Í2)È-A-FAL-SG01jÎ 1
Grade 8
A member of the FUTURELEARN group
English First Additional Language Study guide
Grade 8
CAPS aligned
J Petersen A Walton
Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
TABLE OF CONTENTS LESSON ELEMENTS ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 PREFACE �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 STUDY TIPS AND METHODS FOR LEARNERS ������������������������������������������������������������ 13 YEAR PLANNING �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 UNIT 1: Week 1 – 2............................................................................................................ 16 Lesson 1: Traditional ceremonies....................................................................................... 16 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ���������������������������������������������������������� 17 Activity 1: Participate in a group discussion..........................................................17 Activity 2: Do a listening comprehension test........................................................17 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ��������������������������������������������������������������� 17 Activity 3: Discuss features of a short story...........................................................17 Activity 4: Read a short story.................................................................................18 Activity 5: Discuss a short story.............................................................................19 Activity 6: Answer questions on a short story........................................................20 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING �������������������������������������������������������� 20 Activity 7: Plan a narrative essay...........................................................................20 Activity 8: Draft a narrative essay..........................................................................21 Activity 9: Edit a narrative essay............................................................................22 Activity 10: Write a narrative essay........................................................................22 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ����������������������� 23 Activity 11: Subject-verb agreement......................................................................23 Activity 12: Adverbs...............................................................................................24 UNIT 1: Week 3 – 4 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26 Lesson 2: My Parliament .................................................................................................... 26 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ���������������������������������������������������������� 27 Activity 13: Listen to a speech...............................................................................27 Activity 14: Prepare a speech................................................................................27 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ��������������������������������������������������������������� 28 Activity 15: Read a speech....................................................................................28 Activity 16: Discuss a speech................................................................................30 Activity 17: Do a comprehension test....................................................................30 Activity 18: Independent reading...........................................................................31 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING �������������������������������������������������������� 31 Activity 19: Plan a speech.....................................................................................31 Activity 20: Draft a speech.....................................................................................32 Activity 21: Edit a speech......................................................................................32 Activity 22: Write a speech....................................................................................32 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ����������������������� 32 Activity 23: Finite and infinite verbs.......................................................................32 UNIT 1: Week 5 – 6............................................................................................................ 34 Lesson 3: Visual media ..................................................................................................... 34 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ���������������������������������������������������������� 35 Activity 24: Discuss an audio-visual text................................................................35 Activity 25: Do a listening comprehension test......................................................35
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Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 26: Reconstruct scenes.............................................................................36 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ���������������������������������������������������������������36 Activity 27: Read a novel.......................................................................................36 Activity 28: Identify the key features of a novel.....................................................37 Activity 29: Compare a novel.................................................................................38 Activity 30: Read for comprehension.....................................................................38 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ��������������������������������������������������������39 Activity 31: Plan a friendly letter............................................................................39 Activity 32: Draft a friendly letter............................................................................40 Activity 33: Edit a friendly letter.............................................................................40 Activity 34: Write a friendly letter...........................................................................40 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS �����������������������41 Activity 35: Degrees of comparison.......................................................................41 Activity 36: Clauses...............................................................................................41 UNIT 1: Week 7 – 8............................................................................................................ 44 Lesson 4: Being a boss...................................................................................................... 44 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ����������������������������������������������������������45 Activity 37: Discuss a magazine article.................................................................45 Activity 38: Present an unprepared speech...........................................................45 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ���������������������������������������������������������������45 Activity 39: Read a magazine article.....................................................................45 Activity 40: Discuss a magazine article.................................................................46 Activity 41: Answer questions................................................................................47 Activity 42: Read a poem.......................................................................................47 Activity 43: Discuss a poem...................................................................................48 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ��������������������������������������������������������49 Activity 44: Plan a magazine article.......................................................................49 Activity 45: Draft a magazine article......................................................................49 Activity 46: Edit and revise a magazine article......................................................49 Activity 47: Write a magazine article......................................................................50 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS �����������������������50 Activity 48: Simple tense.......................................................................................50 Activity 49: Apostrophe..........................................................................................51 UNIT 1: Week 9 – 10.......................................................................................................... 53 Lesson 5: Community tourism............................................................................................ 53 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ����������������������������������������������������������54 Activity 50: Do a listening comprehension test......................................................54 Activity 50: Memorandum......................................................................................54 Activity 51: Participate in a discussion...................................................................54 Activity 52: Perform an interview ..........................................................................54 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ���������������������������������������������������������������55 Activity 53: Read an investigative report...............................................................55 Activity 54: Discuss an investigative reort.............................................................57 Activity 55: Read a poem.......................................................................................57 Activity 56: Discuss a poem...................................................................................58 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ��������������������������������������������������������59 Activity 57:Plan an investigative report..................................................................59 © Impaq
Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 58: Draft an investigative report................................................................59 Activity 59: Edit an investigative report..................................................................59 Activity 60: Write an investigative report................................................................60 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ����������������������� 60 Activity 61: Sentences...........................................................................................60 UNIT 2: Week 1 – 2 ........................................................................................................... 62 Lesson 6: Animal conservation........................................................................................... 62 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ���������������������������������������������������������� 63 Activity 62: Give Directions....................................................................................63 Activity 63: Do A Listening Comprehension...........................................................63 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ��������������������������������������������������������������� 63 Activity 64: Pre-read a text....................................................................................63 Activity 65: Do a listening comprehension test......................................................64 Activity 66: Answer questions................................................................................65 Activity 67: Make a summary.................................................................................65 Activity 68: Read a poem.......................................................................................65 Activity 69: Discuss a poem...................................................................................66 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING �������������������������������������������������������� 67 Activity 70: Plan an instructional text.....................................................................67 Activity 71: Draft an instructional text....................................................................67 Activity 72: Edit an instructional text......................................................................68 Activity 73: Write an instructional text....................................................................68 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ����������������������� 68 Activity 74: Nouns..................................................................................................68 UNIT 2: Week 3 – 4 ........................................................................................................... 70 Lesson 7: Fracking............................................................................................................. 70 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ���������������������������������������������������������� 71 Activity 75: Participate in a debate........................................................................71 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ��������������������������������������������������������������� 72 Activity 76: Pre-read an article...............................................................................72 Activity 77: Read an article....................................................................................72 Activity 78: Discuss features of an article..............................................................73 Activity 79: Do a comprehension test....................................................................74 Activity 80: Read a poem.......................................................................................74 Activity 81: Discuss a poem...................................................................................75 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING �������������������������������������������������������� 75 Activity 82: Plan a dialogue...................................................................................75 Activity 83: Draft a dialogue...................................................................................75 Activity 84: Edit a dialogue....................................................................................76 Activity 85: Write a dialogue..................................................................................76 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ����������������������� 76 Activity 86: Direct and indirect speech...................................................................76 Activity 87: Homonyms and homophones.............................................................77
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Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
UNIT 2: Week 5 – 6 ........................................................................................................... 79 Lesson 8: Table Mountain................................................................................................... 79 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ���������������������������������������������������������� 80 Activity 88: Listen to an interview..........................................................................80 Activity 89: Perform an interview...........................................................................80 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ��������������������������������������������������������������� 81 Activity 90: Read a play.........................................................................................81 Activity 91: Discuss a play.....................................................................................82 Activity 92: Read a poem.......................................................................................83 Activity 93: Discuss a poem...................................................................................84 Activity 94: Do a comprehension test....................................................................84 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING �������������������������������������������������������� 86 Activity 95: Plan a written interview.......................................................................86 Activity 96: Draft a written interview.......................................................................87 Activity 97: Edit a written interview........................................................................87 Activity 98: Write a written interview......................................................................87 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ����������������������� 87 Activity 99: Puns....................................................................................................87 Activity 100: Adverbs of place and frequency........................................................88 UNIT 2: Week 7 – 8 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 89 Lesson 9: Being environmentally friendly........................................................................... 89 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ���������������������������������������������������������� 90 Activity 101: Participate in a group discussion......................................................90 Activity 102: Do a listening comprehension test....................................................90 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ��������������������������������������������������������������� 91 Activity 103: Read a short story.............................................................................91 Activity 104: Do a comprehension test..................................................................92 Activity 105: Read a poem.....................................................................................92 Activity 106: Discuss a poem.................................................................................93 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING �������������������������������������������������������� 93 Activity 107: Plan a story review ...........................................................................93 Activity 108: Draft a story review...........................................................................94 Activity 109: Edit a story review.............................................................................94 Activity 110: Write a story review...........................................................................95 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ����������������������� 95 Activity 111: Prefixes..............................................................................................95 Activity 112: Suffixes..............................................................................................95 UNIT 3: Week 1 – 2 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 97 Lesson 10: Social media.................................................................................................... 97 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ���������������������������������������������������������� 98 Activity 113: Do a listening comprehension test ...................................................98 Activity 114: Participate in a discussion.................................................................98 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ��������������������������������������������������������������� 99 Activity 115: Read a play.......................................................................................99 Activity 116: Do a comprehension test.................................................................102 Activity 116: Memorandum..................................................................................102 © Impaq
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Activity 117: Read a poem...................................................................................102 Activity 118: Discuss a poem...............................................................................103 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 103 Activity 119: Plan a dialogue................................................................................103 Activity 120: Draft a dialogue...............................................................................104 Activity 121: Edit a dialogue................................................................................104 Activity 122: Write a dialogue .............................................................................105 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ��������������������� 105 Activity 123: Continuous tenses..........................................................................105 UNIT 3: Week 3 – 4 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 106 Lesson 11: Art competitions .............................................................................................. 106 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 107 Activity 124: Do a listening comprehension test..................................................107 Activity 125: Participate in a group discussion....................................................107 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 108 Activity 126: Pre-read a newspaper article..........................................................108 Activity 127: Read a newspaper article...............................................................108 Activity 128: Answer questions on a newspaper article.......................................109 Activity 129: Read a poem...................................................................................109 Activity 130: Discuss a poem............................................................................... 110 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 110 Activity 131: Plan a letter to the editor................................................................. 111 Activity 132: Draft a letter to the editor................................................................ 112 Activity 133: Edit a letter to the editor.................................................................. 112 Activity 134: Write a letter to the editor ............................................................... 113 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ��������������������� 113 Activity 135: Adverbs of manner, place, degree.................................................. 113 Activity 136: Types of sentences......................................................................... 113 UNIT 3: Week 5 – 6 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 115 Lesson 12: Finding a job...................................................................................................115 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 116 Activity 137: Present an unprepared speech....................................................... 116 Activity 138: Listen to a speech .......................................................................... 116 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 117 Activity 139: Read a CV....................................................................................... 117 Activity 140: Discuss the features of a CV........................................................... 118 Activity 141: Read a poem................................................................................... 119 Activity 142: Discuss a poem............................................................................... 119 Activity 143: Study a cartoon for comprehension................................................120 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 121 Activity 144: Plan a CV........................................................................................121 Activity 145: Draft a CV.......................................................................................122 Activity 146: Edit a CV.........................................................................................122 Activity 147: Write a CV.......................................................................................122 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ��������������������� 122 Activity 148: Sentences.......................................................................................122 Activity 149: Spelling – the doubling rule.............................................................123 7
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Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
UNIT 3: Week 7 – 8 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������125 Lesson 13: Life as a foreign exchange student................................................................ 125 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ��������������������������������������������������������126 Activity 150: Listen to an information text............................................................126 Activity 151: Tell a story.......................................................................................126 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING �������������������������������������������������������������127 Activity 152: Read a personal recount.................................................................127 Activity 153: Discuss a personal recount.............................................................128 Activity 154: Read a poem...................................................................................129 Activity 155: Discuss a poem...............................................................................129 Activity 156: Do a comprehension test................................................................130 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������131 Activity 157: Plan a story.....................................................................................131 Activity 158: Draft a story.....................................................................................132 Activity 159: Edit a story......................................................................................132 Activity 160: Write a story....................................................................................132 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ���������������������133 Activity 161: Prepositions....................................................................................133 Activity 162: Idioms..............................................................................................133 UNIT 3: Week 9 – 10 ....................................................................................................... 135 Lesson 14: Success in sport ........................................................................................... 135 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ��������������������������������������������������������136 Activity 163: Listen to a short story......................................................................136 Activity 164: Perform prepared reading...............................................................136 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING �������������������������������������������������������������136 Activity 165: Read a short story...........................................................................136 Activity 166: Discuss a short story.......................................................................138 Activity 167: Do a comprehesion.........................................................................138 Activity 168: Read and discuss a poem...............................................................139 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������140 Activity 169: Plan a descriptive essay.................................................................140 Activity 170: Draft a descriptive essay.................................................................141 Activity 171: Edit a descriptive essay..................................................................141 Activity 172: Write a descriptive essay................................................................141 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ���������������������141 Activity 173: Nouns..............................................................................................141 UNIT 4: Week 1 – 2 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������143 Lesson 15: Celebrity role models .................................................................................... 143 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING.........................................................144 Activity 174: Do a listening comprehension test..................................................144 Activity 175: Discuss celebrity role models..........................................................144 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING �������������������������������������������������������������144 Activity 176: Read a magazine article.................................................................144 Activity 177: Discuss a magazine article.............................................................146 Activity 178: Do a comprehension test................................................................146 Activity 179: Do a summary.................................................................................148 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������149 © Impaq
Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 180: Plan a magazine article...................................................................149 Activity 181: Draft a magaziner article.................................................................149 Activity 182: edit a magazine article....................................................................150 Activity 183: write a magazine article..................................................................150 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ��������������������� 150 Activity 184: Gerund............................................................................................150 Activity 185: Fact and opinion..............................................................................150 UNIT 4: Week 3 – 4.......................................................................................................... 152 Lesson 16: Healthy relationships..................................................................................... 152 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 153 Activity 186: Participate in a debate....................................................................153 Activity 187: Participate in a group discussion....................................................154 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 154 Activity 188: Read a story....................................................................................154 Activity 189: Discuss a story................................................................................157 Activity 190: Do a comprehension test................................................................158 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 158 Activity 191: Plan a diary entry............................................................................158 Activity 192: Draft a diary entry............................................................................159 Activity 193: Edit a diary entry.............................................................................159 Activity 194: Write a diary entry...........................................................................160 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ��������������������� 160 Activity 195: Moods.............................................................................................160 UNIT 4: Week 5 – 6 ......................................................................................................... 161 Lesson 17: Identity theft................................................................................................... 161 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 162 Activity 196: Listen to a text read aloud...............................................................162 Activity 197: Participate in a dialogue..................................................................162 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 162 Activity 198: Read a blog post.............................................................................162 Activity 199: Discuss a blog post.........................................................................163 Activity 200: Do a comprehension test................................................................164 Activity 201: Read a poem...................................................................................164 Activity 202: Discuss a poem...............................................................................165 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 165 Activity 203: Plan a blog post..............................................................................165 Activity 204: Draft a blog post..............................................................................166 Activity 205: Edit a blog post...............................................................................166 Activity 206: Write a blog post.............................................................................166 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ��������������������� 167 Activity 207: Bias and prejudice...........................................................................167 Activity 208: Relative pronouns...........................................................................167 UNIT 4: Week 7 – 8 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 169 Lesson 18: How do you chill?........................................................................................... 169 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING �������������������������������������������������������� 170 Activity 209: Do a listening comprehension test..................................................170
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Activity 210: Do prepared reading.......................................................................170 Activity 211: Participate in an interview................................................................170 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������� 171 Activity 212: Do a comprehension test................................................................171 Activity 213: Write a summary.............................................................................172 Activity 214: Revise a short story/novel...............................................................173 Activity 215: Revise a drama/play.......................................................................173 Activity 216: Revise poetry..................................................................................173 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ������������������������������������������������������ 174 Activity 217: Revise essay writing.......................................................................174 Activity 218: Revise transactional texts...............................................................175 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ..................... 176 Activity 219: Revise parts of speech ...................................................................176 Activity 220: Revise question forms.....................................................................176 BIBLIOGRAPHY.............................................................................................................. 178 ADDENDUM A ................................................................................................................ 181
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Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
LESSON Lesson 1: Traditional ceremonies Lesson 2: My Parliament
Lesson 3: Visual media Lesson 4: Being a boss Lesson 5: Community tourism Lesson 6: Animal conservation
Lesson 7: Fracking Lesson 8: Table Mountain Lesson 9: Being environmentally friendly Lesson 10: Social media Lesson 11: Art forms
Lesson 12: Finding a job Lesson 13: Life as a foreign exchange student Lesson 14: Success in sport Lesson 15: Celebrity role models
Lesson 16: Healthy relationships Lesson 17: Identity theft Lesson 18: How do you chill?
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Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
© Impaq
Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
UNIT 1: Week 1 – 2
Lesson 1: Traditional ceremonies
In this lesson, you will: • participate in a group discussion • do a listening comprehension test • discuss features of a short story • read a short story • discuss a short story • answer questions on a short story • plan a narrative essay • draft a narrative essay • edit a narrative essay • write a narrative essay • practise subject verb agreement • practise adverbs
Traditional ceremonies
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Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 1: Participate in a group discussion Traditional ceremonies are events held on special occasions. A ceremony is a formal event held on special occasions such as weddings, graduations and funerals. They usually include a ritual performed according to tradition or custom. 1.
Participate in a discussion about traditional ceremonies.
Use these points to guide your discussion: 1. What traditional ceremonies can you name? 2. What do you know about these ceremonies? 3. Can you describe them?
Activity 2: Do a listening comprehension test 1.
Listen to the article on Zulu weddings your facilitator will read to you.
As you listen, take a few notes on: 1. The main idea in the article. 2. Any unfamiliar sounding words 3. Specific details in the article. Engage in a short discussion about the text, using these questions to guide you: 1. What is the main idea? 2. Can you relate to what is in this article? 3. What is lobola? 4. What does the bride wear in a modern wedding? 5. How do the traditional and modern wedding ceremonies differ? 6. What kinds of wedding experiences have you had?
Activity 3: Discuss the features of a short story A short story is longer than an essay and shorter than a novel. It captures an event in a short space of time. As with any story, a short story needs a plot, characters and a setting.
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1. 2.
Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
Can you recall to what the plot, characters and setting refer? Think about a novel versus a short story. What are the pros and cons of both types of stories?
Pros and cons refer to the advantages and disadvantages of something.
Activity 4: Read a short story Read the following short story three times. This short story, written by Philp Baryaruha, is about his memories of growing up in a rural village in Uganda. In his story, he highlights the importance of treasuring memories.
Sweet memories By Philip Baryaruha
Sweet memories are gifts we give ourselves. Growing up in a simple village in Bushenyi District Western Uganda was not just fun. It was a privilege that many may never experience. But those who experienced what traditional village life meant have a duty, an obligation and honour, to share with the present, and pass on to the future generations, the memories untold and songs unsung. Lying between three hills and a forest is the village where I grew up. A village where the cock crows, waking both farmers and herdsmen. Beautiful songs of birds fill the air. Some are whispers, some are cries. The sunrays begin to strike hard as the grass kisses the dew farewell. At least for a day. Welcome to “mizirigyembe” village. It’s a new day. It is a village where the sun is taken for granted, the rain a must, and, naturally, a good harvest expected. There is a simple flow of life where the village chairman is the leader, and everyone knows their duties. As kids, we would be woken up by the sound of the metallic milk containers knocking on each other as they were being carried by the milkmen. It was the younger boys’ work to hold the calves while the men were milking. Nathan, our chief milkman, commanded the others with arrogance and authority. Stock, our old dog, lay next to the milk containers in anticipation of his morning cup of milk. We counted on Ngabo, the most stubborn cow, to kick someone before the end of the morning procedures. Regularly, a curse was heard from a frustrated milkman who has spilled his milk. Meanwhile, the activity was punctuated by songs songs in praise of the cowsthat produced more milk. As kids, we enjoyed holidays most. We didn’t have to bathe every morning, clean uniforms every evening and look for canes to take to school which were then used on us. We got involved in looking after cattle, fetching water, fencing and playing a round object made of banana fibre that we considered a ball. An uninterested older boy could wander off with smaller ones, teach them about their environment, the herbs, fruit, trees and different animals. Once in a while, you heard the calls of an irritated mom whose son left home without fetching firewood, or a small girl crying after meeting a dog. © Impaq
Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
Midday could be so hot that both human and animal sought after shade. You would expect kids to run for lunch, but they always fed on a variety of wild fruit, mangoes, guavas and the rest. Instead, this period was spent trapping guinea fowl and mudfish, and looking for wild honey. Later in the afternoon, the unmistakable whistles of milkmen were heard. It meant time to take cattle for the day’s second milking session. Then the morning events repeated themselves. Except it would be so hot, with many houseflies. This meant young boys work doubling from just controlling calves to protecting cows from flies too as they were being milked. Leafy branches were used as tools for intimidating flies. In the evening, men visited with each other. There were special wooden chairs that could be folded and unfolded. Small boys took turns to present these chairs to the visitors. These men discussed various issues while taking tea. As evening wore on, my innocent brain always wondered where the sun went. It used to slowly disappear behind the hill right next to our village. But it always left some light for consolation, and then the light too slowly but steadily disappeared, bringing to a halt all children’s activity. On a normal day there was a visitor or two that told kids beautiful stories, taught songs, proverbs and had supper with the family. Then they bid goodnight and were escorted on their way by the father of the family. But, one thing made this place a marvel! The opposite hill to our village called ishekye would suddenly catch fire. At times around 8 pm or beyond. Many people associated the fire with the Bacwezi (people who were believed to be semi-gods and were rumoured to have superior powers). That, I can’t tell. But for some reason, every time the fire appeared, everyone would be happy. It appeared in intervals ranging from weeks to months. Whoever broke the news of the fire’s appearance felt like a hero. Then as kids we would shout in unison “ishekye yasia” (meaning “ishekye is on fire”). It burnt so brightly that it provided light for all surrounding villages. We then played, danced, and the older people astonished the young with ancient stories relating to the fire and the village. By now, everyone would be out, including the elderly. On such days, supper was served outside. The strange fire at times disappeared before everyone slept, but normally we left it burning as we went to sleep. Amazingly, the next morning the hill that was on fire would be as green as ever. Kids always woke early to check whether it was the mysterious fire or a normal fire set by human beings that could live on burnt ground. They then broke the obvious news in turns. “Ishekye is green”. The funny thing, people just carried on normally with life. The strange fire was part of them, part of us. A memory to treasure, a memory to keep. Truly, some memories are “made of gold”.
Activity 5: Discuss a short story 1.
Engage in a short discussion about the features of the short story in Activity 4.
Use these points as part of your discussion: 1. Are there characters in the story? 2. What is the climax of the story? 3. What is the setting? 4. Is there a message in the story? 5. If you had to draw a picture to illustrate the story, what would it be?
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Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
Language structures and conventions: Pronouns Personal pronouns refer to people or things (I, you, she he, they, them), e.g. “… an uninterested older boy could teach them about their environment …” Possessive pronouns indicate ownership (his, hers), e.g. “… a curse was heard from a frustrated milk man who has spilled his milk …” Reflexive pronouns reflect back to the noun (himself, herself), e.g. “Sweet memories are gifts we give ourselves.” Relative pronouns join one part of the sentence to another (whom, which, that, who, whose), e.g. “There were special wooden chairs that could be folded and unfolded.”
Activity 6: Answer questions on a short story Read the story in Activity 4 again and answer the questions below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
What is the title of the story? Who is the author? Where did the speaker grow up? What was the name of the village in which the speaker grew up? To what sound would the children wake up? How did they spend their lunch? What made the village a marvel? Describe the fire that would suddenly appear. What does “ishekye yasia” mean? Who are the “Bacwezi”? What do you think started the fires? What makes you think the speaker enjoyed living in the village? Compare the traditional ceremony of serving supper outside when the fire appeared to a traditional ceremony you discussed in Activity 1.
Activity 7: Plan a narrative essay
A narrative essay is an essay that tells a story, or gives an account of events. It often revolves around a plot or storyline, and it sometimes has a moral.
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Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
• • • • • •
Tips to writing a narrative essay: • Plan well. It is important to plan a narrative essay well, as this ensures your thoughts progress logically. The introduction always tells the time and the setting, and it introduces the characters. The body has a number of paragraphs. Each paragraph contains a new thought that builds up to the climax (the highlight of the story). The conclusion ties the story up. The characters develop and should be limited in number. Dialogue should be used sparingly. The narrative essay shouldn’t look like a play script. Use the past tense.
Write a narrative essay about the following: The day I attended a traditional ceremony. Your essay must be 180 – 210 words long, have four to seven paragraphs and contain vivid descriptions. 1.
Plan your essay by drawing up a mind map outlining your thoughts.
A mind map is a diagram of your ideas. It can consist of drawings, words, diagrams or pictures. It is a tool that helps to get all your ideas together. Write your main topic in the middle of the page and then all the ideas branching out from that. Planning and brainstorming tips: • Close your eyes and try to get a “picture” of what happens. • Jot down ideas on a piece of paper. • Make a list of things that could happen. • Make a mind map or draw a timeline of the story. • You do not write full sentences at this stage. Write down every idea as it comes to you and then decide on the ones you want to use. • Decide on your opening sentence. Make sure it is interesting so that you “hook” the reader. • Decide on a closing sentence. • Draw pictures of your characters if it helps you.
Activity 8: Draft a narrative essay Write the draft of your essay in rough. Write freely as ideas come to you; do not stop to correct spelling or grammar. Put question marks in the margin about spelling or anything else you are not sure of and come back to it when revising your essay. Leave spaces between lines so that you can easily make changes later on. Refer to your picture, notes or mind map as you work.
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Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
Remember to: • use your introduction to introduce your characters and to set the scene • have a body between two and four paragraphs long • use your conclusion to tie up loose ends
Language structures and conventions: Synonyms and antonyms Synonyms are words similar in meaning, e.g. big/huge Antonyms are words opposite in meaning, e.g. big/little
Activity 9: Edit a narrative essay Edit your essay by following these helpful tips: • Read your draft carefully. • Check your draft against the rubric to make sure you haven’t left out anything important. • Make sure your paragraphs are in the right order and the order makes sense. • Improve word choice and descriptions. Take out unnecessary words. • Correct grammar and punctuation where necessary. • Go back to any questions marks and queries you noted in the margin. Use a dictionary to check spelling. • Proofread your essay. Language structures and conventions: Punctuation Commas separate words in a list, acts as brackets in a sentence Full stops indicate the end of a sentence Capital letters – the first word of the beginning of a sentence is always in capital letters; proper nouns are always capitalised
Activity 10: Write a narrative essay 1.
Write your story neatly in your exercise book. Make sure you have included a heading.
Look at the rubric in Addendum A to see how you will be assessed.
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Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 11: Subject-verb agreement Subject-verb agreement means that the subject and the verb in a sentence must agree. For example, John was helping the lady cross the road. “John” is the subject, and is singular. There is only one boy. “was” is the singular verb. John and James were helping the lady cross the road. “John and James” is the subject. There are two boys. “were” is the plural verb. You cannot use expressions like “I is”, “she am”, “it are”. You say “I am”, “she is”, “it is”. Singular subjects must be followed by singular verbs and plural subjects by plural verbs. 1.
Choose the correct verb for these sentences so that the subject and the verb are in agreement. a) The Zulus (is/are) from KwaZulu-Natal. b) Christmas (is/are) a traditional ceremony. c) Sally and Susan (was/were) celebrating Busi’s wedding at the weekend. d) Byron (was/were) at Busi’s house the day before the wedding as they (was/were) organising the seating plan. e) She (is/are/am) the wedding planner.
2. Complete these sentences using the correct form of the verb. a) Bongi (had/have) … b) Mr and Mrs Tselentis (had/have) … c) Weddings (are/is) … d) Dale (do/does) … e) They (do/does) …
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Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
Activity 12: Adverbs Language structures and conventions: Adverbs Adverbs are words that tell us more about verbs. There are five types of adverbs: Adverbs of manner answer the question “how?” (quickly, hungrily, fast, well), e.g. “I drove to my cousin’s wedding quickly.” Adverbs of place answer the question “where?” (here, there, down, near, far, home), e.g. “Jane and John’s wedding ceremony is near to where I grew up.” Adverbs of time answer the question “when?” (today, tomorrow, immediately), e.g. “Today is my sister’s wedding.” Adverbs of degree answer the question “to which extent?” (very, rather, quite, really, nearly), e.g. “I drove to my cousin’s wedding very quickly.” Adverbs of frequency answer the question “how often?” (always, never, occasionally, frequently), e.g. “I will never forget my wedding day.” 1.
Underline the adverbs in these sentences and indicate which type of adverb it is. a) Regularly, a curse was heard from a frustrated milkman that has spilled his milk. b) Once in a while, you heard the calls of an irritated Mom whose son left home without fetching firewood. c) Later in the afternoon, the unmistakable whistles of milkmen were heard. d) In the evening, men visited with each other. e) But it always left some light for consolation, and then the light, too, slowly but steadily disappeared. Write two sentences using adverbs of manner. Write two sentences using adverbs of degree.
2. 3.
Punctuation Capital letters, full stop, commas Capital letters: the first word of the beginning of a sentence is always in capital letters, proper nouns are always capitalised Full stops: indicate the end of a sentence Commas: separate words or phrases in a list, separate additional information, separate introductory words or phrases; commas are also used after the words however and nevertheless, and after the name of the speaker in direct speech
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Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
Correct the punctuation in the following paragraph. today was my sister’s graduation day she looked very smart in her graduation gown we took many photos of her as she walked up onto the stage to receive her degree afterwards we went out for dinner to the cape town fish market we always go to this restaurant on special occasions i am very proud of my sister she worked very hard for her degree
EXTENSION ACTIVITY Paragraph writing Write a paragraph of three to four sentences about a traditional ceremony.
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Study Guide G08 ~ English First Additional Language
UNIT 1: Week 3 – 4
Lesson 2: My Parliament In this lesson, you will: • listen to a speech • prepare a speech • introduce a speech • read a speech • discuss a speech • do a comprehension test • do independent reading • plan a speech • draft a speech • edit a speech • write a speech • practise finite and infinite verbs
My Parliament
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