Mathematics Workbook 4 Term 4 Grade 1

Page 1

Term 4

Grade 1

Name: Class: Mathematics Workbook 4

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Workbook 4

Term 4

Grade 1

CAPS aligned

Activity 1: Patterns

Use bottle caps, straws, corks or any other items to create different patterns with paint.

Activity 2: Addition

Complete the sums and colour the picture using the colour key.

Activity 3: Shapes

With a red pencil trace over all the straight sides and with a green pencil over all the round sides. Sample

Activity 4: Subtraction

Complete the sums and colour the picture using the colour key.

Activity 5: Number names

Match each number name to its number symbol.

7 2 1 8 Do you still remember how to do these addition sums? 5 2 4 3 2 4 3 3 ±ve 4 seven 10 one 1 three 2 two 9 ten 8 eight 5 four 0 nine 3 zero 6 six 7 Sample

Activity 6: Order numbers

Say the numbers below out loud.

Complete the missing numbers.

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