Impact for Life - Summer 2009-2010

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6 pastors, 3 Harleys, 1 long white cloud. (9$%/,(!:)($%;!<!%*')+(*!=

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Who’s behind the door?



Add to your calendar!



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Seasonof Significance.

Dear Church,

Souls keep being saved, people keep growing in their Christ-like character, the Kingdom Of God keeps being extended and the Church of Jesus Christ, God’s vehicle, continues to flourish.

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As we have seen tremendous answers to prayer with wonderful healings, breakthroughs in individual’s lives as well as tremendous breakthroughs and victories in the community, let us never forget we serve a God of miracles, the creator of Heaven and Earth. I am forever grateful for and to all the wonderful people God has brought around us to help fulfil the dream of our city and nation being impacted by the gospel, through the functioning of the church. Having passed 27 years of pioneering City Impact Church (4th of July 1982) it is with great memories and faith filled hearts that we embrace the next 27 years! Impact For Life, our television programme screening around the world, has just completed 5 years of broadcasting. The word broadcast means to sow / scatter seed. What a blessing that programme is to many. Thank you church for your support of this ministry. Area Impact Teams are taking off and will be awesome.


What an incredible blessing our church facility and new sanctuary have become – they’re home, and it is exciting to see the new bookshop, bathrooms and other facilities being built as we continue to expand.

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The site is always full of life with our school children, childcare, kindergarten and after school care. Along with all other activities happening the place is always “alive.”

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Global Impact is one of the premier events on the Christian calendar in NZ. So many relating church pastors, leaders and Christians come together – 2009 with Dr A.R. Bernard, Ps Jentezen Franklin, Ps Steve Kennedy and Ps Joakim Lundqvist, what can we say; 2010 Dr Miles Munroe – blessings just keep coming, thank you Lord! Ministering with Ps Suli in Fiji and Ps Kong in Singapore have been highlights for me this year among others but it is just tremendous what God is doing across the globe. A season of significance is coming our way. We will need to step up to the plate, but we are ready. May we continue to lead, pioneer, never to sit back in complacency and say it is “all good.” As good as it is, let me tell you, the best is yet to come! As we stretch our tent pegs and expand our borders we will see increase that brings glory to God. 2010, a new thing. Habbakuk 1:3, “I will work a work in your days, which you would not believe though it were told you.” As the vision unfolds, as we stretch our tent pegs, as we enlarge our borders, as we embrace the future – this season of significance – hold on tight, you’re in for the ride of your life! I pray and trust that this year (and the next 27) will be all that you desire and more.

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Much love and blessing. Pastors Peter and Bev.

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6 Pastors 3 Harleys (& a Triumph) 5 days

Pastor Sue takes us for a ride.



We rendezvoused at Queenstown to commence our annual end-of-summer NZ bike tour. Ps Peter & Bev had already spent three weeks on their bike, visiting Ps Norm & Jessie in Gisborne, and our City Impact pastors in Balclutha and Invercargill as they worked their way down to Queenstown. Ps Janet was on her first large road trip riding her newly acquired Triumph, accompanied by her husband Ps Charlie on his Harley. Ps Paul & I transported our bike down to Christchurch, then drove the beautiful Lake Tekapo route to Queenstown.


T622354DO3%K%<73CH2542B Another great Southland day dawned as the four bikes roared into life. We headed down the highway to Cromwell and along State Highway 8 (Shrek the sheep country), through Tarras, the Lindis Valley and onto Omarama for lunch. Jokes were already flying about Harleys associating with Triumphs but Ps Charlie nobly defended his wife who had admirably kept up with the boys and was riding like a pro. The group tried to disassociate itself from Paul however as he had to remove the road-kill that had lodged itself on his boot and footpeg before we would have lunch with him. The skies over Omarama were cloudless and the high level thermals swirling up making it excellent gliding, no wonder it is classed as one of the best gliding destinations in the world. We could have sat there for ages in the sun taking in the scenery and sipping good coffee while the boys recalled endless stories of past escapades on bikes and cars. Paul was reminiscing about racing over some of NZ’s best rally roads – Hakataramea and Benmore Dam in the snow. Charlie talked technical bike stuff to every rider that came in to our lunch stop…but it was time to move on, as we wanted to get to the Waimate Knitwear Factory Shop before they closed. Right onto HW 83, past Benmore Dam, across the river onto HW 82 to Waimate. Ps Peter loved the rural smells and farmland as we cruised into Waimate only to find we had arrived 15mins after the Knitwear shop closed. A quick call from the information centre saw the owner offer to come back and open up for us. Now that’s going the extra mile! The temperature was dropping rapidly as the day was drawing to an end but we just had to have a photo taken outside the old Empress Flour Mill. What a great shot! On to HW 1 to Timaru, a quick drive around town and then another 25kms up the road to Winchester for our first B & B stop. We decided on a quick freshen-up and a short ride through to Geraldine for dinner. We all slept well that night.


<73CH2542B%K%9>3E2B%ZRB73@5 We cruised up HW1 through Ashburton, over the Rakaia River, into Christchurch for lunch and a few repairs and modifications to the bikes. Ps Janet’s Triumph needed a new tyre and of course there was shopping at the Harley Dealership. With warm jumpers and vests purchased at Waimate and now extra bike gear at Christchurch, the already bulging saddlebags were proving difficult to close. Fortunately for us, Ps Charlie & Janet’s son Jordan was in town. We were able to off-load the surplus for him to take back to Auckland that afternoon. We met up with Jordan at the cafe where Luciano, a winner of the NZ Barista of the year title, worked. Much to Jordy’s embarrassment, he was present when his father was giving the champion barista “tips” on how to make the prefect long black (“It has to be hot and in a take away cup – even if you are dining in!” Shame.) The ride through to Hanmer was beautiful followed by a very nice meal at Malabar. (Highly recommended)


9>3E2B%ZRB73@5%K%<2PP73@4D3 Another perfect day as we wound ourselves from Hanmer through Waiau and Annandale to take the “Hills” route to Kaikoura – one of our “must stop” places was the Esplanade where they have awesome food and coffee, exquisite gifts, art and souvenirs... always worth a look. It’s not a race but the boys are always wanting to hit the road again; people to meet, places to see! We visited the seal colony, stopping for a feed of crayfish further up the coast and a tour around Picton, not to mention picking up some of Ps Bev’s favourite muesli before we crossed over on the ferry to Wellington. The ride into Picton on the Blenheim side was incredibly windy. All riders fought to stabilize the bikes as the wind funnelled through the breaks in the hillside. Ps Janet had done exceptionally well having ridden thousands of kilometres while still recovering from a previous hand injury. It was a hot bath and a well deserved sleep for all once we arrived to a wet, cold Wellington, late on Wednesday evening.


<2PP73@4D3%K%\2O%=PFED64H So it was on the road again, never as early as the boys would hope for but we’re here to enjoy the journey as we do life together, right? Lunch was at Bulls, where the girls managed to sneak in a quick shop at Sully’s. You can always fit lovely soap




Impact For Life

“Are those bikes Allowed to do thAt?” & gift packs in the luggage somewhere! We had a great ride through to Hawera & Stratford where Ps Peter & Bev showed us where they grew up. Ps Peter’s homes, family farm, school, surf spots and Ps Bev’s dad’s (Rev Bob Kerr) Presbyterian Parish & Manse. Childhood tales were told and re-lived, and of course a run-down of childhood pranks….. A cruise up Mt Taranaki, around the city and wharf (“Down there - that’s where I drove the largest crane in NZ”) and then down South Road on the seaward side of the mountain, through Oakura to Ahu Ahu beach villas. What a spot – a great facility with an outdoor fire pit and the noise of the crashing waves further down the road.

Day 5:

New Plymouth - Auckland The stroll next morning along the beach seemed a world away from the skyline of the city that could be seen further up the coastline. We lingered as long as we could, soaking up the sea air, enjoying a wonderful “country breakfast” and then hit the trail again.

coms were great for making all sorts of quirky comments between us. Also interesting to hear were the comments from road workers at the frequent road work stops – “Are those bikes allowed to do that?” It pays to be careful what you say, you never know who is listening on your channel! We stopped at Bombay to say our goodbyes. It’s an effort to get away for a few days, but always worth it. It’s so refreshing, lots of laughs, you get a re-fired passion for our beautiful country and a greater awe and gratitude to our awesome God as you marvel at His diverse creation. Things always look brighter and full of hope when you trust Him and lead a Christ filled life. The contrast between what we saw and heard from people throughout the nation was so much more positive and productive than what the media likes to portray, and again we couldn’t believe how many people we had met who had watched our television programme, Impact for Life. There’s already talk of organising a bike ride across America to celebrate Ps Peter’s 60th birthday but with the knowledge we have gained from these previous trips we are definitely going to have to have a luggage wagon follow us…no not for the suitcases, for the shopping and memorabilia!

The rider-to-pillion passenger and bike-to-bike interimpact For life





When you


heavens into the

Creator you begin to be aware



that without



happen. Pastor Peter Mortlock

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BE HEALED Do you want a key for healing and to renew your strength? You’ve got to wait upon the Lord! You’re the answer to your own prayer.



There is a practical side to divine healing. Often we can need a miracle as a result of our own slothfulness. Some people don’t need a devil, they’re killing themselves! Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, we need to look after them – eat the right things, do a little exercise. The fear of the Lord produces health. Proverbs 14:27 “The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, turning a man from the snares of death.” Don’t go out and sin and think God’s going to heal you. Living righteously is life and health. You might only have a little faith, but it’s enough to receive a healing. The woman with the issue knew that if she could get to Jesus, if she could touch the hem of His garment, she’d be healed. She had a rhema, a revelation. Matthew 9:22, Jesus says to the woman “Daughter, take courage, your faith has made you well.” Jesus saw her faith. Exercise your faith. There’s a time to stand up, a time to speak out. In Genesis 1 nothing happened until God spoke. God spoke “let there be” and there was. When God speaks, it shall be. There’s a miracle in your mouth. Words have a lot to do with your healing. Speak to your mountain! Too often we speak to God, but you need to speak to your situation. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. “Let the poor say I am rich, let the weak say I am strong, let the sick say I am healed.” Words are powerful, they’re creative. God’s word, his logos is to reveal His purpose, His will for our lives. Exodus 50:26 says, “I am the Lord that healeth thee.” Christ suffered for us, He didn’t just take our sin and our sickness, but our suffering on the cross. Not only that, but He became our substitute, as it says in Isaiah 53:3. When we go through trials and tribulations we can know the grace of God because Jesus Christ went through it for us. We will know His grace, we will know His uplifting power. :"*@%,(%$9,-%*9($%9N%J$%9$),$+%XaX%;2-"2;%W$%:);#9-%:2#2-%N-9'%U+2%V212-)?%3#9-2M%

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“it all comes back to

JESUS” Pastor Bev Mortlock

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My greatest passion for all people, no matter what their age, is that we know God, and the power of His resurrection and that we have a stable foundation in our lives that only comes from knowing the Word of God. The book of Colossians has to be the clearest foundational doctrine for every believer. There are so many books, DVDs, TV shows, and allegories propagating such a wide variety of concepts and opinions it is no wonder there is so much confusion and polarisation in the body of Christ. If every believer read their Bible and applied it to their foundational value system, the decisions we each make on a daily basis would be ones of wisdom. The great thing about making decisions of wisdom is that we don’t have to live life as a guessing game. Too often the voice of the so called expert shouts louder than the actual Word of God, and the opinion of our friend is far more readily available than searching the scriptures for truth.

Proverbs 25:2 tells us “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” It really doesn’t need to be hard at all. The New Testament tells us that the laws of God are written on our heart. The problem here is that often we have already stopped listening to our conscience, or sometimes it’s that we don’t trust it. How often have you done what was right, especially when you were young, only to be ridiculed and intimidated by others. We soon learn to back down to a place of safety. Knowing the Word of God gives us a sound base for what is right and what is not, instead of having to rely on our own opinions or second guess a decision. Let’s take a few examples. “Is the god that other religions serve the same God we serve?” Well, it all comes back to Jesus. The God we serve, our Heavenly Father, sent to us a redeemer, His name is Jesus. So if Jesus the Messiah is missing from the god being served... then it is not YAHWEH. Engaging in an argument over the character of God is riddled with rabbit holes and the main issues are lost. But to engage over the gift of God brings clarity to what others would wish to make confusing. God is who He says He is, God does what He says He does, and God gave who He said He gave... the only begotten Son. This is a foundational revelation for the believer on which everything now hinges. Jesus is the Son of God and Jesus is the Word made flesh. The Word of God and the person of Jesus are completely inseparable. To know your Word is to know the DNA of Christ Himself. The Apostle Paul, when writing to the church at Colossae is basically saying, “here I stand, here are the absolutes of faith in Christ. Use these to measure all other doctrines and writings, opinions and arguments, books, DVDs and allegories”. There is a wealth of books, DVDs, allegories and arguments; all of which create imagery. The writer creates a picture for the reader, and, all too often, their personal definition or image of God, is imparted to the reader. This definition could be quite independent to what the Bible actually teaches. So without our own true Biblical picture, based only on the Word of God, we as a reader can be very easily influenced and deceived. The key to not being deceived is simple - know Him. When we have a clear revelation of Jesus and a deep and constant relationship with Him, we have knowledge of who the Bible says He is. Ephesians 4:13 says “Until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.” Maturity does not come from age. Our maturity is measured against the maturity found in the fullness of Christ. Now you’re thinking “I will never be like Christ!” There is an old saying – “You are what you eat.” So here’s what to do: Feed on the Word of God and you will not be able to stop yourself becoming Christ-like. The wisdom of His Word will begin to show up in every thought and deed. And that, for every one of us... is doable.

To know your Word is to know the DNA of Christ Himself. &'()*#%_9-%T"N2 LN

RIDDLE me this RIDDLE me that

“Out of the eater came something to eat, out of the strong came something sweet”

_!":%&'!\&% ('%($,,%.'/% )%*!++,$`a% I was sitting next to a guy on a plane, he was doing a crossword. My mum used to do crosswords. I can hardly get one thing. But here’s a riddle for you...

“Out of the eater came something to eat, out of the strong came something sweet.” Most of us would know that this comes from the story of Samson, which is found in the book of Judges. It’s hard to believe that Samson was a Biblical hero, because to be honest his life was a mess. Hey, there’s hope for you and me, right? There were three women in his life and every one of them was a disaster. Samson really did fall short of everything that God had for him. Just like Jonah and other Biblical stories, this is recorded history, but it’s more than a story, more than just history. The Bible tells us in Romans and in 1 Corinthians that everything that was written is for our instruction; our edification; our encouragement, particularly for those living in the end times. These Old Testament stories have an application and meaning to our lives. The Bible is the living breathing word of God. \,E/2;%8B I U+21%3)';91%K21#%E9K1%#9%U"'1)+%K"#+%+";%N)#+2-%)1E%'9#+2-J%



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What is sweeter than honey? What is stronger than the lion? Psalm 81:16 says “With honey from the rock I will satisfy you” and Psalm 19:10 reads “More desired than gold even pure gold, sweeter also than honey in the honeycomb” In New Testament language I will tell you who is sweeter than honey - Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley. He is sweeter than honey. I’ll explain to you who is strong, who is like the Lion of the tribe of Judah. D2>2?)#"91%IlI %dU+21%912%9N%#+2%C?E2-;%;)"E%#9%'2J%dX9%19#%K22(`%322J%#+2% T"91%9N%#+2%#-"W2%9N%\,E)+J%#+2%D99#%9N%X)>"EJ%+);%#-",'(+2EM% R2%";%)W?2%#9%9(21%#+2%;*-9??%)1E%"#;%;2>21%;2)?;Mf D2>2?)#"91%86l88 d&%;)K%+2)>21%;#)1E"1/%9(21%)1E%#+2-2%W2N9-2%'2%K);%)% K+"#2%+9-;2J%K+9;2%-"E2-%";%*)??2E%_)"#+N,?%)1E%U-,2M%%Y"#+%m,;g #"*2%+2%m,E/2;%)1E%')@2;%K)-M%%R";%2$2;%)-2%?"@2%W?)0"1/%k-2J% )1E%91%+";%+2)E%)-2%')1$%*-9K1;M%%R2%+);%)%1)'2%K-"##21%91% R"'%#+)#%19%912%@19K;%W,#%R2%R"';2?NM%%R2%";%E-2;;2E%"1%)% -9W2%E"((2E%"1%W?99EJ%)1E%+";%1)'2%";%#+2%Y9-E%9N%V9EM%%U+2% )-'"2;%9N%+2)>21%K2-2%N9??9K"1/%R"'J%-"E"1/%91%K+"#2%+9-;2;% )1E%E-2;;2E%"1%k12%?"121J%K+"#2%)1E%*?2)1M%%F,#%9N%R";%'9,#+% *9'2;%)%;+)-(%;K9-E%K"#+%K+"*+%#9%;#-"@2%E9K1%#+2%1)#"91;Mf%%

We’re talking about Jesus. About linen, white and clean, about fire. It doesn’t sound very PC does it, going around slaying and devouring! In the parable of the wedding in Matthew 22, a man was found without his linen wedding garment on, and he was tossed out into a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth. It’s amazing how many of Jesus’ parables end up with people in a place of torment, of weeping and

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gnashing of teeth and of fire. Jesus came to warn us, to ring an alarm bell. The man at the wedding feast - he did not get the riddle right. He ended up in a place of fire, a place of torment. You see, in our very politically correct world, the truth of the gospel is getting lost. We must not lose the message that Jesus came to bring. We must preach what was, what is, and what is to come. People are always searching for something new, but for me, it’s give me the old, old story of Jesus on the cross; about the power in death and resurrection; about how we can be filled with the Holy Spirit and how He’s returning for His bride. He’s establishing His kingdom. People’s lives depend on it. The future of people’s eternal destiny depends on it. When Jesus talked in these parables he was crucified for his teaching. But this theme continues right throughout the New Testament, particularly in the Book of Revelation. Revelation 18 talks about Babylon the great harlot, in the last day when she falls. In verse 8 she is utterly burned with fire, for the Lord God who judges her is strong. You might say yes, she deserves it! Then in Chapter 19 verse 20 the beast and the false prophet are cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, and you say, ”Yay, the beast and the false prophet, they deceived the whole world!” Then in Chapter 20 verse 10 the devil who deceived them was also cast into the lake of brimstone and of fire, and they’ll be tormented day and night forever and ever. This is interesting stuff, you might say “Yeah, well the devil deserves it”. Carry on to verse 14, then death and hell are cast into the lake of fire. Then in Chapter 21 verse 8 the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, sexually immoral – now some of you are sitting there thinking, “Those naughty people, they deserve it too.” Then in Chapter 20 verse 15 it reads “Then anyone whose name was not written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.” Now that’s a reality check. That’s a lot of people, some nice people. Why is it so important to reach out and endeavour to save people? Why is it so important to have a passion for souls? Why is it so important to tell other people about the hope of Christ? Because people are only one heartbeat away from hell. Now you may not like that, and if you were God you may have done it differently. But I didn’t write the book and neither did you. I can only preach what’s here. And warn you and tell you of what is here. We don’t talk about it often but it is still part of the Bible. And the truth is, can I tell you that you and I deserved, and deserve to go there as well. We deserved it, but for Jesus - the honey in the rock, the lion of the tribe of Judah. If we don’t know the answer to the riddle, and we don’t know the One, who not only wrote the riddle but who is the answer, Jesus, then this is what awaits us. I can only tell you, and warn you as Jesus did of what awaits people who won’t, and don’t want to embrace the answer to the riddle. Judges 14:15 “Entice your husband, so that he will tell the riddle to us or else we will burn you and your Father’s house with fire.” Samson’s bride gets the answer right, she persists and entices Samson. She doesn’t get burned with fire, she gets saved. Does anyone want to hop into that lake of fire? I don’t want to - I don’t want to go there! The Bible says there’s a way of getting saved. Of course we know it’s through Jesus Christ. That’s the message. But friend, hear me with everything within me, that is only part one of the message, that’s the first mile message. The story does not end there. If it ended there we could all go home right now. You see friend, it’s not the fear of global warming that should consume us, it’s the fear of eternal warming that should consume us. So many people are worried about leaving carbon footprints on the earth, what about leaving Godly footprints on the earth? What about letting people know that you and I passed through this way? Let’s move on into the second mile. The story continues in Judges 14, the same story, the same woman, the same U^


Samson. Samson became very angry that his bride enticed him. He pays his debt, 30 garments, and he goes home to his father. The last verse in this chapter says that his bride was given away to his best man. This is not good. Let’s pick up the story in chapter 15. 8 =,#% )N#2-% )% K+"?2J% "1% #+2% #"'2% 9N% K+2)#% +)->2;#J% 3)';91% >";"#g 2E%+";%K"N2%K"#+%)%$9,1/%/9)#J%)1E%;)"EJ%d&%K"??%/9%"1%#9%'$%K"N2%"1% +2-%-99'Mf%=,#%+2-%N)#+2-%E"E%19#%?2#%+"'%21#2-M%4R2-%N)#+2-%;)"EJ%d&% -2)??$%#+9,/+#%#+)#%$9,%+)#2E%+2-%"1#21;2?$i%;9%&%/)>2%+2-%#9%$9,-% *9'()1"91M% &;% 19#% +2-% $9,1/2-% ;";#2-% '9-2% W2),#"N,?% #+)1% ;+2e% :?2);2%?2#%+2-%W2%$9,-;%"1;#2)EMf%%H3)';91%#+21%;)"E%#9%#+2'J%dU+";% #"'2% &% ;+)??% W2% W?)'2?2;;% "1% -2/)-E% #9% #+2% :+"?";#"12;% K+21% &% E9% #+2'%+)-'Mf%B3)';91%K21#%)1E%*),/+#%#+-22%+,1E-2E%N9G2;J%)1E% #99@%#9-*+2;J%)1E%#,-12E%#+2%N9G2;%#)"?%#9%#)"?%)1E%(,#%912%#9-*+%"1% #+2%'"EE?2%W2#K221%#K9%#)"?;M%IY+21%+2%+)E%;2#%k-2%#9%#+2%#9-*+g 2;J%+2%-2?2);2E%#+2%N9G2;%"1#9%#+2%;#)1E"1/%/-)"1%9N%#+2%:+"?";#"12;J% #+,;%W,-1"1/%,(%W9#+%#+2%;+9*@;%)1E%#+2%;#)1E"1/%/-)"1J%)?91/% K"#+% #+2% >"12$)-E;% )1E% /-9>2;M% jU+21% #+2% :+"?";#"12;% ;)"EJ% dY+9% E"E%#+";ef%L1E%#+2$%;)"EJ%d3)';91J%#+2%;91g"1g?)K%9N%#+2%U"'1"#2J% W2*),;2%+2%#99@%+";%K"N2%)1E%/)>2%+2-%#9%+";%*9'()1"91Mf%39%#+2% :+"?";#"12;%*)'2%,(%)1E%W,-12E%+2-%)1E%+2-%N)#+2-%K"#+%k-2M%

Burning foxes – again this is not very ‘P.C.’ today. I understand that. But I would rather preach redemption than recycling, and I’d rather save people than pandas. I care more about sin pollution than air pollution. Let me tell you, evangelism is far more important than environmentalism. Now environmentalism has its place. On my prayer walk the other night I picked up at least 20 beer cans and bottles and put them in the trash. I take care of my patch where I live. You won’t find any rubbish on my street. But there’s something far more important. You see, whales do not come before babies. So it’s got its place, but not the first place. I was reading in the paper down south, how churches are marching from the south to the north in the cause of global warming, in the cause of environmentalism. I was also reading how you can take your animals to church and have them blessed in the house of God. These churches probably haven’t seen a soul saved for years, but they’ll bless the goat. You see God’s peace is what we should be after, rather than greenpeace. It needs to be said that God’s house far outweighs the importance of the greenhouse. And yet Christians are getting caught up and sucked in. Why do I say that? Well, you might know the answer to the riddle

– His name is Jesus. You can be saved from the fire! But there’s another piece to the puzzle, there’s another mile for those in the Kingdom. The story Jesus told about the five wise and five foolish virgins tells us exactly what I’m getting at. It’s one thing to know Jesus, it’s another thing to give away the bride. The book of Revelation was written to the church, in fact to seven churches. Revelation 1:18. “I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.” The Bride of Christ is the church of the Living God. Jesus said, in Matthew 16:18, “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” Revelation 21:9 “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” Psalm 26:8 “Lord I have loved the habitation of your house, the place where your glory dwells.” There are so many scriptures to share around this truth, the Bible is full of them. I know we all know Psalm 92, but it’s two fold. Psalm 92:12 says, “The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree.” Who’s been made righteous in Christ? “They shall grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon.” That’s part one. Part two, the second mile, says in Psalm 92:13, “Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of the Lord”. You see, knowing Christ is one thing, but to be planted in the house is another thing. I’m simply saying that in Acts 2:47, they were saved and added to the church. I know this is nothing new, but I’ve got a reason for telling you this. We all know a lot of people who walk out on the church, a lot of people who get disappointed, disillusioned, upset, offended. But we can’t give away the Bride, we can’t leave the Bride. If we do, we’ll get burned. Judges 15:6 Then the Philistines said, “Who did this?” And they said, “Samson, the son-in-law of the Timnite, because he took his wife and gave her to his companion.” So the Philistines came up and burned her and her father with fire. Hebrews 10:26 “If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left.” Hello! It was written to you church! You know, I have preachers say to me, “Peter, there is no room for fire and brimstone preaching today.” I’ve had many preachers tell me that. They say “The ‘Finneys’ and the ‘Spurgeons’ - their day is over. We live in PC days - we need motivational messages, we need nice messages that build people up. Fire and brimstone is a thing of the past.” But the message of Christ was one of warning, one of being watchful in prayer and it says here in Hebrews 10.25 “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another— and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” I know the shakeable times in which we live, many of you may have your economic portfolios shaken. These times should not surprise us, we should not be caught unawares. This world will collapse, the monetary system sooner or later will collapse. I don’t care where you’re putting your money, sooner or later there will come a day when you will have to take a mark to buy or sell, and if you take that mark you’ll end up in the lake of fire. How that mark will be, I don’t know, but however it is, do not be surprised. Jesus said that not only this earth would be shaken but the heavens would be shaken. I know you don’t like it; I know you want it to be plain sailing; I know you want sunny days and not stormy days; I know you want to be comfortable in bed; I know you want good food on the table and I hope and pray that it will be like that in your

life. But God has His plan, and you and I are part of His plan. It’s part of His timetable when we’re destined to live, and how we’re destined to live is His choosing. Hebrews 12:25-29 “See that you do not refuse him who speaks to you... for our God is a consuming fire.” Now, I don’t preach on hellfire and brimstone very much, but when I saw this in the scriptures I was moved. For us to know the riddle, to know Jesus the answer, (sweeter than honey, stronger than a lion), and be saved from the fire of the enemy, but then to give away the Bride and still end up getting burned? I knew I must share this with my people because woe is unto me if I don’t preach the whole gospel. There are not only times of shaking ahead, the Bible talks about times of great deception, deception in the church. Jesus and Paul warned of men wanting their “ears tickled,” in other words, wanting nice positive motivational messages, tolerance that doesn’t rock the boat. Today people are always looking for the new thing, but the message of Christ that’s been preached for 2000 years is the power of God unto salvation. 2 Peter 2 warns us of people preaching & receiving wrong doctrine because they despise authority - that’s huge today. James 1:22 “if we’re hearers of the word and not doers we’re deceived ourselves.” James 1:26 says if we don’t bridle our tongue and we speak negatively and gossip, we are also deceived and our religion is useless. It’s not only the book of Revelation that was written for the church. The epistles, books such as Romans, Hebrews, Philippians, Colossians, Galatians were to the church in those places. The letters to Timothy and Jude were all about church structure, how elders should

<2%C>3"4%@712%>O>F% 4H2%JB782b%O2%C>3"4% P2>12%4H2%JB782G perform, about leadership. The letters of Peter and John were telling the church how to behave. So what am I saying? I’m saying that you have to be in the church to hear what God is saying. Because the Bible was written for the church. It was written to the church. And particularly in the last days. Jesus said there would be a great falling away in the last days. In Matthew 24:12 He said the love of many would grow cold and 2 Thessalonians 2:11 says there will be times to come when God will give people over to a spirit of deception because they have not a love for the truth. That’s one of the mysteries of God. There are some things in scripture I just don’t understand. But it says in the book of Revelation that God will explain the mystery. There are so many things - books, tapes, TV, videos, DVDs, Google, the internet, everyone’s looking up this speaker and that speaker. Oh they believe this, they believe that, we should preach this and that! Even plain old conversations can get people caught up in these things. There’s more to the Bible than meets the eye. We need to know what’s heresy and what is not. We need to be firmly bound in doctrine. So many people don’t have an understanding of the word. How can a gracious God put people in a place of burning? You’ll find the answer to that if you stay within the church. I just want to help people get saved; to know the answer to the riddle; and don’t give away the Bride. You’ve got to be in the Bride, the ark, the army; these are all Bible descriptions. Can I just say this - if you want to get into the house, into the army, into the Bride, into the family - the further in the better. It’s so true. The closer you can get to the inside

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of the tabernacle the safer you are. It’s basically get in, get out, or get run over! That may not read very nicely, but it’s the gospel. Know Christ, know the mystery of the riddle, but embrace the body, embrace the Bride, embrace the church. Never run from the church. We’ve all seen stuff. We’ve got to grow up, let go of things. We’ve got to get over some stuff. Our destiny demands it. The apostle Paul says “act like a man”. I hear of people getting upset because they didn’t get this or they missed out on that. Look unto Jesus, the Author and the Finisher. But don’t throw away the Bride. Think again of the parable in Matthew 22:12-14. The man was a friend of the bridegroom, he knew the answer to the riddle but he didn’t have his garment. This was Jesus speaking, not Peter Mortlock! Many are called and few are chosen. You see first milers, I understand, have the righteousness of Christ, but the second milers have a treasure in heaven where moths and rust do not destroy. Revelation 19:8 “To her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright.” It talks about the righteous acts of the saints. Not the righteousness of Christ. Revelation 14:12 speaks of the patience of the saints; their works follow them. What’s going to follow you? We have our community days - what an opportunity to share the love of Christ with someone. What an opportunity to be a second miler. What an opportunity to store treasure in heaven. What an opportunity to wear some of your garments. I know you’re saved, but let’s be second milers, let’s be people who don’t give away the Bride. Let’s be people who are so planted in the house of the Lord that no storm is going to take us out, no offence is going to get to us. I know there are things you don’t understand, there are things I don’t understand, but we’ve got to get bigger than that, saying “God I trust in you.” Who else is the explanation of the universe? I picked up two articles this week, one from a Christian magazine, written by two guys with PHDs, about what Darwin didn’t know. Then I had an article out of the National Geographic, written by two guys with PHDs on why Darwin’s theory is right. I’m sitting there with ‘four PHDs’ and I’m just a little kid from Taranaki! I can’t fathom those articles, I’m just not clever enough for that! And neither can they be they’re arguing amongst themselves. What I do know is I live on a wonderful planet. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I know my God in whom I trust, I know that he walks with me, that he inspires me. I know that whales and monkeys do not get what I get! I look up at the stars and I know there’s not some big cosmic mistake, but a Creator and a Designer who’s working out His glorious plan on planet earth, He’s forming kingdoms, moving kings, shifting presidents, raising up people, lowering people, working out a plan. The rise of the antichrist will be on the planet, the time of shaking is upon us, but don’t give away the Bride, friend. Don’t walk out. Do you think you can be a Christian, and you can just leave because you didn’t get a comfortable seat, the music’s too loud or “they don’t sing my kind of songs”? No friend, you’ve got to be planted, you’ve got to be so far into the church. Why? Because there’s a time coming where you could get burned. I don’t want anyone to go through what is prophesied in the book of Revelation, but there are some people who are going to. All I can do is ring a bell and warn people, be like Jesus and say there are days upon us, and woe to us if we take our ease in Zion, if we sit back and aren’t watchful. I know you can come to church and in an hour and a half do your thing, and God bless you. But I want to encourage you. God is building his Church and you want to be part of it. The Biblical mandate is to tell people about Jesus. It’s one thing to know Jesus, it’s another thing to be in the Bride of Christ. She’s precious to God. Don’t give her away. In the end, the wife of Samson did get burned - don’t be like her!



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IMPACT for LIFE television with Pastors Peter & Bev Mortlock

Someone, who knew from experience,

once told me “when you go on TV you will lose your anonymity”. But I really didn’t think too much more about it. My focus was on this amazing ability to be inside the homes of the people of our nation. And I do treat it with honour. To be inside someone’s home is a huge honour, and reminds me that I really should walk through their lounge with care. Whether they are up feeding the baby, recovering from surgery or having a late Sunday morning breakfast in bed, they have chosen to allow us to join them. How cool is that! Whether in an airport or the supermarket, it never ceases to amaze us, the strangers who stop us. And with such confidence too, like they know us and know us well. They don’t even behave like strangers - after all, we have visited their home many times. Sometimes small groups at a restaurant table recognise... smile... and then speak to one another in low tones. How about when Zara, a 5 year old in our Kids’ Church shouts from three quarters of the way down a very full flight “Pastor Peter, Pastor Peter come and sit with me!!” Or what about the tall man striding towards me at the top of George Street in Sydney, who just wanted to thank us for the programme and how much it means to him and his wife. Yes, we even air to the Aussies. We hadn’t even taken off our crash helmets when a local from the town of Rangiora rushed toward us and grabbed my hand. “Thank you, thank you, thank you” she said, as tears rolled down her cheeks. “You don’t know what a lifeline you have been”. With that we both hugged and she hurried away to try to compose herself on the main street of her small home town. It’s funny. Not everyone knows who we are at all, but many know they have seen you somewhere before - so there I sat, as every All Black filed down the narrow aisle of the plane, each greeting me with a smile and hello. Our nation is full of wonderful people, and plenty are brave enough to ask, “Pastor will you pray”. What an honour! Many a meal has been interrupted by people who want to say hello - whitebait on the West Coast, crayfish on the ferry crossing, dinner at Mudbrick, Burger King with the grandkids, breakfast at Tekapo. Every encounter leaves us with an overwhelming “awe factor” of what God has done. Whenever we are about our Father’s business, He multiplies incredibly. The homes we reach, the people we influence, seems so much greater than the work we do. We really are reaching our nation. We are getting on the other side of what would otherwise be very closed and private doors. So turn on your TV – we’d love to say “hello”!



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30 Days to understanding the Bible

30 to

understandi This incredible book helps put the jigsaw pieces of the Bible together. There are occasions when we have the Bible in our own hands and it feels like we’re reading out of a different book!

Imagine how much easier it would be if you could see the places the Bible mentions in your mind while you read. What about if you knew who the significant figures were and how their actions shaped history? How about a roadmap that outlines God’s plan for saving the world and how it unfolded through the pages of scripture? These are just a few of the benefits you receive from reading 30 Days to Understanding the Bible.

Max Anders makes it almost embarrassingly easy to understand so many facets of the word of God, you sometimes feel like it should be harder work than it actually is! Our Kingdom Creed students can already tell you stories of how 30 Days to Understanding the Bible took their Bible reading experience to new levels. Now it’s your turn. If you feel your understanding of the Bible is limiting how much you’re able to draw out of it, be assured that this book will change all that. That’s 30 days well spent!

understanding the

30 Days

bibl bible





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Welcome <$,Q'

9': home.


We know you’ll like it here.

Don’t forget to join us for a complimentary coffee in the guest lounge after the service.



Relax and enjoy your visit. Put your feet up and stay awhile.

Here at City Impact Church, we are passionate about seeing people’s lives changed as they are touched by the power and love of God. With inspirational messages and dynamic worship, we know you will be refreshed and encouraged by your time with us. We are a family church, focused on raising up the next generation to take the Kingdom of God into the marketplace. We have many dynamic events for our children and young people, making this a church that is relevant to the whole family.

Q>Ac Discover the warm, friendly atmosphere of our café and enjoy great food and coffee before and after the service.

&6254%,D63@2%K%QDE2%>38%E224%65 After the service, we would love to invite you to come and have a complimentary coffee with us in the Guest Lounge, situated at the Southern end of the café. Come and chat with us, and we will be able to answer any questions you may have about City Impact Church and what we have to offer.

;78"5%QH6BCH Children are so precious to us! If you have children with you, please ask our ushers for directions to our action-packed children’s auditorium. Every Sunday, at both our morning and evening services, we have events for children from the age of 1 right through to school year 6.

d637DB%97@H Junior High runs every Sunday morning for young people in school years 7 to 9. If you are in this age-group, stay with the adults for worship and then head out for your own dynamic programme. We look forward to meeting you!

(D%e38%D64%EDB2` City Impact Church has something for people of all ages and walks of life. To find out more go to

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\!&9 Introduction to City Impact Church Night If you would like to find out more about City Impact Church then Introduction Night is for you. ‘Intro Night’ happens every seven weeks on a Wednesday night from 7.30pm to 9pm. This is your chance to hear from our Senior Pastors Peter and Bev Mortlock and find out what we believe, where we’ve come from and where we are going.

If you are new to City Impact Church, or have never been to one of these nights before, then we would love to invite you to our next evening. Come and meet our leaders and pastors over great coffee and cake. Be inspired about how City Impact can be a blessing to your life. To find out more






The next step If you are considering making City Impact your home church then your next step is to come to Gateway. Gateway starts with a six week course called Kingdom Design which follows straight on from Introduction Night and runs from 7.15pm to 9pm every Wednesday. At Gateway you will have the opportunity to:

BZZi jh VcY \Zi id `cdl jh# ;^cY dji bdgZ VWdji 8^in >beVXi Church. BZZi di]Zgh l]d VgZ cZl# HijYn <dY»h LdgY# 9ZkZade ndjg lVa` l^i] <dY# Gateway will transform your life and greatly influence your walk with God, \^k^c\ ndj egVXi^XVa! W^Wa^XVa `Znh [dg a successful life. With experienced igV^cZgh VcY XdVX]Zh! ndj l^aa WZ ZcXdjgV\ZY Wn i]Z iZVX]^c\! [Zaadlh]^e and ministry you receive. Come and ÃcY dji bdgZ VWdji l]Vi lZ WZa^ZkZ ]ZgZ Vi 8^in >beVXi 8]jgX] VcY WZ ^che^gZY Wn djg k^h^dc [dg djg Xdbbjc^in! cVi^dc VcY WZndcY# <ViZlVn ^h ndjg Ãghi hiZe id WZcoming more of a part of City Impact Church. As you complete Gateway ndj l^aa ]VkZ i]Z deedgijc^in id WZcome more involved in the church, in teams, courses, and other groups. We look forward to seeing you soon and \Zii^c\ id `cdl ndj WZiiZg#

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“As a result of Gateway, I’m taking God’s Word more literally than ever before and putting it into practice in my daily life.”

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Tracy Els

“I first became aware of City Impact Church through the ‘Impact for Life’ TV programme. There was something about it that got my attention every time, so I would stop and listen to the message. When I arrived at City Impact Church the first Sunday morning, I couldn’t get over how friendly and welcoming the people were - from the front gate, to getting out of my car, to the ushers on the door. City Impact Church has had such an impact on my Christian journey. The pastors, leaders, staff, right through to the people in church, have been such a wonderful support. The Gateway course was enormously helpful to me - I recommend that everyone do it. Like a lot of people, I have had to make some huge, life-changing choices to grow spiritually and become more Christ-like. In doing so, God has blessed me in so many ways. Now I am praying that God will use me to minister to others and help build this house for His Kingdom.”

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Elsie Krause On 10 September 2008 we got on a plane and came to New Zealand. Two days later, friends brought us to City Impact Church, and we felt right at home from the very first day. We did the next Gateway course, and I learned that God actually wants to have a personal relationship with me – for the first time I realised how much He really loves me. Being in a new and unknown country with so many insecurities and uncertainties was very difficult. There were many times where I cried out, “Lord, please help us – change our circumstances.” Instead, He changed me and my attitude first! I can’t pinpoint a specific time or date, but God has changed my whole life all over again.




“We are a God inspired local church committed to glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ by:

Get the vision! City Impact Church was pioneered by Senior Pastors Peter and Bev Mortlock 27 years ago. Starting in St. Anne’s Hall in Browns Bay with around 20 people, they always had a heart to see the church become large enough to make a difference. Today, we are seeing the fulfilment of that dream. God has given Pastors Peter and Bev a simple, yet powerful, vision and purpose for City Impact Church to accomplish. It has been the same since day one, and has continued to see a healthy church grow as a result.

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We are here by a call of God, a mission in life greater than ourselves. We are here as family, united in purpose, called by God, concerned for this world, and intent on the Kingdom of God.”

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&24%731DP1280 City Impact Church is a place of faith, hope and love where lives are impacted and transformed. We have so many things to offer that will bless and equip you for life. (See page 36 for details!) There are also many opportunities for you to join us as we actively serve our community (see our Community Impact information on pages 48-51.) We are a thriving church which every year sees hundreds of people commit their lives to Jesus Christ. Get involved at City Impact Church and become part of making a significant impact nationally and internationally as we build God’s Church together.

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Here at City Impact Church we are privileged to have an awesome team of Ministry Leaders and Pastors. These include: Senior Pastors Peter and Bev: Having founded the church in 1982 Pastors Peter and Bev are our camp mum & dad and we love them lots. They’re awesome. Pastors Mark and Leanne: An amazing couple! Pastor Mark is the General Manager here at church and Ps Leanne is our Training Ministry Leader. Brains & brawn! Pastor Janet: is our Pastoral Ministry Leader, and cheers everyone on as they reach for the prize. Pastors Greg and Krista: Youth Ministry Leaders of the stars! These two do an awesome job running our Youth Church. Pastor Krista is also our Creative Ministry Leader here at church, making sure we all look good. Pastors Tim and Janine: Pastor Tim is our Operations Manager here at church and makes sure the building stays in one piece, while Pastor Janine is our very talented Worship Ministry Leader. Pastors Matt and Sharon: are redefining fun! There’s no doubt where the kids want to be on Sunday, and it’s all because of this dynamic duo. Pastor Carlene does an unbelievably clever job of producing our TV programme and leading our media teams. An amazing interpreter of vision, she’s all about Lights! Camera! Action! Pastors Daryl and Roberta are the best kept secret of the deep South! You’ll want to go there just to see them! Pastors Beven and Liz: This couple are loved by all who meet them! With their sense of humour and unbelievable hospitality on all levels, they make everyone part of their family.



Pastors Dean and Maria: Adventurous and determined, Dean and Maria are full of life! They are multi-skilled and crazy – a brilliant package!

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ZG'G) If we were to sum up our greatest desire for your life, it would be that you would know God, and that you would know His voice and hear from Him yourself. The Word of God, the Bible, is His voice to us.

Through the scriptures, God can and will speak to you daily, inspiring, challenging and equipping you in all that He desires for your life. For each one of us to position ourselves to hear from God, we must be in His word every day. Jesus said that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Just as we eat natural food daily, we also need a daily balanced spiritual meal, because out of each one of us flows a river, a river of what is inside us. When we have God’s Word inside then what flows out of our spirit will be rivers of life changing, people influencing, world shaking, history making power! SOAP - Washing minds with the Word of God as the books of Romans and Ephesians exhort us to. We know that you will be washed as white as snow, feeling clean, smelling good and looking great!




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Your S.O.A.P Plan Z2R42EI2B































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The HEARTof a


Pastor Janine explores what it means to be a worshipper.



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for the





China is a land of contradictions. A horse and cart trundle down the road, followed closely by cars constantly tooting and entire families piled on scooters weaving in and out of the traffic. Families live in thatched huts with dirt floors - and a satellite dish right outside. Factories belch out smoke while women harvest rice in paddies. We are far into South-West China, away from the big cities and the heavy industri-



al pollution - quite a rural area and I was hoping for Queenstown-like views. But the whole land is covered for most of the day in a layer of smoke and haze, you never get a clear horizon.

The hazy, misty blanket that covers the land is a true reflection of the nation as a whole. It can be seen in the people, not just the landscape. They carry a weight – the spiritual

climate there is an after-affect of Communism. It’s a hard life, and they work hard. You don’t often see people doing nothing in China. Many of the Chinese live where they work. I’ll never forget the man we saw each night as we made our way back to the hotel. It was always quite late at night, we’d see a person sitting in the factory he’d worked at all day, perched on a wooden bench

with a bowl of rice, watching TV. At 8am the next morning, that same man was outside in a pair of shorts, washing under a hose. His whole life is conducted in a building no bigger than 5m2. Ah Fen is our taxi driver. Keith and Jan first met her ten years ago, when she drove them around for 2-3 days. In China, the custom is that your driver goes everywhere with you - they eat with you, they go into all the places you visit. On that particular trip they were meeting with other Christians in the area, and when Ah Fen saw them saying grace before each meal she began to ask why. Two years later, Keith and Jan return to China, and ask Ah Fen to drive for them again, picking up where they left off. Amazingly, now ten years later, she’s saved and once again is our driver. On the way from the airport we stopped at a roadside rest area. There was a tiny stall with a table, umbrella and a small drinks fridge. A little old lady came up to us, she had what looked like blancmange (a milk jelly) but was savoury tasting. She sliced the blancmange into her hand then gave it to us, then she wiped her hand on her shirt and used it to hold the umbrella. Despite this relaxed approach to hygiene, not one of us got sick during our trip - truly a miracle! When the woman had brought us our drinks, Ah Fen started to converse with her in Chinese. The locals began to gather around to listen to her, and before we knew it there were half a dozen old ladies listening to Ah Fen as she shared the gospel and related her testimony. She had this tiny, old lady and all her friends captivated. They were hanging off every word as Ah Fen explained how much her life has changed since Keith and Jan first shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with her. That’s what it’s all about! Keith and Jan share with one woman; she gets saved; she shares with her own people in her own languauge. It was quite a surreal moment watching her, I had such a sense of awe. You can be involved in something on the other side of the world, but it’s still about seeing one person’s life changed. Those little old ladies got to hear the gospel, having never heard it before, and it came to them because Keith and Jan shared it with this one woman. This is how the gospel multiplies.

This was just the beginning of our trip, and it was such a highlight for me. Ah Fen has a beaming, joyful smile. She really stands out, in this place with so much greyness, so many somber people. It’s a privilege to have her with us on our trip, to meet her family and pray for them, to visit her home. The first clinic we visited was a simple wooden building, absolutely tiny. There was a stretcher bed on one side of the room with a 30” plasma TV in the corner and a satellite dish outside. Next-door to the clinic, a young family are living in a two-room hut, with an open fire in the middle of the main room. The whole house is absolutely black with soot. A little kid, full of beans just like any other, is tearing around. Mary was young, but her eyes were so sad. We later learned she had a medical condition. Her husband must have been about 25, but he was going on 40. He looks exhausted. It’s such a privilege to pray for them, to see their beaming smiles afterward. Their gratitude was humbling. We have still been able to bring the gospel to them in their own home, despite the communication barrier. You can always smile, be generous in how you treat people, and shake their hand. You can bless them in the name of Jesus, you can pray for them. Understand that you’re carrying something to leave as a deposit – it’s the Spirit of God! I am very aware of this in China. Another very elderly lady heard about us, and came to ask if we would come and pray for her husband. We went with her to her village. She and her husband lived in a mud brick home and her husband had been bedridden for ten years. We stood him up and prayed for him. Uppermost in my mind at that moment was that the church in Auckland was praying, fasting and holding healing services. Here I was in China praying for this man – I couldn’t be in church but I could bring my church to China. It reminded me of the men who sought after Peter at the home of Simon the Tanner in Joppa, and asked, “will you come”. I felt like I was watching God at work – and I had the privilege of going along for the ride. =>54DB% *DI% :C&B>4H% O74H% ;274H% :DBB75% >";"#2E% !+"1)% )1E% #+2% '2E"*)?% *21#-2;% K2% k1)1*")??$% ;,((9-#% "1% L(-"?% 4556M% U+)1@;% N9-% #+2% ,(E)#2%% :);#9-%D9W`

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These incredible organisations and people do an outstanding job in their communities, both here in New Zealand and right around the world. Some are church based, others are providing essential social services. It’s City Impact’s privilege and pleasure to be able to support them in many ways, including financially. 46



cVi^dcVa national ] h t North Shore Hospice t Wilson Home t Christian Ministries with the Disabled

t Ps Ulf Ekman, Sweden t Ps Alejandro, San Hose, Mexico

t Salvation Army Bridge Programme

t Ps Luis, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

t North Shore IHC

t Ps Jorge, La Paz, Mexico

t Rescue Helicopter t Riding for the Disabled

t Ps Havili, Vava’u, Tonga

t Bible in Schools

t Ps Aisea, Nuku’alofa, Tonga

t Red Cross Meals on Wheels t North Shore Safer Families Foundation

t Ps Anne Morrow, New Zealand

t SPUC, Voice for Life

t Ps Rob Wheeler, New Zealand

t Bible Society t NZ Prison Ministry t Project Awhi – South Auckland t North Shore Pregnancy Counselling t Family and Christian Centre South Auckland t Radio Network, Kids Christmas Party t Widows

t Ps Jo Millar, New Zealand t Ps Jeff and Coco Whiston, Texas, U.S.A t Ps Alan and Lynda Stephenson, Tanzania !"#$%&'()*'+,-. !"

Heart for our

Community I never know what will happen each time I knock on a door... and yet that is what my days are full of – knocking on doors. Finding those who need some

extra love, support, a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on. I always approach each opportunity, each door, with the Spirit of God firmly beside me. I rely on Him for my strength and I know others can too if they will receive Him. It amazes me really that I am in a place in my life where I can do things that make such a difference for other people. My life wasn’t always like this – I certainly haven’t always had something to offer. In fact it was the complete opposite – extremely lacking and in deficit. The first part of my life was full of tragedy, fear, heartbreak and disappointment. I was broken and angry, I took away from others and they took away from me. Today I stand in awe of what God has done in me, a restored life - a wife and mother, full of salvation and boldness. Today I stand in the gap for my community, I live to see others restored too, and their lives turned around. Sometimes it’s just very small what people need – and we can help them so easily. Just slowing down our own day for a moment and a gesture of friendship and support can be what makes or breaks another person’s day. The Spirit of God moves greatly on

our behalf when we focus on others and not our own needs.

Other times the need is great, and can’t be ‘fixed’ in a flash. But with some careful thought, planning and team work miracles happen! When God is in the plans, everything comes together and I always watch in amazement as the fruit of our work comes into play. Isn’t it incredible what can happen when we knock on a door. When we ask the question of what we can do for another person. Christ laid down His life for us, and of course, we need to do the same for those around us. Their salvation could depend on it.

Their coming to know Jesus could be in the knock on the door – the offer of support and encouragement. That could be the next thing they needed to draw them closer to Jesus Christ. Matthew 5 v 14-16 says “Now that I’ve put you on a hilltop, on a light stand – shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven” (Message version.) When I drive around the city it’s like I’m wired up to see what God sees – that’s a great thing to pray for. That you would see people the way God sees them – with His love extended. I’m always thinking of this – “I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, I was homeless and you gave me a room, I was shivering and you gave me clothes, I was sick and you stopped to visit, I was in prison and you came to me.” And then the Father said “Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me – you did it to me.” Matthew 25. I’m driven by a sense of purpose that Christ is moving so powerfully on the earth today, and I’m part of His moving. We all are. I could tell you a myriad of stories I have discovered behind these doors, but I want you to find your own. It will break your heart, sometimes make you cry, but it’s all worth it. And you have to do it again and again. I’m not very brave but I am very compelled. And sometimes I have to be brave too. For what Jesus has done for me, this is the very least I can do for another. So it’s all hands to the plow – let the stories of those you touch spur you on to the next door... :>BFK;>4H%,>74>%-,1;%9,-%!9'',1"#$%&'()*#%X)$;J%;+2%";%'9-2%#+)1%"1*-2E"W?2`



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2200 45

volunteer hours





cubic meters

200 free sausages

15 blankets & Duvets

61 67 free tip passes

dance competition with

canvases for North Shore Hospital


production teams


trailer loads of firewood delivered to local homes 50

Impact for Life

26 15 prizes


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year olds 3 birthday party

bouncy castles


kids in childcare for the day


gift wrapped cookies

hospital stretchers cleaned



Every Community Impact Day countless lives and families are touched, as around New Zealand City Impact Churches reach into homes and organizations to make people’s lives that little bit better. The sheer volume of work powered through in a few hours makes an enormous difference to many people, their families and workplaces. In Auckland alone, these organizations have been served over the last year: North Shore Hospital North Shore Hospital Foundation Parent Aid Hibiscus Coast Youth Centre Glenfield Intermediate School Onepoto School Northcote North Shore Council Housing for the Elderly: Torbay, Lancaster, Alma Court, Stratford Court Plunket (Torbay/Browns Bay) Barnardos PHAB (Physical Handicapped and Able Bodies) TePuna Hauora Housing New Zealand North Shore Hospice Fairy Godmothers Age Concern Hibiscus Coast Grandparents Parenting Grandchildren Toughlove Safer Families Fairview Care Family Works Widows and Widowers Club Home Help Social Workers ACC Social Workers Age Concern Safe House North Harbour Living without Violence Waitakare Hospital Multiple Sclerosis Society Social Workers from North Shore Maternity Ward. Victim Support (Albany) Taiaotea kindergarten

Impact for Life 51




Every year as the sun intensifies,

and New Zealanders lounge in the sun with Christmas lunch still in their bellies, perspiration gathering on lethargic brows, City Impact youth all around New Zealand are packing, praying and preparing for a week of Summer Impact fun. Months of planning and team meetings have culminated in this day. The team gathers excited and nervous, still uncertain around each other, not sure how they are going to fit into the whole team dynamic. They jam pack cars and trailers with all their worldly summer possessions and drive to some of the best holiday locations around New Zealand. Not to bask in the sun and frolic on a beautiful beach (although inevitably there is some sun, beaches and frolicking) but to step out and make a stand as youth, unashamed for Christ, and boldly influence their ‘adopted’ community in truth, honour and righteousness. It ain’t about being the best at telling everyone about God, it’s about standing up and giving it a go. The very fact there are 20 other people just as hesitant and yet willing to step-out as you are, is exhilarating. There is nothing quite as liberating from a case of sweaty palms as testifying of God’s goodness. The little softening in people’s eyes is enough to put you on a high for the rest of the week. Never mind the fact you are constantly thrown from your comfort zone into the arms of screaming children who hang on your every word... and limb. The whole experience is overwhelming, ecstatic and empowering all rolled in together. In the middle of this jumble of excitement and the best traumatic experiences you will ever have, you truly understand how influential you can be. You’re buzzing with so much faith and expectancy that there is no group of people too large, no girl too good looking. It’s amazing how strongly ingrained into our spirit it is that we are a company of overcomers. No place else will a 12 year old tell a 20 year old that they are missing something and they know what it is. No place else will they listen. So jump on the roller coaster, hold on tight and let go of your fears. It’s one crazy ride, one ride you will never forget or regret.

By the end of the week you gaze around this group of people who have challenged you almost to breaking point, and yet were there to lean on when you needed some help. It’s funny how stepping out onto the thinnest limb of a tree with a group of people can make them feel like family. These are the kinds of friends who will come to your wedding years later, and celebrate with you when you get a promotion. Cry with you (if you’re a girl) about sad things and laugh with you (boys and girls) when you’re happy. Summer Impact – you’ll be coming back for more!

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City Impact Kids Church

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I am made in the image of God. I am confident in my identity, purpose and influence. Full of the power of the Holy Spirit, I live according to the word of God in character and conduct, to be a Kingdom Builder, World Changer and Dominion Taker.

A unique Christian school which develops children in their God given identity, equipping them to do all they are created for, and maximising their potential in all spheres of life. To be Kingdom Builders & World Changers. For a prospectus and DVD, or to arrange a visit, give us a call.

Register now for 2010 Year 0 - Year 9

City Impact Church School (09) 477 0300 794 East Coast Road, Browns Bay, North Shore City

When I was 11 years old, I ‘borrowed’ money from my Aunty’s purse and bought lollies with it. Of course I never intended to pay the money back. I ate the lollies and had my moment of joy. And then the Holy Spirit came and spoke to me. I was lying in my bed when He came and prompted my spirit – in fact even today, 43 years later, I could still paint a picture of the whole scene in my room. I had always gone to Sunday school and I did know what was right, right. on On this this day day II had had certainly certainly crossed crossed aa line, line, and God dealt with me! I didn’t fully identify Him as the Holy Spirit until many years later, but I certainly had enough understanding to know it was God and that what I had done was wrong. Of course course now nowIIhave havethe theHoly Holy Spirit Spirit in in mymy lifelife I know I know I cannot I cannot live without live without Him.Him. My My childhood childhood home home waswas a broken a broken one, one, it was it was fullfull of absolute of absolute strife, strife, andand so when so when I didI did give give my life my to lifethe toLord the Lord and fully and come fully came to know to know him,him, to have to have the love the love of the of the Holy Holy Spirit Spirit became became essential essential toto me. me.I know I knowGod Godhas hasalways alwayshad hadhis hishand hand on on me, me, and his covering over me. It’s of utmost importance to me that children know this too, that as they grow they know the protection and love of their Creator and their Saviour. My heart is that children would know the Godly way to live, that their choices and actions would be based on


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knowing Jesus, and his Word.

its foundations. It moved constantly. The view from the house was spectacular, but of course would be of little consequence if the house toppled down the hill! The house has since been demolished, and the land is now desolate. If the dreams children have – what they can see for their lives, is not based on strong, sure and steadfast foundations, then the outcome will be tragic. But if they are standing tall on the word of God, they will be unstoppable.

I’m always thinking about ways to bring children and their families to church, where they will experience the presence of God. My mind is always ticking, thinking of what appeals to children, what holds their interest. I have helped make many sets for Children’s church. Tunnels, fire, racing tracks. I can’t remember them all. I have a saying for myself – “A good deed done and remembered, is no good deed at all.” So when I have made them, I forget them – it’s God’s to do with as He pleases, and it’s the Holy Spirit who moves in the atmosphere of the room and draws children to the Lord. I use my skills and talents wholeheartedly, and then step back and watch as the children are ministered to. The sets come alive with actors and musicians, dancers and teachers and the children are captivated.

<DB5H7R% 4>?25% RP>C2b% 5>P1>47D3% 4>?25% RP>C2G%I know I have done my part in preparing a way for this.

At the moment I am working in the city, long-haul late night shifts. It breaks my heart to see the loss and despair of the young people on the streets, to see them so lost and feeling like there is no hope. There is hope. Jesus Christ is their hope, and their future. When children know the love of God, they have no need to try the things of the world. If I can play a part in showing the truth to a generation of children so they don’t end up on the streets at night searching for their future, then I will be confident facing my maker. One day I will face Him, and He will ask me “With what I gave you, what did you do?” I constantly look at the resources He has given me (money, skill, talent), and endeavour to use them wisely. It’s an absolute blessing for me to be able to take my resources and further the Kingdom with it, and my heart is always looking to the children. We are lifting them up, giving them a shoulder to stand on. Amongst them may be a future prime minister who will make the changes needed to make this land Godly again or a future Billy Graham. I may never know what the plans of God are for each child cared for by the ministry in Kid’s Church, what place of influence God has for them, where they will stand before King’s and build the Kingdom. But God certainly does! ZH>63%92BI2B4%";%)%E2>9#2E%+,;W)1E%)1E%N)#+2-%K+9%";% 2G#-2'2?$%*?2>2-%)1E%;2->2;%"1%#+2%!-2)#">2%#2)'M



Heart of the


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& % $ ' # ( " % ! )*)+& 7.30pm Friday December 11th and Sunday December 13th


S ERV E RV ICES 11pm Christmas Eve, 9 am Ch r is t ma s D a y CITY IMPACT CHURCH

FOR UNTO US a Child is born,

unto us a Son is given,

and the Government

shall be upon His shoulder; and His name shall be called


Counsellor, Mighty God,




MUSIC BOX A’hoy little people... if you’re under 5 and like to jive, Music Box is your fav morning of the week! Bring your grown-up for lattes, the cafe is open for morning tea. Every Wednesday during school term, 9:30 and 10:30 sessions.

WORKING BEE Roll our sleeves up and muck in to get our House looking spick and span. We put a morning aside to tackle the gardening, cleaning and general DIY around the place. Keep an eye on the weekly highlights for times and dates.

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BAPTISMS Every 7 weeks we have Water Baptism following our morning service. This is a huge milestone for people, and as a church family we LOVE being part of it! The water feature at the entrance of the Sanctuary becomes our baptismal pool, and we’ll all cheer you on! If you would like to be baptised, contact Kelly Smith.



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YOUTH SUMMER SERIES Keeping us together over the summer holidays! Meet every Saturday to hit the surf at the best beach location of the day. We txt out regular Summer Series updates, so you won’t be left behind on Saturday mornings! Convoy from City Impact, bring....everyone!

CITY IMPACT FITNESS STUDIO Circuit, kickboxing and spin classes. Guaranteed to chase away the winter regrets. Contact reception for more information about classes and times.




ARTS ACADEMY... Come and applaud 2009’s star performers, in the annual end of year showcase. A soiree of ballet, hip-hop, theatre, dance and promising musicians. This concert has it all! 21st November 1pm. Tickets are available at the General Store or call the office for enrolments and schedules for 2010.

CHILDCARE/KINDY PARTY Pony rides, face painting, bouncy castles, lollies… we know, you wish you could be there! If you’re one of our childcare or kindy kids, you can be! We end the year with our mondo party, all the cool kids will be there! Thursday 17 December.

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Su The premier


event of the week! 10am & 6:30pm (winter), 7pm (summer)

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Affiliated Pastors Affiliated

Pastors Norm and Jess McLeod, House of Breakthrough Corner Ormond and Lytton Roads, Gisborne

Pastors Ariki and Pam Ashford Te Awamutu AOG 654 Alexandra Street Te Awamutu

Pastors Andrew and Virginia Martin Valley Road International Church Corner Mt Eden and Valley Roads, Mt Eden

Pastors Havili and Mele Sefesi Nuku'alofa New Life Church Neiafu, Vavau Tonga

Pastors Aisea and Alini Vi Nuku’alofa New Life Church Neiafu, Vavau Tonga

Pastors Luka and Jo Robertson Manukau Hope Centre 8I Bishop Lennihan Place Botany South



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