Gr 9-Bible Education-Study Guide

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Bible Education Study guide



Grade 9

LM van der Walt

Study Guide G09 ~ Bible Education


LESSON ELEMENTS.......................................................................................................... 3 FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................... 5 YEAR PLAN ........................................................................................................................ 6 UNIT 1: The Names of God................................................................................................ 7 1.1. Lesson 1: ELOHIM: Creating God ............................................................................... 9 ACTIVITY 1: .............................................................................................................. 11 1.2. Lesson 2: EL HA KADOSH: The Holy God ............................................................... 12 ACTIVITY 2: .............................................................................................................. 13 1.3. Lesson 3: EL GIBBOR: The Strong, Mighty One....................................................... 14 ACTIVITY 3: .............................................................................................................. 15 1.4. Lesson 4: ADONAI ECHAD: The Lord is an Only Lord ............................................. 16 ACTIVITY 4: .............................................................................................................. 17 1.5. Lesson 5: ABBA: Father ............................................................................................ 17 ACTIVITY 5: .............................................................................................................. 19 UNIT 2: Jesus of Nazareth: Who was Jesus? ................................................................ 20 2.1. Lesson 6: The life and teaching of Jesus .................................................................... 21 ACTIVITY 6: .............................................................................................................. 22 2.2. Lesson 7: The message and ministry of Jesus ........................................................... 22 ACTIVITY 7: .............................................................................................................. 24 2.3. Lesson 8: Jesus' trial, crucifixion and resurrection ...................................................... 25 ACTIVITY 8: .............................................................................................................. 27 2.4. Lesson 9: The religious views regarding Jesus .......................................................... 28 ACTIVITY 9: .............................................................................................................. 30 2.5. Lesson 10: What did Jesus leave us in the modern era?............................................ 30 ACTIVITY 10: ............................................................................................................ 31 UNIT 3: The miracles of Jesus ........................................................................................ 33 3.1. Lesson 11: Miracles about death............................................................................... 33 ACTIVITY 11: ............................................................................................................ 35 ACTIVITY 12: ............................................................................................................ 40 ACTIVITY 13: ............................................................................................................ 47 3.4. Lesson 14: Miracles of exorcism ............................................................................... 48 ACTIVITY 14: ............................................................................................................ 50 UNIT 4: The events in the Bible after Jesus' ascension – the spreading of the gospel ....................................................................................................................... 52 4.1. Lesson 15: The resurrection and ascension of Jesus ............................................... 53 ACTIVITY 15: ............................................................................................................ 55 4.2. Lesson 16: The disciples receive the Holy Spirit ....................................................... 55 1

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Study Guide G09 ~ Bible Education

ACTIVITY 16: ............................................................................................................ 57 4.3. Lesson 17: The use of the number seven in the Bible and the choosing of the seven deacons ..................................................................................................................... 57 ACTIVITY 17: ............................................................................................................ 60 4.4. Lesson 18: The conversion of Saul ........................................................................... 60 ACTIVITY 18: ............................................................................................................ 62 ACTIVITY 19: ............................................................................................................ 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES ............................................................................. 69

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Study Guide G09 ~ Bible Education



1 Elohim 2 El ha kadosh 3 El Gibbor 4 Adonai Echad 5 Abba


6 The life and teachings of Jesus 7 The message and ministry of Jesus 8 Jesus' trial, crucifixion and resurrection 9 The religious views regarding Jesus 10 What did Jesus leave us for the modern era?


11 Miracles about death 12 Miracles of healing 13 Miracles in nature 14 Miracles of exorcism


15 Jesus ascends to Heaven 16 The disciples receive the Holy Spirit. 17 The number 7 in the Bible 18 The conversion of Saul

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Study Guide G09 ~ Bible Education



UNIT 1: The Names of God LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to do the following:  Understand the Names of God.  Apply each Name in God's Providence in your life.  Have a deeper knowledge of who God is.

INTRODUCTION The various names that were used for God in the Old Testament is the reflection of a people, Israel, who lived in the antique Middle East. The names of God teach us a few characteristics of God. He is the Only, Living, True, All-sufficient, Eternal, Holy and Personal God. Studying the names of God focuses more on the Personal Nature of God, since God has a personal relationship with us. God wants to be involved with each one of us. He wants to LIVE a personal relationship with us. The names of God make it clear to you what God wants to mean to all of us. The various names of God entail all the dimensions that ARE God! There are two Hebrew words that mean "God". These are EL and ELOHIM. EL means ″The Deity″. It indicates God's Omnipotence (almightiness) and His Divine nature. ELOHIM is the plural and means ″the ONE in whom all the divine features are present.″ In Lesson 1 we discuss the name ELOHIM in detail. The word Yahweh is also used a number of times in the Bible to describe God. It is used as a personal name for God. Out of respect the Jews, however, did not use this name, but replaced it with Adonai. This means "Lord". They used the word Adonai during public readings. In Exodus 3: 13 – 16 God reveals Himself to Moses as "Yahweh.″ In verse 14 God says to Moses: “I am what I am”. By so doing, God says that he is actively present with His people. God exists – HE IS. There is no doubt that God exists.


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Study Guide G09 ~ Bible Education


Also read the following scriptures: •

Exodus 34: 6

Micah 7: 18 – 20

Psalms 103, 111 and 146.

It is clear from these passages WHO God is and how the people viewed God. God is the God of the whole world. God cannot be restricted to one nation. God is the "Creator", "Judge" and "King" of all people. Studying the names of God gives us a deeper insight into God. The names of God explain all the dimensions of god as a Father and Ruler. God is not only our Father – He is much more than that. I hope that studying this manual will give you a deeper insight into God, our Father and Ruler. We discuss only five of the names of God in this manual. It gives you the opportunity to work through the study material at a leisurely pace. However, there are many more names that are found in texts and research. I briefly mention the following names, only for the curious: EL OLAM: The Eternal God EL ELYON: Eternal God MESSIAS: The Anointed RUACH HA KOIDESH: Holy Spirit IMMANUEL: God with us EL ROI: The God who sees what is happening YESHUA: Redeemer YAHWEH SHAMMAH: The Lord is there ALEF EN TAV: Alpha and Omega EL SHADDAI: God the Almighty YAHWEH JIREH: The One who provides YAHWEH ROHI: The Lord is my Sheppard YAHWEH SHALOM: The Lord is Peace YAHWEH RAPHA: The Lord who Heals YAHWEH TSIKENU: The Lord our Justice YAHWEH NISSI: The Lord is my banner Research reveals many more names for God. You are welcome to do your own research about this, if you are interested!!

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Study Guide G09 ~ Bible Education



1.1. Lesson 1: ELOHIM: Creating God This name describes God as the Creator – he made something out of nothing. He is the Only One who can do this. Genesis 1: 1 says: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” In the Old Testament (OT) there are only three basic names that describe God. These are El, Elohim and Yahweh. The name El appears 25 000 times in the OT. In the Semitic language this is a general name for God. The general meaning is simply god. It was also used to refer to images that were worshipped as gods or idols. When it describes God, it is therefore used in a determinative sense. Read Deuteronomy 5: 9. ″I the LORD your God am a jealous God.″ In this verse the Lord is referred to as Yahweh (LORD) and God as Elohim. Yahweh also means "the Independent One". In this way a distinction is made between God and other gods. In the Semitic language, Elohim is the plural of El. Initially it was used to describe a number of other gods, but later, especially in the north of Israel, a deeper meaning was attached to it. It was used to describe God. The name was used to indicate that everything belongs to God, man as well as the entire Creation. (Numbers 23: 19) What does the name Elohim mean to us as believers? We should praise and worship God as the Creator. He is the only ONE who could make something out of nothing. Call God by His Name Elohim when you praise him for creating your body. We should respect and care for God's Creation. Thus is also why it is important to conserve the environment. We have a responsibility towards God's Creation. Nature conservation can therefore also be regarded as living out our Christianity. The smallest thing you do can contribute to God's honour – even something like choosing not to throw your sweet packet out of the window. It also creates a responsibility with regard to the animals you keep as pets. God also created the animals. We as humans should therefore respect all animals – wild and domestic. You may not cause unnecessary harm to any animal. God gave us certain animals as food. We have to manage this in a responsible manner. You also have a responsibility towards your own body. By keeping your body healthy, eating nutritious food and exercising enough, you honour God as your Creator. By 9

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Study Guide G09 ~ Bible Education


refraining from destructive habits such as promiscuity, alcohol and drug abuse, you also honour God through His creation. God created you and me as a spirit, and with that, He gave us a body. An intimate relationship with God and a healthy lifestyle go hand in hand. In 1 Corinthians 6: 19 – 20 Paul writes: “you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body.” Our bodies are a temple of God. It belongs to God. You therefore have a responsibility towards God to look after your body. You can also study the following passages: •

Psalm 139: 14 – 15

Daniel 1: 12 – 15

1 Corinthians 10: 31

1 Timothy 4: 8

3 John 1: 2

God created all people. Your fellow man was created by God. Therefore, you have a responsibility towards God to treat the people around you with love. The Ten Commandments ask us to "Love thy neighbour like yourself." CORE CONTENT: This lesson is about God as our Creator. God did not only create us as people. He also created nature and the animals in nature. We therefore have a responsibility towards ourselves and also towards nature. We should praise and revere God as the Creator God. He is Great and Almighty and Strong. God trusts us with His creation. Your responsibility does not stop with yourself. How do you act towards your fellow human beings? Isn't that person you do not like, also God's creation? And what does God ask of you with regard to your fellow human beings? God asks that you love your neighbour as yourself. This is one of the most difficult things for us to do. What should I do if someone aggrieve me? God asks that we forgive those people unconditionally.

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Study Guide G09 ~ Bible Education



FOR THE CURIOUS: Study the history in Genesis 2: 4 to 3: 24. In this lesson you have now learned about Elohim and Yahweh. Note how the two names are used in combination with each other. Write notes for yourself about this and discuss it with your facilitator.

ACTIVITY 1: Read the passages listed below and then answer the questions that follow: Write down the sections of the passage in which the word Elohim (God) is found. • • • • • •

Gen. 2 :4 – 3: 24 Gen. 14: 18 Gen. 14: 19 – 20 Gen. 14: 22 Gen. 27: 20 Gen. 1: 26

Write a short essay of 150 – 200 words about the following topic: How do you see God as your Creator Father? What does the name Elohim mean to you? You will be assessed on your own opinion. It is important that you are able to see the connection between God as Creator and your responsibility as creation. Give at least 10 valid opinions. You will be awarded two marks for each of opinion. (10 x 2) = [20]


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Study Guide G09 ~ Bible Education


1.2. Lesson 2: EL HA KADOSH: The Holy God EL HA KADOSH means: The Holy God. God is Holy. God hates sin and He wants His children to entirely submit themselves to Him. It is important for us as children of God to set us apart for God so that we can devote ourselves completely to God. Isaiah 5: 16: ″But the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgement, and God who is holy shall be hallowed in righteousness.″ In the vision that is recorded in Isaiah 6: 1 – 9, God's Holiness can be seen clearly. God is here described clearly as a holy God. Isaiah describes how he sees God sitting on a high throne. The high throne is a symbol indicating that God is superior to us. God's robe was so big that it filled the temple. This points to the almightiness of God that covers the whole earth. The seraphs served Him. The seraphs were the highest heavenly creatures. All the symbols show us that God is holy and powerful. The seraphs cover their faces with two of their six wings. This is a symbol that even the highest angels may not linger in God's presence. The holiness of God is not only a physical radiance, but it also signifies a moral quality of God. Man, in his sinful and impure nature, become aware of his inferiority in God's presence. Holy means to be separate, set apart. It means not being like the others, not becoming equal to others. Not only is God holy, but He also expects His children to be holy. No sinner can exist before God. God asks that we live in detachment from the world. This does not mean that we now have to go and live and work somewhere on our own, away from everyone else. It only requires us to "not become equal to the things of the world". We have to obey God's Commandments. Read Genesis 20, where the Ten Commandments are described. We must serve only One God. We must be an example to other people in the world. We must be able to see God's Holiness through our actions. Therefore, we are messengers of God's Word. God only asks that we are not seduced by the world and all its sins. We dishonour God and make a mockery of God's holiness if we say that we are God's children, but then become equal to the world.

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Study Guide G09 ~ Bible Education



CORE CONTENT: God's Holiness is perfect. Even the highest heavenly creature cannot appear before God's radiant glory. So how can we as insignificant sinners then appear before God? However, God in His Holiness is a merciful Father who forgives sinners. We should strive to become holy. We must detach ourselves from worldly things and strive towards living like God requires from us. God's light should shine through us into the world. We should be the carriers of God's Holy nature in this world. FOR THE CURIOUS: Read the following passages and make notes about the holiness of God and where it is mentioned in each verse. • • • • •

Psalm 71: 22 Isaiah 1: 4 Isaiah 10: 20 Jeremiah 50: 29 1 Kings 19: 22

ACTIVITY 2: Read Isaiah 6: 1 – 9. Give a description of the following aspects in this passage and describe for each symbol how you experience God as Holy God. 1)

The throne.



The robe.



The seraphs.



The live coal.



The people in verse 9.

(3) [15]


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Study Guide G09 ~ Bible Education


1.3. Lesson 3: EL GIBBOR: The Strong, Mighty One EL GIBBOR means the Strong, Mighty One. God is powerful and brave and fearless in warfare. We should praise God for being the powerful One who wins battles. Call upon His name when you are tired and weighed down and need God to fight your battles for you. Psalm 24: 8 says: ″Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle.″ Therefore, it is not only about a physical war situation. It is much more than that. It is also about God's help to us as insignificant people in our daily battle that we wage against evil. This name of God appears six times in the Bible. Sometimes it is also described as the "Mighty of Israel". It signifies the power of God. God will carry out his council and nothing can stop Him. In so many instances in the Bible God emerges as conqueror from struggle. Joshua leads an attack against the Amalekites and God gives the victory, while Moses lifts his hands in prayer (Exodus 17: 14, 16). The first big victory that God gave his people in the Promised Land was Jericho. Jericho was an oasis north of the Dead Sea in the desert. Joshua sends spies to Jericho. (Joshua 2: 1,6). Read the book of Joshua, in particular chapters 1–6 to help you understand this beautiful story of a God-given victory. God gives us the power to carry out His plans. I would also like to highlight the story of David and Goliath – a story that is, humanly speaking, an absolute miracle. 1 Samuel 17 tells the story of the shepherd boy from Israel, He became Israel's second king. He conquered Goliath only through God's strength and mercy. Often we also have a Goliath in our lives that we have to conquer. God, as El Gibbor, gives us the assurance that through His power we can fight any battle and be the winner! God fights our battles for us, there where we are too weak to fight it on our own. No battle is too big for God. Nothing can stop God. Nothing can derail God's plans. God is the Strong, Powerful God. The Conqueror!

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Study Guide G09 ~ Bible Education



CORE CONTENT: We should know that God is powerful. God can and wants to fight the battle for us – to the very end. All God asks of us is to hand over our problems to Him. And to then trust Him. The name EL GIBBOR can tell us so much about God's Essence. Every day God fights our battles against evil for and with us. God only asks obedience and unconditional surrender of His children Every problem you may experience in your life, you can hand over to God with complete confidence. Go and lay your problems at God's feet. There is nothing that God cannot conquer. No power or force is stronger than God. There are so many stories in the Bible that speak of God as Conqueror, there where it would be humanly impossible. God always comes to the rescue. We must just trust God.

FOR THE CURIOUS: Read the following stories in the Bible and make notes about God as Conqueror in each story. Also write down what each of these stories mean to you personally: • The story of Moses – The book of Exodus • The story of Joshua – The book of Joshua • The story of David and Goliath – 1 Samuel 17

ACTIVITY 3: Read the story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17 verse 31 – 55. Then answer the following questions 3.1.

Why did Saul think David would not be able to beat the Philistine?


In your opinion, does this say anything about Saul's relationship with God? (2)


What was David's attitude? Does this say anything about David's faith in God?


Do you think that we sometimes also have a "Goliath" in our lives? Why do you say so? Give an example.


3.4. 3.5.

Give a short explanation of a situation from your own life where God acted as your EL GIBBOR.



(5) [15]

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Study Guide G09 ~ Bible Education


1.4. Lesson 4: ADONAI ECHAD: The Lord is an Only Lord Deuteronomy 6: 4 says: ″ Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one.″ The name of God signifies that God is the only God. We should worship only God as the Only Lord. God makes it clear in Exodus 20 verse 2, 3, 4. ″I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image – any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.″ God demands our undivided loyalty. We may not serve other gods. We encounter many other gods in our daily lives. Sometimes we don't even see it. Anything that alienate you from God, however, is an idol. God speaks clearly about the idol "Mammon", the money idol. Mammon is the name given to earthly possessions or money. It separates people from God and turns people into its slaves. Read Matt. 6: 24 and Luke 16: 13. In Luke 16 verse 9 and 11 reference is made to the “unrighteous mammon.” It is called 'dishonest' because wealth is often obtained in a dishonest manner. It also creates a false sense of security in people, who rely on their possessions. However, possessions can let you down in your hour of need. God, on the other hand, never lets you down. Idols can also appear in other forms. You may perhaps place another person, or something else, like sport, above God. That then becomes an idol. An idol is therefore anything that you regard as more important than God in your life. You can also make yourself an idol. God says that he hates pride. If you are proud and haughty you may start to think that you achieve things on your own, and rely only on yourself. We should glorify God as the Only God. There is no other God than HIM. We should also thank God that we do not have to worship any other gods! God is an All-encompassing God. He provides in all our needs. He is our Father, Shepherd, Provider and our Fighter. We do not have to reach out to another God to meet our needs. God encompasses everything. The only thing God demands of us is that we serve Him as the Only Lord and Father. CORE CONTENT: God is the Only Lord. We should guard against allowing other gods in our lives. We should worship God alone. There is no other God. God is the Creator of heaven and earth and we should worship and praise only Him.

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Study Guide G09 ~ Bible Education



FOR THE CURIOUS: In the Bible other gods that were worshipped are mentioned often. use the following passages as a guideline and identify other gods that were found in biblical times. make short notes about each of these gods • Deut. 17: 3 • Rom. 1: 23 • Deut. 7: 5 • Gen. 31: 34 • 2 Kings. 21: 4, 6 • Isaiah 1: 29 and 65: 3.

ACTIVITY 4: Read Matthew 6 verse 24. This section is about God and Mammon. Give your own opinion about this passage. Do you think that we, in modern society, could easily bow before the god mammon? Support your answer with at least examples and relevant reasons. Your opinion and understanding are important. [5 x 2 = 10]

1.5. Lesson 5: ABBA: Father The word "ab" means "father". This title especially signifies God's kindness towards His people. It almost creates a feeling of family. Family was very important to the Israelites. Families played a crucial role in society and families were regarded as a unit. The head of the unit was the father of the family. He protected and cared for the family. The father was therefore also seen as the patron of the family. When we address God as our Father or Dad, it indicates God's connectedness to us and God's care and sympathy of His family. Deuteronomy 32 verse 6 says: “Do you thus deal with the Lord, Oh foolish and unwise people? Is He not your Father, who bought you? Has He not made you and established you?” In Psalm 103 verse 13: ″As a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear Him. “This passage is a direct indication that god sees Himself as our father. He cares for us like a father. He knows what we need even before we know it! You can seek comfort in God's arms whenever you are going through difficult times. God can enfold you like a father and offer you hope and comfort. God reveals His father heart to everyone who believes in Him. The role of the father was very important in Biblical times. When the Bible then refers to God as our father or our dad, it has a comprehensive meaning. In particular, it means that God has an intense, personal relationship with us, His children. God cares for His children and provides in all their daily needs. God ensures us that we do not have to worry for one day about what we will eat or what we will wear. God knows us and he knows what we need, even before we ask. 17

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