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Societies, Societies, Societies
38 IMPACT Societies at UON (every last one...)
IMS A Cappella, ABACUS, Adventure Biking Enthusiasts (SBABES), Advocate Magazine, AeroSoc, Afghan Society, African / Caribbean Society, Afro-Caribbean Medical Network- ACMN, Agrics (SB), Ahlulbayt Society, Akido, Allotment Soc (SB), AltSoc, American Football, AmeriCan Society, Ameture Dramatics (Medics), Amnesty, Anapyhlactic Society, Animal Rights Society, Animal Science Soc (SB), Anime Society, Antimicrobial Resistance Society, Anti-Slavery Society, April Vet Soc (SB), Arab Society, Archaeology, Archery, Archery (Branch - SB), Architectural Environmental Engineering, Art History, Art Soc (SB), Art Society, Artistic Swimming, Asian Society, Atheist and Skeptics Society (ASk), Athletics Club, Azerbaijan and Beyond Society, Badminton, Badminton (Medics), Badminton (SB), BAME in Law, Band Society, Basketball (Ladies), Basketball (Medics), Basketball (Mens), Basketball (SB), Behavioural Insights Society, Bellringing, Belly Dance Society, Belong, Bench Ball Club, Bengali Society, Bhangra Society, Bharatanatyam and Kathak, Biochemistry Society, Biology, Biotech, Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Students Network, Bladesoc, Blowsoc, BME Medics, Board Game Society, Boat Club, Book Club, Botanical Soc (SB), Boxing, Brazilian and Portuguese Society, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Bridge Club, British Red Cross Society, Brunotts, Buddhist and Meditation Society, Bulgarian Society, Business & Entrepreneurship Society, Cake Soc, Calisthenics (Street Workout), Cancer Research Society, Canoe Polo, Catholic, Caving, Challenge Notts, Charity Soc (SB), Cheer Squad (Medics), Cheerleading, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Chemistry Society (Chemsoc), Chess, Childrens Brain Tumour Research Centre (CBTRC), Chilean Society, Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA), Choir (Derby), Christian Union, Christian Union (SB), Civil Engineering, Classics Society (Classoc), Climbing, Climbing (Derby) , Climbing (SB), Cocktail and Flair Bartending, Colombian Society, Comedy Society, Commercial Awareness, Comp Soc, Conservation and Nature Society, Conservatives, Contemporary China Society, Creative Writing, Cricket (Ladies), Cricket (Medics), Cricket (Mens), Culture, Film and Media (CFM Soc), Current Affairs Society, Cycling Club, Cypriot and Greek Society, Dance (SB), Dark Celluloid, Darts, Debating Union, Derby Nursing and Midwifery Association, Design Society, Disabled Students Network, DKMS - We Delete Blood Cancer, Dodgeball, DogSoc, East African Society, Easy Tiger, Economics and Finance Society, Egyptian Society, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Society, Emergency Medicine Society, Emerging Markets Society, Engineers Without Borders, English, Environment and Social Justice Network, Environmental Science (EnviSciSoc), Equestrian, European Law Students’ Association (ELSA), European Union Society, Extinction Rebellion, Extreme Ambling (SB), Farmers Market (SB), Fashion Society, Feminists (SB), Feminists Society, Fencing, Fencing (Branch - SB), FEP Soc, Filipino Society, Film-making, FinTech, First Aid Society, First Love, Floorball Club, Folk Society, Food Soc (SB), Football (Derby), Football (Ladies), Football (Medics) (Mens), Football (Medics) (Womens), Football (Mens), Football Mens (SB), Football Womens (SB), French and German Society, Friends of Medicins Sans Frontieres, Futsal, Gaelic Football (Men’s), Game Society, Geography, Geopolitics Society, German Culture Society, Ghanaian Students Society (NUGSS), Gin Society, Gliding, Global Law Students, Gluten Free Society, Golf, GP Soc, Gymnastics, HackSoc, Handball, Health for Youths, HEARTSTART, Henna Society, Hide and Soc, Hindu Society, Hip Hop Society, Hispanic, Historical Fashion and Costume Society, History Society, HK PASS, Hockey (Derby) , Hockey (Ladies), Hockey (Medics), Hockey (Mens), Hockey Mixed (SB), Hope Soc, Horse Racing Society, Hospital Play , Ice Hockey, Ice Skating Society, Immigration Education Nottingham, Impact Magazine, Improv Society, Indian Dance, Indian Society, Indonesian Society, Indoor Cricket Society (ICS), Internal Medical Society, InternationalStudents Network, International Students Network (SB), InterVol, Iranian Society, Irish Society, Islamic Medical Association Nottingham (IMAN), Islamic Society, Italian Society, Jain Society, Japanese Society, Jewish and Israel, Jiu Jitsu, Jordanian Society, Judo, Jumpers for Goal Posts, Juniors (Medics), Karate, Karnival, Kayak, Kendo, Kettle Soc, KiSS Soc, Knit-a-soc, Knit-a-Soc (Derby), Korean Society, Korfball, K-Pop Society, Krishna Consciousness Society, Labour, Lacrosse (Ladies), Lacrosse (Mens), Lacrosse Mixed (SB), Latin, Ballroom and Salsa, Law, Lawyers Without Borders, Left Society, Lego Society ,LGBT+ Network, Lifesaving, Lifestyle Medicine Society, Magic Society, Mallu Society, MARROW, Matchmaking Society, Maths, Mature Students Network, Mauritian, MechSoc, Med Soc, Medics Rounders, Medieval Combat Society, MEDLIFE, Medsoc Support, Medsoc Teaching, MedtechMexican Society, Microsoc (SB), Midwifery Society, Mind Matters, Mixed Martial Arts, Mooting, Motorsport, Mountaineering Club, MPT (Medical Physiology and Therapeutics) Soc, Music (SB), Music Society (Mussoc), Musical Medics, Musicality, NatSci Soc, Negotiation Society, Nepalese Society, Nerf Soc, Netball, Netball (Derby) , Netball (Medics), Netball (SB), Neurological Theatre, Nottingham Night Owls, Nottingham Street Doctors, Nottingham Trading and Investment Society, Nottingham Uni Boob Team, NSTV, NU Dance, Nursing and Midwifery Association, NU Dance, Nursing and Midwifery Association, NUSEMS (Sports Exercise Medicine), Nutritank, Nutrution And Dietetics (SB), OGSSoc (Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Sexual Health), Omani Society, Once A Month, Oncology Society, One Heritage, Open Art Surgery, Open-source Assistive Devices (OPAD), Opthalmology Society, Oriental Society, Out in Education, Oxfam, Pakistan Society, Palestinian, Palliative Care Society, Personal Development Society, Phab Soc, Pharmacy, PhD Business Society, Philosophy Society (Phil Soc), PhotoSoc, Physics Society (PhysSoc), Physiotherapy and Sport Rehabilitation Association, Pins and Needles, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Society, Players (SB), Poetry and Spoken Word, Poker Society, Pole (Branch- SB), Pole Dance Society, Polish Society, Politics, Polo Club, Portland Music Library, Postgraduate Engineering Society, Postgraduate Soc (SB), Postgraduate Students Network, Powerlifting Club, PPE Society, Pro Choice, Pro-bono, Psychology Society (PsychoSoc), Pub Quiz, Public Health Soc, Public Speaking Society, Punjabi Society, Punksoc, Quidditch and Harry Potter Society, R.E.D. Lawyers, Racquet Club , Radical Youth, Radiology Society, Rambling And Hiking, Real Ale and Cider, Real Estate Society, Recreational Running, Renewable Energy Society, Revival Gospel Choir, Riding (SB), Rocksoc, Role-Playing and Wargames Society, Roundnet Society, Rugby (M) Derby , Rugby (Medics), Rugby (Mens), Rugby (SB), Rugby (Womens), Rugby League, Run (SB), Russian Speaking, Sailing Club, Saudi Society, Scout and Guide, SCRUBS, Sexpression, Share Uganda, Shelter Medicine (SB), Shooting Club, Sign Language, Sikh Society, Singapore Society, Skate Society, Skydiving, Slavonic, Slovak and Czech Society, Smart Futures Society, Sneakers and Streetwear, Snooker and Pool, Snow Sports, Snow Sports (SB), Social Experiment Society, Socialist Students, Sociology Society, Softball and Baseball, Somali Society, Song Writing Society, Soup Runners, Squash, Squash (Medics), Squash (SB), Sri Lankan Society, STAR (Student Action for Refugees), Student Food Cooperative, Student group Cooperative (SB), Student Minds, Students for Global Health, Students for Life, Sub Aqua, Sudanese Nile, Summer School, Surf Club, Surgery Society (SB), Sustainability, Sustainable Building Technology, Sutton Bonington Guild, Swim Society (Branch - SB), Swimming (Derby) , Swimming Club, Swing Dance Society, Table Tennis, Table Tennis (Medics), Taekwondo, Taiwan Society, Tamil, Tea and Company, TEC PA & Lighting, Teddy Bear Hospital, Tennis, Tennis (Medics), Tennis Soc (SB), Tenpin Bowling Club, Thai Boxing, Thai Society, The 93% Club, The Bar Society, The Global Society, The Mic, The Rucksack Project, The Silver Screen, The Springboard Project, Theology Society, Tongue and Groove Architecture Society, Trampoline, Trauma and Orthopaedic Society, Travel Society, Triathlon, Turkish and Turkish Cypriot Society, Ultimate Frisbee, Ultimate Frisbee (SB), UN Women UK Nottingham, Underground Music Society, Undoing Borders, UNICEF, United Nations Society, University of Nottingham at Derby (UNAD), University of Nottingham Liberal Democrats, University Radio Nottingham (URN), UoN First Responders, USMLE Society, Vegetarian and Vegan, Vet Coach (SB), Vet Pathology, Vet Soc (SB), Veterinary Zoological Soc (SB), Vets In the Community (SB), Vietnamese Society, VolleyBall (Med Soc), Volleyball Club, Wakeboarding and Waterskiing, WAMS, Water Polo, WaterAid, Welcome Committee, Welfare in Sport, Welfare Network, Welsh Society, Wheelchair Basketball, Windriders, Wine Society, Wing Chun Kung Fu, Women in Law, Women in Medicine and Surgery, Women In STEM Society, Women*’s Network, Women’s Engineering Society, Working in Tandem, Yoga (Derby) , Yoga Society.