Gr 6-Bible Education-Study Guide

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Í2’È-E-BIE-SG01_Î 1
















Grade 6

A member of the FUTURELEARN group

Grade 6

Study guide

Bible Education

E Oliver

Í2&È-E-BIE-SG01]Î 1806-E-BIE-SG01



Š Impaq

Unit 1: How I live ......................................................................... 6 Lesson 1:................................................................................................. 6 Lesson 2:................................................................................................. 8 Lesson 3:............................................................................................... 10 Lesson 4:............................................................................................... 12 Lesson 5:............................................................................................... 14 Lesson 6: .............................................................................................. 16 Lesson 7: .............................................................................................. 18 Lesson 8: .............................................................................................. 20 Lesson 9: .............................................................................................. 22 Lesson 10: ............................................................................................ 24 Lesson 11: ............................................................................................ 26 Lesson 12: ............................................................................................ 28 Lesson 13: ............................................................................................ 30 Lesson 14: ............................................................................................ 32 Lesson 15:............................................................................................. 34 Lesson 16: ............................................................................................ 36 Lesson 17: ............................................................................................ 38 Lesson 18: ............................................................................................ 40 Lesson 19: ............................................................................................ 42 Lesson 20: ............................................................................................ 44 Lesson 21: ............................................................................................ 46 Lesson 22: ............................................................................................ 48 Lesson 23: ............................................................................................ 50 Lesson 24: ............................................................................................ 52 Lesson 25: ............................................................................................ 54 Lesson 26: ............................................................................................ 56 Lesson 27: ............................................................................................ 58 Lesson 28: ............................................................................................ 60 Lesson 29:............................................................................................. 62 Lesson 30: ............................................................................................ 64

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education


Š Impaq

Unit 2: Love thy neighbour ....................................................... 66 Lesson 31: ........................................................................................ 66 Lesson 32: ........................................................................................ 68 Lesson 33: ........................................................................................ 70 Lesson 34: ........................................................................................ 72 Lesson 35: ........................................................................................ 74 Lesson 36: ........................................................................................ 76 Lesson 37: ........................................................................................ 78 Lesson 38: ........................................................................................ 80 Lesson 39: ........................................................................................ 82 Lesson 40: ........................................................................................ 84 Lesson 41: ......................................................................................... 86 Lesson 42: ........................................................................................ 88 Lesson 43: ........................................................................................ 90 Lesson 44: ........................................................................................ 92 Lesson 45: ........................................................................................ 94 Lesson 46: ........................................................................................ 96 Lesson 47: ........................................................................................ 98 Lesson 48: ...................................................................................... 100 Lesson 49: ....................................................................................... 102 Lesson 50: ...................................................................................... 104 Lesson 51: ...................................................................................... 106 Lesson 52: ...................................................................................... 108 Lesson 53: ...................................................................................... 110 Lesson 54: ...................................................................................... 112 Lesson 55: ...................................................................................... 114 Lesson 56: ....................................................................................... 116 Lesson 57: ...................................................................................... 118 Lesson 58: ...................................................................................... 120 Lesson 59: ...................................................................................... 122 Lesson 60: ...................................................................................... 124 Lesson 61: ...................................................................................... 126 Lesson 62: ...................................................................................... 128

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education


Š Impaq

Lesson 63: ....................................................................................... 130 Lesson 64: ...................................................................................... 132 Lesson 65: ...................................................................................... 134 Lesson 66: ...................................................................................... 136 Lesson 67: ...................................................................................... 138 Lesson 68: ...................................................................................... 140 Lesson 69: ...................................................................................... 142 Lesson 70: ....................................................................................... 144 Lesson 71: ...................................................................................... 146 Lesson 72: ...................................................................................... 148 Lesson 73: ...................................................................................... 150 Lesson 74: ...................................................................................... 152 Lesson 75: ...................................................................................... 154 UNIT 3: You must love God ..................................................... 156 Lesson 76: ...................................................................................... 156 Lesson 77: ...................................................................................... 158 Lesson 78: ...................................................................................... 160 Lesson 79: ...................................................................................... 162 Lesson 80: ...................................................................................... 164 Lesson 81: ...................................................................................... 166 Lesson 82: ...................................................................................... 168 Lesson 83: ....................................................................................... 170 Lesson 84: ...................................................................................... 172 Lesson 85: ...................................................................................... 174 Lesson 86: ...................................................................................... 176 Lesson 87: ...................................................................................... 178 Lesson 88: ...................................................................................... 180 Lesson 89: ...................................................................................... 182 Lesson 90: ....................................................................................... 184 Lesson 91: ....................................................................................... 185 Lesson 92: ...................................................................................... 186 Lesson 93: ...................................................................................... 190 Lesson 94: ...................................................................................... 192 Lesson 95: ...................................................................................... 194 Lesson 96: ...................................................................................... 196 Lesson 97: ...................................................................................... 198

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education


Š Impaq

Lesson 98: ....................................................................................... 200 Lesson 99: ...................................................................................... 202 Lesson 100: .................................................................................... 204 Lesson 101: .................................................................................... 206 Lesson 102: .................................................................................... 208 Lesson 103: .................................................................................... 210 Lesson 104: .................................................................................... 212 Lesson 105: ..................................................................................... 214 Lesson 106: .................................................................................... 216 Lesson 107: .................................................................................... 218 Lesson 108: .................................................................................... 220 Lesson 109: .................................................................................... 222 Lesson 110: .................................................................................... 224 Lesson 111: .................................................................................... 226 Lesson 112: ..................................................................................... 228 Lesson 113: .................................................................................... 230 Lesson 114: .................................................................................... 232 Lesson 115: .................................................................................... 234 Lesson 116: .................................................................................... 236 Lesson 117: .................................................................................... 238 Lesson 118: .................................................................................... 240 Lesson 119: ..................................................................................... 242 Lesson 120: .................................................................................... 244 Lesson 121: .................................................................................... 245

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education


Š Impaq

UNIT 4: Spreading the gospel ................................................ 246 Lesson 122: .................................................................................... 246 Lesson 123: .................................................................................... 248 Lesson 124: .................................................................................... 250 Lesson 125: .................................................................................... 252 Lesson 126: .................................................................................... 254 Lesson 127: .................................................................................... 256 Lesson 128: .................................................................................... 258 Lesson 129: .................................................................................... 260 Lesson 130: .................................................................................... 262 Lesson 131: .................................................................................... 264 Lesson 132: .................................................................................... 266 Lesson 133: ..................................................................................... 268 Lesson 134: .................................................................................... 270 Lesson 135: .................................................................................... 272 Lesson 136: .................................................................................... 274 Lesson 137: .................................................................................... 276 Lesson 138: .................................................................................... 278 Lesson 139: .................................................................................... 280 Lesson 140: ..................................................................................... 282 Lesson 141: .................................................................................... 284 Lesson 142: ..................................................................................... 286 Lesson 143: ..................................................................................... 288 Lesson 144: .................................................................................... 290 Lesson 145: .................................................................................... 292 Lesson 146: .................................................................................... 294 Lesson 147: ..................................................................................... 296 Lesson 148: .................................................................................... 298 Lesson 149: .................................................................................... 300 Lesson 150: ..................................................................................... 302 Lesson 151: ..................................................................................... 304

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education 1


Š Impaq

Practise and practise every day to be a child of the Lord.

We have to keep trying; even though we make mistakes. In the same way we learn how to write and do sums, we learn to live. We learn by doing it over and over again until we get it right.

It is not easy to live this way. Many people try to live this way for a day or two but when they fail to get it right, they lose hope and forget about the Lord.

Every child of the Lord should live in the way He teaches us in the Bible.


...make thy way straight before my face. Ps 5:9

Lesson 1

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education


This year we are going to learn (and practise) to live like children of the Lord.

Every time things become too much for you or when your faith leads you into trouble, think of what Jesus did for you, pray (like Jesus) and keep the faith.

Even Jesus found it a challenge to be a human being and to be obedient to His heavenly Father (for example: think about the temptation He endured when He was hungry and the devil suggested that He make bread from stones). Luckily the Lord, when it became too much for Him, prayed: “Not My will, but hy will be done”. Even though the crucifixion was exceedingly awful for the Lord: He went through it all so that we, you and I, could be saved.

It is very, important that you remember these words of the Lord. It is not easy to be a believer, but you may never lose hope.



© Impaq

Prayer: Father, I want to live with You in heaven one day, but I am weak and sinful. That is why I ask You to help and guide me in the year ahead to follow the straight and narrow way. Help me to keep trying to live in the right way, even though it may be difficult. Amen.

Lesson 1

Read Matthew 7:13 -14

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education 1

Even if you are small and alone, The Lord is big and strong. He will help you.

In the Bible, we read of many people who became afraid and how the Lord helped and comforted them.

Children of the Lord do not have to be afraid. Nothing on earth is stronger than the Lord and because we are His children, He helps us and keeps us safe. No matter what happens to us, we know that the Lord is always with us.



© Impaq

Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord... Ex 14:13

Lesson 2

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education


Never allow things that go wrong, to cause you to become unhappy and negative. Rather ask the Lord to help you. His plans often are often miracles!

Little did the Israelites know that one of the greatest miracles that ever happened would happen right before their eyes: the sea divided into two parts and they walked between two walls of water, to safety on the other side.

People easily remember things that are bad and wrong, but quickly forget good things. The Israelites were scarcely out of Egypt, where they experienced all the miracles (the plagues), when they forgot that it was the Lord who had helped them. They started to tremble with fear when they heard that the Pharaoh was on his way!


Š Impaq

Prayer: Lord, when there is no hope or relief, perform your wonder to save your children. For that I bless and praise thee. I know that You are almighty: yes, You can do anything. You can help, save and guide people. Help me and guide me on the right way. Amen.

Lesson 2


Read Exodus 14:1-30

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education

The Lord knows best

The plan sounded strange; but the Israelites did what the Lord asked of them and the plan worked. It was not even necessary for them to fight the soldiers of the city.

The Lord shows the new generation that He helps and guides them and He, Himself sees to it that they are able to occupy the promised land.

The people who had experienced the miracles in Egypt and the exodus from there, had all died by the time the Israelites reached their promised land.

Unit 1


Š Impaq

...that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city... Joshua 6:20

Lesson 3

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education


(The Jericho we read about in the New Testament, was built a short distance from the ruins of the old city. It was a beautiful city with rose gardens and palm trees. There also were huge wild fig-trees that were thousands of years old. Do you remember that Zaccheus climbed into one of these trees so that he could see Jesus?)

Did you know? Joshua cursed Jericho (read verse 26) and left the city behind in a pile. Later the people forgot all about the Lord. They also forgot about this curse, because Hiel decided to rebuild the city. See 1 Kings 16:34 to see what happened.

Yes, it will work, because you won’t use it against the tank or plane (both are made of iron) but against the person who controls the tank or plane. Your hearts are alike, because the Lord made them both! The Bible can change any person’s life, even the lives of people who do not believe in the Lord.

Do you think that your Bible can be used as a weapon against a huge tank or a fighter plane?



© Impaq

Prayer: Lord, although I am small, I know that I live for You. Help me today to show people who talk to me or see me, that I am a true child of Jesus. Today, help me not to be afraid or ashamed to tell people that I believe in You. Help me to show Your love to other people. Amen.

Lesson 3

Read Joshua 6:1-21

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education 1

In this way the Lord helps and saves His people.

Jonathan and his helper killed more than 20 men! The Lord let the earth tremble and the Philistines became afraid.

Jonathan knew full well that the small number of Israeli soldiers could not triumph over the wellarmed Philistines. Maybe he thought of the time when Gideon, with only a few men and the assistance of the Lord, triumphed over a huge army. Just like Gideon, he would also wait on a sign from the Lord.



© Impaq may be that the Lord will work for us; for there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few. 1 Sam 14:6

Lesson 4

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education

Unit 1

Pray and keep on praying. God hears you.

Jesus said that we must ask and never stop asking.

This is when children’s faith in the Lord results in miracles!

Sometimes it looks as though adults and leaders do not have enough faith. They look at the facts (for example: 600 soldiers against 6 000 soldiers), frown anxiously, shake their heads, but do nothing.

He was not king, a priest, or a leader. He was only a young boy.

The minute Jonathan acts in faith, the Lord steps in with two miracles.


© Impaq

Prayer: Lord, this story teaches me to always trust in You, even when things look bad. You help Your children. Help me to always remember this and when things go wrong to pluck up the courage and to ask for Your help. Amen.

Lesson 4

Read 1 Samuel 13:23-14:24

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education 1

The Lord is my Shepherd

Even in times of hardship, the Lord stays with His sheep and helps them.

Jesus says that He is the good Shepherd and we are His sheep. He looks after us, cares for us and protects us.

David was a shepherd when he was a young boy (about 5 to 10 years old). Although he was small, he knew how to look after sheep and how to care for them.



© Impaq

...though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me... Ps 23:4

Lesson 5

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education

He gives you peace in your heart. He lets the sun shine. He provides you with food and clothing. He scares you. He listens when you pray.

The Lord protects and helps you. Are the following statements true or false?

He takes them to good pastures with plentiful grass. He runs away when a bear or wolf approaches and hides in the house.

The shepherd helps and protects his sheep. Are the following statements true or false?

Read Psalms 23




Š Impaq

Prayer: Lord, daily we hear of people dying. We know that Jesus, who died, lives. We know that because we believe in You, we shall also live, until eternity. Help us to remember this every day, that this life is only the beginning of our actual life with You. We are comforted when people we love, die, because we know that we all will be with You, Lord Jesus, with our Father. Help us then so that the words of David also become our words. Amen.

Lesson 5

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education 1

Always remember this: You need not fear anything. God is stronger than everything on earth and He helps you.

Jesus broke the power of the devil so that we no longer have to live in fear. We have to fear absolutely nothing!

The devil uses fear as a weapon against us. (Adam was afraid after he sinned, and tried to hide himself from the Lord, because he did not want the Lord to see him).

One of the first lessons a child of the Lord should learn, is not to be afraid.



Š Impaq of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me. Acts 27:25

Lesson 6

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education

Sometimes in one’s life, things can go so badly that it feels worse than in a storm. During such times there is only one thing that one can do: Pray!

When this is the case, it must be very comforting to hear a voice shout: 'Keep heart, men! The Lord is in charge!'

In a terrible storm, I sometimes become afraid. Especially when the lightning flashes, the bursts of thunder are very loud and the electricity fails. One night, in the pitch-dark, with the noise of the storm around me, I thought what it must feel like on a ship in such a storm! In a storm on a ship, water is everywhere the eye can see and you are also thrown about. In this case, a person must be soaking wet, and his teeth must be chattering with cold.




© Impaq

Prayer: Lord, we know that the powers of nature, like wind and water, are very strong. Thank you that you control these powers and that we can ask for Your help in times of emergency. Thank you that You can help us, just like You guided these people safely. Amen.

Lesson 6

Read Acts 27:18-44

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education 1

Jacob could not believe that he had to do nothing. He wanted to fix everything himself. Even when he asks for the Lord’s assistance, and the Lord promises him (twice) that He will help and protect him, he still makes his own plans. We don’t only learn from people that always say and do the right things, but also from the weak and those who did not want to listen to the Lord. It helps us, who sin every day, to realise that The Lord loves us, in the same way He loved Jacob, in spite of his unfaithfulness and plans.



© Impaq

I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which thou hast showed unto thy servant. Gen 32:10

Lesson 7

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education

And remember: the Lord can also see in the dark!

He holds your hand tightly. Always. Even when it feels as though you are alone.

Do you know that you may pray to ask the Lord to remove all fear from your heart?

Today, are there things you are still afraid of?

Why were you afraid?

Have you ever been afraid?



Š Impaq


Prayer: Lord, sometimes we find ourselves in trouble, just like Jacob, because we did things in the wrong way. Thank you that we can still ask You to help us. Today, please bless my family and me with peace in our hearts. Amen.

Lesson 7

Read Gen 32:1-16

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education

Even when things went badly with His people and they were taken out of their land, the Lord promised to help them and to stay with them.

Yes, our Lord is the only true God and He keeps His protective hand over You!

Are these words not the most beautiful to hear?

Here, the Lord Himself is speaking. It is His own words, from His own mouth!

Unit 1


Š Impaq

...I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand... Isa 41:10

Lesson 8

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education




Š Impaq

Prayer: Thank you Lord, that I know that You hold my hand and will never let go. Thank you that you help me. Thank you that you are my God. Thank you that You are almighty and can save me from any trouble. Amen.

Tell a story about this picture

Lesson 8

Read Isaiah 41:8-14

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education

Believe in the power of God.

God saves and helps, even when things look impossible to us.

One wants to laugh when one reads this story. The people pray for the Lord to help Peter, but they do not believe that it is him standing in front of the door! At their door!

Unit 1


Š Impaq

Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him. Acts 12:5

Lesson 9

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education

Why was Peter thrown in prison? How did he get out of prison again?




Š Impaq

Prayer: Lord, today I pray for all the people in prison. Please forgive them their crimes and help them to convert themselves to You. We ask peace, patience and love for all the people who are in prison, because they believed in You. Help them to keep their faith and to keep their focus on You. Amen.

Lesson 9

Read Acts 12:1-19

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education

Do they believe the Lord? Were they of the opinion that He would help them to occupy the land? No, they wanted to stone the men that brought the message of the Lord!

He let the people journey through the sea and the desert and he cared for them daily.

The Lord performed miracle upon miracle in Egypt

Unit 1


Š Impaq

...How long will this people provoke me? And how long will it be ere they believe me, for all the signs which I have shewed among them? Num 14:11

Lesson 10

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education


At night, how did they know that the Lord was with them?

During the day, how did the Israelites view and experience the presence of the Lord?

Name the two young men, that were willing to occupy the land.

Although the Lord being visible every day and night, the people were still in doubt and afraid!



© Impaq

Prayer: Lord, I scare easily when I look around me and see all the dangers. Sometimes I feel alone and other times people scare me. Help me then to ask assistance, strength and faith from You. Amen.

Lesson 10

Read Numbers 14:5-19

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education

God’s children do not allow sin to enter their lives.

'Outside, sin is waiting for you, and it wants you in its power. You have to rule over it, however.'

The Lord’s warning to Cain, is very important; we all need to listen to it:

We all know the story of Cain and Abel, and we all want to be like Abel.




© Impaq

If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? Gen 4:6

Lesson 11

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education


Even Cain, the murderer’s fear, is taken away!


© Impaq

No one knows what the sign was that The Lord gave to Cain, but it took away his fear. The sign is one of God’s mercy and love. He shows mercy and love even to the sinful person that shows no regret for what they did wrong.


Prayer: Thank you Lord that You, that helped Cain when he was afraid, also help me when I am afraid. Sometimes I am afraid and shy because I do the wrong things, just like Cain. Thank you that, you still forgive and help me. Amen.

Lesson 11

Read Genesis 4:1-16

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education

Jesus is Lord.

No other person, no prophet, no spirit or thing can do this, only the Lord.

God is almighty. It even took the disciples some time to believe that Jesus could really do everything. He could cure the ill, bring the dead back to life, walk on water, increase food and calm the sea and the wind. Jesus did even more than this. He rose from the dead!

Unit 1


© Impaq

...why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith? Mark 4:40

Lesson 12

Study Guide G06 ~ Bible Education

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