Í2)È-E-BIE-FG01;Î 1
A member of the FUTURELEARN group
Bible Education Facilitator’s guide
Grade 9
LM van der Walt
Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ Bible Education
TABLE OF CONTENTS LESSON ELEMENTS.......................................................................................................... 3 SCHEDULE AND TIME MANAGEMENT ............................................................................ 5 ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................... 6 FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................... 6 YEAR PLAN ........................................................................................................................ 7 UNIT 1: The names of God ................................................................................................ 8 1.1. Lesson 1: ELOHIM: Creating God........................................................................... 8 ACTIVITY 1: ............................................................................................................ 9 1.2. Lesson 2: EL HA KADOSH: The Holy God ............................................................. 9 ACTIVITY 2: .......................................................................................................... 10 1.3. Lesson 3: EL GIBBOR: The Strong, Mighty One .................................................. 11 ACTIVITY 3: .......................................................................................................... 12 1.4. Lesson 4: ADONAI ECHAD: The Lord is an Only Lord ......................................... 12 ACTIVITY 4: .......................................................................................................... 13 1.5. Lesson 5: ABBA: Father ........................................................................................ 13 UNIT 2: Jesus of Nazareth: Who was Jesus? ................................................................ 16 2.1. Lesson 6: The life and teachings of Jesus .................................................................. 16 ACTIVITY 6: .......................................................................................................... 18 2.2. Lesson 7: The message and ministry of Jesus ........................................................... 18 ACTIVITY 7: .......................................................................................................... 19 2.3. Lesson 8: Jesus' trial, crucifixion and resurrection ...................................................... 20 ACTIVITY 8: .......................................................................................................... 21 2.4. Lesson 9: The religious views regarding Jesus .......................................................... 22 ACTIVITY 9: .......................................................................................................... 23 2.5. Lesson 10: What did Jesus leave us for the modern eras? ........................................ 23 ACTIVITY 10: ........................................................................................................ 24 UNIT 3: The miracles of Jesus ........................................................................................ 26 3.1. Les 11: Miracles about death ................................................................................ 27 ACTIVITY 11: ........................................................................................................ 28 3.2. Lesson 12: Miracles of healing .............................................................................. 28 ACTIVITY 12: ........................................................................................................ 29 3.3. Lesson 13: Miracles in nature ............................................................................... 30 ACTIVITY 13: ........................................................................................................ 31 ACTIVITY 14: ........................................................................................................ 32 UNIT 4: The events in the Bible after Jesus' ascension – the spreading of the gospel .................................................................................................................. 34 ACTIVITY 15: ........................................................................................................ 35 4.2. Lesson 16: The disciples receive the Holy Spirit ................................................... 36 1
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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ Bible Education
ACTIVITY 16: ........................................................................................................ 37 Lesson 17: The use of the number seven in the Bible and the choosing of the seven deacons ...................................................................................................... 37 ACTIVITY 17: ........................................................................................................ 38 Lesson 18: The conversion of Saul ....................................................................... 38 ACTIVITY 18: ........................................................................................................ 39
BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES ............................................................................. 42
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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ Bible Education
1 Elohim 2 El ha kadosh 3 El Gibbor 4 Adonai Echad 5 Abba
6 The life and teachings of Jesus 7 The message and ministry of Jesus 8 Jesus' trial, crucifixion and resurrection 9 The religious views regarding Jesus 10 What did Jesus leave us for the modern era?
11 Miracles about death 12 Miracles of healing 13 Miracles in nature 14 Miracles of exorcism
15 Jesus ascends to Heaven 16 The disciples receive the Holy Spirit 17 The number 7 in the Bible 18 The conversion of Saul
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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ Bible Education
UNIT 1: The names of God LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this unit, the learner should be able to do the following:
Understand the names of God.
Apply each name in God's Providence to his/her own life.
Have a deeper knowledge of who God is.
1.1. Lesson 1: ELOHIM: Creating God FOR THE CURIOUS: The section is about the Creation of the world. Elohim points to God as the Creating God. Yahweh is used to signify the Lord. Yahweh also means ″Independent One". Go through his/her notes with the learner. Discuss with the learner that God created the earth independently as the Lord. No-one else had any part in it, except God. Only God can create something out of nothing. That is why we can say that God is the Creating Lord. Therefore, the words Elohim and Yahweh are mentioned in this story. Allow the learner to give his/her own opinion and have an open discussion with the learner.
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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ Bible Education
ACTIVITY 1: Gen. 2:4 – 3:24 This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown. For the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground ……… verse 7 And the Lord God ……… verse 8 The Lord God planted ……. verse 9 the Lord God made ………. verse 15 The Lord God ….. verse 16 The Lord God …. verse 18 And the Lord God said …… verse 19 the Lord God formed ….. verse 21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep …… Gen. 3: 1 which the Lord God had made …. verse 3 God has said ….. verse 5 For God knows ….. verse 8 And they heard the sound of the Lord God …. hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God …. verse 9 Then the Lord God called ….. verse 11 And the Lord God said …… verse 13 , verse 14, verse 16 , verse 17, verse 21, verse 22, verse 23, verse 24. The name of God is mentioned 25 times, in this passage alone. Gen. 14: 18: God Most High Gen. 14: 19-20, 22: God Most High, God the Possessor, Lord Gen. 27: 20: The Lord your God Gen. 1:26: Then God said…. Read the learner's essay and award marks for the leaner's opinion. The learner must be able to see that God is also our Creator Father. Award marks for 10 of the learner's relevant opinions. Multiply it by two to get to the total of 20 marks. [10 x 2 = 20]
1.2. Lesson 2: EL HA KADOSH: The Holy God FOR THE CURIOUS: The following is only a guideline pertaining to the learner's notes: Psalm 71: 22 – Here, God is called O Holy One of Israel. It signifies that this is the God that was worshipped and revered by the people of Israel. God delivered them from the slavery of Egypt. Isaiah 1: 4 – Here, God is also referred to as Holy One of Israel. It becomes clear that in the Old Testament God is seen especially as the Holy One or the God of Israel. Israel regarded themselves as the chosen people of God. Isaiah 10: 20 – Once again God is described as the Holy One of Israel.
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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ Bible Education
Jeremiah 50: 29 – ″The Holy One of Israel″. The people are in a war situation. They were arrogant towards God, and here they are once again reminded of who God is. 1 Kings 19:10 – ″the Lord God of hosts.″ Elijah calls God the Almighty God. During this time the people of Israel turned against God, but Elijah still honours God as the Almighty God. Study the notes with the learner. In the Bible passages God are identified in particular as the Holy God of Israel. God is associated with one people (nation) – the people whom God chose and freed from slavery. Elijah calls God the "Almighty God". Elijah positions God as being more personal to him. During this time the people have turned away from God and Elijah pleads their case with God. Here Elijah puts God's association with the people aside, and positions God as being a unit separate from the people.
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The Lord sits on a very high throne. This means that the Lord is much more important than us people. God is superior to humans.
The bottom of the robe filled the entire temple. God is so Great and Almighty that his robe fills the entire temple. This is a symbol that God's presence fills the whole earth.
The seraphs each had six wings. With two of their wings they covered their faces. This is a symbol that even the highest heavenly creatures may not look at God's Omnipotence. They also praised God and cried: Holy, holy.″ (any 3)
Isaiah felt that every word that came over his lips was impure. A seraph brought a live coal and touched Isaiah's lips. Coal is a symbol of forgiveness. That the words that Isaiah will speak now, will be pure. (any 3)
God sees that the people stray from Him. God says in this passage to Isaiah that the people will hear and see all these things, but will not understand it. Their hearts and attitudes towards God are not right. The people should first understand what God is saying to them and then convert themselves. (any 3)
(3) [15]
Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ Bible Education
1.3. Lesson 3: EL GIBBOR: The Strong, Mighty One FOR THE CURIOUS: The following are guidelines in addition to the learner's notes. Go through it with the learner. The story of Moses: The story begins where Moses' mother has to hide him from the Pharaoh. All the Hebrew boys are killed. He is hidden in the Nile and found by the Pharaoh's daughter. God protected Moses and did not let him die. He grows up in the palace. This prepares him for his subsequent calling. Moses kills an Egyptian out of anger and has to flee from Egypt. Moses flees into the desert. God appears to Moses in the burning bush and orders Moses to lead the people from Egypt. Moses has many excuses, but God trumps him every time. Moses stutters, but God let him take his brother Aaron along to do the talking. In the story of Moses, God leads Moses to Egypt and gives him the courage to go. God gives Moses the plagues to convince the Pharaoh. God lets his people travel through the Dead Sea. God cares for the people in the desert. In this way God grants the victory. Nothing and no-one can stand against God. The story of Joshua Joshua sends spies to Jericho and God gives them Rahab, who hides and saves them. God helps the people to cross the Jordan River by letting it dam up on the one side. God lets the walls of Jericho collapse and leads the battle of Jericho. In this way Joshua occupied many cities; God gives the victory. The story of David and Goliath David is only a humble shepherd. He is also small-boned. Goliath is a Philistine of more than 3 m tall. He is a fearless fighter. David trusts God unconditionally and is not afraid to fight against Goliath. God gives the victory and David kills Goliath with a slingshot and a stone.
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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ Bible Education
1. Saul thought that David was only a child and a shepherd and Goliath an experienced warrior. (2) 2. Saul had an erratic relationship with God. Saul trusted in his own judgement and power more than he trusted in God. However, he listened to David's side of the story and pronounced God's presence upon David. (2) 3.
David had no fear at all. He believed that God would give the victory. David had an unusual relationship with God. He trusted God completely, even while he was only herding sheep.
The learner's own opinion is important. Award 2 marks for the "Goliath"/problem that the learner mentions, and 1 mark for the reason that the learner mentions
Award 2 marks for the situation that the learner mentions, 2 marks for the description of it and 1 mark for the role that God played in the situation, according to the learner.(5) [15]
1.4. Lesson 4: ADONAI ECHAD: The Lord is an Only Lord FOR THE CURIOUS: Deut. 17: 3 – Sun, moon and other heavenly bodies. People sometimes worshipped forces of nature, as they believed that these controlled people's lives. Rom. 1:23 – Images that look like people, animals, birds, snakes. The forces of nature were depicted in various forms and idols were made to be worshipped. Deut. 7: 5 – Idols and sacred pillars. These were usually associated with Baal and Asherah. Gen. 31: 34 – household idols. Were also associated with Baal and Asherah. Were made from material that was also used for other purposes and were regarded as dead and worthless. 2 Kings 21: 4, 6 – Baal. This was a Palestinian fertility god. It was believed that he controls rain. It was also believed that he did not only control the fertility of the soil, but also that of people and animals. Isaiah 1:29 – Idol trees. The trees were associates with the fertility gods Baal and Asherah. Isaiah 65: 3 – Pagan offerings. This included pigs, dogs and even children. They even ate this meat.
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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ Bible Education
ACTIVITY 4: The learner's opinion is important. Give 1 mark for each situation that the learner mentions and 1 mark for its description. This gives a total of 10 marks. Possible answers: (guideline only) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
If you will do anything to, e.g. get the latest cellphone. You measure your self-worth in terms of what you own or the clothes you wear. Your family attach more value to the money one earns than to each other as people. It is more important to you to associate with a certain group of teenagers because they have more money than another group. You do wrong things to obtain certain rewards, including material rewards.
The learner must show insight into how one could get caught up in the desire to acquire material possessions. Serving your possessions also falls under worshipping mammon. Mammon is not only about money, but about worshipping your possessions. Anything in your life that is more important than God is an idol. Even if you put another person above your relationship with God, you are turning that person into an idol.
1.5. Lesson 5: ABBA: Father FOR THE CURIOUS: In the Indian community, women are subordinate to men. There is no equality. As soon as little girls are born, they are immediately regarded as being subordinate to boys. Long ago, Zulu women did all the work in the fields. It would have been humiliating for the men to work in the fields. This also contributed to the women in many cultures making the important decisions in the family context. In the Afrikaner household, the father traditionally was the head of the household. The father made the important decisions. He expected his family to trust him with the decisions for the family and to respect him. As we well know, the roles of men and women have changed considerably in modern society. Today, men and women make joint decisions concerning their families. Regardless of culture, the overall purpose of all fathers is to care for and protect their families. This is also what God our Father is like. He provides in our daily needs. God says 13
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that we should not worry about tomorrow – God will provide. God protects us against bad and evil. We should trust God with our daily life and our life's journey. Some passages in the Bible where God as Carer are emphasised are listed below. You may read and study it with the learner:
John 10: 28 – 29 Romans 8: 28 Jeremiah 29: 11 – 12 1 John 5: 14 – 15 Psalms 91: 9 – 10 Matthew 7: 25 – 34
Also read the following passages which assure us of God's protection:
1 Samuel 2: 9 2 Samuel 22: 2, 3 Psalm 5: 12 Proverbs 2: 8 Isaiah 43: 2 2 Thessalonians 3: 3 EXERCISE 1.6: OPEN BOOK TEST 1.6.1.
The facilitator should take into account the learner's insight and opinion. Look for five logical points and mark accordingly. The following are only possible answers: It teaches us about the Person of God. It shows us how God is in control of all aspects of our lives. It shows the many dimensions of God as the Trinity. It provides us with a wider insight into creation and God's purpose with us. The names of God give us the confidence to approach God with our specific needs. (5) 1.6.2.
EL means "The Divine" and ELOHIM means ″The One in whom all the Divine characteristics are present". ELOHIM also means "The Creating One". (4)
Lord or Independent One (any one)
Learner's own opinion is important. Mark any three relevant opinions. It could be anything that is important to the learner, e.g. to detach yourself from the world, not be materialistic, not smoke or drink, not be promiscuous, not harm your body, etc. (3)
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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ Bible Education
1.6.7. 1.6.8.
It means "Creating God". Learner's opinion is important; how does he/she see God as his/her Creator. Award marks for any five statements. Guidelines for answers are as follows: God created us and therefore our bodies belong to God; we may not harm our bodies in any way. God created nature; therefore we should conserve nature and may not destroy it. God also created all the animals; therefore we should respect all animals and may not harm them. God created all people. We should love our neighbour (fellow people) just like God loves them. We may not cause harm to any person. We should respect God as the Only One who created the earth and everything on it from nothing. (5) The marker should take into account the learner's insight into the story. Does the learner understand the effect of God's power in this story? Award 1 mark for a yes/no answer. Award 1 mark for each of the three reasons that the learner provides for his or her yes/no answer. The following answers could serve a s a guideline: No – the story is too old, we don't fight giants anymore and we use other types of weaponry today. Yes – even today we face problems that may feel to us like a Goliath. However, God grants us the strength to conquer these problems, just like David conquered Goliath. We may also feel small and weak, just like David, and the problems may seem insurmountable to us. However, with God's help we can overcome any problem, no matter how big or small it is. (4) Mammon (money) and possessions.
1.6.10. Learner may mention any three situations. Award 1 mark for each situation.
(3) [30]
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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ Bible Education
UNIT 2: Jesus of Nazareth: Who was Jesus? LEARNING OBJECTIVES:
Upon completion of this unit, the learner should be able to do the following:
Demonstrate a better understanding of Jesus the man.
Demonstrate a better understanding of the message that Jesus spread.
Distinguish between the different religious views of Jesus.
Determine what Jesus left them in the modern era of today.
2.1. Lesson 6: The life and teachings of Jesus FOR THE CURIOUS: The following information can be used as guidelines when working with the learner through his or her research. People's houses in Biblical times: In the time of Jesus, most of the buildings were constructed by Herod the Great. The rich built huge structures for themselves. They built palaces, amphitheatres, theatres and public baths. Rich people's houses were built on the mountain slopes. The living areas were on the ground level. In the basement the water tanks and baths for bathing rituals were found. The walls of the house were plastered and the interior of the houses were richly decorated. The poorer people lived in houses that were built next to each other in rows. The walls were built from rocks that were piled upon each other. Holes in the walls were closed up with smaller rocks and stones. The floors of the houses were also laid out with rocks and stones. Some of the houses had an upper storey. The roofs were constructed of beams that were covered with branches and smeared with baked clay. These people led a very simple existence. The animals in Biblical times: © Impaq
Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ Bible Education
Generally sheep and goats were kept. The animals were well-suited to the rocky hills. The animals provided the people with cheese, milk, meat and wool. Camels and donkeys were also kept. These animals were used mainly as transport. There were also many wild animals, such as wolves, jackals, bears and lions. Trees and plants in Biblical times: Pine trees are widespread in Israel. There are also many olive trees and olive groves. Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed, was an olive grove. Willows and Tamarisk are also commonly found in the region. Other trees are: Cedar Date palms Pomegranate trees The lilies that Jesus speaks of, grow on the mountain slopes in Galilee. There are also: saffron anemones amaryllis poppies chrysanthemums.
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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ Bible Education
ACTIVITY 6: The learner's opinion is important. The learner must make 10 statements in respect of Jesus' birth and coming into the world. Award 1 mark for each relevant statement. The following are only guidelines with regard to learners' answers: People have high expectations of a king – he should be powerful and influential. The people were oppressed by other nations and were constantly involved in wars. Therefore, the people expected a fearless warrior who would deliver them from the oppression. Jesus was born as an illegitimate child in the eyes of the world. Therefore, Jesus did not have any status. Jesus was born into a poor, humble family. In the eyes of the world Jesus was not an influential, powerful king. As a little boy, Jesus and his family fled from the rulers of the time and this did not provide Jesus with a stable place to grow up. Jesus' humility is what God expects of us. God sent His son as a humble carpenter into the world so that those who believe in him can be an example to others. God does not concern Himself with status or wealth.
2.2. Lesson 7: The message and ministry of Jesus FOR THE CURIOUS: It may be easier for the learner to compare the parables in table form: PARABLE The sower The weeds among the wheat Mustard seed and the yeast The treasure in the field The valuable pearl The fishing net where the good and bad fish are separated CONCLUSION
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MEANING This is about the spreading of the Gospel. The spreading of the Gospel will always be threatened. The Kingdom of God cannot be stopped, it permeates the whole world. The people have a yearning for the Kingdom of God. A believer will sacrifice everything for the Kingdom of God. This points to the Second Coming when the angels will separate the good and the bad. The parables explain the meaning of the Kingdom of God and why Jesus and His disciples came to spread the Gospel. Those who believe in Jesus will inherit Eternal Life. Those who do not believe will be cast out by the angels.