English First Additional Language Facilitator Aid Grade 3
English First Additional Language
Facilitator Aid
Grade 3
Dr N Scheepers
The learning resources include twenty words that are probably not familiar to the learners. One Listening and speaking activity per unit is based on this ‘difficult’, unfamiliar word. These are ‘surprise words’, because the facilitator and learners do not know what the word is, until it is presented in the session. The facilitator prepares all the words at the beginning of the year and places them in a bag/container. During each ‘surprise word’ session, the facilitator asks a learner to draw a word from the bag. Use this word for the activity.
• recycling
• hurricane
• barometer
• planetarium
• orthodontist
• leap year
• botanical garden
• driver’s licence
• celebration
• endangered
• experiment
• Antarctica
• tournament
• opponent
• librarian
• art gallery
• public transport
• vessel
• solar system
• symphony orchestra