IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences (IMPACT: IJRANSS) ISSN(E): 2321-8851; ISSN(P): 2347-4580 Vol. 2, Issue 7, Jul 2014, 141-144 © Impact Journals
A NOTE ON THE EFFECT OF AFFINITY HAEMODIALYSIS ON T-CELL DEPLETION R. O AYENI, T. O OLUYO & A. M OKEDOYE Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Oyo, Nigeria
ABSTRACT We modify existing mathematical models for HIV that account for observation from haemodialysis. Of particular interest are the criteria under which the disease infected equilibrium could be stable we indicate treatment that is adequate to significantly lower gp 120 levels and help T cells to recover to normal level.
KEYWORDS: Affinity Dialysis, HIV/AIDS, Enveloped Protein gp 120, Criteria for Stability 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 What is Known The hallmark of HIV disease is the gradual loss of CD4+T cells, which ultimately leaves the immune system unable to defend against opportunistic infections. While the mechanism through which HIV causes AIDS is imperfectly understood, the clinical data suggest that HIV derived envelope proteins appear to be intimately involved. The major HIV envelope glycoprotein gp 120 has been shown to have profound biological effects in vitro. gp 120 causes CD4+ T cells to undergo apoptosis. Binding o gp 120 to CD4+T cells in the presence of anti-envelope antibodies and compliment opsonizes the cells, targeting them for clearance. The combine effect is the destruction of uninfected immune cells [1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8]. 1.2 Model for AIDS Incorporating Stem Cell Depletion and gp 120 Biological Effects Table 1.1 Production k1
S →T : k2
T + V → Ti : k3
Ti → V + P :
T- cell production from stem cells Infection of T- cell Production of virus and gp 120
4 P + T ↔ PT : Reversible gp 120 binding to normal T-cells
Clearance d1
T →: d2
Ti → : d3
V→ : d4
P→: d5
PT → :
Death rate of normal T cell Death clearance of infected T cells Clearance rate of virus Clearance gp 24 Clearance gp 120 induced apoptosis and clearance
Impact Factor(JCC): 1.4507 - This article can be downloaded from
R. O Ayeni, T. O Oluyo & A. M Okedoye
Where T denotes healthy cell, TI is the infected T cells, V is the virus,ρ is the concentration of gp 24. We further assume that λ is the rate of recovery of Ti.
2. MATHEMATICAL MODEL Arising from table 1.1, the approximate mathematical equations are
T dS = −k1S 1 − dt T0
T dT 10 PT = k1S 1 − − k2TV − d1T − d5 + λTi dt k4 T0
dTi = k2TV − d 2Ti dt
dV = k3Ti − d3V dt
dP = 0.777V − d 4 P dt
The present model essentially modifies [7] model assuming that some Ti essentially recover and become healthy even weakly treatment of dialysis would be adequate to significantly lower gp 120 levels and help T cells recover to normal levels as long as stem cells remains available.
d1d 4 k3To 2 d1d 4To d1To , , The critical points are (0, 0, 0, 0, 0) and S0 , T0 , , 0.777α 0.777α α where α = ( λ − d 2 )
The point
d3d 4 d 10T − 3 0 . The point (0, 0, 0, 0, 0) is the disease free equilibrium. k3 ( 0.777 ) k4
d1d 4 k3To 2 d1d 4To d1To , , S0 , T0 , , = ( S0 , T0 , a, b, c ) is the infected equilibrium. 0.777α 0.777α α
φ = S − S0 ,ψ = T − To , x = Ti − a, y = v − b, z = p − c . Then
Sψ dφ = − o + non linear terms dt To
10d5 cψ 10d 5cTo dψ Soψ = − k2To y − k2bψ − d1ψ − − + λ x + non linear terms dt To k4 k4 Index Copernicus Value: 3.0 - Articles can be sent to
A Note on the Effect of Affinity Haemodialysis on T-Cell Depletion
dx = k2To y + k2bψ − d 2 x dt
dy = k3 x − d 3 y dt
dz = 0.777 y − d 4 z dt
So the relevant matrix is
0 0 0 0 0
So To
−d 2
The eigenvalue Hence
10d5To −k2To − k4 k2To 0 −d3 0 0.777 −d 4 0
µ satisfies µ 2 ( d 4 + µ ) ( ( d 2 + µ )( d 3 + µ ) − k3 k 2To ) = 0
µ = 0 twice or µ1 = µ2 = 0 µ3 = −d 4
−(d + d ) − 2 3 µ4 =
( d 2 + d3 )
− (d + d ) + 2 3 µ5 =
( d2 + d3 )
+ 4k 2 k3To + 4k 2 k3To
4. DISCUSSIONS OF RESULTS The infected equilibrium is unstable since some eigenvalues non- negative real values and may lead to full blow AIDS. To ensure stability of the infected point, it is necessary to ensure that the stem cell is not depleted. This is the subject of another paper.
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Impact Factor(JCC): 1.4507 - This article can be downloaded from
R. O Ayeni, T. O Oluyo & A. M Okedoye
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