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Mathematics Facilitator’s guide
Grade 1
CAPS aligned
H Erasmus
Facilitator’s Guide Grade 1 ~ Mathematics
Contents Introduction for the facilitator..............................................................................................................9 Impaq’s approach to mathematics in Grade 1 ..................................................................................9 Numbers, operations and relationships..............................................................................................9 Patterns, functions and algebra..........................................................................................................9 Space and shape...............................................................................................................................9 Measurement...................................................................................................................................10 Data handling...................................................................................................................................10 Material and resources.....................................................................................................................10 How to use the materials and resources .........................................................................................10 Suggested timetable for Grade 1.....................................................................................................12
Term 1 Learning unit 1..................................................................................................................................13 Week 1: Position in space................................................................................................................13 Day 1............................................................................................................................................13 Day 2............................................................................................................................................14 Day 3............................................................................................................................................16 Day 4............................................................................................................................................17 Day 5............................................................................................................................................19 Week 2: Counting out concrete objects; patterns.............................................................................20 Day 6............................................................................................................................................20 Day 7............................................................................................................................................21 Day 8............................................................................................................................................23 Day 9............................................................................................................................................24 Day 10..........................................................................................................................................25 Learning unit 2..................................................................................................................................26 Week 3: Learn 0; rectangles.............................................................................................................26 Day 1............................................................................................................................................26 Day 2............................................................................................................................................28 Day 3............................................................................................................................................29 Day 4............................................................................................................................................30 Day 5............................................................................................................................................32 Week 4: Learn 1 and 2.....................................................................................................................33 Day 6............................................................................................................................................33 Day 7............................................................................................................................................34 Day 8............................................................................................................................................36 Day 9............................................................................................................................................37 Day 10..........................................................................................................................................38 Learning unit 3..................................................................................................................................40 Week 5: Learn 3 and 4.....................................................................................................................40 Day 1............................................................................................................................................40 Day 2............................................................................................................................................41 Day 3............................................................................................................................................42 Day 4............................................................................................................................................43 Day 5............................................................................................................................................45
© Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide Grade 1 ~ Mathematics
Learning unit Day 1
1 Week 1
Session 1: Counting on and back The learners should already be able to count to 10. Practise counting to 10 again by pointing to different objects. For example, count 10 bricks or 10 desks. The learners will be counting almost every day by using different methods.
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Count 10 bricks. Count 10 desks. Walk 10 steps forward and count from 0 to 10. Walk 10 steps backward and count from 10 to 0. Clap your hands 10 times while counting. Stamp your feet 10 times and count from 10 to 0. Jump on one leg and count from 0 to 10. Jump on the other leg and count from 10 to 0.
Measure the learners. Let them stand against a wall and use a height chart or make a mark on the wall. Compare the learners’ heights. Who is the tallest? Who is the shortest? Which learners are the same height? etc.
Session 2: Left and right The distinction between left and right is one of the most important concepts that have to be embedded. Learners who cannot immediately distinguish between left and right experience problems in all subjects; for example, when the facilitator gives an instruction to write on the top left corner of the page and, while the learner is still trying to figure out where left and right is, gives the next instruction. This skill makes learners comfortable with orientation in relation to the spaces in which they have to move. Ensure that this skill is embedded well. Give learners the following instructions: • • • • •
Show your right hand. Show your left hand. Touch your forehead with your right hand. Touch your tummy with your left hand. Touch your knee with your left hand.
© Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide Grade 1 ~ Mathematics
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Touch your foot with your right hand. Touch the desk with your right hand. Touch your shoulder with your left hand. Touch your left arm with your right hand.
Complete activity 1 in workbook 1. The learners trace their left and right hands with retractable crayons and colour them.
Session 3: Most and least, more than and less than Show the learners different quantities of objects, for example, building blocks. Hold 2 building blocks in the one hand and 5 building blocks in the other hand. The learners show which hand is holding the most or least building blocks. The facilitator could also make 3 or 4 stacks with building blocks where it is clearly visible which stack has the most building blocks.
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The learners guess which stacks have the most and least building blocks. The learners also look at natural objects and recognise which object has more or less. For example: This tree has more leaves than the other tree.
Day 2
Session 1: Counting and position in space •
• • • • • • © Impaq
Count from 0 to 10 and from 10 to 0 three times. Each learner should hold on to an object, for example, a pencil. The facilitator gives the following instructions to the learners:
Put down the pencil on the desk. Put down the pencil below the desk. Put down the pencil to the right of the desk. Put down the pencil in front of the desk. Put down the pencil to the left of the desk. Repeat the instruction with another object (for example, a chair) and thereafter also with the learner’s body. 14
Facilitator’s Guide Grade 1 ~ Mathematics
Session 2: Position in space The learners should be familiar with objects that are on top of and under/above and below. Also revise the concepts 'longer' and 'shorter' by pointing to different objects in the classroom. For example: The ruler is longer than the sharpener. Complete activities 2 and 3 in workbook 1. The learners colour the correct ball in every picture. They then identify objects that are longer and shorter.
Session 3: Position and capacity Do the following practical instruction with the learners: • • • • •
Put down your eraser on top of your pencil case. Put down your eraser to the right of your pencil case. Put down your eraser behind your pencil case. Put down your eraser below your pencil case. Put down your eraser to the left of your pencil case. Demonstrate capacity practically with a glass filled with liquid and an empty glass. Pour water into the empty glass. Empty the glass. The learners should understand the concept that containers have capacity.
Complete activities 4 and 5 in workbook 1. The learners draw the correct colour ball in the correct position in relation to the box. Next they follow instructions to complete the worksheet on capacity.
© Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide Grade 1 ~ Mathematics
Day 3 Session 1: Creating own patterns Demonstrate two types of patterns. The first pattern should consist of shapes; for example, circle, triangle, square; circle, triangle, square. The next pattern should consist of different colours; for example, blue, red, yellow; blue, red, yellow.
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Build a geometric pattern with any shapes at the learners’ disposal. It should consist of concrete objects. For example, the learners could use different shapes of leaves and twigs. Build a colour pattern with concrete objects. The learners could use any objects. Each learner builds his own pattern. (This could include any concept, such as long and short, big and small, etc.)
Session 2: Patterns Briefly explain again how patterns work. Complete activity 6 in workbook 1. The learners complete the geometric patterns by drawing the next shape. They then change the geometric patterns into colour patterns by colouring the shapes.
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Explain the order of different events. What happens first, second, third and last? Explain it on the basis of the following examples: I write a letter – I mail the letter – the letter goes to the post office – the other person receives the letter. The bird builds a nest – the bird lays an egg – the egg cracks – a chick hatches. I eat breakfast – I go to school – I go home – I go to bed. The waiter takes the order – the chef makes the food – the waiter brings the food – I eat the food. I switch on the kettle – I take a mug out of the cupboard – I add coffee and boiling water into the mug – I drink warm coffee.
© Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide Grade 1 ~ Mathematics
Session 3: The lazy 8 Demonstrate the lazy 8 on the board. The exercise will help the learners to relax. Give each learner a blank sheet of paper. Ensure that learners place the sheet of paper in line with their waistline on the desk before they start drawing the lazy 8. Start in the middle as indicated on the picture. Let the learners practise the concept over and over again. It is important to complete the exercise in the right direction. It helps to activate different parts of the brain, improve concentration, cross the waistline and represents the start of letter exercises. Let the learners first do the exercise with one hand, then the other hand and finally with both hands together.
Complete activity 7 in workbook 1 by tracing over the lazy 8. Start in the middle as indicated by the arrow. Check that the learners turn their workbooks sideways. The learners draw a lazy 8 on a blank sheet of paper. Let them go over the lazy 8 many times, using both their left and right hands.
Day 4 Session 1: Counting and comparing a collection of objects Count with the learners from 1 to 10 and 10 to 1. Use animal noises as you count, for example, bark like a dog from 1 to 10, meow like a cat from 10 to 1. In this session the learners will compare a number of objects in relation to more than and less than. Show the learners a number of objects (5 counters) and let them identify quantities that are more than the number: for example, there are more windows and there are more retractable crayons than counters. They then have to identify objects that are less than the number of counters; for example, there are two dustbins or there is one bookshelf. Repeat this exercise with different numbers of counters.
Š Impaq