Lewensvaardighede Werkboek: Kwartaal 3 en 4 Graad 1

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Lewensvaardighede Werkboek: Kwartaal 3 en 4

Graad 1

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Afgesien van enige billike gebruik vir die doel van navorsing, kritiek of resensie soos toegelaat onder die Wet op Outeursreg, mag geen gedeelte van hierdie boek in enige vorm of op enige manier elektronies of meganies, insluitend fotokopiëring, bandopname, of enige inligtingstoring-en-herwinningstelsel, gereproduseer of versend word sonder die uitgewer se skriftelike toestemming nie.

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Reg.nr.: 2011/011959/07


Werkboek 2

Kwartaal 3 en 4

Graad 1


Aangepas vir KABV
H Erasmus

Activity 69: My community

Cut out the words in the learner aid and paste them under the correct picture.


Activity 70: My community

Draw 4 places in the community that are not in activity 69.


Activity 71: My community

Cut out the words in the learner aid and paste them under the correct photo.


Activity 72: My community

Draw 4 people who deliver a service in the community, who were not in activity 71.


Activity 73: My community

Cut out the sentences in the learner aid and paste them under the correct photos.


Activity 74: My community

Cut out the sentences in the learner aid and paste them under the correct photos.


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