1 minute read
pages 11-12 pages 20-21
Photo Credit: Raindi Baird
Mart ha?s Vineyard Const ruct ion Company was founded in 1971 by Colin Whyt e? an aviat or and surfer wit h a milit ary school background and degree from Brown Universit y. The company?s first project was const ruct ing a t railer large and st urdy enough t o move t he cabin Colin lived in. From such humble beginnings was born one of t oday?s most respect ed, sought aft er, and successful building companies on Mart ha?s Vineyard. MVCC is known for offering const ruct ion management ?s most covet ed t rio: except ional qualit y, sophist icat ed business administ rat ion, and unrivaled process management . Run by Colin and his family since it s founding, MVCC delivers a consist ent ly superior product , examples of which dot every corner of t he Island. Colin cont inues t o assist in leading t he ent erprise, which is now run by his daught ers, Alison and Hilary. For more informat ion, visit mart hasvineyardconst ruct ion.com.