A member of the FUTURELEARN group
English First Additional Language Facilitator’s guide: Language
Grade 12
CAPS aligned
T Stolp
Facilitator’s Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
CONTENTS LESSON ELEMENTS ................................................................................................................ 5 TIMETABLE AND TIME MANAGEMENT ................................................................................. 7 ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................... 17 STUDY TIPS AND METHODS ................................................................................................ 19 OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION ........................................................................................... 20 PREFACE ................................................................................................................................ 21 YEAR PLAN ............................................................................................................................ 23 TERM 1 .................................................................................................................................... 25 UNIT 1 Sport ........................................................................................................................... 25 1.1. Lesson 1: Listening and speaking..................................................................... 25 ACTIVITY 1: ..................................................................................................... 28 1.2 Lesson 2: Reading and viewing ........................................................................ 28 ACTIVITY 2: Preparing a speech ..................................................................... 29 1.3. Lesson 3: Writing and presenting ..................................................................... 29 ACTIVITY 3: The essay .................................................................................... 29 ACTIVITY 4: ..................................................................................................... 30 1.4 Lesson 4: Language revision ............................................................................ 30 ACTIVITY 5: BASELINE EXERCISE ................................................................ 31 1.5. Lesson 5: Speaking .......................................................................................... 32 ACTIVITY 6: SPEECH ...................................................................................... 32 REVISION EXERCISE .................................................................................................. 32 UNIT 2 People that inspire .................................................................................................... 34 2.1. Lesson 6: Listening and speaking..................................................................... 34 2.2. Lesson 7: Reading and viewing ........................................................................ 34 ACTIVITY 7: READING COMPREHENSION ................................................... 35 2.3. Lesson 8: Writing and presenting ..................................................................... 36 ACTIVITY 8: TRANSACTIONAL WRITING ...................................................... 36 2.4. Lesson 9: Language revision ........................................................................... 37 ACTIVITY 9: ..................................................................................................... 37 ACTIVITY 10: ................................................................................................... 38 UNIT 3 Your health ................................................................................................................. 39 3.1. Lesson 10: Listening and speaking................................................................... 39 ACTIVITY 11: ................................................................................................... 42 3.2. Lesson 11: Reading and viewing ...................................................................... 42 ACTIVITY 12: READING COMPREHENSION ................................................ 42 3.3. Lesson 12: Writing and presenting ................................................................... 43 ACTIVITY 13: LONGER TRANSACTIONAL TEXT ......................................... 43 3.4. Lesson 13: Language structures....................................................................... 44 ACTIVITY 14: Reported speech ....................................................................... 45
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Facilitator’s Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
UNIT 4 Communication ......................................................................................................... 49 4.1. Lesson 14: Listening and speaking................................................................... 49 ACTIVITY 15: The graph ................................................................................. 50 4.2. Lesson 15: Reading and viewing ...................................................................... 50 ACTIVITY 16: READING COMPREHENSION ................................................ 51 ACTIVITY 17: WRITING A SUMMARY ........................................................... 52 4.3. Lesson 16: Writing and presenting ................................................................... 53 ACTIVITY 18: LONGER TRANSACTIONAL WRITING .................................... 53 4.4. Lesson 17: Language structures....................................................................... 53 ACTIVITY 19: NOUNS ..................................................................................... 54 ACTIVITY 20: IN THE PORTFOLIO BOOK .................................................... 54 TERM 2 .................................................................................................................................... 55 Unit 5 The future is in your hands ........................................................................................ 55 5.1. Lesson 18: Listening and speaking................................................................... 55 ACTIVITY 21: Listening test ............................................................................ 58 5.2. Lesson 19: Reading and viewing ...................................................................... 58 ACTIVITY 22: COMPREHENSION.................................................................. 59 5.3. Lesson 20: Writing and presenting ................................................................... 59 ACTIVITY 23: The dialogue and interview ........................................................ 59 5.4. Lesson 21: Language structures....................................................................... 60 ACTIVITY 24: Prefixes..................................................................................... 60 ACTIVITY 25: ADJECTIVES ........................................................................... 61 Unit 6: I want that job! ........................................................................................................... 62 6.1. Lesson 22: Listening and speaking................................................................... 62 6.2. Lesson 23: Reading and viewing ...................................................................... 63 ACTIVITY 26: READING COMPREHENSION ................................................ 63 6.3. Lesson 24: Writing and presenting ................................................................... 64 ACTIVITY 27: THE CURRICULUM VITAE ...................................................... 64 ACTIVITY 28: LETTER OF APPLICATION ..................................................... 65 6.4. Lesson 25: Language structures....................................................................... 66 ACTIVITY 29: ADVERBS ............................................................................... 66 ACTIVITY 30: PREPOSITIONS ....................................................................... 67 ACTIVITY 31: PRONOUNS .............................................................................. 67 ACTIVITY 32: SUMMARY ................................................................................ 68 Unit 7 Travelling ..................................................................................................................... 70 7.1. Lesson 26: Listening and speaking................................................................... 70 7.2. Lesson 27: Reading and viewing ...................................................................... 71 ACTIVITY 33: READING COMPREHENSION ................................................. 72 7.3. Lesson 28: Writing and presenting ................................................................... 72 7.4. Lesson 29: Language structures....................................................................... 73 ACTIVITY 34: Conjunctions ............................................................................. 73
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Facilitator’s Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
ACTIVITY 35: Abbreviations and acronyms .................................................... 75 ACTIVITY 36: DICTIONARY SKILLS ............................................................... 75 TERM 3 .................................................................................................................................... 81 Unit 8 Advertising .................................................................................................................. 81 8.1. Lesson 30: Listening and speaking................................................................... 81 8.2. Lesson 31: Reading and viewing ...................................................................... 82 ACTIVITY 37: COMPREHENSION.................................................................. 82 8.3. Lesson 32: Writing and presenting ................................................................... 83 ACTIVITY 38: THE ADVERTISEMENT ........................................................... 84 8.4. Lesson 33: Language structures....................................................................... 84 ACTIVITY 39: ANALYSING A CARTOON ........................................................ 85 ACTIVITY 40: SIMPLE, COMPOUND AND COMPLEX SENTENCES ........... 85 Unit 9 Life beyond school ..................................................................................................... 86 9.1. Lesson 34: Listening and speaking................................................................... 86 9.2. Lesson 35: Reading and viewing ...................................................................... 87 ACTIVITY 41: READING COMPREHENSION .............................................. 87 9.3. Lesson 36: Writing and presenting ................................................................... 88 ACTIVITY 42: SHORTER PIECE OF WRITING .............................................. 89 ACTIVITY 43: FINAL SHORTER PIECE OF WRITING ................................... 90 9.4. Lesson 37: Language structures....................................................................... 90 ACTIVITY 44: COMMON ERRORS................................................................. 90 ACTIVITY 45: STEREOTYPING...................................................................... 91 Unit 10 Examination success................................................................................................ 92 10.1. Lesson 38: Listening and speaking................................................................... 92 10.2. Lesson 39: Reading and viewing ...................................................................... 93 ACTIVITY 46: READING COMPREHENSION – ............................................. 93 10.3. Lesson 40: Writing and presenting ................................................................... 94 10.4. Lesson 41: Language structures....................................................................... 94 ACTIVITY 47: PUNCTUATION ....................................................................... 95 TERM 4 .................................................................................................................................... 96 UNIT 11 Prepare for the Final examination ......................................................................... 96 11.1 Lesson 42: Paper 1 – Comprehension, summary and language ...................... 96 11.2 Lesson 43: Paper 3 – Creative writing ............................................................ 101 ADDENDUM A ...................................................................................................................... 107 ADDENDUM B ...................................................................................................................... 108 ADDENDUM C ...................................................................................................................... 110 ADDENDUM D: ASSESSMENT RUBRIC (SHORTER TRANSACTIONAL) ........................ 111 GLOSSARY ........................................................................................................................... 112 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES ................................................................................. 116
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Facilitator’s Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
2 Unit 5
Unit 6
1 2
Talking about sport Characteristics of a good speech 3 Writing an essay 4 Indefinite and continuous tenses 5 Delivering a speech 6 Discuss someone I admire 7 Reading a magazine article 8 Writing a letter, diary, obituary 9 Perfect, perfect continuous tense, active and passive voice 10 Listening and summary 11 Reading: Fact and opinion and reading aloud 12 Letter to the press, reviews 13 Reported speech 14 Interpret a graph 15 Comprehension, summary 16 Email 17 Nouns 18 Talking about life 19 Reading: Denotation/connotation 20 Dialogue and interview 21 Roots, prefixes, suffixes, Adjectives 22 Discuss how to get the right job 23 Reading comprehension 24 The covering letter, the CV and the letter of application 25 Verbs, adverbs, determiners, prepositions, pronouns, summary
Š Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
Unit 7
Discussing tourist attractions
27 Reading an article 28 Writing a news article, editorial and designing a brochure 29 Conjunctions, abbreviations and using a dictionary 3 Unit 8
Discussing advertisements
31 Reading comprehension 32 Writing: a poster, flyer and advertisement 33 Analysing cartoons; phrases and clauses; simple, compound and complex sentences Unit 9
34 Discuss your future 35 Reading comprehension 36 Giving directions, instructions and writing an invitation 37 Homophones, homonyms, words often confused, emotive language
Unit 10
38 Discus preparation for exam 39 Reading comprehension 40 Notice, agenda, minutes of a meeting, memorandum 41 Punctuation
4 Unit 11
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Examination paper 1
Examination paper 3
Facilitator’s Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
UNIT 1 Sport LEARNING AIMS: After completing this unit, the candidate should be able to: Listening and speaking:
Express your opinion about sport in this country. Understand the views, opinions, emotions of others. Listen critically and evaluate a speech. Use resources and reference material to find and select information in preparation of the speech. Practise arguing a point. Practise and presenting the speech. Reading and viewing: Read an article about presenting a speech. Read an article about writing a good essay. Writing and presenting: Write your own speech. Analyse the structure, language features and register of essays. Demonstrate your planning skills for a specific purpose, audience and context. Evaluate own work for improvement. Language structures and conventions: Baseline exercise (revision of last year’s language) Revision of indefinite, continuous and perfect tenses. INTRODUCTION This unit is about sport and the influence that sport has on people. You will think, talk and read about sports. You will also allow the candidate to express his/her opinion about it in a speech. In this unit the candidate will be expected to also do an exercise which will briefly revise language work done in previous grade before the candidate will do a baseline exercise. Identify with which aspects of this exercise the candidate has a problem and concentrate on doing enough revision exercises regarding this aspect before he/she writes the language test in week 9. 1.1.
Lesson 1: Listening and speaking
Have a discussion about sport and its place in South Africa. Are we making too much of it? Encourage the candidate to voice his opinion. The aim with this exercise is to serve as a warmup exercise to get the candidate comfortable to speak his/her mind about a topic which is surely close to his heart. Encourage him/her to allow you to speak your mind about the matter as well, so that he can practice listening to other opinions as well.
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Facilitator’s Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
1.1.1 Pre-listening Discuss with the candidate the importance of voicing our opinions and doing it responsibly. Then talk about doing research about something which we feel strongly about and then organising your ideas into a speech. 1.1.2 Listening You are now going to read a speech to the candidate to illustrate how one can include research in your arguments. Ask him/her to listen carefully to see whether the person has actually made a valuable point. When you read the speech to the candidate, read it with passion so that the content will be convincing, as the tone of voice will influence the candidate’s opinion on the speech.
HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY How easy is it for you to tell a little white lie? “Yes Mom, I have already done my homework” or “ No, I didn’t eat the packet of chips in the cupboard. It must have been someone else.” Is telling a lie something that comes easily to you? Ladies and gentlemen, today I will try to prove to you that even telling a small lie, it doesn’t matter how innocent it may be, can be harmful to you. I will firstly identify the reasons why people lie to one another and then I will prove to you how telling the truth can change your life. During our childhood our parents teach us the value of always telling the truth. They warn us about the consequences of telling lies and constantly remind us that a lie is bound to come out sooner or later. Yet, how many of you can honestly say that you never lie? If we know what the right thing is to do, why don’t we do it? According to Sue Blaney, author of the book “Stop the rollercoaster” in which she gives parents advice on how to handle teenagers, there are several reasons why teenagers lie to their parents. One such reason is because teenagers experience the desire to control their own lives and make their own decisions. They have a desire to be independent. Secondly teenagers feel that their parents will not respect or hear their point of view. The root cause of them being dishonest lies in the lack of proper communication between parents and their teenagers. They feel their parents do not trust them enough to make the right choices, like for example when going to a party.
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Facilitator’s Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
The third reason why teenagers lie is because they sometimes need to test the boundaries that support them. Teenagers need to know just where the boundaries of their freedom lie. How far can they push their parents before a specific reaction will follow? Teenagers want the reassurance that their parents care enough to set these boundaries AND enforce them. It gives them a sense of security. I think that one should not merely accept these three reasons why teenagers lie as an excuse to make lying seem more acceptable. According to the positive mindset website, Vital Affirmations, it is honesty, and not lying that helps us to identify who we really are and what we really want. When lying becomes a habit it influences not only the way we see ourselves but also the way other people see us. Lies have a negative effect on our thoughts. It creates the impression that our true self is not good enough and causes us to have a low self-esteem. We create the impression that in order to get something worthwhile we need to lie or cheat. On the other hand telling the truth gives us a sense of direction. We know who we are and what we want out of life. Thomas Jefferson, the third president of America, said that “Honesty is the first Unit to wisdom.” Honesty instills trust. If your parents realise that you are always honest with them they will start to trust you and your judgement when making important decisions. The well-known author, Virginia Woolf very aptly said “If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.” With these words she is saying that you need to be true to yourself before you can be true to anyone else. Being honest builds relationships (not only your relationship with yourself but also your relationship with others). My advice to you is to practise to become an honest, trustworthy person. If you’re afraid you will hurt someone when telling them the truth, rather say nothing than lie to them. People will regard you as a more reliable and balanced person because everyone will know exactly where they stand with you. I close with the words of the English poet and dramatist John Lyly, “He that loseth his honesty hath nothing else to lose.” Stay honest and stay true to yourself. 1.1.3 Post-listening Now discuss the speech with the candidate. Encourage him/her to motivate why he/she regards the speech as being successful. Ask questions and if necessary read the speech again with the candidate so that he can clearly see where the main statements are made. He/she should also clearly see how research has been incorporated into the speech.
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Facilitator’s Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
ACTIVITY 1: The candidate now has to make a list of aspects which would make a speech successful. Allow him/her to refer/look at the speech you read to him/her. You may even allow him/her to make use of the internet to research the characteristics of a good speech.
FOR THE CURIOUS: The candidate has been encouraged to read more examples on the internet. There are many speeches on the internet that do not follow the rules of a good speech. Encourage the candidate to rather look at the speeches of well-known politicians as they are always worthwhile to read because they usually have a definite purpose.
Lesson 2: Reading and viewing
1.2.1 Pre-reading The candidate can now report back on the list of characteristics he/she has made in activity 1. 1.2.2 Reading Now read through the list of characteristics of a good speech in the study guide. 1.2.3 Post-reading The candidate will now be expected to write his own speech which is to be delivered in week 3 Guide the candidate in choosing an appropriate topic. Remember it is always important to keep the speaker’s interests and personality in mind when choosing a topic. e.g. A very serious candidate will find it difficult to write a speech which contains a lot of humour. Consult the addendum at the end of the facilitator’s guide for the marking grid which will be used to assess the prepared speech. Discuss this with the candidate so that he/she knows exactly what they will be getting marks for. He/she has a week to prepare for the speech. Do not write the speech for him/her but you are welcome to assist him/her by giving him/her advice for the improvement of the speech. Remind the candidate that he/she should spend at least three days learning the speech and polishing the presentation. The biggest error that candidates make when preparing a speech is to think that they can write and prepare it within two or less days. The key to the success of their speech will be whether they have practised the presentation sufficiently.
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Facilitator’s Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
ACTIVITY 2: Preparing a speech – topics are in the portfolio book.
Lesson 3: Writing and presenting
1.3.1 Pre-writing the essay Read through the notes on writing an essay. Emphasise to the candidate that when he/she has to choose a topic, he/she should keep in mind what type of essay he/she will be comfortable in writing. It is not easy for everyone to for example write an argumentative essay. A candidate who has difficulties in expressing an opinion should therefore not be influenced by the topic which sounds interesting to write an essay in which he/she would be expected to argue a point. 1.3.2 Writing and presenting
Advise the candidate to first identify at least two topics which he/she feels comfortable writing about. He/she should then make a mind map in which he/she writes down all possible ideas. The ideas should then be organised into possible paragraphs. Before starting to write down the first draft, the candidate must decide what the point is that he/she will try to make in the essay as a whole. Decide what the link between the introductory and closing paragraph will be.
ACTIVITY 3: The essay Writing of first draft of the essay Topics are to be found in the portfolio book. 1.3.3 Post-writing The first draft of the essay can be marked by the facilitator or another candidate. This is an informal marking so errors should be indicated but no marks awarded.
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Facilitator’s Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
After it has been marked you should give the candidate some advice as to how he/she can improve on it. Let him/her follow the checklist given to him/her on p. 20 before he/she writes the final draft. Please note that the candidate may not merely correct the language errors that you have indicated on the first draft. The whole essay should be an improvement on the first draft. The candidate must clearly have improved on the following aspects: Content – streamlined the plot (narrative essay), all arguments, are backed up with evidence (argumentative essay), improved on arguments etc. The sentence construction – no clumsy, long sentences that don’t make sense Spelling, punctuation, tenses and paragraphing. IMPORTANT: When marking the first draft of all essays or transactional pieces
DO NO CORRECT THE ERRORS FOR THE CANDIDATE. Just underline the errors and discuss them with him/her. Encourage them to use a dictionary to correct spelling errors.
The candidate must now write the final draft under controlled circumstances. You as facilitator may no longer advise him/her on how to improve on this piece of writing. ACTIVITY 4: Write final draft of essay . Both the first and the final draft of the essay must be handed in (and eventually filed in the portfolio). Only the marks for the final draft of the essay will count for the formal assessment for the portfolio.
Lesson 4: Language revision
In this lesson you are going to revise the different indefinite and continuous tenses. You are then going to supervise the candidate doing a baseline exercise as part of his/her revision of previous years’ work. Don’t assist the candidate if he/she has any questions. The idea of this baseline exercise is to identify which part of the work is problematic for him or her. 1.4.1 Revise indefinite and continuous tenses Read through the notes of these two tenses with the candidate. Especially the part about the number and concord on page 21 is very important and should be learnt.
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Facilitator’s Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
1.4.2 Integrated comprehension and language
The original idiom is “All that glitters is NOT gold”. The “NOT” has been left out because this article is about Cameron winning his gold medal at the Olympics so to him all that seems like gold is really gold.
Yes. The title implies that Cameron can be very happy because the gold medal that he has won is for real. It doesn’t merely appear to be an impossible dream. OR No. The title is not clear enough. It does not clearly refer to him winning a gold medal in the Olympic Games. This title does not reflect any of the thrill or excitement South Africa experienced at viewing our first gold medal being won at the 2012 Olympic Games. (Open ended. Do not award a mark for the Yes/No only. If answer links with yes or no award one mark only. Consider a well-substantiated response for two marks). (2)
In this week South Africa has beaten England in a cricket match, Ernie Els has won the British Golf Open and Cameron van der Burgh has won South Africa’s first gold medal for swimming at the 2012 Olympic Games.
As an encouragement for athletes to perform well SASCOC promised to give every gold medallist R400,000 so that is what Cameron will receive. (2)
South African Broadcasting Corporation
Which emotions did you experience after breaking the world record?
(One mark for using the correct verb, second mark for sentence construction and use of question mark).
I didn’t have to delete my Twitter network to just focus on my race.
Since I watched Ryk Neethling in the 2004 Olympics, I have known that I could write my own destiny.
5.8.1 He wants to say that the South Africans are all supporting Cameron. 5.8.2
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By showing visually a literal interpretation of the words. OR He uses over-exaggeration. OR By drawing the South African fans in the swimming lane with Cameron as if they are all swimming behind him. ANY ONE ANSWER
Facilitator’s Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
They said, “ The nation is behind him!” second mark is for correct punctuation)
(2) (1)
didn’t I?
5.10.1 had won 5.10.2 surprised 5.10.3 snatching 5.10.4 better 5.10.5 legendary
mind to it.
5.12.1 Proper noun 5.12.2 Adjective 5.13
The astonishment could be seen on Chad le Clos’s face.
(1) TOTAL: 30
Lesson 5: Speaking
The candidate now had a week to prepare for the delivery of the speech. Some candidates are very nervous when delivering a speech so it is important that you try to set the candidate at ease. ACTIVITY 6: SPEECH DELIVERY OF SPEECH
1. Usually this idiom means that you hit very hard when you are fighting. In this context it is used metaphorically. It means that it has a powerful effect on women’s fitness and the way their bodies look.
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Facilitator’s Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
2. “nearly 50% if its members are female”
3. A person who does a professional job but who would like to box in his free time. (2) 4. It improves your fitness level It helps to tone your body. It helps you to burn body fat. (3) 5. OWN OPINION Candidate can give his own opinion. Give one mark if the answer makes sense. Give two marks for a well-substantiated explanation.
6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10
wrote (the time word “last year” indicates past tense) is (present tense because this is what the writer feels when she writes the article) have been attending (time word: for a year) resulted marked strength (note: spelling must be correct) sculpting is considering don’t need (10)
7.1 7.2 7.3
Does Margaret want to have a one-on-one boxing lesson? Who has become members of The Armoury gym? What did I buy?
(1) (1) (1)
(Remember the rule: Questions with who usually takes a singular verb. Exception to the rule: When you have formulated your question and you can clearly see from the question that you have formulated that your answer will be plural, then the verb in the who-question will be plural. e.g. Mary and Tom eat ice-cream. Who eats ice-cream? Mary and Tom are athletes. Who are athletes? 8.1
practises (1) (Remember: practice - word stands in the position of a noun in the sentence. Practise - word stands in the position of a verb in the sentence) twice (1)
9.1 9.2
I don’t like the idea of girls boxing. Karen doesn’t choose to rather train in the morning than in the afternoon.
(1) (1)
The coach taught Karen to box. (correct spelling)
11.1 11.2
I am the only woman boxing at this gym, aren’t I? (Full sentence) The coach didn’t warn me that the session would be so tough, did he?
(1) (1)
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Facilitator’s Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
UNIT 2 People that inspire LEARNING AIMS: After completing this unit, the candidate should be able to: Listening and speaking:
Share ideas, opinions and experiences. Use turn-taking conventions. Reading and viewing: Separate main ideas from supporting details. Determine the meaning of words in context. Evaluate the effectiveness of the text in terms of its purpose. Writing and presenting: Analyse the structure, language features and register of the longer transactional texts discussed. Drafting, revising, editing and proofreading first draft. Present a friendly letter, diary entry and an obituary. Language structures and conventions: Revise perfect and perfect continuous tenses. Revise active and passive voice. INTRODUCTION In this unit the discussion will be about people whose lives we find inspiring. After you have discussed the features of a magazine article with the candidate you and the candidate will read about a true legend in South Africa. You will then discuss what the formats of a friendly letter, a diary entry and an obituary are. For language you will discuss the perfect and perfect continuous tenses with the candidate and revise the passive voice. 2.1.
Lesson 6: Listening and speaking
2.1.1 Prepare to speak In your discussion on people you admire, you should emphasise that if you admire someone you have a strong opinion about that person. 2.1.2 Sharing your opinions about someone In your discussion the candidate must motivate why he/she admires that person and indicate which characteristic of that person he admires so much. The conversation should be a dialogue in which you also voice your opinion. The candidate has to learn to take turns in listening and speaking. 2.2.
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Lesson 7: Reading and viewing
Facilitator’s Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
2.2.1 Pre-reading When you discuss the format of a magazine article, it is a good idea to take out a few old magazines and ask the candidate to look for a few articles which he/she would consider good articles Then ask him/her to compare them and identify what characteristics they all have. Now discuss the characteristics of a magazine as is set out in the candidate’s study guide on pg. 33. 2.2.2 Reading a magazine article Before reading the following article you can first discuss your opinions on Ouma Rusks and talk about other South African products that make us proud, like Mrs Ball’s Chutney. ACTIVITY 7: READING COMPREHENSION MEMORANDUM: Rusky Business
7.2. 7.3. 7.4.
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This title has very aptly been chosen because this is a business that revolves around the making of rusks. The title catches our attention because it reminds us of the phrase “risky business”. The article however will prove that this is no risky business, but a successful one. The Afrikaans word gives the article more credibility. It reminds the reader that this story is about an Afrikaner woman. The writer wants to indicate that we have reason to be proud of our heritage. Paragraph 1 - Main idea: Ouma is still a legend. - Supporting ideas In 1939 a dominee made an offer to women at a church meeting. He gave them half a crown and challenged them to make more money. Paragraph 2 - Main idea: Nannie surprised the dominee with her success - Supporting ideas Nannie bought ingredients and made rusks. At the church bazaar they were sold out within minutes. People started ordering rusks from her. Paragraph 3 Main idea: Ouma’s rusks became famous. Supporting ideas Ouma’s rusks is still the most famous in South Africa. The farm Friedenheim employs no less than 100 full time staff. They work shifts so that Ouma rusks will always be available to their customers.(NOTE: The candidate must deliberately try to rephrase the sentences by using his/her own words. This is an important summarising skill that the