Í2(È-E-LIO-SG013Î 1
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Life Orientation Study guide
Grade 8
CAPS aligned
LM van der Walt
Study Guide G08 ~ Life Orientation
CONTENTS LESSON ELEMENTS ................................................................................................ 3 PREFACE .................................................................................................................. 5 YEAR PLAN .............................................................................................................. 6 UNIT 1: Self-development in the society and the world of work .......................... 8 Lesson 1: Formation of self image and self motivation ......................................... 9 ACTIVITY 1 ......................................................................................... 13 Lesson 2: Concept: Sexuality ............................................................................. 14 ACTIVITY 2: ........................................................................................ 17 Lesson 3: Relationships and friendships ............................................................. 18 ACTIVITY 3 ......................................................................................... 21 Lesson 4: The different learning styles ............................................................... 21 ACTIVITY 4 ......................................................................................... 23 OPEN BOOK TEST 1 ......................................................................... 24 UNIT 2: World of work and health, social and environmental responsibilities . 25 Lesson 5: Identify and apply a learning style ...................................................... 26 ACTIVITY 5 ......................................................................................... 32 Lesson 6: The six career categories ................................................................... 33 ACTIVITY 6 ......................................................................................... 38 Lesson 7: The role of work in relation to South Africa’s social and economic needs .................................................................................. 39 ACTIVITY 7 ......................................................................................... 43 Lesson 8: Drug abuse ......................................................................................... 44 ACTIVITY 8 ......................................................................................... 50 OPEN BOOK TEST 2 ......................................................................... 51 UNIT 3: World of work, health, social and environmental responsibility and Constitutional rights and responsibilities....................................... 53 Lesson 9: The relationship between achievement in school subjects, interests and abilities and the decision-making process regarding the choice of a career category ................................................................................... 54 ACTIVITY 9 ......................................................................................... 58 Lesson 10: Environmental health issues and Earth Day ....................................... 58 ACTIVITY 10 ....................................................................................... 65 Lesson 11: Aids – Decision-making about health and safety................................. 66 ACTIVITY 11 ....................................................................................... 74 Lesson 12: Nation building ................................................................................... 74 ACTIVITY 12 ....................................................................................... 82 OPEN BOOK TEST 3 ......................................................................... 82 UNIT 4: Constitutional rights and responsibilities .............................................. 85 Lesson 13: Human rights violations and gender equality ...................................... 85 ACTIVITY 13 ....................................................................................... 95 Lesson 14: Cultural diversity in South Africa ......................................................... 95
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Study Guide G08 ~ Life Orientation
ACTIVITY 14 ..................................................................................... 102 OPEN BOOK TEST 4 ....................................................................... 102 UNIT 5: Physical education ................................................................................. 105 TERM 1 .......................................................................................................... 105 ACTIVITY 1 ....................................................................................... 116 TERM 2 .......................................................................................................... 117 ACTIVITY 2 ....................................................................................... 125 TERM 3 .......................................................................................................... 127 ACTIVITY 3 ....................................................................................... 132 TERM 4 .......................................................................................................... 133 ACTIVITY 4 ....................................................................................... 134 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES.................................................................. 135
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Study Guide G08 ~ Life Orientation
Formation of self-esteem and self motivation Sexuality
Relationships and friendships
The different learning styles
Idenitify and apply a learning style The six career categories
6 7
The role of work in relation to SA’s social and economic needs Drug abuse
13 Human rights violations and gender equality 14 Cultural diversity in South Africa
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The relationship between achievement in school subjects, interests and abilities and the decision-making process regarding the choice of a career 10 Environmental health issues and Earth Day 11 Aids – Decision-making about health and safety 12 Nation-building
Study Guide G08 ~ Life Orientation
2 3
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Participation in fitness programme that promotes fitness. Safety issues regarding fitness components. Participation in fitness programme: Participation and execution of movements that promote fitness. Participation in fitness programme that promotes fitness. Participation and execution of movements. Participation in target games. Participation in a programme that promotes movement techniques. Participation and execution of movements that promote movement techniques. Outdoor leisure and health issues.
Study Guide G08 ~ Life Orientation
UNIT 1: Self development in the society and the world of work LEARNING AIMS: After completing this unit, you must be able to do the following: Be able to identify factors that influence the formation of self
image and self motivation. Be able to talk positively about self. Be able to develop strategies and skills to enhance personal potential. Have an understanding of your own sexuality. Have an understanding of friends’ and peers’ sexuality. Be able to identify fitting ways to start and build friendships and relationships. Be able to develop problem solving skills. Be able to develop communication skills. Be able to identify different learning styles.
INTRODUCTION It is important for learners to use the life skills that they learn to use and develop their own potential. This will help them to effectively react to the challenges of the world. Adolescence is marked by emotional and physical changes. It is important for learners to build a positive self esteem and to be accepted by peers. The unit enables learners to develop further life skills. It also helps them to develop an emotional intelligence which will enable them to face challenges. This unit enhances the work done in the previous grade with new knowledge.
Each lesson is compiled in such a way so that you can work through it at leisure and then there are questions at the end of the lesson. The questions test your comprehension of the learning material. There are also questions at certain lessons which test your insight and help you achieve the different outcomes. There is a time indication at each lesson. It is the recommended time that you have to work through the lesson and to complete the questions.
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Study Guide G08 ~ Life Orientation
1.1 Lesson 1: Formation of self-image and self-motivation (3 hours) 1.1.1 Factors that influence the formation of self image and self motivation: media, environment, friends and peer group, family, culture, religion and society Every person has a self image. Some people see themselves as nice, pretty, strong or cool. Your self image, however, is not always how other people view you. Some people on the other hand see themselves in a very negative light and that can influence their lives. They think they can achieve nothing. We saw in Grade 7 that self image is the image you have of yourself. There are many things that can influence your self image. They contribute towards formation of self image and selfmotivation (positively or negatively).
What you hear about yourself – are you complimented or criticised? If someone compliments you and treat you positively you will feel good about yourself. If you are constantly criticised you will think you are not good enough. This will give you a negative image of youself. The things in your life you experienced or still experience. There may be things that happened to you which may have had a positive or negative influence on you. This contributes to how you think about yourself today. That which you imagine. If you think you can’t do something you might not even try. How would you know if you could do it or not? You compare youself with other people. Maybe you want to look like a film star and then you find all kinds of faults with yourself. This can make you very negative about yourself. How do you see yourself when you look in the mirror? Do you see a big nose or large ears? Or do you see pretty eyes and a beautiful skin? If you have an unrealistic concept of failure. You might be struggling with maths and now you tell yourself every day that you are stupid. Is it really realistic to think that way about yourself? The image the media, for example TV, advertisements and magazines convey can also have a huge impact on your self image. In some instances it gives you a false image about what the ‘ideal’ person should look like. Your friends’ opinions are important during your teenage years. They are the people you spend the most time with. You want them to like and accept you. The way they treat and support you contributes to a positive or negative self image.
You can improve your self image by setting goals for yourself.
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Study Guide G08 ~ Life Orientation
With the next imaginary scenario we want to do an exercise in which you set a goal. You can apply it to your own life. Juan is a good rugby player. He does well in the school’s rugby team. He really wants to play for the A team. To date he hasn’t been successful. He exercises daily. He wakes up early before school and runs 5 km. He practises every afternoon with his current team. He eats healthily and drinks a lot of water. He knows that he has to be focused and highly disciplined to achieve his goal. He knows that he won’t be able to play rugby forever and therefore he wants to study Sport Management so that he can one day work in a sporting environment. We will now discuss the steps that Juan followed to achieve his goal and thus building a healthy self image: 1. 2.
3. 4.
Identify your special talent. Juan plays rugby well How can I develop this talent? Training hard Eating healthily Gets professional training Set yourself a goal and when do you want to achieve it? Juan wants to make it to the A team at the next trials Identify your strong points that you already have and which can help you achieve your goal in the given time. Juan is fit and strong He’s got talent He trains hard He is focused
To achieve your goals and improve your self image you need self motivation. Answer the following questions and test your self-motivation: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
Do you plan your day ahead? Do you usually stick to your plans for the day? Do you set yourself academic goals? Are you easily distracted from your goal? Are you someone who procrastinates? Is it hard for you to do things you don’t like?
If you answered YES to questions 1-3 and NO to questions 4-6, you are highly motivated. If you didn’t, you might work on your self motivation.
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Study Guide G08 ~ Life Orientation
DEFINE: Goal: Something you want to achieve, usually within a certain time frame. Self image: The picture you have of yourself. Self motivation: When you have the enthusiasm and drive to do what is necessary to achieve your goals. Individuality: Traits that make you an individual. That which makes you different from other people. Unique: Something of which there are no two.
1.1.2 Speak positively about self: Individuality and unique traits, as well as personal achievements Positivity is a choice. You decide for yourself how you feel and think. You may think it is very difficult to stay positive if your environment is not positive, but you have to decide how you are going to handle it. Positive emotions have definite advantages:
It has been scientifically proven that positive people enjoy better health and live longer. Positive people achieve better results at school, academically and in their personal relationships. Positive people can find results for their problems faster.
When you enjoy your life with your family and friends, when it is going well at school and when other people are good to you, it is easier to have a positive outlook. Positive people don’t take things too seriously and they live with a GOAL in life. Concentrate on your emotions and how you feel about yourself: Do the emotions help you to achieve your dreams or do they hamper you? You can choose to be more positive. Every person has a unique personality and unique traits. That makes you an individual. It is important that you should see these traits in youself and develop them. It will influence your personal achievements. Answer the following questions about yourself: Who am I? What do I like and dislike? What are my strong points? Which traits do I wish to change? Do I surround myself with positive or negative people? Which traits do I have that distinguish me from other people?
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Study Guide G08 ~ Life Orientation
Go and think thoroughly about the questions and the answers you have given. See if you can identify your unique traits and write them down. CORE CONTENT: The core of the lesson is about you having a self image. Every person has a self image. This influences your whole life and your actions in life. It also influences your achievements and whether you will be successful or not. People with a good, healthy self image are people who love themselves and accept themselves with all their mistakes. Such people are positive and focus on the good traits. They admit that there are traits that they don’t like, but choose to improve them rather than be negative about them. It however happens that some people have difficulty accepting themselves. They suffer from a bad self esteem and that hinders them in achieving their full potential. It is important to feel positive about yourself and to also talk positvely about yourself. It influences your personal achievements and whether you will achieve your goals.
1.1.3 Strategies and abilities to develop your personal potential Your personal potential is the capacity you have to attain a certain goal. People’s potential differ. Even within a family you may find that one child has the potential to become a provincial athlete while another have musical abilities to become a famous singer. You have to determine what your gifts and talents are. Then you will have a good idea about your potential. But how do you determine that? It’s not as difficult as you think. Potential is within you. You are born with it. Good self-knowledge and a good self image helps you to develop your potential. An important step is to ask yourself: WHAT IS THE ONE THING I’M GOOD AT? Say you are good in swimming. You are swimming for a club and win all your races. Your trainer predicts that you will one day swim for the national team. He therefore says you have the potential to achieve it. OR
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Study Guide G08 ~ Life Orientation
You are very good with your hands. You design and build anything you can think of. You design machinery. You are academically also strong in Mathematics and Science. You therefore have the POTENTIAL to become an engineer. Now ask yourself: How do I develop this potential of mine? You develop your potential by setting yourself attainable goals. If you are the swimmer who wants to achieve you will focus on your training programme and diet. You may get specialist training. If you want to become the engineer you will focus on your academical achievements. You will improve your marks in mathematics and science. You will also ascertain yourself with the knowledge and information about your interest. FOR THE CURIOUS: Do research on any person who overcame personal difficulties to become successful. How did the person develop his or her potential?
ACTIVITY 1: Make a collage of four factors that influence your self esteem. In the collage you shoud focus on material (earthly) things and not people.They can be things that influence you positively or negatively. They are things like cell phones, cars, clothes, etc. The collage should only make out half of an A4 sheet. After completing the collage you should answer the following questions: 1) The things you have pasted in your collage are material things. What is your opinion about that? Do you think your self image should be influenced by the things you have? Give five good statements that explain your opinion. (5) 2) What do you think happens to someone who base their happiness and opinion of themselves on what they possess. Name two consequences. (2) 3) Shortly explain your collage. Why did you choose the four specific things and how do they influence you? (8) [15]
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Study Guide G08 ~ Life Orientation
Concept: Sexuality (3 hours)
1.2.1 Comprehension of own sexuality: personal feelings that define sexuality Sexuality is the specific physical traits that differentiate boys from girls. You are now in a process where your sexuality is developing and you feel more intense about the differences between boys and girls. Your body is going to change, but also your emotions. You won’t always understand why you act in a certain way. It is therefore necessary that you have insight into yourself. It is important to have a good support system so that you can have someone who you can talk to and with whom you can share personal feelings. Your personal opinion and feelings about sex will influence how you will handle it. Sexual education is important to help you with the necessary knowledge so that you can make informed decisions regarding your own sexuality. DEFINE: Sexuality: It is the difference between the sexes – male or female.
1.2.2 The various influences on the formation of sexuality
Friends and peer group Your friends all have their own views regarding sexuality. Their views are formed through their parents, family, culture, religion and society. In many cases your norms and values will be the same. It can, however, happen that you surround yourself with friends that give you wrong information. You then develop a wrong picture of sexuality and make the wrong decisions.
Your family and society Your family is the first place where you learn about the different roles of males and females. It is here where your values are formed. Family factors like divorce or abuse can influence your view about sexuality. You may experience a power struggle between your parents. You may get the idea that one gender should be handled as inferior. Studies have found that teenagers who come from societies with a lower socio-economic status are more inclined to be promiscuous. This is because there is usually not adult supervision or that parents have to work long hours. The children are thus left on their own.
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Study Guide G08 ~ Life Orientation
Culture and religion Different cultures have different sexual norms. Sexuality is something in certain cultures and religions which shouldn’t be mentioned. The Western culture tends to see the topic as taboo and teaches their children that it is something that shouldn’t be discussed. The Christian and Catholic religions prohibit premarital sex and see it as a serious misconduct. In certain cultures however it is a prerequisite that a woman should proof that she is fertile by having a child before marriage. CORE CONTENT: It is important to learn about sexuality. We focus mainly on your own sexuality and the factors that influence it. You should have an understanding of yourself and know that the changes which you are going through help you develop into an adult. You have to identify the factors that influence your concept of sexuality and decide for yourself what is right or wrong. You have to develop into a person with his/her own values and norms. The media also exposes you to different ideas about sex and the differences between the sexes. If you have a good, positive idea about your own sexuality you will use all the information to make informed decisions.
1.2.3 Social pressure and the influence of the media on sexuality Teenagers come into contact with magazines, TV and the Internet every day. All these media influence you as a teenager. In many instances the media uses sex to convey their messages. Advertisements especially use women’s sexuality to make products desirable. You as teenager use roll models to form a self image. The way in which the role model expresses their sexuality will have an influence on your actions. Study the following advertisements:
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Study Guide G08 ~ Life Orientation
What do you see first when you look at the advertisements? Usually the advertisements are designed in such a way that you associate the product with the personality and not the other way around. It is because the marketer wants you to look like that person or do the same things. They then create the illusion that if you use the product you will become like the person. They use the person’s masculinity or femininity to influence you. What many teenagers don’t realise is that it is only an illusion and very far removed from the real life. Therefore a lot of people are disillusioned when they buy the product because it doesn’t make them feel the way the advertisement portrays. Social or peer pressure can also influence your sexuality. You may find yourself in a group of friend where pressure is placed on you to participate in certain sexual acts which you don’t feel comfortable with. You then do it because you don’t want to feel isolated.
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Study Guide G08 ~ Life Orientation
FOR THE CURIOUS: For interest sake do some research on the following: How many celebrities have appeared in advertisement campaigns? How much money do they earn? Don’t you think – even though they earn so much money – that they are used in a way?
1.2.4 Problem-solving skills It is important that you should possess good problem-solving skills. It enhances the formation of your identity and your development as a person. We experience problems every day. How we solve these problems enhances our personal development. If you can handle all your problems now in an adult way you will do it even better later. Use the next steps when you next experience a problem:
If the problem looks too big, break it down in smaller steps. It is easier to handle one step at a time. Ask advice from someone whom you trust. Set long-term goals to solve your problem. Decide how you are going to solve the problem – your action plan. Set your plan into motion and see if it gives results. ACTIVITY 2: Choose the TV series you like. If you don’t watch any of these shows, choose your own and paste a print-out of the logo in your workbook.
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Study Guide G08 ~ Life Orientation
(Resource: www.tv.com/shows) In a short essay of 100-150 words describe what influence this programme has on especially teenagers. Do you think the situations in the series are realistic? Can you and your friends associate with it? Your own interpretations and opionions are important. You should clearly convey how the media influences teenagers. (10) You will earn marks for the following: Introduction (2) Content (6) Conclusion (2) [10]
Lesson 3: Relationships and friendships
1.3.1 Fitting ways to start a relationship The relationships you start in your teenage years have a great impact on your social life. Your friends might start relationships with the opposite sex earlier than you. You should start a relationship when it feels right to you. Maybe you are happy to just have a group of friends. The basis of a good relationship is honesty, respect and trust. These are the traits you should look for in a friend. It doesn’t matter what the person looks like or what kind of clothes they wear. You will never find a person who is the perfect friend. Nobody is perfect. You shoud, however, decide if your friend has more good traits than bad ones. You can’t change anyone; you have to accept them the way they are. You must also realise that relationships are not all good. Every relationship has its problems. You may sometimes worry about the relationship or friendship. Sometimes you might feel hurt. This is normal. The relationship should never have a negative impact on you. It should make you feel positive at all times. It is important to communicate in a relationship. You have to share your feelings. Don’t be shy to chat with your partner. It is easier to start friendships than to start a relationship with someone of the opposite sex. You might feel nervous and don’t know what to say. It is important that you should stay yourself at all times. If you have scraped together the courage to ask
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