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English First Additional Language Study guide: Language
Grade 12
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Study Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
CONTENTS LESSON ELEMENTS...................................................................................................... 5 PREFACE........................................................................................................................ 7 YEAR PLAN .................................................................................................................... 8 YEAR PLAN .................................................................................................................... 9 TERM 1.......................................................................................................................... 11 Unit 1: Sport ................................................................................................................. 11 1.1. Lesson 1: Listening and speaking: Discussing sport ........................................ 12 ACTIVITY 1: Making a list ................................................................................. 13 1.2 Lesson 2: Reading and viewing good speech ................................................. 13 ACTIVITY 2: Work out a speech ...................................................................... 14 1.3. Lesson 3: Writing and presenting an essay ..................................................... 14 ACTIVITY 3: Write the final draft of an essay .................................................... 19 ACTIVITY 4: Write the final draft of an essay .................................................. 19 1.4 Lesson 4: Language revision: Tenses ................................................................. 19 ACTIVITY 5: Baseline exercise ........................................................................ 26 1.5. Lesson 5: Speaking: Preparing to do your speech ............................................ 29 ACTIVITY 6: Delivering your speech................................................................ 29 Unit 2: People who inspire ......................................................................................... 32 2.1. Lesson 6: Listening and speaking: Sharing your opinion .................................. 32 2.2. Lesson 7: Reading and viewing a magazine article .......................................... 33 ACTIVITY 7: Reading comprehension: Rusky Business ................................... 35 2.3. Lesson 8: Writing and presenting: The informal/friendly letter.......................... 35 ACTIVITY 8: Transactional writing – not for portfolio ....................................... 39 2.4. Lesson 9: Language revision: Tenses .............................................................. 40 ACTIVITY 9: Language exercise : The Lightning Bolt ...................................... 44 ACTIVITY 10: Language Exercise: Active and passive voice ........................... 46 Unit 3: Your health ....................................................................................................... 47 3.1. Lesson 10: Listening and speaking: Teenagers’ health .................................... 47 ACTIVITY 11: Writing a summary .................................................................... 48 3.2 Lesson 11: Reading and viewing: Fact and opinion ......................................... 49 ACTIVITY 12: Reading Comprehension: Healthy teenagers grow into wealthy adults ............................................................................ 51 3.3 Lesson 12: Writing and presenting: Letter to the press .................................... 52 ACTIVITY 13: Write a longer transactional text ................................................. 55 3.4. Lesson 13: Language structures: Reported speech .......................................... 55 ACTIVITY 14: Language exercise: Reported speech........................................ 58
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Study Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
Unit 4: Communication............................................................................................... 61 4.1. Lesson 14: Listening and speaking: Technology............................................... 61 ACTIVITY 15: The graph ................................................................................. 64 4.2. Lesson 15: Reading and viewing: Reading for information ACTIVITY 16: Reading comprehension: What’s up for Generation Y? ............. 67 ACTIVITY 17: Writing a summary .................................................................... 70 4.3. Lesson 16: Writing and presenting: E-mails ...................................................... 71 ACTIVITY 18: Longer transactional writing ...................................................... 73 4.4. Lesson 17: Language structures: Nouns .......................................................... 73 ACTIVITY 19: Nouns ........................................................................................ 74 ACTIVITY 20: Language test – Task 4 ............................................................. 75 TERM 2.......................................................................................................................... 76 Unit 5: The future is in your hands ............................................................................ 76 5.1. Lesson 18: Listening and speaking: Life ........................................................... 76 ACTIVITY 21: Listening test: Aaaaaaaaatishoooooo!!! .................................... 77 5.2. Lesson 19: Reading and viewing: Denotation and connotation ......................... 78 ACTIVITY 22: Reading comprehension: How to have a successful teenage life ................................................................................ 80 5.3. Lesson 20: Writing and presenting: The dialogue and interview ....................... 80 ACTIVITY 23: The dialogue and interview ....................................................... 82 5.4. Lesson 21: Language structures: Roots, prefixes and suffixes ......................... 82 ACTIVITY 24: Prefixes .................................................................................... 83 ACTIVITY 25: Adjectives ................................................................................... 87 Unit 6 I want that job!.................................................................................................. 88 6.1. Lesson 22: Listening and speaking: Getting a job ............................................. 89 6.2. Lesson 23: Reading and viewing: The job interview ......................................... 89 ACTIVITY 26: Reading comprehension: How to successfully handle a job ..... 91 6.3. Lesson 24: Writing and presenting: Curriculum Vitae ....................................... 91 ACTIVITY 27: The Curriculum Vitae ................................................................ 93 ACTIVITY 28: Letter of application ................................................................... 95 6.4. Lesson 25: Language structures ....................................................................... 95 ACTIVITY 29: Adverbs .................................................................................... 99 ACTIVITY 30: Prepositions ............................................................................ 100 ACTIVITY 31: Pronouns ................................................................................. 103 ACTIVITY 32: Summary .................................................................................. 104 Unit 7: Travelling ....................................................................................................... 107 7.1. Lesson 26: Listening and speaking: Tourism .................................................. 107 7.2. Lesson 27: Reading and viewing .................................................................... 108 ACTIVITY 33: READING COMPREHENSION: Become a tourist in your own country ................................................................... 109 7.3. Lesson 28: Writing and presenting .................................................................. 110 7.4. Lesson 29: Language structures ..................................................................... 112 ACTIVITY 34: Conjunctions ........................................................................... 117 ACTIVITY 35: Abbreviations .......................................................................... 118 ACTIVITY 36: Dictionary skills ...................................................................... 120 © Impaq
Study Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
TERM 3........................................................................................................................ 130 Unit 8: Advertising .................................................................................................... 130 8.1. Lesson 30: Listening and speaking: Advertisements ...................................... 130 8.2. Lesson 31: Reading and viewing .................................................................... 131 ACTIVITY 37: READING COMPREHENSION: How advertisements seduce your brain .................................................................. 132 8.3. Lesson 32: Writing and presenting: Printed media .......................................... 133 ACTIVITY 38: The advertisement .................................................................. 139 8.4. Lesson 33: Language structures ..................................................................... 140 ACTIVITY 39: Analysing a cartoon................................................................ 146 ACTIVITY 40: Simple, compound and complex sentences ............................. 148 Unit 9: Life beyond school ....................................................................................... 149 9.1. Lesson 34: Listening and speaking: Your future ............................................ 150 9.2. Lesson 35: Reading and viewing .................................................................... 150 ACTIVITY 41: Reading comprehension: How to get ahead without a degree 153 9.3. Lesson 36: Writing and presenting .................................................................. 153 ACTIVITY 42: Shorter piece of writing ........................................................... 157 ACTIVITY 43: Final shorter piece of writing ................................................... 157 9.4. Lesson 37: Language structures ..................................................................... 157 ACTIVITY 44: Common errors ....................................................................... 160 ACTIVITY 45: Stereotyping ............................................................................ 163 Unit 10: Examination success ................................................................................. 164 10.1. Lesson 38: Listening and speaking ................................................................. 164 10.2. Lesson 39: Reading and viewing .................................................................... 165 ACTIVITY 46: Reading comprehension ........................................................ 168 10.3. Lesson 40: Writing and presenting .................................................................. 169 10.4. Lesson 41: Language structures ..................................................................... 175 ACTIVITY 47: Punctuation ........................................................................... 184 TERM 4........................................................................................................................ 185 Unit 11: Prepare for the final examination .............................................................. 185 11.1. Lesson 42: Paper 1 – Comprehension, summary and language..................... 186 11.2. Lesson 43: Paper 3 – Creative writing ............................................................ 197 ADDENDUM A: LISTENING COMPREHENSION ..................................................... 204 ADDENDUM B: ASSESSMENT RUBRIC (ESSAY) .................................................. 205 ADDENDUM C: ASSESSMENT RUBRIC (LONGER TRANSACTIONAL) ............... 206 ADDENDUM D: ........................................................................................................... 207 ASSESSMENT RUBRIC (SHORTER TRANSACTIONAL)......................................... 207 GLOSSARY................................................................................................................. 208 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES ....................................................................... 213
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Study Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
Unit 7
26 27 28 29 and
3 Unit 8
30 31 32 33 and
Unit 9
Unit 10
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Reading comprehension The covering letter, the CV and the letter of application Verbs, adverbs, determiners, prepositions, pronouns, summary Discussing tourist attractions Reading an article Writing a news article, editorial and designing a brochure Conjunctions, abbreviations using a dictionary Discussing advertisements Reading comprehension Writing: A poster, flyer and advertisement Analysing cartoons; phrases
clauses; simple, compound and complex sentences 34 Discuss your future 35 Reading comprehension 36 Giving directions, instructions and writing an invitation 37 Homophones, homonyms, words often confused, emotive language 38 Discuss preparation for examination 39 Reading comprehension 40 Notice, agenda, minutes of a meeting, memorandum 41 Punctuation
Study Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
TERM 4 Unit 11
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LESSON 42 43
Examination paper 1 Examination paper 3
Study Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
Unit 1: Sport LEARNING AIMS: After you have completed this unit, you should be able to:
Listening and speaking: Express your opinion about sport in this country. Understand the views, opinions, emotions of others. Listen critically and evaluate a speech. Use resources and reference material to find and select information in preparation of the speech. Practise arguing a point. Practise and present a speech. Reading and viewing: Read an article about presenting a speech. Read an article about writing a good essay. Writing and presenting: Write your own speech Analyse the structure, language features and register of essays. Demonstrate your planning skills for a specific purpose, audience and context. Evaluate own work for improvement. Language structures and conventions: Baseline exercise (revision of last year’s language). Revision of indefinite, continuous and perfect tenses.
INTRODUCTION This unit is about sport and the influence that sport has on people. You will think, talk and read about sports. You will also be allowed to express your opinion about it in a speech. In this unit you will also do an exercise which will briefly revise language work done in previous grades before you will do a baseline exercise. Identify with which aspects of this exercise you have a problem and concentrate on doing enough revision exercises regarding this aspect before you write the language test in Week 9.
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Study Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
Lesson 1: Listening and speaking: Discussing sport When we feel strongly about something, we can voice our opinions by discussing it with someone. We can then listen to their opinion and comment on it. Look at the pictures on the left and discuss your own opinion about the following with your facilitator: 1. Do you like to participate or watch sport?
(blog.fscheetahs.co.za) 2. Why do you think sport plays such an important role in South Africa? 3. Do you think that supporters are making fools of themselves when they show their support for their team the way these people in these pictures do? (iol.co.za)
4. Do you think that sport and the support of sport teams have become too important in people’s lives?
Remember the rules of a discussion. When taking part in a discussion, you must be able to: * initiate and keep up a conversation * take turns with the person to whom you are speaking. * state your opinion without being aggressive * fill in gaps in the conversation and encourage the reader * share your ideas and show respect for the other person’s opinion. 1.1.1
You can also convince people of your opinion by finding more evidence to prove that you have a valuable point. When you have researched the topic and have found credible sources, you can debate the topic with someone. You can also be asked to deliver a speech in which you can try to convince them that you have arguments to make. 1.1.2
Listen to the following speech read to you by your facilitator. Listen to it critically so that you can identify which arguments the speaker is trying to make. 1.1.3
Discuss this speech with your facilitator and decide whether you think the speaker has persuaded you of his/her opinion.
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Study Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
ACTIVITY 1: Making a list Make a list of aspects that you think would be important in a good speech.
You can consult the Internet for more examples of speeches. Look at “Great speeches that changed the world” on blog.biographyonline.net/.../great-speeches-that-changed-world.html
and ask yourself what made these such brilliant speeches. 1.2
Lesson 2:
Reading and viewing a good speech
1.2.1 Pre-reading While you were listening to the speech in Lesson 1 being read to you, you will have noticed that there were certain parts of the speech that influenced your opinion about being honest. Now share the notes that you have set up about a good speech with your facilitator and explain why you included certain aspects. Read the following notes which will give you advice on how to write your own good speech. 1.2.2 Reading THE FEATURES OF A GOOD SPEECH: 1.
3. 4. 5.
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Choose a topic that interests you. Your speech will be more convincing if you feel strongly about what you are saying. Decide what the core message of your speech should be: Your speech can inform, convince or entertain the audience. It is your core message that will determine the way in which you will deliver the speech. Speeches are divided into the introduction, the body and the conclusion. The introduction aims to catch the attention of your audience. You may choose to use an anecdote, a rhetorical question or a quotation. The body of your speech should consist of three main arguments/aspects that you plan to discuss. You should then support your arguments with examples, facts or research. Clearly indicate your sources. Including research in your speech nenhances the credibility of your content. Conclude your speech with a strong statement or quotation which will round off your speech.
Study Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
The way you present your speech is just as important as the speech itself.
Write your whole speech (or only key words) on keycards of approximately 12 cm x 10 cm. These key cards are not meant to be read. They merely serve as a lifeline if you falter during your speech. You must know your speech so well that you will be able to deliver it without having the key cards with you. Speak confidently and clearly. Use dramatic pauses to emphasise important points that you are trying to make. Be careful not to race through your speech. Stand up straight with your legs slightly apart. Remember to make eye contact with all the members of the audience. Looking at them will make your audience feel important. Be enthusiastic about your topic. Your audience will remember your speech if you can convince them with your attitude that you feel strongly about the topic.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
1.2.3 Post-reading You will now be expected to write your own speech, keeping these aspects referred to in the article in mind. ACTIVITY 2: Work out a speech Use the advice given to you to work out your own speech which you will have to deliver in Week 3. Remember it is important to include research. Consult the portfolio book for the topics . Give yourself ample time to prepare it properly. 1.3.
Lesson 3: Writing and presenting an essay
By the end of the lesson you should know all the formats of the different types of essays and their function. Do you not wish to be able to present yourself well in written form? Then follow the tips that will be given to you. DEFINE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF ESSAYS: NARRATIVE: A narrative essay aims to tell a story of something that is happening or has happened. DESCRIPTIVE: Descriptive writing is the act of describing a picture in words, in such a way that the writer makes you think of all the sensory images that he feels towards the subject which is being described. DISCURSIVE: A discursive essay is one in which the writer makes a point by
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Study Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
reasoning. He objectively considers various aspects of the subject and then makes a statement of his own carefully thought-out views about the subject. ARGUMENTATIVE: An argumentative essay is one in which the writer argues both for and against the topic with the idea of highlighting both the pros and cons while at the same time trying to reflect the point of view which may be favoured by the writer. The subjectivity of the writer is clear, as is his attempt to persuade the reader to share his point of view. REFLECTIVE: A reflective essay is a piece of writing that involves your views and feelings about a particular subject. The goal of a reflective essay is to not only discuss what you have learned about the subject but to convey your own personal experiences and findings that resulted. 1.3.1 Pre-writing the essay Read through the notes on essay-writing before you attempt to write your own essay.
1.4 1.5
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The narrative essay: The narrative composition seems easy, but it is more difficult to write a really good narrative composition than any other type of composition. What is important in a successful narrative composition? The content of the composition must relate to the title chosen and must reflect a well thought-out plot. A plot is the way events take place and the reason why they take place in a particular pattern. The plot is the powerful “web of meaning” and it shapes and explains the story. The story must sound true, that is, the reader should not have to strain his imagination to believe that such a situation is possible. The story should be plausible, that is, reasonable or convincing enough for the reader to believe that it did or it could take place. Even if the tale is based on pure fantasy, the story should be logical. That is, the events should at least be probable. The reader must be able to say: such and such might well have happened. In storytelling the events described should be within what can be expected. You may invent what you will – as long as within the world of the characters and situation, it might be possible or have happened. A good story has a point to make – usually at the end. The reader’s interest must be held to the end. This will depend largely on
Study Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
the writer’s style which must keep the reader’s interest. 1.6
1.7 1.8
A successful narrative will have relevant detail of time (when the story takes place), place (where the story takes place) and appearance (and how the events take place – the story itself). A successful narrative also shows sensory details, such as: sights, sounds, tastes, smells and tactile (touch) aspects. A good ending is an important aspect of any successful narrative. Good writers are able to produce a surprising “twist in the tale”, although a good start will make a reader want to read the story. Conflicts are also good for stories. It may be conflict between two or more people, between people and natural forces, between individuals and groups or between aspects of a person’s personality. Regardless of its form, conflict generates dramatic interest. The descriptive essay: The descriptive composition needs very special skills. To write a good descriptive composition you must be able to manipulate language in such a way that the subject being described becomes as real to the reader as it is to the writer. The successful writer is one who makes the reader see the subject as vividly (clearly) as he does; who creates a picture in the mind of the reader through the images he creates of sound, smell, taste, touch and sight.
What is important in writing a descriptive composition? 2.1 Your description should focus on detail. 2.2 Write about familiar objects. Only choose this essay if you have some knowledge about the topic which you have derived from personal experience or if you have read about it. 2.3 You must be able to describe a person, place or events so accurately that the reader can visualise what you are saying. 2.4 Use adjectives and adverbs skilfully and effectively. Include figurative language like similes, metaphors, personification. 3.
Discursive essay: In discursive writing you have to argue both sides of an issue. The difference between the discursive and argumentative writing lies in the tone and factual content. The discursive composition is more objective and should try to see both sides of an argument calmly and logically.
What is important in discursive writing? 3.1 The writer should show a real interest in the subject being discussed and reflect reliable information about the subject.
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Study Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6
The writer must see both sides of an argument and present opposing views impartially (without discriminating). The writer should be aware of opposition to a particular idea while trying to show his own opinion. There must be a conclusion, that is, an own opinion of where the balance/ truth lies. The examiner is looking for a calm, reasoned statement of opinion based on facts as they have been presented. Use concessive conjunctions or logical connectors, like therefore, however and so. Planning the discursive composition: a) Introduction: Brief introduction to the subject, perhaps referring to its history and stating its importance by showing it affects us as individuals or as a society. b) Body: Paragraphs which give equal attention to aspects for and against the subject. c) Conclusion: The writer gives a carefully considered opinion, that is, a clear statement of his final belief. The argumentative essay: In the argumentative composition, the writer must deal with both the pros and cons of an argument while at the same time trying to show more strongly the aspect which is favoured (by the writer).
What is important in good argumentative writing? 4.1 A good argumentative composition must be clearly presented, it must get to the point (without discussing subjects that are not related) and it must be logical. 4.2 Plan as follows: a) Rewrite the topic in your own words, that is, create an introductory paragraph which is a clear sign to the examiner that you understand the title. To do this you must be sure that you understand all the vocabulary in the title. b) Discuss the pros and cons using appropriate ideas and supporting evidence. It is important to remember that all statements should be well substantiated (proven). This os usually done with reference to relevant research findings, statistics and the opinions held by experts on the subject which is being discussed. c) If you, the writer, possess strong beliefs of your own you should be able to support your own subjective thoughts by making direct reference to specific experiences, texts and supporting facts from reliable sources. d) Conclude by summing up the points and making a clear statement of your main argument.
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Study Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
NOTE: The argumentative composition can be an excellent choice if you are: - a logical thinker; - able to see both sides of an argument; - determined to solve a problem; - have reasonable knowledge about the issues which need to be discussed; - a regular reader of newspapers and magazines - prepared to keep an open mind so that you are able to see both sides of any argument 5. The reflective essay: The reflective essay allows you to reveal and talk about your own personal insight about a topic. It is therefore subjective. You may address certain experiences that led to your opinion about a specific matter. You can also reflect on dreams or your aspirations.
5.1 5.2 5.3
5.4 5.5
What is important in good reflective writing? This essay is often descriptive. You can write about your own observation, experience and attitudes. Say how they have influenced your mind set. This is a very difficult essay to write and should be attempted only by skilled writers. Plan the content of your essay carefully to ensure that you do not repeat any ideas. This is a common mistake made by candidates who attempt to write this type of essay. Use personal pronouns. Your conclusion should summarise the content of your essay.
1.3.2 Writing and presenting Now consult your portfolio book for the topics you can choose from for Task 2. Choose your topic carefully. The best topic would be one where you will be able to write about something you have experienced or you have some knowledge about. Plan your essay as follows: 1. Write down as many ideas as you can about the topic. 2. Brainstorm with your facilitator about how this topic can be approached. 3. Research the topic. This is an opportunity to build your vocabulary. 4. Organise the ideas you want to use so that your essay will make sense. 5. Identify main ideas and supporting detail.
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Study Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
ACTIVITY 3: Write the first draft of an essay Write the first draft of your essay. Topics are in the portfolio book.
1.3.3 Post-writing To write a good essay, it is important that we learn to critically evaluate our own work. Try to be as objective as possible when you try to improve on your work. Read the following CHECKLIST and make the necessary corrections in your essay. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
I have interpreted my topic correctly. The whole essay is on topic. My essay topic is written at the top of my essay and I have indicated the topic number that I have chosen. My essay is between 250-300 words. I have indicated the number of words used at the end of my essay. I have spelt all my words correctly. (Use a dictionary) I have used the same tense throughout my essay. I have divided my ideas into paragraphs. I have refined my word choice. I have tried to write words, phrases and sentences into better English. I have used a variety of punctuation marks correctly. All my sentences make sense. I have included figurative language (like metaphors, similes and personification). ACTIVITY 4:
Write the final draft of an essay
Now write the final draft of your essay to be marked by your facilitator.
Lesson 4: Language revision: Tenses
In this lesson you are going to revise the different indefinite and continuous tenses. You are then going to do a baseline exercise as part of your revision of previous years’ work. When your facilitator has marked this for you, you must pay careful attention to which parts of the question paper seemed problematic to you. Ensure that when you study for a test or examination you will pay special attention to mastering those aspects.
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Study Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
DEFINE: BASELINE EXERCISE: An exercise that tests achievement level based on work done in previous years.
1.4.1 Revise indefinite and continuous tenses Although you have been taught the rules of the different tenses since about Grade 3, the importance of using the correct form of the verb in sentences cannot be emphasised enough. If you know these rules not only your language mark will improve, but also that of your creative writing.
LANGUAGE REVISION: THE INDEFINITE TENSES THE PRESENT INDEFINITE TENSE 1. This tense is used to show a) general truths e.g. The earth is round. b) actions that happen repeatedly e.g. Every day he goes to town. c) a dramatic story e.g. Slowly the door opens. A masked figure enters …. 2. Note: a) the time is not fixed because the action can take place at any time with the past, present or future b) the third person singular has (“-s” or “-es”) added to the verb. e.g. He plays, thinks, does, has c) Auxiliary (helping) verbs except “do”, “be” and “have” do not take (“-s”, “es”) in the third person singular. e.g. He can/may/must work hard.
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Study Guide G12 ~ English First Additional Language: Language
3. Interrogative (asking questions) and negative forms in the present indefinite tense require the help of the auxiliary verb “do” (except “be”) e.g. John works hard Does John work hard? John does not work hard. / John doesn’t work hard. John is ill Is John ill? John is not ill. / John isn’t ill. He has measles Does he have measles? He does not have measles. / He doesn’t have measles. 4. Common time words for this tense are: always, usually, seldom, never, hardly ever, generally, often, sometimes, every day, once a week, every year, invariably, frequently, rarely, regularly, today (Notice that these are usually adverbs of time.) 5. Number (singular/plural) and concord (agreement of subject and verb) a) The verb must agree with its subject in number and person. e.g. I work. You/we/they work He/she/it works. Note that in the present indefinite tense the third person singular takes (“-s” or “-es”) added to the verb. b) Neither ... nor; either ... or; not ... but If the subjects differ in number, the plural noun should be placed nearer to the verb and the verb made plural. e.g. Neither the man nor his wife goes to town often. Either the farmer or his sons go to market every day. Not John, but his cousins are coming. Are neither the boys nor their father coming? Note that the verb agrees with the subject nearest to it. c) Each, every, anyone, none, anybody, nobody, everything, and anything takes a singular verb. (These are called distributives.) e.g. Every child knows the answer. Each of the pupils receives a book.. d) Much and little take a singular verb, but many and few take a plural verb. e.g. Little fruit is grown in the district. Few understand the preacher. e) Two or more singular subjects joined by “and” take a plural verb, e.g. The calf and the cow are in the field. (1 +1 = 2 = plural) but a singular subject joined to another noun by as well as or with takes a singular verb, this is because the second noun is not the subject of the
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