Í2’È-E-LIO-SG011Î 1
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Life Orientation Study guide
Grade 7
CAPS aligned
LM van der Walt
Study Guide G07 ~ Life Orientation
CONTENTS LESSON ELEMENTS.......................................................................................................... 3 PREFACE............................................................................................................................ 5 YEAR PLAN ........................................................................................................................ 6 UNIT 1 Self-development in the society and the world of work ..................................... 7 Lesson 1: Concept: Self-image (2 hours) .................................................................. 8 ACTIVITY 1 ............................................................................................................. 13 Lesson 2: Changes in boys and girls: puberty and gender awareness (gender conception) (3 hours) ................................................................................. 14 ACTIVITY 2 ............................................................................................................. 17 Lesson 3: Peer pressure: the influence of peer pressure (3 hours) ......................... 18 ACTIVITY 3 ............................................................................................................. 22 Lesson 4: The importance of reading and studying: Reading for enjoyment and reading with comprehension (1 hour) ..................................................................... 22 ACTIVITY 4 ............................................................................................................. 24 Lesson 5: Study methods and skills to improve memory (1 hour) ........................... 25 ACTIVITY 5 ............................................................................................................. 29 UNIT 2 Constitutional rights and responsibilities and the world of work ................... 31 Lesson 6: Human rights (1 hour) ............................................................................. 32 ACTIVITY 6 ............................................................................................................. 37 Lesson 7: Fair play in sporting activities (1 hour) .................................................... 37 ACTIVITY 7 ............................................................................................................. 38 Lesson 8: Handling of abuse in different contexts (3 hours).................................... 39 ACTIVITY 8 ............................................................................................................. 46 Lesson 9: Career fields (3 hours) ............................................................................ 43 ACTIVITY 9 ............................................................................................................. 46 UNIT 3 Health, social and environmental responsibility and the world of work ....................................................................................................... 48 Lesson 10: Drug abuse (4 hours) ............................................................................ 49 ACTIVITY 10 ........................................................................................................... 55 Lesson 11: Concept: Environmental health (3 hours).............................................. 56 ACTIVITY 11 ........................................................................................................... 63 Lesson 12: The world of work: The simulation of work related activities (3 hours) .. 64 ACTIVITY 12 ........................................................................................................... 68 UNIT 4 Self-development in society and constitutional rights and obligations ......... 70 Lesson 13: Personal diet and nutrition (2 hours) ..................................................... 71 ACTIVITY 13 ........................................................................................................... 77 Lesson 14: Common diseases (3 hours) ................................................................. 78 ACTIVITY 14 ........................................................................................................... 86 Lesson 15: The different religions in South Africa (2 hours) .................................... 87 1
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Study Guide G07 ~ Life Orientation
ACTIVITY 15: .......................................................................................................... 95 UNIT 5 Physical Education: Practical............................................................................. 97 TERM 1 ................................................................................................................... 97 Lesson 1: General fitness (10 hours) ...................................................................... 97 ACTIVITY 1 ........................................................................................................... 107 TERM 2 ................................................................................................................. 107 Lesson 2: Invasion games (10 hours) ................................................................... 107 ACTIVITY 2 ........................................................................................................... 118 TERM 3 ................................................................................................................. 119 Lesson 3: A series of physical activities that include balance, rotation, elevation and rhythmic movements (10 hours) ............................................................................ 119 ACTIVITY 3 ........................................................................................................... 124 TERM 4 ................................................................................................................. 124 Lesson 4: An outdoor adventure programme (10 hours) ....................................... 124 ACTIVITY 4 ........................................................................................................... 124 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES ........................................................................... 129
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Study Guide G07 ~ Life Orientation
Concept: Self-image
Changes in boys and girls: Puberty
Peer pressure
Importance of reading and studying
Skills to develop memory
Human rights
Fair play
Handling of abuse
Career fields
Drug abuse
Environmental health
Simulation of career related activities
Personal diet
Common illnesses
Different religions
1 2 1 3
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (UNIT 5) Participation in a fitness programme: Safety issues Participation in fitness programme: Participation and execution of movements Participation in fitness programme
4 2 3
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Participation in and execution of movements 5, 6, 7 Play a community or indigenous fallin game and safety issues 8, 9 Execute movements with rotation, balance, elevation and rhythm 10 Participation in and execution of movements 11, 12 Outdoors relaxation and safety issues
Study Guide G07 ~ Life Orientation
UNIT 1 Self-development in the society and the world of work LEARNING AIMS
• • • • • • • • •
After you have completed this unit you must be able to do the following: Identify and reflect on positive personal traits: relationship with self, family and friends. Identify personal interests, skills and potential. Can develop and apply strategies to improve your self-image by positive actions and self-respect. Can develop and apply strategies to improve others’ self-image by positive actions and to show respect for others and have respect for diversity. Be able to understand physical and emotional changes during puberty and understand how it influences relationships. Understand and respect others’ bodily changes and emotions. Appreciate and accept the self and others. Understand peer pressure and how it can influence the individual. Understand the importance of reading and studying.
It is important that you apply the life skills you learn to develop and use your personal potential. It enables you to react to the challenges of the world. Adolescence is marked by emotional and physical changes. It is important that you build a positive self-image. The unit enables you to develop further life skills. It also helps you to develop an emotional intelligence which will empower you to cope with challenges. This unit supplements the work done in the previous grade with new knowledge. IMPORTANT TERMINOLOGY In each unit you will maybe encounter new terms. At each lesson there is a DEFINE block. All new terms regarding the lesson will be described there. Each lesson is compiled in such a way that you can work through it at leisure and then there are questions and the end of the lesson. The questions test your comprehension of the learning material. There are also questions at some lessons which test your insight, and application questions to help you master the desired outcomes. Each lesson has a time allocation. This is the recommended time that you have to work through the lesson and complete your questions.
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Study Guide G07 ~ Life Orientation
Lesson 1: Concept: Self-image (2 hours)
What are my personal positive traits and how do they influence my relationship with myself, my family and friends?
According to the dictionary personality is “everything that give someone a unique character”. The dictionary described character as “all the traits which make a person different from other people”. Your personal traits are the traits that make you unique and different from other people. They are the traits that makes you YOU; the person you are. Your positive personal traits are traits which attract other people to you. It is, for example, your friendliness, patience and your willingness to help others. Your personal traits firstly influence the relationship you have with yourself. It will influence and form your self-image. If you have a positive personality and feel good about yourself it will also have a positive effect on your self-image and the relationship you have with yourself. You will be able to accept your faults and shortcomings and be able to handle and process them in a positive way. Your relationships with your family and friends are also influenced by your positive personal traits. If your family and friends experience you as positive they will also have a positive attitude towards you. Your positivity can also contribute towards a positive influence on them and improve their self-image. How you see yourself reflects towards other people and they react upon it. DEFINE
Self-image: It is the picture which you see of yourself. Personal traits: They are your traits that define you from other people. It is how you are. Potential: It is what you can achieve. Your potential lies in what you believe about yourself. Self-respect: It is when you see yourself as important enough so that you won’t be placed in a situation which will belittle yourself or affect your dignity, honour or integrity. Diversity: It means differences, like differences between cultures. 1.1.2
Personal interests, skills and potential
Personal interests are things you take an interest in, like your hobby. It can be anything that you take an interest in. It is something you like doing and which makes you happy when you do it.
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Study Guide G07 ~ Life Orientation
We discussed skills during Grade 6. It is everything you are good at. It is important for you to know how to combine your interests and skills to one day achieve your full potential. It can also help you to make the right career choice in future. If we look at a person’s skills and potential, there are at least six types of people. 1.
We call a person who likes to read and write a persuasive person. The persuasive person has the following traits: • They always want to be in charge. • They like it more to speak than to listen. • They can run their own business and have a special interest in sales. • They can convey their ideas well to other people and is very convincing.
The intellectual type of person is good at problem solving. They have the following traits: • They have an interest in Mathematics and Science. • They like to find solutions to problems and can solve complex problems. • They are good data analysts and are eager to learn.
The practical person likes doing practical work and likes objects rather than ideas. They have the following traits: • They usually work outdoors and can mend things. • They have very good co-ordination and can use tools productively. • They are usually very adventurous.
The artistic person falls under the creative type. They are usually persons that: • Can create new things. • Think originally and develop new ideas. • They express themselves in any creative way – through music, writing, painting or other art forms. • They like working independently.
Spontaneous people are very social and like working with people. They have the following traits: • They are not shy to express themselves verbally. • They have good relationships with other people and quickly make new friends. • They are usually good orators and reasoners.
People who like to work with figures are adaptable people. Their traits include: • They have set routines. • They like to know exactly what is expected from them in situations. • They are perfectionists. • They like aspects that have to do with finances. 9
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Study Guide G07 ~ Life Orientation
If you study the different kinds of people you will recognise yourself at one group or even more. Therefore your potential is achieved if you combine your interests and skills in a positive way. CORE CONTENT You will remember from previous grades that the words self-image mean it is the picture of how you see yourself. There are lots of things that can influence your self-image: • Your appearance – how you look. • Your academic achievements. • The love and support from your friends and family. • Your sport achievements. • The clothes you wear and the music you listen to. It is healthy and to your advantage to have a positive self-image. However, it is normal to not always feel good about yourself. There are many strategies you can follow to improve your own self-image and those of others. However, it is important to firstly find out more about yourself so that you can develop the right strategies. 1.1.3
Strategies to improve your self-image by positive actions: self-respect
We all have a problem with our self-image at one stage or another. It seldom happens that someone is always satisfied with him- or herself. Therefore we often rely on family and friends to improve and build your self-image. It is important to know how you really feel about yourself and how you see yourself before you can make improvements. Answer the questions underneath for yourself and identify areas where your self-image is bad. 1. How do you feel about your appearance? How do you look at yourself? 2. How do you feel about the friends you have? Do they have a positive or negative impact on your self-image? 3. Do you feel better about yourself if you participate in activities that you enjoy, for example cycling? 4. Do you like school and do you like the academic work you are doing? 5. Do the clothes you wear make you feel better about yourself? As soon as you have identified specific areas you can have a look at strategies to improve them. It is important that you respect yourself at all times. Self-respect is one of the key aspects of a healthy self-image. You must never belittle yourself. You must learn to accept your shortcomings and work at them in a positive way to improve or change them. As soon as you improve your self-image you will also have more self-respect.
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Study Guide G07 ~ Life Orientation
Examples of strategies to improve your self-image: Body Eat healthy food Exercise regularly Avoid bad habits like smoking Relax regularly Friends Choose friends with the same values and norms Surround yourself with friends with positive attitudes Avoid people that manipulate you to make the wrong choices Choose friends with the same interests Activities Do activities that are uplifting Do activities you enjoy and which make you feel good about yourself Do activities which improve your general health Avoid any activity which may have a negative impact on yourself School/academics Always give your best Use your talents to the best of your ability Set yourself realistic aims so that you don’t get disheartened Clothing/music Choose your clothes so that you always keep your self-respect Keep your uniqueness by the choice of your clothes Wear that which make you feel comfortable Choose your music so that it influences you positively 1.1.4
Strategies to improve others’ self-image by positive actions: respect for others and respect for diversity
Respect for another person contributes to a positive influence towards self-image. What is respect? It is when you handle another person, no matter his of her culture, race, religion or gender, in such a way that the person doesn’t feel inferior. You therefore consider the person’s personality and interests. Which positive actions can influence a person’s self-image in a positive way? 1. Always support the person even if you don’t always agree. 2. Respect and accept the person for who he or she is. 3. Respect the person’s opinion and disagree with the person in a respectful manner. 4. Healthy handling of conflict in conflict situations. 5. Attentively listen to the other person’s opinion. Which negative actions influence a person’s self-image? 1. You criticise the person’s opinion and personality. 2. You bully a person and break him/her down. 3. You think you are also right and don’t give the person the opportunity to give their side of the story. 4. You discriminate against the person on the grounds of culture, language, religion or race. 11
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Study Guide G07 ~ Life Orientation
One of the aspects that is very important in our daily lives is conflict. We all come into contact with it. The way we handle conflict can influence yourself and the other person positively or negatively. When does conflict develop? It is when people think differently about something and have different ideas and opinions. There are mainly three ways in which we handle conflict.
1. 2. 3.
Mediation (Positive) Each person gives his/her point of view. Persons don’t shout at each other. Each person listens attentively to the other person and recognises their opinion. Persons respect each other’s feelings, culture and traditions. The conflict is solved in a healthy way.
1. 2.
Denial (Negative) The person gets angry but doesn’t talk about it. The other person is sometimes not even aware of the conflict. The other person doesn’t understand the reason for the conflict. The conflict is not solved.
1. 2. 3.
Confrontation (Negative) Don’t respect each other’s opinions. Attack each other verbally or physically. Don’t have respect for other cultures, traditions and personalities. There is no agreement and the conflict is not solved.
Do you see your own conflict handling above? FOR THE CURIOUS When does a lack of respect become bullying? Do further research about the topic. Use media like magazines, newspapers, the Internet and TV. Then answer the following questions in your book. This doesn’t count for marks but is just to broaden your knowledge about the topic. 1. What is bullying? 2. Why does someone become a bully? 3. How do you handle a bully?
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Study Guide G07 ~ Life Orientation
1. Comprehension questions Answer the following questions in your workbook. The questions test your comprehension regarding the lesson content and serve as preparation for your test at the end of the term. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
What would you describe as a person’s self-image? (2) What would you say is a person’s potential? (2) Name three things that can influence your self-image positively. (3) Name five strategies on how you can improve your self-image? (5) How can you help a friend that battles with a bad self-image and maybe doesn’t like him/herself? Name three strategies you can apply? (3) [15] 2. Insight questions: The following question tests your insight regarding the lesson material. Read the following imaginary scenario and answer the questions that follow: You really want to go and swim with your friends. However, your mother asks you to mow the lawn. You are very angry and unhappy. You feel it is unfair and that you mother doesn’t take your opinion into account. 2.1 2.2
Shortly describe how all three conflict styles can be applied to the situation. (6) How would you have handled the situation? Why do you think you will handle it in this way? (4) [10] [25]
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Study Guide G07 ~ Life Orientation
Lesson 2: Changes in boys and girls: puberty and gender awareness (gender conception) (3 hours)
Physical and emotional changes
Adolescence is marked by emotional and physical changes. These changes play an important role in the forming of your self-image and self-knowledge. Sexuality is the way you see yourselves as boys and girls. It is not the same as sex. Sexuality is about the following aspects: 1. How we see ourselves and how we feel and think about our bodies. It follows on with Lesson 1 where we told you how important self-respect is. You can only respect your own body if you see it in a positive light. You may have freckles or big ears and don’t like them. It is important to look past these things and recognise all your positive aspects, for example your beautiful eyes. You will then respect others easier if you have self-respect and self-love. 2. Puberty causes us to think otherwise about the opposite sex. We get sexual feelings and thoughts and fall in love easily. 3. The awareness of our sexuality influences how we will act and even has an influence on your clothing and choice of music! 4. Sexuality is also about our values and norms regarding love and the friendships we have. 5. It also directs us to whom we are attracted to. Puberty therefore brings all these changes and makes us intensely aware of the different sexes. There are various factors that can influence your sexuality. 1.
Your parents/family This forms the basis of your sexuality. It is here where you learn what roles the different sexes play in the family and society. Your parents form your values and norms regarding sexuality.
Your friends and peers Your friends don’t always have the same view about sex as your parents and this can sometimes lead to a conflict in your value system. This can make you feel confused.
Your culture and race group Certain cultures and races have certain prescriptions regarding sexuality and the different genders’ acts. The prescriptions can influence your sexuality in a huge way. In certain cultures boys and girls may not be left alone at all. They are even divided during social functions.
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Study Guide G07 ~ Life Orientation
Your religion Your religion has some prescriptions and can also have prescriptions regarding your sexuality. For example, Christianity is against any sexual relations before marriage. DEFINE 5. 1.
Sexuality: The way we see ourselves as boys and girls. Puberty: The phase from about 13 years when the pituatary gland is excited in the body and that causes physical and emotional changes. Homosexual: They are people attracted to people of the same sex. Heterosexual: They are people who are attracted to the opposite sex. 1.2.2
Understanding of the changes and how they influence relationships
The physical and emotional changes in your body is not only limited to yourself. They also happen to your friends and therefore you should have understanding for them as well. It is not only you who sometimes feel good and suddenly feel sad or upset. Your friends also go through that. You should have an understanding and compassion for that. You can therefore now see how all the changes can influence or change your relationships with friends. Any two people handle puberty differently. It can happen that you lose some of your friends or gain others. The changes in your body and emotions also change the relationship you have with yourself. You may not always understand why you react or act in certain ways. You must have lots of patience with yourself and understand that these changes occur to bring you to adulthood. If you understand your own sexuality and are aware of the changing emotions inside yourself, you will also understand your parents’ actions. It can contribute to a positive and healthy relationship where your parents will also respect you. CORE CONTENT The core content of the lesson is about the process of puberty and how it contributes towards a gender identity. Why is it important to learn about puberty and sexuality? It is important to learn about sexuality so that you can understand yourself and the friends around you. It gives you self-confidence if you know what is happening to your body and it helps you to better understand your feelings. You then know that you are not going 15
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Study Guide G07 ~ Life Orientation
through it alone. It helps you to build loving and positive relationships with the people closest to you. If you understand your own sexuality it is easier to set values and norms for yourself and to respect yourself. You don’t always have to agree with your friends’ opinion regarding sex. You must also feel comfortable to say “no” to anything that doesn’t agree with your value system. It makes you aware of the problem of sexual abuse and you can recognise situations which you don’t feel comfortable with. We learn that there are people that have other sexual values and inclinations than ourselves. Therefore, the way in which you show understanding towards others, whether they be friends, will influence your relationships directly. If you support your friends positively you will build a strong relationship with them. Be aware not to use a bad mood to hurt other people! 1.2.3
Respect for own and others’ bodily changes and emotions and appreciation and acceptance of self and others
During puberty each one of us develop sexual feelings. It is a normal process. Sexuality should however be handled responsibly and we must learn how. It is also normal that not everyone will have the same type of sexuality. People’s sexuality is influenced by a variety of factors, as discussed in 1.2.1. A lot of young people who don’t have good role models in their life sometimes get information in the wrong places. They can be advertisements, TV or friends. These sources don’t always convey the right message regarding sexuality. The norm of sexuality is that a person will be attracted to the opposite sex, in other words heterosexual or ‘straight’. However, there are people who are attracted to people of the same sex and we call them homosexual. It occurs much more in today’s society. Even if we don’t agree in all cases it is important to respect other people’s differences. We must firstly appreciate and accept ourselves. After that we must accept that people will sometimes be different from ourselves and therefore also appreciate them for the persons they are.
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Study Guide G07 ~ Life Orientation
FOR THE CURIOUS Collect articles from magazines or newspapers. Study them and see in how many cases sexuality is being used to market or sell something. Make a list in your workbook about the methods being used, for example the type of clothing or the wording. Then answer the following questions about them: 1. Do you agree with the message being conveyed? 2. Is it conveyed in a positive or negative way? 3. If you were the graphic designer how would you have gone about to advertise the product? 4. Do you think it is constructive for advertisers to abuse young people’s sexuality in the media? ACTIVITY 2 We discussed in lesson 2 about how there are certain factors which influence your sexuality. Look at the points below and briefly discuss with each one your own opinion on how it influences your sexuality. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Your friends and family The media Your culture and the community in which you live The people involved in your academic education Your religion
The total assignment counts 15 marks. Therefore give three valid reasons at each topic why you say it influences you. [15]
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