Gr 11-English Home Language-Facilitator's Guide Language 1

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English Home Language Facilitator’s guide: Language

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Grade 11

CAPS aligned

Facilitator’s Guide G11 ~ English Home Language: Language

CONTENTS Letter to facilitators, .......................................................................................................... 3 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3 2. Year plan......................................................................................................................... 4 3. Assessment policy ........................................................................................................ 7 4. Formal assessment portfolio ........................................................................................ 7 5. Programme of informal assessment ............................................................................ 9 6. Length of written texts to be produced in words ...................................................... 12 7. ANSWERS TO LANGUAGE TASKS ............................................................................ 13 UNIT 1 ............................................................................................................................... 13 LESSON 1 .............................................................................................................. 18 LESSON 2 .............................................................................................................. 23 UNIT 2 ............................................................................................................................... 25 LESSON 3 .............................................................................................................. 25 LESSON 4 .............................................................................................................. 28 Activity 18 ............................................................................................... 32 Activity 19 ............................................................................................... 32 LESSON 5 ......................................................................................................................... 34 Activity 20 ............................................................................................... 34 Activity 21 ............................................................................................... 34 Activity 22 ............................................................................................... 35 Activity 23 ............................................................................................... 37 LESSON 6 .............................................................................................................. 37 Activity 24 ............................................................................................... 37 Activity 25 ............................................................................................... 38 Activity 26 ............................................................................................... 38 Activity 27 ............................................................................................... 40 Activity 28 ............................................................................................... 40 UNIT 4 ............................................................................................................................... 42 LESSON 7 .............................................................................................................. 42 Activity 29 ............................................................................................... 42 Activity 30 ............................................................................................... 43 Activity 31 ............................................................................................... 44 Activity 32 ............................................................................................... 44 LESSON 8 .............................................................................................................. 44 Activity 33 ............................................................................................... 44 Activity 34 ............................................................................................... 45 Activity 35 ............................................................................................... 45 Activity 36 ............................................................................................... 47 Activity 37 ............................................................................................... 48 ENGLISH HOME LANGUAGE LANGUAGE REVISION TEST – TERM 1 ........... 49 ENGLISH HOME LANGUAGE LANGUAGE REVISION TEST – TERM 3 ........... 51 Books or web pages consulted ...................................................................................... 52

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Facilitator’s Guide G11 ~ English Home Language: Language

2. YEAR PLAN This plan is a guideline. It is important to adapt it to your own circumstances. The pieces marked with a () are the items for the Portfolio and must be done within that term. Refer to the Portfolio Assessment table for further details. The items marked with an (*) are for Informal Assessment and are marked by the facilitator. All questions or tasks not marked with a (*) or () can be marked by the learner. UNIT



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LESSON 1: Literature and text appreciation Activity 1 Innuendo Activity 2 Adjectives Activity 3 Poetry Activity 4 Activity 5 Transactional writing: The summary Informal Assessment: Summary Cartoons Activity 6 LESSON 2: Literature and text appreciation Activity 7 Passive voice Activity 8 Poetry Activity 9 Transactional writing: Motivation Informal assessment : Writing a motivation Revision LESSON 3: Literature and text appreciation Activity 10 Story-telling techniques Activity 11 The indefinite article Poetry Activity 12 Activity 13 Transactional writing: Curriculum Vitae and cover letter Informal assessment: CV and cover letter Visual literacy Activity 14



Facilitator’s Guide G11 ~ English Home Language: Language


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LESSON 4: Literature and text appreciation Activity 15 Misrelated participles Activity 16 Poetry Activity 17 Transactional writing: Factual report Informal assessment: Factual report Visual literacy Activity 18 Revision Activity 19 LESSON 5: Literature and text appreciation Activity 20 Hyperbole Activity 21 Hanging participles Activity 22 Transactional writing: Newspaper report Informal assessment: Newspaper report Visual literacy Activity 23 LESSON 6: Literature and text appreciation Activity 24 Irony Activity 25 Possessive adjectives Activity 26 Transactional writing: Bulletin Informal assessment: Bulletin Visual literacy Activity 27 Revision Activity 28


Facilitator’s Guide G11 ~ English Home Language: Language


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LESSON 7: Literature and text appreciation Activity 29 Language Activity 30 Creative writing: Kinds of essays Activity 31 Visual literacy Activity 32 LESSON 8: Text appreciation Activity 33 Activity 34 Language Activity 35 Transactional writing: Film script Informal assessment: Film script Visual literacy Activity 36 Revision Activity 37


Facilitator’s Guide: Language G11 ~ English Home Language



UNIT 1 WEEK 1 TASK 1: DIAGNOSTIC TEST Growing in Statue The correct answers are marked with a * 1.

Choose the answer that is most correct a. Politicians build monuments in order to i. prove their invincibility ii. delay their cessation of political influence iii. emphasise their own grandeur iv. increase the length of time that they have political power* b. Monuments are successful in i. promoting the ideas of the people who had them built ii. demonstrating the opposite of political ideals iii. proclaiming the vanity of the people who had them built* iv. making people remember their history c. The monuments in Europe are ironic because i. nobody knows the reason for their existence ii. tourists do not pay much attention to them iii. they impede the flow of traffic iv. McDonald’s is more important to tourists than the monuments* d. In the opinion of the writer, the following conflicts are the most important in South Africa: i. Aids ii. The Anglo-Boer War iii. crime iv. i and iii* e. An example of “politispeak” is i. the Eight conflicts* ii. they were just “doing their duty” iii. the winners write the history iv. a bitter wrangle f. The phrase arguing with a mosquito is an example of: (Gr10 Technical Terms) i. innuendo* ii. hyperbole iii. euphemism iv. sarcasm v. i and ii

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Facilitator’s Guide: Language G11 ~ English Home Language


g. The tone of the essay indicates that the writer: (Gr. 10 Technical Terms) i. does not want to see money wasted ii. regards present-day issues more important than history* iii. thinks monuments are ugly iv. regards the argument about the Wall of Remembrance as childish h. The function of the apostrophe in They’re (second last paragraph) is (Gr. 10 Language Lesson 7) i. indicating possession ii. indicating omitted letters in contractions* iii. indicating certain plural forms of letters and figures iv. addressing an abstract entity i. The connotation of the word littered (paragraph 3) is (Gr. 9 Technical terms Lesson 4) i. numerous ii. invasive iii. pesky iv. dirty* j. The function of the hyphen in Anglo-Boer War is (Gr. 10 Language Lesson 1) i. Linking certain phrases* ii. Linking words to form compounds iii. Avoiding ambiguity iv. Indicating the new syllable when the previous one ends with the same letter as the opening letter of the next k. The talk shows are buzzing is an example of: (Gr. 8 technical terms Lesson 3) i. alliteration ii. onomatopoeia* iii. assonance iv. hyperbole l. The title plays on the following: i. Growing in stature* ii. Growing in statute iii. Growling in statue iv. Growling in stature m. The writer’s attitude towards the builders of monuments is i. envious ii. condescending* iii. aggressive iv. annoying

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Facilitator’s Guide: Language G11 ~ English Home Language


n. The inverted commas in “eight conflicts” (paragraph 7) show that i. this view is not shared by everyone ii. it is a phrase coined by politicians iii. the writer does not agree with this classification iv. the writer does not want to be associated with these conflicts v. iv, iii and i vi. iii, ii and i* o. Media debate is the oxygen of the power elite is an example of (Gr. 8 technical terms Lesson 2) i. hyperbole ii. jargon iii. metaphor* iv. personification Subtotal: 15 2. Refer to the following sentence: To my mind, monuments belong in the “Bah! Humbug” school of architecture, but there’s a lot of cash and power involved in monuments – the planning, lobbying for and construction of monuments make lots of people rich. a. The function of the commas is: (Gr. 8 Language Lesson 2) i. to indicate slight separation or pause between a list of adjectives, adverbs or nouns in a sentence ii. indicating a pause before conjunctions iii. marking off words, clauses or phrases from the rest of a sentence* iv. In pairs for an adjectival clause b. The dash is used because (Gr. 10 Language Lesson 1) i. it is the same as commas or brackets for parenthesis ii. it separates a repeated word, or idea* iii. it indicates abrupt changes in opinion or thought iv. letters are omitted for the sake of using civilized language, or of privacy c. The expression “Bah! Humbug” school of architecture (Gr. 8 technical terms Lessons 1 and 2) i. refers to a school of architecture in Hamburg ii. illustrates slang and shows contempt iii. makes use of an interjection to indicate the writer’s attitude iv. ii and iii* Subtotal: 3

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Facilitator’s Guide: Language G11 ~ English Home Language



Match the explanations in column B to the words in column A. A


i. apparatchiks

j. Communist agents

ii. relics

i. Remnants, leftovers

iii. vainglory iv. Vestigial

g. Vanity to a great extent, extreme boastfulness a. Evidential, trace-like

v. Conscripts

f. Compulsory enlisted for government

vi. Obsessed

e. service Fanatical, preoccupied, infatuated

vii. lobbying

c. Soliciting support for a certain cause h. assessing b. Devices, gadgets d. roots, basis, origins Subtotal: 7 Grand total: 25

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Facilitator’s Guide: Language G11 ~ English Home Language



Grade 11 Diagnostic test Analysis Key

Marks for each Question

1 a

1 b

1 c

1 d

1 e

1 g


1 h

1 i

1 j

Gr 8 technical terms

Gr 8 comprehension skills

1 k

1 l

1 m

1 n



1 o



50%to 70% of maximum

Less than 50% of maximum



Repeat entire section


Revise, extra reading necessary

Repeat entire section, extra reading very urgent



Repeat entire section



Revise Revise, extra reading necessary

Repeat entire section Repeat entire section, extra reading very urgent



Repeat entire section



Repeat entire section



Repeat entire section



Revise, extra reading necessary

Repeat entire section, extra reading very urgent






Gr 9 Language skills


Gr 9 Comprehension skills,




Gr 10 language skills

1 1



Gr10 expression skills


Gr 10 Comprehension skills

1 1



1 1

Maximu m


Gr 10 technical terms







For technical terms deficit, repeat all text appreciation sections for that grade.

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2 b


Gr 9 technical terms


2 a










Facilitator’s Guide: Language G11 ~ English Home Language



LESSON 1 Activity 1 1. Explain the anti-climax in the final line of the poem. The mention of ‘fate’ at the end sets up the idea of a grand future or incredible possibilities – the idea of a bigger-than-life existence is continually emphasised in the poem. He, however, keeps on drinking – it subverts our expectations. 2. Discuss the satire in lines 21 to 24. Refer to the use of irony. The irony in these lines has to do with the fact that a suit of armour is not graceful at all – it is a clanking, heavy burden that restricts movement. The poet is satirising people who are commonplace as can be seen by the reference to the khaki suits. He is indirectly comparing the way they look to the gait caused by an ungraceful suit of armour. 3. How does line 3 hint at the anti-climax of the final line? In spite of all the things he mentions, he wishes that he was never born. This work may be marked by the candidate. Activity 2 1. To what does Tour the Farce allude? It is an allusion to Tour de France – the world famous cycling event which takes place annually in France. 2. Quote and explain three examples of innuendo. a. Spelling of the word leader: L*E*A*D*E*R. This implies that Rex does not like to acknowledge that the writer was the leader of the group. He would rather be leader himself. b. “Sometimes I became confused and I would forget that the left is where my thumb is on the right. My own supply of money was mysteriously increasing. I assumed, at first, it was simply accruing interest.” The writer does not want to say outright that he inadvertently, or otherwise, put some of the kitty’s money into his own pocket. c. “…it was suggested that the onerous responsibilities of leadership were quite enough for one man without him having to be Treasurer as well.” The implication is that he could not be trusted and took some of the money that was meant for everybody. d. “..under bridge to riverside pub (,1km)….” It is hinted that strangers will do well in using the pubs as references so that they won’t get lost. 3. Name and explain two instances where Rex is satirized. i. In the simile of the first paragraph, his growling and complaining is compared to a bear that is getting rid of its tappen. ii. He is described as the one-eyed man in the valley of the blind. a. Of what device does the author make use to achieve this satire? Explain. i. Anti-climax: Most readers do not know what a tappen is, but expect it to be something special and complicated, until they read the explanation. ii. Anti-climax: “….he was suddenly recognised for what he was –“the reader expects a superior, important position, but is let down.

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Facilitator’s Guide: Language G11 ~ English Home Language


4. Discuss the tone in paragraph 14: (“But after a couple of days…..”). The tone is that of mock-formality. The writer is poking fun at the importance and complicated nature of his own responsibilities and his tendency to “confuse” his own funds with those of the kitty. a. How does it differ from that of the final paragraph? (“But we would…”) The tone in the final paragraph is narrative and direct. There are no concealed implications or innuendos. 5. What is the effect of the foot note at the end of the passage? It has a satirical effect and also emphasises Rex’s state of mind. Readers would not know the word and would not bother to look it up in a dictionary, but are curious to know its meaning. a. What is the effect of the parenthesized question? The writer implies that this is common knowledge, or that he is a very knowledgeable man. He expressed mock surprise at the reader’s ignorance. b. Why does the writer talk about his tappen, instead of its? In order to emphasise that he is actually referring to his friend, Rex. 6. How does the writer parody the instructions in the guide book? (A parody is a comic imitation of another text.) He uses street and town names that have comic connotations, uses ellipses after the word pub, implying that the pubs are used as landmarks for strangers. Language Activity 3 1. We buy good, second-hand children’s clothing in bulk. We collect. 2. This may be a _________examination, but you are not allowed to use notes.


In __________literature, characterisation is usually vivid.


The proposed solution is not _________. It will take up too much time.


Is the city of Atlantis an ___________ fact? Did it really exist?


This is the________ style for a suit. You will be able to use it for many years.


The actor’s movements seem to be more ________, than indicating exasperation.


The first inauguration of a president was considered a ________ event for many people.


These _________indicators are important for


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Facilitator’s Guide: Language G11 ~ English Home Language



investors. Bulk purchases are more ____________.


He had such a __________ expression, that I could not help laughing, although I was supposed to be angry.


Activity 4 1. Read the first 25 lines again and find at least three examples of assonance. Quote and comment on the effect of each. “he hung a grunting weight” (line 7) – the dark, long vowels reinforce the limp weight of the fish. “tiny white sea-lice” (line 19) – the assonance reinforces the minuteness of the lice and the number of tiny creatures. “rags of green weed” (line 21) – “ee” repetition almost creates the feeling of disgust at the slimy nature of the weeds. 2. Refer to line 50: a. What sound device does the author employ in this line? Alliteration b. What is its implication? The alliteration focuses the reader’s attention on the warning the lips in the mouth and the mouth itself represents – do not underestimate me. c. hung five old pieces of fish-line, or four and a wire leader with the swivel still attached, with all their five big hooks How do these lines confirm the suggestion in line 50? Refer to the techniques that are employed by the poet. The fish has escaped several times from capture as evidenced by his war wounds. More alliteration (s-alliteration) is used. Activity 5 1. Write down some of the onomatopoeic words from this first stanza of the poem. “tinkle”, “oversprinkle”, “twinkle”, “delight”, “rhyme”, “tintinnabulation”, “jingling” a. Which words imitate smaller bells and which the larger? “tintinnabulation” and “rhyme” imitate larger bells. “tinkle”, “oversprinkle”, “delight”, “jingling” imitate the smaller ones. b. What effect does the use of these words have? They recreate the musical sound of the bells, specifically the emotional connotations. 2. Comment on the repetition of the word “bells” and those that rhyme with them. "bells” has been repeated to imitate how the sound of a large bell reverberates and echoes. As they reverberate, the sound becomes larger and more deafening, i.e. it “swells”

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Facilitator’s Guide: Language G11 ~ English Home Language



3. What is the effect of the alliteration in line 10 The alliteration reinforces the meaning of the word “rhyme”. Furthermore, it adds to the mysterious sounds of the bells – they are like runes: mysterious, enchanting, magical. INFORMAL ASSESSMENT TASK 2: SUMMARY – The Lonesome Baobab

This task forms part of the Informal Assessment mark and must be assessed by the facilitator. Global marking, giving credit for concise and coherent sentences expressed in the candidate's own words. Very Weak

Below Average



Very Good
















Penalise the following: • If full and coherent sentences are not used • If there is excessive lifting • If more than 100 words have been used • If no word count is provided • If an inexcusably inaccurate word count has been provided

10 marks

Activity 6 1. All Cartoons: 1.1. Are males stereotyped in the above cartoons? Explain. Yes. They are portrayed as lazy, disorganised and totally dependent on women. 1.2. Explain whether this is effective. Give a reason for your answer. It is effective because the reader can identify with the situations, even though they are exaggerated. 2. Cartoon A: 2.1. Dagwood becomes distracted by his preoccupation because he is preoccupied with his own comforts and procrastination. What technique is used in the final frame to achieve a comic effect? Anti-climax. 2.2. How does the previous frame contribute to the effectiveness of this technique? The reader expects a climax. The body language and the bold print cause the reader to expect a serious crisis, which makes the anticlimax of the final frame even more ludicrous. 3. Cartoon B: 3.1. No man is portrayed or mentioned, but the influence of married life for the woman is clear. What technique is this? Innuendo

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Facilitator’s Guide: Language G11 ~ English Home Language


3.2. Why is it more effective than showing a lazy male figure? Refer to the pun in the cartoon. It is only implied that the man leaves all the work to her. It makes the pun on the word work more effective. 4. Cartoon C: 4.1. Explain what a lazy eye is. The muscles of the eye do not function correctly, causing a squint/ poor eyesight. Corrected by wearing glasses. It is not infectious and cannot spread to the rest of someone’s body. 4.2. How does the cartoon hint that the patient is not ill at all? Disease does not cause laziness. 4.3. Is there any significance in the fact that the doctor is a woman? Yes, implying that she does not realise/ understand/ accept that men are naturally lazy and that it is not a disease. The idea of laziness has never occurred to her. 5. Cartoon D: 5.1. What kind of personality does the man in this cartoon have? Egotistic 5.2. How does he view women? Someone who must react to his wishes. 5.3. Is he a go-getter? Explain. No, he simply waits for everything to be done, even by the dog, but refuses to do anything himself. 5.4. Explain the irony in the cartoon. The man admires go-getters, but only those who react mechanically to his commands and do not think for themselves. However, he is no go-getter himself.

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Facilitator’s Guide: Language G11 ~ English Home Language


LESSON 2 Activity 7 Say whether the following is antithesis, oxymoron or hyperbole. 1. The lim’rick packs laughs anatomical Into space that is quite economical But the good ones I’ve seen Very seldom are clean And the clean ones so seldom are comical (A limerick by Ken Marshall, quoted by James Clarke in The Star.) Antithesis 2. He’s so tough he looks as if he flosses with piano wire (Christopher Buckley in Reader’s Digest, May 1996) Hyperbole 3. If your mind isn’t open, keep your mouth shut too. (Sue Grafton, M Is for Malice in Reader’s Digest, April 2000) Antithesis 4. His remarks are seriously funny. Oxymoron 5. He’s so crooked he could hide behind a corkscrew. (Lane Kirkland, Modified Maxims in Reader’s Digest, May 1996) Hyperbole 6. It’s easy to make a dollar. It’s a lot tougher to make a difference. (Tom Brokaw in Reader’s Digest, April 2000) Antithesis 7. A consulting firm publishes a booklet called Successful Termination. It’s about how to fire people. (Roger Ricklefs in Reader’s Digest, May 1996) Oxymoron 8. It takes considerable knowledge just to realise the extent of our own ignorance. (Thomas Sowell, Creators Syndicate in Reader’s Digest, April 2000) Antithesis 9. There are two kinds of men: the ones who make history and the ones who endure it. (Laurence Peter, Peter’s Quotations in Reader’s Digest, December 1998) Antithesis 10. This invention is what we call a correct mistake. Oxymoron 11. Parties can be torture. Antithesis, Hyperbole 12. Which of the above statements can be called: © Impaq



Facilitator’s Guide: Language G11 ~ English Home Language



a. A limerick 1 b. An epigram. 3,6,8,9 Write down the numbers of the questions only. Activity 8 1. Which of the underlined excerpts use the passive voice to protect the identity of the perpetrator(s)? Write down the numbers. 2, 3, 5 2. Is excerpt 1 correctly constructed? Give a reason for your answer. No, with a boy whom he once called his friend. 2.1. Is this a passive voice construction? No, He once called him his friend. He was once called his friend. 3. Why is it not possible to change excerpt 3 to the passive voice? It would not make sense to say she was tried to be killed. 4. What possible solutions can you propose for this problem? Name and explain at least three. Better discipline – expulsions. Life orientation programmes adapted to address this problem. Better security in secluded or confined places at school, e.g. locker rooms, changing rooms. Parent involvement enforced in the case of problem students, etc. Home schooling. Activity 9 1. Write down the characteristics of this poem that make it an ode. The length of the poem and its elevated style (formal words and archaic expressions such as “haply”, “wouldst”, “pouring forth”) The subject matter is serious: it addresses the disparity between reality and the Romantic ideal, the pleasure of life versus pain and desolation. It is clear that there is an elaborate structure involved in the stanzaic layout. The lyric nature of the poem is obvious: many images are related to nature and in general there is a high regard for nature’s beauty and its influence on the human condition. 2. Does the poem praise the song of the Nightingale? Explain. No, it does not praise the song of the Nightingale. The song is only a symbol for human experience. It praises the possible beauty of that experience.

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