2 minute read


Step 3: From the remaining numbers, choose the greatest number and write it next to 537.

537; 119

Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have crossed out all of the numbers.

When you are done, the set of numbers must look as follows:

{537; 119; 65; 25; 2}

You have arranged the number set from greatest to smallest.

Can you arrange the following number set from small to great?

{913; 902; 35; 11; 1}

Tip: Start by choosing the smallest number, not the greatest one.

Write your answer in the box below.

1; 11; 35; 902; 913


1. Arrange the numbers from small to great.


1.1 321 645 256 782 127 1.2 56 72 201 114 98 1.3 724 568 147 274 355 1.4 65 34 12 47 71 1.5 527 471 298 638 138

2. Arrange the numbers from great to small.


2.1 620 541 635 514 623 2.2 36 48 21 65 57 2.3 116 98 53 76 110 2.4 58 39 44 28 13 2.5 457 325 147 471 352

Answer 127; 256; 321; 645; 782 56; 72; 98; 114; 201 147; 274; 355; 568; 724 12; 34; 47; 65; 71 138; 298; 471; 527; 638

Answer 635; 623; 620; 541; 514 65; 57; 48; 36; 21 116; 110; 98; 76; 53 58; 44; 39; 28; 13 471; 457; 352; 325; 147

3. Build and arrange the numbers.

3.1 Write down the numbers you can build with 1, 4 and 5 and arrange them from great to small.

3.2 Write down the numbers you can build with 7, 2 and 9 and arrange them from small to great.

3.3 Write down the numbers you can build with 8, 1 and 6 and arrange them from great to small.

3.4 Write down the numbers you can build with 9, 1 and 2 and arrange them from small to great.

3.5 Write down the numbers you can build with 9, 1 and 1 and arrange them from great to small.

Question Answer

541; 514; 451; 415; 154; 145

279; 297; 729; 792; 927; 972

861; 816; 681; 618; 186; 168

129; 192; 219; 291; 912; 921

911; 191; 119


Do the learners understand the work? Let them colour the faces that show what they can do.


I can arrange number sets from great to small.

I can arrange number sets from small to great.

I can build and arrange different numbers. Can the learners do it?

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