Gr 5-Lewensvaardighede-Handleiding

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Í2’È-E-LIO-SG011Î 1















Grade 5

A member of the FUTURELEARN group

Life Skills Study guide



Grade 5

CAPS aligned

LM van der Walt

Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills

CONTENTS LESSON ELEMENTS.......................................................................................................... 8 PREFACE............................................................................................................................ 9 YEAR PLAN ...................................................................................................................... 10 UNIT 1: PERSONAL AND SOCIAL WELL-BEING ......................................................... 12 Lesson 1: Positive self-esteem development ..................................................................... 13 ACTIVITY 1 ......................................................................................................... 14 ACTIVITY 2 ......................................................................................................... 15 ACTIVITY 3 ......................................................................................................... 15 ACTIVITY 4 ......................................................................................................... 16 ACTIVITY 5 ......................................................................................................... 17 ACTIVITY 6 ......................................................................................................... 18 Lesson 2: Give and receive feedback ................................................................................ 18 ACTIVITY 7 ......................................................................................................... 18 ACTIVITY 8 ......................................................................................................... 19 ACTIVITY 9 ......................................................................................................... 19 ACTIVITY 10 ....................................................................................................... 20 ACTIVITY 11 ....................................................................................................... 21 Lesson 3: Dealing with emotions ....................................................................................... 21 ACTIVITY 12 ....................................................................................................... 23 ACTIVITY 13 ....................................................................................................... 23 ACTIVITY 14 ....................................................................................................... 24 ACTIVITY 15 ....................................................................................................... 24 Lesson 4: Relationships with friends, older people and strangers ..................................... 25 ACTIVITY 16 ....................................................................................................... 26 ACTIVITY 17 ....................................................................................................... 26 ACTIVITY 18 ....................................................................................................... 28 ACTIVITY 19 ....................................................................................................... 28 REVISION: TERM 1 .......................................................................................................... 31 UNIT 2: PERFORMING ARTS .......................................................................................... 32 Lesson 5: Warm-up and play ............................................................................................. 33 ACTIVITY 20 ....................................................................................................... 35 Lesson 6: Improvise and create ......................................................................................... 36 ACTIVITY 21 ....................................................................................................... 37 ACTIVITY 22 ....................................................................................................... 38 ACTIVITY 23 ....................................................................................................... 40 Lesson 7: Read, interpret and perform .............................................................................. 40 ACTIVITY 24 ....................................................................................................... 40 ACTIVITY 25 ....................................................................................................... 41 ACTIVITY 26 ....................................................................................................... 41 ACTIVITY 27 ....................................................................................................... 42 1

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Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills

Lesson 8: Appreciate and reflect ....................................................................................... 42 ACTIVITY 28 ....................................................................................................... 44 ACTIVITY 29 ....................................................................................................... 44 UNIT 3: CREATIVE ARTS ................................................................................................ 45 Lesson 9: Visual literacy .................................................................................................... 46 ACTIVITY 30 ....................................................................................................... 47 ACTIVITY 31 ....................................................................................................... 48 Lesson 10: Design in 2D .................................................................................................... 48 ACTIVITY 32 ....................................................................................................... 49 ACTIVITY 33 ....................................................................................................... 50 ACTIVITY 34 ....................................................................................................... 50 Lesson 11: Create in 3D .................................................................................................... 51 UNIT 4: PHYSICAL EDUCATION ..................................................................................... 53 Lesson 12: Safety measures for movement combinations................................................. 54 Lesson 13: Participating in movement combinations ......................................................... 57 ACTIVITY 35 ....................................................................................................... 58 ACTIVITY 36 ....................................................................................................... 58 ACTIVITY 37 ....................................................................................................... 58 ACTIVITY 38 ....................................................................................................... 59 ACTIVITY 39 ....................................................................................................... 59 Lesson 14: Performing movement actions ......................................................................... 60 ACTIVITY 40 ....................................................................................................... 60 ACTIVITY 41 ....................................................................................................... 61 ACTIVITY 42 ....................................................................................................... 61 UNIT 5: PERSONAL AND SOCIAL WELL-BEING ......................................................... 62 Lesson 15: Discrimination, stereotyping and prejudice ...................................................... 63 ACTIVITY 43 ....................................................................................................... 64 ACTIVITY 44 ....................................................................................................... 66 ACTIVITY 45 ....................................................................................................... 67 Lesson 16: Child abuse ..................................................................................................... 67 ACTIVITY 46 ....................................................................................................... 68 ACTIVITY 47 ....................................................................................................... 69 ACTIVITY 48 ....................................................................................................... 70 Lesson 17: Dealing with violence ....................................................................................... 79 ACTIVITY 49 ....................................................................................................... 80 ACTIVITY 50 ....................................................................................................... 81 Lesson 18: Age and gender issues in different cultures .................................................... 83 ACTIVITY 51 ....................................................................................................... 84 ACTIVITY 52 ....................................................................................................... 85 ACTIVITY 53 ....................................................................................................... 86 REVISION: TERM 2 .......................................................................................................... 90


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Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills

UNIT 6: PERFORMING ARTS .......................................................................................... 91 Lesson 19: Warm-up and play ........................................................................................... 92 ACTIVITY 54 ....................................................................................................... 92 ACTIVITY 55 ....................................................................................................... 92 ACTIVITY 56 ....................................................................................................... 94 ACTIVITY 57 ....................................................................................................... 95 ACTIVITY 58 ....................................................................................................... 95 ACTIVITY 59 ....................................................................................................... 96 Lesson 20: Improvise and create ....................................................................................... 97 ACTIVITY 60 ....................................................................................................... 97 ACTIVITY 61 ....................................................................................................... 98 ACTIVITY 62 ....................................................................................................... 98 Lesson 21: Read, interpret and perform ............................................................................ 98 ACTIVITY 63 ....................................................................................................... 99 ACTIVITY 64 ....................................................................................................... 99 ACTIVITY 65 ..................................................................................................... 100 Lesson 22: Appreciate and reflect ................................................................................... 101 ACTIVITY 66 ..................................................................................................... 104 UNIT 7: CREATIVE ARTS .............................................................................................. 105 Lesson 23: Visual literacy ................................................................................................ 106 ACTIVITY 67 ..................................................................................................... 109 Lesson 24: Design in 2D .................................................................................................. 110 ACTIVITY 68 ..................................................................................................... 110 ACTIVITY 69 ..................................................................................................... 110 Lesson 25: Create in 3D .................................................................................................. 111 ACTIVITY 70 ..................................................................................................... 112 ACTIVITY 71 ..................................................................................................... 113 UNIT 8: PHYSICAL EDUCATION ................................................................................... 115 Lesson 26: Warming up and cooling down: safety during games .................................... 115 Lesson 27: Participating in target games ......................................................................... 116 ACTIVITY 72 ..................................................................................................... 116 ACTIVITY 73 ..................................................................................................... 116 ACTIVITY 74 ..................................................................................................... 117 ACTIVITY 75 ..................................................................................................... 117 ACTIVITY 76 ..................................................................................................... 117 ACTIVITY 77 ..................................................................................................... 118 Lesson 28: Movements in target games .......................................................................... 118 ACTIVITY 78 ..................................................................................................... 119 ACTIVITY 79 ..................................................................................................... 120 ACTIVITY 80 ..................................................................................................... 121 ACTIVITY 81 ..................................................................................................... 122


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Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills

UNIT 9: PERSONAL AND SOCIAL WELL-BEING ....................................................... 125 Lesson 29: Festivals and customs of different religions in south africa ........................... 126 ACTIVITY 82 ..................................................................................................... 131 ACTIVITY 83 ..................................................................................................... 131 ACTIVITY 84 ..................................................................................................... 133 Lesson 30: Safety precautions at home and in the environment ..................................... 133 ACTIVITY 85 ..................................................................................................... 134 ACTIVITY 86 ..................................................................................................... 134 ACTIVITY 87 ..................................................................................................... 136 ACTIVITY 88 ..................................................................................................... 137 ACTIVITY 89 ..................................................................................................... 140 ACTIVITY 90 ..................................................................................................... 140 Lesson 31: Water as important basic need ...................................................................... 144 ACTIVITY 91 ..................................................................................................... 145 ACTIVITY 92 ..................................................................................................... 146 ACTIVITY 93 ..................................................................................................... 147 Lesson 32: Healthy eating habits for children .................................................................. 149 ACTIVITY 94 ..................................................................................................... 149 ACTIVITY 95 ..................................................................................................... 151 ACTIVITY 96 ..................................................................................................... 153 ACTIVITY 97 ..................................................................................................... 154 ACTIVITY 98 ..................................................................................................... 154 ACTIVITY 99 ..................................................................................................... 155 ACTIVITY 100 ................................................................................................... 157 REVISION: TERM 3 ........................................................................................................ 161 UNIT 10: PERFORMING ARTS ...................................................................................... 162 Lesson 33: Warm-up and play ......................................................................................... 163 ACTIVITY 101 ................................................................................................... 163 ACTIVITY 102 ................................................................................................... 163 ACTIVITY 103 ................................................................................................... 164 ACTIVITY 104 ................................................................................................... 165 Lesson 34: Improvise and create ..................................................................................... 165 ACTIVITY 105 ................................................................................................... 166 ACTIVITY 106 ................................................................................................... 166 ACTIVITY 107 ................................................................................................... 167 ACTIVITY 108 ................................................................................................... 167 Lesson 35: Read, interpret and perform .......................................................................... 168 ACTIVITY 109 ................................................................................................... 168 ACTIVITY 110 ................................................................................................... 168 ACTIVITY 111 ................................................................................................... 169 ACTIVITY 112 ................................................................................................... 170 ACTIVITY 113 ................................................................................................... 170 ACTIVITY 114 ................................................................................................... 170


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Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills

Lesson 36: Appreciate and reflect ................................................................................... 171 ACTIVITY 115 ................................................................................................... 171 UNIT 11: CREATIVE ARTS ............................................................................................ 173 Lesson 37: Visual literacy ................................................................................................ 173 ACTIVITY 116 ................................................................................................... 174 ACTIVITY 117 ................................................................................................... 175 Lesson 38: Create in 2d ................................................................................................... 175 ACTIVITY 118 ................................................................................................... 175 Lesson 39: Create in 3D .................................................................................................. 176 UNIT 12: PHYSICAL EDUCATION ................................................................................. 177 Lesson 40: Safety measures for rhythmic movements .................................................... 177 Lesson 41: Participating in rhythmic movements ............................................................. 178 ACTIVITY 119 ................................................................................................... 178 ACTIVITY 120 ................................................................................................... 178 ACTIVITY 121 ................................................................................................... 179 ACTIVITY 122 ................................................................................................... 179 Lesson 42: Performing rhythmic movements ................................................................... 180 ACTIVITY 123 ................................................................................................... 180 ACTIVITY 124 ................................................................................................... 180 UNIT 13: PERSONAL AND SOCIAL WELL-BEING ..................................................... 182 Lesson 43: Local environmental health problems ............................................................ 183 ACTIVITY 125 ................................................................................................... 185 ACTIVITY 126 ................................................................................................... 188 ACTIVITY 127 ................................................................................................... 189 ACTIVITY 128 ................................................................................................... 190 ACTIVITY 129 ................................................................................................... 191 ACTIVITY 130 ................................................................................................... 194 Lesson 44: HIV and Aids education ................................................................................. 200 ACTIVITY 131 ................................................................................................... 201 ACTIVITY 132 ................................................................................................... 202 ACTIVITY 133 ................................................................................................... 203 Lesson 45: Substance abuse........................................................................................... 205 ACTIVITY 134 ................................................................................................... 207 REVISION EXERCISE FOR TERM 4 .............................................................................. 211 UNIT 14: PERFORMING ARTS ...................................................................................... 213 Lesson 46: Warm up and play ......................................................................................... 214 ACTIVITY 135 ................................................................................................... 215 ACTIVITY 136 ................................................................................................... 215 ACTIVITY 137 ................................................................................................... 215 ACTIVITY 138 ................................................................................................... 216 ACTIVITY 139 ................................................................................................... 216 5

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Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills

ACTIVITY 140 ................................................................................................... 216 ACTIVITY 141 ................................................................................................... 217 ACTIVITY 142 ................................................................................................... 217 ACTIVITY 143 ................................................................................................... 217 ACTIVITY 144 ................................................................................................... 218 Lesson 47: Improvise and create ..................................................................................... 218 ACTIVITY 145 ................................................................................................... 218 ACTIVITY 146 ................................................................................................... 218 ACTIVITY 147 ................................................................................................... 219 Lesson 48: Read, interpret and perform .......................................................................... 220 ACTIVITY 148 ................................................................................................... 220 ACTIVITY 149 ................................................................................................... 220 ACTIVITY 150 ................................................................................................... 220 Lesson 49: Appreciate and reflect ................................................................................... 221 ACTIVITY 151 ................................................................................................... 221 UNIT 15: CREATIVE ARTS ............................................................................................ 222 Lesson 50: Visual literacy ................................................................................................ 222 ACTIVITY 152 ................................................................................................... 223 ACTIVITY 153 ................................................................................................... 224 ACTIVITY 154 ................................................................................................... 225 Lesson 51: Create in 2D .................................................................................................. 225 ACTIVITY 155 ................................................................................................... 226 ACTIVITY 156 ................................................................................................... 226 ACTIVITY 157 ................................................................................................... 226 ACTIVITY 158 ................................................................................................... 227 Lesson 52: Create in 3D .................................................................................................. 228 ACTIVITY 159 ................................................................................................... 228 ACTIVITY 160 ................................................................................................... 228 UNIT 16: PHYSICAL EDUCATION ................................................................................. 230 Lesson 53: Safety measures for track and field items ..................................................... 231 Lesson 54: Participating in various track and field items ................................................. 232 ACTIVITY 161 ................................................................................................... 233 ACTIVITY 162 ................................................................................................... 233 ACTIVITY 163 ................................................................................................... 233 ACTIVITY 164 ................................................................................................... 234 ACTIVITY 165 ................................................................................................... 235 ACTIVITY 166 ................................................................................................... 235 ACTIVITY 167 ................................................................................................... 236 ACTIVITY 168 ................................................................................................... 237 ACTIVITY 169 ................................................................................................... 237 ACTIVITY 170 ................................................................................................... 238 ACTIVITY 171 ................................................................................................... 239


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Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills

Lesson 55: Performing athletic activities .......................................................................... 239 ACTIVITY 172 ................................................................................................... 239 ACTIVITY 173 ................................................................................................... 240 ACTIVITY 174 ................................................................................................... 240 ACTIVITY 175 ................................................................................................... 240 ACTIVITY 176 ................................................................................................... 240 SOURCES ..................................................................................................................... 241 ADDENDUM A: COLOUR ACTIVITIES .......................................................................... 243 Lesson 9: Complementary colours .................................................................................. 245 ACTIVITY 30 ..................................................................................................... 245 ACTIVITY 31 ..................................................................................................... 245 Lesson 10:Colour wheel .................................................................................................. 246 ACTIVITY 68 ..................................................................................................... 247 ACTIVITY 116 ................................................................................................... 247 ACTIVITY 117 ................................................................................................... 248 ACTIVITY 154 ................................................................................................... 248


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Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills












Lesson 1: Lesson 2: Lesson 3: Lesson 4:

Positive self-esteem development Give and receive feedback Handling emotions Relationships with friends, older people and strangers Formal assessment Lesson 5: Warm-up and play Lesson 6: Improvise and create Lesson 7: Read, interpret and create Lesson 8: Appreciate and reflect Lesson 9: Visual literacy Lesson 10: Create in 2D Lesson 11: Design in 3D Formal assessment Lesson 12: Safety measures for movement sequences Lesson 13: Participating in movement sequences Lesson 14: Performing movement sequences Formal assessment Lesson 15: Discrimination, stereotyping and prejudice Lesson 16: Child abuse Lesson 17: Dealing with violence Lesson 18: Age and gender issues in different cultures Formal assessment Lesson 19: Warm-up and play Lesson 20: Improvise and create Lesson 21: Read, interpret and perform Lesson 22: Appreciate and reflect Formal assessment Lesson 23: Visual literacy Lesson 24: Design in 2d Lesson 25: Create in 3d Formal assessment Lesson 26: Warming up and cooling down Lesson 27: Participation in target games 10

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Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills









Lesson 28: Performing movement sequences Formal assessment Lesson 29: Festivals and customs of different religions Lesson 30: Safety precautions at home and in the environment Lesson 31: Water as important basic need Lesson 32: Healthy eating habits for children Formal assessment Lesson 33: Warm-up and play Lesson 34: Improvise and create Lesson 35: Read, interpret and perform Lesson 36: Appreciate and reflect Lesson 37: Visual literacy Lesson 38: Create in 2D Lesson 39: Create in 3D Formal assessment Lesson 40: Safety measures for rhythmic movements Lesson 41: Participating in rhythmic movements Lesson 42: Performing rhythmic movements Formal assessment Lesson 43: Local environmental health problems Lesson 44: HIV and Aids education Lesson 45: Substance abuse Lesson 46: Warm-up and play Lesson 47: Improvise and create Lesson 48: Read, interpret and perform Lesson 49: Appreciate and reflect Formal assessment Lesson 50: Visual literacy Lesson 51: Create in 2D Lesson 52: Create in 3D Lesson 53: Safety measures for track and field items Lesson 54: Participating in various track and field items Lesson 55: Performing athletic movements Formal assessment


Š Impaq

Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills



UNIT 1: Personal and social well-being LEARNING AIMS After completing this unit, you should be able to do the following: • Know what influence other people have on your self-esteem and self-esteem development. • Be aware of how personal success contributes to a positive self-esteem. • How to set up a plan of action for continuous positive selfesteem development. • How to handle feedback from others, as well as how to give feedback to others. • Know how to handle different emotions. • Apply skills to effectively manage emotions. • Appreciate friends in difficult times. • Distinguish between safe and unsafe relationships with other people. INTRODUCTION Your self-esteem is very important, because it determines how you feel about yourself. It also plays an important role in how you treat others. Your self-esteem determines whether you will be successful in whatever you undertake. The feedback you get from others can be positive or negative. It is important to handle the feedback correctly. You must also know how to give feedback to other people in the correct way. It is therefore important for the learner to receive the necessary guidance. Emotions are very important in this phase of your life. Your emotions are very sensitive and sometimes you feel confused. It is therefore important for you to know how to correcty manage and express emotions. During difficult times, it is important to be able to count on friends.


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Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills



Lastly, we are going to look at relationships with other people. You should be able to distinguish between bad and good relationships. These experiences can help you later in life with decisions about relationships.


• • •

Self-esteem: What you think of yourself. Ambition: The desire you have to achieve and be successful. Self-respect: To believe in yourself and to not do things that would harm you. Determination: Someone who does not give up, who keeps going regardless of the circumstances. Feedback: Information someone gives you to let you know whether you did something well or badly. You can also give others feedback about their actions. Strategy: Working out a plan of action. Emotions: The feelings you have, for example anger, sadness, happiness, etc. Sympathy: When you feel sorry for someone else.

Lesson 1: Positive self-esteem development Recommended resources: Study guide as well as posters and books about the topic. 1.1

The influence others have on self-esteem: adults and friends

Your self-esteem is the image you have of yourself. This includes: • Your social character Are you sociable? Are you shy? Are you self-assured? •

Your physical appearance Are you tall? Are you overweight? Are you pretty?

Your thoughts Are you positive or negative? Are you happy? Can you make choices easily?


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Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills



Your self-esteem is your understanding of your own, unique characteristics. However, your own view of yourself is not the only influence on your self-esteem. Things other people say about us and how other people treat us also influence our self-esteem. People who damage or boost your self-esteem include the following: • Your family What does your family expect from you? Does your family support you or criticise you? Do you sometimes feel that you do not live up to your family’s expectations? •

Your friends and peer group Do they sometimes make you feel inferior? Do you feel that you are not as strong/pretty/clever as the others? Do your friends accept you for who you are?

Media The media puts pressure on teenagers to act and look a certain way. Do you feel fat and ugly compared to the perfect movie stars? That is the media’s mission. They advertise products promising they will make you feel better about yourself.

School expectations You might feel that your school and teachers’ expectations of you are too high. It makes you feel stressed and when you cannot meet their expectations, you feel like a failure. ACTIVITY 1 1. Make a list of any FIVE things people have told you that influenced your selfesteem negatively. 2. Discuss how it made you feel with your facilitator/friend/parent. 3. How did you handle these situations? Discuss it with your facilitator/friend/parent.


Personal successes as a contributing factor to positive self-esteem

Before you can achieve success, you must have good self-esteem. A successful person feels good about himself/herself, because he/she has reached their goals. You must work at good self-esteem. The following elements can contribute to it: • Stand and walk with good posture. It will immediately make you feel better about yourself. • Learn from your mistakes and make positive improvements. • Cultivate a positive attitude to life. • Love yourself. • Spend time with people who encourage you and influence your positively. • Live healthily – eat the right foods and exercise regularly. • Treat yourself by doing something fun from time to time. 14

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Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills



If you look at the most successful people around you, you will note that all of them have certain characteristics. It makes them more likely to achieve success than other people. These characteristics are: • The dedication to keep to your plan for success. • The ambition to achieve and do things better than other people. • The application of good problem-solving techniques to find solutions to problems. • They believe in themselves and have a lot of self-respect. • Successful people are determined and do not quit. • Successful people can make good decisions quickly. • Successful people are not scared of new situations and are very brave. When you feel good about yourself, you chances of achieving everything you want is greater. Being successful also makes you feel good about yourself. ACTIVITY 2 1. Make a list of at least FIVE of your characteristics you think will help you be successful. 2. Make a list of at least FIVE characteristics you would like to have. 3. How would you go about getting the characteristics you named in 2? 4. Discuss your answers with your friends/facilitator or parent. ACTIVITY 3 1. Use your answers in activity 2 question 1 and make a collage of your positive characters that will contribute towards your success. 2. Use photographs or pictures from magazines to make your collage. 1.3

Plan of action for continuous positive self-esteem development

You are not going to feel the same every day. Some days you feel positive and other days you feel very negative. It is therefore important to continuously work on your self-esteem, even if you do not always feel positive. That is why it is important to compile a plan of action to motivate you. Let us look at self-motivation first. What is self-motivation? It is the ability to do the things you need to do without other people’s influence. People with self-motivation can find the reason and strength to complete a task on their own, even when it is a challenge or they do not have the encouragement of others. How can I become self-motivated? • Focus on what you enjoy doing. • Make a list of things you want to improve and how you are going to do so. • Review all the successes you have already achieved. • Reward yourself for each success you achieve. • Read inspiring books. • Set yourself goals. 15

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Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills



If you feel negative and lose hope, contact a friend who can encourage you.

Let us compile a PLAN OF ACTION to help you continuously develop and build your selfesteem in a positive way: 1. Find your strengths What can you do very well? Of which recent successes are you very proud? 2.

Cultivate a positive attitude about yourself Say positive things about yourself to yourself. Believe that you will be successful.


Work on your weaknesses Identify your weaknesses. Compile a plan to change these into strengths.


Do not be scared of new challenges. Be positive about each new challenge, even if it is very difficult. New challenges teach us how to do new things. ACTIVITY 4 1. Make a list of all your strengths. 2. Make a list of all your successes. 3. Compile a plan of action for yourself. 4. Put the lists somewhere where you can see it every day. 5. Remind yourself every day that you are going to become a successful person!


Read about activities and actions that promote positive self-esteem

The following article was published in The Mercury on Tuesday, 7 January 2014.

He is top of the 2013 class January 7 2014 at 08:10am

By Leanne Jansen Nontobeko Mtshali, Kristen van Schie and Sapa Durban – A Durban boy has been named top matric pupil for the country in quintile five. Westville Boys’ High pupil Asil Motala, who earned eight distinctions, spoke to The Asil Motala Mercury from Joburg on Monday, where he was attending a press conference for the top 25 pupils in the country, hosted by Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga. The dux pupil said: “I’m excited, but also nervous. I’ve aimed for good matric results since Grade 10.”


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Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills



Quintile five is the category comprising the most affluent schools. The matric pass rate was 78,2%, 4,3 percentage points higher than last year’s 73,9% and the highest for 20 years. Motshekga said the top-performing province was the Free State with an 87,4% pass rate, up from 81,1% in 2012. KwaZulu-Natal scored 77,4% compared to 73,1% in 2012. The pass rate had exceeded the target by reaching 78,2%. The department had aimed for a 75% pass rate by 2014. Reacting to the results, educationists said the quality of passes was paramount with the need to look beyond the pass percentages. The figures which needed scrutinising were how many pupils passed well enough to qualify to apply to study for a degree or diploma, how well pupils passed the so-called gateway subjects, and how many pupils made it from Grade 1 to Grade 12. Motshekga announced that the Umlazi district (greater Durban) was KZN’s best performing district, with a pass rate of 83,7%. The 2013 National Senior Certificate was written by 562 112 full-time and 92 611 part-time candidates; 171 755 of the pupils got a bachelor pass, qualifying them to study at university. This was an increase from the 26,6% bachelor degree pass rate scored by the class of 2012. “The NSC results over the last five years have improved. The focus is now on improving the quality of the passes,” said Padayachee. “I want to thank you for being the best class since the advent of democracy,” Motshekga said to pupils. The Mercury (

ACTIVITY 5 Answer the following questions: 1. What is the name of the pupil named as the 2013 Top Matric? 2. What did he say about his accomplishment? 3. What was the matric pass rate for 2013? 4. How many candidates wrote the NSC examinations in 2013? 5. Have the results improved in the last five years? The following is a case study: Hester is a good hockey player. She does well in her school’s hockey games. She wants to make the Gauteng team. She has not made the team yet, but this year she is determined to reach her goal. She practises very hard every day. She gets up early every morning and practises on the hockey field before school. Apart from her regular practice at school, she has extra practice sessions three afternoons a week. She also takes part in weekend games. Hester has to be very organised and disciplined. She also makes time for her school work and school tasks. She also has lots of fun with her friends in her free time. She is indeed very disciplined. She eats healthily and gets enough sleep, because the practice and exercise requires a lot of energy. Hester says she is a lot more focused since she set her goal. It helps her to reach her dream.


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Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills



ACTIVITY 6 Answer the following questions: 1. What is Hester’s special talent? 2. Which goal did Hester set herself? 3. Name Hester’s strengths. 4. What can you learn from Hester? Lesson 2: Give and receive feedback Recommended resources: Study guide, newspaper articles and magazines. 2.1

Suitable ways of giving and receiving feedback: positive and negative feedback

Feedback is the information we get from people around us. It is the way in which someone tells us how well did a task. Feedback is important because it gives you the information you need to know where you went wrong and how you can improve on it. It can help you plan for the future. It motivates you, so you can do your best. Read the following case study: Mareli and Kesha are in the same class. Mr Fourie gives the class a task about the Industrial Revolution. Mareli and Kesha decide to work on it together, as a group. Kesha is a perfectionist and criticises Mareli’s work all the time. Nothing Mareli contributes to the task is good enough. Mareli gets despondent and decides she does not want to work with Kesha anymore. Mareli does the task on her own, but does not tell Kesha. On the day they have to hand in the task, Kesha hands in a half completed task and Mareli hands in a completed task. Kesha is very unhappy and no longer wants to be friends with Mareli. ACTIVITY 7 Answer the following questions: 1. Do you think Kesha acted correctly when they started working on the task? 2. Do you think Mareli could have handled the situation better? 3. Why were Kesha’s feelings hurt? 4. What did you learn about feedback from the case study? Some people are very sensitive and do not react well to feedback, especially if they feel that they are being criticised. Therefore you should consider how you give feedback to ensure that is received positively. You must never belittle someone – that is not constructive feedback. The feedback you give should be helpful for the person receiving it. It should serve as motivation to improve.


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Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills



How can I give someone positive feedback? • Always speak positively. Do not focus on what the person cannot do only, but also on the things that the person does well. • Speak clearly and be specific with your feedback. • Do not criticise the person, but his/her actions or the task that was completed. • Try to give the person advice on how to improve certain aspects. • You must always treat the person in such a way that they retain their dignity and feel respected. ACTIVITY 8 1. Think of something you and your friend(s) did together recently, like playing rugby. 2. Think about the mistakes you made. 3. If you were the captain/leader of the team/group, how would you give positive feedback? Of course it is much easier to give feedback than to receive it. Maybe you feel scared when someone gives you feedback on something you have done. Maybe you get angry when someone points out something you can improve on. Feedback is really important because it helps you know where to improve. If you do not get your test marks back, how would you know what you got right and what you got wrong? It is important that you learn to handle different types of feedback. What is the right way for me to handle feedback? • You must be willing to ask for feedback. Do not be afraid of the outcome. • Do not be angry with the person. It will not help if you get nasty. • Listen to the person’s advice and try it out the next time you do something. • If you feel that the feedback is unfair, discuss it. • Appreciate all feedback you receive. It will help you become more successful. ACTIVITY 9 1. For the rest of the day, be more aware of feedback you receive. 2. Also, be more aware of your reaction to the feedback. 3. Do you think you handled it appropriately? 4. If you think you need to improve the way you handle feedback, what changes would you make?


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Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills



ACTIVITY 10 Study the following picture and answer the questions that follow:

1. 2. 3. 4. 2.2

Which type of feedback is represented in the photograph? How do you think the girl in the foreground feels? What is the best way for her to handle the feedback? Do you think this type of feedback is constructive?

Read about appropriate ways of giving and receiving feedback

How do I handle criticism? Fact: You are not always right. Fact: A second and third opinion can improve your plan. However, you have to be willing to listen and learn. Here are a few ways to handle criticism: Just because you fell short, does not mean you failed. Nobody likes criticism. Nobody likes to admit that there is a better solution. There are always better solutions. Criticism is a tool, because it gives other perspectives. Learn from others. Criticism does not necessarily mean you are wrong; it does mean there are other possible perspectives. 1.

2. 3. 4.


Open mind; closed mouth. Sometimes you will be wrong. Be prepared to change your thinking. Do not defend your plan at any cost. To gain knowledge from others is a great way of learning. A negative reaction to criticism makes things worse. There are many things in life that are not 100% objective and therefore you cannot be right 100% of the time. Consider the source. Who is critising you? Do they know more about the topic than you do? Be prepared to learn from others. You can learn just by listening. You do not have to accept the other person’s point of view. Criticism does not cancel out your free will. If you have self-confidence, criticism would not be a threat – it is a useful tool. Learn by listening. The more perspectives you see, the better equipped you will be to handle similar circumstances when they present themselves. Do not take criticism personally. When you are being criticised, emotional intelligence is more important than intellectual intelligence.


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Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills


7. 8.



Not all criticism is constructive. There are people who love ripping your concepts apart – in the process they rip you apart as well. Accept it – do not react. Accept that you cannot change it. You must approach everything with an open mind. Sometimes it is best to listen to criticism and to change. There is more than one way of achieving success. Acknowledge your own limitations. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Accept you limitations and learn from others.

Criticism is about handling your emotions. It is also about learning how others think. Always put others’ needs before your own. (

ACTIVITY 11 1. What is criticism? 2. How do you handle criticism? 3. Which of the tips provided would you apply in your own handling of criticism? 4. Do you think it is true that you cannot always be right?

Lesson 3: Dealing with emotions Recommended resources: Study guide as well as articles, reports and books on handling emotions. 3.1

Skills to manage emotions positively

We experience many different emotions in our lives: empathy, compassion, disappointment and sadness. Your emotions can sometimes make you act inappropriately. It is important for your emotional development to learn to handle your emotions correctly. You will be able to handle any situation with a reasonable measure of self-confidence if you can control your emotions. There are emotions such as joy and excitement that we like and deal with easily, but negative emotions such as sadness is a slightly more difficult to deal with. Negative emotions sometimes make you act inappropriately. Maybe you become confrontational when you are sad. Negative emotions are part of life and you cannot be happy all the time. That is why you need to learn to identify your emotions, understand them and deal with them correctly. It is important to bear the following in mind when it comes to emotions: • You are the only person who can deal with your emotions. • There are times that you cannot remain in control. • You need to be able to identify the emotion and know what caused it. • You need to control your feelings, but do not suppress or ignore them. • How you deal with your feelings is your choice. • You choose how you behave. 21

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Study Guide G05 ~ Life Skills

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You can deal with peer pressure by saying “no”. You can be in control by stopping, thinking and then doing. Do not exaggerate. Remain reasonable and calm. If you are in a negative situation, remove yourself from the situation and do something that calms you down. Do not agonise over negative situations. It will only make you more negative.

The following technique is called the Traffic Light Technique: (Taken from: Emosionele Intelligensie vir kinders en tieners by Dr Rina de Klerk and Dr Ronel le Roux) This technique will help you apply emotional control. 1.









1. 2. 3.

The red light tells you to stop, breathe deeply and calm down. The orange light tells you to take time to think the situation over and look for alternative ways to act. The green light gives you permission to act in the most appropriate way. Now act correctly.


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