Í2’È-E-LIO-FG01pÎ 1
Grade 5
A member of the FUTURELEARN group
Life Skills Facilitator’s guide
Grade 5
CAPS aligned
LM van der Walt
Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ Life Skills
CONTENTS LESSON ELEMENTS.......................................................................................................... 8 PREFACE............................................................................................................................ 9 TIMETABLE AND TIME MANAGEMENT ......................................................................... 11 ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................... 11 YEAR PLAN ...................................................................................................................... 14 TERM 1.............................................................................................................................. 17 UNIT 1: PERSONAL AND SOCIAL WELL-BEING ......................................................... 17 Lesson 1: Positive self-esteem development (3 hours) ..................................................... 18 ACTIVITY 1 ....................................................................................................... 18 ACTIVITY 2 ....................................................................................................... 19 ACTIVITY 3 ....................................................................................................... 19 ACTIVITY 4 ....................................................................................................... 20 ACTIVITY 5 ....................................................................................................... 20 ACTIVITY 6 ....................................................................................................... 20 Lesson 2: Give and receive feedback (3 hours)................................................................. 21 ACTIVITY 7 ....................................................................................................... 21 ACTIVITY 8 ....................................................................................................... 21 ACTIVITY 9 ....................................................................................................... 21 ACTIVITY 10 ..................................................................................................... 21 ACTIVITY 11 ..................................................................................................... 22 Lesson 3: Dealing with emotions (4½ hours) ..................................................................... 23 ACTIVITY 12 ..................................................................................................... 23 ACTIVITY 13 ..................................................................................................... 23 ACTIVITY 14 ..................................................................................................... 23 ACTIVITY 15 ..................................................................................................... 23 Lesson 4: Relationships with friends, older people and strangers (3 hours) ..................... 24 ACTIVITY 16 ..................................................................................................... 24 ACTIVITY 17 ..................................................................................................... 24 ACTIVITY 18 ..................................................................................................... 24 ACTIVITY 19 ..................................................................................................... 25 UNIT 2: PERFORMING ARTS .......................................................................................... 26 Lesson 5: Warm-up and play (15 minutes per class = 2½ hours per term)........................ 27 ACTIVITY 20 ..................................................................................................... 27 Lesson 6: Improvise and create (3 hours per term) ........................................................... 28 ACTIVITY 21 ..................................................................................................... 28 ACTIVITY 22 ..................................................................................................... 28 ACTIVITY 23 ..................................................................................................... 28 Lesson 7: Read, interpret and perform (3½ hours per term) .............................................. 28 ACTIVITY 24 ..................................................................................................... 28 ACTIVITY 25 ..................................................................................................... 29 1
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ACTIVITY 26 ..................................................................................................... 29 ACTIVITY 27 ..................................................................................................... 29 Lesson 8: Appreciate and reflect (1 hour per term) ............................................................ 29 ACTIVITY 28 ..................................................................................................... 29 ACTIVITY 29 ..................................................................................................... 29 UNIT 3: CREATIVE ARTS ................................................................................................ 30 Lesson 9: Visual literacy (1 hour) ....................................................................................... 31 ACTIVITY 30 ..................................................................................................... 31 ACTIVITY 31 ..................................................................................................... 31 Lesson 10: Design in 2d (2 hours) ..................................................................................... 31 ACTIVITY 32 ..................................................................................................... 31 ACTIVITY 33 ..................................................................................................... 31 ACTIVITY 34 ..................................................................................................... 32 Lesson 11: Create in 3d (2 hours) ..................................................................................... 32 UNIT 4: PHYSICAL EDUCATION ..................................................................................... 33 Lesson 12: Safety measures for movement combinations (2 hours per term) .................. 34 Lesson 13: Participating in movement combinations (4 hours per term) ........................... 34 ACTIVITY 35 ..................................................................................................... 34 ACTIVITY 36 ..................................................................................................... 34 ACTIVITY 37 ..................................................................................................... 34 ACTIVITY 38 ..................................................................................................... 35 ACTIVITY 39 ..................................................................................................... 35 Lesson 14: Performing movement actions (4 hours per term) ........................................... 35 ACTIVITY 40 ..................................................................................................... 35 ACTIVITY 41 ..................................................................................................... 36 ACTIVITY 42 ..................................................................................................... 36 TERM 2.............................................................................................................................. 37 UNIT 5: PERSONAL AND SOCIAL WELL-BEING ......................................................... 37 Lesson 15: Discrimination, stereotyping and prejudice (3 hours)....................................... 38 ACTIVITY 43 ..................................................................................................... 38 ACTIVITY 44 ..................................................................................................... 39 ACTIVITY 45 ..................................................................................................... 39 Lesson 16: Child abuse (4½ hours) ................................................................................... 39 ACTIVITY 46 ..................................................................................................... 39 ACTIVITY 47 ..................................................................................................... 39 ACTIVITY 48 ..................................................................................................... 39 Lesson 17: Dealing with violence (3 hours) ....................................................................... 40 ACTIVITY 49 ..................................................................................................... 40 ACTIVITY 50 ..................................................................................................... 40 Lesson 18: Age and gender issues in different cultures (3 hours) ..................................... 40 ACTIVITY 51 ..................................................................................................... 40 ACTIVITY 52 ..................................................................................................... 40 2
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ACTIVITY 53 ..................................................................................................... 41 UNIT 6: PERFORMING ARTS .......................................................................................... 42 Lesson 19: Warm-up and play (15 minutes per class = 2½ hours per term) ...................... 43 ACTIVITY 54 ..................................................................................................... 43 ACTIVITY 55 ..................................................................................................... 43 ACTIVITY 56 ..................................................................................................... 44 ACTIVITY 57 ..................................................................................................... 45 ACTIVITY 58 ..................................................................................................... 45 ACTIVITY 59 ..................................................................................................... 46 Lesson 20: Improvise and create (3 hours per term) ......................................................... 46 ACTIVITY 60 ..................................................................................................... 46 ACTIVITY 61 ..................................................................................................... 47 ACTIVITY 62 ..................................................................................................... 47 Lesson 21: Read, interpret and perform (3½ hours per term) ............................................ 47 ACTIVITY 63 ..................................................................................................... 47 ACTIVITY 64 ..................................................................................................... 48 ACTIVITY 65 ..................................................................................................... 48 Lesson 22: Appreciate and reflect (1 hour per term) .......................................................... 48 ACTIVITY 66 ..................................................................................................... 48 UNIT 7: CREATIVE ARTS ................................................................................................ 49 Lesson 23: Visual literacy (1 hour) ..................................................................................... 50 ACTIVITY 67 ..................................................................................................... 50 Lesson 24: Design in 2d (2 hours) ..................................................................................... 50 ACTIVITY 68 ..................................................................................................... 50 ACTIVITY 69 ..................................................................................................... 50 Lesson 25: Create in 3d (2 hours) ..................................................................................... 51 ACTIVITY 70 ..................................................................................................... 51 ACTIVITY 71 ..................................................................................................... 51 UNIT 8: PHYSICAL EDUCATION ..................................................................................... 52 Lesson 26: Warming up and cooling down: safety during games (2 hours per term) ....... 52 Lesson 27: Participating in target games (4 hours) ............................................................ 52 ACTIVITY 72 ..................................................................................................... 53 ACTIVITY 73 ..................................................................................................... 53 ACTIVITY 74 ..................................................................................................... 53 ACTIVITY 75 ..................................................................................................... 53 ACTIVITY 76 ..................................................................................................... 53 ACTIVITY 77 ..................................................................................................... 54 Lesson 28: Movements in target games (4 hours per term)............................................... 54 ACTIVITY 78 ..................................................................................................... 54 ACTIVITY 79 ..................................................................................................... 55 ACTIVITY 80 ..................................................................................................... 55 ACTIVITY 81 ..................................................................................................... 56 3
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TERM 3.............................................................................................................................. 59 UNIT 9: PERSONAL AND SOCIAL WELL-BEING ......................................................... 59 Lesson 29: Festivals and customs of various religions in South Africa (4½ hours)........... 60 ACTIVITY 82 ....................................................................................................... 60 ACTIVITY 83 ....................................................................................................... 61 ACTIVITY 84 ....................................................................................................... 61 Lesson 30: Safety precautions at home and in the environment (3 hours) ........................ 61 ACTIVITY 85 ....................................................................................................... 61 ACTIVITY 86 ....................................................................................................... 61 ACTIVITY 87 ....................................................................................................... 62 ACTIVITY 88 ....................................................................................................... 62 ACTIVITY 89 ....................................................................................................... 62 ACTIVITY 90 ....................................................................................................... 63 Lesson 31: Water as important basic need (3 hours) ........................................................ 64 ACTIVITY 91 ....................................................................................................... 64 ACTIVITY 92 ....................................................................................................... 64 ACTIVITY 93 ....................................................................................................... 65 Lesson 32: Healthy eating habits for children (3 hours) ..................................................... 65 ACTIVITY 94 ....................................................................................................... 65 ACTIVITY 95 ....................................................................................................... 65 ACTIVITY 96 ....................................................................................................... 66 ACTIVITY 97 ....................................................................................................... 66 ACTIVITY 98 ....................................................................................................... 66 ACTIVITY 99 ....................................................................................................... 67 ACTIVITY 100 ..................................................................................................... 67 UNIT 10: PERFORMING ARTS ........................................................................................ 68 Lesson 33: Warm-up and play (15 minutes per class = 2½ hours per term)...................... 69 ACTIVITY 101 ..................................................................................................... 69 ACTIVITY 102 ..................................................................................................... 69 ACTIVITY 103 ..................................................................................................... 69 ACTIVITY 104 ..................................................................................................... 69 Lesson 34: Improvise and create (3 hours per term) ......................................................... 70 ACTIVITY 105 ..................................................................................................... 70 ACTIVITY 106 ..................................................................................................... 70 ACTIVITY 107 ..................................................................................................... 71 ACTIVITY 108 ..................................................................................................... 71 Lesson 35: Read, interpret and perform (3½ hours per term) ............................................ 71 ACTIVITY 109 ..................................................................................................... 71 ACTIVITY 110 ..................................................................................................... 72 ACTIVITY 111 ..................................................................................................... 72 ACTIVITY 112 ..................................................................................................... 72 ACTIVITY 113 ..................................................................................................... 72 ACTIVITY 114 ..................................................................................................... 72 4
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Lesson 36: Appreciate and reflect (1 hour per term) .......................................................... 73 ACTIVITY 115 ................................................................................................... 73 UNIT 11: CREATIVE ARTS .............................................................................................. 74 Lesson 37: Visual literacy (1 hour ) .................................................................................... 75 ACTIVITY 116 ................................................................................................... 75 ACTIVITY 117 ................................................................................................... 75 Lesson 38: Create in 2d (2 hours) ..................................................................................... 76 ACTIVITY 118 ................................................................................................... 76 Lesson 39: Create in 3D (2 hours) ..................................................................................... 76 UNIT 12: PHYSICAL EDUCATION ................................................................................... 77 Lesson 40: Safety measures for rhythmic movements (1 hour per term)........................... 77 Lesson 41: Participating in rhythmic movements (4 hours per term) ................................. 78 ACTIVITY 119 ................................................................................................... 78 ACTIVITY 120 ................................................................................................... 78 ACTIVITY 121 ................................................................................................... 78 ACTIVITY 122 ................................................................................................... 78 Lesson 42: Performing rhythmic movements (5 hours per term) ....................................... 79 ACTIVITY 123 ................................................................................................... 79 ACTIVITY 124 ................................................................................................... 79 TERM 4.............................................................................................................................. 80 UNIT 13: PERSONAL AND SOCIALWELL-BEING ......................................................... 80 Lesson 43: Local environmental health problems (6 hours)............................................... 81 ACTIVITY 125 ................................................................................................... 81 ACTIVITY 126 ................................................................................................... 82 ACTIVITY 127 ................................................................................................... 83 ACTIVITY 128 ................................................................................................... 83 ACTIVITY 129 ................................................................................................... 83 ACTIVITY 130 ................................................................................................... 84 Lesson 44: HIV and Aids education (3 hours).................................................................... 85 ACTIVITY 131 ................................................................................................... 85 ACTIVITY 132 ................................................................................................... 85 ACTIVITY 133 ................................................................................................... 85 Lesson 45: Substance abuse (3 hours) ............................................................................. 86 ACTIVITY 134 ................................................................................................... 86 REVISION EXERCISE TERM 4 ........................................................................................ 86 UNIT 14: PERFORMING ARTS ........................................................................................ 92 Lesson 46: Warm-up and play (15 minutes per class = 2½ hours) .................................... 93 ACTIVITY 135 ................................................................................................... 93 ACTIVITY 136 ................................................................................................... 93 ACTIVITY 137 ................................................................................................... 94 ACTIVITY 138 ................................................................................................... 94 5
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ACTIVITY 139 ................................................................................................... 94 ACTIVITY 140 ................................................................................................... 94 ACTIVITY 141 ................................................................................................... 95 ACTIVITY 142 ................................................................................................... 95 ACTIVITY 143 ................................................................................................... 95 ACTIVITY 144 ................................................................................................... 95 Lesson 47: improvise and create (3 hours per term) ......................................................... 95 ACTIVITY 145 ................................................................................................... 95 ACTIVITY 146 ................................................................................................... 96 ACTIVITY 147 ................................................................................................... 96 Lesson 48: read, interpret and perform (3½ hours per term ) ............................................ 96 ACTIVITY 148 ................................................................................................... 96 ACTIVITY 149 ................................................................................................... 96 ACTIVITY 150 ................................................................................................... 96 Lesson 49: appreciate and reflect ...................................................................................... 97 ACTIVITY 151 ................................................................................................... 97 UNIT 15: CREATIVE ARTS .............................................................................................. 98 Lesson 50: Visual literacy (1 hour) ..................................................................................... 98 ACTIVITY 152 ................................................................................................... 99 ACTIVITY 153 ................................................................................................... 99 ACTIVITY 154 ................................................................................................... 99 Lesson 51: Create in 2d (2 hours) ................................................................................... 100 ACTIVITY 155 ................................................................................................. 100 ACTIVITY 156 ................................................................................................. 100 ACTIVITY 157 ................................................................................................. 100 ACTIVITY 158 ................................................................................................. 100 Lesson 52: Create in 3d (2 hours) ................................................................................... 100 ACTIVITY 159 ................................................................................................. 100 ACTIVITY 160 ................................................................................................. 101 UNIT 16: PHYSICAL EDUCATION ................................................................................. 102 Lesson 53: Safety measures for track and field items (1 hour) ........................................ 103 Lesson 54: Participating in various track and field items (4½ hours) ............................... 103 ACTIVITY 161 ................................................................................................. 103 ACTIVITY 162 ................................................................................................. 103 ACTIVITY 163 ................................................................................................. 103 ACTIVITY 164 ................................................................................................. 103 ACTIVITY 165 ................................................................................................. 104 ACTIVITY 166 ................................................................................................. 104 ACTIVITY 167 ................................................................................................. 104 ACTIVITY 168 ................................................................................................. 104 ACTIVITY 169 ................................................................................................. 105 ACTIVITY 170 ................................................................................................. 105 ACTIVITY 171 ................................................................................................. 105 6
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Lesson 55: Performing athletic activities (4½ hours) ....................................................... 105 ACTIVITY 172 ................................................................................................. 105 ACTIVITY 173 ................................................................................................. 106 ACTIVITY 174 ................................................................................................. 106 ACTIVITY 175 ................................................................................................. 106 ACTIVITY 176 ................................................................................................. 106
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ Life Skills
Term 1 Lesson 1: Positive self-esteem development Lesson 2: Give and receive feedback Lesson 3: Handling emotions Lesson 4: Relationships with friends, older people and strangers Formal assessment Lesson 5: Warm-up and play Lesson 6: Improvise and create Lesson 7: Read, interpret and create Lesson 8: Appreciate and reflect Lesson 9: Visual literacy Lesson 10: Create in 2D Lesson 11: Design in 3D Formal assessment Lesson 12: Safety measures for movement sequences Lesson 13: Participating in movement sequences Lesson 14: Performing movement sequences Formal assessment Term 2 Lesson 15: Discrimination, stereotyping and prejudice Lesson 16: Child abuse Lesson 17: Dealing with violence Lesson 18: Age and gender issues in different cultures Formal assessment Lesson 19: Warm-up and play Lesson 20: Improvise and create Lesson 21: Read, interpret and perform Lesson 22: Appreciate and reflect Formal assessment Lesson 23: Visual literacy Lesson 24: Design in 2D Lesson 25: Create in 3D
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ Life Skills
Formal assessment Lesson 26: Warming up and cooling down Lesson 27: Participation in target games Lesson 28: Performing movement sequences Formal assessment Term 3 Lesson 29: Festivals and customs of different religions Lesson 30: Safety precautions at home and in the environment Lesson 31: Water as important basic need Lesson 32: Healthy eating habits for children Formal assessment Lesson 33: Warm-up and play Lesson 34: Improvise and create Lesson 35: Read, interpret and perform Lesson 36: Appreciate and reflect Lesson 37: Visual literacy Lesson 38: Create in 2D Lesson 39: Create in 3D Formal assessment Lesson 40: Safety measures for rhythmic movements Lesson 41: Participating in rhythmic movements Lesson 42: Performing rhythmic movements Formal assessment Term 4 Lesson 43: Local environmental health problems Lesson 44: HIV and Aids education Lesson 45: Substance abuse Lesson 46: Warm-up and play Lesson 47: Improvise and create Lesson 48: Read, interpret and perform Lesson 49: Appreciate and reflect Formal assessment Lesson 50: Visual literacy Lesson 51: Create in 2D Lesson 52: Create in 3D
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ Life Skills
Lesson 53: Safety measures for track and field items Lesson 54: Participating in various track and field items Lesson 55: Performing athletic movements Formal assessment
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ Life Skills
UNIT 1: Personal and social well-being LEARNING AIMS After completing this unit, the learner should be able to do the following: Know what influence other people have on your self-esteem and self-esteem development. Be aware of how personal success contributes to a positive self-esteem. How to set up a plan of action for continuous positive selfesteem development. How to handle feedback from other, as well as how to give feedback to others. Must know how to handle different emotions. Apply skills to effectively manage emotions. Appreciate friends in difficult times. Can distinguish between safe and unsafe relationships with other people. INTRODUCTION A person’s self-esteem is very important, because it determines how you feel about yourself. It is also important in how you treat others. Your self-esteem determines whether you will be successful in whatever you undertake. The feedback you get from others can be positive or negative. It is important to handle the feedback correctly. You must also know how to give others feedback correctly. It is therefore important for the learner to receive the necessary guidance.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ Life Skills
Emotions are very important in this phase of the learner’s life. Learners’ emotions are very sensitive and sometimes they feel confused. It is therefore important for them to know how to correctly manage and express emotions. During difficult times, it is important to be able to count on friends. Lastly, we are going to look at relationships with other people. The learner must be able to distinguish between bad and good relationships. These experiences can help the learner later in life with decision-making relating to relationships.
Self-esteem: What you think of yourself. Ambition: The desire you have to achieve and be successful. Self-respect: To believe in yourself and to not do things that would harm you. Determination: Someone who does not give up, who keeps going regardless of the circumstances. Feedback: Information someone gives you to let you know whether you did something well or badly. You can also give others feedback about their actions. Strategy: Working out a plan of action. Emotions: The feelings you have, for example anger, sadness, happiness, etc. Sympathy: When you feel sorry for someone else.
Lesson 1: Positive self-esteem development (3 hours) Recommended resources: Study guide, posters and books on the subject. ACTIVITY 1 1. The learner can give any suitable answers, like “a friend told me I am stupid”. Learner must name at least FIVE things. 2. Discuss each learner’s answer in 1 with him/her. Talk about how it made the learner feel. Be sensitive to the learner’s emotions. 3. Discuss how the learner handled the situation. Give the learner guidance and advice on how to act correctly in certain situations where they felt their selfesteem was affected.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ Life Skills
ACTIVITY 2 1. Learner gives own suitable answer. Give the learner guidance in identifying his/her strengths. Ask the learner questions like: What can you do well? Which characteristics did you use when you achieved success in a test/sport, etc.? Learner must list at least FIVE characteristics. 2. Learner gives own suitable answer. Give the learner guidance in identifying the characteristics he/she would like to have. Ask the learner questions like: Which characteristics would you like to have? Learner must name at least FIVE characteristics. 3. The learner must give a plan for how he/she will develop the characteristics they want. For example, the learner wants to do well in Mathematics. The learner will therefore have to work harder in Mathematics and go for extra classes. Help the learner find solutions and give him/her clear guidance. 4. Continuously discuss the questions and answers with the learner. Provide guidance and advice throughout. ACTIVITY 3 1. The learner uses photographs and pictures from magazines to make a collage of his/her positive characteristics. It can be things like: run fast, swim well, draw nicely, etc. 2. The below is merely a guideline for the facilitator. The learner’s collage can be much bigger.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ Life Skills
ACTIVITY 4 1. Learner’s own suitable answers. Learner names any of his/her strengths. For example: I am good at Mathematics, I can work hard, etc. 2. Learner’s own suitable answers. Learner names a number of his/her successes. For example, I did very well on my Maths test after I started attending extra Maths classes. 3. Learner must compile an action plan to continuously and positively build his/her self-esteem. The facilitator gives the learner guidance and advice and helps the learner follow the appropriate steps to compile an action plan. Use the answers in activities 1 to 3 to compile the action plan. 4. The steps are as follows: a) Find your strengths: What do you do really well? Which recent successes are you proud of? b) Cultivate a positive attitude to yourself. Say positive things about yourself to yourself. Believe that you will achieve success. c) Work on your weaknesses. Identify your weaknesses. Compile a plan of action to change them into strengths. d) Do not be afraid of new challenges. Be positive about each new challenge, even if it is very difficult. We learn how to do new thing through challenges. ACTIVITY 5 1. Asil Motala 2. I’m excited, but also nervous. I’ve aimed for good matric results since Grade 10. 3. The matric pass rate was 78,2%. 4. 5.
562 112 full-time and 92 611 part-time candidates. Yes.
ACTIVITY 6 1. She is a good hockey player. 2. She wants to play hockey for Gauteng. 3. Learner’s own deductions. Examples: She is self-motivated, organised, disciplined, balanced, eats healthy, sleeps enough. 4. Learner’s own appropriate answer. A possible answer could be: If you want to achieve something, you have to work hard for it.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ Life Skills
Lesson 2: Give and receive feedback (3 hours) Recommended resources: Study guide, newspaper articles and magazines. ACTIVITY 7 1. No, it was not right to criticise Mareli all the time. 2. Mareli should maybe have talked to Kesha before she decided to work alone. 3. Kesha was unhappy because Mareli did the task by herself without telling her. Kesha then handed in her task incomplete and will not earn good marks. 4. It is important to communicate with your friends. You cannot solve a problem if you do not tell someone that there is a problem. ACTIVITY 8 1. Learner’s own suitable answer. For example: We are all going ice-skating. 2. Learner’s own suitable answer. For example: We argued a lot and did not enjoy it. 3. Learner can give own answer. Below are possible answers: Always speak positively. Do not only emphasise what someone cannot do, but also emphasise what they can do well. Speak clearly and be specific in your feedback. Do not criticise the person, just the task that was completed. Try to give the person advice to improve certain aspects. You should always treat the person in a way that they still feel worthy and respected. ACTIVITY 9 1. Talk to the learner about what he/she experienced today. Talk to the learner about the kind of feedback he/she experienced today. 2. Talk to the learner about how he/she reacted when receiving certain kinds of feedback. 3. Talk to the learner about appropriate ways of dealing with certain kinds of feedback. Does the learner feel that he/she dealt with it appropriately? 4. Talk to the learner about changes he/she would like to make in how he/she deals with specific situations. ACTIVITY 10 1. Negative feedback. 2. Learner’s own observation, for example her feelings were hurt. 3. Learner’s own suitable answer, for example she can talk to the girls about how they make her feel. 4. No, it is destructive.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ Life Skills
ACTIVITY 11 1. It is when people comment on something someone does. Criticism can be positive or negative. 2. Learner’s own suitable answer. Facilitator can discuss positive and negative criticism with the learner and what the appropriate way is of handling each. 3. Learner can give any of the following answers: Just because you did not measure up, does not mean you failed. Nobody likes criticism. Nobody likes to admit that there is a better solution. There are always better solutions. Criticism is a tool, because it gives other perspectives. Learn from others. Criticism does not necessarily mean you are wrong; it does mean there are other possible perspectives. Open mind; closed mouth. Sometimes you will be wrong. Be prepared to change your thinking. Do not defend your plan at any cost. To gain knowledge from others is a great way of learning. . A negative reaction to criticism only makes things worse. There are many things in life that is not 100% objective and therefore you cannot be right 100% of the time. Consider the source. Who is criticising you? Do they know more about the topic than you? Be prepared to learn from others. You can learn just by listening. You do not have to accept the other person’s point of view. Criticism does not cancel out your free will. If you have self-confidence, criticism would not be a threat – it is a useful tool. Learn by listening. The more perspectives you see, the better equipped you will be to handle similar circumstances when they present themselves. Never take criticism personally. When you are being criticised emotional intelligence is often more important than intellectual intelligence. Not all criticism is constructive. There are people who love ripping your concepts apart – in the process they rip you apart as well. Accept it – do not react. Accept that you cannot change it. You should approach everything with an open mind. Sometimes it is better to listen to the criticism and to change. There is more than one way of achieving success. Acknowledge your own limitations. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. 4. Learner’s own answer.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ Life Skills
Lesson 3: Dealing with emotions (4½ hours) Recommended resources: Study guide, articles and reports and books on handling emotions. ACTIVITY 12 1. Learner’s own suitable answer. For example I am very sad. 2. Learner’s own suitable answer. For example: My best friend and I argued about something. 3. Learner’s own suitable answer. Facilitator talks to the learner about how he/she handled the situation. How does the learner feel about how he/she handled it? 4. Facilitator guides the learner in using the Traffic Light technique. Help the learner fill in the steps. ACTIVITY 13 1. The learner gives own opinion, but the learner should answer that a physical fight is not an appropriate way of solving a dispute. 2. Learner can name any strategies. It can be any of the following: Take a deep breath and count to 10. Try to calm down. Walk away from the situation and go somewhere where you can be alone. Only return to the situation when you feel calmer. Express your anger when you are alone. Scream as loudly as you can and just let it out. Only do this when you are alone. Talk to someone about your anger. It will make you feel better. 3. Learner can give any suitable answer. Possible answer: It can lead to physical injuries. ACTIVITY 14 Learner makes a nice card for his/her friend. The card does not count for assessment. The facilitator can help the learner with the card’s wording. ACTIVITY 15 1. Anja is very quiet and shy and likes to be alone for long periods of time. Lucille is very spontaneous and because Kayla was also spontaneous and liked going out a lot, Lucille liked her. 2. Lucille did not receive any sympathy or empathy from Kayla. She knew that Anja would never reject her. 3. Yes. 4. Learner’s own suitable answer. 5. Learner declares the intention to treat someone kindly. Talk to the learner about ways in which he/she can show kindness.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ Life Skills
Lesson 4: Relationships with friends, older people and strangers (3 hours) Recommended resources: Study guide, books about relationships. ACTIVITY 16 1. Learner’s own suitable answer. It can be any relationship such as parents, friends, etc. 2. Learner’s own suitable answer. 3. Learner’s own suitable answer. 4. Learner’s own suitable answer. Talk to the learner about which people are important to them and why. ACTIVITY 17 1. Discuss each picture with the learner. 2. Let the learner identify the people he/she trusts. 3. Talk to the learner about the reasons why he/she trusts these people. 4. Let the learner indicate people he/she does not trust. 5. Talk to the learner about reasons why he/she does not trust certain people. ACTIVITY 18 1. Go through the characteristics of good and bad relationships with the learner. Guide the learner in measuring his/her relationships against each characteristic. What are the characteristics of good relationships? You feel happy and comfortable when you are with the person. In a good relationship each party makes the same effort – one person does not do more or give more than the other. You feel that you can trust the person with everything. You will spend time with the person of your own free will, because you enjoy it. You have mutual respect for each other. You communicate very well with each other. in the relationship communicate very well with each other. You help each other, have sympathy for each other and forgive the other’s mistakes. What are the characteristics of bad relationships? It makes you feel unhappy, angry and scared. One person makes all the effort in the relationship and feels under pressure. You cannot trust the other person. 24
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You do not want to spend time with the person, and feel forced to do so. There is no respect in the relationship. There is no healthy communication. There is no sympathy and forgiveness in the relationship.
Learner must be able to identify if they have good or bad relationships. Give the learner guidance.
ACTIVITY 19 1. Learner can give own opinion as well as any of the following: Always be friendly and helpful. Never share your friend’s secrets with others. Forgive your friends if they acted wrongly. Help your friends when they have a problem. Always be considerate of them.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ Life Skills
UNIT 2: Performing arts LEARNING AIMS After completing this unit, the learner should be able to do the following: Warm up the body and voice in different ways. Move the body alone and with others. Use different note values’ rhythmic patterns. Use mime actions. Sing different songs. Listen to and classify Western and African music. INTRODUCTION People dance for various reasons. It can be for fun, competition or even rituals. In this unit, we are going to do more dance movements by moving our bodies in different directions and in different ways. During a dance performance the dancers use costumes and props to tell the dance’s story. Dancers use rhythm and levels in their dances – fast/slow or high/low. The learner will apply these elements in performing body movements. We must always warm up before any physical activities. I am going to show you a few warm-up exercises that will prepare the body for these activities. The learner must also warm up those vocal chords! The different note values have different rhythmic patterns. It can be used in different ways to make music. We are going to revise the stave and different notes, and create and perform our own music combinations. The learner will also learn to use mime to represent something. Lastly, we are going to listen do different pieces of Western and African music. It teaches the learner an appreciation of different kinds of music and musical instruments.
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Facilitator’s Guide G05 ~ Life Skills
Breathing: Inhaling and exhaling. Focus: The thing/person/situation getting the most attention at any given time. Singing in canon: When two/more singers begin singing the same song at different times. Senses: It is seeing, tasting, hearing, touching and smelling. Pitch: How high or low the sound is. Mood: The feeling of the music – sad or happy? Level: The level, high or low, in which you move. Rhythm: How fast or slow your music is. The beat of the music. Routine: A series of steps you practise and perform. Melody: The tune of the music. Stave: The five lines and four spaces on which musical notes are written. Call-and-answer: The repetition of the same rhythm, also called an echo.
Recommended resources for UNIT 2: Open space, any musical instruments, CD player, any CD with children’s songs (I recommend: 60 Best Children’s Songs available at TOP CD), posters with musical notes, pictures of string and wooden instruments. Lesson 5: Warm-up and play (15 minutes per class = 2½ hours per term) ACTIVITY 20 Learner can work alone or with a friend. 1. Learner uses movements like turning, swaying, galloping, skipping, pulling and reaching. 2. Learner creates a movement series with the movements in 1. The learner can use all the movements of just two or three. The facilitator can help the learner. The learner must rehearse the movement series really well. 3. Learner must work in change of direction for example to the left, to the right in the movement series. 4. Learner must change levels in the movement series, such as high and low. 5. Learner must also work in variation in speed, such as from fast to slow or from slow to fast. 6. The learner must also do flowing or jerky movements or change it from a jerky movement to a flowing movement.
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