Í2’È-A-FAL-FG01>Î 1
Grade 5
A member of the FUTURELEARN group
English First Additional Language Facilitator’s guide
CAPS aligned
I Forbes J Petersen A Walton
Grade 5
Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
CONTENTS PREFACE �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 TIMETABLE AND TIME MANAGEMENT �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 STUDY TIPS AND METHODS ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 YEAR PLAN ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16 UNIT 1: Weeks 1 – 2 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 Lesson 1: Responsibility ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 SECTION 1: Listening and speaking ������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Activity 1: Listen to a short story............................................................................18 Activity 2: Retell a story.........................................................................................19 Activity 3: Practise listening and speaking.............................................................20 SECTION 2: Reading and viewing ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 Activity 4: Predict a story from its title and pictures...............................................21 Activity 5: Use reading strategies..........................................................................21 Activity 6: Discuss new vocabulary........................................................................22 Activity 7: Use a dictionary....................................................................................22 Activity 8: Answer comprehension questions........................................................22 Activity 9: Discuss the title, plot and setting ..........................................................23 Activity 10: Express your opinion on the story ......................................................23 Activity 11: Read in pairs.......................................................................................24 Activity 12: Practise reading .................................................................................24 Activity 13: Retell the story....................................................................................24 SECTION 3: Writing and presenting ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 25 Activity 14: Write a personal recount ....................................................................25 Activity 15: Write an opinion on a story .................................................................25 Activity 16: Create a personal dictionary...............................................................26 SECTION 4: Language structures and conventions ��������������������������������������������� 26 Activity 17: Proper nouns.......................................................................................26 Activity 18: Countable nouns.................................................................................26 Activity 19: Phonic knowledge...............................................................................27 Activity 20: Subject-verb agreement......................................................................27 UNIT 1: Weeks 3 – 4 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29 Lesson 2: Respect ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 29 SECTION 1: Listening and speaking �������������������������������������������������������������������� 30 Activity 21: Take part in a conversation.................................................................30 Activity 22: Practise listening and speaking...........................................................30 Activity 23: Give a factual recount ........................................................................31 SECTION 2: Reading and viewing ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 32 Activity 24: Read and discuss the graph...............................................................32 Activity 25: Read the information text....................................................................32 Activity 26: Answer questions about the text.........................................................32 Activity 27: Read independently............................................................................33 Activity 28: Read aloud..........................................................................................33 Activity 29: Share opinions....................................................................................33
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 30: Relate a text to your own life...............................................................34 SECTION 3: Writing and presenting �������������������������������������������������������������������� 34 Activity 31: Write a factual recount........................................................................34 Activity 32: Draw a graph.......................................................................................35 Activity 33: Write sentences...................................................................................35 SECTION 4: Language structures and conventions ��������������������������������������������� 35 Activity 34: Adverbs of time...................................................................................35 Activity 35: Regular forms of verbs .....................................................................36 UNIT 1: Weeks 5 – 6 ......................................................................................................... 38 Lesson 3: Rules................................................................................................................ 38 SECTION 1: Listening and speaking ������������������������������������������������������������������� 39 Activity 36: Listen to a story...................................................................................39 Activity 37: Role-play familiar situations................................................................40 Activity 38: Practise listening and speaking...........................................................41 SECTION 2: Reading and viewing ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 42 Activity 39: Predict the story from the title and pictures.........................................42 Activity 40: Answer questions about the text.........................................................42 Activity 41: Read a social text................................................................................43 Activity 42: Read aloud..........................................................................................44 Activity 43: Independent reading...........................................................................44 Activity 44: Express emotional responses.............................................................44 SECTION 3: Writing and presenting ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 45 Activity 45: Write a simple description ..................................................................45 Activity 46: Write a short message .......................................................................45 Activity 47: Write a paragraph................................................................................46 Activity 48: Record words and their meanings .....................................................46 SECTION 4: Language structures and conventions ��������������������������������������������� 46 Activity 49: Understand and use reported speech ................................................46 Activity 50: Build on the use of prepositions..........................................................47 Activity 51: Compound words ...............................................................................48 UNIT 1: Weeks 7 – 8.......................................................................................................... 50 Lesson 4: Feelings........................................................................................................... 50 SECTION 1: Listening and speaking �������������������������������������������������������������������� 51 Activity 52: Play a language game .......................................................................51 Activity 53: Practise listening and speaking ..........................................................51 Activity 54: Listen to and carry out instructions.....................................................51 Activity 55: Describe a simple process..................................................................52 SECTION 2: Reading and viewing ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 52 Activity 56: Predict a text from the title and picture................................................52 Activity 57: Use reading strategies........................................................................53 Activity 58: Discuss details of the text...................................................................54 Activity 59: Answer comprehension questions......................................................54 Activity 60: Read aloud..........................................................................................55 Activity 61: Independent reading...........................................................................55 Activity 62: Give a short oral review ....................................................................55 SECTION 3: Writing and presenting ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 56 © Impaq
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Activity 63: Write instructions.................................................................................56 Activity 64: Write an account of a procedure.........................................................56 Activity 65: Record words and their meanings......................................................57 SECTION 4: Language structures and conventions ��������������������������������������������� 57 Activity 66: Possessive pronouns..........................................................................57 Activity 67: The possessive form of the noun .......................................................58 UNIT 1: Weeks 9 – 10........................................................................................................ 60 Lesson 5: Manners........................................................................................................... 60 SECTION 1: Listening and speaking �������������������������������������������������������������������� 61 Activity 68: Practise listening and speaking...........................................................61 Activity 69: Talk about the poem............................................................................61 Activity 70: Relate to your own experience............................................................62 SECTION 2: Reading and viewing ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 62 Activity 71: Discuss the poem................................................................................62 Activity 72: Discuss rhyme and words that create sound......................................63 Activity 73: Discuss comparisons..........................................................................64 Activity 74: Answer questions on the poem...........................................................65 Activity 75: Read aloud..........................................................................................65 Activity 76: Independent reading...........................................................................65 Activity 77: Compare texts read ............................................................................66 SECTION 3: Writing and presenting ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 66 Activity 78: Write a simple poem............................................................................66 Activity 79: Write about the poem..........................................................................67 Activity 80: Record words and their meanings......................................................67 SECTION 4: Language structures and conventions ��������������������������������������������� 67 Activity 81: The gender form of nouns...................................................................67 Activity 82: Irregular forms of some verbs.............................................................68 UNIT 2: Weeks 1 – 2 ......................................................................................................... 70 Lesson 6: Garden creatures ........................................................................................... 70 SECTION 1: Listening and speaking �������������������������������������������������������������������� 71 Activity 83: Listen to a story...................................................................................71 Activity 84: Give your opinion on the story............................................................72 Activity 85: Practise listening and speaking...........................................................72 Activity 86: Take part in a conversation.................................................................73 SECTION 2: Reading and viewing ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 74 Activity 87: Read a story........................................................................................74 Activity 88: Identify features of the story................................................................75 Activity 89: Make up questions on the story..........................................................76 Activity 90: Use a dictionary..................................................................................76 Activity 91: Read a book review............................................................................76 Activity 92: Read aloud..........................................................................................77 Activity 93: Do an oral book review.......................................................................77 SECTION 3: Writing and presenting ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 78 Activity 94: Write a simple story ............................................................................78 Activity 95: Write a story review ............................................................................79 SECTION 4: Language structures and conventions ��������������������������������������������� 79
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Activity 96: Collocations.........................................................................................79 Activity 97: Nouns that only have plurals...............................................................79 UNIT 2: Weeks 3 – 4 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 81 Lesson 7: Birds ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 81 SECTION 1: Listening and speaking �������������������������������������������������������������������� 82 Activity 98: Listen to an information text................................................................82 Activity 99: Classify objects ..................................................................................82 Activity 100: Practise listening and speaking.........................................................84 SECTION 2: Reading and viewing ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 84 Activity 101: Pre-read a text .................................................................................84 Activity 102: Read an information text...................................................................85 Activity 103: Scan the text.....................................................................................86 Activity 104: Answer comprehension questions....................................................87 Activity 105: Read aloud........................................................................................87 Activity 106: Read on your own.............................................................................88 Activity 107: Retell a story.....................................................................................88 SECTION 3: Writing and presenting ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 88 Activity 108: Write a description.............................................................................88 Activity 109: Make a mind map..............................................................................88 SECTION 4: Language structures and conventions ��������������������������������������������� 90 Activity 110: Prepositions.......................................................................................90 Activity 111: Future tense.......................................................................................90 UNIT 2: Weeks 5 – 6 ......................................................................................................... 92 Lesson 8: My garden........................................................................................................ 92 SECTION 1: Listening and speaking �������������������������������������������������������������������� 93 Activity 112: Listen to a story.................................................................................93 Activity 113: Retell the story...................................................................................94 Activity 114: Practise listening and speaking.........................................................95 SECTION 2: Reading and viewing ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 96 Activity 115: Read the story...................................................................................96 Activity 116: Use contextual clues.........................................................................97 Activity 117: Identify the plot..................................................................................98 Activity 118: Answer comprehension questions.....................................................99 Activity 119: Read aloud........................................................................................99 Activity 120: Reflect on texts read.......................................................................100 SECTION 3: Writing and presenting ������������������������������������������������������������������� 100 Activity 121: Write a story....................................................................................100 Activity 122: Record words..................................................................................101 SECTION 4: Language structures and conventions ������������������������������������������� 101 Activity 123: Words that show obligation.............................................................101 Activity 124: Words that show intention...............................................................101 UNIT 2: Weeks 7 – 8 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 103 Lesson 9: Grow your own vegetables �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 103 SECTION 1: Listening and speaking ������������������������������������������������������������������ 104 Activity 125: Listen to instructions.......................................................................104 Activity 126: Role-play a familiar situation...........................................................104 © Impaq
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Activity 127: Practise listening and speaking.......................................................105 SECTION 2: Reading and viewing ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 106 Activity 128: Pre-read instructions.......................................................................106 Activity 129: Read the instructions......................................................................106 Activity 130: Discuss the instructions..................................................................107 Activity 131: Answer comprehension questions..................................................108 Activity 132: Read aloud......................................................................................108 Activity 133: Read independently........................................................................108 Activity 134: Reflect on texts...............................................................................109 SECTION 3: Writing and presenting ������������������������������������������������������������������� 109 Activity 135: Write a recipe .................................................................................109 Activity 136: Write a short account ..................................................................... 110 Activity 137: Record words.................................................................................. 111 SECTION 4: Language structures and conventions ��������������������������������������������111 Activity 138: Question marks and exclamation marks......................................... 111 Activity 139: Adverbs of place.............................................................................. 112 Activity 140: Adverbs of degree........................................................................... 112 UNIT 3: Weeks 1 – 2.........................................................................................................114 Lesson 10: The city.........................................................................................................114 SECTION 1: Listening and speaking ������������������������������������������������������������������ 115 Activity 141: Listen to a description..................................................................... 115 Activity 142: Give a personal recount.................................................................. 116 Activity 143: Practise listening and speaking....................................................... 116 SECTION 2: Reading and viewing ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 117 Activity 144: Pre-read a story.............................................................................. 117 Activity 145: Read a story.................................................................................... 117 Activity 146: Discuss the story............................................................................. 118 Activity 147: Understand features ....................................................................... 119 Activity 148: Summarise the story .....................................................................120 Activity 149: Answer comprehension questions .................................................120 Activity 150: Read aloud......................................................................................121 Activity 151: Reflect on a text..............................................................................121 SECTION 3: Writing and presenting ������������������������������������������������������������������� 121 Activity 152: Rewrite the story.............................................................................121 Activity 153: Record words..................................................................................123 SECTION 4: Language structures and conventions ������������������������������������������� 123 Activity 154: Personal pronouns..........................................................................123 Activity 155: Countable nouns.............................................................................124 Activity 156: Subject-verb agreement..................................................................124 UNIT 3: Weeks 3 – 4........................................................................................................ 126 Lesson 11: The bush...................................................................................................... 126 SECTION 1: Listening and speaking ������������������������������������������������������������������ 127 Activity 157: Plan a speech.................................................................................127 Activity 158: Draft your speech............................................................................127 Activity 159: Present your speech.......................................................................127 Activity 160: Practise listening and speaking.......................................................127
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SECTION 2: Reading and viewing ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 128 Activity 161: Scan for information........................................................................128 Activity 162: Read the information text................................................................128 Activity 163: Discuss the text...............................................................................130 Activity 164: Answer questions............................................................................130 Activity 165: Answer comprehension questions..................................................131 Activity 166: Read aloud......................................................................................131 Activity 167: Retell the text..................................................................................132 SECTION 3: Writing and presenting ������������������������������������������������������������������� 132 Activity 168: Create a table..................................................................................132 Activity 169: Draw and label a diagram...............................................................132 Activity 170: Make a mind map............................................................................133 Activity 171: Record words..................................................................................133 SECTION 4: Language structures and conventions ������������������������������������������� 134 Activity 172: Spelling ‘c’ words that sound like ‘s’................................................134 Activity 173: Possessive pronouns......................................................................134 UNIT 3: Weeks 5 – 6 ....................................................................................................... 136 Lesson 12: Holidays....................................................................................................... 136 SECTION 1: Listening and speaking ������������������������������������������������������������������ 137 Activity 174: Listen to a recount...........................................................................137 Activity 175: Retell the recount............................................................................138 Activity 176: Practise listening and speaking.......................................................138 SECTION 2: Reading and viewing ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 139 Activity 177: Read a story....................................................................................139 Activity 178: Understand plot...............................................................................140 Activity 179: Answer comprehension questions .................................................141 Activity 180: Read a poem...................................................................................141 Activity 181: Use reading strategies....................................................................142 Activity 182: Express feelings..............................................................................143 Activity 183: Read aloud......................................................................................143 Activity 184: Read independently........................................................................143 SECTION 3: Writing and presenting ������������������������������������������������������������������� 143 Activity 185: Brainstorm a story...........................................................................143 Activity 186: Write a first draft..............................................................................144 Activity 187: Revise your story............................................................................144 Activity 188: Write your final draft........................................................................144 SECTION 4: Language structures and conventions ������������������������������������������� 144 Activity 189: Direct and indirect speech...............................................................144 UNIT 3: Weeks 7 – 8 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 147 Lesson 13: Recreational activities ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 147 SECTION 1: Listening and speaking ������������������������������������������������������������������ 148 Activity 190: Take part in a conversation.............................................................148 Activity 191: Play a language game....................................................................148 Activity 192: Practise listening and speaking.......................................................149 SECTION 2: Reading and viewing ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 149 Activity 193: Predict a text...................................................................................149 © Impaq
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Activity 194: Read a science experiment.............................................................150 Activity 195: Interpret the picture.........................................................................151 Activity 196: Describe the sequence...................................................................151 Activity 197: Follow the instructions.....................................................................151 Activity 198: Read an information text.................................................................151 Activity 199: Read independently........................................................................153 Activity 200: Read aloud......................................................................................153 SECTION 3: Writing and presenting ������������������������������������������������������������������� 153 Activity 201: Brainstorm an information text........................................................153 Activity 202: Write your first draft.........................................................................153 Activity 203: Revise your draft.............................................................................154 Activity 204: Write your information text neatly....................................................154 Activity 205: Record words..................................................................................154 SECTION 4: Language structures and conventions ������������������������������������������� 154 Activity 206: Negative forms................................................................................154 Activity 207: Prefixes...........................................................................................155 UNIT 3: Weeks 9 – 10 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 157 Lesson 14: Egypt ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 157 SECTION 1: Listening and speaking ������������������������������������������������������������������ 158 Activity 208: Take part in a conversation.............................................................158 Activity 209: Perform a play.................................................................................158 Activity 210: Practise listening and speaking.......................................................161 SECTION 2: Reading and viewing ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 162 Activity 211: Pre-read a play................................................................................162 Activity 212: Read a play.....................................................................................162 Activity 213: Discuss the play..............................................................................168 Activity 214: Discuss the format of the play.........................................................169 Activity 215: Answer comprehension questions .................................................170 Activity 216: Read aloud .....................................................................................170 Activity 217: Reflect on texts ..............................................................................170 SECTION 3: Writing and presenting ������������������������������������������������������������������� 171 Activity 218: Brainstorm a play............................................................................171 Activity 219: Write a first draft..............................................................................171 Activity 220: Revise your play..............................................................................172 Activity 221: Write a play.....................................................................................172 Activity 222: Record words..................................................................................173 SECTION 4: Language structures and conventions ������������������������������������������� 173 Activity 223: Spell plural words ending in ‘-s’, ‘-sh’, ‘-ch’, ‘-x’ and ‘-z’ .................173 Activity 224: Simple past, present and future tense............................................174 UNIT 4: Weeks 1 – 2 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 175 Lesson 15: How things are made �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 175 SECTION 1: Listening and speaking ������������������������������������������������������������������ 176 Activity 225: Listen to a story...............................................................................176 Activity 226: Discuss the story.............................................................................176 Activity 227: Play a language game....................................................................177 Activity 228: Practise listening and speaking.......................................................177
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SECTION 2: Reading and viewing ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 178 Activity 229: Read a story....................................................................................178 Activity 230: Discuss the story ............................................................................180 Activity 231: Identify features in the story ...........................................................180 Activity 232: Answer comprehension questions..................................................181 Activity 233: Read and solve a word puzzle........................................................182 Activity 234: Reflect on texts read.......................................................................182 Activity 235: Read independently........................................................................182 SECTION 3: Writing and presenting ������������������������������������������������������������������� 182 Activity 236: Write a personal recount.................................................................182 Activity 237: Brainstorm a story...........................................................................183 Activity 238: Write a first draft..............................................................................183 Activity 239: Edit and write a story.......................................................................184 SECTION 4: Language structures and conventions ������������������������������������������� 184 Activity 240: Countable and uncountable nouns.................................................184 Activity 241: Subject-verb agreement..................................................................185 UNIT 4: Weeks 3 – 4 ....................................................................................................... 190 Lesson 16: Books........................................................................................................... 190 SECTION 1: Listening and speaking ������������������������������������������������������������������ 191 Activity 242: Participate in a discussion...............................................................191 Activity 243: Practise listening and speaking ......................................................192 SECTION 2: Reading and viewing ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 193 Activity 244: Preview and skim a newspaper article............................................193 Activity 245: Read a newspaper article...............................................................193 Activity 246: Discuss a newspaper article...........................................................194 Activity 247: Understand the layout and design .................................................194 Activity 248: Answer comprehension questions..................................................195 Activity 249: Read and understand a poster........................................................195 Activity 250: Read aloud .....................................................................................196 Activity 251: Independent reading ......................................................................196 Activity 252: Respond to reading a text...............................................................197 SECTION 3: Writing and presenting ������������������������������������������������������������������� 197 Activity 253: Write an information text.................................................................197 Activity 254: Brainstorm a newspaper article.......................................................197 Activity 255: Write a first draft..............................................................................197 Activity 256: Edit a newspaper article..................................................................198 Activity 257: Write a newspaper article................................................................198 SECTION 4: Language structures and conventions ������������������������������������������� 198 Activity 258: Irregular forms of the verb...............................................................198 Activity 259: Words with long vowel sound – add silent ‘-e’.................................199 UNIT 4: Weeks 5 – 6........................................................................................................ 200 Lesson 17: Fantasy........................................................................................................ 200 SECTION 1: Listening and speaking ������������������������������������������������������������������ 201 Activity 260: Listen to a story...............................................................................201 Activity 261: Summarise a story with support......................................................202 Activity 262: Express your opinion.......................................................................202 © Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 263: Tell a story.......................................................................................203 Activity 264: Practise listening and speaking.......................................................203 SECTION 2: Reading and viewing ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 204 Activity 265: Read a story....................................................................................204 Activity 266: Discuss a story................................................................................206 Activity 267: Answer comprehension questions..................................................206 Activity 268: Read a poem...................................................................................207 Activity 269: Discuss a poem...............................................................................207 Activity 270: Read aloud......................................................................................208 Activity 271: Independent reading.......................................................................208 Activity 272: Do a short oral book review............................................................208 SECTION 3: Writing and presenting ������������������������������������������������������������������� 208 Activity 273: Write a personal recount of events..................................................208 Activity 274: Plan and write a book review..........................................................209 Activity 275: Edit your book review......................................................................210 Activity 276: Write your book review....................................................................210 SECTION 4: Language structures and conventions ������������������������������������������� 210 Activity 277: Adverbs of frequency......................................................................210 Activity 278: Adverbs of time............................................................................... 211 Activity 279: Prepositions.................................................................................... 211 UNIT 4: Weeks 7 – 8 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 213 Lesson 18: Breaking records ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 213 SECTION 1: Listening and speaking ������������������������������������������������������������������ 214 Activity 280: Take part in a conversation.............................................................214 Activity 281: Participate in a discussion...............................................................214 Activity 282: Practise listening and speaking.......................................................215 SECTION 2: Reading and viewing ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 216 Activity 283: Read and scan for information........................................................216 Activity 284: Summarise a paragraph..................................................................218 Activity 285: Answer questions about the text.....................................................218 Activity 286: Pre-read and interpret a poster.......................................................220 Activity 287: Discuss a poster..............................................................................220 Activity 288: Share opinions on the text..............................................................221 Activity 289: Rate a text against others...............................................................221 SECTION 3: Writing and presenting ������������������������������������������������������������������� 222 Activity 290: Design a poster...............................................................................222 Activity 291: Draft an information text..................................................................222 Activity 292: Edit your information text................................................................222 Activity 293: Write your information text..............................................................223 SECTION 4: Language structures and conventions ������������������������������������������� 223 Activity 294: Adverbs of degree...........................................................................223 Activity 295: Connecting words ........................................................................223 Activity 296: Adverbs of manner ........................................................................224 ADDENDUM A: RUBRICS ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 226 REFERENCES ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 236
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Study Guide G05 ~ Religion Studies
LESSON ELEMENTS TIPS Information in addition to the content to guide the learner through the learning process.
CORE CONTENT Reinforcement of core content; in-depth explanation of a specific section of the lesson.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
PREFACE RECOMMENDED BOOKS All texts required this year are either in this facilitator’s guide or in the study guide. It is always beneficial for learners to read in their free time. Below is a short list of age-appropriate books: • • • • • • • •
Stuart Little by E.B. White The Adventures of a Taxi Dog by Debra and Sal Barracca Matilda by Roald Dahl Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White Holes by Louis Sachar The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt
INTRODUCTION Both the study guide and this facilitator’s guide have been organised into four units and 18 lessons. Each lesson is taught over two weeks. • • • • •
Unit 1 has five themed lessons. Unit 2 has four themed lessons. Unit 3 has five themed lessons. Unit 4 has four themed lessons. At the end of Units 2 and 4 learners write examinations.
There is a skills table at the beginning of each lesson, which lists the things covered in that particular lesson. Each lesson consists of four sections: • Listening and speaking • Reading and viewing • Writing and presenting • Language structures and conventions Note that many of the Language structures and conventions skills are combined with other sections, and are not stated explicitly. Each of these sections is made up of activities. Each activity is labelled and has a time reference. (Refer to Timetable and Time Management for further details about the lesson and activity times.) There are remedial and extension activities at the end of each lesson. These may be completed if necessary and if time allows. They may also be used to prepare for the examinations.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
TIMETABLE AND TIME MANAGEMENT Grade 5 English First Additional Language follows these times for each section per twoweek lesson: • Listening and speaking – 2 hours • Reading and viewing – 5 hours • Writing and presenting – 2 hours • Language structures and conventions – 1 hour Each activity in the study guide has been designed to meet these times. It is suggested that you allocate time for eight English lessons per week; 16 English lessons per two-week lesson. EACH WEEK your timetable should include: • 2 x 30-minute Listening and speaking activities • 1 x 30-minute Reading and viewing activity • 2 x 1-hour Reading and viewing activities • 2 x 30-minute Writing and presenting activities • 1 x 30-minute Language structures and conventions activity
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS Assessment forms a large part of the study guide. The activities that count towards the year mark can be found in the portfolio book.
STUDY TIPS AND METHODS Learners are encouraged to use the following study tips: 1.
Make a study plan: Study over the course of a week, not just in one night.
Start as soon as you know when your test is.
Know what will be in your test or examination.
Get enough sleep.
Eat a good breakfast.
Avoid the last-minute cram session.
Study right after waking up and just before bed.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
LESSON LESSON 1: Responsibility LESSON 2: Respect
LESSON 3: Rules LESSON 4: Feelings LESSON 5: Manners LESSON 6: Garden creatures
LESSON 7: Birds LESSON 8: My garden LESSON 9: Grow your own vegetables LESSON 10: The city LESSON 11: The bush
LESSON 12: Holidays LESSON 13: Recreational activities LESSON 14: Egypt LESSON 15: How things are made
LESSON 16: Books LESSON 17: Fantasy LESSON 18: Breaking records
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
UNIT 1: Weeks 1 – 2
Lesson 1: Responsibility Skills
Listening and speaking Listen to a short story Retell a story Practise listening and speaking Reading and viewing Predict a story from its title and pictures Use reading strategies Discuss new vocabulary Use a dictionary Answer comprehension questions Discuss the title, plot and setting Express your opinion on the story Read in pairs Practise reading Writing and presenting Write a personal recount Write an opinion on a story Create a personal dictionary Language structures and conventions Spelling and punctuation Phonic knowledge Working with words and sentences Proper nouns Countable nouns Subject-verb agreement
Activity 1 Activity 2, 13 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6 Activity 7 Activity 8 Activity 9 Activity 10 Activity 11 Activity 12 Activity 14 Activity 15 Activity 16
Activity 19 Activity 17 Activity 18 Activity 20
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 1: Listen to a short story 1 hour
Read the story to the learners.
Two intelligent boys Once upon a time there were two intelligent and capable boys. Their wonderful talents were obvious from an early age, and they outdid everyone around them. They had always known they were special and they had a desire that, in the future, everyone would come to admit how exceptional they were. Each of them developed in a different way. John used all his talents and intelligence to have a successful career and show everyone his superiority. He participated in all kinds of competitions, visited all the most important people and places, and was great at making friends in high places. Even when still very young, no one doubted that some day he would be the wisest and most important person in the land. Simon, equally aware of his own abilities, never stopped feeling a heavy responsibility. He would do almost any task better than those around him, and he would feel obliged to help them. This didn’t leave him enough time to follow his own dreams of greatness. He was always looking for ways to help others. As a result, he was a much-loved and well-known person, but only in his own small circle. A great disaster struck the land, spreading misery far and wide. John had never come across anything like this, but his brilliant ideas worked well and they managed to slightly improve the situation. Simon, on the other hand, was so used to solving different problems, and had such useful know-how, that the disaster hardly affected the people in his region at all. His clever methods were soon used everywhere, and the fame of this good and wise man spread further than that of John’s. Indeed, he was soon elected governor of the whole nation. John then understood that …
Stop reading the story here and ask learners to predict what will happen next. Then continue reading the last paragraph: John then understood that the greatest fame and wisdom come from the things we do in life, from the impact they have on others, and from the need to improve ourselves every day. He never again participated in competitions or vain shows, and from then on, whenever he travelled, he took his books along with him, so he would always be ready to offer a helping hand to all. © Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
Ask learners literal questions on the text, for example: 1. What are the characters’ names? John and Simon. 2. What do you learn about the characters? John is arrogant and selfish. Simon is compassionate, kind and selfless. 3. For what did the first boy use his intelligence and talents? John used his talents to have a successful career and show everyone his superiority. 4. Was the second boy liked? Yes, he was a much-loved and well-known person. 5. What did the first young boy learn? John learnt that the greatest fame and wisdom come from the things we do in life. Encourage learners to express their opinions about the story. Guide the discussion by asking questions such as: 1. Do you think the second boy showed responsibility? 2. How do you show responsibility to the people in your community? 3. Do you know anyone similar to Simon or John? 4. Which character are you more like? Why? 5. Why do you think the story is called ‘Two intelligent boys’?
Activity 2: Retell a story 20 minutes
Retelling a story means you tell a story you already heard before. Tips for retelling a story: 1. Use the simple past tense: This indicates something that has already happened. For example: “Then he walked to the shops.” 2. Use connecting words such as then, because, so, first, firstly. 3. Retell the story in the correct sequence (order of events). Ask learners to turn to Activity 2 and look at the pictures as you reread the story from Activity 1. Encourage them to retell the story in the correct sequence using the simple past tense. Once they have all had an opportunity to retell the story, spend 10 to 15 minutes asking learners to name the characters correctly (first young boy, second young boy). Language structures and conventions Revise ‘a’ and ‘the’ with nouns Recap the use of articles before nouns: we use ‘a’ when referring to a thing, for example, ‘a boy’; and ‘the’ when referring to a specific boy. Use the articles ‘a’ and ‘the’ before nouns when retelling the story.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 3: Practise listening and speaking 20 minutes
Choose one of the following activities each day for learners to practise their Listening and speaking skills. •
Perform a short poem Encourage learners to perform the following poem: I am responsible for all that I do, from turning in work to making friends too. It is up to me just how much I will learn, the grades that I get will be grades that I earn. So now I will choose what is best for me. I am responsible I hold the key!
Language structures and conventions Build on the use of proper nouns Ask learners what a proper noun is (a noun used for a name/place). Then ask them to point out the proper noun in the poem (I). Explain that all proper nouns are capitalised. •
Play a simple language game Encourage learners to play ‘Simple Simon says’ using responsibility phrases such as ‘Simple Simon says, clean the floor/wipe your desk’.
Give and follow instructions Place learners into pairs and encourage them to give and follow instructions about doing responsible tasks around the classroom. For example, “Put your book away.”
Tell their own news Encourage learners to tell their own news about something responsible they have done around their home. They must share at least two sentences.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 4: Predict a story from its title and pictures 30 minutes
Ask learners to turn to Activity 4, read the title and look at the pictures. Ask them to predict what they think the story will be about.
Activity 5: Use reading strategies 30 minutes
Reading strategies are used when reading a text, which help the reader to grasp the concepts and better understand the text. Here are some basic reading strategies: 1. Skimming a text: You gaze over the text and look for important points (for example, the characters, theme, plot and setting). 2. Phonic clues: The clues the sounds of the words give you. For example: “The chest sings ...” emphasises the singing sound, which means the chest must be magic. 3. Contextual clues: The clues the context of the story gives you. For example: You know it must a kingdom because there is a queen. Ask learners to skim the following text for the characters (queen, poor boy) and the setting (a kingdom). Encourage them to use phonic (sounds) and contextual clues to find the meaning of the text: responsibility and thinking of others before yourself. A young queen received a special gift from a great wizard. It was a magic chest that would bring happiness to the whole kingdom whenever it was opened in a place where there was a spirit of generosity. The queen travelled all over her kingdom, looking for the most generous people. When she had collected them all, she opened the magic chest. Nothing happened. That was until one day when, returning to her castle, the queen saw a poor little boy begging. The queen would have given the boy a few coins, but she didn’t have any with her. “May I have the old chest to sell in town for a little money?” he asked. At first the queen hesitated because she had been told the chest was magic. But on seeing how poor the boy was, she gave it to him. The boy took the chest and opened it.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
Immediately, all the most wonderful things one could imagine started flying out of the chest, accompanied by the sound of singing: “Why look for it in others? Goodness always starts in yourself,” went the song. And as well as enjoying all the wonders of the magic chest, the queen learnt to set an example in virtue, and she became the best queen to ever reign over that kingdom.
Activity 6: Discuss new vocabulary 30 minutes
Read the story from Activity 5 again. As you read, encourage learners to underline any unfamiliar words in the text (for example: generosity, virtue). Use your dictionary to give definitions to the words learners share. Encourage them to make sentences with the words. Language structures and conventions Build on knowledge of sight words and high frequency words As you discuss new vocabulary, ask learners for words they already know, for example, boy, little, poor, queen. Revise the definitions for these words. Then ask them for highfrequency words they can see in the text, for example; all, a, would, etc.
Activity 7: Use a dictionary 30 minutes
Encourage learners to use a dictionary to find the meanings of words in the text they do not understand. Then ask them to write sentences using the words.
Activity 8: Answer comprehension questions 30 minutes
Ask learners to turn to Activity 8. Read through the questions with them after which they complete the activity in their exercise books.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 8: MEMORANDUM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Who gave the queen a gift? A wizard gave the queen a gift. Explain the gift he gave the queen. He gave the queen a chest that would bring happiness to the whole kingdom whenever it was opened in a place where there was a spirit of generosity. What did the queen give the little boy? The queen gave the little boy the magic chest. What happened when the little boy opened the chest? All the most wonderful things one could imagine started flying out of the chest. What are the words of the song the chest sang? “Why look for it in others? Goodness always starts in yourself.” What did the queen learn? The queen learnt to set an example in virtue. How are you responsible? Learners’ own answers. What is the meaning of: a) generosity: people being kind and giving b) virtue: goodness
Activity 9: Discuss the title, plot and setting 30 minutes
Title refers to the name of the story. Plot refers to what happens in the story; what it is about. Setting refers to where the story takes place. Bring a well-known book to the lesson. Show this to learners then a) name the title, b) discuss the plot and c) discuss the setting of the story with them. Begin a short discussion on each of the features in the story. 1. Title: ‘The Queen’s Journey’ 2. Plot: The queen is given a chest, which she gives to a poor boy sitting on the side of the road. The boy asks for money, but the queen does not have money on her, so she gives him the chest. When the boy opens it, goodness comes out. 3. Setting: A kingdom.
Activity 10: Express your opinion on the story 30 minutes
When you express your opinion on something, you say what you think about it and why. Encourage learners to express their opinion on the story by engaging them in a discussion.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
Guide the discussion by asking the following questions: 1. Did you enjoy the story? 2. Why did you enjoy the story? 3. Do you think the queen was kind? Why? 4. What do you think the poor boy looked like? 5. What do you think the kingdom was like? 6. Do you think the castle was big? Why do you say this?
Activity 11: Read in pairs 30 minutes
Allow learners 30 minutes of paired reading. Encourage them to read a book from the library. When they have read a few pages, ask them to give their opinion on the book they are reading. Language structures and conventions Build on the use of personal pronouns Ask learners for examples of personal pronouns: I, it, they, us, you, etc. Encourage learners to use these pronouns when expressing their opinions about the story.
Activity 12: Practise reading 30 minutes
Ask learners to read ‘The Queen’s Journey’ from Activity 5. They may also read another story of their choice. Encourage them to read aloud with appropriate pronunciation, fluency and expression. When you read aloud: 1. Pronounce the words clearly. Make sure everyone can hear you. 2. Read fluently. Don’t breathe after each word; breathe at a comma or full stop, and read your sentences like you would say them. 3. Read with expression. Use different voices. Change your tone if necessary.
Activity 13: Retell the story 30 minutes
When you retell a story, it means you must tell the story in your own words. Pretend you are telling someone who has never read the story. Encourage learners to retell ‘The Queen’s Journey’ in their own words in three to five sentences. © Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 14: Write a personal recount 1 hour
Ask learners to turn to this activity. Read through the instructions with them. Discuss the points they must include in their recount: • They must write down the things they have been responsible for. • Learners choose one of their ideas on which to base their recount. • Make sure they stay on the topic of a day they were responsible. • Make sure they use their dictionaries to check spelling and their exercise books for correct grammar and punctuation. • Encourage them to use words that show they were responsible, for example: “I went to the shops and I bought the things my mom told me to buy. She was proud of me.” They then write their first drafts in the box provided in the study guide. Once that is done, they write their final drafts in their exercise books. Language structures and conventions Build on understanding and using simple past tense Simple past tense refers to something said in the past, for example: “I went to the shops.” Learners must verbally give sentences in the simple past tense about what they did yesterday. Remind them that their personal recount must be written in the simple past tense.
Activity 15: Write an opinion on a story 2 x 20 minutes
Ask learners to turn to Activity 15. Read through the story in Activity 5 again, then have a short discussion about what they like and dislike about the story. Write down their ideas. Then, ask learners to write three sentences on what they liked about the story, and three sentences on what they disliked about the story, in their exercise books. Language structures and conventions Use the dictionary to check spelling and the meanings of words Encourage learners to spend five minutes using their dictionaries to check the spelling and meanings of words encountered in this discussion and in the texts read.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 16: Create a personal dictionary 20 minutes
Show learners how to create their own personal dictionaries, using either an extra exercise book or blank pages that can be bound together. Alternatively, learners can add to the dictionaries they created in Grade 4. If learners are starting a fresh dictionary, tell them to label each page with the letters of the alphabet and enter five words and meanings into their dictionaries from the texts they have read throughout this chapter. Language structures and conventions Words taken from shared reading Encourage learners to take five unfamiliar words they have read in the texts throughout the lesson and find their meanings in the dictionary. These new words are to be written in their personal dictionaries.
Activity 17: Proper nouns 15 minutes
Proper nouns are the names of people, places, days, months and so on. Emphasise the fact that we always use a capital letter for a proper noun. Ask learners to rewrite the sentences in Activity 17, capitalising all the proper nouns.
Activity 17: MEMORANDUM a) b) c) d) e)
They travelled to Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg. The learners did their community service during the July holidays. We are going to clean up litter near the river on Saturday and Sunday. Human Rights Day is on 21 March. Edi, Sarah and Brian are all going to watch the soccer match.
Activity 18: Countable nouns 15 minutes
A countable noun is a noun that we can count. For example: one desk, two desks.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
Recap countable nouns from Grade 4: objects that can be counted. Read the story from Activity 1. Write down the following words and ask learners whether the items are countable or not: intelligent, boys, task, man, method, good, hand 1. 2.
Countable: boys, task, man, hand Learners’ own answers, e.g. cap, car, flower, etc.
Ask learners to use their own words in sentences.
Activity 19: Phonic knowledge 15 minutes
Write down the following words: magic, money, wonder. Encourage learners to break the words up into syllables to help them spell the words: ma-gic, mo-ney, won-der. Then ask them to shout out words, and break them up into their syllables. Encourage them to clap on each syllable.
Activity 20: Subject-verb agreement 15 minutes
We use the words ‘there is’ when there is only one. For example: There is one girl playing outside. We use the words ‘there are’ when there is more than one object in the sentence. For example: There are three girls playing outside.
Activity 20: MEMORANDUM a) b) c) d) e)
There are five queens. There is one wizard. There are two chests. There is a boy. There is a kingdom.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ English First Additional Language
REMEDIAL ACTIVITY Personal pronouns Recap personal pronouns (I, you, it, us, them). Write down the pronouns. Ask learners to use the personal pronouns in sentences. Read the activity with them and encourage them to complete it on their own.
EXTENSION ACTIVITY Write a story Read through the activity with learners, making sure they understand what to do. Their story must be three paragraphs with an introduction, middle and conclusion.
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