Grade 6
A member of the FUTURELEARN group
Natural Sciences and Technology Study guide
Grade 6
CAPS aligned
Study Guide G06 ~ Natural Sciences and Technology
CONTENTS LESSON ELEMENTS ........................................................................................................................4 LESSON 1: Photosynthesis ............................................................................................................7 ACTIVITY 1: Dramatise the process of photosynthesis ..................................................................... 12 ACTIVITY 2: Difference between a starch and a sugar...................................................................... 16 ACTIVITY 3: The iodine starch test ....................................................................................................... 17 ACTIVITY 4: The oxygen and carbon dioxide cycle............................................................................ 19 REVISION .................................................................................................................................................. 22 LESSON 2: Nutrients in food ........................................................................................................24 ACTIVITY 5: Classifying food into the different food groups ............................................................. 28 ACTIVITY 6: Sorting foods in a meal into the food groups ................................................................ 31 REVISION .................................................................................................................................................. 33 LESSON 3: Nutrition ......................................................................................................................35 ACTIVITY 7: Evaluating a diet to see if it contains all the food groups ............................................ 37 ACTIVITY 8: Comparing meals .............................................................................................................. 40 ACTIVITY 9: What diseases or symptoms could Rajesh develop from his diet? ........................... 46 ACTIVITY 10: Research one of the diseases ...................................................................................... 47 REVISION .................................................................................................................................................. 48 LESSON 4: Food processing ........................................................................................................50 ACTIVITY 11: A time-travelling role play .............................................................................................. 51 ACTIVITY 12: Describing processed foods .......................................................................................... 56 ACTIVITY 13: Class discussion ............................................................................................................. 58 ACTIVITY 14: Learning how to summarise .......................................................................................... 62 ACTIVITY 15: Comparing traditional and commercial food processing methods .......................... 64 ACTIVITY 16: Food processing project................................................................................................. 67 REVISION .................................................................................................................................................. 68 LESSON 5: Ecosystems and food webs ......................................................................................71 ACTIVITY 17: Describing different ecosystems ................................................................................... 72 ACTIVITY 18: Assessing the balance between living and non-living things ................................... 76 ACTIVITY 19: Drawing food webs ......................................................................................................... 83 ACTIVITY 20: Studying an ecosystem .................................................................................................. 84 REVISION .................................................................................................................................................. 89 LESSON 6: Solids, liquids and gases ..........................................................................................93 ACTIVITY 21: Pretending to be particles! ...................................................................................96 ACTIVITY 22: The three states of matter in everyday life ...........................................................98 ACTIVITY 23: The states of water.............................................................................................103 REVISION .................................................................................................................................105 LESSON 7: Mixtures ....................................................................................................................106 ACTIVITY 24: Mixing solids.......................................................................................................107 ACTIVITY 25: Mixing a solid and a liquid ..................................................................................111 ACTIVITY 26: Mixing liquids......................................................................................................113 ACTIVITY 27: Separating mixtures ...........................................................................................115 REVISION .................................................................................................................................117 LESSON 8: Solutions as special mixtures ................................................................................119 ACTIVITY 28: When is a mixture also a solution? ....................................................................120 ACTIVITY 29: Which mixtures are solutions? ...........................................................................122 ACTIVITY 30: What is a solution? .............................................................................................124 1
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Study Guide G06 ~ Natural Sciences and Technology
ACTIVITY 31: Soluble or insoluble? ..........................................................................................126 INVESTIGATION: How can we recover a solute (sugar) from the solution? ............................127 ACTIVITY 32: How much solute will dissolve?..........................................................................130 ACTIVITY 33: Making sugar crystals ........................................................................................131 REVISION .................................................................................................................................135 LESSON 9: Dissolving .................................................................................................................138 ACTIVITY 34: Is melting and dissolving the same? ..................................................................138 REVISION .................................................................................................................................151 LESSON 10: Mixtures and water resources ..............................................................................154 ACTIVITY 35: Thinking about pollution .....................................................................................155 ACTIVITY 36: Making a model of a wetland .............................................................................160 ACTIVITY 37: Researching the different wetlands in South Africa ...........................................163 REVISION .................................................................................................................................164 LESSON 11: Processes to purify water .....................................................................................166 ACTIVITY 38: Cleaning water in a still ......................................................................................169 ACTIVITY 39: Design, make and evaluate a filter .....................................................................170 REVISION .................................................................................................................................178 LESSON 12: Electric circuits ......................................................................................................181 ACTIVITY 40: What do you know about electricity? ..................................................................182 ACTIVITY 41: How to get a light bulb to work ...........................................................................185 ACTIVITY 42: Investigating how a switch works .......................................................................190 ACTIVITY 43: Batteries come in all shapes and sizes ..............................................................192 ACTIVITY 44: Investigating bulbs .............................................................................................194 ACTIVITY 45: Let's look at more electric wires .........................................................................196 ACTIVITY 46: Swap the components........................................................................................200 ACTIVITY 47: Drawing circuit diagrams ....................................................................................202 REVISION .................................................................................................................................204 LESSON 13: Electrical conductors and insulators ...................................................................209 REVISION: ................................................................................................................................216 LESSON 14: Systems to solve problems ..................................................................................218 ACTIVITY 48: A world without electricity ...................................................................................218 ACTIVITY 49: Electric circuits influence our lives .....................................................................220 ACTIVITY 50: Design, make and present a system using a circuit ...........................................224 REVISION .................................................................................................................................229 LESSON 15: Mains electricity .....................................................................................................232 ACTIVITY 51: Let's take a trip back in time, millions of years ago! ...........................................233 ACTIVITY 52: Make a poster to trace the source of our electricity ...........................................240 ACTIVITY 53: Energy required by electrical appliances and devices .......................................243 ACTIVITY 54: Safety rules when working with electricity! .........................................................247 ACTIVITY 55: Renewable versus non-renewable energy .........................................................254 REVISION .................................................................................................................................256 LESSON 16: The solar system ....................................................................................................260 ACTIVITY 56: Word search about Space..................................................................................260 ACTIVITY 57: The core of the Sun............................................................................................263 ACTIVITY 58: Looking at the solar system from far away in Space ..........................................268 ACTIVITY 59: Make a model of two planets moving around the Sun .......................................270 ACTIVITY 60: Comprehension on the eight planets of our solar system. .................................283 ACTIVITY 61: Where is the asteroid belt? ................................................................................287 ACTIVITY 62: Let's revise what we learned in Gr 4 about the Moon. .......................................289 © Impaq
Study Guide G06 ~ Natural Sciences and Technology
ACTIVITY 63: Compare the Moon with the Earth .....................................................................291 ACTIVITY 64: Moons in our solar system .................................................................................296 REVISION: ................................................................................................................................297 LESSON 17: Movements of the Earth and planets ...................................................................300 ACTIVITY 65: Find East and West ............................................................................................301 ACTIVITY 66: Make a model of the Earth in daytime and night-time ........................................305 ACTIVITY 67: Your head can be a model of the Earth .............................................................307 ACTIVITY 68: Make a model of the Earth revolving around the Sun ........................................308 REVISION: ................................................................................................................................310 LESSON 18: The movement of the Moon ..................................................................................312 ACTIVITY 69: Does the Moon rotate?.......................................................................................313 ACTIVITY 70: Make a model of the Earth and Moon revolving around the Sun .......................314 REVISION: ................................................................................................................................316 LESSON 19: Systems to explore the Moon and Mars ..............................................................318 ACTIVITY 71: The wheels of Mars rovers .................................................................................322 ACTIVITY 72: Designing and making your rover ......................................................................335 REVISION: ................................................................................................................................342 LESSON 20: Systems for looking into Space ...........................................................................344 ACTIVITY 73: How lenses and mirrors make telescopes work .................................................347 ACTIVITY 74: The SKA .............................................................................................................352 REVISION: ................................................................................................................................353 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...........................................................................................................................355
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Study Guide G06 ~ Natural Sciences and Technology
© Impaq
Study Guide G06 ~ Natural Sciences and Technology
LESSON 1: Photosynthesis LEARNING AIMS: • • • • • •
Why can a plant make its own food but an animal cannot? What is needed for photosynthesis to happen? How do plants make food and store food? Why do plants need water? Can plants live in the dark? Why are plants mostly green?
IMPORTANT TERMINOLOGY • • • • • • • • • •
photosynthesis chlorophyll carbon dioxide oxygen glucose molecules conditions anchorage microbes fertile
Plants and food
Green plants are just like factories! They make food for themselves and every animal on Earth using sunlight energy, water and the gas carbon dioxide. They also recycle the air and make oxygen for us to breathe.
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Study Guide G06 ~ Natural Sciences and Technology
QUESTIONS: 1. What happens in a factory? Why do you think we can say plants are like factories?
Why can we say that plants make food for themselves and every animal on earth?
Scientists have found out exactly how plants are able to do all these things. Let’s take a closer look at how scientists did this and see how plants make food for themselves and us. The process of photosynthesis Photosynthesis is the process that plants use to change the energy from sunlight into energy for food. Plants change light energy from the sun into food energy. Photosynthesis happens in all green parts of a plant. Leaves are usually the greenest parts. So plants do this mostly in their leaves.
FOR THE CURIOUS The word photosynthesis actually has two parts: photo = light and synthesis = to make or put together. So it means to use light to make something (in this case, food).
FOR THE CURIOUS The photosynthesis song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1_uez5WX1o&feature=youtu.be
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Study Guide G06 ~ Natural Sciences and Technology
Do you remember learning about photosynthesis in Grade 5? Plants need certain things to photosynthesise.
FOR THE CURIOUS Scientists have a term for substances like chlorophyll that have a colour. They call them pigments. There are other pigments in plants. Can you think of their colours? There are pigments in your body too! Where do we find them? What do they do? There are some important requirements for photosynthesis to happen: 1. Chlorophyll Chlorophyll is a green substance that plants use to capture light energy from the sun. Chlorophyll is very important. Without chlorophyll plants cannot use the sunlight energy to make food. Also, oxygen levels in the air will go down. If that happens, plants and animals will suffocate. 2. Sunlight Sunlight has energy. Plants use this energy to make sugars from water and carbon dioxide.
Š Impaq
Study Guide G06 ~ Natural Sciences and Technology
Water The roots of a plant absorb water and nutrients from the soil. Water is a solvent in all living things. Dissolved substances are moved around the body to where they are needed. Just like you, plants have veins for this movement. They move minerals from the roots upwards. They move sugars from the leaves downwards. Photosynthesis can only happen in a water solution. Water is also important because it provides support to the plant to keep it upright. Like you, plants have skeletons. But unlike you, many plants have water skeletons. Carbon dioxide The plant absorbs or takes in carbon dioxide from the air through little holes. These holes are found all over the plant, mostly under the leaves. Soil The soil provides mineral nutrients and water for the plant that are necessary during photosynthesis. Soil also provides anchorage to the plant, otherwise the plant cannot stand up straight.
These holes also allow other gases and water to enter or leave the plant. They do the same job as your mouth and nose when you breathe; the same job as the pores in your skin when you sweat. How does photosynthesis occur? Plants use chlorophyll, sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to make food. • Chlorophyll captures the sunlight energy. • This energy splits the water into hydrogen and oxygen. • The oxygen is released into the air. • The hydrogen is used with the carbon dioxide to make glucose (sugars). • The sugars are moved from the leaves to other parts of the plants where they are stored. • The water in the plant veins carries the sugars. When the sugars reach the storage parts they are changed into starch. • Plants can store the starch in the following places: o leaves (cabbage, spinach, lettuce) o fruits (apple, banana, peach) o stems (sugar cane) o seeds (wheat, mealie) o flowers (nasturtium, broccoli, cauliflower) o roots (carrot, beetroot)
© Impaq
Study Guide G06 ~ Natural Sciences and Technology
Here is a simple diagram illustrating the process of photosynthesis:
FOR THE CURIOUS A really good website on photosynthesis: http://www.realtrees4kids.org/sixeight/letseat.htm
FOR THE CURIOUS Photosynthesis video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpPwmvtDjWw
© Impaq
Study Guide G06 ~ Natural Sciences and Technology
ACTIVITY 1: Dramatise the process of photosynthesis INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Your facilitator will explain to you how to act out the process of photosynthesis. 2. Characters needed for this dramatisation: • Narrator to describe the process. This can be a facilitator or a learner. It might be a good idea to make short notes from the information above to remember in what order everything is happening. • Sun – this learner can dress in yellow and perhaps get some tin foil or shiny paper to decorate their head or body to show the light and heat energy that the sun produces. • Plants – a few learners can dress in green and perhaps tie a few strings to their feet to represent roots. They need to hold some rice or shiny glitter in their hands or their pockets to show that the water evaporates after photosynthesis. • Rain/water – a few learners can dress in blue and perhaps have some rice, shiny glitter, small pieces of tin foil or something similar to represent the rain falling. • Carbon dioxide – attach signs to some learners’ chests that say ‘CARBON DIOXIDE’ and dress them in purple. • Oxygen – attach signs to some learners’ chests that say ‘OXYGEN’ and dress them in orange. • Glucose energy as fruit and vegetables – dress up or make posters from scrap cardboard to show large carrots, apples, potatoes or something similar. • Some learners need to be animals who breathe out carbon dioxide and eat plants. You can make masks from paper plates with eyes cut out. QUESTIONS: 1. Why do plants die when there is a drought?
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Design a poster to explain the process of photosynthesis. You can use sentences and short paragraphs, but make sure you use many illustrations.
Study Guide G06 ~ Natural Sciences and Technology
Food from photosynthesis
iodine solution indicator starch test
Photosynthesis is the process inside plants that changes the energy from the sun’s light into a form of energy that animals can eat and use to carry out their life processes. Plants change the glucose into starch, for example mealies (mealies and maize flour), rice (rice flour and rice) and wheat (flour). Plants then store this food in different parts of the plant that an animal will eat. They can store it in their leaves, stems/roots, flowers, fruits or seeds. QUESTIONS: Look at the images below of different plant products. For each image, identify which part of that plant we eat (e.g.: When we eat an apple, are we eating the leaf, the stem, the root, the fruit or the seed of the plant?) Use the space provided to write down your answers. Plant
Part that we eat
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Study Guide G06 ~ Natural Sciences and Technology
Part that we eat
Sunflower seeds
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Study Guide G06 ~ Natural Sciences and Technology
Sugar cane
Bananas We know that plants make glucose (a sugar) but they store starch. Let’s find out what the difference is.
Š Impaq
Study Guide G06 ~ Natural Sciences and Technology
ACTIVITY 2: Difference between a starch and a sugar MATERIALS: • mealie meal • flour • cooked rice, potato, bread • glucose sweets • sugar • sugar cane, if possible • fresh fruit • blindfold • clipboard INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Work in pairs. 2. One partner must be blindfolded. 3. On a piece of paper, list the numbers 1 – 10. 4. The other partner must let the blindfolded partner taste each of the foods marked 1 – 10. If it is a flour, use a teaspoon to spoon the flour into your partner's mouth. If it is a kernel like a rice or mealie, or a cube of fruit, put it in the palm of your blindfolded partner’s hand and let them eat it themselves. 5. After each taste, your blindfolded partner must guess if it is a sugar or a starch based on the taste. 6. Record your partner’s answers on the piece of paper containing the numbers 1 – 10. 7. Swap with your partner and repeat the test. QUESTIONS: 1. Was it easy to distinguish between the sugar and the starch each time? Which foods did you find difficult to classify?
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What can you say about the difference between a starch and a sugar based on taste?