Í2’È-A-FAL-FG01>Î 1
Grade 6
A member of the FUTURELEARN group
English First Additional Language Facilitator’s guide
Grade 6
CAPS aligned
J Mansfield W Pichler
Facilitator’s Guide G06 ~ English First Additional Language
Contents PREFACE ......................................................................................................................... 10 TIMETABLE AND TIME MANAGEMENT...........................................................................11 ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................11 GENERAL ..........................................................................................................................11 YEAR PLANNING.............................................................................................................. 13 UNIT 1: Week 1 – 2............................................................................................................ 15 Lesson 1: Animal stories.................................................................................................... 15 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING...........................................................16 Activity 1: Listen to a story.....................................................................................16 Activity 2: Answer questions on the story..............................................................17 Activity 3: Play a language game .........................................................................19 Activity 4: Practise listening and speaking.............................................................20 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING................................................................21 Activity 5: Predict from title and picture.................................................................21 Activity 6: Discuss title, setting and plot.................................................................23 Activity 7: Do a comprehension activity.................................................................24 Activity 8: Read aloud............................................................................................25 Activity 9: Complete a word puzzle........................................................................26 Activity 10: Give a book review: Independent reading...........................................27 Activity 11: Read for enjoyment.............................................................................27 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.........................................................28 Activity 12: Write a story: Brainstorm ideas...........................................................28 Activity 13: Write a first draft..................................................................................29 Activity 14: Revise, edit and present your story.....................................................29 Activity 15: Record words in a personal dictionary................................................30 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS........................30 Activity 16: Use personal pronouns.......................................................................30 Activity 17: Subject-verb agreement......................................................................32 UNIT 1: Week 3 – 4 ........................................................................................................... 34 Lesson 2: Wildlife............................................................................................................... 34 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING...........................................................35 Activity 18: Listen to a factual recount...................................................................35 Activity 19: Discuss the text and express opinions................................................36 Activity 20: Sustain a conversation........................................................................37 Activity 21: Practise listening and speaking...........................................................37 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING................................................................39 Activity 22: Predict from the title and pictures........................................................39 Activity 23: Discuss cause and effect....................................................................40 Activity 24: Do a comprehension activity...............................................................41 Activity 25: Read a personal letter.........................................................................42 Activity 26: Read an advertisement.......................................................................43 Activity 27: Summarise a text: Independent reading.............................................44 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.........................................................44 Activity 28: Write a factual recount........................................................................44 1
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Facilitator’s Guide G06 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 29: Write a personal letter.........................................................................45 Activity 30: Revise, edit and write final draft..........................................................45 Activity 31: Write words in personal dictionary......................................................46 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS........................46 Activity 32: Use comparative and superlative adjectives.......................................46 Activity 33: Use adverbs of time............................................................................47 UNIT 1: Weeks 5 – 6 ......................................................................................................... 49 Lesson 3: Adventure stories............................................................................................... 49 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING...........................................................50 Activity 34: Listen to a story...................................................................................50 Activity 35: Recall experiences in correct order.....................................................51 Activity 36: Practise listening and speaking...........................................................52 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING................................................................53 Activity 37: Predict from title and pictures..............................................................53 Activity 38: Discuss vocabulary and answer questions.........................................54 Activity 39: Do a comprehension activity...............................................................55 Activity 40: Read a prepared reading aloud..........................................................55 Activity 41: Practise reading..................................................................................56 Activity 42: Express opinion: Independent reading ...............................................58 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.........................................................58 Activity 43: Brainstorm ideas for writing a diary.....................................................58 Activity 44: Write paragraphs.................................................................................59 Activity 45: Record words in a personal dictionary................................................59 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS........................60 Activity 46: Homonyms..........................................................................................60 Activity 47: Capital letters and language in context...............................................60 UNIT 1: Week 7 – 8 ........................................................................................................... 62 Lesson 4: Making things..................................................................................................... 62 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING...........................................................63 Activity 48: Respond physically to instructions......................................................63 Activity 49: Give instructions..................................................................................64 Activity 50: Practise listening and speaking...........................................................65 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING................................................................66 Activity 51: Read an information text.....................................................................66 Activity 52: Interpret information............................................................................68 Activity 53: Practise reading aloud........................................................................68 Activity 54: Do a comprehension activity...............................................................69 Activity 55: Do a word puzzle ...............................................................................70 Activity 56: Summarise text: Independent reading................................................71 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.........................................................71 Activity 57: Write a description of a process..........................................................71 Activity 58: Design, draw and label a visual text....................................................72 Activity 59: Write defintions....................................................................................72 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS........................73 Activity 60: Use negative forms.............................................................................73 Activity 61: Match synonyms.................................................................................73 © Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide G06 ~ English First Additional Language
UNIT 1: Week 9 – 10.......................................................................................................... 75 Lesson 5: Fantasy.............................................................................................................. 75 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING...........................................................76 Activity 62: Listen to poems and a song................................................................76 Activity 63: Perform a poem..................................................................................78 Activity 64: Use oral descriptions to identify objects..............................................80 Activity 65: Play a language game........................................................................80 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING................................................................81 Activity 66: Read poems........................................................................................81 Activity 67: Discuss elements of poetry.................................................................84 Activity 68: Do a comprehension activity...............................................................85 Activity 69: Read aloud..........................................................................................86 Activity 70: Compare texts: Independent reading..................................................86 Activity 71: Read for enjoyment.............................................................................86 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.........................................................87 Activity 72: Write a description of a person............................................................87 Activity 73: Write a description of an object...........................................................88 Activity 74: Record words in personal dictionary...................................................88 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS........................89 Activity 75: Use the possessive form of the noun..................................................89 Activity 76: Complete a language in context activity..............................................90 UNIT 2: Week 1 – 2 ........................................................................................................... 92 Lesson 6: Humour.............................................................................................................. 92 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING...........................................................93 Activity 77: Listen to a story...................................................................................93 Activity 78: Note relevant information: Tell a story.................................................95 Activity 79: Practise listening and speaking...........................................................95 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING................................................................98 Activity 80: Read a story........................................................................................98 Activity 81: Identify setting and characters............................................................99 Activity 82: Identify sequence of events................................................................99 Activity 83: Do a written comprehension activity.................................................101 Activity 84: Practise reading................................................................................101 Activity 85: Read an unprepared text aloud ........................................................102 Activity 86: Relate to own life: Independent reading............................................102 Activity 87: Read for enjoyment...........................................................................102 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.......................................................102 Activity 88: Write a paragraph..............................................................................103 Activity 89: Brainstorm a story.............................................................................103 Activity 90: Draft, revise, edit and present a story...............................................105 Activity 91: Record word in a personal dictionary................................................105 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS......................105 Activity 92: Use demonstrative pronouns............................................................106 Activity 93: Complete a crossword......................................................................107
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UNIT 2: Week 3 – 4 ..........................................................................................................110 Lesson 7: Fascinating facts...............................................................................................110 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING......................................................... 111 Activity 94: Listen to oral descriptions................................................................. 111 Activity 95: Analyse and classify things............................................................... 112 Activity 96: Practise listening and speaking......................................................... 113 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING.............................................................. 116 Activity 97: Read information text........................................................................ 116 Activity 98: Identify main idea.............................................................................. 117 Activity 99: Identify topic sentences..................................................................... 118 Activity 100: Do an oral comprehension activity.................................................. 118 Activity 101: Summarise text: Independent reading............................................ 119 Activity 102: Answer questions on text and visuals.............................................120 Activity 103: Read for enjoyment.........................................................................120 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.......................................................120 Activity 104: Brainstorm and draft a description..................................................120 Activity 105: Revise, edit and present description...............................................121 Activity 106: Design, draw and label visual text...................................................121 Activity 107: Record words in personal dictionary...............................................122 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS......................122 Activity 108: Plurals and possessive pronouns...................................................122 Activity 109: Use connecting words.....................................................................123 UNIT 2: Week 5 – 6.......................................................................................................... 125 Lesson 8: Dreams............................................................................................................ 125 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING.........................................................126 Activity 110: Listen to a personal recount............................................................126 Activity 111: Listen to a story and do a role-play..................................................127 Activity 112: Practise listening and speaking.......................................................128 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING..............................................................129 Activity 113: Predict from title and pictures .........................................................129 Activity 114: Read the story.................................................................................130 Activity 115: Comment on the plot and do a comprehension activity...................131 Activity 116: Read a personal letter.....................................................................132 Activity 117: Practise reading...............................................................................133 Activity 118: Share feelings: Independent reading...............................................134 Activity 119: Read for enjoyment.........................................................................134 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.......................................................134 Activity 120: Brainstorm and plan a personal letter.............................................134 Activity 121: Write the first draft of a letter...........................................................134 Activity 122: Revise, edit and present a letter.....................................................135 Activity 123: Record words in personal dictionary...............................................135 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS......................135 Activity 124: Use past and present perfect tense................................................135 Activity 125: Use forms of the verb “to be”..........................................................136
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UNIT 2: Week 7 – 8 ......................................................................................................... 138 Lesson 9: Our solar system ............................................................................................. 138 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING.........................................................139 Activity 126: Conduct a survey............................................................................139 Activity 127: Sustain a conversation....................................................................140 Activity 128: Play a language game....................................................................141 Activity 129: Pactise listening and speaking........................................................142 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING..............................................................144 Activity 130: Read an information text.................................................................144 Activity 131: Complete a comprehension activity................................................145 Activity 132: Read a visual text............................................................................146 Activity 133: Read a book review........................................................................147 Activity 134: Practise reading .............................................................................148 Activity 135: Compare books read: Independent reading....................................148 Activity 136: Read for enjoyment ........................................................................148 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.......................................................149 Activity 137: Write simple definitions...................................................................149 Activity 138: Develop a questionnaire.................................................................149 Activity 139: Write a paragraph to express an opinion........................................149 Activity 140: Record words in personal dictionary...............................................150 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS......................150 Activity 141: Use adverbs of degree....................................................................150 Activity 142: Complete a language in context activity..........................................151 UNIT 3: Week 1 – 2 ......................................................................................................... 153 Lesson 10: Food and healthy living.................................................................................. 153 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING.........................................................154 Activity 143: Listen to a story...............................................................................154 Activity 144: Listen to oral descriptions...............................................................156 Activity 145: Practise listening and speaking.......................................................157 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING..............................................................158 Activity 146: Predict from title and pictures..........................................................158 Activity 147: Describe the features of a story .....................................................159 Activity 148: Read a personal letter.....................................................................162 Activity 149: Do a book review: Independent reading ........................................163 Activity 150: Read for enjoyment.........................................................................164 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.......................................................164 Activity 151: Brainstorm and plan diary entries...................................................164 Activity 152: Write a first draft of diary entries ....................................................165 Activity 153: Revise, edit and present diary entries.............................................165 Activity 154: Record words in personal dictionary...............................................165 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS......................166 Activity 155: Use connecting words.....................................................................166 Activity 156: Use capitals for proper nouns.........................................................167
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UNIT 3: Week 3 – 4 ......................................................................................................... 168 Lesson 11: Money............................................................................................................ 168 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING.........................................................169 Activity 157: Listen to a talk on an issue..............................................................169 Activity 158: Talk about an issue..........................................................................170 Activity 159: Collect information..........................................................................171 Activity 160: Practise listening and speaking.......................................................171 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING..............................................................172 Activity 161: Scan and read an information text..................................................172 Activity 162: Do a comprehension activity...........................................................174 Activity 163: Make a mind map summary............................................................175 Activity 164: Read aloud......................................................................................175 Activity 165: Play a word game...........................................................................175 Activity 166: Summarise text: Independent reading............................................176 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.......................................................176 Activity 167: Read information text and draw visuals..........................................176 Activity 168: Transfer text into graphic form........................................................177 Activity 169: Write a short report on information collected...................................178 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS......................178 Activity 170: Use gender forms of some nouns..................................................178 Activity 171: Complete a language in context assessment.................................179 UNIT 3: Weeks 5 – 6 ....................................................................................................... 181 Lesson 12: Time management......................................................................................... 181 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING.........................................................182 Activity 172: Listen to a story ..............................................................................182 Activity 173: Retell a story ..................................................................................185 Activity 174: Listen to a poem..............................................................................185 Activity 175: Practise listening and speaking.......................................................187 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING..............................................................188 Activity 176: Read a story: Predict from title and pictures...................................188 Activity 177: Do a comprehension activity...........................................................191 Activity 178: Read poems....................................................................................192 Activity 179: Practise reading..............................................................................193 Activity 180: Relate to own life: Independent reading..........................................194 Activity 181: Read for enjoyment.........................................................................194 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.......................................................194 Activity 182: Brainstorm and draft a story ...........................................................194 Activity 183: Revise, edit and present the story...................................................195 Activity 184: Write rhyming sentences for fun......................................................195 Activity 185: Record words in personal dictionary...............................................196 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS......................196 Activity 186: Use possessive pronouns...............................................................196 Activity 187: Use comparative and superlative adjectives...................................197 UNIT 3: Week 7 – 8 ......................................................................................................... 199 Lesson 13: Responsible living.......................................................................................... 199 Activity 188: Listen to and carry out instructions.................................................200 Activity 189: Play a language game....................................................................201 © Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide G06 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 190: Practise listening and speaking.......................................................201 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING..............................................................203 Activity 191: Read instructions............................................................................203 Activity 192: Answer questions on the instructions..............................................204 Activity 193: Read across the curriculum ...........................................................204 Activity 194: Reflect on texts: Independent reading ...........................................205 Activity 195: Read for enjoyment.........................................................................205 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.......................................................206 Activity 196: Write an information text.................................................................206 Activity 197: Make a mind map summary of the text...........................................206 Activity 198: Record words in personal dictionary...............................................207 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS......................208 Activity 199: Use present perfect tense...............................................................208 Activity 200: Use different types of adjectives.....................................................209 UNIT 3: Week 9 – 10.........................................................................................................211 Lesson 14: Decision-making.............................................................................................211 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING.........................................................212 Activity 201: Particpate in a conversation............................................................212 Activity 202: Perform a play.................................................................................212 Activity 203: Practise listening and speaking.......................................................213 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING..............................................................214 Activity 204: Read a play.....................................................................................214 Activity 205: Discuss features of a play...............................................................216 Activity 206: Do a comprehension activity...........................................................217 Activity 207: Read aloud......................................................................................218 Activity 208: Give an oral book report: Independent reading...............................218 Activity 209: Read for enjoyment.........................................................................218 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.......................................................219 Activity 210: Brainstorm ideas for a play.............................................................219 Activity 211: Write a first draft: Get feedback.......................................................219 Activity 212: Revise, edit and present the play....................................................219 Activity 213: Record words in personal dictionary...............................................220 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS......................220 Activity 214: Use adverbs....................................................................................220 Activity 215: Do a language in context activity....................................................221 UNIT 4: Week 1 – 2 ......................................................................................................... 223 Lesson 15: Books and literature....................................................................................... 223 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING.........................................................224 Activity 216: Listen to a story...............................................................................224 Activity 217: Tell your own story...........................................................................225 Activity 218: Present an oral book review............................................................226 Activity 219: Practise listening and speaking.......................................................226 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING..............................................................228 Activity 220: Read a story....................................................................................228 Activity 221: Do a comprehension activity ..........................................................230 Activity 222: Read a personal letter.....................................................................231 7
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Activity 223: Practise reading aloud....................................................................232 Activity 224: Retell the story: Independent reading ............................................233 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.......................................................233 Activity 225: Brainstorm a story...........................................................................233 Activity 226: Write a first draft and get feedback.................................................234 Activity 227: Revise, edit and present the story...................................................234 Activity 228: Record words in personal dictionary...............................................235 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS......................235 Activity 229: Use past progressive tense.............................................................235 Activity 230: Use prepositions.............................................................................236 UNIT 4: Week 3 – 4.......................................................................................................... 238 Lesson 16: Advertising..................................................................................................... 238 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING.........................................................239 Activity 231: Participate in a discussion ..............................................................239 Activity 232: Listen to and discuss a talk ............................................................239 Activity 233: Play a language game....................................................................241 Activity 234: Practise listening and speaking ......................................................241 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING..............................................................242 Activity 235: Read an information text.................................................................242 Activity 236: Summarise a paragraph..................................................................244 Activity 237: Do a comprehension activity ..........................................................244 Activity 238: Read an unprepared text aloud.......................................................245 Activity 239: Read and solve a word puzzle........................................................246 Activity 240: Relate to own life: Independent reading..........................................246 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.......................................................246 Activity 241: Use information from visual text......................................................246 Activity 242: Write a visual information text.........................................................248 Activity 243: Write definitions in personal dictionary............................................248 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS......................248 Activity 244: Construct compound sentences .....................................................248 Activity 245: Use relative clauses........................................................................249 UNIT 4: Week 5 – 6 ......................................................................................................... 250 Lesson 17: Types of communication................................................................................ 250 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING.........................................................251 Activity 246: Listen to a story...............................................................................251 Activity 247: Summarise the story ......................................................................253 Activity 248: Listen to poems...............................................................................253 Activity 249: Practise listening and speaking.......................................................255 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING..............................................................255 Activity 250: Read a story....................................................................................255 Activity 251: Discuss setting, characters and plot...............................................257 Activity 252: Do a comprehension activity...........................................................257 Activity 253: Read a poem ..................................................................................258 Activity 254: Practise reading aloud....................................................................260 Activity 255: Give an oral book review: Independent reading..............................260
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SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.......................................................261 Activity 256: Write a book review.........................................................................261 Activity 257: Brainstorm and draft a personal letter.............................................261 Activity 258: Revise, edit and present your letter................................................262 Activity 259: Record words in personal dictionary...............................................262 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS......................262 Activity 260: Use the question form ....................................................................262 Activity 261: Use direct speech...........................................................................263 UNIT 4: Week 7 – 8 ......................................................................................................... 266 Lesson 18: Media and movies.......................................................................................... 266 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING.........................................................267 Activity 262: Take part in a conversation.............................................................267 Activity 263: Participate in a discussion...............................................................267 Activity 264: Practise listening and speaking.......................................................267 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING..............................................................269 Activity 265: Read a newspaper article...............................................................269 Activity 266: Discuss layout and design..............................................................270 Activity 267: Do a comprehension activity...........................................................270 Activity 268: Practise reading aloud....................................................................271 Activity 269: Read a graphic media text..............................................................271 Activity 270: Share opinion on text: Independent reading...................................272 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.......................................................272 Activity 271: Write a news report.........................................................................272 Activity 272: Design a poster...............................................................................273 Activity 273: Record words in personal dictionary...............................................273 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS......................273 Activity 274: Understand similes..........................................................................273 Activity 275: Complete a language in context activity..........................................274 ADDENDUM A: RUBRICS ............................................................................................. 276 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................. 286
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Facilitator’s Guide G06 ~ English First Additional Language
LESSON LESSON 1: Animal stories LESSON 2: Wildlife LESSON 3: Adventure stories LESSON 4: Making things LESSON 5: Fantasy LESSON 6: Humour LESSON 7: Fascinating facts LESSON 8: Dreams LESSON 9: Our solar system LESSON 10: Food and healthy living LESSON 11: Money LESSON 12: Time management LESSON 13: Responsible living LESSON 14: Decision making LESSON 15: Books and literature LESSON 16: Advertisig LESSON 17:Types of communication LESSON 18: Media and movies
© Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide G06 ~ English First Additional Language
UNIT 1: Week 1 – 2
Lesson 1: Animal stories Skills
Listening and Speaking Listen to a story Answer questions on the story Play a language game Practise listening and speaking Reading and Viewing Read story: predict from title and picture Discuss title, plot and setting Do a comprehension activity Read aloud Complete a word puzzle Do a book review: independent reading Read for enjoyment Writing and Presenting Write a story using the writing process Record words and meanings in a personal dictionary Language Structures and Conventions Word level work Build on phonic knowledge: word families Build on knowledge of sight words Sentence level work Use countable nouns Practise simple past tense Use personal pronouns Use subject-verb concord Word meaning Vocabulary in context
Activity Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6 Activity 7 Activity 8 Activity 9 Activity 10 Activity 11 Activity 12 – 14 Activity 15
Activity 4 Activity 8 Activity 6 Activity 9 Activity 16 Activity 17 Activity 1, 5
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Facilitator’s Guide G06 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 1: Listen to a story
30 minutes
Initiate a discussion on the picture on the opening page of the lesson. Encourage learners to talk about what they see. Ask questions such as: a) b) c) d) e)
What is the title of the book? Who wrote the book? Judging from the picture, what do you think the story will be about? What animals are in the picture? What are their names?
Give learners the background to the story. The Incredible Journey is the story of three animals, Luthah, a young labrador retriever, Bodger, a bull terrier and Tao, a Siamese cat, who set off on a journey of more than 300 kilometres across Canada to find their owners. The story starts with the pets’ owners, the Hunters, leaving for England. The Hunter family consists of the father Jim, the mother and their two children, 11-year-old Peter and nine-year-old Elizabeth. Luath is Jim’s dog. Bodger is Peter’s dog and Tao is Elizabeth’s cat. They leave the pets with a family friend, John Longridge. John goes away on a two-week hunting trip and leaves a note for his housekeeper to look after the animals while he is away. When he is gone, the animals decide to leave and look for their owners. After overcoming many obstacles along the way, the animals eventually find their way back to their owners, who are absolutely delighted to find them. The Incredible Journey was made into a Disney film called Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey and this is what made it so popular. The book brings out the loyalty and friendship of animals. It also uses animals to show the qualities that we admire in people. Now read the extract from the end of the book to the learners. In it, John Longridge is with the Hunter family. Discuss new vocabulary with the learners.
Extract from The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford … Suddenly Elizabeth stood up. “Listen!” she said. “Listen, Dad – I can hear a dog barking!” There was complete and utter silence as everyone strained their ears in the direction of the hills behind. No one heard anything. “You’re imagining things,” said her mother. “Or perhaps it was a fox. Come along, we must start back.” “Wait, wait! Just one minute – you’ll be able to hear it in a minute, too,” whispered Elizabeth. © Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide G06 ~ English First Additional Language
Elizabeth’s tense, listening expression changed to a smile. “It’s Luath!” she announced matter-of-factly. “I know his bark!” “Don’t do this to us, Liz,” said her father gently, disbelieving. “It’s ...” Now Peter thought he heard something too: “Shhh ...” There was silence again, everyone straining to hear. Jim Hunter rose and hurried down the narrow path to where it joined the broader track leading around the hill. “Whistle, Dad!” said Peter breathlessly, behind him. John Hunter whistled – a shrill, sweet whistle and almost before the echo had bounced back from the hills, they heard an answering bark. They stood there in the quiet afternoon, straining to see where the barking was coming from. They didn’t have long to wait. Tao, the cat, came hurtling through the bushes and landed softly at their feet. Elizabeth’s face was full of joy. She kneeled, and picked up the purring cat. “Oh Tao!” she said softly, and as she gathered him into her arms. “Tao!” she whispered, burying her nose into his soft fur. Longridge had never thought of himself as being a particularly emotional man, but when the labrador appeared an instant later, running as fast as his legs would carry him towards his master, he had to turn away. Everyone burst out talking and chattering excitedly and gathered around the dog to stroke and pat him. He barked as if he would never stop, his eyes never leaving his master’s face. Everyone laughed, talked or cried at once, and for a while there was pandemonium in the quiet wood. Then, down the trail came Bodger, running as fast as he could. He broke into a run, faster and faster, until the years fell away, and he hurled himself towards Peter.
Vocabulary in context Incredible: so amazing that one can hardly believe it Imagine: picture in your mind Echo: the repetition of a sound Emotional: showing your feelings Pandemonium: total chaos
Activity 2: Answer questions on the story
30 minutes
Guide learners to talk about the qualities they think the animals in the story must have expressed to complete the journey. Let them use the words in the box but also encourage them to think of others. Ask them to relate these qualities to people in their own lives. Reread the extract and let learners take notes as you read. Ask the learners to write the numbers 1 – 10 in the margin of their exercise books and then write the letter of the correct answer.
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Facilitator’s Guide G06 ~ English First Additional Language
Bodger is bull terrier. a) True b) False
Luath is a Siamese cat. a) True b) False
Luath is a labrador retriever. a) True b) False
The children’s names were Peter and Elizabeth. a) True b) False
The story was made into a Disney film called Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey. a) True b) False
Tao was Peter’s cat. a) True b) False
The animals travelled over 400 kilometres. a) True b) False
All the animals arrived back safely. a) True b) False
The book was written by Sheila Burnford. a) True b) False
“Incredible” means “unbelievable”. a) True b) False
Activity 2: Answer questions on the story: MEMORANDUM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
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a) True b) False a) True a) True a) True b) False a) True a) True a) True a) True
Facilitatorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Guide G06 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 3: Play a language game
1 hour
Ask learners to make two copies of the chart in the study guide. Instruct them to assign numbers to each letter of the alphabet. Tell them to start from 1 and then allocate the numbers upwards to 26 on the first chart; then to start from 26 on the second chart and allocate the numbers downwards. Tell them this will be used to decipher coded messages. Let learners then decipher the coded message in the study guide. Tell them to look at the letters that are already filled in and decide if they will use chart 1 or chart 2 to decode the messages. All the messages must be decoded using chart 1. A
B 2 K 11 T 20
C 3 L 12 U 21
D 4 M 13 V 22
E 5 N 14 W 23
F 6 O 15 X 24
G 7 P 16 Y 25
H 8 Q 17 Z 26
I 9 R 18
B 25 K 16 T 7
C 24 L 15 U 6
D 23 M 14 V 5
E 22 N 13 W 4
F 21 O 12 X 3
G 20 P 11 Y 2
H 19 Q 10 Z 1
I 18 R 9
Chart 1: A 1 J 10 S 19 Chart 2: A 26 J 17 S 8
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Activity 3: Play a language game: MEMORANDUM 25 Y
15 O
21 U
B 2
R 18
A 1
25 Y
15 O
21 U
19 S
20 T
18 R
1 A V 22
18 R
5 E
1 A
18 R
5 E
14 N
7 G
8 H
1 A
22 V
1 A
7 G
5 E
E 5
You are brave
15 O
You are strong 25 Y
15 O
21 U
3 C
15 O
21 U
18 R
5 E
You have courage Now ask learners to make their own message. They should then give it to you or to a partner to decipher. Encourage them to take turns and give each other the chance to speak without interrupting.
Activity 4: Practise listening and speaking
30 minutes
Note: Allocate a few minutes every day to practising listening and speaking skills. Follow this process for all lessons in the book. Use the ideas in each lesson and add more of your own. 1.
Play a language game. Language structures and conventions: Words
Word families are groups of words that have the same combinations of letters in them and a similar sound. For example, at, cat, hat, and fat are a family of words with the “at” sound and letter combination in common. Possible words: -at: at bat brat cat chat fat flat gnat hat mat pat rat sat slat spat that vat
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-ake: make 2.
awake quake
bake rake
brake sake
cake shake
fake snake
flake stake
Jake take
1 lake wake
Ask the learners to say the poem below with expression.
My Puppy by Aileen Fisher It’s funny my puppy knows just how I feel. When I’m happy he’s yappy and squirms like an eel. When I’m grumpy he’s slumpy and stays at my heel. It’s funny my puppy knows such a great deal. 3.
Discuss a topic.
Ask learners to think about an animal story, a movie or book with which they are familiar and to prepare a short talk on the topic.
Activity 5: Predict from title and picture
30 minutes
Ask learners to look at the picture and the title of the story and predict about what the story will be. Give learners some background to the story.
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Facilitator’s Guide G06 ~ English First Additional Language
Lassie was written by Eric Knight in 1940. It began as a short story and was later made into a novel called Lassie Come Home. Lassie Come Home was made into a film in 1943 and later six other Lassie films were made. Lassie has appeared in radio, television, films, toys, comic books, animated series, juvenile novels and other media. The extract we will read is the story retold by Rosemary Wells. After learners have read the extract, tell them how the story ends or read the story to them as retold by Rosemary Wells. Summary: Lassie is sold when Joe’s father loses his job. She escapes three times and then is moved to a faraway place which is too far a journey to make alone. But Lassie does make this journey and to Joe’s delight she returns home. It takes her a year and she covers over 1 600 kilometres (over 1 000 miles). After Lassie returns home, Joe’s father is offered a job and a cottage on a farm to look after the dogs.
Encourage learners to read the story using phonic and contextual clues to work out unknown words. Discuss new vocabulary with learners.
Lassie Come Home retold by Rosemary Wells She was sable, black and snow white. Her amber eyes lit up the face of anyone who looked into them. All the village of Greenall Bridge said Lassie was the best collie they had ever seen. One May morning, without telling anyone, Joe’s father sold Lassie for fifteen pounds and ten shillings. He sold her because he lost his job for good. This was more than three weeks’ wages. How would he tell his son, Joe? What would Joe do when he found Lassie not waiting for him as he always did after school? When Joe saw the grassy corner of the schoolyard empty that afternoon at four, a panic rose at the back of his mouth. Greenall Bridge was a quiet village, and Joe knew perfectly well Lassie had neither been run over nor stolen. Before he even ran to ask his mother what had happened, a corner of his heart darkened. He dashed home. Clattering into the kitchen, he shouted, “Mother, something’s happened to Lassie! Where is she? She wasn’t at school!” Joe’s mother said, “She’s sold. That’s what, and there isn’t any good you trying to change it.” “Sold!” said Joe. “Sold,” repeated his mother. “Come sit down for your tea, Joe.” “But how could you sell her … how could anyone?” Joe’s voice rose like a child’s, as words of any sense fell away from him. Joe’s father, usually quiet, knocked over his chair and stormed out of the door. He had not, of course, found a way to tell his son. After a time his mother spoke of the closing of the mine where his father worked. She reminded him that they could just pay the rent this month and did not have much left over for more than a little bread with no jam, and tea with no milk. All the time she talked she scrubbed and polished. © Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide G06 ~ English First Additional Language
Vocabulary in context Sable: a brownish colour Wages: the money you earn for doing a job; usually paid weekly Panic: extreme anxiety and worry
Activity 6: Discuss title, setting and plot
30 minutes
Language structures and conventions: Words and sentences Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted, and can have a singular and a plural, e.g. dog – dogs, cat – cats. Revise countable nouns with learners. After learners have read the story, ask them to identify the countable nouns in the first paragraph. eye – eyes, village – villages, collie – collies Revise countable nouns and then encourage learners to speak about the story using these questions to guide the discussion. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Where does the story take place? In which country do you think it takes place? How do you know this? Who are the characters in the story? What is the plot of the story? Does the story have a similar theme to another story about which you have heard? Which story is that? What do you think of the story? How does it make you feel?
Activity 6: Discuss title, setting and plot: MEMORANDUM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
It takes place in the village of Greenall Bridge. It takes place in the United Kingdom, as they talk about pounds and shillings. The characters so far are: Joe’s dad, Joe’s mom, Joe, Lassie. The plot is about a dog that is sold and eventually finds his way back home. It is similar to The Incredible Journey. Learner’s own answers.
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Facilitator’s Guide G06 ~ English First Additional Language
1 Activity 7: Do a comprehension activity
1 hour
Motivate your answer Teach learners that they should always motivate their answer when answering questions that ask for their opinion. To motivate your answer means to give good reasons for the answer you have given, for example: I liked the story because I like animal stories and I think this story shows us how loyal dogs are. Tell learners to answer the questions in full sentences. Depending on their level, write a few words of the first few answers for them 1.
What is the title of the story? The title of …
What type of dog is Lassie? Lassie is …
3. 4. 5. 6.
What colour is her coat? Where it the story set? Whose dog is Lassie? Why did Joe’s father sell Lassie? Joe’s father sells Lassie because …
For how much does he sell him? Joe’s father … How do you think he felt about selling Lassie? What makes you think this?
8. 9.
Why do you think Joe’s mother was scrubbing and polishing as she talked? I think …
Give your opinion of the story. Do you think it is a happy or sad story and do you like the story or not? Motivate your answer.
Activity 7: Do a comprehension Activity: MEMORANDUM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
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The title of the story is Lassie Come Home. Lassie is a collie dog. Her coat is sable, black and snow white. The story is set in a village called Greenall Bridge. Lassie is Joe’s dog. Joe’s father sells Lassie because he has lost his job and needs the money. He sells him for fifteen pounds and ten shillings. I think he felt bad because he didn’t want to tell Joe and he knocked over his chair and stormed out of the room 24
Facilitator’s Guide G06 ~ English First Additional Language
9. 10.
I think she was scrubbing and polishing as she talked to hide the fact that she was upset. Learner’s own answer, but ensure they motivate their answer.
Once you have marked the answers, go through each answer in detail with them so that they learn from example how to answer correctly.
Activity 8: Read aloud
30 minutes
Ask learners to practise the sight words in the study guide aloud. Language structures and conventions: Words Sight words: Also called high frequency sight words; words that are commonly used These words should be practised and memorised so that learners can read them “on sight”: would very your its around don’t right green their call sleep five wash or before been off cold tell work Read a section of the story in the following ways: 1. In a monotone. 2. Too quickly. 3. Too slowly. 4. Mispronouncing some of the words. 5. Reading too loudly. 6. Reading too softly. Each time, ask learners to tell you what you have done wrong. From the box below, go through the ways that we put expression in our voices. Expression means that we: a) let our voices go up and down b) read louder and softer c) change our tone of voice according to the punctuation; for example question marks and exclamation marks d) speed up and slow down as we read. Reading with correct pronunciation means that we say each word correctly so that it can be easily understood. Allow learners to choose a section of the story of Lassie from Activity 7 above. Encourage them to read it aloud to themselves until they are sure they can read it fluently and with expression. Assist them with difficult pronunciations. Give learners time to read the section aloud to you or to a partner.
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