Í2’È-A-FAL-SG01fÎ 1
A member of the FUTURELEARN group
English First Additional Language Study guide
Grade 7
CAPS aligned
I Forbes J Petersen A Walton
Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
TABLE OF CONTENTS LESSON ELEMENTS ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9 PREFACE �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10 YEAR PLANNING �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 UNIT 1: Week 1 – 2............................................................................................................ 13 Lesson 1: Cultural stories from South Africa...................................................................... 13 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ���������������������������������������������������������� 14 Activity 1: Introduce yourself and others................................................................14 Activity 2: Listen to a short story............................................................................15 Activity 3: Retell the story......................................................................................17 Activity 4: Learn more about storytelling................................................................17 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ��������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Activity 5: Read the story.......................................................................................18 Activity 6: Let’s discuss features of a story............................................................21 Activity 7: Complete a reading comprehension.....................................................21 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING �������������������������������������������������������� 22 Activity 8: Write a narrative paragraph...................................................................22 Activity 9: Plan and draft a story based on a personal experience........................24 Activity 10: Revise, edit and proofread your story.................................................24 Activity 11: Present a neat, final version................................................................24 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ����������������������� 24 Activity 12: Use punctuation..................................................................................24 Activity 13: Identify concrete and abstract nouns..................................................26 UNIT 1: Week 3 – 4 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28 Lesson 2: What is democracy? ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 28 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ���������������������������������������������������������� 29 Activity 14: Let’s experiment with our voices.........................................................29 Activity 15: Let’s experiment with our voices.........................................................30 Activity 16: Listen to and discuss a poem..............................................................31 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ��������������������������������������������������������������� 32 Activity 17: Read a poem.......................................................................................32 Activity 18: Discuss key features of poems...........................................................34 Activity 19: Read independently............................................................................35 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING �������������������������������������������������������� 36 Activity 20: Write a poem.......................................................................................36 Activity 21: Plan a poem........................................................................................36 Activity 22: Write a first draft of your poem............................................................37 Activity 23: Revise, edit, proofread and present your poem..................................37 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ����������������������� 38 Activity 24: Match the idioms and proverbs...........................................................38 Activity 25: Identify synonyms and antonyms........................................................40 UNIT 1: Week 5 – 6............................................................................................................ 43 Lesson 3: Humour in the printed media............................................................................. 43 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ���������������������������������������������������������� 44 1
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Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 26: Have a conversation about a drama...................................................44 Activity 27: Complete the dialogue........................................................................44 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ��������������������������������������������������������������� 45 Activity 28: Read the drama..................................................................................45 Activity 29: Talk about the drama...........................................................................47 Activity 30: Read for comprehension.....................................................................49 Activity 31: Read a poem.......................................................................................50 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING �������������������������������������������������������� 51 Activity 32: Write a dialogue..................................................................................51 Activity 33: Plan a short dialogue..........................................................................52 Activity 34: Draft your dialogue..............................................................................53 Activity 35: Revise, edit, proofread and present....................................................53 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ����������������������� 53 Activity 36: Simple sentences and statements; question marks and exclamation marks................................................................................................53 Activity 37: Use inverted commas.........................................................................55 UNIT 1: Week 7 – 8............................................................................................................ 57 Lesson 4: Starting my own business.................................................................................. 57 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ���������������������������������������������������������� 58 Activity 38: Listen to and discuss a short story......................................................58 Activity 39: Learn about a panel discussion: listen to a poem...............................59 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ��������������������������������������������������������������� 60 Activity 40: Read a short story...............................................................................60 Activity 41: Read a poem.......................................................................................61 Activity 42: Read a letter........................................................................................63 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING �������������������������������������������������������� 64 Activity 43: Write a letter........................................................................................64 Activity 44: Plan your letter....................................................................................65 Activity 45: Draft your letter...................................................................................65 Activity 46: Revise, edit, proofread and present your letter...................................66 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ����������������������� 66 Activity 47: Understand homophones and homonyms..........................................66 UNIT 1: Week 9 – 10.......................................................................................................... 69 Lesson 5: Ways to travel around South Africa.................................................................... 69 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ���������������������������������������������������������� 70 Activity 48: Listening comprehension....................................................................70 Activity 49: Answer questions................................................................................70 Activity 50: Have a discussion...............................................................................71 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ��������������������������������������������������������������� 71 Activity 51: Read a short story...............................................................................71 Activity 52: Do a written comprehension ..............................................................73 Activity 53: Read a poem.......................................................................................74 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING �������������������������������������������������������� 75 Activity 54: Write a descriptive essay....................................................................75 Activity 55: Draft your essay..................................................................................76 Activity 56: Revise, edit and proofread your essay................................................77
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Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 57: Present a neat, final version of your essay.........................................77 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ����������������������� 77 Activity 58: Use prefixes, suffixes and roots..........................................................77 Activity 59: Identify main and dependent clauses..................................................79 UNIT 2: Week 1 – 2 ........................................................................................................... 81 Lesson 6: Saving the planet: what can I do?...................................................................... 81 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ���������������������������������������������������������� 82 Activity 60: Listening comprehension....................................................................82 Activity 61: Tell a story...........................................................................................83 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ��������������������������������������������������������������� 83 Activity 62: Read an extract from a youth novel....................................................83 Activity 63: Do an oral comprehension..................................................................86 Activity 64: View the cartoon..................................................................................86 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING �������������������������������������������������������� 89 Activity 65: Write a narrative essay........................................................................89 Activity 66: Draft your essay..................................................................................90 Activity 67: Revise, edit and proofread your essay................................................90 Activity 68: Present a neat, final version of your essay.........................................90 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ����������������������� 91 Activity 69: Identify the subject and predicate.......................................................91 Activity 70: Write degrees of comparison..............................................................92 UNIT 2: Week 3 – 4 ........................................................................................................... 95 Lesson 7:Carbon footprint ................................................................................................. 95 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ���������������������������������������������������������� 96 Activity 71: How well did you listen?......................................................................96 Activity 72: Have a debate on advertising.............................................................97 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ��������������������������������������������������������������� 98 Activity 73: Read the press release.......................................................................98 Activity 74: Study the advertisement.....................................................................99 Activity 75: Let’s read...........................................................................................101 Activity 76: Let’s answer questions......................................................................103 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 104 Activity 77: Plan your poster................................................................................104 Activity 78: Draft your poster...............................................................................105 Activity 79: Revise, edit and proofread your poster.............................................105 Activity 80: Present a neat, final version of your poster.......................................105 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ��������������������� 105 Activity 81: Fill in the adjectives...........................................................................105 Activity 82: Write as indirect speech....................................................................106 UNIT 2: Week 5 – 6 ......................................................................................................... 109 Lesson 8: Cradle of Humankind ...................................................................................... 109 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 110 Activity 83: Let’s discuss...................................................................................... 110 Activity 84: Present a prepared speech............................................................... 111 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 113
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Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 85: Study the layout................................................................................ 113 Activity 86: Read the instructions........................................................................ 114 Activity 87: Read the poem.................................................................................. 115 Activity 88: Discuss the poem.............................................................................. 116 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 117 Activity 89: Plan your letter giving directions....................................................... 117 Activity 90: Draft your letter ................................................................................ 118 Activity 91: Revise, edit and proofread your letter .............................................. 118 Activity 92: Present a neat, final version of your letter ........................................ 118 Activity 93: Plan your instructions........................................................................ 118 Activity 94: Draft your instructions....................................................................... 119 Activity 95: Revise, edit and proofread your instructions..................................... 119 Activity 96: Present a neat, final version of your instructions.............................. 119 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ��������������������� 120 Activity 97: Write in active and passive voice......................................................120 Activity 98: Use a hyphen....................................................................................122 UNIT 2: Week 7 – 8 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 124 Lesson 9: People who have helped the world ������������������������������������������������������������������ 124 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 125 Activity 99: Prepare and perform a role play drama............................................125 Activity 100: Let’s investigate...............................................................................126 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 126 Activity 101: Read an extract from a drama........................................................126 Activity 102: Talk about the drama.......................................................................128 Activity 103: Read a second extract from the drama...........................................129 Activity 104: Discuss the language in the drama.................................................130 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 131 Activity 105: Plan your drama review..................................................................131 Activity 106: Draft your drama review..................................................................133 Activity 107: Revise, edit and proofread your drama review...............................133 Activity 108: Present a final version your drama review......................................133 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ��������������������� 134 Activity 109: Identify transitive and intransitive verbs..........................................134 Activity 110: Write as direct speech.....................................................................135 Activity 111: Write more direct speech.................................................................136 UNIT 3: Week 1 – 2 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 138 Lesson 10: Introduction to social media ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 138 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 139 Activity 112: Listen to a text on filling in a form....................................................139 Activity 113: Let’s talk about the uses of forms....................................................140 Activity 114: Let’s have a panel discussion..........................................................140 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 141 Activity 115: Read the text...................................................................................141 Activity 116: Summarise the text..........................................................................142 Activity 117: Let’s read about filling in a questionnaire........................................143 Activity 118: Interpret answers on questionnaire.................................................144
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Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 145 Activity 119: Plan your form.................................................................................145 Activity 120: Draft your answer............................................................................147 Activity 121: Revise, edit and proofread your answer.........................................147 Activity 122: Present a neat, final version of your answer...................................148 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ��������������������� 148 Activity 123: Identify noun clauses......................................................................148 Activity 124: Identify and write the adjectival clauses..........................................149 Activity 125: Complete the adverbial clauses......................................................150 UNIT 3: Week 3 – 4 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 152 Lesson 11: Urban renewal through graffiti ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 152 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 153 Activity 126: Let’s listen.......................................................................................153 Activity 127: Compile questionnaire....................................................................153 Activity 128: Adapt a story into a drama..............................................................154 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 155 Activity 129: Read and enjoy a play....................................................................155 Activity 130: Discuss the play..............................................................................157 Activity 131: Let’s read the poem.........................................................................158 Activity 132: Let’s talk about the poem................................................................159 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 159 Activity 133: Plan your interview..........................................................................159 Activity 134: Draft your interview.........................................................................160 Activity 135: Revise, edit and proofread your interview.......................................161 Activity 136: Present a neat, final version your interview....................................161 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ��������������������� 161 Activity 137: Find the relative clauses.................................................................161 Activity 138: Working with prefixes......................................................................162 UNIT 3: Week 5 – 6 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 164 Lesson 12: Call centres ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 164 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 165 Activity 139: Listening comprehension................................................................165 Activity 140: Let’s roleplay...................................................................................166 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 166 Activity 141: Read the text on writing an agenda................................................166 Activity 142: Read the text on writing minutes.....................................................169 Activity 143: View a visual text for comprehension..............................................171 Activity 144: Do a written comprehension on the graph......................................171 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 172 Activity 145: Write an agenda..............................................................................172 Activity 146: Draft your agenda...........................................................................172 Activity 147: Revise, edit and proofread your agenda.........................................172 Activity 148: Present a final version of your agenda............................................173 Activity 149: Plan your minutes...........................................................................173 Activity 150: Draft your minutes...........................................................................173 Activity 151: Revise, edit and proofread your minutes........................................173
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Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 152: Present a final version of your minutes...........................................173 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ��������������������� 174 Activity 153: Use pronouns..................................................................................174 Activity 154: Use active and passive voice..........................................................175 UNIT 3: Week 7 – 8 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 178 Lesson 13: Travel etiquette ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 178 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 179 Activity 155: Listen to a current news article.......................................................179 Activity 156: Read an unprepared reading aloud................................................180 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 181 Activity 157: Read a magazine article for information.........................................181 Activity 158: Answer questions about a magazine article....................................182 Activity 159: Infer meaning of unfamiliar images.................................................183 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 184 Activity 160: Plan a newspaper article.................................................................184 Activity 161: Draft your article..............................................................................185 Activity 162: Revise, edit and proofread your article...........................................185 Activity 163: Present a neat, final version of your article.....................................186 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ��������������������� 186 Activity 164: Chronological order and punctuation..............................................186 Activity 165: Use the correct prepositions...........................................................188 UNIT 3: Weeks 9 – 10 ..................................................................................................... 191 Lesson 14: Sporting legends............................................................................................ 191 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 192 Activity 166: Listening comprehension................................................................192 Activity 167: Let’s answer....................................................................................192 Activity 168: Give instructions..............................................................................192 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 194 Activity 169: Read this extract from a youth novel...............................................194 Activity 170: Evaluate the extract from the youth novel.......................................195 Activity 171: Read a poem...................................................................................196 Activity 172: Discuss the features of the poem....................................................196 Activity 173: Read the text...................................................................................197 Activity 174: Evaluate the text.............................................................................197 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 198 Activity 175: Write an essay.................................................................................198 Activity 176: Draft your essay..............................................................................199 Activity 177: Revise, edit and proofread your essay............................................199 Activity 178: Present a neat, final version of your essay.....................................199 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ��������������������� 200 Activity 179: Fill in the pronouns..........................................................................200 Activity 180: Use the correct degree of comparison............................................201 UNIT 4: Week 1 – 2 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 204 Lesson 15: Who are your models? ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 204 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 205
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Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 181: Give an unprepared speech............................................................205 Activity 182: Read aloud......................................................................................206 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 207 Activity 183: Read the extract..............................................................................207 Activity 184: Talk about the extract......................................................................208 Activity 185: Read and view the written and visual text.......................................209 Activity 186: Talk about the graph........................................................................210 Activity 187: Draw inferences and conclusions................................................... 211 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 212 Activity 188: Plan your directions ........................................................................212 Activity 189: Draft your directions .......................................................................212 Activity 190: Revise, edit and proofread your directions .....................................213 Activity 191: Present a final version of your directions .......................................213 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ��������������������� 213 Activity 192: Use prepositions.............................................................................213 Activity 193: Adjectival and adverbial clauses.....................................................214 UNIT 4: Week 3 – 4.......................................................................................................... 217 Lesson 16: Family and friends......................................................................................... 217 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 218 Activity 194: Listen to a TV news broadcast........................................................218 Activity 195: Listening comprehension................................................................218 Activity 196: Have a discussion...........................................................................219 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 220 Activity 197: Read a diary entry...........................................................................220 Activity 198: Compare, contrast and evaluate the text........................................221 Activity 199: Read a poem...................................................................................221 Activity 200: Talk about key features of the poem...............................................222 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 223 Activity 201: Plan your diary entry.......................................................................223 Activity 202: Draft your entries.............................................................................224 Activity 203: Revise, edit and proofread your entries..........................................224 Activity 204: Present a final version of your entry................................................225 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ��������������������� 225 Activity 205: Match the collective nouns..............................................................225 Activity 206: Subject-verb agreement..................................................................226 UNIT 4: Week 5 – 6 ......................................................................................................... 229 Lesson 17: My fingerprints are unique............................................................................. 229 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 230 Activity 207: Listening comprehension................................................................230 Activity 208: Answer the questions......................................................................230 Activity 209: Give a prepared speech..................................................................231 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 232 Activity 210: Read and enjoy!..............................................................................232 Activity 211: Features of the story........................................................................233 Activity 212: Discuss key features of the poem...................................................233 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 235
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Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 213: Plan your essay...............................................................................235 Activity 214: Draft your essay..............................................................................236 Activity 215: Revise, edit and proofread your essay............................................237 Activity 216: Present a final version of your essay..............................................237 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ��������������������� 237 Activity 217: Identify the auxiliary verbs...............................................................237 Activity 218: Identify bias, stereotypes, prejudice, emotive and persuasive language.........................................................................................238 UNIT 4: Week 7 – 8 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 240 Lesson 18: How do I chill? ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 240 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 241 Activity 219: Revise listening comprehension.....................................................241 Activity 220: Literature study...............................................................................241 Activity 221: Take part in a discussion.................................................................242 Activity 222: Unprepared reading........................................................................243 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 244 Activity 223: Revise reading comprehension.......................................................244 Activity 224: Answer questions on the story........................................................245 Activity 225: Revise summaries...........................................................................245 Activity 226: Revise literature..............................................................................246 Activity 227: Answer questions on features of poem...........................................248 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 248 Activity 228: Revise transactional text.................................................................248 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ��������������������� 249 Activity 229: Revise subject-verb agreement and synonyms and antonyms.......249 Activity 230: Revise sentences............................................................................250 ADDENDUM A: RUBRICS ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 253 BIBLIOGRAPHY �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 258
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Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
LESSON LESSON 1: Cultural stories from South Africa LESSON 2: What is democracy?
LESSON 3: Humour in the printed media LESSON 4: Starting my own business LESSON 5: Ways to travel around South Africa LESSON 6: Saving the planet: what can I do?
LESSON 7: Carbon footprint LESSON 8: Cradle of Humankind LESSON 9: People who have helped the world LESSON 10: Introduction to social media LESSON 11: Urban renewal through graffiti
LESSON 12: Call centres LESSON 13: Travel etiquette LESSON 14: Sporting legends LESSON 15: Who are your role models?
LESSON 16: Family and friends LESSON 17: My fingerprints are unique LESSON 18: How do I chill?
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Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
UNIT 1: Week 1 – 2
Lesson 1: Cultural stories from South Africa
In this lesson you will: • introduce yourself and others • listen to a short story • retell a story • tell a story from your own experience • read a story • complete a reading comprehension • write a narrative paragraph • write a story based on a personal experience • practise punctuation • learn about concrete and abstract nouns Welcome to Grade 7! Have a wonderful year and enjoy using this book to improve your English skills!
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Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 1: Introduce yourself and others When you first meet someone, it is polite to introduce yourself. In that way, the person knows who you are and can refer to you by name when speaking to you. Here are some important things to know about introducing yourself. Some introductions are formal while others are informal. Introducing yourself An example of a very formal introduction could be: “How do you do? My name is Thandi Gumedi.” (How do you do is not really a question, but is a way of saying hello in a very formal way.) An example of a formal introduction could be: “Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is Thandi Gumede. I’m pleased to meet you.” An example of an informal introduction could be: “Hello, my name is Thandi.” A very informal greeting could be: “Hi, I’m Thandi.”
Introducing others An example of a very formal introduction could be: “Mrs Gumbi, may I introduce Sibeko, my friend from school.” An example of a formal introduction could be: “Mrs Gumbi, I’d like you to meet Sibeko, my friend from school.” An example of an informal introduction could be: “Gogo, meet Sibeko, he is my friend from school. This is my gran.” An example of a very informal greeting could be: “Gogo, this is Sibeko.” Introduce yourself to other learners or your facilitator by saying “hello” or “good morning” in your own language and then in English. Then give your name and surname. Say one sentence about yourself. It could be something about your family or what you enjoy most. For example: “Dumelang/Goeiemôre/Hello, my name is …” © Impaq
Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
Language structures and conventions: Sentences Simple present tense We always introduce ourselves in the simple present tense. The simple present tense tells us what is happening right now. Introduce yourself using all four styles of introduction (very formal, formal, informal, very informal).
Activity 2: Listen to a short story Read and discuss the listening process in detail. Use this process whenever you are completing a listening activity. Listening is divided into three separate elements: Pre-listening: This is how we get ready to listen to a story. To do this we: • Look at titles and illustrations to get an idea of what the text is about. • Listen to background information given to you by the facilitator. • Read pre-listening questions which will help you listen for these ideas in the story. • Have a pencil and paper ready for jotting down notes. During listening: This is what we do while the story is being read. We: • Try to get a “mind picture” of the story that is being read. • Listen to the message or main idea of the story. • Listen to dialogue and details in the story that give us additional information. • Try to work out the meaning of new vocabulary from the text. • Jot down notes or questions. Post-listening: This is what we do after we have heard the story. We: • Ask questions about anything we do not understand. • Discuss and find the meaning for new vocabulary. • Answer questions. • Discuss the story. • Make a summary of the story. • Analyse and evaluate what we have heard. • Evaluate what we have heard. We do this by making judgments on what we have heard and by giving our opinion (with reasons) about what we have heard.
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Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
Cultural stories come from the different cultural groups in South Africa. These are passed down from generation to generation and are known as folktales. It is often difficult to know exactly which culture a particular story comes from. These stories often have a lesson or motto or tell how something began. 1. 2.
Talk about cultural stories. Discuss main and supporting ideas in the story.
A story has a main idea and supporting ideas. A main idea tells you the main reason why the story was written or told or what the story is mainly about. Supporting ideas make the main idea clearer. They support and expand the main idea of the story. 3. 4.
Listen to the title of a short folktale and see if you can tell what the story may be about. Your facilitator will read the story to you twice. Listen carefully and try to picture the story.
Take notes of the main points in the story as your facilitator reads it the second time. Tip Do not write full sentences when taking notes. Jot down only the most important points. 5.
When the facilitator has finished reading, use your notes to identify the main idea and the supporting ideas in the story. Discuss these ideas with your facilitator. A story is usually told in the simple past tense, e.g. Nolitha was a happily married woman. Her husband was a great warrior.
To change a verb to the simple past add -ed to the verb or change the verb form, e.g., visit – visited. (However, there are exceptions where -ed is not added, e.g. sing – sang.) The children visited Nolitha. Nolitha sang for her baby. 6.
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Share your own experiences where something wonderful has happened to you.
Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 3: Retell the story
A timeline gives us the sequence of events. That is, the order in which they happened, e.g. Nolitha pleaded for a baby. Nolitha found a baby on her doorstep. Talk about the timeline of the story, e.g. first: Nolitha’s husband was killed; then: Nolitha missed him very much; then: Nolitha longed for a baby … Retell the story “Moonlight Magic” from Activity 2. Make sure you tell the events in the correct sequence (order that they happened) and that you have the names of the characters correct.
Activity 4: Learn more about storytelling
Tenses Revise present, past and future tense. Present tense: the action occurs now, e.g. Nolitha looks after the baby. Past tense: the action occurs in the past, e.g. Nolitha looked after the baby. Future tense: the action will occur in the future, e.g. Nolitha will look after the baby. Make one of your own sentences in the present, the past and the future tense. 1.
We all know of people who are born storytellers. The technique of telling good stories can be practised. Discuss and then apply these storytelling tips.
Storytelling tips How we tell a story is very important. Here are some important points to keep in mind.
Speaking skills: How we actually speak while we are telling the story. Speak clearly with correct pronunciation. Make sure you can be heard.
Tone: Tone of voice tells how we speak. We can use a gentle/soft tone of voice. We can use a hard/unfriendly tone of voice.
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Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
Pronunciation: Pronunciation means that we pronounce (say) the words so that people can understand what we are saying.
Tempo: Tempo refers to the pace in which you tell the story. Do you tell it so quickly that no-one can keep up with what is being told or so slowly that listeners become bored? Keep up a lively pace so that listeners do not lose interest in the story. Intonation: This is the way in which your voice rises and falls as you speak and also the way it becomes louder and softer. Vary your voice so that it does not become a monotone (speaking in a flat voice that does not change).
Eye contact: You must make eye contact with your listeners by looking them in the eye. This way, your listeners engage with you more.
Posture: This is the way you sit or stand while you are telling a story. If you slouch over and look disinterested, your listeners will not be interested to hear your story. Maintain a good posture to gain the listeners’ attention.
Gesture: These are the movements you make with your hands while you speak. While a few gestures may be appropriate, it is best not to “speak with your hands” too much as this takes the focus away from what you are saying. Rather let the words and your expression say it all.
Use the story telling tips to tell your own story.
Activity 5: Read the story 1.
Look at and apply the spelling rule. Spelling rule
When a word contains a short vowel and then an ending consonant, double that consonant when adding a suffix. E.g. skip, skipped, skipping. Apply the spelling rule and add -ed and -ing to the following words: bat, stop, rub, sip. 2.
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Your facilitator will show you different parts of a book. Discuss each part.
Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
The different parts of a book: •
Cover: This is the first thing we see about a book so it is important that it has appeal, that is, it is colourful, clear, shows us what the story is about.
Title page: The title page is the first page in the book where it gives the title, the author and the publisher.
Contents: This gives the breakdown of everything that is in the book, normally in chapters.
Chapters: These are the parts that a book is divided into. A chapter often has a number and/or a title.
Glossary: This is a section at the back of some books where it gives the meaning of some of the more difficult/unusual words contained in the book. These words are in alphabetical order, making them easy to find.
Index: It is usually only reference books that have an index. It is used for reference purposes when someone wants to look up something specific. It is in alphabetical order and appears at the end of the book.
Discuss the key features of a story. It is important to get to know these features as they relate to all the stories you read.
Key features of a story
Characters: The actual people/animals in the story. E.g. lion, woman, Nolitha, Njabulo.
Characterisation: What the characters are actually like. Are they portrayed (seen as) clever, stupid, wily, gentle, kind? E.g. the lion is fierce and uncaring.
Plot: The storyline; the sequence of events; a series of related events that make up the main story; a pattern of relationships between events and their cause.
Conflict: The struggle that arises between the characters or between characters and their desires/values.
Background: Anything we know about the story before we read it. E.g., what we know about folklore, any facts about the author and why the story was written.
Setting: Where the story takes place, e.g., in a forest; in a village.
Narrator: The person telling the story; a person who explains what is happening. Not all stories have a narrator.
Theme: The main idea or ideas in a text; the subject or topic of a piece of writing.
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Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
Read the title of the story and look at the picture. Predict what the story may be about. Read the following folklore story.
The Day the Rock Trembled One day a woman was gathering grass near her village for thatching when she was startled by the loud roar of a lion. The lion roared, “Woman, come here! I am going to eat you at once!” “Please don’t eat me,” answered the woman, shaking with fright. “I have a husband and young daughter at home who need me.” “That is even better,” roared the lion. “Take me to your hut and I will eat your daughter instead!” “No, you can’t eat her! She is only eight years old!” “Ah, she will be tender and tasty then. Take me to your home at once!” The woman had no option but to go home with the lion following her. When they arrived at the hut, the lion said he would wait outside in the shade under a rock while the woman fetched her husband and daughter from inside. The husband, knowing one cannot argue with a lion, walked out of the hut and knelt in front of the lion. “I am big and strong and will make a good meal for you. Eat me instead.” “Oh no! It’s your daughter I want!” said the lion. A hare, sitting above them on a rock, heard everything. He felt very sad for the family. “Look out!” he cried. “The rock is going to fall on you all! Hold it up before you are all squashed!” In great fright the three people held up their hands and the lion his forepaws to hold up the rock. The hare helped them hold up the rock and spoke to the family. “Hurry over the hill where the Go-AwayAnd-Don’t-Come-Back tree grows. Bring branches to push under the rock to hold it up. That way, Lion, you will soon be able to enjoy your meal.” “I will let them go,” grumbled the lion, “but they must hurry back. They were away for so long that the hare said, “I had better go and show them the tree.” Hare found the family looking for the tree. “I was hoping you would understand the meaning of the tree,” he said. “We must all run for our lives!” It was getting dark and the lion was tired and hungry. He let go of the rock, but nothing happened. “Ahaaaa,” thought the lion. “Hare has played a dirty trick on me. But the day will come when we will meet again …”
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Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 6: Let’s discuss features of a story Read the story again and discuss the following features of the story: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Who are the characters in the story? “That is even better,” roared the lion. “Take me to your hut and I will eat your daughter instead!” Do you think this means the lion is portrayed as cruel? Give a reason for your answer. What is the plot of the story? Is there some conflict in the story? Between who is the conflict? What is the setting of the story? How do you know this? What is the theme of the story?
Activity 7: Complete a reading comprehension 1.
Revise common and proper nouns and countable and uncountable nouns. Common and proper nouns A noun is the name of a person, place or thing.
Common nouns names ordinary objects, e.g. book, pen. Proper nouns name particular people, places or things, e.g. Jabu, Johannesburg, January. Proper nouns always start with a capital letter. Find all the common nouns in the first seven lines of the story. Are these countable or uncountable nouns? Are there any proper nouns in the story? If there are, identify them. Countable and uncountable nouns Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted, e.g. girl, boy, rock. They can be in the singular and plural. Uncountable nouns are nouns that cannot be counted, e.g. water, custard, oil. (These can only be put into containers and the containers can be counted.) Find four countable and one uncountable noun in the story. 2.
Read through the story “The Day the Rock Trembled”, from Activity 5, again quietly on your own.
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Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
Answer these questions in your exercise book. Remember to use full sentences and correct punctuation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Why was the woman gathering grass? How old was the woman’s daughter? Explain in your own words why the lion wanted to eat the daughter instead of the woman. Where were the woman’s husband and daughter when she came home? Skim the story and find the words where the husband first speaks to the lion. Write his exact words. We are not told much about the little girl. Visualise the story and write a sentence to show what you think she looks like when her father is speaking to the lion. How did the hare know what was going on? What kind of tree did the hare tell the family to find? Why do you think he called it this kind of tree? In the sentence, “she was startled by the loud roar of a lion” do you think “startled” means happy and excited or surprised and frightened?
Activity 8: Write a narrative paragraph 1.
Revise statements and simple sentences. A statement is a sentence that gives us information. A statement ends in a full stop. E.g.: The hare held up the rock.
A simple sentence has one finite verb. It expresses only one complete thought or idea. E.g.: The hare warns the family. Nolitha had a beautiful dream. The moon shone brightly. Write four simple sentences about Nolitha in the present tense. Now write the same four sentences in the past tense. 2.
Study the following features of paragraphs and make sure you include these in your paragraph (see number 4).
Features of a paragraph Topic sentence: A topic sentence tells the reader exactly what the paragraph is about (the main idea). It usually occurs at the beginning of the paragraph but sometimes it occurs at the end of the paragraph. For example: “… and that is how the leopard got his spots.”
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Study Guide G07 ~ English First Additional Language
Main and supporting ideas: The main idea is the central idea of the paragraph and the supporting ideas expand on the main idea and explain it in more detail. Conjunctions: These are used to join sentences so that they flow easily, for example, instead of saying: The woman had no option. She went home. The lion followed her; we would say: The woman had no option but to go home with the lion following her. Sentence types: Use a variety of sentence lengths and structures to make your writing more interesting. Words and style: Use words and style (the way in which you write) that will be understood by your audience. If you are writing for your peers, you would probably say, “The lion licked his lips, he could almost taste how soft and tender she would be.” You probably would not say, “The lion salivated as he anticipated the meal ahead of him.” 3.
Discuss the writing process. You will use most of the steps of this process in all your writing activities.
Writing is a process. This means that there are steps that you follow when writing a text. 1. Planning To follow these steps, you must first plan your writing. This can be done by jotting down the things you want to say or making a mind map showing your characters and their actions. It also involves cause and effect which is very important in story writing (what caused something to happen and what the results were). 2. Drafting Once you have planned your writing, you must then draft what you want to say. At this stage, you will take into account your audience, that is, who you are writing for and register, that is, decide on the type of language you will use, e.g. will it be formal or informal. 3. Revising, editing and proofreading Here, you will reread what you have written or read it aloud to your facilitator or a partner. Check where you can improve your writing so that ideas are clearer or follow in a more logical order. Check for correct punctuation and grammar. Use your dictionary to check spelling. 4. Presenting Present your work neatly and with correct heading and layout. 4.
Choose a short cultural story and write a narrative paragraph telling the story using the writing process below. Your paragraph should be 100 – 110 words long.
A narrative is a story that gives an account of what happened. It presents a series of events in a meaningful order. It is usually written in the past tense.
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