13 minute read
Dubai Billionaire Finds Secret to Health, Youth and Age Reversal
The Journey to unlocking human potential by applying humanized solutions and the science of tomorrow.
By Mosaka Williamson and Yvonne Beri
Billionaire Abdulla Fareed Al Gurg comes from a family with humble beginnings. His grandfather began his career as a postal worker and through determination, tenacity, and a strong business acumen he was able to build the family business from the ground up. What began as from a small office over 60 years ago is now the Easa Saleh Al Gurg Group (ESAG) which is spread across the UAE, Oman, and Saudi Arabia. Abdulla was poised to take over the family business, and he adopted a fast-paced jet set lifestyle traveling between Dubai and London and built the company’s real estate portfolio from the ground up to its present value at over $2 billion.
However, he has faced challenges along the way. At age 36 Abdulla suffered a lifethreatening stroke which caused paralysis. He attributed the cause of the stroke to his intense corporate jet setter lifestyle, coupled with the demands of running one of Dubai’s largest family businesses. The paralysis caused by his stroke saw him bound to a wheelchair, with visible signs of active cancer markers, while experiencing hair loss, and depression.
The billionaire was presented with the challenge of his life and when traditional Western medicine failed to cure him, he used this near-death experience to reevaluate his lifestyle and seek out alternative solutions. He has seen himself as “a phoenix rising from the ashes” who took his fate and health into his own hands and discovered what he sees to be the “Fountain of Youth.” His humanized solutions have led him to develop holistic and scientifically advanced treatments to life threatening conditions.
Remarkably Abdulla was able to recover within a year and heal from the devastation caused by his stroke, so he decided to help others and founded the Omere Institute. This organization creates individualized programs for patients that include top world class athletes, royals and other high net worth families. Abdullah is now at 41 years; however, he is biologically five years younger, and the advancements made by his institute have transformed his life, professionally and physically, and ameliorated his personal relationships with himself and others.
His program treats the whole person and addresses the individual’s goals through holistic and technological treatments. The highly sophisticated program has two paths, Omere Health and Omere Youth. The program treats people of all ages with varied medical concerns across the spectrum of mental and physical needs. Their treatments have been successful at treating life threatening illnesses when traditional Western medicine has failed. Omere Youth specifically focuses on prevention, strengthening health, enhancing mental clarity and wellbeing, breaking barriers, and challenges, improving lives by reversing one’s biological age. And it doesn’t stop there, the Omere Institute addresses the sensitive challenge of fertility in men and women.
Abdulla’s mission is to bring the program that has successfully changed his life to the world. He wants everyone to live a full and satisfying life. Abdulla shared his fascinating journey from near death to rebirth and his life’s mission to help others around the globe.
Please tell us more about your background and what you are currently doing.
I am a 41 year old father of four. I have been working for my family for 15 years as the CEO. Over the past two years my role has changed, I am now on the Board of Directors and Director of the Advisory Board. I was groomed since childhood to one day take over the family business. It is an excellent career however it has its stressors.
In 2017, I became quite ill. After working in the family business for 15 years my health began to deteriorate, and I reached a point where I eventually had a stroke. I found myself in a wheelchair with one side of my body and face paralyzed. I was told that I had eight cancer biomarkers, and a list of other underlining health issues. My life changed and I saw it

as a wakeup call especially since I was only 37 years old. This had a huge impact on my life’s goals. When you are 37 years old and paralyzed, you begin to analyze things and I metaphorically began to “peel an onion”. It is painful but you get to the core of who you are, and I am here today to show what is possible.
Tell us more about your health journey.
I was experiencing declining health, depression and I was paralyzed. I tried different doctors, medications, everything from the simplest therapy to the most complex neuroscience surgeons- nothing helped me. Eventually I came across a group of people who were quite innovative and had a unique and holistic approach to health and well-being. They designed a bespoke holistic solution which addressed the whole body and mind from the inside out. I credit this to healing and transforming my life. I became stronger and biologically five to six years younger than my present age. My goal within the next two months, with the support of my team, is to be ten years younger than my chronological age. I look forward to sharing my results. What type of treatment did they prescribe and how did it work? How quickly were you cured?
It took me three to four months to see a meaningful difference. I recognized that every time I followed the program’s routine, I felt stronger. That motivated me to sign up for a few more months. It took me a year to a year and half to recover completely.
Throughout the program, they reduced the eight cancer bio markers to two and the cyst on my left kidney disappeared. At one point my hair was falling out and now I have a full head of natural hair. I have not been on any medication, nor have I gone to a doctor in four years. I feel very blessed and very thankful for the position I am in now.
We’d love to know what your treatment entailed? How other people can benefit from this as well.
The treatments are in person and online. I have 2 to 3 sessions a day. There is also a team that travels to different parts of the world. The program uses traditional techniques combined with their unique genetic algorithm that they defined for me. That inspired me to launch my philanthropy which is why I created the Omere Foundation and the Institute to commercialize the program and make it available to everyone. We built our first institute in the UAE, Dubai and are expanding into other regions as well. We have five other locations globally we plan to open. Switzerland and New Zealand both centers are being renovated as we speak, Singapore and California are our next target markets. Eventually we will open in places like New York, London, Monaco, and other prime cities around the world. We are looking at Tokyo, Macau, and Beijing as well.
How long is the program?
It is like going to the gym. I would not advise less than a year, but you can start off with as little as three months and you will see developments. For me, in the first three months my sleeping pattern became normal, and I stabilized my eating habits and daily habits within three to six months. Within one
year, you can see dramatic changes in your life and a huge shift in health and mindset.
I am blessed with a wife and four children. Four years ago, was the first time I really met my kids, I am enjoying them differently. I am here for them.
When someone does join the program, what they also do is they run through a very thorough analysis as part of the diagnostics and this considers health history, not just for the individual themselves, but for their parents and children as well. Modern medicine tends to look at historical generations, we also analyze future generations. From my perspective as a client, I have heavy diabetic genes which were non active. They managed to find the trigger that would activate them if I continued in a certain way. Imagine how many people we could help and save, by avoiding diseases like diabetes.
The program consists of three parts, the Diagnostics, and we have a team that travel to you to perform your diagnostics. Then there is the clinical phase, which is seasonal. If an individual is on a 12-month program, you have 28 days of physical hands-on treatments.
How many doctors are involved in the program at this time?
There is a consortium of 16 to 18 doctors and growing. They are from different parts of the world. We are really happy to be able to bring this new science to everyone because it is very easy to be boxed into a medical condition, and doctors are not willing to look outside the textbook.
Do you think that this program is for everyone?
If you look at me now, I am healthy and I am doing the program for different purposes. I am on my fourth year of doing the program. I am doing it because I want to be more efficient, more effective, and bring something to the world which I didn’t have the capacity to do so before, so my reasons are different. You can achieve different and higher levels of your health and well-being goals. For those who are young and healthy, the longevity side of the program is very appealing for improving preventive health and age reversal. I am six years younger than my chronological age. When you repair, you can become younger. My goal with my team is by the end of the year I want to be 30 years biologically in age. It is important to know, each person’s program is a tailored package. It’s not a one size fits all approach. I was initially on Omere Health, but since then, have moved on to Omega Youth.
This is a very strong word, but this is a guaranteed system proven to reduce your biological age.
Every single one of us has a chronological age. That is the age you were born, the date, month, in the year. Our biological age, or our epigenetic age is basically the age of our chromosomes, our DNA, and the internal health of our organs. The health of our organs determines our biological age. 85% of the world’s population is older than their biological age.

Abdulla Fareed Al Gurg
Who are your clients?
We have leading CEOs, top government officials, royalty, famous singers, a top golfer, a Formula One athlete, a tennis player, who are all still playing within their professions and industries, but they want to perform at their peak levels. There is also the younger generation coming through, who want to maintain what they are doing as it for is prevention and age reversal, which ultimately then turns into longevity. The healthier and the younger your biological age, the longer you can live a healthier and more productive life.
How do you verify that the biological age has been reversed?
Through testing your blood, we can analyze your aging blueprint, your genetics, and hereditary predisposition to illnesses and diseases and they identify active biomarkers which include cancer markers. We provide quarterly results to our members, but our members can test their age and the aging blueprint with any lab around the world of their choice as well. They see that the results do match. We have labs in Switzerland, Italy, and Germany, and will probably have one in the US when our center is open there as well. Does the program also reverse cognitive decline? How would you test for that? How can members participate without going to the clinics?

We do have a number of individuals without something debilitating on a physical level but a psychological level, as we have cases of autism, bipolar disorder, and psychosis. These are cases that our team has managed to help individuals with and reverse them. With our patented technologies, we can test and provide treatments.
How does the Omère program addresses fertility?
The Omere Institute has had a lot of success in fertility. There have been those who have been trying to conceive for years, who were successful within six months of doing the program, and all naturally, which is extremely important. We treat both men and women across all different age ranges. The program consists of three parts, the Diagnostics, the Clinic and the University. The diagnostics can be done wherever the individual is based. It starts with a team that will come to you to perform your diagnostics. This is followed by the clinical phase, which is seasonal. If an individual is on a 12-month program they have 28 days of physical hand on treatments. During the seven-day period of the seasonal treatments, the individual has all their organs worked on. All the treatments are noninvasive and non-intrusive, and they're very delicate and bespoke treatments. For each treatment, there is a recovery phase. Each of our organs have different efficiencies at different times of the day. During those seven days you will have a specialist with you, who will explain everything.

The nutrition portion of the program which includes organically sourced food, beverage, water, supplements, herbs and herbal teas, was created by Michelin starred chief and health care experts.
The final part of the program is the online curriculum or “University”. Everyone is assigned an instructor based on their individual genetic code, which is identified at the very first part of the diagnostics.
How many members/ clients can participate in a year?
Due to the economies of scale, supply and demand, a limited number of highly skilled instructors and doctors, we can only service between 40 to 60 people per year. An investment in one’s health pays off in the long run. I always compare the Omere Institute to when Tesla was launched. It is the beginning of a new era for healthcare. What are some longevity trends around investing?
Many well-known people are investing into longevity and age reversal including, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and David Sinclair. They are looking into biosciences, medicines, drugs, and pharmaceuticals. They're trying to gauge the best pill or tablet, or a needle or an injection that one can take to reduce that aging clock, and they're also testing on animals. Our approach is very much a natural, holistic, and organic approach that is guaranteed to achieve results! We focus on therapeutics.
Tell us about the ESAG Charity Foundation?
The Family Foundation, ESAG Charity Foundation was set up in October 2010 by HE Easa Saleh Al Gurg, following a decree issued by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. The Foundation assists in establishing and supporting charity housing projects, orphanages, elderly homes, day-care centers, academic institutes, scientific research centers, public libraries besides providing study and research grants to students.
The Foundation is also responsible for establishing and supporting medical facilities, rehabilitation centers, providing medical aid for the needy, assisting in the building of mosques, cultural centers and Islamic research centers.
In addition, the Foundation is involved in social development activities such as increasing awareness on Islamic heritage and civilization. The organization also supports environment preservation projects as well.