYC


510 West 42nd St., New York NY 10036 United States Tel: Fax: +1 2129472988 +1 2129472999 Email: kivanco@theoutnyc.com Web: www.theoutnyc.com Contact: Kivanc Ozdemir Exhibiting with Out Now

The Palms Resorts


Palm Avenue, Sunset Crest, St. James BB24014 Barbados +1246 4326750 Tel: Fax: +1246 4327229 Email: dorothy.bates@sovereignbancorp.com.bb Web: www.thepalmsresort.net Contact: Dorothy Bates Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

The Palms, Zanzibar


P.box 1298, Zanzibar Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: Fax: +255 242240293 +255 744440881 Email: sujit@palms-zanzibar.com Web: www.palms-zanzibar.com Contact: Sujit Shah Exhibiting with The Zanzibar Collection


The O S.no. 114/1, Candolim, Dando, Bardez, Goa India +91 0832 3047000 Tel: Email: gm.goa@ohotelsindia.com Web: www.ohotelsindia.com Contact: Mario Nazareth Exhibiting with India Tourism

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 397



The Park Hotels, India

15 Parliament Street, Connaught Place, New Delhi 110001 India +91 1123743000 Fax: +91 1123744000 Tel: Email: resv.del@theparkhotels.com Web: www.theparkhotels.com Contact: Rohit Arora The Park Hotels, member of Design Hotels™, India’s only collection of contemporary luxury five-star boutique hotels at Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, NewDelhi, NaviMumbai, Visakhapatnam. Latest footprints in Hyderabad & Vembanad Lake Kerala with 8 Cabin Cruiser – Apsara & Resort.Downtown locations, worldclass facilities make’sus natural choice for business and leisure traveler.


The Paul Resorts & Hotels

129, Living Style Mall, New Delhi New Delhi, 110025 India Tel: +91 11 405504661 Fax: +91 11 405504662 Email: medhavi@thepaul.in Web: www.thepaul.in Contact: Medhavi Pande Exhibiting with India Tourism

The Pavilions Bali


Jl. Danau Tamblingan No. 76, Sanur, Bali Indonesia, 80228 Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361288382 +62 361288381 Email: info@balipavilions.com Web: www.thepavilionsresorts.com Contact: IL Soon Kang Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

The Pierre, A Taj Hotel New York


Fifth Avenue At 61st Street, New York 10065 United States Tel: +1 2128388000 Email: itd.bom@tajhotels.com www.tajhotels.com Web: Contact: Heiko Kuenstle Exhibiting with Taj Group



Av. Jose Bento Ribeiro Dantas, Numero 2110, Sala 08, Bairro Manguinhos, Armacao Dos Buzios 28.950-000 Brazil +55 22 2623 0473 Fax: +55 22 2623 0473 Tel: Email: marketing@planningbrasil.com Web: www.planningbrasil.com / www.bmo.com.br Contact: Jorge Gianelli Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


The Pride Hotel

Pune, Pune, Pune, Maharashtra India, India Tel: +91 9673170007 Fax: +91 9673170007 Email: tridib@pridehotel.com Web: www.pridehotel.com Contact: Tridib Ghosh Exhibiting with India Tourism


The Pride Hotels Pune, Pune India Tel: +91 9673170007 Email: tridib@pridehotel.com Contact: Tridib Ghosh Exhibiting with India Tourism

The Red Carnation Hotel Collection South Africa

P O Box 32117, Camps Bay, Cape Town Cape Town, 8040 South Africa Tel: Fax: +27 214379055 +27 214379066 Email: adre@rchmail.co.za www.redcarnationhotels.com/southafrica Web: Contact: Adre Nel Exhibiting with South African Tourism

The Reef Playacar Resort & Spa


Fracc. Playacar, Playa Del Carmen 77710 Mexico Tel: +52 984 206 3150 1110 Email: marketing@rivieramaya.com Web: www.thereefplayacar.com Contact: Rosa Ma. Cruz Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

The Reefs Hotel & Club

849/21 Petchburi Rd., Regent Beach Cha-am, Phetcharuri Thailand +66 22510305 Tel: Fax: +66 22530342 Email: warunee@regent-chaam.com Web: www.regent-chaam.com Contact: Warunee Sukpaita Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Coastal Road, Belle Mare Mauritius Tel: Fax: +230 4151180 +230 401 8888 Email: fchretien@theresidence.com Web: www.theresidence.com Contact: Frederic Chretien Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

Falhumaafushi, Gaafu Alifu Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 6820011 +960 6820088 Email: plutchmaya@theresidence.com Web: www.theresidence.com Contact: Pascal Lutchmaya Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Mchangamle, Kizimkazi, Zanzibar Tanzania, United Republic Of +255 245 555 000 Tel: Email: ymontel@theresidence.com Web: www.theresidence.com Contact: Yves Montel Exhibiting with Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association

56 South Shore Rd., Southampton, SN02 Bermuda +1441 238 0222 Tel: Fax: +1441 238 8372 Email: andrebrenner@btconnect.com Web: www.thereefs.com Contact: Andre Brenner Exhibiting with Bermuda Department of Tourism

398 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


The Ritz Carlton, Doha


Suite 310, 1755 West Broadway, Vancouver British Columbia, V6J 4S5 Canada Tel: +1 250 427 3303 Email: dbriggs@sandman.ca Contact: Donna Briggs Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission

The Sea Horse Inn


P.o Box 488, Scarborough Tobago, 488 Trinidad And Tobago Tel: Fax: +1868 639 0057 +1868 639 0686 Email: seahorse@tstt.net.tt Web: www.seahorse@tstt.net.tt Contact: Nicholas Hardwicke Exhibiting with Trinidad and TobagoTourism Development Company (TDC)

The Selous Safari Company


Po Box 1192, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 022 212 8485 Email: lyndsey@selous.com Web: www.selous.com Contact: Lyndsey Fair Exhibiting with Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association




Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi, 91888 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 2 8188088 +971 2 8188888 Email: dilip.mukundan@ritzcarlton.com Contact: Dilip Mukundan Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

The Senses Resort / NTI Thailand


111/7 Nanai Road, T.patong, A. Kathu, Phuket 83150 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 76 390 749 +66 76 390 748 Email: sutpreeda.jailak@thesensesresort.com Web: www.thesensesresort.com Contact: Sutpreeda Jailak Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

ME240 The Spa Traveller

West Bay Lagoon, P. O. Box: 23400, Doha Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 4484 8484 +974 4484 8000 Email: Greg.D’souza@ritzcarlton.com Web: www.ritzcarlton.com Contact: Greg D’’souza Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority


Traveller Publishing Limited, Maple House, Cheltenham Gloucestershire, GL50 3AW United Kingdom Tel: +44 07583357996 Email: info@thespatraveller.com Web: www.thespatraveller.com Contact: David van der Meulen


P.o. Box 26525, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 43186719 Email: christina.lopez@ritzcarlton.com Web: www.ritzcarlton.com/dubai Contact: Christina Lopez Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

The Roosevelt Hotel NYC


45 East 45th St., New York Ny, 10017 United States Tel: Fax: +1 2128856159 +1 2128856016 Email: earrabito@rooseveltnyc.com Web: www.theroosevelthotel.com Contact: Elio Arrabito Exhibiting with NYC & Company

Xxx, Udaipur India Tel: +91 0000 Email: barbara-harding@hotmail.co.uk Contact: Barbara Harding Exhibiting with India Tourism

The Sandman Hotel Group/The Sutton Place Hotel Company

Jl. Kayu Aya, Seminyak Beach, Seminyak Bali, 80361 Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361 730815 +62 361 730814 Email: dosm@theseminyak.com Web: www.theseminyak.com Contact: Endah Proborini Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Po Box 23400, Doha Qatar Tel: +974 55151330 Email: hossein.vetry@ritzcarlton.com Web: www.ritzcarlton.com/doha Contact: Hossein Vetry Exhibiting with Katara Hospitality

The Ritz-Carlton Doha


Jl. Laksamana Seminyak, Bali Indonesia, Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361 733328 +62 361 731149 Email: ray@thesamayabali.com Web: www.thesamayabali.com Contact: Ray Clark Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)


The Residence Zanzibar

The Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi, Grand Canal

The Samaya Bali


The Residence Maldives

The Royal Retreat Udaipur



The Residence

The Ritz-Carlton, Dubai



The Regent Cha-Am Hotel Co., Ltd.

Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications





Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Uae, 60476 United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 26581341 Email: dorothee.heil@stregis.com Web: www.STREGIS.COM Contact: Dorothee Heil Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY


Po Box 54345, United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 2 4988 881 Email: marwan.fadel@stregis.com Contact: marwan fadel Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

The Surf & The Safari


No.2, Galle Road, -, Colombo 3 Sri Lanka, 94 Sri Lanka Tel: Fax: +94 5345882 +94 774778467 Email: razick@ceylonhotels.net Web: www.ceylonhotels.net Contact: Chethiya Perera Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau


The Tamara

229, 39 ‘’c’’ Cross, 9th Main, 5th Block Jayanagar, Bengaluru India Tel: +91 8197408410 Email: jeet@tamaraprojects.com Web: www.thetamara.com Contact: Jeet Sachdeva Exhibiting with India Tourism



3 Al Porsaidia Co Street, From Asmaa Fahmy, Cairo Egypt, 1134 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 222904909 +20 222904181 Email: info@threecorners.com Web: www.threecorners.com Contact: Hesham Badawy Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

The Vine, a divine hotel

The Vision Destination Managment


Aspire Zone, P. O. Box: 23833, Doha Qatar, Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44465661 +974 44465600 Email: carlo.kazan@thetorchdoha.com Web: www.thetorchdoha.com Contact: Carlo Kazan Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority

The Tour


22, H. Seyidbeyli Str, Baku Azerbaijan, AZ1006 Azerbaijan Tel: +994 12492 19 50 Fax: +994 12 511 31 56 Email: manager@thetour.az Web: www.thetour.az Contact: Zulfiyya Ismayilova Exhibiting with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism

The Travel Experience

The Westin Dubai Mina Seyahi Beach Resort & Marina


P.o. Box 24883, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 45117417 Email: 01895.sales@starwoodhotels.com Web: www.westin.com/minaseyahi Contact: Ahmad Al Hallaq Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

The Westin Resort & Casino, Aruba



Tribe, P. O. Box 1333, Nairobi Kenya, 621 Kenya Tel: Fax: +254 207200110 +254 20720000 Email: sm@tribehotel-kenya.com Web: www.tribe-hotel.com/ Contact: Olivia Otieno Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

The Unique Collection of Hotels & Resorts


29 Vanissa Building, 20th Floor, Unit 20a, Soi Chidlom, Ploenchit Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 2 250 4525 +66 2 250 4527 Email: dos@theuniquecollection.com Web: www.theuniquecollection.com Contact: Christian Kluding Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

The University of the West Indies-Barbados


Rua Do Choupelo (Santa Marinha), Vila Nova De Gaia Porto, 4400-088 VILA NOVA DE GAIA Portugal Tel: +351 220133100 Fax: +351 220133199 Email: teresa.frazao@theyeatman.com Web: www.theyeatman.com Contact: Teresa Frazão Exhibiting with Portugal

The Zanzibar Collection


P.o.box 1361, Zanzibar 0 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 774 440 885 Fax: +255 22 2240450 Email: info@thezanzibarcollection.com Web: www.thezanzibarcollection.com Contact: Sujit Shah


Cave Hill, St. Michael, Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4245348 +1246 4174855 Email: roland.butcher@cavehill.uwi.edu Contact: Roland Butcher Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

Situated along a pristine, untouched award-winning beach, with great attention to detail, unique charm, personalized service and warm hospitality, The Zanzibar Collection is a privately owned collection of beautiful hotels, inspired by the magic of Zanzibar,. Baraza Resort & Spa, The Palms & Breezes Beach Club & Spa, Zanzibar

The Zign Hotel


The View from The Shard


J.e. Irausquin Boulevard 77, Palm Beach, Steekterweg 80b, 2407 Bh, Alphen Aan Den Rijn, The Netherlands The Netherlands, 2407 BH Netherlands Tel: Fax: +31 847287162 +31 172 740740 Email: sander@globactive.nl Web: www.westinaruba.com Contact: Sander Langeveld Exhibiting with Aruba Tourism Authority

The Yeatman

40 Bermondsey Street, London Bridge, London London, SE1 3UD United Kingdom Tel: +44 2031023983 Email: traveltrade@theviewfromtheshard.com Web: www.theviewfromtheshard.com Contact: Ana Karina Araque Opening 1 February 2013, The View from The Shard is the premium visitor attraction at the top of The Shard, Western Europe’s tallest building and London’s newest landmark. At 244m above ground and spectacular 64 km, 360º degree views of London is almost twice as high as any other point.


555/65 Moo 5 ,12 Naklua Rd., Banglamung, Chonburi Thailand, 20150 Thailand +66 38 909 800 20 Fax: +66 38 909 888 90 Tel: Email: info@thezignhotel.com Web: www.thezignhotel.com Contact: Wannaporn Unchaleewiwat Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Thermeon Worldwide Plc

Thistle Hotels


Po Box 909, Bath Road, Middlesex, UB8 9FH United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 7138 0000 Email: Richard.Bantock@Guoman.co.uk Web: www.thistle.com Contact: Richard Bantock Exhibiting with UKinbound


Thompsons Africa

P O Box 2758, Westway Office Park, Kwazulu-natal Kwazulunatal, 3635 South Africa Tel: Fax: +27 31 2753990 +27 31 2753500 Email: Viki.fynn@thompsons.co.za Web: www.thompsonsafrica.com Contact: Viki Fynn Exhibiting with South African Tourism


9 Prospect Lenina, Volgograd 400098 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 8442242621 +7 8442236792 Email: gy@rlan.ru Web: www.welcomevolgograd.com Contact: Renata Germolid Exhibiting with Russian Federation


Etelainen Hesperiankatu 10 A 10, Helsinki FIN-00100 HELSINKI Finland Tel: Fax: +358 962298120 +358 96229810 Email: steve.hart@travel-experience.net Web: www.travel-experience.net Contact: Steve Hart Exhibiting with Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board

The Village Coconut Island Phuket


Electra Str., P.o Box 113585, Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 2 6799913 +971 2 6799914 Email: ali@thevisionme.com Contact: Ali Abu Monassar Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

The Volgograd region Government The Torch Doha Hotel


Rua Dos Aranhas, 27 A, Funchal Portugal, 9000 - 044 FUNCHAL Portugal Tel: +351 291009000 Fax: +351 291009001 Email: isabel.vasconcelos@hotelthevine.com Web: www.hotelthevine.com Contact: Isabel Vasconcelos Exhibiting with Portugal



Thon Hotels


Louizalaan 91-93, Brussels 1050 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 2 205 15 12 +32 2 205 15 01 Email: lv@thonhotels.be Web: www.thonhotels.be Contact: Lieselot Vijncke Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office


Thousand hills expenditions Po Box 1395, ., Kigali . Rwanda Tel: Fax: +250 578565 +250 578560 Email: jacqui@thousandhills.rw Contact: Jacqui Sebageni Exhibiting with Rwanda Tourism Board

Thracian Cliffs Golf & Spa Resort


Bouzhuretz Village, Kavarna 9656 Bulgaria Tel: +359 884748001 Email: alex.atanassov@thraciancliffs.com Web: www.thraciancliffs.com Contact: Alexandre Atanassov Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism



125 Hong Ha Strreet, Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi Hanoi, 10000 Vietnam Tel: Fax: +84 439262058 +84 439262056 Email: contact@threeland.com Web: www.threeland.com Contact: Ha Nghiem Thuy Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism

Thuong Hai Joint Stock Company


S? 2, Ngo 254/37, Ph? Vinh Hung, P. Vinh Hung, Q.hoang Mai, Hanoi Vietnam Tel: Fax: +84 436440055 +84 436440055 Email: hoangnguyenmlm@gmail.com Contact: Hoang Nguyen Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism



16 El Khartoum Street, Cairo Cairo, Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 224189173 +20 224189174 Email: tarek.ragab@tiaheights.com Web: www.tiaheights.com Contact: Tarek Ragab Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Tiamo Resort


South Andros, Andros Bahamas Tel: +1242 369 2330 Email: manager@tiamoresorts.com Web: www.tiamoresorts.com Contact: Wilfried Vincent Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas

Tianjin Tourism Administration


Russ Hill Farm, Russ Hill, Horley Surrey, RH6 0EL United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1293864300 Fax: +44 2076813907 Email: vision@thermeon.com Web: www.thermeon.com Contact: Roland Keogh

Huanbohai Development Center, +9, Binshui Road, Hexi District, Tianjin 300061 China Tel: Fax: +86 2228208332 +86 2228371233 Email: fclili@163.com Contact: Li Li Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office

Car Rental software specialists for over 20 years - providing realtime business solutions to rental companies and suppliers around the world.Increase website business, promote on-line suppliers (XML) and transform rental operations. Our expertise in vehicle rental allows us to focus on helping your business at all levels.

Tibet Tourism Administration


51/7 Moo.6t.kohkaew ,Muang, Phuket 83200 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 76352145 +66 76352144 Email: mild@thevillage-coconutisland.com Web: www.thevillage-coconutisland.com Contact: Malina Saard Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


3, Luobulinka Road, Lhasa 850001 China Tel: Fax: +86 8916834701 +86 8916834701 Email: xz-scc@cnta.gov.cn Contact: Dan Wang Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 399



Ticino Tourism Via Lugano 12, Bellinzona Ticino, 6501 Switzerland Tel: +41 91 825 70 56 Email: info@ticino.ch Web: www.ticino.ch Contact: Jasmin Haslimeier Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Ticket To Ride Travel


Via Gramsci, 16, Padenghe Sul Garda (bs) 25080 Italy +39 0309900497 Fax: +39 0309903604 Tel: Email: info@tickettoride.it Web: www.tickettoride.it Contact: Rosanna Manni Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

3/1 Bakinskyi Lane, Bishkek 720007 Kyrgyzstan Tel: +996 312466034 Fax: +996 312490180 Email: travel@tien-shan.com Contact: Vladimir Biriukov Exhibiting with Kyrgyz Association of Tour Operators



Room 520-522 Department Of Tourism, T.m. Kalaw Street, Manila 1000 Philippines Tel: +63 9175840389 Email: gelpilapil@yahoo.com Web: www.tieza.com.ph Contact: Mark Lapid Exhibiting with Philippines Department Of Tourism

Tifco Hotels Ireland


31 Northwood Court, Northwood Park, Dublin 9 Ireland Tel: +353 1 862 8803 Fax: +353 1 862 8800 Email: chaustein@tifcohotels.ie www.tifcohotels.ie Web: Contact: Christoph Haustein Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland


TigerBay Software Ltd

Cbtc, Senghenydd Road, Cardiff CF24 4AY United Kingdom Tel: +44 2920647011 Fax: +44 2920382071 Email: info@tigerbay.co.uk Web: www.tigerbay.co.uk Contact: Carl Morgan We provide web-based booking engine for tour operators, travel agencies and online travel agencies website


Timber Trail Resorts - Parwanoo

A-256 1st Floor, Defence Colony, New Delhi 110024 India Tel: +91 11 4165 1775 Email: hemantkhulbey@timbertrail.in Contact: Hemant Khulbey Exhibiting with India Tourism

Time Hotels Management


P.o. Box 282366, Tecom Al Barsha, Dubai United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates +971 44377877 Tel: Fax: +971 44377878 Email: amina.ali@timehotels.ae Web: www.timehotels.ae Contact: Amina Ali Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing


Time Out Hotel St. Lawrence Gap, Christ Church Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4205034 +1246 4205021 Email: alicia.farmer@timeoutbarbados.com Web: www.timeoutbarbados.com Contact: Alicia Farmer Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

TIME Ruby Hotel Apartments

Toboggan T.O.


14, Ostashkovskaya Str., Moscow Russian Federation, 129345 Russian Federation +7 495 9601654 Tel: Fax: +7 495 9601654 Email: luch.ratobor@gmail.com Web: www.historyfest.ru Contact: Alexey Ovcharenko Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency




Tien Shan Travel Ltd

Times & Epochs historical festivals in Moscow


P.o Box 7041, Al Khan Area, Sharjah P.O. BOX 7041 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 6 5932223 +971 6 5932222 Email: amina.ali@timehotels.ae Web: www.timehotels.ae Contact: Amina Ali Exhibiting with Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority

400 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Via A. Manzoni, 17, Piazza Plebiscito, 15, Putignano Italy Tel: +39 0802371085 Fax: +39 0809902023 Email: info@tipicatour.it Web: www.tipicatour.it Contact: Stefano Giotta Exhibiting with Regione Puglia


Tirol Tourist Board

Maria-theresien-strasse 55, Innsbruck Tirol, 6010 Austria Tel: +43 512 5321 646 Fax: +43 512 5320 300 Email: holger.gassler@tirolwerbung.at Web: www.tirol.at Contact: Holger Gassler Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

Titanic Resorts & Hotels


Lara Turizm Merkezi, Antalya Turkey Tel: +90 242 352 02 02 Fax: +90 242 352 02 00 Email: oaltas@titanic.com.tr Web: www.titanic.com.tr Contact: Osman Esref ALTAS Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Titilaka / Hotel B


Av. Saenz Pena 129, Barranco, Lima Peru, LIMA 04 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 7005129 +51 7005122 Email: marketing@andean-experiencie.com Web: www.titilaka.com Contact: Tomas Miko Exhibiting with PromPeru

TITLIS ROTAIR, Cableways & Hotels, Engelberg


Poststrasse 3, Engelberg 6390 Switzerland Tel: +41 41 639 50 50 Email: rchoksi@titlis.ch Web: www.titlis.ch Contact: Rayo Choksi Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism


Tivoli Hotels & Resorts



Tivoli Marina Vilamoura, Vilamoura Portugal, 8125-901 Portugal Tel: +351 289 303 322 Fax: +351 289 303 360 Email: htmarinavilamoura@tivolihotels.com Web: www.tivolihotels.com Contact: Joao Jesus Exhibiting with Portugal

TN Tour


4 M. Lagidze Str., Tbilisi 108 Georgia Tel: +995 568208855 Fax: +995 322982998 Email: Shota.jokhadze@tntour.ge Web: www.tntour.ge Contact: Tea Kebadze Exhibiting with Georgian National Tourism Administration

Tobago House of Assembly

Together in Tuscany & Umbria


Scarborough, Tobago Trinidad And Tobago Tel: +1868 6350934 Email: npersad@tidco.co.tt Contact: Joycelyn Scarborough Exhibiting with Trinidad and TobagoTourism Development Company (TDC)


Via Xx Settembre 26, Cortona Arezzo, 52044 Italy +39 0575 67358 Tel: Email: denys@togetherintuscany.it Web: www.togetherintuscany.it Contact: Denyse Perathoner Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione

toggle mobile


3rd Floor, Wallbrook Building, London London, E14 9SG United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 7536 6450 Email: sofia.gouveia@togglemobile.com Web: www.togglemobile.com Contact: Deluxson Somanathbabujee toggle mobile is owned by Lycamobile, the world’s largest Mobile Virtual Network Operator which has been helping over eight million customers across 14 countries to make affordable international calls.toggle mobile allows users to save money when roaming across multiple destinations without the need to keep changing SIM cards.

Tokyo Tourism Representative


First Floor, London E1 6BX United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)2072479388 Fax: +44 (0)2072479387 Email: kohei_ohno@tokyocityrep.co.uk Web: www.gotokyo.org/en/index.html Contact: Kohei OHNO Exhibiting with Japan National Tourism Organization

Tongole Wilderness Lodge


Suite2, Burfields House, Goudhurst Kent, TN17 1AE United Kingdom Tel: +44 7836295694 Email: david@tongole.com Web: www.tongole.com Contact: David Cole Exhibiting with Malawi Ministry of Tourism


Av. Do Farol, S/nr., Praia Do Forte, Mata De Sao Joao Ba, 48280-000 Brazil Tel: +55 71 3676 4082 Fax: +55 71 3676 4083 Email: maria.helena@tivolihotels.com Web: www.tivolihotels.com Contact: Adriana Santos Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


Viale Michelangelo 390, Palermo 90145 Italy Tel: +39 091 6205801 Fax: +39 091 6205890 Email: coomerciale@toboggan.it Web: www.toboggan.it Contact: Eugenio Labisi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


4f Tsukiji Ky Bldg, 4-7-5 Tsukiji, Tokyo 104-0045 Japan Tel: Fax: +81 351481736 +81 351481733 Email: inoguchi_shoko@tonichi.co.jp Web: www.japan-coachman.com Contact: Shoko INOGUCHI Exhibiting with Japan National Tourism Organization

Top Bavaria Travel GmbH


Schulstrasse 11, Munich 80634 Germany Tel: +49 08913 0009 Email: andras.rigo@top-bavaria.de www.top-bavaria.de Web: Contact: Andras Rigo Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board

Top China Tour Co., Ltd.


304,xiangye Tower, 17, Chaowai Dajie, Beijing 100020 China Tel: +86 1065803635 Fax: +86 1065801625 Email: znn@topchinatour.com Web: www.topchinatour.com Contact: Nan Zhang Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office



Av. Corrientes 753 - 4Âş A, Buenos Aires 1043 Argentina +54 11 5555 3700 Fax: +54 11 4322 1544 Tel: Email: edith@topdest.com.ar Web: www.topdest.com.ar Contact: Marco Palacios Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion

Top Level Travel Srl


Via Fuorimura, 9, Sorrento Na, 80067 Italy Tel: +39 081 8774742 Fax: +39 081 8774196 Email: incoming@topleveltravel.com Web: www.topleveltravel.com Contact: Mariano Russo Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



Top of the Rock

Top Tours Romania




Via Vittorio Emanuele Ii, 62-64, Firenze Toscana, 50134 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 055 4628033 +39 055 462801 Email: info@toscanapromozione.it Web: www.toscanapromozione.it Contact: Eleonora Falchi Toscana Promozione is the Economic Promotion Agency of Tuscany. Thanks to a network of professional associations, institutions, enterprises, universities and research centers, Toscana Promozione is, today, a concrete platform for overseas enterprises interested in doing business with Tuscany.


Toucan Inn & Bonkers

Tobago, Tobago Trinidad And Tobago Tel: +1868 01372 469818 Fax: +1868 01372 470057 Email: cbjames@tstt.net.tt Contact: Christopher James Exhibiting with Trinidad and TobagoTourism Development Company (TDC)

Touist Information center of Vologda region

Tour East Singapore (1996) Pte Ltd, 15 Cairnhill Road 07-05a, 229650 Singapore +65 62382866 Tel: Fax: +65 62382886 Email: jlum@toureast.net Web: www.toureast.net Contact: Judy Lum Tour East is one of Asia’s leading Destination Management Company with offices in Asia Pacific region, we provide a wide spectrum of services to wholesalers, tour operators, incentive houses, etc. We believe in providing a highly innovative, quality and personalised service to your clients to ensure a memorable holiday experience.


Tour & Incentive Travel Sdn Bhd

No. 74d, Wisma Binjul, 3rd Floor, Penang 10470 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 489988180 +60 48998833 Email: danny@tour-incentive.travel www.tour-incentive.travel Web: Contact: Danny Tan Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board


29 Bis Avenue Saint Augustin, Nice 6200 France Tel: +33 493 44 88 77 Fax: +33 497071022 Email: tourazur@tourazur.com Web: www.tourazur.com Contact: Julie Casuccio Exhibiting with France

220 East Central Parkway, Suite 4000, Altamonte Springs Florida, United States Tel: Fax: +1 4072151106 +1 4076678700 Email: info@touricoholidays.com Web: www.touricoholidays.com Contact: Lauri Gagnon Tourico Holidays (www.touricoholidays.com) - Wholesale travel provider with over 19,000 merchant hotel agreements, operating globally in 23 languages. Also supplying cruises, flights, attractions and car hire, we manage global websites and online interfaces. A focus on availability, rates, technology and service enables Tourico Holidays to double in size every year.

Suite 2, Level 2, 189 Kent Street, Sydney Nsw, 2000 Australia +61 2 8314 5840 Tel: Email: lellas@toureast.net Web: www.toureast.com.au Contact: Leon Ellas Exhibiting with Australia - Tourism Australia

Tour Hebdo (France)


Tourism British Columbia

12th Floor, 510 Burrard Street, Vancouver Bc, V6C 3A8 Canada Tel: Fax: +1 6046603383 +1 6046602902 Email: fiona.frost@gov.bc.ca Web: www.BritishColumbia.travel Contact: Fiona Frost Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission


Tourism Confederation of Tanzania

P.o Box 13837, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 22 2136 177 Fax: +255 22 2136 188 Email: rugimbana-tct@cats-net.com www.tct.co.tz Web: Contact: Richard O.B Rugimbana Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Press Centre Foyer

1 Rue Eugene Et Armand Peugeot, Rueil Malmaison, Cedex 92856 France Tel: +33 06 15 25 14 29 Email: mcoppola@groupeliaisons.fr Web: www.pros-du-tourisme.com Contact: Monique Coppola

Tourism Flanders - Brussels

Exhibiting with Global Media Network

Tour Mandalay Co., Ltd.


No 02/03 Pearl Condominium A, Bahan Township, Yangon 11201 Myanmar Tel: Fax: +95 1 541 098 +95 1 540 475 1 541 428 Email: meemee@tourmandalay.com.mm Web: www.tourmandalay.com Contact: Khin Zaw Nichols Exhibiting with Myanmar Tourism Federation (Marketing Committee)

TOUR4u, Incoming Travel Agency


Sikma 4, Bratislava Slovakia, 821 06 Slovakia Tel: +421 903302817 Email: tour4u@tour4u.sk Web: www.tour4u.sk Contact: Jana FabianovĂĄ Exhibiting with Slovak Tourist Board


Flanders House, 1a Cavendish Square, London W1G 0LD United Kingdom +44 20 7307 7734 Fax: +44 20 7307 7731 Tel: Email: lisa@visitflanders.co.uk Web: www.visitflanders.co.uk Contact: Lisa Thomas Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office

Tourism Flanders - Brussels - India Office

Touren Services France


Tiilenlyojankuja 6, Pl133, Vantaa Vantaa, 1720 Finland Tel: +358 984940510 Email: heidi.niva@touringcars.eu Web: www.touringcars.eu Contact: Heidi Niva-Heinonen Exhibiting with Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board


Tour East Australia


Office 407, 27 Gertsena Str., Vologda 160000 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 8172 562779 +7 8172 562780 Email: tury.ru-vologda@yandex.ru Web: www.vologdatourinfo.ru Contact: Natalia Iakovleva Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Tour Azur


Tour East


Tourico Holidays

Touring Cars Exhibiting with Global Media Network

Pg Rafael Campalans, 10, Apartat De Correus 6, Torredembarra Catalonia, E-43830 Spain Email: turisme@torredembarra.cat Web: www.turismetorredembarra.cat Contact: Jordi Panades Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

Toscana Promozione

Press Centre

129110, Suvorovskaya Sq., 2, P. 3, 107031, Russia, Moscow, Pob 32, Moscow Moscow, 117049 Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 995 7620 Email: ivan@tourbus.ru Web: www.tourbus.ru Contact: Ivan Kalashinikov

Aleea Plenita 4, Bl Y8, Sc 1, Ap 14, Bucharest 30495 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 314179465 +40 314179464 Email: office@toptours.ro Web: www.toptours.ro Contact: Valentin Boboc Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM

TORREDEMBARRA - Patronat Municipal de Turisme de Torredembarra

Tour Business (Russia)


45 Rockefeller Plaza, 12th Floor, New York Ny, 10111 United States Tel: +1 2125939460 Email: mfarrell@topoftherocknyc.com Web: www.topoftherocknyc.com Contact: Mary Farrell Exhibiting with NYC & Company


Mileage Communcations Pvt. Ltd., 119, Sishan House, 2nd Floor Shalpur Jat, New Delhi 110049 India Tel: +91 11 4987 6700 19 Fax: +91 11 4987 6701 Email: puri@mileage.in www.visitflanders.in Web: Contact: Sunil Puri Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office

Tourism India Management Enterprises Pvt. Ltd


78, Institutional Area, Sector 44, Gurgaon, Haryanai 122002 India Tel: +91 124 4932450 Fax: +91 124 4932499 Email: sanjeevjoshi@tourismindiamanagement.com Web: www.www:tourismindiamanagement.com Contact: Sanjeev Joshi Exhibiting with India 4 You

Tourism Industry Committee of MINT RK


Hafenstrasse 20, Kehl Am Rhein D-77694 Germany Tel: +49 7851 992 80 Email: Schweda@Touren-Service.de Web: www.Touren-Service.de Contact: Joachim Schweda Exhibiting with ETOA - European Tour Operators Association

AS60 Abai 33, Astana 10000 Kazakhstan Tel: Fax: +7 7172753328 +7 7172753391 Email: svetlana@komtur.kz Web: www.kit.gov.kz Contact: Gulmira Bektassova State representative and coordinator for tourism activities in the Tourism industry Committee of MINT RK.

Tourism Intelligence International


8 Dove Drive, Po Box 6154, Santa Cruz WI Trinidad And Tobago +1868 6766165 Tel: Fax: +1868 6766093 Email: kwilson@tourism-intelligence.com Web: www.tourism-intelligence.com Contact: Kevon Wilson

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 401



Tourism Ireland


Nations House, 103 Wigmore Street, London W1U 1QS United Kingdom +44 (0)207 518 0800 Tel: Fax: +44 (0)207 493 9065 Email: gmoroney@tourismireland.com Web: www.discoverireland.com Contact: Gillian Moroney Tourism Ireland is the official overseas marketing agency for the island of Ireland, both north & south. With over 40 partners representing accommodation, visitor attractions, transportation and ground handlers, the Ireland pavilion has products and services that will fulfil all your clients’ needs.

Tourism KwaZulu-Natal


P.o Box 2516, Durban Durban, 4000 South Africa Tel: +27 31 366 7500 Fax: +27 31 304 8792 Email: thabisile@zulu.org.za Web: www.kzn.org.za Contact: Thabisile Mthethwa Exhibiting with South African Tourism

Tourism Organisation of Belgrade


Masarikova 5/9, Belgrade Serbia, 11000 Serbia +381 113061400 Tel: Email: dveselinov@tob.co.rs Web: www.tob.co.rs Contact: Dejan Veselinov Exhibiting with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia

Tourism Organisation of Budva


Mediteranska 8/6, Tq Plaza, Budva Montenegro, 85310 Montenegro Tel: Fax: +382 33402550 +382 33402814 Email: maja@budva.travel Web: www.budva.travel Contact: Maja Raskovic Exhibiting with Montenegro National Tourism Organisation

Tourism Organisation of Vojvodina


Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 6, Novi Sad 21000 Serbia Tel: +381 21 452 910 Email: office@vojvodinaonline.com www.vojvodinaonline.com Web: Contact: Gvozden Perkovic Exhibiting with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia

Tourism Organization of the Mazovia Region


2 Powstancow Warszawy Sq., Suite A20-a27, Warsaw 00-030 Poland +48 22 877 20 10 Fax: +48 22 877 22 70 Tel: Email: r.krupa@mrot.pl Web: www.mazowsze.travel Contact: Radoslaw Krupa Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation



187 Sopers Cresent, Victoria Falls Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 1343368 +263 1342008 Email: gordon@tourservzim.co.zw Web: www.tourismservices.co.zw Contact: GORDON MUKANGANWA Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY


Tourism-Review.com Stupkova 18, Olomouc 779 00 Czech Republic Tel: +420 585411144 Email: editor@tourism-review.org Web: www.Tourism-Review.com Contact: Milada Sovadinova Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications


1555, Rue Peel, Bureau 600, Montreal Quebec, H3A 3L8 Canada +1 5148442445 Tel: Email: leclerc.hugo@tourisme-montreal.org Web: www.tourisme-montreal.org Contact: Hugo Leclerc Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission


Radnicka 2, Brno 602 00 Czech Republic Tel: +420 724795915 Email: bacik@ccrjm.cz Web: www.ccrjm.cz Contact: Lukas Bacik Exhibiting with Czech Tourist Authority - CzechTourism

Tourist Board of City Split


Obala Hrvatskog Narodnog Preporoda 7/1, Split Central Dalmatia, 21000 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 21348604 +385 21348600 Email: tz-split@st.t-com.hr www.visitsplit.com Web: Contact: Sinisa Mikacic Exhibiting with Croatian National Tourist Board

Tourist Guide of Greece


137 Patission Street, Athens GR-112 51 Greece Tel: +30 2108641688 Fax: +30 2108641693 Email: info@tggr.com Web: www.tggr.com Contact: Niki Papaioannou The Tourist Guide of Greece Ltd is a major tourism publication company established in 1972.Its principal travel industry publication is the ‘Tourist Guide of Greece’ published every February.Its 500 pages are dedicated entirely to the information needs of tour operators and travel agents selling travel to Greece.

Tourist Hotel Complex Beta


2b, 71 Izmailovskoye Shosse, Moscow 105613 Russian Federation +7 495 7929898 Tel: Fax: +7 495 7929914 Email: ref@hotelbeta.ru Web: www.hotelbeta.ru Contact: Oxana Ermolenko Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Tourist Information Centre of Leningrad region


Tourist Service Municipal Enterprise

44 Oborishte St., Sofia 1505 Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 943 47 28 Fax: +359 2 943 47 68 Email: marketing@info-sofia.bg Web: www.info-sofia.bg Contact: Stoyan Lazarov Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism


402 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

132 Boylston Street, 4th Floor, Boston Massachusetts, MA 02116 United States Tel: +1 603 766 0606 Email: julie@tourmappers.com Web: www.TourMappers.com Contact: Julie Katz Exhibiting with Discover New England


Tourplan Tourist Authority - South Moravia


Po Box 2701, Whitehorse Yukon, Y1A 3L7 Canada Tel: +1 867 667 3532 Email: robin.anderson@gov.yk.ca Contact: Robin Anderson Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission


TourMappers North America LLC Tourisme Montréal

207 Queens Quay West, Suite 405, Toronto On, M5J 1A7 Canada Tel: +1 416 203 2600 Email: pratt.frances@ctc-cct.ca www.seetorontonow.com Web: Contact: Brian Graziano Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission

Tourism Yukon


10 Rue Du Faubourg Montmartre, Paris 75009 France Tel: +33 180 98 40 31 Fax: +33 144 83 43 57 Email: a.akaou@touristravacances.com Web: www.touristravacances.fr Contact: Amélie Akaou Exhibiting with France

4, Torzhkovskaya Street, Saint-petersburg 197342 Russian Federation Tel: +7 (812) 4963961 Fax: +7 (812) 4963949 Email: lentravel@mail.ru Web: www.lentravel.ru Contact: Oksana Suvorova Exhibiting with Russian Federation

Tourism Toronto

Touristra Vacances

Tourist Service Office



Str. Muhamet Gjollesha, Nr.71, ., Tirana ., 1010AL Albania Tel: +355 672054400 Email: benard.terkuci@zsht.gov.al Web: www.zsht.gov.al Contact: Benard Terkuci Exhibiting with Agjencia Kombetare e Turizmit - Albanian National Tourism Agency

13 Swan Yard, London London, N1 1SD United Kingdom Tel: +44 2073596259 Fax: +44 2073596264 Email: sales@pa.tourplan.com Web: www.tourplan.com Contact: Stuart Charles Tourplan is an international travel software company with offices in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and Australasia serving over 290 clients in 54 countries. Tourplan is dedicated to providing tour operators with integrated packaged software for back/mid office, front office and internet functions plus installation, training and support services.

Tours International


Po Box 45, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 9XY United Kingdom +44 0189 251 5825 Fax: +44 0189 251 5815 Tel: Email: ralph@tours-international.com Web: www.tours-international.com Contact: Ralph Bennett Exhibiting with UKinbound


Tourways International ltd

Block A5, Suite 12, Sura Shopping Complex Falomo, Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234 8023835231 Email: sanni@tourwaysinternational.com Contact: Abiodun Sanni Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation


Tourwise Limited 103 Main Street, Ocho Rios, St Ann Jamaica Tel: Fax: +1876 9745362 +1876 9742323 Email: tourwisesalesdir@gmail.com Web: www.tourwiseltd.org Contact: Monika Maitland-Walker Exhibiting with Jamaica Tourist Board


TRABASE s.r.o. Jokaiho Ulica 35/20, Komarno 945 01 Slovakia Tel: +421 905 44 49 38 Email: admin@trabase.com www.trabase.com Web: Contact: Natalie Dekalo

TraBase is an easily and quickly implementable IT solution for the travel industry which enables travel companies to: -integrate different contents into one platform, -integrate different sales channels into one platform, -turn their online presence into an effective sales channel.



Pare Claret, 72, 1-3, Roses Catalonia, 17480 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 972257646 +34 972152564 Email: kathy@traditionaltours.net Web: www.traditionaltours.net Contact: Kathy Fischer Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

Trail Blazer Tours India Pvt. Ltd.- TBi


World Trade Centre Complex, 902, Centre 1, Mumbai (bombay) 400 005 India Tel: +91 22 61940940 Fax: +91 22 61940900 Email: vikramk@tbi.co.in Web: www.trailblazertours.com Contact: Vikram Kodendera Trail Blazer Tours India Pvt Ltd - TBi is owned by the Katgara Group, pioneers in the Travel and Tourism industry. TBi has over 150 professionals at 13 offices in India and 7 International offices. TBi’s core business is Destination Management Services, Cruise Ship Operations, International Vacations and Corporate Travel.



Macjoe Arcade, 4th Floor Suite 2 E, Off Magadi Road, Box 22928 - 00100, Nairobi Nairobi, 100 Kenya Tel: +254 735622704 Email: info@trailsofafrica.co.ke Web: www.trailsofafrica.co.ke Contact: John Gakinya Nganga Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board


Trans Borneo Adventure Tours

Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 21, East Kalimantan Indonesia, Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 542 7214333 +62 542 762671 Email: tborneo@indo.net.id Web: www.borneo-indonesia.com Contact: Joko Purwanto Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)


Trans Maldivian Airways Pvt. Ltd.

P.o. Box 2079, Male’ International Airport, Hulhule Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3348409 +960 3348414 Email: dmd@tma.com.mv Web: www.tma.com.mv Contact: Ahmed Latheef Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation


Transel Holidays

Suite 6, 258 Belsize Road, London NW6 4BT United Kingdom Tel: +44 0207 316 1882 Fax: +44 0207 316 6344 Email: antreas@transel.co.uk Web: www.transel.co.uk Contact: Antreas Markouli Exhibiting with UKinbound



28 Place Du Grand Jardin, Vence 6140 France Tel: +33 493 58 79 00 Fax: +33 493 58 79 05 Email: vence@transglobe.fr Web: www.transglobe.co Contact: Pascale Juranville Exhibiting with France



Isla De Hierro,3, Madrid 28703 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 902444164 +34 917242410 Email: rricco@transhotel.com Web: www.grupotranshotel.com Contact: Ruggiero Ricco Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



8 De Octubre 2252, Montevideo Montevideo, 11200 Uruguay Tel: Fax: +598 2402 6134 +598 2402 9935 Email: oscar@e-transhotel.com Web: www.e-transhotel.com Contact: Oscar Fuentes Exhibiting with URUGUAY MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND SPORT

TransOcean Kreuzfahrten GmbH & Co. KG


Stavendamm 22, Bremen Bremen, 28195 Germany Tel: +49 42 33364320 Email: kruse@transocean.de Web: www.transocean.de Contact: Andrea Kruse Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board

Transturin Titicaca Catamarans

12000 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 600, North Miami Florida, 331812725 United States Tel: Fax: +1 3058996510 +1 3058665555 Email: sales@travalco.com Web: www.travalco.com Contact: Austen Williams Travalco offers complete inbound services for North America and the Caribbean. 2000 Hotels, 80 Self- Drive Tours , Escorted tours with Guaranteed departures, FIT services and Ad- Hoc group operations complete the product range. XML and On-line booking capabilities and extensive support files are provided.

Travco - Jordan


Nasser Bin Jamil St., Amman Jordan, 941642 AMMAN,11194 JORDAN Jordan +962 6 5666866 Tel: Fax: +962 6 5666877 Email: paolo.nocerino@travco.com Web: www.travco.com Contact: Paolo Nocerino Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board


Travco Group

Travco Center, 26th Of July Corridor, Sheikh Zayed, 6th Of October City, Giza Egypt, 12588 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 238541099 +20 238541111 Email: yara.salib@travco.com Web: www.travcogroup.com Contact: Yara A Salib Travco Group provides a strong presence in the Middle East market through its integrated companies covering all sectors of the trade. With 21 Nile cruises, 50 resorts in prime destinations, 1300 transport vehicles, a low cost airline, and full fledged ground handling services, Travco is Egypt’s no. 1 tourism group.

Travco L.L.C


Po Box 26896, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 3366643 Email: jyoti.p@travcotravel.com Web: www.travcotravel.com Contact: Jyoti Panchmatia Exhibiting with Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

Travco LLP


Press Centre

Foyer Durga Das Publications Pvt.ltd., 72 Todarmal Road, New Delhi 110001 India Tel: +91 11 23731971 Fax: +91 11 23351503 Email: gunjan@ddppl.com Web: www.travtalkindia.com Contact: Gunjan Sabikhi


Travco House, 92-94 Paul Street, London EC2A 4UX United Kingdom Tel: +44 2078646178 Fax: +44 2077392233 Email: cgregory@travco.co.uk Web: www.travco.co.uk Contact: Christopher Gregory Travco is one of the world’s leading travel organisations, specialising in offering wholesale accomodation to the travel industry since 1988. We have a truly global client base, including many of the industry’s best known and most successful Tour Operators. Offering 9000+ hotels worldwide and planning to offer 18,000 by 2015.

TRAVCO Travel Company


Travco Center, 26th Of July Corridor, 12588 Sheikh Zayed, Giza 12588 Egypt +20 38541010 Tel: Fax: +20 38541099 Email: info@travco.com Web: www.travcotravel.com Contact: Khaled Koraa Exhibiting with Travco Group

TRAVCOTELS The Cruise Company of Egypt

Av. Arce Nº 2678, P.o. Box 5311, La Paz Bolivia, Bolivia Tel: Fax: +591 22411922 +591 22422222 Email: info@transturin.com Web: www.transturin.com Contact: Juan Rafael Luzio Exhibiting with Viceministerio de Turismo Bolivia

Trav Talk (South Asia)


Travalco USA, Inc

26th July Corridor, Sheikh Zayed City Giza, Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 238543299 +20 238543222 Web: www.travcotels.com Exhibiting with Travco Group

Travel & Tourism News (TTN) Middle Press Centre Foyer East Hilal Al Khaleej, Po Box 6387, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 337 1366 Fax: +971 4 337 1344 Email: kim.thomson@tradearabia.ae Web: www.ttnworldwide.com Contact: Kim Thompson Exhibiting with Global Media Network


Travel Alberta

Netherfields, 9 Tilletts Lane, Warnham West Sussex, RH12 3RE United Kingdom Tel: +44 1403 754 424 Email: Amanda@tdservices.com Web: www.travelalberta.com Contact: Amanda Newby de Saulles Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission


Travel and Tour World

S-303, Ideal Plaza, 11/1, Sarat Bose Road, Kolkata India, 700020 India Tel: +91 33 30583354 Fax: +91 3322894729 Email: soumi@travelandtourworld.com Web: www.travelandtourworld.com Contact: Soumi Ghosh Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications

Travel Boutique


85-87 Bayham Street, London NW1 0AG United Kingdom Tel: +44 0207 424 7879 Email: anna@travelboutiqueuk.com Web: www.travelboutiqueuk.com Contact: Anna Gillespie Exhibiting with UKinbound



140/7 Itf Tower 8th Floor,silom Road, Suriyawongse, Bangkok 10500 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 22316972 +66 22316173 Email: info@travelcenterasia.com Web: www.travelcenterasia.com Contact: Nilwan Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Travel Connection Europe Ltd


7 Hillgate Place, London SW12 9ER United Kingdom Tel: Fax: +44 2086758210 +44 2086758600 Email: sn@travelconnectiononline.net Web: www.travelconnectionleisure.com Contact: Stephen Northwood Packages available to the international travel industry for English Premiership football, all events at Wembley Stadium, concerts, and Spanish La Liga including European Champions FC Barcelona.Please book online www.travelconnectionleisure.com


Travel Corporation India Ltd

520, Udyog Vihar, Phase -iii, Gurgaon India, 122016 India Tel: +91 (124) 6120100 Fax: +91 (124) 6120100 Email: surinder.sodhi@tci.co.in Web: www.tcindia.com Contact: Neha Srivastava TCI is India’s leading DMC having an impeccable record in all aspects of inbound business in India, Srilanka, Nepal & Mauritius. With 12 offices in India, 7 worldwide and multilingual travel professionals, we deliver travel solutions in leisure, MICE, charters, cruises and luxury train ‘The Indian Maharaja-Deccan Odyssey’

Travel Elements


P. O Box 713006, Amman 11171 Jordan Tel: Fax: +962 65862304 +962 65862103 Email: operation@travel-elements.com Web: www.travel-elements.com Contact: Haitham Safi

Travel Europe




Unterdorf 37a, Stans 6135 Austria Tel: Fax: +43 52426900 5000 +43 52426900 Email: office@traveleurope.cc Web: www.traveleurope.cc Contact: Marie Balland Established over 25 years, Travel Europe is one of Europe’s leading Independent Tour Operators specialising in Groups&FIT business to Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. With its own network of European offices, It provides Coach and Air Tour packages using both Charter and Scheduled airlines, plus a ‘best price’ guarantee.

Travel Excellence COSTA RICA


Ave 1st, 28-30 Streets, 2845, San Jose 12468-1000 Costa Rica +506 25239100 Tel: Fax: +506 25239199 Email: info@travelexcellence.com Web: www.travelexcellence.com Contact: Carlos Blanco Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board

Exhibiting with Global Media Network

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 403



Travel Group Peru

Travel Plan


Av. 28 De Julio 674, Miraflores, Lima Peru, L-18 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 6254455 +51 6254444 Email: aguardia@travelgroup.com.pe Web: www.travelgroup.com.pe Contact: Angela Guardia Exhibiting with PromPeru

17 Vrana & Katechaki Streets, Athens 115 25 Greece Tel: +30 210 3333300 Fax: +30 210 3333393 Email: incoming@travelplan.gr Web: www.travelplan.gr Contact: Chrisitna Tsiliakou Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation

Travel Inn (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Travel Republic


Clarendon House, 147 London Road, Kingston Upon Thames KT2 6NH United Kingdom Tel: +442089747425 Email: kane@travelrepublic.co.uk Web: www.travelrepublic.com Contact: Kate Hallam

204 Adhunik Chambers, 13/29 East Patel Nagar, New Delhi 110 008 India Tel: +91 11 43232000 Fax: +91 11 43232036 Email: info@travelinn.in Web: www.travelinn.in Contact: Ravi Kalra Travel Inn has grown in Indian tourism over 22 years. Our team of experienced people operate multiple group tours together with tailormade itineraries for individual clients. We deliver the complete spectrum of quality tourism services and products available in India, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet.


Travel Inside

Travel Service, a.s.


Travel Services International Pvt. Ltd.

Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications


Press Centre

Foyer Tj Hospitality Building, 3-10-13 Higashi-nakano, Nakano-ku 164-0003 Japan Tel: +81 333602431 Email: sonoda@tjnet.co.jp Web: www.tjnet.co.jp Contact: Hikari Sonoda Exhibiting with Global Media Network


Travel Link

Imm D1 401 Marrakech Plaza, Gueliz, Marrakech Marrakech, 40 000 Morocco Tel: +212 5 24 44 87 97 Fax: +212 5 24 44 88 39 Email: nait@travellink.ma www.travellink.ma Web: Contact: Ahmed Nait Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office


Travel Magazine Hanswijkstraat 23, Mechelen B2800 Belgium Email: emmy@travel-magazine.be www.travel-magazine.be Web: Contact: Emmy Lee

I-84, 2nd Floor, Lajpat Nagar-ii, New Delhi India, 110024 India +91 114900900 Tel: Fax: +91 29812211 Email: mdoffice@tsimails.com Web: www.tsiholidays.com Contact: Jatinder Taneja Exhibiting with India Tourism



Taneja House I-84 2nd Floor, Lajpat Nagar- Ii, New Delhi 110024 India Tel: +91 1149900900 29812200 Fax: +91 1129812211 Email: tsi@tsimails.com Web: www.tsiholidays.com Contact: Jatinder Taneja Professionalized & personalized handling of travel arrangements for Cultural & Adventure Tours for Inbound Groups & FITs in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Tibet, SriLanka & Maldives. TSI is a Government recognised, IATA accridited and owns a large fleet of Luxury Transport, and are multiple prestigious tourism award winners.

Travel Techie


Induss Interactive Pvt.ltd, 204 Shivai Plaza, Marcol Chs Road, Mumbai 59 India +91 22 6710 0505 Fax: +91 22 6725 0808 Tel: Email: sameer.patil@traveltechie.com Web: www.traveltechie.com Contact: Sameer Patil

Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications



Carabelas 291, Buenos Aires 1009 Argentina Tel: +54 11 4327 3377 Fax: +54 11 4326 9725 Email: secretary@travelmark.com www.travelmark.com Web: Contact: Elsa Petersen Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion


Travel Oregon 317 Sw Third Avenue, Suite 200, Portland Or, 97204 United States Tel: Fax: +1 5033784574 +1 5033788852 Email: joannekorf@hotmail.com Web: www.traveloregon.com Contact: Petra Hackworth Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions

Travel Partner

Travel Republic is one of the largest & most well-established online travel agents in Europe with over two million holidaymakers booking annually through their International websites. They are ranked in the top 5 most visited travel agent websites in the UK * & have helped people book their travel arrangements for over 20 years.*(ranked by Hitwise)

K Letisti 30/1068, Prague 6 160 08 Czech Republic Tel: +420 220115069 Fax: +420 220115039 Email: vladka.dufkova@travelservice.aero Web: www.travelservice.aero, www.smartwings.com Contact: Vladimira Dufkova Exhibiting with Czech Tourist Authority - CzechTourism

Hammerstrasse 81, Po Box 1331, Zurich CH-8032 Switzerland +41 044 387 57 57 Tel: Fax: +41 044 387 57 07 Email: info@travelinside.ch Web: www.travelinside.ch Contact: Fabienne Turrian

Travel Journal (Japan)


Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications

Travel Technology Showcase


Malborne House, Benyon Grove, Peterborough Cambridgeshire, PE2 5ZL United Kingdom Tel: +441733391678 Email: alan.kersley@travelaffinity.co.uk Contact: Alan Kersley

Travel Time South Pacific Ltd


12 Aztec Place, Frankton, Hamilton New Zealand, 3240 New Zealand Tel: Fax: +64 7 849 2921 +64 7 849 3493 Email: rob@lttnz.co.nz Web: www.traveltime.co.nz Contact: Rob Finlayson Exhibiting with New Zealand - Tourism New Zealand


Travel To Marketing

315 W. Elliot Road, Suite 107-175, Tempe Arizona, AZ 85284 United States +1 4807557699 Tel: Fax: +1 4807569174 Email: info@traveltomarketing.com Web: www.traveltomarketing.com Contact: Suzie Campbell ‘Travel To Marketing’ is a USA based sales and marketing organization, specializing in outsourced sales, distribution and destination marketing services for travel industry principals. We represent world-wide based inbound operator clients who are seeking efficient and effective outsourced sales & marketing solution to incrementally grow their international inbound business.


Travel Trade Products

Cherrytree Farm, Blackmore End Road, Nr Sible Hedingham Essex, CO9 3LZ United Kingdom +44 441787461900 Tel: Fax: +44 441787461911 Email: sales@ttp2000.com Web: www.ttp2000.com Contact: Brian Bass Travel Trade Products your business partner for Resort Branding, Travel Wallets, Luggage Tags and Promotional Merchandise, we hope that when visiting our exhibition stand you will see for yourself sample products proving why many UK tour operators and associated travel companies use our service to promote theirs.


Travel Trendz

#8-2-608 / 1 /4&5, Tt Tv Chambers, Karama Enclave Road No. 10, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh, 500 034 India +91 40 4454 3838 Fax: +91 40 4454 3899 Tel: Email: tajamul.hussain@traveltrendztv.com Web: www.traveltrendztv.com Contact: Tajamul Hussain Exhibiting with India Tourism


Travel Weekly Asia

Editorial Office, 130 Pho Duc Chinh Str, Ba Dinh Hanoi Vietnam, 844 Vietnam Tel: +84 4 3715 3558 Fax: +84 4 3715 3560 Email: editor@travelweekly.asia www.travelweeklyasia.com Web: Contact: Nguyen Hoang Anh Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications

Travel Weekly China (China)

Press Centre Foyer

Ten Alps Communications Advertising (Beijing) Co.,ltd, Room 616, Jingtai Tower, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022 China +86 10 8532 2513 Tel: Email: raymond.wong@tenalpsasia.com Web: www.travelweekly-china.com Contact: Raymond Wong Exhibiting with Global Media Network

Travel Weekly Group

The TWgroup offers creative solutions for the travel industry. Our core brands include Travel Weekly, Gazetteers and Travolution. We have market leading brands in-print via our magazines, online via our web portals and in-person via our industry leading events.

Travel Weekly Group UK

404 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


52 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0AU United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 7881 4800 Email: lisa.roberts@travelweekly.co.uk Web: www.travelweekly.co.uk Contact: Lisa Roberts


Austrasse 2a, Ellmau Tirol, A-6352 Austria Tel: Fax: +43 50 36362 +43 50 36361 Email: service@travel-partner.com Web: www.travel-partner.com Contact: Nolene Martin Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office


52 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0AU United Kingdom +44 (0)207 881 4862 Tel: Fax: +44 (0)207 730 3477 Email: TWsales@travelweekly.co.uk Web: www.travelweekly.co.uk Contact: Stuart Parish

Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications


Press Centre Foyer

Northstar Travel Media Llc, 100 Lighting Way, 2nd Floor, Secaucus Nj, 07094-3626 United States Tel: +1 2019021921 Email: lhernandez@travelweekly.com Web: www.TravelWeekly.com Contact: Lissette Hernandez Exhibiting with Global Media Network

Travel Wild


Victoria Falls, Victoria Falls Zimbabwe Tel: +263 779 722 550 Email: office@zimbabwe-holidays.com Web: www.travelwildbotswana.com Contact: Laura Campbell Exhibiting with Kamili

Travel World China


Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications

7 Meadow Bank Close, Amersham Buckinghamshire, HP79FD United Kingdom Tel: +44 1494725374 Fax: +44 1494725374 Email: vivek.angra@twx.co.in Web: www.travelworldexperiences.com Contact: Vivek Angra Travel World Experiences is a DMC specializing in Inbound Travel into India , Nepal , Bhutan and Sri Lanka . We specialize in group tours and bespoke holidays . We offer Cultural , Wildlife and Luxury Train experiences , School Tours , Sports Tours and Special Interest Tours .



14 Mohamed Farid Street, Cairo Egypt, Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 26398361 +20 26361022 Email: info@traveland-egypt.com Web: www.traveland-egypt.com Contact: Nabil Adly Kamel Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Travelbook - DMC




Evergreen Lodge, Buncton Lane, London West Sussex, RH17 5RE United Kingdom +44 7764469992 Tel: Email: gmckenzie@travelmole.com Web: www.TravelMole.com Contact: Graham McKenzie TravelMole is the most highly acclaimed and largest global on-line community for the Travel and Tourism Industry with over 450,000 registered travel and tourism professionals worldwide. 7.1 million email copies of various TravelMole wires are broadcast globally every month.The TravelMole.com web site registers 8.5 million hits each month


Sleepy Hollow, Oxford OX9 3AT United Kingdom Tel: +44 01844358623 Email: Neil.Rudolph@travelodge.co.uk Web: www.travelodge.co.uk/business Contact: Neil Rudolph Exhibiting with UKinbound

Travelodge Ireland

Dublin Airport South, Dublin 11 Ireland +353 87 120 8280 Fax: +353 1 852 4542 Tel: Email: cathal.mcglinchey@travelodge.ie Web: www.travelodge.ie Contact: Cathal McGlinchey Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland





Rz – A / 96, Road No. 6, Street No. 9, Mahipalpur Extension, New Delhi India, 110037 India Tel: +91 11 47125200 Fax: +91 11 47125205 Email: amrita@traveliteindia.com Web: www.traveliteindia.com Contact: Sarabjit Singh Destination Management Company whose portfolio includes: “Customized Tour Packages”, Hotel Reservations, Sightseeing & Excursions, Car Rentals, Luxury Coaches, Luxury Trains, Air Tickets, Incentives, Health-Wellness Packages, Ayurveda-Yoga, Medical Tourism, Weddings, Honeymoon Packages, Meetings & Conferences, Private Charter Jets & Helicopters. We are affiliated to ASTA, USTOA, PATA, IATO & ICPB.


Top Connect Ou, Vaike-paala 1, Tallinn 11415 Estonia Tel: Fax: +372 6062501 +372 6062500 Email: sales@travelsim.com Web: www.travelsim.com Contact: Olga Knjazeva TravelSim is the world leader in international prepaid roaming solutions. Unlike local mobile operator cards, TravelSim is made for use in over 190 countries. With exceptionally low rates on outgoing calls and free incoming calls in over 135 countries, TravelSim is the answer to “how to call cheaply from abroad”.



Avda. De Les Alegries 14, Apartat 297, Lloret De Mar Catalonia, E-17310 Spain +34 972363111 Tel: Fax: +34 972363227 Email: rosa@traveltec.info Web: www.traveltec.info Contact: Rosa Viñolas Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

Traveltek Ltd

No 1, Dias Place, Pepiliyana, Nugegoda Sri Lanka Tel: Fax: +94 11 2824350 +94 11 2824348 Email: treelife@sltnet.lk Web: www.hoteltreeoflife.com Contact: Shelly Thenuwara Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau



Traveltek are the UK’s premier company for internet travel technology, providing the complete online solution for our customers large and small. with expertise in web-design, XML interfaces, dynamic packaging,cruise, data manipulation, crm systems and more, we’re sure to have the solution you’re looking for at the price you want.


Trek Nepal Int’l P.o.box: 9947, Thamel, Kathmandu NA Nepal Tel: Fax: +977 14700012 +977 14701001 Email: joinus@treknepal.com Web: www.treknepal.com Contact: Gobardhan Basnet Exhibiting with Nepal Tourism Board


Piazza Della Croce Rossa, 1, Roma 161 Italy Tel: +39 055 4633740 Fax: +39 055 2353327 Email: dist.vend.int.pax@trenitalia.it Web: www.trenitalia.com Contact: Dario Chavko Trenitalia Spa is the transportation company of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group, Italian State Railway Company. Strongly engaged in environmental supportability, Trenitalia offers very competitive services in terms of both speed and comfort. With Trenitalia, travelling by rail within Italy is the ideal and greenest form of transport.


Via Romagnosi, 11, Trento Trento, 38122 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0461219401 +39 0461219300 Email: booking@visittrentino.it Web: www.visittrentino.it Contact: Katia Vinco Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



Boulevard De Saint-georges 66, Geneva Geneva, 1205 Switzerland Tel: +41 787476134 Email: contact@treovi.com Web: www.treovi.com Contact: Michal Wrobel Treovi is the only hotel reservation website in the world that combines no booking fees for guests and no commissions for hotels registered.We are bringing freedom to travelers, and an amazing change to the hotel industry.Sell your roomnights for free.

Tresor Hotels & Resorts

2 Orbital Court, Peel Park, Glasgow Lanarkshire, G74 5PH United Kingdom Tel: +44 1355246111 Fax: +44 1355243111 Email: enquiry@traveltek.net Web: www.traveltek.net Contact: Peter Whittle


Edeforsvagen 2a, Harads 960 24 Sweden Tel: +46 92810403 Email: info@treehotel.se Web: www.treehotel.se Contact: Kent Lindvall Exhibiting with VisitSweden

Trentino Marketing



Tree Of Life (pvt) Ltd

Trenitalia Spa



Building 9 Street, 266 Off El Gazayet Street, Cairo Po Box 11435, 11435 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 227035910 +20 227035904 Email: hisham.imam@traveline-eg.com Web: www.traveline-eg.com Contact: Hisham Imam Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Travelite (India)

Exhibiting with Global Media Network

Mayur Vihar, Delhi India Tel: +91 29533034 Email: udit@travelsenseindia.com Contact: Udit Hooda Exhibiting with India Tourism

27 Goswell Road, London EC1M 7GT United Kingdom Tel: +44 02031704345 Email: maria.espin@gta-travel.com Web: www.travelcube.com Contact: Maria Espin Exhibiting with GTA

Press Centre Foyer

Travellanda is a leading Worldwide Online Wholesaler with over 100,000 Hotels, Transfers and Flights through its B2B booking system. Have access to the most competitive rates and unlimited inventory using password protected on-line reservation system, XML Integration or White Label B2B solution. sales@travellanda.comwww.travellanda.com

TravelSense India

Corniche Al Mazraa, Nakad Str. (Libanpost), Hashem Building, Ground Floor, Beirut Lebanon, 14-5105 Lebanon Tel: Fax: +961 1 310604 +961 1 310602 Email: info@travelbooklb.com Web: www.travelbooklb.com Contact: Sherif Attia Exhibiting with LEBANON Ministry of Tourism


Travel Weekly Group Ltd., 52 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0AU United Kingdom Tel: +44 7917 435 885 Email: neil.dummer@travelweekly.co.uk Web: www.travolution.co.uk




113-123 Upper Richmond Road, United Kingdom, London SW15 2TL United Kingdom Tel: +44 2033845410 Fax: +44 2034795926 Email: wtm@travellanda.com Web: www.travellanda.com Contact: Bruno Laranjeiro


Shanghai Regent Networld Technology Co Ltd, Unit 204, 596 Kun Ming Road, Shanghai 200082 China Tel: +86 21 5172 163839 Email: travelworld.china@gmail.com Web: www.e-travelworld.cn Contact: Lin Yu

Travel World Experiences

Travellanda Ltd



38 Laodikis Street, Athens Greece, 16674 Greece Tel: +30 210 8981884 Fax: +30 210 8983389 Email: commercial@tresorhotels.com Web: www.tresorhotels.com Contact: Panagiotis Pantazopoulos Exhibiting with Greek National Tourism Organisation

Trinidad & Tobago High Commissioners Office-Trinidad


42 Belgrave Square, London SW1X8NT United Kingdom +44 2072459351 Tel: Fax: +44 2078231065 Email: tthc@btconnect.com Web: www.tthighcommission.co.uk Contact: Renuka Koninger Exhibiting with Trinidad and TobagoTourism Development Company (TDC)

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 405



Trinidad and Tobago Tourism Development Company (TDC) 200 Parkway House, Sheen Lane , London SW14 8LS Trinidad And Tobago + 44 (0) 844 846 0812 Tel: Fax: +44 (0) 208 878 9124 Email: trinbago@amgltd.biz Web: www.gotrinidadandtobago.com Contact: Victoria Taylor



Charter Place, 9 Egham High Street, Egham Surrey, TW20 9EA United Kingdom Tel: +44 01784 270400 Email: ads@triometric.net Web: www.triometric.net Contact: Alejandra Delgado Sanchez Triometric provides business & operational intelligence. Our technology processes search & booking traffic and delivers real-time KPIs to improve market analysis, inventory optimisation, supplier monitoring and IT operations. Capable of identifying multi-million pound revenue opportunities, it can be applied to any online B2B booking platform. Customers include Kuoni & JacTravel.


TRIP Tour Operator

Tetmajera 35, Zakopane 34-500 Poland Tel: Fax: +48 182020250 +48 182020200 Email: janusz.arnold@trip.pl Web: www.trip.pl Contact: Janusz Arnold Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation

7 Soho Square, London W1D 3QB United Kingdom +44 (0) 203 320 3200 Tel: Email: WTM@tripadvisor.com Web: www.tripadvisor.com Contact: Betsy Croft TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site, offers trusted advice from real travellers and a wide variety of travel choices and planning features with seamless links to booking tools. TripAdvisor also operates TripAdvisor for Business, a dedicated division that provides the tourism industry access to TripAdvisor’s millions of monthly visitors.


Via Dei Quartieri 21/h, Palermo 90146 Italy Tel: +39 338 4898077 Email: info@trippuzzle.com Web: www.trippuzzle.com Contact: Gabriella Costa Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)


Tripura Tourism

Tourism Department, Paryatan Bhavan, Aizwal 100001 India +91 011 23015157 Tel: Email: tripurabhawan@rediffmail.com Contact: Tripura Tourism Exhibiting with India Tourism


Trl Travel Private Bag F333, Francistown Botswana +267 3900880 Tel: Fax: +267 3900836 Email: sales@trltravel.co.bw Web: www.trl.co.bw Contact: Dudu Khupe Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation


3801 Las Vegas Boulevard S, Las Vegas Nevada, NV 89109 United States Tel: +1 702 739 2222 Email: dmarcou@troplv.com Web: www.troplv.com Contact: Donna Marcou Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority


TROPITEL HOTELS & RESORTS 88 El Thawra Street, Heliopolis, Cairo Cairo, Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 226900348 +20 224173744 Email: cairo-office@naamabayhotel.com www.tropitelhotels.com Web: Contact: Walid Hosni Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority


TTG Client Solutions

245 Blackfriars Road, Ludgate House, London SE1 9UY United Kingdom +44 2079218029 Tel: Email: vpowell@ttgdigital.com Contact: Vanessa Powell Exhibiting with TTG Media

Trulliland incoming services


Largo Martellotta 68, Alberobello (ba), 70011 Italy Tel: +39 0804323033 Fax: +39 0804325649 Email: direzione@trulliland.it Web: www.trulliland.it Contact: Francesco De Carlo Exhibiting with Regione Puglia


Munich Center Of Technology, Agnes-pockels-bogen 1, Munich Germany, 80992 Germany Tel: +49 8954802925 Fax: +49 8945244467 Email: kristof.roemer@trustyou.com Web: www.trustyou.com Contact: Kristof Roemer TrustYou was founded in 2008 by veterans of the search engine business, in cooperation with the computational linguistic and the statistics institute of the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich. TrustYou ReviewAnalyst’s semantic technology offers time-saving and uncomplicated reputation management for hotels and tourism destinations.


Chingeltei Duureg, Baruun Selbe Street 14/1, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia +976 99111832 Tel: Fax: +976 318560 Email: info@tserentours.com Web: www.tserentours.com Contact: Tseren Tours is an inbound tour operator based in Mongolia and organising tours throughout Mongolia. We are specialise in adventure travel, tailor made small groups and children’s holidays. The first tour operator to promote family holidays in Mongolia.


406 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


TTG Hungary H1066 Budapest, Budapest Hungary Tel: +36 13211939 Email: somszegi.bea@ttghungary.hu


Via A. Nota, 6, Torino, 10122 Italy Tel: +39 0114366300 Fax: +39 0114366500 Email: dellaquilano@ttgitalia.com Web: www.ttgitalia.com Contact: Antonio Dell’Aquilano Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications

TTG ITALIA SPA - Art&Tourism Fair


Via Nota 6, Torino 10122 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 011 4121793 +39 011 43994 Email: artandtourism@ttgitalia.com www.artandtourism.it Web: Contact: Silvia Vezzoli Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione

TTG Media


Floor 3, Ludgate House, 245 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 9UY United Kingdom Tel: +44 2079218029 Fax: +44 2079218034 Email: vpowell@ttgdigital.com www.ttgdigital.com Web: Contact: Vanessa Powell TTG Media is the most respected travel trade brand in the UK. Our extensive portfolio includes TTG & ttgluxury magazines and websites, TTG destination guides, TTG TV, a range of events including: TTG Travel Awards, TTG on tour, bespoke networking events and Cohort, a new luxury travel community.


Private Bag X200, Bryanston Gauteng, 2021 South Africa Tel: +27 11 510 7574 Fax: +27 11 510 7231 Email: carmen.cipriani@tsogosun.com Web: www.southernsun.co.za Contact: Carmen Cipriani Exhibiting with South African Tourism

33-37 Michael Parides Street, Pallouriotissa Industrial Estate, Nicosia 1041 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 22349966 +357 22843804 Email: tfields@ttgmena.com Web: www.ttgmena.com Contact: Tony Fields


Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications

Tsogo Sun Tradin


38, Nissi Avenue, Paralimni 5341 Cyprus +357 23848000 Tel: Fax: +357 23848003 Email: ct@tsokkos.com Web: www.tsokkos.com Contact: Chryso Tsokkou Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Tsolmon Travel Co.,Ltd

1 Bis, Route De L’aeroport Ivato Bp 8019, Bp 8019, Antananarivo -, 105 Madagascar Tel: +261 32 07 206 65 Fax: +261 20 22 445 62 Email: holimalala@tropic-tours.net Contact: Holimalala RANAIVOSON Exhibiting with Madagascar National Tourism Board

Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications

TTG Italia S.p.A.


Tseren Tours

GV179 120 00 Praha 2, Prague Czech Republic +420 2 242 52562 Tel: Email: vladka.bratrsovska@ttg.cz Web: www.ttg.cz

Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications


4b,olympus Street, Platres 4820 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 25813080 +357 25421020 Email: foreastroodous@cytanet.com.cy Web: www.mytroodos.com Contact: Constantinos Constantinou Exhibiting with Rural Cyprus



Tropicana Las Vegas

TrustYou ReviewAnalyst



Head Office: 7 Almoshir Ahmed Ismail Street, Masaken Sheraton, Cairo 11361 Egypt +20 222678565 Tel: Fax: +20 222678566 Email: george@tropicanahotels.com Web: www.tropicanagroupegypt.com Contact: George Michael Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

TTG Czech Republic

Trinidad and Tobago are the most southern islands in the Caribbean. Our weather offers a warm and sunny climate year round and you’ll find a lot more than swaying palms and sun-kissed beaches. We offer travellers a unique experience like no other. www.gotrinidadandtobago.com





TTG MENA Luxury 33-37 Michael Parides Street, Nicosia Cyprus Tel: +357 22 843 800 Email: TFields@ttgmena.com Web: www.menaluxury.com


Sukhbaatar District, 1-r Khoroo, House C61, Chingis Avenue, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia, P.O.BOX-800 ULAANBAATAR-15160, MONGOLIA Mongolia Tel: Fax: +976 11310323 +976 11322870 Email: tsolmont@magicnet.mn Web: www.tsolmontravel.com Contact: Myagmarjav Navchaa Exhibiting with Mongolian National Tourism Centre

Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications




TTG Poland Ul. Kasprzak 11/3, 01-211, Warsaw Poland Tel: +48 22 224 58 00 Email: traczyk@ttg.com.pl Web: www.ttg.com.pl Contact: Mark Traczyk

77a Wigmore Street, London W1U 1QF United Kingdom Tel: +44 2072245598 Fax: +44 2072244053 Email: info@cometotunisia.co.uk Web: www.cometotunisia.co.uk Contact: Moncef Battikh

Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications


Press Centre Foyer

Ludgate House, 245 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 9UY United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 921 8029 Email: vpowell@ttgdigital.com Web: www.ttgdigital.com Exhibiting with Global Media Network


TTL Tours

73, Coker Road, Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234 8023058889 Email: bolaji@ttltours.com Contact: Bolaji Mustapha Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation


TTN Middle East

Hilal Al Khaleej, P O Box 6387, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 50 5510170 Fax: +971 43371344 Email: kim.thomson@tradearabia.ae Web: www.ttnworldwide.com Contact: KIM THOMSON Exhibiting with KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN, Ministry of Culture


TTT Worldwide Ltd.

P.o Box 10672, Redcross Building, Bibi Titi Road, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 22 2137 787 Fax: +255 22 2137 897 Email: rabia@tttworldwide.com Web: www.tttworldwide.com Contact: Rabia Shahid Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board



100 S. Church Avenue, 100 S. Church Avenue, Tucson, Arizona Arizona, 85701 United States Tel: +1 0115207702147 Fax: +1 0115208847804 Email: jludwig@visittucson.org Web: www.visittucson.org Contact: Jackie Ludwig Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions

Tugu Hotels, Exotic Spas & Restaurants


Jl. Pantai Batu Bolong, Canggu Beach, Bali Indonesia, Indonesia Tel: +62 361 4731701 Fax: +62 361 4731708 Email: bali@tuguhotels.com Web: www.tuguhotels.com Contact: Andy Guy Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)



Edificio Tui Monte Da Ria, Lote 2, Faro Portugal, 8005-303 Portugal Tel: +351 213920361 Fax: +351 213920389 Email: dmc@miltours.pt Web: www.miltours.pt Contact: Duarte Correia Exhibiting with Portugal


Tulip Holidays 9 Grand Parade, London N4 1JX United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 208 211 0001 Fax: +44 (0) 207 287 4997 Email: accounts@tulipholidays.com Web: www.tulipholidays.com Contact: Kadri Sokmen Exhibiting with North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd



Tunisian National Tourist Office


9 Grand Parade, London N4 1JX United Kingdom Tel: +44 0208 211 0001 Fax: +44 44208 211 8308 Email: itir@tulipholidays.com Web: www.tulipholidays.com Contact: ITIR SOKMEN Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Boutique hotels, thalassotherapy spas, city breaks, golf and desert safaris are among the year-round attractions being highlighted on the TNTO stand. Tunisia also offers very good value for money and easy accessibility - from only 2.5 hours’ flying time from the UK.



Edificio Medecast Nº 206, Boulevard Morazan, Tegucigalpa Honduras +504 22369003 Tel: Fax: +504 22369800 Email: miguel@turaser.hn.com Web: www.hondurasroatantravel.com Contact: Miguel Angel Ramírez Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)


TURAVION Apoquindo 3000 Piso 3, Las Condes, Santiago Chile Tel: +56 23300860 Email: rcumsille@turavion.com Web: www.turavion.com Contact: RAFAEL CUMSILLE Exhibiting with Chile



We promote Spain abroad as a tourism destination. We plan, develop and execute activities aimed at promoting Spain in the international markets. We also Support Spanish tourism products abroad in cooperation with the regional and local authorities and the private sector.


Av 6 De Agosto/ Pasaje Pascoe 3, P.o. Box 5889, La Paz 5889 Bolivia Tel: Fax: +591 2440310 +591 2446020 Email: info@turismobalsa.com Web: www.turismobalsa.com Contact: Jean-jacques Valloton Exhibiting with Viceministerio de Turismo Bolivia



Av. N. Sra. Copacabana 1059 / 805, Copacabana, Rio De Janeiro Rj, 22060-000 Brazil Tel: +55 21 25233390 Fax: +55 21 25214636 Email: lilianacouto@turismoclassico.com.br Contact: Liliana Couto Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Turismo de Lisboa Promotion Bureau

Camacho Ave. 1323, La Paz Bolivia, 6399 Bolivia Tel: Fax: +591 2204275 +591 22203070 Email: info@turismokollabol.com Web: www.turismokollabol.com Contact: Julio Peralta Exhibiting with Viceministerio de Turismo Bolivia


TURISMO MILODON Av. 11 De Septiembre 1881, Of 523, Santiago Chile Tel: +56 203671426 Email: hernan@milodon.cl Web: www.milodon.cl Contact: Marcela Huidobro Exhibiting with Chile


Via Maria Vittoria, 19, Torino 10123 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 011883426 +39 0118185011 Email: promozione@turismotorino.org Web: www.turismotorino.org Contact: Veronica Rossi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Turismo Valsesia Vercelli


Corso Roma 38, Vercelli 13019 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 016353091 +39 0163564404 Email: info@atlvalsesiavercelli.it Web: www.atlvalsesiavercelli.it Contact: Bruna Cernusco Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



San Jose 930, Montevideo Montevideo, 11.1 Uruguay Tel: Fax: +598 2902 0852 +598 2902 0829 Email: mary.bone.1@turisport.com.uy Web: www.turisport.com.uy Contact: Mary Bone Exhibiting with URUGUAY MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND SPORT


Rambla De Catalunya 123, Barcelona Catalonia, E-08008 Spain Tel: +34 933 689 700 Fax: +34 933 689 701 Email: promocio@barcelonaturisme.com Web: www.barcelonaturisme.cat Contact: Carme Casanovas Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD





Ctra.santiago-noia, Km. 3, Santiago De Compostela A Coruna, 15896 Spain +34 981 542 500 Fax: +34 981 537 588 Tel: Email: mglaser@xunta.es Web: www.turgalicia.es Contact: Maria del Carmen Pita Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



Rua Do Vilar, 63, Santiago De Compostela A Coruna, 15705 Spain Tel: +34 981 555 129 Fax: +34 981 554 748 Email: promo@santiagoturismo.com Web: www.santiagoturismo.com Contact: Flavia Ramil Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Turismo Torino e Provincia

64, North Row, London London, W1K 7DE United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 73172026 Fax: +44 20 74869218 Email: franciscojose.gutierrez@tourspain.es Web: www.spain.info Contact: Agustin Garcia





Rua Do Arsenal, 23, Lisboa Portugal, 1100-038 LISBOA Portugal Tel: +351 210312700 Fax: +351 210312899 Email: atl@visitlisboa.com Web: www.visitlisboa.com Contact: Miguel Gonzaga Exhibiting with Portugal

Turista Internacional - Panama Incoming Tour Operator and DMC

LA560 Ave. 12 De Octubre & Via Espana, Villas De Andalucia Local No. 4 Pb, Panama 0834-00043 Panama Tel: Fax: +507 2228290 +507 2228230 Email: keny@turistainternacional.com Web: www.turistaintl.com Contact: Kenelma Mendoza Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)



Obala Kneza Branimira 6, Zadar 23000 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 23264226 +385 23205584 Email: sales.dept@zaton.hr Web: www.zaton.hr Contact: Nives Kalac Exhibiting with Zadar Region



22, M. Hakhchivani Str, Baku Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Tel: +994 12 596 11 96 Fax: +994 12 596 11 96 Email: murad@turizm.az Web: www.turizm.az Contact: Murad Karamov Exhibiting with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Turizmus Kft


Munkas U 9, Budapest H-1074 Hungary Tel: Fax: +36 13384293 +36 12665853 Email: szebeni.zsolt@turizmus.com Web: www.turizmus.com Contact: Dorottya Kormanyos Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 407



Turkish Airlines


Lyric House, 149 Hammersmith Road, London W14 0QL United Kingdom +44 2074716620 Fax: +44 2073483867 Tel: Email: EMINEM@THY.COM Web: www.thy.com Contact: Emine Mustafaoglu Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


29-30 St James’s Street, 4th Floor, London SW1A 1HB United Kingdom Tel: +44 2078397778 Fax: +44 2079251388 Email: info@gototurkey.co.uk Web: www.gototurkey.co.uk Contact: Tolga Tuyluoglu Turkey, a well-established tourist destination offering a diverse range of products, will be represented at WTM 2012 by the Turkish Culture and Tourism Office, tourism associations from several regions in Turkey and private establishments such as hotels, tour operators, travel agencies and airlines.

Turkish Healthcare Travel Council


Abdulhak Hamit Cad.mermer Ap. No: 70, D:11 Taksim, Istanbul 34437 Turkey +90 2122351224 Fax: +90 2122553889 Tel: Email: chairman@thtdc.rog Web: www.thtdc.org Contact: Emin Cakmak Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office


Turku Touring Aurakatu 4, Turku 20100 Finland Tel: +358 22627444 Email: lotta.back@turku.fi Web: www.turkutouring.com Contact: Lotta Bäck Exhibiting with Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board

Cumhuriyet Cad, No:30 6/12 Elmadag-sisli, Istanbul 34437 Turkey Tel: +90 2122960880 Fax: +90 2123438436 Email: info@turob.com Web: www.turob.org Contact: FERBAL YAMAN Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

TUROFED- Turkish Hoteliers Federation

EM800,EM850 Jw Marriott Ankara Kizilirmak Mah.muhsin Yazicioglu Cad., No:1 Kat:-1 Ofis:34-35 Sogutozu, Ankara 6520 Turkey Tel: +90 2124382545 Fax: +90 2124382549 Email: info@turofed.org.tr Web: www.turofed.org.tr Contact: Necip Boz Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

TURSAB - Association of Turkish Travel EM800,EM850 Agencies Dikilitas Mah. Asik Kerem Sokak No: 55/1, Besiktas, Istanbul Turkey, 34349 Turkey +90 2122598404 Fax: +90 2122602958 Tel: Email: foreignaffairs@tursab.org.tr Web: www.tursab.org.tr Contact: Ela ATAKAN Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office



Po Box 10, Watamu Kenya Tel: +254 422332003 Fax: +254 422332268 Email: charlotte@ihml.com Web: www.turtlebay.co.ke Contact: Kiran Marwaha Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

Tuscany Highlights & Transfer Chauffeur Service

Twickenham World Rugby Museum & Stadium Tour


Rugby Football Union, Twickenham Stadium, Twickenham Middlesex, TW1 1DZ United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 8831 6685 Fax: +44 020 8891 3254 Email: janebarron@rfu.com Web: www.rfu.com/museum Contact: Jane Barron Exhibiting with Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum and Tour



Elgeyo Marakwet Road, P.o.box 652, Sarit Centre, Nairobi Kenya, 606 Kenya Tel: +254 722489442 Fax: +254 203741714 Email: minaz@twiga-tours.com Web: www.twiga-tours.com Contact: Minaz Manji Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board



Pob 9365, Tel Aviv 61092 Israel Tel: Fax: +972 3 5621664 +972 35621663 Email: ronit@tzofit.co.il Web: www.tzofit.co.il Contact: Daniel Maximov Exhibiting with Israel Government Tourist Office



245 Blackfriars Road, Ludgate House, London SE1 9UY United Kingdom Tel: +44 2079218029 Email: vpowell@ttgdigital.com Contact: Vanessa Powell Exhibiting with TTG Media

Ubud Village Bali


Jl. Raya Nyuh Kuning, Bali Indonesia, 80571 Indonesia Tel: Fax: +62 361 971333 +62 361 978444 Email: dos@theubudvillage.com Web: www.theubudvillage.com Contact: Pande Mahayana Adityawarman Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Udai Kothi& Udai Bagh


O/s Chand Pole, Hanuman Ghat Marg, On Lake Pichola, Udaipur Rajasthan, 313001 India Tel: +91 124 4062480 Email: sowmyavijaymohan@gmail.com Web: www.udaikothi.com Contact: Sowmya Vijaymohan Exhibiting with India Tourism

UGA Escapes - UGA Resorts (Pvt) Ltd


49/16, Iceland Building, Galle Road, Colombo 3 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 773785365 Email: shamila@ugaresorts.com Web: www.uga.lk/ Contact: Shamila Philips Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau


Via C. Ferrucci, 28, Via Cassia 4, Firenze Firenze, 50135 Italy Tel: +39 0556123659 Fax: +39 0555359885 Email: gabriele.scarpellini@transfercs.com Web: www.transfercs.com Contact: Gabriele Scarpellini Exhibiting with Toscana Promozione



Windsor Crescent, Plot 42 Kololo, Kampala Uganda., KAMPALA. Uganda Tel: +256 41 4 342196 7 Fax: +256 41 4 342188 Email: utb@starcom.co.ug Web: www.visituganda.com Contact: Edwin Muzahura Uganda Tourism Boards objective is :To Market and promote Uganda’s Tourism Products both Domestically and Internationally. Contribute to the development of the tourism sector both within and outside Uganda in partnership with the private sector www.visituganda.com

408 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012



3rd Floor, 388 Strand, London WC2R 0LT United Kingdom Tel: +44 2073957500 Fax: +44 2072406618 Email: info@ukinbound.org Web: www.ukinbound.org Contact: Alexandra Rance UKinbound is one of the leading trade associations in the UK tourism industry and the only association to focus exclusively on the vital export earning inbound sector.Our members include accommodation providers, destination marketing, attractions, tourism service providers, inbound tour operators, and UK ground handlers



24 Shovkovychna Street, Kiev 1024 Ukraine Tel: +380 442537108 Fax: +380 442538329 Email: laszlo@olymp-travel.kiev.ua Web: www.olymp-travel.kiev.ua Contact: Laszlo Fornvald The Ukrainian exhibitors at WTM are the most prominent players on the field: incoming tour operators, carriers and hotels. We provide a great scope of services, create and conduct tours throughout Ukraine. Our mission is to attract tourists to Ukraine and assure that their visit will be enjoyable and memorable.

Ukraine International Airlines

U.s. Commercial Service, Embassy Of The United States, Mayfair London, W1A 1AE United Kingdom Tel: Fax: +44 000000 +44 0000000 Email: stewart.gough@mail.doc.gov Web: www.export.gov/unitedkingdom/ Contact: Stewart Gough Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions

UBM Infomation Ltd


Uganda Wildlife Authority Plot 7, Kira Road, Kampala KLA Uganda Tel: +256 312355000414355000 Fax: +256 414346291 Email: brenda.akruchet@ugandawildlife.org Web: www.ugandawildlife.org Contact: Brenda Aruchet Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD

C. Sagarnaga Nº 227, La Paz Bolivia Tel: Fax: +591 22140653 +591 22140653 Email: viajes@tusoco.com www.tusoco.com Web: Contact: SANDRO SARAVIA Exhibiting with Viceministerio de Turismo Bolivia

U.S. Commercial Service

TUROB - Touristic Hotels and Investors EM800,EM850 Association


TUSOCO Turismo Solidario Comuntario


201-203, Kharkivske Road, Kyiv 2121 Ukraine Tel: +380 445815656 Fax: +380 442308866 Email: regush.lyubomyr@flyuia.com Web: www.flyuia.com Contact: Lyubomyr Regush Exhibiting with Ukraine

Ulanskaya and Avialuxe Hotels


16-1a Ulansky Lane, 68/1 Leningradsky Ave.(1 Lizy Chaikinoy Str.), Moscow 101000 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 4956074573 +7 4956075521 Email: olga.ulan@mail.ru Web: www.ulanskaya.com, avialuxe.com Contact: Olga Guienko Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency


Ulendo Safaris

441 Chilanga Drive, P O Box 30728, Lilongwe 3 LLW3 Malawi Tel: Fax: +265 1794666 +265 1794555 Email: shanie@ulendo.net Web: www.ulendo.net Contact: Shanie Cousins Exhibiting with Malawi Ministry of Tourism

Ulisse Viaggi e Turismo


Via Alessandro La Marmora 82, Palermo 90143 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 091 522469 +39 091 517880 Email: info@ulissetouroperator.com www.ulissetouroperator.com Web: Contact: Anna Maria Ulisse Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Ultimate USA Weddings


331 West 57th Street, Suite 222, New York Ny, 10019 United States +1 2125633525 Tel: Fax: +1 9175915997 Email: gino@ultimateusaweddings.com Web: www.ultimateusaweddings.com Contact: Gino Filippone Exhibiting with NYC & Company

Ultimedia Limited


Houldsworth Mill, Houldsworth Street, Stockport Cheshire, SK5 6DA United Kingdom Tel: +44 0161 975 6220 Fax: +44 0161 975 6219 Email: lisa.hutton@ultimedia.co.uk Web: www.ultimedia.co.uk Contact: Lisa Hutton Ultimedia is one of the UK’s leading Technical Consulting and software companies, specialising in complex web solutions.With an international client base including household names such as Cooperative Travel,The Co-operative Group, Thomas Cook, Kellogg’s, Baines & Ernst, Astra Zeneca, Midcounties Travel,the NHS, RAF, Welsh Assembly and many more.



Autopista Del Sur Km 65,5 - Arona, Santa Cruz De Tenerife 38627 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 922736167 +34 690886849 Email: jllombardi@ultramartransport.com Web: www.ultramartransport.com Contact: Jose Luis Lombardi Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation


Ulusoy Travel Center

Calikusu Sokak No. 16, 1 Levent 34330, Istanbul 34330 Turkey Tel: +90 2122834083 Fax: +90 2122804040 Email: gozde@ulusoytravel.com Web: www.ulusoytravel.com Contact: Gozde Samanci Ulusoy Travel Centre,founded in 1971,offers flight tickets,outbound and inbound travel,incoming services,FIT organisation,congress,seminars, incentive business,cruise sales,VIP amenities,rent a car,pilgrimages.



Golders Farm, Fox Road, Cambridge Cambridgeshire, CB23 2TX United Kingdom +44 (0)800 612 5654 Tel: Email: jess@motorholme.co.uk Web: www.unbeatablehire.com Contact: Jess Maynard Unbeatablehire.com is the UK’s largest motorhome hire company. A nationwide fleet of 500 motorhomes, strategic depots at Heathrow, Edinburgh, Cambridge & Bristol providing convenient vehicle pick up and our online, easy to use reservation system, make bookings easy. With 20,000 hires in ten years, Unbeatablehire.com offer great value motorhome holidays.


Under One Botswana Sky P.o. Box 10, Kasane Botswana Tel: Fax: +267 625 0 437 +267 6250336 Email: bnavarro@botswanatourism.org.uk Web: www.underonebotswanasky.com Contact: Miriam Slovakova Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation

447 Juan Luna St., Binondo, Manila Philippines +63 22433888 Tel: Fax: +63 22425880 Email: wilsontechico@uniorient.com Web: www.uniorient.com Contact: Wilson Techico Exhibiting with Philippines Department Of Tourism


Plot 22055, Gaborone West Industrial, Po Box 46799, Gaborone Botswana Tel: Fax: +267 3170242 +267 3170240 Email: bnavarro@botswanatourism.org.uk Contact: Wilson Rammidi Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation

Uniline d.o.o.

United offers flights from London Heathrow to its U.S. hubs at Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Newark, San Francisco and Washington; to Newark nonstop from Belfast, Birmingham, Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester and Shannon; and to Washington from Dublin and Manchester with onward connections to over 300 destinations across the Americas.

United Holidays (PVT) Ltd



United Travel


P. O. Box: 55863, Doha Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44581696 +974 44581695 Email: walter@uniquechoice.biz www.uniquechoiceweb.com Web: Contact: Walter Dias Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority

Unique New England


Po Box 221, North Falmouth Massachusetts, MA 02556 United States +1 603 766 0606 Tel: Email: jeanshg@aol.com Contact: Jean Upton Exhibiting with Discover New England

Unique North Lundsgate 37, Gjøvik 2815 Norway +47 46646477 Tel: Email: sb@uniquenorth.no Web: www.uniquenorth.no Contact: Sebastien Blanc Exhibiting with Visit Norway / Innovation Norway




58 Abdel Hameed Sharaf Street, Shemisani, Amman Jordan, 11118 Jordan Tel: Fax: +962 6 5660269 +962 6 5660490 Email: mahmoud.salameh@uta.com.jo Web: www.uta.com.jo Contact: Mahmoud Salameh Exhibiting with Jordan Tourism Board


Prospect House, 80-110, New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1HB United Kingdom Tel: +44 0207 079 6121 Email: paul.kelly@ubcuni.com Contact: Paul Kelly Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA


Universal Enterprise, 39 Orchid Magu, Male’ 20-15 Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3325301 +960 3332249 Email: shalinee.ahmed@universalresorts.com Web: www.universalresorts.com Contact: Shalinee Ahmed Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation


100 Universal City Plz. 5511-5, Universal City Ca, 91608 United States Tel: +1 4420336186478 Email: alison.nicholls@nbcuni.com Web: www.universalstudioshollywood.com Contact: Alison Nicolls Exhibiting with Visit California


Uniworld Boutique River Cruise Collection


17323, Ventura Boulevard, Los Angeles California, 91316 United States Tel: +1 818 382 7820 Email: info@uniworld.com Web: www.uniworld.com Contact: Craig Liddle Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board


Unseen Pictures Jogailos Str. 4, Vilnius Lithuania, 1116 Lithuania Tel: Fax: +370 52497064 +370 61470707 Email: jurga@unseenpictures.lt Web: www.unseenpictures.lt Contact: Jurga Kauneckiene Destination promotion services through fine art aerial Photography:Printed Book;Electronic Book;App;Video;DVD.



Rio Negro 1354, Piso 6 Office 40, Montevideo Montevideo, 11 100 Uruguay +598 2902 2672 Tel: Fax: +598 2902 0957 Email: miguel@uruguaydestination.com.uy Web: www.uruguaydestination.com.uy Contact: MIGUEL TESTA Exhibiting with URUGUAY MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND SPORT


6, Hughes Hallet Street, Sliema Malta, SLM 3143 Malta Tel: Fax: +356 21338982 +356 23450000 Email: irt@unitedtravel.com.mt Web: www.unitedtravel.com.mt Contact: Iain R Tonna Exhibiting with Malta Tourism Authority

Universal Studios Hollywood Unique Choice


4 Park Street, Po Box 2914, Harare Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 770637 +263 770623 Email: chchitekwe@utc.co.zw Web: www.utc.co.zw Contact: Christina Chitekwe Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY

Universal Resorts

S. Dobrica 16, Pula Istria, 52100 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 52215036 +385 52390000 Email: uniline@uniline.hr Web: www.uniline.hr Contact: boris zgomba Exhibiting with Croatian National Tourist Board


16-02, East Tower, World Trade Center, Colombo 01 100 Sri Lanka +94 115220000 Tel: Fax: +94 115220030 Email: info@unitedholidays.lk Web: www.unitedholidays.lk Contact: Sasha Pelpola Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Universal Orlando Resort

Uniglobe Dynamic Travel


United House, Southern Perimeter Road, Middlesex, TW6 3LP United Kingdom Tel: +44 8450 264 900 Fax: +44 1293824206 Email: Naomi.Fisher@united.com Web: www.united.com Contact: Naomi Fisher

United Travel Agency (UTA)


Uni Orient Travel



Vila Universitaria. Campus Uab, Barcelona Catalonia, E-08193 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 935817392 +34 935817612 Email: maria.clarella@uab.cat Web: www.uabcampus.cat Contact: Maria Clarella Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD



Planeamiento, Rambla 25 De Agosto Y Yacare S/n, Montevideo Montevideo, 11.000. Uruguay Tel: Fax: +598 21885533 +598 21885206 Email: dtraverso@mintur.gub.uy Web: www.uruguaynatural.tv Contact: Daniel Traverso MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND SPORT OF URUGUAY IS THE OFFICIAL TOURISM ORGANIZATION .



C/poeta Rodriguez Herrera,1, Urb. San Eugenio. Ed. Garajonay. S/n, Santa Cruz De Tenerife Santa Cruz De Tenerife, 38006 Spain Tel: +34 922 27 07 00 Fax: +34 922 27 09 08 Email: laura.llana@upshospitales.com Web: www.usphospitales.com Contact: Laura Llana Díaz Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation



Velka Hradebni 3118/48, Usti Nad Labem Usti Region, 400 02 Czech Republic Tel: Fax: +420 475200245 +420 475657509 Email: valka.j@kr-ustecky.cz www.kr-ustecky.cz Web: Contact: Jiri Valka Exhibiting with Czech Tourist Authority - CzechTourism

Utah Office of Tourism


Council Hall, Capitol Hill, 300 N. State Street, Utah, 84114 United States +1 8015381318 Tel: Fax: +1 8015381399 Email: pdenny@utah.gov Web: www.visitutah.com Contact: Patti Denny Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilion Colorado & Utah



20 Km South Of El Quseir, Marsa Alam Road, Marsa Alam South Red Sea, 84733 Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 653390010 +20 653390011 Email: neena@utopiabeachclub.com Web: www.utopiabeachclub.com Contact: Neena Hwaidak Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Uts Travel


3/9, Build.6, 3rd Syromyatnichesky Lane, Moscow 105120 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 4957257776 +7 4957237227 Email: ds@utsrussia.ru Web: www.hotelbook.ru/en Contact: Svetlana Chungak UTS Travel started its activities since 1994: our priorities are online hotel bookings, Incoming travels to Russia & CIS, Business travel and MICE. Hotelbook is company’s online booking system with opportunity to reserve more than 2,000 hotels in Russia and the CIS and 150,000 hotels all over the world.

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 409



UTS Travel


3-rd Siromiatnichesky Line, 3/9 Building 6, Moscow 105120 Russian Federation +7 (495) 723 27 27 Fax: +7 (495)725 77 76 Tel: Email: ds@utsrussia.ru Web: www.utsrussia.ru Contact: Svetlana Chungak Exhibiting with Saint Petersburg Express, JSC


Uttar Pradesh Tourism, Paryatan Bhawan, C-13 Vipin Khand, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh, 226010 India Tel: +91 522 2308916 Fax: +91 522 2308937 Email: uptsmnd@bol.net.in Web: www.up-tourism.com Contact: R S Yadav Exhibiting with India Tourism

Vale D Oliveiras Quinta Resort & Spa

VAO Intourist

EM900 Apartado 79, Lagoa Portugal, 8401-904 LAGOA Portugal Tel: +351 282 380 560 Fax: +351 282 353 740 Email: suzanne.besseling@valedoliveiras.pt Web: www.valedoliveirasresort.com Contact: Suzanne Besseling Exhibiting with Portugal


Uttarakhand Tourism Devt. Board, 3/3 Industrial Aria, Dehradun, India Tel: +91 01352624147 Fax: +91 01352627405 Email: ak_duvedi@sify.com Contact: Rajiv Bhartari Exhibiting with India Tourism


Uxua Casa Hotel



47, Istiqlol Str., Tashkent Uzbekistan, 100047 Uzbekistan +998 712333369 Fax: +998 712331168 Tel: Email: bachtijor@yahoo.com Web: www.tourfair.uz Contact: Anvar Temirkhodjaev The Company is an authorized state body in sphere of tourism and inits activities is accountable to the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan. The company is the main coordinating body, which providesthe development of a unified state policy in sphere of tourism withinthe territory of Uzbekistan.


Uzbekistan Airways, National Air Company

41, Amir Temur Str., Tashkent Uzbekistan, 700060 Uzbekistan Tel: +998 711404845 Fax: +998 711404845 Email: info@uzairways.com Web: www.uzairways.com Contact: Erkin Ubaydullaev Exhibiting with Uzbekistan



Vuelta De Obligado 2467 3º C, Buenos Aires 1428 Argentina +54 11 4785 2518 Fax: +54 11 4785 2518 Tel: Email: info@vandvexperience.com Web: www.vandvexperience.com Contact: María Verónica Crespi Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion

V.E.A / Veolia Transdev


2, Avenue Du Groupe Manouchian, Vitry-sur-seine 94400 France Tel: +33 1 53 48 39 53 Email: contact@vea.fr www.vea.fr Web: Contact: Maguy Guay Foucha Exhibiting with France

Turia, 67, 1º, Puerta 4, Valencia Valencia, 46008 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 963850827 +34 963851740 Email: jose@valencia-dmc.com Web: www.valencia-dmc.com Contact: Jose Ferri Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme


Vasco Travel




Avda Cortes Valencianas 41-bajo, Valencia Valencia, 46015 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 963606430 +34 963390390 Email: promocion-dg@turisvalencia.es Web: www.turisvalencia.es Contact: David Gómez Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme



P.zza V.veneto,17, Tropea Tropea, 89861 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0963605956 +39 096362516 Email: info@valentour.it Contact: Deborah Valente Exhibiting with Incoming Italia

Valley Forge CVB


1000 First Avenue, Suite 101, King Of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 United States Tel: +1 6108341550 Email: g.p.evans@btinternet.com Web: www.valleyforge.org Contact: Greg Evans You’ll delight in a region blessed with a remarkable spectrum of attractions — from our scenic natural beauty and amazing outdoor activities to our vibrant history, fairs, and festivals. Don’t forget our World Class shopping either at The King of Prussia Mall or Philadelphia Premium Outlets.



Av. Del Traves, 4, Ctra. D’ordino, La Massana AD 400 Andorra Tel: +376 737000 Email: comercial@vallnord.com Web: www.vallnord.com Contact: Angels Olivares Exhibiting with Andorra Turisme, S.A.U.


Vantage Hospitality Group


Vantage Hospitality Group is the 10th largest hotel company worldwide with over 1,000 hotels independently owned and operated in North America. In the Economy segment we offer Americas Best Value Inn and Canadas Best Value Inn and in the upper-mid segment we offer our Lexington Collection of Hotels.

600 West Lionshead Circle, Vail United States Tel: +1 7755864454 Email: llwright@vailresorts.com Contact: Lynsey Wright Exhibiting with Visit California

Rue Pre-fleuri 6, Sion Valais, 1950 Switzerland Tel: Fax: +41 273273571 +41 273273570 Email: martina.fuhrer@switzerland.com Web: www.valais.ch Contact: - Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

410 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Del Restaurante La Marseillaise, 1 Cuadra Al Sur, 1/2 Cuadra Arriba, Casa # 6, Managua Nicaragua Tel: Fax: +505 88546925 +505 22701936 Email: info@vapues.com Web: www.vapues.com Contact: Jan Strik Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)


Vail Resorts

Valais Tourism


Conde Trenor, 9-3, Valencia Valencia, 46003 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 963887220 +34 963887222 Email: desam.garcia@dival.es Web: www.valenciaterraimar.org Contact: Desam Garcia Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

Quadrado Trancoso, Trancoso Bahia, 45818-000 Brazil Tel: +55 73 3668 2277 Email: info@uxua.com Web: www.uxua.com/ Contact: Piero Zolin Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


150, Prospect Mira, Moscow Rf, 129366 Russian Federation +7 4952342464 Tel: Fax: +7 4952342455 Email: lchigarinova@intourist-hotels.ru Web: www.intourist-hotels.ru Contact: Larisa Chigarinova Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency


Uttarakhand Tourism


Vanuatu Tourism Office

Po Box 209, Port Vila Vanuatu Tel: +678 22515 Email: marketing@vanuatu.travel Web: www.vanuatu.travel Contact: Allan Kalfabun Exhibiting with South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO)


Uttar Pradesh Tourism


Miramarska 24, Zagreb Croatia, 10 000 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 16312778 +385 16312777 Email: info@valamar.com Web: www.valamar.com Contact: zrinka borozni Exhibiting with Croatian National Tourist Board

3300 N. University Drive, Suite 500, Coral Springs Florida, 33065 United States Tel: Fax: +1 9545758275 +1 9545752668 Email: allorens@vantagehospitality.com Web: www.vantagehospitality.com Contact: Antonio J Llorens


N-12, Level 3, Sector - 18, Noida 201301 India Tel: +91 1204601390 Fax: +91 1204601381 Email: vasco@vascotravel.net www.vascotravel.net Web: Contact: Vikas Abbott A leader in destination management with over 25 years of experience and award winning service standards. We offer unique tours and cultural experiences within India, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Sri Lanka and Maldives with an aim to “Inspire Senses”! A proud WRTM operator around the world. www.Vascotravel.net

Vatican Museums


Direzione Dei Musei Vaticani, Citta Del Vaticano Vatican City State, 120 Italy +39 0669881462 Fax: +39 0669881573 Tel: Email: accoglienza.musei@scv.va Web: www.museivaticani.va Contact: Luciano Gagliano The Vatican Museums, situated in the world’s smallest state, are tourist and cultural attractions par excellence. They are a treasure trove of works of art without equivalence in the world, boasting a history that goes back thousands of years.A visit to the Vatican Museums guarantees an unforgettable experience.

Vayatour Bali


Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai 143, Bali Indonesia, 80228 Indonesia +62 361285555 Tel: Fax: +62 361281144 Email: hanafi@vayatour.com Web: www.vayatour.com Contact: Hanafi Sastrawinata Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)

Velvet Taxis Inc.


123 Maynard’s, St. Peter Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4220204 +1246 4222879 Email: tyrone@caribsurf.com Web: www.velvettaxis.com Contact: Tyrone Sandiford Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

Venetian/Palazzo Resort-Hotel-Casino

NA350 C/o The Hotel Hotline Ltd., Trafalgar House Grenville Place, London NW7 3SA United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 8906 8989 Email: info@hotels-hotline.com Web: www.venetian.com Contact: Ziva Werber Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority

Venezuela - INATUR


Av. Francisco Miranda Con Av. Principal De La Floresta, Edificio Mintur Torre Norte, Caracas Altamira, 1060 Venezuela Tel: +58 2122087956 Fax: +58 2122087912 Email: feriasinternacionales.inatur@gmail.com Web: www.venezuelaturismo.gob.ve Contact: Yusmary Barrios Venezuela, a country of beautiful landscapes, furrowed by beaches, mountains, plains, deserts and jungles, gets to place among the six countries with the highest diversity of the American continent, wich turns this land into an unbelievable paradise.

EXHIBITOR PROFILES Venice Hotels and Landscapes


Santa Croce 207/a, Venice 20135 Italy Tel: +39 041 5256040 Fax: +39 041 2440224 Email: marketing@hotelpalazzogiovanelli.com Web: www.hotelpalazzogiovanelli.com; www.hotelbolognese.com; www.villafranceschi.com; www.villamargherita.com; Contact: Angelica Semenzato Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Versa Ltd


Yesilkent, Aydin 9270 Turkey Tel: +90 2568353501 Fax: +90 2568353504 Email: info@venosa.com.tr Web: www.venosa.com.tr Contact: Fahrettin Cicek Exhibiting with PENINSULA TOURS

Vento di Maestro


Vicinale Gelsi, 7, Giugliano In Campania 80014 Italy Tel: +39 081 3347136 Fax: +39 081 3347136 Email: info@ventodimaestro.it Web: www.ventodimaestro.it Contact: Roberta Trini Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)



Tombs Of The Kings Road, P.o. Box 62309, Pafos 8063 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 26950254 +357 26949200 Email: info@venusbeachhotel.com Web: www.venusbeachhotel.com Contact: Apostolis Mitrolios Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Viaggi da Favola - Ciao Ragazzi -

Veranda & Heritage Resorts


Village Labourdonnais, Mapou Mauritius Tel: Fax: +230 266 97 97 +230 266 9787 Email: audrey.hervel@vlh.mu Web: www.veranda-resorts.com Contact: Audrey Hervel Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

VERBIER St-Bernard


Carrefour Central 2, Cp 300, Verbier Valais, 1936 Switzerland Tel: +41 27 775 38 88 Fax: +41 27 775 38 89 Email: np@v-sb.ch Web: www.verbier.ch Contact: Nancy Pellissier Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Verchaska Infotech (P) ltd.


13th Floor, Vishwaroop It Park, Behind Raghuleela Mall, Navi Mumbai Maharashtra, 400 705 India Tel: +91 9811082117 Email: m.amitabh@verchaska.com Web: www.verchaska.com Contact: Amitabh Mendiratta

VeriFone Media


Gloucester House, 10 Camberwell New Road, London London, SE5 0TA United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 7091 1956 Email: nikkid1@verifone.com Web: www.verifonemedia.co.uk Contact: Nikki Davis VeriFone Media provides unique opportunities for advertisers to reach and interact with affluent, targeted consumers in the comfort and isolation of iconic London black cabs, through video content on digital screens, NFC and contactless technology, geo-targeting, surveys, competitions and sales channels, as well as traditional taxi liveries.

Vermont Tourism & Marketing


National Life Building, Drawer 20, 6th Floor, Montpelier Vermont, 5620 United States +1 603 766 0606 Tel: Email: caroline@wixhill.co.uk Web: www.vermontvacation.com Contact: Caroline Donaldson-Sinclair Exhibiting with Discover New England


12 Rue De La Chancellerie, Versailles Versailles, 78000 France Tel: +33 (0)1 30 97 89 85 Email: groupes@ot-versailles.fr Web: www.versailles-tourisme.com/en/accueil.html Contact: Sabrina Pecheux Exhibiting with France


Vertical Booking Piazza Pontida 7, Bergamo 24122 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 035210500 +39 035232366 Email: roberto.vigani@verticalbooking.com Web: www.verticalbooking.com Contact: Roberto Vigani

A.E.C. (Advertising and Electronic Commerce srl), founded in 1999, is focused on software development for the hospitality industry.The CRS, Vertical Booking, is currently in operation in more than 1,600 hotels worldwide, the majority of which are 4 and 5 star hotels, in more than 35 countries.

Verum Tourism


Bld.6,7 Obraztsova Str. Moscow, Moscow Russia, 127055 Russian Federation +7 499 9731485 Tel: Fax: +7 499 9731480 Email: sales1@verum.ru Web: www.verum.travel Contact: Olga Parhomchuk Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Very Intimate Places of Antigua & Barbuda


Po Box 958, St. John’s Antigua And Barbuda Tel: Fax: +1268 460 1339 +1268 460 1036 Email: catclub@candw.ag Web: www.antigua-vip.com Contact: Feona Bailey Exhibiting with Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority



Spazio Ejecutivo Office Centre, Office 9 , , Urbanizacion Trejos Montealegre, Edificio Color Bronce, Second Floor, San Jose Costa Rica, Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 22890271 +506 22890303 Email: silvia@vesatours.com Web: www.vesatours.com Contact: Silvia Elena Salazar Soto Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board

Vezelay and Fontenay, Burgundy, France


Visitor Centre, Vezelay Burgundy, 89450 France Tel: Fax: +33 380921688 +33 386323565 Email: christopherkelly@orange.fr Web: www.vezelay-visiteur.com Contact: Christopher Kelly Vezelay and Fontenay Abbey in North Burgundy, two exceptionally beautiful 12th century World Heritage sites - ranked 2nd worldwide by National Geographic Travel. Only 2h30 from Paris and Lyon, en route to Beaune, Dijon... On our stand, discover more about visits, accommodation, gastronomy, wine tasting ... for individuals and groups.

Via Hansa Tours


VIA Rail Canada

1150 Station St, Suite 300, Vancouver Bc, V6A 4C7 Canada Tel: +1 604 640 3743 Email: josephine_wasch@viarail.ca Web: www.viarail.ca Contact: Josephine Wasch Exhibiting with Canadian Tourism Commission

5, Bakunina Str., Saint-petersburg 191024 Russian Federation Tel: +7 8123247112 Email: incoming@versa-travel.com Web: www.versa.ru Contact: Vladimir Dorofeev Exhibiting with Saint Petersburg Express, JSC

Versailles Tourist Board VENOSA BEACH RESORT &SPA




Corporate Hq, J. Alunana Street 3-1, Riga LV-1010 Latvia Tel: Fax: +371 67 820294 +371 67 338638 Email: riga@viahansa.com Web: www.viahansa.com Contact: Eriks Lingeberzins Via Hansa - Baltic Sea hospitality, inbound operator, DMC, hospitality service provider to Baltic region. Offices: Warsaw, Petersburg, Moscow, Kaliningrad, Minsk, Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius, Helsinki, Copenhagen. Related brands: balticvision, La Boheme deluxe tours, La Boheme Catering, Unique Hotels, Vihula Manor Country Club & Spa, seagull-online. Receives 100.000 guests yearly


Via Giustiniano,96, Napoli 80126 Italy Tel: +39 081 5958926 Fax: +39 081 19731974 Email: info@viaggidafavola.it Web: www.viaggidafavola.it Contact: Vincenzo Telese Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Viajes ByM Balnearios y Montaña


C/balneario S/n, Cofrentes Valencia, 46625 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 961892203 +34 961894025 Email: mangel@balneario.com Web: www.viajesbym.com Contact: Miguel Ángle Fernández Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

Viajes Cora


Calle Eusebio Morales, Edificio Luz Maria 18, Panama Panama Tel: Fax: +507 2644300 +507 2644436 Email: reservas@viajescora.com Web: www.viajescora.com Contact: Liber Martínez Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)



Calle 68 5ta Ave, Playa, La Habana Cuba Tel: +53 7 2069590 Email: comercial2.mercado3@avc.vin.tur.cu Web: www.cubanacan.cu Contact: Frankyn Cabeza Exhibiting with Cuba Tourist Office



Francisco Petrarca 103-202, Col. Chapultepec Morales, Mexico D.f Mexico, 11570 Mexico Tel: Fax: +52 5552548949 +52 5555457761 Email: carloscpresidenci@vdegalatours.com.mx Web: www.vdegalatours.com.mx Contact: Carlos Castellanos Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board



Avda. Carlota Alessandri, 110, Torremolinos 29620 Spain Tel: +34 952058366 Email: samira@andalucia.org Web: www.euroamerica-viajes.com Contact: Pedro García Exhibiting with ANDALUCIA



C7 Luis Vidal Rocha, 7, Sanxenxo Pontevedra, 36960 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 986690542 +34 98674102 Email: internacional@interrias.com Web: www.interrias.com Contact: Sonia Prieto Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



Plaza De Jandia, 1, Playa Del Ingles Las Palmas, 35100 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 928 76 93 54 +34 928 730403 Email: a.cabrera@martelcanarias.com Web: www.martelcanarias.com Contact: Antonio Cabrera Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



C/ La Hoya, 41, Puerto De La Cruz Santa Cruz De Tenerife, 38400 Spain Tel: +34 922 38 23 08 Fax: +34 922 37 19 56 Email: meridiano@meridianocanarias.com Web: www.viajesmeridiano.info Contact: Ana María Heredia Gil Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 411



Viajes Mexico con Amistad S.A. de C.V.

Viceministerio de Turismo Bolivia


Goethe 132 Colonia Anzures, Mexico Df Mexico, 11590 Mexico +52 5552034155 Fax: +52 5555452528 Tel: Email: mexico@viajesmeca.com Web: www.viajesmeca.com Contact: Antonio Zanca Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board



C/ Panaderos, 6, 3º G, Malaga Malaga, 29005 Spain Tel: +34 952 120 092 Fax: +34 952 221 698 Email: salvador@newtourvis.net Web: www.newtourvis.com Contact: Salvador Blanco Exhibiting with MALAGA CITY TOURISM BOARD & CONVENTION BUREAU



C/ Diputacion 168, Barcelona Spain, 8011 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 934512977 +34 934539225 Email: marketing@novovira.com www.novovira.com Web: Contact: Alex Maillon Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA





Av. La Mar 163, Lima Peru, LIMA 18 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 2413319 +51 6101900 Email: marketing@viajeacifico.com.pe Web: www.vipacperu.com Contact: Allan Castañeda Exhibiting with PromPeru


Viceroy Maldives


Victoria Cruises is the only american managed cruise line on the Yangtze River,operating a fleet of new or newly rebuilt ships through the Three Gorges region and on to Shanghai.Ships have outside cabins (most with private balconies),internet access, HBO, CNN, cruises include a western cruise director.



Zar Boris Iii, Obedinitel ? 42, Plovdiv 4000 Bulgaria Tel: +359 896333111 Fax: +359 55422308 Email: neli.ivanova@vghotel.net Web: www.victoria-group.net Contact: Neli Ivanova Exhibiting with Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism

Victoria Hotels & Resorts


147-149 Vo Van Tan, District 3, Ho Chi Minh 84 Vietnam Tel: Fax: +84 862909710 +84 862909720 Email: diep.nguyen@victoriahotels.asia Web: www.victoriahotels.asia Contact: Diep Nguyen Victoria Hotels and Resorts is a collection of boutique French colonial style properties that is proud to be the pioneer in the most unique destinations of Vietnam & Cambodia. We strive to offer the best international 4 star hospitality experience in each region with personalised touches and quality service.


Victory Tour


Gremi Fusters, 11, Palma De Mallorca Mallorca ( Baleares), 7009 Spain Tel: +34 971 430 900 Fax: +34 971 432 159 Email: emvillanueva@viajesurbis.com Web: www.viajesurbis.com Contact: Gabriel Catala Rufino Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

44 J.jabbarli Str., Caspian Plaza, Baku Azerbaijan, AZ1065 Azerbaijan +994 124379273 Fax: +994 124368193 Tel: Email: info@victorytour.az Web: www.victorytour.az Contact: Vusal Hajiyev Exhibiting with Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Vialandauto Ground & Chauffeured Transportation Latin America



Rua Florida, N° 1.738, 4° E 11° Andares - Brooklin, Sao Paulo Brazil, 04565-001 Brazil Tel: +55 11 2842 4455 Fax: +55 11 2842 4499 Email: claudia.vargas@vialandauto.com.br Web: www.vialandauto.com Contact: Claudia Vargas Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur



Centro Comercial Del Oeste Rohrmoser, Pavas, San Jose 3941000 Costa Rica Tel: Fax: +506 22961068 +506 22904370 Email: viatur@racsa.co.cr Web: www.viaturtravel.net Contact: Mario Gutiérrez Exhibiting with Costa Rica Tourist Board



Residenciales San Pedro El Panorama 13-a, Antigua Guatemala Guatemala Tel: +502 78346687 Email: becky.harris@viaventure.com Web: www.viaventure.com Contact: Becky Harris Exhibiting with Central America Tourism Agency (CATA)

412 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


145 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, Ho Chi Minh City 70000 Vietnam Tel: +84 8 3 9330457 Fax: +84 8 3 9330470 Email: marketing@vidotourtravel.com Web: www.vidotourtravel.com Contact: Nhung Vo As a leading tour operator with 22 years of experience, Vidotour provides creative and innovative bespoke tours to Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand. Our team of over 250 well-trained staff and experienced experts commit to render excellent service to customers and work for the benefits of the local communities.

Vienna Incoming Tourist

Vienna International Dream Castle & Magic Circus Hotels at Disneyland Paris


40 Avenue De La Fosse Des Pressoirs, Marne La Vallee 77703 France +33 (0)1 64 17 90 11 Tel: Fax: +33 (0)1 64 17 90 15 Email: nicole.vidaller@vi-hotels.fr Web: www.magiccircus-hotel.com / www.dreamcastlehotel.com Contact: Nicole Vidaller Exhibiting with France


Vagaru Island, Shaviyani Atoll Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 6545555 +960 6545000 Email: valerie.charlier@viceroyhotelsandresorts.com Web: www.viceroyhotelsandresorts.com/maldives/ Contact: Valerie Charlier Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

57-08 39th Avenue, Woodside New York, 11377 United States Tel: +1 2128181680 335 Fax: +1 2128189889 Email: tom@victoriacruises.com Web: www.victoriacruises.com Contact: Thomas Antonucci

Travesia De Cacheiras, 7 Edificio As Torres, Local Nº3, Cacheiras A Coruna, 15886 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 981585059 +34 981574129 Email: andres@viajesorbis.com Web: www.viajesorbis.com Contact: Andrés López Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA

Viajes Pacifico

Bolivia is a unique country to enjoy. A mystical land of mountains, tropical Amazon forests, white deserts and sacred lakes. Rich in diverse outstanding attractions and the birth place of the Inca Empire.

Victoria Cruises

Puerta Del Sol, 13- 4º, Madrid Madrid, 28013 Spain Tel: +34 91 523 1998 Fax: +34 915 230 866 Email: international@olympiaviajes.com Web: www.viajesolympia.com Contact: Laura van den Hoven Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA



Calle Mercado Str. 1328, Mariscal Ballivian Bldg. 18th Floor, La Paz Bolivia +591 2 2117898 Tel: Fax: +591 2 2115961 Email: sanpablopatty@gmail.com Web: www.bolivia.travel Contact: Patricia San Pablo


Schottenfeldgasse 62/18, Vit Promotion, Vienna Vienna, 1070 Austria +43 15238093 Tel: Fax: +43 15238097 Email: headoffice@vit-prom.at Web: www.vit-prom.at Contact: Ingrid Gruber With more than 20 years of experience in incoming travel, covering Austria and Central Europe, VIT - PROMOTION made its worldwide reputation offering high quality services and the best value for the money. We are always ready to satisfy our clients requests with flexibility and reliability.

Vienna International Hotelmanagement AG


Dresdner Strasse 87, Vienna A-1200 Austria Tel: Fax: +43 1 333737313 +43 1 33373730 Email: info@vi-hotels.com Web: www.vi-hotels.com Contact: Sonja König Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

Vienna Residence Orchestra


Auerspergstrasse 1, Vienna 1080 Austria Tel: Fax: +43 1 8132865 +43 1 8172178 Email: lami.cunaku@wro.at Web: www.wro.at Contact: Lami Cunaku Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office

Vienna Tourist Board


Obere Augartenstrasse 40, Vienna 1020 Austria Tel: Fax: +43 1 2168492 +43 1 21114 0 Email: info@vienna.info Web: www.vienna.info Contact: Peter Staudinger Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office



200 Nguyen Son, Long Bien, Hanoi Vietnam, 10000 Vietnam Tel: Fax: +84 438273773 +84 438732732 Email: huyenltt@vietnamairlines.com Web: www.vietnamairlines.com Contact: HUYEN LE Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism

Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism


80 Quan Su Street, Hanoi 84 Vietnam Tel: +84 4 349423760 173 Fax: +84 4 349424115 Email: promotion@vietnamtourism.gov.vn Web: www.vietnamtourism.gov.vn Contact: Trang Nguyen Thi Quynh Charming people, charming culture that make every step you take brings you a feeling of distinctive but truly open and friendly. Welcome you to Vietnam stand AS 480 to talk to Vietnam National Administration of Tourism and professional tour operators and hotels who you may make deals with.



30a Ly Thuong Kiet, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi Vietnam Tel: Fax: +84 438257583 +84 438264154 Email: phuongvl@vn-tourism.com Web: www.vn-tourism.com Contact: Lan Phuong Vu Thi Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism



190 Pasteur, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam +84 838228898 Tel: Fax: +84 838299142 Email: phanhohai@vietravel.com.vn Web: www.vietravel.com.vn Contact: Hai Phan Exhibiting with Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism

VIK Hotels Group


Carretera Arena Gorda, Playa Bavaro Punta Cana, Dominican Republic Tel: Fax: +1809 2214658 +1809 3316640 Email: c.paatzsch@vmarturismo.com Web: www.vikhotels.com Contact: Ricardo Martinez Exhibiting with Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism




Grosse Altefahre 20-22, Luebeck 23552 Germany Tel: +49 004684524125 Email: tapani.kauhanen@vikingline.com Web: www.vikingline.fi Contact: Tapani Kauhanen Exhibiting with Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board

Vila Galé Hoteis

Vintage Africa


Praia Da Gale, Apartado 2432, Albufeira Algarve, 8200 - 916 Portugal Tel: +351 289570100 Fax: +351 289570150 Email: fcrujo@vilagale.pt Web: www.vilagale.pt Contact: Gonçalo Rebelo de Almeida Exhibiting with Portugal

Viola Residence

VILA-SECA - LA PINEDA - Patronat Municipal de Turisme de Vila-seca, La Pineda Platja

Viola Viaggi Incoming Tour Operator


Sto Trade Centre, 3rd Floor, Male’ Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3314565 +960 3316161 Email: mohamed.azmeel@villahotels.com.mv Web: www.villahotels.com Contact: Mohamed Azmeel Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Villa La Bollina


Via Monterotondo 60, Serravalle Scrivia 15069 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0143601800 +39 014365334 Email: info@labollina.com Web: www.hotelvillalabollina.com Contact: Christian Belforte Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Villa Oliviero Positano


Via Stefan Andres 6, Salerno, 84017 Italy Tel: +39 335 6891661 Fax: +39 081 669778 Email: nello.oliviero@positano.org Web: www.villaoliviero.it Contact: Nello Oliviero Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Village Ethiopia Travel


Po Box 15151, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251 15523497 15508869 Fax: +251 15551276 Email: village.ethiopia@ethionet.et Web: www.village-ethiopia.net Contact: Haile Mariam Felekech Exhibiting with East Africa Tourism Network

Villaggio El Pueblo


Via Hera, 2, Paestum 84126 Italy Tel: +39 0828 721176 Fax: +39 089 795200 Email: info@villaggioelpueblo.com Web: www.villaggioelpueblo.com Contact: Giuseppe Leone Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Ville In Italia


Via Luigi Michelazzi, 21, Firenze Toscana, 50141 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 055 4473364 +39 055 412058 Email: info@villeinitalia.com Web: www.villeinitalia.com Contact: Massimiliano Bruni Ville in Italia has been renting villas and apartments in Italy for almost 20 years. The company has become a brand to be reckoned with in the holiday villas market and a pioneer of online booking. Over 500 properties all around Italy vary in luxury,style, from ‘blowyour-mind’to family friendly houses.



Via Vittorio Veneto,32, Casalbuono 84030 Italy Tel: +39 0975 862516 Fax: +39 0975 862516 Email: info@violaresidence.it Web: www.violaresidence.it Contact: Giuseppe Viola Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

EM1800 EM1640

C/ Patro 10, Catalonia, E-43480 Spain Email: turisme@lapinedaplatja.info Web: www.lapinedaplatja.info Contact: Laura Cattaneo Exhibiting with CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD

Villa Hotels & Resort Pvt. Ltd.


Vintage Africa House, Mkungu Close Westlands, P. O. Box 59470, Nairobi Kenya, 200 Kenya Tel: +254 203742435 Fax: +254 203742465 Email: daniel.ebo@vintageafrica.com Web: www.vintageafrica.com Contact: Daniel Ebo Exhibiting with Kenya Tourist Board

Viale Italia, 2, S. Felice Del Benaco (bs) 25010 Italy Tel: +39 0365 559228 Fax: +39 0365 559233 Email: info@violaviaggi.com Web: www.violaviaggi.com Contact: Daria De Micheli Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Viracocha Turismo Internacional


Av. Vasco Nunez De Balboa 191, Miraflores, Lima Peru, LIMA 18 Peru Tel: Fax: +51 4472429 +51 4453986 Email: Peruviantours@viracocha.com.pe Web: www.viracocha.com.pe Contact: Liliana Merino Exhibiting with PromPeru

Virgin Atlantic Airways


The Office, Manor Royal, Crawley RH10 9NU United Kingdom Tel: +44 0844 2092776 Email: rachel.harris@virginflightstore.co.uk Web: www.virginatlantic.com Contact: Rachel Harris Exhibiting with Virgin Atlantic Flightstore

Virgin Atlantic Flightstore


97/98 High Street, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth Norfolk, NR31 6RF United Kingdom Tel: +44 0844 2092776 Email: rachel.harris@virginflightstore.co.uk Web: www.virginflightstore.com Contact: Rachel Harris Virgin Atlantic Flightstore are the UK’s airline owned consolidator, meaning you can put our knowledge of the industry to the test, feeling secure knowing you’re enjoying the best available fares. Book accommodation, car hire, attraction tickets, thousands of fares with worldwide airlines, and your customers can enjoy truly global destinations.

Virgin Australia


Po Box 1034, Qld Spring Hill, 4004 Australia Tel: +61 7 3295 3000 Email: carmen.laurella@virginaustralia.com Web: www.virginaustralia.com Contact: Carmen Laurella Exhibiting with Australia - Tourism Australia

Virgin Nigeria Airways Limited


Vision Airlines

CALIFORNIA TOURISM promotes the entire state as a premier travel destination and markets the extraordinary diversity that awaits visitors to California year-round. Our offices serve all types of travel markets: from individual groups to special interest, meetings and conventions. We work closely with convention and visitors bureaus throughout the state.

Visit Cambridge


Tourist Information Centre, Peas Hill, Cambridge CB2 3AD United Kingdom +44 01223 457527 Tel: Email: Dan.Stepney@cambridge.gov.uk Web: www.visitcambridge.org Contact: Dan Stepney Exhibiting with UKinbound

VISIT DENVER, The Convention & Visitors Bureau


1555 California Street Suite #300, Denver, Co 80202 United States Tel: Fax: +1 3038921636 +1 3035719442 Email: jbuck@visitdenver.com Web: www.VISITDENVER.com Contact: Jayne Buck Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilion Colorado & Utah

Visit Dublin


Aras Failte, 88-95 Amiens St., Dublin 1 Ireland Tel: +353 1 8847 775 Email: visitdublin@failteireland.ie www.visitdublin.com Web: Contact: Kiela Brodigan Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland

Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board


Toolonkatu 11, Helsinki 101 Finland Tel: Fax: +358 106058333 +358 106058000 Email: mek@visitfinland.com Web: www.visitfinland.com Contact: Riitta Balza Visit Finland, is the official tourism promotion body for Finland abroad. Main objectives include building destination awareness, creating inspirational marketing communications and ultimately attracting visitors to Finland.Visit Finland works in cooperation with foreign travel trade and media as well as the Finnish travel industry.



2540 W. Executive Center Circle, Suite 200, Tallahassee Florida, 32301 United States +1 850 488 5607 Fax: +1 850 201 6905 Tel: Email: tvaughan@VISITFLORIDA.org Web: www.VISITFLORIDA.com Contact: Tracy Vaughan

Visit Georgia


14, Nishnianidze Street, Tbilisi Georgia, 105 Georgia Tel: +995 32 292 22 46 Fax: +995 32 292 22 47 Email: incoming@visitgeorgia.ge Web: www.visitgeorgia.ge Contact: Alexander Mamulashvili Exhibiting with Georgian National Tourism Administration


8/2 Isahakyan Str., Yerevan 9 Armenia +374 91 415536 10 520560 Tel: Fax: +374 10 522926 Email: info@visavistour.com Web: www.visavistour.com Contact: Natalya Artsruni Exhibiting with Armenian National Tourism Organization


Konstitucijos Pr. 3, Vilnius LT-09601 Lithuania Tel: Fax: +370 5211 2315 +370 5211 2311 Email: kristina.mackeviciene@vilnius.lt Web: www.vilnius.lt Contact: Kristina Mackeviciene Exhibiting with Lithuanian State Department of Tourism

555 Capitol Mall, Suite 1100, Sacramento California, 95814 United States Tel: +1 916 444 4429 Fax: +1 916 444 0410 Email: info@visitcalifornia.com Web: www.visitcalifornia.com Contact: Guy Chambers

VISIT FLORIDA, the state’s official tourism marketing corporation, serves as Florida’s official source for travel planning for visitors across the globe. As the state’s number one industry, tourism was responsible for welcoming 86.5 million visitors in 2011. Visit us at http://www.visitflorida.com/uk.

Virgin Atlantic Technical Centre, Unit A1, Gatwick Gate, Lowfield Heath West Sussex, RH11 0PR United Kingdom Tel: +44 1293430091 Fax: +44 1293408200 Web: www.virginnigeria.com Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation

Vis-à-vis Tour Armenia


Visit California


2705 Airport Drive, North Las Vegas Nevada, 89032 United States Tel: +1 877 359 2538 Email: rnielson@visionholidays.com www.visionholidays.com Web: Contact: Richard Nielson Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority

Visit Greenwich


Royal Borough Of Greenwich, Tourism Unit, London SE10 0ER United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 8921 6105 Email: trade@visitgreenwich.org.uk Web: www.visitgreenwich.org.uk Contact: Wendy Tang You’ve seen Greenwich on TV over the summer, now come and experience it for real. Greenwich is a compact destination with splendid landmarks including the Cutty Sark, Royal Observatory, National Maritime Museum, Queen’s House, Old Royal Naval College, and Greenwich Market. Free coach parking and set down points are available.

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 413



Visit Iceland


Borgartun 35, Reykjavik 105 Iceland Tel: Fax: +354 511 4040 +354 511 4000 Email: promoteiceland@promoteiceland.is Web: www.visiticeland.com Contact: Hera Brá Gunnarsdóttir There has never been a better time to visit Iceland. Be inspired by our creative energy, vibrant arts, fashion and music scene and Reykjavik’s buzzing nightlife. Experience year-round adventure: super-jeep safaris, snowmobiling, river-rafting, whale-watching, horse-trekking and natural out-door hot pools. Meet us on stand EM140 and be Inspired by Iceland.


Visit Kent 28-30 St Peters Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2BQ United Kingdom +44 (0)1227 812900 Tel: Email: trade@visitkent.co.uk Web: www.visitkent.co.uk/trade Contact: Steph Blackwell-Graham Exhibiting with UKinbound


Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham Kent, ME4 4TR United Kingdom Tel: +44 01634 338118 Email: mary.sewell@medway.gov.uk Web: www.visitmedway.org Contact: Mary Sewell Exhibiting with UKinbound

Visit Norway / Innovation Norway


Norway is home to some of the most fabulous natural wonders in the world. Experience the world famous fjords, the midnight sun and the Northern Lights. Standholders on Visit Norway’s stand EM140c include regional tourist boards, accommodation and activity providers, transportation companies and groundhandlers. Visit www.visitnorway.co.uk to find out more.


Visit Orlando 6700 Forum Drive, Suite 100, Orlando Florida, 32821 United States +1 407 354 5582 Fax: +1 4073705011 Tel: Email: chris.ellis@visitorlando.com Web: www.visitorlando.com/trade Contact: Chris Ellis Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA


Adalstraeti 2, 101 Reykjavik, Reykjavik 101 Iceland Tel: +354 5901500 Email: info@visitreykjavik.is Web: www.visitreykjavik.is Contact: Dora Magnusdottir Exhibiting with Visit Iceland

Visit St. Petersburg/Clearwater


Link House, 140 The Broadway, Tolworth Surrey, KT6 7JE United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 8339 6121 Email: va@globaltravelmarketing.org www.visitstpeteclearwater.com Web: Contact: Venessa Alexander Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Visit Tromsø Region


Kirkegata 2, Pb 311, Tromsø 9253 Norway Tel: +47 99492823 Email: oda@visittromso.no Web: www.visittromso.no Contact: Oda Kvaal-Tanquay Exhibiting with Visit Norway / Innovation Norway

Visit Uganda Ltd



P.o Box 212, Plot 45/47 Church Road, Entebbe Entebbe, EBB Uganda Tel: +256 772462522414692192 Fax: +256 414321117 Email: info@visituganda.co.ug Web: www.visituganda.co.ug Contact: Tumwebaze Chief Operations Officer Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD

414 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Rue Royale, 2-4, Brussels Belgium, B-1000 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 2 513 83 20 +32 2 513 89 40 Email: info@visitbrussels.be Web: www.visitbrussels.be Contact: Anousjka Schmidt Exhibiting with Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia


C/filet De Fora, 1, Elche Alicante, 3203 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 966658141 +34 966658140 Email: antonio.fernandez@visitelche.com Web: www.visitelche.com Contact: Antonio Fernández Exhibiting with Agencia Valenciana del Turisme

Visit England

5th Floor Charles House, 5 - 11 Regent Street, London SW1Y 4LR United Kingdom Tel: +44 2073898800 Email: hanne.knudsen@innovationnorway.no Web: www.visitnorway.co.uk Contact: Hanne Knudsen

Visit Reykjavik

C/o United States Embassy, 24 Grosvenor Square, London W1A 1AE United Kingdom +44 020 7495 4814 Fax: +44 020 7495 4851 Tel: Email: angela@visitusa.org.uk Web: www.visitusa.org.uk Contact: Angela Evelyn Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilions


Visit Medway


Visit USA Association


1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HX United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 20 7578 1400 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7578 1401 Email: partnershipmarketing@visitengland.org Web: www.visitengland.org Contact: Stuart Heath Exhibiting with UKinbound

Visit Guernsey


Commerce & Employment, P.o.box 459, Raymond Falla House, Longue Rue, St Martins Guernsey, GY1 6AF United Kingdom Tel: +44 1481 234567 Fax: +44 1481 238755 Email: wendy.crame@commerce.gov.gg Web: www.guernseytrademedia.com Contact: Wendy Crame Exhibiting with Jersey Tourism

visitiglesias.com Accademia Produzioni Sas




Calle 99, No. 10-37, Bogota Colombia Tel: +57 18622024 Email: vitramar@vitramar.com Web: www.vitramar.com Contact: Diego Barrera Exhibiting with Travel To Marketing

Vittoria 2000 Srl - Villaggio Copacabana


Via Isola, Casalvelino 84080 Italy Tel: +39 0974 907410 Fax: +39 0974 907547 Email: info@clubcopacabana.com Web: www.villaggiocopacabana.com Contact: Nello Carluccio Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

Viva Wyndham Resorts


Av Winston Churchill 1099, Torre Acropolis, Piso 11, Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Tel: Fax: +1809 2216806 +1809 5626001 Email: brian@vivaresorts.com Web: www.vivaresorts.com Contact: Brian De Jesus Exhibiting with Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism

Vivanta By Taj - Coral Reef, Maldives

GV410 Box 2117 North Male Atoll, Republic Of Maldives, Male Maldives Tel: +960 6641948 Email: itd.bom@tajhotels.com Web: www.tajhotels.com Contact: Vishal Singh Exhibiting with Taj Group



54, Masherov Ave., Minsk 220123 Belarus Tel: +375 173064656 Fax: +375 172112703 Email: incoming@321.by Web: www.321.by Contact: Vladimir Makovsky Exhibiting with Belarus National Tourism Agency

Vodohod Russian River Cruises


Via De Amicis 6, Iglesias 9016 Italy Tel: +39 0781 871502 Fax: +39 0781 871502 Email: accademia.produzioni@gmail.com Web: www.visitiglesias.com Contact: Simone Franceschi Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

11 Skakovaya Alleya, Moscow Russia, 125284 Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 223 96 04 Fax: +7 495 223 96 09 Email: sales@vodohod.ru Web: www.bestrussiancruises.com Contact: Irina Pigalova

Visitor’’s Centre Jules Destrooper

VODOHOD is an all-Russia Cruise Company, administrating 26 fourdeck cruise vessels along rivers of Volga, Don, Moscow and Volga Don canals, the Volga-Baltic waterway, Northern-Western rivers, lakes Ladoga and Onega. VODOHOD actively cooperates with travel agencies all over Russia and maintains long-term partnership with some large-scale travel companies abroad.

EM1200 Gravestraat 5, Lo 8647 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 58 28 93 82 +32 58 28 09 33 Email: bezoekerscentrum@destrooper.be Web: www.destrooper.com Contact: Frederik Van Nuffel Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office

Visit Scotland


Ocean Point One, 94 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh EH6 6JH United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)131 472 2222 Email: events@visitscotland.com Web: www.visitscotland.org Contact: David Martin Exhibiting with UKinbound

Visit Sweden


Sweden House, 5 Upper Montagu Street, London W1H 2AG United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 7870 5609 Fax: +44 020 7724 5872 Email: elin.linden@visitsweden.com Web: www.visitsweden.com Contact: Elin Linden VisitSweden is a communications company that works to promote the brand of Sweden and the Swedish destinations and experiences internationally. We work closely with foreign and Swedish travel trade and media partners. Sweden offers beautiful, natural landscapes, vibrant cities, and a wealth of cultural and active pursuits, yearround.



Esentepe Mah Ahu Unal Aysal Cad No:1, Antalya Turkey, :07994 Turkey +90 242 324 92 42 Fax: +90 242 324 92 50 Tel: Email: hatice.guney@voguehotel.net Web: www.voguehotel.net Contact: HATICE GÜNEY Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Voiaj International


Bd. Negruzzi, 7, Chisinau 2001 Moldova, Republic Of Tel: Fax: +373 22274050 +373 22260422 Email: incoming@voiaj.md Web: www.voiaj.md Contact: Olga Petrenco Exhibiting with Moldova

Vojvodina Secretariat for Economy


Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 1a, Novi Sad 21000 Serbia Tel: +381 21456881 Email: evelin.stankovic@vojvodina.gov.rs Web: www.spriv.vojvodina.gov.rs Contact: Miroslav Nikic Exhibiting with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia


Volcanoes Safaris Po Box 1322, Kigali . Rwanda Tel: Fax: +250 502452 +250 502452 Email: salesrw@volcanoessafaris.com Web: www.volcanoessafaris.com Contact: Praveen Moman Exhibiting with Rwanda Tourism Board


4bld.1 Bolshaya Spasskaya Street, Moscow 107078 Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 783 91 22 Email: britanova@hotel-volga.ru Web: www.hotel-volga.ru Contact: Yulia Britanova Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Kastanienweg 23, Osterspai 56340 Germany Tel: +49 2627 960112 Email: info@volk-travelservice.com Web: www.volk-travelservice.com Contact: Christian Volk Exhibiting with German National Tourist Board



Voucher Wonder

3321 Del Prado Blvd. S., Cape Coral, Florida 33904 United States Tel: Fax: +1 2395418168 +1 2395791219 Email: jamie@ANIMOD.com Web: www.animod.com Contact: Jamie Bowers Exhibiting with Animod

S.peter’s Basilica, City Of Vatican Italy Tel: +39 00393290528294 Email: Elio.Epifani@voxtours.eu Web: www.voxmundi.eu Contact: Elio Epifani Exhibiting with Vox Tours Srl



Rental and sale of radio guides for guided tours, audio guides, conference facilities and business visits, simultaneous translations


Voyages Emile Weber


15, Rue D’’oetrange, Canach 5411 Luxembourg Tel: +352 35 65 75 257 Fax: +352 35 65 75 225 Email: pit.gelz@ont.lu Web: www.vew.lu Contact: Anders Bjoerkman Exhibiting with Luxembourg National Tourist Office

Narugis, Chaandhanee Magu, Male’ Maldives, 20191 Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3325335 +960 3322019 Email: info@voyagesmaldives.com Web: www.voyagesmaldives.com Contact: Aishath Maisha Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation



Vilhonkatu 13, P.o. Box 488, Helsinki Finland, FIN-00101 Finland Tel: +358 408621519 Email: eija.ahlberg@vr.fi Web: www.vr.fi Contact: Eija Ahlberg Exhibiting with Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board

Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications


Cra. 13a#96-18, Bogota Colombia Tel: +57 (1)6000098 105 155 Email: hacevedo@voyagecolombia.com www.voyagecolombia.com Web: Contact: Hernan Acevedo Exhibiting with Proexport Colombia

W Retreat & Spa Bali - Seminyak


Chekhova 40 Str ,., Tashkent Uzbekistan Tel: +998 71 254 94 99 Fax: +998 71 252 17 05 Email: sales@voyagedevie.uz Web: www.voyagedevie.uz Contact: Nodira Nishanova Exhibiting with Uzbekistan


Jl. Petitenget, Kerobokan, Bali Indonesia, 80361 Indonesia Tel: +62 361 4738106 Fax: +62 361 3002223 Email: tj.joulak@whotels.com Web: www.whotels.com/baliseminyak Contact: Taieb Tj Joulak Exhibiting with Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)



1-1 Komatsubara-dori, Wakayama-city 640 8585 Japan Tel: Fax: +81 734271523 +81 734412789 Email: uoi_s0001@pref.wakayama.lg.jp Web: www.wakayamakanko.or.jp/world/english/index.html Contact: Shingo UOI Exhibiting with Japan National Tourism Organization



Av.das Americas, 3434 - Block 5 - Suite 520, Barra Da Tijuca, Rio De Janeiro Rj, 22640-102 Brazil Tel: +55 21 2430 1199 Fax: +55 21 2430 1155 Email: leandro@walpax.com.br Web: www.walpax.com.br Contact: Leandro Cola Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur


Studio Tour Drive, Leavesden Hertfordshire, WD25 7LR United Kingdom Tel: +44 8450 840 900 Email: trade@wbstudiotour.co.uk Web: www.wbstudiotour.co.uk Contact: Lauren Jobling Warner Bros. Studio Tour London is a behind-the-scenes walking tour featuring authentic sets, costumes and props from the Harry Potter film series, located at the Studios where it was filmed.

Warsaw Tourist Office


10 Zamkowy Sg., Warsaw 00-277 Poland Tel: +48 22 628 66 02 Fax: +48 22 628 66 02 Email: joanna.koper@warsawtour.pl Web: www.warsawtour.pl Contact: Joanna Pawlowska-Koper Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation


Top People, S.r.o, Pazitkova 5, Bratislava 821 01 Slovakia Tel: +421 948 524 166 Fax: +421 948 524 166 Email: horecny@toppeople.sk Contact: Marek Horecny


Warwick International Hotels VR Group Ltd, Finnish Railways


130, Glennie Street, Colombo 2 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 112 306706 Email: yuraj@walkerstours.com Web: www.walkerstours.com Contact: Yuraj Nanayakkara Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

Warner Bros. Studio Tour London


62 Rue Caumartin, Paris France, 75009 France Tel: +33 (0)1 44 63 14 36 Fax: +33 (0)1 44 63 14 16 Email: raj@vsp-bleuciel.fr Web: www.all-onebooking.com Contact: Raj Devas Exhibiting with France

Via Sebastiano Veniero 28/, Rome Italy, 192 Italy Tel: +39 0639030579 Fax: +39 06233244068 Email: voxtours@voxtours.eu Web: www.voxtours.eu Contact: Elio Epifani


Walkers Tours

Voyages Services Plus

Vox Tours Srl


Exhibiting with WTM Official Supporting Publications

Voyages Maldives (Pvt.) Ltd.



Ras Al Khaimah, Ras Al Khaimah 1468 United Arab Emirates Tel: Fax: +971 072446677 +971 072446666 Email: emille.artigas@hilton.com Web: www.waldorfastoriarak.com Contact: Tuhina Rahman

Paraguay 450, Buenos Aires 1057 Argentina Tel: +54 11 43122071 Fax: +54 11 43122079 Email: mrusso@waldorf-hotel.com.ar Web: www.waldorf-hotel.com.ar Contact: Mariano Russo Exhibiting with Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion

Po Box 37609, Lusaka, Lusaka 10101 Zambia Tel: +260 21125308234 Fax: +260 211253048 Email: Molly.Care@voyagerszambia.com Web: www.voyagerszambia.com Contact: Molly Care Exhibiting with Zambia Tourism Board

2, Gertsena Str., Vologda Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 8172728443 +7 8172728443 Email: tur@vologda.ru Contact: Yuri Plehanov Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

Waldorf Astoria Ras Al Khaimah

Sphere Travelmedia & Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd, 473 2nd Floor, 2nd Cross 9th Main Hal 2nd Stage, Bangalore India, 560 008 India Tel: +91 80 408 341 00 Fax: +91 80 25 29 07 08 Email: kaustuv@voyagersworld.in Web: www.voyagersworld.in/ Contact: Kaustuv Das

Voyagers Zambia Limited

Vologda Region Government Tourism Office

Voyage de Vie


Voyagers World


Volk Travel Service

Voyage Colombia/World Tours


Iskele Mevkii Belek 07610, Serik Turkiye, 7506 Turkey Tel: +90 242 710 29 10 Fax: +90 242 715 33 86 Email: hatice@voyagehotel.com Web: www.voyagehotel.com Contact: Hatice Yalcin Karakaya Exhibiting with Turkish Culture & Tourism Office

Volga Apart-hotel


Voyage Hotels



75 Avenue Des Champs Elysees, Paris 75008 France +33 0144958952 Tel: Fax: +33 0143592115 Email: wihsales@warwickhotels.com Web: www.warwickhotels.com Contact: Stephanie Le Floc Warwick International Hotels is a collection of over 40 of the world’s finest 4-star and 5-star hotels, resorts, and spas, providing affordable luxury in prestigious, Europe, United States, Asia, Africa, Bali, and South Pacific. Choose from city centre, beach, spa, or golf hotels and resorts, whether for business or pleasure.

Waterberry Zambezi Lodge


Livingstone, Livingstone Zambia Tel: Fax: +260 123 +260 123 Email: tessa@waterberrylodge.com Web: www.waterberrylodge.com Contact: Tessa Prior Exhibiting with Kamili



City Hall, The Mall, Waterford Ireland +353 51 849759 Tel: Email: lcahill@waterfordcity.ie Web: www.discoverwaterfordcity.ie Contact: Lynn Cahill Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland


Avd Del Progreso Nº 99, Barrio Del Progreso, Murcia 30012 Spain Tel: +34 968078958 Email: info@turismowala.es Web: www.turismowala.es Contact: Francisco Belijar Exhibiting with REGION OF MURCIA

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 415



WebBooking Expert

18-18a Vulturilor, Bucharest 3, 30855 Romania Tel: +40 757 071 453 Fax: +40 31 225 71 32 Email: sales@wbe.travel Web: www.wbe.travel/index.html Contact: Irina Calin WebBookingExpert is a fully web based travel booking software providing travel agents and tour operators with all the necessary tools to administrate and control their online business, by helping them to search, book, manage and distribute travel products by themselves or through reseller networks.



Venizelou 35, Alexandroupolis 68 100 Greece Tel: +30 302551088545 Fax: +30 302551083341 Email: info@weblogic.gr Web: www.weblogic.gr, www.etour.gr, www.hotelier.net Contact: Donna Konstantinidou

wedding and honeymoon hotels


18a High Street, Pensnett, Kingswinford West Midlands, DY6 8XD United Kingdom +44 1384297900 Fax: +44 1384402278 Tel: Email: jonathan@weddingandhoneymoonhotels.com Web: WWW.WEDDINGANDHONEYMOONHOTELS.COM Contact: Jonathan Andreades Exhibiting with Le Meridien Limassol Spa & Resort



Viale Della Repubblica, 100/104, Rimini, 47900 Italy Tel: +39 0541394106 Fax: +39 0541393143 Email: info@welcomesystem.net Contact: Alfonso Baldazzi Exhibiting with Incoming Italia


Welcome to Yorkshire

Dry Sand Foundry, Foundry Square, Leeds Yorkshire, LS11 5DL United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)113 322 3547 Email: hsmith@yorkshire.com Web: www.yorkshire.com Contact: Helen Smith Exhibiting with UKinbound

Welcome Travels (a unit of Welcome Destinations Pvt. ltd)


Suite #208,209, Skipper Corner 88 Nehru Place, New Delhi 110019 India Tel: +91 1126214638 Fax: +91 1126443037 Email: welcome@airtelmail.in Web: www.welcometravels.com, www.theindiatravel.com Contact: Sunny Wattal Exhibiting with India Tourism Ecatalog


Welcomebeds.com Centro Empresarial Globalia, Poligono Son Noguera, Llucmajor, Mallorca Balearic Islands, 7620 Spain Tel: +34 971178691 Email: marcos.mudoy@welcomeincoming.com Web: www.welcomebeds.com Contact: Marcos Mudoy Clarke

Wembley Stadium, London HA9 0WS United Kingdom Tel: +44 844 980 8001 6950 Fax: +44 844 980 8011 Email: adam.burrage@wembleystadium.com Web: www.wembleystadium.com/tours Contact: Adam Burrage Exhibiting with Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum and Tour


., Wengen Bernese Oberland, 3823 Switzerland Tel: +41 33 856 6969 Fax: +41 33 856 6970 Email: info@wengenhotels.ch Web: www.wengenhotels.ch Contact: Cornelia Thierstein Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

Wens Tour


Str. Republicii 10, Cluj, 400015 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 264595755 +40 264590749 Email: mihaela.caluser@wens.ro Web: www.wens.ro Contact: Mihaela Caluser Exhibiting with Network 4 Sports Travel

West Coast Villas Sothebys Int/Jammin Catamaran Cruises


West Indian International Tours (WIIT)


West Sweden Tourist Board


Kungsportsavenyn 31-35, Box 53199, Goteborg 400 15 Sweden Tel: +46 730212114 Email: ann-charlotte.carlsson@vastsverige.com Web: www.westsweden.com Contact: Ann-Charlotte Carlsson Exhibiting with VisitSweden


West-Pomeranian Region Korsarzy 34, Szczecin 70-540 Poland Tel: +48 91 4419134 Email: emadaj@wzp.pl Web: www.wzp.pl Contact: Ewa Madaj Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation


Hendrikje Stoffelsstraat 1, Amsterdam 1058 GC Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)20 8100 819 Email: sales@westcordhotels.nl Web: www.westcordhotels.nl Contact: Ciska Wassenaar Exhibiting with Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC)


Westgate Resort Collection 2801 Old Winter Garden Road, Ocoee Florida, 34761 United States Tel: +1 4073552030 Email: Jackie_irizarry@westgateresorts.com Web: www.westgatedestinations.com Contact: Jackie Irizarry Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Wellsicily di Scarlet World Tours and Travel


Via Ruilio 18, Catania Sicily, 95126 Italy Tel: +39 095 8366721 Fax: +39 095 8366717 Email: info@scarletworld.it Web: www.wellsicily.it Contact: Roberto Lo Faro Exhibiting with Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT)

416 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Koning Albert I Laan 120, Brugge (sint-michiels) 8200 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 51 51 93 51 +32 51 51 93 47 Email: evelien.decoster@westtoer.be Web: www.westtoer.be Contact: Evelien Decoster Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office


White Palm Ltd Trading, M1 Motorway, Port Louis Mauritius +230 605 1500 Tel: Email: marketingm@whitesand.mu Contact: Robert Ambroise Exhibiting with Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

Whites Hotel Group of Ireland


Abbeylands, Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal Ireland +353 71 98 51999 Fax: +353 71 98 52999 Tel: Email: whitegrp@iol.ie Web: www.whiteshotels-ireland.com Contact: Rosemary Tate Exhibiting with Tourism Ireland


108, 52nd Street, Pazundaung Township, Yangon Myanmar Tel: Fax: +95 1294122 +95 1293425 Email: wideviewmyanmar@gmail.com Web: www.wideviewmyanmar.com Contact: Celine Pyone-Khaing Xie Exhibiting with Myanmar Tourism Federation (Marketing Committee)

Wieliczka Salt Mine

Worthing Main Road, Christ Church Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4357071 +1246 4357051 Email: kristina@wiit.net Contact: Ktistina Springer Gefvert Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority


6200 International Drive, Orlando Florida, 32819 United States +1 4073511800 Tel: Email: chris.martin@wetnwildorf.com Contact: Christopher Martin Exhibiting with VISIT FLORIDA

Wide View Travels & Tours

The Beach House, Holetown, St. James Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4325051 +1246 4325050 Email: andrea.greaves@westcoastvillas.com Web: www.westcoastvillas.com Contact: Richard Young Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority

871 Seventh Avenue At 55th Street, New York Ny, 10019 United States +1 6462770040 Tel: Email: lyokell@wellingtonhotel.com Web: www.wellingtonhotel.com Contact: Lucille Yokell Exhibiting with NYC & Company


Wet ‘n’ Wild Orlando

White Palm Ltd Trading


Wengen Classic Hotels

Westcord Hotels

Strictly B2B Welcomebeds.com offers accommodation and transfers worldwide at competitive rates. Easy-to-book via web or XML and with a comprehensive level of service and assistance provided by our dedicated team of professionals. Welcomebeds.com has been developed by Welcome Incoming Services, part of the largest travel group in Spain: Globalia.

Wellington Hotel


Wembley Stadium Tours


Danilowicza 10, Wieliczka 32-020 Poland Tel: +48 48 12 278 76 24 Fax: +48 12 278 73 13 Email: mlynarska@kopalnia.pl Web: www.kopalnia.pl Contact: Marta Mlynarska Exhibiting with Polish Tourist Organisation

Wien Holding cultural enterprises


Universitatsstrasse 11, Vienna 1010 Austria +43 1 5053100 Tel: Fax: +43 1 505310016 Email: pr@stalzerundpartner.com Web: www.stalzerundpartner.com/servicedownloads/wien-holding-kulturcluster Contact: Iris Löffler Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office



C/ Montana Clara, 18, Alondras Iv, Adeje Santa Cruz De Tenerife, 38670 Spain Tel: +34 629204549 Email: glen@wifimundo.com Web: www.wifimundo.com Contact: Glen Torregiani Exhibiting with Tenerife Tourism Corporation

Wild Discovery Travel & Tourism


Burotec Bldg, 40 Pasteur Street, Gemayze, Saifi, Pobox: 166868, Beirut Lebanon Tel: +961 (1) 56 56 06 Fax: +961 (1) 56 24 39 Email: ghenwa.sannouh@wilddiscovery.com.lb Web: www.wilddiscovery.com.lb Contact: Ghenwa Sannouh Exhibiting with LEBANON Ministry of Tourism

Wild Frontiers


P.o Box 619, Ebb, Entebbe Uganda, KLA Uganda Tel: +256 772 870354414321479 Fax: +256 414321479 Email: jane@wildfrontiers.co.ug www.wildfrontiers.co.ug Web: Contact: Jane Goldring Exhibiting with UGANDA TOURISM BOARD



1021 Holland Road, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 13 42004 +263 13 44426 Email: shane@wildhorizons.co.zw Web: www.wildhorizons.co.za Contact: Shane White Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY


Wild Life Tours

Wildrift Adventures

Kigali - Rwanda, 601, Kigali Rwanda, 250 Rwanda Tel: +250 0788357052 Email: david@wildlifetours-rwanda.com Web: www.wildlifetours-rwanda.com Contact: Davidson Mugisha M. Exhibiting with Rwanda Tourism Board

London, London United Kingdom Tel: +44 44 7760693706 Email: lthathola@yahoo.com Web: www.wildrift.com Contact: Lalit Tathola Exhibiting with India Tourism

Wild Taiga - Idän Taiga Travel Association

Wilkinson Tours


C/o Hotel Kalevala, Vainamoinen 9, Kuhmo FIN-88900 Finland Tel: +358 505920505 Email: jaana@wildtaiga.com Web: www.wildtaiga.fi Contact: Jaana Keränen Exhibiting with Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board



P O Box 22277, Maun Botswana Tel: +267 6862962 Email: bnavarro@botswanatourism.org.uk Web: www.wildernessdawning.com Contact: Craig Nesbitt Exhibiting with Botswana Tourism Organisation

Wilderness Lodges Ltd


Po Box 42788, Nairobi 00100, NAIROBI Kenya Tel: +254 20 2365225 Fax: +254 20 2047203 Email: info@wildernesslodges.co.ke Web: www.wildernesslodges.co.ke Contact: Bernard Kaimenyi


P.o Box 179, Usa River, Arusha Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 789558744 Fax: +255 789558744 Email: info@wilkinson-tours.com Web: www.wilkinson-tours.com Contact: Deborah Bachmann Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Wilderness Lodges operates Safari Lodges and a luxury tented camp in prime locations in the game parks of Kenya. Superior accommodation with stunning views of the Wilderness, unsurpassed service and facilities, scrumptious cuisine and a fine selection of drinks to select from is what outlines the properties under the brand.

Wilderness Safaris


Po Box 5219, 373 Rivonia Boulevard, Rivonia 2128 South Africa +27 118071800 Tel: Fax: +27 118072110 Email: enquiry@wilderness.co.za Web: www.wilderness-safaris.com Contact: Lucy Lopez


Wilderness Safaris is a conservation organisation and ecotourism company specialising in memorable wildlife experiences in remote and pristine areas in southern Africa, while remaining committed to protecting Africa’s precious natural and cultural resources. It operates camps and safaris in Botswana, Namibia, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the Seychelles.



Shop 1-3 Sopers Acade, Victoria Falls Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 1344341 +263 1344471 Email: yvonne@wilderness.co.zw Web: www.wilderness.co.zw Contact: YVONNE CHRISTIAN Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY

Wildlands Safaris Ltd



Lot B 707, 7th Floor, Wisma Merdeka Phase 2, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, 88000 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 88257106 +60 88246000 Email: melanie@wildlife-expeditions.com www.wildlife-expeditions.com Web: Contact: Melanie Lim Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

Wildplaces Africa


40b Windsor Crescent, Kololo, Kampala Uganda Tel: +256 414 251 182 Email: steven@safariuganda.com Web: www.safariuganda.com Contact: Steven Mukiibi Exhibiting with Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association


Po Box 21, Poathamedu, Munnar Kerala, 685612 India Tel: +91 4865230512 Email: info@mahoutuk.com Web: www.windermeremunnar.com Contact: John Simon Exhibiting with MAhout (UK) Ltd


Winander House, Glebe Road, Cumbria, LA23 3HE United Kingdom Tel: +44 01539443360 Fax: +44 01539440341 Email: a.fisher@windermere-lakecruises.co.uk Web: www.windermere-lakecruises.co.uk Contact: Alan Fisher Exhibiting with UKinbound



Av. Atlantica Numero 1800, Copacabana, 22021-001 Brazil Tel: +55 21 21955800 Fax: +55 21 25482665 Email: pmrj01@yahoo.com.br Web: www.windsorhoteis.com Contact: PAULO MARCOS RIBEIRO Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Wine, Water & Wonders of Upstate New York

P.o Box 10116, Arusha, Arusha Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 685250142 Fax: +255 222116420 Email: info@wildlandssafaris.com Web: www.wildlandssafaris.com Contact: Jonathan Bourgoin Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Wildlife Expeditions Sdn. Bhd.

The Museum provides an intimate view of the story of tennis through artefacts, inter-actives and films, The Championship Trophies, and a resident ‘ghost’ of John McEnroe. Touch screens and audio-guides in 9 languages bring the Museum to life. Tours of the grounds are available giving access to restricted areas.

Windermere Lake Cruises


10 Rainbow Boulevard, Niagara Falls Ny, 14303 United States Tel: +1 7162828992 Email: edavis@niagara-usa.com Web: www.visitrochester.com Contact: Elizabeth Davis Exhibiting with NYC & Company

Wings Tours And Nile Cruises


The Wings Group story began with Wings Tours, founded in Cairo in 1978. Today Wings Group holds a prestigious position in the Tourism Industry worldwide. The Group has nine branches located throughout Egypt, in addition to international subsidiaries in China, USA, Japan and the UAE.


Box 61175, Livingstone Zambia, 10101 Zambia Tel: +260 213 327111 Fax: +260 213 321487 Email: wttzam@zamnet.zm Web: www.wttzambia.com Contact: Charity Chewe Exhibiting with Zambia Tourism Board


30201 Orchard Lake Road, Suite105, Farmington Hills Michigan, 48334 United States +1 248 671 0001 Fax: +1 248 671 0002 Tel: Email: vikas@wizie.com Web: www.wizie.com Contact: Vikas Kannan Wizie is a US based Travel Technology company, established in 1999, offering world class products and solutions to Airlines, Consolidators, Travel Agents and OTA’s. All our solutions are focused towards 4 core areas of any business: • TECHNOLOGY • CONSULTING • SALES • MARKETING

Wolgan Valley Resort & Spa.


Wolgan Valley Resort & Spa, Level 17, 1 York Street, Sydney New South Wales, NSW 2000 Australia +61 4 3034210 Tel: Fax: +61 4 3439696 Email: joost.heymeijer@emirates.com Web: www.wolganvalley.com Contact: Joost Heymeijer Exhibiting with Emirates

Woodland Hotel & Resort


164/1 Moo 5 Pattaya –naklua Road ,Banglamung, Cnonburi 20260 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 38 425 663 +66 38 421 707 Email: alias@tiffany-show.co.th Contact: Alisa Phanthusak Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

Woraburi Phuket Resort & Spa


198, 200 Karon Road, Karon Beach Amphur Muang, Phuket 83110 Thailand Tel: Fax: +66 76 363099 +66 76 363050 Email: gm-phuket@woraburi.com www.woraburi.com Web: Contact: Jakkapan Udomboriphan Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)

World Express Tours Malaysia


Level 6,office Tower, No 1 Jln Nagasari (Off Jln Raja Chulan), Kuala Lumpur 50200 Malaysia +60 321489601 Tel: Fax: +60 321421129 Email: cherry.lee@worldexpress.travel Web: www.worldexpress.travel Contact: Cherry Lee Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board

World Independent Hotels Promotion

21’a Elobour Gardens Buildings, Salah Salem Road, Cairo Egypt, 11471 Egypt Tel: +20 2 240 70 511 Fax: +20 2 226 18 297 Email: Mkt.Co1@wingsegypt.com Web: www.wingsegypt.com Contact: Mohamed Abou Zaid

Winning Travel & Tours

Wirecard AG is one of the leading international providers of electronic payment and risk management solutions. Worldwide, the Wirecard Group supports over 12,000 companies from many and various industry segments in automating their payment processes and minimizing cases of default.

Wizie - Making IT Possible

Museum Building, Aeltc (Championships) Ltd, London SW19 5AE United Kingdom Tel: +44 2089466131 Fax: +44 2089478752 Email: ashley.jones@aeltc.com Web: www.wimbledon.com/museum Contact: Ashley Jones

Windermere Estate


Einsteinring 35, Aschheim 85609 Germany Tel: +49 894424 1400 Fax: +49 894424 1500 Email: travel@wirecard.com Web: www.wirecard.com Contact: Indra Fiebig

Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum and Tour Wilderness Dawning

Wirecard Technologies AG



77 Rue Du Faubourg Saint Antoine, Paris Ile-de-france, 75011 France Tel: Fax: +33 144879035 +33 153461060 Email: consultant@wihphotel.com Web: www.wihphotel.com Contact: Sandrine Bourlon World Independent Hotels Promotion (WIHP) is a leading online marketing firm for independent hotels. Our focus is to help hotels generate the most possible revenue for their property through all channels. From website design to distribution management, our consultants and designers know what it takes to generate revenue.

World N Traveland Tours


Dolphin, Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234 8033066836 Email: worldtraveland@yahoo.com Contact: Funmi Faloyi Exhibiting with Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation

World of Holidays


Markazia Bldg., Down Town Beirut, Beirut Lebanon Email: tourism1@newplazatours.com Contact: Vesma Landsmane

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 417



World Skills



World Pay

Rua D. Frei Caetano Brandao, Nº 99, Braga 1º - 4700-031 Portugal +351 351253278315 Tel: Email: luisribeiro.ws@gmail.com Contact: Luis Ribeiro

55 Mansell Street, London E1 8AN United Kingdom Tel: +44 870 366 1290 Email: alex.smith@Worldpay.com Web: www.worldpay.com Contact: Alex Smith

Grekking® promotes visitations to excellent places, through nature walks providing you a contact with the environment, natural beauty and landscapes of Portugal.With the Grekking® you visit natural parks, protected areas, knowing the historical and cultural heritage, enjoying the sun, beaches, mountains and delighting yourself with the region gastronomy.

WorldPay processes millions of payments everyday for thousands of businesses just like yours. We can offer you - Fast payments 200+ per second, Over 200 global and local payment types, 200+ local bank accounts, and Advanced fraud and age verification.



104, Soseaua Berceni, Bucharest Bucharest, 41919 Romania Tel: Fax: +40 213107012 +40 213373765 Email: office@worldsynergytravel.com Web: www.worldsynergytravel.com Contact: Ioana GAMAN Exhibiting with ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM

World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)


Capitan Haya 42, Madrid 28020 Spain Tel: Fax: +34 915713733 +34 915678100 Email: aperessolova@unwto.org Web: www.unwto.org Contact: Alla Peressolova The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), a United Nations specialized agency, is the leading international organization with the decisive and central role in promoting the development of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism. It serves as a global forum for tourism policy issues and a practical source of tourism know-how.

World Trade Center Moscow


12, Krasnopresnenskaya Nab., Moscow Rf, 123610 Russian Federation +7 495 2582222 Tel: Fax: +7 495 2582323 Email: info@crowneplaza.ru Web: www.crowneplaza.ru Contact: Elena Belashova Exhibiting with Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency

World Travel Centre Colombo (pvt) Ltd


18 Bridgeman Road, Teddington TW11 9AH United Kingdom Tel: +44 20 8977 1443 Email: claire@worldwideattractions.com Web: www.worldwideattractions.com Contact: Claire Leroux Exhibiting with France


Worldwide Destinations Asia Co., Ltd. 1000/45 11th Floor Pb Tower, Sukhumvit 71 Road, Klong Tan Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand Tel: +66 2713 3695 Fax: +66 2713 3599 Email: contact@worldwidedestinationsasia.com www.worldwidedestinationsasia.com Web: Contact: Ekachai Chuchuen Exhibiting with Thailand (Tourism Authority of)


Worldwide DMC Ltd

223 Twickenham Road, Isleworth, London London, TW7 6DH United Kingdom +44 2085698080 Fax: +44 2085697989 Tel: Email: enquiries@wwdmc.com Web: www.wwdmc.com Contact: Anuj Kumar Worldwide DMC is a UK based Destination Management Company offering wholesale professional ground handling services for the FIT & Groups to UK & Ireland. Through our online bookable B2B website www.wwdmc.com, We offer over 3200 Hotels &Apartments,Transfers,Car Hire, Private Guided Tours, Local Sightseeing & Entrance tickets to all tourist attractions.


Worthing Court Apt. Hotel Worthing Main Road, Christ Church Barbados Tel: Fax: +1246 4357374 +1246 4348400 Email: alicia.farmer@timeoutbarbados.com Contact: Alicia Farmer Exhibiting with Barbados Tourism Authority


Bd Bir Anzarane, Residence Romandie Ii,tour Oualili, N°4,rdc, Casablanca Morocco, 20370 Morocco Tel: +212 522940619 Fax: +212 522940638 Email: h.nouichi@worldvoyage.net www.worldvoyage.net Web: Contact: Hassan EL OUARRADI Exhibiting with Moroccan National Tourist Office

Wow air


Hofdatun 12, Reykjavik Iceland Tel: +354 590 3000 Email: valgeir@wowair.is Web: www.wowair.is Contact: Valgeir Bjarnason Exhibiting with Visit Iceland

Wright Express Worldcome, destination specialists


Mirall Building, Cami De Son Fangos 100 A-5, Palma De Mallorca E-07007 Spain +34 971 624 160 Tel: Email: info@worldcome.net Web: www.worldcome.net Contact: Jugana Peric Worldcome brings together 22 leading specialist DMCs in 4 continents that provide travel companies with tailored travel solutions. Each DMC has been selected to join Worldcome based on their fulfilment of strict industry-leading quality and financial criteria.

Worldlink Travel and Tours Ltd.


P.o Box 7916, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of +255 22 211 602426 Tel: Fax: +255 22 212 6695 Email: tours@worldlinktz.com Web: www.worldlinktz.com Contact: Iadn De Almeida Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board


2 Denmark Road, Surrey, GU1 4DA United Kingdom +44 01483 400675 Tel: Email: tchambers@wrightexpress.com Web: www.wrightexpress.com Contact: Tim Chambers


Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant, Surrey TW9 1DN United Kingdom +44 208 910 7766 Tel: Email: rebecca.morris@reedexpo.co.uk Web: www.wtmlondon.com/supportingpublications Contact: Rebecca Morris Following the success of the Global Media Network initiative, WTM’s official supporting publications further extend the global reach of World Travel Market.

No.88 Xima Street., Wuhan 430050 China +86 2784711412 Fax: +86 2784710902 Tel: Email: kevinyeqing@hotmail.com Web: www.yzpresidentcruise.com Contact: Kevin Ye Exhibiting with Guilin Tang Dynasty Tours Co., Ltd.

Wuzhen Tourism Development Co., Ltd, Tongxiang


18, South Shifo Road, Tongxiang Zhejiang, 314501 China Tel: +86 57388731230 Fax: +86 57388731087 Email: wuzhen99@vip.163 Contact: Yanping He Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office


Sports Roundabout, Al Sadd District, Po Box 22606, Doha Qatar Tel: Fax: +974 44343444 +974 44343333 Email: CHernani@wyndham.com Web: www.wyndhamgrandregency.com Contact: Crystal Hernani Exhibiting with Qatar Tourism Authority

Wyndham Nassau Resort


West Bay Street, Bahamas, Bahamas Tel: +1242 9549032715 Fax: +1242 9549032730 Email: MDiPasquale@wyndham.com Web: www.wyndhamnassauresort.com Contact: Mary DiPasquale Exhibiting with The Islands of The Bahamas

Wyndham Rio Mar Resort & Spa, Puerto Rico


6000 Rio Mar Boulevard, Rio Grande 745 Puerto Rico Tel: +1787 7878886000 Email: frosado@wyndham.com Web: www.wyndhamriomar.com Contact: Fernando Rosado Exhibiting with Puerto Rico Tourism Company

Wynn and Encore Las Vegas


3131 Las Vegas Blvd South, Las Vegas Nevada, 89109 United States Tel: +1 702 770 2732 Email: Price.Karr@wynnlasvegas.com Web: www.wynnlasvegas.com Contact: Price Karr Exhibiting with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority


5611 High Plains Road, Cheyenne, Wy 82007 United States Tel: Fax: +1 3077772877 +1 3077772853 Email: kbirrell@rmi-realamerica.com Web: www.wyomingtourism.org Contact: Kim Birrell

Xcursions India


C-126, Naraina Industrial Area, New Delhi 110028 India Tel: +91 9811314320 Email: alok.malik@xcursionsindia.in Web: www.xcursionsindia.in Contact: Alok Malik Exhibiting with India Tourism

Xenios & Xeniosworld

Press Centre Foyer

13, Seliandrou Str., Kato Diminio-sikion 20200 Greece Tel: +30 210 924 4360 Email: v.bogris@xeniosworld.com Web: www.xeniosworld.com Contact: Vassilis Bogris Exhibiting with Global Media Network

418 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012


Wuhan Yangtze Cruise Co.,Ltd

Wyoming Office of Tourism

Wright Express is a leading global provider of payment processing and information management solutions, with over $20 billion in commercial payments processed annually. With a unique focus on commercial payments, Wright Express differentiates itself with custom technology solutions that deliver value through payment controls and automation to the travel industry

WTM Official Supporting Publications

11th Floor, Guangyuan Building,133 Yangjiang Ave., Wuhan 430014 China +86 2782761216 Fax: +86 2782761202 Tel: Email: 1328801827@qq.com Contact: Xuan He Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office

Wyndham Grand Regency Hotel


16, Grenier Road, Borella, Colombo 08 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 773633879 Email: mail@wtccolombo.com Web: www.totaltravel.lk Contact: G.L.S.P Silva Exhibiting with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau

World Voyages

Worldwide Attractions LTD


Wuhan Tourism Bureau

EXHIBITOR PROFILES Xinjiang Tourism Administration


36, Jinyin Road, Urumqi Xinjiang, 830002 China Tel: +86 9918837912 Fax: +86 9918830907 Email: ivymr@163.com Contact: Rui Ma Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office



10 Hefny Nessef Street, Off Mesadek Street, Giza Cairo, Egypt Tel: Fax: +20 225242977 +20 225242977 Email: laila.elsayed@xperience-hotels.com Web: www.xperience-hotels.com Contact: Laila El Sayed Exhibiting with Egyptian Tourist Authority

Xperience Hotels


Av. 10 Entre Calle 20 Y 22, Playa Del Carmen 77710 Mexico Tel: +52 984 206 3150 1110 Email: marketing@rivieramaya.com Web: www.haciendaparadise.com Contact: Rosa Ma. Cruz Exhibiting with Mexico Tourism Board

Yachana Lodge


Reina Victoria N21-226, Y Vicente Ramon Roca, Quito 17 Ecuador Tel: +593 2523777 Email: amazonia@discoverecuador.travel Web: www.yachana.com Contact: Hugh Yarbrough Exhibiting with ECUADOR - AMAZON

Yacht Tours Maldives Pvt. Ltd.


Thuniya, 5th Floor, Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Male’ Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3320206 +960 3321331 Email: nadhy@jhotelsresorts.com Web: www.jhotelsresorts.com Contact: Nadheema Ibrahim Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Yangphel Adventure Travel & Zhiwaling Hotel


P.o Box 236, Chorten Lam, Thimphu Bhutan, 975 Bhutan Tel: Fax: +975 2322897 +975 2323293 Email: md@yangphel.com Web: www.yangphel.com Contact: Karma Lotey Exhibiting with Bhutan (Tourism Council of)

Yankee Line, Inc


370 West First Street, Boston Massachusetts, MA 02127 United States Tel: +1 603 766 0606 Email: mikec@yankeeline.us Web: www.yankeeline.us Contact: Mike Costa Exhibiting with Discover New England

YAS Links / ALDAR Golf


Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 0000000 Email: cwhite@yaslinks.com Contact: Chris White Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

YAS Marina Circuit


Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: 971 Email: Kahn.Luthiger@ymc.ae Contact: Kahn Luthiger Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

YAS Waterworld Abu Dhabi


Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: 971 Email: jkerr@yaswaterworld.com Contact: John Kerr Exhibiting with ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY

Yasnaya Polyana museum-estate of Leo Tolstoy


Oktyabrskaya Str., 14, Tula 300002 Russian Federation Tel: Fax: +7 4872393599 +7 4872393533 Email: tour@tolstoy.ru Web: www.ypmuseum.ru Contact: Viktoriia Kostcova Exhibiting with Russian Federation


Yatra Exotic Routes

405, Tower A, Unitech Cyber Park, Gurgaon-ncr India, 122002 India Tel: +91 124 3396402 Fax: +91 124 3040779 Email: manan.mahajan@yatraexoticroutes.com Web: www.yatraexoticroutes.com Contact: Manan Mahajan Yatra Exotic Routes offers an experience of the fabled destinations India, Nepal, Sri lanka & Bhutan. Destination experts par excellence for leisure, business, FIT and special interest incentives. ‘Express Galileo-Best Online Travel Company,’ ‘Red Herring Award,’ for the most innovative and fastest growing travel company highlight its expertise.

Yellow Transfers / Endless Tours


Cancun International Airport, Cancun 77500 Mexico Tel: +52 9982141825 Fax: +52 9982757642 Email: a.barron@yellowtransfers.com Web: www.yellowtransfers.com Contact: Azucena Barrón Medina Exhibiting with Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau

Yeti Travels


Hotel Woodlands Complex, Durbar Marg, Kathmandu P.O. BOX: 76 Nepal Tel: Fax: +977 1 4226153 +977 1 4221234 Email: bamatya@yetitravels.com.np Web: www.yetitravels.com Contact: Bijay Amatya Exhibiting with Nepal Tourism Board

YMCA Guest Rooms


5 West 63rd Street, New York Ny, 10030 United States Tel: +1 2129122625 Email: vhenry@ymcanyc.org Web: www.ymcanyc.org Contact: Valerie Henry Exhibiting with NYC & Company

Yosemite Destinations


Po Box 967, Mariposa United States Tel: +1 2095334420 Email: terrys@homeofyosemite.com Contact: Terry Selk Exhibiting with Visit California

Your Africa

Po Box 651817, Johannesburg Gauteng, 2010 South Africa Tel: +27 11 676 3200 Fax: +27 11 86 505 4738 Email: monika@yourafrica.co.za www.yourafrica.co.za Web: Contact: Monika Iuel Exhibiting with South African Tourism


Your Car Hire Ltd Park House, Park Street, Croydon Surrey, CR0 1YE United Kingdom +44 (0)2086808206 Tel: Email: ruth.bligh@your-carhire.com Web: www.your-carhire.com Contact: Ruth Bligh



30 Hemmells, Laindon SS15 6ED United Kingdom Tel: +44 448702512598 Fax: +44 448702303030 Email: beverley@bedbank.net Web: www.yourhotelintegration.com Contact: Peter Healey www.yourhotelintegration.com delivers online sales and marketing solutions for hotels looking to increase their distribution and profile. www.yourhotelintegration.com is supported by its travel agency, homeworker, tour operator and online sales divisions. Meet us on stand GV163

Ypres Tourist Office - In Flanders Fields

Jw Marriot Kuala Lumpur, Level 4, 183 Jalan Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur 55100 Malaysia Tel: Fax: +60 327198154 +60 327198000 Email: sharon_leong@ytlhotels.com.my Web: www.ytlhotels.com Contact: Sharon Leong Exhibiting with Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board



Grote Markt 34, Ieper 8900 Belgium Tel: Fax: +32 57 23 92 75 +32 57 23 92 20 Email: toerisme@ieper.be Web: www.toerisme-ieper.be Contact: Petra Delvaux Exhibiting with Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office


19, Pobediteley Ave., Minsk Belarus Email: info@hotelyubileiny.by Web: www.Yhotel.by Exhibiting with Belarus National Tourism Agency

Yunnan Provincial Tourism Administration


No. 678 Dianchi Road, Kunming China Tel: +86 8714608365 Email: lisali99@hotmail.com Contact: Zhenlong Chen Exhibiting with China National Tourist Office



12 Agapinoros Street, Pafos 8041 Cyprus Tel: Fax: +357 26947386 +357 26945222 Email: reservations@zandxgroup.com Web: www.zandxvillas.com Contact: Elena Michael Exhibiting with Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Zacchera Hotels


Zacchera Service Srl, Via Sempione, 29, Baveno Piemonte, 28831 Italy Tel: Fax: +39 0323913833 +39 0323913813 Email: leisure@zaccherahotels.com Web: www.zaccherahotels.com Contact: Antonio Zacchera www.zaccherahotels.com ZACCHERA HOTELS – Lake Maggiore ItalyTwo Grand Hotels and two **** Hotels located between Baveno and Stresa, in the magnificent surroundings of Lake Maggiore .All structures have been refurbished during the last four years for the organization of high-standard business conferences,private meetings and weddings.


Matije Gupca 2a, Zadar HR -23000 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 23337295 +385 23337294 Email: tom@terratravel.hr Web: www.terratravel.hr Contact: Tomislav Fain The Zadar region is the northernmost part of Croatian Dalmatia, its gate of welcome to all those who travel to the south of the Adriatic. It is an easily accessible destination and has a good traffic infrastructure and direct connections with other Croatian and some major European cities.


Your Car Hire is not just another car hire broker. As well as competitive rates worldwide, we offer a very personal service that is second to none. We give value for money and believe in quality not quantity. Come and see us at our stand TT186 to find out more.


YTL Hotels

Zadar Region




Ilije Smiljanica 5, Zadar Zadar, 23000 Croatia Tel: Fax: +385 23211781 +385 23212222 Email: press@tzzadar.hr Web: www.visitzadar.net Contact: Zvonko Supe Exhibiting with Zadar Region

Zagreb Tourist Board


Kaptol 5, Zagreb 10000 Croatia +385 14898555 Tel: Fax: +385 14814340 Email: info@zagreb-touristinfo.hr Web: www.zagreb-touristinfo.hr Contact: Dubravka Micic Exhibiting with Croatian National Tourist Board

Zahara Tours


P O Box 833, Muscat, Muscat Sultanate Of Oman, 112 Oman Tel: +968 99320460 Email: harsh@zaharatours.com Web: www.zaharatours.com Contact: Harsh Abrol Exhibiting with Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry



P O Box Fp62, Livingstone Livingstone, Zambia Tel: Fax: +260 213322286 +260 977708514 Email: rachel@zambezishuttles.com Web: www.zambezishuttles.com Contact: Rachel Ward Exhibiting with Zambia Tourism Board

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 419





105b King George Road, Avondale, Harare Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 4758728 +263 4758734 Email: pete@jumbochooks.com Web: www.zambezitrader.co.zw Contact: PETE DRUMMOND Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY

Zambia Ground Handlers

Zebra Country Tours


P O Box 30017, Lusaka 10101 Zambia Tel: +260 211229087 Fax: +260 211225174 Email: donald.pelekamoyo@zambiatourism.org.zm Web: www.zambiatourism.com Contact: Chilala Mayanda Habasimb Zambia is Home of the Victoria Falls, a World Heritage Site. It co-host to the 20th Session of the UNWTO GENERAL ASSEMBLY, offers excellent wildlife safaris in pristine wilderness in 20 National Parks, has rich cultural heritage offering unique and exciting holiday experiences.

Zambia Wildlife Authority


Private Bag 1, Chilanga, Lusaka, Lusaka Zambia, 10101 Zambia +260 211278129 Fax: +260 278524 Tel: Email: rose.chivumba@zawa.org.zm Web: www.zawa.org.zm Contact: Rose Chivumba Exhibiting with Zambia Tourism Board

Zan Air Ltd.


P.o.box 2113, Migombani, Zanzibar Zanzibar, Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 24 2233670 Fax: +255 24 2233670 Email: lancy@zanair.com Web: www.zanair.com Contact: Lancelot Coutinho Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Zan Tours Ltd


Po Box 2560, Zanzibar, Tanzania, 255 Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 24 2233 670 Fax: +255 24 2233 670 Email: zantoursinfo@zantours.com Web: www.zantours.com Contact: B. J. Salisbury Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Zanzibar Commission for Tourism


P.o.box 1410, Zanzibar, Zanzibar Tanzania, Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 24 2233 487 Fax: +255 24 2233 448 Email: secretary@zanzibartourism.net Web: www.zanzibartourism.net Contact: Ali Mirza Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board

Zapata Ranch | Ranchlands Destinations


5305 Highway 150, Mosca, Co 81146 United States Tel: Fax: +1 7193782736 +1 7193782356 Email: Tess@zranch.org Web: www.zranch.org Contact: Tess Leach Exhibiting with Brand USA Pavilion Colorado & Utah

Zara Tanzania Adventure


Auditorio Palacio De Congresos, Eduardo Ibarra, 3, Zaragoza Spain, Spain +34 976 721 333 Fax: +34 976 721 327 Tel: Email: promocionturismo@zaragoza.es Web: www.zaragozaturismo.es Contact: Inmaculada Armisén Exhibiting with TURESPAÑA


Box 00000, Lusaka Zambia Email: aslin@zamnet.zm Contact: Nick Aslin Exhibiting with Zambia Tourism Board

Zambia Tourism Board


Utc Building 1.7, Kigali City Rwanda, Rwanda Tel: +250 0788388152 Email: isabelle@zebracountry.COM Web: www.zebracountry.com Contact: KAYIRANGWA Isabelle Exhibiting with Rwanda Tourism Board

Zela Aviation



Zela Aviation, a Cypriot based Aviation Company with offices in Cyprus and UK, serving clients around the world in all aspects of aircraft charter, leasing, flight management, consulting, ACMI, aircraft sales. Even though we operate at an international platform we specialize in Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Spain, Turkey, Egypt and Tunisia.


Zeraflex Tours 6-22-2 Katartal Str., Tashkent Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan Tel: +998 712786267 Fax: +998 712786267 Email: info@zeraflex-tours.com Web: www.zeraflex-tours.com Contact: Erkin Hasanov Exhibiting with Uzbekistan



Beira Mar Ave 216/203, Centro, Rio De Janeiro Rj, 20021-060 Brazil Tel: +55 21 35533681 Email: info@ziltravel.com Web: www.ziltravel.com Contact: Luana Sotero Exhibiting with Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur

Zillertal Tourist Agency


Bundesstrasse 27d, Schlitters Tirol, 6262 Austria Tel: Fax: +43 5288 871871 +43 5288 87187 Email: info@zillertal.at Web: www.zillertal.at Contact: Anne Wehder Exhibiting with Austrian National Tourist Office



Zimbabwe Embassy, 429 The Strand, London WC2R 0JR United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 836 7755 Fax: +44 207 379 1167 Email: zta.london@btclick.com Web: www.zimbabwetourism.co.zw Contact: FELICIA MUNJAIDI Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY


Zimbabwe National Parks, Cnr Borrowdale Rd & Sandringham Dr, Harare Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 4726089 +263 4707624 Email: tmusonza@parks.co.uk Web: www.natparks.com Contact: TARIRO MUSONZA Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY


Zimbabwe Embassy, 429 The Strand, London Westmnister, WC2R 0JR United Kingdom +44 2072406169 Fax: +44 2073796617 Tel: Email: zta.london@btclick.com Web: www.zimbabwetourism.net Contact: Felicia Munjaidi Zimbabwe is a unique holiday destination, blessed with landscapes of extraordinary beauty. Unspoilt by mass tourism, it has something to offer everyone - from a quiet and spacious haven to thrilling adventure. In search of the best year round safari experience,conferences, weddings & honeymoon, Zimbabwe is the ideal destination.


Griva Digeni & Anastasi Sioukri, Pamelva Court, Po Box 53856 Limassol, 3105 Cyprus Tel: +357 25 58 68 97 Fax: +357 25 58 68 90 Email: maria@zelaaviation.com www.zelaaviation.com Web: Contact: Matthew Pascoe


Box 1990, Moshi Tanzania, Tanzania, United Republic Of Tel: +255 27 275 0233 Fax: +255 27 273 3105 Email: zainab@zaratours.com www.zaratours.com Web: Contact: Rashid Adam Exhibiting with Tanzania Tourist Board




Tourism House, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare Zimbabwe Tel: Fax: +263 4 758826 +263 4 780684 Email: gladys@ztazim.co.zw Web: www.zimbabwetourism.co.zw Contact: GLADYS DONGO Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY



429 The Strand, London United Kingdom +44 207 240 6169 Fax: +44 207 240 5465 Tel: Email: zta.london@btclick.com Web: www.zimbabwetourism.co.zw Contact: FELICIA MUNJAIDI Exhibiting with ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY

Zitahli Resorts & Spa, Maldives


S.t.o. Trade Centre, 3rd Floor, Orchid Magu, Male’ North Male’ Atoll, Maldives Tel: Fax: +960 3321862 +960 3317373 Email: aazima@aaa.com.mv Web: www.zitahlikudafunafaru.com Contact: Aazima Rasheed Exhibiting with Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation

Zlatibor Hotels


Cara Urosa 62, Belgrade Serbia Tel: +381 112634821 Fax: +381 112633342 Email: vitorovic@monazlatibor.com Contact: Ivan Vitorovic Exhibiting with National Tourism Organisation of Serbia

Zoom Tours & Travels


Kolkata, Kolkata India Tel: +91 000123456 Email: info@zoomtoursandtravels.com Contact: Rituparna Das Exhibiting with India Tourism

Zuri Hotels & Resorts


1008, 10th Floor, Antriksh Bahawan, 22 K.g Marg, Connought Place, Delhi India, 110001 India +91 11 45357205 Fax: +91 11 45357282 Tel: Email: rahul.kanistha@thezurihotels.com Web: www.thezurihotels.com Contact: Rahul Kanistha Exhibiting with India Tourism

Zürich Tourism


Stampfenbachstrasse 52, Zurich 8021 Switzerland Tel: +41 44 215 40 85 Email: aurelia.carlen@zuerich.com Web: www.zuerich.com Contact: Aurelia Carlen Exhibiting with Switzerland Tourism

We organise the world’s leading travel industry events, bringing together buyers and sellers into exhibition forums that are dedicated to promoting business on a regional and global basis. Events include: World Travel Market, World Travel Market Latin America, Arabian Travel Market, IFTM-Top Resa, International Luxury Travel Market, Asia Luxury Travel Market, Americas Luxury Travel Market, International Golf Travel Market, La Cumbre, EIBTM, CIBTM, AIBTM, GIBTM, AIME and Business Travel Market.

420 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

City Tourist Board Agenzia Del Turismo Varese..........................................EM1800 Agenzia Di Accoglienza E Promozione Turistica Locale Della Provincia Di Novara ......................................................EM1800 Agenzia Regionale Per La Promozione Turistica ‘In Liguria’ ....................................................................EM1678 Agia Napa Protaras Famagusta Region Tourism Board..EM1100 Alanya Tourism & Promotion Foundation.............EM800,EM850 Amiens Tourist Office....................................................EM1700 Amsterdam Marketing ....................................................EM300 Antwerp Tourism & Convention .....................................EM1200 Arona Tourist Board ......................................................EM1450 Astiturismo - Atl............................................................EM1800 Atlasjet ...............................................................EM800,EM850 Avignon - Palais Des Papes ..........................................EM1700 Ayuntamiento de El Campello .......................................EM1600 Ayuntamiento de Mazarron...........................................EM1475 Ayuntamiento Puerto de La Cruz...................................EM1450 Baden-baden Visitors & Convention Office ......................EM540 Bardonecchia Tourism Consortium................................EM1800 Benidorm Tourist Board ................................................EM1600 Bruges Tourist Office ....................................................EM1200 Bhutan (Tourism Council of)..............................................IN170 Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau ..............................LA250 Cape Town Tourism .........................................................AF500 Castilla Y Leon - Sotur, S.a. ..........................................EM1300 Cestob - Cesme Touristic Hoteliers Association ...EM800,EM850 Choose Chicago ..............................................................NA380 City of Ekurhuleni Tourism ...............................................AF500 Cologne Tourist Board.....................................................EM540 Cordoba Tourist Board ..................................................EM1500 Culture Company 2013 (Derry~londonderry Uk City of Culture 2013) .................................................UKI600 Delhi Tourism ...................................................................IN450 Didim Tourism Union...........................................EM800,EM850 Dijon Tourist Office .......................................................EM1700 Dresden Marketing Board ...............................................EM540 Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing .......................................................................ME400 Dusseldorf Tourist Board.................................................EM540 Ente Turismo Alba Bra Roero - Langhe Roero Tourist Board ................................................................EM1800 Frankfurt Tourist+congress Board...................................EM540 Geneva Tourism & Conventions.......................................EM600 Genoa Tourism Board - Lovingenova.............................EM1678 Germany - South West....................................................EM540 Gondolieri Travel ...........................................................EM1656 Goteborg & Co ..............................................................EM140b Granada Tourist Board & Mice Bureau ..........................EM1500 Great Lakes USA .............................................................NA260 Greater Boston Cvb .........................................................NA155 Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau ........NA340 Groupe Forest Hill .........................................................EM1700 Innsbruck -the Capital of the Alps...................................EM400 Izka - Izmir Development Agency....................................EM753 Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce .............................NA180 Johannesburg Tourism Company .....................................AF500 Kosice - European Capital of Culture 2013 .....................EM440 Kyiv City State Administration .........................................EM160 Kyoto...............................................................................AS360 Lanzarote Tourist Promotion Board ...............................EM1400 Larnaka Tourism Board.................................................EM1100 Lille Metropole Tourism.................................................EM1203 Livigno Tourist Office ....................................................EM1800 Lucca Promos Scrl........................................................EM1660 Lucerne Tourism .............................................................EM600 Madrid Visitors & Convention Bureau ............................EM1300 Malaga City Tourism Board & Convention Bureau .........EM1552 Malmo Tourism .............................................................EM140b Mantova Tourism ..........................................................EM1800 Marseille Provence .......................................................EM1700 Marti Hotels & Marinas .......................................EM800,EM850 Mavarethouse Travel World Wide Service ............EM800,EM850 Mechelen Tourist Office ................................................EM1200 Melilla Tourist Board .....................................................EM1300 Minas Gerais ...................................................................LA150

NATIONAL, REGIONAL, AND CITY TOURIST BOARDS Mons Regional Tourist Board ........................................EM1220 Montanejos Villa Termal ................................................EM1600 Moscow City Committee on Tourism and Hotel Industry .................................................................EM240 Muckross Park Hotel & Cloisters Spa..............................UKI600 Nantes Tourism.............................................................EM1700 Nice Convention and Visitors Bureau.............................EM1700 Nicosia Tourism Board ..................................................EM1100 Nyc & Company ..............................................................NA200 Oostende Tourist Office.................................................EM1200 Palma 365 Tourist Board...............................................EM1350 Polish National Tourist Office ..........................................EM450 Provincia Di Terni - Umbria ...........................................EM1800 Reims Champagne Tourist Board ..................................EM1700 Rio de Janeiro .................................................................LA150 Roma Capitale ..............................................................EM1800 Rotterdam Marketing......................................................EM300 Ruta Moche .....................................................................LA300 Salzburg City Tourist Office .............................................EM400 Scottsdale Convention and Visitors Bureau......................NA270 Servizi Turistici Sulmona - Soc. Cooperativa .................EM1800 Seville Tourist Board .....................................................EM1500 Sibiu City Hall - Tourism Promotion and Development Department ....................................................................EM640 Sm Publications ..............................................................GV179 St. Louis Cvc ...................................................................NA378 Stockholm Visitors Board ..............................................EM140b Stuttgart-marketing Gmbh ..............................................EM540 Switzerland Tourism .......................................................EM600 The Hague Convention Bureau - Travel Trade..................EM300 Tokyo Tourism Representative .........................................AS360 Tourism Organisation of Belgrade ...................................EM340 Tourism Organisation of Budva .......................................EM745 Tourism Organization of the Mazovia Region...................EM450 Tourisme Montreal ..........................................................NA300 Tourist Board of City Split .............................................EM1250 Turisme de Barcelona ...................................................EM1640 Turismo de Lisboa Promotion Bureau..............................EM900 Turismo de Santiago.....................................................EM1300 Turismo Torino E Provincia............................................EM1800 Turismo Valsesia Vercelli...............................................EM1800 Utah Office of Tourism.....................................................NA170 Valencia Tourism and Convention Bureau .....................EM1600 Versailles Tourist Board.................................................EM1700 Vienna Tourist Board.......................................................EM400 Vilnius City......................................................................EM570 Visit Medway..................................................................UKI400 Visit Tromsø Region ......................................................EM140c Visitbrussels .................................................................EM1220 Visitelche......................................................................EM1600 Visitguernsey..................................................................UKI120 Warsaw Tourist Office .....................................................EM450 Zaragoza Tourism Board ...............................................EM1300

National Tourist Board

Agjencia Kombetare E Turizmit - Albanian National Tourism Agency...............................................EM1160 Ambassador Row Seviced Suites.....................................AS200 Andorra Turisme, S.a.u. ................................................EM1650 Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority...........................CA150 Araucania ........................................................................LA400 Argentina - National Institute For Tourism Promotion .......LA350 Armenian National Tourism Organization.......................EM1180 Aruba Tourism Authority ..................................................CA420 Australia - Tourism Australia............................................AS550 Austrian National Tourist Office.......................................EM400 Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism ....................EM960 Bangladesh Tourism Board ...............................................IN180 Barbados Tourism Authority.............................................CA300 Belarus National Tourism Agency ....................................EM260 Belgian Tourist Office Brussels&wallonia For Uk & Eire ................................................................EM1220 Bermuda Department of Tourism.....................................CA210 Bermuda Department of Tourism.....................................CA210 Botswana Tourism Organisation.......................................AF400 Brand USA ......................................................................NA245 Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur ......................LA150,LA100


Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism ........EM700 Camara Argentina de Turismo..........................................LA350 Cambodia, Ministry of Tourism ........................................AS460 Canadian Tourism Commission .......................................NA300 Catalonia, Catalan Tourist Board ...................................EM1640 Cbi ..................................................................................GV370 Central America Tourism Agency (cata) ............................LA560 Cestob - Cesme Touristic Hoteliers Association ...EM800,EM850 Chile................................................................................LA400 China National Tourist Office............................................AS150 Costa Rica Tourist Board..................................................LA550 Croatian National Tourist Board.....................................EM1250 Cuba Tourist Office ..........................................................CA400 Cyprus Tourism Organisation ........................................EM1100 Czech Tourist Authority - Czechtourism...........................EM550 Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing .....................................................ME400 Destination Quebec.........................................................NA300 Dominica Tourism Authority.............................................CA207 Ecuador ...........................................................................LA170 Egyptian Tourist Authority ................................................AF200 El Salvador Tourism Board/corsatur .................................LA560 Falkland Islands Tourist Board .........................................LA430 Fiji (Tourism Fiji) ..............................................................AS650 Flanders-brussels Tourist Office....................................EM1200 France ..........................................................................EM1700 Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority, Government of Fujairah, U.a.e.........................................ME207 Gambia Tourism Board ....................................................AF196 General Panhellenic Federation of Tourism Enterprises (gepoet)......................................................EM1000 Georgian National Tourism Administration.....................EM1060 German National Tourist Board .......................................EM540 Gibraltar Tourist Board....................................................UKI435 Gnto- Information .........................................................EM1000 Great Lakes USA .............................................................NA260 Greek National Tourism Organisation ..............EM1050,EM1000 Guadeloupe Islands Tourist Board....................................CA145 Guatemala Tourism Board -inguat- ..................................LA560 Gujarat State (Tourism Corporation of Gujarat Ltd)............IN245 Guyana Tourism Authority................................................CA205 Hawai’i Tourism Europe...................................................NA378 Honduras Institute of Tourism ..........................................LA560 Hong Kong Tourism Board ...............................................AS250 Hungarian Tourism Plc....................................................EM350 India Tourism .........................................................IN450,IN400 Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic)......................................................AS140 The Islands of the Bahamas ............................................CA430 Israel Government Tourist Office .....................................EM650 Italian State Tourist Board (enit) ....................................EM1800 Jamaica Tourist Board.....................................................CA240 Japan National Tourism Organization...............................AS360 Jersey Tourism ...............................................................UKI120 Jordan Tourism Board.....................................................ME100 Kansas & Oklahoma Travel & Tourism .............................NA270 Kenya Tourist Board.........................................................AF250 Kingdom of Bahrain, Ministry of Culture..........................ME152 Korea Tourism Organization.............................................AS350 Kyrgyz Association of Tour Operators.................................AS80 Latvian Tourism Development Agency.............................EM560 Lebanon Ministry of Tourism...........................................ME140 Lithuanian State Department of Tourism .........................EM570 Luxembourg National Tourist Office ..............................EM1235 Macau Government Tourist Office....................................AS260 Madagascar National Tourism Board ...............................AS445 Malawi Ministry of Tourism..............................................AF650 Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board..................................AS200 Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation.........AS540 Malta Tourism Authority ................................................EM1150 Myanmar Tourism Federation (Marketing Committee)........AS55 Marti Hotels & Marinas .......................................EM800,EM850 Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority ............................AS500 Memnon Tours.................................................................AF200 Mexico Tourism Board .....................................................LA200 Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture.................EM750 Monaco Government Tourist Authority...........................EM1244

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 421

NATIONAL, REGIONAL, AND CITY TOURIST BOARDS Mongolian National Tourism Centre .................................AS560 Montenegro National Tourism Organisation.....................EM745 Mozambique Tourism -inatur ...........................................AF610 Nagaland Tourism.............................................................IN400 Namibia Tourism Board....................................................AF540 National Tourism Organisation of Serbia .........................EM340 Nepal Tourism Board .......................................................AS659 Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (nbtc) ....EM300 Nicaragua Tourism Board.................................................LA560 Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation .....................AF150 Nikko Bali Resort and Spa ...............................................AS140 North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd ....................................EM750 Oetztal Tourism...............................................................EM400 Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry..............................ME200 Palestinian National Authority .........................................ME250 Panama Tourism Authority ...............................................LA560 Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority .............AS652 Paraguay Secretaria Nacional de Turismo ........................LA265 Philippines Department of Tourism ..................................AS100 Polish National Tourist Office ..........................................EM450 Polish Tourist Organisation..............................................EM450 Portugal..........................................................................EM900 Promperu ........................................................................LA300 Puerto Rico Tourism Company.........................................CA160 Qatar Tourism Authority ..................................................ME240 Rodrigues Tourism Office.................................................AS500 Romanian Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism ..........................................................................EM640 Royal Stay Group, Ltd. ....................................................EM260 Rural Cyprus.................................................................EM1120 Russian Federation .........................................................EM250 Russian National Tourist Office Ltd .................................EM250 Rwanda Tourism Board....................................................AF440 San Marino Tourism Board............................................EM1926 Seychelles Tourism Board................................................AS640 Slovak Tourist Board .......................................................EM440 Slovenian Tourist Board ..................................................EM500 South African Tourism......................................................AF500 Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau...............................AS600 St Kitts Tourism Authority ................................................CA305 St Vincent & the Grenadines Tourist Office.......................CA340 Saint Lucia Tourist Board.................................................CA325 Superb Tourist Services Ltd. ...........................................EM650 Switzerland Tourism .......................................................EM600 Tahiti Tourisme ................................................................AS655 Taiwan Tourism Bureau ...................................................AS450 Tanzania Tourist Board.....................................................AF498 Texas Tourism .................................................................NA250 Toucan Inn & Bonkers .....................................................CA330 Touist Information Center of Vologda Region...................EM240 Thailand (Tourism Authority of) ........................................AS300 Tourism Flanders - Brussels .........................................EM1200 Tourism Ireland ..............................................................UKI600 Tourist Service Office....................................................EM1160 Trinidad & Tobago High Commissioners Office-trinidad....CA330 Trinidad and Tobagotourism Development Company (tdc).................................................................CA330 Tunisian National Tourist Office........................................AF340 Turespana.......................................................EM1350,EM1300 Turkish Culture & Tourism Office.........................EM800,EM850 Turofed- Turkish Hoteliers Federation..................EM800,EM850 Tusoco Turismo Solidario Comuntario ..............................LA270 U.S. Commercial Service.................................................NA270 Uganda Tourism Board.....................................................AF680 Uzbekistan ........................................................................AS70 Venezuela - Inatur ...........................................................LA540 Viceministerio de Turismo Bolivia.....................................LA270 Vietnam National Administration of Tourism.....................AS480 Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board ..............................EM140d Visit Florida .....................................................................NA100 Visit Iceland ..................................................................EM140a Visit Norway / Innovation Norway..................................EM140c Visitengland....................................................................UKI400 Visitscotland ...................................................................UKI400 Visitsweden ..................................................................EM140b Zimbabwe Tourism Authority............................................AF645

422 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Regional Tourist Board

Abruzzo Promozione Turismo ........................................EM1800 Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority ...........................ME300 Agencia Valenciana Del Turisme ...................................EM1600 Agenzia Regionale Per La Promozione Turistica ‘In Liguria’ ....................................................................EM1678 Agia Napa Protaras Famagusta Region Tourism Board ..............................................................EM1100 Alabama..........................................................................NA180 Alexala - Tourism Alessandria & Monferrato..................EM1800 Algarve Promotion Bureau ..............................................EM900 Almeria Tourist Board ...................................................EM1500 Alsace Tourism - Bas-rhin ............................................EM1700 Alsace Tourism - Haut-rhin ...........................................EM1700 Andalucia .....................................................................EM1500 Andorra Turisme, S.a.u. ................................................EM1650 Aragon..........................................................................EM1300 Arunachal Pradesh Tourism ..............................................IN450 Assam Tourism.................................................................IN450 Atlantic Canada Tourism Partnership ...............................NA300 Atlasjet ...............................................................EM800,EM850 Auvergne Regional Tourist Board ..................................EM1700 Azores Promotion Bureau ...............................................EM900 Balearic Islands Government ........................................EM1350 Balearic Islands Tourism & Sports Ministry ...................EM1350 Balearic Islands Tourist Board.......................................EM1350 Basque Country ............................................................EM1300 Bavaria Tourism..............................................................EM540 Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-wallonia .......................EM1220 Black Forest Tourist Board ..............................................EM540 Brasov County Tourism Association.................................EM640 Bratislava Region Tourism...............................................EM440 Cadiz Tourist Board.......................................................EM1500 Canal New York...............................................................NA200 Canary Islands..............................................................EM1400 Cantabria - Sociedad Regional de Turismo....................EM1300 Cape Town & Western Cape.............................................AF500 Castellon Tourist Board .................................................EM1600 Causeway Coast & Glens Tourism...................................UKI600 Cbi ..................................................................................GV370 Central America Tourism Agency (cata) ............................LA560 Centro de Portugal Promotion Bureau .............................EM900 Colorado Tourism Office ..................................................NA170 Corsica Tourist Board....................................................EM1700 Costa Blanca Tourist Board ...........................................EM1600 Costa Brava Girona Tourist Board..................................EM1640 Costa Daurada - Tarragona Province Tourism Board .....EM1640 Crans-montana Tourism..................................................EM600 Daman Diu & Dadar Nagar Havely Tourism.......................IN400 Destination Davos Klosters .............................................EM600 Destino Punta Del Este ....................................................LA470 Didim Tourism Union...........................................EM800,EM850 Discover New England ....................................................NA155 El Hierro Tourist Board ..................................................EM1400 Emilia Romagna Region Tourist Board ..........................EM1800 Engadin St. Moritz ..........................................................EM600 Extremadura .................................................................EM1300 Fermanagh Lakeland Tourism.........................................UKI600 Fethiye................................................................EM800,EM850 Formentera Regional Government.................................EM1350 Formentera Tourist Board..............................................EM1350 Fuerteventura Tourist Board..........................................EM1400 Gauteng Tourism Authority...............................................AF500 Georgia Tourism USA.......................................................NA270 Gobierno Autonomo Municipal de Sucre ..........................LA270 Gran Canaria 2 .............................................................EM1440 Gran Canaria 3 .............................................................EM1440 Gran Canaria 4 .............................................................EM1440 Gran Canaria 5 .............................................................EM1440 Gran Canaria 8 .............................................................EM1440 Gran Canaria Active ......................................................EM1440 Gran Canaria Golf .........................................................EM1440 Gran Canaria Natural ....................................................EM1440 Gran Canaria 1 .............................................................EM1440 Gran Canaria 7 .............................................................EM1440 Gran Canaria 6 .............................................................EM1440

Gran Canaria Spa & W. .................................................EM1440 Gran Canaria Tourist Board ...........................................EM1400 Gran Canaria Tourist Board ...........................................EM1440 Great Lakes USA .............................................................NA260 Gujarat Tourism ................................................................IN400 Hawai’i Tourism Europe...................................................NA378 Huelva Tourist Board.....................................................EM1500 Ibiza Regional Government ...........................................EM1350 Ibiza Tourism Board ......................................................EM1455 Ibiza Tourist Board ........................................................EM1350 Idaho Division of Tourism ................................................NA180 Interlaken Tourism ..........................................................EM600 Ivanovo Region ...............................................................EM170 Izka - Izmir Development Agency....................................EM753 Jamaica Tourist Board.....................................................CA240 Jersey Tourism ...............................................................UKI120 Johannesburg Tourism Company .....................................AF500 Karnataka Tourism ...........................................................IN230 Kerala Tourism .................................................................IN220 La Gomera Tourist Board ..............................................EM1400 La Palma Tourist Board.................................................EM1400 La Rioja Turismo, S.a.u. ................................................EM1300 Lake Geneva Region .......................................................EM600 Lake Maggiore and Surrounding Mountains..................EM1922 Lanzarote Tourist Promotion Board ...............................EM1400 Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority....................NA350 Limpopo Tourism and Parks.............................................AF500 London & Partners..........................................................UKI400 Lublin Regional Tourist Organisation ...............................EM450 Lucerne Tourism .............................................................EM600 Lulea In Swedish Lapland.............................................EM140b Madeira Promotion Bureau .............................................EM900 Malaga - Costa Del Sol Tourist Board............................EM1500 Mallorca Tourist Board ..................................................EM1350 Mallorca Regional Government .....................................EM1350 Malopolska Tourist Organisation .....................................EM450 Marmaris ............................................................EM800,EM850 Marti Hotels & Marinas .......................................EM800,EM850 Melilla Tourist Board .....................................................EM1300 Memphis & Mississippi ...................................................NA378 Menorca Regional Government .....................................EM1350 Menorca Tourist Board..................................................EM1350 Milas Turizm Altyapi Hizmet Birligi ......................EM800,EM850 Minas Gerais ...................................................................LA150 Mons Regional Tourist Board ........................................EM1220 Montana Office of Tourism ..............................................NA180 Moscow City Committee on Tourism and Hotel Industry .................................................................EM240 Municipality of Plovdiv ....................................................EM700 Nicosia Tourism Board ..................................................EM1100 Nord Pas de Calais Regional Tourist Board....................EM1700 Nord Tourism ................................................................EM1700 Normandy Tourist Board ...............................................EM1700 North-east Paris............................................................EM1700 Northern Norway Tourist Board .....................................EM140c Odisha Tourism.................................................................IN580 Okinawa Convention & Visitors Bureau ............................AS360 Paris, What Else? ..........................................................EM1700 Podkarpackie Region ......................................................EM450 Polish National Tourist Office ..........................................EM450 Porto E Norte de Portugal Promotion Bureau...................EM900 Portugal..........................................................................EM900 Punjab Tourism.................................................................IN450 Region of Crete.............................................................EM1000 Region of Murcia ..........................................................EM1475 Regione Calabria ..........................................................EM1800 Regione Campania - Assessorato Al Turismo E Beni Culturali.............................................................EM1800 Regione Lazio ...............................................................EM1800 Regione Lombardia.......................................................EM1800 Regione Piemonte - Assessorato Al Turismo .................EM1800 Regione Puglia..............................................................EM1675 Regione Sardegna ........................................................EM1800 Reunion Island Tourism Board .........................................AS425 Rhineland-palatinate Tourist Board .................................EM540 Ruhr Tourism ..................................................................EM540 Ruta Moche .....................................................................LA300



Salzburg State Board of Tourism.....................................EM400 Sarawak Tourism Board ..................................................AS200 Seychelles Tourism Board................................................AS640 Skiathos Island .............................................................EM1000 South African Tourism......................................................AF500 South Dakota Department of Tourism..............................NA180 South Pacific Tourism Organisation (spto)........................AS652 Swietokrzyskie Regional Tourist Organisation .................EM450 Switzerland Tourism .......................................................EM600 Televentur/honduras ........................................................LA560 Tenerife Tourism Corporation ........................................EM1450 Terres de L’ebre - Tarragona Province Tourist Board .....EM1640 Ticino Tourism ................................................................EM600 Tipica Tour Operator .....................................................EM1675 Tirol Tourist Board...........................................................EM400 Toscana Promozione.....................................................EM1660 Touist Information Center of Vologda Region...................EM240 Tourism British Columbia ................................................NA300 Tourism Kwazulu-natal ....................................................AF500 Tourism Organisation of Vojvodina ..................................EM340 Tourism Organization of the Mazovia Region...................EM450 Tourist Board of City Split .............................................EM1250 Travel Alberta ..................................................................NA300 Travel Oregon..................................................................NA270 Turgalicia, S.a...............................................................EM1300 Utah Office of Tourism.....................................................NA170 Valais Tourism ................................................................EM600 Vietnam National Administration of Tourism.....................AS480 Visit California .................................................................NA340 Visit St. Petersburg/clearwater ........................................NA100 Visit USA Association.......................................................NA270 Welcome To Yorkshire.....................................................UKI400 West Sweden Tourist Board ..........................................EM140b Westtoer .......................................................................EM1200 Wine, Water & Wonders of Upstate New York...................NA200 Wyoming Office of Tourism .............................................NA180 Zagreb Tourist Board ....................................................EM1250 Zillertal Tourist Agency....................................................EM400 Zimbabwe Embassy ........................................................AF645

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 423

TRAVEL TECHNOLOGY 11-Infotech System Co Ltd ..............................................TT301 9JA TRAVELS SERVICES LTD............................................TT189 Accubook Ltd...................................................................TT269 addaJet.com....................................................................TT347 Bynd - Addictive Software ...............................................TT287 Caboose Ltd ....................................................................TT444 CodeGen Ltd....................................................................TT200 ComfortWay.com .............................................................TT365 Cultuzz Digital Media GmbH ............................................TT401 Daytoursworld.com..........................................................TT460 Digital Trip - The Travel Website Experts ..........................TT340 EasyRMS, an Infor company ............................................TT285 Easy-Shuttle ....................................................................TT250 ecare Technology Labs Pvt. Ltd........................................TT230 eMerchantPay Ltd............................................................TT272 FACT-Finder Travel...........................................................TT320 Feefo ...............................................................................TT410 First Atlantic Commerce Ltd.............................................TT182 Gateway NV.....................................................................TT255 Globalgig .........................................................................TT442 GP Solutions ...................................................................TT225 Great Guide/MSupport .....................................................TT369 Groupon Getaways ..........................................................TT275 Guestline Ltd ...................................................................TT174 Happiest Minds Technologies Pvt Ltd...............................TT183 HitchHiker GmbH .............................................................TT348 hotel.de AG .....................................................................TT220 Hotelogix .........................................................................TT447 Hotwire............................................................................TT278 Illusions Online ................................................................TT300 Intuitive Ltd .....................................................................TT357

424 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Iris Software Systems Ltd................................................TT179 ISO Travel Solutions GmbH ..............................................TT348 Ixaris Systems Ltd ...........................................................TT360 LittleVoice........................................................................TT281 m-hospitality ...................................................................TT175 m-hospitality ...................................................................TT175 Make It Social..................................................................TT286 MakeMyTrip (India) Pvt Ltd. .............................................TT419 MULTI Travel Software .....................................................TT415 Mystifly Consulting (India) Pvt. Ltd...................................GV585 New Concept Travel Technologies LTD .............................TT250 Newhotel Software ..........................................................TT257 One Global Translation .....................................................TT203 Open Destinations ...........................................................TT201 OTT .................................................................................TT215 Parityrate.com Hotel eDistribution....................................TT355 Peakwork GmbH - The Player Hub Company ..................TT264 PhoCusWright Inc. ...........................................................TT429 Pure360 ..........................................................................TT350 Quadlabs Technologies Private Ltd...................................TT440 RateGain..........................................................................TT219 RateTiger - eRevMax.......................................................GV635 ReviewPro .......................................................................TT465 Revinate ..........................................................................TT346 Rezgateway.....................................................................TT319 Rezopia ...........................................................................TT343 RWA ................................................................................TT184 SiteMinder .......................................................................TT330 Suru Suites & Hotel Ltd ...................................................TT189 T I Infotech Pvt Ltd ..........................................................TT310 Tavisca Solutions Pvt. Ltd. ...............................................GV586

Tech Master.....................................................................TT335 Thermeon Worldwide Plc .................................................TT443 TigerBay Software Ltd .....................................................TT259 toggle mobile...................................................................TT249 Tourplan ..........................................................................TT210 TRABASE s.r.o..................................................................TT240 Travel Republic ................................................................TT367 Travel Technology Showcase ...........................................TT187 Travel Weekly Group ........................................................TT155 TravelSim ........................................................................TT235 Traveltek Ltd....................................................................TT417 Treovi ..............................................................................TT430 Triometric ........................................................................TT315 TripAdvisor ......................................................................GV575 TrustYou ReviewAnalyst ...................................................TT170 Ultimedia Limited.............................................................TT180 Unseen Pictures...............................................................TT435 Uts Travel ........................................................................TT289 Verchaska Infotech (P) ltd. ...............................................TT420 VeriFone Media................................................................TT450 Vertical Booking...............................................................TT150 WebBookingExpert ..........................................................TT325 Weblogic..........................................................................TT425 Wirecard Technologies AG................................................TT247 Wizie - Making IT Possible...............................................TT400 World Independent Hotels Promotion ...............................TT260 WorldPay .........................................................................TT359 Wright Express ................................................................TT245 Your Car Hire Ltd .............................................................TT186

5* deluxe or 6* hotels ABAMA GOLF & SPA RESORT Adaaran Resorts ADRIAN HOTELES Al Bustan Hotel Aldemar Hotels Amara Selous Andaz Amsterdam Animod Anse Chastanet Arenal Kioro Suites & Spa Argentario Golf Resort & Spa Atoll Experience Pvt Beachcomber Hotels Bonvecchiati S.r.l. BRYS HOTELS PVT. LTD. Canouan Island Castello Orsini Hotel Cerf Island Resort The Chedi Muscat Classic Britain CONCORDE EL SALAM HOTELS & RESORTS -EGYPT CONSTANTINOU BROS HOTELS LTD Corinthia Hotels Malta The Cosmopolitan Las Vegas Cyprus Paradise Desert & Delta Safaris (Pty) Ltd Desert Holiday Resort Ltd. Destination Davos Klosters The Discovery Collection Emirates Palace Entim Mara Camp Fairmont Bab Al Bahr, Abu Dhabi Fairmont Hotel Fortina Spa Resort Four Seasons - Bora Bora Four Seasons Hotel Fujita Kanko Inc. FURAMA RESORT DANANG GHM Hotels Gladonia Maldives Pvt Ltd. Gold Zanzibar Beach House & Spa Golden Palace - Luxury Hotel Torino Governors’ Camps GRAN HOTEL BAHIA DEL DUQUE RESORT Grand Hotel Terme e Spa Castrocaro Grande Centre Point Terminal 21 GRANDRESORT LIMASSOL Gulf Hotel Bahrain Harlequin Hotels & Resorts Helios Hotels & Resorts Hermitage Bay Hideaway of Nungwi Resort & Spa Hilton Mauritius Resort & Spa HOTEL BOTÁNICO HOTEL LAS MADRIGUERAS Hotel Le Fontanelle SpA HOTEL MADERO Hotel Royal Corin & Loto Spa HOTEL SUITE VILLA MARÍA (SAN EUGENIO S.A.) Hotel Vista Real Hulhule Island Hotel Hyatt Regency London - The Churchill IGUAZU GRAND - PANORAMIC HOTEL IGUAZU BUENOS AIRES GRAND Infinity Hotels & Resorts Co.,Ltd. INOVA HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Isibindi Africa Lodges Island Hideaway, Spa Resort & Marinaa JA Resorts & Hotels JAN HOTELS Jewel Dunn’s River Resort & Spa Jumeirah - Maldives Cluster Killarney Hotels Ltd Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort Le Meridien Limassol Spa & Resort Cyprus LJR Consultancy MACHETE TOURS MAhout (UK) Ltd MAISTRA Hotels & Resorts Maradiva Villas Resort & Spa Mardan Palace Maritim Hotel Mauritius Martinhal Beach Resort & Hotel



EM1450 AS540 EM1450 ME140 EM1000 AF498 GV225 EM535 CA325 LA550 EM1660 AS540 AS500 EM1809 IN557 CA301 EM1800 AS640 ME200 UKI400 AF200 EM1100 EM1150 NA350 EM750 AF400 IN450 EM600 EM750 ME300 AF549 ME300 ME400 EM1150 AS655 EM1102 AS360 AS491 AS503 AS540 AF498 EM1800 AF542 EM1401 EM1800 AS300 EM1100 ME152 CA500 EM1000 CA150 AF498 AS500 EM1450 EM1450 EM1660 LA350 LA550 EM1450 LA560 AS540 GV225 LA350 AS300 EM1000 AF549 AS540 AS640 EM550 CA240 AS540 UKI600 ME207 EM1101 AS300 LA300 IN355 EM1250 AS500 EM743 AS500 EM900

EM1675 masseria torre coccaro AF200 MAY FAIR CRUISES LA560 Mayan Princess Beach & Dive Resort /Honduras Millennium Plaza Hotel Dubai ME400 Montenegro Stars Hotel Group EM745 Movenpick Hotel Deira ME400 CA430 One&Only Resorts IN280 Orange County Hotels & Resorts Ltd AS480 Palm Garden Resort EM703 PALMWINGS BEACH RESORT &SPA PANAMERICANO HOTELES LA350 PRINCESS EGYPT HOTELS AF200 Rayavadee AS300 LA550 Real Intercontinental Hotel & Club Tower,Costa Rica AS500 The Residence AS583 REX HOTEL SAIGON LA270 RITZ APART HOTEL Ritz Carlton Penha Longa Hotel Spa & Golf Resort EM900 Roadlink AF300 Rosen Hotels & Resorts NA100 NA201 Sanctuary Hotel NYC AF370 Sankara Nairobi AS500 Shanti Maurice- A Nira Resort Six Senses Laamu AS540 ST RAPHAEL HOTEL EM1100 Starwood Hotels and Resorts AS300 Steigenberger Hotels AG EM387 AF501 Sun International Leisure Services Ltd AS500 Sun Resorts EM650 Superb tourist services ltd. The Bürgenstock Selection GV200 The Chateau Spa & Organic Wellness Resort AS501 The Garden Hotel Guangzhou AS272 The Imperial IN401 IN319 The Lalit AS140 The Mulia, Mulia Resort & Villas- Nusa Dua, Bali IN320 The Park Hotels, India THE SEMINYAK BEACH RESORT & SPA AS140 The Spa Traveller GV179 The Torch Doha Hotel ME240 The Vine, a divine hotel EM900 Titilaka / Hotel B LA300 THE TRIBE AF250 Venice Hotels and Landscapes EM1800 VENUS BEACH HOTEL EM1100 Veranda & Heritage Resorts AS500 VOGUE HOTELS & RESORTS EM800,EM850 Waldorf Astoria Ras Al Khaimah ME501 Wyndham Grand Regency Hotel ME240 Wynn and Encore Las Vegas NA350 The Yeatman EM900


7°South Ltd - Virtuoso Onsite A Hotels & Resorts International Abacus African Vacations Abbey Tours Scotland ABC Travel Acampora Travel Accor Hungary / Slovakia ACCOR HOTELS - EGYPT ACCOR HOTELS IN EGYPT Accor Hotels Netherlands Accor Middle East Accord Hotels Adelle Cruises Adonis.Com Adventure Camps of Tanzania African Bush Camps African Hotels and Adventures Agenzia di accoglienza e promozione turistica locale della Provincia di Novara Ahsante Tours and Safaris Ltd Aionas Travel Alamos Travel Service Albatravel All Seasons Resort-Europa AlliedTPro ALMERIMAR RESORT Alpine Sterling DMC Ambassador Group AmericaBound Tours, Inc. American Dream AmericanTours International (ATI) AMResorts

AS640 AS300 AF680 UKI400 EM1685 EM1801 EM350 AF200 AF200 EM300 ME400 EM160 EM300 GV180 AF498 AF400 AF500 EM1800 AF498 EM1201 LA200 GV630 CA300 NA370 EM1500 EM1150 EM550 NA340 GV120 NA270 CA250

GV225 Andaz Liverpool Street London UKI400 Angela Shanley Associates UKI400 Antoinette Hotels Apex Hotels UKI400 Apollo Voyages Pvt. Ltd IN450 AQUA SOL HOTELS Public Company Ltd EM1100 EM1600 AR Hotels & Resorts AS655 Aranui Cruises / Intercontinental Hotels EM1800 ARBATAX PARK RESORT EM1475 ARBOLAR FORMACIÓN Y OCIO ACTIVO, S.L. ARCOTEL Hotels & Resorts EM400 Arctic Polare EM140c ARKTUR Tour Operator & DMC EM160 EM1180 Aryans Tours EM1800 AS Hotels Milan and Monza AF498 Asanja Africa Limited GV303 Ascott (The Ascott Limited) ASHOTEL EM1450 Asia Europe TCI GV305 Asia Experience Tours Sdn. Bhd. AS200 AS300 Asia World Enterprise Co., Ltd. AS200 Asian Overland Services Tours & Travel Sdn. Bhd. ASOCIACION DE HOTELES Y CAMPOS DE GOLF DE EL TOYO - CABO DE GATA EM1500 ASOCIACIÓN PARA LA PROMOCION TURISTICA DE LA AXARQUIA EM1500 Associated Tours Ltd. AS250 EM1000 Athens-Attica Hotel Association ME400 Atlantis The Palm, Dubai EM1250 ATLAS DMC ATS Pacific AS550 Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association AF550 Aurora Sky Station/The King’s Trail - part of Swedish Lapland EM140b EM800,EM850 Avantgarde Hotel Istanbul EM700 Avatar Tour LTD EM450 AVENA TRAVEL Avista Hotels and Resorts AS300 Avra Tours SA EM1240 Awana Hotel & Resorts AS200 Axis & Globe Travel UKI400 Ayuntamiento de El Campello EM1600 AZIA RESORT & SPA EM1100 Bali Hyatt GV225 Balkan Holidays Ltd (London) EM735 BALNEARIO LEANA, C.B. EM1475 Bandara hotels & Resorts AS300 Banyan Tree Seychelles AS640 BAOBAB DOMAINS EM1450 Barbados Tourism Authority CA300 BARBAROS YACHTING EM800,EM850 Barbizon Tourisme EM1700 Bardonecchia Tourism Consortium EM1800 BARON HOTELS & RESORTS AF200 Belambra Clubs EM1700 Belgian Youth Hostels EM1220 Berjaya Hotels & Resorts AS200 The Best Destinations in the West NA270 BEST HOTELS EM1500 Best Western Belgium GV600 Best Western Central Europe GV600 Best Western Europe GV600 Best Western France GV600 Best Western Global Marketing Group NA245 Best Western Great Britain GV600 Best Western Greece,Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus GV600 Best Western Hotel Golden Mile EM1800 Best Western Hotels Finland, Baltic States & Poland GV600 Best Western Hotels Germany & Luxemburg GV600 Best Western hotels in Lithuania EM570 Best Western Hotels The Netherlands GV600 Best Western Hotels Norway GV600 Best Western International Denmark GV600 Best Western International Russia GV600 Best Western International South America GV600 Best Western International Turkey GV600 Best Western Ireland GV600 Best Westerns of New York, New Jersey & Pennsylvania NA245 Best Western Spain & Portugal GV600 Best Western Sweden GV600 Best Western Swiss Hotels GV600 Best Western Vega Hotel @ Convention Center EM240 Best Western Worldwide Hotels GV600

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 425

PRODUCT GUIDE NA245 Best Western Worldwide Hotels NA245 Best Westerns of California, Nevada & Hawaii NA245 Best Westerns of New England Blue Furat Tourism & Aviation services EM800,EM850 Blue Lagoon Group EM1003 Bluebay Hotels Zanzibar AF382 EM1450 BLUESEA HOTELS&RESORTS EM900 Bom Sucesso Design Resort, Leisure & Golf EM1675 Borgo Egnazia NA378 Bridal Guide Magazine BRYS HOTELS PVT. LTD. IN557 BUEMES TVL DMC LA470 Bunyonyi Safaris Ltd AF380 AS300 Burasari Group Co.,LTD AF400 Bush Africa Safaris AS80 C.A.T. Company NA350 Caesars Entertainment Camp Ripan - part of Swedish Lapland EM140b Canterbury Cathedral UKI400 Cape Town Tourism AF500 EM1100 CAPITAL COAST AS540 Capital Travel & Tours Pvt. Ltd. UKI600 Carlton Hotel Galway City Casa Andina LA300 Cassells Al Barsha Hotel ME400 Castello Orsini Hotel EM1800 Causeway Coast & Glens Tourism UKI600 GV370 CBI EM550 CEDOK TRAVEL CORPORATION UKI600 Celtic Group Hostels Century Park Hotel Bangkok AS300 Ceylon Tea Trails (pvt) Ltd AS600 Chandris Hotels & Resorts EM1000 Chariot Beach Resorts Mahabalipuram IN370 AS55 Chatrium Hotel Royal Lake Yangon AS300 Chaweng Regent and Melati Beach Resort and Spa AF542 Cheli & Peacock CHIA LAGUNA RESORT EM1800 Chicago’s Essex Inn NA380 China Highlights AS277 Chobe Game Lodge AF400 City Stay Hotel Apartment ME400 Clarks Group of Hotels IN450 Classic Britain UKI400 Classic Safari Camps Of Africa AF542 Club La Costa UKI400 CLUB LA COSTA WORLD & RESORTS EM1500 Club Palm Bay - Marawila AS600 Coco De Mer Hotel AS640 Coconut Court Beach Hotel CA300 Cocos Hotel & Keyonna Beach CA150 Color Viaggi EM1800 CONCORDE EL SALAM HOTELS & RESORTS -EGYPT AF200 Confcommercio Chieti Gruppo B&B EM1800 Connex Caribe Mexico LA250 CONSTANTINOU BROS HOTELS LTD EM1100 COORDINATING ZIMBABWE AF645 CORAL HOTELS EM1300 Corinthia Hotels International GV305 CORNELIA HOTELS . GOLF . SPA EM800,EM850 Corte Hotels & Residences EM1800 Cosmopolitan Hotel ME400 The Cosmopolitan Las Vegas NA350 Costa Rica Tourist Board LA550 CostaVision Incoming Services Spain GV305 Cox & Kings Tours ME400 Crowne Plaza Bahrain ME152 Crowne Plaza Dubai - Deria ME400 Crowne Plaza Hollywood Beach NA100 CS HOTELS, GOLF & RESORTS EM900 CTN Tours NA270 Cubatur CA400 Cyprus Turkish Tourism & Travel Agent’s Association EM750 Cyrus Sahra Co. ME293 Dalata Hotel Group – Maldron Hotels & Partner Hotels UKI600 DANUBIUS HOTELS GROUP GV240 Dealers Group (Travel & Tourism, Car Rental) ME140 Debrecen & Hortobagy EM350 Delta Chelsea/Delta Hotels & Resorts NA300 Dema Hotels International EM1200 DEMETRA ART HOTEL EM165 DERBY HOTELS COLLECTION EM1300 Desert Adventures Tourism ME400 Desert & Delta Safaris (Pty) Ltd AF400 DESTINATION CAPPADOCIA EM800,EM850

426 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

UKI600 Destination Killarney Group EM509 Destination Ltd AF625 Destination Zambia DISCOVER MEDIA EM640 Discover Travel & Tours UKI400 Domina Prestige Hotel, St. Petersburg EM250 AF498 Double Tree by Hilton Tanzania NA100 DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Orlando at SeaWorld EM1450 DREAMPLACE HOTELS & RESORTS AF200 DREAMS RESORTS-EGYPT Dubai Marine Beach Resort & Spa ME400 Dusit Thani Pattaya AS300 Dynamique Hotels Management / BALLADINS EM1700 HOTELS AF119 Eastmar Group GV305 easy-breaks.com EM900 EC Travel Eco Team - (Pvt) Ltd AS600 ECUADOR - AMAZON LA191 ECUADOR - HACIENDAS LA191 GV370 ECUADOR - Yachana Lodge/Yachana Tours EM1800 Eden Incoming & DMC by Eden srl EM1150 Edrichton Holidays EGYPTIAN HOTEL ASSOCIATION AF200 El Conquistador CA160 Emirates Springs Hotel Apartments ME207 ENC Tours Azerbaijan EM960 EM1800 Enterprise Hotel LA350 ESTANCIA LOS POTREROS UKI228 Euromonitor International Europa Travel & Tours EM1160 Europe Incoming UKI108 Eurotours International EM400 Executive Travel Service EM1800 EM1700 Explorers Hotel at Disneyland Paris AS300 Fair House Group NA380 Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park Faville Tours EM1654 Fiesta Travel Service GV475 Fisherman’s Rest AF650 Florida Travel Network*NAR (UK) Ltd*Kevin Streit Assoc NA270 Fogg Travel Consultants AF550 Fontana Park Hotel EM900 Fore Representations & Travels Pvt Ltd GV155 Fortuna Tours - DMC Bosnia and Herzegovina EM1148 Four Points by Sheraton Sheikh Zayed Road Dubai ME400 FOUR SEASONS HOTELS-EGYPT AF200 FURAMA RESORT DANANG AS491 GALLERY HOTELES EM1500 Gandia EM1600 Ganimede Viaggi EM1800 The Garda Village EM1800 Generator Hostels UKI449 GENIUS TRAVEL AF200 Germany - south west EM540 Get into Lanka Travels & Tours AS600 GF HOTELES EM1450 Gibraltar Tourist Board UKI435 Giglio Travel EM1928 Gladonia Maldives Pvt Ltd. AS540 Global Discovery / Adventure Now GV100 Globetrotters Travel & Tours GV305 Gloria Hotel & Residences ME400 Go Global Travel GV355 Golden Palace - Luxury Hotel Torino EM1800 Golden Sands Hotel Apartments ME400 Golden Tour EM1665 Golden Tulip Hotels Oman ME200 GORONGOSA NATIONAL PARK AF610 Governors’ Camps AF542 GRAN HOTEL BAHIA DEL DUQUE RESORT EM1450 Grand City Hotels GV305 Grand Hotel Excelsior EM1150 Grand Hotels EM650 Grand Hyatt Bali GV225 Grand Hyatt Dubai ME400 Grand Hyatt Hong Kong GV225 Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur GV225 Grand Hyatt Singapore GV225 Grande Centre Point Terminal 21 AS300 Grande Tours & Travels IN450 Group Promotions Ltd CA230 GRT Hotels and Resorts, Chennai IN450 Grupo de Turismo Gaviota S.A. CA400 GRUPO HOTELES PLAYA EM1500

EM1600 Guardamar del Segura AS280 Guilin Tang Dynasty Tours Co., Ltd. IN400 Gujarat Tourism Gulf Ventures ME400 Guoman Hotels UKI400 Guyana Tourism Authority CA205 EM1300 H. TOP HOTELS & RESORTS ME400 Habtoor Hotels ME400 Habtoor Hotels - Met Deira Hotel AF500 Hannah Game Lodge Harlequin Hotels & Resorts CA500 Heli USA Airways NA350 HELNAN INTERNATIONAL HOTELS AF200 AF250 Hemingways Collection AF498 Hideaway of Nungwi Resort & Spa AS600 Hilton Colombo AS600 Hilton Colombo Residence HILTON FENCH POLYNESIA AS655 Hilton Hotels Austria EM400 Hilton Prague & Hilton Prague Old Town EM550 AF200 HILTON WORLDWIDE IN550 Hilton Worldwide - India AF200 HILTON Worldwide-Egypt Holiday Inn Nice EM1700 Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives AS540 Holiday Inn SunSpree Resort , Aruba CA420 Holiday Inn SunSpree Resort, Jamaica CA240 EM580 Hotel **** Bania Thermal & Ski EM1800 Hotel Alli Due Buoi Rossi EM1500 HOTEL ANTEQUERA GOLF Hotel Beacon NA200 Hotel Boracay EM1800 HOTEL BRISTOL DE BUENOS AIRES LA350 Hotel Brückenwirt-Tennerhof EM400 EM745 Hotel Group Budvanska Rivijera EM1500 HOTEL IPV BEATRIZ PALACE & SPA ME140 Hotel Le Bristol Hotel Le Déserteur EM600 Hotel Les Dunes Comodoro EM1600 HOTEL LOS MONTEROS / HOTEL GUADALMINA EM1500 HOTEL PARADISE PARK RESORT & SPA EM1450 Hotel Parco Torre Chia EM1800 Hotel Pulicinu EM1800 Hotel Ristorante Su Lithu EM1800 Hotel Selfoss EM140a Hotel Sun Palace Albir & Spa EM1600 HOTEL VILLA RICCI Simar Tourist sas EM1660 Hotel Vista Real LA560 hotel.de AG TT220 Hotelbeds GV320 HOTELES HOLIDAY WORLD EM1500 Hoteles R·H EM1600 Hotels and Lodges (Tanzania) Ltd. AF385 HotelsPro - Met Global GV345 Hotwire TT278 Hover Tours C.A. GV120 HOVIMA APARTHOTELS EM1450 HS Travel International Co. Ltd. AS250 HUILO HUILO Biological Reserve LA400 Hulhule Island Hotel AS540 Hummingbird Travel Ltd AS540 HWAIDAK HOTELS AF200 Hyatt Hotels & Resorts GV225 Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa GV225 Ibn Batutta Gate Hotel ME400 ICEHOTEL - part of Swedish Lapland EM140b IDEAL TOURS (INCOMING SPAIN) EM1600 IGUAZU GRAND - PANORAMIC HOTEL IGUAZU BUENOS AIRES GRAND LA350 Il Boscaretto Resort & SPA EM1800 Il Marachella Gruppo EM1800 Improtex Travel Tours & Conferences EM960 Incoming Italia EM1685 INCOTOUR GROUP EM165 Infinity Hotels & Resorts Co.,Ltd. AS300 InterContinental Mauritius Resort AS500 INTERCONTINENTAL NAIROBI AF250 Intercontinental San Juan Resort & Casino CA160 Intertours Nepal AS659 INTRA TOURS - DMC in TURKEY EM800,EM850 Investaçor EM900 INVITATION ROMANIA TRAVEL EM640 IRAQ / AL-RAFIDAIN COMPANY FOR TRAVEL AND TOURISM ME270 Iraqi Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities ME470


PRODUCT GUIDE AF549 Isibindi Africa Lodges AF200 ISLAND VIEW RESORT AF200 ISLAND VIEW RESORT EGYPT Italcamel Travel Agency s.r.l EM1900 ITO Tours EM300 JAC Travel Canada NA300 AF250 Jacaranda Hotels, Kenya GV650 JacTravel UKI400 JacTravel EM550 JAN HOTELS Jan-Pol Incoming Tour Operator EM450 JCorp Hotels And Resorts AS200 Jin Jiang International Hotel Management Co. Ltd. GV135 EM640 J’INFO TOURS SRL AS659 Jomsom Travel P. Ltd EM450 JORDAN GROUP AS540 Journey Maldives Holidays Pvt Ltd Journey Mexico LA200 JTB (Hong Kong) Ltd AS250 JTB Global Marketing & Travel Inc. AS360 GV470 Jumbo Tours Group ME400 Jumeirah Hotels and Resorts AS659 Jungle Safari Lodge Jupiter Hotels UKI400 Juulchin Khanbogd LLC AS560 Kamili AF549 Karpaz Ecotourism Association EM750 AS701 Keells Hotel Management Services Ltd AS640 Kempinski Seychelles Resort AS140 Keraton Jimbaran Resort & Spa Ketzaltour, S.A. de C.V. LA200 Khaolak Bhandari Resort & Spa AS300 Koh Yao Yai Village AS300 Kompas.hr Zagreb EM1250 AS140 Kura Kura Resort IN400 KVT- Kash’ Venture Travels Pvt. Ltd EM1660 LA CANONICA Ladera Resort CA325 LAFODIA HOTEL&RESORT EM1250 LAKE NAKURU LODGE AF250 LAMA Desert Tourism LLC ME400 Langi Langi Beach Bungalows, Zanzibar AF498 Lapland Resorts - part of Swedish Lapland EM140b Lara/Kundu - AKTOB EM800,EM850 LaVilla Group of Hotels ME240 Le Commodore Hotel ME140 Le Dune Suite hotel EM1675 Lee Hotels (Mespil Hotel & Sligo Park Hotel) UKI600 Libertador Hotels Resorts & Spas LA300 Liberty Brazil GV640 Liberty Cuba GV640 Liberty Hungary GV640 Liberty India GV640 Liberty International Tourism Group GV640 Liberty North America GV640 Liberty Russia GV640 Lindner Hotels & Resorts EM600 LOLC Leisure Ltd AS600 LORDOS HOTELS (HOLDINGS) LTD EM1100 Louis Group, The EM1130 Luna Hotels & Resorts EM900 Macdonald Hotels and Resorts UKI400 MACIA HOTELES EM1500 Mahaweli Reach Hotel AS600 Majestic Tours/Holidays CA430 The Makokola Retreat AF650 Malawi Travel Marketing Consortium AF650 MALLORCA HOTEL FEDERATION EM1350 Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego GV225 Manoli Hotels EM1600 MARITIM JOLIE VILLE RESORTS EGYPT AF200 MARYLANZA SUITES & SPA EM1450 Mason’s Travel (Pty) Ltd AS640 MAX Media and Trading Joint Stock Company AS480 Mayan Caribbean Travel/ Honduras LA560 Mbalageti Serengeti. AF498 MEDITRAVEL EM1230 Meeting Point International EM742 MENA HOUSE OBEROI AF200 Menara Tours AF300 Mercure Gold Hotel Dubai ME400 Miki Travel Ltd GV400 MINA TRAVEL EM800,EM850 Kazakhstan (Ministry for Tourism and Sports of the Republic of) AS60

Miracle Tourism LLC. (Dubai/UAE) Miri Marriott Resort & Spa Mistral di A. Sanna & C. srl Mitsis Hotels Moivaro Lodges and Tented Camps MOLINA LARIO - GALLERY HOTELES MONTSERRAT Motswiri Camp Mountain Goat Tours and Holidays Mountain Lodges of Peru Movenpick Hotel Bur Dubai Movenpick Resort and Spa Mauritius Muchenje Safari Lodge Mundial de Viajes/Panama NATIONAL TRAVEL SERVICE Nettohotel Srl New President Holidays The New York Palace Newmark Hotels NIKA Travel Company NKAR Travels & Tours (PVT) Ltd Norbu Bhutan Travel Pvt Ltd Northern Cape Tourism Authority Northern Cyprus Hoteliers Association NoviNomad Travel Company NT INCOMING SL OCÉANO VITALITY HOTEL & MEDICAL SPA Odalys Vacances Oetztal Tourism Ol Tukai Lodge Olympia Europe Olympus Tours Omega Tourism & Services ONASOL HOTELS Oostende Tourist Office Oryx Rotana Hotel Oxford Hotels and Inns Paganella Ski Palm Beach Hotel PALM BEACH HOTEL & BUNGALOWS Palm Beach Hotel Group PALMWINGS BEACH RESORT &SPA PALOMA HOTELS PARADISE SAFARI PARK HOTEL Park Hyatt Goa Resort and Spa Park Inn Pattaya Moutain Beach Hotel The Paul Resorts & Hotels PERLA TOURS Persona Grata Philadelphia and Valley Forge Plaza Tours/ DMC POINT TRAVEL DMC Pongo Safaris & Tours Ltd Poseidon Hotel Group Postcard Inn Hotels of Florida PPHE Hotel Group PREM Group Hotels Preston Holidays PRINCESS EGYPT HOTELS Pullman Mall of the Emirates Puri Dajuma Beach Eco Resort & Spa Radisson Blu Hotel & Park Inn by Radisson Abu Dhabi, Yas Island RADISSON BLU HOTEL BUCHAREST Radisson Blu Resorts Radisson Royal Hotel Moscow Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel & Business Center Raffles Praslin Seychelles Ragosta Hotels Collection RAINBOW TOURISM GROUP Rajasthan, Palaces & Tigers RAMADA & TREFF Hotels Ramada Beirut Downtown RAMADA MOROCCO Ramada Plaza Jumeirah Beach Residence Ramee Group of Hotels & Resorts Rani Resorts Rayavadee Real Intercontinental Hotel & Club Tower,Costa Rica The Red Carnation Hotel Collection South Africa Regency Holidays REGENCY PLAZA AQUA PARK & SPA RESORT Regent Hotels & Resorts Reollo Travel Pvt. Ltd.

ME400 AS200 EM1800 EM1000 AF375 EM1552 EM1640 AF400 UKI400 LA300 ME400 AS500 AF400 LA560 AF200 EM1800 EM750 NA200 AF500 EM165 AS600 IN185 AF500 EM750 AS80 EM1300 EM1450 EM1700 EM400 AF250 GV220 CA200 GV150 EM1600 EM1200 ME240 UKI400 EM1800 EM1600 EM1100 CA300 EM703 EM748 AF250 GV225 LA550 AS300 IN400 EM1300 EM240 NA175 ME100 EM450 AF380 EM1600 NA100 UKI400 UKI600 UKI120 AF200 ME400 AS140 ME300 EM640 EM1150 EM240 EM240 AS640 EM1800 AF645 IN309 EM540 ME140 AF205 ME400 ME400 AF610 AS300 LA550 AF500 ME240 AF200 GV530 AS540

CA320 Resort Marketing International ME240 Retaj Hotels & Hospitality EM950 Rhodes Tourism Promotion Organisation RIN HOTELS EM640 Ristorante dei Pescatori Como Lake EM1800 Riviera Hotel & Casino NA350 EM1150 ROBERT ARRIGO & SONS LTD. AF542 Robin Pope Safaris AS500 Rodrigues Tourism Office NA200 The Roosevelt Hotel NYC Roscioli Hotels EM1800 Rosen Hotels & Resorts NA100 Rotana GV315 EM300 Rotterdam Marketing AF520 Rovos Rail Tours (Pty) Ltd ME400 Royal Ascot Hotel GV120 Royal India Holidays Royal Plaza Hotel AS250 Royal Zanzibar Beach Resort Ltd. AF498 TEMPLE POINT RESORT AF250 EM1675 salentocamping EM1800 Sales Blitz Hospitality Collection EM400 Salzkammergut Touristik GmbH The Samaya Bali AS140 Sanctuary Hotel NYC NA201 Sands Resort & Spa AS500 Sankara Nairobi AF370 EM1800 Santacroce Hotels EM1800 Sardinian Way UKI120 Sark Island Hotels Sarovar Hotels Pvt. Ltd IN450 SD&V Oriental International (Unique Luxury Hotels of Asia) AS300 SEA GROUP RESORTS AF200 ME400 Sea View Hotel AF498 Selous Riverside Safaris Camp AF250 SENTIDO NEPTUNE HOTELS SERCOTEL HOTELS EM1300 Serendib Leisure Management Ltd AS600 Serhs Tourism EM1305 SHAIA HOTELS EM800,EM850 Sheraton Abu Dhabi Hotel & Resort ME300 Sheraton Dubai Creek Hotels & Towers ME400 Sheraton Kampala Hotel AF680 Sheraton Nassau Beach Resort & Casino CA430 SIMA Tours-Armenia EM1180 SIRENIS HOTELS & RESORTS EM1300 Sireon Tours EM1800 Sky Hotels and Resorts NA100 Sky Travel Peru LA300 SMART TRAVEL EM640 Smugglers Cove Resort & Spa CA325 Societa’ Grandi Hotel EM1800 Sofitel Lisbon Liberdade EM900 Sokos Hotels & Radisson Blu Hotels EM140d Solana Tours GV100 Somerston Hotels UKI400 Sopa Lodges AF490 SOUTH AFRICA - Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa GV370 SOUTH AMERICAN TOURS DE ARGENTINA LA350 South Sinai Group AF102 Southern Sun Hotel - Dar es Salaam AF498 SPAIN TICKET BUREAU EM1640 Special Tours Wholesalers GV340 Spitsbergen Travel EM140c Splendid Asia Pvt. Ltd. AS540 SPORTINA HOTELS LAKE BLED EM500 Sprachcaffe LA200 SPRING TOURS EGYPT AF200 SR Travel GmbH EM540 ST. GEORGE HOTEL EM1100 Stanley Safari Lodge AF625 Starwood Mauritius AS435 Stayokay EM300 STC Switzerland Travel Centre EM600 STEIGENBERGER AL DAU RESORT AF200 STELLA DI MARE HOTELS & RESORTS-EGYPT AF200 Sterling Holidays IN450 Sujan Luxury Hotels IN355 Sun Africa Hotels AF250 Sun International Leisure Services Ltd AF501 Sunland Viaggi e turismo EM1800 Sunny Safaris Ltd AF498 Supranational Hotels Ltd GV103 Suru Suites & Hotel Ltd TT189

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 427

PRODUCT GUIDE EM601 Swiss Quality Hotels Int’l LA550 Swiss Travel Costa Rica ME240 Swiss-Belhotel Doha EM1800 T Hotel Ta Shebube (Pty) Ltd AF400 Taj Hotels - Sri Lanka AS600 Taj Hotels, Resorts & Palaces AS540 AS300 Talisman Travel Co., Ltd. EM140d Tallink Silja Ltd IN240 Tamilnadu Tourism AF396 Tanganyika Wilderness Camps Ltd. Tattva Tourism Solutions IN450 Teamamerica Receptive Tour Operator NA200 TECINA RESORT EM1450 EM800,EM850 TEMPEL TRAVEL EM1660 Tenuta di Coltibuono s.agr.a.r.l. EM1800 Terme di Sirmione Spa AF498 The Anasa Safari Collection The Elewana Collection AF490 The Explore Nepal AS659 The Garden Hotel Guangzhou AS272 GV305 The Group Company ME152 The K Hotel AS300 The Kee Resort and Spa Patong The Lodge & Spa at Brush Creek Ranch NA180 The Mark Travel Corporation (Mark International) NA297 The Palms Resorts CA300 The Residence Maldives AS540 ME400 The Ritz-Carlton, Dubai AS600 The Surf & The Safari CA420 The Westin Resort & Casino, Aruba Thistle Hotels UKI400 EM1200 Thon Hotels AF200 TIA HEIGHTS MAKADI BAY Time Out Hotel CA300 Tourico Holidays GV550 Touristra Vacances EM1700 Trail Blazer Tours India Pvt. Ltd.- TBi IN275 EM1300 TRANSHOTEL Travalco USA, Inc NA293 Travco LLP GV300 Travel Boutique UKI400 Travel Partner EM400 Travel Republic TT367 Travel Time South Pacific Ltd AS555 TRAVELAND AGENCY AF200 TRAVELINE EGYPT AF200 Travellanda Ltd GV655 Tree Of Life (pvt) Ltd AS600 Treehotel EM140b THE TRIBE AF250 TripAdvisor GV575 TROPITEL HOTELS & RESORTS AF200 Trulliland incoming services EM1675 TUI PORTUGAL EM900 TURISMO KOLLA LA270 Turismo Valsesia Vercelli EM1800 TURTLE BAY AF250 Ukraine EM160 Under One Botswana Sky AF400 UNIVERSITY AUTONOMA OF BARCELONA. VENUES & SERVICES EM1640 V AND V EXPERIENCIA LA350 Vale D Oliveiras Quinta Resort & Spa EM900 VALENTOUR VIAGGI E TURISMO EM1685 Valley Forge CVB NA175 Vantage Hospitality Group GV160 VENUS BEACH HOTEL EM1100 VESATOURS LA550 Via Hansa Tours EM701 VIAJES OLYMPIA S.A. EM1300 VIAJES URBIS, S.A. EM1300 Victoria Hotels & Resorts AS575 Vienna Incoming Tourist EM402 Vienna Tourist Board EM400 Vila Galé Hoteis EM900 Villa La Bollina EM1800 Village Ethiopia Travel AF380 Virgin Atlantic Flightstore NA311 Visit Norway / Innovation Norway EM140c VOGUE HOTELS & RESORTS EM800,EM850 Volcanoes Safaris AF440 Waldorf Astoria Ras Al Khaimah ME501 WALDORF HOTEL BUENOS AIRES LA350 WELCOME SYSTEMS srl EM1685

428 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Wellsicily di Scarlet World Tours and Travel The Westin Dubai Mina Seyahi Beach Resort & Marina World Skills World Trade Center Moscow Worldwide Destinations Asia Co., Ltd. Worldwide DMC Ltd Wyndham Grand Regency Hotel XPERIENCE HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Yacht Tours Maldives Pvt. Ltd. Yourholidayintegration.com Zacchera Hotels Zambia Tourism Board ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY

ME400 EM1551 EM240 AS300 UKI407 ME240 AF200 AS540 GV163 EM1910 AF625 AF645

China Airlines CYPRUS AIRWAYS PUBLIC LTD Precision Air Services Ltd.

AS450 EM1100 AF498

Air Cargo Airline


EM500 Adria Airways EM1000 Aegean Airlines AERODIANA LA300 Air Botswana AF400 AIR EUROPA EM1350 Air Excel Ltd. AF498 EM140a Air Iceland EM1150 Air Malta AS500 Air Mauritius Air Pacific AS650 AS655 Air Tahiti Nui AF372 Airkenya Express EM960 Billur Tur British Airways / Comair AF500 Caribbean Tourism Organisation CA140 Chartis Insurance UKI130 China Airlines AS450 China Southern Airlines Company Limited AS155 Coastal Aviation AF550 Coastal Travels Ltd AF498 Copa Airlines LA560 Croatia Airlines EM1250 Cubana de Aviación S.A. CA400 CYPRUS AIRWAYS PUBLIC LTD EM1100 EGYPTAIR AF200 EL AL Israel Airlines Ltd EM650 Emirates ME450 Emirates Tours ME450 Etihad Airways ME350 Flightlink Limited AF498 FVW Mediengruppe Press Centre Foyer Iceland Express EM140a Jomsom Travel P. Ltd AS659 KENYA AIRWAYS AF250 L’ Agenzia di Viaggi (Italy) Press Centre Foyer LATAM Airlines Group LA420 LC PERU LA300 LEBANON Ministry of Tourism ME140 LOT POLISH AIRLINES EM450 LUXAIR EM1235 Maldivian AS540 MAX Media and Trading Joint Stock Company AS480 MEDITRAVEL EM1230 Meridianafly EM1676 MIDDLE EAST AIRLINES - MEA ME140 Moroccan National Tourist Office AF300 Nature Air LA550 Norbu Bhutan Travel Pvt Ltd IN185 Olympic Air EM1000 Oman Air ME230 Papillon Helicopters & Grand Canyon Scenic Airlines NA350 Precision Air Services Ltd. AF498 Royal Air Maroc AF300 Royal Jordanian Airlines ME100 SAFARILINK AVIATION AF250 SATA International EM900 Serengeti Balloon Safaris AF498 Sharjah Airport Authority ME500 Skywards ME450 SM Publications GV179 SriLankan Airlines AS610 S’TOURS Destination Management Company EM1895 TACA AIRLINES LA300

TAP Portugal TAROM ROMANIAN AIR TRANSPORT Thai Airways International Toucan Inn & Bonkers Tourico Holidays TRANSHOTEL Travel Republic Travel Weekly US (US) Trinidad and TobagoTourism Development Company (TDC) TURISMO KOLLA Turkish Airlines Ukraine International Airlines United VIETNAM AIRLINES Virgin Atlantic Airways Virgin Atlantic Flightstore Virgin Australia Welcomebeds.com Zan Air Ltd. Zan Tours Ltd Zela Aviation

EM900 EM640 AS440 CA330 GV550 EM1300 TT367 Press Centre Foyer

Airline Services Auric Air Services Ltd CYPRUS AIRWAYS PUBLIC LTD Euromonitor International Precision Air Services Ltd.

Airport Management

CA330 LA270 EM800,EM850 EM160 NA375 AS480 NA311 NA311 AS550 GV230 AF498 AF498 EM1238

AF498 EM1100 UKI228 AF498

ANAM - Aeroportos da Madeira KENYA AIRPORTS AUTHORITY Oman Airports Management Company

EM900 AF250 ME200

Fiesta Travel Service ICE Plc National Tours & Services

GV475 UKI130 CA150

Airport Services Airports

Aegean Airlines Airkenya Express Bahrain Airport Company ICF Airports Oman Airports Management Company Philadelphia and Valley Forge PUNTACANA Resort &Club Radisson Blu Hotel & Park Inn by Radisson Abu Dhabi, Yas Island REGIÓN DE MURCIA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Salzburg Airport W. A. Mozart SATA International Sharjah Airport Authority Stansted Airport TURISMO DE SANTIAGO


Albatravel Albergo Miramare Animod APARTAMENTOS PLAYAOLID AR Hotels & Resorts ATS Pacific Auris Hotels Management Baja Hotels Balkan Holidays Ltd (London) BAOBAB DOMAINS Belambra Clubs Belleair Holidays BLUESEA HOTELS&RESORTS Borgo degli Ulivi Residence *** Charme & Family Hotels Italy Christophorus Reisen City Stay Hotel Apartment Club La Costa CORAL HOTELS Destination Killarney Group Emirates Springs Hotel Apartments Faville Tours The Garda Village Gloria Hotel & Residences Grand Millennium Al Wahda GRUPO GOLF RESORT

EM1000 AF372 ME152 EM800,EM850 ME200 NA175 CA200 ME300 EM1475 EM400 EM900 ME500 UKI400 EM1300

GV630 EM1800 EM535 EM1450 EM1600 AS550 ME400 EM1800 EM735 EM1450 EM1700 EM1150 EM1450 EM1800 EM1800 EM400 ME400 UKI400 EM1300 UKI600 ME207 EM1654 EM1800 ME400 ME300 EM1450


PRODUCT GUIDE Guoman Hotels HG HOTELES Hi! HOTELS INTERNATIONAL HOTELES ELBA, S.L. HOVIMA APARTHOTELS IDEAL TOURS (INCOMING SPAIN) Katara Hospitality LA CANONICA Lindner Hotels & Resorts Luna Hotels & Resorts Manoli Hotels MARINA D’OR HOLIDAY RESORT Maykenbel Properties Movenpick Hotel Bur Dubai NT INCOMING SL Odalys Vacances Palm Beach Hotel Palm Beach Hotel Group PARQUE SANTIAGO III & IV RAMADA & TREFF Hotels Ramada Plaza Jumeirah Beach Residence Ramee Group of Hotels & Resorts Relais Spa / Residhome / Séjours & Affaires RITZ APART HOTEL ROCCAMARE RESORT Royal Stay Group, Ltd. salentocamping Skiset The Garden Hotel Guangzhou The Palms Resorts Thistle Hotels Time Hotels Management TIME Ruby Hotel Apartments VALAMAR HOTELS & RESORTS Ville In Italia Zacchera Hotels

UKI400 EM1450 EM1350 EM1300 EM1450 EM1600 GV200 EM1660 EM600 EM900 EM1600 EM1485 UKI400 ME400 EM1300 EM1700 EM1600 CA300 EM1450 EM540 ME400 ME400 EM1700 LA270 EM1660 EM260 EM1675 EM1700 AS272 CA300 UKI400 ME400 ME500 EM1250 EM1929 EM1910

Encore Tickets Ltd Globalair Travel and Tourism Malta Groundline Enterprises Ltd Holland Factory BV The Leisure Pass Group Trl Travel

L310 EM1150 EM1700 EM300 UKI421 AF400

Adelle Cruises Adonis.Com Agriturismo I Fornari Antoinette Hotels ATS Pacific Aurora Sky Station/The King’s Trail - part of Swedish Lapland Barbizon Tourisme Celtic Group Hostels Charme & Family Hotels Italy Christophorus Reisen Coconut Court Beach Hotel Confcommercio Chieti Gruppo B&B Consorzio Made in Puglia Dynastic Hotels Benidorm Emirates Springs Hotel Apartments EPIC TOURS/El Salvador The Garda Village Generator Hostels Golden Sands Hotel Apartments Groupon Getaways Gudmundur Jonasson Travel Hotel - Residence Il Nido dei Gabbiani HOVIMA APARTHOTELS Island of Gozo Karpaz Ecotourism Association Kas - Kalkan - Patara LA CANONICA Preston Holidays Southern Sun Hotel - Dar es Salaam Tenuta di Coltibuono s.agr.a.r.l. The Surf & The Safari

EM300 GV180 EM1800 UKI400 AS550

Attraction Tickets

Bed & Breakfast/Guest House

Boutique Hotels A Hotels & Resorts International ABBA Hotels

EM140b EM1700 UKI600 EM1800 EM400 CA300 EM1800 EM1675 EM1600 ME207 LA560 EM1800 UKI449 ME400 TT275 EM140a EM1800 EM1450 EM1150 EM750 EM800,EM850 EM1660 UKI120 AF498 EM1660 AS600

AS300 EM1300

The African Embassy (Hatari & Shumata) African Hotels and Adventures Al Bustan Hotel Alizee Resort Management Ltd Alpha Travel (UK) LTD AmazonEco EIRL Andaz Amsterdam Animod Aqua Vista Hotels Aranwa Hotels Resorts & Spas Ashling Hotel Asilia Avantgarde Hotel Istanbul Baan Haad Ngam Boutique Resort & Spa BARON HOTELS & RESORTS BE Hoteles Bike Hotel Villa Asfodeli Bimini Bay Resort and Marina Bonotel Exclusive Travel Burasari Group Co.,LTD Buri Rasa Village Samui Casa Turquesa Boutique Hotel & Museum Cerf Island Resort Ceylon Tea Trails (pvt) Ltd Chateaux & Hotels Collection Chicago’s Essex Inn Classic Britain Cocos Hotel & Keyonna Beach COCOTINOS HOTEL GROUP Colombian Journeys Cristal Hotels & Resorts DEMETRA ART HOTEL DERBY HOTELS COLLECTION Desert Holiday Resort Ltd. Devi Resorts The Discovery Collection Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism Eden Roc at Cap Cana Edrisi Viaggi Ellington Hotel**** Entim Mara Camp EXCLUSIVE AFRICAN TREASURES Fogg Travel Consultants The Fortress Resort and Spa Giardino Tours Grace Hotels GRUPO CUBANACAN Hemingways Collection Hermitage Bay Hilton Hotels Austria Himalaya Kailash Travels & Tours Pvt. Ltd. HOTEL ATHENAEUM Hotel Le Fontanelle SpA Hotel Les Dunes Comodoro Hotel Nice Riviera**** Hotel Porta Felice Hotel Quartara Hotel Relais Villa del Golfo & Spa HOTEL SANTA CRUZ Hotel Stella della Versilia Srl Hotel Vista Real ICEHOTEL - part of Swedish Lapland Indie Boutique Hotels, USA INWOOD HOTELS Jeeva Klui Resort Jetwing Hotels (Private) Limited Kas - Kalkan - Patara KCBJ Tours Bali Keahotels Iceland Kerzner International Resorts Inc Koh Yao Yai Village Lifestyle Retreats MAhout (UK) Ltd Maykenbel Properties Mirihi Island Resort Mizar DMC MOLINA LARIO - GALLERY HOTELES Mountain Lodges of Peru Newmark Hotels Nora Resorts & Hotels Nxamaseri Lodge One & Only The Palm, Dubai One&Only Resorts Orange County Hotels & Resorts Ltd Palmeraie Hotels & Resorts

AF549 AF500 ME140 AS500 AF350 LA300 GV225 EM535 EM1001 LA300 UKI600 AF550 EM800,EM850 AS300 AF200 LA200 EM1800 CA430 NA350 AS300 AS300 LA250 AS640 AS600 GV305 NA380 UKI400 CA150 AS140 LA530 ME300 EM165 EM1300 IN450 IN355 EM750 CA200 CA200 EM1800 EM1700 AF549 AF250 AF550 AS600 LA300 EM1000 CA400 AF250 CA150 EM400 AS659 EM1660 EM1660 EM1600 EM1700 EM1800 EM1800 EM1800 LA400 EM1660 LA560 EM140b NA270 EM1700 AS140 AS600 EM800,EM850 AS140 EM140a CA430 AS300 AS140 IN355 UKI400 AS540 EM1800 EM1552 LA300 AF500 AS300 AF549 ME400 CA430 IN280 AF300

AS600 Pan Lanka Travels & Tours IN400 The Paul Resorts & Hotels AS140 The Pavilions Bali Pestana Hotelaria Portugal EM900 Protea Hotels and African Pride Hotels AF500 Puri Dajuma Beach Eco Resort & Spa AS140 AS140 Puri Mas Boutique Resorts & Spa IN309 Rajasthan, Palaces & Tigers EM1700 Relais de Paris Hotels Collection CA320 Resort Marketing International RESTA HOTELS & RESORTS AF200 RUSTICAE EM1300 Samode Hotels IN355 NA201 Sanctuary Hotel NYC AS500 Sands Resort & Spa AF550 The Selous Safari Company AS200 Seri Chenang Resort & Spa Langkawi SH Hoteles EM1600 Shalimar Spice Garden IN355 Shreyas Retreat IN355 LA550 Si Como No Resort, Spa & Wildlife Refuge AF550 Small World Marketing EM600 Sorell Hotels Switzerland Space Supranational Hotels GV103 SPORTINA HOTELS LAKE BLED EM500 Stanley Safari Lodge AF625 Stella Maris Resort Club CA430 AF396 Tanganyika Wilderness Camps Ltd. IN450 Tattva Tourism Solutions EM1600 Temps rural accommodations Region of Valencia The Elewana Collection AF490 The Imperial IN401 The Zanzibar Collection AF492 Tifco Hotels Ireland UKI600 LA300 Titilaka / Hotel B Press Centre Foyer Travel Weekly US (US) EM140b Treehotel Tresor Hotels & Resorts EM1000 THE TRIBE AF250 Ubud Village Bali AS140 Udai Kothi& Udai Bagh IN400 UGA Escapes - UGA Resorts (Pvt) Ltd AS600 Venice Hotels and Landscapes EM1800 Very Intimate Places of Antigua & Barbuda CA150

Business & Financial Services Aegean Airlines Bournemouth University Chartis Insurance First Atlantic Commerce Ltd. HOTEL MADERO ICE Plc Italica Turismo S.p.A. Kosgeb Kahramanmaras HMM The Guild Of Travel & Tourism TTG ITALIA SPA - Art&Tourism Fair Wirecard Technologies AG WorldPay Wright Express

EM1000 EM1592 UKI130 TT182 LA350 UKI130 EM1800 EM975 UKI130 EM1660 TT247 TT359 TT245

African Environments Ltd Asanja Africa Limited Easy Travel and Tours LTD GORONGOSA NATIONAL PARK Juulchin Khanbogd LLC Ker & Downey Botswana Namibia Wildlife Resorts salentocamping unbeatablehire.com VALAMAR HOTELS & RESORTS

AF498 AF498 AF498 AF610 AS560 AF400 AF540 EM1675 UKI250 EM1250

Adobe Rent a Car Affordable Car Hire Africa Runners Co Ltd Alamo Rent A Car & National Car Rental ARES CAPITAL SA Auto Jardim, SA Autorent Car Rental Llc Avis Rent a Car Bin Majid Tours

LA550 GV480 AF680 GV450 EM1350 EM900 GV360 GV260 ME400


Car Rental

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 429

PRODUCT GUIDE Budget Car and Van Rental Budget Rent-a-Car CENTAURO RENT A CAR CICAR - Canary Islands Car Courtesy Rent A Car Cruise America & Canada RV Rentals Inc Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group EC Travel El Monte RV Enterprise Holdings / Citer / ATESA Enterprise Rent-A-Car Europcar Southern Africa First Car Rental/Sixt Rent a Car South Africa FOX Rent A Car Inc. GOLDCAR RENTAL GROUPE VISUAL/VeoliaTransdev HERTZ CANARIAS - GRUPO FAYCAN Ibacar.com Island Car Rentals Ltd NIZA CARS ORYX rent a car Park East Africa Ltd Phu Vinh Hung Production Joint Stock Company Record Go Rent A Car Season Car Hire Sixt rent a car Sixt rent a car SS RENT A CAR Stoutes Car Rental Ltd Thermeon Worldwide Plc 365 days of Armenia by SacVoyage Together in Tuscany & Umbria Tourico Holidays Travel Republic TTT Worldwide Ltd. unbeatablehire.com Viajes Cora Wildplaces Africa Your Car Hire Ltd


AF500 GV255 EM1300 EM1403 CA300 NA240 GV540 EM900 NA260 GV450 GV450 AF500 AF500 NA309 EM1300 EM1700 EM1450 EM1651 CA240 EM1300 EM1250 AF380 AS480 EM1600 UKI425 EM540 GV350 AF650 CA300 TT443 EM1180 EM1660 GV550 TT367 AF498 UKI250 LA560 AF550 TT186

JW MARRIOTT BUCHAREST GRAND HOTEL EM640 Mauiva AirCruise NA245 MGM Grand HO TRAM Beach AS480 MGM Resorts International NA350 San Juan Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino CA160 Travel Weekly US (US) Press Centre Foyer


ACCIONA TRASMEDITERRANEA Al Bustan Hotel The Diplomatic Club La Cigale Hotel Maritim Hotels REX HOTEL SAIGON San Juan Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS-EGYPT The Out NYC


Auric Air Services Ltd Coastal Travels Ltd Flightlink Limited Maverick Aviation Group Nature Air New President Holidays SAFARILINK AVIATION Zan Air Ltd.

City Tourist Board

EM1300 ME140 ME240 ME240 EM540 AS583 CA160 ME300 AF200 UKI340

AF498 AF498 AF498 NA350 LA550 EM750 AF250 AF498

Agenzia del Turismo Varese EM1800 Agenzia di accoglienza e promozione turistica locale della Provincia di Novara EM1800 Agenzia Regionale per la Promozione Turistica ‘in Liguria’ EM1678 AGIA NAPA PROTARAS FAMAGUSTA REGION TOURISM BOARD EM1100 ALANYA TOURISM & PROMOTION FOUNDATION EM800,EM850 Amiens Tourist Office EM1700 Amsterdam Marketing EM300 Antwerp Tourism & Convention EM1200 Scottsdale Convention and Visitors Bureau NA270

430 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

EM1450 ARONA TOURIST BOARD EM1800 AstiTurismo - ATL EM800,EM850 Atlasjet EM1700 AVIGNON - PALAIS DES PAPES Ayuntamiento de El Campello EM1600 AYUNTAMIENTO DE MAZARRÓN EM1475 AYUNTAMIENTO PUERTO DE LA CRUZ EM1450 EM540 Baden-Baden Visitors & Convention Office EM1800 Bardonecchia Tourism Consortium EM1600 Benidorm Tourist Board EM1200 Bruges Tourist Office Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau LA250 Cape Town Tourism AF500 CASTILLA Y LEON - SOTUR, S.A. EM1300 CESTOB - Cesme Touristic Hoteliers EM800,EM850 Association NA380 Choose Chicago AF500 City of Ekurhuleni Tourism Cologne Tourist Board EM540 CORDOBA TOURIST BOARD EM1500 Culture Company 2013 (Derry~Londonderry UKI600 UK City of Culture 2013) IN450 Delhi Tourism Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing ME400 DIDIM TOURISM UNION EM800,EM850 Dijon Tourist Office EM1700 Dresden Marketing Board EM540 EM540 Düsseldorf Tourist Board Ente Turismo Alba Bra Roero - Langhe Roero EM1800 Tourist Board Frankfurt Tourist+Congress Board EM540 EM600 Geneva Tourism & Conventions EM1678 Genoa Tourism Board - Lovingenova Germany - south west EM540 Gondolieri Travel EM1656 Göteborg & Co EM140b GRANADA TOURIST BOARD & MICE BUREAU EM1500 NA260 Great Lakes USA Greater Boston CVB NA155 Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau NA340 Groupe Forest Hill EM1700 Innsbruck -The Capital of the Alps EM400 IZKA - Izmir Development Agency EM753 Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce NA180 Johannesburg Tourism Company AF500 Kosice - European Capital of Culture 2013 EM440 Kyiv City State Administration EM160 Kyoto AS360 Lanzarote Tourist Promotion Board EM1400 LARNAKA TOURISM BOARD EM1100 Lille Metropole Tourism EM1203 Livigno Tourist Office EM1800 Lucca Promos scrl EM1660 Lucerne Tourism EM600 MADRID VISITORS & CONVENTION BUREAU EM1300 MALAGA CITY TOURISM BOARD & CONVENTION BUREAU EM1552 Malmö Tourism EM140b Mantova Tourism EM1800 MARSEILLE PROVENCE EM1700 MARTI HOTELS & MARINAS EM800,EM850 MAVARETHOUSE TRAVEL WORLD WIDE SERVICE EM800,EM850 Mechelen Tourist Office EM1200 MELILLA Tourist Board EM1300 MINAS GERAIS LA100 Mons Regional Tourist Board EM1220 Montanejos Villa Termal EM1600 Moscow City Committee on Tourism and Hotel Industry EM240 Muckross Park Hotel & Cloisters Spa UKI600 NANTES TOURISM EM1700 Nice Convention and Visitors Bureau EM1700 NICOSIA TOURISM BOARD EM1100 NYC & Company NA200 Oostende Tourist Office EM1200 PALMA 365 Tourist Board EM1350 Polish National Tourist Office EM450 Provincia di Terni - Umbria EM1800 Reims Champagne Tourist Board EM1700 RIO DE JANEIRO LA100 Roma Capitale EM1800 Rotterdam Marketing EM300 Ruta Moche LA300

Salzburg City Tourist Office Servizi Turistici Sulmona - Soc. Cooperativa SEVILLE TOURIST BOARD SIBIU CITY HALL - Tourism Promotion and Development Department SM Publications St. Louis CVC Stockholm Visitors Board Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH Switzerland Tourism The Hague Convention Bureau - Travel Trade Tokyo Tourism Representative Tourism Organisation of Belgrade Tourism Organisation of Budva Tourism Organization of the Mazovia Region Tourisme Montréal Tourist Board of City Split TURISME DE BARCELONA Turismo de Lisboa Promotion Bureau TURISMO DE SANTIAGO Turismo Torino e Provincia Turismo Valsesia Vercelli Utah Office of Tourism VALENCIA TOURISM AND CONVENTION BUREAU Versailles Tourist Board Vienna Tourist Board VILNIUS CITY Visit Medway Visit Tromsø Region VISITBRUSSELS Visitelche VisitGuernsey Warsaw Tourist Office ZARAGOZA TOURISM BOARD

EM400 EM1800 EM1500

AAT Kings Australia & NZ Tours Abbey Travel ABC Travel Academy Ground Transportation ALBANIA EXPLORER ARES CAPITAL SA CIE Tours International City Sightseeing Ltd Cronins Coaches Ltd DAUNIA BUS SRL Destination Corse Emile Weber Giglio Travel Global Passenger Network Gray Line New York Sightseeing GROUPE VISUAL/VeoliaTransdev HAPI TRAVEL AND TOURISM COMPANY Hotel le Pariou HotelByBus Iceland Excursions - Gray Line Iceland Irro - Reisen / Coach Charter Germany Jan-Pol Incoming Tour Operator JORDAN GROUP KATARINA LINE incoming travel agency M Tours Bled Misa Tours International My Tour Tuscany Experts Nazarene Tours Limited Paddywagon Tours Rampinini Ernesto Reykjavik Excursions Scenic Travel Service South American Tours de Peru SouthWestWalks Ireland SS RENT A CAR Top Tours Romania Tourwise Limited ULTRAMAR TRANSPORT

AS550 UKI432 EM1685 NA270 EM1160 EM1350 UKI600 UKI350 UKI600 EM1675 EM1700 EM1201 EM1928 GV249 NA301 EM1700 AF200 EM1700 UKI400 EM140a EM540 EM450 EM450 EM1250 EM500 NA300 EM1660 EM650 UKI600 EM1800 EM140a EM1580 LA300 UKI600 AF650 EM640 CA240 EM1450

Coach Travel

EM640 GV179 NA378 EM140b EM540 EM600 EM300 AS360 EM340 EM745 EM450 NA300 EM1250 EM1640 EM900 EM1300 EM1800 EM1800 NA170 EM1600 EM1700 EM400 EM570 UKI400 EM140c EM1220 EM1600 UKI120 EM450 EM1300

Conference/Meetings Venues Al Manzil and QamarDeen Hotels Ashling Hotel Belek - BETUYAB Bettoja Hotels Boyd Gaming Buddy Group Hotels and Resorts Canterbury Cathedral Century Park Hotel Bangkok

ME400 UKI600 EM800,EM850 EM1803 NA350 AS300 UKI400 AS300


PRODUCT GUIDE ME400 Cosmopolitan Hotel ME300 Cristal Hotels & Resorts ME400 Dhow Palace Hotel The Diplomatic Club ME240 DOMINA CORAL BAY HOTEL, RESORT, SPA & CASINO-RED SEA AF200 AF200 DREAMS RESORTS-EGYPT EM1475 EL BATEL CONFERENCE CENTRE. CARTAGENA EM800,EM850 ELITE WORLD HOTELS NA340 Exploratorium FITUR, International Tourism Trade Fair (IFEMA) EM1300 Fujita Kanko Inc. AS360 Grand Hyatt Doha ME240 EM1100 GRANDRESORT LIMASSOL UKI400 Great Scotland UKI400 The Green Hotel Golf & Leisure Resort ME152 Gulf Hotel Bahrain H10 Hotels EM1570 Hard Rock International GV305 ‘Hellenic Cosmos’ Convention & Cultural Centre EM1000 EM800,EM850 Hilton Dalaman Resort & SPA EM1150 Hilton Malta UKI400 Hilton Worldwide Hotel **** Galaxy EM450 HOTEL EUROPE VILLA CORTES, EUROPE HOTELS INTERNACIONAL EM1450 Hotel Invest Italiana EM1800 ME140 Hotel Le Bristol LA350 HOTEL MADERO EM1800 Hotel Relais Villa del Golfo & Spa Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa GV225 Iberotel Apulia EM1675 INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP PORT GHALIB RESORT AF200 AF250 INTERCONTINENTAL NAIROBI UKI430 ITB Berlin EM450 Jan-Pol Incoming Tour Operator Jebel Ali International Hotels ME400 Jin Jiang International Hotel Management Co. Ltd. GV135 Kakslauttanen Hotel & Igloo Village / Santa’s Resort EM140d Kemer - GATAB EM800,EM850 Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates ME400 Kerzner International Resorts Inc CA430 Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority NA350 Livigno Tourist Office EM1800 Loreley-Linie Weinand GmbH EM540 MAISTRA Hotels & Resorts EM1250 Maritim Hotels EM540 masseria torre coccaro EM1675 MENA HOUSE OBEROI AF200 Merlin Beach Resort AS300 MGM Resorts International NA350 Millennium Plaza Hotel Dubai ME400 Miri Marriott Resort & Spa AS200 NOVA YARDINIA RESORT EM1675 PALM BEACH HOTEL & BUNGALOWS EM1100 PANAMERICANO HOTELES LA350 PARADISE SAFARI PARK HOTEL AF250 Park Hyatt Dubai ME400 Park Inn LA550 Park Inn by Radisson Luxembourg City EM1235 Pestana Hotelaria Portugal EM900 Plaza Tours/ DMC ME100 Pont du Gard - World Heritage EM1700 PortAventura EM1640 Prince Hotels & Resorts AS360 Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel & Business Center EM240 Real Intercontinental Hotel & Club Tower,Costa Rica LA550 REX HOTEL SAIGON AS583 ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM EM640 Royal Plaza Hotel AS250 Sampran Riverside AS300 Sayama Travel Group AS300 SENTIDO NEPTUNE HOTELS AF250 Sheraton Kampala Hotel AF680 Sheraton La Caleta Resort & Spa EM1450 Sirene Belek Hotel EM800,EM850 Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche ME300 St Paul’s Cathedral UKI101 Sutera Harbour Resort AS200 TA DMC Portugal EM900 TANGO PORTEÑO LA350 Taylors Three Rock UKI600 THE ST. REGIS SAADIYAT ISLAND RESORT, ABU DHABI ME300



Consumer Publications Bye Bye London DREAMS RESORTS-EGYPT GREEN BANANA MARKETING S.L Mercado and Eventos (Brazil) Travel World China Turizmus Kft Unseen Pictures

Convention Bureau

EM1640 EM900

ME101 AF200 EM1450 Press Centre Foyer GV179 GV179 TT435

ME300 ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY Amsterdam Marketing EM300 Andhra Pradesh Tourism IN450 Andorra Turisme, S.A.U. EM1650 EM800,EM850 Antalya The Destination EM1300 ARAGÓN NA270 Scottsdale Convention and Visitors Bureau Atlantic City, New Jersey NA175 Azores Promotion Bureau EM900 Banff Lake Louise Tourism NA300 Barcelona Province Tourist Board EM1640 EM1600 Benidorm Tourist Board LA250 Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau EM1300 CANTABRIA - Sociedad Regional de Turismo CASTILLA Y LEON - SOTUR, S.A. EM1300 Choose Chicago NA380 EM540 Cologne Tourist Board COSTA DAURADA - Tarragona Province Tourism Board EM1640 Culture Company 2013 (Derry~Londonderry UK City of Culture 2013) UKI600 Dubai Convention Bureau ME400 LA560 El Salvador Tourism Board/CORSATUR Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office EM1200 France EM1700 Frankfurt Tourist+Congress Board EM540 Geneva Tourism & Conventions EM600 GRANADA TOURIST BOARD & MICE BUREAU EM1500 Greater Boston CVB NA155 Greater Miami CVB NA100 Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau NA340 Groupe Forest Hill EM1700 HUELVA TOURIST BOARD EM1500 Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority NA350 Lille Metropole Tourism EM1203 Long Island Convention & Visitors Bureau NA200 Lucerne Tourism EM600 MALAGA - COSTA DEL SOL TOURIST BOARD EM1500 MALAGA CITY TOURISM BOARD & CONVENTION BUREAU EM1552 Malta Tourism Authority EM1150 Memphis & Mississippi NA378 Montenegro National Tourism Organisation EM745 New Orleans Convention & Visitors Bureau NA180 Nice Convention and Visitors Bureau EM1700 NYC & Company NA200 OKINAWA CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU AS360 Oostende Tourist Office EM1200 Philadelphia and Valley Forge NA175 Porto e Norte de Portugal Promotion Bureau EM900 Puerto Rico Convention Bureau CA160 Ruhr Tourism EM540 Ruta Moche LA300 St. Louis CVC NA378 Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH EM540 Sunland Viaggi e turismo EM1800 The Hague Convention Bureau - Travel Trade EM300 Tirol Tourist Board EM400 Tourism Flanders - Brussels EM1200 Tourism Toronto NA300 Tourisme Montréal NA300 TUCSON, ARIZONA THE REAL SOUTHWEST NA270 Utah Office of Tourism NA170 Valley Forge CVB NA175 VISIT FLORIDA NA100 Visit Tromsø Region EM140c VISITBRUSSELS EM1220 Visitelche EM1600 Wine, Water & Wonders of Upstate New York NA200

Xenios & Xeniosworld Zagreb Tourist Board ZARAGOZA TOURISM BOARD

Cruise Lines

Adelle Cruises AMAWATERWAYS AmazonEco EIRL American Cruise Lines ANTARCTICA XXI ANTARPPLY Aranui Cruises / Intercontinental Hotels Assam Bengal Navigation The Au Co, Gulf of Tonkin Bateaux Parisiens Bateaux-Mouches Bhaya Cruises Century Cruises CIMA SRL Croisieurope CRUCEROS AUSTRALIS DouroAzul Far Horizon Tours Pvt Ltd Feenstra Rijn Lijn BV Focus Travel GTW - Grimm Touristik Wetzlar Hornblower Cruises & Events Hurtigruten Indochina Sails - Mekong River Cruises Jungle Experiences KARPATEN TURISM KATARINA LINE incoming travel agency KD German Rhine Line Loreley-Linie Weinand GmbH Louis Group, The Lueftner Cruises Mekong Waterways Ltd NAVIMAG Orthodox Cruise Company Poseidon Arctic Voyages, Ltd. S. MIFSUD & SONS LTD (SMS TOURISM) SCYLLA AG SONESTA COLLECTION - EGYPT SPRING TOURS EGYPT Tallink Silja Ltd TransOcean Kreuzfahrten GmbH & Co. KG Travco Group Victoria Cruises Vodohod Russian River Cruises Wien Holding cultural enterprises Wuhan Yangtze Cruise Co.,Ltd

Press Centre Foyer EM1250 EM1300

Destination Management Company

EM300 EM540 LA300 NA270 LA400 LA350 AS655 IN400 AS580 EM1700 EM1700 AS580 AS285 EM1800 EM1605 LA400 EM900 IN201 EM530 AS581 GV305 NA200 EM140c AS581 LA300 EM640 EM1250 EM540 EM540 EM1130 EM400 AS492 LA400 EM165 EM203 EM1150 EM600 AF200 AF200 EM140d EM540 AF240 AS270 EM370 EM400 AS280

7°South Ltd - Virtuoso Onsite AS640 A T P DMC - ARGENTINA TRAVEL PARTNERS LA350 AAE ALL ASIA EXCLUSIVE AS300 Abacus African Vacations AF680 Abbey Tours Scotland UKI400 ABIES TRAVEL EM1500 Abreu DMC EM900 Acampora Travel EM1801 Acampora Travel EM1800 ACCENT TRAVEL & EVENTS EM640 ACERCAR VIAJES LA350 ACROSS SPAIN EM1640 Activ ‘Travel AF300 Adriana Travel EM1250 Adriatica.net d.o.o. EM1170 ADSMUNDO LA400 Adventure Myanmar Tours & Incentives AS55 ADVENTURE WORLD BRASIL LA100 African Adventure Travellers AF680 African Environments Ltd AF498 Aionas Travel EM1201 AKAY TRAVEL SERVICE EM800,EM850 Akilanga DMC & Events AF500 Aktiv Tours BUDAPEST EM350 Alamos Travel Service LA200 ALBANIA EXPLORER EM1160 Albatros-Travel, Ltd EM160 ALBTOURS D - Incoming Tour Operator in Balkan EM1160 All Asia Exclusive Travel Co., Ltd. AS55 All Pacific Travel Concept (APTC) AS550

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 431

PRODUCT GUIDE ME400 Alpha Tours L.L.C EM1150 Alpine Sterling DMC EM1800 Alviani Viaggi EM1100 AMATHUS CORPORATION LTD AMBIA TOURS INCOMING EM1600 AmericaBound Tours, Inc. NA340 American Best Getaways NA200 GV120 American Dream IN340 An Indian Escape AF530 andBeyond LA300 Andean Origins Andean Travel Company & Cotococha Amazon Lodge GV120 André Tours EM900 Angela Shanley Associates UKI400 LA100 Aniyami DMC EM1640 ANTHEA TRAVEL EM500 Apida (EGOZERO Project) IN450 Apollo Voyages Pvt. Ltd Appian Line EM1685 ARA Tours LA475 Arabian Adventures - The Destination ME450 Management Company EM1800 ArchiMete LA560 Arian’s Tours, S.A/Panama ARKTUR Tour Operator & DMC EM160 Armenia / Princess Maneh Tours EM1180 ARMOTOURS/Touroperator LA550 Asatours LTD GV120 AS200 Asia Experience Tours Sdn. Bhd. AS300 Asia World Enterprise Co., Ltd. AS301 Asian Trails Ltd Asilia AF550 EM507 Asla Travel Group AS250 Associated Tours Ltd. ASTRIDA TRAVEL EM570 ASTURIAS - GREEN SPAIN EM1300 ATHS EM1160 Atlantic City, New Jersey NA175 EM640 ATLANTIC TOUR ATLAS DMC EM1250 Atoll Experience Pvt AS540 Aurora Travel AS389 Australia One Pty Ltd AS550 AVANT GRUP. COACH & CAR SERVICES IN BARCELONA EM1640 Avatar Tour LTD EM700 Aventuras Mexico Profundo, S.A. de C.V. LA200 Aviatur LA530 Avra Tours SA EM1240 Axis & Globe Travel UKI400 Ayuntamiento de El Campello EM1600 AYUNTAMIENTO DE MAZARRÓN EM1475 AZETA VIAGGI LA350 Baden-Baden Visitors & Convention Office EM540 Baltic Blues Travel EM570 Baltic Saitas EM570 Banyan Tours & Travels Pvt Ltd. IN450 BARCELONA ON LINE EM1640 Barefoot Holidays St.Lucia CA325 Barton Hill Travel UKI400 BASQUE COUNTRY COMPANIES EM1300 Bensaude Turismo - Azores EM900 Bespoke Tours-The Signature of Luxury Travel IN400 Best Day Travel LA250 Bestway Tours & Safaris Pvt Ltd IN389 Bhutan Etho Metho Tours & Treks IN500 Bhutan Tourism Corporation Ltd IN170 Bin Majid Tours ME400 Black Forest Tourist Board EM540 Blue Ship Travel Co., LTD. AS360 Blue Sky Group AF145 BLUMAR TURISMO LA100 BUEMES TVL DMC LA470 Buffalo Tours AS380 BUQUEBUS LA470 Butterflies (PVT) Ltd AS600 Buzz Portugal DMC EM900 ÇANAKKALE EM800,EM850 CANARIAS INCOMING EM1450 Caper Travels Company Pvt Ltd IN515 CARACTERES DE MEXICO LA200 Caribic Vacations Ltd CA240 CARTAGENA PUERTO DE CULTURAS EM1475 Cashel Travel UKI400 Caucasus Travel EM1060

432 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Causeway Coast & Glens Tourism CEDOK TRAVEL CORPORATION CENTURY INCOMING, S.L. Ceylon Tours Limited China Joy China Travel(Henan Tourism Group) China Nimbus Travel CHR Travel Chrismar Travel CITUR - Agência de Viagens e Turismo, SA CITYVISION Colombia57 Ltda COLTUR Peru Columbus Tours (pvt) Ltd COMINTOUR LTD Connaissance De Ceylan Connections DMC Connex Caribe Mexico Corporate Blazing Events Corrupt Tour Corsicatours Cosmos Tours Costa Rica Reps -Tour Operator Costa Rica Top Tours CostaVision Incoming Services Spain COVASNA TOURISM DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Cox & Kings Limited Cox & Kings Tours Creative Travel Pvt. Ltd Creole Travel Services CRILLON TOURS -TITICACA HYDROFOIL Crown Tours (Maldives) Pvt. Ltd. Crystal Holidays (pvt) Ltd Crystal Safaris CTI - Corporate Travel & Incentives CTN Tours Cuba Direct Cuba Real Tours Cuba Select Travel Dakkak Tours International DMC Daltours S.r.l. DANA TOURS DANUBIUS TRAVEL Dasatariq De Palm Tours Aruba Debrecen & Hortobagy Desert Adventures Tourism Destination Asia Destination Costa Rica Destination Zambia Destino Punta del Este Dharma Adventures Diethelm Travel Group Diethelm Travel Group/1 Discover Arctic Discover East DMC CHILE DOC DMC Ltd Domestic Asia - DMC Domiruth Travel Service Domitur Viagens e Turismo Lda Dresden Marketing Board E-TRAVEL.SK Easia Travel East Africa Tourism Network Easy Travel and Tours LTD EC Travel Ecocircuitos Panama Eden Incoming & DMC by Eden srl Edge of India Egmont Incoming Sicily Eihab Travels & Tours LLC (Discover Oman) ELITE TRAVEL Emeco Tourism ENC Tours Azerbaijan ESTEROS VIAJES ETHIOPIA - Pathfinder Tour Operator EUFORIA TRAVEL Europa Travel & Tours Eurotravel Solutions EUROTUR EXCEL TRAVEL Excellent Tours & Travel China Exclusive African Safaris Executive Travel Service Exotissimo Travel Group

UKI600 EM550 EM1300 AS600 GV100 AS291 UKI400 GV120 EM900 EM1700 LA530 LA300 AS600 EM165 AS600 AS435 LA250 EM1600 EM572 EM1700 ME400 LA550 LA550 GV305 EM640 IN339 ME400 IN350 AS640 LA270 AS540 AS600 AF680 EM1660 NA270 CA401 LA475 CA407 ME100 EM1201 AF610 EM640 LA300 CA420 EM350 ME400 AS303 LA550 AF625 LA470 AS659 AS300 AS300 EM140c AS480 LA400 EM900 AS140 LA300 EM900 EM540 EM440 AS491 AF380 AF498 EM900 LA560 EM1800 IN385 EM1800 ME200 EM1246 EM1895 EM960 LA350 GV370 EM640 EM1160 EM400 LA350 AF200 AS279 AF680 EM1800 AS415

Experience Scotland Conference and Incentives Ltd EM1201 ME152 Farhat International Tours & Travels W.L.L EM700 Filiptour AF203 Flash Tour Flight Travel JSC AS480 Focus Asia IN265 Focus Flanders DMC EM1200 AS581 Focus Travel AF550 Fogg Travel Consultants AS589 Footsteps in Style GV155 Fore Representations & Travels Pvt Ltd Fortuna Tours - DMC Bosnia and Herzegovina EM1148 Forvol International Services Ltd. IN450 Four Seasons Hotel Baku EM960 AF365 Foxes Safari Camps EM1700 French Travel Partners EM640 FRESH HOLIDAYS & EVENTS - IDYLLIC ROMANIA EM900 FS Group FVW Mediengruppe Press Centre Foyer GABILATOUR EM1678 GAPA Travel LA475 LA560 Garifuna Tours - Honduras EM1924 Gartour by HTS Srl LA350 GATEWAYS TRAVEL GEMINI GV120 Get into Lanka Travels & Tours AS600 Gigatour della Li.La. srl EM1800 GLEN LODGE AF645 GV100 Global Discovery / Adventure Now AF250 GLORY TOURS AND SAFARIS LTD GV120 Go Tourism Go West Tours NA340 LA270 GOBIERNO AUTONOMO MUNICIPAL DE SUCRE CA300 Goddards Shipping & Tours Ltd Golden Holidays (Lebanon) - DMC ME140 Gudmundur Jonasson Travel EM140a Gulf Ventures ME400 Gulliver Travel DMC EM1250 GV100 Happy Trails - Indonesia Havanatour UK Ltd CA410 HAVAS CREATIVE TOURS LA100 Hayleys Tours AS600 Hellas Vacances EM1201 Hemingways Expeditions AF250 HG Travel AS580 HGH Travel Co.Ltd AS480 Hippo Tours and Safaris Ltd AF498 Holiday Travel EM650 Hotelbeds GV320 Hummingbird Travel Ltd AS540 Iceland Excursions - Gray Line Iceland EM140a ILTucano Peru LA300 Impression Tourism Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. IN291 Incoming Partners EM1800 Incoming Partners S.r.l. EM1201 INCOTOUR GROUP EM165 INDABA 2013 AF500 India 4 You IN265 Indian Holiday Pvt. Ltd. IN519 Indochina Tourist & Trade Co. Ltd. AS493 Indochina Travel Services Vietnam - ITS AS480 Indoroutes Travels India IN450 INFOBA DMC LA350 Inner Maldives Holidays Pvt. Ltd. AS540 INSUR TRAVEL EM1500 Intas Destination Management AS100 Intercity Travel DMC EM160 Interconnection Travels & Tours Co., Ltd AS55 Intercrac EM450 INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL Ltd EM700 Interopa Holidays UKI400 Intertours Nepal AS659 INTRA CO. AS460 INTRA TOURS - DMC in TURKEY EM800,EM850 Iraqi Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities ME470 ISLAND CONTINENT TOURS MADAGASCAR AS445 Israel Government Tourist Office EM650 Istanbul Parasol Travel (IPT) EM800,EM850 ITO Tours EM300 JAC Travel Canada NA300 Jamaica Tours Limited CA240 JEWEL TOURS AS480 Journey Mexico LA200 JTB Global Marketing & Travel Inc. AS360 Jumbo Tours Group GV470

PRODUCT GUIDE IN400 Jungle Travels India LA350 KALLPA TOUR OPERATOR AF549 Kamili Kansas & Oklahoma Travel & Tourism NA270 Kapawi Ecolodge & Reserve LA191 KARAVAN TRAVEL A.S EM800,EM850 EM750 Karpaz Ecotourism Association AS140 KCBJ Tours Bali AF498 Kearsley Travel & Tours AS701 Keells Hotel Management Services Ltd KENYA WILDLIFE TRAILS AF250 Kesari Tours Pvt Ltd IN400 Khimji’s House of Travel ME200 AS360 KNT! - KINTETSU INTERNATIONAL EM800,EM850 Koptur Tourism DMC EM440 Kosice - European Capital of Culture 2013 EM500 Kranjska Gora Tourist Board KTS Incoming France EM1700 L`Isolabella EM1800 LADY EGYPT TOURS AF200 AS600 Lanka Holidays Net (pvt) Ltd AS600 Lanka Sportreizen LA475 Latincoming LATITUD 90 CHILE LA400 Le Passage to India Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd IN340 Leopard Tours AF496 Liberty Brazil GV640 GV640 Liberty Cuba GV640 Liberty India GV640 Liberty International Tourism Group Liberty Italy GV640 Liberty North America GV640 Liberty Russia GV640 Lima Tours LA300 EM250 LLC LovelyTour UKI400 London & Partners EM140b Luleå in Swedish Lapland The Luxury Trains IN400 M Tours Bled EM500 Magri Turismo Ltda. LA270 Majestic Tours/Holidays CA430 Malai Adventure Sdn Bhd AS200 Malawi Ministry of Tourism AF650 Malawi Travel Marketing Consortium AF650 Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board AS200 Malla Travel & Trek Services AS659 Maremania Srl EM1800 Margo Tours LA560 MARK TOURS ME200 MARRIOTT HOTELS & RESORTS-EGYPT AF200 Mason’s Travel (Pty) Ltd AS640 MASTERS TRAVEL SERVICE AF200 MAUTOURCO AS500 Maya Sky Tour Operator LA560 Maya Temple Tours/Honduras LA560 Maya Trails LA560 Mazurkas Travel Poland EM450 Medintur Italia T.O EM1800 MEDITRAVEL EM1230 Meeting Point International EM742 Menara Tours AF300 Mercury Travels Ltd IN380 Metropolitan Touring Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Chile & Argentina LA401 Mexcellence Travel, S.A. de C.V. LA200 Mexico Touring DMC & Tour Operator LA200 MILLENARIAN TOURISM & TRAVEL LA270 MINAS GERAIS LA100 Miracle Tourism LLC. (Dubai/UAE) ME400 Missing Italia Incoming EM1800 Mondial Destination Management EM400 MONTSERRAT EM1640 MOZAMBIQUE VOYAGES / UITKYK HOLIDAYS AF610 NAKHAL Tours & Travel ME140 Namaste Tours Pvt. Ltd. IN450 NASCOTOURS AF200 Nassau Paradise Island Promotion Board CA430 National Tours & Services CA150 National Travel & Tourism ME200 NATIONAL TRAVEL SERVICE AF200 NATIVE TRAILS MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. LA200 Network 4 Sports Travel EM1201 New World Travel NA260 ‘Nord Albania’ Tourist Agency , ‘Rupa’ Guest House & Camping Seit EM1160

EM1300 NT INCOMING SL EM1180 ‘NUEVA VISTA’ DMC-ARMENIA EM400 Oetztal Tourism Old Town Outfitters/Bike LA560 OLTA TRAVEL LTD EM165 Olympia Europe GV220 CA200 Olympus Tours EM900 On Pro Travel Solutions EM1000 Open Travel Service EM207 Operation Europe Travel Orascom Development: El Gouna, Red Sea & Taba Heights, Sinai AF129 Orient Express Travels & Tours IN450 ME400 Orient Tours LLC ME500 Orient Tours LLC GV100 Orion Trek Voyages - Morocco EM700 ORTHANNA TOUR OPERATOR Ospitalita’ a Bologna EM1800 OSWALD ARRIGO LTD - Incoming DMC - Malta EM1150 OTI Holding GV565 UKI340 Out Now AS360 Oxalis Holidays Ltd. EM700 P GROUP PLOVDIV LTD Pacto Ltd. Indonesia AS140 Paddywagon Tours UKI600 PAMUKKALE DENIZLI PROVINCE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION EM800,EM850 AS600 Pan Lanka Travels & Tours LA560 Panama Trails/Panama LA530 Panamericana de viajes DMC Panorama Destination Indonesia AS140 Panorama Perú LA300 Panorama Tours & Travel GmbH EM400 Panoramic Travel Group EM500 EM340 Panoramic Travel Group / Panoramic Serbia EM1700 Paris, What Else? LA100 PASSION BRAZIL PEGA DMC Germany GmbH EM540 Pegasus - The Welcoming Agencies EM400 PENINSULA TOURS EM703 Phoenix Voyages AS575 Pioneer Personalized Holidays IN450 POINT TRAVEL DMC EM450 Pongo Safaris & Tours Ltd AF380 Portugalres SA EM900 Poseidon Arctic Voyages, Ltd. EM203 Predators Safari Club AF498 Promet T&T EM500 PROTOURS LA400 PT.U & I Holidays AS140 PureQuest Adventures GV611 QUALITY TRAVEL LA350 Rabbie’s Small Group Tours UKI400 RANIERI Tour Operator EM1660 Redix Travel EM1060 Regency Holidays ME240 Remac Tours CA300 Reykjavik Excursions EM140a Rhodes Tourism Promotion Organisation EM950 Rila Travel Ltd. EM700 Ring-Tours EM1700 Riviera Maya Destination Marketing Office LA200 Roadlink AF300 ROBERT ARRIGO & SONS LTD. EM1150 Romagna Full Time EM1800 Roy Safaris Ltd. AF498 Royal India Holidays GV120 RST DMC - Rico Suntours, Inc. CA160 Rural Cyprus EM1120 SAAD Tours - DMC ME140 Safari Destinations AF400 Sakkara Group International AF115 SALAMIS TOURS LTD EM1100 Sarovar Hotels Pvt. Ltd IN450 SAT Business Travel, S.A de C.V LA200 Scaevola Travel Pvt. Ltd. AS540 Scandinavian Perspectives (DMC) EM140b SCENERY TRAVEL SERVICE LA350 Scenic Journeys Pvt. Ltd IN450 Seven Star Tours AS55 SF TRAVEL EM640 Sharjah Investment & Development Authority (SHUROOQ) ME500 Silver Africa Tours GV100 Sireon Tours EM1800

A IN300 SITA IN389 Sitara International Ltd AS140 Smailing Tour SMART TRAVEL EM640 smilo destination management GV110 Snaeland Travel EM140a ME400 SNTTA Emir Tours EM1800 Social Top . in. Club : ARS - NATURA - ANIMA GV100 Solana Tours EM1160 Sondor Travel SOUTH AMERICAN TOURS DE ARGENTINA LA350 South American Tours de Peru LA300 Southern Cross Safaris AF550 AF500 Southern Spoor Marketing AF500 Springbok Atlas Tours and Safaris EM540 SR Travel GmbH AS600 Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau Static Tours Pvt. Ltd. AS540 S’TOURS Destination Management Company EM1895 STP GUATEMALA LA560 AS500 SummerTimes EM1800 Sun Events srl NA270 Sun Islands Hawaii, Inc. SunBird Tours Myanmar AS55 Swaziland Tourism Authority AF303 Swiss Travel Costa Rica LA550 SYLVIA TOURS EGYPT AF200 EM900 TA DMC Portugal AF200 TABA TRAVEL AF498 Takims Holidays Tours & Safaris Tama Tour Indonesia AS140 Taprospa Spas & Resorts/ Mackwoods Travel AS600 Tekura Tahiti Travel AS655 Televentur/Honduras LA560 EM800,EM850 TEMPEL TRAVEL GV120 Tensi Incoming and Congress GV370 THAILAND - Royal Silk Holidays Thamserku Trekking Pvt. Ltd AS659 Gambia Tourism Board AF196 The Green Circuit IN450 The One DMC GV120 The Vision Destination Managment ME300 Thompsons Africa AF500 365 days of Armenia by SacVoyage EM1180 32CC Group - Irish Coaches/Hello Ireland Tours UKI600 TIPICA TOUR OPERATOR EM1675 TONICHI TRAVEL SERVICE CO.,LTD. AS360 Top Bavaria Travel GmbH EM540 Top Tours Romania EM640 Tour & Incentive Travel Sdn Bhd AS200 Tour East AS102 Tour East Australia AS550 Tourism India Management Enterprises Pvt. Ltd IN265 New Zealand - Tourism New Zealand AS555 Tourism Organization of the Mazovia Region EM450 Tourwise Limited CA240 Trail Blazer Tours India Pvt. Ltd.- TBi IN275 Transglobe EM1700 TRANSHOTEL EM1300 Transturin Titicaca Catamarans LA270 Travco - Jordan ME100 Travco Group AF240 Travco L.L.C ME400 Travel Boutique UKI400 Travel Corporation India Ltd IN325 Travel Elements ME160 Travel Excellence COSTA RICA LA550 The Travel Experience EM140d Travel Group Peru LA300 Travel Oregon NA270 Travel Plan EM1000 TRAVEL SPIRIT INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD IN570 Travel To Marketing GV120 Travel Weekly Asia GV179 Travel World Experiences IN289 Travelbook - DMC ME140 Travelite (India) IN520 TRAVELTEC INCOMING SPAIN EM1640 TRIP Tour Operator EM450 TUI PORTUGAL EM900 TURAVION LA400 TWIGA TOURS AF250 U.S. Commercial Service NA270 Ukraine EM160 Ultimate USA Weddings NA200

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 433

PRODUCT GUIDE Uniline d.o.o. United Holidays (PVT) Ltd URUGUAY MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND SPORT USTI REGION Uts Travel V AND V EXPERIENCIA VALENCIA DMC VALENCIA PROVINCIAL TOURISM BOARD “VALENCIA TERRA I MAR” Vasco Travel Vayatour Bali Verum Tourism Via Hansa Tours VIAJES MARTEL CANARIAS, S.A. Viajes Mexico con Amistad S.A. de C.V. VIAJES NOVOVIRA VIAJES URBIS, S.A. Vialandauto Ground & Chauffeured Transportation Latin America VIATUR TRAVEL SERVICES Viaventure VIDOTOUR Co., Ltd VIETRAVEL GROUP Vintage Africa Visit Georgia Visit Kent Vitramar Voyagers Zambia Limited Voyages Services Plus WALPAX BRAZIL TRAVEL PARTNERS Welcome to Yorkshire Welcome Travels (a unit of Welcome Destinations Pvt. ltd) Welcomebeds.com Wellsicily di Scarlet World Tours and Travel Wild Discovery Travel & Tourism Wilderness Safaris Wings Tours And Nile Cruises WORLD SYNERGY TRAVEL Worldcome, destination specialists Worldlink Travel and Tours Ltd. Worldwide Destinations Asia Co., Ltd. Worldwide DMC Ltd Xcursions India Yatra Exotic Routes Yellow Transfers / Endless Tours Yeti Travels Your Africa ZIL TRAVEL TOUR OPERATOR & DMC


EM1250 AS600 LA470 EM550 TT289 LA350 EM1600 EM1600 IN337 AS140 EM240 EM701 EM1300 LA200 EM1300 EM1300 LA100 LA550 LA560 AS383 AS480 AF250 EM1060 UKI400 GV120 AF625 EM1700 LA100 UKI400 IN365 GV230 EM1800 ME140 AF435 AF101 EM640 GV610 AF498 AS300 UKI407 IN450 IN315 LA250 AS659 AF500 LA100

ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY ME300 Agenzia Regionale per la Promozione Turistica ‘in Liguria’ EM1678 Airkenya Express AF372 ALANYA TOURISM & PROMOTION FOUNDATION EM800,EM850 ALDAR Properties PJSC ME300 ARAGÓN EM1300 ARAUCANIA LA400 ArchiMete EM1800 Arlberg Marketing EM400 Assam Tourism IN450 Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association AF550 Ayuda para Vida Silvestre Amenazada Sociedad Zoológica de Francfort Perú LA300 AYUNTAMIENTO DE ADEJE EM1450 Ayuntamiento de Oropesa del Mar EM1600 AYUNTAMIENTO PUERTO DE LA CRUZ EM1450 BARBAROS YACHTING EM800,EM850 Barcelona Province Tourist Board EM1640 Be Live Hotels CA200 Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia EM1220 Benidorm Tourist Board EM1600 Black Forest Tourist Board EM540 Brand USA NA245 Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur LA100,LA100 Canal New York NA200 Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau LA250 CARTAGENA PUERTO DE CULTURAS EM1475 CASTELLON TOURIST BOARD EM1600 CASTILLA Y LEON - SOTUR, S.A. EM1300 Chic Outlet Shopping® GV380 Chic Outlet Shopping® - Ingolstadt Village GV380 Cologne Tourist Board EM540

434 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

NA170 Colorado Tourism Office EM1600 Costa Blanca Tourist Board COSTA DAURADA - Tarragona Province EM1640 Tourism Board COVASNA TOURISM DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION EM640 Cuba Tourist Office CA400 Destino Punta del Este LA470 EM1800 Distretto Turistico di Fano LA191 ECUADOR - AMAZON LA170 Ecuadorian Tours AF200 EHA El Hierro Tourist Board EM1400 ELEGANCE EAST HOTEL EM800,EM850 Engadin St. Moritz EM600 EM1300 EXTREMADURA EM600 Ferretti Tourism NA270 Georgia Tourism USA EM540 Germany - south west Greater Boston CVB NA155 Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau NA340 Groundline Citycards GV305 CA145 Guadeloupe Islands Tourist Board NA378 Hawai’i Tourism Europe EM600 Interlaken Tourism Iraqi Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities ME470 The Islands of The Bahamas CA430 Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT) EM1800 JAEN TOURIST BOARD EM1500 UKI120 Jersey Tourism EM600 Jungfrau Region LA191 Kapawi Ecolodge & Reserve KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN, Ministry of Culture ME152 EM140b Kiruna in Swedish Lapland EM500 Kranjska Gora Tourist Board Lapland Resorts - part of Swedish Lapland EM140b Lara/Kundu - AKTOB EM800,EM850 LATAM Airlines Group LA420 Long Island Convention & Visitors Bureau NA200 AS260 Macau Government Tourist Office MALAGA - COSTA DEL SOL TOURIST BOARD EM1500 Malta Tourism Authority EM1150 Manavgat/Side - MASTOB EM800,EM850 Maraviglia Srl EM1800 Marche Region EM1800 Kazakhstan (Ministry for Tourism and Sports of the Republic of) AS60 NANTES TOURISM EM1700 ‘Nord Albania’ Tourist Agency , ‘Rupa’ Guest House & Camping Seit EM1160 Paradise Sun AS640 Phu Vinh Hung Production Joint Stock Company AS480 Portugal EM900 Proexport Colombia LA530 Reunion Island Tourism Board AS425 Rocky Mountain International NA180 ROTANA HOTELS & RESORTS AF200 Sales Blitz Hospitality Collection EM1800 Seychelles Tourism Board AS640 Sharjah Environment and Protected Areas Authority ME500 Sorrento Coast Consortium EM1800 South African Tourism AF500 St Vincent & The Grenadines Tourist Office CA340 Stockholm Countrybreak EM140b Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH EM540 Tahiti Tourisme AS655 Ticino Tourism EM600 Tourisme Montréal NA300 TravelMole UKI339 Trek Nepal Int’l AS659 Turkish Culture & Tourism Office EM800,EM850 TUROB - Touristic Hotels and Investors Association EM800,EM850 UGANDA TOURISM BOARD AF680 VERBIER St-Bernard EM600 Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism AS480 Visit California NA340 Visit Greenwich L205 Visit Iceland EM140a Visit Orlando NA100 Visit St. Petersburg/Clearwater NA100 Visit Tromsø Region EM140c WAKAYAMA PREFECTURE AS360 Waterford UKI600 West Sweden Tourist Board EM140b Windermere Lake Cruises UKI400

Wine, Water & Wonders of Upstate New York World Skills World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Zambia Wildlife Authority Zitahli Resorts & Spa, Maldives

NA200 EM1551 EM1590 AF625 AS540

Air Iceland Amazing Zambia Australian Walking Holidays BOIANA - MG TRAVEL COMPANY Brussels Guided Tours Captain Morgan Cruises Chelsea FC Stadium Tours and Museum City Cruises plc DELFOS OPERADOR MAYORISTA DM TRAVEL LTD. Gondolieri Travel Hellenic Association of Travel & Tourist Agencies (HATTA) Lille Metropole Tourism Mbalageti Serengeti. Moldova Mozambique Tourism -INATUR NATURE EXPEDITIONS AFRICA New Logic LTD NoviNomad Travel Company On Location Tours Persona Grata Red Bus City Tours Tour Azur Trenitalia Spa VALENCIA DMC

EM140a AF625 AS550 EM700 EM1220 EM1150 L300 L305 LA350 EM700 EM1656


EM1000 EM1203 AF498 EM755 AF610 AF250 EM160 AS80 NA201 EM240 EM400 EM1700 EM1750 EM1600

Event Management Services

4 roues sous 1 parapluie EM1700 Abreu DMC EM900 Activ ‘Travel AF300 ADSMUNDO LA400 ADVENTURE WORLD BRASIL LA100 Aeolos EM1150 The African Embassy (Hatari & Shumata) AF549 Agência de Viagens Windsor EM900 Aionas Travel EM1201 Aitken Spence Hotels AS565 Akilanga DMC & Events AF500 Aktiv Tours BUDAPEST EM350 Albatros-Travel, Ltd EM160 Arian’s Tours, S.A/Panama LA560 Aryans Tours EM1180 AVANT GRUP. COACH & CAR SERVICES IN BARCELONA EM1640 Aviatur LA530 BARCELONA ON LINE EM1640 Brand USA Pavilion Colorado & Utah NA170 Buzz Portugal DMC EM900 ÇANAKKALE EM800,EM850 Cashel Travel UKI400 Caucasus Travel EM1060 China Outbound Travel & Tourism Market AS95 Colombia57 Ltda LA530 COLTUR Peru LA300 Columbus Tours (pvt) Ltd AS600 COMINTOUR LTD EM165 Connections DMC AS435 Corporate Blazing Events EM1600 CTI - Corporate Travel & Incentives EM1660 Cuba Real Tours LA475 Dakkak Tours International DMC ME100 Destination Asia AS303 DMC CHILE LA400 Dubai Events & Promotions Establishment ME400 Ecocircuitos Panama LA560 ECUADOR - HACIENDAS LA191 Edrisi Viaggi EM1800 ENC Tours Azerbaijan EM960 EUFORIA TRAVEL EM640 Eurotravel Solutions EM400 EVENIA HOTELS EM1640 EXCEL TRAVEL AF200 Experience Scotland Conference and Incentives Ltd EM1201 FITUR, International Tourism Trade Fair (IFEMA) EM1300 Flight Travel JSC AS480 Fortuna Travel GV601



FS Group Gandia GEMINI Gigatour della Li.La. srl Gondolieri Travel Hayleys Tours Hellas Vacances HG Travel Hotel Ramada Encore Geneva Huerto del Cura Group IGUAZU GRAND - PANORAMIC HOTEL IGUAZU BUENOS AIRES GRAND IHB Travel GmbH Incoming Partners Incoming Partners S.r.l. INDABA 2013 Intercity Travel DMC International Hotel Awards ISTANBUL WALKS - ANTONINA TURIZM AND TRAVEL JCorp Hotels And Resorts JTB Global Marketing & Travel Inc. JW MARRIOTT BUCHAREST GRAND HOTEL Kervansaray Hotels Kompas L`Isolabella La Cigale Hotel LAMA Desert Tourism LLC LGBT Confex Liberty Italy London & Partners made in 2010 Ltd The Marmara Collection Meeting Point International Menara Tours Mexcellence Travel, S.A. de C.V. Mexico Touring DMC & Tour Operator Moscow Exhibition and Convention Agency NASCOTOURS NEPAL - Explore Himalaya Travel & Adventure NEPAL - Ultimate Descents Network 4 Sports Travel Ollandini Voyages OLTA TRAVEL LTD Open Travel Service PALOMA HOTELS PANAMERICANO HOTELES PATUYAB - PAMUCAK TOURISM INVESTORS UNION PEGA DMC Germany GmbH Portugalres SA Remac Tours Ring-Tours Roadlink SAAD Tours - DMC Sakkara Group International Savannah Tours Ltd SF TRAVEL SOT-SAHINOGLU Tourism STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS-EGYPT Sun Events srl Tatra-Bis Tensi Incoming and Congress TERRES DE L’EBRE - Tarragona Province Tourist Board The Out NYC Top Bavaria Travel GmbH Tour East Australia Tourism India Management Enterprises Pvt. Ltd Travco - Jordan Travco L.L.C Travel Plan Travelbook - DMC TTG ITALIA SPA - Art&Tourism Fair U.S. Commercial Service Uniline d.o.o. Uzbekistan Vis-à-vis Tour Armenia Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board Visit Georgia Voyagers World WALPAX BRAZIL TRAVEL PARTNERS Wens Tour World Trade Center Moscow

EM900 EM1600 GV120 EM1800 EM1656 AS600 EM1201 AS580 EM600 EM1600 LA350 EM540 EM1800 EM1201 AF500 EM160 GV430 EM800,EM850 AS200 AS360 EM640 EM803 EM500 EM1800 ME240 ME400 UKI340 GV640 UKI400 UKI400 EM800,EM850 EM742 AF300 LA200 LA200 EM240 AF200 GV370 GV370 EM1201 EM1700 EM165 EM1000 EM748 LA350 EM800,EM850 EM540 EM900 CA300 EM1700 AF300 ME140 AF115 AF498 EM640 EM800,EM850 AF200 EM1800 EM755 GV120 EM1640 UKI340 EM540 AS550 IN265 ME100 ME400 EM1000 ME140 EM1660 NA270 EM1250 AS70 EM1180 EM140d EM1060 GV179 LA100 EM1201 EM240

Events Support Services All Reps LTDA ArchiMete AVENA TRAVEL BASQUE COUNTRY COMPANIES CEARÁ Corsica’s Premier Hotel Association Dubai Events & Promotions Establishment EHA Habtoor Hotels Habtoor Hotels - Met Deira Hotel HOTEL MAJESTIC SAIGON LGBT Confex MARSEILLE PROVENCE Pink & Friend RIN HOTELS ‘Times & Epochs’ historical festivals in Moscow Travel Trade Products Uzbekistan Vneshintourist VOX MUNDI

Exhibition Venues

LA530 EM1800 EM450 EM1300 LA100 EM1700 ME400 AF200 ME400 ME400 AS583 UKI340 EM1700 AS300 EM640 EM240 GV162 AS70 EM260 UKI440

Antalya Expo 2016 EM800,EM850 Bettoja Hotels EM1803 BIT International Tourism Exchange - Fiera Milano EM1668 EHA AF200 EM1475 EL BATEL CONFERENCE CENTRE. CARTAGENA EM1300 FITUR, International Tourism Trade Fair (IFEMA) EM1100 GRANDRESORT LIMASSOL EM1000 ‘Hellenic Cosmos’ Convention & Cultural Centre EM1150 Hilton Malta HOTEL EUROPE VILLA CORTES, EUROPE HOTELS INTERNACIONAL EM1450 ITB Berlin UKI430 Taylors Three Rock UKI600


BUQUEBUS Condor Ferries Corsica SNCM - Southern Ferries DFDS Seaways DFDS SEAWAYS LTD NAVIMAG NY Waterway’s East River Ferry Shannon Ferries Stena Line Stena Line Limited Tallink Silja Ltd

LA470 UKI120 EM1700 EM1700 EM300 LA400 NA200 UKI600 EM300 UKI600 EM140d

APHRODITE HILLS RESORT Destination Resort Thracian Cliffs Golf & Spa Resort

EM1100 AS200 EM700

Emeco Tourism H10 Hotels Iberotel Apulia Latincoming TUI PORTUGAL

EM1895 EM1570 EM1675 LA475 EM900

Golf Courses

Golf Related Products

Golf Related Services

Discover East SouthWestWalks Ireland VIETRAVEL GROUP Voyage Colombia/World Tours

Golf Resorts

AS480 UKI600 AS480 LA530

AKAY TRAVEL SERVICE EM800,EM850 Argentario Golf Resort & Spa EM1660 ASOCIACION DE HOTELES Y CAMPOS DE GOLF DE EL TOYO - CABO DE GATA EM1500 Associazione Albergatori Oltrepo` EM1800 Azerbaijan Golf Federation EM960 Belek - BETUYAB EM800,EM850 Bom Sucesso Design Resort, Leisure & Golf EM900 CTI - Corporate Travel & Incentives EM1660 Due Lune Resort Golf & Spa EM1800 FONTEVERDE COLLECTION TUSCANY LIFESTYLE EM1660 GLORIA HOTELS & RESORTS EM800,EM850 Half Moon, A RockResort CA240

HERITAGE HOTELS LTD. Hilton Worldwide HOTEL LAS MADRIGUERAS Is Molas Resort ISLA BELLA, S.A. Jebel Ali International Hotels NH - RESORTS SL Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation Park Hyatt Dubai Pestana Hotelaria Portugal Prince Hotels & Resorts PUNTACANA Resort &Club Sandals Resort Sirene Belek Hotel 68º Lofoten SOMA BAY STEIGENBERGER AL DAU RESORT The Address Hotels + Resorts THE ST. REGIS SAADIYAT ISLAND RESORT, ABU DHABI Thracian Cliffs Golf & Spa Resort Villa La Bollina Voyage Hotels

AF250 UKI400 EM1450 EM1800 EM1450 ME400 EM1300 AF150 ME400 EM900 AS360 CA200 CA325 EM800,EM850 EM140c AF200 AF200 ME400 ME300 EM700 EM1800 EM800,EM850

Ground Handling Services 7°South Ltd - Virtuoso Onsite Abbey Tours Acampora Travel Acampora Travel ACTIVE HOLIDAYS Aeolos The African Embassy (Hatari & Shumata) African Horseback Safaris AFRICAN PEARL SAFARIS Akilanga DMC & Events All Pacific Travel Concept (APTC) Alpine Sterling DMC Alviani Viaggi AMATHUS CORPORATION LTD AmericaBound Tours, Inc. An Indian Escape andBeyond Angela Shanley Associates Annset Holidays Inc Appian Line Asatours LTD Asia Europe TCI Asia World Enterprise Co., Ltd. Asian Overland Services Tours & Travel Sdn. Bhd. Asla Travel Group Aurora Travel Australia One Pty Ltd AZETA VIAGGI Barefoot Holidays St.Lucia BelMondo Viaggi Bespoke Tours-The Signature of Luxury Travel Best Day Travel Blue Poppy Tours & Treks Blue Sky Group Buffalo Tours Bush Africa Safaris Butterflies (PVT) Ltd Camino Travel CANARIAS INCOMING Caper Travels Company Pvt Ltd Caribic Vacations Ltd China CYTS International Travel Co., Ltd China Nimbus Travel CHR Travel CIE Tours International CITUR - Agência de Viagens e Turismo, SA Colombia57 Ltda COLTUR Peru Complete Tours Congo Gorilla Tours Connections DMC Corporate Blazing Events Costa Rica Top Tours Cox & Kings Tours Creative Travel Pvt. Ltd Cuba Direct Cuba Real Tours Cuba Select Travel Cubatur DANA TOURS

AS640 UKI600 EM1801 EM1800 EM640 EM1150 AF549 AF400 AF680 AF500 AS550 EM1150 EM1800 EM1100 NA340 IN340 AF530 UKI400 AS100 EM1685 GV120 GV305 AS300 AS200 EM507 AS389 AS550 LA350 CA325 EM1685 IN400 LA250 IN170 AF145 AS380 AF400 AS600 LA550 EM1450 IN515 CA240 AS150 AS291 UKI400 UKI600 EM900 LA530 LA300 AF300 AF549 AS435 EM1600 LA550 ME400 IN350 CA401 LA475 CA407 CA400 AF610

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 435

PRODUCT GUIDE ME400 Desert Adventures Tourism AS303 Destination Asia AS659 Dharma Adventures EM650 Diesenhaus Unitours Incoming Tourism Ltd Discover Arctic EM140c Discover Holidays Canada NA300 Discover Travel & Tours UKI400 LA400 DMC CHILE AS140 Domestic Asia - DMC EM900 Domitur Viagens e Turismo Lda EM440 E-TRAVEL.SK East Africa Tourism Network AF380 Eastmar Group AF119 ECE Ltd. L203 ME200 Eihab Travels & Tours LLC (Discover Oman) EM700 Elite Tours Ltd EM1246 ELITE TRAVEL EM1201 Emile Weber ETHIOPIA - Pathfinder Tour Operator GV370 Europe Incoming UKI108 Exciting Travel Holidays AS540 AS415 Exotissimo Travel Group Experience Scotland Conference and Incentives Ltd EM1201 EM1300 ExploreWorldHeritage.com Fez Travel EM800,EM850 Filiptour EM700 Finesse South Pacific Travel Pty Ltd. AS550 Flash Tour AF203 EM1148 Fortuna Tours - DMC Bosnia and Herzegovina EM1700 French Travel Partners EM900 FS Group GAMEWATCHERS SAFARIS AF250 EM800,EM850 Global Travel Services GV305 Globetrotters Travel & Tours Glow Tours & Trade Pvt Ltd. AS540 Goddards Shipping & Tours Ltd CA300 Golden Holidays (Lebanon) - DMC ME140 Gondwana Tours and Safaris AF400 IN450 Grande Tours & Travels GTA GV500 GTW - Grimm Touristik Wetzlar GV305 Gudmundur Jonasson Travel EM140a Gulf Ventures ME400 HAPI TRAVEL AND TOURISM COMPANY AF200 Happy Trails - Indonesia GV100 Havanatour UK Ltd CA410 Havanatur S.A CA400 Hayleys Tours AS600 Hemingways Expeditions AF250 HG Travel AS580 Hippo Tours and Safaris Ltd AF498 Hospitality Line Ltd L200 Hummingbird Travel Ltd AS540 Impression Tourism Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. IN291 INCOTOUR GROUP EM165 Indian Holiday Pvt. Ltd. IN519 INFOBA DMC LA350 Inner Maldives Holidays Pvt. Ltd. AS540 Interconnection Travels & Tours Co., Ltd AS55 Intercrac EM450 INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL Ltd EM700 Irish Welcome Tours UKI600 ITO Tours EM300 JAC Travel Canada NA300 JacTravel UKI400 Jamaica Tours Limited CA240 Jetwing Travels (pvt) Ltd AS600 Journey Mexico LA200 JUNGLE LODGES BANDHAVGARH / KANHA IN309 KALLPA TOUR OPERATOR LA350 Kearsley Travel & Tours AF498 KENYA - Ramogi Tours & Travel LTD GV370 KENYA WILDLIFE TRAILS AF250 Kompas EM500 LADY EGYPT TOURS AF200 LATITUD 90 CHILE LA400 Le Passage to India Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd IN340 Leopard Tours AF496 Liberty Brazil GV640 Liberty Cuba GV640 Liberty Hungary GV640 Liberty India GV640 Liberty International Tourism Group GV640 Liberty North America GV640 Liberty Russia GV640

436 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Lima Tours Majestic Tours/Holidays Malla Travel & Trek Services MARHABA TOURS Mason’s Travel (Pty) Ltd MASTERS TRAVEL SERVICE Mercury Travels Ltd Mexico Touring DMC & Tour Operator Miki Travel Ltd MINA TRAVEL Ethiopia, Ministry of Culture and Tourism Miracle Tourism LLC. (Dubai/UAE) Mondial Destination Management MONGOLIA SELENA TRAVEL National Tours & Services NATIONAL TRAVEL SERVICE NATIVE TRAILS MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. New World Travel Northern Cape Tourism Authority Olympus Tours Opentours Operation Europe Travel Orient Express Travels & Tours PAMUKKALE DENIZLI PROVINCE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Panama Trails/Panama Panamericana de viajes DMC Pasargad Tours Pathfinders PEGA DMC Germany GmbH Pegasus - The Welcoming Agencies Popcorn Tours Receptive Operator Predators Safari Club Quimbaya Tours International Remac Tours RIO LIFE S. MIFSUD & SONS LTD (SMS TOURISM) SAAD Tours - DMC Safari Destinations Safari Legacy Salzkammergut Touristik GmbH SATA International Scaevola Travel Pvt. Ltd. SCENERY TRAVEL SERVICE Search Maldives Pvt Ltd Seven Star Tours Sitara International Ltd Snaeland Travel SnowLion Expeditions Pvt. Ltd. SNTTA Emir Tours SOUTH AMERICAN TOURS DE ARGENTINA South American Tours de Peru South Sinai Group Southern Cross Safaris Southern Spoor Marketing SPRING TOURS EGYPT Stebar Safaris Ltd Sun Islands Hawaii, Inc. Sunland Viaggi e turismo Swiss Travel Costa Rica SYLVIA TOURS EGYPT Tama Tour Indonesia Tekura Tahiti Travel THAILAND - Royal Silk Holidays The One DMC The Vision Destination Managment THREELAND TRAVEL - GRAY LINE VIETNAM Top Bavaria Travel GmbH Tour East Tour East Australia Tours International Tourwise Limited Travalco USA, Inc Travco - Jordan Travel Corporation India Ltd Travel Europe Travel Excellence COSTA RICA The Travel Experience Travel Group Peru Travel Inn (India) Pvt. Ltd. TRAVEL SPIRIT INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD Travel To Marketing Travel World Experiences TravelCube TULIP HOLIDAYS

LA300 CA430 AS659 AF200 AS640 AF200 IN380 LA200 GV400 EM800,EM850 AF570 ME400 EM400 AS670 CA150 AF200 LA200 NA260 AF500 CA200 NA303 EM207 IN450 EM800,EM850 LA560 LA530 ME401 UKI400 EM540 EM400 CA160 AF498 LA530 CA300 LA100 EM1150 ME140 AF400 AF498 EM400 EM900 AS540 LA350 AS540 AS55 IN389 EM140a IN450 ME400 LA350 LA300 AF102 AF550 AF500 AF200 AF680 NA270 EM1800 LA550 AF200 AS140 AS655 GV370 GV120 ME300 AS480 EM540 AS102 AS550 UKI400 CA240 NA293 ME100 IN325 EM401 LA550 EM140d LA300 IN360 IN570 GV120 IN289 GV500 EM800,EM850

TWIGA TOURS Ulusoy Travel Center Uniline d.o.o. United Holidays (PVT) Ltd United Travel VALENCIA DMC Vapues Tours VESATOURS Via Hansa Tours VIAJES MARTEL CANARIAS, S.A. Vialandauto Ground & Chauffeured Transportation Latin America VIATUR TRAVEL SERVICES Vintage Africa Vitramar Voyagers Zambia Limited Voyages Emile Weber Voyages Maldives (Pvt.) Ltd. WALPAX BRAZIL TRAVEL PARTNERS Welcome Travels (a unit of Welcome Destinations Pvt. ltd) Wilderness Safaris Wildlife Expeditions Sdn. Bhd. Wings Tours And Nile Cruises Worldcome, destination specialists Worldwide Destinations Asia Co., Ltd. Yellow Transfers / Endless Tours Zan Tours Ltd

AF250 EM801 EM1250 AS600 EM1150 EM1600 LA560 LA550 EM701 EM1300

ATG Tickets DB Bahn - German Rail Encore Tickets Ltd Holland Factory BV Hospitality Line Ltd Leisure Connect Pathfinders SPAIN TICKET BUREAU Trl Travel

UKI409 EM540 L310 EM300 L200 L320 UKI400 EM1640 AF400

Abbey Travel ACCIONA TRASMEDITERRANEA AFRICAN HORIZONS TRAVEL & SAFARI Al Masaood Travel ALBANIA EXPLORER ALDO TRAVEL AGENCY All Asia Exclusive Travel Co., Ltd. American Ring Travel, Inc. Amiens Tourist Office ANTHEA TRAVEL Armenia Holidays BARCELONA ON LINE CANARIAS INCOMING CB INTERNATIONAL Sp. z o.o China Vision Holidays Choice Travel International Co., Ltd Corsica SNCM - Southern Ferries CRB Cityrama Travel Agency Cyprus Turkish Tourist Guides Association DAUNIA BUS SRL Dealers Group (Travel & Tourism, Car Rental) Destination Corse Diethelm Travel The Maldives DOC DMC Ltd Dragon Delight International Tours Ltd. EAGLE TRAVEL easy-breaks.com Easy-Shuttle ECE Ltd. ESTEROS VIAJES Europa Travel & Tours Eurotours International Exclusive African Safaris Explorica Footsteps in Style Gaviota Tours GOES TRAVEL CONSULTANTS Good Travel GTW - Grimm Touristik Wetzlar Himalayan Kingdom HotelsPro - Met Global HTMS International Improtex Travel Tours & Conferences

UKI432 EM1300 AF250 ME300 EM1160 EM640 AS55 NA180 EM1700 EM1640 EM1180 EM1640 EM1450 EM450 AS99 AS150 EM1700 EM350 EM750 EM1675 ME140 EM1700 AS540 EM900 AS289 AF200 GV305 TT250 L203 LA350 EM1160 EM400 AF680 GV305 AS589 CA400 EM1640 EM1201 GV305 IN170 GV345 EM1800 EM960

Group Tickets

Group Travel

LA100 LA550 AF250 GV120 AF625 EM1235 AS540 LA100 IN365 AF435 AS200 AF101 GV610 AS300 LA250 AF498


PRODUCT GUIDE IN450 Indoroutes Travels India IRAQ / AL-RAFIDAIN COMPANY FOR TRAVEL ME270 AND TOURISM JULIA TRAVEL - GRAY LINE SPAIN EM1300 Juulchin Tourism Corporation of Mongolia AS560 KNT! - KINTETSU INTERNATIONAL AS360 EM800,EM850 Koptur Tourism DMC AS600 Lanka Holidays Net (pvt) Ltd LA420 LATAM Airlines Group AF300 Major Travel Services Malai Adventure Sdn Bhd AS200 Mazurkas Travel Poland EM450 Meest-Tour Ltd EM160 EM1800 Missing Italia Incoming EM650 Nazarene Tours Limited EM1700 North-East Paris EM1700 Ollandini Voyages OSWALD ARRIGO LTD - Incoming DMC - Malta EM1150 PALOMA HOTELS EM748 Panoramic Travel Group / Panoramic Serbia EM340 AF380 Primavera Safaris LA530 Promotora Neptuno EM1220 Province of Liege - Wal’incoming PT. TRIA UMA WISATA TOUR & TRAVEL AS140 Rail Europe Inc. GV445 RANIERI Tour Operator EM1660 Royal India Holidays GV120 GV100 Royal Mountain Travel - Nepal EM540 Ruhr Tourism EM1100 SALAMIS TOURS LTD Salento e Sviluppo EM1675 Scandinavian Perspectives (DMC) EM140b Scenic Travel Service EM1580 Seine-Maritime Tourism - Normandy EM1700 EM1180 SIMA Tours-Armenia EM1700 Skiset EM1640 SPORT & LEISURE BARCELONA Stena Line Limited UKI600 TABA TRAVEL AF200 Tahiti Tours AS655 Tangol LA299 The Vision Destination Managment ME300 Tourism India Management Enterprises Pvt. Ltd IN265 Transglobe EM1700 Travco L.L.C ME400 TRAVEL SPIRIT INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD IN570 TRAVELAND AGENCY AF200 Tseren Tours AS592 Ulusoy Travel Center EM801 United Travel EM1150 VIAJES CUBANACAN CA400 VIAJES EUROAMERICA DMC EM1500 VIAJES MERIDIANO CANARIAS S.A EM1450 Vienna Incoming Tourist EM402 Vienna Residence Orchestra EM400

Heritage Sites

14-18 Remembered ABBAYE DE FONTENAY Andhra Pradesh Tourism Arunachal Pradesh Tourism AVIGNON - PALAIS DES PAPES Canal New York Canterbury Cathedral CARTAGENA PUERTO DE CULTURAS CENTURY INCOMING, S.L. Château d’Auvers ‘au temps des impressionnistes’ Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site Domain of the Caves of Han ECUADOR - HACIENDAS Egyptian Tourist Authority English Heritage ExploreWorldHeritage.com Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Ferrocarriles del Ecuador Empresa Pública Fulham FC G.A.L. Alto Tammaro: Terre dei tratturi Go–Galilee GOBIERNO AUTONOMO MUNICIPAL DE SUCRE Great Scotland Historic Royal Palaces Historic Scotland Institute of National Museums of Rwanda Into Bhutan Adventures Karnataka Tourism

EM1700 EM1674 IN450 IN450 EM1700 NA200 UKI400 EM1475 EM1300 EM1700 AF500 EM1220 LA191 AF200 UK104 EM1300 AF500 LA170 L300 EM1800 EM650 LA270 UKI400 UKI100 UKI400 AF440 IN170 IN230

KENYA WILDLIFE SERVICE Knock Shrine Pilgrimages Kylemore Abbey & Victorian Walled Garden ‘La Venaria Reale’ Consorzio di valorizzazione culturale LAFODIA HOTEL&RESORT Les Anis de Flavigny MACHETE TOURS Museo Larco Museum Highlights in Vienna National Trust Pas-de-Calais Tourism Pont du Gard - World Heritage Reims Champagne Tourist Board Royal Collection Trust Sharjah Investment & Development Authority (SHUROOQ) Sharjah Museums Department St Paul’s Cathedral Suffolk - Arts, Heritage, Culture and Beer Tamilnadu Tourism The Butchart Gardens Vatican Museums Vezelay and Fontenay, Burgundy, France Wieliczka Salt Mine Wildplaces Africa ZIMBABWE EMBASSY ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY

Hotel / Resort

A Hotels & Resorts International ABAMA GOLF & SPA RESORT ABBA Hotels Accor Hungary / Slovakia ACCOR HOTELS - EGYPT ACCOR HOTELS IN EGYPT ACCOR HOTELS LUXEMBOURG Accor Middle East Adaaran Resorts Adonis.Com ADRIAN HOTELES Adventure Camps of Tanzania AGIA NAPA PROTARAS FAMAGUSTA REGION TOURISM BOARD Al Bustan Palace, A Ritz-Carlton Hotel Al Maha, A Luxury Collection Desert Resort and Spa Al Manzil and QamarDeen Hotels Albatravel Albergo Miramare Aldemar Hotels Alizee Resort Management Ltd All Reps LTDA All Seasons Resort-Europa Alliance Hospitality AlliedTPro Alsisar Hotels ONYX Hospitality Group Ambassador Group AmericanTours International (ATI) Anantara Hotels, Resorts & Spas Andaz Liverpool Street London Andaz West Hollywood Antoinette Hotels Apex Hotels AQUA SOL HOTELS Public Company Ltd Aqua Vista Hotels Aquila Hotels & Resorts AR Hotels & Resorts Arabian Adventures - The Destination Management Company ARBATAX PARK RESORT ARCOTEL Hotels & Resorts Argentario Golf Resort & Spa Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino AS Hotels Milan and Monza Ashling Hotel Asociacion de Hoteles y Alojamientos Turísticos Alicante Sur ASOCIACIÓN PARA LA PROMOCION TURISTICA DE LA AXARQUIA Associazione Albergatori Oltrepo` Athens-Attica Hotel Association ATLANTICA HOTELS & RESORTS Atlantis The Palm, Dubai Atrium Hotels, Luxury Hotels Collection

AF250 UKI600 UKI600 EM1800 EM1250 EM1674 LA300 LA300 EM400 UKI106 EM1700 EM1700 EM1700 UKI102 ME500 ME500 UKI101 UKI332 IN240 NA300 EM1940 EM1674 EM450 AF550 AF645 AF645

AS300 EM1450 EM1300 EM350 AF200 AF200 EM1235 ME400 AS540 GV180 EM1450 AF498 EM1100 ME200 ME400 ME400 GV630 EM1800 EM1000 AS500 LA530 CA300 EM1700 NA370 IN309 AS400 EM550 NA270 AS410 GV225 GV225 UKI400 UKI400 EM1100 EM1001 EM1000 EM1600 ME450 EM1800 EM400 EM1660 CA420 EM1800 UKI600 EM1600 EM1500 EM1800 EM1000 EM1100 ME400 EM1000

Auris Hotels Management Aurora Sky Station/The King’s Trail part of Swedish Lapland Austria Trend Hotels & Resorts Avista Hotels and Resorts Awana Hotel & Resorts AZIA RESORT & SPA Baan Haad Ngam Boutique Resort & Spa Bali Hyatt Balkan Holidays Ltd (London) BALNEARIO LEANA, C.B. Bangkok Palace Hotel & Cholchan Pattaya Resort Banyan Tree Seychelles Barbizon Tourisme BARON HOTELS & RESORTS Bastion Hotel Groep Belambra Clubs Belleair Holidays Berjaya Hotels & Resorts Berjaya Resorts Seychelles Best Western Central Europe Best Western Europe Best Western France Best Western Global Marketing Group Best Western Great Britain Best Western Greece,Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus Best Western Hotels Finland, Baltic States & Poland Best Western Hotels Germany & Luxemburg Best Western hotels in Lithuania Best Western Hotels The Netherlands Best Western Hotels Norway Best Western International Denmark Best Western International Russia Best Western International South America Best Western International Turkey Best Western Ireland Best Westerns of New York, New Jersey & Pennsylvania Best Western Spain & Portugal Best Western Sweden Best Western Swiss Hotels Best Western Worldwide Hotels Best Western Worldwide Hotels Best Westerns of California, Nevada & Hawaii Best Westerns of New England Billur Tur Bimini Bay Resort and Marina Bin Majid Tours Bio-Vitalhotel Weissenseerhof****s Blue Diamond Hotels & Resorts Blue Lagoon Group BLUE Sydney, Australia - A Taj Hotel Bluebay Hotels Zanzibar Bonotel Exclusive Travel Bonvecchiati S.r.l. Boracay Regency Group of Resorts Borgo degli Ulivi Residence *** Borgo Egnazia Boyd Gaming Brienz Rothorn Bahn Buddy Group Hotels and Resorts Buri Rasa Village Samui Cala Ginepro Hotels Cambridge Beaches Canouan Island CAPITAL COAST Caribe Hilton / Conrad San Juan Condado Plaza / El San Juan Resort & Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group Carlton Hotel Galway City Carlton Hotel Group Casa Turquesa Boutique Hotel & Museum Casa Velha do Palheiro Castle Leslie Estate CDSHotels S.p.A. Centara Hotels & Resorts Century hotel, Doha Century Park Hotel Bangkok Cerf Island Resort CGH EARTH Chariot Beach Resorts Mahabalipuram Charme & Family Hotels Italy Chatrium Hotel Royal Lake Yangon Chaweng Regent and Melati Beach Resort and Spa

ME400 EM140b EM400 AS300 AS200 EM1100 AS300 GV225 EM735 EM1475 AS300 AS640 EM1700 AF200 EM300 EM1700 EM1150 AS200 AS640 GV600 GV600 GV600 NA245 GV600 GV600 GV600 GV600 EM570 GV600 GV600 GV600 GV600 GV600 GV600 GV600 NA245 GV600 GV600 GV600 GV600 NA245 NA245 NA245 EM960 CA430 ME400 EM400 CA200 EM1003 GV410 AF382 NA350 EM1809 AS100 EM1800 EM1675 NA350 EM600 AS300 AS300 EM1800 CA210 CA301 EM1100 CA160 IN260 UKI600 UKI600 LA250 EM900 UKI600 EM1675 AS300 ME240 AS300 AS640 IN250 IN370 EM1800 AS55 AS300

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 437

PRODUCT GUIDE ME200 The Chedi Muscat EM1800 CHIA LAGUNA RESORT NA380 Chicago’s Essex Inn AF400 Chobe Game Lodge Choice Hotel Group UKI600 Christophorus Reisen EM400 Club La Costa UKI400 EM1500 CLUB LA COSTA WORLD & RESORTS AS600 Club Palm Bay - Marawila AS640 Coco De Mer Hotel CA150 Cocos Hotel & Keyonna Beach CONCORDE EL SALAM HOTELS & RESORTS -EGYPT AF200 Conrad Bali AS140 Constance Hotels AS419 EM1100 CONSTANTINOU BROS HOTELS LTD ME240 Coral Hotel Doha AS640 Coral Strand Hotel GV305 Corinthia Hotels International CORNELIA HOTELS . GOLF . SPA EM800,EM850 Corsica’s Premier Hotel Association EM1700 Corsicatours EM1700 EM1800 Corte Hotels & Residences ME400 Cosmopolitan Hotel EM1800 Costa degli Ulivi Hotels CPI Hotels EM550 Cremona Palace Hotel EM1800 CRESTA AF645 Cristal Hotels & Resorts ME300 AS540 Crown & Champa Resorts ME400 Crowne Plaza Dubai - Deria NA100 Crowne Plaza Hollywood Beach Crystal Holidays (pvt) Ltd AS600 EM900 CS HOTELS, GOLF & RESORTS EM750 Cyprus Paradise Dalata Hotel Group – Maldron Hotels & Partner Hotels UKI600 Danubius Hotels Group EM350 Delaware North Companies Parks & Resorts NA270 Delta Chelsea/Delta Hotels & Resorts NA300 EM1200 Dema Hotels International DEMETRA ART HOTEL EM165 Desert Holiday Resort Ltd. IN450 Destination Killarney Group UKI600 Dhow Palace Hotel ME400 Diamond Bay Resort & Spa AS581 Doha Marriott Hotel GV200 DOMINA CORAL BAY HOTEL, RESORT, SPA & CASINO-RED SEA AF200 Domina Prestige Hotel, St. Petersburg EM250 Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism CA200 DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Orlando at SeaWorld NA100 Due Lune Resort Golf & Spa EM1800 Dusit Thani Maldives AS540 Dusit Thani Pattaya AS300 Dynamique Hotels Management / BALLADINS HOTELS EM1700 Dynastic Hotels Benidorm EM1600 EAGLE TRAVEL AF200 Edrichton Holidays EM1150 Elite Island Resorts CA320 ELITE WORLD HOTELS EM800,EM850 Emirates Palace ME300 Enterprise Hotel EM1800 European Travel Services UKI400 Europlan S.p.A. EM1685 Explorers Hotel at Disneyland Paris EM1700 Fair House Group AS300 Fairmont Bab Al Bahr, Abu Dhabi ME300 Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park NA380 Fairmont Hotel & Resorts, Bermuda CA210 Fairmont Jaipur IN375 Far Horizon Tours Pvt Ltd IN201 Feenstra Rijn Lijn BV EM530 Fiesta Hotel Group EM1480 Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel UKI600 Florida Travel Network*NAR (UK) Ltd*Kevin Streit Assoc NA270 Fontana Park Hotel EM900 FONTEVERDE COLLECTION TUSCANY LIFESTYLE EM1660 The Fortress Resort and Spa AS600 Fortuna Travel GV601 Four Points by Sheraton Sheikh Zayed Road Dubai ME400 FOUR SEASONS HOTELS-EGYPT AF200 FUERTE HOTELES EM1500 Fujita Kanko Inc. AS360 FVW Mediengruppe Press Centre Foyer

438 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

The G Hotel GENIUS TRAVEL GHM Hotels Gili Lankanfushi, Maldives Girassol Hoteis Gladonia Maldives Pvt Ltd. GLEN LODGE Gloria Hotel & Residences GLORIA HOTELS & RESORTS Golden Tulip Hotels Oman Gran Hotel Las Fuentes THE GRAND BLUE SKY INT. HOTEL & IMBAT HOTEL Grand City Hotels Grand Hotel Excelsior Grand Hotel Terme e Spa Castrocaro Grand Hotels Grand Hyatt Bali Grand Hyatt Dubai Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok Grand Hyatt Hong Kong Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur Grand Hyatt Muscat Grand Hyatt Singapore Grand Millennium Al Wahda Grand Millennium Dubai Grand Yazici Hotels Grande Centre Point Terminal 21 Great Hotels of the World The Green Hotel Golf & Leisure Resort Grosvenor House Dubai Group Promotions Ltd Groupon Getaways GRT Hotels and Resorts, Chennai GRUPO CUBANACAN GRUPO GOLF RESORT GTA Gujarat Tourism Gulf Hotel Bahrain H. TOP HOTELS & RESORTS HAPPY LIFE RESORTS Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya Harlequin Hotels & Resorts The Haven Seminyak Bali HELNAN INTERNATIONAL HOTELS HG HOTELES Hi! HOTELS INTERNATIONAL Highgate Hotels Hilton Abu Dhabi Hilton Colombo Hilton Dalaman Resort & SPA Hilton Dublin Kilmainham HILTON FENCH POLYNESIA Hilton Maldives Iru Fushi Resort & Spa Hilton Prague & Hilton Prague Old Town Hilton Seychelles Hilton Worldwide HILTON WORLDWIDE Hilton Worldwide - India HILTON Worldwide-Egypt Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives Holiday Inn SunSpree Resort , Aruba Holiday Inn SunSpree Resort, Jamaica H10 HOTELS Horse Country Resort Congress & Spa Hoteis Real Hotel **** Galaxy Hotel - Residence Il Nido dei Gabbiani Hotel Acacia Resort / Masseria del Piano Hotel Airone - Hotel Parco degli Ulivi Hotel Alli Due Buoi Rossi Hotel Allon Mediterrania HOTEL ANTEQUERA GOLF HOTEL ATHENAEUM Hotel Beacon Hotel Boracay HOTEL BRISTOL DE BUENOS AIRES Hotel Cormoran - Le Residenze del Cormoran Hotel Dostoevsky HOTEL GARBI COSTA LUZ Hotel Group Budvanska Rivijera Hotel Insteia Hotel Invest Italiana HOTEL JACARANDA HOTEL JARDIN TROPICAL

UKI600 AF200 AS503 AS540 AF610 AS540 AF645 ME400 EM800,EM850 ME200 EM1600 EM800,EM850 GV305 EM1150 EM1800 EM650 GV225 GV225 GV225 GV225 GV225 GV225 GV225 ME300 ME400 EM800,EM850 AS300 GV425 UKI400 ME400 CA230 TT275 IN450 CA400 EM1450 GV500 IN400 ME152 EM1300 AF200 AS300 CA500 AS140 AF200 EM1450 EM1350 NA200 ME300 AS600 EM800,EM850 UKI600 AS655 AS540 EM550 AS640 UKI400 AF200 IN550 AF200 AS540 CA420 CA240 EM1450 EM1800 EM900 EM450 EM1800 EM1800 EM1800 EM1800 EM1600 EM1500 EM1660 NA200 EM1800 LA350 EM1800 EM165 EM1500 EM745 EM1800 EM1800 EM1450 EM1450

EM1600 Hotel Las Arenas Balneario Resort GL EM1450 HOTEL LAS MADRIGUERAS ME140 Hotel Le Bristol EM600 Hotel Le Déserteur Hotel Le Fontanelle SpA EM1660 Hotel le Pariou EM1700 HOTEL LE ROYAL EM1235 EM1600 Hotel Les Dunes Comodoro AS583 HOTEL MAJESTIC SAIGON EM1600 Hotel Marina EM1700 Hotel Nice Massena Hotel Nice Riviera**** EM1700 HOTEL PARADISE PARK RESORT & SPA EM1450 Hotel Parco Torre Chia EM1800 EM1800 Hotel Pulicinu EM745 Hotel The Queen of Montenegro EM600 Hotel Ramada Encore Geneva EM1800 Hotel Relais Villa del Golfo & Spa Hotel Ristorante Su Lithu EM1800 Hotel Selfoss EM140a HOTEL SUITE VILLA MARÍA (SAN EUGENIO S.A.) EM1450 EM1600 Hotel Sun Palace Albir & Spa EM1800 Hotel Villa Luisa EM1660 HOTEL VILLA RICCI Simar Tourist sas hotel.de AG TT220 Hoteles Catalonia LA200 Hoteles Decameron LA300 HOTELES PYR EM1500 EM1600 Hoteles R·H EM1700 Hotels Ocre et Azur LA400 HUILO HUILO Biological Reserve Hulhule Island Hotel AS540 GV225 Hyatt Hotels & Resorts GV225 Hyatt Hotels of South East Asia Hyatt Regency Dubai GV225 Hyatt Regency Kuantan Resort GV225 Iberotel Apulia EM1675 Iberotel Miramar Al Aqah Beach Resort ME207 ME400 Ibn Batutta Gate Hotel Il Boscaretto Resort & SPA EM1800 INDONESIA - Puri Lumbung Cottages GV370 Infinity Hotels & Resorts Co.,Ltd. AS300 Innsbruck -The Capital of the Alps EM400 INOVA HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT EM1000 InterContinental Budapest EM350 INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP AF200 Intercontinental San Juan Resort & Casino CA160 Investaçor EM900 Is Molas Resort EM1800 ISLA BELLA, S.A. EM1450 Island of Gozo EM1150 ISLAND VIEW RESORT AF200 ISLAND VIEW RESORT EGYPT AF200 ITC Limited - Hotels Division IN249 IZKA - Izmir Development Agency EM753 Jacaranda Hotels, Kenya AF250 JacTravel GV650 JCorp Hotels And Resorts AS200 Jeeva Klui Resort AS140 Jetwing Hotels (Private) Limited AS600 Jewel Dunn’s River Resort & Spa CA240 Jumeirah Hotels and Resorts ME400 Jungle Experiences LA300 Jungle Safari Lodge AS659 Jurys Inn Group UKI400 Juulchin Khanbogd LLC AS560 Kakslauttanen Hotel & Igloo Village / Santa’s Resort EM140d Kapawi Ecolodge & Reserve LA191 Kas - Kalkan - Patara EM800,EM850 Kassado Plaza Hotel EM240 Katara Hospitality GV200 Kemer - GATAB EM800,EM850 Kempinski Seychelles Resort AS640 Khaolak Bhandari Resort & Spa AS300 Khaolak Resort AS300 Killarney Hotels Ltd UKI600 Knock Shrine Pilgrimages UKI600 Koh Yao Yai Village AS300 La Cigale Hotel ME240 Ladera Resort CA325 LAFODIA HOTEL&RESORT EM1250 Langi Langi Beach Bungalows, Zanzibar AF498 Lanka Sportreizen AS600 Le Commodore Hotel ME140 Le Dune Suite hotel EM1675

PRODUCT GUIDE ME300 Le Meridien Abu Dhabi ME207 Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort EM1101 Le Meridien Limassol Spa & Resort Le Meridien Nice EM1700 Le Meridien Tahiti + Bora Bora AS655 Le Royal Meridien Beach Resort & Spa Dubai ME400 EM1700 Les Hôtels de Paris AS600 LOLC Leisure Ltd EM1550 LOPESAN HOTEL GROUP EM1100 LORDOS HOTELS (HOLDINGS) LTD Mahara Hotel EM1800 MAhout (UK) Ltd IN355 MAISTRA Hotels & Resorts EM1250 GV225 Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego EM1800 Maraviglia Srl EM550 MARIENBAD KUR & SPA HOTELS EM1485 MARINA D’OR HOLIDAY RESORT MARITIM JOLIE VILLE RESORTS EGYPT AF200 Martinhal Beach Resort & Hotel EM900 MARYLANZA SUITES & SPA EM1450 LA560 Mayan Princess Beach & Dive Resort /Honduras EM1800 Medintur Italia T.O EM1350 MELIA HOTELS INTERNATIONAL Melia Hotels International, Bulgaria EM700 MELLOW MOOD HOTELS EM350 Mercure Gold Hotel Dubai ME400 Merlin Beach Resort AS300 LA200 Mexico Tourism Board AS480 MGM Grand HO TRAM Beach NA350 MGM Resorts International Millennium & Copthorne Hotels Plc GV420 Miri Marriott Resort & Spa AS200 Mistral di A. Sanna & C. srl EM1800 Mitsis Hotels EM1000 EM1800 Mizar DMC ME400 Moevenpick Hotel Jumeirah Beach AF200 Moevenpick Hotels & Resorts - Egypt MOLINA LARIO - GALLERY HOTELES EM1552 Mondorf Parc Hotel**** - Mondorf Domaine Thermal Luxembourg EM1235 Montanejos Villa Termal EM1600 Montenegro Stars Hotel Group EM745 Moroccan National Tourist Office AF300 The Morrison Hotel UKI600 Mountain Lodges of Peru LA300 Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre EM300 Movenpick Hotel Deira ME400 MOVENPICK HOTELS & RESORTS AF200 Movenpick Resort and Spa Mauritius AS500 Nassau Paradise Island Promotion Board CA430 NaturMed Hotel Carbona****superior EM350 NEPAL - 3 Sisters Adventure Trekking P. Ltd & Empowering Women of Nepal - EWN GV370 Nettohotel Srl EM1800 Network 4 Sports Travel EM1201 New Age Travellers Co., Ltd. AS55 The New York Palace NA200 NG Hotels & Resorts EM800,EM850 Nora Resorts & Hotels AS300 Northern Cyprus Hoteliers Association EM750 NOVA YARDINIA RESORT EM1675 Ocean Paradise Resort, Zanzibar AF498 OCÉANO VITALITY HOTEL & MEDICAL SPA EM1450 Ol Tukai Lodge AF250 Olissippo Hotels EM900 ONASOL HOTELS EM1600 One & Only The Palm, Dubai ME400 One&Only Cape Town AF500 One&Only Le Saint Geran AS500 One&Only Reethi Rah AS540 Ora Resorts Zanzibar & Co. Ltd AF498 Orange County Hotels & Resorts Ltd IN280 Oryx Rotana Hotel ME240 Oxford Hotels and Inns UKI400 P GROUP PLOVDIV LTD EM700 Paganella Ski EM1800 Palácio Estoril Hotel & Golf EM900 Palm Beach Hotel EM1600 PALM BEACH HOTEL & BUNGALOWS EM1100 Palm Beach Hotel Group CA300 Palm Garden Resort AS480 Palmeraie Hotels & Resorts AF300 Palmetto Bay Plantation/Honduras LA560 PALMWINGS BEACH RESORT &SPA EM703 Paradise Sun AS640

LA550 Park Inn GV530 Park Inn by Radisson Hotels ME400 Park Regis Kris Kin Hotel Pattaya Moutain Beach Hotel AS300 PATUYAB - PAMUCAK TOURISM INVESTORS UNION EM800,EM850 Peach Hill Resort / Peach Blossom Resort / AS300 Andaman Cannacia Resort, phuket AS540 Per AQUUM UKI400 Pestana Chelsea Bridge Hotel & Spa Pestana Hotelaria Portugal EM900 PortAventura EM1640 Poseidon Hotel Group EM1600 NA100 Postcard Inn Hotels of Florida UKI600 PREM Group Hotels EM160 Premier Hotels & Accord Hotels EM160 Premier Palace Hotel Preskil Beach Resort AS500 Preston Holidays UKI120 Prince Hotels & Resorts AS360 AF200 PRINCESS EGYPT HOTELS LA200 PROMOTORA SOLMAR AF500 Protea Hotels and African Pride Hotels Pullman Mall of the Emirates ME400 Puri Dajuma Beach Eco Resort & Spa AS140 Radisson Aruba Resort, Casino & Spa CA420 Radisson Blu Hotel & Park Inn by Radisson ME300 Abu Dhabi, Yas Island GV530 Radisson Blu Hotels & Resorts EM240 Radisson Royal Hotel Moscow Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel & Business Center EM240 Raffles Praslin Seychelles AS640 Rajasthan Tourism IN247 Rajasthan, Palaces & Tigers IN309 ME140 Ramada Beirut Downtown AF205 RAMADA MOROCCO ME400 Ramada Plaza Jumeirah Beach Residence Ramada Resort Benoa Bali AS140 Ramee Group of Hotels & Resorts ME400 Rani Resorts AF610 Ranna212, Tangalle AS600 Rayavadee AS300 Rebak Island Resort, Langkawi GV410 The Reef Playacar Resort & Spa LA200 Reethi Beach Resort AS540 REGENCY COUNTRY CLUB, APARTMENTS SUITES EM1450 REGENCY PLAZA AQUA PARK & SPA RESORT AF200 Relais de Paris Hotels Collection EM1700 Rembrandt Hotel Bangkok AS300 Resort Marketing International CA320 RESTA HOTELS & RESORTS AF200 Retaj Hotels & Hospitality ME240 Ring-Tours EM1700 Ritz Carlton Penha Longa Hotel Spa & Golf Resort EM900 The Ritz-Carlton Doha ME240 Riviera Hotel & Casino NA350 Roberto Naldi Collection EM1800 ROCCAMARE RESORT EM1660 The Roosevelt Hotel NYC NA200 Rosen Hotels & Resorts NA100 Ròseo Hotels EM1659 Rotana GV315 Royal Ascot Hotel ME400 Royal Highland Hotel UKI400 Royal Zanzibar Beach Resort Ltd. AF498 RPHOTELS, RESTAURANTS & TRAVEL GROUP EM1660 RUSTICAE EM1300 SACHA LODGE, LA CASA DEL SUIZO & CASA ALISO LA170 Saigontourist Holding Company AS583 Sainte Anne Resort & Spa AS640 TEMPLE POINT RESORT AF250 Samode Hotels IN355 Sampran Riverside AS300 San Juan Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino CA160 Sandals Resort CA325 Sandals Resorts CA150 Sandos Hotels & Resorts LA200 Sands Resort & Spa AS500 SANDY BEACH HOTEL EM1100 Sani Resort EM1000 Sankara Nairobi AF370 Santhiya Resorts & Spas AS300 Santiburi Group AS300 Santosa Villas & Resort AS140 Sardinian Way EM1800

A UKI120 Sark Island Hotels IN450 Sarovar Hotels Pvt. Ltd AF125 Savoy Group Savoy Hotels and Resorts - Madeira EM900 SD&V Oriental International (Unique Luxury Hotels of Asia) AS300 AF200 SEA GROUP RESORTS GV200 Sealine Beach Resort AS140 Segara Village SEH (INTER-HOTEL, RELAIS SILENCE, QUALYS-HOTEL, P’tit Dej-HOTEL GV440 Serena Hotels AF360 Serendib Leisure Management Ltd AS600 EM1305 Serhs Tourism IN400 Services Export Promotion Council EM1700 Servotel UKI120 Seymour Hotels of Jersey Shangri-La’s Barr Al Jissah Resort and Spa ME200 Sheraton Abu Dhabi Hotel & Resort ME300 Sheraton Dubai Creek Hotels & Towers ME400 UKI400 Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa, Edinburgh ME400 Sheraton Jumeirah Beach Resort EM1450 Sheraton La Caleta Resort & Spa Sheraton Nassau Beach Resort & Casino CA430 Sheraton Palace Hotel EM240 Shreyas Retreat IN355 Si Como No Resort, Spa & Wildlife Refuge LA550 AS500 Silver Beach Hotel EM1700 Simply Hotels France EM800,EM850 Sirene Belek Hotel SIRENIS HOTELS & RESORTS EM1300 Six Senses Laamu AS540 Six Senses Zighy Bay ME200 Sligo Park Hotel & Leisure Club UKI600 GV179 SM Publications CA325 Smugglers Cove Resort & Spa EM1800 Societa’ Grandi Hotel Sofitel Lisbon Liberdade EM900 Sokos Hotels & Radisson Blu Hotels EM140d SOMA BAY AF200 Somerston Hotels UKI400 Sonesta Peru Hotels LA300 Souq Waqef ME240 Space Supranational Hotels GV103 Splendid Asia Pvt. Ltd. AS540 SPORTINA HOTELS LAKE BLED EM500 Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau AS600 ST RAPHAEL HOTEL EM1100 ST. GEORGE HOTEL EM1100 Starwood Caribbean Collection CA160 STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS-EGYPT AF200 Starwood Mauritius AS435 Steigenberger Hotels AG EM387 Sterling Holidays IN450 Sun Africa Hotels AF250 Sun Hotels and Resorts Pvt. Ltd. AS540 Sun Resorts AS500 Surmeli Hotels & Resorts EM800,EM850 Swiss Quality Hotels Int’l EM601 Swiss-Belhotel Doha ME240 Taj Cape Town GV410 Taj Exotica Resort & Spa, Maldives GV410 Taj Palace, Marrakech GV410 Taj Tashi Thimphu, Bhutan GV410 Taprospa Spas & Resorts/ Mackwoods Travel AS600 TECINA RESORT EM1450 TEMMOS EM1700 Temps rural accommodations Region of Valencia EM1600 Terme di Sirmione Spa EM1800 The Bürgenstock Selection GV200 The Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group GV530 The Chateau Spa & Organic Wellness Resort AS501 The Claridges Hotels & Resorts IN301 The Explore Nepal AS659 The Group Company GV305 The K Hotel ME152 The Kee Resort and Spa Patong AS300 The Lalit IN319 The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts IN540 The Mark Travel Corporation (Mark International) NA297 Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic) AS140 The Out NYC UKI340 The Reefs Hotel & Club CA210 The Residence Maldives AS540

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 439

PRODUCT GUIDE The Ritz-Carlton, Dubai The Senses Resort / NTI Thailand The Torch Doha Hotel The Westin Resort & Casino, Aruba The Zign Hotel Thon Hotels Thracian Cliffs Golf & Spa Resort TIA HEIGHTS MAKADI BAY Titilaka / Hotel B Tivoli Hotels & Resorts Toucan Inn & Bonkers Tourist Guide of Greece Tourist Hotel Complex Beta Touristra Vacances Travco LLP TravelCube TRAVELINE EGYPT TRAVELTEC INCOMING SPAIN Tree Of Life (pvt) Ltd Treehotel TROPICANA GROUP Egypt TROPITEL HOTELS & RESORTS Trulliland incoming services Tugu Hotels, Exotic Spas & Restaurants TURISMO DE SANTIAGO TURTLE BAY Ubud Village Bali UTOPIA BEACH CLUB VALAMAR HOTELS & RESORTS Vale D Oliveiras Quinta Resort & Spa Venetian/Palazzo Resort-Hotel-Casino Venice Hotels and Landscapes Veranda & Heritage Resorts Victoria Hotels & Resorts Vienna International Dream Castle & Magic Circus Hotels at Disneyland Paris Vienna International Hotelmanagement AG VIK Hotels Group Vila Galé Hoteis Villa Hotels & Resort Pvt. Ltd. Villa La Bollina Villa Oliviero Positano Vivanta By Taj - Coral Reef, Maldives W Retreat & Spa Bali - Seminyak WALDORF HOTEL BUENOS AIRES Welcomebeds.com Wengen Classic Hotels Whites Hotel Group of Ireland Wieliczka Salt Mine Wyndham Grand Regency Hotel Wyndham Nassau Resort Wyndham Rio Mar Resort & Spa, Puerto Rico XPERIENCE HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Xperience Hotels Yacht Tours Maldives Pvt. Ltd. Yangphel Adventure Travel & Zhiwaling Hotel Yourholidayintegration.com YTL Hotels Zitahli Resorts & Spa, Maldives

ME400 AS300 ME240 CA420 AS300 EM1200 EM700 AF200 LA300 EM900 CA330 EM1002 EM240 EM1700 GV300 GV500 AF200 EM1640 AS600 EM140b AF200 AF200 EM1675 AS140 EM1300 AF250 AS140 AF200 EM1250 EM900 NA350 EM1800 AS500 AS575

ABBA Hotels Abreu Online Acampora Travel Accor Hungary / Slovakia Accor Hotels Belux ACCOR HOTELS LUXEMBOURG Accor Hotels Netherlands Accor- Morocco Accord Hotels Africa Runners Co Ltd AFRICAN SUN HOTELS Aitken Spence Hotels Al Bustan Palace, A Ritz-Carlton Hotel Al Manzil and QamarDeen Hotels ONYX Hospitality Group Amaya Resorts & Spas APA Hotels Pesaro AQUA HOTEL AQUA SOL HOTELS Public Company Ltd Aranui Cruises / Intercontinental Hotels ARCOTEL Hotels & Resorts Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino Ascott (The Ascott Limited) ATAHOTELS Spa

EM1300 GV465 EM1800 EM350 EM1220 EM1235 EM300 AF300 EM160 AF680 AF645 AS565 ME200 ME400 AS400 AS600 EM1800 EM1640 EM1100 AS655 EM400 CA420 GV303 EM1920

Hotel Chains

EM1700 EM400 CA200 EM900 AS540 EM1800 EM1800 GV410 AS140 LA350 GV230 EM600 UKI600 EM450 ME240 CA430 CA160 AF200 LA200 AS540 IN170 GV163 AS200 AS540

440 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

EM1100 ATLANTICA HOTELS & RESORTS EM400 Austria Trend Hotels & Resorts EM1800 Baja Hotels GV225 Bali Hyatt Bastion Hotel Groep EM300 BEATRIZ HOTELES - CANARIAS EM1450 Bensaude Turismo - Azores EM900 GV600 Best Western Belgium GV600 Best Western Central Europe GV600 Best Western Europe GV600 Best Western France Best Western Global Marketing Group NA245 Best Western Great Britain GV600 Best Western Greece,Albania, Armenia, GV600 Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus EM1800 Best Western Hotel Golden Mile GV600 Best Western Hotels Finland, Baltic States & Poland GV600 Best Western Hotels Germany & Luxemburg Best Western Hotels The Netherlands GV600 Best Western Hotels Norway GV600 Best Western International Denmark GV600 GV600 Best Western International Russia GV600 Best Western International South America GV600 Best Western International Turkey Best Western Ireland GV600 Best Westerns of New York, New Jersey & Pennsylvania NA245 Best Western Spain & Portugal GV600 GV600 Best Western Sweden GV600 Best Western Swiss Hotels EM240 Best Western Vega Hotel @ Convention Center Best Western Worldwide Hotels GV600 NA245 Best Western Worldwide Hotels NA245 Best Westerns of California, Nevada & Hawaii Best Westerns of New England NA245 Bettoja Hotels EM1803 Bhutan Tourism Corporation Ltd IN170 Blu Hotels Spa EM1800 CA200 Blue Diamond Hotels & Resorts Blue Lagoon Group EM1003 BLUESEA HOTELS&RESORTS EM1450 Brennan Hotels UKI600 BRYS HOTELS PVT. LTD. IN557 CAESAR PARK RIO DE JANEIRO IPANEMA LA100 Caesar Premier Hotels EM650 Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group IN260 Carlton Hotel Group UKI600 Casa Andina LA300 Centara Hotels & Resorts AS300 Chandris Hotels & Resorts EM1000 Chartis Insurance UKI130 Chateaux & Hotels Collection GV305 CIMA SRL EM1800 Citrus Leisure AS600 CONFORTEL HOTELES EM1300 CORAL HOTELS EM1300 CORINTHIA HOTEL AF180 Corinthia Hotels Malta EM1150 CPI Hotels EM550 Crown & Champa Resorts AS540 Crowne Plaza Bahrain ME152 Crowne Plaza Dubai - Deria ME400 Crowne Plaza Hollywood Beach NA100 CS HOTELS, GOLF & RESORTS EM900 Danubius Hotels Group EM350 DANUBIUS HOTELS GROUP GV240 Delphina Hotels & Resorts EM1800 Delta Chelsea/Delta Hotels & Resorts NA300 Dema Hotels International EM1200 Devi Resorts IN355 Doha Marriott Hotel GV200 Domina Prestige Hotel, St. Petersburg EM250 Double Tree by Hilton Tanzania AF498 Doubletree by Hilton Olbia Sardinia EM1800 DREAMPLACE HOTELS & RESORTS EM1450 Dusit Thani Pattaya AS300 Dynamique Hotels Management / BALLADINS HOTELS EM1700 Edrisi Viaggi EM1800 EGYPTIAN HOTEL ASSOCIATION AF200 ELITE WORLD HOTELS EM800,EM850 EVENIA HOTELS EM1640 Fairmont Jaipur IN375 Flash Tour AF203 Four Seasons - Bora Bora AS655

UKI449 Generator Hostels EM1450 GF HOTELES CA400 Gran Caribe THE GRAND BLUE SKY INT. HOTEL & IMBAT HOTEL EM800,EM850 Grand Hotels EM650 Grand Hyatt Bali GV225 GV225 Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok GV225 Grand Hyatt Goa GV225 Grand Hyatt Muscat EM800,EM850 Grand Yazici Hotels Group Promotions Ltd CA230 Groupe Forest Hill EM1700 Groupon Getaways TT275 IN450 GRT Hotels and Resorts, Chennai CA400 GRUPO CUBANACAN CA400 Grupo de Turismo Gaviota S.A. UKI400 Guoman Hotels H. TOP HOTELS & RESORTS EM1300 H10 Hotels EM1570 HELNAN INTERNATIONAL HOTELS AF200 AF250 HERITAGE HOTELS LTD. UKI400 HF Holidays EM1450 HG HOTELES Hilton Abu Dhabi ME300 Hilton Colombo AS600 Hilton Colombo Residence AS600 Hilton Dublin Kilmainham UKI600 AS655 HILTON FENCH POLYNESIA NA100 Hilton Fort Lauderdale Beach Resort EM550 Hilton Prague & Hilton Prague Old Town HILTON WORLDWIDE AF200 IN550 Hilton Worldwide - India EM500 Hit Holidays Kranjska Gora Holiday Inn Express Dubai hotels ME400 Holiday Inn Nice EM1700 Hotel Airone - Hotel Parco degli Ulivi EM1800 HOTEL ATHENAEUM EM1660 EM1235 HOTEL LE ROYAL Hotel Missoni GV530 Hotel Nice Massena EM1700 HOTELES ELBA, S.L. EM1300 Hoteles R·H EM1600 HOTELES SILKEN EM1300 Hotels and Lodges (Tanzania) Ltd. AF385 HUSA HOTELES EM1300 HYATT HOTELS & RESORTS EGYPT AF200 Hyatt Regency Birmingham GV225 Hyatt Regency Delhi GV225 Hyatt Regency Kuantan Resort GV225 Iberostar Hotels & Resorts EM1460 Il Marachella Gruppo EM1800 INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP AF200 InterContinental Mauritius Resort AS500 Investaçor EM900 ISLAND VIEW RESORT EGYPT AF200 Islazul CA400 ITC Limited - Hotels Division IN249 Jetwing Hotels (Private) Limited AS600 Jin Jiang International Hotel Management Co. Ltd. GV135 Jupiter Hotels UKI400 Jurys Inn Group UKI400 JW MARRIOTT BUCHAREST GRAND HOTEL EM640 K+K Hotels GV115 Keahotels Iceland EM140a Kenzi Hotel AF300 Kervansaray Hotels EM803 LaVilla Group of Hotels ME240 Le Meridien Limassol Spa & Resort EM1101 Lindner Hotels & Resorts EM600 Lisbon Marriott Hotel EM900 LORDOS HOTELS (HOLDINGS) LTD EM1100 Louis Group, The EM1130 Luna Hotels & Resorts EM900 Macdonald Hotels and Resorts UKI400 Manoli Hotels EM1600 Maritim Hotels EM540 MARITIM JOLIE VILLE RESORTS EGYPT AF200 The Marmara Collection EM800,EM850 MARRIOTT HOTELS & RESORTS-EGYPT AF200 Maxima Hotels EM240 MELIA HOTELS INTERNATIONAL EM1350 Mercure Gold Hotel Dubai ME400 Merwebhotel Al Sadd Doha GV200 Mitsis Hotels EM1000


PRODUCT GUIDE AF375 Moivaro Lodges and Tented Camps EM300 Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre ME400 Movenpick Hotel Bur Dubai Movenpick Hotel Deira ME400 NG Hotels & Resorts EM800,EM850 NH - RESORTS SL EM1300 EM1475 NOVOTEL MURCIA - ACCOR HOTELES ESPAÑA IN580 Odisha Tourism EM1600 ONASOL HOTELS AF498 Ora Resorts Zanzibar & Co. Ltd Ospitalita’ a Bologna EM1800 Oxford Hotels and Inns UKI400 Palácio Estoril Hotel & Golf EM900 EM1300 PARADORES DE TURISMO DE ESPAÑA, S.A. GV530 Park Inn by Radisson Hotels EM1235 Park Inn by Radisson Luxembourg City UKI400 Pestana Chelsea Bridge Hotel & Spa Porto Bay Hotels & Resorts EM900 Poseidon Hotel Group EM1600 PPHE Hotel Group UKI400 UKI600 PREM Group Hotels EM160 Premier Hotels & Accord Hotels AF500 Premier Hotels & Resorts (Pty) Ltd Premier Palace Hotel EM160 Princess Hotels & Resorts LA200 Puma Hotels Collection UKI400 Radisson Aruba Resort, Casino & Spa CA420 GV530 Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotels EM640 RADISSON BLU HOTEL BUCHAREST GV530 Radisson Blu Hotels & Resorts RAMADA & TREFF Hotels EM540 Ramada Beirut Downtown ME140 RAMADA MOROCCO AF205 Ramada Resort Benoa Bali AS140 EM1700 Relais de Paris Hotels Collection EM1700 Relais Spa / Residhome / Séjours & Affaires AS300 Rembrandt Hotel Bangkok RESTA HOTELS & RESORTS AF200 Restel Hotel Group EM140d RF HOTELES EM1450 RIXOS HOTELS EM800,EM850 Roberto Naldi Collection EM1800 ROCCAMARE RESORT EM1660 Roscioli Hotels EM1800 Rotana GV315 RPHOTELS, RESTAURANTS & TRAVEL GROUP EM1660 Sandals Resorts CA150 Santacroce Hotels EM1800 Sark Island Hotels UKI120 SAROVA HOTELS AF250 SC SINAIA SA-RINA SINAIA HOTEL EM640 SEH (INTER-HOTEL, RELAIS SILENCE, QUALYS-HOTEL, P’tit Dej-HOTEL GV440 SENTIDO NEPTUNE HOTELS AF250 SERCOTEL HOTELS EM1300 Serena Hotels AF360 Serendib Leisure Management Ltd AS600 SH Hoteles EM1600 Shalimar Spice Garden IN355 Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort & Spa, Maldives AS540 Sheraton Dubai Creek Hotels & Towers ME400 Sheraton Palace Hotel EM240 Si Como No Resort, Spa & Wildlife Refuge LA550 SIMBA LODGES AF250 Simply Hotels France EM1700 SIRENIS HOTELS & RESORTS EM1300 Sofitel Abu Dhabi Corniche ME300 Sofitel Dubai Jumeirah Beach ME400 Sokos Hotels & Radisson Blu Hotels EM140d Somerston Hotels UKI400 SONESTA COLLECTION - EGYPT AF200 Sopa Lodges AF490 Sorell Hotels Switzerland EM600 Space Supranational Hotels GV103 SPRING HOTELES EM1450 Starwood Hotels and Resorts AS300 Starwood Seychelles Resorts AS640 STEIGENBERGER AL DAU RESORT AF200 Steigenberger Hotels AG EM387 Sterling Holidays IN450 Sun Africa Hotels AF250 Suru Suites & Hotel Ltd TT189 Swiss Quality Hotels Int’l EM601 Taj Boston GV410 Taj Hotels - Sri Lanka AS600

Tanganyika Wilderness Camps Ltd. TEMMOS Thamserku Trekking Pvt. Ltd The Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group The Lalit The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts The Park Hotels, India The Sandman Hotel Group/The Sutton Place Hotel Company The Surf & The Safari Thistle Hotels Thon Hotels THE THREE CORNERS HOTELS & RESORTS Tifco Hotels Ireland TIVOLI ECORESORT PRAIA DO FORTE Tivoli Hotels & Resorts Travco Group Travelodge Tsogo Sun Tradin TSOKKOS HOTELS Vantage Hospitality Group Venezuela - INATUR VIK Hotels Group Vila Galé Hoteis Viva Wyndham Resorts Warwick International Hotels Westcord Hotels XPERIENCE HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Zacchera Hotels


365 TRAVEL - VIETNAM Abacus African Vacations Abbey Tours Scotland ABC Travel Absolute Siberia Ltd. Acacia Safaris Academy Ground Transportation ACERCAR VIAJES ACROSS SPAIN ACTIVE HOLIDAYS ACTIVE ROMANIA ACTIVE TRAVEL ADSMUNDO Aeolos Africa Runners Co Ltd African Adventure Travellers AFRICAN PEARL SAFARIS Agenzia del Turismo Varese Agenzia di accoglienza e promozione turistica locale della Provincia di Novara AHKE Adventure Travel Airwing Tours (pvt) Ltd Ak- Sai Travel Ltd. Aktiv Tours BUDAPEST ALBTOURS D - Incoming Tour Operator in Balkan ALDO TRAVEL AGENCY All Asia Exclusive Travel Co., Ltd. All Reps LTDA Amani Tours American Best Getaways American Ring Travel, Inc. Amiens Tourist Office Amtrak (USA Passenger Rail) Anda African Adventure Ltd Andean Lodges Andean Origins Aniyami DMC ARKTUR Tour Operator & DMC Armenia Travel Art in Tour, Travel Agency Arunachal Pradesh Tourism Aryans Tours Asatours LTD Asia Experience Tours Sdn. Bhd. ASIA PACIFIC TRAVEL Co., ltd Asian Overland Services Tours & Travel Sdn. Bhd. Asian Trails Ltd Associated Tours Ltd. ASTRIDA TRAVEL ATHS Atlas Voyages Aurora Travel Australian Walking Holidays Avatar Tour LTD

AF396 EM1700 AS659 GV530 IN319 IN540 IN320 NA300 AS600 UKI400 EM1200 AF200 UKI600 LA100 EM900 AF240 UKI400 AF500 EM1100 GV160 LA540 CA200 EM900 CA200 GV245 EM300 AF200 EM1910

AS480 AF680 UKI400 EM1685 EM250 AF680 NA270 LA350 EM1640 EM640 EM640 EM640 LA400 EM1150 AF680 AF680 AF680 EM1800 EM1800 IN170 AS600 AS85 EM350 EM1160 EM640 AS55 LA530 ME100 NA200 NA180 EM1700 NA378 AF498 LA300 LA300 LA100 EM160 EM1180 EM1180 IN450 EM1180 GV120 AS200 AS480 AS200 AS301 AS250 EM570 EM1160 AF300 AS389 AS550 EM700

Bali Tours & Travel Baltic Blues Travel Baltic Saitas BARCELONA GUIDE BUREAU Barefoot Holidays St.Lucia Barton Hill Travel BASQUE COUNTRY COMPANIES Belmare Travel Bestway Tours & Safaris Pvt Ltd Bhutan Dhenzang Travel Bhutan Tourism Corporation Ltd Blue Furat Tourism & Aviation services Blue Poppy Tours & Treks Blue Ship Travel Co., LTD. BOIANA - MG TRAVEL COMPANY Borneo Eco Tours Bunyonyi Safaris Ltd C.A.T. Company Cajamarca Travel CAMINO ABIERTO Camino Travel Caper Travels Company Pvt Ltd CARACTERES DE MEXICO Caribic Vacations Ltd CB INTERNATIONAL Sp. z o.o Century Cruises CENTURY INCOMING, S.L. Ceylon Tours Limited Chelsea FC Stadium Tours and Museum China CYTS International Travel Co., Ltd China Joy China Travel(Henan Tourism Group) China Highlights China Nimbus Travel China Vision Holidays Choice Travel International Co., Ltd Chrissima Tours CIE Tours International CIMA SRL Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises City Tours Maine Clark Tours Colombian Journeys Color Viaggi Columbus Tours (pvt) Ltd COMINTOUR LTD Complete Tours Concord Travels & Tours Condor Travel Connaissance De Ceylan CONSELVATUR / Selva Bananito Lodge Corrupt Tour Costa Rica Sun Tours Crew Tours Cronins Coaches Ltd Cruise America & Canada RV Rentals Inc Crystal Holidays (pvt) Ltd Crystal Safaris Culture & Heritage Tours Customs and Border Protection - ESTA Cyrus Sahra Co. DAGECOM TRAVEL SERVICES Dakkak Tours International DMC DANUBIUS TRAVEL Dasatariq DE LA PAZ TUR DELFOS OPERADOR MAYORISTA Destination Ltd Destination Zambia DETOUR, Viajes y cultura Diethelm Travel Group Diethelm Travel Group/1 Discover Holidays Canada DISCOVER MEDIA Discovery Overland Holidays Sdn Bhd DM TRAVEL LTD. Domestic Asia - DMC East Africa Tourism Network Eastmar Group Easy Travel and Tours LTD ECUADOR - Yachana Lodge/Yachana Tours Edge of India Elding Whale Watching Elite Travel DMC Emeco Travel EPG Travel

AS140 EM570 EM570 EM1640 CA325 UKI400 EM1300 EM1800 IN389 IN170 IN170 EM800,EM850 IN170 AS360 EM700 AS200 AF380 AS80 LA300 LA350 LA550 IN515 LA200 CA240 EM450 AS285 EM1300 AS600 L300 AS150 GV100 AS277 AS291 AS99 AS150 EM1800 UKI600 EM1800 NA200 NA175 LA560 LA530 EM1800 AS600 EM165 AF300 IN400 LA109 AS600 LA550 EM572 LA550 GV100 UKI600 NA240 AS600 AF680 UKI600 NA270 ME293 EM640 ME100 EM640 LA300 LA350 LA350 EM509 AF625 LA560 AS300 AS300 NA300 EM640 AS200 EM700 AS140 AF380 AF119 AF498 GV370 IN385 EM140a EM1160 EM1895 AS55

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 441

PRODUCT GUIDE EPIC TOURS/El Salvador EQUINOXE Eshet Incoming ESTEROS VIAJES ETHIOPIA - African Adventure Tours ETHIOPIA - Pathfinder Tour Operator European Travel Services Eurotours International EVIVA TOUR VIETNAM Exciting Travel Holidays Exotissimo Travel Group Explorandes SAC Explore Georgia Explorica Extreme Ireland Fairfield Tours(Pty) Ltd Farhat International Tours & Travels W.L.L FIDITOUR Fiesta Travel Service Filiptour Finesse South Pacific Travel Pty Ltd. Focus Asia Folgaria Hospitality Food Valley Travel Footprint Vietnam Travel Footsteps in Style Forvol International Services Ltd. French Travel Partners FRESH HOLIDAYS & EVENTS - IDYLLIC ROMANIA GABILATOUR Galaxy Thien Ha Travel GAMEWATCHERS SAFARIS Ganimede Viaggi Garifuna Tours - Honduras GATEWAYS TRAVEL GENIUS TRAVEL GeorgiCa Travel Ger to Ger Agency Get into Lanka Travels & Tours Giglio Travel Global Discovery / Adventure Now Glow Tours & Trade Pvt Ltd. Go Tourism Go West Tours GOES TRAVEL CONSULTANTS Golden Tours Gondwana Tours and Safaris Great Genghis Tours & Expeditions Co.Ltd GT Travel Technology Ltd Guilin Tang Dynasty Tours Co., Ltd. Gulliver Travel DMC Happy Tours Happy Trails - Indonesia HAVAS CREATIVE TOURS Hellenic Association of Travel & Tourist Agencies (HATTA) HELLING S TRAVEL Hemingways Expeditions HF Holidays Himalayan Kingdom Holiday Travel Hotels and More Hover Tours C.A. Icefall Adventures Pvt. Ltd Iceland Express Iceland Travel Ltd Idea Tours IDEAL TOURS (INCOMING SPAIN) Impression Tourism Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. Improtex Travel Tours & Conferences Incoming Partners S.r.l. India 4 You Indian Holiday Pvt. Ltd. Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation Ltd Indochina Travel Services Vietnam - ITS INDUS TRAVEL Intas Destination Management Intercrac Intertours Nepal Intourist IRAQ / AL-RAFIDAIN COMPANY FOR TRAVEL AND TOURISM Irish Tourism.com Ltd Irish Welcome Tours Israel Government Tourist Office

LA560 LA350 EM650 LA350 GV370 GV370 UKI400 EM400 AS480 AS540 AS415 LA300 EM1060 GV305 UKI600 AF500 ME152 AS480 GV475 EM700 AS550 IN265 EM1800 EM1800 AS389 AS589 IN450 EM1700 EM640 EM1678 AS480 AF250 EM1800 LA560 LA350 AF200 EM1060 AS560 AS600 EM1928 GV100 AS540 GV120 NA340 EM1640 L215 AF400 AS560 L215 AS280 EM1250 EM500 GV100 LA100 EM1000 LA350 AF250 UKI400 IN170 EM650 UKI400 GV120 AS659 EM140a EM140a EM1800 EM1600 IN291 EM960 EM1201 IN265 IN519 IN491 AS480 LA350 AS100 EM450 AS659 EM240 ME270 UKI600 UKI600 EM650

442 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

EM1900 Italcamel Travel Agency s.r.l EM1805 Italian Details S.r.l. EM1660 Italian Limousine Service sas GV650 JacTravel JacTravel UKI400 Jamaica Tours Limited CA240 JEWEL TOURS AS480 AS540 Journey Maldives Holidays Pvt Ltd AS250 JTB (Hong Kong) Ltd EM1300 JULIA TRAVEL - GRAY LINE SPAIN IN309 JUNGLE LODGES BANDHAVGARH / KANHA Juulchin Tourism Corporation of Mongolia AS560 KARNAK EGYPTAIR TOURISM AF200 KATARINA LINE incoming travel agency EM1250 AS140 KCBJ Tours Bali ME200 Khimji’s House of Travel AF680 Kjong Safaris Ltd EM500 Kompas Kontour Travel Colombia LA530 Koptur Tourism DMC EM800,EM850 KTS Incoming France EM1700 IN400 KVT- Kash’ Venture Travels Pvt. Ltd AS80 Kyrgyz Association of Tour Operators AS600 Lanka Holidays Net (pvt) Ltd Le Passage to India Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd IN340 Leopard Tours AF496 Liberty Hungary GV640 LUXURY TRAVEL CO., LTD AS480 EM500 M Tours Bled AS445 MADA VIAGGI & TURISMO AS200 Malai Adventure Sdn Bhd Malawi Travel Marketing Consortium AF650 AS659 Malla Travel & Trek Services AS659 Manas Travels Pvt. Ltd. Maremania Srl EM1800 Mava Travel Peru LA300 MAX Media and Trading Joint Stock Company AS480 Mayan Caribbean Travel/ Honduras LA560 EM450 Mazurkas Travel Poland Mbalageti Serengeti. AF498 MEMNON TOURS AF200 Mercury Travels Ltd IN380 MH Bland UKI435 MILLENARIAN TOURISM & TRAVEL LA270 Ethiopia, Ministry of Culture and Tourism AF570 Misa Tours International NA300 Missing Italia Incoming EM1800 Moldova EM755 MONGOLIA - Tour Mongolia GV370 MONGOLIA SELENA TRAVEL AS670 Mongolian Adventure Tours Co.,Ltd AS560 Movimondo T.O. EM1800 Mozambique Tourism -INATUR AF610 MOZAMBIQUE VOYAGES / UITKYK HOLIDAYS AF610 Namaste Tours Pvt. Ltd. IN450 National Travel & Tourism ME200 Nazarene Tours Limited EM650 NEPAL - Explore Himalaya Travel & Adventure GV370 NEPAL - Socialtours GV370 New Logic LTD EM160 NIKA Travel Company EM165 NIPPON EXPRESS TRAVEL CO., LTD. AS360 NIPPON TRAVEL AGENCY CO.,LTD. AS360 NKAR Travels & Tours (PVT) Ltd AS600 Norbu Bhutan Travel Pvt Ltd IN185 ‘Nord Albania’ Tourist Agency , ‘Rupa’ Guest House & Camping Seit EM1160 Northern Cape Tourism Authority AF500 OLTA TRAVEL LTD EM165 Orion Trek Voyages - Morocco GV100 Orthodox Cruise Company EM165 OSWALD ARRIGO LTD - Incoming DMC - Malta EM1150 OTI Holding GV565 Oxalis Holidays Ltd. AS360 PAMUKKALE DENIZLI PROVINCE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION EM800,EM850 Panorama Perú LA300 Park East Africa Ltd AF380 Parma Incoming EM1800 Pasargad Tours ME401 Pathfinders UKI400 PENINSULA TOURS EM703 Persona Grata EM240 Perú InsideOut LA300 Peterson Travel Service AS200

Phoenix Voyages Phu Vinh Hung Production Joint Stock Company Pioneer Personalized Holidays Plaza Tours/ DMC Pongo Safaris & Tours Ltd Predators Safari Club Prima Tour Promappennino Societa’ Cooperativa Pure! Peru PureQuest Adventures QUALITY TRAVEL Quimbaya Tours International Rabbie’s Small Group Tours Reise Mission GmbH Rila Travel Ltd. ROBERT ARRIGO & SONS LTD. Robinson Scandinavia AS Rocky Mountain Holiday Tours Rovos Rail Tours (Pty) Ltd Roy Safaris Ltd. Royal Stay Group, Ltd. Rual Travel Ltd RWANDA ECO-TOURS Safari and Guide Services Africa Sanyog Gupta Voyages SC WAYS BUSINESS TRAVEL SRL Scenic Travel Service Schilthorn Cableway Ltd. Search Maldives Pvt Ltd Serengeti Balloon Safaris Servizi Turistici Sulmona - Soc. Cooperativa SETOURS - Handcrafted journeys Seven Star Tours Shah Tours & Travels Ltd Shangri-La Bhutan Tours & Treks Silk Road Destinations SIMA Tours-Armenia SIN FRONTERAS INCOMING TOUR OPERATOR Sitara International Ltd SnowLion Expeditions Pvt. Ltd. Solmartour Sondor Travel South Sinai Group SouthWestWalks Ireland Special Holidays Travel Pvt. Ltd SPORT & LEISURE BARCELONA STC Switzerland Travel Centre Sun Events srl Sun Islands Hawaii, Inc. SunBird Tours Myanmar Sunny Safaris Ltd Takims Holidays Tours & Safaris Tangol TANZANIA - Pongo Safaris & Tours Ltd THAILAND Nutty’s Adventures The Explore Nepal The Green Circuit THE ORIGINAL & BEST TOURS Top China Tour Co., Ltd. Top Level Travel Srl Top Tours Romania Tour & Incentive Travel Sdn Bhd Tour East Gujarat State (Tourism Corporation of Gujarat Ltd) Tours International Trail Blazer Tours India Pvt. Ltd.- TBi Transturin Titicaca Catamarans Travel Connection Europe Ltd Travel Elements Travel Excellence COSTA RICA Travel Inn (India) Pvt. Ltd. Travel Partner Travel Time South Pacific Ltd Travel World Experiences TRAVELAND AGENCY Trentino Marketing Tseren Tours Tsolmon Travel Co.,Ltd TURAVION TURISMO KOLLA TURISPORT Uni Orient Travel United Holidays (PVT) Ltd Vapues Tours Viajes Cora

AS575 AS480 IN450 ME100 AF380 AF498 EM1800 EM1800 LA300 GV611 LA350 LA530 UKI400 EM540 EM700 EM1150 EM140c NA180 AF520 AF498 EM260 EM700 AF440 AF400 IN530 EM640 EM1580 EM600 AS540 AF498 EM1800 LA300 AS55 AF498 IN170 AS85 EM1180 LA560 IN389 IN450 LA300 EM1160 AF102 UKI600 IN450 EM1640 EM600 EM1800 NA270 AS55 AF498 AF498 LA299 GV370 GV370 AS659 IN450 EM1660 AS150 EM1800 EM640 AS200 AS102 IN245 UKI400 IN275 LA270 UKI301 ME160 LA550 IN360 EM400 AS555 IN289 AF200 EM1800 AS592 AS560 LA400 LA270 LA470 AS100 AS600 LA560 LA560


PRODUCT GUIDE VIAJES NOVOVIRA Viajes Pacifico Viaventure VIDOTOUR Co., Ltd Vienna Residence Orchestra VIETRAVEL GROUP Viola Viaggi Incoming Tour Operator Viracocha Turismo Internacional Vis-à-vis Tour Armenia Visit Norway / Innovation Norway Voyage Colombia/World Tours Welcome Travels (a unit of Welcome Destinations Pvt. ltd) Wembley Stadium Tours Wild Discovery Travel & Tourism Wildlife Expeditions Sdn. Bhd. Wildplaces Africa Xcursions India Your Africa Zahara Tours

EM1300 LA300 LA560 AS383 EM400 AS480 EM1800 LA300 EM1180 EM140c LA530

Armenia Holidays Aviatur Banff Lake Louise Tourism Ecuadorian Tours HOTEL SANTA CRUZ La Palma Tourist Board Mexcellence Travel, S.A. de C.V. PROTOURS Tatra-Bis

EM1180 LA530 NA300 LA170 LA400 EM1400 LA200 LA400 EM755

ABAMA GOLF & SPA RESORT Adaaran Resorts ADRIAN HOTELES Al Bustan Hotel Aldemar Hotels Amara Selous Ambassador Group Andaz Amsterdam Animod Anse Chastanet Arenal Kioro Suites & Spa Argentario Golf Resort & Spa Atoll Experience Pvt Auris Hotels Management Beachcomber Hotels The Best Destinations in the West Bonvecchiati S.r.l. BRYS HOTELS PVT. LTD. Cambridge Beaches Canouan Island Castello Orsini Hotel Cerf Island Resort The Chedi Muscat Classic Britain CONCORDE EL SALAM HOTELS & RESORTS -EGYPT CONSTANTINOU BROS HOTELS LTD Corinthia Hotels Malta The Cosmopolitan Las Vegas Cyprus Paradise Dalata Hotel Group – Maldron Hotels & Partner Hotels Desert & Delta Safaris (Pty) Ltd Desert Holiday Resort Ltd. Destination Davos Klosters The Discovery Collection Emirates Palace Entim Mara Camp EXCLUSIVE AFRICAN TREASURES Fairmont Bab Al Bahr, Abu Dhabi Fairmont Hotel Fortina Spa Resort Four Seasons - Bora Bora Four Seasons Hotel Fujita Kanko Inc. FURAMA RESORT DANANG GHM Hotels Gladonia Maldives Pvt Ltd. Gold Zanzibar Beach House & Spa Golden Palace - Luxury Hotel Torino Governors’ Camps GRAN HOTEL BAHIA DEL DUQUE RESORT

EM1450 AS540 EM1450 ME140 EM1000 AF498 EM550 GV225 EM535 CA325 LA550 EM1660 AS540 ME400 AS500 NA270 EM1809 IN557 CA210 CA301 EM1800 AS640 ME200 UKI400 AF200 EM1100 EM1150 NA350 EM750

Incentive Destination

Individual 5* hotels

IN365 L300 ME140 AS200 AF550 IN450 AF500 ME200

UKI600 AF400 IN450 EM600 EM750 ME300 AF549 AF250 ME300 ME400 EM1150 AS655 EM1102 AS360 AS491 AS503 AS540 AF498 EM1800 AF542 EM1401

Grand Hotel Excelsior Grand Hotel Terme e Spa Castrocaro Grand Mirage Resort & Thalasso Bali Grande Centre Point Terminal 21 GRANDRESORT LIMASSOL Gulf Hotel Bahrain Harlequin Hotels & Resorts The Haven Seminyak Bali Helios Hotels & Resorts Hermitage Bay Hideaway of Nungwi Resort & Spa Hilton Malta Hilton Mauritius Resort & Spa HOTEL BOTÁNICO HOTEL LAS MADRIGUERAS Hotel Le Fontanelle SpA HOTEL MADERO Hotel Royal Corin & Loto Spa HOTEL SUITE VILLA MARÍA (SAN EUGENIO S.A.) Hotel Vista Real Hulhule Island Hotel Hyatt Regency London - The Churchill IGUAZU GRAND - PANORAMIC HOTEL IGUAZU BUENOS AIRES GRAND Infinity Hotels & Resorts Co.,Ltd. INOVA HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Isibindi Africa Lodges Island Hideaway, Spa Resort & Marinaa JA Resorts & Hotels JAN HOTELS Jewel Dunn’s River Resort & Spa Jumeirah - Maldives Cluster Ker & Downey Botswana Killarney Hotels Ltd Ladera Resort Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort Le Meridien Limassol Spa & Resort Cyprus Lily Beach Resort & Spa LJR Consultancy MACHETE TOURS Mahaweli Reach Hotel MAhout (UK) Ltd MAISTRA Hotels & Resorts Maradiva Villas Resort & Spa Mardan Palace Maritim Hotel Mauritius Martinhal Beach Resort & Hotel masseria torre coccaro MAY FAIR CRUISES Mayan Princess Beach & Dive Resort /Honduras Millennium Plaza Hotel Dubai Montenegro Stars Hotel Group Movenpick Hotel Deira The New York Palace One&Only Resorts Orange County Hotels & Resorts Ltd Oryx Rotana Hotel Palm Garden Resort PALMWINGS BEACH RESORT &SPA PANAMERICANO HOTELES PRINCESS EGYPT HOTELS Rayavadee Real Intercontinental Hotel & Club Tower,Costa Rica The Residence REX HOTEL SAIGON RITZ APART HOTEL Ritz Carlton Penha Longa Hotel Spa & Golf Resort Roadlink Rosen Hotels & Resorts Royal Plaza Hotel Sanctuary Hotel NYC Sandals & Beaches Resorts Sankara Nairobi Santosa Villas & Resort SH Hoteles Shanti Maurice- A Nira Resort Sheraton Palace Hotel Six Senses Laamu SPORT HOTELS ST RAPHAEL HOTEL Starwood Hotels and Resorts Steigenberger Hotels AG Sun International Leisure Services Ltd Sun Resorts Superb tourist services ltd.

EM1150 EM1800 AS140 AS300 EM1100 ME152 CA500 AS140 EM1000 CA150 AF498 EM1150 AS500 EM1450 EM1450 EM1660 LA350 LA550 EM1450 LA560 AS540 GV225 LA350 AS300 EM1000 AF549 AS540 AS640 EM550 CA240 AS540 AF400 UKI600 CA325 ME207 EM1101 AS540 AS300 LA300 AS600 IN355 EM1250 AS500 EM743 AS500 EM900 EM1675 AF200 LA560 ME400 EM745 ME400 NA200 CA430 IN280 ME240 AS480 EM703 LA350 AF200 AS300 LA550 AS500 AS583 LA270 EM900 AF300 NA100 AS250 NA201 CA240 AF370 AS140 EM1600 AS500 EM240 AS540 EM1650 EM1100 AS300 EM387 AF501 AS500 EM650

GV200 The Bürgenstock Selection AS501 The Chateau Spa & Organic Wellness Resort AS272 The Garden Hotel Guangzhou The Imperial IN401 The Lalit IN319 The Mulia, Mulia Resort & Villas- Nusa Dua, Bali AS140 IN320 The Park Hotels, India AS140 THE SEMINYAK BEACH RESORT & SPA GV179 The Spa Traveller ME240 The Torch Doha Hotel Titilaka / Hotel B LA300 THE TRIBE AF250 Venice Hotels and Landscapes EM1800 EM1100 VENUS BEACH HOTEL AS500 Veranda & Heritage Resorts EM900 The Vine, a divine hotel EM800,EM850 VOGUE HOTELS & RESORTS Waldorf Astoria Ras Al Khaimah ME501 Wyndham Grand Regency Hotel ME240 Wynn and Encore Las Vegas NA350 EM900 The Yeatman


InteractiveTV Billur Tur


Internet Service Providers Caboose Ltd


Land Travel


EM1300 TT347 TT410 TT235 EM1450

Abbey Travel UKI432 ALBTOURS D - Incoming Tour Operator in Balkan EM1160 Andean Travel Company & Cotococha Amazon Lodge GV120 Aventuras Mexico Profundo, S.A. de C.V. LA200 Avra Tours SA EM1240 BEST WESTERN PLUS Flowers Hotel EM755 Big Bus Tours NA242,UKI401,EM1672 C.A.T. Company AS80 Camino Travel LA550 China Joy China Travel(Henan Tourism Group) GV100 COORDINATING ZIMBABWE AF645 Cronins Coaches Ltd UKI600 Diethelm Travel Group AS300 Diethelm Travel Group/1 AS300 El Monte RV NA260 Footprint Vietnam Travel AS389 GROUPE VISUAL/VeoliaTransdev EM1700 Hippo Tours and Safaris Ltd AF498 Iceland Travel Ltd EM140a Maya Temple Tours/Honduras LA560 Mayan Caribbean Travel/ Honduras LA560 MEXITOURS DMC & TOUR OPERATOR LA200 Misa Tours International NA300 Mundial de Viajes/Panama LA560 Orthodox Cruise Company EM165 Primavera Safaris AF380 Promet T&T EM500 PTG Penguin Travel Group EOOD EM700 Season Car Hire UKI425 SITA IN300 Sprachcaffe LA200 SS RENT A CAR AF650 Tour Azur EM1700 Travel Time South Pacific Ltd AS555 Trek Nepal Int’l AS659 V AND V EXPERIENCIA LA350 Vienna Incoming Tourist EM402 Village Ethiopia Travel AF380 WELCOME SYSTEMS srl EM1685 World Skills EM1551

Limousine Service or Luxury Car Rental Academy Ground Transportation


World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 443

PRODUCT GUIDE GV480 Affordable Car Hire EM800,EM850 AKAY TRAVEL SERVICE EM1350 ARES CAPITAL SA GV360 Autorent Car Rental Llc BEST WESTERN PLUS Flowers Hotel EM755 Europcar Southern Africa AF500 Good Travel EM1201 EM1660 My Tour Tuscany Experts UKI425 Season Car Hire IN400 Services Export Promotion Council GV350 Sixt rent a car Superb tourist services ltd. EM650 Tour Azur EM1700 Travelite (India) IN520 EM1660 Tuscany Highlights & Transfer Chauffeur Service EM1450 ULTRAMAR TRANSPORT Vialandauto Ground & Chauffeured Transportation LA100 Latin America

Luxury Domestic or Regional Hotel Chains Caesar Premier Hotels Citrus Leisure Destination Resort India Tourism (Govt. of India) Irish Country Hotels & Manor House Hotels KOMANEKA SEVERIN TRAVEL Somatheeram Ayurveda Group

Luxury Hotel Chains

EM650 AS600 AS200 IN400 UKI600 AS140 AF250 IN330

ACCOR HOTELS LUXEMBOURG EM1235 Al Bustan Palace, A Ritz-Carlton Hotel ME200 Al Maha, A Luxury Collection Desert Resort and Spa ME400 NA370 AlliedTPro CA250 AMResorts GV225 Andaz Amsterdam Andaz Liverpool Street London GV225 Aqua Vista Hotels EM1001 Aranwa Hotels Resorts & Spas LA300 Atoll Experience Pvt AS540 Avantgarde Hotel Istanbul EM800,EM850 Belek - BETUYAB EM800,EM850 Best Western Hotel Golden Mile EM1800 Blue Diamond Hotels & Resorts CA200 CAESAR PARK RIO DE JANEIRO IPANEMA LA100 Conrad Bali AS140 Conrad Maldives Rangali Island AS540 Constance Hotels AS419 Corinthia Hotels International GV305 DERBY HOTELS COLLECTION EM1300 Dusit Thani Maldives AS540 Eden Roc at Cap Cana CA200 EGOTH AF200 EGYPTIAN HOTEL ASSOCIATION AF200 El Conquistador CA160 Emirates Palace ME300 Fairmont Bab Al Bahr, Abu Dhabi ME300 Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park NA380 Fairmont Hotel ME400 Fairmont Jaipur IN375 FOUR SEASONS HOTELS-EGYPT AF200 Grace Hotels EM1000 GRAN HOTEL BAHIA DEL DUQUE RESORT EM1401 Grand Hyatt Doha ME240 Grand Hyatt Dubai GV225 Grand Hyatt Hong Kong GV225 Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur GV225 Grand Hyatt Singapore GV225 Habaguanex SA CA400 Hilton Hotels Austria EM400 HILTON Worldwide-Egypt AF200 HOTEL EUROPE VILLA CORTES, EUROPE HOTELS INTERNACIONAL EM1450 HOTEL LE ROYAL EM1235 Hotel Missoni GV530 Hyatt Hotels & Resorts GV225 Hyatt Regency Dubai GV225 Iberotel Miramar Al Aqah Beach Resort ME207 Ibn Batutta Gate Hotel ME400 INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP AF200 INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP PORT GHALIB RESORT AF200 ITC Limited - Hotels Division IN249

444 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

AS600 Jetwing Travels (pvt) Ltd ME400 Jumeirah Hotels and Resorts EM800,EM850 Kemer - GATAB ME400 Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates Kerzner International Resorts Inc CA430 Le Meridien Nice EM1700 Le Meridien Tahiti + Bora Bora AS655 LA300 Libertador Hotels Resorts & Spas AF200 MARHABA TOURS LA200 Mexico Tourism Board EM300 Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre NOI HOTELS LA400 One & Only The Palm, Dubai ME400 One & Only Royal Mirage, Dubai ME400 AF500 One&Only Cape Town AS500 One&Only Le Saint Geran AS540 One&Only Reethi Rah EM900 Palácio Estoril Hotel & Golf Pan Lanka Travels & Tours AS600 Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas GV225 Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas ME300 ME400 Park Hyatt Dubai GV225 Park Hyatt Goa Resort and Spa PATUYAB - PAMUCAK TOURISM INVESTORS UNION EM800,EM850 The Pavilions Bali AS140 Per AQUUM AS540 Pestana Chelsea Bridge Hotel & Spa UKI400 GV410 The Pierre, A Taj Hotel New York AF498 PLANHOTEL GROUP EM160 Premier Hotels & Accord Hotels Premier Palace Hotel EM160 LA200 Princess Hotels & Resorts Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara and Desert Islands Resort & Spa by Anantara ME300 Radisson Aruba Resort, Casino & Spa CA420 Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotels GV530 Radisson Royal Hotel Moscow EM240 EM1800 Ragosta Hotels Collection Regent Hotels & Resorts GV530 Ritz Carlton Penha Longa Hotel Spa & Golf Resort EM900 RIXOS HOTELS EM800,EM850 ROTANA HOTELS & RESORTS AF200 RUSTICAE EM1300 Sandals & Beaches Resorts CA240 Sandals Resort CA325 SEH (INTER-HOTEL, RELAIS SILENCE, QUALYS-HOTEL, P’tit Dej-HOTEL GV440 Sheraton Abu Dhabi Hotel & Resort ME300 Sheraton Algarve Hotel & Pine Cliffs Resort EM900 Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa, Edinburgh UKI400 Sheraton Jumeirah Beach Resort ME400 Six Senses Laamu AS540 Sofitel Dubai Jumeirah Beach ME400 Sofitel Lisbon Liberdade EM900 SONESTA COLLECTION - EGYPT AF200 Southern Sun Hotel - Dar es Salaam AF498 Starwood Hotels and Resorts AS300 Sun Resorts AS500 Taj Boston GV410 Taj Campton Place, San Francisco GV410 Taj Cape Town GV410 Taj Exotica Resort & Spa, Maldives GV410 Taj Group GV410 Taj Hotels, Resorts & Palaces AS540 Taj Palace, Marrakech GV410 Taj Tashi Thimphu, Bhutan GV410 The Address Hotels + Resorts ME400 The Bürgenstock Selection GV200 The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts IN540 The Ritz-Carlton, Dubai ME400 THE ST. REGIS SAADIYAT ISLAND RESORT, ABU DHABI ME300 Time Hotels Management ME400 Tivoli Hotels & Resorts EM900 Tresor Hotels & Resorts EM1000 UGA Escapes - UGA Resorts (Pvt) Ltd AS600 Viceroy Maldives AS540 Vivanta By Taj - Coral Reef, Maldives GV410 W Retreat & Spa Bali - Seminyak AS140 Waldorf Astoria Ras Al Khaimah ME501 Warwick International Hotels GV245

Luxury Ski Resorts Destination Davos Klosters


Hotel **** Bania Thermal & Ski Kervansaray Hotels Livigno Tourist Office NOI HOTELS Skiset

Luxury Trains

An Indian Escape Ferrocarriles del Ecuador Empresa Pública Glacier Express Golden Eagle Luxury Trains Ltd Inca Rail Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation Ltd Karnataka Tourism Lernidee Trains & Cruises The Luxury Trains Pullman Rail Journeys Rail Europe Continental / SNCF Rovos Rail Tours (Pty) Ltd Swiss Travel System Thalys International The Blue Train Travel Corporation India Ltd

Marketing Services Consorzio Made in Puglia DESCUBRE GROUP Estensa srl Ferretti Tourism Lucca Promos scrl made in 2010 Ltd Make It Social Mediterranea Gestioni s.r.l. New African Territories One Global Translation OTT Out Now Pure360 ReviewPro Sales Blitz Hospitality Collection Salzburg State Board of Tourism Studio Beluga D.o.o Supranational Hotels Ltd Tourism Intelligence International Tresor Hotels & Resorts Unseen Pictures VERBIER St-Bernard WIFI MUNDO World Independent Hotels Promotion

Media / Press

EM580 EM803 EM1800 LA400 EM1700

IN340 LA170 EM600 EM265 LA300 IN491 IN230 AS401 IN400 NA380 GV445 AF520 EM600 GV305 AF547 IN325

EM1675 EM1450 EM1800 EM600 EM1660 UKI400 TT286 EM1800 AF550 TT203 TT215 UKI340 TT350 TT465 EM1800 EM400 EM1245 GV103 GV301 EM1000 TT435 EM600 EM1450 TT260

Caboose Ltd TT444 DAKER SpLtd. EM700 EyeforTravel Ltd. GV305 Ferretti Tourism EM600 India Tourism Ecatalog IN365 International Hotel Awards GV430 JPM Guides EM201 Mail Newspapers UKI400 Mercado and Eventos (Brazil) Press Centre Foyer Publituris (Portugal) Press Centre Foyer Sharjah Media Centre ME500 SUR in English EM1603 TERRES DE L’EBRE - Tarragona Province Tourist Board EM1640 Gambia Tourism Board AF196 The Spa Traveller GV179 Tour Hebdo (France) Press Centre Foyer Tourist Guide of Greece EM1002 Trav Talk (South Asia) Press Centre Foyer Travel & Tourism News (TTN) Middle East Press Centre Foyer Travel and Tour World GV179 Travel Inside GV179 Travel Weekly Asia GV179 Travel World China GV179 Trinidad & Tobago High Commissioners OfficeTrinidad CA330 TTG Client Solutions EM150 TTG Italia S.p.A. GV179 TTG ITALIA SPA - Art&Tourism Fair EM1660 TTG Media EM150 TTG MENA GV179 UBM Infomation Ltd EM150 Unseen Pictures TT435


PRODUCT GUIDE Valley Forge CVB VERBIER St-Bernard Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board WTM Official Supporting Publications ZIMBABWE EMBASSY

NA175 EM600 EM140d GV179 AF645

14-18 Remembered Ardenne Attractions Big Bus Tours LLC California Academy of Sciences Château d’Auvers ‘au temps des impressionnistes’ Coster Diamonds Emirates Stadium Tours Erarta, Contemporary Art Museum and Galleries Euro Space Center Exploratorium Gassan Diamonds Gold of Africa Museum Great Scotland Great War Museum of Meaux ‘Hellenic Cosmos’ Convention & Cultural Centre Historic Scotland Institute of National Museums of Rwanda Killary Cruises & Liffey River Cruises Lord’s Tour Madame Tussauds USA Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917 MUSEO AUTOMOVILISTICO DE MALAGA Museo Larco Museo Pedro de Osma Museum Highlights in Vienna National Museums Northern Ireland Parc Asterix./ Musée Grévin Pas-de-Calais Tourism Rajasthan Tourism Ripley’s Believe It or Not! London Royal Collection Trust Royal Museum of Natural Sciences Royal Museums of Art & History Shakespeare’s Globe Sharjah Museums Department Simply the Best Shopping Destinations Smart Destinations, Inc. The Field Museum The O2 Twickenham World Rugby Museum & Stadium Tour Vatican Museums Visit Greenwich Wien Holding cultural enterprises Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum and Tour Worldwide Attractions LTD Ypres Tourist Office - In Flanders Fields

EM1700 EM1220 ME300 NA340 EM1700 EM300 L300 EM165 EM1220 NA340 EM300 AF500 UKI400 EM1700 EM1000 UKI400 AF440 UKI600 L300 NA201 EM1200 EM1552 LA300 LA300 EM400 UKI600 EM1700 EM1700 IN247 L225 UKI102 EM1220 EM1220 UKI400 ME500 UKI400 NA175 NA380 UKI400 L300 EM1940 L205 EM400 L300 EM1700 EM1200


National Tourist Board

Agjencia Kombetare e Turizmit Albanian National Tourism Agency EM1160 Ambassador Row Seviced Suites AS200 Andorra Turisme, S.A.U. EM1650 Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority CA150 ARAUCANIA LA400 Argentina - National Institute for Tourism Promotion LA350 Armenian National Tourism Organization EM1180 Aruba Tourism Authority CA420 Austrian National Tourist Office EM400 Azerbaijan, Ministry of Culture and Tourism EM960 Bangladesh Tourism Board IN180 Barbados Tourism Authority CA300 Belarus National Tourism Agency EM260 Belgian Tourist Office Brussels&Wallonia for UK & Eire EM1220 Bermuda Department of Tourism CA210 Bermuda Department of Tourism CA210 Botswana Tourism Organisation AF400 Brand USA NA245 Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur LA100,LA100 Bulgaria, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism EM700 CAMARA ARGENTINA DE TURISMO LA350 Cambodia, Ministry of Tourism AS460 Canadian Tourism Commission NA300 CATALONIA, CATALAN TOURIST BOARD EM1640 CBI GV370 Central America Tourism Agency (CATA) LA560

CESTOB - Cesme Touristic Hoteliers EM800,EM850 Association LA400 Chile China National Tourist Office AS150 Costa Rica Tourist Board LA550 Croatian National Tourist Board EM1250 CA400 Cuba Tourist Office EM1100 Cyprus Tourism Organisation EM550 Czech Tourist Authority - CzechTourism Dubai - Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing ME400 Destination Québec NA300 Dominica Tourism Authority CA207 LA170 Ecuador AF200 Egyptian Tourist Authority LA560 El Salvador Tourism Board/CORSATUR LA430 Falkland Islands Tourist Board Fiji (Tourism Fiji) AS650 Flanders-Brussels Tourist Office EM1200 France EM1700 Fujairah Tourism & Antiquities Authority, ME207 Government of Fujairah, U.A.E. General Panhellenic Federation of Tourism Enterprises (GEPOET) EM1000 Georgian National Tourism Administration EM1060 German National Tourist Board EM540 Gibraltar Tourist Board UKI435 EM1000 GNTO- Information NA260 Great Lakes USA EM1050,EM1000 Greek National Tourism Organisation Guadeloupe Islands Tourist Board CA145 Guatemala Tourism Board -INGUATLA560 Guyana Tourism Authority CA205 Hawai’i Tourism Europe NA378 LA560 Honduras Institute of Tourism AS250 Hong Kong Tourism Board EM350 Hungarian Tourism Plc. India Tourism IN450,IN400 The Islands of The Bahamas CA430 Israel Government Tourist Office EM650 Italian State Tourist Board (ENIT) EM1800 Jamaica Tourist Board CA240 Japan National Tourism Organization AS360 Jersey Tourism UKI120 Jordan Tourism Board ME100 Kansas & Oklahoma Travel & Tourism NA270 Kenya Tourist Board AF250 KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN, Ministry of Culture ME152 Korea Tourism Organization AS350 Kyrgyz Association of Tour Operators AS80 Latvian Tourism Development Agency EM560 LEBANON Ministry of Tourism ME140 Lithuanian State Department of Tourism EM570 Luxembourg National Tourist Office EM1235 Macau Government Tourist Office AS260 Madagascar National Tourism Board AS445 Malawi Ministry of Tourism AF650 Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board AS200 Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation AS540 Malta Tourism Authority EM1150 Myanmar Tourism Federation (Marketing Committee) AS55 MARTI HOTELS & MARINAS EM800,EM850 Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority AS500 MEMNON TOURS AF200 Mexico Tourism Board LA200 Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture EM750 Monaco Government Tourist Authority EM1244 Mongolian National Tourism Centre AS560 Montenegro National Tourism Organisation EM745 Mozambique Tourism -INATUR AF610 Nagaland Tourism IN400 Namibia Tourism Board AF540 National Tourism Organisation of Serbia EM340 Nepal Tourism Board AS659 Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC) EM300 Nicaragua Tourism Board LA560 Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation AF150 Nikko Bali Resort and Spa AS140 North Cyprus Tourism Centre Ltd EM750 Oetztal Tourism EM400 Oman Ministry of Tourism & Industry ME200 Palestinian National Authority ME250 PANAMA TOURISM AUTHORITY LA560

AS652 Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority LA265 Paraguay Secretaria Nacional de Turismo AS100 Philippines Department Of Tourism Polish National Tourist Office EM450 Polish Tourist Organisation EM450 Portugal EM900 LA300 PromPeru CA160 Puerto Rico Tourism Company ME240 Qatar Tourism Authority AS500 Rodrigues Tourism Office ROMANIAN MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM EM640 Royal Stay Group, Ltd. EM260 EM1120 Rural Cyprus EM250 Russian Federation EM250 Russian National Tourist Office Ltd AF440 Rwanda Tourism Board San Marino Tourism Board EM1926 Seychelles Tourism Board AS640 Slovak Tourist Board EM440 EM500 Slovenian Tourist Board AF500 South African Tourism AS600 Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau St Kitts Tourism Authority CA305 St Vincent & The Grenadines Tourist Office CA340 Saint Lucia Tourist Board CA325 Superb tourist services ltd. EM650 EM600 Switzerland Tourism AS655 Tahiti Tourisme AS450 Taiwan Tourism Bureau Tanzania Tourist Board AF498 Texas Tourism NA250 Gambia Tourism Board AF196 Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative AS140 Economy of Republic) CA330 Toucan Inn & Bonkers EM240 Touist Information center of Vologda region Australia - Tourism Australia AS550 Thailand (Tourism Authority of) AS300 Bhutan (Tourism Council of) IN170 Tourism Flanders - Brussels EM1200 Tourism Ireland UKI600 Tourist Service Office EM1160 Trinidad & Tobago High Commissioners Office-Trinidad CA330 Trinidad and TobagoTourism Development Company (TDC) CA330 Tunisian National Tourist Office AF340 TURESPAÑA EM1350,EM1300 Turkish Culture & Tourism Office EM800,EM850 TUROFED- Turkish Hoteliers Federation EM800,EM850 TUSOCO Turismo Solidario Comuntario LA270 U.S. Commercial Service NA270 UGANDA TOURISM BOARD AF680 Uzbekistan AS70 Venezuela - INATUR LA540 Viceministerio de Turismo Bolivia LA270 Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism AS480 Visit Finland - Finnish Tourist Board EM140d VISIT FLORIDA NA100 Visit Iceland EM140a Visit Norway / Innovation Norway EM140c VisitEngland UKI400 VisitScotland UKI400 VisitSweden EM140b Xenios & Xeniosworld Press Centre Foyer ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY AF645


EyeforTravel Ltd. Mail Newspapers Publituris (Portugal) SUR in English Tour Hebdo (France) Trav Talk (South Asia) Travel and Tour World TTG Italia S.p.A. TTG Media Turizmus Kft Voyagers World


Larcomar Tourist and Entertainment Center Universal Studios Hollywood

GV305 UKI400 Press Centre Foyer EM1603 Press Centre Foyer Press Centre Foyer GV179 GV179 EM150 GV179 GV179

LA300 NA340

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 445


Outbound AAT Kings Australia & NZ Tours ASIA PACIFIC TRAVEL Co., ltd BOIANA - MG TRAVEL COMPANY Choice Travel International Co., Ltd Concord Travels & Tours Cyprus Premier Holidays DAGECOM TRAVEL SERVICES DFDS SEAWAYS LTD Explorica Extreme Ireland Forvol International Services Ltd. Great Genghis Tours & Expeditions Co.Ltd Hellenic Association of Travel & Tourist Agencies (HATTA) Iceland Express India Tourism (Govt. of India) KARNAK EGYPTAIR TOURISM Manas Travels Pvt. Ltd. Mekong Waterways Ltd Moldova NATURE EXPEDITIONS AFRICA Pasargad Tours Reise Mission GmbH Top China Tour Co., Ltd. Uni Orient Travel

EM1000 EM140a IN400 AF200 AS659 AS492 EM755 AF250 ME401 EM540 AS150 AS100

NY Waterway’s East River Ferry PUERTO SHERRY Stena Line Limited

NA200 EM1500 UKI600


AS550 AS480 EM700 AS150 IN400 EM750 EM640 EM300 GV305 UKI600 IN450 AS560

Private Game Reserve or Safaris

Adventure Camps of Tanzania African Bush Camps African Horseback Safaris African Hotels and Adventures AFRICAN SUN HOTELS Alpha Travel (UK) LTD Amara Selous Amazing Zambia andBeyond Asilia Chaminuka Nature Reserve Cheli & Peacock Chobe Game Lodge Classic Safari Camps Of Africa Desert & Delta Safaris (Pty) Ltd EXCLUSIVE AFRICAN TREASURES Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Fisherman’s Rest Foxes Safari Camps GAMEWATCHERS SAFARIS GLORY TOURS AND SAFARIS LTD Gondwana Tours and Safaris GORONGOSA NATIONAL PARK Governors’ Camps Hannah Game Lodge Hemingways Collection Isibindi Africa Lodges JUNGLE LODGES BANDHAVGARH / KANHA Jungle Safari Lodge Kamili Ker & Downey Botswana Kwando Safaris LAKE NAKURU LODGE Mayukuyuku Bush Camp Motswiri Camp Muchenje Safari Lodge Namibia Wildlife Resorts New African Territories Norman Carr Safaris Nxamaseri Lodge Protea Hotels and African Pride Hotels Reni Pani Jungle Lodge Riding Safari Association Robin Pope Safaris SACHA LODGE, LA CASA DEL SUIZO & CASA ALISO Safari and Guide Services Africa Safari Legacy Selous Riverside Safaris Camp Serena Hotels

AF498 AF400 AF400 AF500 AF645 AF350 AF498 AF625 AF530 AF550 AF625 AF542 AF400 AF542 AF400 AF250 AF500 AF650 AF365 AF250 AF250 AF400 AF610 AF542 AF500 AF250 AF549 IN309 AS659 AF549 AF400 AF400 AF250 AF549 AF400 AF400 AF540 AF550 AF625 AF549 AF500 IN360 AF301 AF542 LA170 AF400 AF498 AF498 AF360

446 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

SEVERIN TRAVEL Small World Marketing Stanley Safari Lodge Ta Shebube (Pty) Ltd Taj Group The Anasa Safari Collection Volcanoes Safaris Zambia Tourism Board

Private Villas

Al Maha, A Luxury Collection Desert Resort and Spa Anantara Hotels, Resorts & Spas ATLANTICA HOTELS & RESORTS Baja Hotels Canouan Island El Conquistador Four Seasons - Bora Bora Four Seasons Fairways Grace Hotels GRAN HOTEL BAHIA DEL DUQUE RESORT HERITAGE HOTELS LTD. Maradiva Villas Resort & Spa Nora Resorts & Hotels Palmeraie Hotels & Resorts Palmetto Bay Plantation/Honduras PLANHOTEL GROUP Puri Mas Boutique Resorts & Spa Reollo Travel Pvt. Ltd. Samode Hotels Sheraton Algarve Hotel & Pine Cliffs Resort Small World Marketing Temps rural accommodations Region of Valencia Top Level Travel Srl Ubud Village Bali Veranda & Heritage Resorts Villa Oliviero Positano Ville In Italia W Retreat & Spa Bali - Seminyak Wyndham Rio Mar Resort & Spa, Puerto Rico Yourholidayintegration.com


Professional Conference Organisers (PCO) LGBT Confex

AF250 AF550 AF625 AF400 GV410 AF498 AF440 AF625

ME400 AS410 EM1100 EM1800 CA301 CA160 AS655 EM900 EM1000 EM1401 AF250 AS500 AS300 AF300 LA560 AF498 AS140 AS540 IN355 EM900 AF550 EM1600 EM1800 AS140 AS500 EM1800 EM1929 AS140 CA160 GV163


ACCENT TRAVEL & EVENTS EM640 Adriatica.net d.o.o. EM1170 American Dream GV120 Asia Europe TCI GV305 Asian Trails Ltd AS301 Baltic Blues Travel EM570 Best Western Vega Hotel @ Convention Center EM240 Brand USA Pavilions NA270 Buzz Portugal DMC EM900 China CYTS International Travel Co., Ltd AS150 CITUR - Agência de Viagens e Turismo, SA EM900 Creative Travel Pvt. Ltd IN350 DANUBIUS TRAVEL EM640 Debrecen & Hortobagy EM350 Dhow Palace Hotel ME400 Dragon Delight International Tours Ltd. AS289 EAGLE TRAVEL AF200 Eco Team - (Pvt) Ltd AS600 Eihab Travels & Tours LLC (Discover Oman) ME200 EXCEL TRAVEL AF200 Focus Flanders DMC EM1200 Four Seasons Hotel Baku EM960 Gandia EM1600 GEMINI GV120 Geo Travel EM960 Gigatour della Li.La. srl EM1800 Happy Tours EM500 Hotel **** Galaxy EM450 Hotel Ramada Encore Geneva EM600 Huerto del Cura Group EM1600 IHB Travel GmbH EM540 ILTucano Peru LA300 INTERCONTINENTAL NAIROBI AF250 International Hotel Awards GV430 Istanbul Parasol Travel (IPT) EM800,EM850 JORDAN GROUP EM450 Jungfrau Region EM600

Kompas.hr Zagreb LADY EGYPT TOURS LAKE NAKURU LODGE Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board MENA HOUSE OBEROI National Travel & Tourism Open Travel Service POINT TRAVEL DMC RANIERI Tour Operator ROTANA HOTELS & RESORTS Saint Petersburg Express, JSC SC WAYS BUSINESS TRAVEL SRL Sharjah Media Centre smilo destination management S’TOURS Destination Management Company TA DMC Portugal Tensi Incoming and Congress The Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group The Travel Experience Travel Plan TRIP Tour Operator Vienna International Dream Castle & Magic Circus Hotels at Disneyland Paris Wings Tours And Nile Cruises WORLD SYNERGY TRAVEL World Trade Center Moscow Xcursions India Yatra Exotic Routes

EM1250 AF200 AF250 AS200 AF200 ME200 EM1000 EM450 EM1660 AF200 EM165 EM640 ME500 GV110 EM1895 EM900 GV120 GV530 EM140d EM1000 EM450

ACP Rail International Amtrak (USA Passenger Rail) BEST WESTERN PLUS Flowers Hotel Brienz Rothorn Bahn DB Bahn - German Rail Discover Travel & Tours Glacier Express Golden Eagle Luxury Trains Ltd Groundline Citycards Inca Rail Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation Ltd The Luxury Trains Pullman Rail Journeys Rail Europe Rail Europe Continental / SNCF Rail Europe Inc. Rail Europe UK Rhaetian Railways Shree Jalaram Travels & Tours STC Switzerland Travel Centre Swiss Travel System Thalys International VR Group Ltd, Finnish Railways

GV305 NA378 EM755 EM600 EM540 UKI400 EM600 EM265 GV305 LA300 IN491 IN400 NA380 GV445 GV445 GV445 GV445 EM600 IN400 EM600 EM600 GV305 EM140d


Regional Tourist Board

EM1700 AF101 EM640 EM240 IN450 IN315

14-18 Remembered EM1700 Abruzzo Promozione Turismo EM1800 ABU DHABI TOURISM & CULTURE AUTHORITY ME300 Agencia Valenciana del Turisme EM1600 Agenzia Regionale per la Promozione Turistica ‘in Liguria’ EM1678 AGIA NAPA PROTARAS FAMAGUSTA REGION TOURISM BOARD EM1100 Alabama NA180 Alexala - Tourism Alessandria & Monferrato EM1800 Algarve Promotion Bureau EM900 ALMERIA TOURIST BOARD EM1500 Alsace Tourism - Bas-Rhin EM1700 Alsace Tourism - Haut-Rhin EM1700 ANDALUCIA EM1500 Andorra Turisme, S.A.U. EM1650 ARAGÓN EM1300 Arunachal Pradesh Tourism IN450 Assam Tourism IN450 Atlantic Canada Tourism Partnership NA300 Atlasjet EM800,EM850 Auvergne Regional Tourist Board EM1700 Azores Promotion Bureau EM900 Balearic Islands Government EM1350 BALEARIC ISLANDS TOURISM & SPORTS MINISTRY EM1350 BALEARIC ISLANDS TOURIST BOARD EM1350 BASQUE COUNTRY EM1300 BAVARIA TOURISM EM540 Belgian Tourist Board Brussels-Wallonia EM1220

PRODUCT GUIDE Black Forest Tourist Board BRASOV COUNTY TOURISM ASSOCIATION Bratislava Region Tourism CADIZ TOURIST BOARD Canal New York Canary Islands CANTABRIA - Sociedad Regional de Turismo Cape Town & Western Cape CASTELLON TOURIST BOARD Causeway Coast & Glens Tourism CBI Central America Tourism Agency (CATA) Centro de Portugal Promotion Bureau Colorado Tourism Office Corsica Tourist Board Costa Blanca Tourist Board COSTA BRAVA GIRONA TOURIST BOARD COSTA DAURADA - Tarragona Province Tourism Board Crans-Montana Tourism Daman Diu & Dadar Nagar Havely Tourism Destination Davos Klosters Destino Punta del Este DIDIM TOURISM UNION Discover New England El Hierro Tourist Board Emilia Romagna Region Tourist Board Engadin St. Moritz EXTREMADURA Fermanagh Lakeland Tourism Fethiye FORMENTERA REGIONAL GOVERNMENT FORMENTERA TOURIST BOARD Fuerteventura Tourist Board Gauteng Tourism Authority Georgia Tourism USA GOBIERNO AUTONOMO MUNICIPAL DE SUCRE Gran Canaria 2 Gran Canaria 3 Gran Canaria 4 Gran Canaria 5 Gran Canaria 8 Gran Canaria Active Gran Canaria Golf Gran Canaria Natural Gran Canaria 1 Gran Canaria 7 Gran Canaria 6 Gran Canaria Spa & W. Gran Canaria Tourist Board Gran Canaria Tourist Board Great Lakes USA Gujarat Tourism Hawai’i Tourism Europe HUELVA TOURIST BOARD IBIZA REGIONAL GOVERNMENT Ibiza Tourism Board IBIZA TOURIST BOARD Idaho Division of Tourism Interlaken Tourism Ivanovo Region IZKA - Izmir Development Agency Jamaica Tourist Board Jersey Tourism Johannesburg Tourism Company Karnataka Tourism Kerala Tourism La Gomera Tourist Board La Palma Tourist Board LA RIOJA TURISMO, S.A.U. Lake Geneva Region Lake Maggiore and surrounding mountains Lanzarote Tourist Promotion Board Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority Limpopo Tourism and Parks London & Partners Lublin Regional Tourist Organisation Lucerne Tourism Luleå in Swedish Lapland Madeira Promotion Bureau MALAGA - COSTA DEL SOL TOURIST BOARD MALLORCA TOURIST BOARD MALLORCA REGIONAL GOVERNMENT Malopolska Tourist Organisation Marmaris

EM540 EM640 EM440 EM1500 NA200 EM1400 EM1300 AF500 EM1600 UKI600 GV370 LA560 EM900 NA170 EM1700 EM1600 EM1640 EM1640 EM600 IN400 EM600 LA470 EM800,EM850 NA155 EM1400 EM1800 EM600 EM1300 UKI600 EM800,EM850 EM1350 EM1350 EM1400 AF500 NA270 LA270 EM1440 EM1440 EM1440 EM1440 EM1440 EM1440 EM1440 EM1440 EM1440 EM1440 EM1440 EM1440 EM1400 EM1440 NA260 IN400 NA378 EM1500 EM1350 EM1455 EM1350 NA180 EM600 EM170 EM753 CA240 UKI120 AF500 IN230 IN220 EM1400 EM1400 EM1300 EM600 EM1922 EM1400 NA350 AF500 UKI400 EM450 EM600 EM140b EM900 EM1500 EM1350 EM1350 EM450 EM800,EM850

EM800,EM850 MARTI HOTELS & MARINAS EM1300 MELILLA Tourist Board NA378 Memphis & Mississippi MENORCA REGIONAL GOVERNMENT EM1350 MENORCA TOURIST BOARD EM1350 MILAS TURIZM ALTYAPI HIZMET BIRLIGI EM800,EM850 LA100 MINAS GERAIS EM1220 Mons Regional Tourist Board NA180 Montana Office of Tourism Moscow City Committee on Tourism and Hotel Industry EM240 Municipality of Plovdiv EM700 NICOSIA TOURISM BOARD EM1100 EM1700 NORD PAS DE CALAIS Regional Tourist board EM1700 Nord tourism EM1700 Normandy Tourist Board EM1700 North-East Paris Northern Norway Tourist Board EM140c Odisha Tourism IN580 OKINAWA CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU AS360 EM1700 Paris, What Else? EM450 Podkarpackie Region EM450 Polish National Tourist Office Porto e Norte de Portugal Promotion Bureau EM900 Portugal EM900 Punjab Tourism IN450 Region of Crete EM1000 EM1475 REGION OF MURCIA EM1800 Regione Calabria Regione Campania - Assessorato al Turismo e Beni Culturali EM1800 Regione Lazio EM1800 Regione Lombardia EM1800 Regione Piemonte - Assessorato al Turismo EM1800 EM1675 Regione Puglia EM1800 Regione Sardegna AS425 Reunion Island Tourism Board Rhineland-Palatinate Tourist Board EM540 Ruhr Tourism EM540 Ruta Moche LA300 Salzburg State Board of Tourism EM400 Sarawak Tourism Board AS200 Seychelles Tourism Board AS640 Skiathos Island EM1000 South African Tourism AF500 South Dakota Department of Tourism NA180 South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) AS652 Swietokrzyskie Regional Tourist Organisation EM450 Switzerland Tourism EM600 Televentur/Honduras LA560 Tenerife Tourism Corporation EM1450 TERRES DE L’EBRE - Tarragona Province Tourist Board EM1640 Ticino Tourism EM600 TIPICA TOUR OPERATOR EM1675 Tirol Tourist Board EM400 Toscana Promozione EM1660 Touist Information center of Vologda region EM240 Tourism British Columbia NA300 Gujarat State (Tourism Corporation of Gujarat Ltd) IN245 Tourism KwaZulu-Natal AF500 Tourism Organisation of Vojvodina EM340 Tourism Organization of the Mazovia Region EM450 Tourist Board of City Split EM1250 Travel Alberta NA300 Travel Oregon NA270 TURGALICIA, S.A. EM1300 Utah Office of Tourism NA170 Valais Tourism EM600 Vietnam National Administration Of Tourism AS480 Visit California NA340 Visit St. Petersburg/Clearwater NA100 Visit USA Association NA270 Welcome to Yorkshire UKI400 West Sweden Tourist Board EM140b Westtoer EM1200 Wine, Water & Wonders of Upstate New York NA200 Wyoming Office of Tourism NA180 Zagreb Tourist Board EM1250 Zillertal Tourist Agency EM400 ZIMBABWE EMBASSY AF645

Registration Systems Experience Engine


Reservation Systems 11-Infotech System Co Ltd 9JA TRAVELS SERVICES LTD Abreu Online Accubook Ltd ACP Rail International addaJet.com Bynd - Addictive Software CarTrawler CodeGen Ltd ComfortWay.com Cosmos Tours Cultuzz Digital Media GmbH Daytoursworld.com Digital Trip - The Travel Website Experts EasyRMS, an Infor company ecare Technology Labs Pvt. Ltd. Estensa srl evolution Experience Engine FACT-Finder Travel Gateway NV Go Global Travel GP Solutions Guestline Ltd HitchHiker GmbH Illusions Online Intuitive Ltd Iris Software Systems Ltd ISO Travel Solutions GmbH JEWEL TOURS m-hospitality MULTI Travel Software Mystifly Consulting (India) Pvt. Ltd. New Concept Travel Technologies LTD Odin Olympia Europe Omega Tourism & Services Open Destinations Opentours Portugalres SA Quadlabs Technologies Private Ltd. Rezgateway Rezopia RWA SiteMinder SMART TRAVEL smilo destination management Special Tours Wholesalers Supranational Hotels Ltd T I Infotech Pvt Ltd Tavisca Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Teamamerica Receptive Tour Operator Tech Master Thermeon Worldwide Plc Tourplan TRABASE s.r.o. Travellanda Ltd Traveltek Ltd Treovi Uts Travel Verchaska Infotech (P) ltd. Vertical Booking VIAJES OLYMPIA S.A. WebBookingExpert Wizie - Making IT Possible

Reservation/Booking Amtrak (USA Passenger Rail) Geo Travel New African Territories Sofitel Dubai Jumeirah Beach Uts Travel


Accor- Morocco AFRICAN SUN HOTELS Amani Tiwi Beach Resort APHRODITE HILLS RESORT Arabian Adventures - The Destination Management Company Atlantis The Palm, Dubai

A TT301 TT189 GV465 TT269 GV305 TT347 TT287 GV460 TT200 TT365 ME400 TT401 TT460 TT340 TT285 TT445 EM1800 GV425 CA320 TT320 TT255 GV355 TT225 TT174 TT348 TT300 TT357 TT179 TT348 AS480 TT175 TT415 GV585 TT250 EM140a GV220 GV150 TT201 NA303 EM900 TT440 TT319 TT343 TT184 TT330 EM640 GV110 GV340 GV103 TT310 GV586 NA200 TT335 TT443 TT210 TT240 GV655 TT417 TT430 TT289 TT420 TT150 EM1300 TT325 TT400

NA378 EM960 AF550 ME400 TT289

AF300 AF645 AF250 EM1100 ME450 ME400

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 447

Berjaya Hotels & Resorts Bimini Bay Resort and Marina Bonotel Exclusive Travel Cambridge Beaches Ceylon Tea Trails (pvt) Ltd CGH EARTH Citrus Leisure CONSELVATUR / Selva Bananito Lodge Crown & Champa Resorts Daman Diu & Dadar Nagar Havely Tourism Delphina Hotels & Resorts Double Tree by Hilton Tanzania Elbow Beach Bermuda Fairmont Hotel & Resorts, Bermuda Four Seasons Fairways Fragrant Nature Retreat and Resorts Pvt. Ltd, Kerala, India. Grand Hyatt Dubai Grand Mirage Resort & Thalasso Bali Grotto Bay Beach Resort Holiday Inn SunSpree Resort , Aruba Horse Country Resort Congress & Spa Hoteis Real Hotel Group Budvanska Rivijera Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa InterContinental Mauritius Resort Jacaranda Hotels, Kenya Keells Hotel Management Services Ltd Lifestyle Retreats Lily Beach Resort & Spa Mahaweli Reach Hotel The Makokola Retreat Namibia Wildlife Resorts One&Only Resorts Ora Resorts Zanzibar & Co. Ltd The Paul Resorts & Hotels Princess Hotels & Resorts Puri Mas Boutique Resorts & Spa Rani Resorts Reollo Travel Pvt. Ltd. TEMPLE POINT RESORT The Samaya Bali Sandals & Beaches Resorts Sandals Resorts Santosa Villas & Resort Shalimar Spice Garden Shangri-La’s Barr Al Jissah Resort and Spa Sheraton Jumeirah Beach Resort Sky Hotels and Resorts Smugglers Cove Resort & Spa Taj Hotels - Sri Lanka The Claridges Hotels & Resorts THE SEMINYAK BEACH RESORT & SPA Tifco Hotels Ireland TIVOLI ECORESORT PRAIA DO FORTE TURTLE BAY Viva Wyndham Resorts Warwick International Hotels


AS200 CA430 NA350 CA210 AS600 IN250 AS600 LA550 AS540 IN400 EM1800 AF498 CA210 CA210 EM900 IN400 ME400 AS140 CA210 CA420 EM1800 EM900 EM745 GV225 AS500 AF250 AS701 AS140 AS540 AS600 AF650 AF540 CA430 AF498 IN400 LA200 AS140 AF610 AS540 AF250 AS140 CA240 CA150 AS140 IN355 ME200 ME400 NA100 CA325 AS600 IN301 AS140 UKI600 LA100 AF250 CA200 GV245

Albergo Miramare EM1800 Bateaux Parisiens EM1700 Bateaux-Mouches EM1700 Château d’Auvers ‘au temps des impressionnistes’ EM1700 Grand Hyatt Doha ME240 Hard Rock International GV305 Knock Shrine Pilgrimages UKI600 Kylemore Abbey & Victorian Walled Garden UKI600 Larcomar Tourist and Entertainment Center LA300 Lido de Paris EM1700 Mauiva AirCruise NA245 MGM Grand HO TRAM Beach AS480 NEPAL - 3 Sisters Adventure Trekking P. Ltd & Empowering Women of Nepal - EWN GV370 NG Hotels & Resorts EM800,EM850 Paradise Sun AS640 Planet Hollywood and the Earl of Sandwich UKI400 Pont du Gard - World Heritage EM1700 Shakespeare’s Globe UKI400 Simply the Best Shopping Destinations UKI400 Sound of Vienna EM400 Tablao De Carmen EM1501 The Butchart Gardens NA300 TripAdvisor GV575 Wilderness Lodges Ltd AF370

448 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012



Agência de Viagens Windsor CRB Cityrama Travel Agency Cyprus Premier Holidays Cyprus Turkish Tourist Guides Association Diethelm Travel The Maldives Dragon Delight International Tours Ltd. Easy-Shuttle Nord tourism Promotora Neptuno PT. TRIA UMA WISATA TOUR & TRAVEL Rail Europe Inc. San Cristobal - Agencia de Viajes Tahiti Tours TULIP HOLIDAYS

Retail Outlet

EM900 EM350 EM750 EM750 AS540 AS289 TT250 EM1700 LA530 AS140 GV445 CA400 AS655 EM800,EM850

Associazione Albergatori Oltrepo` Big Bus Tours LLC Chic Outlet Shopping® Chic Outlet Shopping® - Fidenza Village Chic Outlet Shopping® - Ingolstadt Village Coster Diamonds Galeries Lafayette Premium Outlets(R) | SIMON(R) Simply the Best Shopping Destinations

EM1800 ME300 GV380 GV380 GV380 EM300 EM1700 NA260 UKI400

Air Iceland Auric Air Services Ltd China Airlines Coastal Travels Ltd Flightlink Limited Nature Air New President Holidays SAFARILINK AVIATION Spitsbergen Travel Zan Air Ltd.

EM140a AF498 AS450 AF498 AF498 LA550 EM750 AF250 EM140c AF498

Accor Middle East All Seasons Resort-Europa ONYX Hospitality Group Anantara Hotels, Resorts & Spas Ascott (The Ascott Limited) BAOBAB DOMAINS Bio-Vitalhotel Weissenseerhof****s Borgo degli Ulivi Residence *** City Stay Hotel Apartment The Diplomatic Club Edrichton Holidays 51 Buckingham Gate, Taj Suites and Residences Four Points by Sheraton Sheikh Zayed Road Dubai Frasers Hospitality Pte Ltd Golden Sands Hotel Apartments Grand Millennium Al Wahda Grand Millennium Dubai Hilton Colombo Residence Hotel Beacon Hotel Cormoran - Le Residenze del Cormoran Hotel Villa Luisa Hyatt Regency Dubai Jebel Ali International Hotels LaVilla Group of Hotels Maykenbel Properties PPHE Hotel Group Pullman Mall of the Emirates Relais Spa / Residhome / Séjours & Affaires RPHOTELS, RESTAURANTS & TRAVEL GROUP Seymour Hotels of Jersey Souq Waqef Suru Suites & Hotel Ltd Swiss-Belhotel Doha Tenuta di Coltibuono s.agr.a.r.l. The Address Hotels + Resorts Time Hotels Management

ME400 CA300 AS400 AS410 GV303 EM1450 EM400 EM1800 ME400 ME240 EM1150 GV410 ME400 GV501 ME400 ME300 ME400 AS600 NA200 EM1800 EM1800 GV225 ME400 ME240 UKI400 UKI400 ME400 EM1700 EM1660 UKI120 ME240 TT189 ME240 EM1660 ME400 ME400


Serviced Apartments

Software Solutions 11-Infotech System Co Ltd 9JA TRAVELS SERVICES LTD Accubook Ltd addaJet.com Apida (EGOZERO Project)

TT301 TT189 TT269 TT347 EM500

Bynd - Addictive Software CarTrawler CodeGen Ltd Cultuzz Digital Media GmbH Digital Trip - The Travel Website Experts EasyRMS, an Infor company ecare Technology Labs Pvt. Ltd. RateTiger - eRevMax Estensa srl evolution Experience Engine FACT-Finder Travel Gateway NV GP Solutions Great Guide/MSupport Guestline Ltd Happiest Minds Technologies Pvt Ltd HitchHiker GmbH Illusions Online Intuitive Ltd Iris Software Systems Ltd ISO Travel Solutions GmbH m-hospitality Make It Social MULTI Travel Software New Concept Travel Technologies LTD Newhotel Software Odin Omega Tourism & Services Open Destinations Parityrate.com Hotel eDistribution Peakwork GmbH - The Player Hub Company Pure360 Quadlabs Technologies Private Ltd. RateGain ReviewPro Revinate Rezgateway Rezopia RWA SiteMinder T I Infotech Pvt Ltd Talisman Travel Co., Ltd. Tavisca Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Tech Master Thermeon Worldwide Plc Tourplan TRABASE s.r.o. Traveltek Ltd Triometric TrustYou ReviewAnalyst Ultimedia Limited Verchaska Infotech (P) ltd. VeriFone Media Vertical Booking WebBookingExpert Wizie - Making IT Possible

TT287 GV460 TT200 TT401 TT340 TT285 TT445 GV635 EM1800 GV425 CA320 TT320 TT255 TT225 TT369 TT174 TT183 TT348 TT300 TT357 TT179 TT348 TT175 TT286 TT415 TT250 TT257 EM140a GV150 TT201 TT355 TT264 TT350 TT440 TT219 TT465 TT346 TT319 TT343 TT184 TT330 TT310 AS300 GV586 TT335 TT443 TT210 TT240 TT417 TT315 TT170 TT180 TT420 TT450 TT150 TT325 TT400

ABAMA GOLF & SPA RESORT Accor- Morocco Adaaran Resorts Al Nahda Resort & Spa Aldemar Hotels Alizee Resort Management Ltd Aranwa Hotels Resorts & Spas ARBATAX PARK RESORT Asociacion de Hoteles y Alojamientos Turísticos Alicante Sur Atrium Hotels, Luxury Hotels Collection Avista Hotels and Resorts Baan Haad Ngam Boutique Resort & Spa BALNEARIO LEANA, C.B. Bandara hotels & Resorts Banyan Tree Seychelles Beachcomber Hotels Best Western hotels in Lithuania Bio-Vitalhotel Weissenseerhof****s Bluebay Hotels Zanzibar Bonvecchiati S.r.l. Boracay Regency Group of Resorts Burasari Group Co.,LTD CAPITAL COAST Carlton Hotel Group Castello Orsini Hotel

EM1450 AF300 AS540 ME200 EM1000 AS500 LA300 EM1800


EM1600 EM1000 AS300 AS300 EM1475 AS300 AS640 AS500 EM570 EM400 AF382 EM1809 AS100 AS300 EM1100 UKI600 EM1800


PRODUCT GUIDE EM1675 CDSHotels S.p.A. AS300 Centara Hotels & Resorts IN250 CGH EARTH Chariot Beach Resorts Mahabalipuram IN370 Chaweng Regent and Melati Beach Resort and Spa AS300 The Chedi Muscat ME200 AS640 Coco De Mer Hotel AS140 Conrad Bali EM1150 Corinthia Hotels Malta EM550 CPI Hotels Danubius Hotels Group EM350 DANUBIUS HOTELS GROUP GV240 Delphina Hotels & Resorts EM1800 AS581 Diamond Bay Resort & Spa EM1450 DREAMPLACE HOTELS & RESORTS ME400 Dubai Marine Beach Resort & Spa EM1600 Dynastic Hotels Benidorm Elbow Beach Bermuda CA210 Fairmont Hotel & Resorts, Bermuda CA210 Fiesta Hotel Group EM1480 EM1660 FONTEVERDE COLLECTION TUSCANY LIFESTYLE EM1102 Four Seasons Hotel Fragrant Nature Retreat and Resorts Pvt. Ltd, Kerala, India. IN400 Gili Lankanfushi, Maldives AS540 Grand Hotel Terme e Spa Castrocaro EM1800 Grand Hyatt Dubai GV225 ME400 Grand Hyatt Dubai ME400 Grand Millennium Dubai AS140 Grand Mirage Resort & Thalasso Bali Half Moon, A RockResort CA240 Helios Hotels & Resorts EM1000 Hilton Dalaman Resort & SPA EM800,EM850 Hilton Seychelles AS640 EM900 Hoteis Real EM580 Hotel **** Bania Thermal & Ski EM1450 HOTEL BOTÁNICO Hotel Nice Riviera**** EM1700 Hotel Parco Torre Chia EM1800 HOTEL SANTA CRUZ LA400 Hotel Selfoss EM140a Hotel Villa Luisa EM1800 HOTEL VILLA RICCI Simar Tourist sas EM1660 HOTELES ELBA, S.L. EM1300 Il Boscaretto Resort & SPA EM1800 Island Hideaway, Spa Resort & Marinaa AS540 Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates ME400 Khaolak Bhandari Resort & Spa AS300 Le Dune Suite hotel EM1675 Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort ME207 Le Meridien Limassol Spa & Resort EM1101 Lily Beach Resort & Spa AS540 LOLC Leisure Ltd AS600 LOPESAN HOTEL GROUP EM1550 The Makokola Retreat AF650 MARIENBAD KUR & SPA HOTELS EM550 MARINA D’OR HOLIDAY RESORT EM1485 MARYLANZA SUITES & SPA EM1450 Merlin Beach Resort AS300 Mondorf Parc Hotel**** - Mondorf Domaine Thermal Luxembourg EM1235 Montanejos Villa Termal EM1600 Movenpick Resort and Spa Mauritius AS500 NOI HOTELS LA400 Northern Cyprus Hoteliers Association EM750 NOVA YARDINIA RESORT EM1675 OCÉANO VITALITY HOTEL & MEDICAL SPA EM1450 One&Only Cape Town AF500 One&Only Reethi Rah AS540 Palm Garden Resort AS480 Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas GV225 Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas ME300 Park Hyatt Goa Resort and Spa GV225 Per AQUUM AS540 Raffles Praslin Seychelles AS640 Roberto Naldi Collection EM1800 SEVERIN TRAVEL AF250 Shangri-La’s Barr Al Jissah Resort and Spa ME200 Shanti Maurice- A Nira Resort AS500 Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa, Edinburgh UKI400 Sheraton La Caleta Resort & Spa EM1450 Shreyas Retreat IN355 Six Senses Zighy Bay ME200 Sky Hotels and Resorts NA100 SLOVENIAN NATURAL SPAS Association EM500

SOMA BAY ST RAPHAEL HOTEL ST. GEORGE HOTEL Starwood Mauritius Taj Group Taj Hotels, Resorts & Palaces Terme di Sirmione Spa The Chateau Spa & Organic Wellness Resort The Imperial The Lodge & Spa at Brush Creek Ranch The Spa Traveller The Zanzibar Collection TIA HEIGHTS MAKADI BAY TIVOLI ECORESORT PRAIA DO FORTE Villa Hotels & Resort Pvt. Ltd.

Special Interest Tours

AF200 EM1100 EM1100 AS435 GV410 AS540 EM1800 AS501 IN401 NA180 GV179 AF492 AF200 LA100 AS540

EM1700 4 roues sous 1 parapluie LA350 A T P DMC - ARGENTINA TRAVEL PARTNERS EM250 Absolute Siberia Ltd. Acacia Safaris AF680 ACROSS SPAIN EM1640 ACTIVE HOLIDAYS EM640 EM640 ACTIVE TRAVEL AF400 African Horseback Safaris IN170 AHKE Adventure Travel Airwing Tours (pvt) Ltd AS600 ALDO TRAVEL AGENCY EM640 Amani Tours ME100 Andean Origins LA300 EM500 Apida (EGOZERO Project) EM140c Arctic Polare EM1180 Armenia / Princess Maneh Tours ATLANTIC TOUR EM640 Bali Tours & Travel AS140 BARCELONA GUIDE BUREAU EM1640 Barton Hill Travel UKI400 IN170 Bhutan Dhenzang Travel LA300 Cajamarca Travel Captain Morgan Cruises EM1150 China Vision Holidays AS99 Clark Tours LA560 Condor Travel LA109 Congo Gorilla Tours AF549 CONSELVATUR / Selva Bananito Lodge LA550 Consorzio Made in Puglia EM1675 Costa Rica Reps -Tour Operator LA550 Costa Rica Sun Tours LA550 Costa Rica Top Tours LA550 COVASNA TOURISM DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION EM640 CRILLON TOURS -TITICACA HYDROFOIL LA270 Culture & Heritage Tours UKI600 CYNSA TOUR OPERATOR LA350 Cyprus Turkish Tourism & Travel Agent’s Association EM750 Daytoursworld.com TT460 Destination Ltd EM509 DETOUR, Viajes y cultura LA560 Discovery Overland Holidays Sdn Bhd AS200 Domiruth Travel Service LA300 ECE Ltd. L203 Eden Incoming & DMC by Eden srl EM1800 Edge of India IN385 EL TAREK TRAVEL AF200 Elite Travel DMC EM1160 EPG Travel AS55 Eshet Incoming EM650 ETHIOPIA - African Adventure Tours GV370 Europe Active EM1700 EVIVA TOUR VIETNAM AS480 Explorandes SAC LA300 Fez Travel EM800,EM850 FIDITOUR AS480 Fortuna Travel GV601 Foxes Safari Camps AF365 Giardino Tours LA300 Golden Eagle Luxury Trains Ltd EM265 Havanatour UK Ltd CA410 HELLING S TRAVEL LA350 HF Holidays UKI400 HGH Travel Co.Ltd AS480 Hotels and More UKI400 ILTucano Peru LA300 Incoming Partners EM1800 Intourist EM240 Irish Tourism.com Ltd UKI600

Istanbul Parasol Travel (IPT) Jetwing Travels (pvt) Ltd Jonview Canada JULIA TRAVEL - GRAY LINE SPAIN KALLPA TOUR OPERATOR KENYA WILDLIFE TRAILS Kjong Safaris Ltd Kwando Safaris LC PERU Lord’s Tour LUXURY TRAVEL CO., LTD MARSEILLE PROVENCE Maya Trails Medintur Italia T.O MILLENARIAN TOURISM & TRAVEL MONGOLIA - Tour Mongolia Mountain Goat Tours and Holidays NATIVE TRAILS MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. NEPAL - Socialtours NIPPON TRAVEL AGENCY CO.,LTD. Oceanwide Expeditions (Netherlands) On Location Tours Operation Europe Travel Panamericana de viajes DMC PERU A TRAVEL Perú InsideOut Peterson Travel Service Phoenix Voyages Poseidon Arctic Voyages, Ltd. PureQuest Adventures Rainforest Expeditions Rila Travel Ltd. Rocky Mountain Holiday Tours Savannah Tours Ltd Scenic Journeys Pvt. Ltd SETOURS - Handcrafted journeys Shah Tours & Travels Ltd SITA Stebar Safaris Ltd STP GUATEMALA SunBird Tours Myanmar TANDEM TRAVEL TANZANIA - Pongo Safaris & Tours Ltd THAILAND - Royal Silk Holidays THAILAND Nutty’s Adventures THE ORIGINAL & BEST TOURS TIPICA TOUR OPERATOR Together in Tuscany & Umbria TONICHI TRAVEL SERVICE CO.,LTD. Top China Tour Co., Ltd. Transglobe TRAVEL MARK TOURS Ukraine United Travel Vasco Travel Vezelay and Fontenay, Burgundy, France Viajes Pacifico VIDOTOUR Co., Ltd Village Ethiopia Travel Viracocha Turismo Internacional Vneshintourist Whites Hotel Group of Ireland Worldcome, destination specialists Yeti Travels ZIL TRAVEL TOUR OPERATOR & DMC

Sports Venues

EM800,EM850 AS600 NA300 EM1300 LA350 AF250 AF680 AF400 LA300 L300 AS480 EM1700 LA560 EM1800 LA270 GV370 UKI400 LA200 GV370 AS360 LA541 NA201 EM207 LA530 LA300 LA300 AS200 AS575 EM203 GV611 LA300 EM700 NA180 AF498 IN450 LA300 AF498 IN300 AF680 LA560 AS55 EM700 GV370 GV370 GV370 EM1660 EM1675 EM1660 AS360 AS150 EM1700 LA350 EM160 EM1150 IN337 EM1674 LA300 AS383 AF380 LA300 EM260 UKI600 GV610 AS659 LA100

ARBOLAR FORMACIÓN Y OCIO ACTIVO, S.L. CIRCUIT DE CATALUNYA Emirates Stadium Tours Fulham FC Good Travel Lord’s Tour Stade de France Twickenham World Rugby Museum & Stadium Tour UNIVERSITY AUTONOMA OF BARCELONA. VENUES & SERVICES Wembley Stadium Tours Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum and Tour

Suppliers And Services

EM1475 EM1640 L300 L300 EM1201 L300 EM1700 L300 EM1640 L300 L300

AVANT GRUP. COACH & CAR SERVICES IN BARCELONA EM1640 Corsica’s Premier Hotel Association EM1700 Customer Survey Technologies International UKI600

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 449

PRODUCT GUIDE FOX Rent A Car Inc. Galeries Lafayette HERTZ CANARIAS - GRUPO FAYCAN HOSPITEN Hotwire Italian Details S.r.l. Littlebig Road MakeMyTrip (India) Pvt Ltd. One Global Translation PhoCusWright Inc. Super Shuttle - Veolia Transdev The University of the West Indies-Barbados USP HOSPITALES V.E.A / Veolia Transdev VOX MUNDI Vox Tours Srl

NA309 EM1700 EM1450 EM1450 TT278 EM1805 NA270 TT419 TT203 TT429 EM1700 CA300 EM1450 EM1700 UKI440 UKI440

11-Infotech System Co Ltd 9JA TRAVELS SERVICES LTD Accubook Ltd Bournemouth University Bynd - Addictive Software CarTrawler CodeGen Ltd ComfortWay.com Cultuzz Digital Media GmbH Customer Survey Technologies International DESCUBRE GROUP Digital Trip - The Travel Website Experts EasyRMS, an Infor company ecare Technology Labs Pvt. Ltd. RateTiger - eRevMax evolution FACT-Finder Travel Feefo First Atlantic Commerce Ltd. Fore Representations & Travels Pvt Ltd GP Solutions Great Guide/MSupport Guestline Ltd Happiest Minds Technologies Pvt Ltd HitchHiker GmbH HotelsPro - Met Global Hotwire Illusions Online Intuitive Ltd Iris Software Systems Ltd ISO Travel Solutions GmbH Ixaris Systems Ltd JPM Guides m-hospitality Make It Social MakeMyTrip (India) Pvt Ltd. Nettohotel Srl New Concept Travel Technologies LTD Odin One Global Translation Open Destinations Parityrate.com Hotel eDistribution Peakwork GmbH - The Player Hub Company Quadlabs Technologies Private Ltd. RateGain ReviewPro Rezgateway Rezopia RWA SiteMinder Sports Events 365 Ltd T I Infotech Pvt Ltd Tavisca Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Tech Master The Leisure Pass Group Thermeon Worldwide Plc toggle mobile Tourplan TRABASE s.r.o. TravelSim Traveltek Ltd Triometric TrustYou ReviewAnalyst Ultimedia Limited Verchaska Infotech (P) ltd. Vertical Booking Globalgig

TT301 TT189 TT269 EM1592 TT287 GV460 TT200 TT365 TT401 UKI600 EM1450 TT340 TT285 TT445 GV635 GV425 TT320 TT410 TT182 GV155 TT225 TT369 TT174 TT183 TT348 GV345 TT278 TT300 TT357 TT179 TT348 TT360 EM201 TT175 TT286 TT419 EM1800 TT250 EM140a TT203 TT201 TT355 TT264 TT440 TT219 TT465 TT319 TT343 TT184 TT330 GV170 TT310 GV586 TT335 UKI421 TT443 TT249 TT210 TT240 TT235 TT417 TT315 TT170 TT180 TT420 TT150 TT442


450 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

VOX MUNDI Vox Tours Srl WebBookingExpert Weblogic WIFI MUNDO Wirecard Technologies AG Wizie - Making IT Possible World Independent Hotels Promotion Wright Express


UKI440 UKI440 TT325 TT425 EM1450 TT247 TT400 TT260 TT245

ComfortWay.com Quietvox toggle mobile TravelSim Globalgig Vox Tours Srl

TT365 UKI335 TT249 TT235 TT442 UKI440

ATG Tickets Encore Tickets Ltd Group Sales Box Office/Broadway.com Leisure Connect

UKI409 L310 NA200 L320

ATG Tickets Group Sales Box Office/Broadway.com Shakespeare’s Globe SPIDER-MAN: Turn Off the Dark Suffolk - Arts, Heritage, Culture and Beer Wien Holding cultural enterprises

UKI409 NA200 UKI400 NA200 UKI332 EM400

Theatre Tickets Theatres & Cinemas

Theme Parks

Abreu Online GV465 EM1220 Atomium & Mini-Europe NA270 Delaware North Companies Parks & Resorts AS200 Destination Resort Disney Destinations NA100 Disneyland Paris EM1700 Domain of the Caves of Han EM1220 Euro Space Center EM1220 Keukenhof Flower Exhibition EM300 LEGOLAND Florida NA100 LORO PARQUE/SIAM PARK EM1450 Parc Asterix./ Musée Grévin EM1700 PortAventura EM1640 Smart Destinations, Inc. NA175 ‘Times & Epochs’ historical festivals in Moscow EM240 Universal Studios Hollywood NA340 Vienna International Dream Castle & Magic Circus Hotels at Disneyland Paris EM1700


Ak- Sai Travel Ltd. AL TAYYAR GROUP EGYPT ANTHEA TRAVEL Art in Tour, Travel Agency Bateaux-Mouches DB Bahn - German Rail GO TRAVEL Gobi Tour LLC Groundline Citycards Groundline Enterprises Ltd Holland Factory BV Leisure Connect Mondial Destination Management NIKA Travel Company Salzkammergut Touristik GmbH Sound of Vienna SPAIN TICKET BUREAU Sports Events 365 Ltd Tangol Top Level Travel Srl Travel Connection Europe Ltd Trenitalia Spa Trl Travel Wens Tour Zara Tanzania Adventure

Tour Operator

365 TRAVEL - VIETNAM AAT Kings Australia & NZ Tours Absolute Siberia Ltd.

AS85 AF200 EM1640 EM1180 EM1700 EM540 AS445 AS560 GV305 EM1700 EM300 L320 EM400 EM165 EM400 EM400 EM1640 GV170 LA299 EM1800 UKI301 EM1750 AF400 EM1201 AF498

AS480 AS550 EM250

Acacia Safaris ACERCAR VIAJES ACTIVE ROMANIA ACTIVE TRAVEL Adventure Myanmar Tours & Incentives African Adventure Travellers African Environments Ltd AFRICAN HORIZONS TRAVEL & SAFARI AFRICAN PEARL SAFARIS AHKE Adventure Travel Ahsante Tours and Safaris Ltd Airwing Tours (pvt) Ltd Alamos Travel Service Albatros-Travel, Ltd All Year Cyprus Travel Alpha Travel (UK) LTD Amani Tours American Ring Travel, Inc. AmericanTours International (ATI) Andean Lodges ANTARCTICA XXI Apollo Voyages Pvt. Ltd Arctic Adventure Armenia / Princess Maneh Tours Armenia Holidays Armenia Travel ARMOTOURS/Touroperator ASIA PACIFIC TRAVEL Co., ltd Asla Travel Group Assam Bengal Navigation ASTRIDA TRAVEL ATLANTIC TOUR Australian Walking Holidays AVENA TRAVEL Aventuras Mexico Profundo, S.A. de C.V. AZETA VIAGGI Baltic Saitas BARCELONA GUIDE BUREAU Bestway Tours & Safaris Pvt Ltd Bhutan Dhenzang Travel Blu Welcome Travel Blue Poppy Tours & Treks Blue Ship Travel Co., LTD. Brovad Tours & Travel BUEMES TVL DMC Buffalo Tours Bunyonyi Safaris Ltd BUQUEBUS Bush Africa Safaris Butterflies (PVT) Ltd Cajamarca Travel CAMINO ABIERTO Capital Travel & Tours Pvt. Ltd. CARACTERES DE MEXICO Carrani Tours Cashel Travel Caucasus Travel CB INTERNATIONAL Sp. z o.o CEDOK TRAVEL CORPORATION Cheli & Peacock CHR Travel Chrismar Travel Chrissima Tours City Sightseeing Ltd CitySights NY CITYVISION Clark Tours Concord Travels & Tours Condor Travel Congo Gorilla Tours Connex Caribe Mexico Contact Travel Corrupt Tour Corsicatours Cosmos Tours Costa Rica Reps -Tour Operator Costa Rica Sun Tours Costa Rica Tourist Board Costa Rican Trails Crew Tours CRILLON TOURS -TITICACA HYDROFOIL Crown Tours (Maldives) Pvt. Ltd. Crystal Safaris Cuba Direct Cuba Select Travel

AF680 LA350 EM640 EM640 AS55 AF680 AF498 AF250 AF680 IN170 AF498 AS600 LA200 EM160 EM750 AF350 ME100 NA180 NA270 LA300 LA400 IN450 EM140a EM1180 EM1180 EM1180 LA550 AS480 EM507 IN400 EM570 EM640 AS550 EM450 LA200 LA350 EM570 EM1640 IN389 IN170 EM1800 IN170 AS360 AF680 LA470 AS380 AF380 LA470 AF400 AS600 LA300 LA350 AS540 LA200 EM1800 UKI400 EM1060 EM450 EM550 AF542 UKI400 GV120 EM1800 UKI350 NA200 EM1700 LA560 IN400 LA109 AF549 LA250 EM350 EM572 EM1700 ME400 LA550 LA550 LA550 LA550 GV100 LA270 AS540 AF680 CA401 CA407

PRODUCT GUIDE UKI600 Culture & Heritage Tours LA350 CYNSA TOUR OPERATOR EM750 Cyprus Paradise Cyprus Premier Holidays EM750 Cyrus Sahra Co. ME293 DAGECOM TRAVEL SERVICES EM640 AF610 DANA TOURS LA300 Dasatariq EM1675 DAUNIA BUS SRL LA350 DE LA PAZ TUR DELFOS OPERADOR MAYORISTA LA350 Destination Costa Rica LA550 DETOUR, Viajes y cultura LA560 AS659 Dharma Adventures EM140c Discover Arctic AS480 Discover East EM640 DISCOVER MEDIA The Discovery Collection EM750 Discovery Overland Holidays Sdn Bhd AS200 Domiruth Travel Service LA300 EM540 Dresden Marketing Board EM440 E-TRAVEL.SK AS600 Eco Team - (Pvt) Ltd Ecocircuitos Panama LA560 ECUADOR - Yachana Lodge/Yachana Tours GV370 EL TAREK TRAVEL AF200 ELITE TRAVEL EM1246 EM1895 Emeco Travel EM1201 Emile Weber AS55 EPG Travel EPIC TOURS/El Salvador LA560 EQUINOXE LA350 Eracle Travels ADV e TO EM1800 ETHIOPIA - African Adventure Tours GV370 EM640 EUFORIA TRAVEL EM1700 Europe Active UKI108 Europe Incoming European Travel Services UKI400 Europlan S.p.A. EM1685 Excellent Tours & Travel China AS279 Exclusive African Safaris AF680 Executive Travel Service EM1800 Explorandes SAC LA300 ExploreWorldHeritage.com EM1300 Extreme Ireland UKI600 Fairfield Tours(Pty) Ltd AF500 Far Horizon Tours Pvt Ltd IN201 Fez Travel EM800,EM850 FIDITOUR AS480 Fisherman’s Rest AF650 Flight Travel JSC AS480 Flipper - Viaggi EM1800 Focus Travel AS581 Food Valley Travel EM1800 FRESH HOLIDAYS & EVENTS - IDYLLIC ROMANIA EM640 Futura Vacanze Spa EM1800 Galaxy Thien Ha Travel AS480 GAPA Travel LA475 Gartour by HTS Srl EM1924 GATEWAYS TRAVEL LA350 Geo Travel EM960 Geographic Travel Club EM1180 GeorgiCa Travel EM1060 Ger to Ger Agency AS560 Giardino Tours LA300 GLEN LODGE AF645 Globetrotters Travel & Tours GV305 GLORY TOURS AND SAFARIS LTD AF250 Go Tourism GV120 Go West Tours NA340 Gobi Tour LLC AS560 Goddards Shipping & Tours Ltd CA300 Golden Holidays (Lebanon) - DMC ME140 Golden Tour EM1665 Golden Tours L215 Gray Line New York Sightseeing NA301 Great Genghis Tours & Expeditions Co.Ltd AS560 GT Travel Technology Ltd L215 Guyana Tourism Authority CA205 Happy Tours EM500 Heli USA Airways NA350 Hellas Vacances EM1201 HGH Travel Co.Ltd AS480 Himalaya Kailash Travels & Tours Pvt. Ltd. AS659 Himalayan Kingdom IN170

EM650 Holiday Travel UKI400 Hotels and More EM1600 Huerto del Cura Group Icefall Adventures Pvt. Ltd AS659 Iceland Excursions - Gray Line Iceland EM140a Idea Tours EM1800 IN265 India 4 You LA350 INDUS TRAVEL LA350 INFOBA DMC EM160 Intercity Travel DMC Interconnection Travels & Tours Co., Ltd AS55 INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL Ltd EM700 Intourist EM240 AS460 INTRA CO. UKI600 Irish Tourism.com Ltd UKI600 Irish Welcome Tours ISTANBUL WALKS - ANTONINA TURIZM AND TRAVEL EM800,EM850 Italcamel Travel Agency s.r.l EM1900 Juulchin Tourism Corporation of Mongolia AS560 AF200 KARNAK EGYPTAIR TOURISM EM640 KARPATEN TURISM AF498 Kearsley Travel & Tours KENYA - Ramogi Tours & Travel LTD GV370 Ketzaltour, S.A. de C.V. LA200 Kjong Safaris Ltd AF680 Kompas.hr Zagreb EM1250 IN400 KVT- Kash’ Venture Travels Pvt. Ltd EM1800 L`Isolabella AS600 Lanka Sportreizen LATITUD 90 CHILE LA400 Lernidee Trains & Cruises AS401 Lets Go Maldives Pvt. Ltd. AS540 Liberty Italy GV640 LA300 Lima Tours AS480 LUXURY TRAVEL CO., LTD AS445 MADA VIAGGI & TURISMO Magri Turismo Ltda. LA270 Manas Travels Pvt. Ltd. AS659 Margo Tours LA560 Mava Travel Peru LA300 Maya Temple Tours/Honduras LA560 Maya Trails LA560 Mekong Waterways Ltd AS492 Metropolitan Touring Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Chile & Argentina LA401 MEXITOURS DMC & TOUR OPERATOR LA200 Modenatur EM1800 MONGOLIA - Tour Mongolia GV370 MONGOLIA SELENA TRAVEL AS670 Mongolian Adventure Tours Co.,Ltd AS560 MOZAMBIQUE VOYAGES / UITKYK HOLIDAYS AF610 My Tour Tuscany Experts EM1660 Mystifly Consulting (India) Pvt. Ltd. GV585 NAKHAL Tours & Travel ME140 Namaste Tours Pvt. Ltd. IN450 NATURE EXPEDITIONS AFRICA AF250 NEON TOURS EM800,EM850 NEPAL - Explore Himalaya Travel & Adventure GV370 NEPAL - Socialtours GV370 New Age Travellers Co., Ltd. AS55 New Frontiers Tours AF500 New Logic LTD EM160 New World Travel NA260 NIPPON TRAVEL AGENCY CO.,LTD. AS360 Oceanwide Expeditions (Netherlands) LA541 Okavango Expeditions / Travel Adventures Botswana AF400 Old Town Outfitters/Bike LA560 Ollandini Voyages EM1700 Opentours NA303 Orient Express Travels & Tours IN450 Orion Trek Voyages - Morocco GV100 OTI Holding GV565 Oxalis Holidays Ltd. AS360 P GROUP PLOVDIV LTD EM700 Paddywagon Tours UKI600 Panama Trails/Panama LA560 Panorama Perú LA300 Panorama Tours & Travel GmbH EM400 Panoramic Travel Group / Panoramic Serbia EM340 Papillon Helicopters & Grand Canyon Scenic Airlines NA350 Park East Africa Ltd AF380 Parma Incoming EM1800 PENINSULA TOURS EM703 PERU A TRAVEL LA300

A LA300 Perú InsideOut AS200 Peterson Travel Service IN450 Pioneer Personalized Holidays Prima Tour EM1800 Primavera Safaris AF380 Promappennino Societa’ Cooperativa EM1800 EM500 Promet T&T LA400 PROTOURS LA300 Pure! Peru LA350 QUALITY TRAVEL Quimbaya Tours International LA530 Rabbie’s Small Group Tours UKI400 Rainforest Expeditions LA300 EM1060 Redix Travel EM540 Reise Mission GmbH EM1800 Retevacanze srl EM140a Reykjavik Excursions RIO LIFE LA100 Robinson Scandinavia AS EM140c Rual Travel Ltd EM700 EM250 Russian National Tourist Office Ltd AF440 RWANDA ECO-TOURS EM1150 S. MIFSUD & SONS LTD (SMS TOURISM) Safari and Guide Services Africa AF400 Safari Destinations AF400 Safari Legacy AF498 Saigontourist Holding Company AS583 IN530 Sanyog Gupta Voyages LA200 SAT Business Travel, S.A de C.V AF498 Savannah Tours Ltd Sayama Travel Group AS300 SC SINAIA SA-RINA SINAIA HOTEL EM640 SC WAYS BUSINESS TRAVEL SRL EM640 Scandinavian Perspectives (DMC) EM140b LA350 SCENERY TRAVEL SERVICE IN450 Scenic Journeys Pvt. Ltd EM1800 Scoprire l’Italia Viaggi See-London.co.uk Ltd L219 Serengeti Balloon Safaris AF498 Serhs Tourism EM1305 Services Export Promotion Council IN400 SETOURS - Handcrafted journeys LA300 Shah Tours & Travels Ltd AF498 Shangri-La Bhutan Tours & Treks IN170 Silvana Tours LA300 Silver Africa Tours GV100 SIN FRONTERAS INCOMING TOUR OPERATOR LA560 Sireon Tours EM1800 68º Lofoten EM140c Sky Travel Peru LA300 Smailing Tour AS140 Snaeland Travel EM140a Solana Tours GV100 Sondor Travel EM1160 SOT-SAHINOGLU Tourism EM800,EM850 SOUTH AFRICA - Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa GV370 Southern Cross Safaris AF550 Special Holidays Travel Pvt. Ltd IN450 Springbok Atlas Tours and Safaris AF500 SR Travel GmbH EM540 Static Tours Pvt. Ltd. AS540 Stebar Safaris Ltd AF680 STP GUATEMALA LA560 Sunny Safaris Ltd AF498 SYLVIA TOURS EGYPT AF200 TABA TRAVEL AF200 Takims Holidays Tours & Safaris AF498 Talisman Travel Co., Ltd. AS300 Tamilnadu Tourism IN240 TANDEM TRAVEL EM700 TANZANIA - Pongo Safaris & Tours Ltd GV370 Tatra-Bis EM755 Teamamerica Receptive Tour Operator NA200 Televentur/Honduras LA560 THAILAND Nutty’s Adventures GV370 Thamserku Trekking Pvt. Ltd AS659 The Green Circuit IN450 The Group Company GV305 Indonesia (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic) AS140 The One DMC GV120 The Original London Sightseeing Tour Ltd L304 THREELAND TRAVEL - GRAY LINE VIETNAM AS480 365 days of Armenia by SacVoyage EM1180 TOP DEST LA350

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 451

PRODUCT GUIDE IN245 Gujarat State (Tourism Corporation of Gujarat Ltd) UKI400 Tours International NA293 Travalco USA, Inc EM401 Travel Europe Travel Group Peru LA300 Travel Inn (India) Pvt. Ltd. IN360 TRAVEL MARK TOURS LA350 EM400 Travel Partner GV120 Travel To Marketing GV655 Travellanda Ltd UKI339 TravelMole TRIP Tour Operator EM450 Tseren Tours AS592 Tsolmon Travel Co.,Ltd AS560 AF498 TTT Worldwide Ltd. EM800,EM850 TULIP HOLIDAYS LA470 TURISPORT EM1660 Tuscany Highlights & Transfer Chauffeur Service Uni Orient Travel AS100 Uniworld Boutique River Cruise Collection EM540 VALENTOUR VIAGGI E TURISMO EM1685 LA560 Vapues Tours EM1940 Vatican Museums AS140 Vayatour Bali Venezuela - INATUR LA540 VESATOURS LA550 Viajes Pacifico LA300 VIATUR TRAVEL SERVICES LA550 LA560 Viaventure EM1800 Viola Viaggi Incoming Tour Operator LA300 Viracocha Turismo Internacional Vis-à-vis Tour Armenia EM1180 GV120 Vitramar EM260 Vneshintourist Volcanoes Safaris AF440 Voyage Colombia/World Tours LA530 Voyagers Zambia Limited AF625 Voyages Maldives (Pvt.) Ltd. AS540 EM1685 WELCOME SYSTEMS srl Wellsicily di Scarlet World Tours and Travel EM1800 Wild Discovery Travel & Tourism ME140 Wilderness Safaris AF435 Wildlife Expeditions Sdn. Bhd. AS200 Worldlink Travel and Tours Ltd. AF498 Worldwide DMC Ltd UKI407 Yellow Transfers / Endless Tours LA250 Your Africa AF500 Zahara Tours ME200 Zan Tours Ltd AF498 Zara Tanzania Adventure AF498 Zebra Country Tours AF440 ZIL TRAVEL TOUR OPERATOR & DMC LA100

Tourist Attractions & Entertainment

Ahsante Tours and Safaris Ltd AF498 Air Excel Ltd. AF498 Ardenne Attractions EM1220 Atomium & Mini-Europe EM1220 AVIGNON - PALAIS DES PAPES EM1700 AYUNTAMIENTO PUERTO DE LA CRUZ EM1450 Barbados Tourism Authority CA300 Big Bus Tours NA242,UKI401,EM1672 Big Bus Tours LLC ME300 Borneo Eco Tours AS200 Brazilian Tourism Board - Embratur LA100,LA100 Bridal Guide Magazine NA378 California Academy of Sciences NA340 Cape Town Tourism AF500 Castle Leslie Estate UKI600 Chaminuka Nature Reserve AF625 Chelsea FC Stadium Tours and Museum L300 Chic Outlet Shopping® GV380 Chic Outlet Shopping® - Ingolstadt Village GV380 Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises NA200 City Cruises plc L305 City Sightseeing Ltd UKI350 CitySights NY NA200 CitySightseeing Cruises NA200 Colombian Journeys LA530 Colorado Tourism Office NA170 Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site AF500 Cyprus Turkish Tourism & Travel Agent’s Association EM750 Daytoursworld.com TT460

452 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

CA420 De Palm Tours Aruba EM300 DFDS SEAWAYS LTD NA100 Disney Destinations EM1220 Domain of the Caves of Han Dubai Events & Promotions Establishment ME400 easy-breaks.com GV305 Egyptian Tourist Authority AF200 EM140a Elding Whale Watching EM700 Elite Tours Ltd L300 Emirates Stadium Tours NA200 Empire State Building Observatory Erarta, Contemporary Art Museum and Galleries EM165 ESQUINA CARLOS GARDEL LA350 Euro Space Center EM1220 UKI228 Euromonitor International NA340 Exploratorium UKI600 Fermanagh Lakeland Tourism L300 Fulham FC G.A.L. Alto Tammaro: Terre dei tratturi EM1800 Galeries Lafayette EM1700 Gassan Diamonds EM300 UKI435 Gibraltar Tourist Board EM650 Go–Galilee EM1665 Golden Tour Golden Tours L215 Gran Canaria 2 EM1440 Gran Canaria 8 EM1440 Gran Canaria Active EM1440 EM1440 Gran Canaria Golf EM1450 GREEN BANANA MARKETING S.L EM1800 Grotte di Frasassi Groundline Enterprises Ltd EM1700 NA200 Group Sales Box Office/Broadway.com L215 GT Travel Technology Ltd GTA GV500 Guardamar del Segura EM1600 Guinness Storehouse UKI600 Heli USA Airways NA350 UKI400 Historic Scotland Historium Brugge EM1200 Hornblower Cruises & Events NA200 Hotel le Pariou EM1700 INDABA 2013 AF500 Innsbruck -The Capital of the Alps EM400 Into Bhutan Adventures IN170 KD German Rhine Line EM540 KENYA WILDLIFE SERVICE AF250 Killary Cruises & Liffey River Cruises UKI600 KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board AF500 Kylemore Abbey & Victorian Walled Garden UKI600 Larcomar Tourist and Entertainment Center LA300 Latvian Tourism Development Agency EM560 Liberty Helicopters NA201 LORO PARQUE/SIAM PARK EM1450 Madame Tussauds USA NA201 Maraviglia Srl EM1800 Marseille Provence European Capital of Culture 2013 EM1700 Mauiva AirCruise NA245 Maverick Aviation Group NA350 Merlin Entertainments Group UKI400 MH Bland UKI435 Kazakhstan (Ministry for Tourism and Sports of the Republic of) AS60 Museo Larco LA300 Museum Highlights in Vienna EM400 Nassau Paradise Island Promotion Board CA430 Niagara Helicopters Limited NA300 Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation AF150 NKAR Travels & Tours (PVT) Ltd AS600 NYC & Company NA200 Ol Tukai Lodge AF250 On Location Tours NA201 PALACES OF INDIA / CAMPS OF INIDA IN360 Papillon Helicopters & Grand Canyon Scenic Airlines NA350 Parc Asterix./ Musée Grévin EM1700 Pas-de-Calais Tourism EM1700 Podkarpackie Region EM450 Reims Champagne Tourist Board EM1700 Ripley’s Believe It or Not! London L225 RIXOS HOTELS EM800,EM850 Royal Collection Trust UKI102 Salento e Sviluppo EM1675 Samburu National Reserve AF250 Sampran Riverside AS300

Schilthorn Cableway Ltd. See-London.co.uk Ltd Sharjah Investment & Development Authority (SHUROOQ) Sharjah Museums Department Silk Road Destinations Silvana Tours Smart Destinations, Inc. Sound of Vienna SOUTH AFRICA - Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa Special Tours Whale & Puffin Watching Entertainment Cruises Sports Events 365 Ltd Sprachcaffe St Paul’s Cathedral Stade de France Suffolk - Arts, Heritage, Culture and Beer Swietokrzyskie Regional Tourist Organisation Ta Shebube (Pty) Ltd Tablao De Carmen TANGO PORTEÑO The Butchart Gardens The Leisure Pass Group The O2 The View from The Shard ‘Times & Epochs’ historical festivals in Moscow Transturin Titicaca Catamarans TravelCube TripAdvisor Twickenham World Rugby Museum & Stadium Tour Universal Studios Hollywood Uttar Pradesh Tourism Vienna Residence Orchestra Vienna Tourist Board Visit Greenwich Visit Orlando Warner Bros. Studio Tour London Wembley Stadium Tours Whites Hotel Group of Ireland Wieliczka Salt Mine Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum and Tour Windermere Lake Cruises Worldwide Attractions LTD Zambia Wildlife Authority

Tourist Destination

EM600 L219 ME500 ME500 AS85 LA300 NA175 EM400 GV370 EM140a NA201 GV170 LA200 UKI101 EM1700 UKI332 EM450 AF400 EM1501 LA350 NA300 UKI421 UKI400 L315 EM240 LA270 GV500 GV575 L300 NA340 IN450 EM400 EM400 L205 NA100 UKI420 L300 UKI600 EM450 L300 UKI400 EM1700 AF625

ABBAYE DE FONTENAY EM1674 ALDAR Properties PJSC ME300 Andhra Pradesh Tourism IN450 Antigua Hotels & Tourist Association CA150 ARAUCANIA LA400 Assam Tourism IN450 Atlasjet EM800,EM850 Banff Lake Louise Tourism NA300 Barcelona Province Tourist Board EM1640 The Best Destinations in the West NA270 Borovets, Hotel Rila EM700 Caribbean Tourism Organisation CA140 CESTOB - Cesme Touristic Hoteliers Association EM800,EM850 Costa Blanca Tourist Board EM1600 Daman Diu & Dadar Nagar Havely Tourism IN400 DIDIM TOURISM UNION EM800,EM850 Explore Georgia EM1060 Fermanagh Lakeland Tourism UKI600 Ferrocarriles del Ecuador Empresa Pública LA170 Fethiye EM800,EM850 Geneva Tourism & Conventions EM600 Georgia Tourism USA NA270 HOTEL GUADALUPE EM1500 India Tourism (Govt. of India) IN400 Institute of National Museums of Rwanda AF440 Interlaken Tourism EM600 Jungfrau Region EM600 Kosice - European Capital of Culture 2013 EM440 L’ Agenzia di Viaggi (Italy) Press Centre Foyer La Palma Tourist Board EM1400 Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture EM750 Municipality of Plovdiv EM700 Naples, Marco Island, Everglades CVB NA100 PALACES OF INDIA / CAMPS OF INIDA IN360 Rajasthan Tourism IN247 Regione Campania - Assessorato al Turismo e Beni Culturali EM1800 Rual Travel Ltd EM700

PRODUCT GUIDE Special Tours Whale & Puffin Watching St Vincent & The Grenadines Tourist Office Tangier-Tétouan Regional Tourism Council Tirol Tourist Board Touist Information center of Vologda region Visit St. Petersburg/Clearwater Zambia Wildlife Authority

Trade Association

EM140a CA340 AF300 EM400 EM240 NA100 AF625

UKI150 ABTA - The Travel Association LA301 ACTA EM975 Adana Chamber of Commerce EM975 Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry Antalya City - ATSO EM800,EM850 ASSOCIATION OF CYPRUS TRAVEL AGENTS (ACTA) EM1100 ASTA LA301 EM1000 Athens-Attica Hotel Association AF550 Atta The African Travel & Tourism Association EM1350 AVIBA EM900 Azores Promotion Bureau BOYTAV-BODRUM PENINSULA PROMOTION FOUNDATION EM800,EM850 Brand USA Pavilions NA270 CA140 Caribbean Tourism Organisation LA100 CEARÁ EM1800 Confindustria Macerata Sezione Turismo Durban Tourism AF500 Enterprise Europe Network Mediterranean EM975 ETOA - European Tour Operators Association GV305 General Panhellenic Federation of Tourism EM1000 Enterprises (GEPOET) GETOB-MARMARIS /SOUTH AGEAN HOTELIERS EM800,EM850 ASSOCIATION HOSBEC EM1600 International Pow Wow (IPW) by U.S. Travel NA270 Kahramanmaras Chamber of Commerce and Industry EM975 Kayseri Erciyes Mt EM800,EM850 EM1660 Lucca Promos scrl EM1150 Malta Hotels & Restaurants Association MEDICAL AND WELLNESS TOURISM IN CYPRUS EM1100 Ospitalita’ a Bologna EM1800 Out Now UKI340 Pacific Asia Travel Association AS495 Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority ME500 Skål International UKI334 Sorrento Coast Consortium EM1800 Strong Recruitment GV305 The Guild Of Travel & Tourism UKI130 The London Chamber of Commerce and Industry UKI130 Trinidad & Tobago High Commissioners OfficeTrinidad CA330 Turkish Healthcare Travel Council EM800,EM850 TURSAB - Association of Turkish Travel Agencies EM800,EM850 UKinbound UKI400

Trade Publications

Breaking Travel News Bridal Guide Magazine Bye Bye London Canadian Travel Press (Canada) China Business Network eTurboNews Excelencias EyeforTravel Ltd. FVW Mediengruppe Global Media Network Hosteltur JPM Guides L’ Agenzia di Viaggi (Italy) Ladevi Mercado and Eventos (Brazil) OTT Panrotas Publituris (Portugal) SM Publications Standby Scandanavia The Spa Traveller Tour Business (Russia) Tour Hebdo (France) Tourism-Review.com Trav Talk (South Asia) Travel & Tourism News (TTN) Middle East Travel and Tour World

GV179 NA378 ME101 Press Centre Foyer GV179 GV179 GV179 GV305 Press Centre Foyer Press Centre Foyer Press Centre Foyer EM201 Press Centre Foyer GV179 Press Centre Foyer TT215 GV179 Press Centre Foyer GV179 GV179 GV179 Press Centre Foyer Press Centre Foyer GV179 Press Centre Foyer Press Centre Foyer GV179

Travel Inside Travel Journal (Japan) Travel Magazine Travel Techie Travel Weekly Asia Travel Weekly China (China) Travel Weekly Group UK Travel Weekly US (US) Travel World China Travolution TTG Czech Republic TTG Hungary TTG Italia S.p.A. TTG Media TTG MENA TTG MENA Luxury TTG Poland TTG UK TTN Middle East Turizmus Kft Visit Orlando Voyage Voyagers World WTM Official Supporting Publications Xenios & Xeniosworld

GV179 Press Centre Foyer GV179 GV179 GV179 Press Centre Foyer GV179 Press Centre Foyer GV179 Press Centre Foyer GV179 GV179 GV179 EM150 GV179 GV179 GV179 Press Centre Foyer ME152 GV179 NA100 GV179 GV179 GV179 Press Centre Foyer

Training/Recruitment Blue Furat Tourism & Aviation services Bournemouth University OTT Sharjah Media Centre Strong Recruitment

Travel Agency

EM800,EM850 EM1592 TT215 ME500 GV305

365 TRAVEL - VIETNAM AS480 4 roues sous 1 parapluie EM1700 ABIES TRAVEL EM1500 EM640 ACCENT TRAVEL & EVENTS Activ ‘Travel AF300 Adriatica.net d.o.o. EM1170 AFRICAN HORIZONS TRAVEL & SAFARI AF250 Agência de Viagens Windsor EM900 Airfasttickets GV560 Ak- Sai Travel Ltd. AS85 Al Masaood Travel ME300 AL TAYYAR GROUP EGYPT AF200 AMATHUS CORPORATION LTD EM1100 Andean Lodges LA300 Annset Holidays Inc AS100 Art in Tour, Travel Agency EM1180 Asociacion de Hoteles y Alojamientos Turísticos Alicante Sur EM1600 ATLAS DMC EM1250 AUSTRAL NATURA EM1300 Bali Tours & Travel AS140 Barakat Travel ME140 Bespoke Tours-The Signature of Luxury Travel IN400 Blue Sky Group AF145 Borneo Adventure Sdn Bhd (Sarawak) AS200 Borneo Eco Tours AS200 Capital Travel & Tours Pvt. Ltd. AS540 Ceylon Tours Limited AS600 China Highlights AS277 Corsica SNCM - Southern Ferries EM1700 CRB Cityrama Travel Agency EM350 Cubatur CA400 Cyprus Turkish Tourist Guides Association EM750 DE LA PAZ TUR LA350 Dealers Group (Travel & Tourism, Car Rental) ME140 Destination Corse EM1700 Diana Travel EM805 Diethelm Travel The Maldives AS540 DIPLOMATIC TRAVEL SERVICES (D.T.S) AF200 DOC DMC Ltd EM900 Eastern Turkey Tours-ALKANS TUR EM800,EM850 Easy-Shuttle TT250 Emeco Tourism EM1895 Emeco Travel EM1895 Eracle Travels ADV e TO EM1800 Europe Active EM1700 Exciting Travel Holidays AS540 Expedia Travel Agencies Affiliate Programme - TAAP UKI445 Explore Georgia EM1060 Fiesta Hotel Group EM1480

A AS389 Footprint Vietnam Travel EM960 Four Seasons Hotel Baku EM1678 GABILATOUR Gaviota Tours CA400 Globalair Travel and Tourism Malta EM1150 Glow Tours & Trade Pvt Ltd. AS540 AS445 GO TRAVEL AS560 Gobi Tour LLC EM1640 GOES TRAVEL CONSULTANTS IN450 Grande Tours & Travels Guilin Tang Dynasty Tours Co., Ltd. AS280 Gulliver Travel DMC EM1250 HAPI TRAVEL AND TOURISM COMPANY AF200 LA100 HAVAS CREATIVE TOURS AS659 Himalaya Kailash Travels & Tours Pvt. Ltd. ME140 hoojoozat.com TT220 hotel.de AG HS Travel International Co. Ltd. AS250 HTMS International EM1800 Hyatt Voyages AF300 AS659 Icefall Adventures Pvt. Ltd EM540 IHB Travel GmbH EM1685 Incoming Italia Indoroutes Travels India IN450 Inner Maldives Holidays Pvt. Ltd. AS540 INSUR TRAVEL EM1500 Intas Destination Management AS100 ME293 International Caravan Travel Service Co., Ltd IN170 Into Bhutan Adventures AS460 INTRA CO. ISTANBUL WALKS - ANTONINA TURIZM AND TRAVEL EM800,EM850 J’INFO TOURS SRL EM640 Journey Maldives Holidays Pvt Ltd AS540 AS250 JTB (Hong Kong) Ltd EM640 KARPATEN TURISM GV370 KENYA - Ramogi Tours & Travel LTD KNT! - KINTETSU INTERNATIONAL AS360 Kyrgyz Association of Tour Operators AS80 L’ Agenzia di Viaggi (Italy) Press Centre Foyer LAMA Desert Tourism LLC ME400 LIBYAN EXPORT PROMOTION CENTER AF180 Major Travel Services AF300 MakeMyTrip (India) Pvt Ltd. TT419 Marco Polo AS85 Mava Travel Peru LA300 MEMNON TOURS AF200 MEXITOURS DMC & TOUR OPERATOR LA200 MINA TRAVEL EM800,EM850 MONTSERRAT EM1640 Mundial de Viajes/Panama LA560 Mystifly Consulting (India) Pvt. Ltd. GV585 NAKHAL Tours & Travel ME140 NEPAL - Ultimate Descents GV370 New Age Travellers Co., Ltd. AS55 NIPPON EXPRESS TRAVEL CO., LTD. AS360 NoviNomad Travel Company AS80 Ovest Destination Italie EM1800 Pacto Ltd. Indonesia AS140 Panorama Tours & Travel GmbH EM400 Promotora Neptuno LA530 PT. TRIA UMA WISATA TOUR & TRAVEL AS140 Red Bus City Tours EM400 Redix Travel EM1060 RIN HOTELS EM640 Romagna Full Time EM1800 Royal Mountain Travel - Nepal GV100 Royal Mt. Trekking P. Ltd. AS659 Russian National Tourist Office Ltd EM250 Saigontourist Holding Company AS583 Sakkara Group International AF115 Salento e Sviluppo EM1675 San Cristobal - Agencia de Viajes CA400 SARPEDON TRAVEL EM800,EM850 SC SINAIA SA-RINA SINAIA HOTEL EM640 Scaevola Travel Pvt. Ltd. AS540 Search Maldives Pvt Ltd AS540 SF TRAVEL EM640 Sharjah Airport Authority ME500 Shree Jalaram Travels & Tours IN400 Silk Road Destinations AS85 Silvana Tours LA300 Sky Travel Peru LA300 SnowLion Expeditions Pvt. Ltd. IN450 Solmartour LA300

World Travel Market Catalogue 2012 453

PRODUCT GUIDE SOT-SAHINOGLU Tourism Special Holidays Travel Pvt. Ltd Spitsbergen Travel Splendid Asia Pvt. Ltd. SPORT & LEISURE BARCELONA Sun Travels & Tours Pvt. Ltd. Tahiti Tours Tama Tour Indonesia Taprospa Spas & Resorts/ Mackwoods Travel TAROM ROMANIAN AIR TRANSPORT Tekura Tahiti Travel TEMPEL TRAVEL The Senses Resort / NTI Thailand THREELAND TRAVEL - GRAY LINE VIETNAM Ticket To Ride Travel Tourist Guide of Greece Touristra Vacances Travel Connection Europe Ltd Travel Elements Travelbook - DMC TravelMole TRAVELTEC INCOMING SPAIN Trek Nepal Int’l Trenitalia Spa Treovi TTT Worldwide Ltd. Ulusoy Travel Center VALENTOUR VIAGGI E TURISMO Vayatour Bali Viajes Cora VIAJES CUBANACAN VIAJES MARTEL CANARIAS, S.A. VIAJES MERIDIANO CANARIAS S.A VIAJES NOVOVIRA VIAJES URBIS, S.A. Virgin Atlantic Flightstore Visit Georgia Voyages Maldives (Pvt.) Ltd. Wens Tour WORLD SYNERGY TRAVEL Yangphel Adventure Travel & Zhiwaling Hotel Yatra Exotic Routes Zara Tanzania Adventure Zebra Country Tours Zitahli Resorts & Spa, Maldives


Caboose Ltd DESCUBRE GROUP State Darwin Museum


Atomium & Mini-Europe Axis & Globe Travel Boyd Gaming Castle Leslie Estate CIRCUIT DE CATALUNYA COORDINATING ZIMBABWE Dubai Police General H.Q ESQUINA CARLOS GARDEL Gassan Diamonds GF HOTELES Habtoor Hotels Habtoor Hotels - Met Deira Hotel Hard Rock International Heartland Brewery Historic Royal Palaces HOTEL MAJESTIC SAIGON ITB Berlin Loreley-Linie Weinand GmbH The Marmara Collection masseria torre coccaro MH Bland Millennium Plaza Hotel Dubai

EM800,EM850 IN450 EM140c AS540 EM1640 AS540 AS655 AS140 AS600 EM640 AS655 EM800,EM850 AS300 AS480 EM1800 EM1002 EM1700 UKI301 ME160 ME140 UKI339 EM1640 AS659 EM1750 TT430 AF498 EM801 EM1685 AS140 LA560 CA400 EM1300 EM1450 EM1300 EM1300 NA311 EM1060 AS540 EM1201 EM640 IN170 IN315 AF498 AF440 AS540

TT444 EM1450 EM240

EM1220 UKI400 NA350 UKI600 EM1640 AF645 ME400 LA350 EM300 EM1450 ME400 ME400 GV305 NA200 UKI100 AS583 UKI430 EM540 EM800,EM850 EM1675 UKI435 ME400

454 World Travel Market Catalogue 2012

Newmark Hotels Sheraton Kampala Hotel Tablao De Carmen Taylors Three Rock Xenios & Xeniosworld The Yeatman


AF500 AF680 EM1501 UKI600 Press Centre Foyer EM900

Atrium Hotels, Luxury Hotels Collection EM1000 Bandara hotels & Resorts AS300 EM1150 Belleair Holidays EM900 Bom Sucesso Design Resort, Leisure & Golf EM1675 Borgo Egnazia AS300 Buddy Group Hotels and Resorts Chandris Hotels & Resorts EM1000 Club Palm Bay - Marawila AS600 Conrad Maldives Rangali Island AS540 AS581 Diamond Bay Resort & Spa AS540 Dusit Thani Maldives LA191 ECUADOR - AMAZON CA210 Elbow Beach Bermuda Florida Travel Network*NAR (UK) Ltd*Kevin Streit Assoc NA270 Four Seasons Fairways EM900 AS491 FURAMA RESORT DANANG AS503 GHM Hotels AS540 Gili Lankanfushi, Maldives GLORIA HOTELS & RESORTS EM800,EM850 GRUPO GOLF RESORT EM1450 Half Moon, A RockResort CA240 Helios Hotels & Resorts EM1000 AS640 Hilton Seychelles AS540 Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives EM1800 Hotel - Residence Il Nido dei Gabbiani Hotel Cormoran - Le Residenze del Cormoran EM1800 HOTEL SUITE VILLA MARÍA (SAN EUGENIO S.A.) EM1450 Island of Gozo EM1150 Lifestyle Retreats AS140 Odalys Vacances EM1700 Palmetto Bay Plantation/Honduras LA560 Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas GV225 Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas ME300 The Pavilions Bali AS140 The Samaya Bali AS140 Sardinian Way EM1800 Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort & Spa, Maldives AS540 Six Senses Zighy Bay ME200 Starwood Caribbean Collection CA160 Stella Maris Resort Club CA430 The Mulia, Mulia Resort & Villas- Nusa Dua, Bali AS140 The Residence Maldives AS540 THE SEMINYAK BEACH RESORT & SPA AS140 The Zanzibar Collection AF492 Together in Tuscany & Umbria EM1660 Tree Of Life (pvt) Ltd AS600 Trulliland incoming services EM1675 Viceroy Maldives AS540 Villa Hotels & Resort Pvt. Ltd. AS540 Villa Oliviero Positano EM1800 Ville In Italia EM1929 VOGUE HOTELS & RESORTS EM800,EM850 West Coast Villas Sothebys Int/Jammin Catamaran Cruises CA300 Wyndham Rio Mar Resort & Spa, Puerto Rico CA160

VIP Inbound

A T P DMC - ARGENTINA TRAVEL PARTNERS ACTIVE ROMANIA Adventure Myanmar Tours & Incentives ADVENTURE WORLD BRASIL Alviani Viaggi American Best Getaways Aniyami DMC Blu Welcome Travel

LA350 EM640 AS55 LA100 EM1800 NA200 LA100 EM1800

GV100 Crew Tours AS540 Crown Tours (Maldives) Pvt. Ltd. LA350 CYNSA TOUR OPERATOR EM800,EM850 DESTINATION CAPPADOCIA Discover Holidays Canada NA300 Elite Travel DMC EM1160 Eracle Travels ADV e TO EM1800 EM650 Eshet Incoming AS480 EVIVA TOUR VIETNAM ME152 Farhat International Tours & Travels W.L.L AS480 Galaxy Thien Ha Travel Ganimede Viaggi EM1800 Gartour by HTS Srl EM1924 HELLING S TRAVEL LA350 EM1800 Idea Tours EM1805 Italian Details S.r.l. EM1700 KTS Incoming France AS540 Lets Go Maldives Pvt. Ltd. Maremania Srl EM1800 Margo Tours LA560 Mountain Goat Tours and Holidays UKI400 AS360 NIPPON EXPRESS TRAVEL CO., LTD. LA300 PERU A TRAVEL EM400 Red Bus City Tours Regency Holidays ME240 RIO LIFE LA100 Roy Safaris Ltd. AF498 RWANDA ECO-TOURS AF440 IN530 Sanyog Gupta Voyages AS300 Sayama Travel Group IN170 Shangri-La Bhutan Tours & Treks Silver Africa Tours GV100 AS140 Smailing Tour EM1660 THE ORIGINAL & BEST TOURS TONICHI TRAVEL SERVICE CO.,LTD. AS360 Travel Boutique UKI400 TRAVEL MARK TOURS LA350 Travelite (India) IN520 LA400 TURAVION Tuscany Highlights & Transfer Chauffeur Service EM1660 Vasco Travel IN337 Worldlink Travel and Tours Ltd. AF498 Zahara Tours ME200

Water Based Tours Century Cruises De Palm Tours Aruba Killary Cruises & Liffey River Cruises Special Tours Whale & Puffin Watching West Coast Villas Sothebys Int/Jammin Catamaran Cruises

AS285 CA420 UKI600 EM140a

AmazonEco EIRL ARBOLAR FORMACIÓN Y OCIO ACTIVO, S.L. Lernidee Trains & Cruises NY Waterway’s East River Ferry Oceanwide Expeditions (Netherlands) Shannon Ferries Uniworld Boutique River Cruise Collection Windermere Lake Cruises

LA300 EM1475 AS401 NA200 LA541 UKI600 EM540 UKI400

Water Travel



Andean Travel Company & Cotococha Amazon Lodge GV120 BARBAROS YACHTING EM800,EM850 CDSHotels S.p.A. EM1675 Croisieurope EM1605 DESTINATION CAPPADOCIA EM800,EM850 Katara Hospitality GV200 Lets Go Maldives Pvt. Ltd. AS540 Metropolitan Touring Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Chile & Argentina LA401 Static Tours Pvt. Ltd. AS540



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