Gr 7-English Home Language-Facilitator's Guide

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A member of the FUTURELEARN group

English Home Language Facilitator’s guide



Grade 7

CAPS aligned

M Kempen J Mansfield

Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language

CONTENTS LESSON ELEMENTS ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9 PREFACE �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10 TIMETABLE AND TIME MANAGEMENT �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 GENERAL �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 YEAR PLANNING �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 UNIT 1: Week 1 – 2............................................................................................................ 15 Lesson 1: People who are making a difference.................................................................. 15 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING...........................................................16 Activity 1: Discuss listening skills...........................................................................16 Activity 2: Let’s listen.............................................................................................17 Activity 3: Read tips on retelling a story.................................................................19 Activity 4: Retell a story.........................................................................................20 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING................................................................21 Activity 5: Talk about how we read.........................................................................21 Activity 6: Let’s disucuss features of a story..........................................................23 Activity 7: Read a story..........................................................................................24 Activity 8: Evaluate, compare and contrast stories................................................26 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.........................................................29 Activity 9: Revise the writing process....................................................................29 Activity 10: Write a narrative paragraph.................................................................30 Activity 11: Write a story based on a personal experience....................................31 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS........................32 Activity 12: Use punctuation..................................................................................32 Activity 13: Identify concrete and abstract nouns..................................................34 UNIT 1: Week 3 – 4 ........................................................................................................... 36 Lesson 2: People who have overcome challenges............................................................ 36 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING...........................................................37 Activity 14: Listen to and discuss a poem..............................................................37 Activity 15: Read aloud a prepared reading .........................................................40 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING................................................................41 Activity 16: Read the poem independently............................................................41 Activity 17: Discuss key features of poems...........................................................43 Activity 18: Read the poems..................................................................................44 Activity 19: Do intensive reading of the poems......................................................46 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.........................................................47 Activity 20: Start a rhyming dictionary...................................................................47 Activity 21: Plan a poem........................................................................................48 Activity 22: Write a first draft of your poem............................................................48 Activity 23: Revise, edit and proofread your poem................................................49 Activity 24: Present a neat, final version of your poem..........................................49 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS........................49 Activity 25: Match the idioms and their meanings.................................................49


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Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language

Activity 26: Match the proverbs and sentences.....................................................51 UNIT 1: Week 5 – 6............................................................................................................ 54 Lesson 3: Extreme sports ................................................................................................. 54 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING...........................................................55 Activity 27: Have a conversation about a play.......................................................55 Activity 28: Complete the dialogue........................................................................59 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING................................................................60 Activity 29: Read the play......................................................................................60 Activity 30: Evaluate the play and answer questions.............................................68 Activity 31: Read the poem....................................................................................70 Activity 32: Do intensive reading and answer questions.......................................73 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.........................................................74 Activity 33: Practise writing dialogue.....................................................................74 Activity 34: Plan a short play.................................................................................75 Activity 35: Write a first draft..................................................................................76 Activity 36: Revise, edit and proofread your play..................................................76 Activity 37: Present your play ...............................................................................76 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS........................77 Activity 38: Simple sentences and statements......................................................77 Activity 39: Use inverted commas.........................................................................78 UNIT 1: Week 7 – 8............................................................................................................ 81 Lesson 4: Laugh and the world laughs with you................................................................ 81 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING...........................................................82 Activity 40: listen to and discuss a short story.......................................................82 Activity 41: Learn about a panel discussion: Listen to a poem..............................85 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING................................................................88 Activity 42: Read a folktale....................................................................................88 Activity 43: Do a comprehension activity...............................................................92 Activity 44: Read a poem.......................................................................................92 Activity 45: Do intensive reading...........................................................................97 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.......................................................199 Activity 46: Write a verse of a poem....................................................................199 Activity 47: Read a review...................................................................................199 Activity 48: Write a review....................................................................................103 Activity 49: Write a first draft................................................................................103 Activity 50: Revise, edit and proofread your review.............................................104 Activity 51: Present a final version of your review...............................................104 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS......................105 Activity 52: Use singular and plural.....................................................................105 Activity 53: Homophones and homonyms...........................................................108 UNIT 1: Week 9 – 10.........................................................................................................110 Lesson 5: Scientific breakthroughs...................................................................................110 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING......................................................... 111 Activity 54: Do a listening comprehension .......................................................... 111 Activity 55: Listen to the story extract and have a discussion............................. 112 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING.............................................................. 115 © Impaq


Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language

Activity 56: Read a short story............................................................................. 115 Activity 57: Read a poem..................................................................................... 118 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.......................................................121 Activity 58: Plan a descriptive essay .................................................................121 Activity 59: Write a first draft of your essay..........................................................123 Activity 60: Revise, edit and proofread your essay..............................................123 Activity 61: Present a neat, final version of your essay.......................................123 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS......................124 Activity 62: Use prefixes and identify suffixes......................................................124 Activity 63: Learn more about main and dependent clauses...............................125 UNIT 2: Week 1 – 2.......................................................................................................... 128 Lesson 6: Healthy relationships....................................................................................... 128 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING.........................................................129 Activity 64: Do a listening comprehension...........................................................129 Activity 65: Tell a story ........................................................................................131 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING..............................................................132 Activity 67: Read the cartoon strip.......................................................................135 Activity 68: Read the diary entries.......................................................................137 Activity 69: Evaluate, compare and contrast stories............................................140 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.......................................................141 Activity 70: Discuss the features of a narrative essay.........................................141 Activity 71: Plan your essay.................................................................................142 Activity 72: Write a first draft of your essay..........................................................143 Activity 73: Revise, edit and proofread your essay..............................................143 Activity 74: Present a neat, final version of your essay.......................................143 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ���������������� 144 Activity 75: Identify and use literal and figurative language ................................144 Activity 76: Identify predicate and object.............................................................145 UNIT 2: Week 3 – 4 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 147 Lesson 7: Theatre and television �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 147 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 148 Activity 77: Listen to a television news report.....................................................148 Activity 78: Have a debate on advertising...........................................................149 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 151 Activity 79: View advertisements.........................................................................151 Activity 80: Read a television theatre report........................................................153 Activity 81: Do intensive reading of the report ....................................................155 Activity 82: Read a literary text............................................................................157 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 162 Activity 83: Plan and draft your advertisement....................................................162 Activity 84: Revise, edit, proofread and present your advertisement..................163 Activity 85: Plan and draft a letter........................................................................163 Activity 86: Revise, edit, proofread and present a letter......................................164 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ���������������� 165 Activity 87: Use demonstrative and relative adjectives........................................165 Activity 88: Use direct and indirect speech..........................................................166


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Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language

UNIT 2: Week 5 – 6 ......................................................................................................... 168 Lesson 8: Cooking around the world................................................................................ 168 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 169 Activity 89: Have a discussion on how to give instructions..................................169 Activity 90: Give a prepared speech....................................................................171 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 172 Activity 91: Read a recipe....................................................................................172 Activity 92: Read a poem.....................................................................................175 Activity 93: Read the information text..................................................................178 Activity 94: Design quiz questions.......................................................................180 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 180 Activity 95: Write a recipe....................................................................................180 Activity 96: Brainstorm ideas for writing instructions...........................................181 Activity 97: Write a first draft of your instructions.................................................181 Activity 98: Revise, edit and proofread your instructions.....................................181 Activity 99: Write a final draft of your instructions................................................182 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ����������������� 182 Activity 100: Learn about active and passive voice.............................................182 Activity 101: Use apostrophes correctly..............................................................183 UNIT 2: Week 7 – 8.......................................................................................................... 186 Lesson 9: Music............................................................................................................... 186 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 187 Activity 102: Write and role play a drama............................................................187 Activity 103: Take part in an investigation role play.............................................188 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 188 Activity 104: Read the extract from a youth novel...............................................188 Activity 105: Do a comprehension activity ..........................................................190 Activity 106: Write a summary of the story..........................................................192 Activity 107: Write a story as a play.....................................................................192 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 193 Activity 108: Brainstorm ideas for a review..........................................................193 Activity 109: Write a first draft of your review.......................................................194 Activity 110: Revise, edit and proofread your review...........................................194 Activity 111: Present a neat, final version of your review.....................................195 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ���������������� 195 Activity 112: Use direct and reported speech......................................................195 Activity 113: Transitive and intransitive verbs......................................................196 UNIT 3: Week 1 – 2.......................................................................................................... 198 Lesson 10: Be informed: Social media............................................................................. 198 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 199 Activity 114: Take part in a listening comprehension...........................................199 Activity 115: Talk about the uses of forms............................................................203 Activity 116: Have a discussion...........................................................................204 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 204 Activity 117: Read about surveys and questionnaires.........................................204 © Impaq


Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language

Activity 118: Summarise the text..........................................................................206 Activity 119: Read about filling in a questionnaire...............................................206 Activity 120: Interpret answers on a questionnaire..............................................207 Activity 121: Read a poem...................................................................................208 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 209 Activity 122: Plan your form.................................................................................209 Activity 123: Draft your answers.......................................................................... 211 Activity 124: Revise, edit and proofread your answers........................................ 211 Activity 125: Present a neat, final version of your form.......................................212 Activity 126: Design your own form.....................................................................212 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ���������������� 212 Activity 127: IDENTIFY NOUN AND ADJECTIVAL CLAUSES............................212 Activity 128: Complete the adverbial clauses......................................................214 UNIT 3: Week 3 – 4.......................................................................................................... 216 Lesson 11: Mystery and adventure................................................................................... 216 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ������������������������������������������������ 217 Activity 129: Listen to the interview.....................................................................217 Activity 130: Adapt a story into a drama..............................................................219 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 221 Activity 131: Read the play..................................................................................221 Activity 132: Discuss the drama..........................................................................228 Activity 133: Read a poem...................................................................................229 Activity 134: Evaluate, compare and contrast texts.............................................233 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 234 Activity 135: Plan your interview..........................................................................234 Activity 136: Write a first draft of your interview...................................................235 Activity 137: Revise, edit and proofread your interview.......................................236 Activity 138: Write your interview and give the interview.....................................236 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURE AND CONVENTIONS �������������������� 236 Activity 139: Find the relative clauses.................................................................236 Activity 140: Identify root words...........................................................................268 UNIT 3: Week 5 – 6 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 241 Lesson 12: Careers and business ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 241 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 242 Activity 141: Role play meeting procedures........................................................242 Activity 142: Do a listening comprehension on a TV news presentation.............243 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 244 Activity 143: Read a text on how to write an agenda...........................................244 Activity 144: Answer questions on the agenda....................................................247 Activity 145: Read the text on how to write minutes............................................247 Activity 146: Study the visual text........................................................................250 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 251 Activity 147: Write an agenda and minutes.........................................................251 Activity 148: Write a first draft of your agenda.....................................................251 Activity 149: Revise, edit and proofread your agenda.........................................252 Activity 150: Present a final version of your agenda............................................252 Activity 151: Plan your minutes...........................................................................252


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Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language

Activity 152: Write a first draft of your minutes....................................................253 Activity 153: Revise, edit and present your minutes............................................253 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ����������������� 253 Activity 154: Use pronouns..................................................................................253 Activity 155: Active and passive voice.................................................................255 UNIT 3: Week 7 – 8.......................................................................................................... 258 Lesson 13: Extraordinary people...................................................................................... 258 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 259 Activity 156: Listen to a famous speech..............................................................259 Activity 157: Give a prepared reading ................................................................262 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 263 Activity 158: Read a newspaper article ..............................................................263 Activity 159: Do a comprehension and language test.........................................267 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 269 Activity 160: Read about features of a newspaper article...................................269 Activity 161: Plan your newspaper article............................................................270 Activity 162: Write your first draft of your article..................................................270 Activity 163: Revise, edit and proofread your article...........................................271 Activity 164: Present a final version of your article..............................................271 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ����������������� 271 Activity 165: Prepositions and preposition combinations.....................................271 Activity 166: Revise punctuation..........................................................................273 UNIT 3: Week 9 – 10...................................................................................................................... 276 Lesson 14: Around the world �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 276 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 277 Activity 167: Do a listening comprehension.........................................................277 Activity 168: Give instructions..............................................................................280 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 283 Activity 169: Read an extract from a youth novel................................................283 Activity 170: Evaluate the text.............................................................................286 Activity 171: Read a poem...................................................................................288 Activity 172: Understand a visual text..................................................................290 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 293 Activity 173: Write a descriptive essay................................................................293 Activity 174: Write first draft of your essay..........................................................294 Activity 175: Revise, edit and proofread your essay............................................294 Activity 176: Present a neat final version of your esssay....................................295 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ����������������� 295 Activity 177: Write the degrees of comparison....................................................295 Activity 178: Learn more about pronouns............................................................296 UNIT 4: Week 1 – 2.......................................................................................................... 299 Lesson 15: Be the best I can be....................................................................................... 299 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 300 Activity 179: Give an unprepared speech............................................................300 Activity 180: Read aloud a prepared reading......................................................301 © Impaq


Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language

SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 301 Activity 181: Read an extract from a youth novel ...............................................301 Activity 182: Evaluate the extract .......................................................................306 Activity 183: Do a comprehension activity ..........................................................307 Activity 184: Read the text and study the visuals................................................309 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 312 Activity 185: Write directions................................................................................312 Activity 186: Write a first draft of your directions..................................................312 Activity 187: Revise, edit and proofread your directions......................................313 Activity 188: Present a final version of your directions........................................313 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ���������������� 313 Activity 189: Adjectival and adverbial clauses.....................................................313 Activity 190: Simple, compound and complex prepositions.................................315 UNIT 3: Week 3 – 4.......................................................................................................... 317 Lesson 16: Fashion ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 317 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 318 Activity 191: Listen to a blog................................................................................318 Activity 192: Discuss shorter transactional texts ................................................320 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 322 Activity 193: Read a blog.....................................................................................322 Activity 194: Complete a written comprehension.................................................325 Activity 195: Compare two poems ......................................................................327 Activity 196: Read a diary entry...........................................................................329 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING.......................................................331 Activity 197: Write an e-mail................................................................................331 Activity 198: Plan your own blog..........................................................................331 Activity 199: Write a first draft of your blog..........................................................332 Activity 200: Revise, edit ad proofread your blog................................................333 Activity 201: Present a final version of your blog.................................................333 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ���������������� 333 Activity 202: Subject-verb agreement..................................................................333 Activity 203: Practise your punctuation................................................................335 UNIT 4: Week 5 – 6.......................................................................................................... 338 Lesson 17: Get focused................................................................................................... 338 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 339 Activity 204: Do a listening comprehension.........................................................339 Activity 205: Give a persuasive speech...............................................................342 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 343 Activity 206: Read about a youth novel...............................................................343 Activity 207: Read and evaluate an extract.........................................................344 Activity 208: Write a summary of the extract.......................................................345 Activity 209: Revise figures of speech and read the poem..................................346 Activity 210: Do a written comprehension on the poems.....................................348 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 349 Activity 211: Write an essay.................................................................................349 Activity 212: Write a first draft of your essay........................................................350


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Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language

Activity 213: Revise, edit and proofread your essay ...........................................351 Activity 214: Present a final version of your essay..............................................351 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ����������������� 351 Activity 215: Identify language devices................................................................351 Activity 216: Work with auxilairy and finite verbs ................................................351 UNIT 4: Week 7 – 8 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 355 Lesson 18: Stay focused.................................................................................................. 355 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 356 Activity 217: Revise listening comprehension ....................................................356 Activity 218: Take part in a discussion.................................................................357 Activity 219: Read an unprepared text................................................................358 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 358 Activity 220: Revise a reading comprehension....................................................358 Activity 221: Answer questions on the story........................................................361 Activity 222: Revise summaries...........................................................................362 Activity 223: Revise literature..............................................................................362 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 363 Activity 224: Revise writing texts.........................................................................363 Activity 225: Write diary entries...........................................................................364 Activity 226: Revise writing directions.................................................................364 Activity 227: Revise letter writing.........................................................................364 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ���������������� 365 Activity 228: Revise sentences............................................................................365 Activity 229: Revise synonyms, antonyms and subject-verb agreement.............366 ADDENDUM A: RUBRICS...............................................................................................369 BIBLIOGRAPHY ..............................................................................................................374

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Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language








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LESSON 1: People who are making a difference LESSON 2: People who have overcome challenges LESSON 3: Extreme sports LESSON 4: Laugh and the world laughs with you LESSON 5: Scientific breakthroughs LESSON 6: Healthy relationships LESSON 7: Theatre and television LESSON 8: Cooking around the world LESSON 9: Music LESSON 10: Be informed: Social media LESSON 11: Mystery and adventure LESSON 12: Careers and business LESSON 13: Extraordinary people LESSON 14: Around the world LESSON 15: Be the best I can be LESSON 16: Fashion LESSON 17: Get focused LESSON 18: Stay focused



Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language



UNIT 1: Week 1 – 2

Lesson 1: People who are making a difference Skills Listening and Speaking Listens to a story Retells a story Reading and Viewing Reads a short story Compares and contrasts the stories Does a comprehension activity Writing and Presenting Writes a narrative paragraph Writes a short story based on personal experience; uses the writing process Language structures and conventions Word level work Common, proper, countable, uncountable, concrete and abstract nouns Sentence level work Simple sentences, statements Simple present and simple past tense Spelling and punctuation Full stop, comma, colon, semi-colon


Activity Activity 1, 2 Activity 3, 4 Activity 5, 6, 7 Activity 8 Activity 7, 8 Activity 9, 10 Activity 11

Activity 6, 13

Activity 9 Activity 3 Activity 12

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Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language





Activity 1: Discuss listening skills

30 minutes

Tell learners that they will be working with themes throughout the year. Each theme will cover a two-week period. Explain that the overall theme for this unit is “Be inspired” and the theme for the first two weeks is “People who are making a difference”. Initiate a discussion on what this means to learners. Discuss the listening process in detail with learners so that they learn listening skills and also so that they know what is expected of them when completing listening activities. Listening is divided into three separate elements: Pre-listening: This is how we get ready to listen to a story. To do this we: • Look at titles and illustrations to get an idea of what the text is going to be about. • Listen to background information given to you by the facilitator. • Read pre-listening questions which will help you listen for these ideas in the story. • Have a pencil and paper ready for jotting down notes. During listening: This is what we do while the story is being read. We: • Try to get a “mind picture” of the story that is being read. • Listen to the message or main idea of the story. • Listen to dialogue and details in the story that give us additional information. • Try to work out the meaning of new vocabulary from the text. • Jot down notes or questions. Post-listening: This is what we do after we have heard the story. We: • Ask questions about anything we do not understand. • Discuss and find the meaning for new vocabulary. • Answer questions. • Discuss the story. • Make a summary of the story. • Analyse and evaluate what we have heard. • Evaluate what we have heard. We do this by making judgements on what we have heard and giving our opinion (with reasons) for what we have heard. Discuss how a story is made up of a main idea and supporting ideas. Ask learners to listen for the main and supporting ideas in the story you are about to read.

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Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language



A story has a main idea and supporting ideas. A main idea tells you the main reason why the story was written or told or what the story is mainly about. Supporting ideas make the main idea clearer. They support and expand the main idea of the story.

Activity 2: Let’s listen

30 minutes

Pre-listening Ask learners to look at the illustration on the first page on this lesson and discuss what they see there. It is an illustration of a skateboarding bowl in Johannesburg. People are skateboarding and learning to skateboard. During listening Read the story once for learners to get the main and supporting ideas and then read it a second time encouraging them to jot down notes as you read. Tip: Do not write full sentences when taking notes. Jot down only the most important points.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair.” – Nelson Mandela

Skateboarding is Changing Lives Skateistan, South Africa, is changing the lives of young people in the Johannesburg area. Skateistan is an initiative to teach youngsters to skateboard. Through learning to skateboard youngsters develop self-confidence and self-esteem. Skateistan combines skate boarding with life-skills and educational programmes so that youngsters are enabled to reach their full potential. Skateistan’s founder, Oliver Petrovich, started Skateistan because he too believes that sport has the power to change lives. Skateistan’s first project was in Afghanistan. Because of the huge success of the project in Afghanistan, where 50% of the participants were girls, Skateistan moved to Cambodia and is now in South Africa. Skateistan started in South Africa by running skateboarding sessions twice a week for youth at a previously abandoned bowl in a neighbourhood of Johannesburg. With the help of local youth, Skateistan cleaned and


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Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language


restored the bowl. Local children, together with over two hundred people in the community, celebrated the opening by painting the bowl with a map of their neighbourhood complete with houses and schools. The bowl is now skated on and maintained by over fifty youth each week. Youngsters at the bowl also take part in regular music and arts programmes and cultivate and maintain a vegetable garden. Skateistan has now also built a rooftop ramp at a local youth drop-in centre in central Johannesburg. This facility provides skateboarding and educational programmes for underprivileged youth, especially girls, in the area. The programme is aimed at youth from the age of 5 to 17 years old. The Tony Hawke Foundation, established by Tony Hawk, a world-renowned professional skateboarder, has donated money towards Skateistan. Tony said, after visiting Skateistan in Cambodia: “Skateistan is not just about skating, it’s about giving people life skills and hope for the future.” In 2015, Olivier Petrovich was awarded the Laureus Sport for Good Award for the good work he has done for youth and for proving that “Sport has the power to change the world”. Here are two tweets about Skateistan: “Vegetables are now growing in our community garden made by our students in South Africa.” “Skateboarding is a type of flying!” Post-listening Vocabulary in context Discuss unfamiliar words from the text with the learners. founder: someone who starts something like an organisation, institution or business participants: people who take part in something abandoned: something that has been left empty and not used local: people living in the immediate community; in the nearby area cultivate: grow; prepare the land and plant crops maintain: look after world-renowned: world famous When you have finished reading ask the learners what they think the main idea and the supporting ideas of the story are. Main idea: The main idea is about an organisation called Skateistan which is using skateboarding to encourage youth to join their development programmes. Sport has the power to change lives.

Supporting ideas: Skateistan was started in Afghanistan, then moved to Cambodia and is now in South Africa. Youth helped restore an abandoned bowl and now use it as well as a new rooftop site in Johannesburg. Educational and skills programmes are part of the programmes offered to youth.

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Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language



Show learners where Afghanistan and Cambodia are on a map. Alternatively, ask them to look them up in an atlas. Share ideas and experiences that show understanding of concepts Encourage learners to share their own ideas and experiences that are similar to the story where they know of someone who has helped/is helping others. Ask learners to give their opinion on the following: • What do you think of the Skateistan project? Learner’s own answer. • In what way do you think it gets young people to participate? The skateboarding draws the young people who then also are encouraged to participate in the educational and skills programmes. • At which age group is it aimed? It is aimed at youth aged between 5 and 17 years old. • Of what benefit is it to the youth? The youth feel they belong to a community, they are responsible for looking after the area, they are involved in community projects such as growing a vegetable garden and they are involved in skills and educational programmes. • What do you think of people who help others? Learner’s own answer. • Do you believe “sport has the power to change lives”? Give reasons for your opinion. Learner’s own answer.

Activity 3: Read tips on retelling a story

30 minutes

Language structures and conventions: sentences Tenses Present tense: the action occurs now, for example: The girls skate in the bowl. Past tense: the action occurs in the past, for example: The girls skated in the bowl. Future tense: the action will occur in the future, for example: The girls will skate in the bowl Simple past tense The simple past tense tells us that an action happened in the past. To change a verb to the simple past, add -ed to the verb or change the verb form, for example: cultivate – cultivated; grow – grew. Stories are usually (but not always) told in the past tense because the action has already happened. 1.

Revise tenses with learners and then talk about the simple past tense. Simple past tense refers to normal past tense as opposed to past continuous or past perfect tense which will be discussed later.


Tell learners this story, but mix up the sequence of events.


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Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language


5. “Thank you,” she said to the instructor when they had finished. 6. Afterwards she helped water the vegetable garden. 4. She waited until there was a free skateboard. She had a wonderful time. She felt as though she was flying as the instructor helped her. 3. It was very busy. 7. She ran off to her afternoon classes. 1. Josie left home. 2. She couldn’t wait to get to the skateboard bowl. She ran all the way. Ask learners if this story makes sense. If they say no, then ask them why not. The order in which things happen has been mixed up. Read the story in the correct order and ask learners if it makes sense. Emphasise the importance of telling a story in the correct order. 1. Josie left home. 2. She couldn’t wait to get to the skateboard bowl. She ran all the way. 3. It was very busy. 4. She waited until there was a free skateboard. She had a wonderful time. She felt as though she was flying as the instructor helped her. 1.

Go through the tips for storytelling with the learners. Keep it light-hearted, doing some of the things they are told not to do, such as speaking in a monotone. This should make the learners laugh which will make the tips easier to remember.

Activity 4: Retell a story

30 minutes

A timeline is a line showing the order in which things happened. Timelines are often used for historical events. This is an example of the timeline of the story your facilitator told you.

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Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language

2 pm: 2:05 pm: 2:20 pm: 2:25: 3 pm: 3:05 pm: 3:15 pm:



Josie left home. She couldn’t wait to get to the skateboard bowl. She ran all the way. It was very busy. She waited until there was a free skateboard. She had a wonderful time. She felt as though she were flying as the instructor helped her. “Thank you,” she said to the instructor when they had finished. Afterwards she helped water the vegetable garden. She ran off to her afternoon classes.




Activity 5: Talk about how we read

30 minutes

Discuss reading strategies and the fact that, like listening, reading is divided into three key steps. Go through these steps one at a time. Once learners have an understanding of this process encourage them to follow it whenever reading. For each step, draw on examples from the learners’ own experiences, for example, relate visual literacy to a website they are familiar with. Step1: Pre-reading: This “prepares” us for reading. During pre-reading we look at these parts of a text to get an overview of what the text will be about: title, headings, illustrations Before reading a book, we look at one or more of these features: cover, title, illustrations, headings, blurb, title page, table of contents, chapters, glossary, index Encourage learners to give their own definitions of the words in bold in the box in the study guide. Allow for a variety of definitions as long as they are correct and make sense.

Activity 5: Talk about how we read: MEMORANDUM Cover: The outside of a book; the first thing that draws us to a book. It should be appealing and clear and give some indication of what the book is about. Title: The name of the book; what the book is called. Illustrations: Pictures, drawing or photographs illustrating the story. Blurb: A piece of short writing usually found on the back cover of a book; something which tells you why you should read the book.


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Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language


Title page: The first page in the book which gives information such as the title, the author and the publisher. Table of contents: This gives a breakdown of everything that is in the book, normally in chapters. Refer learners to the table of contents in the study guide. Chapters: These are the parts into which a book is divided. A chapter often has a number and/or a title. Glossary: A section at the back of some books with the meaning of some of the more unusual words contained in the book. These words are in alphabetical order making them easy to find. Index: Usually only reference books have an index. The index lists words and is used for looking up a word and then finding the pages where that word is referred to in the text. The index is in alphabetical order and appears at the end of the book. Refer learners to one of their books with an index, for example an atlas.

Step 2: During reading: This is what we “do” while we are reading. a) We work out the meaning of unfamiliar words. b) We visualise what we are reading. c) We reread the text. d) We make inferences (draw conclusions) from the writing.

Step 3: Post-reading: These are some of the things we do after reading. a) Ask questions and look up the meaning of words we still don’t understand. b) Draw conclusions about the writing and form our own opinion of it. c) Answer questions on the writing. d) Make a summary. e) Evaluate and discuss different interpretations of the writing. f) Compare and contrast texts by saying in which ways they are the same and in which ways they are different.

Visual texts A lot of what we read and see these days is on tablet, computer or TV screen. We also look at pictures, photographs, cartoons, billboards and advertisements. It is important that we learn to interpret what we are seeing. Some important aspects of visual literacy include: a) The use of colour, font types, font sizes, headings, captions and movement (as in a website) b) Layout: how things are positioned for maximum effect.

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Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language



Activity 6: Let’s disucuss features of a story

1 hour

Common and proper nouns A noun is the name of a person, place or thing. A common noun names ordinary objects, for example, book, pen. Proper nouns name particular people, places or things, e.g. Oliver, Skateistan, Johannesburg, January. Proper nouns always start with a capital letter. Ask learners to write down four common and four proper nouns. Countable and uncountable nouns Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted, for example, girl, boy, rock. They can be in the singular and plural. Uncountable nouns are nouns that cannot be counted, for example, water, custard, oil. (These can only be put into containers and the containers can be counted.) Find all the common nouns in the title and in these lines from the story below: The Boy and the Donkey. On the road he travelled he met a woman dressed in a blue robe. Are these countable or uncountable nouns? Give the plurals of the countable nouns. They are all countable nouns: boy – boys, donkey – donkeys, road – roads, woman – women, robe – robes. Discuss the key features of a story in detail with learners. Relate each feature to the listening story in Activity 2 and with fictional stories that learners are familiar with. Key features of a story Not all of these will be covered in every single story. • Characters: The actual people mentioned in the story, for example: Oliver Petrovich, Tony Hawke. • Characterisation: What the characters are actually like. Are they portrayed (seen as) clever, stupid, wily, gentle, kind, etc.? For example, Oliver Petrovich and Tony Hawke are kind and philanthropic; the skateboarders are excited and keen. • Plot: The storyline; a series of related events that make up the main story; a pattern of relationships between events and their cause; the narrative of a story tells what happens while the plot tells you why it happened. • Conflict: The struggle that arises between the characters or between characters and their desires and/or values. • Background: Anything we know about the story before we read it. For example, what we know about skateboarding; people who do good deeds; the fact that women and girls in Afghanistan have few rights.


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Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language


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Setting: Where the story takes place, for example, in Afghanistan; in Johannesburg. Narrator: The person telling the story; a person who explains what is happening. Not all stories have a narrator. Theme: The main idea or ideas of a story; the topic of a piece of writing.

Activity 7: Read a story

1 hour

To skim means to glance at something to get a general idea of what it is about. Ask learners to look at the illustration in the study guide and then skim through the story to get an overview of what it is about. Tell learners to read through the story in detail and try to visualise the story as they read.

The Boy and His Donkey Once there lived a very poor woman who lived alone with her only son, Shagrie. One day Shagrie, who was only ten, decided to seek work. “Mom,” he said, “let me go out and look for work.” His mother would not permit him to go because he was too young. But Shagrie insisted that he should go out and look for work to help support her. He bothered her so much that one day she finally relented. She prepared a sack with provisions for her brave young son, gave him her blessing, and sent him on his way. Shagrie loaded the provisions on his donkey and set out to look for work. He didn’t know which direction to take, so he wandered until he was far from home. On the road he travelled he met a woman dressed in a blue robe. “Where are you going, my son?” asked the woman. “I am looking for work to support my mother.” “You are a good son, but you must be very careful because there are some bad men on this road who may harm you,” she warned him. “They can’t harm me,” Shagrie answered, “because I have nothing they can steal.” The woman smiled. “Since you are determined to continue your journey, here, take these three apples. Whenever you meet someone who wants to travel with you, cut an apple in half, but always cut one half smaller than the other. Offer both halves to the person, and if he takes the bigger half then do not count that person as your friend. He is a bad person, and may harm you. But the person who takes the smaller half will be a good friend whom you can trust.” Shagrie tucked the three apples in his coat pocket and continued on his way. That evening he met a man who asked him if they could travel together as companions and the boy agreed. When they stopped to rest that evening Shagrie cut one of the apples in half, remembering to leave one half smaller than the other. He offered them to the man. The man reached for the bigger half. This is not a good companion, the boy thought. And he was right because it was the intention of the man to steal the donkey once the boy was asleep. © Impaq


Facilitator’s Guide G07 ~ English Home Language



That night, although he was very tired, Shagrie didn’t sleep. When he was sure the man was asleep he got up very quietly, gathered his provisions and hurried to his donkey. He loaded his burro and fled. When the thief got up to steal the burro he found both the boy and the donkey to be gone. The thief was angry and wondered how the boy had known his intentions. Later on his journey, Shagrie met another man. The man suggested to Shagrie that they could travel together since they were going in the same direction. Shagrie agreed. That evening he cut the second apple in half, again cutting one half smaller than the other. He offered them to the stranger and the man immediately took the biggest half. So Shagrie knew this was another sly man to beware of. That night as soon as the man had fallen asleep the boy got up very quietly and carried his pack to where his burro was hobbled. He packed his provisions and was far away by the time the thief awakened to find himself alone with his evil intentions. The very next day Shagrie met up with an old man. “Where are you going, my son?” the old man asked. “I am going to the city to look for work,” Shagrie replied. “Very good, my son,” the old man nodded. “I am going in the same direction. Why don’t we travel together?” Shagrie agreed and they continued together. That evening when they had arrived at a campsite, Shagrie cut his last apple in half, again leaving one half smaller than the other. He offered them to the old man, and the old man took the smaller piece. And so Shagrie knew that he had met a good companion with whom he could travel. That night he slept soundly, confident that he had met a good friend. When he awoke the sun was already high in the sky. He rubbed his eyes and looked around, but the old man was gone. Shagrie leaped out of his bedroll and ran in search of his burro. When he got to the pasture he found them both. The old man had simply moved the burro to where there was better pasture. From that day on they travelled together and became good friends. Soon, with the old man’s help, Shagrie found work and was able to return home often to care for his mother.

Vocabulary in context Discuss new words from the story with the learners. permit: allow relented: allowed him to do something she had previously not agreed to provisions: supplies burro: donkey; a North American small donkey, especially one that is used as a pack animal (for carrying goods) Discuss the story of the boy and the donkey in detail by asking learners to recognise features of the text. Encourage learners to use these questions to guide their discussion: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Who are the characters in the story? What sort of characteristics does Shagrie show? What is the narrative and the plot of the story? Is there any conflict in the story? If so, what is it? What is the setting of the story? What is the theme of the story? Does this fit into the lesson theme of helping others? 25

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