A member of the FUTURELEARN group
Creative Arts Facilitator’s guide
Grade 8
CAPS aligned
LM van der Walt
Facilitator’s Guide G08 ~ Creative Arts
CONTENTS LESSON ELEMENTS ................................................................................................ 3 TIMETABLE AND TIME MANAGEMENT ................................................................. 5 ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................. 6 PREFACE .................................................................................................................. 8 YEAR PLAN .............................................................................................................. 9 UNIT 1: Social issues in drama and the role of the artist in popular culture .... 11 DRAMA ..................................................................................................... 12 ACTIVITY 1:.................................................................................. 12 ACTIVITY 2:.................................................................................. 14 VISUAL ARTS ........................................................................................... 15 ACTIVITY 3:.................................................................................. 16 ACTIVITY 4:.................................................................................. 17 ACTIVITY 5:.................................................................................. 19 UNIT 2: The interpretation of indigenous poems, investigating fashions of the present and the past, and social issues ................................................ 21 DRAMA ..................................................................................................... 22 ACTIVITY 6:.................................................................................. 23 VISUAL ARTS ........................................................................................... 25 ACTIVITY 7:.................................................................................. 27 ACTIVITY 8:.................................................................................. 29 UNIT 3: Different dramatic styles, careers and design projects in 2D and 3D .. 31 DRAMA ..................................................................................................... 32 ACTIVITY 9:.................................................................................. 33 VISUAL ARTS ........................................................................................... 34 ACTIVITY 10: ................................................................................ 34 ACTIVITY 11: ................................................................................ 35 ACTIVITY 12: ................................................................................ 37 UNIT 4: The influence of media on drama and creating in 2D ............................ 39 ACTIVITY 13: ................................................................................ 43 VISUAL ARTS ........................................................................................... 44 ACTIVITY 14: ................................................................................ 45 ACTIVITY 15: ................................................................................ 45 ACTIVITY 16: ................................................................................ 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................... 49
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Facilitator’s Guide G08 ~ Creative Arts
1 Warming up in drama 2 Monologue 3 Reviewing 4 Graffiti and lettering 5 Creating own graffiti 6 Role of the artist in the community: Craftwork 7 Creating a pinch bowl 8 History of the Greek mythology
9 Warming up routine 10 Indigenous poems 11 Fashions of the present and the past 12 Artist as social commentator
13 Warming up exercises 14 The genres in drama 15 Figure drawings 16 Careers in arts 17 Surface decoration
18 Warming up routines 19 Dialogue, prose and storytelling 20 The forms of media 21 Tonal drawing 22 Messages expressed through art 23 Formal assessment project
Š Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide G08 ~ Creative Arts
UNIT 1: Social issues in drama and the role of the artist in popular culture LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After learners have completed this unit, they should be able to do the following:
Develop and perform a play about a social issue. Reflect critically on the creation and performance of a play. Recognise and hold a discussion about the role of the artist in the community. Identify the artistic elements and principles of design in creative lettering such as graffiti. Create his/her own lettering or graffiti. Identify the importance of functional containers from mythology. Create his/her own mythological functional container.
INTRODUCTION The first part of this unit includes warming up exercises for drama. These correspond to the warming up routines done in Grade 7. It is therefore a revision of the previous year’s work. Additional exercises are added. CAPS require that learners spend 15 minutes per week on the warming up routine. In the foreword it was mentioned that Creative Arts has been divided into different topics. The topics have been divided into lessons, so that learners and facilitators will not get confused. At each lesson a time allocation is given, and this makes it easier for learners and facilitators to draw up a timetable, so that all the lessons are covered in the term. The drama in the unit focuses on the social issues occurring in our country. Any social issue may be addressed. Learners will then create a play, which addresses one of these issues. We will also look critically at a film that is relevant to issues of today, and will analyse it.
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Facilitator’s Guide G08 ~ Creative Arts
In Visual Arts the focus in this unit is mainly on two themes. The first theme is the role that artists play in the community and how lettering and graffiti are used to express their message. The second theme deals with the use of different functional containers, and especially containers from mythology. Learners will also learn how to decorate their own container with mythological figures.
DRAMA Topic 1: Dramatic skills development (2,5 hours) Lesson 1: Warming up exercises for drama
ACTIVITY 1: The assessment does not count for marks. It is only a fun activity for learners. Let learners write out the movement games and then present them to their friends. The picture can serve as a guideline to give learners an idea how to start the game.
Possible examples for the facilitator: Picture 1: Run for 5 minutes to warm up. Picture 2: Do star jumps. Repeat 5 x. Picture 3: Do cartwheels outside on the lawn. Do 5 cartwheels. Picture 4: Get a soccer ball. Kick the ball to each other for 10 minutes.
Š Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide G08 ~ Creative Arts
Topic 2: Drama elements in creating a play (6,5 hours) Suggested resources: Newspapers and magazines – any articles on social issues in South Africa
Lesson 2: Researching social issues and the creation and performance of a dramatic monologue The lesson is only theoretical. The theory is applied in subsequent lessons. Facilitators have to study the lesson together with learners.
Lesson 3: Reviewing
The lesson is theoretical. Learners have to study the review provided. FOR THE CURIOUS: Collect magazines and newspapers and read the reviews of the various reviewers that appear in them. It should give you a good idea what a review looks like and what the reviewer regards as important aspects of the film or show. Guide learners when they collect reviews. Magazines such as You have good reviews. Discuss the different reviewers’ viewpoints with learners.
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Facilitator’s Guide G08 ~ Creative Arts
ACTIVITY 2: This activity counts for assessment. A social issue is chosen, such as poverty, unemployment, Aids orphans, etc. Lesson 2 in the study guide explains what a monologue is. Assess learners according to the explanation and also to the way they present it. Use the guidelines in the table below for the allocation of marks: 1 POOR
1) The storyline is clear and is followed with ease 2) The text is relevant to the social issue that is addressed 3) The character is portrayed clearly and the reader can identify with him/her 4) The place and time in which the scene takes place are clearly reflected in the text 5) A climax is reached and a solution is offered to the problem Presentation
5 marks
Total marks
/20 Total marks = (20/2 = 10 marks)
Š Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide G08 ~ Creative Arts
VISUAL ARTS Topic 3: Visual literacy (1 hour) Suggested sources: Photos in books and magazines, newspapers of creative typography in popular culture and graffiti.
Lesson 4: The role of the artist in popular culture: lettering and graffiti The lesson deals only with the theory. The theory is applied in Lesson 5.
Topic 1: Creating in 2D (2 hours) Suggested resources and materials: Examples of pictures of life and graffiti. Coloured ink, markers, any other drawing materials
Lesson 5: Use the principles of artistic and design elements to create your own graffiti FOR THE CURIOUS: Offer learners an opportunity to research graffiti artists on the Internet. The artists listed below are well-known graffiti artists. Use the list as guideline to help learners in their research: Banksy Jean-Michael Basquiat Keith Haring Shepard Fairey John Fekner
Š Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide G08 ~ Creative Arts
ACTIVITY 3: The activity does not count for assessment. It is an enjoyable, fun activity for learners. Learners can experiment with various drawing media. They can use wax crayons, pastels and other media. Learners can also use any size paper. Use the examples of graffiti provided in the study guide. Below is an example of graffiti done by children:
Topic 3: Visual literacy (1 hour) Suggested sources: Photos, pictures and examples of a variety of containers of different functions and shapes.
Lesson 6: The role of the artist in the community and craftwork as functional and decorative design
Š Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide G08 ~ Creative Arts
FOR THE CURIOUS: Find information on the Internet and in magazines. The website www.mieliestronk.com offers good information. Information in brief for the facilitator: It is not clear where pottery originated. Some historians allege that it originated approximately 9000–10000 years ago somewhere in the Middle East. Most indigenous tribes in the early times created articles from clay to be used in everyday life. They needed containers to store water and food. They also made flat dishes from clay, in which to grind their wheat and corn. The Greeks and Romans began applying pottery as an art form. They decorated the pots and also used them for decoration. The Greeks also decorated their articles for everyday use. In modern times, pottery is not only a hobby, but also constitutes a source of income for many people.
Topic 2: Creating in 2D (2 hours) Suggested resources: Photos and examples of different containers. Materials needed: Modelling clay, tools to make grooves/indentations
Lesson 7: Create a pinch bowl with a lid for a specific purpose and decorate it with grooves/indentations and patterns
ACTIVITY 4: The following activity does not count for assessment. It is a creative, practical activity for learners. Learners have to make a pinch bowl. Follow the steps as described in the study guide. Allow the pot to dry in the sun. As soon as it is dry, paint it with ceramic paint. Guide learners in the project. Use photos and pictures of pots as examples. Use a sharp object to make the grooves/indentations and shapes on the pot, before it is dry.
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Facilitator’s Guide G08 ~ Creative Arts
Topic 3: Creating in 3D (4 hours) Suggested resources: Information or photos of containers from mythology. Materials needed: Recyclable materials: beads, cardboard, bows, etc.
Lesson 8: The history of the Greek mythology and creating a mythological container from recyclable materials FOR THE CURIOUS: Study together with learners the different Greek gods. Use the Internet, magazines and other sources.
Find information with learners on the various techniques that the Greeks used in the art of pottery. Discuss the workmanship and accuracy with which they worked. The myths of the Greeks, especially regarding the explanation of natural phenomena, have already been proven wrong for centuries by scientists. However, they still hold a measure of mystique for many people. It interests many people and many are still researching it. Many people also find the legends of the heroes and heroines fascinating. It inspires people to reach certain objectives. Artists also use the mythological figures as inspiration for their artworks. The Greek mythology especially has a great influence on pottery.
Š Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide G08 ~ Creative Arts
ACTIVITY 5: The activity counts for assessment. Learners have to create their own container with modelling clay and decorate it with any recyclable material. Learners have to first do the planning and then create the product. The assignment is thus assessed in two parts. 1)
The planning Marks allocated 1
Shown poor planning – is unclear Shown good planning – has a reasonable idea Excellent planning – can see learner’s vision
3 5 (Total: 5)
The final product. A container with a specific shape and decorated with recyclable material. Marks allocated 1
Container was not done according to the planning at all. The container has a definite shape. Very little effort was put into the decoration. It was done more or less according to the planning.
The container was done exactly according to the plan. It has a unique shape and has been creatively decorated with the recyclable material.
(Total: 5) Grand total = 10 marks
© Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide G08 ~ Creative Arts
UNIT 2: The interpretation of indigenous poems, investigating fashions of the present and the past, and social issues LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After completing this unit learners should be able to do the following:
Combine and execute the warming up exercises of the previous unit with new exercises. Adapt and recite a South African poem for an audience. Reflect on the recitation of a poem. Apply the fashions of the past and present in creating a garment. Comment on social issues through art.
INTRODUCTION We again follow a warming up routine at the beginning of each drama lesson. It has to take about 15 minutes of the lesson. The warming up has to cover approximately 2,5 hours per term. You may use the warming up exercises of the previous term and learners can also develop new exercises. The basic warming up remains the same. In this unit the focus is especially on voice and articulation exercises. With the performance of the poem, the voice is going to be used the most. We are going to interpret and perform a South African poem in this unit. We are therefore going to do a poetic performance. It entails that learners analyse the text of a poem, prepare it and then perform it for an audience or for the facilitator. It counts for formal assessment. The last aspect in drama is reflection. It teaches learners to reflect, for instance on a poem. It also counts as assessment.
© Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide G08 ~ Creative Arts
In Visual Arts we are going to look at the fashions of the past and the present. We are going to investigate the role of fashions and learners will design a garment for assessment. Finally, we will be looking at artists who use their art to express their opinion on social issues. Learners are also going to create an artwork through which they will express their opinion on a social issue that is important to them.
DRAMA Topic 1: Dramatic skills development Lesson 9: Warming up routine (2,5 hours) Before each drama lesson, learners spend 15 minutes per week on the warming up. No activity with this lesson.
Topics 3 and 4: Interpretation and performance of selected dramatic South African poetry; also appreciation and reflection Suggested resources: South African poems and stories
Lesson 10: Indigenous poems/poetry written by South African poets (6,5 hours) FOR THE CURIOUS: Help learners to collect a few poems of modern and earlier poets. Let them choose the one they like the most, and study it. Support learners in writing their own poem. Let them read it to you. Poets that you could search on the Internet:
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C. Louis Leipoldt Eugène Marais N.P. van Wyk Louw
H.A. Fagan D.J. Opperman Antjie Krog
Facilitator’s Guide G08 ~ Creative Arts
ACTIVITY 6: The activity counts for formal assessment. The activity consists of TWO assignments. Each assignment counts 10 marks. ASSIGNMENT 1: Learners have chosen a poem by a South African poet. They have to prepare it and perform/recite it to the facilitator. Use the table below for the allocation of marks. 1 Poor attempt
2 Adequate attempt
3 Good attempt
1. The choice of poem is suitable and it is long enough
Learner’s choice is not a good choice, and not suitable for performance.
Learner’s choice is adequate. Will be able to perform it.
2. Learner understands the content of the poem
Learner has no clue of the content of the poem.
Learner has shown sufficient insight into the meaning of the poem.
3. Learner has individualised the poem by expressing it in his/her own words
Learner only reads the poem.
Learner shows some effort to give his/her own interpretation, but it still appears stiff and impersonal.
Learner has gone to a lot of trouble to find a suitable poem, and its length is also appropriate. Learner has shown good insight into the poem. Understands what it is about and the purpose of the poem. Learner has made a good attempt and succeeds in reciting/performing the poem in a personal way.
4. The movements and voice intonation used are appropriate for the performance
No variation in voice intonation and used very little or no bodily actions.
The learner shows adequate effort to adapt voice intonation in performance and also uses movements.
5. Preparation for the performance
Learner has not spent much time in preparation.
Learner has prepared sufficiently.
4 Excellent attempt Learner has put in a lot of effort and choice of poem is exceptional. Exceptional insight into the content. Learner understands the purpose of the poem.
1. The keuse van the gedi – gedig is toepaslik and lank genoeg 2. Leerder verstaan the inhoud van t gedig
3. Leerder maak the gedig sy/ haa eie deur dit i hul eie woord uit te druk
Learner has changed his/her voice intonation at the correct places and has complemented the performance with energetic movements.
Learner has reworked the poem in an exceptional way into his/her own words and thus placed his/her personal stamp on it. Excellent performance. Excellent use of voice intonation. Movements used have made the performance lively and interesting.
Learner has prepared very well.
Learner has gone to a lot of trouble with preparation.
5. Voorbereidin vir the voordrag
(20 marks/2) = [10]
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4. The bewegings and stemtoo gebruik is toepaslik and bevordelik vi the voordrag