65 minute read
TiM HeNTsCHeL Tim Hentschel of HotelPlanner eagerly awaits a Return to Worldwide Travel after the Pandemic
Tim Hentschel of HotelPlanner eagerly awaits a Return to Worldwide Travel aFter the PanDemiC
Growing up, tim hentschel’s family owned several hotels, so the Ceo of hotelPlanner has deep roots in the hospitality industry. one of the challenges he noticed early on was how difficult it was for travelers to procure a hotel rate or quote. traditionally, administrators would gather the complex information on group travelers, and the process would continue over and over until a figure was finally arrived at. tim hentschel soon realized the opportunity to simplify the process and launched hotelPlanner.com in 2004. here’s how it works. when you visit the booking site, all you need to do is provide your desired location, dates, number of rooms and your budget, and then hotels instantaneously bid for your business. having provided streamlined services to millions of event planners and travelers over nearly two decades, this travel entrepreneur and innovator is now looking ahead to see what it will take to navigate his business in a post-pandemic world. tim is the recipient of the prestigious 2018 Cornell hospitality innovator award, an annual award given by the Pillsbury institute for hospitality entrepreneurship at Cornell university’s school of hotel administration, tim’s alma mater. importantly, tim generously gives back to the community every year with major philanthropic and sponsorship efforts supporting st. Jude’s hospital.
By rich monetti
What do you see ahead for international travel?
Tim Hentschel (TH): We don’t foresee a full return until probably the second half of 2022. There are still so many questions about which countries are allowing travelers, and the requirements and rules are changing constantly. For instance, one minute a country is allowing another country passage and then all of a sudden, they change it. So, staying ahead of the shifting landscape becomes almost impossible, and there’s no way to reliably book international travel. As a result, people obviously don’t want to commit to a large price tag. That said, we’re hopeful that as vaccinations rates continue trending higher, things will eventually get back to normal.
in the meantime, do you think there will be more travel within people’s own countries… or will that be a wait and see type of situation?
TH: We are reaching high levels of vaccination in the US, mask standards are coming off and there is a daily push to return to normal. So, we have seen a boom in domestic travel right now, and there are promising signs in the UK. But mainland Europe has not had a lot of progress in terms of coming out of lockdown, and I am living the same situation in Singapore as we speak. We are not allowed to go to our offices, and the restaurants and bars are shutdown. The Olympics in Japan are also in jeopardy, and in trying to prepare, the Japanese are doing what they can in super lockdown mode.
so within all these constraints, what are your latest initiatives and projects?
TH: As you know, bigger groups have been severely suppressed for a while. The days of group travel with 50 people may be over. A group five or six people is becoming more the norm. We call them a micro group. So, we’re really trying to focus on specific demographics and offer them the deepest discounts that we can. We have offered incentives like moving small wedding parties, booking sporting events, or the Memorial Day through Independence Day discount package we just offered all U.S. veterans and their families. There’s also a demand for friends getting together and couples looking for getaways. Anything to get to the open spaces, we are seeing camping, mountain trips and beach days. It is just a smaller group market. What are you looking forward to the most as far as travel goes and a return to normalcy?

TH: I’d like to see the whole pandemic thing be over and have Covid go the way of SARS and MERS. So, I can’t wait to talk about the pandemic in the past tense. This way everybody can have the freedom to go wherever they want. But it’s still going to be very hard to get back to that normal - especially as doubt hangs over people’s heads. On the other hand, so many people want the end, and they’re itching for a vacation. One that will finally take their mind off everything else.
What do you think are the biggest opportunities for people in the travel industry and how will the landscape change?
TH: I still believe that mergers and acquisition will be dominant in the landscape in the next two years. The main reason is that travel companies got hit hard, and to survive, big and small companies are consolidating. For instance, the travel management arm of Expedia was recently sold to American Express Travel, and as corporate travel is coming back, mergers by nature spur efficiencies and innovation. The result across the industry will mean expanded opportunities.
And finally, tell us just a little bit about your background and how you got into this field?
TH: I graduated with a degree in hospitality management from Cornell, and my family had been in the industry for a long time. We owned several hotels and operated a tour business in California. So, hospitality was in my blood. Then after I graduated, I did a short stint in Manhattan in the banking industry. That got me into the entrepreneurial spirit. I was an analyst tracking and grading emerging companies that were coming out of the dot com boom. Out of that experience, I decided to move back to California and do my own thing. Travel tech made the most sense, and that’s how HotelPlanner got started.
move over CanaDa
How Colombia’s Flora Growth Is Changing The Cannabis Industry
in 2020, Canada was the world’s foremost exporter of dried cannabis flower as well as oils and extracts. today, Colombian producers are now nipping at the heels and poised to surpass their Canadians peers based on recently revised cannabis legislation that positions the country to become the global cannabis leader. although its sophisticated infrastructure, distribution, and exports of some cannabis goods such as medicinal oils and extracts were well known, Colombia had previously disallowed the export of dried cannabis flower. that changed on July 23rd when Colombian President ivan Duque signed the decree to end the prohibition on the export of dried cannabis flower, in turn creating a new global opportunity for Colombian producers, especially those who already have an established worldwide distribution platform and currently receive international recognition for their products and brands – enter Flora Growth.
By Davis richardson and rich monetti

Since Flora Growth completed its successful IPO on the NASDAQ exchange back in May, the company has thrust Latin American-grown cannabis into the mainstream. Cultivated on a sprawling 247-acre outdoor farm and grown in the most fertile soil in Colombia, Flora has quickly earned a reputation for its optimized cultivation strategy and traditional consumer packaged goods focused approach. With Colombia poised to become the low-cost leader in global cannabis production, investors continue to recognize Flora Growth for its strategic global growth strategy and market position, leveraging its flagship low-cost cultivation operation to feed into its premium brand portfolio and global distribution channels.
Upon signing the decree, President Duque quoted experts in saying legal cannabis will represent a $64 billion global market by 2024, while noting that cannabis will serve as a tool for “economic reactivation” in Colombia post the COVID-19 pandemic. “According to a 2019 study, in Colombia, the cannabis sector generated 17.3 agricultural jobs per hectare," said Colombia’s Minister of Justice Wilson Ruiz. The Columbian government seems determined to catapult the country into global leadership as a legal cannabis exporter in order to boost the economy and create many more jobs at home. “We would like to thank the Colombian government and all of the parties involved with passing this legislation,” said Flora Growth President and CEO, Luis Merchan.
The reformed legislation will improve access to cannabis products for Colombians and puts the Central American country in prime position to supply the global cannabis market. “On the ground we take a very rigorous approach to our cultivation efforts, which are rooted in science and extremely data-driven,” Merchan tells Impact Wealth. “What separates us from our competitors is the love that we have for the plant, people, and land. There’s a misconception that cannabis operators are solely focused on overcoming regulation. The entire process begins with the genetics as well as the soil from which the cannabis is grown.”
The flora doesn’t grow itself, though, and Colombian green thumbs have a leg up. Home to one the world’s largest cut-flower industries, the labor force has substantial agricultural knowledge and is able to produce a high-quality cannabis product at an extremely low-cost. “This incredibly experienced and talented team that we’ve built will ensure our success from the ground up,” added Merchan. Flora also has a home court advantage that ups the abilities of its production activities. Located near the equator, select regions of Colombia have the ideal climate for the cultivation of cannabis. Receiving 12.5 hours of natural sunlight 365 days a year, natural onsite water springs, mountain cover to protect against unwanted pollenization, and the all-outdoor organic acreage, this fortuitous combination cannot be found anywhere else in the world.
In tandem with the government changes, Colombia now becomes a major player in the international cannabis market. So much so that the international competition looks pretty faint in Flora’s rear-view, because the company’s high-quality product comes in well below North American prices. Cosechemos, Flora’s Colombian cultivation property, has maximized this cultivation potential by achieving a production cost below $0.06 per gram of dried flower; this figure represents a 60% lower production cost than its closest domestic competitor, and a fraction of what North American cannabis cultivators have acknowledged as their all-in cost - typically well in excess of $1 per gram of dried flower.

New data from Prohibition Partners shows a huge increase in cannabis exports from Canada in 2020, as well as a changing network of countries that are importing from established producers in Canada. Customs data provides a measure of the value of shipments, defined by ‘values declared on export documents which usually reflect the transaction value’. As these values are left largely to the discretion of the exporter, they are not as precise a measure as the weight quantities. The total customs value of medical cannabis exports in Canada in 2020 was US$43 million, which is a considerable 229% increase compared to 2019. Most (83%) of this value originates from dried cannabis flower sales, though more oil sales likely occurred outside of these figures due to inconsistent reporting by exporters. Given that pundits are predicting a $64 billion global market by 2024 and the inherent strategic advantages that Colombian producers have, there is significant upside for them to fill that gap in a significant segment of the global market that was previously inaccessible. When asked about the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on global cannabis companies, Merchan said he believes those that have been able to become more efficient with spend and more cautious with maximizing their infrastructure will be the ones to succeed. “Companies that have been focusing on delivering revenues and improving their fundamentals are the ones that are going to survive long-term,” he said. The CEO said Flora Growth established very strict health and safety protocols across cultivation, laboratories, and offices to ensure the company keeps its employees, partners, and consumers safe and healthy.
Back inside their own borders, a key impediment has been removed on the local level. Cannabis production will no longer face the legislative limits of previous cannabis marketing restrictions. Flora will be able to increase awareness across its portfolio of products, and its vast network of 1,500+ distribution points within Colombia should see a significant boost.
The legislative advantages don’t end there either. The sale and distribution of psychoactive (high-THC) dried cannabis flower now falls under the legal umbrella, which accounts for over 50% of international sales demand. Thus, Colombian cultivators like Flora have now gained access to this massive segment of the global market that was previously inaccessible.
Therefore, as an immediate impact, Flora rapidly executed a Letter of Intent (“LOI”) with an international medical cannabis company with operations in Portugal and Malta and supply agreements in the EU to supply its dried flower and derivatives. The company expects to ship its premium cannabis products upon completion of its first commercial harvest and the acquisition of necessary import licenses.
Of course, the worldwide interest and medicinally proven benefits of cannabis are also covered in the legal shift. In turn, Flora is again positioned to establish another foothold in a crucial consumer segment both within Colombia and abroad.
Custom formulas are pharmaceutical products prescribed and prepared by pharmacists to meet the unique needs of patients. Intended to complement medical prescriptions, Flora is way ahead of the game and holds licenses to produce these unique products for mass consumption through its Flora Lab division. “We’re also very pleased to now be able to bring new and existing wellness products to market. We have a loyal and passionate following and are very eager to meet the demand that we have long been receiving,” said Merchan. Already having existing relationships with drugstore chains throughout Colombia will allow Flora to maximize this opportunity.
In order to rapidly take advantage of that new category, Flora formed a joint venture with Canadian based Avaria Inc, the manufacturer and owner of KaLaya – an award-winning pain cream distributed nation-wide across Canada. Flora will be responsible for managing the registration, sales, and distribution of KaLaya products in Colombia, Mexico, and other LATAM countries, while Avaria will supply finished products. Further, Flora Lab will work to produce KaLaya’s CBD-infused products using cannabis from Flora’s cultivation facility. These products are expected to be distributed across LATAM using Flora Lab’s established distribution channels, with the aim of exporting to the U.S. market, where Avaria is currently launching the KaLaya brand.
Flora also recently announced an international sales agreement to enter the Australian medical cannabis and over-the-counter cannabidiol (CBD) market importantly coincides with the Australian government’s downgrade of CBD from Schedule 4 to Schedule 3 and clears the way for consumers to purchase CBD products over-the-counter.
The forecast is more than promising. The Australian medical cannabis market is expected to surpass AU$200 million in 2021

and notes strong patient growth metrics by a factor of 15 times over the past two years, according to the data firm FreshLeaf Analytics. Even more promising, Prohibition Partners, estimates that the Australian medical cannabis market could reach US$1.5 billion by 2025.
However, the jump off down under already goes beyond a simple sales agreement. Flora has signed a Letter of Intent (“LOI”) with Evergreen Pharmacare Pty Ltd - a licensed Australian importer and distributor of medical cannabis products. Born out of a necessity for its patients to have quicker access to premium, affordable, AUGMP-certified medication, Evergreen has the roots required to success, and Flora can’t wait to help escalate its growth spurt. “The agreement with Evergreen will allow us to establish a local partner in Australia, while generating incremental revenue from our Colombian cannabis facility as legislation evolves within Australia,” said Jason Warnock, Chief Revenue Officer of Flora Growth. “This agreement also provides significant potential upside by allowing us to work with Australian regulators directly and bring our premium brands and established product formulations to the over-the-counter CBD market. Down-scheduling CBD fits well with Flora's long term consumer product strategy of providing proven cannabinoid wellness and beauty products to consumers around the world and we are excited to work with our partners on this new opportunity.”
Well entrenched, Evergreen works closely with qualified healthcare practitioners - who are primarily physicians and pharmacists - to provide medical cannabis products to patients, while educating them about the authorization and use of medical cannabis. All that awaits the transpacific collaboration is the commercial harvest and first shipment of medical-grade cannabis products by Flora, and Warnock sees nothing but success. Running the other way, the feeling is mutual. “We are absolutely thrilled to enter into this agreement with Flora and to provide Australian cannabis patients with access to premium medical-grade cannabis products at a more affordable price point than ever before due to Flora’s strategic low-cost cultivation and processing operations, as well as their global logistics expertise,” said Tristan Hyodo, Chairman of Evergreen.
That said, Flora Growth isn’t stuck in a southeastern corner of the Earth when it comes to CBD. Another Letter of Intent from a South African firm called Kiricann was signed which brings more opportunities into the fold. With operations in South Africa and distribution agreements in Germany and the EU, Kiricann imports and distributes medical CBD products, while working with patients and numerous wellness practitioners to educate about the authorization and benefits of medical cannabis.

The global cannabis market is turning from one of pure speculation to one underpinned by solid fundamentals and real investment opportunities. Consistent revenue growth, high-margin products, and growing brand recognition are strong indicators of potential future success in any almost sector. Combine these attributes with the burgeoning Colombian cannabis market and operators that have a history of executing – like the Flora Growth management team - and it might just deliver some eye-popping results; move over Canada, because Flora is built to grow!
During the second half of the year, the Flora team will be working hard to leverage its existing product portfolio and distribution channels to quickly deliver its cannabis products to Colombians and international partners, especially the new products that it’s now permitted to manufacture and sell as a result of the cannabis legislative changes within Colombia. “Over the coming weeks, we’ll be working hard to ramp up activities at our Cosechemos facility and Flora Lab, completing more revenue-generating sales and distribution agreements, research and development projects to produce innovative cannabis products, and additional activity regarding strategic investment and partnerships,” said Merchan.
Earlier this year, Fortune Business Insights noted that it foresees the global cannabis market reaching $97.35 billion by 2026 with 32.9% compound annual growth. Certainly, the legal cannabis market appears destined for impressive growth, which breeds bullishness in major players throughout the world.
Once the final regulatory hurdles are cleared, Flora will serve as a pipeline connecting the emerging US, EU, Australian, and Latin American markets. “We choose where and with whom we do business very carefully,” explains Luis. “In addition to our Latin American infrastructure, we have partnered or are in discussions with several major U.S. distributors and retailers and are in the process of moving our headquarters to Miami.”
North or south, east or west, none of that matters as much as the pride, commitment, and care that will allow Flora Growth to reach the world with its premium cannabis products and dynamic brands.

ele G an C e

Photographer: Charles L. Barnes - @charles.l.barnes – charlie@cbarnesphotography.com
Producer: Melissa Rodwell - @breedfix – melissa@melissarodwell.com
model: Alena Frolova - @alena_frolova - frolova19950710@gmail.com
Agency: @officialmodelsny
Fashion Director & Stylist: Tanya Tauthong-Kass – @tanyatauthongkass - tanya.tauthong@gmail.com
Assistant Stylist: Jessica Zakowski - @jesszakowski/ - jesszakowski@optonline.net
Intern Stylist: Madison Pine - @maddypine - maddypine160@gmail.com
muA: Alex T - @alextbeauty - alextbeauty@gmail.com
Hair Stylist: Niko Weddle - @nikoweddle - nikoweddle@gmail.com
manicurist: Rachel Shim - @rachelshimnails - rachelshimnails@gmail.com
Agency: @fordartists
Digitech: Tyler Mitchell - @tylermitchellphotography - tyler@tylermitchell.photography
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GloBal Citizen ProGrammes
Beyond the hype; the practicalities and pleasures of living abroad as a digital nomad
By Candice Beaumont
Gertrude Stein, James Joyce and Ernest Hemingway made it fashionable to live and work abroad when they moved to France in the early part of the 20th century.
Decades later, Madonna moved to the UK. Shania Twain chose Switzerland. Sting purchased properties in Italy and various locations in the UK and the US. In the Caribbean, Sean Connery made Lyford Cay in the Bahamas his home, Richard Branson carried his brand to the British Virgin Islands and Iggy Pop spends a lot of time in the Cayman Islands.
These celebrities are known for their international property acquisitions and whilst not ordinarily named as such, they serve as examples of global citizens – people who move from the country of their birth and choose to live and work in another jurisdiction. Perhaps once considered an option only for the global elite, this lifestyle is now available to anyone with a laptop and the skills to work or maintain their assets remotely, earning these individuals the moniker digital nomads.
Their way of life evokes images of glamour and wanderlust, but beyond the Instagram moments and what appears to be an escape from the daily grind to which most others only aspire, there is the practicalities of becoming resident in the chosen locale(s). As global citizen programmes increase in popularity the considerations for earning residency, whether temporary or permanent, become more complex. So before buying a OneSimCard, installing Google Translator or engaging an estate agent to buy or lease a property abroad, it’s important to understand the criteria most countries require applicants to meet for global citizenship.

At the outset of this journey, digital nomads need to decide how and where they want to live, and determine if temporary residency is even permitted. The concept is still relatively new and can take time to identify a suitable option. Once a jurisdiction is chosen, the application process begins.
First, there is the letter requesting the “source of funds” from the applicant’s bank. At the base of any residency programme is the necessity for the applicant to prove they are able to maintain themselves/their family financially without becoming a burden to their host country. With know-your-client and anti-money-laundering legislation becoming increasingly complex, this innocuous document has become a pain-point for many applicants – stating “salary” and “investments” or “trust fund” is simply not enough. Applicants are expected to provide in-depth descriptions of their financial situation and provide notarized copies of financial statements.
Secondly, a utility bill no more than three months old is requested in most jurisdictions. On the surface, it’s a simple request, but delays in processing applications often lead to submitting a new utility bill – and hence another delay. Patience becomes critical at this stage.

Police clearance records are another consistent requirement and depending on the jurisdiction, it may be requested from a municipal or federal entity. Some residency programmes will require clearance records dating back at least a decade, which results in additional administrative time for the applicant.
Employment letters and health record checks are also necessary parts of the application process – something that Stein, Joyce and Hemingway likely didn’t need to be bothered with a century ago but even the most wellheeled applicant does now. Health insurance is typically mandatory as well and can sometimes prove problematic in finding an international plan which is accepted locally.
Perhaps one of the biggest hurdles is opening a bank account abroad, particularly if residency is intended to be temporary, as is the case with global citizen programmes. Local bank accounts prove convenient for paying utility bills and avoiding currency exchange rates but the process to open one may be daunting.
Finally, consideration needs to be given to the other members of the household – children, sometimes elderly parents and pets. Immigration authorities will typically require proof of school enrollment prior to approving applications and almost always manage to make importing a pet a complex process.
Relocation also requires finding a residence prior to the move, which is rarely an easy process to conduct across the miles. Pre COVID, a mini vacation often made the search a straightforward process but travel restrictions, quarantine requirements and shelter in place guidelines have made viewing properties a challenge for recent digital nomads.
THe PLeAsuRes
“No pain, no gain.” That adage could not be truer than with a global citizen or other permanent residency programme, for once the paperwork process is complete, the desired lifestyle awaits! Being immersed in a new culture, a new landscape, and a new climate stimulates the senses. Adventure and learning await, as well as opportunities for personal growth. Most global citizens report the delights of the hybrid tourist/resident experience – every day brings discovery of new places and people and yet the security of having a home base takes away the often frenetic tendency of tourists to “see and do” as opposed to true immersion in a community.
Global citizenship means working from home, so digital nomads can escape commuting to work, donning corporate attire, long days in offices and often decreased productivity.
Global citizenship also gives you a chance to road test a new lifestyle choice before taking the plunge and investing in a more permanent home overseas. Whether you are thinking of investing in a vacation home, or making a more permanent move, global citizen programmes allow you to “test before you buy” a jurisdiction. The Cayman Islands Global Citizen Programme was launched during 2020 to offer a safe, care-free time in paradise to those who were able to work remotely during the COVID-19 crisis. Cayman has very successfully welcomed international guests who are looking for a change of scenery in an environment that has had no community spread of COVID since July 2020. At the same time participants can remain connected, inspired and professionally productive as they live and work remotely in the Cayman Islands for a period of up to two years.
The requirements to apply for Cayman’s programme are straightforward and include:
• Provide proof of employment and / or income from an organisation outside the
Cayman Islands – applicant must evidence a minimum annual income of US $100,000 ($180,000 with multiple dependents)
• Provide proof of legal existence of employer / company
• Provide a bank reference, proof of identity and police clearance certificate from home country
• Proof of health insurance for first 30 days, after which time local health insurance must be obtained
Cayman has a variety of beautiful accommodations available for long term lease and stateof-the-art workspace offerings. Additionally, the Islands are home to an array of superlative recreational and cultural activities, wellness facilities and a culinary scene that is secondto-none. Telecommunications services are the best in the Caribbean, there are four hospitals and a ratio of 4.5 doctors/1,000 residents and excellent private schools offering British and American curriculum. A low crime rate, a multicultural community representing 135 nationalities and a tropical year-round climate make island living a wonderful experience.
For those searching for the perfect work-life balance, there is no better place to be than Cayman.
The relocation specialists at Dart’s real estate brokerage – Provenance Properties, the official Christie’s International Real Estate affiliate in the Cayman Islands - are well-placed to assist you in finding your home or office on the beach in the Cayman Islands. For more information please email relocate@dart.ky.
How the Zero-G Experience Is Mainstreaming sPaCe tourism
By Davis richardson

The media narrative is that only billionaires can experience space.
Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson recently became some of the first private citizens to orbit space’s outer edge in their company planes. But these types of experiences will become more affordable to everyday people as the industry develops, according to executives on the cutting edge of this emerging sector.
“All of the attention right now is on Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson. But there are more affordable alternatives to experiencing weightlessness and space conditions without building multi-billion dollar companies,” zero Gravity Corporation’s CEO Matt Gohd tells Impact Wealth.
Founded by veteran astronaut Dr. Byron K Lichtenberg and NASA engineer Ray Cronise, zero Gravity Corporation takes passengers on parabolic flights mirroring the conditions in space. A trip aboard GForce One runs $7,500. We serve breakfast ahead of liftoff, and regravitate post landing with a champagne toast. Once on the flight, passengers experience weightlessness as the pilots fly acrobatic movements called “parabolas.” Unlike simulated experiences, everyone onboard the aircraft experiences true weightlessness and zero gravity conditions. “Our clients are not just the ultra wealthy,” continues Gohd. “They’re families experiencing adventure tourism for the first time. We’ve also worked with leading research scientists and entertainment networks such as National Geographic and Discovery Channel.”
As the first mover in offering the general public these experiences, zero-G became the first commercial company to gain permission from the Kennedy Space Center to use their shuttle runway and landing facilities to operate its flights. Stephen Hawking, Martha Stewart, and Buzz Aldrin are just a few distinguished passengers who have boarded zero-G’s G-Force-One plane, a modified Boeing 727-200 built with the same precision as NASA grade vehicles.
While zero-G has thrived over the past decade, Gohd anticipates an increase in demand as pioneers like Bezos and Branson continue bringing renewed interest to the final frontier.
“If someone is going to space for the first time, they’re going to need to know how it feels before boarding a spaceship,” quips the CEO.

lamBorGhini urus
A Statement of a Life Well Lived
what is the lamborghini urus really about? is it just a cynical attempt by lamborghini to jump on the suv bandwagon? Can we expect the all-electric urus next week to compete with the Jaguar i-Pace and audi e-tron? in fact, the urus is an suv that’s perfectly in-line with lamborghini’s broader and historic mission, to provide the most luxurious, fantastic street cars anywhere on the market.
By Kyle edward

In the beginning, there was Ferrari, and Lamborghini came later to the party. The entire philosophy behind the charging bull was to create unbelievable luxury cars not primarily for the racetrack, which is where Ferrari’s DNA has always been, but for the road. The Urus is an athletic luxury SUV, but it is built mainly for the streets, not for the track.
So, what is Urus, then? If it’s not a racing SUV, then what does it mean to own an Urus? Who would want this luxury SUV in a market awash with more high-end SUVs and crossovers than you could shake a stick at?
uRus: BuiLT foR A suCCessfuL Life
To own any Lamborghini is a statement of great status, wealth and financial success, but the Urus holds a special place. Lamborghini’s supercars like the Huracan and the Aventador speak to a certain personality and lifestyle. These are the cars that roll up to the casinos in Monte Carlo; to the exclusive New York night spots; to the millionaires’ yacht club in Hong Kong --- you get the idea.
The Urus is built for more than that. It’s not just some fancy prop to be seen in. It’s a car for real life; a life well lived. First, with the options for a 3-person back seating row and 22 cubic feet of cargo space, this is actually a pretty serious family car. It’s more expensive than a Ford Galaxy, but it’s ready for that kind of lifestyle. Second, the Urus is also built for adventure. With a 4.0L twin-turbo V8 engine producing 627lb-ft of torque at just 2250 rpm means this is a car that can handle just about anything; including a 0-60 time of 3.1 seconds, making it one of the fastest SUVs in the world.
Being in a pricey luxury SUV doesn’t and shouldn’t restrict you from where you want to go, so the Urus speaks to a whole new set of lifestyles that other Lamborghini models don’t. The Huracan is for show, but the Urus is for life.
uRus: ReAL LuxuRY iN AWD
Unlike the more cramped driver-oriented racing cockpits of brands like Ferrari, the Urus is built to deliver a singular experience in luxury and style. The front sport seats are crafted for maximum comfort with heating, ventilation and optional massage. The controls in the center stack are positioned in a slanting easy-to-reach format --- those that aren’t already mounted on the wheel, that is --- and the Urus owner can customize the rear of the car with either two bucket seats or a 3-seat bench. Everything digital comes with sharp, flawless graphics and audio played through the optional Bang & Olufsen sound system speaks to a car made for enjoyment and not simply driving fast --- though the Urus can do plenty of that, too.
What Lamborghini has created is perhaps a pinnacle in SUV engineering. It’s the standard to which now other companies contemplating SUV models --- including Ferrari --- are now looking. All-wheel-drive luxury really never drove so well.
merCeDes amG Gle63 s
Monstrous V8 Power
Both broader aspects like the optimized lateral support in the front seats with available heating and ventilation, and smaller details like calming 64-color adjustable ambient lighting, and even available amG-exclusive fragrances, all contribute to an atmosphere of extraordinary comfort and pleasure.
By Kyle edward

V8 engines tend to be synonymous with awesome power, but 603-hp and 627 lb-ft of torque in a luxury SUV? Yes, please. The GLE63 S Coupe features a 4.0L twin-turbo V8 which can storm from 0 to 60 in just 3.4 seconds, rivalling many supercars. It has a price tag to match, too, starting at $117,050. The powertrain is paired with a 9-speed automatic transmission and an AWD drivetrain comes as standard, riding on gorgeous 22-inch AMG wheels.
It’s not just the speed that amazes, but the amazing deep throaty sound you get from the V8 exhaust. That’s a melodic note to the ear of a true gearhead who is awed by raw engine power and performance. This GLE63 S Coupe also features an addition to its V8 engine in the form of the EQ Boost starter-generator, the benefits of which we’ll cover below. HigH-PeRfoRMANCe WiTH MAxiMuM CoMfoRT

On the road and despite its size, the GLE63 S takes corners much more like a sports sedan. This driving dynamic is achieved by the limited-slip rear differential which is included as a standard feature. The AWD also seems to favor the rear axle too since it appears that no more than half the torque ever makes it to the front wheels.
Another key performance enhancer is the EQ Boost starter-generator, brilliantly bringing together the starter motor and the alternator into a single electric motor. It helps to add 21-hp and 184 lb-ft of torque for you to call on when you need quick responsive acceleration. It also helps with efficiency when you’re rolling around town.
We had great fun throwing the GLE63 S Coupe around corners in its “Race” drive mode, but we did find one minor flaw when, on occasion, we found the shifting pattern on the 9-speed automatic a little less than “Race” mode worthy. In “Race” mode, it should hold the revs higher even when you’re not throwing down the gas pedal and heavy into the brakes. It’s definitely a small issue, however, since you can easily activate the manual mode and do your own shifts with the wheelmounted paddle shifters. The transmission will get aggressive in “Race” mode, but you need to be driving very aggressively to activate it.
We make it sound a lot like a sports car, but the inside is actually just as comfortable and resplendent in opulence as you’d expect a Mercedes-AMG vehicle to be. Every inch of material from the aluminum paddle shifters, to the exclusive and sumptuous Nappa leather seats with “AMG” badging, brushed stainless steel and soft-touch comfortable leather steering wheel and beyond, is oozing the Mercedes-AMG signature of decadence. Both broader aspects like the optimized lateral support in the front seats with available heating and ventilation, and smaller details like calming 64-color adjustable ambient lighting, and even available AMG-exclusive fragrances, all contribute to an atmosphere of extraordinary comfort and pleasure.

geT ABoARD THe sPACesHiP – iT’s CusToMizABLe!
Besides the luxury and comfort on the inside, we are still talking about a highperformance vehicle, so expect to find a spaceship-like amount of technology, custom controls and other features. Start by choosing your preferred drive mode: Comfort, Sport, Sport+, Individual, RACE, Trail, and Sand. Not many other SUVs like this give you so much scope to customize your drive.
On top of the drive modes, you get premium interior tech features, including a Burmester sound system, wireless phone charging, and two flawless 12.3” digital displays, the first as your instrument cluster and the second as the central infotainment display. The system is intuitive, futuristic and cuttingedge. Apple CarPlay and Android Auto are also standard for those wanting to maintain connection with their smartphone.
VeRDiCT: AN iNesCAPABLe AND iRResisTiBLe fACT of LuxuRY Life
The only real criticism you might lay at the wheels of the Mercedes-AMG GLE63 S Coupe is that it’s not exactly the most “practical” SUV out there, but that’s really it. Other issues are so minor and subjective, they’re barely worth mentioning. It combines incredible performance with decadent luxury, and while it comes with a high price tag, it’s the perfect way to tell everyone around you, “Here I am!”

Landspeed Collection
the prestigious rolls-royce brand is all about celebrating heritage and tradition while at the same time embracing the newest and most cutting-edge automotive technology and integrating it into that timeless classic build. rollsroyce is coming out with a new collection of wraith and Dawn Black Badge models that they are referring to simply as the “landspeed Collection.” this collection is built to commemorate and celebrate the achievements of British engineer Captain George eyston in his land speed record-breaking vehicle thunderbolt, which was originally powered by 2 rolls-royce r v12 engines.
By Kyle edward

Starting on the inside, the interior design is meant to help drivers and passengers think of the place where Eyston made many of his greatest achievements, the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. It was there in 1937-1938 that Eyston pursued his most famous land speed records. As you might expect from a RollsRoyce, the key to the story is in the details of the new Landspeed Collection build.
First, the interior fascia reflects the location, engraved to reflect the unique texture of the salt flats. Second there’s the steering wheel, the detail on which is showing a depiction of the dark track-line that was left on the surface of the salt flats for each of Eyston’s key runs to break the land speed record. His car, Thunderbolt, was so heavy and so fast that it was incredibly difficult to keep straight and safe when dealing with speeds of 350+mph. To that end, they painted the black lines on the salt flats to help Eyston keep Thunderbolt in line. That track line in the Landspeed Collection goes from the steering wheel and runs continuously up the centerline of the driver’s seat.
Looking at the front tunnel, you’ll see laser engravings of the three record speeds that Eyston’s car Thunderbolt achieved during its time on the salt flats, along with silhouettes of the vehicle, now lost to the ages, of course. Next, on the driver’s door there are subtle inclusions of color detail that you might ignore at first as simply an aesthetic choice. In fact, these colors also have a meaning since they are the colors of the ribbons that Eyston received as honors during his life. Finally, lifting up your head to regard the Starlight Headliner, you might wonder what makes it so special since other Rolls-Royce models have this feature. Or do they? The Landspeed Collection is not simply an arbitrary set of stars, but specifically the stars of the night sky on September 16, 1938, the day on which Eyston set his third and most lasting land speed record of 357.497-mph.
A LiMiTeD eDiTioN BuiLT foR A LegeND
Anyone interested in getting their hands on one of these Rolls-Royce Landspeed Collection models may be somewhat disappointed to know that production is not just limited, but those models that have been designated for production have already been allocated to customers. Rolls-Royce are limiting production to just 25 in the Dawn Black Badge form, and 35 in the Wraith Black Badge form.
But even if you can’t share in the ownership of these cars, the attention to detail throughout the entire build is something to admire greatly. Above we mentioned several of the interior detailing points, but it doesn’t stop at those examples. In truth, every inch of the Landspeed Collection cars acts as a tribute to Eyston and his lifetime achievements.
When you look at the bumper inserts on both the Wraith and the Dawn models, you may notice bright yellow accents. An aesthetic design choice? In fact, these inserts are there to reflect the story of Thunderbolt and how the vehicle was at first left unpainted. Why paint it, right? This wasn’t a show model. In fact, the lack of paint proved a serious problem when it came to getting accurate timing of the land speed attempts. The photo-electric timing devices were unable to properly pick up the polished aluminum body as it ran against the pristine white surface of the salt flats.
The solution? Eyston created a delightfully elegant and straightforward answer, which was to paint Thunderbolt with a huge black arrow with a yellow circle. That explains the origin of the yellow and black bumper inserts, as well as the special design of the interior analog clock. The clock features yellow and black details, including black-tipped hands inspired by that huge black arrow on the exterior.

A fiTTiNg TRiBuTe
With subtle but stylish interior and exterior detailing, the Rolls-Royce Landspeed Collection serves not just as another great set of cars added to the legacy of this luxury car brand, but also a fitting tribute to a great man who took Rolls-Royce engineering prowess to new heights through the employment of their engines in that legendary car, Thunderbolt.
You are likely not one of the lucky few allocated one of these beautiful cars, but at least there is still plenty of Rolls-Royce beauty to go around.
how to FinD & hire
the Right Domestic Professionals in the Middle of a Pandemic
hiring the right domestic professionals for your home to manage your personal and household affairs can be a daunting task, especially in the wake of a pandemic. From referrals and background checks to personality fit within the household, finding good, qualified help is sometimes best left for the professionals, such as aleksandra Kardwell who runs hamptons employment agency, an award-winning domestic staffing firm that serves the Greater new York area, new england, California, Florida, and beyond. with offices in new York City, southampton, Boston, and Boca raton, hea provides a full range of professional-quality domestic help, such as managers, housekeepers, couples, chefs, chauffeurs, and other household staff members to meet the individual needs of its client base, which, includes low-key private families, as well as high-profile Ceos, government officials, hollywood actors, and more.
By aleksandra Kardwell

How has the pandemic affected your business this year?
2021 has been an extremely busy year for us. Competition for good domestic professionals continues to be intense, and salaries—particularly for workers in the Hamptons—have gone up substantially. For example, the going rate for regular housekeepers (not housekeeper/ nannies or housekeeper/cooks) a year or so ago was in the $25-$35 per hour range. For summer 2021, many employers are paying their housekeepers $35 per hour, and some employers are even paying $40-$45 per hour.
Most professionals have been working remotely since the beginning of the pandemic. How is this situation playing out with regard to household staff? Many domestic professionals, such as chefs, housemen, and housekeepers, need to be physically at their employers’ residences to complete their daily duties. During the height of the pandemic, before vaccinations were widely available, we saw employers requiring their staff to remain on the property, even during days off. Also, employers required workers to wear masks all of the time when working at the property. Even now, after their employees get vaccinated, some households are still requesting that staff wear masks.
In the case of managers and personal assistants, over the past several months, we’ve seen employers allowing their staff to do a combination of on-premise and remote work. So, many house managers and assistants have been working from home a good percentage of the time.
Recently, a growing number of large corporations announced vaccine mandates. Are you seeing this trend among household employers?
Absolutely. Virtually all the employers who contact us require that anyone who works for them be vaccinated. And, of course, this makes total sense. After all, domestic professionals work in their employers’ homes and, in the case of nannies and aides, with children and the sick or elderly.
I also would like to mention that, while we’ve seen a tiny percentage of domestic workers push back on vaccines, the vast majority realize they must have received their shots to be employable. In fact, we’re seeing that domestic workers want to be vaccinated for their own protection. Domestics often need to be in close contact with not only their employers and the employers’ family members, but also the employers’ family, friends, and associates.
As the country recovers from Covid, how do you see this affecting the market for domestic staff during the last few months of 2021?
I think the demand for domestic professionals will remain particularly strong for the foreseeable future. It looks like many employers will continue to work remotely at least some of the time, and this will translate to high demand for help at home—housekeepers, caretakers, nannies, and other domestics. Lots of people have decided to live in The Hamptons year-round or to live in the area more of the time. The demand for second homes in The Hamptons has been strong.
Locally, these factors translate into a greater need for domestic staff. Employers should be aware of the fact that good domestic professionals now often have many job opportunities available to them and that the going rate for workers is generally higher than it was before the pandemic.
Are you seeing household employer concerns around the delta variant?
Based on what we’re hearing, the vast majority of our clients and their family members have been vaccinated. So, most of the household employers we work with have that core protection. Also, as mentioned, employers are requiring that their staff be vaccinated. These two factors together create significant protection against serious illness for employers. Still, while most of our clients don’t seem particularly concerned about the delta variant, some clients with younger, unvaccinated children have expressed concern.

What advice would you give to domestic employers looking to secure staff this fall?
There are a couple of things that I would recommend to household employers. If you have good staff in place, you’re in a great position, and you want to stay there. Make sure you treat your employees extra well, keep them happy, and compensate them appropriately. As mentioned, demand for domestic professionals is very high right now. Good workers can easily transition to high-paying jobs—and sometimes positions that also have favorable work schedules.
If, on the other hand, you are looking to hire someone, be ready to act quickly when you find a strong candidate. Good workers are not staying on the market long these days, as many are receiving multiple job offers. You should also be ready to offer market-competitive compensation, which can sometimes be 10-25% higher than the 2019-2020 levels.
la vie en roses
when you think of rose wine often images of the rolling hills of the south of France come to mind as well as beach clubs in st tropez, and yacht parties in the aegean sea. But enjoying rose isn’t just a summer pastime it can be enjoyed year round to bring you back to the blissful and easy summer season. here is a round up of our favorite summer rose wines.
By hillary latos
The house of Mirabeau was founded in 2019 by a couple from London, Stephen and Jeany, who decided to leave the bustle of the city and create a winery in the historic village of La Garde-Freinet located between Provence and the Gulf of St Tropez. Seduced by the idyllic countryside and glamour of the French Riviera, this was paradise on earth. They set out to create a collection of world class rose wines comprised of grenache, cinsault, and rolle grown on their 20 hectare estate, and also employ regenerative farming to cultivate the land. The result is a range of refreshing dry pink wines that partner well with a vast array of foods. The gastronomic Etoile Provence Rose is the star of their collection with a 94 point award from Wine & Spirits Magazine, which embodies a perfect balance of minerality and acidity with citrus top notes.
Altaneve presents a beautifully refined premium dry prosecco from the Valdobbiadene region that is perfect for an aperitivo or celebratory occasion. Awarded the highest D.O.C.G. certification, this small production wine is composed of 100% Glera grapes from a small town in the foothills of the Italian Dolomite Mountains. The flavor profile is delicately balanced with elegant floral and fruity notes and a balanced acidity. The Altaneve sparkling rose is an exclusive blend of 70% pinot noir grapes from the Oltrepo Pavese region in the hills of northwestern Italy and 30% glera grapes from the Valdobbiadene region in Northeastern Italy. The unique blend combines the minerality of the pinot noir grape with the more delicated and softer flavors of the glera grape to create a dry and elegant sparkling rose wine. CoTe Des Roses

Roses are synonymous with summer but truthfully they can be enjoyed year round. Housed in a beautiful bottle with a rose shaped bottom, Gerard Bertrand’s Cote des Roses celebrates the Art of Mediterranean Living. Harvested from the Languedoc region of France, their signature Cote des Roses series includes a crisp Chardonnay with subtle hints of minerality, light Sauvignon Blanc, a dry rose which they are best known for, and also a medium bodied 2018 Pinot Noir. Crafted in the South of France, the warm and windy climate is ideal for ripening the grapes at the right time with high temperatures cooled by warm breezes coupled with an arid limestone soil protected with gravel brought by the rivers and streams of the Languedoc.

sheila B. DrisColl
Wants to Take Care of the World and Inspire Women to Show the Way
Dame sheila B. Driscoll’s family story dates back most prominently to the mid 19th century when her great grandfather Jeremiah Driscoll struck gold as a 49er. the windfall in hand, he went on to found Driscoll’s - a fresh strawberry seller farm/business that endures today. Four generations later, sheila Driscoll has left her own mark on Jeremiah’s legacy and takes pride in establishing a long history of business success in her own right. But the lifelong Californian also considers success a function of giving back, and as part of the sheila B. Driscoll Foundation, her latest initiative comes right out of the headlines.
By rich monetti
“It really started out of the #Metoo movement, because I was seeing that there were very resilient screenwriters and women in film and in television. But they were having to confront these kinds of oppressive barriers. They had no mentors, and they had no one to guide them through the labyrinth of Hollywood,” asserted Driscoll.
A potentially treacherous and very dangerous minefield, the entrenched powers are in a prime position to lay all kinds of traps, while the novice often has no idea of the peril. “So generally it's just a breeding ground for young women to be taken advantage,” lamented Driscoll, “and if you're a newbie and not acquainted with that kind of environment, it can be very disconcerting.”
In response, with her many industry contacts who have been there, done that and have the scars, women can hopefully circumvent the old boy Hollywood ways. The goal is that the foundation can encourage more women into the media and entertainment industry, and in putting them in front of the right people, their creativity can get out of the starting blocks. “If you come out of film school, and you go to any part of the entertainment industry, they just think all you need is a script, a budget, and an actor attached, and you're done,” said the global philanthropist. “It doesn't work that way. There is a lot of groundwork that needs to be covered before you even approach anyone with the script, much less a request for film financing.”
Still, optimizing opportunities means focusing efforts on the best resources, and Driscoll sees partnering with Sundance as an appropriate avenue. “Sundance has not only the experience, but a vetting process that identifies the key players,” said Driscoll. “Who are the next directors, who and what is the process of getting filmmakers through their labs, how to train people in all areas of filmmaking, how to screen write and how to do a hundred different things in film and in television from experienced industry professionals.”
As a result, Driscoll knows that granting sums in the neighborhood of $50,000 to $100,000 won’t go to waste. “I think my money would be best used here because these professionals are really in the business of developing raw talent,” said the Monterey Institute of International Studies graduate.
Women and people of color being the demographic she hopes to lift up, her foundation’s initiative also extends to another group that Driscoll holds dear. People of Determination is a phrase she has adopted from the United Arab Emirates and is much more preferable to using disabled to identify a group of people.
More than a simple nod, Driscoll believes that viewing their individual circumstances as a gift goes much further than hanging a negative connotation on someone. “If people would view them in a more positive light and give them opportunities rather than handouts, they would be amazed,” asserted Driscoll.
Of course, she doesn’t mean cordoning off the autistic, the deaf, the blind, and individuals with down syndrome into low-playing, unskilled jobs. ‘I really want a more inclusive
If you come out of film school, and you go to any part of the entertainment industry, they just think all you need is a script, a budget, and an actor attached, and you're done. It doesn't work that way. There is a lot of groundwork that needs to be covered before you even approach anyone with the script, much less a request for film financing.
work environment. I have been speaking with Charlie Hammerman, who's really championed this. He has a disability investment fund that is really working to move people of determination into the workforce. It's a brilliant plan,” beamed Driscoll.
Panning for gold in 1849 wasn’t necessarily a winning plan for everyone, but Jeremiah’s real success was not being satisfied with material gain. A life is what he was after, and the first part had him marrying the love of his life, Johanna Hickey.
Great grandmother in tow, the couple left Shasta and bought a small parcel of land in Watsonville, California. “He just wanted to have some farmland to raise berries and apples,” remembered Driscoll.
Like his great-granddaughter, the patriarch didn’t limit his vision to the dominant players in society and found strength in diversity. “He worked with the Ohlone Indians. They were the coastal tribe at that time,” she said. “They taught him the secrets of growing berries and farming.” The right combination of soil, water, and sun, he found success but stayed small. “So part of our business tenet is start small, fail small, and that's exactly what he did. And so when he realized what he had done would create what he wanted, he bought more land,” said Driscoll.
Ninety-five miles of coastal land eventually amassed, the family continues to adhere to Jeremiah’s formula. “My great grandfather, grandfather and his brothers all realized something extremely important. If you put people's happiness before yours and give them something of value and joy, while giving more value than you charge, you will always have returning customers,” Driscoll implored.
150 years later, Driscoll’s has kept it in the family, and the cohesion is no surprise. “I sat in meetings when I was five years old. I may not have understood anything. But we came together as a family, and we sat at round tables, so no one was in power,” she said. “There was a sense of really sharing the decision-making.”
Therefore, with everyone taking ownership, the sense of entitlement that sinks other family businesses hasn’t happened at Driscoll’s. Thus, this family business is always in position to be passed on when the leadership retires.
On the other hand, the Driscoll’s have always known that the family doesn’t know everything. “We always invested in people that were smarter than we, and that’s our business principle,” said Driscoll, and the mindset allowed the company to be way out in front of what is considered a standard today.

“Driscoll’s went into organic mode long before it went national,” said Driscoll. “So they didn't need pesticides.” The impetus to be ahead of the curve didn’t end there either. Beginning in the 1940s, the company started inviting the best and the brightest to share and grow their technology, and Driscoll’s forward thinking established the world over, Sheila has now been asked to help turn desert in Saudi Arabia to farmland.
Traveling to the region in October to speak at an alternative investment summit, Driscoll is proposing a food institute to address food insecurity and hopes to enlist AgroTech professionals to lend their expertise. “I’d like to have a roster of rotating professors and food scientists,” said Driscoll.
Of course, the institute would keep close to the people - especially women and the people of determination. “This would empower inclusiveness that much more in this part of the world. They could farm and bring their crop to the market in a space where everyone can cultivate and grow as people. It will be a loving environment that fosters the economy for all. One that embraces a sense of higher purpose, the epitome of my family’s legacy,” she said.
An entrepreneur at heart, Sheila has her sights again set on the Middle East - a non-alcoholic beverage for the region,” Driscoll asserted, "This is my baby. This is all mine,” and she has a prototype app that intends to tie to the non-alcoholic beverage sector together.
She’s also not afraid to boldly enter a market where many others have already been. “I'm going to create my own Irish whiskey,” Driscoll said. My Business Marketing Imagineer and I have come up with the “perfect” name. This will be a whiskey you can really sit down and enjoy with your beloved on a quiet, romantic evening or sip on your own.” “A “perfect” ending to the day.”
Thus, a wealth of business knowledge at her disposal to give another venture a go, Driscoll will never turn her back on others who want to make their own way.
“When you get to the top, send the elevator back down,” she fondly quotes Jack Lemmon.
And its mentorship through shared wisdom that really pushes her buttons. “You don't have to create wisdom all over again. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel with these traditions. They're there because they work,” she asserted. “They have to be safeguarded and employed because the next generations will be leading the troops. We need to empower them through mentorship, knowledge, wisdom, best practices and governance.”
The financial rewards are primed to then follow, but putting money first is not a formula Driscoll recommends. “You're constantly chasing after what's not,” she said. “It's very self-defeating.”
Instead, the CEO seeks a certain type of person for her new company, Driscoll Ventures. Enterprising individuals with good hearts who see a higher purpose for commerce and want to put their talents to things that have never been done. Interdisciplinary business creators if you will. “Those are the people that I have closest to me and with whom I want to partner,” said Driscoll.
She still does have a little extra focus on women, though, but that’s not out of the self- interest of her sex. “We’re nurturing, we take care of the world. Let's educate women and let them do what they can do,” she concluded. “They will take care and bring the world back.”

How To Get Your Kids Into Elite Colleges without sCanDals
i am sure you became aware of the college admissions scandal led by ringleader rick singer. mr. singer and a number of wealthy parents are now in jail. while parents do want the best for their kids, there is a fine line between preparing your kids well vs. being grossly unethical.
Jason ma, Ceo and Chief mentor, threeeQ
This year, the Ivy League schools and other elite colleges and universities have reported their lowest admit rates in history. Meanwhile, in reality, many students lucky enough to attend these highly competitive schools are stressed-out or anxiety-ridden. This is exacerbated by the pandemic, which has wreaked havoc across the entire college prep, admissions, and attendance space.
From an elite college’s perspective, booksmart high schoolers with lots of extracurricular activities are a dime a dozen. Unfortunately, the Ivies, Stanford, MIT, and other very elite schools can accept only a small fraction of their highly qualified applicants (e.g., Harvard’s latest freshmen admit rate: under 4%). I have uncomfortably seen some amazing kids—valedictorians with a perfect SAT or ACT score, a 4.0/4.0 unweighted GPA with strong curriculum rigor, lots of extracurricular activities, and many honors/awards—get flatly rejected by a top Ivy or Stanford.
So, just what does it take to get admitted? How to truly prepare well for college and beyond?
Throughout high school, young achievers must learn how to realize their authentic best self, while navigating the complex and often stressful college planning and application process. My perspective is that college should be an integral part of a much longer journey. I encourage my own private client
families to wisely think THROUGH college (with long-term gains), and NOT just AT college (short-sightedness). It is vital to help kids understand both themselves and the world, express their individuality and passions both in writing and in speech, and develop their mindsets and soft skills—early on.
With over 20,000 hours of elite college, leadership, career, and life success coaching, mentoring, writing, speaking, and applied research under my belt, I would say that, besides academic and standardized testing performance, the success ingredients include:
1. Building good habits. Part of my pattern recognition is that truly successful, high-achieving students have built sound habits. They developed not only time management skills and an ability to focus (despite online distractions), but also a few sustained, genuine interests (“passions”) pursued through the bulk of their high school years. They built strong character traits or a skill set that would add value to and help inspire the community of peers and faculty in college and beyond.
2. finding your inner voice. My successful students were coachable and committed, and learned to express themselves effectively. This includes writing cogent college app essays, building good relationships with key people, and garnering outstanding third-party recommendation letters. Of utmost importance, essays and rec letters are key opportunities to communicate a student’s values, attitudes, and goals. They give the applicant a personality and facilitate the admissions staff to choose the students they want.
3. starting early and executing well. These days, applying to ten or more colleges is common. Students end up writing dozens of essays, as well as short takes and detailed college app forms, and engaging in some private school interviews during the college app season. “So stressful” are words I hear often from under-prepared college applicants (especially those who start building their stories and skills late)—while they also attack a heavy senior year course load, AP exams, purposeful activities, and if still not done, the SAT or ACT. To produce authentic, high-quality writings that stand out from the crowd, a student must have life experiences upon which he/she has done deep reflection, emotional maturity, and lots of practice communicating orally and in writing with a helpful support cast.
4. Honing a growth and contribution mindset. The humility to continuously learn and improve is key to a growth mindset. I value integrity, contribution, growth, connection, and a passion for excellence, and help instill these values in my students. I believe in guiding students holistically, strategically, and pragmatically—including the enhancement of their belief system and skills in critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, and leadership—while helping them reflect on their experiences and find their own voice.
I have hacked the secrets to mentoring and coaching achievers for notable success and well-being. Honing students’ pragmatic emotional, social, and leadership intelligence (“3EQ”) is embedded in my own 1:1 mentoring process. I’ve counseled 1-on-1 hundreds of students who were admitted to the 8 Ivy League institutions, Stanford, MIT, Caltech, UChicago, Duke, UC Berkeley, Georgetown, and ALL other top universities and liberal arts colleges. It is heartening to see many are rising in career and in life with joy and compassion as next-gen leaders.
Building a strong character and story takes years. It can’t be conjured up “just in time” during the high school senior year. Learning to think, speak, and write effectively is a slow-cooking process, not popcorn-quick microwaving.
Wisely support your kids to start early, reduce stress, achieve greater success— and learn, work, and live more happily!

Jason Ma
Jason Ma is Founder CEO and Chief Mentor of ThreeEQ, a family-owned, premier education and business advisory firm. He is author of the acclaimed book, Young Leaders 3.0: Stories, Insights, and Tips for Next-Generation Achievers, and is former Forbes contributor on Mentoring Young Leaders for elite college admissions, higher education, leadership, and entrepreneurship success. Jason was a delegate to the Forbes Global CEO Conference for 8 years before Forbes Media was acquired. He is a leading member of the B20, the official G20 dialogue with the global business community, serving on the Employment (Future of Work) and Education Task Force. Known as Chief Mentor of Next-Gen Leaders in Family Office and high-level circles, Jason is also a sought-after speaker. To learn about Jason’s work, visit www.ThreeeQ.com.
DereK Jeter’s turn 2 FounDation

Celebrates 25 Years of Creating Young Leaders
in 1996, during his rookie season with the new York Yankees, Derek Jeter and his father, Dr. Charles Jeter, founded the turn 2 Foundation to motivate young people to turn away from drugs and alcohol and “turn 2” healthy lifestyles. twenty five years later, the turn 2 Foundation has given back more than $30 million and continues to build on that legacy by creating programs designed to foster leadership development, academic excellence, positive behavior and social change for hundreds of young people. as a close knit family, Derek’s sister, sharlee Jeter, is president of the Foundation and prides themselves on the fact that 75% of all money raised goes straight back into their programs and initiatives with only 25% going towards operating costs.
When Derek and his father started the Turn 2 Foundation, their programs were created to reflect who he is as a person, how he’s lived his life, and how important it’s been for him to be a role mode as a person and less of as an athlete. Derek Jeter states, “When we created The Turn 2 Foundation in 1996, my hope was that we’d be able to make a positive impact in young peoples’ lives by motivating them to rise above negative influences and lead healthy lifestyles. Since then, Turn 2 has grown into something truly amazing that has exceeded my dreams when I was a rookie with the Yankees, and I’m so grateful for the support we’ve received over the years. Through our programs, we have been able to help thousands of young people excel both personally and academically, and ultimately recognize and achieve their fullest potential. Witnessing the transformation in the students we serve, and their passion and commitment to creating positive change, is what inspires me every day. As we celebrate 25 years, I’m looking forward to our next chapter. We are focused on strengthening Turn 2’s programs, deepening our impact, and providing more youth across the country with the tools, resources and guidance they need to serve as leaders in their communities and thrive.” – Derek Jeter, founder of The Turn 2 Foundation
Turn 2’s signature initiative is the Jeter’s Leaders program – a four-year leadership development program that fosters academic achievement, positive behavior and social change among high school students in New York City and Kalamazoo, Michigan who serve as ambassadors for Derek in their communities through a highly selective program that admits 40 students in each location. Students begin as freshman and remain in the program throughout all four years of high school and serve as role models in their communities and are involved in programs that promote healthy lifestyles, serve their communities, and further their academic and professional development. Every summer Turn 2 has a leadership conference which brings all of the students together. Over the past 15 years, 100% of students in the program graduated high school and have been accepted into college.
Jeter also recognized that leadership qualities can be fostered and nurtured at an even younger age. Turn 2 Us is an elementary school-based mental health initiative for New York City students, created in partnership with NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in 2001. Their programs teach students mindfulness exercises, anti-bullying education, healthy lifestyles practices that promote mental well-being and academic success, and more.
Additionally, the Derek Jeter Center at Phoenix House in Florida provides critical resources and support to teens struggling with substance abuse. Since its founding in 2008, the Derek Jeter Center has helped thousands of youth overcome struggles with addiction. In 2017, Turn 2 and Phoenix House unveiled a newly renovated Derek Jeter Center, which enabled the facility to double its treatment capacity. Turn 2 also presented a donation of $150,000, surpassing $1 million in contributions from the Foundation to Phoenix House since the center’s inception.
With an impressive track record of creating the next generation of leaders and operating the foundation with minimal operating costs over the last quarter of a century Sharlee Jeter sheds some advice on creating and sustaining a family foundation. “Get a really good team around you. When we first started out, the first thing my dad did was to bring different people on board who were good in different areas to donate their time, like a programming director, accountant, partner development. He just really prided himself on having a lot of strong people that wanted to support what we were doing around us that can help us and realized that we didn't have the answer to everything. Also, my dad always emphasized that we can be audited at any time, and he implemented a yearly audit that we did on our own to ensure everything is being done the proper way which is crucial for running a nonprofit.”
What is it like to work with one of the most successful athletes in the world, who just happens to be your brother? Sharlee muses, “I do love it. It can be difficult at times because you have to separate your personal life from business. It's very difficult because we work not just on our foundation, but also on his businesses as well, but we've always worked together as a family and have always been a very close family. I've learned a lot from the experience. I think that what we were able to do successfully as a family and with me working with him is knowing what our roles were and not overlapping too much, and he trusts me with that job role. He allows me to do my job without trying to change things or to do things. He has a lot of input in what we do, but he trusts that I'm going to do my job well. It hasn’t always been roses but we've worked well together over the years.”
As part of their annual fundraising efforts, on October 6th, The Turn 2 Foundation will celebrate its 25th anniversary during its Annual Dinner at Cipriani Wall Street. The Annual Dinner will raise significant funds to enable Turn 2 to provide more young people with the tools needed to create positive change, serve as leaders in their communities, and pursue healthy, successfully lives. To learn more about the Annual Dinner, please visit www.turn2foundation.org.