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Reg. No.: 2011/011959/07
English First Additional Language
Facilitator’s Guide
Grade 2
Dr N Scheepers
CAPS aligned
Introduction for the facilitator
Impaq’s approach to language teaching in Grade 2
Language is an instrument for thinking and communication. The effective use of language enables learners to think and gain knowledge, be creative, develop their own identity, as well as express their feelings and ideas when interacting with others. Learners’ home language forms an important foundation and becomes the instrument for communication and learning.
Effective language teaching and learning require the development and creation of learning opportunities and interactions that focus on the development of learners’ ability to listen, speak, think, argue, read and write.
This learning programme comprises 20 learning units that stretch over the 40 weeks of the academic year. Each learning unit consists of 10 days spread over two weeks.
Each day offers one or two detailed language sessions on these aspects:
• Listening and speaking,
• Reading and phonics,
• Writing and handwriting.
Listening and speaking
Listening and speaking form an integral part of all other learning areas. Specific sessions are dedicated to focused activities to help develop listening and speaking skills. The listening and speaking activities are designed to improve learners’ vocabulary and language structure. As facilitator, you should use all possible opportunities to have a conversation with your learners. If a learner does not engage in spontaneous conversation, you may start a conversation by asking questions, using picture discussions and/or storytelling.
The listening and speaking activities include conversations about specific topics, picture discussions, introductions to new stories, as well as discussions after each story from the reading series. The Grade 2 First Additional Language programme offers focused listening and speaking sessions, which are often integrated with reading or writing sessions.
The reading sessions offer a variety of language learning opportunities, such as question and answer sessions, sequence of events and evaluating the learners’ reading and listening comprehension. It is important to integrate listening and speaking with the reading sessions.
Reading proficiency is an important component of this programme. The year plan is based on the reading series: Reading is fun, which consists of Phases 2 – 5. Each phase includes five stories. As the year progresses, it is assumed that a learner’s reading proficiency develops, which means that vocabulary and text in the readers become incrementally longer and more challenging.
The programme is developed to promote word recognition and language structure. Learners regularly read high frequency words to improve their reading proficiency. As their reading proficiency improves, time dedicated to high frequency words is reduced. You introduce the learners to sight words to prepare them for the reading lesson and use flash cards from the Facilitator Aid to introduce new words. These flash cards promote word recognition and help to develop their reading proficiency.
The learning programme provides for individual reading, as well as shared reading when you read with them and introduce new words. Learners will know the words by the time they have to read the text. However, there will be sessions during which learners are expected to read unseen texts.
Every learning unit includes a range of phonics activities that alternate between the introduction of new sounds and digraphs, word-building and spelling.
The various phonics sessions are spread over the 20 learning units. Learners are introduced to most of the single sounds and selected digraphs. The focus of the phonics sessions is to develop their phonic and reading abilities. Learners do not draw patterns and complete handwriting exercises. The phonics programme is based on word-building activities, phonic awareness and reading exercises.
Writing activities develop first additional language learners’ ability to write and spell words, and formulate simple sentences. Initially, they copy text and write ‘with’ you. As their writing ability develops, the writing activities will progress into more challenging tasks that require them to write words and sentences.
Materials and Facilitator Aid
Grade 2 learners use pencils for all written activities. These activities are done in a workbook. In addition, learners need a blank book (please use a book with Irish lines and margins) for creative writing, writing exercises and spelling tests.
How to use the facilitator’s guide
Materials and resources and how to use them
The Grade 2 package includes:
1. A facilitator’s guide
2. Workbook
3. Reading is fun, Phases 2 – 5
4. Facilitator Aid:
• Phonics and words for phonics sessions
• Flash cards (Sight words)
5. Assessments (portfolio book and portfolio book memorandum)
You have to buy:
• Pencils for writing activities.
• A blank exercise book with Irish lines and margins
The facilitator’s guide
The facilitator’s guide consists of 20 learning units. Every learning unit is spread over two weeks and consists of 10 days. Every day is divided into one or two language sessions which cover listening and speaking reading and phonics and sight words. Refer to the proposed day programme for the time division of the sessions.
Every session is concluded with two information boxes – “Conceptualisation” and “Resources”. The “Conceptualisation” box provides a short summary of the concepts that are embedded, while the “Resources” box provides a list of items provided and/or required for the session.
Grade 2 ~ English First Additional Language
Two symbols are used in each session:
Indicates what the facilitator must do.
Indicates what the learner must do.
The workbook consists of 57 activities which support reading and writing skills.
Reading series: Reading is fun
Which consists of Phases 2 – 5 and five stories per phase. Flash cards with sight words from the readers are included in the Facilitator Aid.
1. Phonics and words for phonics sessions
Words for the phonic activities are in the Facilitator Aid. The phonic that is introduced, is printed in colour.
2. Flash cards (sight words)
The sight words from the readers are provided in alphabetical order. Use these words in conjunction with the reading lessons in the facilitator’s guide.
Suggested daily programme for Grade 2
Per week: 23 hours
1. Home Language (HL): 8 hours
2. Eerste Addisionele Taal (EAT): 2 hours
3. Mathematics: 7 hours
4. Life Skills (LS): 6 hours
07:50 – 08:05 (15 min.)
08:05 – 09:30 (whole Mathematics period)
(30 min.)
(30 min.)
09:30 – 10:00 (30 min.)
10:00 – 10:20 (20 min.)
10:20 – 10:45 (25 min.)
Listening and Speaking: Greet, news, orals HL Listening and Speaking: Greet, news, orals
Mental maths (24 min.) MATHEMATICS
Mental maths (24 min.)
Listening and Speaking: Greet, news, orals
Listening and Speaking: Greet, news, orals
Listening and Speaking: Greet, news, orals
Personal and Social Well-being, Beginning Knowledge
Reading and Sounding Sight words, Writing (20 min.)
Listening and Speaking (15 min.)
Listening and Speaking (15 min.)
Listening and Speaking (15 min.)
(60 min.)
(40 min.)
Reading and Sounding Sight words, Writing (20 min.)
Arts (40 min.)
Reading and Sounding Sight words, Writing (20 min.)
Learning unit 1
Day 1 Week 1
Session 1: Listening and speaking
It is the beginning of a new school year. Let learners tell you about their holiday. Ask them questions if they find it difficult to talk spontaneously.
• Everyone had fun during the holiday.
• Were you at home during the holiday or did you go somewhere?
• Use their frames of reference and ask questions to guide the discussion, for example:
• Where did you go during the holiday? Who went with you?
• Did you enjoy it? Why or why not?
• What did you do during the holiday?
• Have a conversation of about 10 minutes during which learners talk about their holiday. Pay attention to their vocabulary. Remember that learners speak in their additional language and you should ask questions to encourage them to talk freely and use new words.
Day 2
Session 1: Listening and speaking
Refer to the first story in the reader: “Granny’s visit” and introduce learners to Tandi. She is a seven-year-old girl.
• What does Tandi look like? (Learners discuss Tandi’s clothes, her hair, the people in the picture with her, etc.)
• How old are you? Is Tandi older or younger than you?
• Look at the picture on the front page. Tandi is walking with two other people. Who do you think they are? (Learners do not know all the characters yet, but they may think about family and/or friends). This week we will read about Tandi and find out who is with her in the picture.
• Look at the picture again. What season is it? Why do you think so?
• Briefly talk about summer. Learners may conclude that it is summer by referring to the clothes the characters are wearing, the green grass and green leaves on the trees, etc.
Session 2: Reading and writing
Let’s read about Tandi.
Flash these words to learners: Tandi, Tom, and, are, happy, They, put, a, rose, on, the, table, next, to, Granny, bed.
You and the learners read the words together. Shuffle and flash the words repeatedly until the learners can read the words on their own.
Read page 8 of the story “Granny’s visit” while the learners follow in their books.
Complete Activity 1 in the Workbook.
• Let’s look at Tandi’s name. Put the flash card with the word ‘Tandi’ on the board.
• Say Tandi’s name out loud. Which sound do you hear first?
• Learners write Tandi’s name on the worksheet and draw a picture of her.
Day 3
Session 1: Listening and speaking
Introduce learners to Tom (refer to page 8 in the reader). Tom is Tandi’s brother. Do you think Tom is older or younger than Tandi? Why do you think so?
• What does Tom look like? (Learners discuss Tom’s clothes, his hair, the emotions in the picture, etc.)
• What are Tom and Tandi doing? (They are putting a vase with a rose on Granny’s bedside table.)
• Have you ever picked a flower for someone or given someone a bunch of flowers?
• Why do we sometimes give people flowers?
Day 4
Session 1: Reading, listening and speaking.
Yesterday, learners met Tom. Tom and Tandi are brother and sister.
• Do you have any brothers or sisters? Learners tell you about their brothers and/or sisters. If a learner does not have brothers or sisters, he/she may talk about any other family member
• Flash these words to learners: Tandi, Tom, and, are, happy, They, put, a, rose, on, the, table, next, to, Granny, bed, car, stops, in, front, of, house, carries, Granny’s, bag, her, room.
• You and the learners read the words together. Shuffle and flash the words repeatedly until the learners can read the words on their own.
• Read page 9 of the story “Granny’s visit” while the learners follow in their books.
• Why does Tandi carry Granny’s bag to her room? (Learners conclude on their own that Granny is visiting.)
• Why did the children put a rose next to Granny’s bed?
Session 2: Phonics
Introduce the ‘c’-sound. Tell the story: Coco is a cat. The cat climbs into the cot. Ask these questions for the phonics lesson:
• Which animal is Coco?
• What did Coco do?
• Listen to the story again and try to recall all the words that start with ‘c’.
• Allow learners to name all the words that start with ‘c’.
• Read these sentences, learners listen and clap when they hear the ‘c’ sound:
• Coco can climb into the cot.
• Candice eats candy and claps her hands.
• Can you clap your hands?
• The cock crows in the cage.
Complete Activity 2 in the Workbook: Complete the patterns. Write the ‘c’ and repeat the letter to the end of the line. Write the ‘c’-words over the dotted lines.